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Computer Knowledge

Concept Notes
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS ................................................................. 1
Definition .............................................................................................................................................1
Parts of Computer................................................................................................................................1
Characteristics of Computer ................................................................................................................1
Limitations of Computers ....................................................................................................................2
History of Computers ...........................................................................................................................2
Generation of Computers ....................................................................................................................4
Types of Computers .............................................................................................................................6
Uses of Computer ................................................................................................................................8
Multiple Choice Questions ..................................................................................................................9
Computer Organization .................................................................................................................... 16
Data Processing Cycle ....................................................................................................................... 17
Instruction cycle ................................................................................................................................ 20
Multiple Choice Questions ............................................................................................................... 20
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Input Devices .................................................................................................................................... 24
Output Devices ................................................................................................................................. 27
Motherboard .................................................................................................................................... 30
Multiple Choice Questions ............................................................................................................... 31
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 40
Memory Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................ 40
Memory Management ...................................................................................................................... 40
Memory Measurement..................................................................................................................... 45
Multiple Choice Questions ............................................................................................................... 45
SOFTWARE ................................................................................................53
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 53
Computer Language .......................................................................................................................... 55
Some other terms ............................................................................................................................. 57
Multiple Choice Questions ............................................................................................................... 59
OPERATING SYSTEM ..................................................................................65
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 65
Layered Structure of Operating System ........................................................................................... 65
Functions of Operating System ........................................................................................................ 65
Types of Operating System ............................................................................................................... 67
Some Important Operating System .................................................................................................. 69
MS-DOS (Microsoft-Disk Operating System) .................................................................................... 70
Microsoft Windows .......................................................................................................................... 71
Multiple Choice Questions ............................................................................................................... 77
COMPUTER NETWORK ...............................................................................85
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 85
Components of Computer Network ................................................................................................. 85
Network devices ............................................................................................................................... 85
Computer Network Architecture ...................................................................................................... 86
Types of network .............................................................................................................................. 87
Internetwork ..................................................................................................................................... 89
Network Topology ............................................................................................................................ 89
Transmission Modes ......................................................................................................................... 91
Computer Network Model................................................................................................................ 92
Network Protocols ............................................................................................................................ 97
Internet ............................................................................................................................................. 99
Multiple Choice Questions ............................................................................................................. 102
NUMBER SYSTEM ..................................................................................... 111
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 111
Binary number system .................................................................................................................... 111
Octal number system ...................................................................................................................... 111
Hexadecimal number system ......................................................................................................... 111
Number System Conversion ........................................................................................................... 112
Digital Codes ................................................................................................................................... 114
Multiple Choice Questions ............................................................................................................. 115
MICROSOFT OFFICE ................................................................................ 120
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 120
Microsoft Word............................................................................................................................... 120
Microsoft Excel ............................................................................................................................... 127
Microsoft PowerPoint ..................................................................................................................... 131
Microsoft Access ............................................................................................................................. 136
Microsoft Outlook ........................................................................................................................... 137
Multiple Choice Questions ............................................................................................................. 139
DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .......................................................... 147
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 147
Fundamentals of Database ............................................................................................................. 147
Types of Database........................................................................................................................... 147
Components of a Database ............................................................................................................ 147
Database Management System (DBMS) ........................................................................................ 148
Architecture of DBMS ..................................................................................................................... 148
Advantages & Disadvantages of DBMS .......................................................................................... 149
Applications of DBMS ..................................................................................................................... 150
Relational Database ........................................................................................................................ 150
Terms Related to Database ............................................................................................................ 150
Database Languages ....................................................................................................................... 151
Entity - Relationship Model (E-R Model) ........................................................................................ 151
Multiple Choice Questions ............................................................................................................. 152
COMPUTER SECURITY ............................................................................. 161
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 161
Methods of Protection.................................................................................................................... 161
Components of Computer Security ................................................................................................ 161
Virus ................................................................................................................................................ 161
Internet Security Threats ................................................................................................................ 164
Internet Security Tools.................................................................................................................... 165
Multiple Choice Questions ............................................................................................................. 165
COMPUTER ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................... 171
COMPUTER TERMINOLOGIES ................................................................... 177
PRACTICE QUESTIONS – 1........................................................................ 193
PRACTICE QUESTIONS – 2........................................................................ 201
PRACTIVE QUESTIONS – 3 ........................................................................ 209
PRACTICE QUESTIONS – 4........................................................................ 216
PRACTICE QUESTIONS – 5........................................................................ 223
A computer is a electronic machine or device that performs processes,
calculations and operations based on instructions provided by a
software or hardware program. It has the ability to accept raw data as
input, processes it and produce information as output.
Computers can also store data for later uses in appropriate storage
devices, and retrieve whenever it is necessary.
Modern computers are electronic devices used for a variety of
purposes ranging from browsing the web, writing documents, editing videos, creating applications,
playing video games, etc. They are designed to execute applications and provide a variety of solutions
by combining integrated hardware and software components.
A complete computer system consists of four parts:
❖ Hardware – Hardware represents the physical and tangible components of the computer.

❖ Software – Software is a set of electronic instructions consisting of complex codes (programs)

that make the computer perform tasks.

❖ User – The computer operators are known as users.

❖ Data – It consists of raw facts, which the computer stores and reads in the form of numbers.

Mother Board – It is the main Printed Circuit Board (PCB) of a computer that carries the Central
Processing Unit (CPU) chip, Read Only Memory (ROM), Random Access Memory (RAM) and the Basic
Input Output System (BIOS) chip.
Computer are the foundation of business, travel and leisure of life today. The common characteristics
that makes computers of all sizes such a powerful machine are speed, accuracy and reliability, storage
capacity, ability to operate automatically, diligence, scientific approach and versatility.
❖ Speed – Computer provide the processing speed required by all facets of society. The quick

service we expect at the bank, at the grocery store, on the stock exchange and on the Internet
are dependent on the speed of computers. The speed of a computer is measured in the
following time units for the access time or instructions per second.
Milli second (1ms) A thousandth of a second or 10-3
Micro second (1µs) A millionth of a second or 10-6
Nano second (1ns) A thousand millionth of a second or 10-9
Pico second (1ps) A million millionth of a second or 10-12
KIPS Kilo Instructions Per Second
MIPS Million Instructions Per Second
❖ Accuracy and Reliability – Computers are quite accurate and extremely reliable as well. They

are only a machine and do not make errors on their own. Errors are caused by humans, not by


❖ Storage – Computers are capable of storing enormous amounts of data that must be located
and retrieved very quickly. The capability to store and retrieve volumes of data is the core of
the Information Age.
❖ Automation – Once a process has been initiated, it is capable of functioning automatically. It
does not require an operator at each stage of the process.
❖ Diligence – It is capable of operating at exactly the same level of speed and accuracy even if it
has to carry out the most voluminous and complex operations for a long period of time. It does
not suffer from physical and mental fatigue, lack of concentration and laziness.
❖ Versatility – The wide use of computers in so many areas such as commerce, scientific
application, education in day to day life is an ample evidence of its versatility.
Following are certain limitations of computers:
❖ No I.Q. – A computer is a machine that has no intelligence to perform any task. Each instruction

has to be given to the computer. A computer cannot take any decision on its own.
❖ Prone to Virus – The computer sometimes malfunctions and results in loss of data if some

virus attacks.
❖ Dependency – It functions as per the user’s instruction; thus, it is fully dependent on humans.

❖ Environment – The operating environment of the computer should be dust free and suitable.

❖ No feeling – Computer have no feelings or emotions. It cannot make judgement based on

feeling. Taste, experience and knowledge unlike humans.

A Computer was intended for making a person capable of performing numerical calculations with the
help of a mechanical computing device.

Abacus was the first counting device which was developed in China. It consists of a rectangular
wooden frame and beads. The wooden frame contains horizontal rods and the beads which are
passed through the rods. The beads of counters represent digits. The device is used to perform simple
addition and subtraction.
Napier’s Bones

It was a device which contained a set of rods made of bones. It was

developed by a Scottish Mathematician, John Napier. To perform multiplication and division, the
device was developed. Napier also invented logarithms.


Pascaline was the first calculating device with a capability to perform additions
and subtractions on whole numbers. It was developed by Blaise Pascal, a French Mathematician. The
device made up of interlocked cog wheels having numbers 0 to 9 on its circumference. When one
wheel completes its rotation, the other wheel moves by one segment.
Punched Card System
Punched Card System was invented by Herman Hollerith, an American Statistician. It was used for
storing and retrieving data. In the form of punched holes, the system data could be stored.
Charles Babbage’s Calculating Engines (1792-1871)

Babbage invented the Difference Engine to solve algebraic expressions and mathematical tasks
accurately. Later, he designed some improvements to his first computer. The modified machine is
called the Analytical Engine. He intended to design a machine with a collection of the four basic
arithmetic functions. The design principle of the Analytical Engine can be divided into Input, Output,
Memory, Central Processing Unit. The parts and working principle of an Analytical engine are the
same as today’s computer. Hence, Charles Babbage is known as the Father of Computer.
Hollerith Machine

A Hollerith machine was incorporated with the tabular and punched cards.
The machine could census the punched holes, recognize the number and make the required
calculation and store the data of census. The machine was invented by Herman Hollerith.
Mark I Computer


The first electro-mechanical computing device was developed by Howard
Hathaway Aiken. He used Hollerith’s punch card and Babbage’s statements to develop Mark I
computer with IBM. In Mark III computer, he used some electronic components and Magnetic drum
memory. In Mark IV computer, he used all electronic components and Magnetic drum memory &
Magnetic core memory.
First Un-programmable Electronic Digital Computer (ABC)
The Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) was the first electronic computer. It was designed by John
Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford E. Berry. It was designed to solve systems of linear algebraic equations.
It was also the first to use capacitors for storage.
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator – ENIAC
ENIAC was the first electronic computer used for general purposes, such as solving numerical
problems. It was invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer – EDVAC
EDVAC was the successor of ENIAC. In this computer, Binary numbers were used for arithmetic
operations and the internal storage of instructions were also written in digital forms.
Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator – EDSAC
EDSAC was the first practical general-purpose stored-program electronic computer. It was built
according to the von Neumann machine principles.
Universal Automatic Computer - UNIVAC
UNIVAC was the first commercially available computer. It was made by the Eckert-Mauchly Computer
Company. It represents the birth of the modern computers.
Micro Processor – INTEL 4004
In 1969, Intel Corporation designed the first general-purpose programmable processor INTEL 4004. It
was a set of four chips known as the MCS-4. It included a central processing unit chip (the 4004) as
well as a supporting read-only memory chip for the custom applications programs, a random-access
memory (RAM) chip for processing data, and a shift-register chip for the input/output (I/O) port.
First Generation Computers (1946 – 1959)

The first-generation computers were used vacuum tubes as the electronic

components. They produce more heat, so needed cooling devices. They consumed huge electricity,
occupied a very large space, huge cost etc. Machine languages are used as programming language.
Examples – EDSAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC, IBM-701, IBM-650.
Second Generation Computers (1959 – 1965)

The second-generation computers replaced Vacuum Tubes with Transistors.

They were cheap, compact, faster programming and produced less heat than the first-generation
computers. They used assembly languages and batch processing operating system. Magnetic cores
and magnetic tapes were used as storage.
Examples – IBM-1620, IBM -7094, CDC-1604, CDC-3600.
Third Generation Computers (1965 – 1971)

The third-generation computers replaced transistors with integrated circuits

(ICs). They performed computation in Nanoseconds. It used high-level languages like FORTRAN,
COBOL, PASCAL, ALGO-68, BASIC was used. In this generation, remote processing, time-sharing, multi-
programming operating system were used.
Examples – IBM-360 series, Honeywell-6000 series, PDP, IBM-370/168.
Fourth Generation Computers (1971 – 1980)

The fourth-generation computers are used Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI)
circuits. Semi-conductor devices are used as primary memory. Magnetic disks are used as secondary
storage. Problem-oriented fourth generation languages (4GL) are used. Multi-processing and
multiprogramming operating systems are used.
Example – Apple series – I & II, IBM 4341, DEC 10, STAR 1000, PUP 11.
Fifth Generation Computers (1980 – Present)


The fifth-generation computers use Ultra Large Scale Integrated (ULSI) chips that
contain millions of components on a single chip. They are in the developmental stage which is based
on the artificial intelligence. These computers can also respond to natural language input. Biochips
will be used as memory devices and KIPS (Knowledge-based Information Processing System)
architecture will be used.
Examples – Robots, Supercomputers.
Based on Operation
Analog Computer
An Analog computer stores data continuously in the form of physical quantities
and perform calculations with the help of measures. It produces output in the
form of a graph. They are used in the calculation of physical variables such as
voltage, pressure, temperature, speed, etc.
Digital Computer
A Digital computer is the most commonly used type of computer and is
working with data represented in digital form, usually binary 0s and 1s. It can
perform faster and give more accurate results. They are extensively used for
solving complex problems in the field of engineering & technology, design,
research and data processing.
Hybrid Computer
A Hybrid computer is a combined feature of Analog and Digital
computers. In large industries and businesses, a hybrid computer can
be used for logical operations as well as efficient processing of
differential equations.
Based on Configuration
Super Computer


Supercomputers are powerful, expensive and the fastest computers. They have architectural and
operational principles from parallel and grid processing for performing billions and trillions of
calculations per second. They are used for applications that require large amounts of mathematical
computations like weather forecasting, fluid dynamics, graphic design etc.
Mainframe Computer

Mainframe is very large in size and is an expensive computer capable of supporting hundreds or even
thousands of users simultaneously. Mainframe executes many programs concurrently and supports
many simultaneous executions of programs.
Mini Computer

Minicomputers possess most of the features and capabilities of a large computer but are smaller in
physical size. They are used as small or midrange operating business and scientific applications
Micro Computer

Microcomputers are small, inexpensive computer for personal use. They are popularly used at homes
for playing games and surfing the Internet.
Personal Computer (PC)
A personal computer is a cost-effective computer that is designed for a single end-user. PC is
dependent on microprocessor technology, which allows PC makers to set the entire central
processing unit (CPU) on a single chip.
Based on Utility
General Purpose Computer
A general-purpose computer can perform an extensive variety of operations. It can store and execute
different programs in its internal storage. All mainframes, servers, laptop and desktop computers,
smartphones and tablets are general-purpose devices.
Special Purpose Computer
Special purpose computers are designed to solve specific problems. The instructions are pre-
programmed permanently in the computer. It completely controlled by automated manufacturing
processes. Example – Aircraft control system, Electronic voting machines etc.
Based on mode of Use
Client and Server
The server is a device that manages the sharing of network resources to the users. An Application
server, File server, Virtual server, Mail server are some types of server. A client is the receiving end of
the service which made by the server. It requests the server and gains access with the server.
Workstation (WS) is faster than Personal Computer. It is designed for a user or group of users with
better multitasking capability, additional Random-Access Memory, Higher-speed graphics adapters
and drive capacity.
Information Appliances
Information appliances are the portable or handy devices designed to perform simple operations like
calculations, games, etc. They have limited memory and limited operations capabilities and software.
Example – Mobile phones, Tablets, etc.
Embedded Computers
Embedded computers are used in other machines to serve limited requirements. It executes program
in the non-volatile memory to operate an intended machine or electronic device. They cannot be
rebooted unlike normal computers, required to operate continuously. Embedded computers are used
widely in day-to-day life. Example – Washing Machine, DVD player, etc.
Computers are used to control large and small machines which in the past were controlled by humans.
❖ Distance Learning – Distance learning is a new learning methodology. The computer plays the

key role in this kind of learning. Many institutes are providing distance learning programs. The
student does not need to come to the institute. The institute provides the reading material
and the student attends virtual classroom.
❖ Online Examination – The trend of online examination is becoming popular. Different

examination like GRE, GMAT and SAT are conducted online all over the world. The questions
are marked by computer. It minimizes the chance of mistakes. It also enables to announce the
result in time.
❖ Computer Games – An important use of computers at home is playing games. Different types

of games are available. These games are a source of entertainment and recreation. Many
games are available that are specially developed to improve your mental capability and
thinking power.


❖ Working from Home – People can manage the office work at home. The owner of a company
can checks the work of the employees from home. He can control his office while sitting at
❖ Banking sector – In banks, computers are used to access the customer data quickly. By using
the computer, transactions can be done easily. Online banking is very useful technology for
people who are unable to go to the bank. Now, customers can access information and process
transactions through online.
❖ Entertainment – People can find entertainment on the internet. They can watch movies, listen
to songs, and watch videos download different stuff. They can also watch live matches on the
❖ Information – People can find any type of information on the internet. Educational and
informative websites are available to download books, tutorials etc. to improve their
knowledge and learn new things.
❖ Chatting & Social Media – People can chat with friends and family on the internet using
different software like Skype etc. One can interact with friends over social media websites like
Facebook, Twitter & Google Plus. They can also share photos and videos with friends
❖ Marketing – Marketing applications provide information about the products to customers. The
computer is also used to manage distribution system, advertising, and selling activities.
Companies can know more about their customers and their needs and requirements etc.
❖ Hospital Management System – Specialized hospital management software’s are used to
automate the day to day procedures and operations at hospitals. These tasks may be online
appointments, payroll admittance and discharge records etc. and it can be used in Patients
Monitoring, Diagnosis Purpose.
1. What is computer?
a) Electronic machine
b) Power machine
c) Logical machine
d) All of these
Answer – a) Electronic Machine
Explanation – A computer is a electronic machine or device that performs processes,
calculations and operations based on instructions provided by a software or hardware program.
It has the ability to accept raw data as input, processes it and produce information as output.
2. ______________ is processed in information by computer processor?
a) Number
b) Alphabet
c) Data
d) None of these
Answer – c) data
Explanation – A computer is an electronic machine which stores, reads and processes data to
produce meaningful information.
3. Fourth Generation computers were based on
a) IC
b) Vacuum tubes
c) Transistors
d) Microprocessors
Answer – d) Microprocessor
Explanation –
Generation Technology Used
First Generation Vacuum Tubes
Second Generation Transistors
Third Generation Integrated Circuits
Fourth Generation Microprocessor
Firth Generation Artificial Intelligence
4. Which of the following is/are characteristics of Computer?
a) Diligence
b) Versatility
c) Reliability
d) All of the Above
Answer – d) All of the above
Explanation –

5. Which language was used to program Second Generation computers?

a) Binary Coded Language
b) Assembly Language
c) Machine Language
d) None of the above
Answer – b) Assemble Language
Explanation –
Generation Language
First Generation Machine Language or Low-level Language
Second Generation Assembly Language
Third Generation High Level Language
Fourth Generation Software Package
6. EDSAC stands for
a) Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
b) Electronic Discrete Storage Automatic Calculator
c) Electronic Delay Serial Automatic Calculator
d) Electronic Discrete Storage Automatic Calculator
Answer – a) Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator

Explanation – EDSAC is first generation of computer. EDSAC. The Electronic Delay Storage
Automatic Calculator (EDSAC), developed at Britain's Cambridge University, ran its first
programs in 1949. It became the first stored-program computer in regular use, heralding the
transition from test to tool.
7. What does ‘S’ stands for in ULSI?
a) Scale
b) Storage
c) Scientific
d) Script
Answer – a) Scale
Explanation – ULSI stands for Ultra Large-Scale Integration
8. IC is made up of
a) Microprocessors
b) Vacuum tubes
c) Transistors
d) None of the above
Answer – c) Transistors
Explanation – An Integrated Circuit (IC) is a minuscule electronic circuit that consists of active
and passive components as well as interconnections. These components include transistors,
diodes, capacitors and resistors.
9. Who among the following is known as Father of Computers?
a) Charles Babbage
b) Alan Turing
c) Ted Hoff
d) None of the above
Answer – a) Charles Babbage
Explanation – Charles Babbage – Father of Computers
Alan Turing – Father of Modern Computers
Ted Hoff – One of the inventors of Microprocessor
10. Desktop and Personal computers are also known as
a) Super Computers
b) Quantum Computers
c) Mainframe Computers
d) Micro Computers
Answer – d) Micro Computers
Explanation – Microcomputers are also known as Personal Computers and these include
Desktop Computers, Laptops, Notebooks, Mini Tower Microcomputers and Full Tower
11. Which of the following is not a type of computer on the basis of operation?
a) Remote Computer
b) Hybrid Computer
c) Analog Computer
d) Digital Computer
Answer – a) Remote Computer

Explanation – There are three types of computers basically on the basis of operation –
Analog, Digital and Hybrid.
12. A computer that operates on digital data is called
a) Remote Computer
b) Hybrid Computer
c) Analog Computer
d) Digital Computer
Answer – d) Digital Computer
Explanation - The digital computer uses binary number system in which there are only two
digits 0 and 1. Each one is called a bit.
13. Which computer is mostly used for automatic operations?
a) Remote Computer
b) Hybrid Computer
c) Analog Computer
d) Digital Computer
Answer – b) Hybrid Computers
Explanation – Hybrid Computer is mostly used with automatic operations of complicated
physical processes and the machines.
14. Which computers are used for solving complex application such as Global Weather
a) Super Computers
b) Public computers
c) Mobile computers
d) Hybrid computers
Answer – a) Super Computers
Explanation - Super Computers are used with complex applications like Global Weather
Forecasting, Creating Graphic Images, Engineering Design and Testing, Space Exploration, etc.
15. The invention of _______________ gave birth to the much cheaper micro-computers
a) Mainframes
b) Microcomputers
c) Microprocessors
d) PDAs
Answer – c) Microprocessors
Explanation – The invention of microprocessor (also called as single chip CPU) gave birth to
the much cheaper micro-computers.
16. Which computers are lower to mainframe computers in terms of speed and storage capacity?
a) Mini Computers
b) Super Computers
c) Mainframes Computers
d) Hybrid Computers
Answer – a) Mini Computers
Explanation – Mini computers are lower as compared to mainframe computers in terms of
1. Speed
2. Storage Capacity

17. Which generation is based on VLSI microprocessor?
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth
Answer – d) Fourth
Explanation – The fourth generation was VLSI (Very Large-Scale Integration) microprocessor
based. The period of fourth generation: 1971-1980.
18. In which generation batch processing was mainly used?
a) First Generation
b) Second Generation
c) Third Generation
d) Fourth Generation
Answer – b) Batch Processing
Explanation - Batch Processing was mainly used in the Second generation. In this generation
Punched cards, Paper tape, Magnetic tape, Input and Output device were used.
19. Which is an emerging branch in computer science, which interprets means and method of
making computers think like human beings?
a) Block chain
b) VR
c) AI
d) Cloud computing
Answer – c) AI
Explanation – AI (Artificial Intelligence) is an emerging branch in computer science, which
interprets means and method of making computers think like human beings.
20. In which generation time sharing, real time, networks, distributed operating system was used?
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Fourth
Answer – d) Fourth
Explanation – The fourth generation of computers is marked by the use of Very Large Scale
Integrated (VLSI) circuits. In this generation time sharing, real time, networks, distributed
operating system was used.
21. The circuitry that includes the CPU and memory chips is located on the
a) System unit
b) Operating system
c) Motherboard
d) Computer
Answer – c) Motherboard
Explanation - The Motherboard is the main circuit board for the computer, containing both
soldered, non-removable components along with sockets or slots for components that can be
removed. The motherboard holds the CPU, RAM and ROM chips, etc.
22. A computer that combines the characteristic of analog and digital computer

a) Hybrid Computer
b) Digital Computer
c) Analog Computer
d) Super Computer
Answer – a) Hybrid Computer
Explanation – Hybrid Computers are computers that exhibit features of analog computers and
digital computers.
23. Which is not a basic function of a computer?
a) Copy text
b) Accept input
c) Process data
d) Store data
Answer – a) Copy text
Explanation –

24. To access a mainframe or super computer, user often use

a) Terminal
b) Node
c) Desktop
d) Handheld
Answer – a) Terminal
Explanation – A Computer Terminal is an electronic or electromechanical hardware device
that is used for entering data into, and displaying data from, a computer or a computing
25. ___________ are specially designed computer chips that reside inside other devices, such as
your car or your electronic thermostat.
a) Servers
b) Embedded computers
c) Robotic computers
d) Mainframes
Answer – b) Embedded computers
Explanation – Embedded computers. Embedded computers are incorporated into other
devices, rather than being standalone computers. Examples include digital cameras, mobile
phones, music players, specialist IT hardware (such as networking hardware), and almost any
kind of industrial or domestic control system.
26. In how many generations a computer can be classified?
a) Three
b) Four
c) Five
d) Six
Answer – c) Five
Explanation –
Generations Time Period Technology Used

First Generation 1946 – 1959 Vacuum tube

Second Generation 1959 – 1965 Transistor

Third Generation 1965 – 1971 Integrated Circuit

Fourth Generation 1971 – 1980 VLSI microprocessor

Fifth Generation 1980 – onwards ULSI microprocessor

The basic diagram of the computer consists of Input Unit, Central Processing Unit, Storage Unit and
Output Unit.

Input Unit
The Input Unit is used for giving instructions and data by using input devices. It accepts (or reads)
instructions and data from outside, converts them to the computer acceptable format and supplies
the converted instructions and data to the computer system for further processing.
Central Processing Unit
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) performs most of the processing inside a computer. CPUs have
been constructed on a single integrated circuit called a microprocessor. It consists of the Control Unit,
the Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU), and the Memory Unit.
Control Unit
The Control Unit (CU) is a component of a computer's Central Processing Unit (CPU) that directs the
operation of the processor. It tells the computer's memory, Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU) and input
and output devices how to respond to the instructions that have been sent to the processor.
Arithmetic Logical Unit
The ALU can perform Arithmetic and Logical operations. The set of arithmetic operations that an ALU
supports to addition, subtraction and more complex mathematical operations. Logic operations
involve Boolean logic like AND, OR, XOR, and NOT. These can be useful for creating complicated
conditional statements.
Storage Unit
Computer main memory consists of primary and secondary memory.

Primary Memory
It is volatile (losses data on power dissipation). It is used to hold running program instruction, data
intermediate results and results of ongoing processing of jobs.
Secondary Memory
It is non-volatile (retains data even without power). It is used to hold stored program instructions and
a large volume of information.
Output Unit
The Output Unit provides the information from the computer to an external device. It accepts the
results produces by the CPU, converts these coded results to human acceptable form and supplies
the converted results to outside world. It presents a soft/ hard copy of the information which can be
readable by the users.
Data can be defined as a representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner,
which should be suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human or electronic
Data is represented with the help of characters such as alphabets (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9) or special
characters (+, -, /, *, <, >, = etc.)
Information is organized or classified data, which has some meaningful values for the receiver.
Information is the processed data on which decisions and actions are based.
For the decision to be meaningful, the processed data must qualify for the following characteristics −
❖ Timely − Information should be available when required.

❖ Accuracy − Information should be accurate.

❖ Completeness − Information should be complete.

Data Processing
Data processing refers to the transformation of raw data into meaningful output. Data can be done
manually using a pen and paper, mechanically using simple devices e.g. typewriter or electronically
using modern data processing tools e.g. computers.
Stages of Data Processing
These four stages constitute the data processing cycle:

Input Processing Output Storage
Stage Stage Stage Stage

Data Collection
Decoding Storing data
Data Capture


Transform raw
Transmission Presenting data
data into Retrieve data
to user

Input Stage
This is the feeding of raw and sieved data for processing. If the input is not done properly or done
wrong, then the result will be adversely affected. This is because software follows the rule of “Garbage
in – garbage out (GIGO)”. Utmost care should be taken to provide the right data.
Input stage contains the following activities:
❖ Data Collection – Gathering data from the environment and preparing it for input. • The

document on which data is recorded when it is collected is called a source code.

❖ Data Capture – Entering the collected data into a data processing system such as a computer

❖ Encoding – Converting data into a form that is easier to input into a data processing system.

Example: Date as DD/MM/YYYY. This saves a lot of time and reduces error.
❖ Data Transmission – Sending input data to the processor and carrying it across its various

components. It also involves carrying data from the processor to the output devices.
❖ Data Communication – Set of activities that allow data to be sent from one data-processing

system to another.
Processing Stage
This is the stage where data is processed by electronic data processing, mechanical processing or
automated means. The processed data is one which gives information to the user and can be put to
use. The raw data cannot be understood and thus needs processing which is done in this stage.
Processing of data may take time depending on the complexity of the data and the volume of input
Output Stage
The result of the proceeding processing stage is collected. The particular form of the output data
depends on the use of the data. For example, output data may be pay-checks for employees.
❖ Decoding – Decoding is the process of converting code into plain text or any format that is

useful for subsequent processes. Decoding is the reverse of encoding. It converts encoded data
communication transmissions and files to their original states.
Storage Stage
This is the outcome, and the raw data provided in the first stage is now “processed,” and the data is
useful and provides information and no longer called data. The data that has been processed is stored

for later processing or reading. Storage can be done on external hard disk, inbuilt hard disk, pen
drives, micro SD cards, compact disks or even in registers.
Types of Data Processing
Manual Data Processing
This method of data processing involves human intervention. The manual process of data entry
implies many opportunities for errors, such as delays in data capture, as every single data field has to
be keyed in manually, a high amount of operator misprints or typos, high labor costs from the amount
of manual labor required. Manual processing also implies higher labor expenses in regards to
spending for equipment and supplies, rent, etc.
Electronic Data Processing (EDP)
Electronic data processing (EDP) can refer to the use of automated methods to process commercial
data. Typically, this uses relatively simple, repetitive activities to process large volumes of similar
Online Processing
This processing method is a part of automatic processing method. This method at times known as
direct or random-access processing. Under this method the job received by the system is processed
at same time of receiving. This can be considered and often mixed with real-time processing. This
system features random and rapid input of transaction and user defined/ demanded direct access to
databases/content when needed.
Real time processing
In a real-time processing, there is a continual input, process and output of data. Data has to be
processed in a small stipulated time period (real time), otherwise it will create problems for the
system. For example, when a bank customer withdraws a sum of money from his or her account it is
vital that the transaction be processed and the account balance updated as soon as possible, allowing
both the bank and customer to keep track of funds.
Batch processing
In a batch processing group of transactions collected over a period of time is collected, entered,
processed and then the batch results are produced. Batch processing requires separate programs for
input, process and output. It is an efficient way of processing high volume of data. For example:
Payroll system, Examination system and billing system.
Distributed Processing
This method is commonly utilized by remote workstations connected to one big central workstation
or server. ATMs are good examples of this data processing method. All the end machines run on a
fixed software located at a particular place and make use of exactly same information and sets of
This type of processing perhaps the most widely used types of data processing. It is used almost
everywhere and forms the basis of all computing devices relying on processors. Multi-processing
makes use of CPUs (more than one CPU). The task or sets of operations are divided between CPUs
available simultaneously thus increasing efficiency and throughput. The result and benefit of this type
of processing is the reduction in time required and increasing the output.
Time sharing

Time based used of CPU is the core of this data processing type. The single CPU is used by multiple
users. All users share same CPU but the time allocated to all users might differ. The processing takes
place at different intervals for different users as per allocated time. Since multiple users can uses this
type it is also referred as multi access system.
A program residing in the memory unit of a computer consists of a sequence of instructions. These
instructions are executed by the processor by going through a cycle for each instruction.
Each computer's CPU can have different cycles based on different instruction sets, but will be similar
to the following cycle -

The CPU fetches the instruction from main memory via the data bus, and it is then placed into the
CIR. the Program Counter is instructed to contain the address of the next instruction.
The instruction decoder interprets instructions. If an instruction has an indirect address, the effective
address is read from main memory. and any required data is fetches from main memory to be
processed and then placed into data registers.
The CU passes the decoded information as a sequence of control signals to the relevant function units
of the CPU to perform the actions required by the instruction, such as reading values from registers,
passing them the ALU to perform mathematical or logic functions on them, and writing the result
back into a register. If the ALU is involved, it sends a condition signal back to the CPU.
The result generated by the operation is stored in the main memory, or sent to an output device.
Based on the condition of any feedback from the ALU, Program Counter may be updated to a different
address from which the next instruction will be fetched. The cycle is then repeated.
1. When an instruction is read from the memory, it is called
a) Memory Read cycle
b) Fetch cycle
c) Instruction cycle
d) Memory write cycle
Answer – b) Fetch Cycle
Explanation - Fetch means read instruction from memory
2. Information travels between components of motherboard through
a) Flash memory

c) Buses
d) Peripherals
Answer – c) Buses
Explanation - Information travels between components on the mother board through Buses.
3. Which of the following is not a type of data processing?
a) Multi-user processing
b) Multi-processing
c) Batch Processing
d) Real time processing
Answer – a) Multi-user processing
Explanation – Other than a), all are the types of data processing
4. Which one of these is not a characteristic or a function of computer?
a) Data collection
b) Data storage
c) Data processing
d) Data copy
Answer – d) Data copy
Explanation – Data collection, processing and storage are the functions of a computer.
5. Which part of CPU coordinates all functions of computer and other components?
a) Motherboard
b) Coordination board
c) Control Unit
d) ALU
Answer – c) Control Unit
Explanation - The Control Unit (CU) is a component of a computer's Central Processing Unit
(CPU) that directs the operation of the processor. It tells the computer's memory, Arithmetic
Logical Unit (ALU) and input and output devices how to respond to the instructions that have
been sent to the processor.
6. Which part of computer does addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and comparison?
a) ALU
b) Memory
c) Control Unit
d) None of the above
Answer – a) ALU
Explanation - The ALU can perform Arithmetic and Logical operations. The set of arithmetic
operations that an ALU supports to addition, subtraction and more complex mathematical
7. ___________represents raw facts whereas ________ is meaning data.
a) Information, reporting
b) Data, information
c) Information, bits
d) Records, bytes
Answer – b) Data, information

Explanation – A computer accepts raw data as input and provides information as output after
8. ________________ is the process of carrying out commands.
a) Fetching
b) Storing
c) Decoding
d) Executing
Answer – d) Executing
Explanation – The process of carrying out commands is called executing.
9. Computer manipulate data in many ways, and this manipulation is called
a) utilizing
b) batching
c) upgrading
d) processing
Answer – d) processing
Explanation - Data processing refers to the transformation of raw data into meaningful output.
Data can be done manually using a pen and paper, mechanically using simple devices e.g.
typewriter or electronically using modern data processing tools e.g. computers.
10. What does ‘C’ stand in CPU?
a) Central
b) Common
c) Computer
d) Convenient
Answer – a) Central
Explanation – CPU stands for Central Processing Unit
11. On the motherboard, the connection points for chips are referred to as
a) Slots
b) Sockets
c) Ports
d) Lines
Answer – b) Sockets
Explanation – Slots – for board plug
Sockets – connection points for chips
Ports – Connectors or cable plugs
12. Which of the following is a part of central processing unit?
a) Printer
b) Keyboard
c) Mouse
d) Arithmetic Logical Unit
Answer – d) Arithmetic Logical Unit
Explanation – The two typical components of a CPU include the following:
The arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations.
The control unit (CU), which extracts instructions from memory and decodes and executes
them, calling on the ALU when necessary.

13. A group of bits that tells the computer to perform a specific operation is known as
a) Instruction code
b) Micro-operation
c) Accumulator
d) Register
Answer – a) instruction code
Explanation – An instruction code is a group of bits that instruct the computer to perform a
specific operation.
14. Which of the following controls the machine cycle?
a) Control Unit
b) Memory Unit
c) Logic Unit
d) Arithmetic Unit
Answer – a) Control Unit
Explanation – The control unit (CU) is a component of a computer's central processing unit
(CPU) that directs the operation of the processor. It tells the computer's memory, arithmetic
and logic unit and input and output devices how to respond to the instructions that have been
sent to the processor.
15. The communication line between CPU, memory and peripherals is called a
a) Bus
b) Line
c) Media
d) None of these
Answer – a) Bus
Explanation – The bus is a device that is called for a wire which is used to transfer the signal
on a computer. A computer is a machine that can understand only machine language which is
in the form of electric signals.

Hardware, which is abbreviated as HW, refers to all physical components of a computer system,
including the devices connected to it. You cannot create a computer or use software without using
hardware. The screen on which you are reading this information is also a hardware.
Input devices serve as a link between a user and the computer. It allows users to feed instructions
and data to computers for processing, display, storage and/or transmission.
Input Devices
A computer keyboard is an input device that allows a person to enter
letters, numbers, and other symbols (these are called characters in
a keyboard) into a computer. Using a keyboard to enter lots of data
is called typing. A keyboard contains many mechanical switches or
push-buttons called "keys".
Some important keys in a keyboard are:
❖ Toggle Keys – It is used to change the input mode of a group of keys on a keyboard. Caps Lock,

Num Lock, Scroll Lock are toggle keys.

Caps Lock – Capitalizes all letters.
Num Lock – Makes sure numbers are inputs from the keypad.
Scroll Lock – Allows the arrow keys to scroll through the contents of a window.
❖ Modifier Keys – It is a special key (key combination) that temporarily modifies the normal

action of another key when pressed together. Shift, Alt, Ctrl, Fn are modifier keys.
Shift – used for capitalizing letters and entering different types of symbols.
Function (Fn) – Other functions such as brightness and volume control.
Control (Ctrl) – used for entering keyboard shortcuts, such as Ctrl+S, Ctrl+P etc.
Alt – used in combination with the numeric keys and the Control key for entering keyboard
❖ Function Keys – A key on a computer keyboard, distinct from the main alphanumeric keys, to

which software can assign a function. F1 - F12 keys are known as function keys and each key
performs a different function. It may be used as single key commands (e.g., F5) or combined
with one or more modifier keys (e.g., Alt+F4).
❖ Escape Key – It is located in the upper left corner of a computer keyboard. It is often used to

quit, cancel, or abort a process which is running on a computer.

It is a pointing and cursor-control device. A round ball at its base senses
the movement of a mouse and sends corresponding signals to CPU when
the mouse buttons are pressed. A mouse has two or three buttons called
Left, Right, and Middle button.
Joy Stick

It is used to move the cursor position on a monitor screen. It is mainly used in
Computer Aided Design (CAD) and playing games on the computer. It can also be helpful as an input
device for people with movement disabilities.
Track Ball
A trackball is a pointing device consisting of a ball held by a socket containing
sensors to detect a rotation of the ball about two axes—like an upside-down
mouse with an exposed protruding ball. Users roll the ball to position the on-
screen pointer, using their thumb, fingers, or commonly the palm of the hand
while using the fingertips to press the mouse buttons.
The scanner uses the pictures and pages of text as input. It scans the picture or a document. The
scanned picture or document then converted into a digital format or file and is displayed on the screen
as an output. It uses optical character recognition techniques to convert images into digital ones.
Some of the common types of scanners are as follows:
Types of Scanner:
Flatbed Scanner

It has a glass pane and a moving optical CIS or CCD array. The light illuminates the pane,
and then the image is placed on the glass pane. The light moves across the glass pane and scans the
document and thus produces its digital copy. You will need a transparency adapter while scanning
transparent slides.
Handheld Scanner

It is a small manual scanning device which is held by hand and is rolled over a flat image
that is to be scanned. The drawback in using this device is that the hand should be steady while
scanning; otherwise, it may distort the image. One of the commonly used handheld scanners is the
barcode scanner which you would have seen in shopping stores.
Sheetfed Scanner

In this scanner, the document is inserted into the slot provided in the scanner. The main
components of this scanner include the sheet-feeder, scanning module, and calibration sheet. The
light does not move in this scanner. Instead, the document moves through the scanner. It is suitable
for scanning single page documents, not for thick objects like books, magazines, etc.

Drum Scanner

Drum scanner has a photomultiplier tube (PMT) to scan images. It does not have
a charge-coupled device like a flatbed scanner. The photomultiplier tube is extremely sensitive to
light. The image is placed on a glass tube, and the light moves across the image, which produces a
reflection of the image which is captured by the PMT and processed. These scanners have high
resolution and are suitable for detailed scans.
Photo Scanner
It is designed to scan photographs. It has high resolution and color depth, which are
required for scanning photographs. Some photo scanners come with in-built
software for cleaning and restoring old photographs.
Barcode Reader
It is an electronic device for reading printed barcodes. A light sensor in the barcode
reader can read the barcode and translates optical impulses into electrical impulses to
store the data into the computer. It is an important tool for warehouse management
and operations.
Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)

It is a character recognition system that uses special ink and characters.

It is used to verify the legitimacy or originality of paper documents, especially cheques. Information
can be encoded in the magnetic characters. It provides a secure, high-speed method of scanning and
processing information.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Optical character recognition or optical character reader is the electronic or

mechanical conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text,
whether from a scanned document, a photo of a document, a scene-photo or from subtitle text
superimposed on an image.
Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)

Optical mark recognition is the process of capturing human-marked data

from document forms such as surveys and tests. They are used to read questionnaires, multiple choice
examination paper in the form of lines or shaded areas.
A digitizer is a hardware device that receives analog information, such as
sound or light, and records it digitally. Usually, the information is stored in a
file on a computing device. It allows users to draw and manipulate graphics
on the screen. It is also known as a graphics tablet. These kinds of tablets
typically designed for CAD/CAM professionals.
Touch Screen
It is a computer display screen that serves as an input device. A touchscreen can be touched by a
finger or stylus. Touchscreen records the event and sends it to a controller for processing.
Microphone translates sound vibrations in the air into electronic signals. It enables many types of
audio recording devices for purposes including communications, music and speech recording.
Web Camera
It captures and stores images in digital form. The stored images can be can be archived on a
photographic compact disc or external hard disk.
Light Pen

A light pen is a computer input device in the form of a light-sensitive wand used
in conjunction with a computer's cathode-ray tube display. It allows the user to point to displayed
objects or draw on the screen in a similar way to a touchscreen but with greater positional accuracy.
An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into
human-readable form. It can be text, graphics, tactile, audio, and video.
Output Devices
Monitors are the main output device of a computer. It forms images from tiny
dots that are arranged in a rectangular form. The sharpness of the image
depends on the number of pixels. There are two kinds of viewing screens used
for monitors.
❖ Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT) - The CRT display is made up of small picture

elements called pixels. CRT tube creates an image on the screen using a beam of electrons.

