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Amended on 02/11/2022

Shubham Bajaj

Acting Cultural Secretary

(Student Council 2021-22)

Guidelines for Functioning and Formation of Cultural Bodies


1. SIG/Club: An SIG/Club is a student body or cell which organizes activities and events in the
institute, for the institute and external participants, throughout the year and depends on the
Student Affairs Committee (SAC) for its budget. Any club starts out as an SIG and the difference
between the bodies lie in the structure, impact creation, status and budget (which has a limit
of INR 10,000 annually for SIGs).
2. Chapter/Chapter 2.0: A Chapter/Chapter 2.0 is an externally affiliated body or cell which
organizes activities and events in the institute, for the institute and external participants,
throughout the year, but doesn’t depend on the SAC for its budget and sources the same
externally. In spite of external funding, all the monetary transactions of the Chapter/Chapter
2.0 shall be routed through the Student Council account. These terms are not to be used
interchangeably as the former closely resembles an SIG while the latter closely resembles a
club in terms of structure, impact creation and status.

Formation of an SIG/Chapter:

1. Submission of SIG/Chapter Proposal in a said format via email to Cultural Secretary

2. Student body voting wherein more than 30% of votes from the electorate constituting at least
50% of the student body are in favor of the SIG/Chapter will move the proposal for approval
in the Club Review Committee (CRC) that comprises of the SAC Chairperson, Cultural
Secretary, President and Hostel Affairs Secretary.

Functioning of an SIG/Chapter:

1. Recruitment and Selection: A new SIG once formed, will be allowed to have at most 2 PORs
(President and Vice President), at least one of which (i.e. President) has to have been a part
of the team that had made the proposal in the first place and the remaining (if any) is left to
the discretion of the core team and will be recruited via EOI floated on BB, preliminary
screening by the existing POR holder under the watch of the CRC.
A new Chapter once formed, will be allowed to have at most 2 PORs out of which one will be
President or its equivalent (including but not limited to Overall Coordinator) selected by the
external organization. The other (if any) is left to the discretion of the core team and will be
recruited via EOI floated on BB, preliminary screening by the existing POR holder under the
watch of the CRC.
Recruitment of any other post-holders in the core team in both cases that amount to extra-
curricular points can be handled solely by the chosen POR holders in the usual fashion of EOI
floated on BB followed by screening and interview. In case of an existing SIG/Chapter, core
team recruitment can be done by the outgoing team in the usual fashion of EOI floated on BB
followed by screening and interview. All other members of the SIG/Chapter can be recruited
in a similar fashion by the core team itself.
2. Structure: The body must submit a Charter annually to the Cultural Secretary in order for the
CRC and the Placement Committee to collectively approve the proposed core team structure
including the nature of PORs and other post-holders.
3. Term wise/Annual Activity Updates and Impact Assessment: The body must update the
Cultural Secretary term wise/annually, as is the case, regarding the activities planned for the
said time period along with the budget in order for the CRC to keep a tab on and assess its
performance on its own and relative to other bodies.

4. Assessment: The body must submit term wise Activity Reports to the Cultural Secretary in
order to help the student body and the Student Council rate them.
5. Status: An SIG/Chapter can get promoted to Club/Chapter 2.0 subject to more than 2.5 ratings
for 6 terms and can be dissolved subject to less than 2.5 ratings in consecutively 3 terms.

Functioning of a Club/Chapter 2.0:

1. Recruitment and Selection: Core team recruitment can be done by the outgoing team in the
usual fashion of EOI floated on BB followed by screening and interview. All other members of
the SIG can be recruited in a similar fashion by the core team itself.
2. Structure: The body must submit a Charter annually to the Cultural Secretary in order for the
CRC and the Placement Committee to collectively approve the proposed core team structure
including the number and nature of PORs and other post-holders.
3. Term wise/Annual Activity Updates and Impact Assessment: The body must update the
Cultural Secretary term wise/annually, as is the case, regarding the activities planned for the
said time period along with the budget in order for the CRC to keep a tab on and assess its
performance on its own and relative to other bodies.
4. Assessment: The body must submit term wise Activity Reports to the Cultural Secretary in
order to help the student body and the Student Council rate them.
5. Status: A Club/Chapter 2.0 can get demoted to an SIG/Chapter subject to less than 2.5 ratings
for 2 consecutive terms. It can be upgraded to its previous status in case of more than 2.5
ratings in the next 3 consecutive terms and can be dissolved in case of less than 2.5 ratings in
the next 3 consecutive terms.

