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Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan

of Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental
This Ten-Year Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan is developed by the Municipality of
Zamboanguita and its constituents with technical assistance from the Environment and
Natural Resources Division (ENRD) of the Office of the Governor of Negros Oriental and
DENR-USAID Philippine Environmental Governance 2 Project (EcoGov 2).

The views expressed and opinions contained in this Plan are those of the authors and are not
necessarily those of the USAID and the Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI).

Reproduction of this plan in part or whole by any means is restricted without written
permission from the Municipal Government of Zamboanguita.

Lines, paragraphs, sections and other contents which shall be derived from this plan must be
quoted within the context for which the purpose of this plan was made. Quotations must be
attributed to: Zamboanguita Ten-Year Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan, 2009-2018
as source.
Republic of the Philippines 
Province of Negros Oriental 
Municipality of Zamboanguita 

Republic Act 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM)
Act of 2000, is judiciously enacted as it mandates a systematic and comprehensive solid waste
management program in every local government unit. Zamboanguita, reaching its one
hundred years as a municipality, has experienced increasing population and improving its
local economies. This has resulted in waste disposal problems. It is, therefore, imperative that
initiatives be taken to guaranty its citizenry of a clean and healthy environment.

With these in mind and in compliance with RA 9003, the municipality of Zamboanguita
developed this Ten-Year Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) Plan with technical
assistance from the Negros Oriental Province’s Environment and Natural Resources Division
(ENRD) of the Office of the Governor and Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR)-United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Philippine
Environmental Governance 2 Project (EcoGov 2). Through the concerted effort of the
Ecological Solid Waste Management Board (ESWMB) and its Technical Working Group
(TWG), the Plan outlines the blueprint that will serve as the basis for utilization of resources
and guides future planners and policymakers. It includes all components of solid waste
management - engineering, education, enforcement and incentive, institutional arrangements
and financing mechanisms. Most important, it centers on the significance of participation,
transparency and accountability as key factors in a sustainable SWM.

The municipality is committed to fully implement the Ten-Year Solid Waste Management
Plan and looks forward to realizing its mission for “a disciplined, literate and fully committed
Zamboangnon actively participating and coordinating with the stakeholders towards
achieving a clean and healthy municipality”.

The Local Chief Executive is grateful to all those who made this ISWM Plan possible. To all
Zamboangnon’s - Let’s do our share to make Zamboanguita a splendid place to live in!


Municipal Mayor



Our sincere appreciation to working committees, members of the Ecological Solid Waste
Management (ESWM) Board, different agencies and institutions, and all those who in various
ways have unselfishly dedicated their time and skills in the realization of this plan and……….

To the ENRD staff, who imparted their technical expertise and who conscientiously assisted
us from the very start, our earnest thanks.

Our deepest gratitude to the late Honorable Lourdes B. Adanza who spearheaded the
orientation and briefing of the Solid Waste Management after creating the Solid Waste
Management Board and its Technical Working Group. She painstakingly led the group in the
formulation of the mission and vision of the ISWM Plan.

Through the invaluable support of our Mayor, Honorable Kit Marc B. Adanza and the active
participation of our fellow Zamboangnons, we can clearly envision Zamboanguita as an
environmentally clean and healthy municipality with responsible, committed and disciplined
citizens who are fully implementing a sustainable integrated Solid Waste Management
Program, thereby, making this municipality a desirable place to live in.

The Technical Working Group

Municipality of Zamboanguita


MESSAGE .......................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................................................................ ii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................viii
LIST OF ANNEXES........................................................................................................ ix
ACRONYMS .................................................................................................................. xiii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................... xiv
1.0 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................... 1
2.0 ISWM PLANNING AND LEGITIMIZATION PROCESS ................................ 2
2.1 Plan Formulation Process ................................................................................ 2
2.1.1 Formation of ESWMB and SWM-TWG....................................................... 2
2.1.2 Waste Assessment ......................................................................................... 2
2.1.3 Study Tours ................................................................................................... 4
2.1.4 ISWM Plan Writing....................................................................................... 4
2.2 Formal Legitimization Process ........................................................................ 4
3.0 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS ................................................................................... 5
3.1 Location and Accessibility .............................................................................. 5
3.2 Physical and Geo-Political Features of the LGU............................................. 5
3.3 Socio-Demographic Features........................................................................... 7
3.3.1 Current Population......................................................................................... 7
3.3.2 Projected Population...................................................................................... 9
3.3.2 Socio-Cultural Data ..................................................................................... 10
3.4 Economic Sectors .......................................................................................... 10
3.4.1 Current Situation ......................................................................................... 10
3.5 Solid Waste Generation ................................................................................. 13
3.5.1 Current Solid Waste Generation.................................................................. 13
3.5.2 End-of-Pipe.................................................................................................. 15
3.5.3 Projected Waste Generation, without Intervention Scenario....................... 16
3.7 LGU SWM Services and Resources.............................................................. 18
3.7.1 Waste Segregation and Reduction at Source ............................................... 18
3.7.2 Collection and Transport ............................................................................. 18
3.7.3 Materials Recovery and Processing............................................................. 20
3.7.4 Disposal Management ................................................................................. 20
3.7.5 SWM Policy ................................................................................................ 20
3.7.6 SWM Organization...................................................................................... 20
3.7.7 SWM Budget ............................................................................................... 21


TARGETS ........................................................................................................... 22
4.1 SWM Vision and Mission ............................................................................. 22
Vision ..................................................................................................................... 22
Mission ..................................................................................................................... 22
4.2 Goals and Objectives ..................................................................................... 22
Goals ..................................................................................................................... 22
Objectives ................................................................................................................. 22
4.3 Major Strategies............................................................................................. 23
4.3.1 Waste Segregation and Reduction at Source ............................................... 23
4.3.2 Collection and Transport ............................................................................. 24
4.3.3 Materials Recovery and Processing............................................................. 24
4.3.4 Disposal Management ................................................................................. 24
4.4 Plan Targets/Milestones................................................................................. 25
5.0 ISWM PLAN COMPONENTS ............................................................................. 26
5.1 Engineering Component ................................................................................ 26
5.1.1 Waste Segregation and Reduction at Source ............................................... 26
5.1.2 Collection and Transport ............................................................................. 30
5.1.3 Materials Recovery and Processing............................................................. 32
5.1.4 Disposal Management ................................................................................. 34
5.1.5 Waste Diversion Projection ......................................................................... 35
5.2 Education Component ................................................................................... 36
5.2.1 Communication Plan Objectives ................................................................. 36
5.2.2 Target Audiences and Key Messages.......................................................... 38
5.2.3 Implementing Strategies .............................................................................. 39
5.3 Enforcement and Incentive System Component............................................ 40
5.3.1 ISWM Ordinance......................................................................................... 40
5.3.2 Enforcement System.................................................................................... 41
5.3.3 Incentives..................................................................................................... 41
6.0 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS............................................................... 43
6.2 Barangay SWM Committees ......................................................................... 46
6.3 Coordination with Other LGU Offices, Other Government Agencies
and Private Sector......................................................................................... 47
6.4 Performance Monitoring................................................................................ 48
7.0 FINANCING COMPONENT ................................................................................ 49
7.1 10-Year Financing Requirements .................................................................. 49
7.2 Annual Cost Requirement, By Cost Category............................................... 50
7.3 Annual Total Cost, by ISWM Stage .............................................................. 50
7.4 Capital Investment Cost................................................................................. 51
7.5 Operating Costs ............................................................................................. 52
7.6 Revenue Generation....................................................................................... 53


7.6.1 Collection Fees ............................................................................................ 54
7.6.2 Fines and Penalties ...................................................................................... 54
7.6.3 Sales Income from Materials Recovery....................................................... 54
7.6.4 Grants, Donations and Solicitations ............................................................ 55
7.7 Cash Flow Projections ................................................................................... 55
7.8 Comparison of ISWM Cost and Internal Revenue Allotment....................... 56
8.0 Two-Year Action Plan and Budget ....................................................................... 58
8.1 Two-Year Priority Activities ......................................................................... 58
8.2 Two-Year Budget .......................................................................................... 59



Table 2.1 No. of Samples Selected for Actual Waste Characterization,

Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental ............................................................................ 3
Table 3.1 Land Area, Barangays, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental ...................................... 6
Table 3.2 Drinking Water Sources, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental.................................... 6
Table 3.2 Soil Types, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental ......................................................... 7
Table 3.4 Population, No. of Households and Population Density, 2007-2008,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental ............................................................................ 9
Table 3.5 Ten-Year Population Projection, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental,
2009-2018.............................................................................................................. 9
Table 3.6 Total Waste Generation, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita,
Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day ............................................................................ 14
Table 3.7 Total Waste Generation, within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita,
Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day ............................................................................ 15
Table 3.8 End-of-Pipe, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day .............................. 15
Table 3.9 Waste Generation Projection, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita,
Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day ................................................................... 16
Table 3.10 Waste Generation Projection, within Whole Municipality,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day .......................................... 16
Table 3.11 Current Waste Collection Schedule, Municipal LGU, Zamboanguita,
Negros Oriental ................................................................................................... 18
Table 3.12 Collection Vehicles, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental......................................... 18
Table 3.13 Annual SWM Budget, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2005-2008 .................. 21
Table 3.14 Actual SWM Expenses, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2005-2008................ 21
Table 3.15 Annual SWM Revenues, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2005-2008 .............. 21
Table 5.1 Proposed Collection Schedule, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2010 .............. 30
Table 5.2 Total Potential Waste for Collection by LGU, within Collection Area,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day .......................................... 32
Table 5.3 Required Collection Trips, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-
2018, kg/day ........................................................................................................ 32
Table 5.4 Potential Biodegradable Waste for Processing in Central Composting
Facility, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day ............................ 33
Table 5.5 Potential Residual Wastes for Disposal, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day................................................................................ 35
Table 5.6 Waste Diversion Projection, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita,
Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day ................................................................... 35
Table 5.7 SWM Development Activities and Implementation Schedule,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018 ....................................................... 36


Table 5.8 Communication Plan Objectives, ISWM Plan, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018............................................................................................. 37
Table 5.9 Target Audiences and Key Messages.................................................................. 38
Table 5.10 SWM IEC Activities and Implementation Schedule, Zamboanguita,
Negros Oriental, 2009-2018 ................................................................................ 40
Table 5.11 SWM Enforcement Activities and Implementation Schedule,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018 ....................................................... 42
Table 7.1 Summary of the 10-Year Financing Requirement, ISWM Plan
Implementation, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, in pesos ................................ 49
Table 7.2 Annual Total Cost Summary, By Cost Category, ISWM Plan
Implementation, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, in pesos............. 50
Table 7.3 Annual Total Cost Summary, by ISWM Stage, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018 in pesos............................................................................... 50
Table 7.4 Summary of 10-Year Capital Outlay, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental,
in pesos................................................................................................................ 51
Table 7.5 Annual Total Capital Outlay, in pesos, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental,
2009-2018............................................................................................................ 52
Table 7.8 Projected Annual Cash Flow, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-
2018, in pesos...................................................................................................... 55
Table 7.9 Internal Revenue Allotment., Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, in pesos,
2005-2008............................................................................................................ 56
Table 7.10 Projected ISWM Costs as a Percentage of IRA, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental................................................................................................................ 57
Table 8.1 Two- Year Priority Activities, ISWM Plan Implementation,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2010 ....................................................... 58
Table 8.2 Year 1 and 2 Budget, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2010, in
pesos .................................................................................................................... 59


Figure 3.1 Location Map, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental.................................................... 5
Figure 3.2 Existing General Land Use Map, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental....................... 8
Figure 3.3 Activities in Malatapay Flea Market, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental .............. 11
Figure 3.4 Proposed General Land Use Map, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental ................... 12
Figure 3.5 Waste Composition, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009...................................................................................................... 13
Figure 3.6 Waste Composition, within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita,
Negros Oriental, 2009 ......................................................................................... 14
Figure 3.7 Waste Receptacles in Public Market, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental.
Mixed wastes are placed in these receptacles...................................................... 16
Figure 3.8 Sample waste receptacle used in Malatapay Flea Market,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental .......................................................................... 17
Figure 3.9 Common waste receptacle in Municipal Hall, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 3.10 Existing Collection Area Map, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009 .............. 19
Figure 3.11 Existing SWM Organization, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental........................... 20
Figure 4.1 ISWM Plan Key Milestones, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-
2018..................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 5.1 Backyard composting activities, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental ...................... 27
Figure 5.3 Proposed Collection Area Map, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental....................... 29
Figure 5.4 Proposed Lay-Out of Municipal Central MRF, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental................................................................................................................ 33
Figure 5.5 Proposed Lay-Out of SLF, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental............................... 34
Figure 6.1 Proposed SWM Organization.............................................................................. 43



Annex A Executive Order Creating Ecological Solid Waste Management Board

Annex B B.1 ESWMB Resolution Approving ISWM Plan
B.2 Municipal Development Council (MDC) Resolution Approving ISWM
B.3 Sangguniang Bayan (SB) Resolution Approving ISWM Plan
Annex C Summary of Waste Generators within Collection Area
Annex D Waste Characterization Data
D.1 Per Unit Waste Generation, 2009, kg/day
D.2 Current Waste Generation, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita,
Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day
D.2.1 Current Waste Generation, Households, within Collection
Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day
D.2.2 Current Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Collection
Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day
D.2.2.a Biodegradable Waste Generation, Non-Households,
within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental,
2009, kg/day
D.2.2.b Recyclable Waste Generation, Non-Households, within
Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009,
D.2.2.c Residual Waste Generation, Non-Households, within
Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009,
D.2.2.d Special Waste Generation, Non-Households, within
Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009,
D.3 Current Waste Generation, within Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009, kg/day
D.3.1 Current Waste Generation, Households, within Municipality,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day
D.3.2 Current Waste Generation, Non-Households, within
Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day
D.3.2.a Number of Waste Sources, Non-Households, within
Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009
D.3.2.b Biodegradable Waste Generation, Non-Households,
within Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental,
2009, kg/day
D.3.2.c Recyclable Waste Generation, Non-Households, within
Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009,


D.3.2.d Residual Waste Generation, Non-Households, within
Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009,
D.3.2.e Special Waste Generation, Non-Households, within
Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009,
Annex E Ten-Year Waste Generation Projections
E.1 Ten-Year Waste Generation Projections, within Collection Area,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.1.1 Projected % of Households Covered by Collection,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018
E.1.2 Projected No. of Households Covered by Collection,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018
E.1.3 Projected Population Covered by Collection, Zamboanguita,
Negros Oriental, 2009-2018
E.1.4 Biodegradable Waste Generation, Households, within
Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018,
E.1.5 Recyclable Waste Generation, Households, within Collection
Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.1.6 Residual Waste Generation, Households, within Collection
Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.1.7 Special Waste Generation, Households, within Collection
Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.1.8 Total Waste Generation, Households, within Collection Area,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.1.9 Assumed Growth Rates for Projection, 2009-2018
E.1.10 Biodegradable Waste Generation, Non-Households, within
Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018,
E.1.11 Recyclable Waste Generation, Non-Households, within
Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018,
E.1.12 Residual Waste Generation, Non-Households, within
Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018,
E.1.13 Special Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Collection
Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.1.14 Total Waste Generation, Non-Households, by Waste Source,
within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-
2018, kg/day
E.1.15 Total Waste Generation, Non-Households, by Waste Type,
within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-
2018, kg/day
E.1.16 Total Waste Generation, All Sources, by Waste Type, within
Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018,
E.2 Ten-Year Waste Generation Projections, within Whole Municipality,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day


E.2.1 Ten-Year Waste Generation Projections, Households within
Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-
2018, kg/day
E.2.1.a Biodegradable Waste Generation, Households within
Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.2.1.b Recyclable Waste Generation, Households within
Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.2.1.c Residual Waste Generation, Households within
Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.2.1.d Special Waste Generation, Households within Whole
Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-
2018, kg/day
E.2.1.e Total Waste Generation, Households within Whole
Municipality, by Barangay, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.2.1.f Total Waste Generation, Households within Whole
Municipality, by Waste Type, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.2.2 Ten-Year Waste Generation Projections, Non-Households
within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental,
2009-2018, kg/day
E.2.2.a Assumed Growth Rates for Projection
E.2.2.b Biodegradable Waste Generation, Non-Households
within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.2.2.c Recyclable Waste Generation, Non-Households
within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.2.2.d Residual Waste Generation, Non-Households within
Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.2.2.e Special Waste Generation, Non-Households within
Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.2.2.f Total Waste Generation, Non-Households within
Whole Municipality, by Waste Source,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.2.2.g Total Waste Generation, Non-Households within
Whole Municipality, by Waste Type, Zamboanguita,
Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
E.2.3 Total Waste Generation, All Sources, within Whole
Municipality, by Waste Source, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental ,
2009-2018, kg/day
E.2.4 Total Waste Generation, All Sources, within Whole
Municipality, by Waste Type, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental,
2009-2018, kg/day
E.2.5 Waste Diversion Projections, All Sources, within Collection
Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day


Annex F LGU SWM Profile
Annex G Detailed Cost Estimates
G.1 Capital Outlay, ISWM Plan Implementation, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018, in pesos
G.2 Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOEs), ISWM Plan
Implementation, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, in pesos



BFARMCs Barangay Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management Councils

BHWs Barangay Health Workers
BOT Build-Operate-Transfer
BSWMCs Barangay Solid Waste Management Committees
CRM Coastal Resource Management
DCA Decon Carmeli Academy
EcoGov 2 Philippine Environmental Governance 2 Project
ENRD Environment and Natural Resources Division
EOP End-of-Pipe
ESWM Ecological Solid Waste Management
IEC Information, Education and Communication
IRA Internal Revenue Allotment
ISWM Integrated Solid Waste Management
JMLMHS Jose Marie Locsin Memorial High School
JO Job Order
LGU Local Government unit
M and E Monitoring and Evaluation
MDC Municipal Development Council
MOOEs Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
MPAs Marine Protected Areas
MPDC Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator
MPDO Municipal Planning and Development Office
MRF Materials Recovery Facility
NGOs Non-government organizations
NSO National Statistics Office
PNP Philippine National Police
POs People’s Organizations
RA Republic Act
RCA Residual Containment Area
SB Sangguniang Bayan
SDMHS Santiago Delmo Memorial High School
SLF Sanitary Landfill
SWM Solid Waste Management
SWM-TWG Solid Waste Management-Technical Working Group
UCCP United Church of Christ in the Philippines
ZCES Zamboanguita Central Elemtary School



Expecting an increasing trend in the municipality’s population and local economy, the local
government unit (LGU) of Zamboanguita strives to promote good environmental
management. With the formal adoption of this Ten-Year Integrated Solid Waste Management
(ISWM) Plan, the LGU expects a more effective and efficient SWM program implementation.
With the end in view of upholding good governance practices — transparency, accountability
and participation – in delivering quality SWM services.

At present, the LGU’s SWM program is faced with the following challenges: 1) its waste
collection service being limited to Barangay Poblacion and parts of Maluay; 2) mixed waste
collection system being implemented; 3) absence of operational composting facility and MRF
for recyclable wastes; 4) open dumpsite operation; and 5) improper waste disposal practices,
e.g., dumping of wastes in vacant lots, streams and coastal areas, and open burning, among

With the current SWM situation of the municipality, this ISWM Plan aims to achieve the
following goals:

⇒ To sustain good environmental management and improved public health through

implementation of SWM best practices by major waste generators within municipality;
⇒ To establish and operate RA 9003 compliant facilities related with waste segregation and
reduction at source, collection and transport, material recovery and processing, and
disposal management; and
⇒ To capacitate and strengthen collaboration among municipal and barangay LGUs in the
implementation of ISWM Plan strategies.

Specific objectives of this ISWM Plan include:

⇒ To achieve 50% waste diversion by end of 2009;

⇒ To fully enforce waste segregation at source in Barangays Poblacion and Maluay within
2nd quarter of 2009 and within whole municipality by last quarter of 2009;
⇒ To implement mandatory composting at source in 5 coastal barangays within 2nd quarter
of 2009 and within whole municipality by last quarter of 2009;
⇒ To implement segregated waste collection within collection area within 2nd quarter of
⇒ To sustain waste collection service in Barangay Poblacion and expand its coverage to
include other parts of Barangay Pobalcion, Basak and Mayabon within 1st quarter of
⇒ To establish and operate municipal central MRF, with composting facility and storage for
recyclable wastes, within 2nd quarter of 2009;
⇒ To close existing open dumpsite within 3rd quarter of 2009;
⇒ To establish Residual Containment Area (RCA) within 2nd quarter of 2009;
⇒ To establish and operate category 1 SLF, with target period still being discussed;


⇒ To assign MENRO-designate and establish SWM Office within 2nd quarter of 2009;
⇒ To establish Special Account for SWM within 2010;
⇒ To enact Comprehensive ISWM Ordinance within 2nd quarter of 2009 and fully enforce
the said Ordinance within the same quarter;
⇒ To increase participation of private sector, including schools, agricultural plantations and
industries in waste diversion activities; and
⇒ To mobilize barangay LGUs, purok leaders and Barangay Solid Waste Management
Committees (BSWMCs) in implementing ISWM Plan at the barangy and purok levels.

These goals and objectives are based on the results of Waste Analysis and Characterization
Study (WACS) conducted for the municipality. Major findings of this waste assessment are
listed below:

⇒ Average per capita waste generation within the municipality is 0.23 kg/day.
⇒ Within the collection area, total waste generation is approximately 1.8 tons/day
ƒ 73% (or 1.3 tons/day) biodegradable wastes
ƒ 18% (or 0.311 tons/day) recyclable wastes
ƒ 8% (or 0.145 tons/day) residual wastes
ƒ 1% (or 0.018 tons/day) special wastes
ƒ Total potential waste diversion within collection area is 91%.
ƒ Major waste generators within collection area are Public Market, Households and
Food Establishments (9%)
⇒ Within whole municipality, total waste generation is 7.7 tons/day.
ƒ 69% (or 5.3 tons/day) biodegradable wastes
ƒ 20% (or 1.5 tons/day) recyclable wastes
ƒ 10% (or 0.745 tons/day) residual wastes
ƒ 2% (or 0.129 tons/day) special wastes
ƒ Total potential wastes for diversion within whole municipality is 89%.
ƒ Major waste generators within whole municipality are Households, Public Market and
Food Establishments.
⇒ Estimated actual volume of wastes brought to municipal LGU’s open dumpsite or End-of-
Pipe (EOP) is 0.386 tons/day.
ƒ 93% (or 0.359 tons/day) of total EOP are potential wastes for diversion.

Aiming to comply with RA 9003 mandates and establish good governance practices in the
delivery of SWM services, strategic interventions related with engineering, education,
enforcement and incentive, institutional arrangements and financing mechanisms have been


⇒ Waste segregation at source will be fully implemented within existing collection area —
Barangays Poblacion and Maluay — within 2nd quarter of 2009; in all coastal barangays
within the same quarter; and by end of 2009 within whole municipality.
⇒ Mandatory composting at source will be implemented in the 5 coastal barangays within
2nd quarter of 2009; and within whole municipality by last quarter of 2009.
⇒ SWM point source models will be established within 2nd quarter of 2009 and made
operational within the Plan period.
⇒ LGU’s waste collection service provided in Barangays Poblacion and Maluay will be
sustained within the Plan period; will be expanded within 1st quarter of 2010 to cover
Barangays Basak and Mayabon.


⇒ Segregated waste collection will start to be adopted by the LGU within existing collection
area by 2nd quarter of 2009.
⇒ For barangays outside collection area, waste collection schedule will be arranged by
barangay LGUs with SWM Section.
⇒ A municipal central MRF, with composting facility and storage for recyclable wastes,
will be established and made operational within 2nd quarter of 2009.
⇒ The central composting facility will adopt vermi-composting technology.
⇒ Establishment and operation of barangay MRFs will be mandatory to barangays outside
collection area; in all coastal barangays outside collection area within 3rd quarter of 2009;
and in all barangays not provided by LGU’s waste collection service within last quarter of
⇒ The existing open dumpsite of the LGU at Sitio Lub-ang, Barangay Mayabon will be
properly closed within 3rd quarter of 2009.
⇒ An RCA will be constructed within 2nd quarter of 2009.
⇒ A category 1 SLF will be established and made operational by the municipal LGU; with
target period still to be finalized.


⇒ SWM-TWG will be designated as LGU’s lead IEC Team.

⇒ Barangay LGUs, BSWMCs and purok leaders will be mobilized for SWM activities
⇒ BSWMCs and Barangay SWM Coordinators will be designated as Barangay IEC Teams.
⇒ SWM trainings and orientations for households, schools, industries, women’s group,
youth and religious organizations will be conducted.
⇒ Collaboration with schools will be strengthened.
⇒ Municipal-wide SWM activities will be conducted.
⇒ SWM information materials will be developed and distributed.


⇒ A Comprehensive ISWM Ordinance will be enacted within 2nd quarter of 2009; and to be
enforced within the same quarter.
⇒ SWM enforcers will be trained and deputized.
⇒ Incentives will be given to selected SWM stakeholders.