❖ Flat- Panel Display - The flat-panel display refers to a class of video devices that have reduced
volume, weight and power requirement in comparison to the CRT.
❖ Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Monitor - LCD monitors use compact fluorescent tubes to
illuminate and brighten the image on the screen and produce good image quality, resolution
and contrast levels.
❖ Light Emitting Diode (LED) Monitor - LED monitors use new backlighting technology to
improve picture quality. The LED monitor is more lifelike and accurate due to the improved
contrast ratios and colour saturation over LCD.
❖ Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) Monitor – This type of monitor made up of some organic
material (containing carbon, like wood, plastic or polymers) that is used to convert the electric
current into light. They are directly used to produce the correct colour and there is no need
for backlight which saves power and space.
Printers are output devices that prints information in the form of text/images on a paper. Impact
Printers and Non-impact printers are the two types of printers.
❖ Impact Printer

The impact printers print the characters by striking them on the ribbon which is then pressed
on the paper. Examples: Dot-Matrix Printers, Line Printers, Daisy wheel printer, Drum printer,
Chain printer, Band printer.
Dot-Matrix Printer – It prints characters as a combination of dots. They have a matrix of pins
on the print head of the printer which form the character. They generally have 9-24 pins. Their
speed is measured in cps (Character Per Second).

Line Printer – A line printer is an impact printer which can print one line of text at a time. It is
also known as a bar printer.

❖ Non-Impact Printer

Non-impact printers print the characters on the paper without using ribbon. These printers
print a complete page at a time, so they are also called as page printers. Examples - Laser
Printers, Inkjet Printers etc.
Laser Printers – A laser printer is a popular type of personal computer printer that uses a non-
impact photocopier technology. The type of ink used in a laser printer is dry. It gives high-
quality output. The resolution of laser printers is measured in dpi (dots-per inch).

Inkjet Printers – Inkjet printers work by spraying ink on a sheet of paper. The type of ink used
in an inkjet printer is wet.

❖ Other Types
Solid Ink Printer – It is a type of colour printer. It works by melting the solid ink that applies the
images to the paper. It is non-toxic and convenient to handle.
LED Printer – This type of printer uses a light emitting diode instead of a laser. It starts by
creating a line-by-line image of the page.
A plotter is an output device used to produce hard copies of large graphs and designs on paper, such
as construction drawings, architectural plans, and business charts. Drum plotters and Flatbed plotters
are the types of plotters.

❖ Drum plotter – It is a pen plotter that wraps the paper around a drum with a pin feed
attachment. The drum then rotates the paper as pens move across it and draw the image. It is
used to produce continuous output, such as plotting of earthquake activity. It is also known as
Roller Plotter.
❖ Flatbed plotter - It plots on paper that is spread and fixed over a rectangular flatbed table. It
is used in the design of cars, ships, aircrafts, buildings, highways etc. It is also known as Table
Speaker is one of the output devices used with computers. They are transducers that convert
electromagnetic waves into sound waves.
Digital Projectors
Projector is a device that connects with a computer and projects the output onto a white screen or
The motherboard is generally a thin circuit board that holds together almost all parts of a computer
except input and output devices. All crucial hardware like CPU, memory, hard drive, and ports for
input and output devices are located on the motherboard. It is the biggest circuit board in a computer
It allocates power to all hardware located on it and enables them to communicate with each other.
Each component that runs the computer or improves its performance is a part of the motherboard or
connected to it through a slot or port.
Components of Motherboard

CPU Slot
It is provided to install the CPU. It is a link between a microprocessor and a motherboard. It facilitates
the use of CPU and prevents the damage when it is installed or removed.
RAM Slot
It is a memory slot or socket provided in the motherboard to insert or install the RAM (Random Access
Memory). There can be two or more memory slots in a computer.
Expansion Slot
It is also called the bus slot or expansion port. It is a connection or port on the motherboard, which
provides an installation point to connect a hardware expansion card, for example, you can purchase
a video expansion card and install it into the expansion slot.
It is made of two conductive plates, and a thin insulator sandwiched between them. These parts are
wrapped in a plastic container.
Inductor (Coil)
It is an electromagnetic coil made of a conducting wire wrapped around an iron core. It acts as an
inductor or electromagnet to store magnetic energy.
It is an integrated circuit that allows communications between the CPU interface, AGP, and memory.
Furthermore, it also allows the southbridge chip to communicate with the RAM, CPU, and graphics
USB Port

It stands for Universal Serial Bus. It allows you to connect hardware devices like mouse, keyboard to
your computer.
PCI Slot
It stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect slot. It allows you to connect the PCI devices like
modems, network hardware, sound, and video cards.
AGP Slot
It stands for Accelerated Graphics Port. It provides the slot to connect graphics cards.
Heat Sink
It absorbs and disperses the heat generated in the computer processor.
Power Connector
It is designed to supply power to the motherboard.
CMOS battery
It stands for Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor. It is a memory that stores the BIOS settings
such as time, date, and hardware settings.
1. Which of the following is a pointing and drop device?
a) Scanner
b) Printer
c) Keyboard
d) Mouse
Answer – d) Mouse
Explanation - Point and draw Devices - A pointing device is an input interface that allows a
user to input spatial (i.e., continuous and multi-dimensional) data to a computer. Movements
of the pointing device are echoed on the screen by movements of the pointer (or cursor) and
other visual changes.
2. External devices such as printers, keyboards and modems are known as
a) Special Buys
b) Add on Devices
c) Peripherals
d) All of the above
Answer – c) Peripherals
Explanation - A peripheral or peripheral device is ancillary device used to put information into
and get information out of the computer. All the input and output devices are termed as
peripheral devices.
3. In laser printers, printing is achieved by deflecting laser beam on to __________ surface of a
a) Magnetic
b) Electric
c) Photosensitive
d) None of the above
Answer – c) photosensitive
Explanation - "Not Required, the answer is self-explanatory"
4. Which of the following is not a hardware?

a) Processor
b) Printer
c) Mouse
d) Java
Answer – d) Java
Explanation – Java is a general-purpose programming language that is class-based, object-
oriented, and designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible
5. The transfer of data from a CPU to peripheral devices of computer is achieved through
a) Modem
b) Interface
c) Buffer
d) I/O ports
Answer – d) I/O ports
Explanation - The transfer of the data from a CPU to peripheral devices of a computer is
achieved through Computer ports (also called I/O ports).
6. A thin plate or board that contains electronic components is called
a) Hard Disk
b) RAM
c) ROM
d) Circuit Board
Answer – d) Circuit Board
Explanation – Circuit Board also called Printed Circuit Board (PCB), a thin plate on which chips
and other electronic components are placed. Computers consist of one or more boards, often
called cards or adapters.
7. Which is used to create a digital representation of a printed document or photograph?
a) Video Digitizer
b) Scanner
c) Monitor
d) None of the above
Answer – b) Scanner
Explanation - A scanner is a device that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting or an
object and converts it to a digital image.
8. The wheel located between the two standard buttons on a mouse is termed as
a) roller wheel
b) scroll wheel
c) pointer wheel
d) tyre
Answer – b) scroll wheel
Explanation –

A scroll wheel (or mouse wheel) is a hard plastic or rubbery disc (the "wheel") on
a computer mouse that is perpendicular to the mouse surface. It is normally located between
the left and right mouse buttons.
9. Bar-code readers use light to read
a) UPCs
b) UPSs
c) POSs
d) Optical Marks
Answer – a) UPCs
Explanation – UPC code, are generally linear black and white spaces of varying widths. They
will have close to 12 characters.

16. The display size of a monitor is measured

a) diagonally
b) horizontally
c) vertically
d) none of the above
Answer – a) diagonally
Explanation - To measure the display size of your screen, whether on phone, laptop, or desktop
monitor, simply take the size from one corner of the screen to the opposite diagonal corner.
17. LED stands for
a) Low Emission Display
b) Liquid Emitting Display
c) Less Emitting Diode
d) Light Emitting Diode
Answer – d) Light Emitting Diode
Explanation – A Light Emitting Diode (LED) screen is a video display which uses light-emitting
diodes. An LED panel is a small display, or a component of a larger display or screen.
18. A marker on the computer screen used to show the current position is called
a) coloured marker
b) position checker
c) cursor
d) none of the above
Answer – c) cursor
Explanation –

In computing, a pointer or mouse cursor is a symbol or graphical image on the computer

monitor or other display device that echoes movements of the pointing device, commonly a
mouse, touchpad, or stylus pen.
19. Which input device converts analog information into digital form?
a) Plotter
b) Track Ball

c) Light Pen
d) Digitizer
Answer – d) Digitizer
Explanation – A plotter is a computer hardware device much like a printer that is used for
printing vector graphics.
A trackball is a pointing device consisting of a ball held by a socket containing sensors to detect
a rotation of the ball about two axes—like an upside-down.
A light pen is a light-sensitive pointing input device commonly used to select or otherwise
modify text or data on a screen. Used with a CRT monitor, these devices were an early form of
manipulating and highlighting data on the screen.
A digitizer is a hardware device that receives analog information, such as sound or light, and
records it digitally. Usually, the information is stored in a file on a computing device. This
process is called digitization.
20. Which of the following is/are non-emissive display?
a) LED
b) LCD
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
Answer – b) LCD
Explanation – LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a type of flat panel display which uses liquid
crystals in its primary form of operation.
21. Which input device is used to read information on a credit card?
a) Graphic Tablet
b) Numeric Keyboard
c) Bar Code Reader
d) Magnetic Stripe Reader
Answer – d) Magnetic Stripe Reader
Explanation – A magnetic stripe reader, also called a magstripe reader, is a hardware device
that reads the information encoded in the magnetic stripe located on the back of a plastic
badge (credit/debit cards).
22. In which part of computer, the work done by a computer operator is displayed?
a) PU
b) VDU
c) ALU
d) None of the above
Answer – b) VDU
Explanation – VDU Stands for "Visual Display Unit." A VDU displays images generated by a
computer or other electronic device.
23. Which device involves photo scanning of the text character by character, analysis of the
scanned image, and then translation of the character image into character code?
a) OCR
b) OMR
c) Bar Code Reader

Answer – a) OCR
Explanation – Optical Character Recognition or Optical Character Reader is the electronic or
mechanical conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded
text, whether from a scanned document, a photo of a document, a scene-photo or from
subtitle text superimposed on an image.
24. In OCR processing, when a character is recognized, it is converted into
a) Binary Code
b) ASCII Code
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
Answer – b) ASCII Code
Explanation – ASCII is the acronym for the American Standard Code for Information
Interchange. It is a code for representing 128 English characters as numbers, with each letter
assigned a number from 0 to 127.
25. TFT stands for
a) Thick Film Transmitter
b) Thin Film Transistor
c) Thick Film Transistor
d) Thin Film Transmitter
Answer – b) Thin Film Transmitter
Explanation – A Thin Film Transistor (TFT) is a type of field-effect transistor that is usually used
in a liquid crystal display (LCD).
26. Which of the following input device is used in banks to read magnetized characters on a
a) OCR
c) Bar Code Reader
d) Magnetic Stripe Reader
Answer – b) MICR
Explanation – Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) is the line of numbers that appears
at the bottom of a cheque. The MICR line is a group of three numbers, which are the cheque
number, account number, and bank routing number.
27. The refresh rate of monitor is measured in
a) byte
b) seconds
c) Hertz
d) Kips
Answer – c) Hertz
Explanation – A refresh rate is the number of times your monitor updates with new images
each second. For example, a 60 Hz refresh rate means the display updates 60 times per second
28. __________ transmits one bit of data through a single wire.
a) Serial Port
b) Fire wire
c) Parallel Port

d) Other than those given in the options
Answer – a) Serial Port
Explanation – A serial port is a serial communication interface through which information
transfers in or out sequentially one bit at a time. This is in contrast to a parallel port which
communicates multiple bits simultaneously in parallel.

29. ________ is a high-speed real-time interface for serial bus and it has data transfer up to 400
a) Serial Port
b) FireQire
c) Parallel Port
d) Other than those given in the options
Answer – b) FireWire
Explanation – FireWire is a method of transferring information between digital devices,
especially audio and video equipment. Also known as IEEE 1394, FireWire is fast -- the latest
version achieves speeds up to 800 Mbps.
30. __________ is an interface for connecting eight or more data wires.
a) Serial Port
b) Fire wire
c) Parallel Port
d) Other than those given in the options
Answer – c) Parallel Port
Explanation – A parallel port is a type of interface found on computers for connecting
peripherals. The name refers to the way the data is sent; parallel ports send multiple bits of
data at once, as opposed to serial interfaces that send bits one at a time.

31. MICR reads the characters by examining their shapes in _________ form.
a) Binary
c) Matrix
d) None of the above
Answer – c) Matrix
Explanation – The MICR is a device that can recognize human readable characters printed on
documents such as cheques using a special magnetic ink. The reader reads these characters by

examining their shapes. Characters are printed in a special font. Each character is formed by a
7 x 10 matrix.
32. Which among the device that converts computer output into a form that can be transmitted
over a telephone line?
a) Teleport
b) Multiplexer
c) Concentrator
d) Modem
Answer – d) Modem
Explanation – Modem is short for "Modulator-Demodulator." It is a hardware component that
allows a computer or another device, such as a router or switch, to connect to the Internet. It
converts or "modulates" an analog signal from a telephone or cable wire to digital data (1s and
0s) that a computer can recognize.
33. Which of the following groups consists of only input devices?
a) Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor
b) Mouse, Keyboard, Printer
c) Mouse, Keyboard, Plotter
d) Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner
Answer – d) Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner
Explanation – Computer Input Devices:
❖ Keyboard

❖ Mouse

❖ Joy Stick

❖ Light pen

❖ Track Ball

❖ Scanner

❖ Graphic Tablet

❖ Microphone

34. The individual dots that form the image on a monitor are called
a) particles
b) frames
c) pixels
d) none of the above
Answer – c) pixels
Explanation – The pixel (a word invented from "picture element") is the basic unit of
programmable color on a computer display or in a computer image.
35. The pattern of printed lines on most products are called
a) OCR
b) Bar code
Answer – b) Bar code

Explanation – A barcode or bar code is a method of representing data in a visual, machine-
readable form. Initially, barcodes represented data by varying the widths and spacings of
parallel lines.

36. Which of the following devices would require the use of a stylus?
a) Graphic tablet
b) Drawing Tablet
c) Digital art board
d) All of the above
Answer – d) All of the above
Explanation – A Graphic tablet (also known as a digitizer, drawing tablet, drawing pad, digital
drawing tablet, pen tablet, or digital art board) is a computer input device that enables a user
to hand-draw images, animations and graphics, with a special pen-like stylus, similar to the
way a person draws images with a pencil and paper.
37. Which of the following is not a point-and-draw device?
a) Keypad
b) Trackball
c) Mouse
d) Touch Screen
Answer – a) Keypad
Explanation – Examples of pointing devices include mice, trackballs, joysticks, touchpads, and
light pens.
38. The unattended interactive information systems such as Automatic Teller Machine or ATM is
called as
a) Kiosks
b) Sioks
c) Cianto
d) Kiaks
Answer – a) Kiosks
Explanation – An interactive kiosk is a computer terminal featuring specialized hardware and
software that provides access to information and applications for communication, commerce,
entertainment, or education.

The computer memory holds the data and instructions needed to process raw data and produce
output. The computer memory is divided into large number of small parts known as cells. Each cell
has a unique address which varies from 0 to memory size minus one.
The memory is characterized on the basis of two keys factors; capacity and access time. The lesser
the access time, the faster is the speed of memory. The computer uses a hierarchy of memory that is
organized in a manner to enable the fastest speed and largest capacity of memory.



Cache Memory

Storage Speed
(Low to High) (Low to High)
Main Memory

Magnetic Disk

Magnetic Tape

❖ Register can set flip- flops. These are very close to the CPU. The register is the fastest memory.
❖ Cache memory can store important data, i.e., highly executed data. It is the fast and smallest
❖ It stores the data for immediate manipulations.
Following are the memories of a computer:
Register Memory
Cache Memory
Primary memory
Secondary memory

Register DRAM



Floppy Disk

Hard Disk

Secondary Magnetic Tapes

Optical Memory
Cache Memory DVD

Register Memory
Register memory is the smallest and fastest memory in a computer. It is not a part of the main
memory and is located in the CPU in the form of registers, which are the smallest data holding
elements. A register temporarily holds frequently used data, instructions, and memory address that
are to be used by CPU.
Types and Functions of Computer Registers:
❖ Data Register – It is a 16-bit register, which is used to store operands (variables) to be operated
by the processor. It temporarily stores data, which is being transmitted to or received from a
peripheral device.
❖ Program Counter (PC) – It holds the address of the memory location of the next instruction,
which is to be fetched after the current instruction is completed. So, it is used to maintain the
path of execution of the different programs and thus executes the programs one by one, when
the previous instruction gets completed.
❖ Instructor Register – It is a 16-bit register. It stores the instruction which is fetched from the
main memory. So, it is used to hold instruction codes, which are to be executed. The Control
Unit takes instruction from Instructor Register, then decodes and executes it.
❖ Accumulator Register – It is a 16-bit register, which is used to store the results produced by
the system. For example, the results generated by CPU after the processing are stored in the
AC register.
❖ Address Register – It is a 12-bit register that stores the address of a memory location where
instructions or data is stored in the memory.
❖ I/O Address Register – Its job is to specify the address of a particular I/O device.
❖ I/O Buffer Register – Its job is to exchange the data between an I/O module and the CPU.

Cache Memory
Cache memory is a type of memory used to hold frequently used data. Cache memory is relatively
small but very fast. Most web browsers use a cache to load regularly viewed web pages fast. The most
important type of cache memory is the CPU cache. Once the data is stored in cache, it can be used by
accessing the cached copy rather than recomputing the original data.
Primary Memory
Primary memory is also called as the main memory of the computer. It stores the instructions,
operating system and data which required to run the computer. The primary memory includes RAM
and ROM.
Random Access Memory (RAM)
RAM performs both read and writes operations on memory. It stores data for temporally. If power
failures happened in systems during memory access then you will lose your data permanently. So,
RAM is a volatile memory.
RAM categorized into following types.
❖ Dynamic RAM – Dynamic Random-Access Memory (DRAM) is a type of random-access

memory used in computing devices. It is made up of capacitors and transistors. DRAM must
be constantly refreshed, or it loses its contents. This type of memory is more economical.
❖ Static RAM – Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) is a type of RAM that holds data in a static

form, i.e., as long as the memory has power. Unlike dynamic RAM, it does not need to be
❖ Synchronous Dynamic RAM – A type of DRAM that can run at much higher clock speeds

Read Only Memory (ROM)

ROM is the memory from which we can only read but cannot write on it. This type of memory is non-
volatile. The information is stored permanently in such memories during manufacture. A ROM stores
such instructions that are required to start a computer. This operation is referred to as bootstrap.
ROM chips are not only used in the computer but also in other electronic items like washing machine
and microwave oven.
There are four basic types of ROM
❖ Masked Read Only Memory (MROM) – The first very ROMS were very hard-wired devices that

contained a pre-programmed set of data or instructions. These kinds of ROMs are known as
Masked ROMs which are inexpensive.
❖ Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) – PROM is read-only memory that can be

modified only once by a user. The user buys a blank PROM and enters the desired contents
using a PROM program. Inside the PROM chip, there are small fuses which are burnt open
during programming. It can be programmed only once and is not erasable.
❖ Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM) – EPROM can be erased by exposing it

to ultra-violet light. Usually, an EPROM eraser achieves this function. During programming, an
electrical charge is trapped in an insulated gate region. The charge is retained for more than
10 years because the charge has no leakage path. For erasing this charge, ultra-violet light is
passed through a quartz crystal window (lid). This exposure to ultra-violet light dissipates the
❖ Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) – EEPROM is programmed

and erased electrically. It can be erased and reprogrammed about ten thousand times. Both
erasing and programming take about 4 to 10 ms (millisecond). In EEPROM, any location can be
selectively erased and programmed. EEPROMs can be erased one byte at a time, rather than
erasing the entire chip. Hence, the process of reprogramming is flexible but slow.
Secondary Memory
Secondary memory is also known as external memory or non-volatile. It is slower than the main
memory. These are used for storing data/information permanently. CPU directly does not access
these memories, instead they are accessed via input-output routines. The contents of secondary
memories are first transferred to the main memory, and then the CPU can access it. For example,
disk, CD-ROM, DVD, etc.
Floppy Disk
Floppy disk is composed of a thin, flexible magnetic disk sealed in a square
plastic carrier. Floppy disks were widely used to distribute software, transfer
files, and create backup copies of data. To read and write data from a floppy
disk, a computer system must have a floppy disk drive (FDD).
Floppy Disks come in three basic sizes:
▪ 8-inch
▪ 5 -inch
▪ 3 -inch
Hard drive

It is a non-removable storage device containing magnetic disks or platters rotating at high speeds.
The hard drives store data in segments of concentric circles. It may spin at 5,400 to 15,000 RPM.
The following figure shows the parts of a hard disk.

Magnetic Tape

Magnetic Tape was often used for digital data storage, because of its low cost and
ability to store large amounts of data. The technology essentially consisted of a magnetically thin
coated piece of plastic wrapped around wheels. Its relative slowness and unreliability compared to
other data storage solutions has resulted in it now being largely abandoned as a media.
Compact Disc (CD)

A compact disc is a portable storage medium that can be used to record,
store data in digital form. They are fragile and prone to scratches. Compact disc read-only memory
(CD-ROM) - It is a storage device that can be read but can’t change or delete it.
Digital Video Disc (DVD)

A device currently used to store data in large amounts and accepts high
definition material. A two-layered DVD can hold approximately 17 gigabytes of video, sound, or other
Blue-ray Disc

The upgraded version of CD and DVD discs and drives are the Blu-ray discs. It is
commonly known as BD-ROM. The Maximum capacity of BD disc is 25GB if single layer and 50 GB if
dual layer.
USB Flash Drives
USB Flash drives are small, ultra-portable storage device. USB refers to the USB
connection that allows users to plug the device into the USB port of a computer.
They are often referred to as pen drives, thumb drives, or jump drives. Mostly
they have a storage capacity from 8 GB to 64 GB.
Zip Disks

An advanced version of the floppy disk is known as Zip Disks.

It was developed by Iomega. Zip disks are available in 100 and 250-MB and 750 MB capacities and
they are used to store, share and back up large amounts of data.
Winchester Disk
A Winchester disk is a Disk Stack. Another term for hard disk drive. The term Winchester comes from
an early type of disk drive developed by IBM that had 30MB of fixed storage and 30MB of removable

The data is measured in term of bits in the memory.
❖ A Bit is a single binary value that may be 0 or 1.

❖ A Nibble is a group of 4 bits.

❖ A Byte is a group of 8 bits and is equal to one character.

Name Size
1 bit Single digit 0 or 1
1 nibble 4 bits
1 byte 8 bits
1 Kilobyte (KB) 1024 Bytes
1 Megabyte (MB) 1024 KB
1 Gigabyte (GB) 1,024 MB
1 Terabyte (TB) 1,024 GB
1 Petabyte (PB) 1,024 TB
1 Exabyte (EB) 1,024 PB
1 Zetta byte (ZB) 1,024 EB
1 Yotta Byte (YB) 1,024 ZB


1. Storage which stores or retains data after power off is called-
a) Volatile storage
b) Non-volatile storage
c) Sequential storage
d) Direct storage
Answer – b) Non-volatile memory
Explanation – Non-volatile memory (NVM) or non-volatile storage is a type of computer
memory that can retrieve stored information even after having been power cycled. In contrast,
volatile memory needs constant power in order to retain data.
2. ________ is a permanent memory, which halls data and instruction for start-up the computer
and does not erase data after power off.
a) Network interface card
b) CPU
c) RAM
d) ROM
Answer – d) ROM
Explanation – Read-only memory is a type of non-volatile memory used in computers and
other electronic devices. Data stored in ROM cannot be electronically modified after the
manufacture of the memory device.
3. Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second?
b) ROM
c) Static RAM
d) Dynamic RAM
Answer – d) Dynamic RAM
Explanation – Dynamic RAM must be refreshed many times per second.
Dynamic RAM is the most common type of memory in use today. Inside a dynamic RAM chip,
each memory cell holds one bit of information and is made up of two parts: a transistor and a
capacitor. These are, of course, extremely small transistors and capacitors so that millions of
them can fit on a single memory chip.
4. Which of the following places the common data elements in order from smallest to largest?
a) Character, File, Record, Field, Database, File
b) Character, Record, Field, Database, File
c) Character, Field, Record, File, Database
d) Bit, Byte, Character, Record, Field, File, Database
Answer – c) Character, Field, Record, File, Database
Explanation –
Character – Group of bytes.
Field – Heading of table
Record – Group of fields.
File – collection of record
Database – the collection of related files.
5. A half byte is known as
a) data
b) bit
c) half byte
d) nibble
Answer – d) nibble
Explanation – A nibble is a four-bit aggregation, or half an octet. It is also known as half-byte
or tetrade. In a networking or telecommunication context, the nibble is often called a semi-
octet, quadbit, or quartet. A nibble has sixteen possible values. A nibble can be represented
by a single hexadecimal digit and called a hex digit.
6. Logical memory is broken into blocks of the same size called
a) Frames
b) Pages
c) Backing store
d) None of the above
Answer – b) Pages
Explanation – Frames – Physical memory is broken into fixed-sized blocks
Pages – Logical memory is broken into blocks of the same size
7. The permanent memory built into your computer is called
a) RAM
b) ROM
c) CPU
Answer – b) ROM

Explanation – Read only memory (ROM) is the permanent memory which is used to store these
important control programs and systems software to perform functions such as booting up or
starting up programs. ROM is non-volatile. That means the contents are not lost when the
power is switched off.
8. A Winchester disk is a_________.
a) disk stack
b) removable disk
c) flexible disk
d) All of these
Answer – a) disk stack
Explanation – A Winchester disk is a Disk Stack. Another term for hard disk drive. The term
Winchester comes from an early type of disk drive developed by IBM that had 30MB of fixed
storage and 30MB of removable storage
9. When we work on any document on PC, it is stored temporarily on-
a) RAM
b) ROM
c) CPU
d) Flash memory
Answer – a) RAM
Explanation – RAM (Random Access Memory) is the hardware in a computing device where
the operating system (OS), application programs and data in current use are kept so they can
be quickly reached by the device's processor.
10. Which of the following is used to hold ROM, RAM, CPU and expansion cards?
a) Computer bus
b) Motherboard
c) Cache memory
d) All of these
Answer – b) Motherboard
Explanation – Motherboard is specifically refers to a PCB with expansion capability and as the
name suggests, this board is often referred to as the "mother" of all components attached to
it, which often include peripherals, interface cards, and daughtercards: sound cards, video
cards, network cards, hard drives, or other forms of persistent storage; TV tuner cards, cards
providing extra USB or FireWire slots and a variety of other custom components.
11. Where, data will remain intact even when the computer is turned off?
a) RAM
b) Mother board
c) Secondary storage device
d) Primary storage device
Answer – c) Secondary Storage device
Explanation – A secondary storage device refers to any non-volatile storage device that is
internal or external to the computer. It can be any storage device beyond the primary storage
that enables permanent data storage.
12. Virtual memory is_______.
a) memory on the hard disk that the CPU uses as an extended RAM

b) in RAM
c) only necessary if you do not have any RAM in your computer
d) a backup device for floppy disk
Answer – a) memory on the hard disk that the CPU used as an extended RAM.
Explanation – Virtual memory is the memory on the hard disk that the CPU uses an extended
13. Technique of placing software/programs in a ROM semiconductor chip is called ______
c) Firmware
d) None of the above
Answer – c) Firmware
Explanation – Firmware is data that is stored on a computer or other hardware device's ROM
(read-only memory) that provides instruction on how that device should operate.
14. _____________ is the process of locating the noncontiguous fragments of data into which a
computer file may be divided as it is stored on a hard disk, and rearranging the fragments and
restoring them into fewer fragments or into the whole file.
a) Paging
b) Defragmentation
c) Segmentation
d) None of the above
Answer – b) Defragmentation
Explanation – In the maintenance of file systems, defragmentation is a process that reduces
the degree of fragmentation. It does this by physically organizing the contents of the mass
storage device used to store files into the smallest number of contiguous regions (fragments,
15. Which of the following is an example of optical disk?
a) Magnetic disk
b) Memory disk
c) Digital Versatile Disk
d) None of the Above
Answer – c) Digital Versatile Disk
Explanation – Digital versatile disk is an example of an optical disk. Compact disks (CD), digital
versatile/video disks (DVD) and Blu-ray disks are currently the most commonly used forms of
optical disks.
16. Cache and main memory will not be able to hold their contents when the power is off. They
are ________
a) Static
b) Dynamic
c) Non-Volatile
d) Volatile
Answer – d) Volatile

Explanation – Volatile memory is computer storage that only maintains its data while the
device is powered. Most RAM (random access memory) used for primary storage in personal
computers is volatile memory.
17. The term ‘giga byte’ equals to ________
a) 1024 byte
b) 1024 KB
c) 1024 GB
d) 1024 MB
Answer – d) 1024 MB
Explanation –
❖ Bit – A bit (short for binary digit) is the smallest unit of data in a computer. A bit has a

single binary value, either 0 or 1.

❖ Byte – one byte is a group of 8 binary digits.

❖ Kilobyte – KB stands for Kilobyte. A kilobyte is 1024 bytes so 1KB equal to 1024 x 8 =

8192 binary digits.

❖ Megabyte (MB) – MB stands for Megabyte. It’s a unit of computer storage. 1 MB is

equal to 1024 kilobyte (KB)

❖ Gigabyte (GB) – 1 GB is equal to 1024 MB

❖ Terabyte (TB) – 1 TB is equal to 1024 GB

❖ Petabyte (PB) – 1 PB is equal to 1024 TB

18. Which of the following memories uses a MOS capacitor as its memory cell?
c) ROM
Answer – b) DRAM
Explanation – Dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) is a type of random access
semiconductor memory that stores each bit of data in a memory cell consisting of a tiny
capacitor and a transistor, both typically based on metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS)
19. A byte can represent any number between 0 and _______
a) 312
b) 255
c) 1024
d) 1025
Answer – b) 255
Explanation – A bit is the most basic unit and can be either 1 or 0. A byte is not just 8 values
between 0 and 1, but 256 (28) different combinations (rather permutations) ranging from
00000000 via e.g. 01010101 to 11111111. Thus, one byte can represent a decimal number
between 0(00) and 255.
20. What is the name given to the memory which works on time sharing principle in order to create
an illusion of infinite memory space?
a) Cache memory
b) Register

c) Virtual memory
d) Primary memory
Answer – c) Virtual Memory
Explanation – Virtual memory is a memory management technique that provides an "idealized
abstraction of the storage resources that are actually available on a given machine" which
"creates the illusion to users of a very large memory".
21. The location of a unit of data in a memory array is called its
a) Storage
b) Address
c) RAM
d) Data
Answer – b) Address
Explanation – Address - A location of data, usually in main memory or on a disk. Disks are
divided into tracks and sectors, each of which has a unique address. Usually, you do not need
to worry about addresses unless you are a programmer.
22. Which of the following is not a type of memory?
a) RAM
b) ROM
Answer – c) FPROM
Explanation –
RAM – Random Access Memory
ROM – Read Only Memory
EEPROM – Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
23. Data is written to and read from the disk via a magnetic ________ head mechanism in the
floppy drive.
a) Cylinder
b) Read/ write
c) Recordable
d) Cluster
Answer – b) Read/Write
Explanation –

24. Which is not part of a hard disk drive?

a) Spindle
b) Platter
c) Read/ write head
d) Valve
Answer – d) Valve
Explanation –

25. Which of the following are normally used to initialize a computer system's hardware?
a) Bootstrap Memory
b) Volatile Memory
c) External Mass Memory
d) Static Memory
Answer – a) Bootstrap Memory
Explanation – A Bootstrap Memory can be defined as a read-only memory which contains
various basic instructions which are needed for starting up the computer. It helps the
computer to load additional programs, i.e. the operating system after starting up.
26. DOS floppy disk does not have
a) A boot record
b) File allocation table
c) Virtual memory
Answer – b) BIOS
Explanation – BIOS software is stored on a non-volatile ROM chip on the motherboard.
27. A memory in which the information is stored last is on top & is retrieved first is known as
b) Buffer
c) Stack Memory
d) RAM
Answer – c) Stack Memory
Explanation – Stack Memory is a memory usage mechanism that allows the system memory
to be used as temporary data storage that behaves as a first-in, last-out buffer.
28. Which of the following floppy sizes exists?
a) 5.25 inches
b) 4.75 inches
c) 6 inches
d) None of the above
Answer – a) 5.75 inches
Explanation – There are two types of Floppy Disk –
1. 5.25 inches (1.25 MB)
2. 3.5 inches (1.44 MB)
29. Memory which forgets everything when you switch off the power is known as
a) Corrupted
b) Volatile
c) Non-volatile
d) Non-corrupted
Answer – b) Volatile
Explanation – Volatile memory is computer storage that only maintains its data while the
device is powered. Most RAM (random access memory) used for primary storage in personal
computers is volatile memory.
30. The _____________ is a section of RAM where your computer stores copied data.
a) Clipboard
b) Copy Area
c) Binary Number
d) Other than those given in the options
Answer – a) Clipboard
Explanation – The clipboard is a buffer that some operating systems provide for short-term
storage and transfer within and between application programs. The clipboard is usually
temporary and unnamed, and its contents reside in the computer's RAM. The clipboard is
sometimes called the paste buffer.

Software, which is abbreviated as SW or S/W, is a set of programs that enables the hardware to
perform a specific task. All the programs that run the computer are software.
The software can be of three types
System Software
Application Software
Programming Software.
System Software
The system software is the main software that runs the computer. When you turn on the computer,
it activates the hardware and controls and coordinates their functioning. It serves as an interface
between a computer user, computer hardware and application software. The application programs
are also controlled by system software.
There are four types of system software
❖ Operating System

❖ Utility Programs

❖ Device drivers

❖ Language Translators

Operating System
An operating system is the system software that works as an interface to enable the user to
communicate with the computer. It manages and coordinates the functioning of hardware and
software of the computer. The commonly used operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Linux, and
Apple Mac OS X.
Utility Programs
Utility Programs help to manage, maintain and control computer resources. They are also known as
service programs. Examples of utility programs are antivirus software, backup software, disk
defragment, backup, disk clean etc.
Disk Compression – It increases the amount of information that can be stored on a hard disk by
compressing all information stored on a hard disk. This utility works automatically and the user does
not need to be aware of its existence, e.g. DiskDoubler, SuperStor Pro, DoubleDisk Gold, etc.
Disk Defragment – It detects computer files whose contents are broken across several locations on
the hard disk and moves the fragments to one location to increase efficiency. It can be used to
rearrange files and unused space on your hard disk. e.g. MyDefrag, Diskeeper, Defraggler, etc.
Backup Utilities – It can make a copy of all information stored on a disk and restore either the entire
disk or selected files.
Disk Cleaner – It is used to find files that have not been used for a long time. This utility also serves
to increase the speed of a slow computer, e.g. Bleach Bit cleaner, etc.
Anti-virus – It is the utility which is used to scan computer for viruses and prevent the computer
system les from being corrupt, e.g. Kaspersky, AVG, McAfee, Avira, etc.
Text Editor – It is a program that facilitates the creation and correction of text. It is used to type only
text which can be stored for future reference. A text editor supports special commands for text
editing, i.e. you can write, delete, find and replace words, lines, paragraphs, etc. e.g. MS-Word,

WordPad, Notepad etc. in which Notepad is the most popular text editor.
Device Drivers
A device driver is designed to enable interaction with hardware devices. It controls a device that is
attached to your computer. Printers, Displays, CDROM readers, Disk drives etc. are the examples of
the device driver.
Language Translator
Language Translator translates the high-level language program (input) into an equivalent machine
language program (output). It also detects and reports the error during translation.
Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter are types of a Language Translator.
❖ Assembler – It converts assembly language program into machine language.

Source Program Object Code

(Assembly) (Machine Language)
❖ Compiler – It converts the program in a high-level language into low-level language and reports
all the errors of the program along with the line numbers. C, C++ use compilers.

Source Program Object Code

(HLL) (Machine Language)
❖ Interpreter – It converts the programs in a high-level language to low-level language. It
translates line by line and reports the error once after completing the translation process. It
gives better error diagnostics than a compiler. Python, BASIC, and Ruby use interpreters.

Source Program Object Code

(HLL) (Machine Language)
Note - Code written into high level language or Assembly Language know as Source Code and the
converted code into machine language know as Object code
Application Software
Application software is a program or group of programs designed for end users. It enables the user to
complete tasks, such as creating documents, spreadsheets, databases, and publications, doing online
research, sending email, designing graphics etc.
Word Processing Software
This software allows users to create, edit, format, and manipulate the text and more. It offers lots of
options for writing documents, creating images, and more. For example, MS Word, WordPad,
Notepad, etc.
Spreadsheet Software
It is designed to perform calculations, store data, create charts, etc. It has rows and columns, and the
data is entered in the cell, which is an intersection of a row and column, e.g., Microsoft Excel.
Presentation Software

It is used to create presentations of slides containing text and graphics. It typically includes three
major functions – an editor that allows text to be inserted and formatted, methods for inserting and
manipulating graphic images and a slideshow system to display the content e.g. MS PowerPoint.
Multimedia Software
This software is developed to perform editing of video, audio, and text. It allows you to combine texts,
videos, audio, and images. Thus, you can improve a text document by adding photos, animations,
graphics, and charts through multimedia software. For example, VLC player, Window Media Player,
Desktop Publishing Software
DTP Software is used to produce high publications at low cost. It takes in text created on a word
processor direct to the DTP system and combine this electronically with a graphic element and the
resulting completed pages are then printed using high resolution output devices.
Database Package Software
Database software is a software program or utility used for creating, editing and maintaining database
files and records. This type of software allows users to store data in the form of structured fields,
tables and columns, which can then be retrieved directly and/or through programmatic access.
Programming Software
It is a set or collection of tools that help developers in writing other software or programs. It assists
them in creating, debugging, and maintaining software or programs or applications. We can say that
these are facilitator software that helps translate programming language such as Java, C++, Python,
etc., into machine language code. So, it is not used by end-users. For example, compilers, linkers,
debuggers, interpreters, text editors, etc. This software is also called a programming tool or software
development tool.
Some examples of programming software include:
❖ Eclipse – It is a java language editor.

❖ Coda – It is a programming language editor for Mac.

❖ Notepad++ - It is an open-source editor for windows.

❖ Sublime text – It is a cross-platform code editor for Linux, Mac, and Windows.

A Computer Language is the means by which instructions and data are transmitted to computers.
Languages are divided into two categories:
Low level language
Machine language
In machine language programs can be develop in binary language (0 or 1). It is also known as binary
Assembly language
It is known as symbolic language. It is a low-level language programming language using the human
readable instruction of the CPU. It is written as:
move ab, cd
move ax, 50

High level Language
Programmer can write code in simple English language. It is very user friendly as compare to low level
Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC) was developed for students to write simple
computer programs. It was designed by John Kemeney and Thomas Kurtz in 1963.
ALGOL is a short form of ALGOrithmic Language. It is a family of portable programming languages for
scientific computations.
Prolog is used widely for artificial intelligence applications, particularly expert systems.
It is used to teach programming techniques. It was developed by Niklaus Wirth.
It is a programming language designed for numeric computation and scientific computing. FORmula
TRANslation is an acronym of FORTRAN.
Common Business Oriented Language is the full form of COBOL. It is used for business and
administrative purposes. It can be read like regular English.
Object Oriented Languages
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a software programming model built around objects. This
model classifies data into objects and describes object contents and performance through the
declaration of classes.
Simula is the first object-oriented programming language.
The examples of object-oriented programming languages are Java, Python, JavaScript, C++, C#, PHP,
Perl, .NET, Ruby Curl, Visual Basic, Smalltalk, Delphi, and Eiffel.
Java is used for developing Mobile, Desktop, web, server-side and dynamic web applications.
JavaScript is designed for styling HTML Pages, interactivity to HTML Pages, Server-Side Scripting
Operation, executing query related to DB on Serve.
Python is a general-purpose programming language. It is used for developing complex scientific,
numeric applications, data analysis, and visualization.
C++ is a general-purpose language was designed by Microsoft to be used for developing apps on the
Microsoft platform.
PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor. It is a scripting language used for the development of web

Net is a programming framework developed by Microsoft, which can be used to build different types
of applications such as Windows, Web application and Mobile based applications etc.
❖ Visual Basic - Visual Basic is an approachable language with a simple syntax for building type-

safe, object-oriented apps.

Elements of Programming Language
Data Type
In computer programming language, the term data refers to anything and everything processed by
the computer. Data type defines a set of related values/integers, number with fraction, characters
and a set of specific operations that can be performed on those values. e.g. int for integer value, char
for character value.
Variable is a character or group of characters assign by the programmer to a single memory location
and used in the program as the name of that memory location in order to access the value stored in
it. e.g. int a, char a
It has fixed value. String constant is simply a sequence of character. The numeric constant can be
integer representing whole quantities or a number. e.g. int A=10; char A= „hello‟;
An array is a collection of same type of data (either string or numeric), all of which are referenced by
the same name. Normally two types of array are used.
Every computer language specify as in which various arithmetic operators are evaluated in a given
expressions. An expression may contain operators such as *, +, -, /, (), ^. e.g. 2+4*8(4-6/3)
It stands for Basic Input Output System. It is a type of system software, which is stored in Read Only
Memory (ROM) located on the motherboard. However, in advanced computer systems, it is stored in
flash memory. BIOS is the first software that gets activated when you turn on your computer system.
It loads the drivers of the hard disk into memory as well as assists the operating system to load itself
into the memory.
Boot Program
Boot refers to starting up a computer. When you switch on the computer, the commands in the ROM
are executed automatically to load the boot program into memory and execute its instructions. The
BIOS program has a basic set of commands that enables the computer to perform the basic
input/output instructions to start the computer.
❖ Cold Booting – When you turn the computer off and back on, you're performing what's called

a cold booting. During a cold boot, the computer runs self-tests on its hardware and loads its
operating system before it's ready for you to use.
❖ Warm Booting – When you restart the system without interrupting power, it's a warm booting.

We also call it a RESTART.

