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BUSI1628: Managing Organisations and Individuals


1. Welcome message from your Module Leader.......................................................................2

2. Key contacts.......................................................................................................................... 3
3. Module details and learning outcomes..................................................................................4
4. Enquiry-Based Learning and Research-Led Teaching..........................................................5
5. Employability......................................................................................................................... 6
6. Key Dates.............................................................................................................................. 6
7. Schedule of teaching and learning activities.........................................................................7
8. Assessment........................................................................................................................... 8
9. Resit assessments.............................................................................................................. 10
10. Reading recommendations................................................................................................ 11
11. Additional module information............................................................................................16
12. Changes to the module...................................................................................................... 16
13. Other Details...................................................................................................................... 17

1. Welcome message from your Module Leader

Welcome to your first year of study at the University of Greenwich and especially
to this module - Managing Organisations and Individuals (BUSI1628). The
module will provide a comprehensive overview of management to give business
students an understanding of the complex nature of organisations and
managerial environment. Throughout the weeks, students will be exposed to a
variety of key concepts and theories relating to management and organisational
behaviour. We will consider some key issues that organisations face and
understand how managers can seek out and implement solutions to a range of
organisational challenges. This module will require your full participation and
engagement for teamwork and peer-assisted learning. You are expected to
attend each lecture and tutorial fully prepared to engage in active learning. You
are also expected to familiarise yourselves with the contents of this document as
well as additional resources on the Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle). This
handbook provides essential information about this module including the aims
and learning outcomes, the schedule of teaching and learning activities,
assessment tasks, reading recommendations and, if applicable, any additional
resources that you will need. Please read it at the start of term so you are aware
of key details and important dates.

2. Key contacts
Email address Phone number
Course Instructor:
Đào Thị Lan Hương (Ms.)
Tran Nguyen Hoang Quan (Mr.)

Programme Coordinator:
Ms. DiepTN

The list below provides contact details of the module team.

3. Module details and learning outcomes

Host Faculty: Business

Host School: HROB
Number of Credits: Faculty
Term(s) of delivery: 2
Site(s) of delivery: FPT Hanoi
Pre-requisite modules: N/A
Co-requisite modules: N/A

This module is designed to provide a sound and relevant foundation to the study
of management as an undergraduate discipline. The module will enable
students to explore concepts of management, work and organisation in order to

understand their context of use and relevance today. Also, in studying some of
the most important themes in contemporary management and organisational
practices, students will draw out some of the connections and disconnections
between management theory and management practice.

Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, a student will be able to:
1. Describe and explain basic concepts and theories of management and
2. Consider management of organisations and individuals through historical,
comparative and theoretical perspectives.
3. Understand the essentials of and the interrelations between
organisational functions, particularly marketing, operations, finance and
human resource management.
4. Understand key theoretical insights derived from examining the nature of
management as a social process.
5. Apply these ideas to a range of practical management and organisational
6. Present a reflective understanding of the ideas and theories in both
written and spoken forms.
A pre-requisite module is one that must have been completed successfully
before taking this module.
A co-requisite module is one that must be taken alongside this module.
A learning outcome is a subject-specific statement that defines the learning to
be achieved through completing this module.

4. Employability

In addition to promoting subject knowledge the programme equips students with

analytical skills, relevant in a wide range of careers and highly-valued in the
labour market. The essay will be based upon an issue of current major concern
to an organisation or organisations and thus promotes relevant skills and
knowledge for future employment. The module contributes to the following
employability skills:

a) Cognitive skills: analysing, synthesising and evaluating information sources,

critical thinking and problem solving;
b) Organisation: project planning and delivery;
c) Engagement, influence and impact: knowledge and skills to develop
professional working relationships and to communicate ideas effectively and
with confidence;
d) Personal effectiveness: the personal qualities to be an effective researcher
including the ability and initiative to work independently and to prepare and
prioritise and to self-manage time and workload.
The essay assesses a, b, and c above.

5. Schedule of teaching and learning activities

Term 1

Session Reading to
Session Session Title and Description
type complete

Introduction to the course.

Core Textbook,
Lecture Understanding Management and
1 chap. 1
Organisational Behaviour
Tutorial Materials available on Moodle and Panopto
Core Textbook,
Lecture Approaches to Organisation and Management
2 chap. 1
Tutorial Materials available on Moodle and Panopto
Core Textbook,
Lecture The Organisation and its Environment
3 chap. 2
Tutorial Materials available on Moodle and Panopto