⇒ ESWMB will continue to play the main policy-making body for the LGU’s SWM
⇒ A Municipal Environment and Natural Resource Officer will be designated within 2nd
quarter of 2009.
⇒ An SWM Section will be established and made functional within the same quarter - 2nd
quarter 2009.


⇒ Total financing requirement for the 10-year period will amount to P15.288 million, of
which 24% are Capital Outlay and 76% are Operating Cost.
⇒ Total projected revenues to be generated amount to P4.324 million within the Plan period.


⇒ Total amount to be subsidized by the municipal LGU over the 10-year period is estimated
at P10.964 million.

These strategies are expected to enable the municipality of Zamboanguita in becoming “a

municipality with good environmental management and improved public health brought
about by responsible and disciplined citizens fully implementing a sustainable ISWM
program” by 2018. It targets to bring to the fore upholding of transparent, accountable and
participatory mechanisms of delivering SWM services. With both municipal and barangay
LGUs mandated to be responsible for ensuring proper management of solid wastes within
their jurisdictions, this ISWM Plan provides a framework for SWM decision-makers. It
highlights the need for integrated interventions and sustainable mechanisms, with a balanced
view on environmental management and economic improvement.



Z amboanguita, a 4th class municipality in Negros Oriental, has taken initiatives to

improve its Solid Waste Management (SWM) program. With a total population of
24,914 (NSO, 2007), the municipality’s total waste generation is estimated at 7.70
tons/day. Within the local government unit’s (LGU) collection area — Barangay Poblacion
and parts of Maluay, specifically the Malapatay flea market — 1.77 tons of wastes are
generated daily. With the municipality’s increasing population and projected economic
activities, the LGU of Zamboanguita expects rising solid waste generation and urgent demand
for efficient and effective SWM program.

In line with the LGU’s plan of expanding its waste collection service in 3 barangays by 2010,
total waste generation within collection area will increase to 2.4 tons of wastes daily. At the
end of the Plan period, total waste generation is estimated at 5.7 tons daily. Within whole
municipality, a 2% annual population growth rate will result in total waste generation of 8.4
tons daily by 2013 and 9.3 tons daily by 2018. Tourism and agricultural trading activities are
projected to boom in the next 5 years.

At present, the LGU’s SWM program is limited to waste collection service in Barangay
Poblacion and parts of Maluay. Mixed waste collection system is still being implemented.
There is no operational composting facility and MRF for recyclable wastes within the
municipality yet. The LGU still uses its open dumpsite. Only a few waste generators are
practicing waste segregation at source. Dumping of wastes in vacant lots, streams and coastal
areas is a common practice in the coastal barangays. Burning of agricultural wastes by
farmers and mixed wastes by households are prevalent. With Zamboanguita being a coastal
municipality, improving these current SWM practices will facilitate enhanced management of
its municipal waters. Public health within the municipality, too, is anticipated to improve.
With springs and deep wells as main sources of potable water in Zamboanguita, water
contamination will be prevented through proper management of solid wastes.

This Ten-Year Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) Plan aims to provide the LGU of
Zamboanguita a framework for providing and sustaining quality SWM service. It presents
current SWM practices and status of solid waste generation within collection area and whole
municipality. It discusses existing SWM gaps in relation with Republic Act (RA) 9003
mandates. It identifies strategic engineering interventions concerning waste segregation and
reduction at source, collection and transport, materials recovery and processing, and disposal
management. It outlines necessary functional support mechanisms that will sustain SWM
program implementation. These include an accountable SWM organization, regular budget
allocation, local SWM policy enforced and advocacy activities.

This ISWM Plan, too, highlights waste diversion strategies appropriate for major waste
generators within municipality, including households, Public Market and food establishments.
It intends to strengthen collaboration among municipal and barangay LGUs. It centers on the
significance of public participation as a key factor in sustainable SWM program. It seeks to
increase involvement of the private sector, e.g., schools and agricultural plantations, in waste
diversion activities. These strategies are towards development of Zamboanguita “as
municipality with good environmental management and improved public health brought
about by responsible and disciplined citizens fully implementing a sustainable integrated
SWM program”.




2.1.1 Formation of ESWMB and SWM-TWG

With LGU’s commitment on implementing a relevant SWM program, the municipality’s

Ecological Solid Waste Management Board (ESWMB) and SWM-Technical Working Group
(TWG) were formed through Executive Order No. 02 on February 12, 2002. ESWMB is
composed of the following: 1) Sangguniang Bayan Chair on Environment and on Health,
Sangguniang Kabataan Federation President; 2) Liga ng mga Barangay Chairman, a non-
government organization (NGO) representative; 3) representative from the recycling industry,
manufacturing or packaging industry; 4) Municipal Agriculturist; 5) Municipal Health Officer
(MHO); 6) Municipal Local Government Operations Officer (MLGOO); 7) Department of
Education (DepEd); and 8) Philippine National Police (PNP). On the other hand, SWM-TWG
are composed of the nurse and midwife of the Municipal Health Unit (MHU), Municipal
Planning and Development Officer (MPDO), school principals, LCR/SWO III designate,
Public Market Supervisor Designate, Barangay Health Worker, Agricultural Technologist,
PNP and Barangay Captains of coastal barangays. With technical assistance from the
Environment and Natural Resources Division (ENRD) of the Provincial Government of
Negros Oriental, the ESWMB and SWM-TWG members were oriented on basic SWM and
salient features of RA 9003. They were provided information on specific responsibilities of
the ESWMB, SWM-TWG, municipal LGU and barangay LGUs. During the said orientation,
the ESWMB and SWM-TWG crafted the municipality’s SWM vision, mission and goals.

2.1.2 Waste Assessment

After the orientation on SWM and RA 9003, the WACS Orientation on Process and
Requirements was conducted for the ESWMB and SWM-TWG on January 25-26, 2006. The
said orientation discussed the important features and requirements for WACS. It presented
WACS as SWM planning tool and the different stages of WACS. It provided venue for
development of sample design and collection route, identification of samples and arrangement
of logistics requirements. This orientation was followed by the actual conduct of 7 day waste
characterization on January 27 to February 3, 2006. Data were gathered from 59 samples,
including households, Public Market, general stores, food establishments, industries,
institutions, recreation centers, service centers and health-related sources. All types of wastes
generated by these selected samples were collected and weighed for seven days. For End-of-


Pipe (EOP) data or actual volume of wastes collected and brought to municipal LGU’s
dumpsite, a collection trip was selected as sample for seven days. Average actual volume of
wastes transported to the open dumpsite was then extrapolated. ESWMB, SWM-TWG,
barangay health workers (BHWs) and selected barangay officials helped in the actual conduct
of waste characterization.

Table 2.1 No. of Samples Selected for Actual Waste Characterization, Zamboanguita, Negros

Waste Source No.

Households 25
Public Market
Main 1
Flea market
Food Establishments 5
General Stores 6
Major Industries
Other Industries 4
Municipal Hall 1
Other Govt/Private Offices 2
Church 1
Elementary Schools 2
High School
Colleges/ Universities
Day Care 1
Service Centers
Other Service Centers 6
Recreation Centers
Gyms/Sports Centers
Big 1
Small to Medium
Other Recreation Centers 2
Health-Related Sources
Pharmacies 1
Health Centers/Clinics 1


A survey on SWM practices was also conducted among samples of actual waste
characterization. Actual waste characterization and survey data were consolidated,
summarized and analyzed in WACS Data Consolidation, Analysis and Projection Workshop.
During this Workshop, per unit waste generation, total waste generation and waste
composition in collection area and whole municipality were generated. These were used as
baseline data for identifying targets and strategies for waste segregation and reduction at
source, collection and transport, material recovery and processing, and disposal management.
Ten-year projections for collection area and whole municipality were also estimated.

2.1.3 Study Tours

Several study tours, too, were conducted by ENRD for ESWMB and SWM-TWG. These
tours aimed to give ESWMB and SWM-TWG ocular visits to LGUs adopting working SWM
facilities and practices. It gave them ideas on applicable SWM facilities and practices
appropriate to them. Among the sites visited were San Carlos City and Dumaguete City. This
study tour was conducted on August 21-25, 2007.

2.1.4 ISWM Plan Writing

Though the ISWM Planning process started in 2006, writing of the Plan was completed in
2009. With multi-tasking of LGU staff assigned for SWM, the Plan writing was delayed.
ISWM Strategic Planning Workshop was held last October 14-15 and 27-28, 2008. This was
facilitated by ENRD and participated by SWM-TWG, Municipal Accountant and SB
Chairman on Environment. The Workshop facilitated formulation of strategies for the Plan’s
components – Engineering, Education, Enforcement and Incentive System, Institutional
Arrangements and Financing. The preferred strategies were further refined during
consultations with ESWMB and series of writeshops assisted by ENRD and EcoGov 2. Final
drafting of the Plan was held on March 23, 2009.


The draft ISWM Plan was presented to ESWMB on January 29, 2009. Through ESWMB
Resolution No. 01, series of 2009, the Plan was approved and endorsed to Municipal
Development Council (MDC). The MDC reviewed, approved and endorsed the plan to the
Sangguniang Bayan (SB) on February 23, 2009 through Resolution No. 1 series of 2009.

The Plan was presented to SB for adoption and a public hearing was conducted on February
26, 2009 attended by the municipal officials, barangay officials, school heads and teachers,
tricycle drivers and other constituents. The Plan was formally adopted through SB Resolution
No. 24, Series of 2009 on March 9, 2009.




The municipality of Zamboanguita is located

at the southeastern tip of Negros Island. It is
bounded on the northeast by municipality of
Dauin, on the southwest by municipality of
Siaton, on the northwest by municipality of
Sta. Catalina and on the east by Mindanao
Sea. It is approximately 27.7 kilometers
southwest of Dumaguete City, the capital of
Negros Oriental Province. It is only a 45
minute bus-ride from the City. Public
transport vehicles, e.g., buses and jeepneys,
going to the municipality are available.

All barangays of the municipality are

accessible with concrete roads. Major means
of transportation within the municipality are
tricycles, motorcycles or habal-habal and
trisikad or pot-pot.

3.2 PHYSICAL AND GEO- Figure 3.1 Location Map, Zamboanguita, Negros
Figure 3.1 Location Map, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental
Zamboanguita has a total land area of 15,138 hectares. It is composed of 10 barangays of
which 5 are coastal — Barangays Basak, Lutoban, Maluay, Mayabon and Poblacion. The
other 5 barangays — Calango, Malongcay, Nabago, Najandig and Nasig-id are upland. Only
Barangay Poblacion is considered an urban barangay. Among the 10 barangays, barangay
Najandig has the largest land area which comprises 29% of municipality’s total land area. On
the other hand, Barangay Poblacion has the smallest land area. Its land area is 1.3% of
Zamboanguita’s total land area.


Table 3.1 Land Area, Barangays, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental

Barangays Ha %
Urban Barangays
Poblacion 202 1.3%
Rural Barangays
Basak 649 4.3%
Calango 965 6.4%
Lutoban 277 1.8%
Malongcay Diot 499 3.3%
Maluay 785 5.2%
Mayabon 3,612 23.9%
Nabago 616 4.1%
Najandig 4,429 29.3%
Nasig-id 3,104 20.5%
TOTAL 15,138 100.0%
Source: CLUP

The municipality’s terrain is characterized as rolling to hilly. The highest peak is

approximately 1,300 meters above sea level. A small portion of flatlands is found along the
coastal plains where major settlements and agricultural plantations are situated.

Built-up areas within the municipality are in Barangay Poblacion. Large parts of the
municipality’s land are used for agriculture. Figure 3.1 present existing land uses within the

A significant objective of implementing SWM program, too, is to protect the municipality’s water
sources. Major rivers of the municipality are Bangculotan and Mayabon Rivers at Barangay.
Mayabon, Guinsuan River at Barangay Poblacion and, Mag-abo and Maluay Rivers at
Barangay Maluay. Table 3.2 presents existing and proposed drinking water sources within the

Table 3.2 Drinking Water Sources, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental

Name of Spring Location Area Covered

Panungkibon Spring Brgy. Nasig-id Brgy. Poblacion
Dumanon Spring Brgy. Nasig-id Sitio Nasig-id
Alibuod Spring Brgy. Nasig-id Brgys. Nasig-id, Nabago, Maluay,
Caniaro Spring Brgy. Malongcay-Diot Brgy. Malongcay-Diot
Bukal-bukal Spring Brgy. Najandig Brgy. Najandig,So. Kapandis &
Salngan, Brgy. Poblacion
Can-unsang Spring(Proposed) Brgy. Basak Bgry. Basak
Latason Spring(Proposed) Brgy. Mayabon Bgry. Mayabon
Kapasto Spring Brgy. Calango Brgy. Calango
Katambuan Spring(w/ Brgy. Calango Brgy. Calango
Springbox, no line)
Buloc-buloc Spring(existing not Brgy. Lutoban Brgy. Lutoban
Deepwell/Ground Water source Brgy. Lutoban Brgy. Lutoban
w/ tank
Source: CLUP


Major soil types found within the municipality are rough mountain land, Zamboanguita clay
loam and Davin clay. These will be considered in identifying potential site for a sanitary
lanfill (SLF).

Table 3.2 Soil Types, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental

% to
Soil Type Location Area (ha) Total
Ta-al Sandy Loam Parts of Maluay and Nabago 253.4 1.67%
Fara-on Clay Parts of Si-it by and parts of Lutoban 256.7 1.69%
River Wash Parts of Mayabon, Calango and Lutoban 1,119.5 7.39%
San Miguel Loam Poblacion, parts of Basak and Mayabon 1,728.22 11.41%
Rough Mountain Najandig, parts of Mayabon and the
4,208.67 27.80%
Land Unclassified Public Forest
Tupi Fine Sandy
Parts of Maluay and Nabago 254.09 1.67%
Malongcay, Nasig-id, Basak, parts of
Davin Clay 3,509.58 23.18%
Calango and Nabago
Zamboanguita Clay
Mayabon, Calango and Lutoban 3,808.85 25.16%
Total 15,139 100%

The climate of Zamboanguita, as most of the Negros Island falls under the First Type,
consisting of two pronounced seasons: dry from the months of April and wet for the rest of
the year. The prevailing northeast and southwest monsoons, which are the dominant
airstreams affecting the country, greatly influence the climate.


3.3.1 Current Population

The municipality of Zamboanguita has a total population of 24,914 with 4,152 households
(NSO, 2007). Its average household size is 6. While the municipality’s population has
experienced increasing population from 1995 to 2007, its annual population growth rate is
characterized by decreasing trend. From an estimated 3.8% annual growth rate in 1995 to
2000, this decreased to 0.9% annual growth rate in 2000 to 2007. Using 2% as annual
population growth rate, 2009 population of the municipality is projected at 26,439 with 4,406

Barangays with highest population are Mayabon (26% of municipality’s total population),
Poblacion (24%) and Maluay (12%). Barangays Nabago and Malongcay Diot have the lowest
population, 3.9% and 3.6% of total population, respectively. It is interesting to note that
coastal population comprises 76% of municipality’s total population. With majority of the
population situated along coastal areas, improvement of SWM practices in these barangays is
deemed to be prioritized.


Figure 3.2 Existing General Land Use Map, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental


Average population density of Zamboanguita is 175 persons/sq km. Barangay with highest
population density is Poblacion with 3,138 persons/sq km. On the other hand, barangay with
lowest population density is Najandig. Its population density is 32 persons/sq km.

Table 3.4 Population, No. of Households and Population Density, 2007-2008, Zamboanguita,
Negros Oriental

2009 Population
2009 Projected Density
2007 Projected No. of Land Area (persons/
Barangays Population Population Households (sq km) sq km)
Urban Barangays
Poblacion 5,974 6,340 1,057 2.02 3,138
Rural Barangays
Basak 1,716 1,821 304 6.49 281
Calango 1,493 1,584 264 9.65 164
Lutoban 1,693 1,797 299 2.77 649
Malongcay Diot 893 948 158 4.99 190
Maluay 3,087 3,276 546 7.85 417
Mayabon 6,463 6,859 1,143 36.12 190
Nabago 975 1,035 172 6.16 168
Najandig 1,353 1,436 239 44.29 32
Nasig-id 1,267 1,345 224 31.04 43
TOTAL 24,914 26,439 4,406 151.38 175

3.3.2 Projected Population

The municipality’s total population is expected to increase at annual growth rate of 2%. By
2013, total population is estimated to be 28,618. At the end of the Plan period, this is
projected to increase to 31,597. Projected increase in population is attributed to expected to
result from upward trend of investors as well as foreign and local migrants coming into the

Table 3.5 Ten-Year Population Projection, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018

Barangays 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Urban Barangays
Poblacion 6,340 6,466 6,596 6,728 6,862 6,999 7,139 7,282 7,428 7,576
Rural Barangays
Basak 1,821 1,857 1,895 1,932 1,971 2,011 2,051 2,092 2,134 2,176
Calango 1,584 1,616 1,648 1,681 1,715 1,749 1,784 1,820 1,856 1,893
Lutoban 1,797 1,833 1,869 1,907 1,945 1,984 2,023 2,064 2,105 2,147
Malongcay Diot 948 967 986 1,006 1,026 1,046 1,067 1,089 1,110 1,133
Maluay 3,276 3,341 3,408 3,476 3,546 3,617 3,689 3,763 3,838 3,915
Mayabon 6,859 6,996 7,136 7,278 7,424 7,572 7,724 7,878 8,036 8,197
Nabago 1,035 1,055 1,076 1,098 1,120 1,142 1,165 1,189 1,212 1,237
Najandig 1,436 1,465 1,494 1,524 1,554 1,585 1,617 1,649 1,682 1,716
Nasig-id 1,345 1,371 1,399 1,427 1,455 1,484 1,514 1,544 1,575 1,607
TOTAL 26,439 26,968 27,507 28,057 28,618 29,191 29,775 30,370 30,977 31,597


3.3.2 Socio-Cultural Data

Major dialects used within the municipality are Cebuano, Kankanai/Kankanay, Ilocano and
Ifugao. Zamboanguita is predominantly a Roman Catholic municipality, with 94% of its total
population belonging to the said religious sector. Other major religious organizations are the
Evangelicals, United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP), Seventh Day Adventist and
Iglesia ni Kristo.

Literacy in Zamboanguita is 87%. Within the municipality, there are 13 elementary schools
and 4 high schools. For tertiary education, majority of the students avail of this in Siaton and
Dumaguete City.

There are 6 health centers and 3 health stations with 1 lying-in clinic in Zamboanguita.
Hospital services are accessed by the local population in Siaton and Dumaguete City.


3.4.1 Current Situation

Zamboanguita is primarily an agricultural municipality. Its chief products are corn, rice, copra
and root crops. Agricultural produce of the municipality are sold in Malatapay flea market
every Wednesday and to neighboring municipalities and Dumaguete City. Fishing is also a
major means of livelihood within the municipality. Similar with other municipalities,
Zamboanguita is 80% dependent on its Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA). Sources of its
local revenues are water fees, market fees and real property taxes.

Commercially, the municipality is gradually improving. It has several commercial entities.

The eateries are dominantly located in Barangay Poblacion and in Malatapay Market in
Barangay Maluay. Center of trading activities is in flea market in Malatapay. Market days or
“tabu” are held at Malatapay every Wednesday. This activity is not only municipality-wide
but is also patronized by traders and consumers within the Province and nearby provinces. It
is the site of livestock auction market. Private sellers and farmers bring in their goods for sale.
The said market is very popular in the Province and in the neighboring provinces making it a
famous destination, not only for domestic tourists, but foreign tourists as well.

Other economic enterprises present within the municipality are rice mills, corn mills, pottery
and fiberglass makers. Poultry and livestock raising is also an economic activity in
Zamboanguita. List of commercial/business and industrial establishments is provided in
Annex D. With the municipality’s economic activities being limited to agriculture and
trading, toxic and hazardous wastes (THWs) generated are mostly of household special

There are also tourism activities within the municipality. Resorts are situated in Barangay
Maluay. Tourism in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Barangays Maluay, Basak and
Lutoban, too, has been an additional attraction.


Figure 3.3 Activities in Malatapay Flea Market, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental

3.4.2 Projected Scenario

In the next five years, it is expected that trading activities in the municipality will
continuously increase. Expansion of Malatapay market in Barangay Maluay is projected to
happen. New agricultural technologies are also expected to be introduced. In line with these,
it is envisioned that the municipality will become a Bagsakan Center of agriculture products
within the Province.

Coastal tourism is also projected to rise within the next five years. With sustainable Coastal
Resource Management (CRM) being a priority agenda of the LGU, more beach resorts,
coupled with environmental management, will be established. Tourism activities in MPAs are
also seen as potential revenue sources. Boulevard construction is also being proposed within
the next five years. This will result in more food establishments and general stores being
established in the Poblacion area.


Figure 3.4 Proposed General Land Use Map, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental



3.5.1 Current Solid Waste Generation

Within Collection Area

Average per capita waste generation within the municipality is 0.23 kg/day. Per capita
biodegradable waste generation is 0.16 kg/day while per capita recyclable waste generation is
0.05 kg/day. Per capita residual waste generation, on the other hand, is 0.02 kg/day. Per capita
special waste generation is 0.004 kg/day.

8% 1%



Bio Recyclable Residual Special waste

Figure 3.5 Waste Composition, within Collection Area, Zamboangita,

Negros Oriental, 2009

Figure 3.5 Waste Composition, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009
Within the collection area, total waste generation is approximately 1.8 tons/day. These are
composed of 73% (or 1.3 tons/day) biodegradable wastes, 18% (or 0.311 tons/day) recyclable
wastes, 8% (or 0.145 tons/day) residual wastes and 1% (or 0.018 tons/day) special wastes.

Total potential waste diversion within collection area is 91%, including biodegradable (73%)
and recyclable (18%) wastes. Major source of potential wastes for diversion is Public Market
(51% of total potential wastes for diversion within collection area). This covers Public Market
in Barangay Poblacion and the Malatapay market in Barangay Maluay. Households rank
second in generation of potential wastes for diversion. They generate 33% of collection area’s
biodegradable and recyclable wastes. Households are followed by Food Establishments which
are sources of 9% of total potential wastes for diversion. Only 0.145 tons/day of residual
wastes should be brought to the LGU’s disposal facility while 1% of 0.018 tons/day must be
placed in a septic vault for special wastes collected by the LGU.

Considering all types of wastes and waste sources within collection area, major waste
generators are Public Market (49% of total waste generation within collection area),
Households (34%) and Food Establishments (9%).


Table 3.6 Total Waste Generation, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental,
2009, kg/day

Waste Composition
Waste Source TOTAL %
Bio Recyclable Residual Special Waste
Households 600.87 33.9% 404.91 31.2% 124.66 40.0% 60.06 41.3% 11.23 63.1%
Public Market 865.86 48.8% 697.76 53.7% 121.36 38.9% 46.73 32.2% - -
Food Establishments 161.61 9.1% 123.62 9.5% 28.30 9.1% 9.46 6.5% 0.23 1.3%
General Stores 82.25 4.6% 35.26 2.7% 21.89 7.0% 21.55 14.8% 3.56 20.0%
Industries 4.17 0.2% 3.09 0.2% 0.68 0.2% 0.37 0.3% 0.03 0.2%
Institutions 9.58 0.5% 6.47 0.5% 2.12 0.7% 0.92 0.6% 0.06 0.3%
Recreation Centers 20.82 1.2% 13.14 1.0% 5.61 1.8% 1.96 1.3% 0.11 0.6%
Service Centers 27.75 1.6% 15.15 1.2% 6.62 2.1% 3.63 2.5% 2.35 13.2%
Slaughterhouse - - - - - - - - - -
Health-Related Sources 1.53 0.1% 0.32 0.02% 0.40 0.1% 0.58 0.4% 0.23 1.3%
1,299.73 145.26
TOTAL 1,774.42 or 311.64 Or 17.80
9.97 cu m 5.31 cu m
% to TOTAL 73% 18% 8% 1%

Within Whole Municipality

Within whole municipality, total waste generation is 7.7 tons/day. These are composed of
69% (or 5.3 tons/day) biodegradable wastes, 20% (or 1.5 tons/day) recyclable wastes, 10%
(or 0.745 tons/day) residual wastes and 2% (or 0.129 tons/day) special wastes.

10% 2%



Bio Recyclable Residual Special waste

Figure 3.6 Waste Composition, within Whole Municipality,

Zamboangita, Negros Oriental, 2009

Figure 3.6 Waste Composition, within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental,
Total potential wastes for diversion within whole municipality is 89%, including
biodegradable (69%) and recyclable (20%) wastes. Major sources of potential wastes for
diversion are Households (80% or 5.6 tons/day of total waste generation within whole
municipality), Public Market (12% or 0.819 tons/day) and Food Establishments (2.6% or
0.176 tons/day). Among households, barangays with highest potential wastes for diversion are
Mayabon (26% of total potential wastes for diversion among households), Poblacion (24%)
and Maluay (12%).


Major waste generators within whole municipality are Households (82% or 6.3 tons/day of
total waste generation within whole municipality), Public Market (11% or 0.865 tons/day)
and Food Establishments (2% of 0.188 tons/day).

