Work Plans & Technical Requirements Rev.2 (08312022)

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wahanacipta bangunwisma
Project location : Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang

Table of Contents
PREFACE............................................................................................................................. x


1. General. ........................................................................................................................ 1

2. Scope of Work .............................................................................................................. 1

3. Working facilities ......................................................................................................... 2

4. Work Method Presentation .......................................................................................... 2

5. Document Drawing ...................................................................................................... 2

6. Size ............................................................................................................................... 3

7. Shop Drawing ............................................................................................................... 3

8. Standard and rules used ............................................................................................. 4

9. Requirements for materials / materials and finished components ........................... 4

10. Examples Of Materials / Materials And Finished Components ................................. 5

11. Brand Making Materials ............................................................................................... 5

12. Review and testing of materials .................................................................................. 6

13. Implementation Coordination ..................................................................................... 9

14. Job requirements ......................................................................................................... 9

15. Work Implementations................................................................................................. 9

16. Basis For Determining The Size / Position Of The Work. ........................................ 10

17. Regulations Of Construction Activities In The Batang Industry Area .................... 10

18. T e r m ......................................................................................................................... 12

B. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PRELIMINARY WORK ..................................... 15

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1. SCOPE OF WORK ...................................................................................................... 15

2. JOB DESCRIPTION. ................................................................................................... 15

2.1. Tread facilities ..................................................................................................... 15
2.2. Demolition And Cleaning Work Before Implementation. ....................................... 15
2.3. Measurement Of Development Location. ............................................................. 16
2.4. Job Determination of Basic Stakes or Peil P + 0. 00. ........................................... 16
2.5. Making Basic Stake (Bench Mark) ....................................................................... 17
2.6. Measuring board (Bouwplank) ............................................................................. 17
2.7. Demolition and Re-assembly Works ................................................................... 17
2.8. Project Area Border Work (Fence) ....................................................................... 18
2.9. Office Contractor And Work / Warehouse ............................................................ 18


C. STRUCTURE WORK................................................................................................... 21

1. SOIL WORKS .............................................................................................................. 21

1.1. Scope of work ...................................................................................................... 21
1.2. General Requirements for Excavation and Backfill Works ................................... 21
1.3. Humus Removal Work Requirements .................................................................. 22
1.4. Excavation Work.................................................................................................. 22
1.5. Landfill Work ........................................................................................................ 24

2. PILE FOUNDATION WORK ........................................................................................ 28

2.1. Scope of work ...................................................................................................... 28
2.2. General requirement ............................................................................................ 29
2.3. Material Requirements......................................................................................... 29
2.4. General Implementation Requirements ............................................................... 29
2.5. Transportation, Stockpiling and Maintenance of Piles. ......................................... 30
2.6. Piling Equipment.................................................................................................. 31
2.7. Piling Preparation ................................................................................................ 31
2.8. Piling Work Requirements ................................................................................... 31
2.9. Piling Report ........................................................................................................ 34
2.10. Inadequate Piling Work........................................................................................ 35
2.11. Disturbance / Obstacles....................................................................................... 36
2.12. PileTest Requirements ........................................................................................ 36

3. CONCRETE POUR AND TIE BEAM WORKS ............................................................ 36

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3.1. Scope of work ...................................................................................................... 36
3.2. Material Requirements......................................................................................... 36
3.3. Implementation Requirements ............................................................................. 37

4. CONCRETE STRUCTURE WORK .............................................................................. 37

4.1. Scope of work ...................................................................................................... 37
4.2. Special Requirements Structural Works............................................................... 38
4.3. Concrete Formwork ............................................................................................. 44
4.4. Reinforcing steel .................................................................................................. 51
4.5. Concrete .............................................................................................................. 54
4.6. Concrete work implementation ............................................................................ 63
4.7. Objects Embedded in Concrete ........................................................................... 66
4.8. Temperature ........................................................................................................ 66
4.9. Installation of pipes, power lines and others embedded in concrete..................... 67
4.10. Sparing Jobs ....................................................................................................... 68
4.11. Construction Joint ................................................................................................ 68
4.12. Control Joint ........................................................................................................ 68
4.13. Protection ............................................................................................................ 69
4.14. General Concrete Curing ..................................................................................... 69
4.15. Mass Concrete .................................................................................................... 70
4.16. Reparation and Finishing of Concrete Structure .................................................. 72
4.17. Finishing permukaan beton.................................................................................. 73

5. GROUTING IN CRACK CONCRETE .......................................................................... 77

5.1 Scope of Work ..................................................................................................... 78
5.2 Definition of Crack ............................................................................................... 78
5.3 References .......................................................................................................... 78
5.4 Submission of Data ............................................................................................. 78
5.5 Quality of Materials and Installation ..................................................................... 78
5.6 Field Conditions ................................................................................................... 79
5.7 Sequence of execution of work ............................................................................ 79
5.8 Grouting Material Requirements .......................................................................... 79
5.9 Execution of Works .............................................................................................. 79

6. WATERPROOFING ..................................................................................................... 80
6.1 Scope of Work ..................................................................................................... 80
6.2 Qualification Assurance ....................................................................................... 81

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6.3 Transportation, Storage and Treatment of ........................................................... 82
6.4 Work Implementation ........................................................................................... 84

7. STEEL STRUCTURE WORK ...................................................................................... 87

7.1 Scope of Work ..................................................................................................... 87
7.2 References .......................................................................................................... 87
7.3 Product and Material Quality Requirements ......................................................... 88
7.4 Submission of Shop Drawings and Implementation Procedures .......................... 89
7.5 Quality control on site .......................................................................................... 90
7.6 Fabricator Quality Control .................................................................................... 90
7.7 Inspection and storage of materials ..................................................................... 91
7.8 Coordination of Execution .................................................................................... 91
7.9 Provisions for Implementation of Works ............................................................... 91
7.10 Welding Joints ..................................................................................................... 98
7.11 Connection with Bolts ........................................................................................ 104
7.12 Work Implementation Procedures ...................................................................... 110
7.13 Painting Works .................................................................................................. 115

8. REINFORCEMENT CONCRETE ROAD WORKS ..................................................... 118

8.1 Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 118
8.2 General Requirements....................................................................................... 119
8.3 Materials ............................................................................................................ 119
8.4 Work Implementation ......................................................................................... 120
8.5 Concrete Maintenance....................................................................................... 124

9. Drainage Work.......................................................................................................... 124

9.1 Scope of Works ................................................................................................. 124
9.2 Material Requirements....................................................................................... 124
9.3 Implementation .................................................................................................. 125

D. ARCHITECTURAL WORK ........................................................................................ 128

1.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 128
1.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 128
1.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 128

2. PLASTERING WORK................................................................................................ 130

2.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 130

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2.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 130
2.3. Implementation Requirements. .......................................................................... 130

3.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 132
3.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 132
3.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 134

4. GRANITE WALL LAYER WORK .............................................................................. 135

4.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 135
4.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 135
4.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 135

5. ALUMINUM PANEL LAYER WORK ......................................................................... 136

5.1. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 136
5.2. Equipment/Accessories ..................................................................................... 136
5.3. Technical Requirements .................................................................................... 136
5.4. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 136

6. GENERAL FLOOR WORK ........................................................................................ 137

6.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 137
6.2. General Material Requirements ......................................................................... 137
6.3. General Requirements of Implementation.......................................................... 137

7. CERAMIC TILE AND HOMOGENOUS TILE WORK ................................................. 137

7.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 137
7.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 138
7.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 139

8. GRANITE TILE FLOOR WORK ................................................................................ 139

8.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 139
8.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 139
8.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 140

9. TERRAZZO FLOOR WORK ...................................................................................... 140

9.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 140
9.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 141
9.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 141

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10. FLOOR HARDENER WORK ..................................................................................... 143
10.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 143
10.2. Material Requirements .................................................................................... 143
10.3. Implementation Requirements........................................................................ 144

11. WATERPROOFING WORK....................................................................................... 149

11.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 149
11.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 149
11.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 150

12. METAL WORK .......................................................................................................... 153

12.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 153
12.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 153
12.3. Technical Requirements .................................................................................... 154
12.4. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 154

13. STAINLESS STEEL WORK ...................................................................................... 156

13.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 156
13.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 156
13.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 156

14. RAILING WORK ........................................................................................................ 157

14.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 157
14.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 157
14.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 157

15. ALUMINUM FRAME WORK...................................................................................... 158

15.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 158
15.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 158
15.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 159

16. GYPSUM PARTITION WORK ................................................................................... 160

16.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 160
16.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 160
16.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 161

17.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 161

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17.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 161
17.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 162

18. HORIZONTAL GUTTER WORK ................................................................................ 165

18.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 165
18.2. Material Requirement ........................................................................................ 165
18.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 165

19. ROOF DRAIN WORK ................................................................................................ 165

19.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 165
19.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 165
19.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 165

20. GYPSUM BOARD CEILING WORK, AND ALUMINUM CEILING ............................. 166
20.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 166
20.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 166
20.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 167

21. CALCIUM SILICATE BOARD CEILING WORK ........................................................ 168

21.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 168
21.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 169
21.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 169

22. GROUTING WORK ................................................................................................... 172

22.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 172
22.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 172
22.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 172

23. SEALANT WORK...................................................................................................... 173

23.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 173
23.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 173
23.3. Implementation requirements ............................................................................ 173

24. TERMITE REPELLENT WORK ................................................................................. 174

24.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 174
24.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 174
24.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 174

25. PAINTING WORK ..................................................................................................... 176

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25.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 176
25.2. General Requirements....................................................................................... 176
25.3. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 176
25.4. General Requirements of Implementation.......................................................... 177
25.5. Implementation Of Wall Painting Work, Ceiling, Columns And Beams. .............. 178
25.6. Implementation of wood painting work. .............................................................. 178
25.7. Metal Painting Work........................................................................................... 179
25.8. PVC Pipe Painting Work .................................................................................... 180

26. GLASS AND MIRROR WORK .................................................................................. 180

26.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 180
26.2. Material Requirement ........................................................................................ 180
26.3. Technical Requirements (Quality Requirements) ............................................... 180
26.4. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 180

27. WORK OF SANITARY FIXTURES ............................................................................ 181

27.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 181
27.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 181
27.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 181
27.4. Attachment To The Type And Type Of Sanitary Fixtures ................................... 181

28. DOOR EQUIPMENT, WINDOW AND BO-VENLICHT WORK................................... 183

28.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 183
28.2. Material Requirements....................................................................................... 183
28.3. Technical Requirements .................................................................................... 186
28.4. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 186

29. OUTSIDE THE BUILDING WORK............................................................................. 187

29.1. Scope of Work ................................................................................................... 187
29.2. Material Requirement ........................................................................................ 187
29.3. Implementation Requirements ........................................................................... 188
29.4. Planting Work. ................................................................................................... 188
29.5. Plant Care. ........................................................................................................ 189
29.6. Watering Plants. ................................................................................................ 189
29.7. Plant Treatment. ................................................................................................ 190
29.8. Pruning. ............................................................................................................. 190
29.9. Fertilization. ....................................................................................................... 190

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29.10. Pest Eradication Disease. .................................................................................. 191
29.11. Work Cleaning Former Demolition And Security After Construction. .................. 191

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building


Work Plans and Technical Terms (RKS) are prepared as a reference/ guideline/ guidelines for
contractors who will carry out the work of the Yih Quan Footware Indonesia factory
construction project, which is located in the integrated industrial area of Batang, Central Java.
With the work plan document and these conditions can reduce the error in carrying out the
Work Plan Documents and these requirements only apply to the Yih Quanware Indonesia
factory construction project located in the integrated industrial area of Batang, Central Java.
The brief data of project information are as follows :

1. Owner :……………………………………….
2. Project Name : Pembangunan Pabrik Yih Quan Footware Indonesia
3. Project Location : Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang, Jawa Tengah,
4. Land Area : 162.298,70 m2
5. building area : 94.597,60 m2
6. Green Area : 22.691,92 m2
7. Total Road Area : 44.769,30 m2
8. consist of :
A. General
1. Road Plan
2. Drainage System
3. Rain Water Recycling System
4. Waste Water System
5. Utility Trench
6. Landscape; Water Fountain
B. Main Production Building
1. Workshop A1
2. Workshop A2
3. Workshop B1
4. Workshop B2
5. Linking Corridor A1-A2
6. Linking Corridor B1-B2
7. Warehouse

C. Utility Building
1. Power Station A
2. Power Station B
4. Dry Waste Storage
5. Liquid Chemical Storage
D. Auxiliary Building
1. Office
2. Canteen
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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building

3. Motorbike Parking
4. General/Engineering Warehouse
5. Clinical & Recruitment Center
6. Mosque
7. Security Post; Custom Office; Main Gate
8. Guard House; Gate 2
9. Employee Gate
10. Perimeter Fence / Inner Fence

9. Designer Consultant : PT, Wahanacipta Bangunwisma

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Grand Batang City (KITB)

Central Java

Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
General requirements for the work implementation



1. General.

Pada dasarnya untuk dapat memahami dan menghayati dengan sebaik-baiknya

seluruh seluk beluk pekerjaan ini, Kontraktor diwajibkan mempelajari secara
seksama seluruh gambar pelaksanaan serta Uraian Pekerjaan dan Persyaratan
Pelaksanaan Teknis seperti yang akan diuraikan dalam buku ini.

Didalam hal terdapat ketidak jelasan, perbedaan-perbedaan dan/atau

kesimpangsiuran informasi dalam pelaksanaan, Kontraktor diwajibkan mengadakan
pertemuan dengan Direksi/MK untuk mendapat kejelasan tentang pelaksanaan

2. Scope of Work

The work that must be carried out by the contractor includes all parts of the work
stated in the implementation drawing as well as the work description book and
technical implementation requirements.
The work to be carried out is as follows :

1) Providing expert workers, materials, equipment and other tools to carry out this
part of this work.

2) Conduct security, supervision and maintenance of materials, work tools and work
results during the implementation period, so that all work is completed perfectly.

3) Demolition, cleaning and security work in the work area before the implementation
of the work and after the construction work is completed. In carrying out
demolition, the contractor is required to report in advance to the
Directors/Construction Management regarding the section to be dismantled to
obtain their approval.

4) If in carrying out the demolition there is damage caused by it, the contractor is
required to tidy up again. The costs incurred are the responsibility of the contractor
and cannot be submitted as added jobs.

5) Making temporary channels that are channeled into existing surrounding channels
so that this work area is free from flooding during the rain.

6) Structural work from the foundation to the roof, architectural work

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
General requirements for the work implementation

a) Inspection / checking work, consisting of:

➢ Examination and maintenance of the basic stakes used as a surface height
reference and that already exists in the field;
➢ Check the height of the surface of the structure floor;
➢ Checking as-US building columns, openings or holes contained in the
building, and other checks that can affect the work of the completion of
architecture in the future;
➢ If there is a discrepancy between the size in the field and those contained
in the implementation drawing, the contractor is required to notify this to
the Directors/Construction Management in writing to get the best solution.
b) Land excavation and backfil work.

3. Working facilities
A. The contractor must enter the identity, name, position, expertise of each member
of the work group implementing this work and the inventory of the equipment used
for this work.

B. The contractor is required to enter the workplace identity (workshop) and

equipment owned, as well as work schedule.

C. The contractor is required to provide a storage area for materials / materials in the
field that are safe from all damage, loss and things that can interfere with other
work that is running and meet the requirements for storing these materials

4. Work Method Presentation

After being determined as the winner of the contractor, it is required to present the
work implementation method to the Directors and Construction Management,
including :
a) Quality Program;
b) Organizational structure;
c) Procedures for regulating job implementers;
d) Work implementation schedule;;
e) HSE Work Methods;
f) Material procurement schedule, mobilization of equipment and personnel;
g) Work organization procedures;
h) Constraints that are expected to arise, along with the follow-up plan, ect

5. Document Drawing

Considering that every mistake and disbelief in the implementation of a part of the
work always affects other parts of the work, then in the case there are lack of clarity,
confusion, differences in differences and / or incompatibility and doubts between each
implementation image, the contractor is required to report to the Directors /
Management Written construction and hold meetings with directors/construction
management to get the decision which will be used as a guide.

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
General requirements for the work implementation

The above provisions cannot be used as an excuse by the contractor to extend the
implementation time and submit additional costs.

6. Size

1. All sizes listed in the implemetation drawing are finished sizes that include the
a) As – as.
b) Outside – outside.
c) Inside – inside.
d) Outside – inside.

2. Specifically the size of the size in the implemetation of AR [Architecture) is

basically the size of the finished condition.

3. Before starting the work the contractor is required to research the measures listed
in the architectural drawings, structural drawings, M&D images and other
implementation drawings contained in the auction document / contract document.

4. If there is a doubt about the size or if there is a size that has not been listed in the
implemetation, the contractor must report it in writing to be decided which size will
be used and used as a handle of implementation.

