Interstellar Film Viewing

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The Nature of Man

Every human is unique in their own different way, we may have the same physical
structure as a human being but we are far different on how we think, we act and decide for
ourselves and that qualities of being a human make as different with each other and conclude
our nature as a human. After watching the movie of Interstellar 2014, I realize that the duality is
really present with in the nature of the human beings in which we can choose between right and
wrong; to success or to fail; to surrender or to continue in which the plot of the story surrounds
on how they can save the human from Earth on extinction that scientists explore the universe to
find a possible habitat that human can live. In the story, Mr. Copper decided to continue the
mission on exploring to find an inhabitable place rather than to surrender and do nothing, that it
particularly shows his human nature who is willing to sacrifice himself and the longing for his
family just for the betterment of all the mankind living in the Earth. Even though, Mr. Copper
found out that their mission is impossible and hopeless from the very beginning, he did not lose
hope and call their mission as a failure instead he finds a way for it to become a successful one.
So, as I conclude, we as a person will create our own nature it will depend on how we decide
and act upon those decision-made that greatly shows how every individual is unique in their own

2. Existence

One philosopher said, “Everything which takes birth has to die one day” which means
everything is temporary in this world that someone could die, if it is his time then it is his time to
leave. Change is very possible in this world even those we used to believe might change in an
instant. In the story of the movie entitled with Interstellar 2014 shows that extinction of human
race is near due to lack of resources in the Earth that scientists and explorers have a mission to
find a better place for humans to continue life with in. Scientists as a human being used their
existence in trying to find a solution to avoid extinction of humans, this show how important their
presence is. In the part of the movie in which Mr. Copper travel in the Blackhole and realize that
he was trapped in the fourth dimension which he saw his past life with his daughter, Murph and
try to communicate with her through space time in order to give signal to Murph about his
existence that saves all the mankind on getting extinct. That made me realize how mysterious
every existence is, that one might really exists even though we believe it is very impossible to
exist. In addition to that, we have our own purpose for our existence it will greatly depend on us
on how we value and give meaning of it.

3. Love
According to a quote that “Love conquers all” which means there is no challenges which
we cannot overcome just for our love ones. In the story of Interstellar, Mr. Copper really portrayed
how loving and caring he is for his family even though it was very hard for him to leave his family
especially his daughter, Murph who is very against with the idea that he will join the mission to
find a habitual place in another galaxy to save the human races on Earth but that never stop Mr.
Copper to join in exploring the uncertainty of the outer space hoping that he can save many
people especially his family. As they go through in their mission which took so many years that
he can’t even communicate with his family and finding out that their mission is near to hopeless
and there is no guarantee that they can return in Earth but just by thinking that he cannot see
his family again which give him more strength to find a solution for their mission to be successful
and he never failed in the end. In conclusion, love is so much powerful that it will become a best
weapon in any battles we can encounter just for the sake of our love ones.

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