Table 3.7 Total Waste Generation, within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009, kg/day

Waste Composition
Waste Source TOTAL %
Bio Recyclable Residual Special Waste
Households 6,319.11 82.0% 4,258.33 80.6% 1,310.99 85.0% 631.64 84.7% 118.14 91.3%
Public Market 865.86 11.2% 697.76 13.2% 121.36 7.9% 46.73 6.3% - 0.0%
Food Establishments 188.21 2.4% 143.97 2.7% 32.96 2.1% 11.01 1.5% 0.26 0.2%
General Stores 134.77 1.7% 57.77 1.1% 35.86 2.3% 35.31 4.7% 5.83 4.5%
Industries 14.60 0.2% 10.83 0.2% 2.38 0.2% 1.29 0.2% 0.10 0.1%
Institutions 54.56 0.7% 34.94 0.7% 12.40 0.8% 6.74 0.9% 0.48 0.4%
Recreation Centers 88.45 1.1% 61.91 1.2% 18.30 1.2% 8.00 1.1% 0.23 0.2%
Service Centers 29.73 0.4% 16.23 0.3% 7.09 0.5% 3.89 0.5% 2.51 1.9%
Slaughterhouse - 0.0% - - - - - - - -
Health-Related Sources 6.93 0.1% 2.57 0.05% 1.75 0.1% 0.74 0.1% 1.87 1.4%
5,284.31 745.36
TOTAL 7,702.20 or 1,543.11 or 129.43
40.55 cu m 27.26 cu m
% to TOTAL 69% 20% 10% 2%

3.5.2 End-of-Pipe

Estimated actual volume of wastes brought to municipal LGU’s open dumpsite or End-of-
Pipe (EOP) is 0.386 tons/day. These are composed of 81% biodegradable, 12% recyclable and
7% residual wastes. These figure imply that 93% (or 0.359 tons/day) of total EOP are
potential wastes for diversion. Only 0.027 tons/day of wastes or only residual wastes should
be brought to LGU’s disposal facility.

Table 3.8 End-of-Pipe, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

Waste Type Public Market Other Sources TOTAL % Composition

Bio 143.66 167.91 311.57 80.65%

Recyclable 24.99 22.89 47.87 12.39%
Residual 9.63 17.26 26.89 6.96%
Special Waste - - - -
TOTAL 178.27 208.06 386.33 100.00%
% to TOTAL 46% 54% 100%

Taking into account 1.8 tons/day waste generation estimated for current waste collection area
of the municipal LGU and only 0.386 tons/day of wastes transported to the open dumpsite,
approximately 1.4 tons/day of wastes do not end-up in the open dumpsite. This is the amount
of wastes that the municipal LGu should look into as these are either be diverted on-site,
burned or dumped in vacant lots, creeks or rivers within the municipality.


3.5.3 Projected Waste Generation, without Intervention Scenario

Within collection area, total waste generation is expected to reach 2.4 tons/day. The increase
from 1.8 tons/day in 2009 is attributed to the LGU’s plan of expanding its waste collection
service to cover Barangays Basak and Mayabon. By 2013, solid waste generation is
approximately 4 tons/day. At the end of the Plan period, this will increase to 5.7 tons/day.

Table 3.9 Waste Generation Projection, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Biodegradable 1,299.73 1,755.71 2,134.91 2,528.68 2,851.77 3,186.89 3,534.38 3,777.31 3,864.88 3,954.55
Recyclable 311.64 450.34 564.37 682.81 779.41 879.63 983.56 1,055.22 1,078.94 1,103.22
Residual 145.26 216.80 271.74 328.80 375.34 423.61 473.68 508.20 519.63 531.32
Special Waste 17.80 30.39 40.36 50.72 59.10 67.80 76.82 82.93 84.70 86.51
Total 1,774.42 2,453.24 3,011.39 3,591.01 4,065.62 4,557.93 5,068.44 5,423.66 5,548.15 5,675.61

Within whole municipality, projected waste generation in 2013 is 8.4 tons/day. This will
increase to 9.3 tons/day at the end of the Plan period.

Table 3.10 Waste Generation Projection, within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Biodegradable 5,284.31 5,389.99 5,508.26 5,629.20 5,752.89 5,879.38 6,008.75 6,141.05 6,276.37 6,414.77
Recyclable 1,543.11 1,573.97 1,607.82 1,642.41 1,677.77 1,713.91 1,750.86 1,788.62 1,827.22 1,866.67
Residual 745.36 760.27 776.63 793.36 810.46 827.93 845.80 864.06 882.73 901.81
Special Waste 129.43 132.02 134.78 137.59 140.46 143.40 146.40 149.46 152.59 155.78
Total 7,702.20 7,856.25 8,027.48 8,202.56 8,381.58 8,564.63 8,751.80 8,943.19 9,138.90 9,339.02

Figure 3.7 Waste Receptacles in Public Market, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental. Mixed wastes
are placed in these receptacles.
3.6 Current SWM Practices

In the Public Market, proper waste

segregation is not being practiced yet. While
common waste receptacles for specific waste
types are placed in strategic areas of the
Public Market, mixed wastes are placed in
these receptacles by stall owners and
ambulant vendors. In Malatapay flea market,
stall owners and ambulant vendors have not
practiced proper waste segregation yet.
Common waste receptacles for mixed waste
can be found within the market compound.
Commercial establishments, too, have not
Figure 3.7 Waste Receptacles in Public Market,
practiced proper waste segregation yet. Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental. Mixed wastes are
placed in these receptacles.


In the Municipal Hall, receptacles for
biodegradable, recyclable, residual and
special wastes are provided by the LGU.
However, with proper waste segregation not
being practiced yet, mixed wastes placed in
these receptacles.

Among households, only a few are practicing

waste segregation at source. Households
segregate their wastes into biodegradable and
non-biodegradable. There are no waste
receptacles prescribed by the LGU. Twenty-
five percent (25%) of total households have
started practicing backyard composting. Figure 3.8 Sample waste receptacle used in
However, burning of mixed wastes and Malatapay Flea Market, Zamboanguita, Negros
dumping of wastes in vacant lots and coastal Oriental
areas are still common practices of waste
disposal among households.

In schools, two-type waste segregation is

being practiced. Wastes are being segregated
into biodegradable and non-biodegradable.
Most common waste receptacles used by
schools are steel drums. With biodegradable
wastes being segregated, there are schools
which have started practicing on-site
composting, i.e., Santiago Delmo Memorial
High School (SDMHS), Jose Marie Locsin
Memorial High School (JMLMHS), Delmo
Carmeli Academy (DCA) and Zamboaguita
Central Elementary School (ZCES).
However, open burning and dumping of
Figure 3.9 Common waste receptacle in Municipal
wastes are still common practices among
Hall, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental

Industries, including farms and mills, segregate wastes into biodegradable and non-
biodegradable. At present, there are farms in different barangays which have been practicing
on-site composting. However, open burning of agricultural wastes is still being practiced by
industries. This is most prevalent in Barangay Poblacion.

Among health-related waste sources, the main health center segregate wastes into
biodegradable, recyclable, residual and special wastes. Health centers use plastic drums as
waste receptacles. A septic vault for health care wastes is available for use by health centers.
The septic vault is located at the Municipal Health Unit in Barangay Poblacion.
Figure 3.8 Sample waste receptacle used in Malatapay Flea Market, Zamboanguita, Negros
Figure 3.9 Common waste receptacle in Municipal Hall, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental



3.7.1 Waste Segregation and Reduction at Source

No municipal Ordinance has been enacted yet to provide for mandatory waste segregation at
source. Thus, no Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities have been
conducted yet to promote waste segregation and reduction at source. However, the municipal
LGU has started the campaign for practicing on-site composting.

3.7.2 Collection and Transport

The LGU’s waste collection service covers Barangays Poblacion and Maluay only. A number
of households, commercial establishments, industries and institutions in Barangay Poblacion
are being served by municipal LGU’s waste collection service (see Annex C). Additionally,
the Malatapay flea market in Barangay Maluay is also being served by municipal LGU’s
waste collection crew. Mixed waste collection is still being practiced by the municipal LGU.
Wastes are being collected through curbside collection system.

Table 3.11 Current Waste Collection Schedule, Municipal LGU, Zamboanguita, Negros

Collection Day Area Covered

Monday ƒ Purok I
Tuesday ƒ Purok II
Thursday ƒ Purok III
Friday ƒ Purok IV
Tuesday and Thursday, AM ƒ Malatapay flea market

Current waste collection crew of the municipal LGU are composed of 1 vehicle driver, 4
waste collectors, 4 streetsweepers and 2 Public Market streetsweepers. Only the vehicle driver
is employed as regular while waste collectors are casual employees. Sweepers are employed
through Job Order (JO) contracts.

The LGU has 4 cu m dump truck used for waste collection. Another 4 cu m dump truck is
available for back-up in case the former is not in good running condition. These collection
vehicles are maintained by Municipal Engineer Office. These trucks, however, are also being
used for other activities of municipal LGU.

Table 3.12 Collection Vehicles, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental

Collection Vehicle Capacity Year Acquired End of Useful Life

Dump truck 3.5 cu m 2002 2015
Mini dump truck (back-up
3.5 cu m 2009 2019


Figure 3.10 Existing Collection Area Map, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009


3.7.3 Materials Recovery and Processing

There are no operational composting facility and Material Recovery Facility (MRF) for
recyclable wastes within municipality yet. No functional barangay MRFs can also be found
within Zamboanguita.

There are 2 junkshops within municipality. These are located in Barangay Poblacion. Local
ambulant junk buyers are also operating within Zamboanguita. Recyclable materials traded
are scrap metals, PET bottles, selected glass bottles and PVC plastics. These are sold in
Dumaguete City. There is no registration system yet for junkshops and ambulant junk buyers

3.7.4 Disposal Management

The LGU still maintains an open dumpsite at Sitio Lub-ang, Barangay Mayabon. It is located
in a 5,000 sq. m. lot. This facility has been used since January 2000. The dumpsite area is a
land depression, with no nearby residential area and water source. No staff is assigned to
manage the dumpsite. There are five families living within the dumpsite’s compound.

3.7.5 SWM Policy

There is no SWM-related policy which has been enacted or is being implemented.

3.7.6 SWM Organization

The Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC) Office is primarily

responsible for overseeing SWM activities of the LGU. Specifically, waste collection
activities are supervised by Municipal Engineering Office. The vehicle driver and waste
collectors are under the Municipal Engineering Office.



Planning and

Figure 3.11 Existing SWM Organization, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental


3.7.7 SWM Budget

Table 3.13 presents SWM budget for 2005-2008. LGU’s SWM budget is part of its Internal
Revenue Allotment (IRA).

Table 3.13 Annual SWM Budget, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2005-2008

Cost Items 2005 2006 2007 2008

MOOEs 150,000 250,000 270,000 320,000
Capital Outlay 100,000 455,634 150,000 150,000
Total 250,000 705,634 420,000 470,000

Actual SWM expenses are shown in Table 3.14.

Table 3.14 Actual SWM Expenses, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2005-2008

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008

SWM Expenses 39,984 225,644 162,638.69 171,908

Garbage fees are currently being collected from commercial establishments at P50/year. Table
3.15 presents total amount of collection of garbage fees. It can be inferred from these tables
that a large amount of SWM expenditures are subsidized by the municipal LGU.

Table 3.15 Annual SWM Revenues, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2005-2008

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008

SWM Revenues 11,980 20,350 20,930 24,625

Major SWM problems faced by LGU are the following:

ƒ Lack of accountable SWM Office that will supervise SWM program of the LGU;
ƒ Lack of RA 9003 compliant SWM facilities, e.g., composting facility, sanitary
landfill (SLF);
ƒ Insufficient budget allocation and manpower resources; and
ƒ Relatively low public participation in SWM activities resulting from lack of
awareness on SWM.





By 2018, Zamboanguita is a municipality with good environmental management and

improved public health brought about by responsible and disciplined citizens fully
implementing a sustainable ISWM program.


To efficiently and effectively implement an ISWM Plan that upholds transparency,

accountability and participation among SWM stakeholders



ƒ To sustain good environmental management and improved public health through

implementation of SWM best practices by major waste generators within
ƒ To establish and operate RA 9003 compliant facilities related with waste segregation
and reduction at source, collection and transport, material recovery and processing,
and disposal management; and
ƒ To capacitate and strengthen collaboration among municipal and barangay LGUs in
the implementation of ISWM Plan strategies.


ƒ To achieve 50% waste diversion by end of 2009;

ƒ To fully enforce waste segregation at source in Barangays Poblacion and Maluay
within 2nd quarter of 2009 and within whole municipality by last quarter of 2009;


ƒ To implement mandatory composting at source in 5 coastal barangays within 2nd
quarter of 2009 and within whole municipality by last quarter of 2009;
ƒ To implement segregated waste collection within collection area within 2nd quarter of
ƒ To sustain waste collection service in Barangay Poblacion and expand its coverage to
include other parts of Barangay Pobalcion, Basak and Mayabon within 1st quarter of
ƒ To establish and operate municipal central MRF, with composting facility and storage
for recyclable wastes, within 2nd quarter of 2009;
ƒ To close existing open dumpsite within 3rd quarter of 2009;
ƒ To establish Residual Containment Area (RCA) within 2nd quarter of 2009;
ƒ To establish and operate category 1 SLF, with target period still being discussed;
ƒ To assign MENRO-designate and establish SWM Office within 2nd quarter of 2009;
ƒ To establish Special Account for SWM within 2010;
ƒ To enact Comprehensive ISWM Ordinance within 2nd quarter of 2009 and fully
enforce the said Ordinance within the same quarter;
ƒ To increase participation of private sector, including schools, agricultural plantations
and industries in waste diversion activities; and
ƒ To mobilize barangay LGUs, purok leaders and Barangay Solid Waste Management
Committees (BSWMCs) in implementing ISWM Plan at the barangy and purok


4.3.1 Waste Segregation and Reduction at Source

Being a crucial component of ensuring proper SWM, waste segregation and reduction at
source will be given emphasis in SWM program implementation. Waste segregation at source
will be mandatory within existing collection area within 2nd quarter of 2009; in all coastal
barangays within the same quarter; and within whole municipality by end of 2009. Equally
significant, mandatory composting at source will be implemented in the 5 coastal barangays
within 2nd quarter of 2009 and within whole municipality by last quarter of 2009. To
showcase proper waste segregation at source, SWM point source models will be established
and sustained within the Plan period. These are Barangay Poblacion Public Market,
Malatapay Flea Market and Municipal Hall. Additionally, operation of junkshops and
ambulant junk buyers will be regulated. Registration system for junkshops and ambulant junk
buyers will be implemented within 2nd quarter of 2009.

To implement waste segregation and reduction at source strategies, a Comprehensive ISWM

Ordinance will be enacted and full enforced by 2nd quarter of 2009. An Enforcement Plan
will be prepared. SWM enforcers will be trained and deputized. To provide support to
enforcement of this Ordinance, Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities
will be conducted. IEC materials on proper waste segregation, backyard composting, different
composting technologies, re-use of recyclable materials and MRF operations, including
composting facilities and storages for recyclable wastes.

Capacitating barangay LGUs, including BSWMCs, barangay officials and purok leaders, will
be a major concern. Regular dialogues with barangay LGUs will be conducted to assist them
in implementing SWM within their jurisdictions. This is to see to it that proper waste
segregation and reduction at source are sustained at the barangay and purok levels.


Strengthening coordination with schools and industries, including farms and mills, will also
be a priority target.

4.3.2 Collection and Transport

LGU’s waste collection service provided in Barangays Poblacion and Maluay will be
sustained within the Plan period. By 1st quarter of 2010 municipal LGU’s will cover
Barangays Basak and Mayabon. No segregation, no collection policy will start to be adopted
by 2nd quarter of 2009. A collection schedule for specific areas and waste types will be
followed. IEC materials to increase compliance with segregated waste collection and
collection schedule will be developed and distributed among major waste sources. Garbage
fee collection will start to be implemented by 3rd quarter of 2009 for establishments and by 1st
quarter 2010 for households.

For barangays outside waste collection area, barangay LGUs will coordinate with the
municipal LGU on collection schedule. Only residual and special wastes will be collected
from these barangays not served by regular waste collection services.

4.3.3 Materials Recovery and Processing

A municipal central MRF, with composting facility and storage for recyclable wastes, will be
established and made operational, at Barangay Basak within 2nd quarter of 2009. The central
composting facility will adopt vermi-composting technology.

Establishment and operation of barangay MRFs will be mandatory to barangays outside

collection area. This will be mandated in all coastal barangays outside collection area within
3rd quarter of 2009 and in all barangays not provided by LGU’s waste collection service
within last quarter of 2009.

With barangay LGUs being mandated to take significant roles in MRF establishment and
management, they will be trained on setting-up MRF structures, appropriate composting
technologies, proper handling of recyclable wastes and necessary housekeeping activities. A
performance Monitoring and Evaluation (M and E) system for these barangays will be
developed to ensure their effectiveness and efficiency.

4.3.4 Disposal Management

The existing open dumpsite of the LGU at Sitio Lub-ang, Barangay Mayabon will be properly
closed within 3rd quarter of 2009. An RCA will be constructed within 2nd quarter of 2009. A
category 1 SLF will be established and maintained by the municipal LGU. However, target
period for is still for further discussion by SWM decision-makers.



2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

ƒ To achieve 50% waste diversion

ƒ To fully enforce waste segregation at source in Barangays Poblacion and Maluay; within whole municipality
ƒ To implement mandatory composting at source in 5 coastal barangays; within whole municipality
ƒ To implement segregated waste collection
ƒ To sustain waste collection services in Barangay Poblacion
ƒ To establish and operate municipal central MRF, with composting facility and storage for recyclable wastes
ƒ To close existing open dumpsite
ƒ To establish Residual Containment Area
ƒ To establish SWM Office
ƒ To enact Comprehensive ISWM Ordinance and fully enforce the said Ordinance

ƒ To expand coverage of municipal LGU’s waste collection services to include other parts of
Barangays Poblacion, Basak and Mayabon
ƒ To establish Special Account for SWM
ƒ To increase participation of private sector, including schools, agricultural plantations and
industries in waste diversion activities
ƒ To mobilize barangay LGUs, purok leader and BSWMCs in implementing ISWM Plan at
barangay and purok levels

Figure 4.1 ISWM Plan Key Milestones, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018




5.1.1 Waste Segregation and Reduction at Source

⇒ Waste Segregation at Source

Waste segregation at source will be fully implemented within existing collection area —
Barangays Poblacion and Maluay — within 2nd quarter of 2009. This will also be fully
enforced in all coastal barangays within the same quarter. By end of 2009, waste segregation
at source will be mandated within whole municipality. Wastes will be mandated to be
segregated into biodegradable, recyclable, residual and special wastes.

Within the Public Market in Barangay Poblacion, all stall operators and transient vendors will
be mandated to provide their own receptacles for biodegradable, recyclable, residual and
special wastes. No specific type of waste receptacles will be prescribed by the LGU.
However, all receptacles should be properly labeled with waste types. Also, receptacles for
biodegradable wastes should be leakage-proof while those for special wastes should be tightly
covered. No common receptacles will be provided by LGU within the Public Market.
Provision of receptacles by stall owners and ambulant vendors will be a prerequisite for
application and renewal of business permits.

In the flea market in Malatapay, full waste segregation will also be implemented. All stall
operators and transient vendors will be required to provide receptacles for biodegradable,
recyclable, residual and special wastes. No specific type of waste receptacle will be
prescribed. Waste receptacles, however, should be properly labeled with waste types.
Leakage proof receptacles should be used for biodegradable wastes. Receptacles used for
special wastes should have proper covers. Additionally, stall operators and transient vendors
with animals should provide receptacles for animal wastes. Receptacles for animal wastes
should be tightly covered. Boat operators doing business on flea market days, on the other
hand, will only be mandated to provide receptacles for biodegradable and non-biodegradable
wastes. Common receptacles in collection points will be provided by the LGU in strategic
areas of the Malatapay flea market. Transient vendors and boat operators will bring their
wastes to these common receptacles for pick-up by LGU’s collection crew. Provision of waste
receptacles by stall operators, transient vendors and boat operators will also be a requirement
for application and renewal of business permits.

Within Municipal Hall, all LGU Offices will be mandated to provide receptacles for
biodegradable, recyclable, residual and special wastes. These waste receptacles should be also
be properly covered. Households, commercial establishments, service centers, institutions,
e.g., schools, and industries will also be mandated to provide receptacles for biodegradable,
recyclable, residual and special wastes. No type of waste receptacles will be prescribed by the


LGU. However, receptacles should be labeled with specific waste types. To allow easy
transfer of wastes to collection vehicles, waste receptacles should be light but durable.

Public utility vehicles, too, will be required to provide receptacles. Receptacles for
biodegradable and non-biodegradable only, however, will be mandated.

⇒ Waste Reduction at Source

Figure 5.1 Backyard composting activities, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental

Mandatory composting at source will be implemented in the 5 coastal barangays – Poblacion,

Basak, Maluay, Mayabon and Lutoban – within 2nd quarter of 2009. This will be fully
enforced in whole municipality by last quarter of 2009.

Backyard composting will be mandated to all households. For those without available space
for composting, cluster composting facility (shared by several households) or barangay
composting facility should be established. To facilitate compliance among households,
barangay officials, BSWMCs and purok leaders will be capacitated and mobilized to promote
backyard composting. They will be trained on backyard composting technologies, necessary
housekeeping activities and use of compost. After being trained, they will spearhead barangay
and purok assemblies to orient households on backyard composting. Purok-level backyard
composting demonstrations will be
conducted. Barangay and Purok SWM
Coordinators will be assigned to ensure
monitoring and evaluation of
composting at source among house-

Establishment and operation of on-site

MRFs, including composting facilities
and storage for recyclable wastes, will
be mandatory for institutions, e.g.,
schools and industries, including
agricultural plantations, corn mills and
rice mills. This will be implemented
within Barangays Poblacion and
Maluay within 2nd quarter of 2009 and
Figure 5.2 On-site compositing activity in a farm,
within whole municipality within last
Zamboaguita, Negros Oriental


quarter of 2009. Coordination with school administrators/owners/managers will be
strengthened by the municipal LGU. School administrators/owners/managers will be oriented
on basic SWM, benefits of composting, different composting technologies use of compost
and MRF housekeeping activities. For sale of recyclable wastes collected, they will be linked
with junk buyers within municipality and Province. To sustain such initiatives on waste
reduction, designation of SWM School Coordinators will be required. Dialogues among
SWM School Coordinators, barangay LGUs and proposed MENRO will be conducted
quarterly. Periodic monitoring of school MRFs will be conducted by Barangay SWM
Coordinators, barangay officials and BSWMCs.

Industries, including agricultural plantations, farms, corn mills and rice mills will also be
mandated to establish and operate on-site composting facilities. Simple composting
technologies may be used. However, dumping of agricultural wastes, even for natural
decomposition, in vacant lots without proper housekeeping will be strictly prohibited.
Burning of corn cobs, rice straws and coconut husks will also not be allowed. Thus, industry
owners/managers/operators will be oriented on organic farming, different composting
technologies and use of compost. For corn mills and rice mills generating large volume of
biodegradable wastes, they will be linked with organic fertilizer processors using such kind of
wastes as inputs. MRF for recyclable wastes will also be required to be put up by industries.
Industries will be linked with junk buyers within municipality and Province. MRF activities
of industries will be regularly monitored by Barangay SWM Coordinators, barangay officials
and BSWMCs.

⇒ Establishment and Operation of SWM Point Source Models

SWM point source models will be established within 2nd quarter of 2009 and made
operational within the Plan period. This point source models will serve as learning sites for
waste sources to adopt SWM best practices. Three point source models are targeted to be
established and made operational by start of 2nd quarter of 2009. These are Barangay
Poblacion Public Market, Malatapay Flea Market and Municipal Hall. These 3 major waste
sources will showcase waste segregation at source and, use of appropriate and labeled

⇒ Regulation of Junkshops and Ambulant Junk Buyers

Operation of junkshops and ambulant junk buyers will be regulated. An assembly of junk
shops and ambulant junk buyers will be conducted within the same quarter to orient them on
basic SWM, their roles in waste diversion, housekeeping activities and proper handling of
recyclable wastes. Registration system for junkshops and ambulant junk buyers will be
implemented within 2nd quarter of 2009. It will be handled by the proposed SWM Office
under the MENRO. Only registered junkshops will be allowed to operate within the
municipality. Registration with SWM Office will be a prerequisite to application and renewal
of business permits. Identification cards (IDs) will be issued to ambulant junk buyers.
Without IDs, ambulant junk buyers will not be allowed to operate within municipality.
Junkshops will be periodically monitored by SWM Office under MENRO-designate.


Figure 5.3 Proposed Collection Area Map, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental


5.1.2 Collection and Transport

⇒ Barangays within Collection Area

LGU’s waste collection service provided in Barangays Poblacion and Maluay will be
sustained within the Plan period. This will be expanded within 1st quarter of 2010 to cover
Barangays Basak and Mayabon. Segregated waste collection will start to be adopted by the
LGU within existing collection area by 2nd quarter of 2009. No segregation, no collection
policy will be strictly enforced.

