Gr12 Rev Ch02 01 Q

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Dr Vince Grade 12 Physics Detailed Revisions Ch02-01 1

Ch02-Q01-A: Fill in the blanks.

1. An object that is accelerating must have a _________ acting on it. 1.
2. The force that enables an object to keep it moving in the circle is known as the 2.
_________ force.
3. The centripetal acceleration directed towards the ________ of the circle at any 3.
4. If the speed of a rotating body is to be increased two times, the centripetal force 4.
must be increased __________.

Ch02-Q01-B: Say True (or) False.

1. An object moving in a circle must have a force applied to it to keep it moving in the 1.
2. For uniform circular motion, the acceleration is centripetal acceleration. 2.
3. An object in a circular motion requires a net force directed towards the centre of the 3.
4. In the absence of the centripetal force, the object would not move along a circle. 4.
5. In the absence of the centripetal force, the object would move in a straight line. 5.
6. For an object to move in a circle, a force is needed to deviate the object from its straight 6.
line path.
7. The larger the rotating speed, the larger the centripetal force needed. 7.
8. The larger the mass of the rotating body, the larger the centripetal force needed. 8.
9. The larger the radius of the rotating path, the larger the centripetal force needed. 9.
10. The larger the angular speed, the larger the centripetal force needed. 10.
11. A body moving with uniform circular motion needs centripetal force. 11.
12. A body moving with non-uniform circular motion needs centripetal force. 12.
13. A body moving with uniform circular motion needs tangential force. 13.
14. A body moving with non-uniform circular motion needs tangential force. 14.
15. If there is an acceleration, there must be a corresponding net force. 15.
16. If there is a centripetal acceleration, there must be a centripetal force. 16.
17. If there is a tangential acceleration, there must be a tangential force. 17.

Ch02-Q01-C: Short Questions.

1. What is the required centripetal force for the Moon rotating the Earth?
2. What is the required centripetal force for the Earth rotating the Sun?
3. What is the required centripetal force for an electron rotating the nucleus?
4. What is the required centripetal force for a ball whirled by a string?

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