5. The contractor is not justified to replace the measurements listed in the

implementation drawing or contract documents without the knowledge of the
Directors/Construction Management. If this happens all the consequences that
exist become the responsibility of the contractor both in terms of cost and time

7. Shop Drawing

➢ The contractor is required to make a shop drawing for special details that have
not been complete in the Implementation / Contract Documents or requested
by the Directors / Construction Management which are detailed drawings of
implementation that have been coordinated with other disciplines and adjusted
to the situation in the field.

➢ In this shop drawing must be clearly listed and described all the required data
including submission of examples of materials, product information, ways of
installing and / or special requirements in accordance with factory
specifications (the product material used).

➢ Shop drawing that will be examined in advance by the Directors/Construction

Management, must be submitted no later than 2 [two] weeks before the
schedule of implementation

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
General requirements for the work implementation

8. Standard and rules used

All work to be carried out must follow the normalization of Indonesia, construction
industry standard, other national regulations that have to do with work, including:

1) Indonesian Concrete Regulations (PBI 1971), NI - 2.

2) General Requirements for Building Materials in Indonesia (Pubi -1982).
3) General Regulations of Building Materials in Indonesia (PUBB 1970), NI - 3.
4) Indonesian paint requirements, Ni - 4.
5) Indonesian Wood Construction Regulations (PKKI), NI - 5.
6) Portland Indonesia Cement Regulations 1974, NI - 8.
7) Indonesian Plumbing Guidelines, (PPI -1979).
8) General Electric Installation Regulations, (Puil - 1977).
9) Steel Building Planning Regulations in Indonesia (PPBI - 1984).
10) Indonesian loading regulations for buildings (L983).
11) American National Standard Organization (ANSI).
12) American Sociaty of Mechanical Engineer (ASME).
13) American Sociaty of Testing of Material (ASTM).
14) British Standard Institution (BSI).
15) Deutch Institute for Normalization (DIN).
16) Factory Mutual Standard. (FM).
17) International Standarization Organization (ISO).
18) Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS).
19) Indonesian Industrial Standards (SII).
20) Indonesian Building Construction Standards (SKBI).
21) Minister of Public Works Regulation.
22) Regulations on Occupational Safety & Health Management Systems
23) DPMB regulations, local government.
24) Other applicable regulations.

Regulations and other guidelines as stated in this specifications.

9. Requirements for materials / materials and finished


1) All materials used in this work must be in good condition and not defective,
according to the requested specifications and free from other stains that can
interfere with quality and appearance.

2) The materials used / installed must be in accordance with what is listed in the
Implementation drawing, meet the standard specifications of the material that has
been selected / approved, follow the written rules in the book Description of this
Work and follow the Directors / Construction Management Instructions.

3) All materials before installed must be approved in writing by the

Directors/Construction Management.

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
General requirements for the work implementation

4) For special/certain work, in addition to following the standards used must also
follow the relevant factory requirements.

5) If deemed necessary, the Directors / Construction Management has the right to

appoint experts appointed by the factory and / or supplier concerned as the
executor. In this case, the contractor has no right to submit it as added work.

10. Examples Of Materials / Materials And Finished


a) The contractor is required to submit examples of all materials, complete brochures

and guarantees from the factory, except the material provided by the project.

b) Examples of materials used must be submitted to the Directors/Construction

Management of at least 2 (two) products/brands that are equivalent to various
brands of manufacture, unless otherwise determined by the
Directors/Construction Management. The time to submit the example of the
material is the latest is 3 (three) weeks before the schedule for implementation.

c) Examples of materials submitted to the Directors / Construction Management for

one product / brand of 3 (three) pieces of one specified ingredient, establishing
the Standard Appearence.

d) The decision of the material, type, and brand that meets the specifications will be
taken by the Directors/MK and will be informed to the contractor for no more than
7 (seven) calendar days after submitting the samples of these materials.

e) For details on certain relationships, contractors are required to make finished

components (mock-up] that must be shown to the Directors/Construction
Management for approval.

f) All materials for this work must be reviewed and tested in accordance with
applicable standards.

11. Brand Making Materials

a) All brands of manufacturing and / or trademarks in the job description & technical
requirements for implementing work, are intended as a basis for comparison of
quality and not interpreted as a binding, except when determined.

b) Materials / materials and finished components that are installed / used must be in
accordance with those listed in the Implementation drawingand meet the standard
specifications of the material.

pt. wahanacipta bangunwisma 5

Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
General requirements for the work implementation

c) In the implementation of its installation, every material / material and component

becomes the factory output, must be under the supervision / supervision of the
designated expert.

d) Directors / Designers have the right to appoint experts appointed by the factory
and / or supplier concerned as the executor.

e) It is required that one brand of manufacture or trademark is only permitted for each
type of material that can be used in this work, unless there are other provisions
approved by the Directors/Construction Management

12. Review and testing of materials

All materials for this work, if deemed necessary, must be reviewed and tested both in
the manufacture, workmanship and implementation in the site by the
Directors/Construction Management. With applicable test standards. A.l.
AASHTO T11-05 SNI 03-4142- Method of testing the amount of material in
1996 the aggregate that passed the sieve
No.200 (0.075 mm)
AASHTO T21-05 SNI 03-2816- Testing Methods of Organic Dirt in Sand for
1992 Mortar and Concrete Mixtures
AASHTO T22-07 SNI 03-1974- Concrete compressive strength testing
1990 method
AASHTO T23-04 SNI 03-4810- The method of manufacturing and
1998 maintenance of concrete test specimens in
the field
AASHTO T26-79 SNI 03-6817- Water quality testing methods for use in
2002 concrete
AASHTO T27-06 SNI 03-1968- Testing about fine and rough aggregate
1990 filter analysis
AASHTO TP -33 SNI 03-6877- Testing Methods of Unpaid Fine Aggregate
2002 Cavity Levels
AASHTO T85-891 (2004 Method of testing the type and absorption
SNI 1969 : 2008 of coarse aggregate water
AASHTO T84-00 (2004) SNI Method of testing the type and absorption
1970 : 2008 of fine aggregate water
AASHTO T87-86 (2004) SNI Method of preparing soil and soil samples
03-1975-1990 containing aggregate
AASHTO T88-00 (2004) SNI Test method for analysis of soil grain size
3423 : 2008
AASHTO T89-02 ; SNI 1967 : Test method for determining the liquid limit
2008 for the soil
AASHTO T90-00 (2004) SNI Test method for determining the plastic
1966 : 2008 limit and soil plasticity index.
AASHTO T96-02 (2006) SNI The way of testing the aggregate wear with
2417 : 2008 a losi angeles abrasion machine
AASHTO T97 SNI 03-4431- Normal concrete bending strength testing
1997 method with two loading points

pt. wahanacipta bangunwisma 6

Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
General requirements for the work implementation

AASHTO T99-01 (2004) SNI Light density test method for soil or
1742 : 2008 magnesium sulfate
AASHTO T104-99 (2003) SNI Portland cement mortar compressive
03-6825-2002 strength testing method for civil work

Clay lumps testing methods and grains

AASHTO T106M/ T106- 07 easily broke in aggregate
SNI 03-4141-1996
AASHTO T112-00 (2004) SNI How to test the nature of aggregate
3407 : 2008 conservation by immersion using sodium
sulfate solution
AASHTO T119-07 SNI 1972 : Concrete slump test method
AASHTO T131-06 SNI 03- Testing Method of Early Portland Cement
6827-2002 Time Testing with Vicat Tools for Civil
ASHTO T133-98 (2006) Portland cement specific gravity test
SNI 15-2531-1991
AASHTO T134-05 SNI 03- The method of testing the relationship
6886-2002 between water content and density in a
mixture of cement soil
AASHTO T135-97 (2005) Testing Methods for Wet and Dry Testing
Mixtures of Cement Soils are compacted
SNI 13-6427-2000
AASHTO T141-05 SNI 2458 : Procedures for taking samples of fresh
2008 concrete tests
AASHTO T144-86 SNI 03- Method of testing cement levels in the
6412-2000 fresh mixture of soil cement.
AASHTO T176-02 SNI 03- Fine aggregate or sand testing methods
4478-1997 that contain plastic materials by means of
AASHTO T180-01 (2004) SNI How to test the heavy density for the soil.
1743 : 2008
AASHTO T191-02 (2006) SNI Field density testing methods with sand
03-2828-1992 conus tools
AASHTO T193-99 (2003) SNI Laboratory CBR Testing Method
AASHTO T205-64 SNI 19- Testing Methods for Density of Weight
6413-2000 Contents in the Field with Rubber Balloons
AASTHO T224-67 SNI 03- The correction method for testing soil
1967-1990 compaction containing coarse grains.
AASHTO T248-74 SNI 13- Procedures for storing test specimens from
6717-2002 aggregate samples
AASHTO T255-96 (2004) SNI Aggregate water content testing method
AASHTO T258-81 (2004) SNI Testing method to determine expansive
03-6795-2002 soil

pt. wahanacipta bangunwisma 7

Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
General requirements for the work implementation

AASHTO M6-03 SNI 03-6820- Fine aggregate specifications for stirring

2002 and plastering work with cement basic
ASTM A 120 SNI 07-0242.1- Specifications of welded steel pipes and
2000 without connections with black and
galvanized layers
ASTM A 239 SNI 06-6443- Testing Method To determine the thinnest
2000 zinc layer area by drece in iron or steel dip
ASTM C1252 – 93
AASHTO TP-33 SNI 03-6877- Testing Methods of uncompacted Fine
2002 Aggregate Cavity Levels
ASTM D 1632 – 63 SNI 03- Procedures for manufacturing and
6798-2002 maintenance of compressive and flexible
test specimens of cement soil in the
ASTM D 1633 – 94 SNI 03- Testing Methods of Cement Free
6887-2002 Compressive Strength
ASTM D 4791 RSNI T-01-2005 Method of testing the coarse aggregate
Cara grains shaped flat, oval or flat and oval
ASTM D 5581 RSNI M-06- The method of testing the hot asphalt
2004 mixture for the maximum aggregate of
25.4mm (1 inch) to 38mm (1.5inch) with a
marshall tool
ASTM E 102-93 SNI 03-6721- Testing Method of Liquid Asphalt Stage
2002 with Saybolt
A.C.I. 315 SNI 03-6818-2002 Concrete reinforcement procedures
BS 1924 Test 18 SNI 19-6426- Testing Method of Measurement of
2000 Cement Soil Paste for Stabilization
BSI 1973 SNI 03-2834-2000 Procedures for making normal concrete
mixture plans
AISC 360-10 SNI 03-1729- Specifications for structural steel buildings
BS 812 SNI 03-6869-2002 Test sampling methods, shape, size, and
SNI 03-6751-2002 Specifications of macadam penetration
layer material
SNI 03-6797-2002 Procedures for the classification of soil and
aggregate soil mixture
SNI 03-6822-2002 Testing Methods of Aggregate Filter
Analysis Extraction Results
SNI 03-6817-2002 Water quality testing methods for use in
SNI 03-2491-2002 Concrete Clash Tensile Street Testing
SNI 03-4137-1996 Aggregate Average Thickness and Length
Testing Method
SNI 03-3976-1995 Procedure for stirring concrete casting

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
General requirements for the work implementation

SNI 03-3438-1994 Land stabilization with Portland cement for

the way
SNI 03-3407-1994 Testing Method of Conservation of
Aggregate Forms
SNI 03-2442-1991 Concrete Kerb Specifications for Way

13. Implementation Coordination

The contractor who appoints suppliers and / or sub -constructors in terms of material
procurement and installation, the contractor must first notify the Directors /
Construction Management to obtain approval.
The contractor is required to coordinate the implementation of the Directors/
Construction Management Guidelines with the Sub -Contractor or Supplier of
The supplier must attend accompanying the Directors/Construction Management in
the field for special work where the implementation and installation of the material
requires special requirements according to factory instructions

14. Job requirements

The contractor is required to carry out all work by following the instructions and
requirements of the work, regulations for the use of building materials used in
accordance with the job description & technical requirements for implementing the
work and / or instructions given by the Directors / Construction Management.
Before carrying out every job in the field, the contractor is required to pay attention
and coordinate work with other work regarding structural work, architecture,
mechanical, electronic, plumbing / sanitation and receive written permission from the
directors / construction management.

15. Work Implementations

All sizes and positions including the installation of stakes in the field must be precise
according to the implementation drawings.
The slope made must be enough to drain rain water to the gutters around it and
follow the requirements listed in the working drawings.
Before starting the implementation of the work, the contractor is required to examine
the implementation drawingand measure the field conditions.
Each part of the work must obtain prior approval from the Directors/Construction
Management before starting the implementation of the work.

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
General requirements for the work implementation

All work that has been completed, if necessary must be protected from possible
defects caused by other work.
When the strengthening system stated in the implementation drawingis considered
less strong by the contractor, it becomes the obligation and dependents of the
contractor to add it after the reinforcement system proposed by the contractor is
approved by the Directors/Construction Management. In this case the contractor
cannot claim to be added.
The contractor must not claim to be added work if it occurs:
a. Damage to a job due to the contractor's composition, the contractor must
repair it according to its original state.
b. Improve a job that is not in accordance with applicable requirements,
implementation drawings or contract documents.
c. Appointment of experts by the Directors/Construction Management in
accordance with the activities of a job.
d. All material testing, manufacturing or implementation in the field must be
carried out by the contractor.
e. Architectural finishing is +5 cm from the surface of the structural floor plate
(see drawing)

16. Basis For Determining The Size / Position Of The Work.

All sizes and positions, including the installation of stakes in the field, must be
precise in accordance with the implementation drawings.
The contractor must pay attention and study all the instructions stated in the
implementation drawing to get the position and accuracy in the field for each part of
the work.
The contractor must install the most important stakes in the site as a benchmark
starting point of each part of the work and must be in accordance with what is
determined in the implementation image.
If there is a difference between the implementation drawing and the situation in the
field, the contractor must report the matter to the Directors/Construction
Management to get it. Not justified the contractor takes action without the knowledge
of the directors/construction management

17. Regulations Of Construction Activities In The Batang

Industry Area
1) Working hours of construction activities are determined as follows :
➢ Working Hours : 07.00 AM – 06.00 PM.
➢ Unloading and loading : 07.00 AM – 06.00 PM
No workers are allowed to remain at the location through working hours,
except security officers. This condition also applies to material loading and
unloading activities. Overtime must be requested in writing to the area
2) Construction actors are required to install a guardrail around the construction

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
General requirements for the work implementation

3) Construction workers are prohibited from overnight in the area without the
approval of the area management;
4) Mobilization of materials and heavy equipment construction activities are
prohibited through village roads and must go through an agreed road;
5) Every construction worker is required to use (personal protective equipment)
PPE while working;
6) Contractors are not allowed to dismantle and hoard construction materials above
DMJ (road owned);
7) Industrial businesses are required to pay security deposit before the start of
construction. The amount of the security deposit is imposed based on the amount
of the construction work contract value as stated in the estate regulation with the
following details:
➢ The contract value is less than Rp. 100,000,000,000.- subject to a security
deposit of 1%;
➢ The contract value is more than Rp 100,000,000,000. Up to Rp.
250,000,000,000.- subject to a security deposit of 0.75%;
➢ The contract value is more than Rp. 250,000,000,000. Up to Rp.
500,000,000,000. - subject to a security deposit of 0.50%;
➢ The contract value is more than Rp. 500,000,000,000. - subject to a
security deposit of 0.25%;
8) Contractors are required to repair damaged facilities and infrastructure due to
the implementation of development as a direct and indirect consequence of
construction activities no later than 3 (three) days from the receipt of notification.
If during this time the specified business actors/construction actors failed to make
improvements, the area manager will make their own repairs with the cost of
business actors deducted from guarantees;
9) If the Contractors has excess land that must be discarded, then they must
coordinate with the area manager, because the excess land cannot be taken out
of the integrated industrial area of the Batang;
10) Contractors are required to clean waste and the remaining construction materials
and throw them in the place determined by the area manager;
11) The canteen/stand for the needs of construction workers must be built in the lot;
12) All consequences of deviations in the prevention of environmental pollution
(disturbance) are the responsibility of contractors;
13) Contractors are required to take actions to prevent environmental pollution
(disruption) as a risk of mitigation of development implementation;;
14) Contractors are required to pay the regional road cleaning money every month
during the construction period with the amount determined by the following
scheme :

cleanliness fee amount = cleanliness fee per-km x access road length x cost
Remarks :
Cleanliness fee for each km road: IDR 2.000.000/km
Cost coefficient (determined in accordance with the contract value)

➢ 10%: < IDR 1 Billion

➢ 25% : IDR 1 Billion – 100 Billion
➢ 50% : IDR 100 Billion – 250 Billion
➢ 75% : IDR 250 Billion – 500 Billion
➢ 100% : > IDR 500 Billion

15) The area manager has the right to reprimand and provide advice to contractors
if the implementation is not/not in accordance with approval;

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
General requirements for the work implementation

16) Contractors are required to have their own security personnel during the
construction process, and security during construction activities become
responsible for Contractors;
Coordination During construction activities, the person in charge of the
construction can contact the Department of Estate Management, the Operational
Division, the Batang Integrated Industrial Estate through Sdr. Lukman Nurhandy
HP. +62 812-2809-4269

18. Term
The term used based on each discipline is as follows :

AR - : Architecture.
Includes matters relating to the overall planning and design of buildings of all existing
work disciplines both technical and aesthetic and outside the building.