Table 5.1 presents proposed waste collection schedule for 2010 when municipal LGU’s waste
collection will be expanded. Collection of biodegradable wastes in the Public Market in
Barangay Poblacion will be done daily every morning. Collection of residual wastes, on the
other hand, will be every Monday only. Recyclable wastes will be collected twice a week -
every Tuesday and Saturday. Special wastes will be collected every last Thursday of the
month. Wastes will be picked-up from each stall and transient vendor. Only segregated wastes
placed in appropriate and labeled receptacles will be collected by the LGU.

Table 5.1 Proposed Collection Schedule, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2010

Waste Type for

Waste Sources Waste Collection Schedule
Public Market, Barangay Biodegradable Daily, AM
Poblacion Recyclable Every Tuesday and Saturday
Residual Every Monday
Special wastes Every last Thursday of the month
Flea Market, Malatapay All waste types Every Tuesday and Thursday
Municipal Hall, commercial All waste types Every Thursday
and service establishments
Schools and industries Residual Every Monday
Special wastes Every last Thursday of the month
Households Recyclable Every Tuesday
Residual Every 2nd and last Thursday of the month
Special wastes Every end of the month

In the flea market in Malatapay, all types of wastes will be collected by the LGU every
Tuesday and Thursday. Only segregated wastes placed in appropriate and labeled containers
will be collected by the LGU. Wastes will be picked-up from each stall. Wastes generated by
transient vendors and boat operators, however, will be required to be brought to common
collection points designated by the LGU. An enforcer will see to it that only segregated
wastes whose receptacles are properly labeled are brought to these common collection points.

In the Municipal Hall, collection schedule will be every Thursday. All types of wastes will be
collected by the LGU’s waste collection crew. Wastes will be picked-up from each LGU
Office. Unsegregated wastes will not be collected. All types of wastes, too, will be collected
from commercial establishments, service centers and health centers. Waste collection for
commercial and service establishments will be simultaneous with the collection schedule for
Municipal Hall. Curbside collection system will be adopted for these waste sources. Only
segregated wastes will be collected. Wastes for collection should be placed in appropriate and
labeled receptacles.

For households within LGU’s collection area, only, recyclable, residual and special wastes
will be collected by the LGU. Recyclable wastes will be collected every Tuesday while


residual wastes will be collected every 2nd and last Thursday of the month. Collection of
special wastes will be collected every end of the month. For households without space for
composting and whose barangay composting facilities have not been established yet,
biodegradable wastes will be collected by the LGU every Monday. Combination of curbside
and block waste collection system will be adopted.

For schools and industries, only residual and special wastes will be collected by the LGU.
Collection of residual wastes will be every Monday while collection of special wastes will be
scheduled every last Thursday of the month. Wastes to be collected by the LGU are only
those segregated and placed in appropriate and properly labeled receptacles. Curbside
collection system will be adopted.

All biodegradable wastes collected will be brought to the central composting facility.
Recyclable wastes will be stored in the LGU’s MRF while residual wastes will be delivered to
the LGU’s RCA. The latter will be established within 2nd quarter of 2009. All special wastes
collected will be placed in a septic vault that will be constructed within the same quarter, too.

Waste collection service of the LGU will continue to be supervised by MPDC and MEO.
When the proposed SWM Office has been established, this will oversee LGU’s waste
collection activities. Existing manpower resources – 2 waste collectors and 1 - vehicle driver
will be retained within the Plan period. Two market sweepers will be retained. One regular
enforcer will be hired by the LGU to help waste collection crew enforce the no segregation,
no collection policy. LGU’s waste collection crew will be provided with proper uniforms and
tools. They will also be oriented on proper waste handling within 2nd quarter of 2009. Waste
collection schedule and route will be periodically assessed and modified, if necessary.

The 4 cu m dump truck currently used will continue to be maintained by the LGU. A new 4
cu m dump truck and 1 unit of waste compactor are planned to be acquired by the LGU within
3rd quarter 2010.

Garbage fees will be collected by from all waste generators. Garbage fee collection will start
to be implemented by 3rd quarter of 2009 for establishments and by 1st quarter 2010 for

⇒ Barangays Outside Collection Area

For barangays outside collection area, waste collection schedule will be arranged by barangay
LGUs with SWM Section. Only recyclable, residual and special wastes will be collected by
the LGU. Recyclable wastes will be collected every 1st and 2nd Monday of the month while
residual wastes will be picked-up every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month. Special wastes will be
collected every 1st Thursday of the month. Waste generators will be required to bring their
wastes to barangay MRFs which will serve as collection points.

With composting and selling of recyclable wastes at source by waste generators expected to
increase within the Plan period, total potential waste for collection by the LGU is presented in
Table 5.1.


Table 5.2 Total Potential Waste for Collection by LGU, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita,
Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Potential for
1,291.01 1,570.82 1,661.75 1,664.12 1,523.79 1,711.37 1,905.89 2,040.89 2,087.47 2,135.16
Biodegradable 909.81 1,053.43 1,067.46 1,011.47 855.53 956.07 1,060.31 1,133.19 1,159.46 1,186.37
Recyclable 218.15 270.20 282.19 273.12 233.82 263.89 295.07 316.56 323.68 330.97
Residual 145.26 216.80 271.74 328.80 375.34 423.61 473.68 508.20 519.63 531.32
Special Wastes 17.80 30.39 40.36 50.72 59.10 67.80 76.82 82.93 84.70 86.51

Table 5.3 Required Collection Trips, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Potential Waste for
1,291 1,571 1,662 1,664 1,524 1,711 1,906 2,041 2,087 2,135
Collection, kg/day
Potential Waste for
38,730 47,125 49,853 49,924 45,714 51,341 57,177 61,227 62,624 64,055
Collection, kg/month
Required Collection
77 94 100 100 91 103 114 122 125 128
Capacity, cu m/month
Required Trips/Month, 8
19 24 12 12 11 13 14 15 16 16
cu m collection capacity

5.1.3 Materials Recovery and Processing

⇒ Municipal Central MRF

A municipal central MRF, with composting facility and storage for recyclable wastes, will be
established and made operational, at Barangay Basak within 2nd quarter of 2009.
Biodegradable wastes collected from the Poblacion Public Market, Malatapay flea market,
Municipal Hall, health centers, commercial establishments and service centers will be
processed into compost. Compost produced will be used in LGU’s greening projects and sold
to agricultural plantations practicing organic farming. Recyclable wastes collected, on the
other hand, will be sold to recyclable buyers in Dumaguete City.

The central composting facility will adopt vermi-composting technology. It will provide area
for dumping of biodegradable wastes collected, secondary segregation, shredding, compost
bins, mixing, drying and storage. A composting shed will be constructed with compost beds.
Major compost items that will be brought are shredding machine and materials for compost
bins. An MRF structure for recyclable wastes will be constructed adjacent to the composting

The LGU will hire 2 staff to manage and operate the central composting facility. These staff
will also be assigned to be in-charge of the MRF for recyclable wastes. They staff will be
trained on vermi-composting technology, MRF housekeeping and proper handling of
recyclable wastes. A weekly meeting with MRF personnel will be conducted by the SWM
Section for progress updates of the facility’s operations.

Table 5.3 presents amount of biodegradable wastes potential for processing in the central
composting facility. The facility’s capacity to process biodegradable wastes is assumed to
increase from 30% to 60%.


Figure 5.4 Proposed Lay-Out of Municipal Central MRF, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental

Table 5.4 Potential Biodegradable Waste for Processing in Central Composting Facility,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Potential for
909.81 1,053.43 1,067.46 1,011.47 855.53 956.07 1,060.31 1,133.19 1,159.46 1,186.37
Potential Bio
Waste for
Processing in
272.94 421.37 533.73 606.88 513.32 573.64 636.19 679.92 695.68 711.82
% Potential for
Off-Site 30% 40% 50% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60%

⇒ Barangay MRFs

Establishment and operation of barangay MRFs will be mandatory to barangays outside

collection area. This will be mandated in all coastal barangays outside collection area within
3rd quarter of 2009 and in all barangays not provided by LGU’s waste collection service
within last quarter of 2009.


These barangay MRFs are required to have simple composting facilities and structure for
temporary storage of recyclable wastes. These will also serve as collection points for LGU’s
waste collection service. A revenue-sharing scheme between barangay LGUs and municipal
LGU will be explored to sustain operation of barangay MRFs.

Barangay LGU officials, BSWMCs, purok leaders and Barangay SWM Coordinators will
trained on composting technologies and MRF management. Priority barangays for these
trainings are coastal barangays outside collection area.

5.1.4 Disposal Management

The existing open dumpsite of the LGU at Sitio Lub-ang, Barangay Mayabon will be properly
closed within 3rd quarter of 2009. In preparation for the said closure, a Safe Closure and
Rehabilitation Plan will be drafted by the LGU within 2nd quarter of 2009.

Before closure of the said disposal facility, an RCA will be constructed within 2nd quarter of
2009. Only residual wastes will be allowed to be temporarily stored here. All required
documents related to the development of a 1-ha SLF will be completed. Target period when a
category 1 SLF will be established and made operational will still be discussed by LGU SWM
decision-makers. Only residual wastes will be allowed to be brought to this facility.

Figure 5.5 Proposed Lay-Out of SLF, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental


Table 5.5 shows potential residual wastes for disposal at the SLF.

Table 5.5 Potential Residual Wastes for Disposal, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018,

Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Potential for
290.32 370.82 405.78 432.59 464.19 523.89 585.81 628.50 642.63 657.09
Residuals from
145.07 154.01 134.04 103.79 88.85 100.28 112.13 120.29 123.00 125.77
Residuals from
145.26 216.80 271.74 328.80 375.34 423.61 473.68 508.20 519.63 531.32

A septic vault for household THWs will be constructed within the site that will be identified
for SLF development. For health care wastes, the LGU will mandate health-related sources to
construct and manage their own septic vaults.

5.1.5 Waste Diversion Projection

Waste diversion projected to be achieved within 2009 through SWM interventions is 46%. By
2012, this is expected to increase to 75% and 78% at the end of the Plan period.

Table 5.6 Waste Diversion Projection, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental,
2009-2018, kg/day

Year 2009 2012 2015 2018

Total Waste Generation 1,774.42 3,591.01 5,068.44 5,675.61
Potential Diversion at Source 483.41 1,926.89 3,162.56 3,540.44
Potential for Collection 1,291.01 1,664.12 1,905.89 2,135.16
Biodegradable 909.81 1,011.47 1,060.31 1,186.37
Recyclable 218.15 273.12 295.07 330.97
Residual 145.26 328.80 473.68 531.32
Special Wastes 17.80 50.72 76.82 86.51
Potential for Composting 909.81 1,011.47 1,060.31 1,186.37
Potential Bio Waste for Processing in Central MRF 272.94 606.88 636.19 711.82
% Potential for Off-Site Composting 30% 60% 60% 60%
LGU MRF Recyclable Inputs
Recovery at MRF 62.17 155.68 168.19 188.65
Estimated Diversion
At source 483.41 1,926.89 3,162.56 3,540.44
Composting at MRF 272.94 606.88 636.19 711.82
Material recovery at MRF 62.17 155.68 168.19 188.65
Total diversion 818.53 2,689.46 3,966.93 4,440.91
Percent diversion (potential) 46% 75% 78% 78%
Potential for Disposal 290.32 432.59 585.81 657.09
Residuals from MRF 145.07 103.79 112.13 125.77
Residuals from Collection 145.26 328.80 473.68 531.32


Table 5.7 SWM Development Activities and Implementation Schedule, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018

SWM Development Activities 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Waste Segregation and Reduction at
ƒ Enforcement of full waste segregation
at source within collection area; all
coastal barangays; within whole
ƒ Implementation of mandatory
composting at source in 5 coastal
barangays; in whole municipality
ƒ Mandatory establishment and
operation of on-site MRFs in
institutions and industries in Barangay
Poblacion; within whole municipality
ƒ Implementation of registration system
for junkshops and ambulant junk
Collection and Transport
ƒ Waste collection service in Barangays
Poblacion and Maluay
ƒ Waste collection service in Barangays
Basak and Mayabon
ƒ Enforcement of no segregation, no
collection policy
ƒ Orientation for waste collection crew
on proper waste handling
ƒ Garbage fee collection
Material Recovery and Processing
ƒ Establishment and operation of
municipal central MRF
ƒ Establishment and operation of
barangay MRFs
Disposal Management
ƒ Proper closure of LGU’s open
ƒ Construction and use of RCA


5.2.1 Communication Plan Objectives

The Education Component of this ISWM Plan intends to achieve increasing waste diversion
within the Plan period. It aims to increase compliance with mandatory waste segregation at
source and establishment and operation of on-site MRFs. It seeks to strengthen collaboration
among municipal LGU and barangay LGUs in implementing ISWM Plan strategies.
Ultimately, it aspires for high participation among waste sources with the end in view of
decreasing SWM costs and sustaining good SWM best practices.


Table 5.8 Communication Plan Objectives, ISWM Plan, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-

2009-2011 2012-2015 2016-2018

Barangay Poblacion Public Market
ƒ 100% of stall operators and ƒ 100% of stall operators and ƒ 100% of stall operators and
transient vendors practicing waste transient vendors practicing waste transient vendors practicing waste
segregation; with appropriate segregation; with appropriate segregation; with appropriate
receptacles for different waste types receptacles for different waste types receptacles for different waste types
Malatapay Flea Market
ƒ 100% of stall operators and ƒ 100% of stall operators and ƒ 100% of stall operators and
transient vendors practicing waste transient vendors practicing waste transient vendors practicing waste
segregation; with appropriate segregation; with appropriate segregation; with appropriate
receptacles for different waste types receptacles for different waste types receptacles for different waste types
Municipal Hall
ƒ 100% of LGU employees practicing ƒ 100% of LGU employees practicing ƒ 100% of LGU employees practicing
waste segregation waste segregation waste segregation
ƒ 100% of households practicing ƒ 100% of households practicing ƒ 100% of households practicing
waste segregation; with appropriate waste segregation; with appropriate waste segregation; with appropriate
receptacles for different waste types receptacles for different waste types receptacles for different waste types

ƒ 40% of households practicing ƒ 60% of households practicing ƒ 80% of households practicing

backyard composting backyard composting backyard composting 1
ƒ 100% of schools practicing waste ƒ 100% of schools practicing waste ƒ 100% of schools practicing waste
segregation; with appropriate segregation; with appropriate segregation; with appropriate
receptacles for different waste types receptacles for different waste types receptacles for different waste types

ƒ 100% of schools with on-site ƒ 100% of schools with on-site ƒ 100% of schools with on-site
composting facilities and MRF for composting facilities and MRF for composting facilities and MRF for
recyclable wastes recyclable wastes recyclable wastes
Commercial establishments
ƒ 100% of commercial establishments ƒ 100% of commercial establishments ƒ 100% of commercial establishments
practicing waste segregation; with practicing waste segregation; with practicing waste segregation; with
appropriate receptacles for different appropriate receptacles for different appropriate receptacles for different
waste types waste types waste types
ƒ 100% of industries practicing waste ƒ 100% of industries practicing waste ƒ 100% of industries practicing waste
segregation; with appropriate segregation; with appropriate segregation; with appropriate
receptacles for different waste types receptacles for different waste types receptacles for different waste types

ƒ 70% of schools with on-site ƒ 70% of schools with on-site ƒ 70% of schools with on-site
composting facilities and MRF for composting facilities and MRF for composting facilities and MRF for
recyclable wastes recyclable wastes recyclable wastes 2
ƒ 100% of BSWMCs participating in ƒ 100% of BSWMCs participating in ƒ 100% of BSWMCs participating in
SWM activities SWM activities SWM activities

ƒ 100% of barangay MRFs ƒ 100% of barangay MRFs ƒ 100% of barangay MRFs

established and operational established and operational established and operational

Only 80% of households are expected to practice backyard composting since there will be a number of
households without available space for composting
It is expected that some industries such as corn and rice mills will not have space for on-site MRFs.


5.2.2 Target Audiences and Key Messages

SWM Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities that will be undertaken
should contain messages targeting specific audiences. Target audiences include the following:

ƒ Households;
ƒ Barangay Poblacion Public Market stall operators and transient vendors;
ƒ Malatapay flea market stall operators, transient vendors and boat operators;
ƒ Municipal Hall (employees);
ƒ Schools (students, principals, administrators, owners, teachers, Parent-Teacher
Association, SWM School Coordinators);
ƒ Industries (agricultural plantations, rice mills, corn mills);
ƒ Barangays (barangay officials, purok leaders, BSWMCs, Barangay and Purok SWM
ƒ CRM-related groups such as fish wardens, fishery enforcement teams, Barangay
Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management Councils or BFARMCs); and
ƒ Non-government organizations (NGOs) and People’s Organizations (POs)

Table 5.9 presents target audiences and corresponding SWM key messages appropriate for

Table 5.9 Target Audiences and Key Messages

Target Audiences Key Messages

Barangay Poblacion Public ƒ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Market ƒ Cleanliness contributes to improved public health.
ƒ We can set examples to consumers on how to practice proper waste segregation.
Malatapay Flea Market ƒ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
ƒ Our flea market can be a showcase of proper waste segregation within the
Households ƒ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
ƒ Proper waste segregation will help improve our family’s health.
ƒ Backyard composting can help in maintaining our vegetable and flower gardens.
ƒ You are responsible for your wastes.
Schools ƒ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
ƒ Proper waste segregation is one discipline that should be taught to students.
ƒ SWM can be part of school curricula.
ƒ Promoting SWM among students can reach their families, neighbors and
ƒ Practicing on-site composting is a powerful demonstration tool to encourage
students and their families practice backyard composting.
ƒ Managing on-site MRFs for recyclable wastes will help students appreciate the
meaning of recycle.
Commercial establishments ƒ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
ƒ Practicing proper waste segregation is one way of doing good business.
Industries ƒ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
ƒ Open burning of solid wastes is against RA 9003.
ƒ You are accountable to managing your wastes properly.
ƒ There are other ways of maximizing agricultural wastes; processing them into
compost provides benefits to community and environment.
Barangays ƒ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
ƒ You are responsible for managing biodegradable and recyclable wastes within
your jurisdictions.
ƒ Coordinating with municipal LGU will assist you in improving SWM within
your jurisdictions.


5.2.3 Implementing Strategies

To achieve Communication Plan objectives, the following strategic interventions will be


ƒ Designation of SWM-TWG as LGU’s lead IEC Team. With SWM Section to be

established, the SWM-TWG will focus on initiating municipal-wide SWM IEC
activities and, developing SWM information materials. They will be responsible for
orienting SWM stakeholders on SWM and needed participation from them;

ƒ Mobilization of barangay LGUs, BSWMCs and purok leaders for SWM activities.
Since barangay LGUs have significant role in sustaining ISWM Plan implementation
at the baranagy and purok levels, trainings and orientations on basic SWM, RA 9003,
different composting technologies, MRF management, ISWM Plan provisions and
ISWM Ordinance enforcement system will be conducted for them. SWM trainings
and orientations for barangay LGUs, BSWMCs and purok leaders will be conducted
within 2nd to last quarter of 2009;

ƒ Designation of BSWMCs and Barangay SWM Coordinators as Barangay IEC Teams.

To ensure conduct of IEC activities and distribution of SWM information materials at
the barangay and purok levels, Barangay IEC Teams will be created and mobilized.
Barangay IEC Teams will be composed of BSWMCs and Barangay SWM

ƒ Conduct of SWM trainings and orientations for households, schools, industries,

women’s group, youth and religious organizations. Point source and purok-level
composting demonstrations will be conducted;

ƒ Strengthening of collaboration with schools. Inclusion of SWM in school curricula

and event, such as Science Week/Month, will be pursued;

ƒ Conduct of municipal-wide SWM activities. A municipal-wide launching of the

LGU’s SWM program and waste segregation at source campaign will be held.
Participation of barangay LGUs and schools in these events will be sought; and

ƒ Development and distribution of SWM information materials on basic SWM, waste

segregation at source, composting, economic benefits of recycling, waste collection
schedule and policies, key provisions of ISWM Ordinance and enforcement system.
Billboards and streamers on SWM will also be installed in strategic areas such as
Public Market, flea market, school zones, Municipal Hall, barangay halls and health


Table 5.10 SWM IEC Activities and Implementation Schedule, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental,

SWM Development Activities 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
ƒ Conduct of capacity-building
programs for barangay LGUs,
BSWMCs, purok leaders,
Barangay SWM Coordinators
ƒ Mobilization of BSWMCs and
Barangay SWM Coordinators as
Barangay IEC Teams; conduct of
SWM IEC activities at the
barangay and purok levels
ƒ Conduct of SWM trainings and
orientations for households,
schools, industries, women’s
group, youth and religious
ƒ Strengthening of collaboration
with schools
ƒ Conduct of municipal-wide SWM
ƒ Development and distribution of
SWM information materials
ƒ Conduct of feedback sessions on
impacts of SWM IEC activities


5.3.1 ISWM Ordinance

A Comprehensive ISWM Ordinance will be enacted within 2nd quarter of 2009. This will be
fully enforced within the same quarter. Major provisions that will be included in the said
ISWM Ordinance are the following:

ƒ Mandatory waste segregation at source among all waste sources – segregation of

wastes into biodegradable, recyclable, residual and special wastes;
ƒ Provision of waste receptacles for 4 waste types as prerequisites for issuance of
business permits to Public Market stall operators and transient vendors;
ƒ Mandatory backyard composting among households with space for composting;
ƒ Mandatory establishment and operation of on-site MRFs, including composting
facilities and storage for recyclable wastes, in schools and industries;
ƒ No segregation, no collection;
ƒ Designation of SWM Barangay and School Coordinators;
ƒ Mandatory establishment and operation of barangay MRFs in barangays outside
collection area;
ƒ Prohibited acts such as burning of wastes, dumping of wastes in vacant lots and
coastal areas as well as corresponding fines and penalties;
ƒ Disposal of residual wastes only in LGU”s disposal facility;
ƒ Collection of garbage fees;
ƒ Creation of SWM Section under MENRO; and
ƒ Creation of ISWM Fund.


5.3.2 Enforcement System

An Enforcement Plan will be developed within 2nd quarter of 2009. This will be crafted by
ESWMB, SWM-TWG, barangay officials, purok leaders and SWM Coordinators. Provisions
of this Plan will center on the following:

ƒ Enforcement strategies, including: system of apprehension, e.g., use of citation

tickets; system for payment, collection and/or remittance of fines; penalty system;
other provisions whenever the violator cannot pay the fine or serve the penalty; and
procedure in filing cases;
ƒ Reporting system;
ƒ Institutional arrangements, including roles of barangays;
ƒ Incentives and rewards;
ƒ Budget allocation; and
ƒ Implementation schedule.

Enforcement Teams – regular, auxiliary and volunteer enforcers - will be formed within 2nd
quarter of 2009, too. Only 1 regular enforcer will be hired. The Auxiliary Enforcement Team
will be composed of sanitary health inspectors, Philippine National Police (PNP) members,
Bantay-Bayan and baragay tanods. Volunteer Enforcement Teams, on the other hand, will
include students, members of NGOs and POs and private citizens. These Enforcement Teams
will be trained and deputized. They will be oriented on basic SWM, RA 9003, ISWM Plan,
ISWM Ordinance and Enforcement Plan provisions within 2nd quarter of 2009.

For coastal barangays, fish wardens, Barangay Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Management
Councils (BFARMCs) and fishery enforcement team will be deputized as auxiliary enforcers.
They will be tasked to ensure that wastes are not dumped in coastal areas. Barangay SWM
Coordinators will conduct regular dialogues with these CRM-related groups.

5.3.3 Incentives

Incentives will be given to selected SWM stakeholders.

For SWM enforcers,

ƒ 30% share of total collected fines and penalties

For barangays,

ƒ SWM Model Barangay Award

For schools,

ƒ SWM Model School Award


Table 5.11 SWM Enforcement Activities and Implementation Schedule, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2018

SWM Enforcement Activities 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
ƒ Enactment and enforcement of
ISWM Ordinance
ƒ Giving of SWM incentives
ƒ Formation, training and
deputization of SWM enforcers
ƒ Conduct of feedback sessions on
compliance with ISWM Ordinance



ESWMB will continue to play the main policy-making body for the LGU’s SWM program. It
will ensure that ISWM Plan strategies are implemented. To undertake environmental
initiatives, a Municipal Environment and Natural Resource Officer will be designated within
2nd quarter of 2009. In line with SWM, it will be the primary LGU Office accountable to
implementation of SWM interventions. Strengthening capacity of barangay LGUs and
collaboration with other SWM stakeholders will be major responsibilities of this Office.