Strategy, Entrepreneurship, New Ventures, and Core Textbook,

Lecture chap. 3 & chap
Business Ownership
Deadline to choose group members for
Tutorial presentation.
Materials available on Moodle and Panopto
Core Textbook,
Lecture Organisational Structure and Design
5 chap. 4
Tutorial Materials available on Moodle and Panopto
Core Textbook,
Lecture Operations Management and Quality
6 chap. 5
Tutorial Materials available on Moodle and Panopto
Core Textbook,
Lecture Marketing Process and Consumer Behaviour
7 chap. 6
Tutorial Materials available on Moodle and Panopto
Human Resource Management & Labour Core Textbook,
8 Relations chap. 7
Tutorial Materials available on Moodle and Panopto
Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics Core Textbook,
9 Relations chap. 8
Tutorial Group Presentations (Formative assessment)
Technology and Organisations Core Textbook,
10 Relations chap. 9
Tutorial Group Presentations (Formative assessment)
Summary & Revision Core Textbook,
11 Relations chap. 10
Tutorial Group Presentations (Formative assessment)
Term 2
Session Reading to
Session Session Title and Description
type complete
Core Textbook,
Lecture Understanding Organisational Behaviour
13 chap. 11
Seminars Materials available on Moodle

Core Textbook,
Lecture Individual Difference and Diversity
14 chap. 12
Seminars Materials available on Moodle
Core Textbook,
Lecture Perception and Communication
15 chap. 13
Seminars Materials available on Moodle
Core Textbook,
Lecture Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction
chap. 14
Materials available on Moodle
Pair Presentations / Assignment support
Core Textbook,
Lecture Organisational Culture and Change
chap. 15
Materials available on Moodle
Pair Presentations / Assignment support
Core Textbook,
Lecture Working in Groups and Teams
chap. 16
Materials available on Moodle
Pair Presentations / Assignment support
Core Textbook,
Lecture Leadership in Organisations
chap. 17
Materials available on Moodle
Pair Presentations / Assignment support
Core Textbook,
Lecture Understanding Management
chap. 18
Materials available on Moodle
Pair Presentations / Assignment support
Core Textbook,
Lecture Organisational Control and Power
chap. 19
Materials available on Moodle
Pair Presentations / Assignment support
Core Textbook,
Lecture Learning and Development
chap. 20
Materials available on Moodle
Pair Presentations / Assignment support
Lecture Summary & Revision All of above
23 Materials available on Moodle
Pair Presentations / Assignment support

24 Assignment support for EC submissions

In addition to the teaching and learning activities within the module, additional
study support can be seen at: Academic Skills

6. Assessment

First sit Deadline or Weighting Maximum Marking Learning

assessments exam period out of length type outcomes
100%* mapped to this

Case Study Friday, March 50% 2000 words Stepped 1,2,3,5,6
03, 2023
Essay Wednesday, 50% 2500 words Stepped, 1,2,3 ,4,5,6
April 12, 2023

*The weighting refers to the proportion of the overall module result that each
assessment task accounts for.

Your assessment brief:

There will be two assessments on this module.
Assessment 1: Case Study
You are required to undertake a strategic analysis of an organisation of your
choice. Your analysis should include the following sections:
1. Introduction - Describe the key characteristics of your chosen organisation.
2. Set out a detailed PESTEL analysis of the organisation. Identify and
discuss significant contextual issues under each PESTEL heading. Support
points with evidence from research.
3. Provide a strategic response to the PESTEL analysis. Your response
should evaluate how the organisation might address the issues identified in
your PESTEL analysis with the support of two important business
functions. Consider any TWO of the following organisational functions
covered on the module: marketing, finance, operations, or human resource

Answer guidelines:
The successful management of opportunities, challenges and risks can be
analysed in terms of Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological,
Environmental and Legal influences. The analysis could be based on the PESTEL
example set out in Figure 3.7 of your core textbook. Your evaluation of the
importance of the different business functions should be based on issues
emerging from the PESTEL analysis. Discuss at least two key activities for each
business function that might positively impact organisational outcomes.
Please ensure that your case study essay has a strong academic foundation
including theory, empirical evidence and references. If you use material from
company websites or case studies, remember that these need to be properly
quoted and referenced.

Formative Assessment:
Group presentations will serve as formative assessment and the main way for
obtaining support and feedback before submitting the individual case study
assessment. In preparation for your individual case study assessment, you will
work with a group of 4-5 students to develop a PESTEL Analysis and Strategic
Response for an organisation agreed on by all members. The group presentations
will take place during weeks 10-12 in term 1; they will last 10 minutes, and all
members are expected to present. The presentations should not exceed 6 slides;
presenters can use notes for additional information. The presentation should
include the following sections:
Slide 1 – title page including company name and students’ names.
Slide 2 – Introduction - describe the key characteristics of the organization (i.e.,
its purpose, size, structure, and competitive strategy).