SR - : Structure.
Includes matters relating to construction calculations, main construction materials and
specifications, column dimensionering, beams and plate thickness and reinforcement.

SE - : Sanitation (Sanction technique).

Includes matters relating to the building sanitation system (clean water, dirty water
and rainwater).

EE - : Electrical.
Includes matters relating to the electrical power system and lighting.

EF - : Electrical.
Includes matters relating to the Fire Detector / Protection system.

ET - : Electrical.
Includes matters relating to the telephone / communication system.

ES - : Electrical.
Includes matters relating to the sound system.

ME - : Mechanics,
Includes matters relating to the use of equipment / machines / motorcycles assisted
by an electric power system, for example: elevator, AC, Heating System, Crane, etc..

MC - : Mechanics,

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
General requirements for the work implementation

Includes matters relating to the use of equipment / machines / motorcycles that cause
electric power, for example: generators, diesel, compressors etc..

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Grand Batang City (KITB)

Central Java

Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work


Which includes preparation work is in accordance with the implementation document
and boq, consisting of at least :
1. Tread facilities
2. Mobilization and demobilization
3. Area cleaning work during the project
4. Bowplank measurement and installation work
5. Job Determination of Peil P + 0.00,
6. Work of making basic stakes.
7. Work of making contractor offices and directors/construction management.
8. Demolition and Re-assembly work.
9. Project Area Border Work (Fence)
10. Work / warehouse job.
11. Implementation of HSE

2.1. Tread facilities
Which includes this work includes the provision of water and electricity for work,
providing fire extinguishers and site drainage.

1) Water supply work and electricity for work..

a) Water to work must be provided by the contractor;
b) Water must be clean, free from odor, oil mud and other destructive
c) Water supply must be in accordance with the instructions and approval of
the Directors/Construction Management;
d) Electricity to work must be provided by a contractor
2) Fire Extinguisher Procurement Work..
a) The contractor must provide Yamato Fire Extinguisher (Fire Extinguisher)
complete with its contents, at least 2 tubes @ 4-6 kg;
b) If the implementation of development has ended, the fire extinguisher
becomes the property of the task giver.
3) Site drainage.
The contractor is required to make a temporary channel that functions for
existing water disposal. The provisional channel is made according to the
instructions / approval of the Directors / Construction Management.

2.2. Demolition And Cleaning Work Before Implementation.


Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

Durning and cleaning work before the implementation includes the demolition /
cleaning / transfer of out of the construction development area of the things stated by
the Directors / Construction Management will not be used again or that can interfere
with the smooth implementation..

The results of the outlet (if considered important) must be collected and become the
right to have the task. The handover will be arranged by the Directors/Construction

2.3. Measurement Of Development Location.

a) The contractor is required to carry out measurements and re -portrayal of the

construction site with information about information about land height peil, the
location of trees in the location of land boundaries using optical devices that have
been talked by the authorities;

b) The incompatibility that might occur between the picture and the actual field
conditions must be immediately reported to the Directors/Construction
Management for his decisions;

c) Determination of height points and angles is only done with waterpass / theodolite
equivalent T2 tools;

d) The contractor must provide a waterpass / theodolite equivalent to T2 and its

officers who serve for the purposes of examining the Directors / Construction

e) Measurement of elbow angles with prisms or threads in principle Phytagoras

triangle is only permitted for small parts that have been approved by the
Directors/Construction Management;

f) Installation of existing and still functioning installations must be marked clear and
protected from damage that may occur due to the work of this project, for that
construction management must be enforced in the measurement image as
mentioned in the measurement of development sites. The contractor is responsible
for all the damage due to the work that has been carried out.

2.4. Job Determination of Basic Stakes or Peil P + 0. 00.

Measuring board / Bouwplank is made of Borneo wood with a thickness of 3 cm thick
and a width of 15 cm, straight and shaved evenly on the top side. The measuring
board is mounted on a 5/7 Borneo wooden stake with a distance from each other is
1.5 m firmly stuck so that it cannot be moved or changed.


Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

The upper side of the measuring board must be the same as the others and / or flat
waterpass, unless other desired by the Directors / Construction Management.
After completing the installation of the measuring board, the contractor must report
to the Directors/Construction Management for approval.

2.5. Making Basic Stake (Bench Mark)

The location of the Bench Mark (Bench Mark) is determined by the
Directors/Construction Management.
Basic marks (bench marks) are made of reinforced concrete with 20 x 20 cm, stuck
in the ground as deep as 1 meter with parts that appear above the ground surface to
taste to facilitate further measurements.
Basic marks (bench marks) are made permanently, cannot be changed, given a
clear sign and maintained its integrity until there are written instructions from the
directors/construction management to dismantle it

2.6. Measuring board (Bouwplank)

1) Measuring board (bouwplank) is mounted on a strong wooden stake, embedded
in local cast concrete so that it cannot be moved or changed.

2) The wooden gauge board is made of class II wood with a thickness of 3 cm, width
15 cm, straight and shaved evenly on the top side.

3) The top side of the bouwplank board must be the same between one another,
unless other desired by the directors/construction management.

4) The measuring board is installed as far as 150 cm from the outer walls, so it does
not interfere with the implementation of the work.

5) After completing the installation of a measuring board, the contractor must report
to the Directors/Construction Management for approval, and must maintain and
maintain the integrity and determination of the location of the measuring board
until no longer needed and dismantled with the approval of the
Directors/Construction Management.

6) Other tools that must be always available at the project site for at any time can be
used by the Directors/Construction Management are:

➢ Theodolite measuring devices are equivalent to T1 and T2, 1 (one) unit.

➢ Schuifmaate measuring instrument, 1 (one) unit

2.7. Demolition and Re-assembly Works


Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

A. Cortractors are required to report to the Directors / Management of Construction

before coinciding / moving everything in the field.

B. The contractor is required to protect the existing facilities in the site that is still
functioning. The contractor must have taken into account all existing conditions /
existing in the field which includes and is not limited to:
a) The utility system that still has to function during the work, among others:
drainage channels, clean water pipes, gas pipes, or installation of power
cables and data cables. The safety of the structure conditions and finishing
of existing buildings that are not unloaded.
b) Prevention of noise and the need for traffic signs to reduce disruption to the
environment that still has to function.

C. The volume of the results of the implementation of the demolition work will be
calculated based on the work limit in accordance with the scope listed in the
contract document.

D. If in the implementation of the work must be carried out by other jobs outside the
scope of the work contract, the contractor is required to repair or complete the work
as well as possible without disturbing the existing system. In this case, the
contractor cannot claim as an additional job.

2.8. Project Area Border Work (Fence)

Borneo wood frame 5/7 and 6/10, painted by wood.

2.9. Office Contractor And Work / Warehouse

1) The size of the contractor's office and work booths, fuel storage, is up to the
contractor by not ignoring the safety, cleanliness and danger of fire, as well as
paying attention to the place available so that it does not interfere with smoothness.

2) The contractor must provide 4 fire extinguishers [Fire Etingisher] 20 kgs/cm2, 1 in

the contractor, 1 placed in the office of the Board of Directors/Construction
Management, 2 placed in a strategic area in the Work Space.

3) Especially for storing basic materials such as sand or gravel, a storage box must
be made with a fence with a wall from the board so that each material is not mixed
with the others.

4) The contractor is not permitted to :

a. Storing tools, materials outside the project fence even for a while.
b. Storing materials rejected by the Board of Directors/Management
constructs because it does not meet the requirements.


Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work


In terms of carrying out their work, the contractor must secure / protect the following
matters :
1. Buildings and other existing objects that are maintained so as not to be
damaged or defective.
2. Goods or materials or components that are maintained, so as not to be
damaged or defective.
3. The results of the previous work (which has been completed).
4. Running job





Grand Batang City (KITB)

Central Java

Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

1.1. Scope of work
a) Procurement of materials, labor, work equipment and other necessities needed to
carry out earthworks consisting of excavation, fill and compaction work in accordance
with the plan drawings as well as the Work Plan and Conditions (RKS) described in
this book.
b) Soil excavation work includes excavation or removal of soil, rocks or other useless
material from the project site, removal of topsoil, disposal of avalanche marks, all of
which are in accordance with this Work Plan and Conditions (RKS).
c) Backfill work up to the level specified in the plan drawings.
d) Land compaction work until reaches the defined density in accordance with the design
drawings and the Work Plan and Conditions (RKS) described in this book.

1.2. General Requirements for Excavation and Backfill Works

a) Layout
The contractor is responsible for the layout required to carry out the work. Prior to
arrangement, the Contractor must submit a layout plan for approval from the
Constitutional Court. Bench Marks that are permanent or temporary must be protected
from the possibility of being disturbed or moved.
b) Supervision.
During the execution of earthworks, the Contractor must be represented by an expert
supervisor who is experienced in the field of excavation and backfill work, who is
familiar with all aspects of the work to be carried out under the contract.
c) Cleaning and Demolition Work.
All surface objects such as trees, roots and protrusions, as well as obstacles and
others that are within the boundaries of the construction area as shown in the drawings,
must be cleaned and/or dismantled except for the following:
1) The remains of trees that do not interfere with the roots and unbreakable objects
locate at least 1 meter below the base of the foundation.
2) Dismantling of piles, drains and gutters only to the required depth at the site.
3) Except in places that must be excavated, holes used for trees and other holes must
be backfilled with good fill materials and must be compacted.

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

4) The contractor is responsible for disposing of the plants and debris from demolition,
to a place determined by the Constitutional Court.
5) Contractor shall keep all specified items in their place.

d) Obstacles (if any)

1) Obstacles are in the form of concrete construction, river stone masonry, masonry
walls, scrap metal and other former constructions of old buildings, whose
demolition method requires a special method using more specialized equipment
(eg concrete breaker), compressor, cutting machine) compared to the equipment
used in earth excavation work.
2) All debris and debris from the demolition of existing construction, excavations, etc.,
must be immediately removed from the site and disposed of in a place determined
by the Constitutional Court. All equipment needed in this work package, must be
available in the field in a ready-to-use condition.
3) The contractor must maintain cleanliness in the area and its surroundings caused
by all these work activities, as well as maintain the integrity of existing
materials/goods that are not dismantled.
4) Limits on demolition of former building obstacles are as follows:
a) In the area of deep foundation points, until it reaches a depth that still allows
the obstacle to be dismantled / excavated in accordance with the conditions
and nature of the soil in the area.
b) b) On the path to be made shallow foundations or footings, poer and sloof
beams, starting from the existing ground surface to below the base surface of
the sand fill from foundation construction, concrete pour and tie beams.

1.3. Humus Removal Work Requirements

a) Before starting the excavation work, the topsoil and grass must be cleaned and
free from remnants of loose soil (subsoil), tree marks, roots, loose rocks, bushes
or other materials.
b) Humus and others according to item 1.3.1. as a result of stripping/excavation
must be disposed of to a place that has been determined by the Constitutional

1.4. Excavation Work

a) During the excavation process, field conditions must be maintained in order to
always have a good drainage system.
b) In carrying out excavations, it is allowed to use machines except for places where
the use of these machines can damage nearby objects, buildings or work that has
been completed. In this case the method of work by hand must be carried out.
pt. wahanacipta bangunwisma 22
Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

c) The contractor must make a temporary sheet pile that is strong enough to hold the
slopes of the excavated soil so that the excavation slopes do not slide or collapse
so as not to interfere with the work.
d) The temporary sheet pile must be able to keep/hold the buildings around the
excavation slope for stability purposes.
e) For the event of building damages or collapse caused by excavation work, the
Contractor is responsible for the damages including the goods and must indemnify
at own costs.
f) The Contractor shall provide adequate protection and maintenance for the above-
ground and below-ground parts of the work, drainage, drains and obstacles
encountered in the execution of the work. All costs incurred are the responsibility
of the Contractor.
g) The slope of the excavation must be made with a ratio of at least 1 (one) horizontal
to 1 (one) vertical, unless otherwise shown in the drawings or on the instructions
of the Constitutional Court.
h) The Types of Excavation.
Types of Excavations are divided into 3 (three) types, namely:
1) Ordinary soil excavation.
2) Rock excavation.
3) Excavation of construction / obstacle.

i) All excavation work must be carried out in accordance with this Work Plan and
Requirements (RKS) for the three types of excavation mentioned above. Job
requirements relating to other fields, following the provisions of the location,
details, and dimensions as stated in the plan drawings or on the instructions of the
Constitutional Court.

j) Ordinary Land Excavation

1) Ordinary earth excavation must include all excavations that are not rock
excavation, construction excavation or excavation of other materials and raw
2) If the Constitutional Court wishes, the Contractor must dismantle/dispose of
unwanted materials from the results of the excavation work, to another place
that has been determined.
3) If the unwanted materials must be removed, the soil used to cover the ex-
excavated pit must be compacted.
4) If the unwanted soil/material is located below the groundwater table, then the
soil and its replacement material must consist of sand or other loose grained
material, up to a minimum thickness of 30 cm above the groundwater level.
Under these circumstances, compaction can be eliminated, provided that the
Constitutional Court. allow.

pt. wahanacipta bangunwisma 23

Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

k) Rock Excavation
Rock excavation consists of digging/unloading rocks in the excavated area,
including conglomerate rocks which, according to the Court's opinion. must be
excavated / demolished.
l) Excavation of Construction / Obstacle
1) Construction excavations are all excavations, other than soil excavation and
rock excavation within the work limits mentioned in this Work Plan and
Conditions (RKS) or listed in the working drawings.
2) All excavations referred to as Construction excavations consist of excavations
for building floors, excavations for foundations of existing buildings,
excavations for road/yard pavements, excavations for pipes/electric cables,
gas pipes, drinking water pipes, canals and constructions. -other constructions,
other than those mentioned in this Work Plan and Conditions (RKS).
3) This work also includes work to fill the ex-excavated holes with good materials
and of the type approved by the Constitutional Court, removing excess
material, draining or pumping water when necessary, demolition and others in
connection with This job.
4) Before starting the excavation work, the Contractor must first notify the
Constitutional Court. So that cross-sections, peels and measurements can be
carried out on undisturbed soil conditions.
5) Excavations for foundations, sloof beams or other constructions must be
excavated up to the slope and slope limits as stated on the plan drawings or
on the instructions of the Constitutional Court. The excavation must be of
sufficient size so that the placement of the construction with dimensions
according to the plan drawings can be easily carried out.
6) The Constitutional Court may determine changes in dimensions or details of
the excavation base if deemed necessary. After the excavation is completed,
the Contractor must notify the Court of the basic conditions of the excavation.
7) Hard rock, other materials which are quite hard and which are allowed to
become part of the foundation/construction base, must be cleaned of loose
materials and cut in a solid and flat shape in accordance with the Constitutional
Court's instructions. All existing cracks or crevices must be cleaned and filled
with specialties. All loose material, weathered rock and thin layers should be

1.5. Landfill Work

a) Backfill Material Requirements
1) The fill material used is red soil or land fill sand that meets the requirements as
fill material, including:

pt. wahanacipta bangunwisma 24

Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

a) Backfill material must be free from humus, waste (both organic and
inorganic waste), plant roots or plant remains or other items that can
damage the density and carrying capacity of the soil.
b) Backfill material must be free from rocks measuring = 5/7 cm which can
cause cavities in the soil after compaction.
c) The water content of the fill material must be in the range of 3% below the
optimum water content to 1% above the optimum water content. The
optimum water content is the water content at the maximum dry density
obtained from soil compaction experiments in accordance with SNI 03-
1743-1989, Method D.
d) Backfill soil shall not be high plastic soil classified as A-7-6 according to
AASHTO M145 or as CH under the “Unified or Casagrande Soil
Classification System”.
e) Highly expansive soil that has an active value (comparison between Plastic
Index / PI-(SNI 03-1966-1989) and clay content percentage (SNI 03-3422-
1994)) greater than 1.25 or degree of development classified by AASHTO
T258 as “very high” or “extra high”, should not be used as backfill material
2) Ex-excavated land in general may not be used again for backfill, unless the
land meets the requirements as backfill material and obtains approval from the
Constitutional Court.
3) The source of fill material must have sufficient quantities to ensure the supply
of backfill material so that it can meet all the needs of the Project.
4) All backfill materials must obtain approval from the Constitutional Court. both
regarding the quality of the material, as well as the source of the material itself
before being brought or used on the job site.
5) Backfill containing organic soil, roots, garbage, etc., may not be used for
backfill. Such materials must be removed and placed in a disposal location
approved or designated by the Constitutional Court.
b) Testing of backfill materials
As backfill material before being used to fill/fill the project site, it must first be tested
so that all the requirements for the fill material can be met.
1) The Contractor shall conduct a survey and research at the Quary location for
testing the requirements of the backfill material according to the requirements
of item 1.5.1 (1). a) and c).
2) Contractor must take soil samples from Quary, at least 3 (three) sample points
for 1 (one) Quary. The sampling volume for each point is 1 m3 of soil taken at
a depth of 1 m below the ground surface.
3) The Quarry soil sample is then brought to the Laboratory for testing purposes

