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GENERAL EXERCISE SEMESTER 1 On a hot day, a thirsty crow flew over field looking for water.

For a long time, she couldn't find any. She felt very exhausted, almost giving up. Suddenly, she saw a water jug below her, she flew straight down to see if there was any water inside. It was a surprise because there was some water inside the jug. The crow tried to push her head into the jug. Sadly, she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. Then, she tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out but she found that the jug was too heavy. The crow thought hard for a while. Then looking around her, she saw some pebbles. She suddenly had a good idea. She started picking up the pebbles one by one dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high enough for the crow to drink "It's working!" she said. 1. What is the topic of the text? a. A clever crow d. A hot day b. A thirsty crow e. A lesson for the crow c. A hard worker 2. What is the purpose of the text? a. To entertain the readers with the fable b. To persuade the readers about certain things c. To tell the readers about someones experience d. To inform the readers about the character of animals e. To share an amusing incident with the readers 3. What is the moral teaching we can get from the text? a. Don't be arrogant with our severity b. If there is a will, there will be a way c. If were greedy, we will get nothing d. Help others and they will help us e. Be ourselves and don't disturb the others 4. She felt very exhausted and almost giving up. The underlined words have similar meaning to .... a. difficult d. tired b. hungry e. wild c. thirsty 5. The crow tried to push her head into the jug. Sadly, she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow. (paragraph 2) This part of paragraph is called . a. orientation d. re-orientation b. resolution e. complication c. reiteration I think my first memories started when I was about three or perhaps four years old. I remember falling from a tree and breaking my arms. I think I was playing in the garden of the big, old house we lived in. It was in a suburb of London. I can also remember starting school when I was five. There was a little boy called Thomas in the same class.

He used to pull my hair when the teacher was not looking. One day I hit him on the head with a book and he began to cry. The teacher was very angry with me. I remember him saying, "Little girls don't do thing like that." But Thomas never pulled my hair again. 6. The paragraph is about the writers.... a. life c. big, old house e. friend, Thomas b. teacher d. first memories 7. Thomas never pulled the writer's hair again because .... a. he was afraid of the writer d. the writer was bigger than he was b. he was afraid of the teacher e. the teacher was angry with the writer c. he moved to another school 8. One day I hit him on the head with ... The underlined word means .... a. broke b. struck c. attacked d. offended e. bumped 9. What is the purpose of the text? a. To entertain the readers with the fable b. To persuade the readers about certain things c. To tell the readers about someones experience d. To inform the readers about the character of animals e. To share an amusing incident with the readers 10. What tense is used in the text? a. Simple present tense a. Indirect speech a. Simple past tense a. Passive voice a. Past perfect tense 11. The generic structure of the text is . a. orientation-event-reorientation d. goal-material-steps b. orientation-event-reiteration e. general statement-description c. orientation-complication-resolution Mira is making scrambled eggs. She is using four eggs and a little milk. First she puts the eggs and the milk into a saucepan with a little salt and pepper. Then she lights the stove and puts the saucepan on it. She stirs the eggs and milk with a spoon while heating it until It becomes thick. The scrambled eggs are ready to eat. 12.The materials are needed to make scrambled eggs, except.. a. eggs d. milk b. salt e. pepper c. margarine 13. Then she lights the stove.. The underlined word means .. a. fix d. switch b. stir e. convert c. press 14. What is the social function of the text above? a. To amuse the readers b. To persuade the readers about certain things c. To tell the readers about someones experience d. To inform the readers about some news

.b .c

e. To describe something is accomplished through a sequence of steps. 15. What tense is used in the text? a. Simple present tense Indirect speech Simple past tense Passive voice Past perfect tense 16. A : Could I see Mr. Richard, please? B : Have you made an . with him? A : Yes I have. We will meet in this office. a. surprise d. announcement b. appointment e. advertisement c. news 17.Clark : James, Id like to talk to you about our next plan. James : Right. When and where will we meet? Clark : .. James : Ok, see you there. The correct sentence to complete the dialog is. a. Thank you very much. d. Its been nice to talk to you. b. Im sorry but I have to go now. e. Im delighted to hear that c. How about going to my house tonight. 18. Eka: Would you like to have dinner tonight? Putri: Oh, that sounds nice. The bold sentence expresses . a. making an offer d. an offer b. refusing an offer e. permission c. accepting an offer 19. Teacher: Youve passed your final exam. Student : . a. Im so delighted d. Oh, no! b. I really hate e. Im very displeased c. Im fed up with it 20. A : Why was Anti absent yesterday? B : You know her grandfather died yesterday. A : a. Im glad to hear that d. Im sorry to hear that b. Oh, it doesnt matter e. Lets forget about that c. Take it easy. 21. Thats the girl . comes from Spain. a. Who b. whom c. which d. whose e. when 22. The businessman we met at the party yesterday is the General Manager of a big company. a. Who b. whose c. which d. whom e. where 23. I talked to the boy car had broken down in front of the shop. a. who b. whom c. whose d. where e. which 24. I spent all my pocket money on Monday Dio said. a. Dio said that I had spent all my pocket money on Monday

a.If they went abroad so often b. Dio said that he has spent all his pocket moneydo they go abroad so often? Why on Monday b. Why they went had spent all his c. Dio said that he abroad so often? pocket money on go abroad so often? Did they Monday c.Why asked whether he so spent d. Diodid they go abroad hadoften? all his pocket money on Monday 26. e. Dio : orto spend all my pocket money on Monday Mother told me you may get cold. 25. Johnny :said to me: Why doIll take an umbrella. Son Dont worry Mom, they go abroad so often? a. Dont cross the street Johnny asked me d. You can go now b. Dont leave e. Dont go in the heavy rain c. Youre allowed to walk out 27. The ship Makasar last Monday. a. reach d. reaches b. reached e. reaching c. to reach 28. My mother .. angry because my room untidy this morning. a. was-did d. was-was b. was-were e. is-is c. were-was 29. My bookstore . at 8 a. m and .. at 9 p. m everyday. a. open - close d. are opening opens b. opens - closes e. opens - close c. opened - closed 30. 1. When you will leave out, remember taking your card. 2. Furthermore, dial the ID number 3. As you want to withdraw money, insert your ATM Card. 4. Then, tell how much money you want to get. 5. For a while, wait for the money come out. The right arrangement of the sentences above . a. 3-2-1-4-5 d. 1-2-3-5-4 b. 3-2-4-5-1 e. 5-4-3-2-1 c. 1-2-4-3-5

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