Slide 3 - Set out a detailed PESTEL analysis of the organisation. Briefly identify
and discuss significant contextual issues under each heading. Use bullet points
on the slide and support your discussion of each point with additional notes.
Slide 4 - Evaluate how the organisation might address the issues identified in
your PESTEL analysis with the support of two important business functions. The
evaluation of the importance of business functions MUST be related to issues
emerging from your PESTEL analysis. Consider any two of the following
organisational functions: marketing, accounting/finance, operations, or human
resource management. Discuss at least two key activities for each business
function that might impact organisational performance and competitive advantage
(for example, discuss two marketing activities and two HRM activities that could
support the competitive strategy of the company).
Slide 5 – Conclusion
Slide 6 – Reference list

Marking Criteria
Introduction 10
Does the essay provide a clear outline of the key characteristics of the chosen
organisation – its aims, objectives, size, and competitive strategy
PESTEL Analysis 50
Does the essay set out a comprehensive PESTEL analysis of the organisation; identify and
discuss significant contextual issues under each PESTEL heading, using appropriate evidence
and theories?

Strategic Response 20
Does the essay evaluate how the organisation might address the issues identified in the
PESTEL analysis, with the support of two identified business functions? Does the essay indicate
a comp

Clarity of structure & Mechanical Soundness 10

Is the essay well organised and logically constructed to achieve synthesis while being mindful of
the needs of the reader? Is the essay clearly written, spell checked and grammatically sound?

Referencing 10
Is the essay accurately referenced? Does the essay include a minimum of 5 academic sources
in the reference list?

Case study marking rubric

Assessment 2: Essay
For your second assignment, you will write an essay on ONE of the following
1. Despite criticisms of the nature of activities and principles of management, they
do provide important guidelines for establishing a framework within which the
work of an organisation is carried out. To what extent do you think the activities
and principles of management appear relevant to the execution of work in
organisations? As part of your evaluation, compare and contrast the management
activities and principles in private-enterprise and public-sector organisations.
2. Consider the motivation theories discussed in this module (Maslow’s hierarchy
of needs, Alderfer ERG theory, Herzberg two-factor theory, goal theory, equity
theory, and expectancy theory). Which theory do you think is most relevant in
work organisations today? Why? In your response, please discuss at least three
motivation theories, their applicability in modern organisations, and identify what
you perceive to be the major strengths and limitations of each theory. Support
your answer with appropriate organizational examples.
3. As a senior manager in a large service organisation, what particular difficulties
might you envisage in managing a diverse team? Explain the measures you
would take in order to help secure harmonious working relationships and effective
teamwork within a multi-cultural and diverse workforce.
4. The speed at which organisations are undergoing change places continuous
pressure on individuals at work. With reference to appropriate theories, explain
what factors you would consider in attempting to successfully implement
organisational change.

A successfully completed essay will be consistent with the following

- Be appropriately structured, written, presented and referenced (using the
Harvard style, see;
- Feature and make substantial reference to empirical research and a range
of theories and concepts;
- Engage in a critical debate which evidences deep insight into an
awareness of the topic in hand;
- Word limit: 2,500 +/-10% (excluding reference list).

Formative Assessment 2:
Pair presentations will serve as formative assessment and the main way for
obtaining support and feedback before submitting the individual essays.
Each week, two students will be allocated to present their reviews of a
scholarly journal article related to organisational behaviour and/or one of the
essay topics. Your individual essays will require extensive use of scholarly
journal articles/papers and so this activity will provide practice for library
searches and developing your skills in reading (and understanding) academic
journal articles.
The pair presentations will begin in week 4 of term 2. The presentations will
last up to 6 minutes. Format for scholarly journal article/paper review:
- Start by defining the research question of the journal paper.
- Discuss the methodology used by the author(s).
- Describe briefly the results of the research.
- Connect the main ideas presented in the article – provide a brief overview
of the essential arguments made by the author(s).
- Evaluate the relevance of the article in solving problems associated with
managing individuals in organisations.

Marking Criteria
Focus 10
Does the essay set up a clear essay question to address? Does the essay stay within and fulfil
the topic parameters?

Synthesis 30
Does the essay bring together the literature in a significant manner that addresses an essay

Soundness 30
Does the essay indicate a comprehensive understanding of the topic area and literature

Clarity of structure 10
Is the essay well organised and logically constructed to achieve synthesis while being mindful of
the needs of the reader?

Mechanical Soundness 10
Is the essay clearly written, spell checked and grammatically sound and referenced

Important note: Coursework is marked on the understanding that it is the student’s

own work on the module and that it has not, in whole or part, been presented
elsewhere for assessment. Where material has been used from other sources,
this must be properly acknowledged in accordance with the University’s
Regulations regarding Academic Misconduct.

Essay Marking Rubric

Marking, feedback and next steps

To pass this module, students must achieve an overall mark of 40+.

Feedback on the essay will comprise a written feedback sandwich, along with
written comments on the script.

For coursework, the marks and feedback will normally be provided to students
within fifteen working days of the submission deadline. In exceptional
circumstances, where there is a delay in providing feedback, you will be informed
by the module leader.