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

a) Plasticity Index.
b) Particle Gradation Testing.
c) Determination of maximum dry density according to SNI 03-1743-1989,
method D.CBR testing.
4) Compaction Experiment
a) The contractor shall be responsible for selecting methods and equipment
for compaction to achieve the required density.
b) Compaction experiments must be carried out with variations in the number
of passes of the compactor and the moisture content must be monitored so
that the required density can be achieved.
c) The results of this compaction experiment must then be used as a
reference in the actual compaction implementation.
d) Material quality testing must be carried out routinely on backfill materials
brought to the project site. For every 1000 cubic meters of backfill that
enters the project, a minimum of one Active Value test must be carried out,
as required in item 1.5.1. Requirements for Backfill Materials point 1). e).
c) Execution of remediation.
1) The area to be filled must be cleaned of garbage, pieces of wood or other
materials other than fill material in accordance with the instructions of the
Constitutional Court.
2) Backfill that has been placed at the backfill location but does not meet the
standard requirements as backfill material, must be discarded and replaced
with fill material that meets the standard requirements at the expense of the
3) The existing soft soil (mud) must be removed by dredging before the backfill
work begins. During dredging and backfilling, the area must be drained.
4) Compression and compaction must be carried out in accordance with the
article on this subject in the next chapter.
5) No backfill or compaction is allowed during heavy rains. If the surface of the
compacted layer is inundated with water, the Contractor shall make grooves in
the top surface of the fill to dry it to the correct moisture content and recompact.
6) The height of the backfill surface after compaction must reach the elevation in
accordance with the design drawings.
d) Implementation of Backfill on very soft soil.
Backfill in areas where the original soil is very soft where the height/thickness of
the fill after compaction reaches 1.5 meters or more, the implementation of backfill
must comply with the following provisions:
1) Before backfilling is carried out, the subgrade must first be fitted with a 10 cm
diameter, the length of 4 meter hole that is staked at a distance of 30 cm for
both directions.

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2) Piling of the crevice must be carried out until the top end of the recess enters
the ground at least reaching the same level with the subgrade surface.
3) After the installation of the chimney is completed, then backfill is carried out
layer by layer with the thickness of each layer according to item 1.5.5.
Compaction Implementation
e) Compaction Implementation
1) The Contractor shall determine the type, size and weight of the compactor,
which is most suitable for compaction of the fill material. The compaction
equipment must be approved by the Construction Management / Supervision
2) Soil compaction must be carried out layer by layer with a maximum thickness
of each layer of 30 cm and compacted until it reaches a minimum of 90%
(modified proctor) of the maximum dry density as specified in AASHTO T99.
3) Immediately after the laying of the backfill is complete, the backfill must be
compacted with a suitable and adequate compactor or roller and has received
approval from the Constitutional Court.
4) Compaction must be carried out using a steel wheeled static roller with a weight
adjusted for the purpose of compacting the soil for this project, so that the
planned soil density as stated in the plan drawings can be achieved.
5) Compaction with the roller must be carried out repeatedly/back and forth until
the backfill is completely compacted according to the plan and rolling must be
continued until all the grooves of the roller rut are gone.
6) The Constitutional Court may order the use of a rubber-wheeled roller for the
last compaction if the compaction with a steel-wheeled static roller can cause
damage to the layer underneath.
7) Compaction in locations that cannot be reached with a crushing machine
compactor, the fill material must be spread layer by layer with a maximum
thickness of each layer of 15 cm. Compaction is carried out using a mechanical
jump pounder/stamper with a minimum weight of 25 kg.
8) Compaction of backfill can only be carried out if the water content of the fill
material is in the range of 3% below the optimum water content to 1% above
the optimum water content as stipulated in SNI 03-1743-1989, Method D
9) The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy, placement and
compaction of the fill materials and shall also correct deficiencies due to
inadequate compaction.
f) Compaction Quality Test
1) Density testing must be carried out on each layer of compacted
embankment/fill in accordance with SNI 03-2828-1992. If the results of each
test indicate that the density is less than the required one, the Contractor shall
repair his work so that it meets the requirements at no additional cost.
2) with field CBR inspection.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

a) The equipment used in the field CBR inspection consists of:

• Mechanical CBR jack with a capacity of 10 tons equipped with a swivel
head and proving ring with a capacity of 1.5 tons, 3 tons and 5 tons or
as needed, penetration pistons and connecting pipes.
• Indicating watch for measuring penetration with an accuracy of 0.01
mm, equipped with a support beam of ± 2.5 m long profile steel.
• A load plate with a diameter of 2.5 cm with a hole in the middle weighing
5 kg and additional weights weighing 2.5 kg for additional loads when
• For a truck that is loaded as needed, a mechanical CBR jack must be
installed at the bottom of the rear of the truck.
• Two truck jacks, digging tools, mashers, graders and others required
for testing.
b) This test is carried out to check the CBR (California Bearing Ratio) on the
spot. CBR is the ratio between the penetration load of a layer of soil or
pavement against standard materials with the same depth and speed of
c) The contractor must carry out field CBR testing on the surface of the last
compacted soil layer whose CBR value is desired according to the plan


2.1. Scope of work

a) Study other parts of this Work Plan and Conditions (RKS) book as well as
requirements related to pile foundation work.
b) Provide labor, materials, equipment and others needed for the implementation of
pile foundation work.
c) Provide the necessary services and transportation for the procurement of piles.
d) Carry out the erection of all piles for all building foundations and other foundations
as stated in the Work Plan and Conditions (RKS) book, or as stated in the planning
e) Coordinate the field with other works that are in one project, so that all work can
take place smoothly.
f) Land Condition Information
Soil data (boring, sondir and others) are part of this Work Plan and Conditions
(RKS). The contractor must research and study the data from the soil investigation
so that the pile driving work can be carried out perfectly.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

2.2. General requirement

a) Concrete piles must have a minimum characteristic stress as stated in the

planning drawings which are tested at the age of 28 days using a cylindrical
specimen with a diameter of 15 cm and a length of 30 cm in accordance with
ASTM C-31 and C-39standards.
b) All aggregates must be free of salt and comply with ASTM C-33 standards.
c) The cement used must meet the ASTM C-150 standard.
d) The water must be clean and contain no materials that damage the concrete,
including salt.
e) Indonesian standard which is equivalent to ASTM is acceptable.

2.3. Material Requirements

a) The planned piles are prestressed precast piles as follows: (with the shape and
size according to the planning drawings)
a. Pile Type : Spun Pile 500mm
b. Concrete Quality : fc'52Mpa.
b) Concrete piles must have a minimum characteristic stress as stated in the design
drawings. The dimensions and details of the piles are also in accordance with
those stated in the planning drawings.
c) Piles must have a design capacity (bearing capacity) for 1 (one) pile, as stated in
the planning drawings.
d) Pile Length
1) Prior to ordering the material, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain
the required pile lengths in a standardized manner such as carrying out test
pile erections, pile loading tests and others. All piles must be planted at a
certain depth until they get the specified bearing capacity.
2) 2) However, in the work tender, the number and length of piles are determined
based on the design drawings, with a capacity that meets the total design load
as specified in the planning drawings. The test poles and loading tests
specified in the Work Plan and Conditions (RKS) are also included in the job
price offer.
e) Other requirements that can be applied to this can be seen in this Work Plan
and Conditions (RKS) book on concrete material requirements.

2.4. General Implementation Requirements

a) Prior to the execution of the work, the Contractor must have checked all the
planning drawings and this Work Plan and Conditions (RKS) book, has reviewed
the location, has seen records regarding previous developments, has studied

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

existing utilities and their connections if exist and have noted all conditions and
limitations that may affect this work.
b) The location and the piling points are as listed in the planning drawings.
c) The method of implementation of the piling and testing must always be recorded
and carried out properly. These records must be given to the Constitutional Court
and Planners for review and confirmation.
d) The piles may only be driven after at least 4 weeks of age from the time after the
pile has been cast.
e) The Contractor shall determine all slope lines and be responsible for the correct
layout and bearing capacity of all piles.
f) The contractor must report to the Court about the schedule for the implementation
of the erection so that the Court can carry out an inspection.
g) After completion of the pile driving work, the Contractor must make "as built
drawings" based on the record of the results of the driving that contains the pile
plan, column axles, pile layout, driving depth of each pile, distance between piles
in 1 (one) pile group, pole slope (if any) etc. and checked by a qualified surveyor.
h) The cost of re-planning due to an error in the location of the piling that has been
carried out and the additional costs of the work that must be carried out to fulfill
the original plan, shall be borne by the Contractor.
i) The depth of the pile is determined based on the planning drawings, the results
of soil investigations, penetration tests and the final set of piles.
j) The minimum depth of the pile will be determined by the Court based on the
data/records of the test pile driving results.
k) The Contractor will move and discharge the concrete debris, the remaining pieces
of concrete and excavated soil, out of the field/project or to a place determined
by the Constitutional Court, the costs for such disposal are borne by the

2.5. Transportation, Stockpiling and Maintenance of Piles.

a) All piles must be transported carefully and carefully so that there is no damage to
the piles during transportation.
b) Pile piles must be supported by concrete blocks not more than 2.0 m apart from
each other.
c) To prevent damage to the pile during driving, the head of the pile must be installed
with a helmet whose shape and size are in accordance with the planning drawings
or in accordance with the provisions of the manufacturer and must be approved
by the Constitutional Court.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

2.6. Piling Equipment

a) Before the work begins, the Contractor must submit complete data on the
equipment to be used, the way of erection and its working procedures including
the piling machine and equipment to be used in the field.

b) The method of piling used must not cause damage to the pile. The hammer used
must be in accordance with the type of pile and the nature of the material, namely
using a K 350 type of pile.

c) Drop hammers for pile driving must weigh at least 3500 kg and be able to make
at least 40 hits per minute with a fall height of between 1.6 m. - 1.8 meters.

d) Field conditions should be checked to ensure that it is possible to place the piling
equipment, the driving period and the loading trial.

e) The contractor is not allowed to use the piling tool for other purposes. All work
other than piling work, which uses piling tools must first obtain approval from the
Constitutional Court.

2.7. Piling Preparation

a) The contractor must determine each pile, exactly at the specified point.

b) Piles are placed in the right position according to the work sequence that has
been planned.

c) Each pile shall be marked with paint at 0.5 m intervals.

d) The contractor should record all driving data for each pile as accurately as

e) The contractor shall take precautions to avoid damage to the pile heads during
driving. For this purpose, a suitable helmet and packing that has been approved
by the Constitutional Court must be installed on the head of the pile.

2.8. Piling Work Requirements

a) Lifting the pile at the time the pile is about to be driven must be done at the right
points by following the directions from the manufacturer of the pile, or other
methods approved by the Constitutional Court.

b) Piles must be driven to a minimum depth according to the planning drawings or

according to the calendar results for each pile, so that the calculated pile capacity
(bearing capacity) can be achieved.

c) Sampling Sequence
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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

1) Prior to carrying out the erection work, the Contractor must submit a proposal
regarding the order of the piling plan which must be arranged in such a way that
it will not interfere with each other in the implementation of the erection work.
2) In a group of piles that are close to each other, the driving sequence must be
planned starting with the piles in the middlemost position and finally the piles
with the outermost positions.
3) The Constitutional Court may ask the Contractor to change the driving order if
he thinks the order will cause disturbance to the piles that have already been
driven. The contractor is not allowed to file a claim or an extension of time due
to these changes.

d) Test pile driving

1) The contractor must drive at least 10% (ten percent) of the total pile foundation
as a pile driving test to determine the length of the pile required so that the
carrying capacity and depth of the pile are obtained throughout the work area.
The test was carried out long before the actual implementation. This is to
prevent delays in the progress of work and also so that the Contractor can at
any time choose poles of the appropriate length according to the conditions at
the piling site.
2) The test pole must be installed in a position according to the instructions of the
Constitutional Court and according to the planning drawings. Piling is carried
out to the depth according to the planning drawings or according to the
instructions of the Constitutional Court. The contractor must prepare a
ruyung/follower to anticipate the need for deeper piling than specified in the
planning drawings.
3) Calendering must be recorded carefully, i.e. every 20-50 cm for at least the
last 5 m'.
4) Correction of the calendering formula is used to evaluate the length of the pile
required so that the carrying capacity can be achieved.
5) From the evaluation results, the Constitutional Court will determine the lengths
of piles required. With reference to this provision, the Contractor may
make/produce all piles according to the required pile lengths according to the
results of the test pile driving, to carry out the driving in accordance with the
e) The results of the loading test are used to correct the calendering formula specified
in this Work Plan and Conditions Book (RKS).

f) Piles must be prepared carefully in the desired position and must be pinned exactly
on the lines / points of stake that have been determined in accordance with the
planning drawings.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

g) The piles must be driven according to the method approved by the CA and to the
depth as indicated in the results of driving the test piles, or according to the design
drawings or according to the CA instructions.

h) Pile driving must be carried out continuously until it reaches the specified depth
and up to a maximum drop of 20 mm, for the last 10 strokes. The Constitutional
Court will declare that each pole has been erected.

i) If there is any doubt about the results of the calendaring or the depth of the pile,
the Constitutional Court may order to drive to a certain depth even though the
required final set has been fulfilled.

j) In the driving of all piles, both during the pile driving test and at the next pile, the
beating of the new pile can be stopped if the penetration of the pile in the last 10
(ten) strokes is not more than 2.00 cm. and the planned pile bearing capacity has
been achieved.

k) Pile bearing capacity can be calculated by the formula:

eh W H W + n2 P 1
Pu = ------------ X ---------------- X ----
Pu = planned pile bearing capacity (tons)
eh = hammer efficiency = 0.85
W = weight of Ram (tons)
H = stroke Ram (cm)
P = pile weight (tons)
S = final penetration of the pile per stroke (cm), calculated from the average
in the last 10 strokes.
K = amount of rebounding on the last stroke (cm) = 0.1 in = 0.254 cm.
n = coefficient of restitution = 0.5 (concrete pile with cap/cushion)
SF = Safety Factor = 6.
l) When the piles have been driven into place and have been approved by the
Constitutional Court, the Contractor must provide reinforcement cuttings from the
piles that enter the shaft as fasteners, according to the planning drawings.
Reinforcement cuttings can be done with two alternatives, namely:

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1) If the remaining pile driving is still long enough for reinforcement cuttings, the
top end of the pile must be dismantled and all the pile reinforcement made
cuttings according to the planning drawings.
2) If the remaining pile driving is not of sufficient length for reinforcing cuttings,
the top end of the pile must be dismantled/removed, the reinforcing cuttings
are welded to the pile reinforcement or installed in the pile cavity according to
the design drawings.

m) Welding of pile joints must be carried out by skilled and experienced personnel.
The contractor must submit a certificate of expertise from each welder, at least
class B.

n) If there is a difference in the depth of the pile between the planning drawings and
the implementation of the work in the field, it will be considered as additional work
or less work based on the agreement on the results of the inspection, reports and
notes in the field.

o) If there is a change in the design of the pile head (poer), "as built drawings" must
be given to the Court before the pile tool is removed from the work site.

2.9. Piling Report

a) The contractor must make a work record of each pile that is driven and the report
which is a copy of the work record that has been typed neatly and has been
signed must be submitted to the Constitutional Court.
b) The working record contains the length, location, type, permit carrying capacity
and the results of other tests. In addition, this working record contains a list of the
various layers of soil penetrated.
c) The contractor must make and submit a report to the Constitutional Court on the
results of the erection to complete the report/work record mentioned above. This
report must be sent to the Constitutional Court not exceeding the time interval of
erection time, accompanied by the following data:
1) Page reference number and pile location.
2) Pole number, pole size and pole length.
3) Ground level elevation, pile depth and pile bottom end elevation.
4) The date and time of erection.
5) Number of strokes and final carrying capacity value
6) Details on final set and method of pile lifting and driving
7) Type and type of equipment used
8) Leap/bounce from ram (Ram stroke)
9) Time required for erection

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d) At the end of the erection work, the Contractor must make and submit a drawing
of the foundation plan and the tolerances found in the field as many as required
by the Court and the Assignment Provider.