Under MENRO, an SWM Section will be established and made functional within the same
quarter - 2nd quarter 2009. This Section will oversee activities related to waste segregation and
reduction at source, waste collection, operation of municipal central MRF and disposal
facility. It will be headed by an SWM Officer. The SWM section will have 3 units -
Engineering, Education and Enforcement. The Engineering Unit will focus on daily activities
for waste collection, operation of central composting facility, management of MRF for
recyclable wastes and RCA/SLF. The Education Unit, on the other hand, will see to it that
SWM IEC activities are implemented municipal-wide, at the barangay and purok levels.
Enforcement Unit will spearhead all activities concerning compliance with ISWM Ordinance.

MENRO Groups,
Designate NGOs,
Section Section

Engineering Education Enforcement

Unit Unit Unit

BSWMCs/Barangay LGUs/Barangay SWM Coordinators

School SWM Coordinators

Figure 6.1 Proposed SWM Organization


With barangay LGUs considered as key players in the sustainability of ISWM Plan
implementation, coordination among municipal and all barangays will be strengthened.
Dialogues with barangay officials, BSWMCs, purok leaders and Barangay SWM
Coordinators will be conducted regularly for feedbacks on issues and problems to be
addressed specific to barangays and puroks.

Linkages with schools and industries will also be established, strengthened and sustained.
SWM School Coordinators will be capacitated on SWM.

Duties and Responsibilities of ESWMB:

ƒ Develop the Municipal SWM Plan that shall ensure the long-term management of
wastes as well as integrate the various SWM programs and strategies of the barangays
in its area of jurisdiction. In the development of the SWM Plan, it shall conduct
consultation with various sectors of the community;
ƒ Adopt measures to promote and ensure viability and effective implementation of
SWM programs in its component barangays;
ƒ Monitor the implementation of Municipal SWM Plan through its various political
subdivisions and in cooperation with the private sector and the NGOs;
ƒ Adopt specific revenue-generating measures to promote the viability of its SWM
ƒ Convene regular meeting for purposes of planning and coordinating the
implementation of SWM Plan;
ƒ Oversee the implementation of Municipal SWM Plan;
ƒ Review every 2 years or as the need arises the Municipal SWM Plan for purposes of
ensuring sustainability, viability, effectiveness and relevance in relation to local and
international developments in the field of SWM;
ƒ Develop the specific mechanics and guidelines for the implementation of Municipal
SWM Plan;
ƒ Recommend to the LGU specific measures or proposals for franchise or Build-
Operate-Transfer (BOT) with duly recognized institutions pursuant to RA 6967, to
provide either exclusive or non-exclusive for the collection, transfer, storage,
processing, recycling or disposal of municipal solid wastes. The proposal shall take
into consideration appropriate government rules and regulations on contracts,
franchises and BOT agreements;
ƒ Recommend measures and safeguards against pollution and for the preservation of
natural ecosystem; and
ƒ Coordinate efforts of its component barangays in the implementation of municipal
ISWM Plan.

Duties and Responsibilities of MENRO-designate on SWM:

ƒ Supervise implementation of ISWM Plan activities by closely working with SWM

ƒ Ensure that strategies on waste reduction at source, collection and transport, material
recovery and waste disposal outlined in the ISWM Plan are in place and sustained;
ƒ Provide capacity-building programs/technical assistance to BSWMCs in relation to
development and implementation of their Barangay SWM Plans, including technical
assistance in developing IEC materials, enforcement and appropriate material
recovery technologies;
ƒ Coordinate with BSWMCS on SWM activities through regular conduct of
meetings/discussions to ensure integration of SWM efforts at the LGU level;


ƒ Conduct Monitoring and Evaluation (M and E) activities to see to it that SWM efforts
at the barangay-level are sustained and contribute to achieving LGU ISWM Plan
ƒ Consolidate periodic barangay SWM reports and submit these reports to the ESWM
ƒ Initiate development of advocacy materials on SWM;
ƒ Conduct necessary studies necessary for SWM decision-making;
ƒ Develop incentive mechanisms that will increase SWM participation of barangays
and the public;
ƒ Facilitate enactment, dissemination and enforcement of SWM related policies;
ƒ Initiate organizing and/or soliciting involvement of multi-sectoral or private groups in
SWM to strengthen linkages among SWM stakeholders; and
ƒ Take the lead in sourcing funds for SWM implementation activities and developing
SWM fund management mechanisms.

Duties and responsibilities of SWM Section:

This will take charge of specific activities related to materials recovery (recycling and
composting), collection and transport, and waste disposal. This Section will designate an
SWM Officer. The following will be the duties and responsibilities of the SWM Officer:

ƒ Supervise, coordinate and monitor SWM activities at the barangay-level in relation to

collection and MRF activities;
ƒ Assist capability-building programs for BSWMCs, particularly on piloting MRF
activities, including establishment of composting facilities and storage areas for
recyclable items;
ƒ Conduct study and coordinate with Collection Foreman and BSWMCs on efficient
collection route system;
ƒ Supervise and monitor SWM day to day activities related to waste collection and
transport, material recovery and processing, and disposal;
ƒ Ensure strict enforcement of ISWM Ordinance by coordinating with Enforcement
ƒ Consolidate reports from staff assigned in waste collection, MRF and disposal
facility, and submit these reports to ESWMB and SWM-TWG;
ƒ Consolidate reports on apprehensions and issuance of citation tickets, and submit
these reports to ESWMB and SWM-TWG; and
ƒ Manage ISWM Fund.

Under the Engineering Unit,

The waste collectors (2 waste collectors and 1 vehicle driver) will be responsible for the

ƒ Ensure efficient collection and transport route, and delivery of residual wastes to the
disposal facility; and
ƒ Repair and maintenance of collection vehicles, equipment, machines and tools

The composting laborers (2), with assistance of the SWM Officer, will:

ƒ Ensure record-keeping of volume of wastes recovered in the central MRF, including

biodegradable and recyclable wastes delivered to the facilities;
ƒ Ensure efficient operation of the central composting facility; and


ƒ Manage marketing activities for recyclables recovered and compost produced

The RCA/SLF Caretaker (1) will have the following duties and responsibilities:

ƒ Keep record of volume of wastes collected and delivered to the disposal facility;
ƒ Ensure proper maintenance of disposal site;
ƒ Ensure that only residual wastes are brought to the disposal site; and
ƒ Document accidents and reports on negative impacts of disposal activities and submit
these to the SWM Officer for discussion

Under the Enforcement Unit,

The ISWM Enforcers, including the regular enforcers, auxiliary enforcers and deputized
volunteers, are responsible for the following:

ƒ Apprehend violators and issue citation tickets; and

ƒ Submit reports on number of apprehensions and citation tickets issued.

Under the Education Unit,

The SWM TWG, with the creation of SWM Section, will limit its activities and functions to
the following:

ƒ Initiate, design and implementation of IEC activities; and

ƒ Conduct of periodic M and E activities for SWM.

The SWM-TWG will be assisted by Barangay IEC Teams composed of BSWMCs and
Barangay SWM Coordinators.


Since BSWMCs will play significant roles in major Plan implementation activities, the
Barangay SWM Committees, with support of SWM Section, will perform the following
duties and responsibilities:

ƒ Develop their respective Barangay SWM Plan based on the LGU’s ISWM Plan;
ƒ Take the lead in organizing barangay-level IEC activities such as disseminating SWM
materials on waste segregation and reduction at source, SWM Ordinance provisions
as well as incentive systems being implemented;
ƒ Conduct barangay assemblies as venues for resolving barangay SWM problems and
informing the public of SWM activities and policies;
ƒ Facilitate adoption of ISWM Ordinance through Barangay Resolution;
ƒ Develop incentives at the barangay level for increased participation of the public on
SWM activities
ƒ Monitor deputized barangay volunteers and ensure record-keeping of apprehensions;
ƒ Ensure efficient operation of barangay MRFs, recovery of recyclable wastes and
composting of biodegradable wastes; and
ƒ Prepare periodic reports on status of SWM activities within their respective


In support of the Barangay SWM Committees, Barangay SWM Coordinators will perform the
following tasks:

ƒ Assist BSWMCs in the development of Barangay ISWM Plans;

ƒ Coordinate with BSWMCs, purok leaders and, school and industry SWM
Coordinators advocacy activities including SWM information material dissemination;
ƒ Assist BSWMCs in the conduct of barangay assemblies, including distribution of
letters to concerned SWM stakeholders;
ƒ Ensure SWM implementation in all puroks within their jurisdiction;
ƒ Ensure that strict enforcement of ISWM Ordinance in all puroks within their
respective barangays are implemented;
ƒ Assist BSWMCs in ensuring efficient operation of barangay MRFs, recovery of
recyclable wastes and composting of biodegradable wastes; and
ƒ Assist BSWMCs in the preparation of status of SWM activities in all puroks within
their jurisdiction.

School SWM Coordinators will be assigned the following duties and responsibilities:

ƒ Coordinate with BSWMCs improvement of SWM practices, including composting

and recycling, of major point source concerned;
ƒ Assist BSWMCs and Barangay SWM Coordinators in the conduct of IEC activities;
ƒ Ensure inclusion of good SWM practices in internal system, such as incorporation of
SWM in school curricula and Operations Manual; and
ƒ Ensure compliance of major point source concerned to ISWM Plan and ISWM
Ordinance provisions;



Collaboration with other LGU Offices on SWM implementation will be sought. Other LGU
units which may be tapped for SWM activities are: Municipal Agriculture Office for
composting activities; Office of Rural Health Unit for IEC, enforcement and, monitoring and
evaluation activities; Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO) for inclusion of
SWM projects in Annual Investment Plan; and Office of Municipal Accountant in improving
financial system specific for SWM.

It is also important to note that coordination with the Environment and Natural Resource
Division (ENRD) of the Provincial Government and EMB-Region VII will be strengthened to
address the need for technical assistance needed in monitoring and improving SWM
technologies, e.g., composting technology.

NGOs, POs and other Civic Organizations may be tapped to sponsor clean up drives,
recycling waste fair and other events to increase awareness and participation are among the
community-based SWM activities that can be initiated by the sector. Giving recognition,
awards and incentives for outstanding SWM practices can be done by the sector, too. In
addition, the media and telecommunications companies can be tapped to allocate regular free
air time and print spaces on waste management matters, in television, radio, broadsheets,
outdoor signages, other telecommunications, information technologies and non-traditional
media channels.



A monitoring and evaluation system will be established for the SWM Office. The SWM-
TWG will be responsible in putting in place the M and E system. Each Unit of the SWM
Office will submit monthly, quarterly and annual reports through their team leaders on
matters pertaining to their specific functions. The reports will be submitted to the SWM
Officer, who will prepare a consolidated report for the ESWM Board. Once the report is
reviewed, the Board will endorse the report to the Municipal Development Council (MDC)
and the SB. Copies of the reports will also be available to other interested parties. Printed
copies of key data and important statistics will be posted in public bulletin boards.

The reports to be accomplished and submitted by each committee of the SWM Office, should
contain the following basic information:

ƒ Engineering Unit
- Estimated volume of each type of waste collected from households and other waste
sources including total amount of environmental management fee collected.
- Number of households practicing segregation at source
- Volume of residual and special wastes brought to RCA.

ƒ Enforcement Unit
- Types of violations recorded for the period;
- Number of violators apprehended, number of cases filed, if any. Each entry shall
include corresponding violation committed and total amount of penalties collected.
The report should also state the most prevalent violation committed, issues and
concerns in enforcement, and recommendation for improvements. Other highlights
during the operation of enforcement should also be documented and reported.

ƒ Education Unit
- Number of orientation, trainings, and other IEC activities conducted; number or
extent of target audience reached.
- Type of IEC materials used in information dissemination.

The SWM Officer will consolidate the reports from all the SWM Units and provide an
analysis of the data to reflect the following:

ƒ Level of compliance with segregation at source;

ƒ Compliance with ISWM Ordinance, other relevant ordinances, regulations or
ƒ Garbage fee collection efficiency;
ƒ Waste collection efficiency given the current collection route and vehicle
ƒ Transfer rate of recyclable materials in central MRF (from time of delivery to central
MRF to the time of delivery to buyer)
ƒ Percentage contribution of other barangays/LGUs to the total volume of recyclable
materials brought to MRF and to the disposal facility
ƒ Revenue generation versus operating cost for each type of operation.

These reports will determine the effectiveness and consistency of IEC campaigns. The
strategies of the IEC campaign will be assessed and evaluated. The SWM Section will also
conduct surveys on people’s perception and awareness of the LGUs efforts in improving solid
waste situation in the municipality.



This chapter explains the financial requirements and possible fund sources for the
implementation of the ISWM Plan. Cost and revenue projections are presented to determine
total funding requirement, portion of costs that can be covered by potential revenues, as well
as funding gaps that need to be funded from other sources within and outside of the LGU.


Implementation of the ISWM Plan will have two major cost components: Investment or
Capital Outlay and Operating Costs. Total financing requirement for the 10-year period will
amount to P15.288 million, of which 24% are Capital Outlay and 76% are Operating Cost.
Total Capital Outlay is estimated at P3.70 million while Total Operating Costs are estimated
at P11.588 million.

By ISWM stage, collection and transport will have the largest financing requirement, both in
terms of Total Cost and Operating Costs, accounting for 31% of Total Costs. Disposal will
have the second largest financing requirement while Source Reduction will have the lowest.
In terms of capital requirement, Disposal will have the highest requirement due to the
construction of a Sanitary Landfill while Collection and Transport will have the second
largest capital requirement due to the acquisition of a compactor.

Table 7.1 Summary of the 10-Year Financing Requirement, ISWM Plan Implementation,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, in pesos

ISWM Stage Capital Outlay Total %
Administrative 2,184,578 2,184,578 14%
Source Reduction 1,706,554 1,706,554 11%
Collection and Transport 1,030,000 3,663,450 4,693,450 31%
Materials Recovery 970,000 1,953,157 2,923,157 19%
Disposal 1,700,000 2,080,848 3,780,848 25%
Total 3,700,000 11,588,588 15,288,588 100%
% 24% 76%


The annual distribution of Capital Outlay and Operating Expenses in Table 7.2 provides a
basis for defining the annual budgetary allocation for ISWM. The second year of Plan
implementation will have the largest financing requirement since the bulk of capital outlays
will be disbursed during this period.

Table 7.2 Annual Total Cost Summary, By Cost Category, ISWM Plan Implementation,
Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, in pesos

Category Total 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Capital Outlay 3,700,000 200,000 3,500,000
Operating Cost
Personal Services
MOOEs 11,588,588 803,000 771,075 1,032,704 1,119,106 1,152,391
Total 15,288,588 1,003,000 4,271,075 1,032,704 1,119,106 1,152,391

Category 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Capital Outlay
Operating Cost
Personal Services
MOOEs 1,201,723 1,279,377 1,340,446 1,400,129 1,488,637
Total 1,201,723 1,279,377 1,340,446 1,400,129 1,488,637

The Total Operating Cost of P11.588 million is for Maintenance and Other Operating
Expenses (MOOEs) only. The cost for personnel wages is included as part of MOOEs under
Other MOOE Expenses. Figure 7.3 shows graphically the annual capital outlay and operating
cost requirements of the ISWM plan.


Table 7.3 shows the annual financing requirement for each ISWM stage, including program
administration. Cost of program administration is estimated to average P218,457 per year.
No capital outlay is allocated for this stage as the equipment, furniture and fixtures to be used
in the office will be taken from the unused furniture and fixtures of the LGU.

Table 7.3 Annual Total Cost Summary, by ISWM Stage, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental,
2009-2018 in pesos

ISWM Stage Total 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Administrative 2,184,578 158,500 166,425 194,746 204,484 214,708
Source Reduction 1,706,554 182,000 145,100 141,505 166,230 165,292
Collection & Transport 4,693,450 292,000 1,331,850 317,493 338,972 351,336
Materials Recovery 2,923,157 153,500 1,109,350 167,143 186,407 186,226
Disposal Mgt. 3,780,848 217,000 1,518,350 211,818 223,013 234,830
Total 15,288,588 1,003,000 4,271,075 1,032,704 1,119,106 1,152,391

ISWM Stage 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Administrative 225,443 236,715 248,551 260,979 274,028
Source Reduction 162,706 170,592 188,871 187,565 196,693
Collection & Transport 369,635 393,922 409,254 430,691 458,297
Materials Recovery 196,635 217,675 219,387 231,818 255,017
Disposal Mgt. 247,303 260,473 274,383 289,076 304,602
Total 1,201,723 1,279,377 1,340,446 1,400,129 1,488,637


Cost for Stage 1 – Source Reduction – is estimated to average P170,655 per year, except in
2009 when expenses are expected to be higher due to the conduct of massive IEC barangay
assemblies and the printing of billboards/tarpaulin for the first two years of implementation

Cost for Stage 2 – Collection and Transport – will be highest in 2010 due to the acquisition of
a collection vehicle exclusive for the program. Likewise, operating expenses are expected to
be higher from 2011 onwards due to the increase in the collection area from 4 to 11 barangays
by 2018.

Cost for Stage 3 – Materials Recovery – will be highest in 2010 at P1.109 million due to
significant capital outlay for the acquisition of a shredder, construction of CMRF and
perimeter fencing.

Cost for Stage 4 – Disposal Management – Costs are for the closing of the open dump site in
2009 with perimeter fencing and the construction of an SLF in 2010.


Total investment requirement to implement the 10-Year ISWM Plan will amount to P3.7
million, of which 46% will be for Disposal, 28% will be for Collection and Transport, and
26% for Material Recovery. The amount will cover the cost of additional facilities and
equipment for ISWM.

Table 7.4 Summary of 10-Year Capital Outlay, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, in pesos

Adminis- Source Materials
Investment Items Total and Disposal
tration Reduction Recovery
Buildings & Structures 2,450,000 - 750,000 1,700,000
Const. of CMRF 500,000 500,000
Perimeter fencing 150,000 150,000
Installation of Power/Water
100,000 100,000
Closure of open dump 200,000 200,000
Construction of SLF 1,500,000 1,500,000
Equipment 1,250,000 1,030,000 220,000 -
Purchase of Collection
1,000,000 1,000,000
Sound system for the
30,000 30,000
collection vehicle
Purchase of Shredder 200,000 200,000
CMRF Tools and Equipment 20,000 20,000
Total 3,700,000 1,030,000 970,000 1,700,000

Capital outlay will total P2.450 million for construction of buildings and other structures
while P1.250 million will be spent for the acquisition of collection vehicle, sound system,
shredder and CMRF tools and equipment like weighing scale, spades, etc.


Buildings and other structures will include the construction of MRF and composting facility,
installation of water and power supply for the CMRF, construction of a Sanitary Landfill,
closure of open dump and perimeter fencing.

Table 7.5 Annual Total Capital Outlay, in pesos, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018

Investment Items Total 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Buildings & Structures 2,450,000 200,000 2,250,000 - - - - - - - -
Central MRF 500,000 500,000
Perimeter fencing 150,000 150,000
Installation of Power/Water
100,000 100,000
Closure of open dump 200,000 200,000
Construction of SLF 1,500,000 1,500,000
Equipment 1,250,000 - 1,250,000 - - - - - - - -
Purchase of Collection
1,000,000 1,000,000
Sound system for the
30,000 30,000
collection vehicle
Purchase of Shredder 200,000 200,000
CMRF Tools and
20,000 20,000
Total 3,700,000 200,000 3,500,000 - - - - - - - -


Table 7.6 shows the annual breakdown of the P11.588 million Operating Costs for ISWM
implementation by ISWM stage. From P803,000 in 2009, operating costs will increase to
P1.488 million in 2018.

Operating costs for Program Administration will cover travel expenses related to ISWM,
office supplies, repair and maintenance for building, travel, communication, utilities, meeting
expenses and wages of the 2 Job Order personnel assigned at the office.

Operating costs for Stage 1 – Source Reduction – will include expenses for ISWM
orientations on segregation and composting; reproduction of IEC materials on segregation and
composting, printing of billboards/tarpaulins and wages of personnel/enforcers.

Operating costs for Stage 2 – Collection and Transport – will include labor cost of the driver
and crew members of the collection vehicle; training; supplies for the LGU collection crew;
fuel, oil and lubricants for the collection vehicle; and repairs and maintenance of the
collection vehicle.


Table 7.6 Annual Operating Expenses, By Cost Category, in pesos, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental,
Stage/Expense 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Administration 158,500 166,425 194,746 204,484 214,708 225,443 236,715 248,551 260,979 274,028
Source Reduction 182,000 145,100 141,505 166,230 165,292 162,706 170,592 188,871 187,565 196,693
Collection and
292,000 301,850 317,493 338,972 351,336 369,635 393,922 409,254 430,691 458,297
153,500 139,350 167,143 186,407 186,226 196,635 217,675 219,387 231,818 255,017
17,000 18,350 211,818 223,013 234,830 247,303 260,473 274,383 289,076 304,602
TOTAL 803,000 771,075 1,032,705 1,119,106 1,152,392 1,201,722 1,279,377 1,340,446 1,400,129 1,488,637

Operating costs for Stage 3 – Materials Recovery – will include wages of the CMRF and
composting technician; purchase of CMRF and composting supplies; utilities; small tools and
repairs and maintenance of composting facilities and equipment.

Operating costs for Stage 4 – Disposal Management – includes cost of electricity, repairs and
maintenance of the facilities, supplies and materials to be used at the SLF site and labor cost
personnel assigned at the facility.


The LGU expects to generate revenues from its ISWM program through waste collection
service fees from households and establishments, fines and penalties from violators of the
SWM ordinances and regulations, sales revenue from recyclable materials, grants and
donations from national, provincial and congressional sources as well as solicitations. Total
projected revenue is estimated shown below in Table 7.7.

Table 7.7 Projected Annual Revenues from Various Sources, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, in pesos

Source Total 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Collection Fee 2,854,674 118,440 225,432 237,312 249,840 297,180
Non-Segregation Fines 284,481 43,635 44,096 28,305 17,349 20,580
Anti-Littering fine 51,086 2,400 4,976 5,753 5,256 3,376
Sale of Recyclables 34,144 3,205 3,249 3,294 3,340 3,387
Grants/Donations 1,100,000 100,000 1,000,000
Total 4,324,385 267,680 1,277,753 274,664 275,784 324,522

Source 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Collection Fee 335,970 341,010 346,230 351,630 351,630
Non-Segregation Fines 24,164 24,828 25,508 28,008 28,008
Anti-Littering fine 4,163 4,991 5,862 6,778 7,531
Sale of Recyclables 3,434 3,483 3,533 3,584 3,635
Total 367,732 374,313 381,133 389,999 390,804


7.6.1 Collection Fees

The LGU will impose a waste collection service fee of P10 per month from households
starting 2010 and to increase by 25% in 2013. To facilitate collection, the Municipal
Treasurer, being the principal person responsible for LGU collections, will assign garbage fee
collecting agents.

In 2009, the LGU will collect from establishments the garbage fee at P35 per month for all
establishments and to increase at P45 per month in 2013. Payment of this fee will be a
requirement for the issuance of business clearance, which is needed for securing or renewing
business permits. Collection will be made at the Treasurer’s Office once a year.

7.6.2 Fines and Penalties

The LGU will have to show its political will in implementing its ISWM plan and policies to
promote maximum compliance and involvement from all sectors. Noncompliance will be
penalized as provided in the municipal SWM ordinance to demonstrate this political will,
discourage violations and, at the same time, generate revenues to finance its various ISWM

For this study, only two violations are included in the financial projections, namely, non-
segregation of wastes at source and littering. It is assumed that compliance to the SWM
policy on segregation of wastes at source and anti-littering will be low at the start of plan
implementation and will gradually increase as a result of aggressive IEC and enforcement
activities. Thus, 25% of households and 15% establishments in the municipality are expected
to violate the waste segregation requirement in Year 1. This percentage in households will
decline to 20% in year 2, 10% in year 3, and 5% from year 4 to 10. In establishments, the
number of violators will decline to only 10% in year 2, 5% in year 3, 2% in year 4 and 1% in
year 5 to 10. Of these violators, only 15% for households and 10% for establishments are
apprehended in year 1 and declining by 2% every year for both households and
establishments. Penalty for non-segregation is P200.

Around 5% of the population is also expected to violate the anti-littering policy in year 1,
declining to 4% in year 2, 3% in year 3, 2% in year 4 and to only 1% in years 5- 10. The
number of apprehensions will also increase from 1% in year 1, 2% in year 3 until 10% in year
10. Penalty for littering will be PHP200.

7.6.3 Sales Income from Materials Recovery

Recyclable materials will be collected by the BMRFs. Around 4.0 tons per year is assumed to
be brought to the CMRF for bulk marketing and for use in product development. The CRMF
will be able to generate sales income from selling these recyclable materials to junkshops in
Dumaguete City.

The composting facility is expected to produce vermicasts. It is expected that due to the high
cost of organic fertilizer, some of the farmers will use substitutes to save on cost. It is
expected that 35% of the total biodegradable waste brought to the Central Composting
Facility will be converted into compost materials and 50% of the product is marketed and
sold. Estimated cost per kilo is at PHP3.50.


7.6.4 Grants, Donations and Solicitations

The LGU will solicit funds from national, provincial and congressional sources as well as
from private individuals to help finance the capital outlay requirements of the program.