If you do not pass a module at the first attempt, you may be eligible for a resit
opportunity on the failed assessments. This will be confirmed after the
Progression and Award Board (PAB). Note that marks on resit assessments are
capped at 40% unless extenuation has been applied for and granted.

For further details on resit assessments, please see section 7 below.

The assessment and feedback policy can be accessed at Assessment and

Feedback Policy

Extenuating circumstances and student support

The University recognises there are times when serious and unexpected matters
which are beyond a student’s control (such as serious illness or injury, death in
family) impact on their academic performance and ability to complete
assessments by the deadline. Guidance on claiming extenuation can be found at:
Extenuating circumstances

External Examiner

The External Examiner for this module is:

10 | P a g e
Name: Dr Katrina Pritchard
Institution: University of Swansea
Please note that the role of the External Examiner is to evaluate the overall
standard of assessments on the module. They are unable to correspond with
individual students about their work. If you need to discuss your marks or
feedback, please contact the module leader.

7. Resit assessments
Assessment Schedule
Resit Deadline Weighting Maximum Marking Learning
assessments out of length type outcomes
100%* mapped to this
Case Study July 2023 50% 2000 words Stepped 1,2,3,5,6

Essay July 2023 50% 2500 words Stepped, 1,2,3 ,4,5,6

In the event that students have to resit they may revise and resubmit their essays
using their existing pro forma, or may submit an essay based on a new BBC news
article and pro forma. Tutors and/or the Module Leader will support students to
resit and the Module Leader, Sian Moore, may be contacted in the event of

10 Reading recommendations
Module Textbook:
Title: Managing Organisations and Individuals (2019)
Author: Linton, Kenisha (Compiler)
Edition: Custom edition for the University of Greenwich / selected chapters from
Management and Organisational Behaviour, 11th ed. / Laurie J. Mullins with Gill
Christy; and Business Essentials, global 11th ed. / Ronald J. Ebert and Ricky W.
ISBN: 9781787268623
eBook links:
The following are suggested readings for the module. Additional, more detailed
reading recommendations will be provided for the module topics.

Author Title Publisher

11 | P a g e
Mullins, L. J. Management and Organisational Pearson: UK
Behaviour ISBN:

Ebert, R. J. and Griffin, Business Essentials, Global Edi- Pearson

R. W. tion, 11/e ISBN:

Pettinger, Richard Management: A Concise Intro- Palgrave Macmillan

duction ISBN: 978-

Capon, C Understanding the Business en- Pearson


Buchanan, D.A. & Organizational Behaviour Harlow: Prentice

Huczynski, A.A. Hall.

Combe, Colin Introduction to Management Oxford University



Worthington, I.; Britton, The Business Environment Pearson


Kotler et al Introduction to Marketing Pearson Education,


Lane, Maznevski, Handbook of Global Manage- Blackwell Publishing

Mendenhall, & McNett ment: A Guide to Managing
(eds.) Complexity

Weetman Introduction to accounting and fi- Pearson Education,

nance London

Robbins Essentials of Organizational Be- Prentice Hall


12 | P a g e
Additional useful journals:
• Harvard Business Review

• Journal of Management

• Human Relations

• Human Resource Management Journal

• Work and Occupations

• Management Today

• People Management

Additional useful websites:

• Chartered Institute of Personnel and Develop-


• Financial Times online

11. Additional module information


12. Changes to the module

At the University of Greenwich, we value feedback from students as well as

External Examiners and other stakeholders and we use this information to help us
improve our provision.

Important note: The University of Greenwich will do all that it reasonably can to
deliver the module and support your learning as specified in our handbooks and
other information provided. However, under some circumstances, changes may
have to be made. This may include modifications to the:

 content and syllabus of modules, including in relation to placements

 timetable, location and number of classes
 content or method of delivery of your module
 timing and method of assessments.

This might be because of, for example:

13 | P a g e
 academic changes within subject areas
 the unanticipated departure or absence of members of university staff
 where the numbers expected on a module are so low that it is not possible
to deliver an appropriate quality of education for students enrolled on it.
 industrial action by university staff or third parties
 the acts of any government or local authority
 acts of terrorism.

In these circumstances, the University will take all reasonable steps to minimise
disruption by making reasonable modifications. However, to the full extent that it is
possible under the general law, the University excludes liability for any loss and/or
damage suffered by any applicant or student due to these circumstances.

13.Other Details
The majority of information relevant to you while you study at the University has been brought
together into your programme handbook. Please refer to your programme handbook for any
further information you might require including:

 Deadlines and extenuating circumstances,

 Plagiarism and referencing,

 Who to go to for advice or if you are concerned,

 How to provide us with feedback,

 Key administrative procedures.

14 | P a g e

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