2.10. Inadequate Piling Work

a) Piles that are not perfect, either due to the condition of the piles or due to
incorrect driving or the location is misplaced, must be repaired at the
Contractor's expense by one of the following methods approved by the
Constitutional Court.
1) Poles that are not perfect are taken/removed and replaced with new poles.
2) The new pile is planted adjacent to the imperfect pile.

b) Piles shall be laid and driven at design sub-grade elevations.

c) As a result of the above requirements, the piles must be pinned correctly at the
location according to the planning drawings. All piles shall be driven with a
lateral tolerance of not more than 7.50 cm from the specified point. Piles whose
deviation is more than 7.50 cm laterally or poles whose vertical slope is more
than 0.2% must be discarded. The deviation of each pole from the location
point according to the plan must be reported daily to the Constitutional Court.
The contractor must procure and install additional piles at the site as a result
of imperfect erection in accordance with the Constitutional Court's instructions.
The costs for such implementation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.

d) Where there are more than 4 (four) piles in a group, the first pile to be driven
is the center pile. All piles in a group must be approximately the same depth.

e) The poles whose stakes are rejected and not removed must remain in the
ground and cut in accordance with the instructions of the Constitutional Court.
If the pile according to the Constitutional Court's instructions must be removed,
and the hole that was left from the pile that was not removed is no longer used
for driving the replacement pile, then the hole must be filled with gravel or split
and must be compacted without any additional cost.

f) If there is damage to the piles during driving, the damaged parts must be
repaired by cutting and joining new piles according to the instructions of the
Constitutional Court. If according to the Constitutional Court it is not possible
for the Contractor to repair the damaged pile properly or if the results of the
repair are doubtful, the Court may order to replace it with a new pile. The
contractor shall bear all costs of repairing, procuring and erecting the piles.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

g) If due to imperfect erection in the opinion of the Court, a redesign of the

foundation must be carried out, then the cost of redesigning the foundation is
the burden and responsibility of the Contractor.

2.11. Disturbance / Obstacles

If a solid layer or other disturbance is found which makes it very difficult to drive a
pile to reach the required depth of support layer, the Contractor shall use the usual
efforts for these conditions, for example by drilling the solid layer that becomes an
obstacle or other means usually done at no additional cost. If according to the
Court's opinion, the Contractor is unable to properly resolve the
disturbance/obstacle of driving a pile in this way, the Court may order the
Contractor to install additional piles until it reaches the required depth of support
layer at the Contractor's expense.

2.12. PileTest Requirements

a) The pile load test is the scope of the Contractor's work, the cost of the pile load
test is not included in the cost of the foundation work. In general, the cost of
the pile load test is given in the form of a special item in the Bill Of Quantity

b) The contractor must carry out PDA test on piles as much as 2% of the total
number of each pile section size. The location points of the piles that must be
tested for PDA are determined by the Court with the approval of the planning
consultant. The PDA test must refer to ASTM D 4945.

The compressive bearing capacity of the pile with a compressive load of 2 x of

the design load (70 tons) = 140 tons
c) Then the results of this test are used to correct the calendaring formula
specified in this Work Plan and Conditions Book (RKS).


3.1. Scope of work

This work includes the provision and utilization of manpower, materials, construction
installations and equipment for all pile cap concrete manufacturing work along with
sloof beams and others related to the work.

3.2. Material Requirements

All requirements for concrete construction materials used in this work follow the
material requirements for concrete structural work previously described in this Work
Plan and Conditions (RKS) book.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

3.3. Implementation Requirements

a) The complete implementation of poer concrete and sloof beam work must follow
the description of the requirements for the implementation of the Concrete
Structure Work which has been described previously in this Work Plan and
Conditions (RKS) book.
b) Tie beam formwork must be of red brick because the tie beam and floor plate will
be directly cast together;
c) The formwork/mold must be installed firmly and rigidly in position, so that it will not
move/change during the casting process.
d) Under the sloof and the bottom of the pores that are not located in the deep
foundation, a working floor layer of 5 cm thick concrete rebate must be made first
and under the concrete rebate a 10 cm thick layer of solid sand fill is installed,
according to the planning drawings.
e) On the sloof beam, cuttings must be installed for practical columns which are
located in accordance with the Architectural drawings.
f) The implementation of mashed concrete (concrete rebate) as stated in the planning
drawings must meet the requirements for a mixture of 1pc: 3ps: 5kr.
g) Under the mashed concrete layer, a 10 cm thick layer of compacted sand should
be placed. Backfill sand is spread over the compacted soil in accordance with the
compaction requirements.
h) The pattern and location of the poer and sloof beams must be in accordance with
the existing planning drawings and details.
i) Before casting begins, the places to be cast must first be cleaned of dirt and
materials that can reduce the strength of the concrete.


4.1. Scope of work

The scope of work for the concrete structure of this building/building is to carry out all
reinforced concrete construction work from the preparation/procurement of experts
and labor, procurement of materials and equipment, execution of work, maintenance,
testing, repair, manufacture of shop drawings and others in accordance with the
drawings. plans and Work Plans and Requirements described in this book which
include but are not limited to:
a) If found the difference between architectural drawings and structural drawings,
then the reference is a structural drawing;

b) Work of manufacture, installation and dismantling of formwork.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

Procurement of materials, equipment and manpower to carry out formwork,

shoring and reshoring work in order to produce a good concrete construction
including planning, installation and strengthening of formwork construction and its
c) Reinforcement steel work.

The scope of this work consists of procurement of reinforcing steel in accordance

with the sizes specified in the plan drawings, procurement of equipment and
manpower to make a series of concrete reinforcement with the shape and size in
accordance with the plan drawings including the placement/installation of the
series of reinforcing steel in the formwork.
d) Concrete works.

Included in the scope of this concrete work are as follows:

1) Manufacture or supply of concrete mix with the quality as shown in the plan
drawings and described in the Work Plan and the requirements described in
this book.
2) Completion of work correctly refers to the plan drawings and the Work Plan
and Terms (RKS) as well as the provisions of the Reference Standard.
3) Carry out maintenance after casting and finishing including repair work,
grouting and sacking/blockout.
4) Installation of materials or objects embedded in concrete other than
reinforcing steel.
5) Coordinate both the drawings and the Work Plan and Conditions (RKS) with
jobs from other disciplines.
6) Grouting work.
Procurement of materials/materials, equipment, labor, supervision and
others needed to carry out repair work by grouting in the event of cracks in
the concrete.
7) 7) Carry out concrete surface finishing work and perform concrete treatment.

4.2. Special Requirements Structural Works

a) Reinforced concrete

1) Concrete Quality

The quality of the concrete used is in accordance with the plan drawings as
well as the Work Plan and the requirements which will be described further in
Article 2.5 B e o n. The minimum concrete compressive strength, at the age of
28 days for cylindrical specimens
2) Cement Type

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

Cement must meet the requirements for Portland Cement “Specification for
Portland Cement” (ASTM C 150)
3) Aggregate

Aggregates used must meet the requirements of “Specification for Concrete

Aggregates” (ASTM C 33)
4) Reinforcement Steel
a) The quality of reinforcing steel used must meet the Indonesian Industrial
Standard (SII) and “Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars
for Concrete Reinforcement (ASTM A615).
b) b) The quality of the reinforcing steel used must be in accordance with the
plan drawings as well as the Work Plan and Conditions (RKS) which will be
further described in article 2.4. Reinforcing steel.
5) Admixtures.
a) Admixture is used when circumstances force to accelerate the hardening
of concrete.
b) The use of admixture must be approved by the Constitutional Court.
c) Use of Fly-ash or other pozzolans.
• The use of fly-ash type F or other pozzolan must meet the requirements
of “Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for
use as a mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete” (ASTM
• It is required to use Fly-ash (10% - 15% of cementitious material
volume) specifically for semi-raft pile cap work with a thickness of 2 m.
6) Minimum Cement Content.
Minimum Cement Content is 320kg for every m3 (cubic meter) of concrete for
the entire structure.
7) Maximum Water Cement Ratio (WCR)
The maximum Water Cement Ratio for concrete used for the lower structure
(pile cap, sloof and the lowest basement floor attached to the ground) is 0.4,
while for the entire upper structure (other than the lower structure) it is 0.5.
8) Concrete Slump
Slump of concrete is determined as follows:
a) Pile cap, sloof, basement slab: 120 mm.
b) Concrete walls and columns: 160 mm.
c) Plates and beams: 120 mm.
Max slump loss : 10 mm.
9) Concrete Blanket

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

The thickness of the concrete cover for the foundation and superstructure must
be carried out by following the following provisions:
a) Pile cap or poor, for the bottom side a minimum of 5 cm. While for the other
side it is 5 cm for the diameter of the pile cap reinforcement = D19 and 4
cm for the diameter of the pile cap reinforcement = D16.
b) Foot foundation: 5 cm for the diameter of the foot foundation reinforcement
= D19 and 4 cm for the diameter of the foot foundation reinforcement = D16.
c) Tie beam: 5 cm for sloof beam diameter = D19 and 4 cm for sloof beam
reinforcement diameter = D16.
d) Column : 4 cm.
e) Beam: 4 cm.
f) Concrete slab: 2 cm.
g) Concrete walls: 2.5 cm.
10) Concrete care and protection
a) Maintain water content in concrete

The following curing procedures should be carried out immediately after the
concrete has been placed. Apply a curing compound that meets ASTM
C309 requirements for all vertical elements (columns, walls, beam edges)
and all horizontal elements (bottom edges of slabs and beams as well as
top edges of slabs and beams.
b) Mechanical impact stage protection

During compound curing (and a minimum of 2 weeks for crystalline-barrier-

proofed concrete parts), the concrete must be protected against
mechanical disturbances such as heavy deposition, impact of hard material,
excessive vibration and large scratches. The structure should not be loaded
so that it is overstressed.
b) Construction Method

In response to leakage, the following materials are used:

1) Waterproofing
a) For basement structures used:
• Formdex Plus 1.5 kg/m2 crystalline barrier system for Basement slabs
the application is done with a sow system and for concrete walls the
application is done with a Formdex Plus 1.5 kg/m2 cristalline barrier
coating system ex., Hitchins and or,
• System Integral Crystalline dose of 3 kg/m3, or the equivalent of
Formdex Admix ex. Hitchins
• Nuraprufe 415 membrane system for slab basement or equivalent ex.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

b) For the roof of the basement floor, a water-proofing membrane coating

system equivalent to Formak 629 or equivalent ex. Hitchins.
c) For the roof floor, a water-proofing system is used, a liquid membrane
system that is ultra violet resistant without a screed, equivalent to Traffigard
ex. Hitchins
d) For the toilet floor area, the Formdek Plus crystalline barrier coating system
is 1.0 kg/m2, the toilet walls are used cementitious membrane coating
Formdex Uniflex 2.0 kg/m2, a minimum height of 30 cm or equivalent ex.
2) Waterstop
a) Waterstops must be used at every control joint in the basement concrete
slab or at every connection of concrete structural elements where one side
of the surface is facing the ground or at every connection of concrete
structural elements which must be watertight. The material used is a
polymer material equivalent to Formdex 2010 ex. Hitchins.
b) The type and size of the waterstop, both thick and wide, must be adjusted
to the joint and connection, so that it meets the recommendations from the
3) Bonding Agent.
Used on concrete elements that must be connected / must be cast intermittently,
to get a strong structural system according to the design and calculations. It
must be used according to the manufacturer's instructions.
4) Admixture
Admixture is used when conditions force to accelerate the hardening of the
concrete. The use of the admixture material must obtain approval from the
Constitutional Court
c) Scaffolding/Form Work
1) Scaffolding Construction

The contractor is responsible for the construction of the scaffolding. Scaffold

construction must take into account the heaviest loads and the worst
combinations of the following loads:
a) The total weight of the scaffold.
b) Weight of wet concrete including reinforcement.
c) Loads during the construction period include dynamic loads due to casting,
compaction and traffic on the scaffold.
d) Wind load
2) Scaffolding discharge

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

Demolition of scaffolding can only be carried out if the strength of the concrete
structure can support its own weight and live loads working on it, which is
shown/proven through the results of concrete testing.
3) Shoring and Re-shoring System
a) The shoring and re-shoring system used is 1 (one) floor “full shored” and 2
b) Re-shoring is carried out using a single pole with a maximum distance of
1.80 m between pole to pole
d) Joints
Construction Joint provisions are as follows:
1) The location of the construction joint must be proposed by the contractor and
must be approved by the Constitutional Court. The location of the construction
joint must be such that it does not interfere with the integrity of the structure
2) The joint surface must be roughened before casting.
e) Steel construction
1) Steel Material
The steel material used is ASTM A 36 .
2) Bolt
All bolts use High Tension Bolt ASTM A325 F.
3) Weld
Welding electrode type E-70XX.
f) Tolerance
1) Dimensional tolerances / length measurements:
a) Overall length up to 6 m, maximum 5 mm.
b) Overall length of more than 6 m, maximum 15 mm.
2) Shape tolerance:
a) Elbow (difference in diagonal length) maximum 10 mm.
b) Straightness or curvature (deviation) of the line in question for a length of
up to 3 m maximum of 12 mm.
c) Straightness or bend for length 3 m - 6 m maximum 15 mm.
d) Straightness or bend for length > 6 m maximum 20 mm.
3) Position tolerance (from benchmark point):
a) Position of the horizontal surface of the plan, maximum 10 mm
b) Position of the vertical surface of the plan, maximum 20 mm
4) Tolerance upright position:
Deviation of wall erection, maximum 10 mm.
5) Altitude (elevation) tolerance

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a) The top of the concrete cover under the foundation, a maximum of 10 mm.
b) The top of the concrete cover under the slab, maximum 10 mm.
c) Column tops, head walls, transverse beams, maximum 10 mm.
6) Horizontal position tolerance for 4 m horizontal length maximum 10 mm.
7) Tolerance for reinforced concrete cover/cover:
a) concrete cover up to 3 cm, maximum 5 mm.
b) concrete cover 3 cm - 5 cm, maximum 10 mm.
c) concrete blanket 5 cm - 10 cm, maximum 10 mm.

g) Reference Standard
SNI 03-2847-2002 : Procedure for calculating concrete structures for
SK SNI S-05-1989-F : Standard specification for building materials part B.
SNI 03-1974-1990 : Method of testing the compressive strength of concrete.
SNI 03-2458-1991 : Sampling test method for fresh concrete mix.
SNI 03-2461-1991 : Specification for lightweight aggregate for structural
SNI 03-2492-1991 : Methods for making and maintaining concrete specimens
in the laboratory.
SNI 03-2496-1991 : Specification for bubble-forming additives for concrete.
SNI 03-2834-1992 : Procedures for making normal concrete mix plans.
SNI 03-4810-1998 : Method of manufacture and maintenance of test objects
in the field.
SNI 15-2049-1994 : Portland Cement.
ANSI / AWS D1.4 : Procedure for welding reinforcing steel.
ASTM A 184 M : Standard specification for fabricated threaded steel rods
for reinforced concrete reinforcement.
ASTM A 496-9 : Standard specification for steel wire for reinforced
ASTM A 500 : Standard specification for threaded welded wire mesh for
reinforced concrete.
ASTM A 615M : Standard specification for screw and rolled plain steel
reinforcement for reinforced concrete.
ASTM A 645M-96a : Standard specification for screw and plain rolled steel.
Steel reinforcement for reinforced concrete.
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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

ASTM A 82 : Standard specification for plain wire reinforcement for

concrete reinforcement
ASTM A 82-94 : Standard specification for steel wire mesh for reinforced
ASTM C 31-91 : Practical standards for the manufacture and maintenance
of concrete test objects in the field.
ASTM C 33 : Aggregate specification standard for concrete.
ASTM C 33-93 : Standard specification for concrete aggregates.
ASTM C 39-93a : Standard test method for compressive strength of
concrete cylinder specimens.
ASTM C 494 : Standard specification for chemical additives for concrete.
ASTM C 685 : Standard specification for concrete made by volume
measurement and continuous mixing.
AASTHO M153-70 : Molded sponge rubber and cork joint filler for concrete
lining and structural construction.
AASTHO M173-60 : Concrete joint settler, hot poured elastic type.
ACI 318-05 : Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.
AISC-LRFD-05 : American Institute of Steel Construction – Load and
ResistanceFactor Design 2005.

4.3. Concrete Formwork

a) Formwork Planning.
1) Responsibility

The planning of formwork, shoring, and dismantling as well as the safety of the
construction of each part of the formwork and each part of the scaffold are the
responsibility of the Contractor.
2) Strength withstanding the load.

Formwork construction plans must be able to withstand loading at the worst

combination of the total weight of the formwork + reinforcement + concrete with:
a) Loads during the construction period including the dynamic effects of
installation, compaction, and construction traffic.
b) Wind load
3) Permissible Formwork Deflection.