Firmware is a software program that is written to a hardware device. It allows the hardware to be
updated. The contents are saved when a hardware device is turned off or loses its external power
Middleware is a software layer situated between applications and operating systems. It enables
communication and data management for distributed applications.
Power On Self Test
A power-on self-test is a process performed by firmware or software routines immediately
after a computer or other digital electronic device is powered on. The results of the POST
may be displayed on a panel that is part of the device, output to an external device, or
stored for future retrieval by a diagnostic tool.

Device driver
This system software controls hardware devices connected to a computer. It enables the computer
to use the hardware by providing an appropriate interface. The kernel of a Computer's CPU
communicates with different hardware through this software. Operating systems generally come with
most of the device drivers. If the operating system does not have a device driver for hardware, you
have to install the device driver before using that hardware device.
Server Programs
Server programs are dedicated computer programs that run as services and serve the needs or
request of other programs. These services may run on a dedicated hardware or on the same computer
as the requesting programs.
Some common example of server programs is:
❖ Web Server – For hosting websites.

❖ Print Server – manage multiple print requests for multiple printers

❖ File server – manages the storage and retrieval of shared computer files

❖ Database Server – provide database services to another computer programs

❖ Mail server – managed and transfers electronic mail messages

Loader is a set of programs that loads the machine language translated by the translator into the main
memory and makes it ready for execution.

A Linker or link editor is a program that takes one or more objects file code generated by a compiler
and combine them into a single executable program. Linker is used to combine all the objects files
and converts them into a final executable program.

Object Code




Compiler scans the entire program and convert it into machine code. Slow for debugging.
Execution time is less.
Interpreter translates the program line by line. Good for fast debugging and execution time is
1. Set of programs which consist of full set of documentations is termed as
a) Database packages
b) File packages
c) Bus packages
d) Software packages
Answer – d) Software packages
Explanation – A software package is an assemblage of files and information about those files.
Linux distributions are usually installed as separate software packages, each of which is a
particular application, such as a Web browser or a development environment. Each package
includes an archive of files and information about the software, such as its name, the specific
version and a description.
2. Specialized program that allows used to utilize in specific application is classified as
a) Relative Programs
b) Application Programs
c) Replicate Programs
d) None of the above
Answer – b) Application Programs
Explanation – An application, also referred to as an application program or application
software, is a computer software package that performs a specific function directly for an end
user or, in some cases, for another application.
3. _______________ translated and executes program at run time line by line.
a) Compiler
b) Interpreter
c) Linker
d) Loader

Answer – b) Interpreter
Explanation – Interpreter converts the programs in a high-level language to low-level
language. It translates line by line and reports the error once after completing the translation
4. The primary purpose of software is to turn data into
a) Websites
b) Information
c) Programs
d) Objects
Answer – b) Information
Explanation – The primary purpose of software is to turn data into Information. When that
data is processed into sets according to context, it provides information. Data refers to raw
input that when processed or arranged makes meaningful output. Information is usually the
processed outcome of data.
5. Software designed for a specific purpose/ application such as pay calculations, processing of
examination result, etc. are known as
a) utility software
b) system software
c) application software
d) customized software
Answer – c) application software
Explanation – An application is any program, or group of programs, that is designed for the
end user. Applications software (also called end-user programs) include such things as
database programs, word processors, Web browsers and spreadsheets.
6. Which of the following is included in Utility Programs?
a) Virus scanning software
b) Backup software
c) Disk defragmenter
d) All of the above
Answer – d) All of the above
Explanation – Utility Programs help to manage, maintain and control computer resources.
They are also known as service programs. Examples of utility programs are antivirus software,
backup software, disk defragment, backup, disk clean etc.
7. Which of the following is not related to an application software?
a) Word processor
c) Operating system
d) Railway reservation system
Answer – c) Operating System
Explanation - The difference between operating system and application software is that an
operating system is a system software that works as the interface between the user and the
hardware while the application software is a program that performs a specific task.
8. Which one of the following is a set of instructions that tells the hardware how to perform the

a) Compiler
b) Software
c) Hardware
d) CPU
Answer – b) Software
Explanation – Software is a set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do. People,
however, are the most important component of a computer system - people use the power of
the computer for some purpose.
9. Which of the following describe an Operating Software?
a) Application software
b) System software
c) Language
d) Program
Answer – b) System Software
Explanation – An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware,
software resources, and provides common services for computer programs.
10. Which software takes control of computer system on startup?
a) Compiler
b) Operating system
c) Application software
d) System software
Answer – b) Operating System
Explanation – Operating system software takes control of computer system on startup
An Operating System (OS) is an interface between a computer user and computer hardware.
An operating system is a software which performs all the basic tasks like file management,
memory management, process management, handling input and output, and controlling
peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.
11. A kind of system software, which is responsible for loading and relocating of the executable
program in the main memory
a) Loader
b) Linker
c) Translator
d) Presentation software
Answer – a) Loader
Explanation – In computer systems a loader is the part of an operating system that is
responsible for loading programs and libraries. It is one of the essential stages in the process
of starting a program, as it places programs into memory and prepares them for execution.
12. The steps and tasks needed to process data, such as responses to questions or clicking an icon,
are called
a) instructions
b) operating system
c) application software
d) the system unit
Answer – a) instructions

Explanation – Computer instructions are a set of machine language instructions that a
particular processor understands and executes. A computer performs tasks on the basis of the
instruction provided.
13. Which of the following is a system software?
a) Database programs
b) Word processors
c) Spreadsheets
d) Device drivers
Answer – d) Device drivers
Explanation – Device drivers is an example of system software. All others i.e. database
programs, word processors and spreadsheets are the examples of application software.
14. Corel ventura, illustrator are the examples of
a) Word Processing
b) Graphic
c) Multimedia
d) DTP
Answer – d) DTP
Explanation – Desktop publishing is the creation of documents using page layout software on
a personal computer. It was first used almost exclusively for print publications, but now it also
assists in the creation of various forms of online content.
15. DTP is a tool for graphic designers and non-designers to create visual communications for
professional. DTP stands for
a) Device Transfer Protocol
b) Desktop Publishing
c) Device Transfer Programs
d) None of the above
Answer – b) Desktop Publishing
Explanation – Desktop publishing (DTP) is the creation of documents using page layout
software on a personal computer. It was first used almost exclusively for print publications,
but now it also assists in the creation of various forms of online content.
16. ______________ is a set of computer programs used on a computer to help perform tasks.
a) An instruction
b) Software
c) Memory
d) A processor
Answer – b) Software
Explanation – Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers
and execute specific tasks. Opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a
computer, software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that
run on a device.
17. The programs designed to govern the computer hardware system are called the
a) system software
b) application software
c) utility software

d) All of these
Answer – a) System Software
Explanation – System software is the program which is designed in order to govern the
hardware system of the computer. It helps in providing a platform to the other software.
Basically, hardware and software are interchangeable, without any one the entire system stops
18. The ____________ tells the computer how to use its components.
a) utility
b) application
c) operating system
d) network
Answer – c) Operating system
Explanation – An operating system is a system of programs that controls the computer's input
and output devices; coordinates the processing of computer tasks, sometimes performing
more than one task at once (multitasking); allocates and monitors the use of the computer
memory and other resources.
19. Which of the following system software resides in main memory always?
a) Text editor
b) Assembler
c) Linker
d) Loader
Answer – d) Loader
Explanation – Loader is the part of an operating system that is responsible for loading
programs and libraries. It is one of the essential stages in the process of starting a program, as
it places programs into memory and prepares them for execution.
20. The main purpose of _________ is to resolve references among files.
a) Text editor
b) Loader
c) Antivirus
d) Linker
Answer – d) Linker
Explanation – Linker is a computer program that takes one or more object files generated by
a compiler and combines them into one, executable program. Computer programs are usually
made up of multiple modules that span separate object files, each being a compiled computer
21. Programs designed to perform specific tasks related to managing computer resources are
a) system software
b) operating system
c) utility software
d) application software
Answer – d) application software
Explanation – An application is any program, or group of programs, that is designed for the
end user. Applications software (also called end-user programs) include such things as

database programs, word processors, Web browsers and spreadsheets. Image: Application
Software Diagram.
22. What does the acronym BIOS stand for?
a) Basic Internal Output System
b) Basic Inner/Output System
c) Basic Input/output Systemization
d) Basic Input/output System
Answer – d) Basic Input/ Output System
Explanation – BIOS (Basic Input/ Output System) is the program a personal computer's
microprocessor uses to get the computer system started after you turn it on. It also manages
data flow between the computer's operating system and attached devices such as the hard
disk, video adapter, keyboard, mouse and printer.
23. The software that is used to create text-based documents are referred to as
a) Suites
b) Spreadsheets
c) presentation software
d) Word processor
Answer – d) Word processor
Explanation – A word processor is software or a device that allows users to create, edit, and
print documents. It enables you to write text, store it electronically, display it on a screen,
modify it by entering commands and characters from the keyboard, and print it.
24. ________ is a Windows utility program that locates and eliminates unnecessary fragments and
rearranges les and unused to disk space to optimize operations.
a) Backup
b) Disk cleanup
c) Disk defragmenter
d) Restore
Answer – c) Disk defragmenter
Explanation – The process of defragmentation moves the data blocks on the hard drive around
to bring all the parts of a file together. Defragmentation reduces file system fragmentation,
increasing the efficiency of data retrieval and thereby improving the overall performance of
the computer.
25. In computer terminology ‘CAD’ stands for
a) Computer Applied Design
b) Computer Algorithm and Design
c) Computer Application Design
d) Computer Aided Design
Answer – d) Computer Aided Design
Explanation – Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is a computer technology that designs a product
and documents the design's process. CAD may facilitate the manufacturing process by
transferring detailed diagrams of a product's materials, processes, tolerances and dimensions
with specific conventions for the product in question.

An operating system is a type of software without which you cannot operate or run a computer. It
acts as an intermediary or translation system between computer hardware and application programs
installed on the computer. In other words, you cannot directly use computer programs with computer
hardware without having a medium to establish a connection between them.
Examples – Linux (Ubuntu), Windows (Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 etc.), DOS,
Apple IOS (MacOS 10.15), etc.


A kernel is the central part of an operating system. It manages the operations of the computer and
the hardware, most notably memory and CPU time.
Memory management
It manages both the primary and secondary memory such as RAM, ROM, hard disk, pen drive, etc. It
checks and decides the allocations and deallocation of memory space to different processes. When a
user interacts with a system, the CPU is supposed to read or write operations, in this case, OS decides
the amount of memory to be allocated for loading the program instructions and data into RAM. After
this program is terminated, the memory area is again free and is ready to be allocated to other
programs by the OS.
Processor Management
It facilitates processor management, where it decides the order for the processes to access the
processor as well as decides the processing time to be allocated for each process. Besides this, it
monitors the status of processes, frees the processor when a process is executed then allocates it to
a new process.
Device/Hardware management
The operating system also contains drivers to manage devices. A driver is a type of translation
software that allows the operating system to communicate with devices, and there are different
drivers for different devices as each device speaks a different language.
Run software applications: It offers the environment to run or use software applications developed
to perform specific tasks, for example, MS Word, MS Excel, Photoshop, etc.
Data management
It helps in data management by offering and displaying directories for data management. You can
view and manipulate files, folders, e.g., you can move, copy, name, or rename, delete a file or a folder.
Evaluates the system's health
It gives us an idea about the performance of the hardware of the system. For example, you can see
how busy the CPU is, how fast the data is retrieved from the hard disk, etc.
Provides user interface
It acts as an interface between the user and the hardware. It can be a GUI where you can see and click
elements on the screen to perform various tasks. It enables you to communicate with the computer
even without knowing the computer's language.
I/O management
It manages the input output devices and makes the I/O process smooth and effective. For example, it
receives the input provided by the user through an input device and stores it in the main memory.
Then it directs the CPU to process this input and accordingly provides the output through an output
device such as a monitor.
It has a security module to protect the data or information stored in the memories of the computer
against malware and unauthorized access. Thus, it not only manages your data but also helps to
protect it.
Time Management
It helps CPU in time management. The Kernel OS keeps checking the frequency of processes that
requests CPU time. When two or more processes that are equally important compete for the CPU
time, then the CPU time is sliced into segments and allocated to these processes in a round-robin
fashion to prevent a single process from monopolizing the CPU.
Deadlock Prevention
Sometimes a resource that is supposed to be shared by two or more processes is held by one process
due to which the resource cannot continue. This situation is known as deadlock. The OS does not let
this situation arise by carefully distributing the resources among the different processes.
Interrupt Handling
OS also responds to interrupts, which are signals generated by a program or a device to seek the
attention of the CPU. The OS checks the priority of the interrupt, and if it is more important than the
currently running process, it stops the execution of the current process and preserves this state of

CPU then executes the requested process. Thereafter the CPU returns to the same state where it was
Batch Processing Operating System

The interaction between a user and the computer does not occur in this system. The user is required
to prepare jobs on punch cards in the form of batches and submit them to the computer operator.
The computer operator sorts the jobs or programs and keeps similar programs or jobs in the same
batch and run as a group to speed up processing. It is designed to execute one job at a time. Jobs are
processed on a first-come, first-serve basis, i.e., in the order of their submission without any human
Multiprogramming Operating System
Multi programming operating system which in addition to supporting multiple concurrent process
allows the instruction and data from two or more separate process to reside in primary memory
simultaneously. Multiprogramming System are multitasking, multiprocessing and multiuser operating
Multitasking Operating System
Multitasking is the ability of a computer to run more than one program, or task, at the same time. A
multitasking operating system supports two or more active processes simultaneously.
Multiprocessors Operating System
A multiprocessing operating system is one that can run on computer systems that contain more than
one processor.
Single User Operating System
A single User OS as the name suggests is designed for one user to effectively use a computer at a time.
e.g. DOS, Windows 95/98 etc
Multi-user Operating System
This type of OS allows multiple users to simultaneously use the system, while here as well, the
processor splits its resources and handles one user at a time, the speed and efficiency at which it does
this makes it apparent that users are simultaneously using the system, some network systems utilize
this kind of operating system. e.g. Windows XP, Vista, 7 etc.

Time Sharing Operating System

It enables multiple users located at different terminals to use a computer system and to share the
processor's time simultaneously. In other words, each task gets time to get executed, and thus all
tasks are executed smoothly.
Each user gets the processor's time as they get while using a single system. The duration of time
allocated to a task is called quantum or time slice; when this duration is over, OS starts the next task.
Distributed Operating System
It uses or runs on multiple independent processors (CPUs) to serve
multiple users and multiple real-time applications. The communication
between processors is established through many communication lines
such as telephone lines and high-speed buses. The processors may differ
from each other in terms of size and function.
Real-Time Operating System
It is developed for real-time applications where data should be processed in a fixed, small duration of
time. It is used in an environment where multiple processes are supposed to be accepted and
processed in a short time. RTOS requires quick input and immediate response.

Hard Real-Time Systems

These are used for the applications where timing is critical or response time is a major factor; even a
delay of a fraction of the second can result in a disaster. For example, airbags and automatic
parachutes that open instantly in case of an accident. Besides this, these systems lack virtual memory.
Soft Real-Time Systems
These are used for application where timing or response time is less critical. Here, the failure to meet
the deadline may result in a degraded performance instead of a disaster. For example, video
surveillance (cctv), video player, virtual reality, etc. Here, the deadlines are not critical for every task
every time.

Network Operating System
This OS connects computers and devices to a local area network and manages
network resources. The software in a NOS enables the devices of the network
to share resources and communicate with each other. It runs on a server and
allows shared access to printers, files, applications, files, and other networking
resources and functions over a LAN. Besides this, all users in the network are
aware of each other's underlying configuration and individual connections.
Examples: Ms Windows Server 2003 and 2008, Linux, UNIX, Novell NetWare,
Mac OS X, etc.
User Interface
An operating system provides an interface between the computer user and the hardware.
The user interface is one of the most important parts of any operating system because it allows users
to easily access and communicate with the applications and the hardware.
The user can interact with the computer by using mainly two kinds of interfaces
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
It is a computer program that enables a person to communicate with a computer through the use of
symbols, visual metaphors and pointing devices. It is best known for its implementation in Apple
The first graphical user interface was designed by Xerox Corporation in 1970s. GUIs can be found in
handheld devices such as MP3 players, portable media players, gaming devices, etc.
Character User Interface (CUI)
It is also known as Command Line Interface (CLI). CUI is a mechanism of interacting with a computer
system or software by typing, commands to perform specific tasks. Programs with character user
interface are generally easier to automate via scripting. CUI only uses text types one after another
just as commands used in MS-DOS.
Some popular operating systems are as follows
The first version of Unix was developed in 1969 by Ken-Thompson and Dennis Ritchie at AT & T Bell
Laboratories. It is primarily used to a server rather than a workstation and should not be used by
anyone who does not understand the system.
Apple Macintosh (Mac OS)
It was introduced in January, 1984 by Steve Jobs and was initially named as system software, which
was later renamed as Mac OS. Most recent version of OS is based on Unix because it has a good
graphical interface.
The first Linux Kernel was released in October, 1991 by Linus. It is an open source software, means
anyone can download it and use it without any fees. Linux is similar to Unix in operations. It is difficult
to understand by anyone who does not understand the system and can be difficult to learn.
It is a free UNIX based OS developed by Sun Microsystems. The rst version of Sun Microsystems was
published in 1992 and coined as SunOS.

BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions)
BOSS GNU/Linux (or simply BOSS) developed by C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced
Computing) was initially released in 2007 and derived from Debian for enhancing the use of
Free/Open Source Software throughout India. BOSS Linux provides GUI to the user.
Microsoft Windows
It is an operating system, based on GUI, developed by Microsoft. Microsoft first introduced an
operating environment named Windows in November 1985 in response to the growing interest in
Mobile Operating System
This OS operates on Smartphones, Tablets and Digital Mobile devices. It controls mobile devices and
its design supports wireless communication and different types of mobile applications. It has built-in
support for mobile multimedia formats
Some popular mobile operating systems are as follows:
❖ Android – It is a mobile OS developed by Google, which is based on Linux Kernel. It is basically

designed for touch screen mobile devices like Tablets, Smartphones, etc. Now-a-days, it is
most common as used in mobile phones. The latest version of Android is Nougat which was
released on 22 August, 2016.
❖ Symbian – It is the OS developed and sold by Symbian Ltd. It is an open source mobile OS

designed for Smartphones. It has been used by many major handset manufacturers including
Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, Sony, etc. The latest version of Symbian is Nokia Belle which was
released in October 2012.
❖ iOS – It is the popular mobile operating system developed by Apple Incorporation. This

operating system is commonly used in Apple iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, etc. The latest version
of iOS is iOS 13.5
❖ BlackBerry – It is the most secure operating system used in leading Smartphones developed

by BlackBerry company. It also supports WAP 1.2. The latest version of Blackberry is BlackBerry
OS 10.3.3.
The DOS OS was developed by Microsoft in 1980 for microcomputers. MS-DOS was the first operating
system that run on PC developed by IBM corporation in 1981. DOS is a single user operating system.
It is only operating system, which can be loaded in the main memory of the computer using a single
Structure of DOS
There are four essential programs associated with the control of computer and the way it interacts
with them.
❖ Boot Record – It includes loading the operating system into main memory. It is the main

program of MS-DOS.
❖ Basic Input/ Output System (BIOS) – It provides an interface between the hardware and

❖ MSDOS.sys Program – It is a collection of program routines and data tables that provides high

level programs such as application programs.

❖ Program – It provides a standard set of commands that gives users access to

file management, configuration and miscellaneous functions.

Configuration of DOS
Config.sys, Autoexec.bat provide the environment to computer to set commands.
❖ Config.sys – It adjusts the system according to commands.

❖ Auto Exec.bat – When the system is powered On, this file executes in automatically command

Types of DOS Commands
There are two types of DOS command
❖ Internal Commands – These commands are automatically loaded into main memory when the

booting process gets completed e.g. DATE, TIME, VER, VOL, DIR, COPY, etc
❖ External Commands – These commands require external file to be loaded in the computer to

run e.g. Checking disk, comparing disk, formatting, etc.

Internal Commands
CLS Clear the screen
DIR Display a list of files and folders
COPY CON Copy whatever typed on the keyboard to the file
DATE Display or set the date
TIME Display or set the system
MD(MKDIR) Create a new directory or sub-directory
RD(RMDIR) Remove an empty directory1
TYPE Display the content of saved file
REN Rename a file or directory
DELETE Delete a file from current directory
COPY Cop[y the given file or files
PROMPT Allow user to set new DOS commands than usual
External Commands
Use for protecting files from accidental changes or
SCANDISK/CHKDISK Checks the status of the disk
TREE Display the path of each directory
MORE Display one screen of data at a time
EDIT Loads the MSDOS editor where we can edit files
SORT Used for sorting data and displaying the result
FORMAT Delete all the files and folders in any drive
Transfer MSDOS system files to specified areas to make the
disk bootable


It can’t remove a directory which contains sub-directory or files
Microsoft Windows stands for ‘Microsoft – Wide Interactive Network Development for Office Work
Solution’. Microsoft Windows is a series of graphical interface operating system developed, marked
and sold by Microsoft. It enables you to work with a wide variety of programs on your computer,
often simultaneously.
Versions of MS-Windows
Some important versions of MS-Windows are as follows:
Windows NT (New Technology)
A version of Windows introduced in July, 1993 and made specifically for businesses offering better
control over workstation capabilities to help network administrators.
❖ It is based on High Level Language.

❖ It is able to run on DOS, Windows 3 and Win 32 applications.

❖ It has a 32-bit Windows applications.

❖ It uses preemptive multitasking.

❖ It provides higher stability and security.

Windows 95
It is a graphical user interface-based operating system. It was released on 24th August, 1995 by
❖ It is a mixed of 16-bit/32-bit Windows operating system.

❖ It is consumer-oriented.

❖ It supports graphical user interface operating system.

❖ It supports FAT32 file system, multi-display, Web TV and the Internet Explorer.

Windows 98
It was developed in 1998. This was produced in two main versions. The first Windows 98 version was
plagued with programming errors but the Windows 98 second edition came out later was much better
with many errors resolved.
❖ It supports Internet Explorer 4.0.1.

❖ It has Intel 80486DX2/66 MHz or a compatible CPU with a Math coprocessor (Pentium

processor recommended).
❖ Windows 98 was the first operating system to use the Windows Driver Model (WDM).

❖ It includes a FAT32 converter utility for converting FAT16 drives to FAT32 without formatting

the partition.
❖ It also supports many peripherals devices (MX, USB, DVD).

Windows ME
An upgraded version from Windows 98 (Millennium Edition) launched in June 2000, but it has been
historically plagued with programming errors which may be frustrating for home users.
❖ It is designed for single CPU or SMP 32-bit Intel X86 computer.

❖ It supports 8 or more CPU (the maximum 32 CPU).

❖ The minimum internal storage is 64MB and maximum 4GB.

❖ It introduced Multilingual User Interface (MUI).

Windows XP
It is an OS produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers. Microsoft released Windows XP on
25th October, 2001.
Some versions of Windows XP are as follows
❖ Windows XP Home edition is a version made for home users.

❖ Windows XP Professional is made for business users.

❖ It has various users with independent proles.

❖ It has 3.75 GB free space on the disk and that the total size of the disk is 19.5 GB.

❖ At least 64 MB of RAM internal storage.

❖ It provides 1.5 GB of available space on the hard disk.

❖ It includes video adapter and monitor with Super VGA (800 X 600) or higher resolution.

❖ It supports sound card, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM drive, speakers or headphones.

Windows Vista
It is an operating system by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home and business
desktops, laptops, tablet PCs and media center PCs. It was released worldwide on 30th January, 2007.
❖ It can be installed Pentium 4, higher, 512MB RAM, 32 MB video card and 40 GB hard disk.

❖ It enhances the features of visual style.

Windows 7
It is an OS released by Microsoft on 22nd July, 2009. It is an upgrade of Windows XP and Vista. It does
not include some standard applications like Windows Movie Maker, Windows Mail, etc.
❖ It supports 64-bit processor.

❖ It provides touch, speech, handwriting recognition.

❖ It supports a playback of media in MP4, MOV.

❖ It includes Windows Bio-metric framework.

❖ It provides multiple firewall.

Windows 8
It is a part of Windows NT family as personal OS developed by Microsoft and released on 1st August,
❖ It is a 64-bit logical CPU.

❖ It supports 64 TB Dynamic Virtual Disk.

❖ It provides 3D Graphic supports and Internet Explorer-10.

❖ It enhances feature of NTML-5 is assumed.

❖ It is based on Microsoft’s ‘Metro design language’.

❖ It supports new emerging technology like USB 3.0, cloud computing.

Windows 10
It is a personal computer operating system developed and released by Microsoft as part of the
Windows NT family of operating system. The first version of the operating system entered a public
beta testing process in October 2014, leading up to its consumer released on 29 July, 2015.
❖ It is easy to used social media sites like Facebook, Twitter.

❖ Windows 10 will also include a “game DVR” mode to allow recordings of the last 30 seconds
of play, all better for the social gaming.
❖ Windows 10 interface to adapt based on the hardware it is running on.
When we turn ON the computer then the first screen, which will be display on the computer is known
as desktop. The background image of desktop is called wallpaper. A small arrow or blinking symbol,
moving on the desktop, is called cursor. Desktop contains Start menu, Task bar, icons, gadgets, etc.
Some important components of desktop are organized as follows:
A small image of a program, shown on the desktop with program name is known as icon. Icons are
small pictures that represent files, folders, programs and other items. Users can open these programs
by double click on the icons. If you move an icon on your desktop, this is called ‘dragging’ and after
releasing it, it will be called ‘dropping.’
Some of the icons displayed on the desktop are as follows
❖ Computer – It is the most important icon on the desktop, which contains icons of document

folders, hard disk’s partition, each removable disk drive, e.g. floppy disk, CD, DVD, etc. It also
allows the users to access drives, printers, removable disk or other system applications. It is
the main part of our Windows where all the programs and software backup are stored.
❖ Recycle Bin – It is also a form of icon on the desktop, which contains deleted files, folders or

shortcuts. If we delete a file or folder then it goes to recycle bin. From recycle bin, we can
restore the deleted files or folders on proper place. It is like a dustbin of the computer. Once
the recycle bin is empty then we won’t be able to restore those files and folders again.
❖ Network – It consists of all network connections, which make possible to connect the

computer from Intranet.

❖ Documents – This folder contains all your files which you have created and saved in it. This

folder contains all types of le format Word processor, Spreadsheet, PowerPoint, image, etc.
Structure of Window
Task Bar
Initially, the long horizontal box at the bottom of our desktop is known as Task bar. When we open a
program or any window, then the button of that program will be displayed on the task bar. Middle
Section of the taskbar contains the button of programs or documents which are currently being used
by the user. Notification and the right end of the task bar, consists of clock-date and time, icons of
certain programs, computer setting, sound and icons of removable disk, i.e. pen drive.
Start Menu
This menu is the main gateway of our computer’s program such as files, folders and settings. Start
menu also contains most recently opened program.
Start menu have following options
❖ Program – It contains a list of installed programs. When we installed any software, it

automatically shows in this menu.

❖ Favorites – It is a collection of book-marked Web pages.

❖ Documents - It shows a list of most recently opened documents.

❖ Setting - It includes Control Panel, Printers, Taskbar, etc.

❖ Find - It searches for specific files or folders.

❖ Log Off – End access to a computer system or a website.
❖ Turn Off (Shut down) - To shut down or restart the system.
Some parts of the Windows are as follows
Title Bar
It is located at the top of window or any dialog box, which displays the name of the window or
software program. Title bar contains at least three small buttons
Close Button – At the right edge of the title bar, there is a square containing a [X] called the Close
button. It helps to terminate the running program.
Minimize Button – It reduces to window to a button on the task bar. It helps to shrink the window.
Maximize Button – It enlarges the window to occupy the whole desktop. It expands the size of
window t to the desktop.
Scroll Bar
It appears at the right (or left) side or at the bottom of the window. A window can display a document,
i.e. larger than the window area, so with the help of scroll bar arrow, the user can scroll a document
in the window area to bring the view of hidden portion of document.
There are two types of scroll bars
1. Horizontal scroll bar
2. Vertical scroll bar.
Menu Bar
Each window contains its own menu which performs specific actions when they have been selected.
The menu bar consists of several options as follows
❖ File Menu – Contains options like New, Open, Close, Save, Save As and Print, etc.

❖ Edit Menu – Contains options like Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear, etc.

❖ View Menu – Like Normal, Toolbar, Print layout, etc.

❖ Insert Menu - Contains options like Header, Footer, etc.

❖ Help Menu – for tutorials or helpful information.

Dialog Box
When we perform certain operation on your document and click on the Close button without save
your document then dialog box will be appear on the screen. Generally, dialog box contains message,
Close button, Yes button, No button and Cancel button. It is mainly used to suggest that what to do
Main Programs Inside the Window
It is a text editor program. Notepad is most commonly used to the edit or view text files. The extension
of Notepad files is .txt (text document).
To open Click on
Start menu —> All Programs —> Accessories —> Notepad
It is another text editor program including some few features such as complex formatting, pictures,
etc. The extension of WordPad le is .rtf (rich text format).
To open Click on
Start menu —> All Programs —> Accessories —> WordPad
It is a drawing program, used to create drawing or edit digital pictures (images). The extension of paint
file is .png or. jpg or. bmp.
To open Click on
Start menu —> All Programs —> Accessories —> Paint
It performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.
To open Click on
Start menu —>All Programs —>Accessories —> Calculator
Media Player
Windows media player is an easy-to-use interface to play digital media files, organize digital media
collection, burn CDs, etc.
To open Click on
Start menu —> All Programs —> Windows Media Player
Windows have some games like Chess titans., Hearts, Freecell, Mahjong titans, Purble place, Solitaire,
Spider solitaire, etc.
To open Click on
Start menu —> All Programs —> Games
These are the collection of data stored on auxiliary storage media. In Windows, files are the basic unit
to store data. The name given to a file or document by the user is called file name. Filename is used
to identify the type of file format. Each file has a specific filename and has a file extension that
identifies the file type.
Some common filename extensions are as
MS – Word Document

.rtf WordPad document

.txt Notepad text file

.exe Executable file2

MS-Excel file
HTML file (Web page)
MS – PowerPoint Presentation
These are containers that you can use to store files. Folders can also store other folders, i.e. sub-
folders. You can create any number of sub-folders and each can hold any number of files and
additional subfolders.

Executable File When a file contains instructions that can be carried out by the computer, it is often called an executable file.
Different types of library are as follows
❖ Documents Library

It is used to organize and arrange Word processing documents, Spreadsheets, Presentation

and other text related files. It is used to store in My Document folder.
❖ Pictures Library

It is used to organize and arrange your digital pictures. By default, it is saved in the Pictures
❖ Music Library

It is used to organize and arrange your digital music, such as songs, etc. By default, it is saved
to the Music Library folder.
❖ Videos Library

It is used to organize and arrange your videos, such as clips, recording, etc. By default, it is
stored in My Videos folder.
MS-Windows Shortcut Keys
Keys Description
F3 Search for a file or folder in Windows Explorer
Alt + F4 Close the active item or quit the active program
Alt + Spacebar Opens the shortcut menu for the active window
F2 Rename the selected item
Ctrl + Right arrow Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word
Ctrl + Left arrow Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word
Ctrl + Down arrow Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous
Ctrl + Up arrow
Ctrl + Alt + Del Restart the computer
Ctrl + Esc Display the Start Menu
F5 Refresh the active window
Esc Cancel the current task
Window  key To display or hide the start menu
Window + D To display the desktop
Window + M To minimize all open window
Window + L To lock the keyboard
Windows + E To open Window Explorer


1. It runs on computer hardware and serves as platform for other software to run on.
a) Operating system
b) Application software
c) Programs

d) Peripherals
Answer – a) Operating system
Explanation – An Operating System (OS) is an interface between a computer user and
computer hardware. An operating system is a software which performs all the basic tasks like
file management, memory management, process management, handling input and output,
and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.
2. Which one of the following DOS commands sends contents of the screen to an output device?
Answer – b) DISKCOPY
Explanation – DISKCOPY is a command used on a number of operating systems for copying the
complete contents of a diskette to another diskette.
3. Which of the following operating systems is also known as single user operating system?
a) Windows
b) Linux
c) Unix
d) DOS
Answer – DOS
Explanation – MS DOS is a Single User operating System. It is a Command line interface.
4. Which of the following is not an operating system?
a) Windows
b) DOS
c) Linux
d) All of the above
Answer – d) All of the above
Explanation – Most common operating systems are Microsoft Windows, MS DOS, Apple
macOS, Linux, Android and Apple's iOS.
5. In MS-DOS, which of the following commands is used to delete directory with all sub-directions
and files?
b) DEL
Answer – c) DELTREE
Explanation – DELTREE is a command line command that recursively deletes an entire
subdirectory of files.
6. Which of the following is not an external command of DOS?
d) CLS
Answer – c) CLS

Explanation – Internal Commands are – CLS< REN, VOL, PROMPT, VER, COPY, PATH, TIME, DEL,
7. Which commands are automatically loaded into main memory are known as
a) internal
b) external
c) viral
d) situational
Answer – a) internal
Explanation – Internal commands are automatic loaded into the memory when operating
system is loaded into the memory. Thus, these are also called memory-resident commands.
The command available are all combined together and are stored in file, which
is a executable command file. These internal commands are further grouped according to their
8. Which type of commands in MS-DOS needs external files to perform their action?
a) Internal commands
b) External commands
c) Batch commands
d) Re directories
Answer – b) External commands
Explanation – An external command is an MS-DOS command that is not included in External commands are commonly external either because they require large
requirements or are not commonly used commands. The illustration shows each of the
external commands are separate files.
9. Which of the following is not an internal command of DOS?
a) VER
d) VOL
Answer – c) FORMAT
Explanation – – Internal Commands are – CLS< REN, VOL, PROMPT, VER, COPYCON, PATH,
10. A command, in DOS, used to set a name to a disk, is
a) VOL
b) REN
d) CLS
Answer – c) LABEL
Explanation – The label command is used to view or change the label (name) of a computer's
11. Which of the following is/are function of operating system?

a) User interface
b) File system manipulation
c) Resources allocation
d) All of the above
Answer – d) All of the above
Explanation - The functions of an Operating System include:
❖ Memory Management

❖ Device Management

❖ Processor Management

❖ File Management

❖ Controls System Performance

❖ Security

❖ Error Detection

❖ Coordination among Software and Users

❖ Job accounting

12. ‘DOS’ operating system does not have

a) boot record
b) file allocation table
c) root directory
d) virtual memory
Answer – d) virtual memory
Explanation – Virtual memory is an imaginary memory area supported by some operating
systems (for example, Windows but not DOS) in conjunction with the hardware.
13. The kernel is ……… user threads.
a) a part of
b) the creator of
c) unaware of
d) aware of
Answer – c) unaware of
Explanation – The kernel knows nothing about user-level threads and manages them as if they
were single-threaded processes. User-Level threads are small and fast, each thread is
represented by a PC, register, stack, and small thread control block.
14. Linux is which type of operating system?
a) Open-source
b) Microsoft
c) Windows
d) Mac
Answer – a) Open source
Explanation – Linux is an open source operating system. As an operating system, Linux is
software that sits underneath all of the other software on a computer, receiving requests from
those programs and relaying these requests to the computer's hardware.
15. _____________ provides process and memory management services that allow two or more
tasks, jobs or programs to run simultaneously.
a) Multitasking

b) Multithreading
c) Multiprocessing
d) Multicomputing
Answer – a) Multitasking
Explanation – Multitasking, in an operating system, is allowing a user to perform more than
one computer task (such as the operation of an application program) at a time. The operating
system is able to keep track of where you are in these tasks and go from one to the other
without losing information.
16. The simultaneous processing of two or more programs by multiple processors is
a) multi programming
b) multitasking
c) time sharing
d) multiprocessing
Answer – d) multiprocessing
Explanation – Multiprocessing is the use of two or more central processing units (CPUs) within
a single computer system. The term also refers to the ability of a system to support more than
one processor or the ability to allocate tasks between them.
17. Which file is the batch file that is read while booting a computer?
a) Autoexec.bat
b) Auto-batch
c) Autoexecutive.bat
d) Auto.bat
Answer – a) Autoexec.bat
Explanation – Autoexec. bat is a startup file used with MS-DOS and early versions of Microsoft
Windows operating systems (Windows 3. x and Windows 95). It contains commands that are
to be executed by the operating system when the computer first boots.
18. The restart of computer is called ……. when computer is already ON.
a) cold booting
b) warm booting
c) shut down
d) logging off
Answer – b) warm booting
Explanation – A warm boot (also called a "soft boot") is the process of restarting a computer.
It may be used in contrast to a cold boot, which refers to starting up a computer that has been
turned off. Warm boots are typically initiated by a "Restart" command in the operating system.
19. Grouping and processing all of a firm’s transactions at one time, is called
a) a database management system
b) batch processing
c) a real time system
d) an on-time system
Answer – b) batch processing
Explanation – Batch processing is a technique in which an Operating System collects the
programs and data together in a batch before processing starts.

20. Which process checks to ensure the components of the computer are operating and
connected properly?
a) Booting
b) Processing
c) Saving
d) Editing
Answer – a) Booting
Explanation – POST stands for "Power On Self Test." It is a diagnostic program built into the
computer's hardware that tests different hardware components before the computer boots
up. The POST process is run on both Windows and Macintosh computers.
21. ____________is a feature for scheduling and multi-programming to provide an economical
interactive system of two or more users.
a) Time sharing
b) Multi-sharing
c) Time tracing
d) Multi-processing
Answer – a) Time sharing
Explanation – Time-sharing is a technique which enables many people, located at various
terminals, to use a particular computer system at the same time.
22. Which of the following commercial software products are examples of operating system
software and application software, respectively?
a) Microsoft Window XP and Microsoft Word
b) Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows XP
c) MS DOS and Microsoft Windows XP
Answer – a) Microsoft Window XP and Microsoft Word
Explanation – Windows XP is an operating system introduced in 2001 from Microsoft's
Windows family of operating systems. Microsoft Word or MS-WORD (often called Word) is an
application program that users can type with.
23. Which of the following is an usual file extension in DOS?
a) .exe
b) .bat
c) .class
d) All are the examples of file extension
Answer – d) All are the examples of file extension
Explanation – .exe – Executable file
.bat – Batch file
.class – JAVA class file
24. What do you understand by the term ‘booting’?
a) The process of starting the computer from the power-off position
b) Connecting computer of the electric switch
c) Increasing the memory of the computer
d) The process of shut down the computer
Answer – a) The process of starting the computer from the power off position

Explanation – Booting is the process of starting a computer. It can be initiated by hardware
such as a button press, or by a software command. After it is switched on, a computer's central
processing unit has no software in its main memory, so some process must load software into
memory before it can be executed.
25. MS-DOS is __________ operating system.
a) user friendly graphical
b) graphical user interface
c) real time GUI
d) command line interface
Answer – d) command line interface
Explanation – MS-DOS is a non-graphical command line operating system derived from 86-
DOS that was created for IBM compatible computers.
26. Which of the following refers to the means by which an OS or any other program interacts with
the user?
a) Program front-end
b) Programming interface
c) User login
d) User interface
Answer – d) User interface
Explanation – A user interface, also called a "UI" or simply an "interface," is the means in which
a person controls a software application or hardware device. A good user interface provides a
"user-friendly" experience, allowing the user to interact with the software or hardware in a
natural and intuitive way.
27. Which of the following is an operating system?
a) Linux
b) Debugger
c) Mozilla
d) Google Chrome
Answer – a) Linux
Explanation – Linux – An Operating system
Debugger – A computer program
Mozilla & Google Chrome – Browser Program
28. Which among the following is not a mobile Operating System?
a) Android
b) Safari
c) Symbian
d) iOS
Answer – b) Safari
Explanation – Safari is a graphical web browser developed by Apple, based on the WebKit
29. The background image of desktop is called as
a) Desktop
b) Wallback
c) Wallpaper

d) Desk cover
Answer – c) Wallpaper
Explanation – A wallpaper or background (also known as a desktop wallpaper, desktop
background, desktop picture or desktop image on computers) is a digital image (photo,
drawing etc.) used as a decorative background of a graphical user interface on the screen of a
computer, smartphone or other electronic devices.
30. Date and Time are available on the desktop at
a) Recycle Bin
b) My computer
c) Start
d) Task Bar
Answer – d) Task Bar
Explanation – The date and time are also shown on the desktop, in the notification area on
the taskbar.

A computer network is a group of two or more computers connected together to share information
and resources. A computer network permits sharing of resources among devices communicated in
the network.
ARPANET is the first network developed by Robert Kahn and Vinton Cart in 1969.
The five components of a computer network are:
❖ Sender (Device)

❖ Sender Equipment (Encoder)

❖ Communication Channel (Cables, Wireless)

❖ Receiver Equipment (Decoder)

❖ Receiver (Device)

Sender is a device that sends a message which can consist of text, numbers, pictures etc. It is also
called source or transmitter.
Sender Equipment
The encoder is a device that converts digital signals in a form that can pass through a transmission
Communication Channel
It is the physical path that connects the sender and the receiver. It is used to transmit data. It is also
called Medium. The channel can be a copper wire, a fiber optic cable, microwaves etc.
Receiving Equipment
The decoder is a device that converts the encoded signals into digital form. The receiver can
understand the digital form of message.
Receiver is a device that receives the message. It is also called a sink. It must be capable of accepting
the message.
Network Interface card (NIC)
NIC is a device that helps the computer to communicate with another device. The network interface
card contains the hardware addresses, the data-link layer protocol uses this address to identify the
system on the network so that it transfers the data to the correct destination.
There are two types of NIC:
❖ Wireless NIC – All the modern laptops use the wireless NIC. In Wireless NIC, a connection is

made using the antenna that employs the radio wave technology.
❖ Wired NIC – Cables use the wired NIC to transfer the data over the medium.

