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Improving my writing

Being a P-5 student, I can’t just use the system that we used last year because this is a very serious year,
so I must be serious. I must change the way I prepare for my exam and the way I study and I must
improve my time management skills.

Last year I didn’t allow enough time to prepare properly for my exams. For example, a few times I only
had a day or two to get ready. This year I plan to begin preparing for every exam at least two weeks
before they start. If I can do this, I believe I can achieve much better results!

Watching TV or listening to music while you study can work for some people but I don’t think it is that
good for me. If I am watching TV or listening to music when I study, I get too distracted. This year I plan
to study in a very clean, quiet, and organized way. This will help me remember what I have studied
longer and that will improve my abilities in the classroom.

For my studying system, I can’t just write the sentences from my book in my exam because it is a lot
harder for me to remember and hard for my teacher to

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