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Maximum formwork deflection should be <1/400 x span (for exposed concrete)

and < 1/360 x span (for other concrete structures).
b) Concrete mold material
Concrete molds for the entire structure of this building use multiplex 12 mm thick
or 15 mm thick plywood, or iron or fiberglass plates according to the needs of the
mold for construction elements. The mold must be strengthened in order to obtain
perfect strength and rigidity. Especially for column mouldings, a belt made of iron
or wood must be installed as needed.
c) Mold shape compatibility
1) The mold must be in accordance with the desired shape and size according to
the plan drawings. The contractor is responsible for the strength and conformity
of the form as well as for the need to repair any damages that may arise during
2) The Court may reject any part of the mold which is unacceptable in any respect
and the Contractor shall immediately discard the rejected form and replace it
at his own expense.

d) Mold Construction
1) All molds must be really accurate, strong and secure in position so that swelling
or other movements can be prevented during pouring concrete until the
concrete mold is removed.
2) All concrete molds must be strong and rigid so that they cannot move
excessively, both vertically and horizontally.

e) Construction Scaffolding / flatform

1) Scaffolding Material
Scaffolds must be made of good quality steel/iron pipes according to factory
standards and no wood or bamboo are allowed.
2) Scaffolding Design
The contractor must submit detailed construction design drawings of the
scaffolding and its supporting systems or other systems including the
calculations to the Court for approval. Concrete pouring work may not be
carried out until the scaffold construction design drawings are approved.
3) The load for the scaffold design must be based on the provisions of ACI 347.
4) Scaffolding must be a strong and rigid construction that rests on a good and
strong foundation so that there will be no possibility of a decrease in the mold
during the execution of concrete work.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

5) The Contractor must take into account and make necessary preparatory steps
in relation to the deflection of the scaffold due to the forces acting on it in such
a way that at the end of the concrete work, the surface and shape of the
concrete construction must conform to the planned shape and position.
6) If the construction of the scaffolding during the concrete casting work shows
signs of deterioration so that in the opinion of the Court, it will cause the position
and finish of the concrete surface to be inconsistent with the plan drawings or
may endanger the safety of the construction, the Constitutional Court may
order the dismantling of the concrete work that has already been carried out.
and requires the Contractor to repair the scaffold construction until it is really
strong and then re-casting is carried out. The costs incurred as a result of this
shall be the full responsibility of the Contractor.

f) Storage of molds and mold materials

Unassembled and molded materials should be stored in a location clear of soil.
g) Mold Release Material
Before the concrete mixture is poured into the mold, the entire surface of the mold
must be coated with non-staining oil (release agent) so that it can effectively
prevent the concrete from sticking to the mold and will make it easier to remove
the concrete mold. This material should not come into contact with reinforcing steel
or concrete decks because it can result in reduced bond strength between
reinforcement and concrete.

h) Metal Embedded in Concrete

Metal embedded as anchors for equipment or other items in concrete construction
must be provided as needed.
1) The embedded threaded metal must be made of wrought iron, equipped with
full length bolts as approved by the Constitutional Court.
2) Hanging anchors for ceiling construction, the ceiling must be galvanized, of a
type approved by the Constitutional Court.
3) Anchors for masonry (if any) must be installed according to the needs of the
masonry work.

i) Construction Joints
The Contractor shall provide steel molds with details of key joints with Vulcan
screed, Burke Keyed Cold Joint form or other similar material.
j) Control Joints

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

Control joints must be able to be cut or prepared using Keyed Cold joint forms or
other approved tools. The contractor must prepare the joint as shown on the plan
drawings or according to the instructions of the Constitutional Court.
k) General Formwork Implementation
1) In the work of designing, installing, and lifting the formwork, it must follow ACI
301, ACI 318, and ACI 347. The contractor must design, carry out the lifting,
make supports or stiffeners and prepare formwork supports and shoring so that
it can support the entire load. The contractor must placing the formwork
correctly and accurately assisted by the use of survey measuring equipment
so that the loads of the formwork and its supports can be safely supported by
the concrete structure.
2) At the time of lifting the concrete reinforcement frame, the Contractor must
ensure that no part of the vertical member is out of alignment by more than 10
3) If a profiled concrete surface is desired, install it in the mold of wood chips,
blocking, nailers, and so on, so as to produce surfaces that are in accordance
with the design drawings. Coat with mold release material. The mold should
produce a uniform texture when used for exposed concrete surfaces.
4) Column molds can be formed and placed up to the lower elevation of the beam,
as soon as the support plate reaches its initial setting.
5) Mold binders must be in places and intervals that can safely hold the mold in
position during placing of concrete, and can withstand the weight and pressure
of wet concrete.
6) 6) Make molds for any and all items of concrete work required for or in
connection with the satisfactory completion of the project, whether any of these
are indicated (with reference to specifics) or not.
7) Do not place pipe holes in columns or beams unless stated in the structural
8) Coat the contact surface of the mold with a layer of non-staining oil before the
reinforcement is installed, the reinforcement should not be coated with this
layer. Perform this coating work according to the manufacturer's
recommendations. Prints that have rust spots are not acceptable.

l) Implementation Tolerance
The results of the final work must comply with the tolerances of ACI 301 and ACI
347 which are described as follows:
1) Tolerance For Reinforced Concrete Structure
a) Variation of plumb/vertical straight
• On the lines and surfaces of columns, pillars, walls, and protruding
Every 3 meters : maximum 6 mm.
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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

For the overall length: a maximum of 25 mm.

• For exposed corner columns: control joint grooves, and other exposed
Every 6 meters: a maximum of 6 mm.
For the overall length: a maximum of 12 mm.
b) Variation from the level mentioned in the plan drawings.
• On the underside of the slab, the roof, the underside of the beam is
measured before the support is removed:
Every 3 meters: a maximum of 6 mm.
Each span or every 6 meters: a maximum of 10 mm.
For the overall length: a maximum of 19 mm.
• In practical columns/beams, sills, parapets, horizontal exposed
grooves, and other exposed lines:
Each span or every 6 meters: a maximum of 6 mm.
For the overall length: a maximum of 12 mm.
c) Variation in the straight line of the building with respect to its position
defined on the plan and the corresponding positions of columns, walls, and
• Each span :maximum 12 mm.
• Every 6 meters run :maximum 12 mm.
• For overall length :maximum 12 mm
d) Variations in sleeve size and location, floor openings, and wall openings:
maximum 6 mm.
e) Variations in cross-sectional sizes of columns, beams, slab thickness, and
• Minus: maximum 6mm.
• Plus: a maximum of 12mm.
f) Variations in treading stairs:
• On the steps of the stairs:
Incline: maximum 3 mm.
Tread: maximum 6 mm.
• On successive steps:
Incline:maximum 1.5mm.
Tread: maximum 3 mm.
2) Tolerances in mass concrete structures:
a) Variation of the straight line construction from the existing position in the
• Each length of 6 meters :maximum 12 mm.
• Each length of 12 meters: a maximum of 19 mm.
b) Variation of the dimensions of the appearance of the structure
independently of the existing position:
• At a length of 24 meters: a maximum of 32 mm.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

• In embedded construction :maximum twice of the above figure (64

m) Implementation of Formwork with Chamber
1) Molds with chambers for slabs and beams shall comply with the guidelines of
ACI 301, ACI 347. Chamber tolerances shall comply with the requirements of
2.3.9, and shall also comply with the provisions stated on the design drawings
if any.
2) If it is not stated in the design drawings, the size of the mold chamber must
follow the table below:

Part UPWARD (%

Plate 0.10 Middle

Beam 0.10 Middle
Beam and
Cantilever 0.30 Free End

3) The weight of the wet concrete construction must be considered carefully in

calculating formwork deflection.
4) The top surface of the concrete must also be anti-slip to maintain the thickness
and profile of the concrete.

n) Damage to the surface of the mold to be avoided.

1) The mold must be free from surface defects to keep the concrete surface free
from damage. In the exposed corners, a 20 mm chamfer/wooden angle is
2) To prevent leakage in the mold, use rubber/gaskets, plug the holes in the mold
and at the coak joints in the formwork in order to prevent seepage/outflow of
cement water from the mold when placing concrete.

o) Embedded object.
The contractor must provide inserts, hangers, sleeve holes, anchors, etc. Place
the anchor using the mounting plate with two nuts to keep it in a stable position.
p) Submerged steel plates
For details where there is a steel plate that must be immersed in the concrete,
install and stabilize the immersed plate, install the bearing plate and anchors

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

according to the design drawings so that there is no movement/shift during the

casting process.
q) Construction and Control Joints
1) Construction joints and control joints must be installed in accordance with ACI
318 regulations.
2) Install slab-on-grade joints under partitions where possible and not more than
6.0 meters from each other, unless otherwise specified.
3) The contractor shall provide lock type construction joints with a depth of 38 mm
at each edge of slabs, beams, walls, and lower elements.
r) 4.3.18. Cleaning
The Contractor shall provide sufficient holes in the base of the vertical molds and
all other forms necessary to provide a place for cleaning and observing the molds
prior to placing concrete. The cleaning location is determined by the Court.
s) Formwork Dismantling and Support
1) The mold can be dismantled if the concrete structure in the mold has reached
sufficient strength to support its own weight and the construction load it bears.
Its strength must be shown from the results of concrete tests in accordance
with the description of the Work Plan and the requirements in this book which
is proven by calculations.
2) In structural elements that receive loads that exceed the design load and/or if
the early disassembly of the mold will cause the structural elements to
experience greater danger than what was expected, then such molds should
not be disassembled as long as this condition persists. The dismantling of the
formwork on the part of the structure that is burdened by a load approaching
the design load, must be carried out with extreme caution.
3) Appropriate and suitable tools and means must be available to open the
concrete mold without damaging the finished concrete surface
4) The minimum period of mold prior to disassembly shall not be less than the
table below.


Vertical formwork for columns, walls and
24 hours
large beams.
Base on slab formwork of discharged
3 days
Base on formwork for beams of
3 days
fischarged supports
Support on plate 10 days
Support on beam 14 days

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

Supports on cantilevered beams and

17 days

t) Provisions of openings on the formwork.

The contractor must provide/prepare openings in the concrete formwork to
accommodate work from other disciplines according to the plan drawings or
according to the Constitutional Court's instructions.
u) Mold cleaning
Before casting is carried out, the entire surface of the mold to be filled with concrete
must be cleaned of wood chips, dirt, debris or other objects that can damage the
strength of the concrete.
v) Reshoring
Immediately after disassembling the mold, slabs and beams must be fully
supported (reshore) to several floors below, preferably a 1-storey system on shore
and 2 floors on shore. Reshore can still be done until the concrete reaches a
compressive stress of 28 days.
w) Material Reuse
In order for the mold to be used repeatedly, the mold must be in a clean and good
condition and must be placed properly and neatly.

4.4. Reinforcing steel

a) Definition
Reinforcement steel is hot rolled steel bar, cold reduced steel wire or steel fabric
having the appropriate composition, manufacturing, chemical and physical
b) Reinforcement Steel Terms
1) Reinforcement steel must be clearly labeled in accordance with the 'bar
schedule' and bar mark reference.
2) Hot rolled mild steel bar: according to standard BS4449 or ASTM A615
3) Hot rolled high yield steel deformed bar: according to BS4449 standard.
4) Cold reduced steel wire: according to BS4482 standard.

c) Reinforcement steel quality

1) All concrete reinforcement steel must be new, quality and size must comply
with Indonesian standards for reinforcing steel, namely SK SNI S-05-1989-F
or ASTM A 645M-96a or ASTM A 615M, and must be approved by the
Constitutional Court .
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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

2) The quality of reinforcing steel used for the entire structure of this building is
as follows:
a) The quality of reinforcing steel for the foundation structure consisting of:
pile cap and sloof beam is fy = 400 MPa.
b) The quality of reinforcing steel for the entire superstructure is fy = 400 MPa.

d) Preparation of Reinforcing Steel

1) The source of reinforcing steel to be used must obtain approval from the
Planning Consultant.
2) The source of reinforcing steel to be used must be equivalent to KS (Krakatau
Steel) or DP (Delco Prima) Reinforcement Steel.
3) The contractor must be responsible and ensure that all reinforcing steel sent
to the site comes from a single source.
4) In addition to reinforcing steel that must come from one source, the Contractor
must also be responsible for meeting his specifications for all reinforcing steel
5) All reinforcing steel materials that do not meet the requirements must be
removed from the Project Site.

e) Testing the Quality and Quality of Reinforcing Steel

1) In order to guarantee the quality of reinforcing steel, at the time of ordering
reinforcing steel, the Contractor must submit an official certificate of test results
from the Laboratory which is specifically intended for the purposes of this
project. The test result certificate includes:
a) The original certificate containing a statement of the chemical composition
of reinforcing steel obtained from the manufacturer.
b) Test results for each diameter of reinforcing steel obtained from an
independent local testing laboratory in accordance with BS4449.
The certificate and test results must be submitted to the Constitutional
2) For every shipment of 20 tons of reinforcing steel, periodic tests must be
carried out at least 4 samples of specimens for each diameter of reinforcing
steel bars consisting of 3 samples of specimens for tensile testing, and 1
sample of specimens for bending tests. Sampling of reinforcing steel will be
determined by the Court.
3) All the tests mentioned above, which include tensile tests and bending tests,
must be carried out in a laboratory recommended by the Constitutional Court
and must at least comply with SII-0136-84. One of the test standards that can
be used is ASTM a-615.
All testing costs are the responsibility of the Contractor.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

f) Steel Reinforcement Storage and Cleaning

1) Storage of reinforcing steel must be placed without touching the ground and
must be prevented from being contaminated by other materials.
2) Reinforcement steel must be clean and free from rust spots, loose rust, oil and
other materials that can cause a negative effect on the reinforcement and
concrete or result in reduced bond between them.
3) The contractor must prevent the reinforcement from being in direct contact with
the weather which can cause rust stains on the surface of the reinforcing bars.

g) Implementation of reinforcing steel work

1) Concrete must be installed accurately and thoroughly in accordance with the
design drawings. To place the reinforcement so that it remains in place, the
reinforcement must be firmly tied with concrete wire (bindraat) with bearings of
molded concrete blocks (concrete decking) or iron chairs / stretcher claws. In
all cases, horizontal bars must be used with proper supports, so that no rods
will fall down.
2) Stretching chicken claws as a holder for the reinforcement of the upper plate
and wall reinforcement, must be installed every 1 m distance, unless otherwise
specified in the plan drawings.
3) The smallest clear distance between parallel bars, if not specified in the design
drawings, must be at least 1.2 times the largest size of the coarse aggregate
and must provide an opportunity for the entry of concrete vibrators.
4) Basically the amount of reinforcement area must be in accordance with the
drawings and calculations. If different reinforcement dimensions are used from
the drawing, the decisive factor is the area of ??the reinforcement. In this case,
the contractor is required to seek prior approval from the Constitutional Court.
5) Reinforcement showing signs of cracking should not be used.
6) Reinforcement shall not be inserted into the concrete being poured.
7) Molds and molding lines must not be damaged during the installation of
8) Cutting and Bending
a) In general, the cutting and bending of reinforcing steel shall be in
accordance with BS4466, bar schedule and available details.
b) Bending of reinforcement must be done with an approved bending
c) The contractor must provide manual bending tools at the project site to
make adjustments in the field.
d) Concrete reinforcing steel must be bent/formed carefully in accordance
with the shapes and sizes indicated on the plan drawings.
e) All reinforcing bars must be bent cold.
f) Bending of reinforcement by heating (hot bending) is not permitted.
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g) Concrete reinforcing steel shall not be straightened or re-bent in a manner

that may damage the material. Reinforcing bars with bends not shown on
the drawings shall not be used.
h) Galvanized
Galvanized reinforcement shall comply with BS729 and shall be performed
after cutting, but before bending of reinforcement.
i) i) The installed reinforcement cuttings may not be bent without the approval
of the Constitutional Court.