Hub is a central device that splits the network connection into multiple devices. When computer
requests for information from a computer, it sends the request to the Hub. Hub distributes this
request to all the interconnected computers.
Switch is a networking device that groups all the devices over the network to transfer the data to
another device. A switch is better than Hub as it does not broadcast the message over the network,
i.e., it sends the message to the device for which it belongs to. Therefore, we can say that switch
sends the message directly from source to the destination.
Cables and connectors
Cable is a transmission media that transmits the communication signals.
There are three types of cables:
❖ Twisted pair cable – It is a high-speed cable that transmits the data over 1Gbps or more.

❖ Coaxial cable – Coaxial cable resembles like a TV installation cable. Coaxial cable is more

expensive than twisted pair cable, but it provides the high data transmission speed.
❖ Fiber optic cable – Fiber optic cable is a high-speed cable that transmits the data using light

beams. It provides high data transmission speed as compared to other cables. It is more
expensive as compared to other cables, so it is installed at the government level.
Router is a device that connects the LAN to the internet. The router is mainly used to connect the
distinct networks or connect the internet to multiple computers.
Modem connects the computer to the internet over the existing telephone line. A modem is not
integrated with the computer motherboard. A modem is a separate part on the PC slot found on the
A gateway is a network node that connects two dissimilar networks using different protocols
It is an electronic device that magnifies the signal it receives. It is implemented in computer networks
to explant the coverage area of the network. It is also known as signal boosters.
A firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls overall incoming and outgoing
network traffic based on advanced and a defined set of security rules.
Computer Network Architecture is defined as the physical and logical design of the software,
hardware, protocols, and media of the transmission of data. Simply we can say that how computers
are organized and how tasks are allocated to the computer.
The two types of network architectures are used:
❖ Peer-To-Peer network

❖ Client/Server network

Peer-To-Peer network
Peer-To-Peer network is a network in which all the computers are linked together with equal privilege
and responsibilities for processing the data. It is useful for small environments, usually up to 10

computers. It has no dedicated server. Special permissions are assigned to each computer for sharing
the resources, but this can lead to a problem if the computer with the resource is down.
Client/Server Network
Client/Server network is a network model designed for
the end users called clients, to access the resources
such as songs, video, etc. from a central computer
known as Server. The central controller is known as a
server while all other computers in the network are
called clients. A server performs all the major
operations such as security and network management
and is responsible for managing all the resources such
as files, directories, printer, etc. All the clients communicate with each other through a server.
A computer network is mainly of four types:
❖ Personal Area Network (PAN)

❖ Local Area Network (LAN)

❖ Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

❖ Wide Area Network (WAN)

Personal Area Network (PAN)

Personal Area Network is a network arranged within an individual person, typically within a range of
10 meters. Personal Area Network is used for connecting the computer devices of personal use is
known as Personal Area Network. Thomas Zimmerman was the first research scientist to bring the
idea of the Personal Area Network. Personal Area Network covers an area of 30 feet. Personal
computer devices that are used to develop the personal area network are the laptop, mobile phones,
media player and play stations.
There are two types of Personal Area Network:
❖ Wired Personal Area Network

❖ Wireless Personal Area Network

Wireless Personal Area Network

Wireless Personal Area Network is developed by simply using wireless technologies such as WiFi,
Bluetooth. It is a low range network.
Wired Personal Area Network
Wired Personal Area Network is created by using the USB.
Examples Of Personal Area Network:
❖ Body Area Network : Body Area Network is a network that moves with a person. For example,

a mobile network moves with a person. Suppose a person establishes a network connection
and then creates a connection with another device to share the information.
❖ Offline Network : An offline network can be created inside the home, so it is also known as a

home network. A home network is designed to integrate the devices such as printers,
computer, television but they are not connected to the internet.
❖ Small Home Office : It is used to connect a variety of devices to the internet and to a corporate

network using a VPN.

Local Area Network (LAN)
Local Area Network is a group of computers connected to each other in a small area such as building,
office. It is used for connecting two or more personal computers through a communication medium
such as twisted pair, coaxial cable, etc. It is less costly as it is built with inexpensive hardware such as
hubs, network adapters, and ethernet cables. The data is transferred at an extremely faster rate in
Local Area Network. It provides higher security.
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
A Metropolitan Area Network is a network that covers a larger geographic area by interconnecting a
different LAN to form a larger network. Government agencies use MAN to connect to the citizens and
private industries. In MAN, various LANs are connected to each other through a telephone exchange
line. The most widely used protocols in MAN are RS-232, Frame Relay, ATM, ISDN, OC-3, ADSL, etc. It
has a higher range than Local Area Network(LAN).
Wide Area Network (WAN)
A Wide Area Network is a network that extends over a large geographical area such as states or
countries. It is quite bigger network than the LAN. It is not limited to a single location, but it spans
over a large geographical area through a telephone line, fibre optic cable or satellite links. The internet
is one of the biggest WAN in the world. A Wide Area Network is widely used in the field of Business,
government, and education.
Examples Of Wide Area Network:
❖ Mobile Broadband: A 4G network is widely used across a region or country.

❖ Last mile: A telecom company is used to provide the internet services to the customers in
hundreds of cities by connecting their home with fiber.
❖ Private network: A bank provides a private network that connects the 44 offices. This network
is made by using the telephone leased line provided by the telecom company.
An internetwork is defined as two or more computer network LANs or WAN or computer network
segments are connected using devices, and they are configured by a local addressing scheme. This
process is known as internetworking. An interconnection between public, private, commercial,
industrial, or government computer networks can also be defined as internetworking. An
internetworking uses the internet protocol. The reference model used for internetworking is Open
System Interconnection (OSI).
Types of Internetwork:
An extranet is a communication network based on the internet protocol such as Transmission Control
protocol and internet protocol. It is used for information sharing. The access to the extranet is
restricted to only those users who have login credentials. An extranet is the lowest level of
internetworking. It can be categorized as MAN, WAN or other computer networks. An extranet
cannot have a single LAN, atleast it must have one connection to the external network.
An intranet is a private network based on the internet protocol such as Transmission Control protocol
and internet protocol. An intranet belongs to an organization which is only accessible by the
organization's employee or members. The main aim of the intranet is to share the information and
resources among the organization employees. An intranet provides the facility to work in groups and
for teleconferences.
Topology defines the structure of the network of how all the components are interconnected to each
other. There are two types of topology: physical and logical topology.
Physical topology is the geometric representation of all the nodes in a network.
Bus Topology
The bus topology is designed in such a way that all the stations are
connected through a single cable known as a backbone cable. Each node
is either connected to the backbone cable by drop cable or directly
connected to the backbone cable. When a node wants to send a
message over the network, it puts a message over the network. All the
stations available in the network will receive the message whether it has
been addressed or not.
The bus topology is mainly used in 802.3 (ethernet) and 802.4 standard networks. The configuration
of a bus topology is quite simpler as compared to other topologies. The backbone cable is considered
as a "single lane" through which the message is broadcast to all the stations. The most common
access method of the bus topologies is CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access).

Ring Topology
Ring topology is like a bus topology, but with connected ends. The node
that receives the message from the previous computer will retransmit
to the next node. The data flows in one direction, i.e., it is
unidirectional. The data flows in a single loop continuously known as an
endless loop. It has no terminated ends, i.e., each node is connected to
other node and having no termination point. The data in a ring topology
flow in a clockwise direction. The most common access method of the
ring topology is token passing.
Token passing: It is a network access method in which token is passed from one node to another
Token: It is a frame that circulates around the network.
Star Topology
Star topology is an arrangement of the network in which every node is
connected to the central hub, switch or a central computer. The central
computer is known as a server, and the peripheral devices attached to
the server are known as clients. Hubs or Switches are mainly used as
connection devices in a physical star topology.
Tree topology
Tree topology combines the characteristics of bus topology and star
topology. A tree topology is a type of structure in which all the
computers are connected with each other in hierarchical fashion. The
top-most node in tree topology is known as a root node, and all other
nodes are the descendants of the root node. There is only one path
exists between two nodes for the data transmission. Thus, it forms a
parent-child hierarchy.

Mesh topology
Mesh technology is an arrangement of the network in which
computers are interconnected with each other through various
redundant connections. There are multiple paths from one
computer to another computer. It does not contain the switch, hub
or any central computer which acts as a central point of
communication. The Internet is an example of the mesh topology.
Mesh topology is divided into two categories:
❖ Fully connected mesh topology

❖ Partially connected mesh topology

Full Mesh Topology: In a full mesh topology, each computer is connected to all the computers
available in the network.
Partial Mesh Topology: In a partial mesh topology, not all but certain computers are connected to
those computers with which they communicate frequently.

Hybrid Topology
The combination of various different topologies is known as Hybrid
topology. A Hybrid topology is a connection between different links
and nodes to transfer the data. When two or more different
topologies are combined together is termed as Hybrid topology and
if similar topologies are connected with each other will not result in
Hybrid topology. For example, if there exist a ring topology in one
branch of ICICI bank and bus topology in another branch of ICICI
bank, connecting these two topologies will result in Hybrid topology.
The way in which data is transmitted from one device to another device is known as transmission
mode. The transmission mode is also known as the communication mode. Each communication
channel has a direction associated with it, and transmission media provide the direction. Therefore,
the transmission mode is also known as a directional mode. The transmission mode is defined in the
physical layer.
The Transmission mode is divided into three categories:
❖ Simplex mode

❖ Half-duplex mode

❖ Full-duplex mode

Simplex mode

In Simplex mode, the communication is unidirectional, i.e., the data flow in one direction. A device
can only send the data but cannot receive it or it can receive the data but cannot send the data. The
radio station is a simplex channel as it transmits the signal to the listeners but never allows them to
transmit back. Keyboard and Monitor are the examples of the simplex mode as a keyboard can only
accept the data from the user and monitor can only be used to display the data on the screen.
Half-Duplex mode

In a Half-duplex channel, direction can be reversed, i.e., the station can transmit and receive the data
as well. Messages flow in both the directions, but not at the same time. The entire bandwidth of the
communication channel is utilized in one direction at a time.

A Walkie-talkie is an example of the Half-duplex mode.
Full-duplex mode

In Full duplex mode, the communication is bi-directional, i.e., the data flow in both the directions.
Both the stations can send and receive the message simultaneously. Full-duplex mode has two
simplex channels. One channel has traffic moving in one direction, and another channel has traffic
flowing in the opposite direction. The Full-duplex mode is the fastest mode of communication
between devices. The most common example of the full-duplex mode is a telephone network.
A communication subsystem is a complex piece of Hardware and software. Early attempts for
implementing the software for such subsystems were based on a single, complex, unstructured
program with many interacting components. The resultant software was very difficult to test and
modify. To overcome such problem, the ISO has developed a layered approach. In a layered approach,
networking concept is divided into several layers, and each layer is assigned a particular task.
Therefore, we can say that networking tasks depend upon the layers.
Layered Architecture
The main aim of the layered architecture is to divide the design into small pieces. Each lower layer
adds its services to the higher layer to provide a full set of services to manage communications and
run the applications.
The number of layers, functions, contents of each layer will vary from network to network. However,
the purpose of each layer is to provide the service from lower to a higher layer and hiding the details
from the layers of how the services are implemented.
The basic elements of layered architecture are services, protocols, and interfaces.
❖ Service – It is a set of actions that a layer provides to the higher layer.

❖ Protocol – It defines a set of rules that a layer uses to exchange the information with peer

entity. These rules mainly concern about both the contents and order of the messages used.
❖ Interface – It is a way through which the message is transferred from one layer to another

OSI Model
OSI stands for Open System Interconnection is a reference model that describes how information
from a software application in one computer moves through a physical medium to the software
application in another computer.
OSI consists of seven layers, and each layer performs a particular network function.
Characteristics of OSI Model:

❖ The OSI model is divided into two layers: upper layers and lower layers.
❖ The upper layer of the OSI model mainly deals with the application related issues, and they are
implemented only in the software. The application layer is closest to the end user. Both the
end user and the application layer interact with the software applications.
❖ The lower layer of the OSI model deals with the data transport issues. The data link layer and
the physical layer are implemented in hardware and software. The physical layer is the lowest
layer of the OSI model and is closest to the physical medium. The physical layer is mainly
responsible for placing the information on the physical medium.
Functions of the OSI Layers
There are the seven OSI layers. Each layer has different functions

Physical layer

It is the first layer that physically connects the two systems that need to communicate. It transmits
data in bits and manages simplex or duplex transmission by modem. It also manages Network
Interface Card’s hardware interface to the network, like cabling, cable terminators, topography,
voltage levels, etc.
Protocols used are ATM, RS232, and Ethernet.
Data-Link Layer

It is the firmware layer of Network Interface Card. It assembles datagrams into frames and adds start
and stop flags to each frame. It also resolves problems caused by damaged, lost or duplicate frames.
Protocols used are HDLC, LSL, and ATM
It has two sub-layers.
Media Access Control (MAC) – It is responsible to the physical address of the sender and/or receiver
in the header of each frame. CSMA/CD, Ethernet are used as protocol.
Logical Link Control (LLC) – It is responsible for frame management, error checking, and flow control
of data.
Network Layer

It is concerned with routing, switching and controlling flow of information between the workstations.
It also breaks down transport layer datagrams into smaller datagrams.
Protocols used are IPX, TCP/IP
Transport Layer

Till the session layer, file is in its own form. Transport layer breaks it down into data frames, provides
error checking at network segment level and prevents a fast host from overrunning a slower one.
Transport layer isolates the upper layers from network hardware.
Session Layer

This layer is responsible for establishing a session between two workstations that want to exchange
Protocols used are RPC, PPTP, SCP, SDP
Presentation Layer

This layer is concerned with correct representation of data, i.e. syntax and semantics of information.
It controls file level security and is also responsible for converting data to network standards.

Application Layer

It is the topmost layer of the network that is responsible for sending application requests by the user
to the lower levels. Typical applications include file transfer, E-mail, remote logon, data entry, etc.
Protocols used are – HTTP, FTP, Telnet, SMTP and DNS.
TCP/IP model
TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. TCP/IP is a set of layered protocols
used for communication over the Internet. The communication model of this suite is client-server
model. A computer that sends a request is the client and a computer to which the request is sent is
the server.
Functions of TCP/IP layers:

Network Access Layer

A network layer is the lowest layer of the TCP/IP model. A network layer is the combination of the
Physical layer and Data Link layer defined in the OSI reference model.
It defines how the data should be sent physically through the network. This layer is mainly responsible
for the transmission of the data between two devices on the same network.
Internet Layer
An internet layer is the second layer of the TCP/IP model. An internet layer is also known as the
network layer.
The main responsibility of the internet layer is to send the packets from any network, and they arrive
at the destination irrespective of the route they take.

Transport Layer
The transport layer is responsible for the reliability, flow control, and correction of data which is being
sent over the network.
Application Layer
An application layer is the topmost layer in the TCP/IP model. It is responsible for handling high-level
protocols, issues of representation.
This layer allows the user to interact with the application. When one application layer protocol wants
to communicate with another application layer, it forwards its data to the transport layer.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
TCP is a popular communication protocol which is used for communicating over a network. It divides
any message into series of packets that are sent from source to destination and there it gets
reassembled at the destination.
Internet Protocol (IP)
IP is designed explicitly as addressing protocol. It is mostly used with TCP. The IP addresses in packets
help in routing them through different nodes in a network until it reaches the destination system.
TCP/IP is the most popular protocol connecting the networks.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
UDP is a substitute communication protocol to Transmission Control Protocol implemented primarily
for creating loss-tolerating and low-latency linking between different applications.
Post Office Protocol (POP)
Post Office Protocol (POP) is a type of computer networking and Internet standard protocol that
extracts and retrieves email from a remote mail server for access by the host machine. POP is an
application layer protocol in the OSI model that provides end users the ability to fetch and receive
Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)
SMTP is a set of communication guidelines that allow software to transmit an electronic mail over the
internet is called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is a program used for sending messages to other
computer users based on e-mail addresses.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
The File Transfer Protocol is a standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer files
between a client and server on a computer network. FTP is built on a client-server model architecture
using separate control and data connections between the client and the server.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
HTTP is designed for transferring a hypertext among two or more systems. HTML tags are used for
creating links. These links may be in any form like text or images. HTTP is designed on Client-server
principles which allow a client system for establishing a connection with the server machine for
making a request. The server acknowledges the request initiated by the client and responds
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
HTTPS is abbreviated as Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure is a standard protocol to secure the
communication among two computers one using the browser and other fetching data from web

server. HTTP is used for transferring data between the client browser (request) and the web server
(response) in the hypertext format, same in case of HTTPS except that the transferring of data is done
in an encrypted format. So it can be said that https thwart hackers from interpretation or modification
of data throughout the transfer of packets.
Telnet is a set of rules designed for connecting one system with another. The connecting process here
is termed as remote login. The system which requests for connection is the local computer, and the
system which accepts the connection is the remote computer.
Gopher is a collection of rules implemented for searching, retrieving as well as displaying documents
from isolated sites. Gopher also works on the client/server principle.
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol used by the Internet Protocol (IP) [RFC826],
specifically IPv4, to map IP network addresses to the hardware addresses used by a data link protocol.
The protocol operates below the network layer as a part of the interface between the OSI network
and OSI link layer.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a network management protocol used on Internet
Protocol networks whereby a DHCP server dynamically assigns an IP address and other network
configuration parameters to each device on a network so they can communicate with other IP
IMAP4 (Internet Message Access Protocol)
IMAP4 stands for Internet Mail Access Protocol version 4, is an Internet standard protocol for storing
and retrieving messages from Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) hosts.
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a signaling protocol used for initiating, maintaining, and
terminating real-time sessions that include voice, video and messaging applications.
RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol)
The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is a network protocol for delivering audio and video over IP
networks. RTP is used extensively in communication and entertainment systems that involve
streaming media, such as telephony, video teleconference applications, television services and web-
based push-to-talk features.
RLP (Resource Location Protocol)
The Resource Location Protocol is a simple request/reply procedure. The querying host constructs a
list of resources which it would like to locate and sends a request message on the network.
RAP (Route Access Protocol)
RAP is a protocol that utilizes port 38 and is used for distributing routing information at all levels of
the Internet. RAP is further defined in RFC 1476.
L2TP (Layer Two Tunnelling Protocol)
Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is an extension of the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
used by an Internet service provider (ISP) to enable the operation of a virtual private network (VPN)
over the Internet.
PPTP (Point To Point Tunnelling Protocol)

The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol is an obsolete method for implementing virtual private
networks. PPTP has many well-known security issues. PPTP uses a TCP control channel and a Generic
Routing Encapsulation tunnel to encapsulate PPP packets. Many modern VPNs use various forms of
UDP for this same functionality.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an application-layer protocol used to manage and
monitor network devices and their functions. SNMP provides a common language for network devices
to relay management information in a local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN)
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is an Internet software utility for transferring files that is simpler
to use than the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) but less capable. It is used where user authentication and
directory visibility are not required.
The Internet is generally defined as a global network connecting millions of computers More than 190
countries are linked into exchanges of data, news, and opinions. A protocol is a standard procedure
used to connect two data communication devices.
The Internet is a massive network of networks. Packet switching is a digital networking
communication method used for transmitting data. Internet Knowledge and Protocols Internet
Knowledge and Protocols.
A Unique Resource Locator (URL) is a link that is used to access a website on the Internet. Each
site has a unique URL.
History of Internet:
ARPANET is the first Internet network. ARPANET stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency
ARPANET was introduced by the United States. ARPANET has made the TCP/IP correspondences
standard, which characterizes information exchange on the web. In 1972, E-mail was adapted by Ray
Tomlinson of BBN to ARPANET. In this, Ray has included @ symbol as address. TCP/IP was introduced
in 1982.
In 1978, the British post office telnet, DATAPAC and TRANSPAC teamed up to make the main
worldwide packet-switched system service, and this was referred to as the IPSS.
The abbreviation of IPSS is International Packet Switched Service. Network control program was
developed by a group called “the network working group”.
NSF, abbreviated as the National Science Foundation, is mainly used to create the similar and parallel
network called NSFnet.
Basic Internet Knowledge
World Wide Web (WWW)
A web server is a computer that provides web services to the client. A page hosted on the internet is
known as web page. It can be viewed by a browser.
A browser can help locate a website on the internet. The World Wide Web (WWW) permits user to
view multi-media-based documents like graphics, animations, audios and/or videos and any subject.
In 1990, the World Wide Web was introduced by Tim Berners-Lee of CERN.

Web Server
A web server stores, processes and delivers web pages to the users. The intercommunication between
users and servers is done using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
Web Page
It is a document was written in HTML that can be accessed through the internet by using the web
browser. It is identified by Uniform Resource Locator.
Web Browser
It is a software application that allows users to access the websites. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome,
Opera, Mozilla Firefox, UC Browser, Apple Safari are some examples of a web browser.
Home Page
Homepage is the default page of the website.
Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML)
HTML is used to create web pages that are displayed on the Internet.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
This protocol is used to transfer data over the web. It runs on top of the TCP/IP set of protocols. It
uses a server-client model.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
It is a set of communication protocols which is used to access the internet. TCP/IP was developed
by Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf in 1978.
Internet service provider which connect us to internet and charges amount for its services. ISP has
computers called servers which remains permanently connected to other computers on net. ISP
provides us user name and password to connect to internet.
Internet Host
Host is a computer or application which is used to transfer the data on the internet. Each host has a
unique IP address called Hostname.
Internet Protocol Address (IP Address)
It is a logical numeric address that is used to identify the host over the internet network.
❖ The stable version of IP – IPv4 (32 bits). It is written in decimal and separated by periods.

❖ Latest Version of IP – IPv6 (128 bits). It is written in Hexadecimal and separated by colons.

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

A uniform resource locator (URL) is used to locate the address of a resource and protocol.
Format of URL
Address of website is of the following format:
http - Protocol
www - World Wide Web
edutap - Domain name - Type of domain
Domain Name
A domain name serves as an address which is used to access the website. It can be universally
understood by Web servers and online organizations.
Domain Name System (DNS)
DNS translates domain names into IP addresses. It has a large database of domain names and its IP
It refers to the transmission of data or files from the computer to the internet server. Uploaded file
can be retrieved by anyone.
It is the process of copying files from the internet to the user’s computer.
Email is an electronic mail. It is used to send and receive the messages. It consists of two components
like message header and message body. The message header contains added addresses and the body
contains any information and sends any attached contents. The Internet makes your work easy by
communication technologies.
Folders of Email-page
❖ Inbox – contains the received messages

❖ Sent/Outbox – contains the messages you have sent to others

❖ Compose – this link opens the page where you write the message for sending to others

❖ Spam/Bulk – unwanted commercial messages

❖ Drafts – messaged you have created but not sent

❖ Trash – the received messages that you have deleted

E-mail address format
hello - username
edutap - hostname - types of domain
Carbon copy (CC)
It is used to share e-mail with one or more recipients. Both the main recipients and other (CC)
recipients can see all the mail addresses.
Blind Carbon Copy (BCC)
In this, the recipients of the message and other recipients (BCC) cannot see the persons who all
receive the e-mail.
Uses of the internet:
Checking emails
It is reported that the first thing that 90 % of Internet users do when they connected to the net is to
check if they have received any emails.
It is hard to find an Internet user, who has not used it to download music and movies. Apart from it,
there are lots of other things that can be downloaded using the internet as well.
Search for relevant information
If you are not sure about something, then one of the easiest ways to know more about it is by
searching it on the internet.
Book Tickets
Online booking has made things really easy. it may be movie ticket or flight ticket, you can book just
about anything using the Internet. The process is very easy, convenient and super-fast.


Shop Online
The use of internet is not limited merely to booking tickets. With help of net, you can do a full-fledged
online shopping. On popular e-stores like Ebay, Amazon etc., one can find almost anything that he
needs to buy.
Social networks have got really big since last decade. Facebook and Twitter are the new online sites
who like to share all the latest happening of their life on these social networks and keep their profile
duly updated.
E Banking
Banking was never so easy and convenient before! Right from opening an account to operating it, E-
Banking has really useful for everyone. We can also do online transactions from the other accounts
sitting at the home.
Data Sharing
Data sharing was never so easy and quick before! It doesn’t matter if you have to send a file or song,
a picture or an eBook, with help of internet, you can send just about anything at anywhere and that
too, in no time.
1. Modem is connected to?
a) Processor
b) Printer
c) Motherboard
d) Phone line
Answer – d) Phone line
Explanation – A modem is connected between a telephone line and a Serial port. A modem is
a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over, for example, telephone or
cable lines.
2. Which of the following statement is true?
a) Computers connected to a LAN can run faster.
b) Computers connected to a LAN can e-mail.
c) Computers connected to a LAN can share information and/or share peripheral equipment.
d) All the statements are false.
Answer – c) Computers connected to a LAN can share information and/or share peripheral
Explanation – Local area networks (LANs) are computer networks ranging in size from a few
computers in a single office to hundreds or even thousands of devices spread across several
buildings. They function to link computers together and provide shared access to printers, file
servers, and other services.
3. Bluetooth is the wireless technology for
a) LAN
b) MAN
c) WAN
d) PAN
Answer – d) PAN


Explanation – Bluetooth is a wireless technology used to create a wireless personal area
network for data transfer up to a distance of 10 meters. It operates on 2.45 GHz frequency
band for transmission.
4. Servers are those computers that provide resources to other computers connected by
a) Network
b) Mainframe
c) Super computer
d) None of the above
Answer – a) Network
Explanation – Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to
a Network. A network server is a computer system, which is used as the central repository of
data and various programs that are shared by users in a network.
5. Which of the following is/are advantages of LAN?
a) Accessing the web
b) Saving all your data
c) Backing up your data
d) Sharing peripherals
Answer – d) Sharing peripherals
Explanation –
Local Area Network (LAN)

Advantages Disadvantages

Resource Sharing Relatively High Costs

Separate Components Constant Need for Upgrades

Network Evolution High Degree of Maintenance

High Data transfer rates

Low Error Rates

Can be privately owned/ Maintained

6. Hub is associated with
a) Ring Network
b) Star Network
c) Mesh Network
d) Tree Network
Answer – b) Star Network
Explanation – All hosts in Star Topology are connected to a central device, known as hub device
using a point-to-point connection.


7. In which channel the flow of data is always in one direction, with no capability to support
response in other direction?
a) Duplex Channel
b) Half Duplex Channel
c) Simplex Channel
d) None of the above
Answer – c) Simplex Channel
Explanation – Simplex communication is a communication channel that sends information in
one direction only. The International Telecommunication Union definition is a communications
channel that operates in one direction at a time, but that may be reversible; this is termed half
duplex in other contexts.

8. In which channel the data can flow in both directions but not at same time?
a) Duplex Channel
b) Half Duplex Channel
c) Simplex Channel
d) None of the above
Answer – b) Half Duplex Channel
Explanation – There are three different types of telecommunication and computer networking
channels - Simplex, Half-Duplex, and Full-Duplex.
❖ Simplex – Allows the sending of information in one direction only, which is similar to a

one-way street.
❖ Half-Duplex – Information can be sent in both directions, but it does not allow both

directions to operate at the same time.

❖ Full-Duplex – Similar to half-duplex, information can flow in both directions, but it also

can operate in both directions at the same time.

9. ________ is the most important/powerful computer in a typical network.
a) Network Client
b) Network Station
c) Network Server
d) Network Switch
Answer – c) Network Server
Explanation – A network server is a computer system, which is used as the central repository
of data and various programs that are shared by users in a network.
10. A network that connects an individual’s personal devices that are located close together is
called ________
a) LAN
b) WAN
c) MAN
d) PAN
Answer – d) Personal Area Network
Explanation – A Personal Area Network, or PAN, is a computer network that enables
communication between computer devices near a person. PANs can be wired, such as USB or
FireWire, or they can be wireless, such as infrared, ZigBee, Bluetooth and ultrawideband, or
UWB. The range of a PAN typically is a few meters.
11. The set of rules used by a network for communication is called
a) Server
b) File Server
c) Protocols
d) None of the above
Answer – c) Protocols
Explanation – In telecommunication, a communication protocol is a system of rules that allow
two or more entities of a communications system to transmit information via any kind of
variation of a physical quantity.
12. __________ is a telecommunications network or computer network that extends over a large
geographical distance.
a) LAN
b) WAN
c) PAN
d) MAN
Answer – WAN
Explanation – A wide area network is a telecommunications network that extends over a large
geographical area for the primary purpose of computer networking. Wide area networks are
often established with leased telecommunication circuits.
13. How many layers are in Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model?
a) Six
b) Seven
c) Four
d) Five
Answer – b) Seven


Explanation – The OSI Model (Open Systems Interconnection Model) is a conceptual
framework used to describe the functions of a networking system.
In the OSI reference model, the communications between a computing system are split into
seven different abstraction layers: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session,
Presentation, and Application.
14. Which is a network device that is used to regenerate or replicate signals that are weakened or
distorted by transmission over long distances?
a) Repeater
b) Hub
c) Switch
d) Bridge
Answer – a) Repeater
Explanation – A repeater is an electronic device that receives a signal and retransmits it.
Repeaters are used to extend transmissions so that the signal can cover longer distances or be
received on the other side of an obstruction.
15. Any device connected to a computer network is called
a) Node
b) Client
c) Server
d) None of the above
Answer – a) Node
Explanation – A node can be a couple of different things depending on whether the
conversation is about computer science or networking.
In networking, a node is either a connection point, a redistribution point, or a communication
endpoint. In computer science, nodes are devices or data points on a large network, devices
such a PC, phone, or printer are considers nodes.
16. A node, usually a microcomputer, which is used by end users but usually does not supply
network resources is called _________
a) Node
b) Client
c) Server
d) None of the above
Answer – b) Client
Explanation – A client is a piece of computer hardware or software that accesses a service
made available by a server. The server is often on another computer system, in which case the
client accesses the service by way of a network.

17. Which is a computer hardware component that connects a computer to a network?

a) Network Interface Card
b) Switch
c) Bridge
d) Router
Answer – a) Network Interface Card
Explanation – A Network Interface Card (NIC) is a hardware component without which a
computer cannot be connected over a network. It is a circuit board installed in a computer that
provides a dedicated network connection to the computer. It is also called network interface
controller, network adapter or LAN adapter.
18. A combined device used for modulation and demodulation, for example, between the digital
data of a computer and the analogue signal of a telephone line is called
a) Modem
b) Switch
c) Bridge
d) Router
Answer – a) Modem
Explanation – A modem is a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over,
for example, telephone or cable lines. Computer information is stored digitally, whereas
information transmitted over telephone lines is transmitted in the form of analog waves. A
modem converts between these two forms.
19. A terminal emulation program for TCP/IP networks, such as the Internet, that allows users to
log in to a remote computer is known as
a) Network
b) Telnet
c) Sub Network
d) None of the above
Answer – b) Telnet
Explanation – Telnet is a network protocol used to virtually access a computer and to provide
a two-way, collaborative and text-based communication channel between two machines. It
follows a user command Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) networking
protocol for creating remote sessions.
20. What is the process in which control information is added to a data packet as it moves through
the layers of a communication module?
a) Encapsulation
b) Encryption
c) Decryption
d) None of the above
Answer – a) Encapsulation
Explanation – Encapsulation is a process of wrapping code and data together into a single unit,
for example, a capsule which is mixed of several medicines. We can create a fully encapsulated
class in Java by making all the data members of the class private.
21. _________ is a network topology in which each node connects to exactly two other nodes,
forming a single continuous pathway for signals through each node.


a) Star topology
b) Bus topology
c) Mesh topology
d) Ring topology
Answer – d) Ring topology
Explanation – A ring topology is a network configuration in which device connections create a
circular data path. Each networked device is connected to two others, like points on a circle.
Together, devices in a ring topology are referred to as a ring network.

22. __________ is a specific kind of network topology in which all of the various devices in the
network are connected to a single cable or line.
a) Star topology
b) Bus topology
c) Mesh topology
d) Ring topology
Answer – b) Bus topology
Explanation – A bus topology is a topology for a Local Area Network (LAN) in which all the
nodes are connected to a single cable. The cable to which the nodes connect is called a
"backbone". If the backbone is broken, the entire segment fails.

23. In the ________ topology, each workstation is connected directly to each of the others.
a) full mesh
b) Partial mesh
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above
Answer – a) full mesh
Explanation – With full mesh, each node is directly connected to every other node. This
enables a message to be sent along many individual routes. With partial mesh, not all nodes
are connected directly to each other.
24. The size of an IP address in IPv6 is
a) 4 bytes
b) 128 bits
c) 8 bytes
d) 100 bits
Answer – b) 128 bits
Explanation - An IPv6 address is 128 bits or 16 bytes long. Therefore, 2128 i.e. 340 undecillion
addresses are possible in IPv6. IPv4 has only 4 billion possible addresses and IPv6 would be a
brilliant alternative in case IPv4 runs out of possible new addresses.
25. The protocol(s) used in star topology is/are ___________
a) Ethernet
b) Token Ring
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above
Answer – c) Both a) and b)
Explanation –
Protocol Cable Topology
Ethernet Twisted Pair, Coaxial, Fiber Linear Bus, Star, Tree
Fast Ethernet Twisted Pair, Fiber Star
LocalTalk Twisted Pair Linear Bus or Star
Token Ring Twisted Pair Star-Wired Ring
FDDI Fiber Dual Ring
ATM Twisted Pair, Fiber Linear Bus, Star, Tree
26. World Wide Web was proposed by:
a) Bill Gates
b) Bill Rogers
c) Tim Berners Lee
d) None of These
Answer – c) Tim Berners Lee
Explanation – In 1989, while working at CERN, Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist, invented
the World Wide Web (WWW). It was developed to meet the demand for automated
information-sharing between scientists in universities and institutes around the world.
27. Which of the following must be contained in a URL?
a) A protocol identifier
b) www
c) unique registered domain
d) all of the above
Answer – d) All of the above
Explanation –

28. Which is a text field near the top of a Web browser window that displays the URL of the current
a) Formula Bar
b) Scroll Bar
c) Address Bar
d) None of the above


Answer – c) Address Bar
Explanation – In a web browser, the address bar is a GUI widget that shows the current URL.
The user can type a URL into the bar to navigate to a chosen website; in most modern
browsers, non-URLs are automatically sent to a search engine.

29. What are hyperlinks used for?

a) To search for web pages
b) To attach a file to an email
c) To send an email message to more than one person
d) To move from one web page to another
Answer – d) To move from one web page to another
Explanation - A hyperlink is a word, phrase, or image that you can click on to jump to a new
document or a new section within the current document. Hyperlinks are found in nearly all
Web pages, allowing users to click their way from page to page.
30. Which is an example for Microblogging website?
a) Blogger
b) WordPress
c) Twitter
d) Facebook
Answer – c) Twitter
Explanation - Microblogging is an online broadcast medium that exists as a specific form of
blogging. A micro-blog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in
both actual and aggregated file size.


The language we use to communicate with each other is comprised of words and characters. We
understand numbers, characters and words. But this type of data is not suitable for computers.
Computers only understand the numbers.
So, when we enter data, the data is converted into electronic pulse. Each pulse is identified as code
and the code is converted into numeric format by ASCII. It gives each number, character and symbol
a numeric value (number) that a computer understands. So, to understand the language of
computers, one must be familiar with the number systems.
The Number Systems used in computers are:
1. Binary number system
2. Octal number system
3. Decimal number system
4. Hexadecimal number system
It has only two digits '0' and '1' so its base is 2. Accordingly, in this number system, there are only two
types of electronic pulses; absence of electronic pulse which represents '0'and presence of electronic
pulse which represents '1'. Each digit is called a bit. A group of four bits (1101) is called a nibble and
group of eight bits (11001010) is called a byte. The position of each digit in a binary number represents
a specific power of the base (2) of the number system.
It has eight digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) so its base is 8. Each digit in an octal number represents a
specific power of its base (8). As there are only eight digits, three bits (23 = 8) of binary number system
can convert any octal number into binary number. This number system is also used to shorten long
binary numbers. The three binary digits can be represented with a single octal digit. Each position in
an octal number represents a 0 power of the base (8), e.g. 80. Last position in an octal number
represents a x power of the base (8). e.g. 8x where x represents the last position - 1
Example – Octal Number: 125708
Calculating Decimal Equivalent −
Step Octal Number Decimal Number
Step 1 125708 ((1 x 84) + (2 x 83) + (5 x 82) + (7 x 81) + (0 x 80))10
Step 2 125708 (4096 + 1024 + 320 + 56 + 0)10
Step 3 125708 549610
Note − 125708 is normally written as 12570.
This number system has 16 digits that ranges from 0 to 9 and A to F. So, its base is 16. The A to F
alphabets represent 10 to 15 decimal numbers. The position of each digit in a hexadecimal number
represents a specific power of base (16) of the number system. As there are only sixteen digits, four
bits (24=16) of binary number system can convert any hexadecimal number into binary number. It is
also known as alphanumeric number system as it uses both numeric digits and alphabets. Each
position in a hexadecimal number represents a 0 power of the base (16), e.g., 160. Last position in a


hexadecimal number represents a x power of the base (16). Example 16x where x represents the last
position – 1.
Example – Hexadecimal Number: 19FDE16
Calculating Decimal Equivalent –
Step Binary Number Decimal Number
Step 1 19FDE16 ((1 x 164) + (9 x 163) + (F x 162) + (D x 161) + (E x 160))10
Step 2 19FDE16 ((1 x 164) + (9 x 163) + (15 x 162) + (13 x 161) + (14 x 160))10
Step 3 19FDE16 (65536+ 36864 + 3840 + 208 + 14)10
Step 4 19FDE16 10646210
Note − 19FDE16 is normally written as 19FDE.
Decimal to Other Base System
Step 1 − Divide the decimal number to be converted by the value of the new base.
Step 2 − Get the remainder from Step 1 as the rightmost digit (least significant digit) of the new base
Step 3 − Divide the quotient of the previous divide by the new base.
Step 4 − Record the remainder from Step 3 as the next digit (to the left) of the new base number.
Repeat Steps 3 and 4, getting remainders from right to left, until the quotient becomes zero in Step
The last remainder thus obtained will be the Most Significant Digit (MSD) of the new base number.
Decimal Number: 2910
Calculating Binary Equivalent −
Step Operation Result Remainder
Step 1 29 / 2 14 1
Step 2 14 / 2 7 0
Step 3 7/2 3 1
Step 4 3/2 1 1
Step 5 1/2 0 1
As mentioned in Steps 2 and 4, the remainders have to be arranged in the reverse order so that the
first remainder becomes the Least Significant Digit (LSD) and the last remainder becomes the Most
Significant Digit (MSD).
Decimal Number: 2910 = Binary Number: 111012.
Other Base System to Decimal System
Step 1 − Determine the column (positional) value of each digit (this depends on the position of the
digit and the base of the number system).
Step 2 − Multiply the obtained column values (in Step 1) by the digits in the corresponding columns.
Step 3 − Sum the products calculated in Step 2. The total is the equivalent value in decimal.
Binary Number: 111012
Calculating Decimal Equivalent −
Step Binary Number Decimal Number
Step 1 111012 ((1 x 24) + (1 x 23) + (1 x 22) + (0 x 21) + (1 x


Step 2 111012 (16 + 8 + 4 + 0 + 1)10
Step 3 111012 2910
Binary Number: 111012 = Decimal Number: 2910
Other Base System to Non-Decimal System
Step 1 − Convert the original number to a decimal number (base 10).
Step 2 − Convert the decimal number so obtained to the new base number.
Octal Number: 258
Calculating Binary Equivalent −
Step 1 - Convert to Decimal
Step Octal Number Decimal Number
Step 1 258 ((2 x 81) + (5 x 80))10
Step 2 258 (16 + 5)10
Step 3 258 2110
Octal Number: 258 = Decimal Number: 2110
Step 2 - Convert Decimal to Binary
Step Operation Result Remainder
Step 1 21 / 2 10 1
Step 2 10 / 2 5 0
Step 3 5/2 2 1
Step 4 2/2 1 0
Step 5 1/2 0 1
Decimal Number: 2110 = Binary Number: 101012
Octal Number: 258 = Binary Number: 101012
Shortcut Method ─ Binary to Octal
Step 1 − Divide the binary digits into groups of three (starting from the right).
Step 2 − Convert each group of three binary digits to one octal digit.
Binary Number: 101012
Calculating Octal Equivalent −
Step Binary Number Octal Number
Step 1 101012 010 101
Step 2 101012 28 58
Step 3 101012 258
Binary Number: 101012 = Octal Number: 258
Shortcut Method ─ Octal to Binary
Step 1 − Convert each octal digit to a 3-digit binary number (the octal digits may be treated as decimal
for this conversion).
Step 2 − Combine all the resulting binary groups (of 3 digits each) into a single binary number.
Octal Number: 258
Calculating Binary Equivalent −
Step Octal Number Binary Number


Step 1 258 210 510
Step 2 258 0102 1012
Step 3 258 0101012
Octal Number: 258 = Binary Number: 101012
Shortcut Method ─ Binary to Hexadecimal
Step 1 − Divide the binary digits into groups of four (starting from the right).
Step 2 − Convert each group of four binary digits to one hexadecimal symbol.
Binary Number: 101012
Calculating hexadecimal Equivalent −
Step Binary Number Hexadecimal Number
Step 1 101012 0001 0101
Step 2 101012 110 510
Step 3 101012 1516
Binary Number: 101012 = Hexadecimal Number: 1516
Shortcut Method - Hexadecimal to Binary
Step 1 − Convert each hexadecimal digit to a 4-digit binary number (the hexadecimal digits may be
treated as decimal for this conversion).
Step 2 − Combine all the resulting binary groups (of 4 digits each) into a single binary number.
Hexadecimal Number: 1516
Calculating Binary Equivalent −
Step Hexadecimal Number Binary Number
Step 1 1516 110 510
Step 2 1516 00012 01012
Step 3 1516 000101012
Hexadecimal Number: 1516 = Binary Number: 101012
Computers and digital circuits processes information in the binary format. Each character is assigned
7- or 8-bit binary code to indicate its character which may be numeric, alphabet or special symbol.
Example - Binary number 1000001 represents 65(decimal) in straight binary code, alphabet A in ASCII
code and 41(decimal) in BCD code.
Types of codes
BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal) Code
❖ Four-bit code that represents one of the ten decimal digits from 0 to 9.
❖ Example - (37)10 is represented as 0011 0111 using BCD code, rather than (100101)2 in straight
binary code.
❖ Thus, BCD code requires more bits than straight binary code.
❖ Still it is suitable for input and output operations in digital systems.
Note: 1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110, and 1111 are INVALID CODE in BCD code.
ASCII (American Standard Code Information Interchange) Code
❖ It is 7-bit or 8-bit alphanumeric code.
❖ 7-bit code is standard ASCII supports 127 characters.