Dissolution by Initiation:

1. Dissolution process can be initiated by at least 50% of the Student Council or 10% of the
student body being in favor of the same. Post formal communication of these votes to the
Election Commission (EC) followed by a clarificatory process as deemed appropriate by the
EC, if the results of the subsequent voting process are such that at least 50% of the student
body vote and at least two-thirds of the electorate votes for dissolution, the body shall be
dissolved with immediate effect.
2. A dissolution process can be initiated only after the body has functioned and been rated for a
minimum of 2 terms post its birth.
3. There should be a minimum gap of 3 terms between two dissolution initiations for the same
4. In case of conflict between this enactment and the Student Body Constitution, the latter shall
Section: A
Annual Cultural Bodies Assessment & Promotion/Dissolution:
1. There will be an upper-cap that there won't exist more than 22 Clubs and 34 (Clubs + SIGs)
2. On the basis of average annual rating based on the three terms,
The top 2 SIGs which have been in function for at least 6 terms are eligible for promotion to
the club status given the condition that they have not received less than 2.5 rating in any of
the last 3 terms to ensure that the effect of previous team not impacting the current team's
hard work.
All clubs having less than 2.5 rating will be demoted to SIG status. In case no clubs have
received less than a 2.5 rating, the two clubs receiving the least rating will be eligible for
demotion to SIG status. In case there are no eligible SIGs for promotion and the clubs being
demoted have a rating greater than 2.5, the CRC will consider the requisition for the club
maintaining their status.
Similarly, every year all the SIGs which have received less than 2.5 rating will be dissolved. In
case less than 2 SIGs receive less than 2.5 ratings, the lowest 2 rated SIGs will be eligible for
dissolution. In case there are no proposed SIGs for the year and the SIGs being demoted have
a rating greater than 2.5, the CRC will consider the SIG maintaining their SIG status.
From all the proposed SIGs fulfilling the criteria for SIG formation, at most 2 SIG will be
selected based on student body votes, student council discussion and CRC approval.

Rules regarding PORs:

1. Any student who is not a member of the Student Council can have a maximum of total 3 PORs
out of which only one can be that of a President or its equivalent (including but not limited to
Overall Coordinator) for any SIG/Club/Chapter/Chapter2.0/7 Lakes Fest/TedX.
2. Any member of the Student Council can have a maximum of total 2 PORs including his/her
post in the Student Council. He/she, however, cannot hold the position of a President or its
equivalent (including but not limited to Overall Coordinator) for any
SIG/Club/Chapter/Chapter2.0/7 Lakes Fest/TedX.
3. Any student selected for CEMS/STEP program is not eligible for PORs.

Amendments to the Constitution:

1. The supremacy of the constitution holds in all the matters relating to Cultural Bodies. It shall
be followed in word and in spirit by all the members of the same.
2. Any amendment to the Constitution shall be initiated by at least 50% of the CRC or by at least
10% of all the members of Cultural Bodies. A signed memorandum has to be submitted to this
effect to the EC.
3. The above-mentioned referendum shall be constitutionally valid if at least a simple majority
of the members of Cultural Bodies vote.
4. The above-mentioned referendum, if constitutionally valid, shall be deemed to have been
passed if supported by at least two-thirds of the members of Cultural Bodies voting.
5. There will be an upper-cap that there won't exist more than 22 Clubs and 34 (Clubs + SIGs)
6. On the basis of average annual rating based on the three terms,
The top 2 SIGs which have been in function for at least 6 terms are eligible for promotion to
the club status given the condition that they have not received less than 2.5 rating in any of
the last 3 terms to ensure that the effect of previous team not impacting the current team's
hard work.
All clubs having less than 2.5 rating will be demoted to SIG status. In case no clubs have
received less than a 2.5 rating, the two clubs receiving the least rating will be eligible for
demotion to SIG status. In case there are no eligible SIGs for promotion and the clubs being
demoted have a rating greater than 2.5, the CRC will consider the requisition for the club
maintaining their status.
Similarly, every year all the SIGs which have received less than 2.5 rating will be dissolved. In
case less than 2 SIGs receive less than 2.5 ratings, the lowest 2 rated SIGs will be eligible for
dissolution. In case there are no proposed SIGs for the year and the SIGs being demoted
have a rating greater than 2.5, the CRC will consider the SIG maintaining their SIG status.
From all the proposed SIGs fulfilling the criteria for SIG formation, at most 2 SIG will be
selected based on student body votes, student council discussion and CRC approval.

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