9) Reinforced steel joints.

a) The form and connection system of reinforcing steel must be in accordance
with the design drawings.
b) The overlap of the main reinforcement joints must be at least in accordance
with the standard reinforcement details on the working drawings.
c) The overlap of the joints for secondary reinforcement bars must be at least
in accordance with the standard reinforcement details on the working
d) Welding of Structural Joints
• Welding of structural joints is not permitted, except with special
approval from the Constitutional Court.
• Connection with spot welds on reinforcing bars is not permitted, except
in a state of necessity but must be approved by the Constitutional Court.
• Connection by spot welds on galvanized reinforcement is not permitted.
e) Mechanical Joints
• Mechanical joints are used only in the positions shown in the plans
unless otherwise specified and approved by the Constitutional Court.
• The mechanical joint installation method must comply with the
manufacturer's recommendations.
• All mechanical joints must be able to withstand a minimum of 125% of
the yield strength of the reinforcing steel

4.5. Concrete

a) Concrete Quality Assurance

The quality of the concrete or the quality of the concrete materials sent to the
project site and the resulting concrete mix and the procedures for implementing
concrete construction work, must be properly monitored and controlled so that they
meet the requirements and conditions as stated in the plan drawings, Work Plans.
and these Terms and Conditions (RKS) as well as comply with the provisions and
requirements in the reference standard in accordance with article 2.2. General
b) Concrete Quality
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The quality of the concrete used for the entire structure of this building is fc '30
c) Cement Requirements.
1) All cement must be Portland Cement type I which complies with the
requirements in Regulation ASTM C150, SNI 15-2049-1994 and SII.0013-82,
2) The choice of one brand of cement is binding and must be used for all work.
3) The cement used can be in the form of cement in sacks (bags) or in the form
of bulk cement
4) Cement inspection
a) At any time if desired, the Constitutional Court can inspect the cement
stored in the warehouse or silo. The contractor must be willing to provide
the assistance required by the Court in taking the cement samples for
inspection. Cement which cannot be accepted from the results of the
examination of the Constitutional Court, may not be used or must be
b) If the cement which is declared unacceptable (unsatisfactory) has been
used for the concrete mixture, the Constitutional Court may order the
Contractor to demolish the concrete and replace it with new concrete using
cement that has been approved by the Court. The costs incurred as a result
of the negligence mentioned above and the cost of providing cement for
inspection purposes are the responsibility of the Contractor.
c) Cement stored in warehouses or silos for more than 60 days, may not be
used again in the work.
5) Storage Area
a) Cement storage must be protected from the influence of the weather at all
times and the place must be lifted off the floor to avoid moisture.
b) The warehouse for storage shall be suitable for the storage of cement and
shall at all times be safely protected against humidity. The storage area
must also be in such a way as to facilitate the time of retrieval.
c) The warehouse for storage must have a strong floor and have enough
space to store each cement truck load separately and can load cement in
large enough quantities so that delays or congestion in work can be
prevented. Cement placements are made at a minimum height of 30 cm
from the floor surface and must provide an easy path for sampling and
transporting it. Bags of Cement must not be stacked higher than 2 meters.
d) To prevent the storage of cement in the warehouse for too long, cement
should be used according to the chronological order according to the
receipt of cement. Each consignment of cement shall be stored so as to be
easily distinguished from other consignments.
e) e) Good and accurate scales must be provided to weigh cement in the
warehouse for investigation purposes.

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f) If the cement used is in the form of bulk cement, the cement storage must
be in a silo that has adequate air ventilation to avoid clumping when the
cement is to be used.
d) Aggregate Requirements (Sand and Gravel)
1) Stockpiling of sand and gravel must be arranged in such a way that the
occurrence of aggregate separation or mixing between sand and gravel will be
avoided and the stockpiled material will not be mixed with soil or other materials
when there is a flood or seepage water.
2) Sand and gravel that are dirty or mixed between the two caused by imperfect
storage/hoarding and negligence in carrying out security in accordance with
the above provisions must be processed so that they meet the requirements
as concrete materials.
3) Sand and gravel should not be moved from their place/pile, except when
necessary for use.
4) Fine aggregate (Sand).
a) The fine aggregate used for the concrete work of this building is natural
sand, namely sand produced from rivers or in the form of land sand. The
fine aggregate must be clean, well graded and must meet the requirements
in ASTM C33.
b) The sand heap must be free of all unwanted vegetation and other materials,
all kinds of soil and sand that cannot be used must be disposed of. The
stockpiling of sand must be arranged and carried out in such a way that it
does not damage the quality of the sand.
c) Sand must be clean and free from clay, mica and other harmful substances
from damaging substances, the total percentage of all kinds of harmful
substances, the weight of which should not be more than 5% (five percent)
by weight of sand.
d) The sand must have a fineness modulus between 2 and 32 or if
investigated with a standard sieve it must comply with the following

Filter No. Percentage of weighing units left in the filter

4 0 – 15
8 6 – 15
16 10 – 25
30 10 – 30
50 15 – 35
100 12 – 20
PAN 3-7

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If the percentage of units left in sieve 16 is 20 percent or less, then the

maximum limit for the percentage of units in sieve no. 8 can go up to 20
5) Coarse Aggregate (Gravel)
a) Coarse aggregate can be in the form of gravel as a result of natural
disintegration of rocks or in the form of crushed stone obtained from
breaking rocks. Coarse aggregate must be clean and well graded in
accordance with ASTM C33, and SII, with Aggregate size in accordance
with ACI 318.
b) Cleanliness and Quality Coarse aggregate must be free from parts that are
smooth, easily broken, thin or long. It must be free from alkalis, organic
matter or from harmful substances in harmful quantities. The percentage
of all damaging substances may not reach 3% (three percent) of its weight.
Coarse aggregate must be of good shape, hard, dense, durable and non-
porous. If the mud content exceeds 1% (one percent), then the coarse
aggregate must be washed.
c) Gradation Coarse aggregate must be well graded with grain sizes between
5 mm and 25 mm and must meet the following requirements:
• Remaining on a 31.5 mm sieve, must be 6% by weight.
• The residue on a 4 mm sieve, should be between 90% and 98% by
• The difference between the cumulative residues over two successive
sieves, is a maximum of 60% and 10% by weight.

If the results of the inspection by the Constitutional Court are found to be

not in accordance with the grading provisions, the coarse aggregate must
be sieved or reprocessed without any additional cost for this work.
6) Inspection and testing
a) The contractor must submit to the Court a sample of each 15kg aggregate
as a sample for preliminary inspection and approval. Delivery must be
made at least 14 days before the commencement of concrete work.
b) Testing of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate must comply with the
provisions and requirements in ASTM C33, ACI 318 and SII.

e) Water
1) Water used for all concrete work, mortar and injection species must be free
from mud, oil, acid, wet organic matter, salt and other impurities in amounts
that can damage the strength of the concrete.
2) The quality of water must be tested in a testing laboratory determined by the
Constitutional Court, to determine whether it meets or not as a concrete

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mixture. The same water is also used to clean concrete mixers and concrete
mixer trucks.

f) Water content
1) No entrained-water is allowed in the concrete for the foundation.
2) Unless otherwise specified, provide an entrained-water content of 5% (five
percent) plus minus 1% and 1.5% for normal weight concrete with quality
requirements less than K-500.
g) Special Material
Special materials made by the factory must obtain MK approval and must comply
with the quality and performance specified by the manufacturer. The instructions
and specifications issued by the material manufacturer form part of this
Specification. Provide certificates from manufacturers or suppliers of materials that
comply with ASTM and ACI standards that meet the requirements of the last
h) Water Entraining Agent
The contractor must provide an air entaining agent if required or required. The use
of an air entaining agent must comply with the terms and conditions of ASTM C260
i) Curing Compound
1) Acrylic curing compound with a minimum content of 20% according to ASTM
309 may be used at the Contractor's option.
2) Wet curing according to ASTM AASHO M 182, permitted to be used.

j) Joint Sealant
1) Contractor shall provide high quality traffic bearing two-part polyurethane or
plysulfide sealant.
2) The contractor must submit a test certificate from the manufacturer for each
type of joint to MK for approval.

k) Concrete Classification
1) All concrete for work floors is rebate concrete with a mixture of 1pc: 3ps: 5kr.
2) The concrete mix for the entire structure of this building except for the work
floor must use Ready Mixed concrete.
3) All concrete work for the superstructure must produce a smooth (non-porous)
concrete surface.

l) Composition of Concrete Mix

1) Concrete shall be formed from portland cement, sand, gravel and water as
specified previously. Concrete materials are mixed in a suitable ratio and

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processed as well as possible to the right/good viscosity according to the

procedures for making concrete mix plans, SNI 03-2834-1992.
2) In order to obtain concrete quality in accordance with that specified in this Work
Plan and Conditions (RKS), a "designed mix" must be used. The planned
mixture is produced from trial mixtures that meet the required characteristic
3) The amount of cement required in the composition of the concrete mix is ??a
minimum of 320 kg for every m3 (cubic meter) of concrete mix.
4) The maximum size of coarse aggregate in concrete for parts of the type of work
should not exceed the size specified in the requirements of the concrete
material, the size of the coarse aggregate must be determined as practical as
possible so that proper and satisfactory casting is achieved.
5) Comparison between the concrete-forming materials used for various qualities,
must be determined at all times during the work, as well as inspection of the
aggregate and the resulting concrete.
6) The thickness (consistency) of the concrete mix for construction parts must be
adjusted to the type of construction concerned, the method of transporting the
concrete mixture and the method of compaction. The viscosity of the concrete
mix is determined by among others water-cement.
7) The correct mix ratio and water-cement will be determined on the basis of the
resulting concrete having the desired density, impermeability, durability and
8) In order to produce a concrete construction that is in accordance with the plan,
in general the cement water factor is determined as follows:
a) Water cement factor for foundations, sloof beams, basement floors,
basement walls, maximum 0.55.
b) Water cement factor for columns, beams, floor slabs, stairs, concrete walls
and list plank / parapet, maximum 0.60.
c) The water-cement factor for the construction of roof slabs, and other wet
places is a maximum of 0.55.
9) To make it easier to work on concrete, and to produce a quality that is in
accordance with the plan, for concrete construction with a maximum water-
cement factor of 0.55, a Plasticizer should be used as an additive material. The
use of the brand of the additive material must obtain approval from the
Constitutional Court.
10) If desired, the concrete mix ratio can be changed for the purpose of saving,
workability, density, tightness and strength. The Contractor shall not be entitled
to any claims caused by such changes.
11) Concrete testing will be carried out by MK at the Contractor's expense.

m) Concrete Mix-Design.

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1) The contractor shall be responsible for carrying out the concrete mix-design
2) Prepare the concrete mix ingredients proportionally to carry out the concrete
mix-design according to ACI 328 Chapter 5, according to the number of types
of concrete quality planned.
3) Carry out concrete mix-design work for each concrete quality listed in the plan
drawings or in accordance with this Work Plan and Conditions (RKS).
4) The report on the results of the concrete mix-design work in 3 (three) copies
for each of the planned concrete qualities must be submitted to the
Constitutional Court for review.
5) The report on the results of the concrete mix-design work must contain the
a) Type and quantity of material
b) Slump
c) Water content
d) Fill weight of fresh concrete
e) Aggregate grading analysis
f) Concrete compressive strength
g) Location of casting on the building structure
h) Casting method
i) Curing/treatment method
j) The compressive strength of concrete at the age of 7 and 28 days
k) Water/cement ratio
6) 6) The contractor must submit a certificate from the concrete supplier, which
explains that the material used has met ASTM specifications. Mix-designs that
are not as planned will be rejected.
7) For concrete batches in the field, the contractor must carry out a trial test on
an approved mix-design in the field laboratory, to determine the workability,
slump, drying shrinkage, strength, and density of the concrete.
8) 8) After the experimental tests in the laboratory have been satisfactorily
completed, full-scale experiments with the equipment and machines used in
the permanent work shall be carried out. If necessary, the trial must be
continued with modification of the mix design until the results are in accordance
with this Work Plan and Conditions (RKS).
9) Mass mix-design concrete (for shallow foundations, walls, slabs, and mats with
a thickness = 60 cm). Proportions must comply with ACI 21.1.1 with the
following requirements:
a) Maximum water/cement ratio = 0.4
b) The maximum size of coarse aggregate is a nominal diameter of 38 mm.
c) The use of fly ash up to a maximum of 15% of the absolute total volume of
cement-containing material is recommended.
d) Air content should be between 2.5% + 1%

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e) Slump must be between 100 mm + 25 mm before adding high range water

reducer, maximum slump is 150 mm + 25 mm.

n) Testing of Concrete and Test Objects.

1) The grade and quality of the concrete must comply with the RSNI concerning
Procedures for Planning Concrete Structures for Buildings. If not specified
otherwise, the compressive strength of concrete is always the crushing
compressive strength of a cylindrical specimen with a diameter of 15 cm and a
length of 30 cm which was tested at the age of 28 days according to the method
of testing the compressive strength of concrete, SNI 03-1974-1990.
2) The criteria for determining the quality of concrete are the requirements that
the quality characteristics of the test specimens must give results that are
greater than what is planned as specified in SNI 03-1974-1990.
3) The contractor must provide a safe storage area or room for storing concrete
cylinder test specimens during curing. The contractor must submit the details
of the storage room to the Court for approval. The room must be equipped with
strong doors and locks of good quality. The entrance to the room must be
restricted/guarded and only for the Constitutional Court and people who have
been authorized by the Court.
4) Sample specimens and strength tests shall be carried out according to ASTM
C-172 and ASTM C-31
5) Cylindrical Test Piece Sample
a) The compressive strength of concrete shall be determined by standard
testing of samples of cylindrical specimens, which are tested at the age of
28 days after mixing.
b) Samples of test specimens shall be taken from fresh concrete to make test
cylinders and each sample shall be taken from one batch.
c) The number of samples of fresh concrete shall be taken at least as
described below and at least one sample shall be taken from each grade
of concrete produced on a daily basis. The number of samples taken from
the production or delivery of concrete mix is ??as follows:
• Concrete mortar for column structures, shear walls, bearing walls,
cantilevers with a length of more than 3 meters and other critical
elements, sampling is 1 sample for every 10 m3 of concrete mix.
• Concrete mix for solid Raft structures, pile caps, sloof and retaining
concrete walls, sampling is 1 sample for every 50 m3 of concrete mix.
• Concrete mortar for other structures other than those mentioned in the
two points above, sampling is 1 sample for every 25 m3 of concrete
d) From each concrete sample, at least 4 cylinders of test specimens must be
made in accordance with ASTM.
e) Each cylinder of the specimen shall be numbered in serial order and the
serial number shall not be duplicated or omitted.
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f) Each specimen must be perfectly cured both in the field and in the
laboratory until the cylindrical specimen is ready to be tested.
g) At the age of 7 (seven) days after mixing, one cylindrical specimen must
be tested to determine the compressive strength of the concrete.
h) At the age of 28 (twenty eight) days after mixing, 2 cylinders must be tested
for their compressive strength in accordance with ASTM. The average
compressive strength of each pair of cylinders made from the same sample
is the result. The fourth cylinder should be kept as a spare.
i) Additional cylinders shall be made to demonstrate the strength of the
concrete at an early age to allow formwork cycling to occur.
j) Additional cylinders must be made to show the specified 56 days of
concrete strength.
6) Admission Criteria
a) The desired quality of concrete according to the Work Plan and Conditions
(RKS) is only declared to be achieved if the individual test results and the
average test results from the entire overlapping set of 3 consecutive tests
(each test consists of 2 cylinders) meet the specified criteria. in the quality
of concrete as shown on the design drawings.
b) If there are more than 4 test results, the mean of each set of four successive
tests, shall be checked and calculated for compliance each time a new test
result is obtained, using the result of that test and the 3 successive test
c) If only 2 or 3 test results are available. The results should be presented for
the purposes of this item as if there were 4 consecutive tests.
d) The strength rating of an individual class of concrete is deemed to be
satisfactory if both of the following requirements are met:
• The average strength of all sets of 3 successive strength tests must
equal or exceed the planned fc'.
• No individual test power (mean of 2 cylinders) is below the design fc'
minus 3.5 MPa.
7) f the concrete structure that has been implemented turns out to have a lower
concrete quality than planned and the calculation results show that the load
capacity is still possible to be reduced, then in order to determine the test
method to prove the actual carrying capacity of the concrete, the tests carried
out must comply with the following regulations:
a) Hammer test must comply with ASTM C-305-79 . regulations
b) Test core drill must comply with ASTM C42-77 . regulations
c) Test loading must comply with ACI regulations 318-77

8) Core Testing
a) If the visually inspected concrete is suspected or the specified concrete
quality does not meet the requirements of (Acceptance Criteria),
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the compressive strength of the concrete in the structure can be

determined by drilling a number of concrete cores in appropriate locations.
b) Where required, cores with a diameter of at least 2 inches shall be tested
in accordance with ASTM C42. at least three cores that can represent,
must be taken from each element or area that is considered potentially
unfavorable. The location of the cores shall be determined by the MK where
the structural strength reduction occurs. If, prior to testing, one or more
cores show evidence of structural damage, all of them must be replaced
with new cores. Concrete in the area represented by the core test will be
considered to meet the strength requirements if it meets the following
• Average core strength must be greater than or equal to 85% of the
planned fc strength.
• No single core test result is less than 75% of the planned fc strength.
c) Cores drilled from the concrete shall be prepared and tested in accordance
with the “method of Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Saved Beams
of Concrete (ASTM C42)”. In certain cases, the core must be taken for any
strength test exceeding 500 psi at the specified fc. No adjustment shall be
made to the strength obtained from these measurements with respect to
the life of the core at the time of testing.