❖ Standard ASCII series starts from 00h to 7Fh, where 00h-1Fh are used as control characters
and 20h-7Fh as graphics symbols.
❖ 8-bit code is extended ASCII supports 256 symbols where special graphics and math's symbols
are added.
❖ Extended ASCII series starts from 80h to FFh.
EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) code
❖ 8-bit alphanumeric code developed by IBM, supports 256 symbols.
❖ It was mainly used in IBM mainframe computers.
Gray code
❖ Differs from leading and following number by a single bit.
❖ Gray code for 2 is 0011 and for 3 is 0010.
❖ No weights are assigned to the bit positions.
❖ Extensively used in shaft encoders.
Excess-3 code
❖ 4-bit code is obtained by adding binary 0011 to the natural BCD code of the digit.
❖ Example - decimal 2 is coded as 0010 + 0011 = 0101 as Excess-3 code.
❖ It not weighted code.
❖ Its self-complimenting code, means 1's complement of the coded number yields 9's
complement of the number itself.
❖ Used in digital system for performing subtraction operations.
1. A hexadecimal number is represented by
a) three digits
b) four binary digits
c) four digits
d) All of these
Answer – b) four binary digits
Explanation – Each Hexadecimal number can be represented using only 4 bits, with each group
of bits having a distich values between 0000 (for 0) and 1111 (for F = 15 = 8+4+2+1).
Hexadecimal number system is similar to Octal number system.
2. Decimal number system is the group of
a) 0 or 1
b) 0 to 9
c) 0 to 7
d) 0 to 9 and A to F
Answer – b) 0 to 9
Explanation – Decimal. Decimal, also called Hindu-Arabic, or Arabic, number system, in
mathematics, positional numeral system employing 10 as the base and requiring 10 different
numerals, the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
3. Hexadecimal number system has ____________ symbols.
a) 2
b) 8
c) 10


d) 16
Answer – d) 16
Explanation – The hexadecimal numeral system, often shortened to "hex", is a numeral system
made up of 16 symbols (base 16). The standard numeral system is called decimal (base 10) and
uses ten symbols: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Hexadecimal uses the decimal numbers and six extra
symbols (A to F).
4. Which of the following statements is true?
a) 1 gigabyte is equivalent to 1024 kilobyte
b) Mb stands for Megabyte
c) Octal number system having 8 digits
d) Decimal number system cannot contain binary digits
Answer – c) Octal number system having 8 digits
Explanation – The octal numeral system, or oct for short, is the base-8 number system, and
uses the digits 0 to 7. Octal numerals can be made from binary numerals by grouping
consecutive binary digits into groups of three (starting from the right). For example, the binary
representation for decimal 74 is 1001010.
5. The number system based on ‘0’ and ‘1′ only, is known as
a) binary system
b) barter system
c) number system
d) hexadecimal system
Answer – a) binary system
Explanation – Binary. Binary (or base-2) a numeric system that only uses two digits — 0 and 1.
Computers operate in binary, meaning they store data and perform calculations using only
zeros and ones. A single binary digit can only represent True (1) or False (0) in Boolean logic.
6. How many values can be represented by a single byte?
a) 16
b) 64
c) 256
d) 512
Answer – c) 256
Explanation – One byte is equal to 8 bits and a collection of 8 bits can represent 256 messages
( ). Thus, a single byte can represent 256 values.
7. Modern computers represent characters and numbers internally using one of the following
number systems.
a) Penta
b) Octal
c) Hexa
d) Binary
Answer – d) Binary
Explanation – Modern computers use the binary system, a system that represents information
using sequences of 0s and 1s. It is based on powers of 2, unlike our decimal system based on
powers of 10.
8. Which of the following is not a computer code?


d) Unicode
Answer – d) CISC
Explanation –
ASCII – ASCII is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. The characters
encoded are number 0-9, a-z, A-Z, basic punctuation symbols, control codes.
BCD – BCD stands for Binary Coded Decimal. It represent by a 4-bit number and four bits we
can represent sixteen numbers (0000 to 1111). But in BCD code only first ten of these are used
(0000 to 1001).
EBCDIC – EBCDIC stands for Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code. It has 8-bit
code. It was used by IBM mainframes computers.
Unicode – Unicode is a standard for representing the characters of all the languages of the
world, including Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Unicode used 16-bits per character to
represent 65,536 (216) unique characters.
9. The coding system allows non-english characters and special characters to be represented
d) All of these
Answer – b) UNICODE
Explanation – Unicode – Unicode is a standard for representing the characters of all the
languages of the world, including Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Unicode used 16-bits per
character to represent 65,536 (216) unique characters.
10. The digits of the binary system are called
a) bytes
b) bits
c) nibbles
d) number
Answer – b) bits
Explanation – A binary number is a number expressed in the base-2 numeral system or binary
numeral system, which uses only two symbols: typically "0" (zero) and "1" (one). Each digit is
referred to as a bit.
11. The method used for the conversion of octal to decimal fraction is
a) digit is divided by-8
b) digit is multiplied by the corresponding power of 8
c) digit is added with-8
d) digit is subtracted with-8
Answer – b) digit is multiplied by the corresponding power of 8
Explanation –


12. Numbers that are written with base 10 are classified as
a) decimal number
b) whole number
c) hexadecimal number
d) exponential integers
Answer – a) decimal numbers
Explanation – The Base-10 number system is known as the decimal system. and has 10 digits
to show all numbers. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. using place value and a decimal point to separate.
13. To convert binary number to decimal, multiply the all binary digits by power of
a) 0
b) 2
c) 4
d) 8
Answer – b) 2
Explanation –

14. Code ‘EBCDIC’ that is used in computing stands for

a) Extension BCD Information code
b) Extended BCD Interchange code
c) Extension BCD Interchange conduct
d) Extended BCD Information conduct
Answer – b) Extended BCD Interchange code
Explanation – Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) is an eight-bit
character encoding used mainly on IBM mainframe and IBM midrange computer operating
15. In EBCDIC code, maximum possible characters set size is
a) 356
b) 756
c) 556


d) 256
Answer – d) 256
Explanation – EBCDIC uses 8 bits for representation. Therefore, 28 i.e., 256 different characters
can be represented
16. In the binary language, each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special character is
made up of a unique combination of
a) 8 bytes
b) 8 KB
c) 8 character
d) 8 bits
Answer – d) 8 bits
Explanation – In the binary system, each character is comprised of a distinctive combination
of eight bits.
A bit is the smallest element of information used in the computer system. A bit holds one of
two possible values 0 or 1. Because a single bit can only store two values, bits are combined
together into large units in order to hold a greater range of values.
❖ A byte is generally 8 bits.

❖ A character in "ASCII" can be stored in a single Byte.

17. Which of the following is an example of binary number? [IBPS Clerk 2011]
a) 6AH1
b) 100101
c) 005
Answer – b) 100101
Explanation – A binary number is a number expressed in the base-2 numeral system or binary
numeral system, which uses only two symbols: typically, "0" (zero) and "1" (one).
18. The most widely used code that represents each character as a unique 8-bit code is
c) BCD
Answer – a) ASCII
Explanation – ASCII is an 8-bit code. That is, it uses eight bits to represent a letter or a
punctuation mark. Eight bits are called a byte. A binary code with eight digits, such as 1101
10112, can be stored in one byte of computer memory.


Microsoft Office, or simply Office, is a family of client software, server software, and services
developed by Microsoft. It is a horizontal market software that is used in a wide range of industries.
It was first announced by Bill Gates on August 1, 1988, at COMDEX in Las Vegas. Initially a marketing
term for an office suite (bundled set of productivity applications), the first version of Office contained
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint. Over the years, Office applications have
grown substantially closer with shared features such as a common spell checker, OLE data integration
and Visual Basic for Applications scripting language. Microsoft also positions Office as a development
platform for line-of-business software under the Office Business Applications brand.
Office is produced in several versions targeted towards different end-users and computing
environments. The original, and most widely used version, is the desktop version, available for PCs
running the Windows and macOS operating systems. Microsoft also maintains mobile apps for
Android and iOS. Office on the web is a version of the software that runs within a web browser.
The current on-premises, desktop version of Office is Office 2019, released on September 24, 2018.
MS Office primarily includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook. It also includes OneNote,
Groove, InfoPath and Publisher.
Microsoft Word, also referred to as simply Word, is a word processor developed by Microsoft. It was
first released on October 25, 1983 under the name Multi-Tool Word for Xenix systems. Subsequent
versions were later written for several other platforms including IBM PCs running DOS (1983), Apple
Macintosh running the Classic Mac OS (1985), AT&T Unix PC (1985), Atari ST (1988), OS/2 (1989),
Microsoft Windows (1989), SCO Unix (1994), and macOS (formerly OS X; 2001).
Filename Extensions
Microsoft Word's native file formats are denoted either by a .doc or .docx filename extension.
Although the .doc extension has been used in many different versions of Word (97-2003) documents.
The newer .docx extension signifies the Office Open XML international standard for Office documents
and is used by Word 2007 and later for Windows, Word 2008 and later for macOS, as well as by a
growing number of applications from other vendors, including Writer, an open source
word processing program.
To open or start Microsoft Word
There are three methods to open or start Microsoft Word.
1. Double click on Microsoft Word Icon on Desktop.
1. Click on the Start  button in the bottom left hand corner of computer screen.
2. When the menu pops up, move our mouse up to Programs. A sub menu will appear showing
all the software we have.
3. Now click Microsoft Office then select Microsoft Word from them. Microsoft Word will start
Click Start >> Program >> MS Office >> MS Word
1. Press  + R (Open Run Dialog box)


2. Type winword.exe and press Enter key. Microsoft Word will start up.
Word Window
Quick Access Toolbar Title Bar Ribbon Display Option

Max, Min and Close Button

Menu Bar

Ribbon Bar
Sub-menu Bar
Dialog Box Launcher


View Toolbar
Status Bar

Scroll Bar

Title Bar
The title Bar is located at the top of a windows that displays the name of the window or document
being used. It shows the name of the file on which you are working. It also consists of three buttons,
❖ Minimize button reduces the window to an icon but word still remains active.

❖ Restore button again brings word window to the maximum original size.

❖ Close button brings us out of word.

Menu Bar
It consists of various commands which can be accesses by clicking at the menu options under these
menus’ heads.
Quick Access Tool Bar
The quick access toolbar is a small and customizable toolbar at the top of the document window. It
contains a set of commands that are independent of the tab on the ribbon that is currently displayed.
It usually contains buttons to save, undo, redo, and print. to do’
Status Bar
A Status Bar is a horizontal window at the bottom of parent window. It displays the various kinds of
status information of the document.
Dialog Box Launcher
A button in the corner of a group that launches a dialog box containing all the options within that
View Toolbar
A toolbar that enables, adjusts and displays different views of a document. It is located at the bottom
left corner of the window.
The Ribbon is a cluster of toolbars in Microsoft Office which are used for writing, designing, formatting
and reviewing different styles, adaptations, add-ins, themes etc. Every tab in the top of a given word
file window displays the Ribbon toolbar.
File tab
The File tab is a colored tab, for example, a blue tab in Word, located in the upper-left corner of
Microsoft Office programs.

When you click the File tab, you see many of the same basic commands that you saw when you clicked

the Microsoft Office Button or on the File menu in earlier releases of Microsoft Office, such as
Open, Save, and Print.

Home Tab
The Home tab is the default tab in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint and other
Microsoft Office products. It allows changing document settings such as the font properties by using
control groups on the tab. The control groups and keys are

❖ Clipboard Group – Copy (only one item at a time), Paste, Cut, Format Painter.
❖ Font Group – Font Style, Colour and Size, Bold, Underline, Strikethrough etc.
❖ Paragraph Group – Bullets and Numbering, Alignment, Shading, Borders, Line spacing.
❖ Style Group – Listed Styles
❖ Editing Group – Find, Replace etc.
Insert Tab
The Insert Tab is used different features such as tables, pictures, clip art, shapes, charts, page
numbers, word art, headers and footers etc. into a document. The availed groups and keys under this
tab are:


❖ Pages Group – Cover page, blank page, Page Break
❖ Tables Group – Tables
❖ Illustrations Group – Pictures, Shapes, Smart Art etc.
❖ Add ins Group – Get Add-ins, My Add-ins, Wikipedia
❖ Media Group – Online Video
❖ Links Group – Link, Bookmark, Cross-reference
❖ Comments Group – Comment
❖ Header and Footer Group – Header, Footer, Page Number
❖ Text Group – Text Group, Word Art etc.
❖ Symbol Group – Equation, Symbol
Design Tab
Design Tab includes

❖ Document Formatting Group – Themes (to change colors, fonts and effects for the document
all at once), Style Set gallery (to change the styles), Colors, Fonts, Paragraph spacing, Effects
❖ Page Background Group – Watermark, Page Color, Page Borders
Layout Tab
The Layout Tab holds the buttons which are used to arrange document pages. The control groups and
keys under layout tabs are:

❖ Page Setup Group – Margins, Orientation, Breaks, Line numbers, Hyphenation, Size of the
page, Columns
❖ Paragraph Group – Paragraph Indentation, Spacing
❖ Arrange Group – Position, Wrap Text, Bring Forward, Align Rotate etc.
References Tab
References Tab allows to now create a table of contents, footnotes, citations, cross-references. The
availed control groups and keys in this tab are:

❖ Table of Contents Group – Table of Contents, Add Text, Update Table

❖ Footnotes Group – Insert footnotes, Insert Endnote, Next Footnote, Show Notes
❖ Research Group – Smart Lookup
❖ Citations and Bibliography Group – Insert Citation, Manage Sources, Style, Bibliography
❖ Captions Group – Insert Caption, Insert Table of Figures, Update Table, Cross-reference
❖ Index Group – Mark entry, Insert Index, Update Index
❖ Table of Authorities Group – Mark Citation, Insert Table of Authorities, Update Table
Mailings Tab
Mail Merging is an ideal task in MS Word by using Mailings Tab. Mail merge is used to create form
letters or address labels, certificates with unique names, and more. The following group buttons are
available in Mailings Tab.

❖ Create Group – Envelops, Labels

❖ Start Mail Merge Group – Start Mail Merge, Selection of Recipients, Edit Recipient List
❖ Write & Insert Fields Group – Highlighting the fields, Address Block, Greeting Line etc.
❖ Preview Results Group – Check for errors, Find Recipient
❖ Finish Group – Finish & Group
Review Tab
The tools in the Review Tab helps to improve the document. It contains the following control groups
and keys.

❖ Proofing Group – Spelling & Grammar, Thesaurus, Word count

❖ Speech – Read Aloud
❖ Accessibility – Check Accessibility
❖ Comments Group – New Comment, Delete, Previous, Next, Show comment,
❖ Tracking Group – Track Changes, Simple mark-up, Show Markup, Review pane
❖ Changes Group – Accept, Reject, Previous, Next
❖ Compare Group – Comparing the documents
❖ Protect Group – Restrict editing, Block Authors
❖ Ink Group – Hide Ink
❖ OneNote Group – Linked Notes
View Tab
The View tab has the functionality to change the document views. The options in the view tab are:

❖ Views Group – Read mode, Print Layout, Web Layout Outline, Draft
❖ Immersive Group – Immersive Reader
❖ Page Movement Group – Vertical, Side to Side
❖ Show Group – Ruler, Gridline, Navigation Pane
❖ Zoom Group – Zoom (10% to 500%), Page width, Multiple pages
❖ Window Group – New Window, Arrange and Split window, Switch windows etc.
❖ Macros group – Macros
❖ SharePoint Group - Properties
Help Tab
The users can get help by using F1 function key anytime, Help tab and ‘Tell me what you want to do


Features of Word Processor (MS Word)
❖ Alignment – This option is used to align the text in a document adhere to the right side, left,
center or justified.
❖ AutoCorrect – AutoCorrect is a software feature in MS Word. It automatically corrects
misspellings and common errors.
❖ Clipboard – The clipboard saves the text temporarily. Using the Cut or Copy commands will
place the text in the clipboard.
❖ Cut, Copy, Paste – Cut is used to move a section of text from a document to clipboard. Copy
refers to duplicating a section of a document and placing it in the clipboard. Paste allows to
copy an object or text from one location and place it to another location.
❖ Editing Features – Any type of correction (insertion, deletion, modification etc.) can be made
easily as and when required.
❖ Fast – Typing text in a word processor becomes speedy as there is no mechanical carriage
movement associated.
❖ Find and Replace – You can find for a particular word in the whole document and replace it
with another one.
❖ Font – It is a type of design for text, Times New Roman, Arial Calibri, Verdana etc. are the
examples of font style. The maximum size of Font is 72 in a drop-down selection of MS Word.
❖ Formatting Features – The typed text can be made in any form or style (bold, italic, underline,
different fonts etc.)
❖ Graphics – It provides the facility of incorporating drawings in the documents which enhances
their usefulness.
❖ Header and Footer – The header sits at the very top of every page in a document. A Header
contains page numbers, the document name or sub-titles within the document. The footer
constantly appears on every page of a document, at the bottom of each page. It includes the
page number, or a company’s name and contact details in formal documents.
❖ Indentation – It refers to the distance between text boundaries and page margins. There are
three types of indents – Positive Indent, Negative Indent and Hanging Indent.
❖ Mail Merge – It is a facility which enables to print a large number of letters/documents with
more or less similar text. Under it, same invitation letter has to be sent to invitees, only the
names and address are to be changed.
❖ Moving Cursor – You can move the cursor from word to word or from paragraph to paragraph,
if needed.
❖ Naming a Document – You can name a document and recall it anytime from hard disk for
editing, updating, correcting and even printing.
❖ OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) – OLE is a program integration technology that is used to
share information between programs through objects. Objects are saved entities like charts,
equations, video clips, audio clips. pictures etc.
❖ Page Breaks – You can set a page break at any place within the text so that while printing it
will jump to next page.


❖ Page Orientation – It refers to whether the text is to printed length-wise or width-wise.
Length-wise printed page is called PORTRAIT and width-wise printed page is called
❖ Paste Special – Paste Special is used to paste an item from the clipboard with custom
❖ Thesaurus – It is a software tool which is in MS Word that provides synonyms for selected
words on command.
❖ Spell Check – It is a software tool for correcting spelling. It is not only capable of checking
spellings mistake but also can suggest possible alternatives for incorrectly spelt words. It is
available in word processing programs, e-mail programs, cell phones and a variety of other
❖ Thesaurus – By using thesaurus you can change a word with any of its synonyms. Int his ay you
can prevent repetition of a single word in a document and bring beauty to the language.
❖ Undo and Redo – Undo refers to delete the last action in the document. Redo can restore the
changes again.
Shortcut Keys
Keys Description Keys Description
Ctrl + A Select All Shift + F7 Thesaurus
Ctrl + B Bold F1 Help
Ctrl + C Copy F5 Refresh the page
Ctrl + V Paste F4 Repeat the action
Ctrl + N New Blank Document F7 Spell Check
Ctrl + X Cut F6 Go to the next pane
Ctrl + I Italic F8 Extend the selection
Ctrl + U Underline F9 Update the selected fields
Ctrl + Z Undo F10 Show key tips
Ctrl + Y Redo F11 Go to the next field
Ctrl + O Open F12 Save As
Ctrl + S Save Shift + F3 Change the case of letters
Ctrl + K Insert Hyperlink Shift + F4 Repeat a find
Ctrl + L Left Alignment Shift + F10 Display a shortcut menu
Ctrl + E Center Alignment Ctrl + F2 Choose Print Preview
Ctrl + R Right Alignment Ctrl + F4 Close the Window
Ctrl + J Justify the alignment Ctrl + F10 Maximize the document Window
Ctrl + F To open Find Box Ctrl + F12 Choose the open button
Ctrl + G Find and Replace Tab To move to the next object
Ctrl + W Close document Shift + Tab To move to the previous object
Ctrl + M Indent Alt + F5 Restore the program window
Ctrl + P Print Alt + F7 Find the next misspelling
Ctrl + Shift + > Increase font size Alt + F10 Maximize the program window
Ctrl + Shift + < Decrease font size F2 Rename the file
Alt + H Home Tab Alt + F4 Exit
Alt + N Insert Tab Alt + P Layout Tab
Alt + G Design Tab Alt + Q Tell me box
Alt + F File Page Alt + R Review Tab
Alt + M Mailings Tab Alt + W View Tab
Alt + S Reference Tab Ctrl + ] Increase font size by 1


Ctrl + [ Decrease font size by 1 Ctrl + Shift + + Superscript
Ctrl + = Subscript
It is a spreadsheet program which is used to present and organize copious amounts of data in a
systematic manner. It also includes performs basic arithmetic operations on data and created graphs
and charts based on the same.
Filename Extensions
Microsoft Excel's native file formats are denoted either by a .xls or .xlsx filename extension.
Although the .xls extension has been used in many different versions of Excel (97-2003) documents.
The newer .xlsx extension signifies the Office Open XML international standard for Office documents
and is used by Excel 2007 and later for Windows, Excel 2008 and later for macOS, as well as by a
growing number of applications from other vendors, including Writer, an open source
word processing program.
To open or start Microsoft Excel
There are three methods to open or start Microsoft Excel.
1. Double click on Microsoft Excel Icon on Desktop.
1. Click on the Start button  in the bottom left hand corner of computer screen.
2. When the menu pops up, move our mouse up to Programs. A sub menu will appear showing
all the software we have.
3. Now click Microsoft Office then select Microsoft Excel from them. Microsoft Excel will start up.
Click Start >> Program >> MS Office >> MS Excel
1. Press  + R (Open Run Dialog box)
2. Type excel.exe and press Enter key. Microsoft Office will start up.
Excel Window

Title Bar
Displays the name of the application and the file currently in use
Displays the numerous functions and tools available to work with data


Contains numeric or character values and also displays results of calculations attached to the specific
Contains a row of cells
Contains a column of cells
Formula Bar
Display any formulae assigned to the selected cell
File tab (Backstage View)
Provides access to Backstage View where you can perform basic functions such as Open, Save, Print,
Share, Export and Close files.
Status Bar
The Status Bar provides useful information about functions being used plus other useful things such
as showing you the total, average, min, max or count of a group of numbers.
In MS Excel are divided into logical groups called Tabs and each tab has its own set of unique function
to perform. There are various tabs – Home, Insert, Page Layout, Formulas, Date, Review, View and
Home Tab
The Excel Home Tab is used to perform common commands such as bold, underline, alignment,
Number, Copy and Paste. It is also used to apply formats to cells in a worksheet. The Home Tab groups
and their buttons are:

❖ Clipboard Group – Paste, Cut, Copy, Format Painter

❖ Font Group – Bold, Italic, Underline, Font Style, Colour & Size (decrease and increase), fill
Colour, Borders
❖ Alignment Group – Alignment (Top, Middle, Bottom, Left, Right, Center), Orientation, Wrap
Text, Merge & Center, Indent decrease & Increase
❖ Number Group – General, Accounting Number Format, Percent style, Comma style, Increase
and decrease decimal
❖ Styles Group – Conditional Formatting, Format as Table, Cell Styles
❖ Cells Group – Insert cells, Delete cells, Format cells
❖ Editing Group – AutoSum, Fill, Clear the format, Sort & Filter, Find & Select
Insert Tab
Insert Tab is used to insert the picture, charts, filter, hyperlink etc. The Insert Tab groups and keys

❖ Tables Group – Pivot Table, Recommended Pivot Tables, Table


❖ Illustrations Group – Pictures, Online pictures, Icons, Shapes, Smart Art Graphic, 3D models,
❖ Add-ins Group – Store, Insert Add-ins
❖ Charts Group – Recommended charts, Maps, Pivot Charts, Charts3
❖ Tours Group – 3D Maps
❖ Sparklines Group – Line, Column, Win/Loss
❖ Filters Group – Slicer, Timeline
❖ Links Group – Hyperlink
❖ Text Group – TextBox, Header & Footer, WordArt, Signature line, Object
❖ Symbols Group – Equation and Symbol
Page Layout Tab
The features under this tab used to change the look of a workbook. The groups under this tab are:

❖ Themes Group – Themes, Colors, Fonts, Effects

❖ Page Setup Group – Margins, Orientation, Size, Print Area, Breaks, Background, Print Titles
❖ Scale to Fit Group – Page Scale, Width and Height
❖ Sheet Options Group – Gridlines, Headings
❖ Arrange Group – Bring Forward, Send Backward, Align, Group, Rotate, Selection Pane
Formulas Tab
Formulas Tab is used to make dynamic reports by using functions. In excel, 479 functions are available.
Formulas Tab is divided into four groups.

❖ Formulas Library – Insert Function, AutoSum, Financial & Logical Function, Date & Time, Maths
& Trig, Lookup & Reference, Text, More Function (Statistical, Engineering, Cube etc.)
❖ Defined Names Group – Name Manager, Define Name, Use in Formula, Create from selection
❖ Formula Auditing - Trace Precedents & Dependents, Error Checking, Evaluate Formula, Watch
❖ Calculation Group – Calculate sheet, options
Data Tab
Data Tab is used for importing a large amount of data. Importing Data can be done by connecting with
the server, automatically from the web, MS Access etc., It makes easy to read vast data.

❖ Get & Transform Data Group – Get Data, From Text/CSV, Web, Table/Range, Existing
❖ Queries & Connection Group – Refresh All, Properties, Edit Links, Queries, Connections

Charts – There are eight types of charts. Column or Bar Chart, Hierarchy Chart, Line Chart or Area
Chart, Combo Chart, Statistic Chart, Bubble Chart, Pie Chart, Waterfall, Funnel, Stock, Surface or Radar
❖ Sort & Filter Group – Sort, Filter, Reapply, Clear, Advanced
❖ Data Tools Group – Text to columns, Flash Fill, Remove Duplicates, Data Validation,
Consolidate, Manage Data Mode, Relationships
❖ Forecast Group – What-If Analysis, Forecast Sheet
❖ Outline Group – Group, Ungroup, Subtotal
Review Tab
It contains the editing feature, comments, track changes and workbook protection options. It makes
to share the data easily with the proper information and ensuring the security of data.

❖ Proofing Group – Spell Check, Thesaurus

❖ Language Group – Translate
❖ Comments Group – Comment (New, Delete, Previous, Next, Hide/Show)
❖ Protect Group – Protect Sheet, Protect Notebook, Allow Edit Ranges. Unshared workbook,
❖ Ink Group – Start Inking, Hide Ink
View Tab
View Tab helps to change the view of an Excel sheet and make it easy to view this data. This tab is
useful for preparing the workbook for printing. The groups and keys under this tab are:

❖ Workbook Views Group – Normal, Page Break Preview, Page Layout & Custom View
❖ Show Group – Ruler, Formula Bar, Gridlines, Headings
❖ Zoom Group – Zoom (10% - 400%), 100%, Zoom to Selection
❖ Window Group – New Window, Arrange All, Freeze Panes, View side by side, Synchronous
Scrolling, Reset Windows, Show/Hide, Switch Windows
❖ Macros Group – Macros
Help Tab
The user can get help using this tab, by tapping F1 key.

❖ Help Group – Help, Contact Support, Feedback, Show Training

❖ Community Group – Community, Excel Blog, Suggest a Feature
Features of Spreadsheet (MS Excel)
Workbook – It is an Excel file which contains worksheets of rows and columns.
Worksheet – A single document or sheet in a workbook which is used to store and work with data. It
consists of rows and columns,
Rows and Columns Headings – It indicates the number of rows (Left of the worksheet) and alphabet
of column (Top of the worksheet). The total number of rows is 1,048,576 and columns is 16,384 in
the new version of Excel Sheet. Column width is 255 characters and row height is 409 points.
Cell – Cell is a box which is the interaction of a row and column in a worksheet. It is the smallest block
of the spreadsheet. The cell in which the user working is knows as Active cell. The maximum number
of line feeds per cell is 253 in the new version of Excel


Cell Address – The location of a cell is known as Cell Address, Example: C10 (Column: Row)
Autofill – Autofill fills the values in the cell according to a given pattern (i.e. Months & Days, Even
Numbers, Odd Numbers, etc.) This is done through the Fill Handle.
Formula – It is an expression which calculates the value of a cell. It always starts with ‘=’
Pivot Table – Pivot Table is an interactive report creating system. It is used to reorganize and
summarize the data.
Flash Fill – Flash Fill is used to identify the patterns in existing data. It copies only required data from
one column to another.
Freeze Panes – It is used to freeze rows/columns in place and making it visible when scrolling. Example
- Header row Visible.
Macro – It is a sequence of instructions that replace a repetitive series of keyboard and mouse actions
to execute. It is used In MS Word and MS Excel.
Status Bar – It is the bar below the worksheet names that has a few buttons and indicators.
Wrap Text – When text exceeds a column width/Height, wrap text automatically adjust the
height/width of a cell to make all text visible.
Sparklines – They are graphs that can fit into one cell and gives the information about the data.
Shortcut Keys
Keys Description Keys Description
F2 Edit active cell Shift + F11 Insert new worksheet
Calculate the active
F5 Go to Dialog box Shift + F9
F9 Create worksheets Ctrl + Shift + ; Time
F4 Create and absolute Ctrl + ; Date
Tab Right one cell F11 Create chart
Shift + Tab Left one cell Ctrl + Shift + U Expand/Collapse formula bar
Ctrl + Home To first cell Alt + = Insert AutoSum Function
Ctrl + End To Last cell Ctrl + Shift + @ Apply the time format
Shift + Spacebar Select entire row Ctrl + Shift + # Apply the date format
Apply the percentage format
Ctrl + Spacebar Select entire column Ctrl + Shift + %
without decimal
Apply the currency format
Ctrl + 0 Hide selected rows Ctrl + Shift + $
with two decimals
Start a new line in the same
Ctrl + 9 Hide selected columns Alt + Enter
Create Pivot Chart in the same
Alt + F1
MS PowerPoint is a popular presentation program and is used to create slideshows which comprise
text, graphics, sounds and other animated media. Features such as word art, auto shapes etc. can also
be added to the presentation. It is convenient for both school and office level work. ‘.ppt’ is the file
extension of MS PowerPoint.
Filename Extensions
Microsoft PowerPoint's native file formats are denoted either by a .ppt or .pptx filename extension.
Although the .ppt extension has been used in many different versions of PowerPoint (97-2003)


The newer .pptx extension signifies the Office Open XML international standard for Office documents
and is used by PowerPoint 2007 and later for Windows, PowerPoint 2008 and later for macOS, as well
as by a growing number of applications from other vendors, including Writer, an open
source word processing program.
To open or start Microsoft PowerPoint
There are three methods to open or start Microsoft PowerPoint.
1. Double click on Microsoft PowerPoint Icon on Desktop.
1. Click on the Start button  in the bottom left hand corner of computer screen.
2. When the menu pops up, move our mouse up to Programs. A sub menu will appear showing
all the software we have.
3. Now click Microsoft Office then select Microsoft PowerPoint from them. Microsoft PowerPoint
will start up.
Click Start >> Program >> MS Office >> MS PowerPoint
1. Press Windowkey + R (Open Run Dialog box)
2. Type powerpnt.exe and press Enter key. Microsoft PowerPoint will start up.
PowerPoint Window

Title Bar
Displays the name of the application and the file currently in use.
Displays the numerous functions and tools available to work with your presentation.
Quick Access Toolbar
Enables you to customize the toolbar to contain the commands you use most frequently.
File tab (Backstage View)
Provides access to basic commands such as New, Open, Save, Print and Share plus access to customize
the application.
Slides pane
Displays a thumbnail version of each slide within the presentation.
The area which will be displayed as full screen when viewed in Slide Show mode.
Status Bar


Provides information relating to features such as slide number, spell check and shortcuts to Notes,
Comments, various different views and zoom functions.
Displayed as dotted lines which allows you to identify where you can add text, and insert elements
such as images or tables.
The Ribbon in MS PowerPoint is divided into following tabs.
Home Tab
The Home Tab includes the commands for formatting presentations. The Keys and Groups under the
Home Tab are:

❖ Clipboard Group – Cut, Copy, Paste, Format Painter

❖ Slides Group – New slide, Layout, Reset, Section
❖ Font Group – Font Style & size (Max. size is 96 in dropdown selection), Text Shadow, Bold,
Underline, Italic, Strikethrough, Clear All Formatting, Character Spacing, Change case
❖ Paragraph Group – Bulleting, Numbering, Align Text, Text direction, Convert to SmartArt
❖ Drawing Group – Shapes, Arrange, Quick Styles, Shape Fill, Shape Outline, Shape Effects
❖ Editing Group – Find, Replace, Select
Insert Tab
It is used to add features such as tables, pictures, clip art, shapes, charts, word art, or headers, and
footers into a presentation. The groups and buttons in this tab are:

❖ Slides Group – New Slide

❖ Tables Group – Draw/Add Table
❖ Images Group – Pictures, Online Pictures, Screenshot, Photo Album
❖ Illustrations Group – Shapes, Icons, 3D models, Smart Art, Chart
❖ Add-ins Group – Store, Add-ins
❖ Links Group – Zoom, Link, Action
❖ Comments – Add comment, Edit& Delete Comment)
❖ Text Group – TextBox, Header & Footer, Word Art, Date & Time, Slide number, Object
❖ Symbols Group – Equation and Symbol
❖ Media Group – Video, Audio, Screen Recording
Design Tab
The Design tab holds commands related to the presence of slides like page setup and slide orientation.
The group and Keys under this tab are:

❖ Themes Group – Listed Slide Themes

❖ Variants Group – Listed Variants


❖ Customize Group – Slide Size, Format Background
Transition Tab
Transitions tab is used to add transitions to a slide and to customize transition effects. The group and
Keys of Transition Tab are:

❖ Preview – to view slides

❖ Transition to this slide – Listed transition, Effect options)
❖ Timing Group – Sound, Duration, Apply to all slides, Advance slide
Animation Tab
It is used to add animation to text in a slide and to manage the animation order. The Groups and Keys

❖ Preview Group – Slide’s Preview

❖ Animation Group – Listed Animation, Effect Options
❖ Advanced Animation – Add Animation, Animation Pane, Trigger, Animation Painter
❖ Timing Group – Start, Duration, Delay of slides, Reorder Animation
Slideshow Tab
This tab is used to finalize the slideshow details, timings, and more. The Keys and groups under this
tab are:

❖ Start Slide Show Group – From Beginning, From Current Slide, Present Online, Custom
❖ Set up Group – Set up slideshow, Hide slide, Rehearse timings, Record Slide Show
❖ Monitors Group – Automatic, Use Presenter View
Review Tab
Review tab is used to check spelling, to collaborate by adding comments, and to access editor tools.
The groups are:

❖ Proofing Group – Spelling, Thesaurus

❖ Language Group – Translate, Language
❖ Comments Group – New comment, Delete Previous/next Comment
❖ Compare Group – Compare, Accept, Reject, End Review, reviewing Pane
❖ Ink Group – Start inking, Hide ink
❖ OneNote Group – Linked Notes
View Tab
View tab is used to access the various presentation views, to show and hide the rulerand grid lines,
and more.


❖ Presentation Views Group – Normal, Outline view, Slide Sorter, Notes Page, Reading view
❖ Masters View Group – Slide Master, Handout Master, Notes Master
❖ Show Group – Ruler, Gridlines, Guides, Notes
❖ Zoom Group – Zoom (10% to 400%), Fit to the window
❖ Colour/Grayscale Group – Colour, Grayscale, Black & White
❖ Window Group – New window, Arrange All, Cascade, Move Split
❖ Macros Group – Macros
Features of Presentation Program (MS PowerPoint)
❖ Presentation – A Presentation is a collection of individual slides that contain information on a
topic with audio, visual features. It makes an interaction between a speaker and an audience.
❖ Design Template – A PowerPoint template is a pattern of a slide whose format and colour
scheme is used as the basis for other presentations. It can contain layouts, theme colours,
theme fonts, theme effects, background styles, and even content.
❖ Master Slide – A slide that controls the properties such as theme, layout, background, colour,
fonts, and positioning of all other slides in a presentation.
❖ Normal View – Normal view is used for creating, editing and viewing presentation slides. It
contains all three view panes such as Slides, Outline and Notes.
❖ Greyscale – Grayscale is a variety of shades of grey (Black and white combination) without
apparent colour.
❖ Notes Pane – It is used to add notes and graphics that apply to the current slide in the
presentation. It is also used to print the notes.
❖ Slides Pane – Slide Pane displays the slides thumbnails. It allows the user to view and edit the
❖ Outline Pane – Outline Pane displays the text from the slides.
❖ Slide Show View – It is used to display the presentation. It is the way to preview the
❖ Slide Sorter View – It shows all the slides in a presentation as thumbnails. It is used to
reorganize, insert, delete and copy the presentation slides.
❖ Slide Timing – It is the time period that a slide seems on the screen.
❖ Task Pane – It allows to access commands like getting started, PowerPoint help, slide, new
presentation etc. related to a specific task.
❖ AutoContent Wizard - A wizard helps to create a presentation. It helps with a general structure
and suggested topics based on the user’s view regarding the presentation output.
Shortcut Keys
Keys Description Keys Description
Ctrl + D Duplicate Slide Ctrl + Shift + F Change Font Style
Shift + F3 Toggle cases Ctrl + Shift + Z Normal/Plain Text
Move anticlockwise
Shift + F6 F5 Start Slideshow
among pane
Display context Restore window to
Shift + F10 Ctrl + F5
menu previous size
Esc End the slideshow Alt + Q Search


MICROSOFT ACCESS is a Database Management System offered by Microsoft. It uses the Microsoft
Jet Database Engine and comes as a part of the Microsoft Office suite of application.
Microsoft Access offers the functionality of a database and the programming capabilities to create
easy to navigate screens (forms). It helps you analyze large amounts of information, and manage data
Important Terms and Basic Objects
Database File:
It is a file which stores the entire database. The database file is saved to your hard drive or other
storage devices.
Datatypes are the properties of each field. Every field has one datatype like text, number, date, etc.
❖ A Table is an object which stores data in Row & Column format to store data.
❖ A Table is usually related to other tables in the database file.
❖ Each column must have Unique name
❖ We can also define Primary Key in a table.
❖ Queries answer a question by selecting and sorting and filtering data based on search criteria.
❖ Queries show a selection of data based on criteria (limitations) you provide.
❖ Queries can pull from one or more related Tables and other Queries.
❖ Types of Query can be SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.
❖ A form is a database object that you can use to create a user interface for a database
❖ Forms help you to display live data from the table. It mainly used to ease the process of data
entry or editing.
❖ A report is an object in desktop databases primarily used for formatting, calculating, printing,
and summarizing selected data.
❖ You can even customize the report's look and feel.
Macros are mini computer programming constructs. They allow you to set up commands and
processes in your forms, like, searching, moving to another record, or running a formula.
Modules are procedures(functions) which you can write using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
MS Access Datatypes
Type of Data Description Size


Short Text Text, including numbers which does not Up to 255 characters.
need calculation. (e.g., Mobile numbers).

Long Text This data type is used for lengthy text or Maximum 63, 999 characters.
alphanumeric data.

Number Numeric data type used for storing 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 bytes.

mathematical calculations.

Date/Time Store Date/time for the years 100 through 8 bytes.


Currency It allows you to store currency values and 8 bytes.

numeric data with one to four decimal
Auto Number Assign a unique number or assigned by Four bytes (16 bytes if it is set as
Microsoft Access when any new record is a Replication ID).
created. Usually used as the primary key

Yes/No It only stores logical values Yes and No. 1 bit

Attachment It stores files, such as digital photos. Up to 2 GB Data can be stored.

Multiple files can be attached per record.

OLE objects OLE objects can store audio, video, other Up to 2 GB data can be stored.
Binary Large Objects.

Hyperlink Text or combinations of text and numbers Each part of a Hyperlink data
stored. That text is used as hyperlink type allows you to store a
address. maximum 2048 characters.

Calculated Helps you to create an expression that uses You can create an expression
data from one or more fields. which uses data from one or
more fields.

Microsoft Outlook being a part of Microsoft's Office Suite family is widely used as desktop email client
to communicate over internet. Many organizations and business users utilize MS Outlook in combined
with Microsoft Exchange Server and Share point Server to send or receive emails, coordinate meetings
and calendars etc.
Outlook can be easily expended with Smartphone's allowing users to access their email data
anywhere around the world. Only they have to synchronize their mailbox with device by providing
user ID and password. In addition, for those users who are not availed with this facility into their
devices can download numerous Add-ons available into internet market.