The LGU anticipates that it will be able to start generating fees, fines and penalties, and sales
income in Year 2 of plan implementation. These fees will be placed under the SWM Special
Account to be established, and will be solely to partly finance the operating cash requirements
of the ISWM program.

Table 7.8 Projected Annual Cash Flow, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, in pesos

Description Total 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Cash Inflow
Source Reduction fees 2,854,674 118,440 225,432 237,312 249,840 297,180
Fines and Penalties 335,567 46,035 49,072 34,058 22,605 23,956
Recyclable Sales 34,144 3,205 3,249 3,294 3,340 3,387
Grants and Donations 1,100,000 100,000 1,000,000
Total Cash Inflow 4,324,385 267,680 1,277,753 274,664 275,784 324,522

Total Cash Outflow

Capital Outlay
Admin - - - - - -
Source Reduction - - - - - -
Collection & Transport 1,030,000 - 1,030,000 - - -
Materials Recovery 970,000 - 970,000 - - -
Disposal 1,700,000 200,000 1,500,000 - - -
Total Capital Outlay 3,700,000 200,000 3,500,000 - - -

Operating Expenses
Administration 2,184,578 158,500 166,425 194,746 204,484 214,708
Source Reduction 1,706,554 182,000 145,100 141,505 166,230 165,292
Collection & Transport 3,663,450 292,000 301,850 317,493 338,972 351,336
Materials Recovery 1,953,157 153,500 139,350 167,143 186,407 186,226
Disposal 2,080,848 17,000 18,350 211,818 223,013 234,830
Total Operating Expense 11,588,588 803,000 771,075 1,032,704 1,119,106 1,152,391
Total Cash Outflow 15,288,588 1,003,000 4,271,075 1,032,704 1,119,106 1,152,391
Net Cash Requirement -10,964,203 -735,320 -2,993,322 -758,040 -843,322 -827,869
Beg. Year Balances -735,320 -3,728,642 -4,486,682 -5,330,004
Year End Cash Balance -735,320 -3,728,642 -4,486,682 -5,330,004 -6,157,872

Description 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Cash Inflow
Source Reduction fees 335,970 341,010 346,230 351,630 351,630
Fines and Penalties 28,327 29,819 31,370 34,786 35,539


Description Total 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Recyclable Sales 3,434 3,483 3,533 3,584 3,635
Grants and Donations
Total Cash Inflow 367,732 374,313 381,133 389,999 390,804

Total Cash Outlfow

Capital Outlay
Admin - - - - -
Source Reduction - - - - -
Collection & Transport - - - - -
Materials Recovery - - - - -
Disposal - - - - -
Total Capital Outlay - - - - -

Operating Expenses
Administration 225,443 236,715 248,551 260,979 274,028
Source Reduction 162,706 170,592 188,871 187,565 196,693
Collection & Transport 369,635 393,922 409,254 430,691 458,297
Materials Recovery 196,635 217,675 219,387 231,818 255,017
Disposal 247,303 260,473 274,383 289,076 304,602
Total Operating Expense 1,201,723 1,279,377 1,340,446 1,400,129 1,488,637
Total Cash Outflow 1,201,723 1,279,377 1,340,446 1,400,129 1,488,637
Net Cash Requirement -833,991 -905,065 -959,313 -1,010,130 -1,097,832
Beg. Year Balances -6,157,872 -6,991,863 -7,896,928 -8,856,241 -9,866,371
Year End Cash Balance -6,991,863 -7,896,928 -8,856,241 -9,866,371 -10,964,203

Revenue from ISWM activities will not be enough to cover the total cost nor the operating
cost of the ISWM program. As shown in Table 7.8, the projected annual net cash flow is
negative, amounting to P735,320 in 2009. The deficit is smaller in years with no capital
outlay disbursements. Without other sources of cash inflow, the annual deficit will
accumulate over the years. Total accumulated deficit over the 10-year period will amount to
P10.964 million. The LGU will continue to subsidize the ISWM program by the amount of
the annual deficit.


The Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) from the national government is the main source of
financing for the LGU’s Operating Costs and its 20% Development Fund where most of its
investment costs are charged. Table 7.9 shows the IRA received by Zamboanguita from

Table 7.9 Internal Revenue Allotment., Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, in pesos, 2005-2008

Year IRA % change

2005 24,997,628
2006 29,148,838 17
2007 30,163,899 3
2008 37,190,486 23


Table 7.10 Projected ISWM Costs as a Percentage of IRA, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental

% of % of % of % of Net
Projected ISWM ISWM Operating Operating Projected Projected Net Cash Cash
IRA Cost Cost to Cost Cost to Revenue Revenue to Requirement Requirement
2009 40,909,535 1,003,000 2 803,000 2 735,320 2
2010 45,000,488 4,271,075 9 771,075 2 1,277,753 3 2,993,322 7
2011 49,500,537 1,032,704 2 1,032,704 2 274,664 1 758,040 2
2012 54,450,591 1,119,106 2 1,119,106 2 275,784 1 843,322 2
2013 59,895,650 1,152,391 2 1,152,391 2 324,522 1 827,869 1
2014 65,885,215 1,201,723 2 1,201,723 2 367,732 1 833,991 1
2015 72,473,736 1,279,377 2 1,279,377 2 374,313 1 905,065 1
2016 79,721,110 1,340,446 2 1,340,446 2 381,133 0.004 959,313 1
2017 87,693,221 1,400,129 2 1,400,129 2 389,999 0.004 1,010,130 1
2018 96,462,543 1,488,637 2 1,488,637 2 390,804 0.004 1,097,832 1

Table 7.10 shows the comparison between projected ISWM Costs and the IRA over the 10-
year period. Column 4 shows total ISWM cost is approximately 2% of IRA, except for the
second year where the percentages are very high at 9% due to significant investment cost
outlays. Column 6 shows that total operating costs for ISWM, excluding capital outlay, will
also be at 2% of IRA per year. Column 8 refers to the revenue to IRA which generally at
0.004% to 1% except in the second year where the cash inflow is higher due to projected
receipt of grant and donation from external sources. Column 10 refers to projected net cash
requirement for capital outlay and operating costs that will not be covered by the revenues
earned during each year. This represents the annual subsidy that the LGU will provide to its
ISWM program. As shown in Column 9, this subsidy only represents around 1% to 2% of
IRA except in Year 2 wherein the percentage is very high at 7%. With the low percentage of
IRA needed for ISWM subsidy, the LGU of Zamboanguita can sustain this program even
without external financing.




The first two years of ISWM Plan implementation will be focused on mobilization of
barangay LGUs, BSWMCs, schools and industries to increase participation of these
stakeholders in waste diversion activities. Major activities that are planned for 2009-2019
expansion of waste collection area, include establishment of central MRF, development of
SLF and dialogues among major waste sources. Priority activities for 2009-2010 are shown in
Table 8.1

Table 8.1 Two- Year Priority Activities, ISWM Plan Implementation, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental, 2009-2010

2009 2010
SWM Activities 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
qtr qtr qtr qtr qtr qtr qtr qtr
Engineering Component
ƒ Implementation of full waste segregation at
source in Barangays Poblacion and Maluay;
in all coastal barangays
ƒ Implementation of full waste segregation at
source in whole municipality
ƒ Implementation of mandatory composting at
source in coastal barangays
ƒ Implementation of mandatory composting at
source in whole municipality
ƒ Mandatory establishment and operation of
on-site MRFs in schools and industries in
Barangays Poblacion and Maluay
ƒ Mandatory establishment and operation of
on-site MRFs in schools and industries in
whole municipality
ƒ Implementation of registration system for
junkshops and ambulant junk buyers
ƒ Implementation of no segregation, no
collection policy
ƒ Expansion of waste collection service to
cover Barangays Basak and Mayabon
ƒ Acquisition of new collection vehicle
ƒ Establishment and operation of central MRF
ƒ Mandatory establishment of barangay MRFs
in coastal baranagys outside collection area


2009 2010
SWM Activities 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
qtr qtr qtr qtr qtr qtr qtr qtr
ƒ Mandatory establishment of barangay MRFs
in all barangays outside collection area
ƒ Proper closure of existing open dumpsite
ƒ Construction of RCA
Education Component
ƒ Conduct of capacity-building programs for ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ
barangay LGUs, BSWMCs, purok leaders
and Barangay SWM Coordinators
ƒ Development and distribution of SWM ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ
information materials
ƒ Conduct of feedback sessions on impacts of ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ
SWM IEC activities
Enforcement and Incentive System Component
ƒ Enactment and enforcement of ISWM ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ
ƒ Formation of Barangay Enforcement Teams ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ
ƒ Training and deputization of SWM enforcers ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ
Institutional Arrangements
ƒ Assigning of MENRO-designate ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ
ƒ Creation of SWM Section ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ


Estimated budgetary requirement for the first two years of Plan implementation is
P5,274,075, broken down into P3,700,000 Capital Outlay and P1,574,075 MOOEs. Total
budget requirement is P1,003,000 for year 1 and P4,271,075 for year 2.

Table 8.2 Year 1 and 2 Budget, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2010, in pesos

Cost Category/ISWM Stage 2009 2010 Total

Capital Outlay
Source Reduction
Collection and Transport 1,030,000 1,030,000
Materials Recovery 970,000 970,000
Disposal 200,000 1,500,000 1,500,000
Total Capital Outlay 200,000 3,500,000 3,700,00
Personal Services
Total PS
Maintenance and Operating Expenses (MOOE)
Administration 158,500 166,425 324,925
Source Reduction 182,000 145,100 327,100
Collection and Transport 292,000 301,850 593,850
Materials Recovery 153,500 139,350 292,850
Disposal 17,000 18,350 35,350
Total MOOE 803,000 771,075 1,574,075
GRAND TOTAL 1,003,000 4,271,075 5,274,075




Executive Order Creating Ecological Solid Waste Management Board (ESWMB)


B.1 ESWMB Resolution Approving ISWM Plan


B.2 Municipal Development Council (MDC) Resolution Approving ISWM Plan


B.3 Sangguniang Bayan (SB) Resolution Approving ISWM Plan


Summary of Waste Generators within Collection Area

Waste Sources No.

Households 419
Public Market
Main 1
Flea market 1
Food Establishments 79
General Stores 83
Major Industries 2
Other Industries
Municipal Hall 1
Other Govt/Private Offices 2
Church 2
Elementary Schools 3
High School
Colleges/ Universities
Day Care 3
Service Centers
Other Service Centers 28
Recreation Centers
Parks/Plaza 1
Gyms/Sports Centers
Big 2
Small to Medium 2
Other Recreation Centers 10
Health-Related Sources
Pharmacies 3
Health Centers/Clinics 1


Waste Characterization Data

D.1 Per Unit Waste Generation, 2009, kg/day

Total, per Bio, per Recyclable, Residual, Special

Waste Sources unit, unit, per unit, per unit, Waste, per
kg/day kg/day kg/day kg/day unit, kg/day
Households 1.43 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03
Public Market
Main 178.26 143.66 24.99 9.62 -
Flea market 687.59 554.11 96.37 37.11 -
Small - - - - -
Food Establishments 2.05 1.56 0.36 0.12 0.003
General Stores 0.99 0.42 0.26 0.26 0.04
Major Industries 2.09 1.55 0.34 0.18 0.01
Other Industries
Municipal Hall 1.40 0.56 0.52 0.29 0.03
Other Govt/Private Offices 0.30 0.16 0.08 0.05 -
Church 0.75 0.56 0.10 0.07 0.01
Elementary Schools 0.80 0.68 0.11 0.01 -
High School 0.80 0.68 0.11 0.01 -
Colleges/ Universities - - - - -
Day Care 0.43 0.13 0.19 0.11 -
Service Centers
Hotels/Inns - - - - -
Other Service Centers 0.99 0.54 0.24 0.13 0.08
Recreation Centers
Parks/Plaza 10.21 7.49 1.87 0.84 0.01
Gyms/Sports Centers - - - - -
Big 1.17 0.46 0.70 - 0.003
Small to Medium 0.58 0.23 0.35 - 0.001
Other Recreation Centers 0.71 0.43 0.16 0.11 0.01
Slaughterhouse - - - - -
Health-Related Sources
Pharmacies 0.25 - 0.07 0.18 -
Health Centers/Clinics 0.77 0.32 0.19 0.02 0.23
Hospitals - - - - -


D.2 Current Waste Generation, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

D.2.1 Current Waste Generation, Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

Per Household Waste Generation Total Waste Generation

Barangays within Collection Area No. of HH Special HH Bio TOTAL
Bio, per Recyclable, Residual, Recyclable Residual Special
Waste, Waste HH Waste
HH per HH per HH Waste Waste Waste
per HH Gen Generation
Gen Gen Gen
Collection Area, TOTAL 419 404.91 124.66 60.06 11.23 600.87
Per Unit Waste Generation 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03
Poblacion 232 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03 224.20 69.02 33.26 6.22 332.70
Maluay 187 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03 180.71 55.64 26.81 5.01 268.17

D.2.2 Current Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

Barangays Institutions
Public Market Industries
Within Food General Other Schools
Collection Establishments Stores Municipal
Other Govt/Private Church Day Elementary High Colleges/
Area Main Flea Small Major Hall
Industries Offices Care Schools School Universities
Poblacion 1 47 62 1 1 1 2 1 2 2
Maluay 1 32 21 1 1 2 1 1
TOTAL 1 1 - 79 83 2 - 1 2 2 3 3 3 -

Barangays Service Centers Recreation Centers Health-Related Sources

Within Other Resorts/ Gyms/ Health
Collection Hotels/Inns Service Hotels Parks Sports Others Pharmacies Centers/ Hospitals
Area Centers Big Small Centers Clinics
Poblacion 28 1 10 3 1
Maluay 2 2
TOTAL - 28 2 2 1 - 10 - 3 1 -


D.2.2.a Biodegradable Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

Barangays Institutions
Public Market Industries
Within Food General Other Schools
Collection Establishments Stores Municipal
Other Govt/Private Church Day Elementary High Colleges/
Area Main Flea Small Major Hall
Industries Offices Care Schools School Universities
Bio, per
143.66 554.11 0 1.56 0.42 1.55 - 0.56 0.16 0.56 0.13 0.68 1 0
Poblacion 143.66 - - 73.55 26.34 1.55 - 0.56 0.162 1.13 0.13 1.35 1.35 -
Maluay - 554.11 - 50.08 8.92 1.55 - - 0.16 - 0.27 0.68 0.68 -
143.66 554.11 - 123.62 35.26 3.09 - 0.56 0.324 1.13 0.40 2.03 2.03 -

Barangays Service Centers Recreation Centers Health-Related Sources

Within Other Resorts/ Gyms/ Health
Collection Hotels/Inns Service Hotels Parks Sports Others Pharmacies Centers/ Hospitals
Area Centers Big Small Centers Clinics
Bio, per unit 0 0.54 0.46 0.23 7.49 0 0.43 0 - 0.32 0
Poblacion - 15.15 - - 7.49 - 4.26 - - 0.32 -
Maluay - - 0.93 0.46 - - - - - - -
- 15.15 0.93 0.46 7.49 - 4.26 - - 0.32 -


D.2.2.b Recyclable Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

Barangays Institutions
Public Market Industries
Within Food General Other Schools
Collection Establishments Stores Municipal
Other Govt/Private Church Day Elementary High Colleges/
Area Main Flea Small Major Hall
Industries Offices Care Schools School Universities
24.99 96.37 0 0.36 0.26 0.34 0 0.52 0.08 0.10 0.19 0.11 0 0
per unit
Poblacion 24.99 - - 16.84 16.35 0.34 - 0.52 0.08 0.19 0.19 0.23 0.23 -
Maluay - 96.37 - 11.47 5.54 0.34 - - 0.08 - 0.38 0.11 0.11 -
TOTAL 24.99 96.37 - 28.30 21.89 0.68 - 0.52 0.17 0.19 0.57 0.34 0.34 -

Barangays Service Centers Recreation Centers Health-Related Sources

Within Other Resorts/ Health
Gyms/Sports Slaughterhouse
Collection Hotels/Inns Service Hotels Parks Others Pharmacies Centers/ Hospitals
Area Centers
Centers Big Small Clinics
0 0.24 0.70 0.35 1.87 0 0.16 0 0.07 0.19 0
per unit
Poblacion - 6.62 - - 1.87 - 1.64 - 0.21 0.19 -
Maluay - - 1.40 0.70 - - - - - - -
TOTAL - 6.62 1.40 0.70 1.87 - 1.64 - 0.21 0.19 -


D.2.2.c Residual Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

Barangays Institutions
Public Market Industries
Within Food General Other Schools
Collection Establishments Stores Municipal
Other Govt/Private Church Day Elementary High Colleges/
Area Main Flea Small Major Hall
Industries Offices Care Schools School Universities
9.62 37.11 0 0.12 0.26 0.18 - 0.29 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.01 0 0
per unit
Poblacion 9.62 - - 5.63 16.10 0.18 - 0.29 0.05 0.14 0.11 0.02 0.02 -
Maluay - 37.11 - 3.83 5.45 0.18 - - 0.05 - 0.22 0.01 0.01 -
TOTAL 9.62 37.11 - 9.46 21.55 0.37 - 0.29 0.10 0.14 0.33 0.03 0.03 -

Barangays Service Centers Recreation Centers Health-Related Sources

Within Other Resorts/ Health
Gyms/Sports Slaughterhouse
Collection Hotels/Inns Service Hotels Parks Others Pharmacies Centers/ Hospitals
Area Centers
Centers Big Small Clinics
Residual, per
0 0.13 - - 0.84 0 0.11 0 0.18 0.02 0
Poblacion - 3.63 - - 0.84 - 1.12 - 0.55 0.02 -
Maluay - - - - - - - - - - -
TOTAL - 3.63 - - 0.84 - 1.12 - 0.55 0.02 -


D.2.2.d Special Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

Barangays Institutions
Public Market Industries
Within Food General Other Schools
Collection Establishments Stores Municipal
Other Govt/Private Church Day Elementary High Colleges/
Area Main Flea Small Major Hall
Industries Offices Care Schools School Universities
waste, per - - 0 0.00 0.04 0.01 - 0.03 - 0.01 - - 0 0
Poblacion - - - 0.13 2.66 0.01 - 0.03 - 0.03 - - - -
Maluay - - - 0.09 0.90 0.01 - - - - - - - -
TOTAL - - - 0.23 3.56 0.03 - 0.03 - 0.03 - - - -

Barangays Service Centers Recreation Centers Health-Related Sources

Within Other Resorts/ Health
Gyms/Sports Slaughterhouse
Collection Hotels/Inns Service Hotels Parks Others Pharmacies Centers/ Hospitals
Area Centers
Centers Big Small Clinics
Special waste,
0 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.01 0 0.01 0 - 0.23 0
per unit
Poblacion - 2.35 - - 0.01 - 0.10 - - 0.23 -
Maluay - - 0.01 0.00 - - - - - - -
TOTAL - 2.35 0.01 0.00 0.01 - 0.10 - - 0.23 -


D.3 Current Waste Generation, within Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

D.3.1 Current Waste Generation, Households, within Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

Household Per Unit Waste Generation Total Waste Generation

Barangays Within Whole LGU No. of HH Special Recyclabl Special
Bio Recyclable Residual Bio Residual TOTAL
Waste e Waste
Whole LGU, TOTAL 4,406 4,258.33 1,310.99 631.64 118.14 6,319.11
Barangays Within Collection Area 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03
Poblacion 1,057 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03 1,021.08 314.36 151.46 28.33 1,515.23
Maluay 546 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03 527.63 162.44 78.26 14.64 782.98
Barangays Outside Collection Area 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03
Basak 304 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03 293.30 90.30 43.51 8.14 435.24
Calango 264 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03 255.19 78.56 37.85 7.08 378.68
Lutoban 299 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03 289.37 89.09 42.92 8.03 429.41
Malongcay Diot 158 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03 152.63 46.99 22.64 4.23 226.50
Mayabon 1,143 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03 1,104.66 340.09 163.85 30.65 1,639.25
Nabago 172 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03 166.65 51.31 24.72 4.62 247.30
Najandig 239 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03 231.26 71.20 34.30 6.42 343.17
Nasig-id 224 0.97 0.30 0.14 0.03 216.56 66.67 32.12 6.01 321.36


D.3.2 Current Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

D.3.2.a Number of Waste Sources, Non-Households, within Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009

Barangays Public Market Industries
Food General Other Schools
Within Whole Municipal
Establishments Stores Other Govt/Private Church Day Elementary High Colleges/
LGU Main Flea Small Major Hall
Industries Offices Care Schools School Universities
Collection Area
Poblacion 1 47 62 1 1 1 5 6 2 2
Maluay 1 32 21 1 1 2 3 1
Collection Area
Basak 1 13 1 1 2 2 1
Calango 1 1 2 1
Lutoban 6 1 1 2 1
Malongcay Diot 2 1 3 2 1
Mayabon 11 25 4 1 7 9 3 1
Nabago 1 2 2 1
Najandig 1 3 2 1
Nasig-id 1 7 1 5 3 1
TOTAL 1 1 0 92 136 7 0 1 10 31 33 13 3 0


Service Centers Recreation Centers Health-Related Sources
Barangays Within Other Resorts/ Hotels Health
Gyms/Sports Slaughterhouse
Whole LGU Hotels/Inns Service Parks Others Pharmacies Centers/ Hospitals
Big Small Centers
Centers Clinics
Barangays Within
Collection Area
Poblacion 28 1 10 3 1
Maluay 2 2 1
Barangays Outside
Collection Area
Basak 1 1
Calango 3
Lutoban 1 1
Malongcay Diot 1 1
Mayabon 2 2 3 1
Nabago 3 1
Najandig 1
Nasig-id 1
TOTAL 0 30 2 2 7 0 19 0 3 8 0


D.3.2.b Biodegradable Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

Barangays Public Market Industries
Food General Other Schools
Within Whole Municipal
Establishments Stores Other Govt/Private Church Day Elementary High Colleges/
LGU Main Flea Small Major Hall
Industries Offices Care Schools School Universities
Bio, per unit 143.66 554.11 0 1.56 0.42 1.55 - 0.556 0.1621 0.56 0.13 0.68 1 0
Collection Area
Poblacion 143.66 - - 73.55 26.34 1.55 - 0.56 0.162 2.82 0.81 1.35 1.35 -
Maluay - 554.11 - 50.08 8.92 1.55 - - 0.16 1.13 0.40 0.68 - -
Collection Area
Basak - - - 1.56 5.52 1.55 - - 0.16 1.13 0.27 0.68 - -
Calango - - - - - - - - 0.16 0.56 0.27 0.68 - -
Lutoban - - - - 2.55 - - - 0.16 0.56 0.27 0.68 - -
Malongcay Diot - - - - 0.85 - - - 0.16 1.69 0.27 0.68 - -
Mayabon - - - 17.21 10.62 6.19 - - 0.16 3.95 1.21 2.03 0.68 -
Nabago - - - - - - - - 0.16 1.13 0.27 0.68 - -
Najandig - - - - - - - - 0.16 1.69 0.27 0.68 - -
Nasig-id - - - 1.56 2.97 - - - 0.16 2.82 0.40 0.68 - -
TOTAL 143.66 554.11 - 143.97 57.77 10.83 - 0.56 1.621 17.49 4.43 8.80 2.03 -


Service Centers Recreation Centers Health-Related Sources
Barangays Within Other Resorts/ Health
Gyms/Sports Slaughterhouse
Whole LGU Hotels/Inns Service Hotels Parks Others Pharmacies Centers/ Hospitals
Centers Big Small Clinics
Bio, per unit 0 0.54 0.46 0.23 7.49 0 0.43 0 - 0.32 0
Barangays Within
Collection Area
Poblacion - 15.15 - - 7.49 - 4.26 - - 0.32 -
Maluay - - 0.93 0.46 - - - - - 0.32 -
Barangays Outside
Collection Area
Basak - - - - 7.49 - - - - 0.32 -
Calango - - - - 22.47 - - - - - -
Lutoban - - - - - - 0.43 - - 0.32 -
Malongcay Diot - - - - - - 0.43 - - 0.32 -
Mayabon - 1.08 - - 14.98 - 1.28 - - 0.32 -
Nabago - - - - - - 1.28 - - 0.32 -
Najandig - - - - - - 0.43 - - - -
Nasig-id - - - - - - - - - 0.32 -
TOTAL - 16.23 0.93 0.46 52.43 - 8.09 - - 2.57 -


D.3.2.c Recyclable Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

Barangays Public Market Industries
Food General Other Schools
Within Whole Municipal
Establishments Stores Other Govt/Private Church Day Elementary High Colleges/
LGU Main Flea Small Major Hall
Industries Offices Care Schools School Universities
24.99 96.37 0 0.36 0.26 0.34 - 0.52 0.08 0.10 0.19 0.11 0 0
per unit
Collection Area
Poblacion 24.99 - - 16.84 16.35 0.34 - 0.52 0.08 0.48 1.14 0.23 0.23 -
Maluay - 96.37 - 11.47 5.54 0.34 - - 0.08 0.19 0.57 0.11 - -
Collection Area
Basak - - - 0.36 3.43 0.34 - - 0.08 0.19 0.38 0.11 - -
Calango - - - - - - - - 0.08 0.10 0.38 0.11 - -
Lutoban - - - - 1.58 - - - 0.08 0.10 0.38 0.11 - -
Malongcay Diot - - - - 0.53 - - - 0.08 0.29 0.38 0.11 - -
Mayabon - - - 3.94 6.59 1.36 - - 0.08 0.67 1.71 0.34 0.11 -
Nabago - - - - - - - - 0.08 0.19 0.38 0.11 - -
Najandig - - - - - - - - 0.08 0.29 0.38 0.11 - -
Nasig-id - - - 0.36 1.85 - - - 0.08 0.48 0.57 0.11 - -
TOTAL 24.99 96.37 - 32.96 35.86 2.38 - 0.52 0.84 2.97 6.27 1.47 0.34 -


