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Lopez, Yza Kyle C.

Mr. Rommel Tarala

ACTIVITY 1: SHORT ESSAY - Read and analyze each question. Answer each item briefly but

1. Agree or Disagree. Rizal is a coward when he refuse to approved the planned uprising
of the Katipunan. Explain your answer in brief.
- Disagree. The characterization of Rizal as a coward depends on their interpretation of
his motives and principles, as well as their own perspective on the use of violence as a
means of achieving independence. Rizal is not coward he just have his own plan and he
believed in achieving change through peaceful means, education, and raising
awareness rather than armed conflict.

2. If you had been Rizal’s lawyer, what could have you done to save Rizal from his death
- I would have looked into various legal tactics and defenses to try to prevent his
execution. I would thoroughly examine the prosecution's case and supporting
documentation against Rizal. If their proof contained flaws or contradictions, I would cast
doubt on its veracity and contend that there wasn't enough evidence to prove Rizal's
guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

3. Explain the reason why Rizal wanted to be shot in the small back instead of the head.
- It is possible to interpret Rizal's decision to be shot in the small of his back as a
purposeful symbolic action. Being shot in the back is frequently equated with treachery
or betrayal in traditional Filipino culture. Rizal may have wanted to emphasize the
perceived betrayal he faced from the Spanish authority and the injustices the Filipino
people had to endure by picking this particular place.

ACTIVITY 2: REFLECTION- Do you think Rizal's dying for the country was really worth it?
Prove your point.

- Yes, it is worth. The killing of Rizal sparked a nationalist uprising in the Philippines.
Filipinos were inspired and motivated to struggle for independence from Spanish colonial
control by his martyrdom. The revolutionaries who carried on Rizal's fight for freedom
found inspiration in his words, ideas, and sacrifice. And that lead to independence.

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