Basic Functions of Outlook
Outlook has some latest features that make Outlook more favorite of plenty of users across the globe.
All below discussed features are some basics of Outlook but they get improved with each upgraded
version of Outlook.
Unfailing Communication
MS Outlook allows users to communicate in plenty of ways focusing main on emailing. Outlook allows
users to send or receive email to other user with some advance enhancements like attachment,
signatures, themes and backgrounds etc. Carrying out communication in Microsoft Outlook is
streamlined process as interface is quite simple.
Coordination and Constitution
In aspects where organization of work tasks is issue, Outlook takes first position in way it provides
calendar feature. Via using calendars in Outlook users can view all of tasks and meetings as daily,
weekly and monthly wise with coloring important meetings. 'Contacts' is another way to stay
organized in Outlook. It allows you to save vCard that are digital cards in electronic communication
Message Confirmation
To keep a record of messages that send to other users, Outlook offers best tracking services than any
other application. When users send a message to anyone, if it's reached or not, they can set Outlook
options as 'Request a Delivery Report' from settings to ensure that message has been delivered.
'Request a read report' option for users to know whether opposite party has opens message or not.
MS Outlook also provide option to perform teamwork tasks easily just like meetings. 'Meeting Invite'
feature in Outlook allow users to invite all users for immediate meetings along with tracking who
accepts or who declines this invitation. Moreover, Outlook 'Share My Calendar' function also lets
users about confirmation of both parties for meetings etc. Another useful function is 'Task Request'
that helps to assign work to other colleagues.
Integration with Microsoft Exchange
Outlook and Exchange server when are used integrated with each other works as parallel track for
employees. No extra efforts are required to let Outlook and Exchange work together. In order to set
Outlook with Exchange Server user has to perform few steps using Outlook settings and that's it a
smooth commune is available for IT users.
Outlook's Co-ordination with Active Directory
Active Directory is all credentials of Exchange Users that are registered on Server, when users log into
Outlook account, they don't have to fill all login credentials again and again to log into Exchange
Server account. In fact, MS Outlook does not require any information it figures out the right e-mail
address via AD and log into respective email client.
Additional Benefits with Outlook
Outlook additionally also supports many other smart devices and applications providing great way of
accessing mailbox data from anywhere around the world. These days lots of Smartphone's are
available those provide facility to synch your Outlook mailbox with phone, whereas those who don't
provide this facility, can hire third party add-ons available on market rendering service of
synchronizing with Outlook account.
Easy Management of Emails


In MS Outlook, sorting is allowed for email messages indicating specification to prior messages. Users
can sort messages according to their requirements and can also send different automatic messages
to different email address.
Swift Workflow Strategies
Outlook is not limited only to messaging instead it allow users to set workflows for occasions like
online voting. If a group of people needs to decide the meeting place somewhere out of station than
they can just take online permission of every other coordinators via online voting. Moreover, Outlook
'Form' feature allow users to take request from subordinators for time off, and if approves it gets
returned to user.
Powerful Security Mechanisms
Being a part of Microsoft family, Outlook possesses quite strong security on its features. Junk mail
filters restricts web bugs, data from foreign sites and downloading images from internet by default.
This means it has embedded security features disallowing unwanted virus and malwares entering into
Outlook account.
Multiple Email Account Configurations
Outlook is not only limited to single Outlook instead users can configure several accounts in Outlook
using different protocols. More than one account can be configured in Outlook and can be operated
with one set of rules. Moreover, if required all the set accounts can be sorted according to
differentiate needs of users.
1. A pre-formatted document or a wizard for fill-in-the-blank creation of a document is called
a) Draft
b) Layout
c) Tab
d) Template
Answer – d) Template
Explanation – A template is a file that serves as a starting point for a new document. When
you open a template, it is pre-formatted in some way. For example, you might use template in
Microsoft Word that is formatted as a business letter.
2. Which of the following can be used to select the entire document?
a) Ctrl + B
b) Ctrl + A
c) Ctrl + V
d) Ctrl + C
Answer – b) Ctrl + A
Explanation –
Ctrl + B - Bold
Ctrl + A - Select all
Ctrl +V - Paste
Ctrl + C - Copy
3. Which of the following is not a term pertaining to MS Word?
a) Delete
b) Edit


c) Copy
d) Slide Show
Answer – d) Slide Show
Explanation – Slide Show or slide presentation is a series of pictures or pages of information
(slides) used in MS PowerPoint.
4. Which of the following is/are features of Microsoft Word?
a) Mail Merge
b) Thesaurus
c) Auto-Spell Check
d) All of the above
Answer – d) All of the above
Explanation – Some important features of MS Word are Mail Merge, Thesaurus, Auto-Spell
Check, Print document and insert pictures, etc.
5. The Shortcut key to check the spelling in the active document?
a) F6
b) F7
c) F5
d) F11
Answer – b) F7
Explanation – F7 - Spell check
F5 - Open “Go To” tab on the Find and Replace window.
F11 - Jump to the next field in your document.
6. Which of the following can be used to insert a link?
a) Ctrl + A
b) Ctrl + K
c) Ctrl + C
d) Ctrl + V
Answer – b) Ctrl + K
Explanation – Ctrl + A – Select All
Ctrl + K – Insert a link
Ctrl + C – Copy
Ctrl + V – Paste
7. The key F12 opens a(n)
a) Save As dialog box
b) Open dialog box
c) Save dialog box
d) Close dialog box
Answer – a) Save As dialog box
Explanation – F12 – Save as Dialogue box
Ctrl + F12 – Open Dialogue box
8. “Ctrl + Y” can be used to
a) Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard
b) Copied the selection and put in on the Clipboard
c) Inserts the Clipboard contents at the Insertion point


d) Redo the last action performed
Answer – d) Redo the last action performed
Explanation – Ctrl + Z – Undo
Ctrl + Y – Redo
9. The amount of space between lines of text is called
a) Line Spacing
b) Paragraph Spacing
c) Indent
d) None of the above
Answer – a) Line spacing
Explanation – Line spacing is the space between each line in a paragraph.
Paragraph spacing determines the amount of space above or below a paragraph.
Indent is an empty space at the beginning of a line to signal the start of a new paragraph.
10. Which feature allows you to type words in a paragraph continually without pressing the enter
key at the end of each line?
a) Image Wrap
b) Word Wrap
c) Picture Wrap
d) None of the above
Answer – b) Word Wrap
Explanation – Line breaking, also known as word wrapping, is breaking a section of text into
lines so that it will fit into the available width of a page, window or other display area.
11. Which of the following tab consists of Spelling and grammar, thesaurus etc.?
a) View
b) Mailings
c) References
d) Review
Answer – d) Review
Explanation –

12. By default, on which page the header and footer is printed on

a) alternate page
b) every page
c) first page
d) None of the above
Answer – b) every page
Explanation – The header is a section of the document that appears in the top margin, while
the footer is a section of the document that appears in the bottom margin. Headers and
footers generally contain information such as the page number, date, and document name.
13. Which of the following can be used to move the cursor to the end of the document?
a) Ctrl + End
b) Ctrl + Home


c) Ctrl + Del
d) Ctrl + Backspace
Answer – a) Ctrl + End
Explanation –
Ctrl + End - Pressing Ctrl and End at the same time will go to the end of the document.
Ctrl + Home - Pressing Ctrl and Home at the same time will go to the very beginning of the
14. What is the extension of files created in MS-Word 97- 2003?
a) .dot
b) .doc
c) .docx
d) .txt
Answer – b) .doc
Explanation –
.doc - MS Word 97-2003
.docx - MS Word (After 2007)
15. Presentation designs that regulate the formatting and layout for the slide are commonly called
a) Design plates
b) Templates
c) Place-holders
d) Blueprints
Answer – b) Templates
Explanation – A PowerPoint template is a pattern or blueprint of a slide or group of slides that
you save as a .potx file. Templates can contain layouts, colors, fonts, effects, background styles,
and even content. You can create your own custom templates and store them, reuse them,
and share them with others.
16. Which of the following is the default page setup orientation for notes pages, outlines, and
a) Vertical
b) Landscape
c) Portrait
d) All of the above
Answer – b) Landscape
Explanation – Landscape is the default page setup orientation of slide in PowerPoint. Having
said that, a user can easily change the orientation of the slide depending on the need.
17. Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called
a) effects
b) custom animations
c) transitions
d) preset animations
Answer – c) transitions
Explanation – In Microsoft PowerPoint, slide transitions are motion effects that occur in Slide
Show view when you move from one slide to the next during a presentation. You can control
the speed, add sound, and even customize the properties of transition effects.


18. The PowerPoint view that displays only text (title and bullets) is
a) Slide Show
b) Slide Sorter View
c) Notes Page View
d) Outline View
Answer – d) Outline View
Explanation –
❖ Slide View – Shows one slide at a time Slide view is optimized for editing. You can edit

not only the text of a slide but also any graphics, sounds, and animations that might be
included on the slide.
❖ Outline View – Shows the contents of your presentation in outline format. This view is

optimized for organizing and arranging the content of your presentation.

❖ Slide Sorter View – Shows a thumbnail image of each slide in your presentation. This

view is best when you want to rearrange the order of your slides or just want to see
each slide in your presentation with the formats and colors you have chosen. In Slide
Sorter View you can't edit the contents of a slide, but you can quickly switch to Slide
View where you can edit the contents.
❖ Notes Page View – Shows one slide at a time with speaker's notes. This view is best

when you are entering or reviewing the notes you made for slides.
❖ Slide Show View – Shows your presentation as it will look to the audience when you

run it. This view displays one slide at a time in full-screen mode
19. Objects on the slide that hold text are called
a) Placeholders
b) Object holders
c) Auto-Layouts
d) Text holders
Answer – a) Placeholders
Explanation – A placeholder is a container that is used to display content, such as text, table,
picture, movies, sound, clip art, chart, SmartArt etc.
When using PowerPoint, we use Auto layouts to help position text and objects in a manner
that looks more professional.
20. The slide that is used to introduce a topic and set the tone for the presentation is called the
a) Table Slide
b) Graph Slide
c) Bullet Slide
d) Title Slide
Answer – d) Title Slide
Explanation – A title slide in PowerPoint can take on many different definitions, but in most
cases, it is the first slide in the slide deck and appears in the PowerPoint workspace when that
presentation is opened. By default in PowerPoint, the title slide offers two text boxes for a title
and subtitle.
21. Which of the following is not a font style?
a) Bold
b) Italics


c) Regular
d) Superscript
Answer – d) Superscript
Explanation – Superscript is a character(s) half the height of a standard character and printed
higher than the rest of the text.
An example of superscript is shown below.
Normal Text Superscript Text
22. What is gutter margin?
a) Margin that is added to the left margin when printing
b) Margin that is added to right margin when printing
c) Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing
d) Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing
Answer – c) Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing
Explanation –

23. What is the minimum Zoom range in an Excel Sheet?

a) 8 %
b) 10 %
c) 12 %
d) 20 %
Answer – b) 10%
Explanation – Zoom range in MS Word – 10% to 500%
Zoom range in MS Excel – 10% to 400%
Zoom range in MS PowerPoint – 10% to 400%
24. In Formula, which symbol specifies the fixed Columns or Rows?
a) $
b) &
c) *
d) %
Answer – a) $
Explanation – An absolute cell reference is a cell reference in a spreadsheet application that
remains constant even if the shape or size of the spreadsheet is changed, or the reference is
copied or moved to another cell or sheet. It is designated in a formula by the addition of a
dollar sign ($).
25. What is the purpose of “VLOOKUP”?
a) Looks up text that contain ‘v’


b) Checks whether text is the same in one cell as in the next
c) Find related records
d) All of the above
Answer – c) Find related records
Explanation – VLOOKUP is an Excel function to lookup and retrieve data from a specific column
in table. VLOOKUP supports approximate and exact matching, and wildcards (*, ?) for partial
matches. The "V" stands for "vertical". Lookup values must appear in the first column of the
table, with lookup columns to the right.
26. Which sign is used when the column isn’t big enough to display the information?
a) ------
b) ####
c) @@@@@@
d) None of these
Answer – b) ####
Explanation –

27. When the user puts the data in word from excel, the data is ________.
a) Hyperlinked
b) Indexed
c) Transposed
d) Get into rows
Answer – b) Indexed
Explanation – An excel file is always formed of grids with rows & columns handling data
whereas a word document handles data in standard word form. When an excel sheet is
inserted into the latter, it is transformed into an indexed data.
28. Text-styling feature of MS word is
a) WordColor
b) WordFont
c) WordArt
d) WordFill
Answer – c) WordArt
Explanation – The text styling feature of MS Word is known as WordArt. It allows users to
make the text more noticeable and flashier.
Example of WordArt


Sample Text
29. The direction of a rectangular page for viewing and printing is called
a) Orientation
b) Direction
c) Print Layout
d) Preview
Answer – a) Orientation
Explanation – The direction of a rectangular page for viewing and printing is called Landscape
30. The combination of row and column is called
a) Line
b) Cell
c) Location
d) Pointer
Answer – b) Cell
Explanation – In Microsoft Excel, a cell is a rectangular box that occurs at the intersection of a
vertical column and a horizontal row in a worksheet. Vertical columns are numbered with
alphabetic values such as A, B, C. Horizontal rows are numbered with numeric values such as
1, 2, 3.


A database is a collection of logically related information in an organised way so that it can be easily
accessed, managed and updated. Some other operations can also be performed on database such as
adding, updating and deleting data. A database could be simple as a single text file with a list of names
or it could be complex as a large bunch of text files including some data.
These are raw and unorganised facts that need to be processed such as digital representation of text,
numbers, graphical images or sound, e.g. a student’s test score is one piece of data.
When data is processed, organised, structured or presented in a given context to make it useful or
meaningful, it is called information, e.g. the class’s average score is the information that can be
concluded from the given data.
Databases are of three types, namely as follows:
Network Database
In this type of database, data is represented as collection of records and relationships among data are
represented as links.
Hierarchical Database
In this type of database, data is organised in the form of tree with nodes.
Relational Database
This database is also known as structured database in which data is stored in the form of tables.
Where, columns define the type of data stored in the table and rows define the information about
the data.
A database consists of several different components. Each component listed, is called an object.
Within the file, you can divide your data into separate storage containers called tables view, add and
update table data by using online forms; find and retrieve the data that you want by using queries
and analyses or print data in a specific layout by using reports.
Database components are described below:
These are the building blocks or relation of any relational database model where all the actual data is
defined and entered. Different types of operation are done on the tables such as storing, filtering,
retrieving and editing of data. Tables consist of cells at the intersection of records (rows) and fields
(columns), which are describe below.
❖ Field – It is an area (within the record) reserved for a specific piece of data. e.g. customer

number, customer name, street address, city, state, phone number, current address, etc. Field
of a table is also known as column.


❖ Record – It is the collection of data items of all the fields pertaining to one entity, i.e. a person,
company, transition, etc. Record of a table is also known as row or a tuple and the number of
records in a relation is called the cardinality of that relation.
These are basically questions based on the data available in a database. A query consists of
specifications indicating which fields, records, and summaries a user wants to fetch from a database.
Queries allow you to extract data based on the criteria that you define.
Although you can enter and modify data in datasheet view of tables but you neither control the user’s
action very well nor you can do much to facilitate the data-entry process. To overcome this problem,
forms are introduced. Like tables, forms can be used to view and edit your data. However, forms are
typically used to view the data in an underlying table one record at a time. e.g. a user can create a
data entry form that looks exactly like a paper form. People generally prefer to enter data into a well-
designed form, rather than a table.
When you want to print those records, which are fetched from your database, design a report. Access
even has a wizard to help produce mailing labels.
A DBMS is a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to retrieve data from a database. It
is an organised collection of data viewed as a whole, instead of a group of separate unrelated files.
The primary goal of DBMS is to provide an environment that is both convenient and efficient for user
to store and retrieve database information, e.g. MySQL, Oracle, FoxPro, dBASE, SyBase MS-Access.
The purpose of database management system is to bridge the gap between information and data.
The basic processes that are supported by DBMS are as follows:
1. Specification of data types, structures and constraints to be considered in an application.
2. Storing the data.
3. Manipulation of the database.
4. Querying the database to retrieve desired information.
5. Updating the content of the database.
The architecture of DBMS is divided into three levels are as follows


Internal Level
It is the lowest level of data abstraction that deals with the physical representation of the database
on the computer. It is also known as physical level. It defines how the data are actually stored and
organised on the storage medium.
Conceptual Level
It is the overall view of the database and includes all the information that is going to be represented
in the database. It describes what type of data is stored in the database, the relationship among the
data without effecting to the physical level. It is also known as logical level.
External Level
This is the highest level of data abstraction which describes the interaction between the user and the
system. It permits the users to access data in a way that is customised according to their needs, so
that the same data can be seen by different users in different ways, at the same time. It is also known
as view level.
There are following advantages of DBMS:
❖ Reduction in Data Redundancy – The duplication of data refers to data redundancy. DBMS

cannot make separate copies of the same data. All the data is kept at a place and different
applications refer to data from centrally controlled system.
❖ Better Interaction with Users – In DBMS, the availability of up to date information improves

the data to be access or respond as per user requests.

❖ Improvement in Data Security – DBMS can allow the means of access to the database through

the authorised channels. To ensure security, DBMS provides security tools, i.e. username and
❖ Maintenance of Data Integrity – Data integrity ensures that the data of database is accurate.

In DBMS, data is centralised and used by many users at a time, it is essential to enforce integrity
❖ Ease of Application Development – The application programmer needs to develop the

application programs according to the user’s need. The other issues like concurrent access,
security, data integrity, etc. are handled by database itself. This makes the application
development an easier task.
❖ Backup and Recovery – The DBMS provides backup and recovery subsystem that is responsible

to recover data from hardware and software failures.

As there are many advantages, DBMS also have some minor disadvantages. These disadvantages are
listed here:
❖ Cost of Hardware and Software – A processor with high speed of data processing and memory

of large size is required to run the DBMS software. It means that you have to upgrade the
hardware used for file-based system. Similarly, database software is also very costly.
❖ Complexity – The provision of the functionality that is expected from a good DBMS makes the

DBMS an extremely complex piece of software. Failure to understand the system can lead to
bad design decisions, which can have serious consequences for an organisation.
❖ Cost of Staff Training – Mostly DBMS are often complex systems so the training for user to use

the database is required. The organisation has to pay a lot of amount for the training of staff
to run the DBMS.


❖ Appointing Technical Staff – The trained technical persons such as database administrator,
application programmers, etc. are required to handle the database. You have to pay a lot of
amount to these persons. Therefore, the system cost increases.
❖ Database Failure – In most of the organisations, all data is integrated into a single database. If
database is corrupted due to power failure or it is corrupted on the storage media, then our
valuable data may be lost or whole system stops.
Some applications of DBMS are as follows
❖ Banking – For customer information, accounts, loans and other banking transactions.

❖ Reservation – For reservation and schedule information.

❖ Universities – For student information, course registration, grades, etc.

❖ Credit Card Transaction – For purchase of credit cards and generation of monthly statements.

❖ Telecommunication – For keeping records of calls made, generating monthly bill, etc.

❖ Finance – For storing information about holdings, sales and purchase of financial statements.

❖ Sales – For customer, product and purchase information.

In a relational database, data is stored in different tables with relationships to each other. These
tables communicate and share information, which facilitates data search ability, organisation and
reporting. In the case of relational database, a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
performs these tasks. An important feature of this database system is that a single database can be
spread across several tables, e.g. Base, Oracle, DB2, SAP SyBase, Informix, etc.
Various terms related to relational database are as follows:
It is a table with columns and rows which represent is the data items and relationships among them.
Relation have three important properties a name, cardinality and a degree. These properties help us
to further define and describe relations.
❖ Name – The first property of a relation is its name, which is represented by the tide or the

entity identifier.
❖ Cardinality – The second property of a relation is its cardinality, which refers to the number

of tuples (rows) in a relation.

❖ Degree – The third property of a relation is its degree, which refers to the number of attributes

(columns) in each tuple.

It is a collection of all possible values from which the values for a given column or an attribute is
drawn. A domain is said to be atomic if elements are considered to be indivisible units.
The heading columns of a table are known as attributes. Each attribute of a table has a distinct name.
The rows in a relation are also known as tuples. Each row or tuple has a set of permitted values for
each attribute.
Key is one of the important concepts of database. A key is defined as the column or Set of columns in
a table that is used to identify either row of data in a table or establish relationship with another table.
It is also referred as super key, arranging the records either in ascending or descending order.
If a table has id, name and address as the column names then each one is known as the key for that
table. The keys are also used to uniquely identify each record in the database table.
Types of Keys
There are mainly four types of keys which are described below
❖ Primary Key – It is a set of one or more attributes that can uniquely identify tuples within the

relation. It identifies unique records within a table. The primary key should be chosen in such
a way, i.e. its value must not be changed. There should not be duplicacy in the record of
primary key. Primary key can be atomic or composite. The field chosen as primary key, cannot
accept null value.
❖ Candidate Key – The set of all attributes which can uniquely identify each tuple of a relation,

are known as candidate keys. Each table may have one or more candidate keys and one of
them will become the primary key. The candidate key of a relation is always a minimal key.
❖ Alternate Key – From the set of candidate keys after selecting one of the keys as primary key,

all other remaining keys are known as alternate keys.

❖ Foreign Key – It is a non-key attribute whose value is derived from the primary key of the same

or some another table. The relationship between two tables is established with the help of
foreign key. A table may have multiple foreign keys and each foreign key can have a different
referenced table. Foreign keys play an essential role in database design, when tables are
broken apart then foreign keys make it possible for them to be reconstructed.
There are various types of database languages:
Data Definition Language (DDL)
DDL is used to dene structure of your tables and other objects in database. In DBMS, it is used to
specify a database schema as a set of definitions.
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
DML provides various commands used to access and manipulate data in existing database. This
manipulation involves inserting data into data base tables, retrieving existing data, deleting data from
existing tables and modifying existing data.
Data Control Language (DCL)
DCL commands are used to assign security levels in database which involves multiple user setups.
They are used to grant defined role and access privileges to the users.
It represents the entities contained in the database. It is a diagrammatically representation of entities
and relationship between them. It is also known as E-R diagram.


It is an object that has its existence in the real world. It includes all those things about which the data
are collected. “Entities are represented in rectangles.” e.g. customer buys goods, it means customer
and goods are entities. ‘
It describes the characteristics or properties of entity. In tables, attributes are represented by
columns. Attributes are drawn in elliptical shapes (ovals), e.g. ITEM entity may contain code and price.
Entity Set
It is a set of entities of the same type that share that same properties or attributes, e.g. Students is
an entity set of all student entities in the database.
Entity set is of two types as follow
❖ Strong entity set – It has a primary key or can be easily distinguishable each attribute.

❖ Weak entity set – It does not possess sufficient attributes to form a primary key.

It is an association among several entities. A relationship describes how two or more entities are
related to each other. It is represented by diamond shape.
Relationship can be divided into three parts
❖ One to one

❖ Many to one

❖ One to many


1. DBMS is comprised of tables that made up of rows called _______ and columns called
a) fields, records
b) records, fields
c) address, fields
d) ranges, sheet
Answer – b) records, fields
Explanation – Record – The data that is contained in rows inside a table is called a record. A
record is a type of entry in which a person's name, phone number etc. can be.
Field - Each column inside the table is called a field. In this, specific part of every data is stored
like customer number, customer name, street address, state etc.
2. A database that contains tables linked by common fields is called a
a) centralised database
b) relational database
c) Flat file database


d) All of these
Answer – b) relational database
Explanation – Relational database stores data in the form of tables which are linked by
common fields.
3. Which of the following places the common data elements in order from smallest to largest?
a) Character, File, Record, Field, Database
b) Character, Record, Field, File, Database
c) Character, Field, Record, File, Database
d) Bit, Byte, Character, Record, Field, File, Database
Answer – c) Character, Field, Record, File, Database
Explanation – Character- - group of bytes.
Field - heading of table
Record - grp of fields.
File - collection of record
Database - the collection of related file.
4. The primary key must be
a) numeric
b) unique
c) multiple
d) related
Answer – b) unique
Explanation – A primary key must be unique but a unique key does not necessarily have to be
the primary key. A primary key cannot accept NULL values in a table, whereas a unique key
can allow NULL values with an exception of only one NULL in a table.
5. Periodically adding, changing and deleting le records is called
a) updating
b) upgrading
c) restructuring
d) renewing
Answer – a) updating
Explanation – Periodically adding, changing and deleting file records are called file updating.
A file is a sequence of records stored in binary format. A data manipulation language (DML) is
a computer programming language used for adding (inserting), deleting, and modifying
(updating) data in a database.
Database is an integrated collection of logically related records or files. A database
consolidates records previously stored in separate files into a common pool of data records
that provides data for many applications. The data is managed by systems software called
database management systems (DBMS).
6. A ___________ is a collection of data that is stored electronically as a series of records in a
a) spreadsheet
b) presentation
c) database
d) Web page


Answer – c) database
Explanation – A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can be easily
accessed, managed and updated. Computer databases typically contain aggregations of data
records or files, containing information about sales transactions or interactions with specific
7. Rows of a relation are called
a) relation
b) tuples
c) data structure
d) an entity
Answer – b) tuples
Explanation – The relational data model represents the database as collection of relations,
which resembles a table of values (or data table). The table name and column names are used
to help in interpreting the meaning of values in each row. Each row of a table is called a data
8. Which of the following types of table constraints will prevent the entry of duplicate rows?
a) Primary key
b) Unique
c) Null
d) Foreign key
Answer – a) Primary Key
Explanation – The PRIMARY KEY constraint uniquely identifies each record in a table. Primary
keys must contain UNIQUE values, and cannot contain NULL values. A table can have only ONE
primary key; and in the table, this primary key can consist of single or multiple columns (fields).
9. Which out of the following is not a DBMS software?
a) dBASE
b) FoxPro
c) Oracle
d) Database 2000
Answer – d) Database 2000
Explanation – Some DBMS examples include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, SQL
Server, FileMaker, Oracle, RDBMS, dBASE, Clipper, and FoxPro.
10. Architecture of database can be viewed as
a) two levels
b) four levels
c) three levels
d) one level
Answer – c) three levels
Explanation –


11. In an ER diagram, attributes are represented by
a) rectangle
b) square
c) ellipse
d) triangle
Answer – c) ellipse
Explanation – There are five main components of an ERD:
Entities, which are represented by rectangles.

Actions, which are represented by diamond shapes, show how two entities share information
in the database.

Attributes, which are represented by ellipse (ovals). A key attribute is the unique,
distinguishing characteristic of the entity. For example, an employee's social security number
might be the employee's key attribute.

Connecting lines, solid lines that connect attributes to show the relationships of entities in the
Cardinality specifies how many instances of an entity relate to one instance of another entity.
12. An advantage of the database management approach is
a) data is dependent on programs
b) data redundancy increases
c) data is integrated and can be accessed by multiple programs
d) All of the above
Answer – c) data is integrated and can be accessed by multiple programs
Explanation - Advantages of Database Management System (DBMS)
Improved data sharing.

❖ Improved data security.

❖ Better data integration.

❖ Minimized data inconsistency.

❖ Improved data access.

❖ Improved decision making.

❖ Increased end-user productivity.

13. A set of possible data values is called

a) attribute
b) degree
c) tuple
d) domain
Answer – d) Domain
Explanation – A domain is a unique set of values permitted for an attribute in a table. For
example, a domain of month-of-year can accept January, February…. December as possible
values, a domain of integers can accept whole numbers that are negative, positive and zero. A
table is DBMS is a set of rows and columns that contain data.
14. Which type of database, organised the data in the form of tree with nodes?
a) Network Database
b) Hierarchical Database
c) Relational Database
d) Multiple Database
Answer – b) Hierarchical Database
Explanation – A hierarchical model represents the data in a tree-like structure in which there
is a single parent for each record.
15. The cardinality property of a relation, refers to the
a) number of database
b) number of columns
c) number of rows
d) number of tables
Answer – c) number of rows
Explanation – The cardinality of a relation is the number of tuples (row) it contains. A relational
database is a collection of normalized relations with distinct relation names. The intension of
a relation is the structure of the relation including its domains.
16. The smallest unit of information about a record in a database is called a
a) cell
b) field
c) record
d) query
Answer – b) field
Explanation – The data in a database is divided into smaller parts which are known as record
and these records are also divided into smaller parts which are known as "field".
17. ___________ means that the data contained in a database is accurate and reliable.
a) Data redundancy


b) Data integrity
c) Data reliability
d) Data consistency
Answer – b) Data integrity
Explanation – Data redundancy is a condition created within a database or data storage
technology in which the same piece of data is held in two separate places.
Data integrity is the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of data throughout its lifecycle.
Data reliability is a state that exists when data is sufficiently complete and error free to be
convincing for its purpose and context.
Data consistency refers to the usability of data.
18. Which of the following contains information about a single ‘entity’ in the database like a
person, place, event or thing?
a) Query
b) Form
c) Record
d) Table
Answer – c) Record
Explanation – Records are composed of fields, each of which contains one item of information.
A set of records constitutes a file. For example, a personnel file might contain records that
have three fields: a name field, an address field, and a phone number field. In relational
database management systems, records are called tuples.
19. A program that generally has more user-friendly interface than a DBMS is called a
a) front end
b) repository
c) back end
d) form
Answer – d) form
Explanation – a form is a window or screen that contains numerous fields, or spaces to enter
data. Each field holds a field label so that any user who views the form gets an idea of its
contents. A form is more user friendly than generating queries to create tables and insert data
into fields.
20. Key to represent relationship between tables is called
a) primary key
b) secondary key
c) foreign key
d) composite key
Answer – c) foreign key
Explanation - Foreign key is used to represent the relationship between two tables
21. An E-R diagram is a graphic method of presenting
a) primary keys and their relationships
b) primary keys and their relationships to instances
c) entity classes and their relationships
d) entity classes and their relationships to primary keys
Answer – c) entity classes and their relationships


Explanation – An entity relationship model, also called an entity-relationship (ER) diagram, is
a graphical representation of entities and their relationships to each other, typically used in
computing in regard to the organization of data within databases or information systems.
22. An entity set that does not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key, is a
a) strong entity set
b) weak entity set
c) simple entity set
d) primary entity set
Answer – b) weak entity set
Explanation – An entity set may not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key, and its
primary key compromises of its partial key and primary key of its parent entity, then it is said
to be Weak Entity set.
23. In a relational database, a data structure that organises the information about a single topic
into rows and columns, is
a) block
b) record
c) tuple
d) table
Answer – d) table
Explanation – In relational databases, and flat file databases, a table is a set of data elements
(values) using a model of vertical columns (identifiable by name) and horizontal rows, the cell
being the unit where a row and column intersect.
24. In ER diagram, relationship type is represented by
a) ellipse
b) dashed ellipse
c) rectangle
d) diamond
Answer – d) diamond
Explanation – There are five main components of an ERD:
Entities - are represented by rectangles.

Actions - are represented by diamond shapes, show how two entities share information in the

Attributes, are represented by ellipse (ovals). A key attribute is the unique, distinguishing
characteristic of the entity. For example, an employee's social security number might be the
employee's key attribute.


Connecting lines, solid lines that connect attributes to show the relationships of entities in the
Cardinality specifies how many instances of an entity relate to one instance of another entity.
25. To locate a data item for storage is
a) field
b) feed
c) database
d) fetch
Answer – d) fetch
Explanation – To locate a data item for storage is Fetch. In computer technology, fetch has
several meanings related to getting, reading, or moving data objects.
26. ___________ are distinct items that don’t have much meaning to you in a given context.
a) Fields
b) Data
c) Queries
d) Properties
Answer – b) Data
Explanation – Data are distinct items that don't have much meaning to you in a given context.
Data when processed into information which will bring meaning to the data.
27. _____________ provides total solutions to reduce data redundancy, inconsistency,
dependence and unauthorised access of data.
b) Tables
c) Database
d) Protection password
Answer – a) DBMS
Explanation – A database management system (DBMS) is system software for creating and
managing databases. The DBMS provides users and programmers with a systematic way to
create, retrieve, update and manage data.
28. A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, relationships, semantics and constraints is
referred to as
a) ER model
b) database
c) data model
Answer – c) data model
Explanation – A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships data
semantics and constraints. ... This data model is based on real world that consists of basic
objects called entities and of relationship among these objects.
29. ___________ is a primary key of one file that also appears in another file.
a) Physical key


b) Primary key
c) Foreign key
d) Logical key
Answer – c) Foreign key
Explanation – A foreign key is a column or group of columns in a relational database table that
provides a link between data in two tables. It acts as a cross-reference between tables because
it references the primary key of another table, thereby establishing a link between them.
30. ________ tags, placed on animal’s body can be used to record and track in a database all of
the animal’s movements.
a) POS
c) PPS
d) GPS
Answer – b) RFID
Explanation – RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags attached to an individual animal can
hold basic data, like its birth date, breeding details, and what inoculations it has received. Since
tags can detect if an animal is unwell, livestock owners can address any health problems before
they get out of control.


Every computer needs to secure the data form virus unauthorized users and attackers. There are
many types of security software including antivirus software, encryption software, firewall software
and spyware removal software. Computer security is also known as cyber security or IT security. It is
the protection of computer systems.
Computer Security is the process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of your computer.
There are four methods of protection.
System Access Control
It doesn’t allow unauthorized users into the system and support the authorized users to protect the
system. It inspires the users to change passwords frequently.
Data Access control
It observes who can get the information and for which purpose data can be used. Based on the
security levels of the users, access rules can be determined by the system.
System and Security Administration
Offline methodology is used to make or break the protected system. System and security
administration can perform offline procedures.
System Design
The hardware and software security characteristics are used for system design.
In this, the system cannot be accessed by unauthorized users
This term certifies that the information cannot be changed by unauthorized users.
Access control
In this, users can get only permitted resources.
It ensures that unauthorized user cannot access the system and make sure only authorized can access
It is a process of protecting the information by storing on disk. It is an art of writing data in hidden or
secrete format. The plain text can be converted into cipher text by using an algorithm, this process is
known as encryption. Converting cipher text into plain text is called as decryption.
VIRUS stands for Vital Information Resource Under Siege. It is a software program that affects the
system to corrupt the files in the form of executable files. The first computer virus is creepers and is
developed in 1986.


The virus is used for destruction purpose. It can copy itself and gets attached by itself to other files.
The virus can attack over a network such as the Internet or removable disk like floppy disk, DVD, CD,
and Pen drive. Virus can infect the computer and spread the infection.
Types of Virus
Computer virus includes all types of malware, and adware programs.
Append Virus
As the name suggests, this virus appends its malicious code to the end of the host program's file. After
that, it alters the file's header in a way that the file's header is redirected to the start of the malicious
code of the append virus. Thus, this code is executed each time the program runs. However, it does
not destroy the host program; rather, it modifies it in a way that it holds the virus code and enables
the code to run itself.
Boot Sector Virus
It is also called as a Master Boot sector virus or Master Boot Record Virus. It mainly infects the boot
sector of a hard disk.
Cavity Virus:
It is also known as a space filler virus. As the name suggests, this virus tends to install itself by
occupying the empty sections of a file. It is not easy to detect this virus as it fills the empty spaces
without changing the size of the file.
CMOS Virus:
It infects the CMOS, which stands for Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor and is a memory
chip that contains the system configuration. This virus can erase or reset the system configuration.
Companion Virus:
It resides itself in a file whose name is similar to another program file, which is executed normally.
When the program file is executed, the virus gets activated and performs malicious steps such as
deleting the files on your computer hard drive. Globe virus is a first known companion virus, which
was found in 1992.
Computer Worm
Computer worm is similar to a virus but is technically different from the virus. It can replicate and
spread like a virus, but unlike viruses, it does not need a host program to spread. Being able to self-
replicate it can produce multiple copies of itself. It spreads through networks such as an email sent to
an infected email id can infect your system with a computer worm.
Direct Action Virus
If the file that consist the virus is executed, then this type of virus comes into action. This virus infects
the files that are mentioned in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file path. e.g.: Vienna virus
Encrypted Virus:
It encrypts its payload to make its detection more difficult. It comprises two parts: an encrypted virus
body and a decryptor, which decrypts the virus when it is executed. After decryption, the virus can
execute itself in order to replicate and become a resident. Furthermore, it is different from
cryptolocker, which is a computer virus that encrypts the hard drive data and holds it for ransom.
Executable Virus:
It is a non-resident computer virus, which resides in an executable file. Whenever the infected file is
executed, it infects the other files.
FAT Virus
Usually, it stores the information about the location of files. e.g. Link virus.
File Infector Virus
It is one of the commonly found computer viruses. It mainly infects the executable files; the files with
.com or .exe extensions. The virus becomes active when the infected file is executed. The active virus
overwrites the file partially or completely. Thus, it may destroy the original file partially or completely.
File System Virus
Also known as Cluster Virus or Directory Virus, it affects the directory of the system and changes the
path that is the location of a file. e.g. Dir-2 virus, etc.
Macros Virus
This type of virus affects the files that are created by using certain applications and contains macros.
e.g.: Melissa.A.
Multipartite Virus
This virus can affect and expand in multiple ways. e.g.: Flip.
Non-resident Virus:
Unlike the resident virus, the non-resident virus does not reside in the memory of a computer. So, it
is not executed from the computer's memory. For example, executable viruses.
Overwrite Virus
It is a type of virus that deletes the original file and replaces it with the new harmful file. Once it has
been infected, it is not possible to clean the file. e.g. Way, Trj.Reboor, and Trivial.88-D.
Polymorphic Virus
This type of virus affects system every time and encodes itself. This virus is used to make a large
number of copies. e.g. Elkern, and Tuareg.
Rabbit Virus:
It is also known as wabbit, a fork bomb. It is capable of creating new processes, and each of the new
process further creates new processes. This process continues until this virus utilizes all the available
resources in the system and system falls short of resources. It may cause the target system to slow
down and crash. For example, it is like an Infinite loop that repeatedly creates processes that consume
lots of CPU cycles and operating system resources.
Resident Virus
It is a type of virus that affects the system at run time. Usually, this type of virus is stored permanently
in the computer memory and gets active to infect the files even after the harmful code is executed.
e.g. Randex, and Meve.
Stealth Virus:
It is a hidden computer virus, which specifically attacks operating system processes. It usually hides
itself in partitions, files or boot sectors and is capable of going unnoticed during antivirus or anti-
malware scans, i.e., it can avoid detection intentionally.
Trojan Horse
Trojan horse is a malware like a virus or a worm, but it is technically different from both. It can't
replicate like virus and worm. Trojan horse hides itself in a program. Once you install any such
program, the trojan horse enters into your computer. It can provide unauthorized access to your
computer, send your files to other computers, and may delete files or can make other unwanted
changes in your computer.
Web Scripting Virus
This type of virus will occur in many websites at the time of execution code. This virus affects the
computer via websites and these websites are created by infected code. e.g. J.S.Fortnight.
Virus is a type of malicious software program (malware) that, when executed, replicates by
reproducing itself (copying its own source code) or infecting other computer programs by modifying
Ex: Code Red, Nimba, SirCam, Melisa, Ripper, MDMA, One _Half
It is a software that secretly collects user information while on the internet. Spyware can capture
information like web browsing habits, email messages, usernames and passwords, and credit card
This program launches the advertisements in the form of pop ups. Usually the add words are based
on the internet behavior of the user.
These are unwanted emails. In other words, we can call them as unsolicited promotional mail.
More advance method of Phishing in which the attackers create duplicate or similar looking website
of other companies, to attract the customers and steal the data.
These are program or information secretly stored in a computer especially the internet browser,
which allows other users to monitor the internet activities of a person. These programs usually
monitor the browsing nature of person so that the companies can create better marketing strategies.
Mail Bomb
An excessively large email (typically many thousands of messages) or one large message sent to a
user’s email account. This is done to crash the system and prevent genuine messages from being
A common trick cybercriminal uses to make users think that their computer has become infected with
malware to get them to purchase a fake application.
A software program used to monitor the traffic in a network. The hackers may use the sniffed data to
access important confidential data.
A program designed to hide objects such as processes, files or Windows registry entries (often
including its own).
This is acquiring the personal and sensitive information of a person through official looking emails.
Users of online banking and e-commerce websites are more prone to this attack.


It is a type of scam where an intruder attempts to gain unauthorized access to a user’s system or
information by pretending to be the user.
Firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls the incoming and outgoing network
traffic based on predetermined security rules.
Adware, or advertising-supported software, is any software package that automatically renders
advertisements in order to generate revenue for its author.
Antivirus Program
Anti-virus software is a program or set of programs that are designed to prevent, search for, detect,
and remove software viruses, and other malicious software like worms, trojans, adware.
1. A ______________ is a small program embedded inside of a GIF image.
a) Web bug
b) cookie
c) spyware application
d) spam
Answer – a) Web Bug
Explanation – A Web bug, also known as a Web beacon, is a file object that is placed on a Web
page or in an e-mail message to monitor user behavior. a Web bug arrives as just another GIF
or other file object.
An HTTP cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer
by the user's web browser while the user is browsing.
Spyware is a type of malware used to spy on user activity on a computer. Spyware will gather
information on users’ habits such as browsed Web sites, accessed applications, and
downloaded programs.
Spam is electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings.
2. A hacker contacts your phone or E-mails and attempts to acquire your password is called
a) spoofing
b) phishing
c) spamming
d) bugging
Answer – b) Phishing
Explanation – Spoofing attack is a situation in which a person or program successfully identifies
as another by falsifying data, to gain an illegitimate advantage.
Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text
message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing
sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and
Spam is unwanted trash email or unwanted messages coming to Instant Messenger or text
messages. If someone is spamming someone, they are sending them unsolicited unwanted
3. The unauthorized real-time interception of a private communication such as a phone call,
instant message known as
a) Replay
b) Eavesdropping
c) Patches
d) Payloads
Answer – b) Eavesdropping
Explanation – A replay attack occurs when a cybercriminal eavesdrops on a secure network
communication, intercepts it, and then fraudulently delays or resends it to misdirect the
receiver into doing what the hacker wants.
Eavesdropping is defined as the unauthorized interception of a conversation, communication
or digital transmission in real time.
A patch is a set of changes to a computer program or its supporting data designed to update,
fix, or improve it.
Payload is the part of the private user text which could also contain malware such as worms
or viruses which performs the malicious action; deleting data, sending spam or encrypting
4. The main reason to encrypt a file is to
a) reduce its size
b) secure it for transmission
c) prepare it for backup
d) include it in the start-up sequence
Answer – b) Secure it for transmission
Explanation – Encryption is a process that encodes a message or file so that it can be only be
read by certain people. Encryption uses an algorithm to scramble, or encrypt, data and then
uses a key for the receiving party to unscramble, or decrypt, the information.
5. Mechanism to protect network from outside attack is called
a) firewall
b) antivirus
c) digital signature
d) formatting
Answer – a) firewall
Explanation – A firewall is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a
private network.
6. ____________ is a form of virus explicitly designed to hide itself from detection by antivirus
a) Stealth virus
b) Polymorphic virus
c) Parasitic virus
d) Macro virus
Answer – a) Stealth virus
Explanation – Stealth Virus - A virus which uses various stealth techniques in order to hide
itself from detection by anti-virus software.
Polymorphic Virus - The virus itself can change form using various polymorphism techniques.