Service Centers Recreation Centers Health-Related Sources
Barangays Within Other Resorts/ Health
Gyms/Sports Slaughterhouse
Whole LGU Hotels/Inns Service Hotels Parks Others Pharmacies Centers/ Hospitals
Centers Big Small Clinics

Recyclable, per unit 0 0.24 0.70 0.35 1.87 0 0.16 0 0.07 0.19 0

Barangays Within
Collection Area
Poblacion - 6.62 - - 1.87 - 1.64 - 0.21 0.19 -
Maluay - - 1.40 0.70 - - - - - 0.19 -
Barangays Outside
Collection Area
Basak - - - - 1.87 - - - - 0.19 -
Calango - - - - 5.61 - - - - - -
Lutoban - - - - - - 0.16 - - 0.19 -
Malongcay Diot - - - - - - 0.16 - - 0.19 -
Mayabon - 0.47 - - 3.74 - 0.49 - - 0.19 -
Nabago - - - - - - 0.49 - - 0.19 -
Najandig - - - - - - 0.16 - - - -
Nasig-id - - - - - - - - - 0.19 -
TOTAL - 7.09 1.40 0.70 13.09 - 3.11 - 0.21 1.54 -


D.3.2.d Residual Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

Barangays Public Market Industries
Food General Other Schools
Within Whole Municipal
Establishments Stores Other Govt/Private Church Day Elementary High Colleges/
LGU Main Flea Small Major Hall
Industries Offices Care Schools School Universities
Residual, per
9.62 37.11 0 0.12 0.26 0.18 - 0.29 0.05 0.07 0.11 0.01 0 0
Collection Area
Poblacion 9.62 - - 5.63 16.10 0.18 - 0.29 0.05 0.36 0.65 0.02 0.02 -
Maluay - 37.11 - 3.83 5.45 0.18 - - 0.05 0.14 0.33 0.01 - -
Collection Area
Basak - - - 0.12 3.38 0.18 - - 0.05 0.14 0.22 0.01 - -
Calango - - - - - - - - 0.05 0.07 0.22 0.01 - -
Lutoban - - - - 1.56 - - - 0.05 0.07 0.22 0.01 - -
Malongcay Diot - - - - 0.52 - - - 0.05 0.21 0.22 0.01 - -
Mayabon - - - 1.32 6.49 0.74 - - 0.05 0.50 0.98 0.03 0.01 -
Nabago - - - - - - - - 0.05 0.14 0.22 0.01 - -
Najandig - - - - - - - - 0.05 0.21 0.22 0.01 - -
Nasig-id - - - 0.12 1.82 - - - 0.05 0.36 0.33 0.01 - -
TOTAL 9.62 37.11 - 11.01 35.31 1.29 - 0.29 0.49 2.21 3.58 0.13 0.03 -


Service Centers Recreation Centers Health-Related Sources
Barangays Within Other Resorts/ Health
Gyms/Sports Slaughterhouse
Whole LGU Hotels/Inns Service Hotels Parks Others Pharmacies Centers/ Hospitals
Centers Big Small Clinics

Residual, per unit 0 0.13 - - 0.84 0 0.11 0 0.18 0.02 0

Barangays Within
Collection Area
Poblacion - 3.63 - - 0.84 - 1.12 - 0.55 0.02 -
Maluay - - - - - - - - - 0.02 -
Barangays Outside
Collection Area
Basak - - - - 0.84 - - - - 0.02 -
Calango - - - - 2.52 - - - - - -
Lutoban - - - - - - 0.11 - - 0.02 -
Malongcay Diot - - - - - - 0.11 - - 0.02 -
Mayabon - 0.26 - - 1.68 - 0.34 - - 0.02 -
Nabago - - - - - - 0.34 - - 0.02 -
Najandig - - - - - - 0.11 - - - -
Nasig-id - - - - - - - - - 0.02 -
TOTAL - 3.89 - - 5.88 - 2.12 - 0.55 0.18 -


D.3.2.e Special Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009, kg/day

Barangays Public Market Industries
Food General Other Schools
Within Whole Municipal
Establishments Stores Other Govt/Private Church Day Elementary High Colleges/
LGU Main Flea Small Major Hall
Industries Offices Care Schools School Universities
Special waste,
- - 0 0.00 0.04 0.01 - 0.03 - 0.01 - - 0 0
per unit
Collection Area
Poblacion - - - 0.13 2.66 0.01 - 0.03 - 0.07 - - - -
Maluay - - - 0.09 0.90 0.01 - - - 0.03 - - - -
Collection Area
Basak - - - 0.00 0.56 0.01 - - - 0.03 - - - -
Calango - - - - - - - - - 0.01 - - - -
Lutoban - - - - 0.26 - - - - 0.01 - - - -
Malongcay Diot - - - - 0.09 - - - - 0.04 - - - -
Mayabon - - - 0.03 1.07 0.06 - - - 0.10 - - - -
Nabago - - - - - - - - - 0.03 - - - -
Najandig - - - - - - - - - 0.04 - - - -
Nasig-id - - - 0.00 0.30 - - - - 0.07 - - - -
TOTAL - - - 0.26 5.83 0.10 - 0.03 - 0.44 - - - -


Service Centers Recreation Centers Health-Related Sources
Barangays Within Other Resorts/ Health
Gyms/Sports Slaughterhouse
Whole LGU Hotels/Inns Service Hotels Parks Others Pharmacies Centers/ Hospitals
Centers Big Small Clinics

Special waste, per unit 0 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.01 0 0.01 0 - 0.23 0

Barangays Within
Collection Area
Poblacion - 2.35 - - 0.01 - 0.10 - - 0.23 -
Maluay - - 0.01 0.00 - - - - - 0.23 -
Barangays Outside
Collection Area
Basak - - - - 0.01 - - - - 0.23 -
Calango - - - - 0.02 - - - - - -
Lutoban - - - - - - 0.01 - - 0.23 -
Malongcay Diot - - - - - - 0.01 - - 0.23 -
Mayabon - 0.17 - - 0.01 - 0.03 - - 0.23 -
Nabago - - - - - - 0.03 - - 0.23 -
Najandig - - - - - - 0.01 - - - -
Nasig-id - - - - - - - - - 0.23 -
TOTAL - 2.51 0.01 0.00 0.04 - 0.19 - - 1.87 -


Annex E
Ten-Year Waste Generation Projections

E.1 Ten-Year Waste Generation Projections, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

E.1.1 Projected % of Households Covered by Collection, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018

LGU 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Poblacion 22% 35% 45% 55% 65% 75% 85% 85% 85% 85%
Maluay 34% 45% 60% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75%
Basak 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 70% 70%
Mayabon 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 70% 70%

E.1.2 Projected No. of Households Covered by Collection, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018
Barangays To Be
Covered by LGU's 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Collection Service
LGU 419 775 1,137 1,512 1,813 2,126 2,450 2,665 2,719 2,773
Poblacion 232 377 495 617 743 875 1,011 1,032 1,052 1,073
Maluay 187 251 341 435 443 452 461 470 480 489
Basak - 31 63 97 131 168 205 244 249 254
Mayabon - 117 238 364 495 631 772 919 938 956

E.1.3 Projected Population Covered by Collection, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018

Barangays To Be
Covered by LGU's 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Collection Service
LGU 2,514 4,652 6,819 9,071 10,878 12,754 14,700 15,991 16,311 16,637
Poblacion 1,392 2,263 2,968 3,700 4,460 5,250 6,069 6,190 6,314 6,440
Maluay 1,122 1,504 2,045 2,607 2,659 2,713 2,767 2,822 2,879 2,936
Basak - 186 379 580 788 1,005 1,230 1,464 1,494 1,523
Mayabon - 700 1,427 2,184 2,970 3,786 4,634 5,515 5,625 5,738


E.1.4 Biodegradable Waste Generation, Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

Barangays To Be
Covered by LGU's 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Collection Service
LGU 404.91 749.30 1,098.31 1,460.98 1,752.04 2,054.16 2,367.67 2,575.61 2,627.12 2,679.66
Bio, Per Capita 0.16
Poblacion 224.20 364.53 478.05 595.97 718.41 845.52 977.42 996.97 1,016.91 1,037.25
Maluay 180.71 242.18 329.37 419.95 428.35 436.91 445.65 454.56 463.66 472.93
Basak - 29.92 61.03 93.38 126.99 161.91 198.18 235.84 240.55 245.37
Mayabon - 112.68 229.86 351.68 478.29 609.82 746.42 888.24 906.00 924.12

E.1.5 Recyclable Waste Generation, Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

Barangays To Be
Covered by LGU's 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Collection Service
LGU 124.66 230.68 338.13 449.78 539.39 632.41 728.92 792.94 808.80 824.98
Recyclable, per capita 0.05
Poblacion 69.02 112.23 147.18 183.48 221.18 260.31 300.91 306.93 313.07 319.33
Maluay 55.64 74.56 101.40 129.29 131.87 134.51 137.20 139.94 142.74 145.60
Basak - 9.21 18.79 28.75 39.10 49.85 61.01 72.61 74.06 75.54
Mayabon - 34.69 70.77 108.27 147.25 187.74 229.80 273.46 278.93 284.51


E.1.6 Residual Waste Generation, Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Barangays To Be
Covered by LGU's 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Collection Service
LGU 60.06 111.14 162.91 216.71 259.88 304.69 351.20 382.04 389.68 397.47
Residual, per capita 0.02
Poblacion 33.26 54.07 70.91 88.40 106.56 125.42 144.98 147.88 150.84 153.85
Maluay 26.81 35.92 48.86 62.29 63.54 64.81 66.10 67.43 68.77 70.15
Basak - 4.44 9.05 13.85 18.84 24.02 29.40 34.98 35.68 36.40
Mayabon - 16.71 34.09 52.17 70.94 90.45 110.72 131.75 134.39 137.08

E.1.7 Special Waste Generation, Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Barangays To Be
Covered by LGU's 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Collection Service
LGU: 11.23 20.79 30.47 40.53 48.61 56.99 65.69 71.46 72.89 74.35
Special Waste, per capita 0.004
Poblacion 6.22 10.11 13.26 16.53 19.93 23.46 27.12 27.66 28.21 28.78
Maluay 5.01 6.72 9.14 11.65 11.88 12.12 12.36 12.61 12.86 13.12
Basak - 0.83 1.69 2.59 3.52 4.49 5.50 6.54 6.67 6.81
Mayabon - 3.13 6.38 9.76 13.27 16.92 20.71 24.64 25.14 25.64

E.1.8 Total Waste Generation, Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Waste Composition 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Biodegradable 404.91 749.30 1,098.31 1,460.98 1,752.04 2,054.16 2,367.67 2,575.61 2,627.12 2,679.66
Recyclable 124.66 230.68 338.13 449.78 539.39 632.41 728.92 792.94 808.80 824.98
Residual 60.06 111.14 162.91 216.71 259.88 304.69 351.20 382.04 389.68 397.47
Special Wastes 11.23 20.79 30.47 40.53 48.61 56.99 65.69 71.46 72.89 74.35
Total 600.87 1,111.92 1,629.83 2,168.00 2,599.92 3,048.26 3,513.48 3,822.05 3,898.49 3,976.46


E.1.9 Assumed Growth Rates for Projection, 2009-2018
Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Population Growth Rate 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%
Economic Growth Rate 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%

E.1.10 Biodegradable Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Non-HH Waste Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU 894.82 1,006.41 1,036.60 1,067.70 1,099.73 1,132.72 1,166.71 1,201.71 1,237.76 1,274.89
Food Establishments 123.62 145.25 149.61 154.10 158.72 163.48 168.38 173.44 178.64 184.00
General Stores 35.26 62.82 64.71 66.65 68.65 70.71 72.83 75.01 77.26 79.58
Industries 3.09 11.05 11.38 11.72 12.07 12.43 12.81 13.19 13.59 13.99
Institutions 6.47 20.08 20.69 21.31 21.95 22.60 23.28 23.98 24.70 25.44
Public Market 697.76 711.72 733.07 755.06 777.71 801.05 825.08 849.83 875.32 901.58
Recreation Centers 13.14 37.62 38.75 39.92 41.11 42.35 43.62 44.93 46.27 47.66
Service Centers 15.15 16.55 17.05 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.77 20.36 20.97
Slaughterhouse - - - - - - - - - -
Health-Related Sources 0.32 1.31 1.35 1.39 1.43 1.48 1.52 1.57 1.61 1.66

E.1.11 Recyclable Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Non-HH Waste Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU 186.98 219.65 226.24 233.03 240.02 247.22 254.64 262.28 270.14 278.25
Food Establishments 28.30 33.26 34.25 35.28 36.34 37.43 38.55 39.71 40.90 42.13
General Stores 21.89 32.54 33.52 34.53 35.56 36.63 37.73 38.86 40.03 41.23
Industries 0.68 2.43 2.50 2.58 2.66 2.74 2.82 2.90 2.99 3.08
Institutions 2.12 7.46 7.68 7.91 8.15 8.40 8.65 8.91 9.18 9.45
Public Market 121.36 123.79 127.50 131.32 135.26 139.32 143.50 147.81 152.24 156.81
Recreation Centers 5.61 11.94 12.30 12.67 13.05 13.44 13.84 14.26 14.69 15.13
Service Centers 6.62 7.24 7.45 7.68 7.91 8.14 8.39 8.64 8.90 9.17
Slaughterhouse - - - - - - - - - -
Health-Related Sources 0.40 1.00 1.03 1.06 1.09 1.12 1.16 1.19 1.23 1.26


E.1.12 Residual Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

Non-HH Waste Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU 85.19 105.66 108.83 112.09 115.45 118.92 122.49 126.16 129.95 133.84
Food Establishments 9.46 11.11 11.45 11.79 12.14 12.51 12.88 13.27 13.67 14.08
General Stores 21.55 32.05 33.01 34.00 35.02 36.07 37.15 38.27 39.41 40.60
Industries 0.37 1.31 1.35 1.39 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.57 1.62 1.66
Institutions 0.92 3.98 4.10 4.22 4.35 4.48 4.61 4.75 4.90 5.04
Public Market 46.73 47.67 49.10 50.57 52.09 53.65 55.26 56.92 58.62 60.38
Recreation Centers 1.96 4.91 5.06 5.21 5.36 5.53 5.69 5.86 6.04 6.22
Service Centers 3.63 3.97 4.09 4.21 4.34 4.47 4.60 4.74 4.88 5.03
Slaughterhouse - - - - - - - - - -
Health-Related Sources 0.58 0.66 0.68 0.70 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.81 0.83

E.1.13 Special Waste Generation, Non-Households, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

Non-HH Waste Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU 6.57 9.6 9.9 10.2 10.5 10.8 11.1 11.5 11.8 12.2
Food Establishments 0.2 0.27 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34
General Stores 3.6 5.29 5.45 5.61 5.78 5.95 6.13 6.32 6.51 6.70
Industries 0.0 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13
Institutions 0.1 0.27 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34
Public Market - - - - - - - - - -
Recreation Centers 0.1 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.20
Service Centers 2.3 2.56 2.64 2.72 2.80 2.89 2.97 3.06 3.15 3.25
Slaughterhouse - - - - - - - - - -
Health-Related Sources 0.2 0.96 0.98 1.01 1.04 1.08 1.11 1.14 1.18 1.21


E.1.14 Total Waste Generation, Non-Households, by Waste Source, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Non-HH Waste Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU 1,173.56 1,341.32 1,381.56 1,423.01 1,465.70 1,509.67 1,554.96 1,601.61 1,649.66 1,699.15
Food Establishments 161.61 189.88 195.58 201.45 207.49 213.72 220.13 226.73 233.53 240.54
General Stores 82.25 132.70 136.68 140.78 145.01 149.36 153.84 158.45 163.21 168.10
Industries 4.17 14.89 15.34 15.80 16.27 16.76 17.26 17.78 18.31 18.86
Institutions 9.58 31.79 32.75 33.73 34.74 35.78 36.86 37.96 39.10 40.27
Public Market 865.86 883.17 909.67 936.96 965.07 994.02 1,023.84 1,054.55 1,086.19 1,118.78
Recreation Centers 20.82 54.64 56.28 57.96 59.70 61.49 63.34 65.24 67.20 69.21
Service Centers 27.75 30.32 31.23 32.17 33.14 34.13 35.15 36.21 37.29 38.41
Slaughterhouse - - - - - - - - - -
Health-Related Sources 1.53 3.92 4.04 4.16 4.29 4.41 4.55 4.68 4.82 4.97

E.1.15 Total Waste Generation, Non-Households, by Waste Type, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Waste Composition 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Biodegradable 894.82 1,006.41 1,036.60 1,067.70 1,099.73 1,132.72 1,166.71 1,201.71 1,237.76 1,274.89
Recyclable 186.98 219.65 226.24 233.03 240.02 247.22 254.64 262.28 270.14 278.25
Residual 85.19 105.66 108.83 112.09 115.45 118.92 122.49 126.16 129.95 133.84
Special Waste 6.57 9.60 9.89 10.19 10.49 10.81 11.13 11.47 11.81 12.17
Total 1,173.56 1,341.32 1,381.56 1,423.01 1,465.70 1,509.67 1,554.96 1,601.61 1,649.66 1,699.15

E.1.16 Total Waste Generation, All Sources, by Waste Type, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Waste Composition 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Biodegradable 1,299.73 1,755.71 2,134.91 2,528.68 2,851.77 3,186.89 3,534.38 3,777.31 3,864.88 3,954.55
Recyclable 311.64 450.34 564.37 682.81 779.41 879.63 983.56 1,055.22 1,078.94 1,103.22
Residual 145.26 216.80 271.74 328.80 375.34 423.61 473.68 508.20 519.63 531.32
Special Waste 17.80 30.39 40.36 50.72 59.10 67.80 76.82 82.93 84.70 86.51
Total 1,774.42 2,453.24 3,011.39 3,591.01 4,065.62 4,557.93 5,068.44 5,423.66 5,548.15 5,675.61


E.2. Ten-Year Waste Generation Projections, within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

E.2.1 Ten-Year Waste Generation Projections, Households within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

E.2.1.a Biodegradable Waste Generation, Households within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

Barangays Within Whole Per Capita

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU Waste Gen
LGU 4,258.33 4,343.50 4,430.37 4,518.97 4,609.35 4,701.54 4,795.57 4,891.48 4,989.31 5,089.10
Bio, Per Capita 0.16
Poblacion 0.16 1,021.08 1,041.50 1,062.33 1,083.58 1,105.25 1,127.36 1,149.91 1,172.90 1,196.36 1,220.29
Maluay 0.16 527.63 538.19 548.95 559.93 571.13 582.55 594.20 606.09 618.21 630.57
Basak 0.16 293.30 299.17 305.15 311.25 317.48 323.83 330.30 336.91 343.65 350.52
Calango 0.16 255.19 260.29 265.49 270.80 276.22 281.75 287.38 293.13 298.99 304.97
Lutoban 0.16 289.37 295.16 301.06 307.08 313.22 319.49 325.88 332.39 339.04 345.82
Malongcay Diot 0.16 152.63 155.69 158.80 161.97 165.21 168.52 171.89 175.33 178.83 182.41
Mayabon 0.16 1,104.66 1,126.76 1,149.29 1,172.28 1,195.72 1,219.64 1,244.03 1,268.91 1,294.29 1,320.18
Nabago 0.16 166.65 169.98 173.38 176.85 180.39 183.99 187.67 191.43 195.25 199.16
Najandig 0.16 231.26 235.88 240.60 245.41 250.32 255.33 260.43 265.64 270.95 276.37
Nasig-id 0.16 216.56 220.89 225.31 229.81 234.41 239.10 243.88 248.76 253.73 258.81


E.2.1.b Recyclable Waste Generation, Households within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Barangays Within Whole Per Capita
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU Waste Gen
LGU 1,310.99 1,337.21 1,363.96 1,391.24 1,419.06 1,447.44 1,476.39 1,505.92 1,536.04 1,566.76
Recyclable, Per Capita 0.05
Poblacion 0.05 314.36 320.64 327.06 333.60 340.27 347.07 354.02 361.10 368.32 375.68
Maluay 0.05 162.44 165.69 169.00 172.38 175.83 179.35 182.93 186.59 190.32 194.13
Basak 0.05 90.30 92.10 93.95 95.82 97.74 99.70 101.69 103.72 105.80 107.91
Calango 0.05 78.56 80.13 81.74 83.37 85.04 86.74 88.47 90.24 92.05 93.89
Lutoban 0.05 89.09 90.87 92.69 94.54 96.43 98.36 100.33 102.33 104.38 106.47
Malongcay Diot 0.05 46.99 47.93 48.89 49.87 50.86 51.88 52.92 53.98 55.06 56.16
Mayabon 0.05 340.09 346.89 353.83 360.90 368.12 375.48 382.99 390.65 398.47 406.44
Nabago 0.05 51.31 52.33 53.38 54.45 55.53 56.65 57.78 58.93 60.11 61.31
Najandig 0.05 71.20 72.62 74.07 75.55 77.06 78.61 80.18 81.78 83.42 85.09
Nasig-id 0.05 66.67 68.00 69.36 70.75 72.17 73.61 75.08 76.58 78.12 79.68

E.2.1.c Residual Waste Generation, Households within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Barangays Within Whole Per Capita
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU Waste Gen
LGU: 631.64 644.27 657.16 670.30 683.71 697.38 711.33 725.55 740.07 754.87
Residual, Per Capita 0.02
Poblacion 0.02 151.46 154.49 157.58 160.73 163.94 167.22 170.57 173.98 177.46 181.01
Maluay 0.02 78.26 79.83 81.43 83.05 84.72 86.41 88.14 89.90 91.70 93.53
Basak 0.02 43.51 44.38 45.26 46.17 47.09 48.03 48.99 49.97 50.97 51.99
Calango 0.02 37.85 38.61 39.38 40.17 40.97 41.79 42.63 43.48 44.35 45.24
Lutoban 0.02 42.92 43.78 44.66 45.55 46.46 47.39 48.34 49.30 50.29 51.30
Malongcay Diot 0.02 22.64 23.09 23.55 24.03 24.51 25.00 25.50 26.01 26.53 27.06
Mayabon 0.02 163.85 167.13 170.47 173.88 177.36 180.91 184.53 188.22 191.98 195.82
Nabago 0.02 24.72 25.21 25.72 26.23 26.76 27.29 27.84 28.39 28.96 29.54
Najandig 0.02 34.30 34.99 35.69 36.40 37.13 37.87 38.63 39.40 40.19 40.99
Nasig-id 0.02 32.12 32.76 33.42 34.09 34.77 35.47 36.17 36.90 37.64 38.39


E.2.1.d Special Waste Generation, Households within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Barangays Within Per Capita
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Whole LGU Waste Gen
LGU 118.14 120.51 122.92 125.38 127.88 130.44 133.05 135.71 138.42 141.19
Special, Per Capita 0.004
Poblacion 0.004 28.33 28.90 29.47 30.06 30.66 31.28 31.90 32.54 33.19 33.86
Maluay 0.004 14.64 14.93 15.23 15.53 15.85 16.16 16.49 16.82 17.15 17.49
Basak 0.004 8.14 8.30 8.47 8.64 8.81 8.98 9.16 9.35 9.53 9.72
Calango 0.004 7.08 7.22 7.37 7.51 7.66 7.82 7.97 8.13 8.30 8.46
Lutoban 0.004 8.03 8.19 8.35 8.52 8.69 8.86 9.04 9.22 9.41 9.59
Malongcay Diot 0.004 4.23 4.32 4.41 4.49 4.58 4.68 4.77 4.86 4.96 5.06
Mayabon 0.004 30.65 31.26 31.89 32.52 33.17 33.84 34.51 35.21 35.91 36.63
Nabago 0.004 4.62 4.72 4.81 4.91 5.00 5.10 5.21 5.31 5.42 5.53
Najandig 0.004 6.42 6.54 6.68 6.81 6.94 7.08 7.23 7.37 7.52 7.67
Nasig-id 0.004 6.01 6.13 6.25 6.38 6.50 6.63 6.77 6.90 7.04 7.18