Parasitic Virus (also referred to as a file virus) is a type of virus that spreads by attaching itself
to another program.
Macro Virus - These viruses attack data files instead of executable files.
7. The first PC virus for MS-DOS was developed in
a) 1980
b) 1984
c) 1986
d) 1988
Answer – c) 1986
Explanation – The first virus that attacked MS-DOS is called Brain and was written by two
brothers, Basit Farooq Alvi and Amjad Farooq Alvi, from Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan in 1986. The
virus infects the boot sector of storage media formatted with the DOS File Allocation Table
(FAT) file system.
8. The first computer virus is
a) Creeper system
c) The Famous
Answer – a) Creeper system
Explanation – The first computer virus, called “Creeper system”, was an experimental self-
replicating virus released in 1971. It was filling up the hard drive until a computer could not
operate any further. This virus was created by BBN technologies in the US.
9. First boot sector virus is called
a) Computed
b) Mind
c) Brain
d) Elk Cloner
Answer – c) Brain
Explanation – The first virus that attacked MS-DOS is called Brain and was written by two
brothers, Basit Farooq Alvi and Amjad Farooq Alvi, from Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan in 1986.
10. Which virus spreads in application software?
a) Macro virus
b) Boot virus
c) File virus
d) Antivirus
Answer – a) Macro Virus
Explanation – Macro Virus - These viruses attack data files instead of executable files. The
document is sent to other computers by, for example, email or file exchange. Recipients are
receiving the infected document from a "trusted" sender.
Boot Sector Virus – This type will infect the system area of a disk, when the disk is accessed
initially or booted.
Parasitic Virus (also referred to as a file virus) is a type of virus that spreads by attaching itself
to another program.
11. An antivirus is a(n)


a) program code
b) computer
c) company name
d) application software
Answer – d) application software
Explanation – Antivirus software, or anti-virus software, also known as anti-malware, is a
computer program used to prevent, detect, and remove malware. Antivirus software was
originally developed to detect and remove computer viruses, hence the name.
12. _________ is a self-replicating program that infects computer and spreads by inserting copies
of itself into other executable code or documents.
a) Keylogger
b) Worm
c) Virus
d) Cracker
Answer – b) Worm
Explanation – A computer worm is self-replicating malware that duplicates itself to spread to
uninfected computers. Worms often use parts of an operating system that are automatic and
invisible to the user.
13. The process of finding errors in software code is called
a) Debugging
b) Compiling
c) Testing
d) All of these
Answer – a) Debugging
Explanation – Debugging is a methodical process of finding and reducing the number of bugs,
or defects, in a computer program or software code.
Testing is the process of finding bugs in already developed software not in software code.
14. Which of the following is a criminal activity attempting to acquire sensitive information such
as passwords, credit cards, debits by masquerading as a trustworthy person or business in an
electronic communication?
a) Spoofing
b) Phishing
c) Stalking
d) Hacking
Answer – b) Phishing
Explanation – Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email,
telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals
into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit
card details, and passwords.
15. A person who uses his or her expertise to gain access to other people computers to get
information illegally or do damage is a
a) spammer
b) hacker
c) instant messenger


d) All of these
Answer – b) Hacker
Explanation – A Hacker is a person who finds and exploits the weakness in computer systems
and/or networks to gain access.
16. The ______________ of a threat measures its potential impact on a system.
a) vulnerabilities
b) counter measures
c) degree of harm
d) susceptibility
Answer – c) degree of harm
Explanation – The degree of harm of a threat measures its potential impact on a system.
17. Computer virus is
a) a hardware
b) windows tool
c) a computer program
d) a system software
Answer – c) a computer program
Explanation – A computer virus is a type of computer program that, when executed, replicates
itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code.
18. The legal right to use software based on specific restrictions is granted via
a) software privacy policy
b) software license
c) software password manager
d) software log
Answer – b) software license
Explanation – A software license is a document that provides legally binding guidelines for the
use and distribution of software.
19. __________ are attempts by individuals to obtain confidential information from you by
falsifying their identity.
a) Phishing trips
b) Computer viruses
c) Spyware scams
d) Phishing scams
Answer – d) Phishing scams
Explanation – Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email,
telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals
into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit
card details, and passwords.
20. All of the following are examples of real-security and privacy risks except
a) hackers
b) spam
c) viruses
d) identify theft
Answer – b) spam


Explanation – Spam is unwanted trash email or unwanted messages coming to Instant
Messenger or text messages.
21. Which of the following enables to determine how often a user visited a Website?
a) Hackers
b) Spammers
c) Identity thefts
d) Cookies
Answer – d) Cookies
Explanation – Cookies are small files which are stored on a user's computer. They are designed
to hold a modest amount of data specific to a particular client and website, and can be
accessed either by the web server or the client computer.
22. _____________ refers to the unauthorised copying and distribution of software.
a) Hacking
b) Software piracy
c) Software literacy
d) Copyright
Answer – b) Software piracy
Explanation – Software piracy is defined as illegally copying software that does not belong to
you in a manner that violates the copyright. An example of software piracy is when you
download a copy of Microsoft Word from a file-sharing website without paying for it.
23. A computer virus normally attaches itself to another computer program known as
a) host program
b) target program
c) backdoor program
d) Trojan Horse
Answer – d) Trojan Horse
Explanation – A Trojan horse virus works as a delivery service to the harm it carries. It can
perform a specific task that the cybercriminal designed it to execute. Of course, the victim
wouldn't know about the threat because the Trojan horse virus is disguised as a legitimate
program. It can show up useful and friendly but it only does harm to their system.
24. If you are allowing a person on the network based on the credentials to maintain the security
of your network, then this act refers to the process of
a) Authentication
b) Automation
c) Firewall
d) Encryption
Answer – a) Authentication
Explanation – Authentication is the act of proving an assertion, such as the identity of a
computer system user. In contrast with identification, the act of indicating a person or thing's
identity, authentication is the process of verifying that identity.


3GP 3rd Generation Project
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project
AAC Advanced Audio Config
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AI Artificial Intelligence
ALGOL Algorithmic Language
ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit
AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec
A ANSI American National Standard Institute
API Application Program Interface
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ARPANET Advanced Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AVI Audio Video Interleave
BASIC Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BCC Blind Carbon Copy
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
BHTML Broadcast Hyper Text Markup Language
B BIOS Basic Input Output System
BIS Business Information System
BIU Bus Interface Unit
BMP Bitmap
BPS Bits Per Second
CAD Computer Aided Design
CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting
CAI Computer Aided Instruction
CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
C CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CD-R Compact Disc-Recordable
CD-ROM Compact Disc – Read Only Memory
CD-RW Compact Disc-Rewritable


CISC Complex Instructions Set Computers
COBOL Common Business Oriented Language
Commonly Oriented Machine Particularly Used for Technology,
Education and Research
CPS Character Per Second
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CU Control Unit
CUI Character/Command User Interface
DAT Digital Audio Tape
DBMS Data Base Management System
DNS Domain Name System
DOC Document
DOS Disk Operating System
DPI Dots Per Inch
D DRAM Dynamic Random-Access Memory
DVD Digital Versatile Disk
DVD-RAM Digital Video Disc - Random Access Memory
DVD-ROM Digital Video Disc - Read Only Memory
DVD-RW Digital Video Disc – Read/Write
DVI Digital Video Interface
DVR Digital Video Recorder
ebcdic Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
Enhanced Data Rate for GSM (Global System for Mobile
Communication) Evolution
EDSAC Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator
edp Electronic Data Processing
E EDVAC Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator
eeprom Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
eprom Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
E-mail Electronic Mail
ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
FAT File Allocation Table
fifo First In First Out
FM Frequency Modulation
fortran FORmula TRANslation


FPS Frames Per Second
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GB Gigabyte
GDI Graphical Device Interface
GIF Graphical Interchangeable Format
G GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out
GPRS Global Packet Radio Service
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
GUI Graphical User Interface
hdd Hard Disk Drive
hdmi High Definition Multimedia Interface
HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
IBM International Business Machines
icann Internet Corporation of Assign Names and Numbers
imap Internet Message Access Protocol
INTEL Integrated Electronics
IP Internet Protocol
isdn Integrated Services Digital Network
ISP Internet Service Provider
ivr Interactive Voice Response
JAD Java Application Descriptor
JPEG Joint Photographic Expert Group
K KBPS Kilobits/Kilobytes Per Second
LAN Local Area Network
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
lifo Last In First Out
M3G Mobile 3D Graphics
M4A MPEG-4 Audio File
M mac Media Access Control
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
MBPS Megabits/Megabytes Per Second


MICR Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
midi Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
MIPS Million Instructions Per Second
MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group
modem Modulator Demodulator
NAT Network Address Translation
N nic Network Interface Card
NTFS New Technology File System
OCR Optical Character Recognition
O OMR Optical Mark Reader/ Recognition
os Operating System
P2P Peer-to-Peer
PAN Personal Area Network
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
PDF Portable Document Format
PIN Personal Identification Number
ping Packet Internet Gopher
P PNG Portable Network Graphics
pop Post Office Protocol
pop3 Post Office Protocol Verson3
pos Point of Sale
POST Power on Self-Test
ppp Point to Point Protocol
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
pstn Public Switched Telephone Network
RAM Random Access Memory
R ROM Read Only Memory
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
SCSI Small Computer System Interface
sdd Solid State Drive
S SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory
SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol
SIM Subscriber Identity Module


SMPS Switch Mode Power Supply
SMS Short Message Service
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
sram Static Random-Access Memory
SQL Structured Query Language
ssl Secure Sockets Layer
SWF Shock Wave Flash
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
Telnet Telecommunication Networking
T TFT Thin Film Transistor
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TIFF Tagged Image File Format
udp User Datagram Protocol
UHF Ultra-High Frequency
ulsi Ultra Large-Scale Integration
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
U Universal Automatic Computer/ Universal Non-Integrated Vacuum
Actuated Computer
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
URL Uniform Resource Locator
USB Universal Serial Bus
VAN Value Added Network
VDU Visual Display Unit
VGA Video Graphics Array
V VHF Very High Frequency
VIRUS Vital Information Resource Under Seize
vlsi Very Large Scale Integration
VOIP Voice Over Internet Protocol
WAIS Wide-Area Information Server
WAN Wide Area Network
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
W WAV Waveform Audio
WBMP Wireless Bitmap Image
WI-FI Wireless Fidelity
wimax Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access


WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
wll Wireless Local Loop
WMA Windows Media Audio
WML Wireless Markup Language
WMV Windows Media Video
WORM Write Once Read Many
WWW World Wide Web
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get
XMF Extensible Music File
xml Extensible Markup Language


❖ Access – To call up information out of storage.
❖ Access time – The amount of time it takes for requested information to be delivered from disks
and memory.
❖ Accumulator – A local storage area called a register, in which the result of an arithmetic or logic
operation is formed. It contains a single data register.
❖ Active Directory – It is a Microsoft product that consists of several services that run on Windows
Server to manage permissions and access to networked resources. Active Directory stores data as
objects. An object is a single element, such as a user, group, application or device, such as a printer.
❖ Adapter – A circuit board that plugs into a computer and gives it additional capabilities.
❖ Adware – It is a software package which automatically renders advertisements in order to
generate revenue for its author.
❖ ALGOL – It was the first language with a formal grammar. ALGOL was created by a committee for
scientific use in 1958. Its major contribution is being the root of the tree that has led to such
languages as Pascal, C, C++ and Java.
❖ Algorithm – A step-by-step procedure designed to solve a problem or achieve an objective.
❖ Alphanumeric – A character set that contains letters, digits and other special characters such as
@, $, +, * % etc.
❖ Amplifier – A device that takes in a week electric signal and sends out a strong one. It is used to
boost electrical Signals in many electronic devices such as radios, televisions and telephones.
❖ Analog Computer – A computer that operated on data which is in the form of continuous variable
physical quantities.
❖ Android – It is a Linux based operating system designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices
such a smartphones and tablets computer
❖ Antivirus Software – Antivirus software consists of 3omputer programs that attempt to identify
threat and eliminate computer virus and other malicious software (Malware)
❖ Applet – A small java application that is downloaded from java-based web browser.
❖ Application Software – It is a subclass of computer software that employs the capabilities of a
computer directly to a task that the user wishes to perform. e.g., word document, spreadsheet,
❖ Archieve – It provides backup storage.
❖ Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) – The arithmetic logic unit is a part of the execution unit, a core
component of all CPUs. ALUs are capable of calculating the results of a wide variety of basic
arithmetical and logical computations
❖ Artificial Intelligence – Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still
in development, though there are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are being
used today.
❖ ASCII – ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a character set and a
character encoding based on the Roman alphabet as used in Modern English and other Western
European languages.
❖ Assembler – A program that translates mnemonic statement into executable instruction.
❖ Attribute – The characteristics of an entity are called its attributes.


❖ Backspace – This key is used on the keyboard to delete the text. It will delete the text to the left
of cursor.
❖ Backup – Storage of duplicate files on disks, diskettes, or some other form of magnetic medium
(such as taped) as a safety measure in case the original medium is damaged or lost.
❖ Bandwidth – The maximum amount of data that can travel in a communication path in a given
time, measured in bits per second (bps).
❖ Bar Code – It is a machine-readable representation of information in a visual format on a surface.
The first bar code system was developed by Norman Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver in 1952.
❖ Basic Input Output System (BIOS) – Also known as ROM BIOS. It provides an abstraction layer for
the hardware, i.e., a consistent way for application programs and operating system to interact
with input/output devices
❖ Binary Code – The language used by computers in which data and instructions are represented by
a series of 1s and 0s.
❖ Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) – A coding system in which a 4-digit binary number represents each
decimal digit from 0 to 9
❖ Binary numbering system – A numbering system in which all numbers are represented by various
combinations of the digits of 0 and 1
❖ Bit – A bit sometimes abbreviated as (binary digit) is the most basic information unit used in
computing and information theory. A single bit is a one or a zero, a true or a false, a 'flag' which is
'on' or 'off' or in general, the quantity of information required to distinguish two mutually
exclusive states from each other.
❖ Bitmap – A method of storing a graphic image as a set of bits in a computer memory. To display
the image on the screen, the computer converts the bits into pixels.
❖ Blog – It is a discussion or informational site published on the world wide web.
❖ Bomb – A type of virus designed to activate at a specific date and time on your computer.
❖ Bluetooth – A protocol that permits a wireless exchange of information between computers. cell
phone and other electronic devices within a radius about 30 feet,
❖ Booting – It is a bootstrapping process which starts the operating system when a computer is
switched on
❖ Botnet – It is a collection of internets connected programs communicating with other similar
programs in order to perform tasks.
❖ Boot Sequence – A boot sequence is the set of operations the computer performs when it is
switched on which loads an operating system.
❖ Browser – A special software that enables users to read/view web pages and jump from one web
page to another.
❖ Buffering – The process of storing data in a memory device, allowing the devices to change the
data rates, perform error checking and error retransmission.
❖ Bug – A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system produces
an incorrect or unexpected result.
❖ Bulletin Board System (BBS) – An online information system, usually, set-up by an individual on a
non-profit basis for the enjoyment of other individual with similar interest
❖ Bus – A pathway along which electronic signals travel between the components of a computer


❖ Byte – A byte is commonly used as a unit of storage measurement in computers, regardless of the
type of data being stored
❖ Cache Memory – The speed of CPU is extremely high compared to the access time of main
memory Therefore, the performance of CPU decreases due to the slow speed of main memory.
To decrease the mismatch in operating speed, a small memory chip is attached between CPU and
main memory whose access time is very close to the processing speed of CPU It is called the Cache
❖ Central Processing Unit (CPU) – The Central Processing Unit (CPU) performs the actual processing
of data. It is the part of a computer system that interprets and carries out the instructions
contained in the software. The CPU is generally called by its generic name 'Processor'. It is also
known as the brain of computer.
❖ Chart Wizard – The chart wizard brings you through the process of creating a chart by displaying
a series of dialog boxes.
❖ Channel – A medium for transferring information which is also called a line or circuit. A
communication channel can be a physical link, such as a cable that connects two stations in a
network or it can consist of some electromagnetic transmission.
❖ Chat – A method of communication in which people type text messages to each other, thereby
holding a conversation over a network such as the Internet.
❖ Chip – A tiny wafer of silicon containing miniature electric circuits that can store millions of bits of
❖ Client-Server – It is a network architecture which separates the client from the server. Each
instance of the client software can send requests to a server or application server.
❖ Clipboard – A holding area in memory where information that has been copied or cut (text,
graphics, sound or video) can be stored until the information is inserted elsewhere.
❖ Clock Rate – The clock rate is the fundamental rate in cycles per second, measured in hertz, at
which a computer performs its most basic operations such as adding two numbers or transferring
a value from one processor register to another.
❖ CMOS – A type of computer chip which is able to operate with a very small amount of electricity
from a battery. CMOS refers as complementary metal oxide semiconductor.
❖ Cold Boot – When a computer restarts after the power cut is called cold boot
❖ Command – An instruction that causes a program or computer to perform a function.
❖ Command Line Interface - A Command Line Interface (CLI) is a method of interacting with a
computer by giving it lines of textual commands (that is, a sequence of characters) from the
❖ – It is the name for the default operating system shell (or command line
interpreter) for DOS and some versions of Windows.
❖ Communication – The transmission of data from one computer to another or from one device to
another is called communication
❖ Compact Disk (CDR) – CD-ROM disks are made of plastic and are coated with reflective metals.
Their storage density is very high, storage cost is very low and access time is relatively fast. Each
disk is approximately 4.5 inches in diameter and can hold about 700 MB of data


❖ Compiler – A compiler is a computer program that translates a series of instructions written in
one computer language (called the source language) into another computer language (also called
the object or target language).
❖ Computer Graphics – Computer Graphics are visual presentations on a computer screen.
Examples are photographs, drawings, line arts, graphs, diagrams, typography numbers, symbols,
geometric designs, maps, engineering drawings or other images.
❖ Computer Networks – A computer network is a system or communication among two or more
computers. The computer networks can be broadly classified as Homogenous' and
❖ Computer Output Microfilm (COM) – An extremely high speed, low cost process that records
computer generated information directly from the computer tape or cartridge to a mini microfilm
❖ Computer Worm – A computer worm is a self - replicating computer program, similar to a
computer virus.
❖ Control Panel – Control Panel is the part of Windows menu, accessible from the start menu, which
allows users to view and manipulate basic system settings and controls, such as adding hardware,
adding/removing software, controlling user accounts, changing accessibility options, etc.
❖ Control Unit – A control unit is the part of a CPU that directs its operation. The output of this unit
controls the activity of the rest of the device.
❖ Cookie – A packet of information that travels between a browser and the web server.
❖ Cracker – The preferred term used to refer to a computer criminal who penetrates a computer to
steal information or damage the program in some way.
❖ Crash – A malfunction in hardware or software that keeps a computer from functioning.
❖ CRT Monitor – A CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitor contains millions of tiny red, green and blue
phosphorous dots that glow when struck by an electron beam that travels across the screen to
create a visible image.
❖ Crawler – A web crawler is an internet bot that systematically browses the world wide web,
typically for the purpose of web indexing. It is also called a web spider.
❖ Data – Information consisting of letters, numbers, symbols, sound or images – in a form that can
be processed by a computer.
❖ Database – A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be
accessed, managed and updated.
❖ Data abstraction – It is the reduction of a particular body of data to a simplified representation of
the whole.
❖ Data Dictionary – The document that contains clear definitions of the data that will be used in
setting up database management systems.
❖ Data processing – It refers to the process of collection and manipulating raw data to yield useful
❖ Data Flow Diagrams – A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the flow of data
through an information system. A data flow diagram can also be used for the visualization of data
processing (structured design).
❖ Data Type – A data type is a defined kind of data, i.e, a set of possible values and basic operations
on those values.


❖ Debugging – Locating and eliminating defects in a program.
❖ Degree – The number of fields associated with the database table or relation.
❖ Delete – A command to erase information in storage.
❖ Desktop Publishing – Desktop Publishing (also known as DTP) combines a personal computer,
Page Layout software and a printer to create publications on small economic scale.
❖ Device Driver – A device driver, often called a driver for short, is a computer program that enables
another program, typically, an operating system to interact with a hardware device.
❖ Difference Engine – A difference engine is a historical (now obsolete) mechanical special-purpose
computer designed to tabulate polynomial functions. Difference engine was created in 1822 by
Charles Babbage. The machine used for the decimal numbers system and was powered by
cranking a handle.
❖ Direct Access – Direct access is the capability of the computer equipment to obtain data from a
storage device. or to enter data into a storage device, in a sequence independent of their relative
positions by means of address that indicate the physical location of the data.
❖ Directory – A list of the files stored on a disk.
❖ Disk Operating System (DOS) – A disk operating system (abbreviated DOS) is a computer
operating system that can used a disk storage device, such as floppy disk, hard disk drive, or optical
❖ Domain Name – A unique name that identifies a particular website and represents the name of
the server where the web pages reside.
❖ Dot Matrix Printer – A Dot Matrix Printer refers to a type of computer printer with a print head
that runs back and forth on the page and prints by impact, striking an ink-soaked cloth ribbon
against the paper, much like a typewriter.
❖ Dots Per Inch (DPI) – It is defined as the measure of the resolution of a printer, scanner or monitor.
❖ Download – A copy (data) from one computer system to another, typically over the Internet.
❖ Drag-and-Drop – In computer graphical user interfaces, drag and drop is the action of clicking on
a virtual object and dragging it to a different location or onto another virtual object.
❖ Dual Core – The Pentium dual core brand was used for mainstream X-86 architecture
microprocessor from Intel.
❖ Dumb Terminal – A computer terminal with no processing or programming capabilities, generally
used for simple data entry or retrieval tasks.
❖ DVD – It is an optical disk storage media format that can be used for data storage including movies
with high quality video and sound.
❖ Dynamic RAM (DRAM) – Dynamic Random-Access Memory is a type of random-access memory
which stores each bit of data in a separate capacitor.
❖ EBCDIC – EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code) is an 8-bit character
encoding used on IBM mainframe operating systems, like Z/OS, S/390, AS/400 and i5/OS.
❖ E-Commerce – Electronic commerce is a type of industry where buying and selling of product or
services is conducted over electronic systems such as the Intranet and other computer network.
❖ Editing – The process of changing information by inserting, deleting, replacing, rearranging and


❖ EDO (Extended Data Output) RAM – This form of dynamic RAM speeds access to memory
locations by working on a simple assumption—the next time memory is accessed. it will be at a
contiguous address in a contiguous chunk of hardware.
❖ Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) – A special type of
Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) that can be erased by exposing it to an electrical
charge. It retains its contents even when the power is turned off.
❖ Electronic Data Processing (EDP) – A data processing through equipment that is predominantly
electronic such as digital computer.
❖ E-mail – Electronic mail, abbreviated e-mail is a method of composing, sending, storing and
receiving messages over electronic communication systems.
❖ Encapsulation – It is a mechanism that associates the code and the data it manipulates into a
single unit and keeps them safe from external interference.
❖ Encryption – In cryptography, encryption is the process of encoding messages (or information) in
such a way that hackers cannot read it, but the authorised users can access it.
❖ End User – Any individual who uses the information generated by a computer based system.
❖ Entity – An entity is something that has certain attributes or properties which may be assigned
❖ EPROM – An EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only memory) is a type of computer memory
chip that retains its data when its power supply is switched off.
❖ Escape Key – A key that permits the user to leave one segment of a program and move to another.
❖ Ethernet Card – A network adapter that enables a computer to connect to an ethernet.
❖ Excel – Excel allows you to create spreadsheets much like paper ledgers that can perform
automatic calculations.
❖ Exe (.exe) – It is a common filename extension denoting an executable file (a program) in the DOS,
MS - Windows.
❖ Execution Time – The total time required to execute a program on a particular system.
❖ Extended Data Output (EDO) RAM – It is a type of RAM chip that improves the time to read from
memory on faster microprocessors such as the Intel Pentium.
❖ Extranet – A technology that permits the users of one organisation's intranet to enter portions of
another organisation's intranet in order to conduct business transactions or collaborate on joint
❖ Export – To save information from one computer or program to another.
❖ Fax – It stands for ‘Facsimile machine’. It is used to transmit a copy of a document electronically.
❖ Fax Modem – A device built into or attached to a computer that serves as a facsimile machine and
a modem.
❖ Field – The attributes of an entity are written as fields in the table representation.
❖ File – A collection of information stored electronically and treated
❖ File Allocation Table (FAT) – It is the name of a computer file system architecture. The FAT file
system is a legacy file system which is simple and robust.
❖ File Manager – The file manager is an operating system utility that provides a user interface to
work with file systems


❖ File Server – In the client/server model, a file server is a computer responsible for the central
storage and management of data files so that other computers on the same network can access
the files.
❖ Firewall – A security system usually consisting of hardware and software that prevents
unauthorised persons from accessing certain parts of a programme database or network.
❖ Firmware – Firmware is a technology which has the combination of both hardware and software.
It provides necessary instructions for how the device communicates with others computer
❖ Flash Memory – It is a type of non-volatile computer storage chip that can be electrically erased
and reprogrammed. It was developed using EEPROM.
❖ Floppy disk – A floppy disk is a data storage device that is composed of a circular piece of thin,
flexible (i.e., floppy) magnetic storage medium encased in a square or rectangular plastic walled.
❖ Flowcharts – Flowcharts are the means of visually representing the flow of data through an
information processing system, the operations an performed within the system and the sequence
in which they are performed.
❖ Foreign Key – A field in a database table, which links it to another related table.
❖ FORTRAN - It stands for FORmula TRANslation. The language was designed at IBM for scientific
computing. The components were very simple and provided the programmer with low -level
access to the computer's innards.
❖ Format – To set margins, tabs, font or line spacing in layout of a document.
❖ Frame – The basic packages of information on a network channel.
❖ Frequency – The number of oscillations of a signal per unit of time. It is usually expressed in cycles
per second (cps or hertz Hz).
❖ Freeware – A form of software distribution where the author retains copyright of the software
but makes the program available to others at no cost.
❖ Function Key – A special key on a computer keyboard or a terminal devices keyboard that is used
to perform specific functions. These keys are programmable so that a software product can put
the function keys to specific uses. Many keyboards have function keys labelled from F1 to F12.
❖ Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO) – It pertains to the fact that most computer errors are not errors,
they are data errors caused by incorrect input data.
❖ Gateway – A device that is used to joint together two networks having different base protocols.

Gigabyte – A gigabyte is a unit of information or computer storage equal to approximately one billion
❖ Gigahertz (GHz) – A measurement used to identify the speed of the central processing unit. One

gigahertz is equal to 1 billion cycles per second.

❖ Glitch – A hardware problem that causes a computer to malfunction or crash.

❖ Gopher – A protocol used for locating and transferring information on the internet. It is an internet

search tool that allows users to access textual information.

❖ Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) – A simple file format for pictures and photographs, that are

compressed so they can be sent quickly.

❖ Graphical User Interface – A Graphical User Interface (or GUI) is a method of interacting with a

computer through a metaphor of direct manipulating of graphical images and widgets in addition
to text.


❖ Groupware – It is a software that allows networked individual to form groups and collaborate on
documents, programs or database.
❖ Hacker – A computer criminal who penetrates and tempers with computer programs or systems.
❖ Hard Copy – Text or graphics printed on paper: also called a printout.
❖ Hard Disk – A hard disk is a non-volatile data storage device that stores data on a magnetic surface
layered onto disk platters.
❖ Hardware – The mechanical, magnetic, electronic and electrical components that comprises a
computer system such as CPU, monitor, keyboard and mouse, etc.
❖ Header – Repetitive Information that appears at the top (the head) of every page of a document.
❖ High-Level Programming Languages – A high-level programming language is a programming
language that is more user-friendly to some extent, platform-independent and abstract from low-
level computer processor operations such as memory accesses.
❖ Hit - A single request for information made by a client computer from a web server.
❖ Home Page – A starting point or a doorway to the website. It refers to the web page that identifies
a website and contains the hyperlink to another web page in the website.
❖ Host Computer – A computer that provides information or a service to other computers on the
internet. Every host computer has its own unique host name.
❖ Hub – A network device that connects multiple computers on a LAN, so that they can
communicate with one another.
❖ Hyperlink – An image or portion of text on a web page that is linked to another web page.
❖ Hybrid Computer – Hybrid computers are made by taking the best features of the analog
computer and digital computer. A simple example of this type is the computer used in hospitals.
❖ Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) – It is an important protocol used on the world wide web for
moving hypertext files across the internet. It requires an HTTP client program on one end and
HTTP server program on another end.
❖ Icon – A symbol (such as picture or a folder) that represents a certain function on your computer.
When the user clicks on the icon, the appropriate function is executed.
❖ Impact Printers – Impact printers transfer the image onto paper through a printing mechanism
that strikes the paper called ribbon. Examples of impact printers are dot matrix printers and daisy
wheel printers.
❖ Information – Information is the summarization of data according to a certain pre-defined
❖ Ink-Jet Printer – In an ink-jet printer. characters are formed as a result of electrically charged or
heated ink being sprayed in fine jets onto the paper. Individual nozzles in the printing head
produce high resolution characters.
❖ Input – In order to give instructions to a computer, the information has to be supplied to it. This
information is given to the computers through an input device such as keyboard, mouse, scanner
❖ Instant Messaging (IM) – A chat program that lets people communicate over the internet in real
❖ Instruction – A command or order given to a computer to perform a task.
❖ Instruction Cycle – Fetching and decoding operations of the machine cycle.


❖ Integrated Circuits – Multiple electronic components combined on a silicon chip.
❖ Intelligent Terminal – Intelligent terminals are those which necessarily have processing power
and non-volatile data storage space.
❖ Interface – A device or program that helps a user to communicate with a computer.
❖ Internet – The Internet (also known simply as the net is the worldwide, publicly accessible system
of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard
Internet protocol.
❖ Internet Protocol (IP) Address – IP addresses are assigned to each and every computer on a TCP/IP
network. It ensures that data on a network goes where it is supported to go e.g.,
❖ Internet Protocol Suite – The Internet protocol suite is the set of communications protocols that
implement the protocol stack on which the Internet and most commercial networks run.
❖ Internet Service Provider – An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a business organization that offers
users access to the Internet and related services.
❖ Interpreter – A program that converts and executes the source code into machine code line by
❖ Intranet – A private network established by an organization for the exclusive use of its employees.
❖ Java – A programming language designed for programs or applets used over the Internet.
❖ JavaScript – It is an object-oriented programming language used to create interactive effects in a
web browser.
❖ JPEG – It is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital photography. The term
'JPEG' is an acronym for the Joint Photographic Experts Groups.
❖ Joystick – A joystick is a computer peripheral or general control device consisting of a handheld
stick that pivots about one end and transmits its angle in two or three dimensions to a computer.
❖ Justification – Aligning lines of text at the left margin, the right margin, both margins, or the
❖ Kernel – It is the fundamental part of a program, such as an operating system, that resides in
memory at all times.
❖ Keyboard – This is the standard input device attached to all computers. The layout of keyboard is
just like the traditional typewriter of the type QWERTY. It also contains some extra command keys
and function keys.
❖ Key Field – A unique field in a record used to distinguish one record from another.
❖ Kilobyte – A kilobyte is a unit of information or computer storage equal to 1024 bytes. It is
commonly abbreviated KB, kB, k byte or K byte.
❖ Label – One or more characters used to Identify a statement and instruction or a data field in a
computer program.
❖ LAN – LAN stands for Local Area Network. In a LAN, the connected computers are geographically
close together. They are either in the same building or within a smaller area.
❖ Landscape – A printer feature, generally controlled by software, which rotates the output image
by 90- to print across the length rather than the width of the paper.
❖ Laptop – Laptop is a small, lightweight and portable battery-powered computers that can fit onto
your lap. They each have a thin, flat and liquid crystal display screen.
❖ LASER Printer A computer-driven photocopier that creates an original image of the text or
graphics from the output of the computer onto a paper.
❖ LIGHT Pen – A light sensitive style for forming graphics by touching coordinates on a display
screen. thereby seeming to draw directly on the screen.
❖ Link – A communication path between two nodes or channel.
❖ LINUX – Linux is an open source operating system, meaning that the source code of the operating
system is freely available to the public.
❖ List Processing (LISP) – A high level programming language suitable for handling logical operations
and non-numeric applications.
❖ Loop – A sequence of instructions that is executed repeatedly until a terminal condition occurs.
❖ Machine Language – The language of computer is called binary language. Instructions in this
language are written as a sequence of 0's and 1's.
❖ Macro – A script that operates a series of commands to perform a function. It is set up to automate
repetitive tasks.
❖ Mainframe - Sometimes it's called a server or CPU mostly. A mainframe is only a mainframe when
compared to a desktop computer. It is bigger and much more powerful.
❖ Malware – It a software that disrupts normal computer functions or sends a user’s personal data
without the user’s authorisation.
❖ Mass Storage – It is referred to storage where large volume of backup/data is stored.
❖ Megabyte (MB) – 1 Megabyte is equal to 1048576 bytes usually rounded off to one million bytes.
❖ Megahertz (MHz) – A measurement used to identify the speed of the central processing unit.
❖ Memory - Temporary storage for information, including applications and documents. Computer
memory is measured in terms of the amount of information it can store, commonly in megabytes
or gigabytes.
❖ Menu – A list of choices shown on the display screen.
❖ Menu Bar – The horizontal strip across the top of an application's window. Each word on the strip
has a context sensitive drop-down menu containing features and actions that are available for the
application in use.
❖ Merge – Combining two or more files into a single file.
❖ Metadata – Data about data, i.e., name, length, valid values or description of a data element. It is
stored in a data dictionary and repository.
❖ Microcomputer – A microprocessor-based computer, consisting of an MPU, internal
semiconductor memory, input and output sections and a system bus, all on one, or several
monolithic IC chips inserted into one or several PC boards.
❖ Microprocessor – A complete Central Processing Unit (CPU) contained on a single silicon chip.
❖ MIDI – It stands for Music Instrument Digital Interface. It allows a computer to store and replay a
musical instrument's output.
❖ Minicomputer – It is considered to be more capable than a microcomputer but less powerful than
a mainframe.
❖ Minimize – A term used in a GUI operating system that uses windows. It refers to reducing a
window to an icon, or a label at the bottom of the screen, allowing another window to be viewed.
❖ MIPS – An acronym derived from Million of Instruction Per Second (MIPS). It is used to measure
the speed of a processor.


❖ Mnemonic – A symbolic label or code remainder that assists the user in remembering a specific
operation or command in assembly language.
❖ Modem – An acronym for Modulator/Demodulator that refers to specific equipment that provides
a means of communication between two computer systems over conventional telephone lines.
❖ Monitor – The visual readout device of a computer system. A monitor can be in several forms a
cathode ray tube (CRT), a liquid crystal display (LCD), or a flat-panel, full-colour display.
❖ Mouse – A manually operated input device for moving or entering positional information and
other data or commands by accessing (pointing to) images on a monitor.
❖ Morphing – The transformation of one image into another image.
❖ Motherboard – Main circuit board of a microcomputer that contains the CPU, BIOS, memory,
mass storage interfaces, serial and parallel ports, expansion slots and all the controllers required
to control standard peripheral devices such as display screen, keyboard and disk drive.
❖ MS-DOS – An early operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft Disc
Operating System).
❖ Multitasking – Multitasking can simultaneously work with several programs or interrelated tasks
that share memories, codes, buffers and files.
❖ Multithreading – It is a facility available in an operating system that allows multiple functions from
the same application packages.
❖ Multiuser – The term describing the capability of a computer system to be operated at more than
one terminal at the same time.
❖ Multiplexer – It is a device that combines multiple input signals into an aggregate signal for
❖ Multimedia Software programs – A program that combine text and graphics with sound, video
and animation. A multimedia PC contains the hardware to support these capabilities.
❖ Network Interface Card (NIC) – This is a part of the computer that allows it to talk to other
computers via a network protocol like TCP/IP.
❖ Newsgroup – An electronic discussion group maintained over the internet or tied into a bulletin
board system. Each newsgroup is typically organised around a specific interest.
❖ Nibble – A sequence of four adjacent bits, or a half byte. A hexadecimal or BCD coded digit can be
represented by a nibble.
❖ Non-Volatile Memory – A memory where stored data remains undisturbed by the removal of
electrical powers.
❖ Notebook Computer – A portable computer, also known as a laptop computer.
❖ Object – Something that contains both the data and the application that operates on that data,
❖ Object Code – A machine language code produced by a translator program, such as an assembler,
interpreter, or compiler.
❖ Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) – A process that permits the user to take material from one
source and insert it in another document.
❖ Object Oriented – A computer program and its data are modelled as a group of autonomous
objects that respond to message sent by another object.
❖ Offline – It refers to the state in which a computer is temporarily or permanently unable to
communicate with another computer.


❖ Online – It refers to the state of being connected to the networked computer system or the
❖ Open Source Software (OSS) – Software that makes the underlying source code available to all
users at no charge. Linux is the example of open source software.
❖ Operand – The part of a machine level instruction which tells the central processor, the location
of the data to be manipulated by some operation.
❖ Operation Code (Op-Code) – Part of a computer instruction word that designates the function
performed by a specific instruction,
❖ Operating System (OS) – A set of instructions that tell a computer on how to operate when it is
turned on. It sets up a filing system to store files and tells the computer how to display information
on a video display.
❖ Optical Character Reader or Optical Character Recognition (OCR) – A device that can scan text
from hard copy and enter it automatically into a computer for storage or editing. Also called an
optical scanner.
❖ Password – A user’s secret identification code, required to access stored material.
❖ Patch – A patch is a piece of software designed to update a computer program or its supporting
data to fix or improve it.
❖ Peripheral – A term designating the various kinds of machines and devices that work in
conjunction with a computer but are not necessarily part of the computer structure. Typically,
peripherals refer to the hardware devices external to a computer.
❖ Personal Computer (PC) – A single-user computer containing a Central Processing Unit (CPU) and
one or more memory circuits.
❖ Piracy - The illegal copying of software or other creative works.
❖ Pitch – The number of monospace characters (with same width) that will fit in a 1-inch line of text.
❖ Pixel – The smallest element (a dot) on a display screen. The pixel is the basic unit of
programmable color on a computer display or in a computer range.
❖ Plug and play – The ability to plug in a peripheral and have it work without difficulty.
❖ Plug-In – This is a program that your browser uses to manipulate a downloaded file. It differs from
a Helper Application in which the plug-in works inside the browser window.
❖ Port – A port serves as an interface between the computer and other computers or peripheral
devices. It generally refers to the part of a computing device available for connection to
peripherals such as input and output devices.
❖ Portrait – A term that designates the position of conventional printing across the width of a page.
❖ Post Office Protocol (POP) – A protocol that specifies how a personal computer can connect to a
mail server on the internet and download e-mail.
❖ Primary Key – It is a key that uniquely identifies each tuple or row in a table.
❖ Process – A collection of code, data and other system, resources including at least one thread of
execution that performs a data processing task.
❖ Program – A set instructions to perform a specific task. The term program means the same as
❖ Programming Language – A vocabulary and set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer to
perform specific tasks. Some common programming languages are BASIC, C, C+ +, dBase and Pearl.


❖ Programmable Read-Only Memory (PROM) – A blank read-only memory (ROM) that is
programmed with external programming equipment after Once programmed, it is not re-
programmable considered to be a ROM.
❖ Prompt – A prompt is text or symbols used to represent the system's readiness to perform the
next command. A prompt may also be a text representation of where the user is currently.
❖ Printer – A mechanical device for printing a computer's output on paper.
❖ Protocols – A set of rules that defines exactly how information is to be exchanged between two
systems over internet.
❖ Pseudocode – It is a short hand way of describing a computer program.
❖ Push technology – A process that allows a user to obtain automatic delivery of specified
information from the Internet to the user’s computer e.g. stock market quotes, weather forecasts
and sports scores.
❖ Query - A request for information from a database.
❖ Queue – A queue is an example of a linear data structure, or more abstractly a s
❖ QWERTY – It is one of the standard computer keyboards with the character Q, W. E, R. T and Y on
the top row of letters
❖ Random Access Memory (RAM) – A volatile, semiconductor storage structure that accesses
temporary data with a random or direct accessing method. It is accurately referred to as 'erasable
read/write' memory. Data in this memory can be read by the CPU directly.
❖ Read Only Memory (ROM) – A semiconductor memory whose data cannot be erased, or
overwritten. It can only be accessed (read) for use by the CPU
❖ Record – A collection of all the information pertaining to a particular entity instance.
❖ Register – A temporary storage unit for quick, direct accessibility of a small amount of data for
processing. Most computers include a set of internal registers that can be accessed more quickly
than the system's main memory
❖ Remote Server – A network computer that allows a user on the network from a distant location
to access information.
❖ Response Time – The total time elapsed between submission of command and data to a computer
and getting the result of computation.
❖ Retrieve – To call up information from memory or storage so that it can be processed in some
❖ Rich Text Format (RTF) – A type of document formatting which enables special characteristic like
fonts and margins to be included within as ASCII file.
❖ Router – A network device that enables the network to reroute messages, it receives, that are
intended for other networks. The network with the router receives the message and sends it on
its way exactly as received. In normal operations. they do not store any of the messages that they
pass through.
❖ Routing – The process of choosing the best path throughout the LAN.
❖ Scanner – An electronic device that uses light-sensing equipment to scan paper images such as
text, photos and illustrations and translate the images into signals that the computer can then
store, modify, or distribute.
❖ Scroll – To move information horizontally or vertically on a display screen so that one can see parts
of a document that is too wide or too deep to fit entirely on one screen.
❖ Search Engine – Software that makes it possible to look for and retrieve information on the
Internet, particularly the Web. Some popular search engines are Alta Vista, Google, BIng, Yahoo!,
Web Crawler and Lycos.
❖ Sector – A section of a recording track on a magnetic disk.
❖ Serial Operation – A method of data transmission where the data is handled in sequence, one bit
at a time.
❖ Server – A computer that shares its resources and information with other computers on a
network. This is a mainframe computer that serves the other computers attached to it.
❖ Shareware – A software that is not free but is available for a free trial period.
❖ Shell – A shell is an outer layer of a program that provides that user interface or the way of instruct
the computer.
❖ Simplex – Transmission of data in one direction.
❖ Socket – A bi-directional pipe for incoming and outgoing data that enables an application program
to access the TCP/IP protocols
❖ Software – The set of computer programs, procedure and associated documentation related to
the effective operation. Software includes: operating systems (system software). language
translators (assemblers, interpreters and compilers) and application programs.
❖ Source Code (Source Program) – A set of computer instructions in hard-copy or stored form.
When written in a language other than machine language, the source code requires translation by
an assembler (or macro assembler), interpreter, or compiler into object code.
❖ Spam – Irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over Internet, typically to large numbers of users,
for the purpose of advertising. phishing spreading malwares, etc.
❖ Spreadsheet – Software that allows one to calculate numbers in a format that is similar to pages
in a conventional ledger.
❖ Swapping – Storing programs on disk and then transferring these programs into main storage as
and when they are needed.
❖ Synchronisation – This method ensures that the receiving end can recognise characters in order,
in which the transmitting end sends them in a serial data transmission.
❖ System Software – A general term for software that supervises, sequences and coordinates
programs. System software may include programs such as: operating systems, assemblers,
interpreters, compilers, software debugging programs, text editors, utilities and peripheral
❖ Super Computer – The largest mainframe computer featuring exceptionally high-speed operation
while manipulating huge amounts of information.
❖ TCP/IP – It stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. This is a large grouping of
programs and standards that govern how information moves round the Internet.
❖ Telecommunication – The process of sending and receiving information by means of telephones.
satellites and other devices.
❖ Telnet – A protocol that allows a computer to connect with a host computer on the Internet.
❖ Template – A pre-established format for a document, stored in a computer.
❖ Terabyte (TB) - It's about a trillion bytes. Actually it's 240 or 10095111627776 bytes.


❖ Teraflop – A measure of a computer's speed. It can be expressed as a trillion floating-point
operations per second.
❖ Terminal – This is what you look at when you're on the Internet. It's your computer screen.
❖ Terminal Emulation – This is an application that allows your terminal to act as a dumb terminal.
❖ Time Sharing – It refers to the allocation of computer resources in a time dependent fashion to
run several programs simultaneously.
❖ Topology – The structure of the network including physical connection such as wiring schemes
and logical interactions between network devices.
❖ Touchpad – The device on a laptop computer that takes the place of a mouse.
❖ Track – A ring on the surface of a magnetic disk.
❖ Trackball – Input device that controls the position of the cursor on the screen; the unit is mounted
near the keyboard and movement is controlled by moving a ball.
❖ Transfer Rate – The rate at which data is transmitted tween two computers or other electronic
❖ Uniform Resource Locator (URL) – The specific internet address for a resource such as an
individual or an organisation.
❖ Universal Serial Bus (UPS) – A common standard for connecting multiple peripherals to a
computer as needed.
❖ Unix – This is an operating system developed by AT & T. It's a big push that it allows one server to
serve many different end users at one time.
❖ Upload – The process of transferring information from a computer to a web site (or other remote
location on a network).
❖ UPS (Universal Power Supply or Uninterruptible Power Supply) – An electrical power supply that
includes a battery to provide enough power to a computer during an outage to back-up data and
properly shut down.
❖ User - Someone attached to a server or host.
❖ User-Friendly Program – A software program that has been designed to easily direct the user
through the operation or application of a program. A menu-driven program is considered to be
❖ Utility – A software program designed to perform a computer system's routine housekeeping
functions, like copying, deleting files and/or providing techniques to simplify the execution of a
❖ Validation - The process of making sure that the forms and documents from a particular
transaction are correct.
❖ Video Teleconferencing – A remote 'face-to-face chat', when two or more people using a webcam
and an Internet telephone connection chat online. The webcam enables both live voice and video.
❖ Virus – A piece of computer code designed as a prank or malicious act to spread from one
computer to another by attaching itself to other programs.
❖ Volatile Memory – A memory whose contents are irretrievably lost when power is removed. If
data in RAM must be saved after power shutdown, back-up in non-volatile memory (magnetic
disk. tape. or CD-R) is essential.


❖ Webcam – A video camera/computer setup that takes live images and sends them to a Web
❖ Window – A portion of a computer display used in a graphical interface that enables users to
select commands by pointing to illustrations or symbols with. A 'Windows' is also the name
Microsoft adopted for its popular operating system.
❖ Word – The set of binary bits handled by a computer as a primary unit of data. Typically, each
location in memory contains one word.
❖ Word Processor – A computer system or program for setting, editing, revising, correcting, storing
and printing text.
❖ Word Wide Web (WWW) – A network of servers on the Internet that use hypertext-linked
databases and files. It was developed in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist and
is now the primary platform of the Internet.
❖ Workgroup – Persons sharing files and data between themselves.
❖ Workstation – The work area and/or equipment used for computer operations, including
Computer-Aided Design (CAD). The equipment generally consists of a monitor, keyboard, printer
and/or plotter and other output devices
❖ WORM (Write-Once, Read-Many) – A high-density optical disk memory available in a variety of
formats from 5.25" to 1.4". The Worm can be programmed once, permanently saving a user's
data. It then becomes an optical disk read-only memory having essentially the same features as a
❖ X-Y Plotter – A computer-driven printing mechanism that draws coordinate points in graph form.
❖ Zoom – The enlarging or reducing an image displayed on a computer process of proportionately
❖ ZIP – It stands for Zone Information Protocol. It is an achieve file format that supports lossless data
compression. A ZIP file may contain one or more files or directories that may have been
❖ Zombie – A computer that has been hijacked by a cracker without the owner's knowledge and
used to perform malicious tasks on the Internet.


1. BIOS Stands for
a) Basic Input Off System
b) Basic Input Output System
c) Binary Input Output System
d) Binary Input Output Service
e) Basic Input Output Service
2. CAD stands for
a) Computer Algorithm for Design
b) Computer Application in Design
c) Computer Aided Designing
d) Computer Aided Design
e) Computer Application for Designing
3. Algorithm and Flowchart helps us to
a) Know the memory capacity
b) Identify the base of the number system
c) Direct the output to the printer
d) Specify the problem completely and clearly
e) Direct the input to the computer
4. VIRUS Stands for
a) Very Important Record User Searched
b) Virtual Information Resources Under Seize
c) Verify Interchanged Result Until Source
d) Vital Information Resources Under Seize
e) Very Important Resources Under Search
5. User actions such as keystrokes or mouse clicks are referred to as:
a) Interrupts
b) Tasks
c) Events
d) Input
e) Processes
6. A fault in a computer program which prevents it from working correctly is known as
a) Boot
b) Bug
c) Biff
d) Strap
e) Fault
7. When you are working on a document on a PC, where is the document temporarily stored?
a) RAM
b) ROM
c) CPU
d) Flash Memory
e) Hard Disk


8. A _______ is a unique name that you give to a file of information
a) Device Letter
b) Folder
c) Filename
d) Filename Extension
e) File Shortcut
9. The ability to find an individual item in a file immediately ____ is used.
a) File Allocation Table
b) Directory
c) Sequential Access
d) Direct Access
e) File Address
10. The main directory of a disk is called the __________ directory
a) Root
b) Sub
c) Folder
d) Windows
e) Main
11. Time during which a job is processed by the computer is
a) Delay time
b) Real time
c) Execution time
d) Down Time
e) Process time
12. The ____ button on the quick access Toolbar allows you to cancel your recent commands or
a) Search
b) Cut
c) Undo
d) Cancel
e) Edit
13. A (n)………contains commands that can be selected.
a) Pointer
b) Menu
c) Icon
d) Button
e) Toolbar
14. Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer?
a) 2
b) 10
c) 8
d) 16
e) 32
15. The number system that is the basis for computer operation as


a) Hexadecimal System
b) Octal System
d) Binary System
e) None of these
16. What is the full form of USB as used in computer related activities
a) Universal Serial Bus
b) Universal Serial Block
c) United Service Bus
d) Universal Security Bus
e) None of These
17. The mouse generally does have
a) Two Button
b) Three Buttons
c) Several Buttons
d) Either 1 or 2
e) Either 1 or 3
18. Which dialog box will create a new document?
a) Open
b) New
c) Save
d) Either 1 or 2
e) None of these
19. To make the number pad act as directional arrows, you press the ____ key.
a) Shift
b) Ctrl
c) Alt
d) Num Lock
e) Arrow
20. To move the beginning of a line of text, press the key
a) Page Up
b) Enter
c) Home
d) Ctrl + Home
e) None of these
21. The program that is responsible for loading the operating system into RAM is the:
b) Bootstrap program
c) Device loader
d) Supervisor program
e) None of these
22. ______ represents raw facts, whereas _______ is data made meaningful
a) Information, reporting
b) Data, information


c) Information, Bits
d) Records, Bytes
e) Bits, Information
23. Resolution of laser printer is specified in term of
a) DPI
b) LPM
c) CPM
d) PPM
e) PPI
24. Line printer speed is specified in terms of
a) LPM
b) CPM
c) DPM
d) PPM
e) SPM
25. A laser printer uses
a) Raster Scan
b) Camera Scan
c) Heat sensitive paper
d) Laser Scan
e) None of these
26. One of the following is not an impact printer
a) Daisy Wheel
b) Dot – Matrix
c) Chain Printer
d) Laser Printer
e) None of these
27. The number of pixels displayed on a screen is known as the screen–
a) Resolution
b) Color depth
c) Refresh rate
d) Viewing size
e) Pixel rate
28. Which of the following groups consist of only output devices?
a) Scanner, Monitor, Plotter
b) Mouse, Printer, Monitor
c) Monitor, Printer, Scanner
d) Monitor, Printer, Plotter
e) Monitor, Speaker, Scanner
29. One megabyte equals approximately—
a) 1000 bits
b) 1000 bytes
c) 1 million bytes
d) 1 million bits


e) 10000 bytes
30. When cutting and pasting, the item cut is temporarily stored in—
a) ROM
b) Diskette
c) Clipboard
d) Dashboard
e) Hard drive
31. Hard disk drives are considered __________ storage.
a) Flash
b) Non- volatile
c) Temporary
d) Volatile
e) Non-permanent
32. The size of commonly used Floppy disk is
a) 4.5”
b) 3.5”
c) 2.5”
d) 3.25”
e) 5.5”
33. Which of the following is true?
a) Byte is a single digit in a binary number
b) Eight-digit binary number is called a byte.
c) Bit represents a grouping of digital numbers
d) Eight-digit binary number is called a bit
e) None is true
34. Which of the following is not true about RAM?
a) RAM is the temporary storage area
b) RAM is the same as hard disk storage
c) RAM is volatile
d) Information stored in RAM is gone when you turn the computer off
e) All the statements are true
35. Memory which forgets everything when you switch off the power is known as
a) Corrupted
b) Volatile
c) Non-volatile
d) Non – corrupted
e) None of these
36. Which keyboard shortcut centers selected text?
a) Ctrl + C
b) Ctrl + E
c) Ctrl + J
d) Alt + C
e) Ctrl + A
37. How many different documents can you have opened at one time?


a) Not more than three
b) Only one
c) As many as your computer memory will hold
d) No more than your Taskbar can display
e) Either 3 or 4
38. If a word is typed that is not in Word’s dictionary, a _______ wavy underline appears below
the word.
a) Red
b) Green
c) Blue
d) Yellow
e) Black
39. By default, your documents print in __________ mode.
a) Landscape
b) Portrait
c) Page-setup
d) Print-view
e) Default mode
40. A letter, memo, proposal or other file that is created using Microsoft Word is called as.
a) Master
b) Slide
c) Document
d) Worksheet
e) Template
41. In any window, the maximum, minimum and close button appear on
a) Title Bar
b) Toolbar
c) Status Bar
d) Menu bar
e) Taskbar
42. A __________ pre-designed document that already has coordinating font, a layout, and a
a) Guide
b) Model
c) Ruler
d) Template
e) None of these
43. What program is used in MS Word to check the spelling?
a) Spell Pro
b) Correction
c) Spell check
d) Grammar check
e) Auto correct
44. A(n) ____ is text that you want to be printed at the bottom of the pages.


a) Header
b) Footer
c) Footnote
d) Endnote
e) Either c) or d)
45. In WordPad, paint, notepad, print preview command is found under which menu?
a) File
b) Edit
c) View
d) Review
e) Tools
46. You can set left, right and ________ alignment in word processing.
a) Centre
b) Justify
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Either 1 or 2
e) None of these
47. Which of the following is not an option of edit menu?
a) Cut
b) Copy
c) Paste
d) Page Setup
e) All are the options
48. In which menu, letter wizard command appears
a) Format
b) Tools
c) Insert
d) Table
e) View
49. Shortcut for hyperlink is
a) Shift + K
b) Ctrl + K
c) Alt + K
d) Shift + H
e) Ctrl + H
50. The document can be zoom maximum up to:
a) 100%
b) 150%
c) 200%
d) 400%
e) 500%


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b d d d c b a d d a
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
c c b a d a d b d c
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
b b a a a d a d c c
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
b b b b b b c a b c
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
a d c b a c d b b e


1. What do you press to enter the current date in a cell?
a) Ctrl + ;
b) Ctrl + :
c) Ctrl + D
d) Ctrl + F11
e) Ctrl + F2
2. By default, Excel positions text in a cell _________
a) Left aligned
b) Right aligned
c) Centered
d) Justified
e) Either 1 or 2
3. All formula in excel start with
a) %
b) +
c) =
d) (
e) Either b) or c)
4. Which short cut key is used to creat a new slide?
a) F2
b) Ctrl + S
c) Shift + S
d) Ctrl + N
e) Ctrl + M
5. Father of ’C’ programming language is
a) Dennis Ritchie
b) Thomas Kurtz
c) Prof John Kemeny
d) Bill gates
e) John Ritchie
6. A compiler translates a program written in a high-level language into ________.
a) Machine Language
b) An Algorithm
c) A debugged program
d) Java
e) Program
7. GUI stands for
a) Graphical User Interface
b) Game User Interface
c) Graphic User Interface
d) Graphical User Input
e) Graphical User Interaction


8. What is the term for unsolicited e-mail?
a) Newsgroup
b) Usenet
c) Backbone
d) Flaming
e) Spam
9. The total set of interlinked hypertext documents worldwide
b) Browser
c) WWW
d) B2B
e) None of these
10. The network interface card of LAN is related to following layer of OSI Model-
a) Transport
b) Data Link
c) Network
d) Physical
e) All of these
11. The linking of computers with a communication system is called
a) Networking
b) Interlocking
c) Sharing
d) Pairing
e) Assembling
12. Which of these is a correct format of Email address?
d) contact@website@info
e) None of these
13. What does BCC mean in Email?
a) Black Carbon Copy
b) Blind Carbon Copy
c) Business Computer Centre
d) Business Computer Card
e) Blind Computer Copy
14. A connection from one HTML document to another HTML document is called
a) Hyperlink
b) Connecting Link
d) All of these
e) None of these
15. The OSI model is divided into _______ processes called layers.
a) Five


b) Six
c) Four
d) Seven
e) Eight
16. In the URL http://WWW.EDUTAP.CO.IN/, the portion labeled http is the
a) Host
b) Domain name
c) Protocol
d) Top-level domain
e) None of these
17. Which of the slowest internet connection service?
a) DSL
b) Cable Modem
c) Dial up service
d) T1
e) Leased Line
18. Which of the following is NOT a mouse technique commonly used in windows
a) Lifting
b) Dragging
c) Double Clicking
d) Clicking
e) All the above options are used
19. Ctrl, Shift and Alt are called _________ keys
a) Modifier
b) Function
c) Alphanumeric
d) Adjustment
e) Support
20. What is the default file extension for all Word documents?
a) .txt
b) .wrd
c) .docx
d) .word
e) .rtf
21. When the printer is positioned on a __________, it is shaped like a hand.
a) Grammar error
b) Screen tip
c) Formatting error
d) Hyperlink
e) Spelling error
22. The contents of the clipboard remain the same until______________.
a) You cut the text
b) you paste the text somewhere else
c) you shut down the computer


d) either 1 or 2
e) none of these
23. By default, the cell content alignment in excel is____________.
a) Left aligned
b) Text left and numbers right
c) Centre aligned
d) Justified
e) Text right aligned and numbers left
24. For opening and closing of the file in excel, you can use which bar?
a) Formatting
b) Standard
c) Title
d) Formatting or title
e) None of the above
25. Extension name for a PowerPoint file is____________.
a) .ppx
b) .ppt
c) .pps
d) .ppf
e) None of these
26. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to
a) Mainframe
b) Network
c) Supercomputer
d) Client
e) Server
27. An error is also known as
a) Bug
b) Fault
c) Debug
d) Mistake
e) Either 1 or 2
28. What is JVM?
a) .net framework
b) Java Virtual Machine
c) Jumbo Verbose Machine
d) A part of IIS
e) None of these
29. ________ is a structured database in which data is stored in the form of tables.
a) Network database
b) Hierarchical database
c) Relational database
d) All of the above
e) None of the above


30. Which of the following places the common data elements in order from smallest to largest?
a) Character, file, record, field, database
b) Character, record, field, database, file
c) Character, field, record, file, database
d) Bit, byte, character, record, field, file, database
e) None of these
31. The smallest unit of information about a record in a database is called _____.
a) Field
b) Query
c) Cell
d) File
e) None of the above
32. Which programming languages are classified as low-level languages?
a) BASIC, COBOL, Fortran
b) Prolog
c) C, C++
d) Assembly languages
e) None of these
33. DMA stands for____________.
a) Digital Memory Access
b) Direct Memory Access
c) Distinct Memory Allocation
d) Direct Memory Allocation
e) None of the above
34. What is the name of application program that gathers user information and sends it to
someone through the Internet?
a) Virus
b) Spybot
c) Logic bomb
d) Security breach
e) None of these
35. A program that performs a useful task while simultaneously allowing destructive acts is a
a) Worm
b) Trojan Horse
c) Virus
d) Macro Virus
e) None of the above
36. What type of virus uses computer hosts to reproduce itself?
a) Time bomb
b) Worm
c) Melisa virus
d) Macro virus
e) None of these
37. ASCII is a coding system that provides _______.


a) 256 different characters
b) 512 different characters
c) 1024 different characters
d) 128 different characters
e) 64 different characters
38. ____________ are used to identify a user who returns to a Website.
a) Cookies
b) Plug-ins
c) Scripts
d) ASPs
e) None of these
39. The scrambling of code is known as ___________.
a) Firewall
b) Password proofing
c) Encryption
d) Scrambling
e) None of these
40. In which type of computer, data are represented as discrete signals?
a) Analog computer
b) Digital Computer
c) Bothe a) and b)
d) Hybrid computer
e) None of these
41. In RFID, ‘R’ stands for _______.
a) Rapid
b) Remote
c) Random
d) Radio
e) Read
42. The rules of language is known as ____________.
a) Code
b) Structure
c) Procedure
d) Flowchart
e) Syntax
43. ______________ is a cyber-attack intended to redirect a website’s traffic to another fake
a) Redirecting
b) Phishing
c) Pharming
d) Tracking
e) None of these
44. Which of the following is any third-party software that is added to a program to fiveit
additional features?


a) Application
b) Add-on
c) Adder
d) Freeware
e) None of these
45. __________ are set of rules and protocols to control the data transmission over the internet.
a) IP Address
b) Domain
c) Protocol
d) Gateway
e) None of these
46. What is the shortcut key to ‘Update formula’ in a table?
a) F9
b) Alt + F8
c) Ctrl + F9
d) Shift + F9
e) None of these
47. What is the shortcut key for ‘spelling check’ in document?
a) F7
b) Shift + F7
c) Ctrl + F7
d) Alt + F7
e) F4
48. What is the shortcut key for ‘Find and replace’ dialog box?
a) Ctrl + F
b) Ctrl + R
c) Ctrl + H
d) Ctrl + Shift + F
e) None of these
49. A collection of conceptual tools for describing data, relationships, semantics and constraints
is referred as _________.
a) Data model
b) ER Model
d) All of these
e) None of these
50. Which of the following is an example of Multi-User Operating System?
c) WINDOWS 2007
d) All of these
e) None of these


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a a c e a a a e c e
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
a c b a d c c a a c
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
d c b c b b a b c c
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
a d b b b b d a c b
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
d e c b c a a c a d


1. Full Form of GIGO is
a) Garbage In, Garbage Out
b) Garbage Input, Garbage Out
c) Garbage In, General Out
d) General Input, General Output
e) None of these
2. Which of the following is not a valid version of MS Office?
a) Office XP
b) Office Vista
c) Office 2007
d) Office 2010
e) Office 365
3. The key F12 opens a
a) Save as dialog box
b) Open dialog box
c) Save dialog box
d) Close dialog box
e) None of these
4. What is the shortcut key to open the Open dialog box?
a) F12
b) Shift + F12
c) Alt + F12
d) Ctrl + F12
e) None of these
5. Which file starts MS-Word?
a) Winword.exe
b) Word.exe
c) Msword.exe
d) Doc.exe
e) None of these
6. Which is the option to go to the first line of the page?
a) Ctrl + Home
b) Home
c) Alt + F4
d) Shift+ Home
e) None of these
7. What is the full form of PDF?
a) Portable Document File
b) Portable Document Format
c) Private Document File
d) Public Document Format
e) None of these
8. Which among the following technology is used in first generation of computers?
a) Transistor
b) Vacuum Tubes


c) Magnetic Tapes
d) Integrated Circuits
e) None of these
9. Full form of URL is ?
a) Uniform Resource Link
b) Uniform Resource Locator
c) Uniform Registered Link
d) Unified Registered Link
e) None of these
10. Each web address is actually a series of numbers, which is usually called as
a) Domain Name
b) URL
11. If a memory chip is volatile, it will ____________
a) Explode if exposed to high temperature
b) Lose its contents if power is turned off
c) Be used for data storage only
d) Can be used for both read and write data
e) None of these
12. What does SMPS stands for
a) Switched Mode Power Supply
b) Single Mode Power Supply
c) Simple Mode Power Supply
d) Synchronize Mode Power Supply
e) None of these
13. In the binary language, each letter of the alphabet, each number and each special character
is made up of a unique combination of
a) Eight bytes
b) Eight kilobytes
c) Eight characters
d) Eight bit
e) Four bit
14. A collection of program that controls how your computer system runs and processes
information is called __________
a) Compiler
b) Operating system
c) Application software
d) Office software
e) None of these
15. DOS stands for __________
a) Direct Operating System
b) Disk Opearating System
c) Disk Operation System
d) Direct Operation Sysem
e) None of these


16. DSL is an example of a(n) _________ connection.
a) Network
b) Wireless
c) Slow
d) Broadband
e) None of these
17. _______ translates and executes program at runtime line by line.
a) Compiler
b) Interpreter
c) Linker
d) Loader
e) None of these
18. VDU is also called
a) Screen
b) Monitor
c) Both a) and b)
d) Printer
e) None of these
19. In ________________, the cells are referred by their fixed position in the worksheet.
a) Cell referencing
b) Relative referencing
c) Absolute referencing
d) Mixed referencing
e) Fixed referencing
20. Computers process data into information by working exclusively with
a) Multimedia
b) Words
c) Characters
d) Numbers
e) None of these
21. The display bar that lists all the open folders and active applications is called
a) Menu bar
b) Taskbar
c) Title bar
d) Window list
e) Toolbar
22. While browsing the internet, which of the following key is used for Fullscreen view?
a) F3
b) F5
c) F11
d) F9
e) F7
23. Which of the following statements is/are true?
a) Cache Memories are bigger than RAM
b) Cache memories are smaller than RAM
c) ROM is faster than RAM
d) Information in ROM can be written by users


e) None of these
24. What is HTTP 404?
a) An error message indication server not found
b) An error message indicating moved permanently
c) An error mesaage indication forbidden
d) An error messge indicating server not found
e) None of these
25. Which of the following is not a type of primary storage?
a) RAM
b) ROM
e) All are primary storage devices
26. Which of the following can be designed as a systemized collection of records of information?
a) Records
b) Array
c) File
d) Character
e) Field
27. An array containing only numeric elements is known as
a) Field
b) List
c) Matrix
d) Record
e) None of these
28. What is the shortcut key combination for display of the print preview?
a) Ctrl + F3
b) Ctrl + Shift + F3
c) Ctrl + Shift + F2
d) Ctrl + F2
e) None of these
29. What is the shortcut key to underline the word only of a selected sentence (not to underline
the spaces between words)?
a) Ctrl + U
b) Ctrl + Shift + U
c) Ctrl + Shift + W
d) Ctrl + W
e) None of these
30. Microsoft office is an example of ___________________.
a) Open Source Software
b) Closed Source Softeare
c) Open ended Software
d) Vertical market Software
e) None of these
31. What does ISP stands for?
a) Internet Service Protocol
b) Internet Service Provider


c) Internal Service Provider
d) Internet Surfing Provider
e) None of these
32. A disk’s content that is recorded at the time of manufacture and that cannot be changed or
erased by the user is
a) Memory only
b) Write only
c) Read only
d) View only
e) None of these
33. When you turn on the computer, the boot routine will perform ________ test.
a) RAM
b) Disk Drive
c) Memory
e) None of these
34. Identify the fastest memory among the following.
a) Hard disk
b) Cache memory
e) USB drive
35. Which of the following is a point and draw device?
a) Scanner
b) Mouse
c) Keyboard
d) Printer
36. The letter and number of the intersecting column and row is called
a) Cell Location
b) Cell Address
c) Cell Position
d) Cell Coordinates
e) Cell Contents
37. In MIME, I stands for
a) Internet
b) Intranet
c) Internal
d) International
e) None of these
38. If you wished to limit what you see on an Excel worksheet, what data function would you
a) Sort
b) Filter
c) Conditional Format
d) Data Analysis
e) None of these


39. What excel tool allows you to create quickly and automatically summary data from a large
data set?
a) Conditional Formatting
b) Sorting
c) Pivot Tables
d) Field Lists
e) None of these
40. If configured correctly, the _______ will present interaction with your computer after a
specified time period.
a) firewall
b) filter
c) screen saver
d) Pop-up Blocker
e) Virus
41. A(n) ___________ converts all the source code into machine code, creating an executable
a) linker
b) compiler
c) assembler
d) interpreter
e) none of these
42. Software, such as explorer and Firefox are referred to as
a) Internet
b) Utility software
c) Development software
d) Browsers
e) None of these
43. Which of the following systems mimics human being?
a) Artificial Intelligence
b) BOT
d) Intelligent Agent
e) None of these
44. The desktop contains small graphics are called
a) Windows
b) Icons
c) Pictures
d) Logos
e) Clip art
45. What is the full form of ISDN?
a) Integrated Service Digital Network
b) Integrated Services Double Network
c) Inter Services Digital Network
d) Integrated Server Digital Network
e) None of these
46. In MS-Access, a table can have _________ primary key/keys.
a) One


b) Two
c) Three
d) Five
e) Four
47. A commonly use graphic format for the web is
a) GIF
b) BMP
d) IMP
e) None of these
48. A ________ is an icon on the desktop that provides a user with immediate access to a
program or file.
a) Kernel
b) Buffer
c) Shortcut
d) Spooler
e) None of these
49. Which menu is present in Wordpad but not present in notepad?
a) Edit
b) File
c) Insert
d) View
e) None of these
50. _________ cells involve creating a single cell by combining tew or more selected cells.
a) Formatting
b) Merging
c) Embedding
d) Splitting
e) None of these

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a b a d a a b b b e
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
b a d b b d b c c d
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
b c b a e c c d c b
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
b c d b b b a b c c
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
b d a b a a a c c b


1. In windows, which shortcut is used to cycle through opened items in taskbar?
a) Ctrl + Tab
b) Alt + Tab
c) Ctrl+ Esc
d) Alt + Esc
e) None of these
2. A _____________ is a method of restarting a computer that is already on without completely
turning off the computer.
a) Cold boot
b) Warm boot
c) Either 1 or 2
d) None of these
e) Other than those given in the options
3. A complete electronic circuit with transistor and other electronic components on a small
silicon chip is called a(n) _________
a) Workstation
b) CPU
c) Magnetic Disk
d) Integrated Circuit
e) None of these
4. DRAM stands for
a) Decimal Random-Access Memory
b) Direct Random-Access Memory
c) Dynamic Random-Access Memory
d) Double Random-Access Memory
e) None of these
5. Internet is an example of _________ network.
a) Star
b) Bus
c) Hybrid
d) Mesh
e) None of these
6. ASCII stands for
a) American Stable Code for International Interchange
b) American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
c) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
d) American Standard Code for Interchange Information
e) None of these
7. To move to the bottoms of a document, press
a) Insert Key
b) Home Key
c) Ctrl + End
d) End Key
e) None of these
8. Which storage device is mounted on ‘reels’?


a) Floppy disk
c) Magnetic Disk
d) Magnetic Tape
e) None of these
9. What does AMD stand for?
a) Advanced Mainframe Devices
b) Advances Micro Devices
c) Advanced Mini Devices
d) Advances Monitor Devices
e) None of these
10. Which of the following is not a usual file extension in DOS?
a) .exe
b) .bat
c) .oxe
d) .class
e) All are the file extension in DOS
11. The most frequently used instructions of a computer program are likely to be fetched from
a) hard disk
b) cache memory
c) RAM
d) Registers
e) None of these
12. Rows of a relation are called _________
a) Relatives
b) Tuples
c) Data Structure
d) Entity
e) None of these
13. Which of the following TCP/IP protocol is used for remote terminal connection service?
a) Telnet
c) FTP
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
14. A _____ means that one record in a particular record type is related to only one record of
another record type.
a) One to one relationship
b) One to many relationship
c) Many to one relationship
d) Many to many relationship
e) None of these
15. Which of the following are graphical file extensions?


e) None of these
16. RAID stands for
a) Reproduce Array of Intelligent Disks
b) Reproduce Array of Inexpensive Disks
c) Redundant Array of Inexpensive Drives
d) Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
e) None of these
17. Octal number system has a base
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
e) 10
18. Codes consisting of lines of varying widths or lengths that a computer readable are known
as __________
a) ASCII code
b) Magnetic tape
c) OCR code
d) Bar code
e) MICR code
19. MS Excel is a(n)__________
a) Windows based word processor package
b) Window based spreadsheet package
c) DOS based spreadsheet package
d) DOS based accounting package
e) None of these
20. Which of the following is a memory management technique that makes the Random-Access
Memory appear largest than it is?
a) Byte mapping
b) Multi-tasking
c) Read-only Memory
d) Virtual Memory
e) None of these
21. In MS-Excel, what is the shortcut key to ‘Edit the selected cell’?
a) F1
b) F2
c) F3
d) F4
e) F5
22. In MS Word, “Alt + Shift + D” is used to insert _____.
a) Date
b) Time
c) Day
d) Picture
e) None of these
23. How can you increase the font size of selected tect by one point every time?


a) By pressing Ctrl + ]
b) By pressing Ctrl + [
c) By pressing Ctrl + }
d) By pressing Ctrl + {
e) None of these
24. A collection of eight bits is called
a) Nible
b) Byte
c) Flie
d) Record
e) None of the above
25. JavaScript was developed by _______ to run inside of web pages.
a) Microsoft
b) Sun
c) Oracle
d) Netscape
e) None of these
26. A _____________ main purpose is to prohobit unauthorized access t your computer via the
a) Pop-up Blocked
b) Firewall
c) Spyware Blocker
d) Spam Assassin
e) None of these
27. An error in an algorithm that causes incorrect results is called ___
a) Logical error
b) Syntax error
c) Procedural Error
d) Compiler Error
e) Other than those given in the options
28. Which part of the computer is used for calculation and comparing results?
a) ALU
b) CU
c) DU
d) MU
e) None of these
29. The method of Internet access that requires a phone line, but offers faster access speeds
than dial-up is called _____________ connection.
a) Cable access
b) Satellite Access
c) Fibre Optic Service
d) DSL
e) None of these
30. The term “host” with respect to the Internet is known as
a) A computer that is a stand alone computer
b) A computer that is connected to the Internet
c) A computer reserved for use by the host


d) A large collection of computers
e) None of these
31. When we run a program in HTML coding ___________ is used ass backend and _______
works as front end.
a) Notepad, Internet explorer
b) Notepad, MSN Messenger
c) MS-Word, Internet Explorer
d) Both 1 and 2
e) None of these
32. Which process checks to ensure the components of the computer are connected
a) Booting
b) Processing
c) Saving Editing
d) Editing
e) None of these
33. Digital video consists of a series of
a) Media clips
b) Captures
c) Frames
d) Pictures
e) None of these
34. Using Output devices one can
a) Input data
b) Store data
c) Scan data
d) View or print data
e) None of these
35. TCP stands for
a) Transfer Control Protocol
b) Transfer Control Process
c) Transmission Control Protocol
d) Transmission Control Process
e) None of these
36. In word, you can force a page break ________________
a) By positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing the F1 key
b) By positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing Ctrl +Enter
c) By using the Insert/Section Break
d) By changing the font size of your document
e) None of these
37. In the right setting a thief will steal your information by simply watching what you type is
known as
a) Snagging
b) Spying
c) Social engineering
d) Shoulder Surfing
e) None of these


38. Dot matrix and band printers are ______________
a) Laser
b) Impact
c) Inkjet
d) Thermal
e) None of these
39. The first mechanical computer designed by Charles Babbage are called _________
a) Abacus
b) Processor
c) Calculator
d) Analytical Engine
e) None of these
40. The unit KIPS is used to measure the speed of
a) Processor
b) Disk Drive
c) Printer
d) Tape Drive
e) None of the above
41. Programs stored in ROM is called ____________
a) Software
b) Hardware
c) Utility
d) Firmware
e) None of these
42. EDVAC stands for
a) Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
b) Electronic Discrete Value Automatic Computer
c) Electronic Device Variable Automatic Computer
d) Electronic Discrete Variable Advanced Computer
e) None of these
43. FPI stands for
a) Faults per Inch
b) Frames Per Inch
c) Figures Per Inch
d) Film Per Inch
e) None of these
44. What is the keyboard shortcut for creating a chart from the selected cells?
a) F3
b) F11
c) F5
d) F7
e) None of these
45. A computer program that converts assembly language into machie language is
a) compiler
b) assembler
c) interpreter


d) convertor
e) translator
46. A daisy wheel is a type of
a) Storage device
b) Pointing device
c) Printer
d) Input Device
e) None of these
47. Storage that retains its data after the power is turned off is referred to as
a) Non-volatile storage
b) Volatile storage
c) Direct storage
d) Sequential storage
e) None of these
48. In MS Excel, what is the shortcut key to “create a formula to sum all the above cells”?
a) Alt + =
b) Ctrl + =
c) Alt + Shift + =
d) Ctrl + shift + =
e) None of these
49. The operating system is also called the _________between the used and the computer.
a) Inerrable
b) Interface
c) Interference
d) Intermediate
e) None of these
50. When installing a peripheral you also usu ally need to install a ______________
a) Port
b) Server
c) Driver
d) Password
e) None of these

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b b d c d c c d b c
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
b b a a c d d d b d
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
b a a b d b a a d b
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
a a c d c b d b d a
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
d c b b b c a a b c


1. Which types of charts can excel produce?
a) Line Charts and pie charts only
b) Only line graphs
c) Bar char, line and pie charts
d) Bar chart and line charts only
e) None of these
2. How are data organized in a spreadsheet?
a) Line and spaces
b) Layers and planes
c) Rows and columns
d) Height and width
e) None of these
3. A directory within a directory is called______________.
a) Mini directory
b) Junior directory
c) Part directory
d) Sub directory
e) None of these
4. ____________ software created a mirror image of the entire hard disk, including the
operating system, application, files and data.
a) Operating System
b) Backup System
c) Utility Programs
d) Driver Imaging
e) None of these
5. Which PowerPoint view displays each slide of the presentation as a thumbnail and is useful
for rearranging slides?
a) Slide Sorter
b) Slide Show
c) Slide Master
d) Notes Page
e) None of these
6. What is the address given to a computer connected toa network called?
a) System Address
c) IP Address
d) System name
e) None of these
7. The transmission mode which allows both communicating devices to transmit and receive
data simultaneously is ___________
a) Full Duplex
b) Simplex
c) Half duplex
d) Simplex Complex
e) None of these


8. Which operating system does not support long file names?
a) Windows NT
c) Windows 95
d) Windows XP
e) None of these
9. Which of the following is not an input device?
a) Joystick
b) Touch screen
c) Optical scanner
d) Headphones
e) Bar code reader
10. The _________ enables you to simultaneously keep multiple Web pagers open in one
browser window.
a) Tab box
b) Pop-up Blocker
c) Tab row
d) Address Bar
e) Tab column
11. IDE (ATA) or SATA interface connect Mother board with ______
a) Processor
b) RAM
c) Monitor
d) USB
e) Hard disk
12. To access a Main Frame Computer, User normally use
a) Terminal
b) PC
c) Laptop
d) Keyboard
e) POS
13. A language that can be written on one platform and executed on another platform is said to
be ____________
a) Portable
b) Robust
c) Third generation
d) Dynamic
e) None of these
14. A set of instructions telling the computer what to do is called ___________
a) Instructor
b) Compiler
c) Program
d) Debugger
e) None of these
15. In computing, a ___________ is a directive to a computer program in order to perform a
specific task.
a) Hard Boot


b) Hibernation
c) Command
d) Warm Boot
e) Format
16. Which device is used to extend the length of the network without having the signal degrade?
a) Gateway
b) Router
c) Modem
d) Repeater
e) Resonator
17. The capacity of a communication channel is measured in
a) Data flow
b) Bandwidth
c) Bit capacity
d) Band Rate
e) None of these
18. Which application performs one specific task that runs within the scope of dedicated widget
engine or a larger program?
a) Cookie
b) Spider
c) Flash
d) Applet
e) None of the above
19. RTF stands for ______________
a) Rich text file
b) Rich text format
c) Rich text folder
d) Rich track file
e) None of these
20. A storage area used to store data to a compensate for the difference in speed at which the
different units can handle data is __________
a) Cache
b) Primary Memory
c) Buffer
d) Secondary Memory
e) None of these
21. The instructions for starting the computer are housed on __________.
a) RAM
b) ROM
c) Cache memory
d) Hard Disk
22. What is the IEEE standard for WIFI?
a) 802.15.1
b) 802.15.4
c) 802.10
d) 802.12


e) 802.11
23. Which of the following shortcut key is used to duplicate the current slide in MS PowerPoint?
a) Ctrl + C
b) Ctrl + V
c) Ctrl + D
d) Ctrl + E
e) Ctrl + M
24. Time during which a machine, especially a computer is out of action or unavailable for used
in termed as ________
a) Run time
b) Access time
c) Response time
d) Random time
e) Down time
25. The period during which a computer program is executing is known as ____________
a) Run time
b) Access time
c) Response time
d) Random time
e) Seek time
26. In MS-Excel, press ‘Ctrl + - ‘to delete __________
a) Shift cell right
b) Shift cell left
c) Entire row
d) Entire column
e) All of these
27. Which of the following is two common wildcard character is Excel?
a) * and ?
b) < and >
c) ^ and /
d) + and –
e) None of these
28. EULA stands for __________
a) End User Liability Agreement
b) End User License Agreement
c) Exit User Liability Agreement
d) Exit User License Agreement
e) None of these
29. Grouping & processing all of a firm’s transactions at one time is called ___________
a) Batch processing
b) A real time system
c) A database management system
d) All of these
e) None of these
30. A digital multimedia file available on the Internet to be downloaded is termed
a) Bookmarks


b) Blogs
c) Buffer
d) Podcasts
e) None of these
31. Which of the following is an example for microblogging website?
a) Blogger
b) WordPress
c) Twitter
d) Facebook
e) None of these
32. Which among the following protocol is used by WWW?
c) FTP
d) MTP
e) IP
33. Which is designed to reorganize non-continuous file into contiguous files and optimize their
placement on the hard drive?
a) Backup
b) Restore
c) Disk Cleanup
d) Disk Defragmenter
e) None of these
34. ICMP is used for?
a) Forwarding
b) Addressing
c) Multicasting
d) Error Reporting
e) None of these
35. Software that is made available at no cost is known as ___________.
a) Firmware
b) Software
c) Freeware
d) Trialware
e) None of these
36. Which protocol is used for the transmission of voice and multimedia content over Internet
a) FTP
37. Which of the following protocol is used for locating and transferring information on the
a) Glitch
b) Gopher
c) Groupware


d) Group
e) None of these
38. A type of network that connect two clients computers directly together is
a) LAN
b) WAN
c) MAN
d) P2P
39. When typing in a word file manually, what must you press to insert the curly braces?
a) Ctrl + F6
b) Ctrl + F2
c) Ctrl + F9
d) Ctrl + F4
e) Ctrl + F8
40. Which shortcut key is used to move the insertion point to the address bar or to select the
URL in the address bar?
a) Ctrl + D
b) Ctrl + E
c) Alt + D
d) Alt + E
e) None of these
41. Which of the following view is used while setting transition effects for all slides in a
a) Slide Sorter view
b) Slide view
c) Outline view
d) Notes Per view
e) None of these
42. An email feature which is used to send a copy of an email to one or many other people at
the same time that you are sending it to the main recipient/s is called__________.
a) Cc
b) Bcc
c) To
d) Forward
e) None of these
43. Linux is a type of _____________ operating software.
a) Open source
b) Public domain
c) Commercial
d) Paid Source
e) Other than those given in the options
44. Which of the following is used to connect networks of similar protocols?
a) Routers
b) Gateways
c) Bridges
d) Mapping


e) None of these
45. EBCDIC can code up to how many different characters?
a) 256
b) 16
c) 32
d) 34
e) 128
46. When a website automatically retrieves information from another website, it is called
a) Push
b) Pull
c) Receive
d) Download
e) None of these
47. Which feature is used to combine name and addresses with a standard document is MS-
a) Document formatting
b) Database management
c) Mail merge
d) Form letters
e) Other than those given in the options
48. Which one of the following is an MS-DOS external command?
c) DIR
d) All are external commands
e) None of the above are external commands
49. A set of flip flops integrated together is called _____________
a) Counter
b) Adder
c) Register
d) Circuits
e) Other than those given in the options
50. A key that is used to alternate the input mode of a group of keys on a keyboard is known as
a) Function keys
b) Alphanumeric keys
c) Toggle keys
d) Modifier keys
e) Alter keys

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
c c d d a c s b d e
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
a a c c c d b d b c
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
b e c e a e a b a d
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
c b d d c d c d c c
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
a a a c a b c b c c


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