E.2.1.e Total Waste Generation, Households within Whole Municipality, by Barangay, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Barangays Within Whole LGU 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU 6,319.11 6,445.49 6,574.40 6,705.89 6,840.00 6,976.80 7,116.34 7,258.67 7,403.84 7,551.92
Poblacion 1,515.23 1,545.53 1,576.44 1,607.97 1,640.13 1,672.93 1,706.39 1,740.52 1,775.33 1,810.84
Maluay 782.98 798.64 814.61 830.90 847.52 864.47 881.76 899.39 917.38 935.73
Basak 435.24 443.95 452.82 461.88 471.12 480.54 490.15 499.95 509.95 520.15
Calango 378.68 386.25 393.98 401.86 409.90 418.09 426.45 434.98 443.68 452.56
Lutoban 429.41 438.00 446.76 455.69 464.80 474.10 483.58 493.25 503.12 513.18
Malongcay Diot 226.50 231.03 235.65 240.36 245.17 250.07 255.07 260.17 265.38 270.69
Mayabon 1,639.25 1,672.04 1,705.48 1,739.59 1,774.38 1,809.87 1,846.07 1,882.99 1,920.65 1,959.06
Nabago 247.30 252.24 257.29 262.43 267.68 273.03 278.50 284.07 289.75 295.54
Najandig 343.17 350.03 357.03 364.18 371.46 378.89 386.47 394.20 402.08 410.12
Nasig-id 321.36 327.78 334.34 341.03 347.85 354.81 361.90 369.14 376.52 384.05


E.2.1.f Total Waste Generation, Households within Whole Municipality, by Waste Type, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Waste Composition 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Biodegradable 4,258.33 4,343.50 4,430.37 4,518.97 4,609.35 4,701.54 4,795.57 4,891.48 4,989.31 5,089.10
Recyclable 1,310.99 1,337.21 1,363.96 1,391.24 1,419.06 1,447.44 1,476.39 1,505.92 1,536.04 1,566.76
Residual 631.64 644.27 657.16 670.30 683.71 697.38 711.33 725.55 740.07 754.87
Special Waste 118.14 120.51 122.92 125.38 127.88 130.44 133.05 135.71 138.42 141.19
Total 6,319.11 6,445.49 6,574.40 6,705.89 6,840.00 6,976.80 7,116.34 7,258.67 7,403.84 7,551.92

E.2.2 Ten-Year Waste Generation Projections, Non-Households within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

E.2.2.a Assumed Growth Rates for Projection

Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Population Growth Rate 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0%
Economic Growth Rate 0.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%

E.2.2.b Biodegradable Waste Generation, Non-Households within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Non-HH Waste Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU 1,025.97 1,046.49 1,077.89 1,110.23 1,143.53 1,177.84 1,213.17 1,249.57 1,287.06 1,325.67
Food Establishments 143.97 146.85 151.25 155.79 160.46 165.28 170.23 175.34 180.60 186.02
General Stores 57.77 58.92 60.69 62.51 64.39 66.32 68.31 70.36 72.47 74.64
Industries 10.83 11.05 11.38 11.72 12.07 12.43 12.81 13.19 13.59 13.99
Institutions 34.94 35.63 36.70 37.80 38.94 40.11 41.31 42.55 43.83 45.14
Public Market 697.76 711.72 733.07 755.06 777.71 801.05 825.08 849.83 875.32 901.58
Recreation Centers 61.91 63.15 65.04 67.00 69.01 71.08 73.21 75.40 77.67 80.00
Service Centers 16.23 16.55 17.05 17.56 18.09 18.63 19.19 19.77 20.36 20.97
Slaughterhouse - - - - - - - - - -
Health-Related Sources 2.57 2.62 2.70 2.78 2.87 2.95 3.04 3.13 3.23 3.32


E.2.2.c Recyclable Waste Generation, Non-Households within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

Non-HH Waste Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU 232.11 236.75 243.86 251.17 258.71 266.47 274.46 282.70 291.18 299.91
Food Establishments 32.96 33.62 34.63 35.67 36.74 37.84 38.98 40.15 41.35 42.59
General Stores 35.86 36.58 37.68 38.81 39.97 41.17 42.41 43.68 44.99 46.34
Industries 2.38 2.43 2.50 2.58 2.66 2.74 2.82 2.90 2.99 3.08
Institutions 12.40 12.65 13.03 13.42 13.82 14.24 14.67 15.11 15.56 16.03
Public Market 121.36 123.79 127.50 131.32 135.26 139.32 143.50 147.81 152.24 156.81
Recreation Centers 18.30 18.67 19.23 19.80 20.40 21.01 21.64 22.29 22.96 23.65
Service Centers 7.09 7.24 7.45 7.68 7.91 8.14 8.39 8.64 8.90 9.17
Slaughterhouse - - - - - - - - - -
Health-Related Sources 1.75 1.78 1.84 1.89 1.95 2.01 2.07 2.13 2.19 2.26

E.2.2.d Residual Waste Generation, Non-Households within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

Non-HH Waste Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU 113.72 116.00 119.48 123.06 126.75 130.55 134.47 138.50 142.66 146.94
Food Establishments 11.01 11.23 11.57 11.92 12.28 12.64 13.02 13.41 13.82 14.23
General Stores 35.31 36.02 37.10 38.21 39.36 40.54 41.76 43.01 44.30 45.63
Industries 1.29 1.31 1.35 1.39 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.57 1.62 1.66
Institutions 6.74 6.88 7.08 7.30 7.51 7.74 7.97 8.21 8.46 8.71
Public Market 46.73 47.67 49.10 50.57 52.09 53.65 55.26 56.92 58.62 60.38
Recreation Centers 8.00 8.16 8.41 8.66 8.92 9.19 9.46 9.75 10.04 10.34
Service Centers 3.89 3.97 4.09 4.21 4.34 4.47 4.60 4.74 4.88 5.03
Slaughterhouse - - - - - - - - - -
Health-Related Sources 0.74 0.75 0.77 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.87 0.90 0.92 0.95


E.2.2.e Special Waste Generation, Non-Households within Whole Municipality, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

Non-HH Waste Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU 11.29 11.51 11.86 12.21 12.58 12.96 13.35 13.75 14.16 14.59
Food Establishments 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34
General Stores 5.83 5.95 6.12 6.31 6.50 6.69 6.89 7.10 7.31 7.53
Industries 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13
Institutions 0.48 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.61
Public Market - - - - - - - - - -
Recreation Centers 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.30
Service Centers 2.51 2.56 2.64 2.72 2.80 2.89 2.97 3.06 3.15 3.25
Slaughterhouse - - - - - - - - - -
Health-Related Sources 1.87 1.91 1.97 2.03 2.09 2.15 2.22 2.28 2.35 2.42

E.2.2.f Total Waste Generation, Non-Households within Whole Municipality, by Waste Source, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

Non-HH Waste Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU 1,383.10 1,410.76 1,453.08 1,496.67 1,541.57 1,587.82 1,635.46 1,684.52 1,735.05 1,787.11
Food Establishments 188.21 191.97 197.73 203.66 209.77 216.06 222.55 229.22 236.10 243.18
General Stores 134.77 137.47 141.59 145.84 150.21 154.72 159.36 164.14 169.07 174.14
Industries 14.60 14.89 15.34 15.80 16.27 16.76 17.26 17.78 18.31 18.86
Institutions 54.56 55.65 57.32 59.04 60.81 62.63 64.51 66.45 68.44 70.49
Public Market 865.86 883.17 909.67 936.96 965.07 994.02 1,023.84 1,054.55 1,086.19 1,118.78
Recreation Centers 88.45 90.22 92.92 95.71 98.58 101.54 104.59 107.73 110.96 114.29
Service Centers 29.73 30.32 31.23 32.17 33.14 34.13 35.15 36.21 37.29 38.41
Slaughterhouse - - - - - - - - - -
Health-Related Sources 6.93 7.07 7.28 7.50 7.72 7.96 8.19 8.44 8.69 8.95


E.2.2.g Total Waste Generation, Non-Households within Whole Municipality, by Waste Type, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Waste Composition 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Biodegradable 1,025.97 1,046.49 1,077.89 1,110.23 1,143.53 1,177.84 1,213.17 1,249.57 1,287.06 1,325.67
Recyclable 232.11 236.75 243.86 251.17 258.71 266.47 274.46 282.70 291.18 299.91
Residual 113.72 116.00 119.48 123.06 126.75 130.55 134.47 138.50 142.66 146.94
Special Waste 11.29 11.51 11.86 12.21 12.58 12.96 13.35 13.75 14.16 14.59
Total 1,383.10 1,410.76 1,453.08 1,496.67 1,541.57 1,587.82 1,635.46 1,684.52 1,735.05 1,787.11

E.2.3 Total Waste Generation, All Sources, within Whole Municipality, by Waste Source, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental , 2009-2018, kg/day
Waste Sources 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
LGU 7,702.20 7,856.25 8,027.48 8,202.56 8,381.58 8,564.63 8,751.80 8,943.19 9,138.90 9,339.02
Households 6,319.11 6,445.49 6,574.40 6,705.89 6,840.00 6,976.80 7,116.34 7,258.67 7,403.84 7,551.92
Non-Households 1,383.10 1,410.76 1,453.08 1,496.67 1,541.57 1,587.82 1,635.46 1,684.52 1,735.05 1,787.11
Food Establishments 188.21 191.97 197.73 203.66 209.77 216.06 222.55 229.22 236.10 243.18
General Stores 134.77 137.47 141.59 145.84 150.21 154.72 159.36 164.14 169.07 174.14
Industries 14.60 14.89 15.34 15.80 16.27 16.76 17.26 17.78 18.31 18.86
Institutions 54.56 55.65 57.32 59.04 60.81 62.63 64.51 66.45 68.44 70.49
Public Market 865.86 883.17 909.67 936.96 965.07 994.02 1,023.84 1,054.55 1,086.19 1,118.78
Recreation Centers 88.45 90.22 92.92 95.71 98.58 101.54 104.59 107.73 110.96 114.29
Service Centers 29.73 30.32 31.23 32.17 33.14 34.13 35.15 36.21 37.29 38.41
Slaughterhouse - - - - - - - - - -
Health-Related Sources 6.93 7.07 7.28 7.50 7.72 7.96 8.19 8.44 8.69 8.95

E.2.4 Total Waste Generation, All Sources, within Whole Municipality, by Waste Type, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day
Waste Composition 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Biodegradable 5,284.31 5,389.99 5,508.26 5,629.20 5,752.89 5,879.38 6,008.75 6,141.05 6,276.37 6,414.77
Recyclable 1,543.11 1,573.97 1,607.82 1,642.41 1,677.77 1,713.91 1,750.86 1,788.62 1,827.22 1,866.67
Residual 745.36 760.27 776.63 793.36 810.46 827.93 845.80 864.06 882.73 901.81
Special Waste 129.43 132.02 134.78 137.59 140.46 143.40 146.40 149.46 152.59 155.78
Total 7,702.20 7,856.25 8,027.48 8,202.56 8,381.58 8,564.63 8,751.80 8,943.19 9,138.90 9,339.02


E.2.5 Waste Diversion Projections, All Sources, within Collection Area, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, kg/day

Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Total Waste Generation 1,774.42 2,453.24 3,011.39 3,591.01 4,065.62 4,557.93 5,068.44 5,423.66 5,548.15 5,675.61
Potential Diversion at Source 483.41 882.42 1,349.64 1,926.89 2,541.83 2,846.56 3,162.56 3,382.77 3,460.67 3,540.44
Biodegradable 389.92 702.29 1,067.46 1,517.21 1,996.24 2,230.82 2,474.06 2,644.12 2,705.41 2,768.19
% Bio waste diversion at source 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70%
Recyclable 93.49 180.13 282.19 409.69 545.59 615.74 688.49 738.65 755.26 772.26
% Recyclable waste diversion at source 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70%

Potential for Collection 1,291.01 1,570.82 1,661.75 1,664.12 1,523.79 1,711.37 1,905.89 2,040.89 2,087.47 2,135.16
Biodegradable 909.81 1,053.43 1,067.46 1,011.47 855.53 956.07 1,060.31 1,133.19 1,159.46 1,186.37
Recyclable 218.15 270.20 282.19 273.12 233.82 263.89 295.07 316.56 323.68 330.97
Residual 145.26 216.80 271.74 328.80 375.34 423.61 473.68 508.20 519.63 531.32
Special Wastes 17.80 30.39 40.36 50.72 59.10 67.80 76.82 82.93 84.70 86.51

Potential for Composting 909.81 1,053.43 1,067.46 1,011.47 855.53 956.07 1,060.31 1,133.19 1,159.46 1,186.37
Potential Bio Waste for Processing in
272.94 421.37 533.73 606.88 513.32 573.64 636.19 679.92 695.68 711.82
Central Composting Facility
% Potential for Off-Site Composting 30% 40% 50% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60%

LGU MRF Recyclable Inputs

Potential Recyclable 207.24 256.69 268.08 259.47 222.13 250.69 280.31 300.74 307.50 314.42
Crew Scavenging 10.91 13.51 14.11 13.66 11.69 13.19 14.75 15.83 16.18 16.55
Crew Scavenging, % 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%

Recovery at MRF 62.17171 102.7 134.0 155.7 133.3 150.4 168.2 180.4 184.5 188.7
% MRF Efficiency 30% 40% 50% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60%


Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Estimated Diversion
At source 483.41 882.42 1,349.64 1,926.89 2,541.83 2,846.56 3,162.56 3,382.77 3,460.67 3,540.44
Composting at MRF 272.94 421.37 533.73 606.88 513.32 573.64 636.19 679.92 695.68 711.82
Material recovery at MRF 62.17 102.68 134.04 155.68 133.28 150.42 168.19 180.44 184.50 188.65
Total diversion 818.53 1,406.47 2,017.41 2,689.46 3,188.43 3,570.62 3,966.93 4,243.13 4,340.85 4,440.91
Percent diversion (potential) 46% 57% 67% 75% 78% 78% 78% 78% 78% 78%

Potential for Disposal 290.3 370.8 405.8 432.6 464.2 523.9 585.8 628.5 642.6 657.1
Residuals from MRF 145.07 154.0 134.0 103.8 88.9 100.3 112.1 120.3 123.0 125.8
Residuals from Collection 145.3 216.8 271.7 328.8 375.3 423.6 473.7 508.2 519.6 531.3


Annex F



LGU: Zamboaguita

1. IEC on waste segregation: Yes.

When was IEC started: 2007
Coverage of IEC: In all barangays.

2. Practice of segregation at source:

____ No; ___ Yes in whole collection area; √ Yes in selected areas/sources (identify)

√ Segregation into “nabubulok” and “di nabubulok”; __ segregation into three/four types of waste

3. LGU garbage receptacles in place:

Locations Types of receptacles For what types of waste Responsible for Maintenance
Public Market 4 Bio, Non-Bio, Hazardous, Residuals Market Sweepers
Central School 4 Bio, Non-Bio, Hazardous, Residuals School Janitors
RHU 4 Bio, Non-Bio, Hazardous, Residuals Utility Worker

4. Problems associated with LGU-provided receptacles:

Wastes are just dumped regardless of the types.


1. Barangays covered by solid waste collection services of municipal LGU:

Brgys Urban/Rural % of HH Type of Waste Collected

(M. B, Rs, Rc, Sp)
Poblacion Rural __________ B, Rs, Rc, Sp
Maluay Rural __________ B, Rs, Rc, Sp

2. Segregated collection: No

3. Barangay LGUs with collection services:

Brgys Urban/Rural % of HH Type of Waste Collected

(M. B, Rs, Rc, Sp)
Poblacion Rural ______________ B, Rs, Rc, Sp
Maluay Rural ______________ B, Rs, Rc, Sp

4. Segregated collection: No


5. Private contractors providing collection services: None

6. Segregated collection: No

7. Estimated volume of waste collected by various collectors that are brought to the disposal facility

VOLUME COLLECTED PER DAY (in cubic meters)

Waste Generators Mun LGU Brgy LGU Private Contractors
Households 2 cu. m
Public Market 1 cu. m
Other sources 1 cu. m
Total 4 cu. m

8. Frequency of collection of waste collectors (please check) :

Public market: __ daily; ___ once a week; √ 2x or 3x a week; ___ irregular

Central business district __ daily; ___ once a week; √ 2x or 3x a week; ___ irregular
Households: __ daily; √ once a week; ___ 2x or 3x a week; ___ irregular
Others: __ daily; ___ once a week; ___ 2x or 3x a week; ___ irregular

9. Collection trucks available (municipal LGU):

Owned by LGU
Type of
No. of units Capacity When Current condition Remaining
obtained Useful Life (no.
(year) of years)
Dump Truck Good running
1 3.5 cu. m 2002 2015
Mini dump truck
Good running
(back-up collection 1 3.5 cu. m 2009 2019

Who maintains the vehicles? Motorpool Staff

10. Staff for waste collection:

Number LGU office
Collection vehicle drivers: _____1_____ Engineering
Collectors/crew _____4_____ Engineering
Enforcers: ___________ ____________________________
Others: ___________ ____________________________


1. Existing materials recovery facilities:

Facility Location When established Current Function/Use

Central MRF (without

Composting) ______________ ______________ _____________________
Central MRF (with
Composting) Basak _______________ Under Constuction
Central Composting ______________ _______________ ______________________
Barangay MRFs ______________ _______________ ______________________
Satellite/Mini-MRF ______________ _______________ ______________________


2. Private materials recovery facilities or recyclers in LGU:

Name Location (brgy) Registered? Materials being procured
__________________ __________________ ______ ______________________________
__________________ __________________ ______ ______________________________
__________________ __________________ ______ ______________________________
__________________ __________________ ______ ______________________________

Establishments with own MRFs

Name Location (brgy) Materials being recovered

__________________ __________________ _____________________________________
__________________ __________________ _____________________________________
__________________ __________________ _____________________________________
__________________ __________________ _____________________________________

Recyclers (processors)

Name Location (brgy) Materials being recovered

__________________ __________________ _____________________________________
__________________ __________________ _____________________________________
__________________ __________________ _____________________________________
__________________ __________________ _____________________________________

3. Composting operations

Daily volume of waste delivered for composting:

Sources of biodegradable waste:
Composting technology used:
Uses of compost materials

4. MRF Staff
Type Number LGU Office Number LGU Office
( Recycling) (Composting)
none ________________ ______________ ____________ _____________
_____ ________________ _______________ ____________ _____________

5. Major items of equipment in central MRF:

Owned by LGU
Type of equipment
No. of units Capacity When Current condition Remaining
obtained Useful Life (no.
(year) of years)

Who maintains the equipment? ______________________



1. Type of disposal facility

Year Land Manage-

Location Area Year Closed/End Ownership ment Post-closure
Disposal System
(brgy) (ha) Started of Useful (gov't./ (gov't./ land use
Life Private) private)
Open dump Mayabon 0.25 2002 existing private Gov’t None yet
Controlled dump
Sanitary Landfill

Note: Please indicate if there is more than one site. For SLFs, indicate its category.

2. Scavengers/squatters living within the disposal area: Yes;

If yes, please estimate the number of families: 5

3. Staff in disposal facility

Type Number LGU Unit

______________________ ________________ __________________

______________________ ________________ __________________
______________________ ________________ __________________

4. Major items of equipment in disposal facility: None

Owned by LGU
Type of
No. of units Capacity When Current condition Remaining
obtained Useful Life (no.
(year) of years)

Who maintains the vehicle/equipment? ______________________


Annex G
Detailed Cost Estimates

G.1 Capital Outlay, ISWM Plan Implementation, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, in pesos
Description 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Total - - - - - - - - - -

Segregation at Source

Total - - - - - - - - - -

Collection and Transport

Purchase of collection vehicle 1,000,000.00
Sound system for the
collection vehicle
Total - 1,030,000.00

Materials Recovery
Const. of CMRF 500,000.00
Perimeter fencing 150,000.00
Installation of Power/Water
Purchase of Shredder 200,000.00
CMRF Tools and Equipment 20,000.00
Total - 970,000.00

Closure of open dump 200,000.00
Construction of SLF 1,500,000.00
Total 200,000.00 1,500,000.00

GRAND TOTAL 200,000.00 3,500,000.00


G.2 Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOEs), ISWM Plan Implementation, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, 2009-2018, in pesos

Cost Category Total 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Personal Services

Office supplies 62,889 5,000 5,250 5,513 5,788 6,078
Fuels and Lubricants 62,889 5,000 5,250 5,513 5,788 6,078
Travel 188,668 15,000 15,750 16,538 17,364 18,233
Water 18,867 1,500 1,575 1,654 1,736 1,823
Electricity 62,889 5,000 5,250 5,513 5,788 6,078
Communication 62,889 5,000 5,250 5,513 5,788 6,078
Meetings 62,889 5,000 5,250 5,513 5,788 6,078
Repairs and Maintenance
Buildings 190,982 20,000 21,000 22,050
Other MOOE -
Labor Cost 1,471,613 117,000 122,850 128,993 135,442 142,214
Total 2,184,578 158,500 166,425 194,746 204,484 214,708
Source Reduction
Personal Services

Office Supplies 62,889 5,000 5,250 5,513 5,788 6,078
Training 115,000 40,000 15,000 5,000 5,000 15,000
Printing & Advertising 57,051 20,000 2,000 2,000 20,000 2,000
Other MOOE -
Labor Cost 1,471,613 117,000 122,850 128,993 135,442 142,214
Total 1,706,554 182,000 145,100 141,505 166,230 165,292
Collection & Transport
Personal Services


Cost Category Total 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Fuel, Oil and Lubricants 1,509,347 120,000 126,000 132,300 138,915 145,861
Training 20,000 5,000 5,000
Other Supplies 159,374 10,000 11,000 12,100 13,310 14,641
Rep. & Maint.-Land Transpo Eqpt 503,116 40,000 42,000 44,100 46,305 48,620
Other MOOE -
Labor Cost 1,471,613 117,000 122,850 128,993 135,442 142,214
Total 3,663,450 292,000 301,850 317,493 338,972 351,336
Materials Recovery
Personal Services
Training 45,000 15,000 10,000
Rep. & Maint.-Buildings 95,491 10,000 10,500 11,025
Rep. & Maint.-Eqpt 95,491 10,000 10,500 11,025
Electricity 5,000 5,000
Water 1,500 1,500
Other Supplies 239,061 15,000 16,500 18,150 19,965 21,962
Other MOOE
Labor Cost 1,471,613 117,000 122,850 128,993 135,442 142,214
Total 1,953,157 153,500 139,350 167,143 186,407 186,226

Personal Services
Electricity 159,374 10,000 11,000 12,100 13,310 14,641
Rep. & Maint.-Other Structures 716,183 75,000 78,750 82,688
Other supplies 88,045 7,000 7,350 7,718 8,103 8,509
Other MOOE -
Labor Cost 1,117,246 117,000 122,850 128,993
Total 2,080,848 17,000 18,350 211,818 223,013 234,830
GRAND TOTAL 11,588,588 803,000 771,075 1,032,704 1,119,106 1,152,391


Cost Category Total 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Cost Category 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Personal Services

Office supplies 6,381 6,700 7,036 7,387 7,757
Fuels and Lubricants 6,381 6,700 7,036 7,387 7,757
Travel 19,144 20,101 21,107 22,162 23,270
Water 1,914 2,010 2,111 2,216 2,327
Electricity 6,381 6,700 7,036 7,387 7,757
Communication 6,381 6,700 7,036 7,387 7,757
Meetings 6,381 6,700 7,036 7,387 7,757
Repairs and Maintenance
Buildings 23,153 24,310 25,526 26,802 28,142
Other MOOE
Labor Cost 149,325 156,791 164,631 172,862 181,505
Total 225,443 236,715 248,551 260,979 274,028
Source Reduction
Personal Services

Office Supplies 6,381 6,700 7,036 7,387 7,757
Training 5,000 5,000 15,000 5,000 5,000
Printing & Advertising 2,000 2,100 2,205 2,315 2,431
Other MOOE
Labor Cost 149,325 156,791 164,631 172,862 181,505
Total 162,706 170,592 188,871 187,565 196,693
Collection & Transport
Personal Services


Cost Category Total 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Fuel, Oil and Lubricants 153,154 160,811 168,852 177,295 186,159
Training 5,000 5,000
Other Supplies 16,105 17,716 19,487 21,436 23,579
Rep. & Maint.-Land Transpo Eqpt 51,051 53,604 56,284 59,098 62,053
Other MOOE
Labor Cost 149,325 156,791 164,631 172,862 181,505
Total 369,635 393,922 409,254 430,691 458,297
Materials Recovery
Personal Services
Training 10,000 10,000
Rep. & Maint.-Buildings 11,576 12,155 12,763 13,401 14,071
Rep. & Maint.-Eqpt 11,576 12,155 12,763 13,401 14,071
Other Supplies 24,158 26,573 29,231 32,154 35,369
Other MOOE
Labor Cost 149,325 156,791 164,631 172,862 181,505
Total 196,635 217,675 219,387 231,818 255,017

Personal Services
Electricity 16,105 17,716 19,487 21,436 23,579
Rep. & Maint.-Other Structures 86,822 91,163 95,721 100,507 105,533
Other supplies 8,934 9,381 9,850 10,342 10,859
Other MOOE
Labor Cost 135,442 142,214 149,325 156,791 164,631
Total 247,303 260,473 274,383 289,076 304,602
GRAND TOTAL 1,201,723 1,279,377 1,340,446 1,400,129 1,488,637


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