4.6. Concrete work implementation

a) Making concrete mix

The composition of the concrete mixture as a result of the mix-design, the mixing
must be made at the plant.
1) Batching
a) The proportions of the mixture are measured separately with appropriate
scales and tools and must provide a funnel and weighing mechanism. If the
cement used is bulk cement, a separate waterproofing device, funnel and
weighing mechanism shall be provided as well. A complete set of weights
for testing the weighing mechanism should be stored in the batching plant.
b) The weighing mechanism must be accurate to half of one percent under
operational conditions and scales must be provided and easily readable by
the operator.
c) Water must be added to the mixture from a separate reservoir and must be
strictly controlled by adjusting the humidity in the aggregate. If the use of
additives is permitted by the Constitutional Court, then a separate
dispenser must be provided/used as recommended by the manufacturer of
the additive.

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2) Mixing
a) Mixing plant must have a container (drum) that can accommodate the
entire material from the batch and water and mix them until a homogeneous
consistency is achieved within an acceptable period of time. This timeframe
should be applied in the field experimentally based on the mixer-plant
manufacturer's recommendations.
b) The mixer receptacle must be of such a construction that it can dispense
the entire mixture quickly without spillage.
c) Mixing plants that produce unsatisfactory results must be repaired. The
batching mixing plant should be arranged so that the mixing work can be
easily monitored from the operator station.
d) Mixing plant should not be used more than the specified capacity. Each
mixer shall be equipped with a mechanical device for timing and calculating
the amount of mix.

b) Concrete Delivery/Transportation.
1) Delivery of concrete from the mixing plant to the field must be carried out so
that segregation and loss of concrete do not occur.
2) The time between when cement and water is mixed into the mixer until the
casting is carried out is a maximum of 1 (one) hour.
3) The capacity of the funnel, the mixing time, and the time of delivery must be
such that all the concrete mixture delivered does not exceed the time specified
in paragraph 2.6.2, 2).

c) Adding Water to Field Work

Water that meets the requirements as a concrete ingredient can be added to the
mix only if the maximum allowable water-cement ratio, or maximum slump, has not
been exceeded.
d) Casting concrete
1) The contractor must make a casting schedule and it must be submitted to the
Constitutional Court before the concrete work begins.
2) Before placing concrete, formwork, concrete reinforcement and objects to be
planted in concrete must have been completed as planned and must be
investigated and must obtain approval from the Constitutional Court.
3) Requests for research/checking as well as requests for permits for the
execution of the casting must be submitted to the Constitutional Court no later
than 48 hours before the plan for the implementation of concrete casting.
4) Before the casting work is carried out the contractor must determine the
method of casting and temperature control and treatment methods, which must
be submitted to the Court for approval.

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5) The entire surface of the form work made of materials that absorb water when
casting must be moistened with water until it is evenly distributed so that the
moisture/water content of the newly cast concrete will not be absorbed.
6) Prior to placing concrete, all surfaces of the form work to be concreted must be
free from stagnant water, debris or loose materials.
7) The surface of the concrete that has been cast before or the surface of the
existing concrete when new concrete is to be cast must be roughened, must
be clean and moist. At this foundry joint must use a concrete adhesive/glue
approved by the Constitutional Court. Cleaning the old concrete surface
consists of removing all dirt, peeling or damaged concrete, foreign materials
that cover it, and puddles of water that must be removed before new concrete
is placed.
8) It is necessary to pay attention to the location/distance/angle for each
discontinuation of casting that will still continue, to the existing
structural/reinforcement system.
9) Concrete may be placed only when the Constitutional Court or his appointed
representative and skilled Contractor staff are at work, and the preparation for
casting has been adequate.
10) Excessive separation of the coarse aggregate in the concrete at the time of
pouring the concrete due to free fall from a high enough place, or too large an
angle, or overlapping with reinforcing steel, is not permitted. If it is anticipated
that such separation may occur, the Contractor shall provide a tremie or other
suitable means to control the falling of the concrete.
11) Concreting should not be dropped higher than 1.5 meters, all concrete pours
must always be horizontal layers and not more than 30 cm thick. The
Constitutional Court has the right to reduce the thickness if the casting with a
layer thickness of 30 cm cannot meet the provisions of this Work Plan and
Conditions (RKS).
12) It is not permitted to flow concrete using a vibrator. Use elephant trunks, tremi
or other MK-approved tools
13) Casting of concrete is not permitted during heavy/long rains which can cause
the species/mortar to separate from the coarse aggregate. During rains, water
cement or species should not be spread over the construction joint and water
cement or spilled species must be removed before work is continued.
14) Prepare a place for deposit, mix, transport and cure concrete according to ACI
301, 304 and 318.
15) The concrete mix wheelbarrow used must be able to pour precisely in the
planned slump and meet the mix requirements. The pouring mechanism must
be made with a minimum capacity of 50 liters. In addition to the equipment
mentioned above, other equipment must also be available to support the
smooth running of the casting, especially for locations with limited space for

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16) It is not allowed to use equipment made of aluminum for placing and finishing

e) Compaction of Concrete
1) Each layer of concrete must be compacted as tightly as possible, so that it is
free from pockets of gravel and tightly covers all surfaces of the mold and
material placed in the mold.
2) In the compaction of each layer of concrete, the head of the vibrator must be
able to penetrate and vibrate the concrete at the top of the layer that lies below
3) The time of vibration or immersing the vibrator in the concrete must be as fast
as possible. The duration of vibration should not cause separation between the
concrete material and the water.
4) Consolidate the concrete according to ACI 301 and ACI 309 immediately after
5) Provide a spare vibrator for urgent needs in the field during concrete casting.
6) The vibrator used is both electric and pneumatic, immersion type, which
operates at 7000 rpm for the vibrator head diameter <180 mm and 6000 rpm
for the vibrator head diameter > 180 mm. The vibrators must have sufficient
amplitude to produce sufficient consolidation.

4.7. Objects Embedded in Concrete

a) All objects/equipment embedded in concrete such as anchors, hooks and other

work related to concrete work, must be installed before placing concrete.
b) All objects/equipment must be installed in the right position and endeavored so
as not to shift or change position during the execution of concrete casting.
c) Empty voids or parts that must remain empty in objects/equipment to be
embedded in concrete where the voids are required not to be filled with concrete,
must be covered with a material that is easily removable.

4.8. Temperature

a) The temperature of the concrete at the time of casting / pouring should not be more
than 32º C and should not be less than 4.5º C. and the maximum temperature of
the concrete during curing does not exceed 80 °C
b) Concrete Temperature Control and Monitor

The necessary precautions and temperature control, as required, shall be

implemented by the contractor to ensure that the temperature of the concrete at
the time of placing does not exceed 32°C at the time of discharge, and the
maximum temperature of the concrete during curing does not exceed 80°C.

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Precautions and temperature control should be taken and are not limited to
temperature control measures as described below:
1) Execution of casting at night
2) Low-heat-of-hydration portland or blended cement.
3) Pozzolan.
4) Reduction of the initial concrete temperature to + 10°C can be done by cooling
the ingredients of the concrete mixture:
a) Cooling the mixing water (mixing water).
b) Put ice on the mixture.
c) Cooling the aggregate.
5) Cooling the concrete by using an embedded cooling pipe.
6) Using formwork for rapid head dissipation.
7) Water curing.
8) Low lifts, 1.5 m or less during casting.
9) Laboratory tests must monitor the increase in heat that occurs in the concrete
during the curing period until a certain time which shows that the maximum
temperature of the concrete has been reached. The maximum temperature
difference between the inner concrete and the concrete surface should not
exceed 20ºC.
10) The contractor must submit the results of laboratory tests on monitoring the
increase in concrete temperature to the Court for approval. A final report must
be submitted in which the report shows the results of the temperature

4.9. Installation of pipes, power lines and others embedded in concrete

a) The placement of the channel/pipe must be such that it does not reduce the
strength of the concrete structure by taking into account the requirements in this
Work Plan and Conditions (RKS).
b) It is not permitted to plant pipes and others in parts of the concrete structure if it is
not shown in detail in the plan drawings. In the concrete it is necessary to install a
sleeve at the place where the pipe will pass.
c) If not specified in detail or shown in the drawings, it is not permissible to plant power
lines in concrete structures.
d) If the installation of pipes, power lines or parts embedded in concrete is blocked by
the presence of installed reinforcing steel, the Contractor must immediately discuss
this with the Court.
e) It is not allowed to bend or shift or move the reinforcing steel from its position to
make it easier to pass the pipelines without written permission from the
Constitutional Court.

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4.10. Sparing Jobs

a) Sparing materials, the locations and positions of the spars must be in

accordance with the design drawings and must not reduce the strength of the
b) If the locations of the sparring will be carried out are not indicated in the plan
drawings, the Contractor must propose and seek approval from the
Constitutional Court.
c) If the sparing (pipe, etc.) intersects with the reinforcement, the reinforcing steel
may not be bent, cut or moved without the approval of the Constitutional Court.
d) All sparing (pipes) must be installed before placing and must be strengthened
so that they will not shift during the concrete pouring.
e) All spars must be protected or covered with materials that are easy to
open/remove so that they will not be filled with concrete during casting.

4.11. Construction Joint

a) Get the Court's approval in advance to use and determine the joint location.
Provide construction joints in accordance with ACI 318. Place joints so as not
to significantly reduce structural strength.
b) Provide 38 mm key wey type construction joints at the ends of each placement
for floor slabs, beams, walls and shallow foundations.
c) Remove loose particles and latency from the concrete surface before placing
the next lift. Roughen the surface to a sufficient depth to expose good concrete.

4.12. Control Joint

a) Get the Court's approval for the placement of the control joint. Do not use control
joints on floor frames or composite slabs.
b) Provide control joints in slab on grade not more than 6m apart. coordinate
location with other work. Control joints can be cut if cutting is carried out 24
hours after placing the concrete. The cut shall be to a depth equal to the
thickness of the slab with a width of 3 mm. The main reinforcement shall not
pass through the control joints.
c) Provide a control joint on the wall with a distance of + 7.5 m. coordinate the
location with the Court. The control joint must be in the form of a V groove. Both
face the wall with a minimum depth of 20 mm.
d) For large slabs and wall castings, construction joints should be used to reduce
heat-induced cracking and shrinkage. The contractor must submit a plan and
schedule showing the location and schedule for placing concrete, construction
joints and pour strips prior to commencement of work. Pour strips should not be

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casted until a minimum of 7 days after adjacent panels have been casted. The
contractor should allow time for this in his schedule.

4.13. Protection

a) The contractor shall protect freshly cast concrete from premature drying and
from extremely high or very low temperatures. The contractor shall maintain a
minimum of concrete moisture loss at a relatively constant temperature, which
is necessary for hydration of cement and hardening of the concrete.
b) In hot weather and in windy conditions, the Contractor shall protect the fresh
concrete from direct sunlight and wind until the final finishing has been
completed. Provide sufficient quantity of cement finishers to complete and finish
all slabs in optimum time.
c) The contractor must protect all concrete against damages prior to final
acceptance by the Court.

4.14. General Concrete Curing

Perform the curing procedure as soon as the concrete is placed. Concrete
treatment must follow the provisions in ACI 308. All concrete must be cured with
water or other materials specifically made for concrete treatment as described
a) Place or cover with a wet cloth and polyethylene curing blankets on the entire
surface of the concrete and run or spray water onto the surface of the cover
using a sprinkler. Curing must be carried out for 7 consecutive days, try to keep
the concrete moist and the temperature of the concrete should not exceed
30oC. The water used for curing must be water that meets the Concrete
Material Requirements.
b) Formwork in contact with concrete must be kept wet throughout the curing
period. If the formwork is removed during the treatment period, the concrete
must be treated until the end of the treatment period with water curing or other
materials as approved by the Constitutional Court.
c) If an acrylic curing compound is used, it must comply with the manufacturer's
recommendations. Use acrylic curing compound on exposed concrete
surfaces (not protected by formwork). Treatment in this way must be
maintained so that the concrete surface remains moist for 5 days.
d) If the mold is opened before the concrete has been fully treated, immediately
apply a resin base curing compound to the entire exposed surface. Apply the
treatment mixture evenly and uniformly at a rate not less than the covering
speed recommended by the manufacturer.
e) The formwork should not be opened first if the treatment mixture is not used.

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f) Do not use a curing compound on areas that will receive a finishing material
that does not adhere to concrete that has been treated with a curing compound
unless the curing compound is water soluble.
g) In high temperature and windy conditions, avoid rapid evaporation of the water
mix of the concrete and the possibility of plastic shrinkage cracking, by using
an evaporation inhibitor or fog spray.
h) In cold weather conditions follow the procedures recommended in ACI 306 and
ACI 308. If sealer is not used after the curing blanket is removed, spray 2 coats
of liquid membrane curing compound. If a sealer is used, a curing compound
is not required.
i) Environmental conditions
Execute the casting in hot weather according to ACI 305. Protect the concrete
from drying out and excessive temperatures for the first 7 days. Protect fresh
concrete from wind.

4.15. Mass Concrete

Mass concrete is any large dimension concrete construction requiring special
implementation and maintenance, especially in controlling the temperature against
the heat generated by the cement hydration process. For the implementation of
this mass concrete work, in addition to following the general concrete
implementation and maintenance requirements as described in this Work Plan and
Conditions (RKS) book, the following specific implementation and maintenance
requirements must also be followed:
a) Implementation Specific Requirements.
1) Water cement factor (w/c ratio) for mass concrete must be less than 0.40.
2) The contractor must provide temporary drainage on the sides of the mass
concrete construction, so that during construction it can be free from
puddles of water, both ground water and rain water.
3) Casting of mass concrete must be carried out horizontally layer by layer.
The maximum thickness of each layer should not be more than 60 cm so
that at the time of compaction of the second layer and so on, the surface
layer below it is still exposed to the vibration of the compactor (vibrator).
4) The implementation of mass concrete casting must be carried out
continuously without interruption until the construction is completed, cast in
a monolithic manner (vertical stop cast).
5) How to use a compactor (vibrator) must be as short as possible in the
concrete casting, once the vibrator has reached the desired depth, it must
be immediately removed. If the Contractor uses SSC, the vibrator is no
longer needed.
6) At the time of casting, thermocouple cables (nickel and copper) must be
planted inside the mass concrete which will later be connected to a digital
temperature gauge to measure the temperature of the new concrete.
7) The number of thermocouple cable installations for 1 (one) mass concrete
construction must be adjusted to the shape of the mass concrete itself
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according to the plan drawings, but at least it must be installed in 3 (three)

locations in the area between 10 cm above the bottom reinforcement layer
and 10 cm under the top layer of reinforcement.
8) Installation of the thermocouple cable must be in locations that can
represent the following:
a) 2 (two) faces at the ends.
b) 1 (one) face on the edge.
c) In the middle.
9) The number of thermocople cables installed for each mass concrete
construction is in accordance with the design drawings.

b) Treatment of Mass Concrete (Mass Concrete)

1) Immediately after the casting is completed, the entire surface of the
concrete both above and on the side must be covered with 3 layers of
stereofoam, namely 2” thick, 1” thick and 1” (2”+1”+1”).
2) Before 2” stereofoam is installed, colorless plastic must first be installed on
top of the mass concrete that has been cast. Likewise, between the layers
of stereofoam must be installed colorless plastic. Finally, colorless plastic
must be installed on top of the topmost stereofoam.
3) In addition to the mass concrete surface, it must be covered with plastic
and stereofoam, it must also be protected from rain and sunlight by
installing awnings or tarpaulins.
4) To find out the increase in the temperature of the concrete and checks in
the concrete treatment process, immediately after casting the mass
concrete, the surface temperature and the temperature inside the concrete
must be measured using digital temperature monitoring equipment
(measuring instruments).
5) The monitoring of the mass concrete temperature is carried out as follows:
a) During the first 24 hours after casting, readings are carried out every 2
b) During the next 48 hours readings are carried out every 3 hours.
c) For the next 7 days readings are carried out 4 times a day, namely in
the morning at 09.00, noon at 12.00, in the afternoon at 17.00 and
evening at 20.00.
6) The temperature difference of each thermocouple for a mass concrete
construction must always be maintained and must be less than 20 degrees
Celsius and the temperature drop should not be more than 12 degrees
Celsius per day.
7) If the temperature inside the concrete begins to increase, the concrete
treatment must be carried out in such a way that the temperature difference
between the inside and the surface of the concrete must be kept less than
20 degrees Celsius.
8) Temperature crack control
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Cracks in the concrete that arise due to the temperature difference between
the inside and the surface temperature must be avoided/prevented by
taking the following actions:
a) Watering the aggregate of the concrete mixture by using ice water,
adding ice or liquid nitrogen to the concrete mixture.
b) Cooling the inside of the concrete by flowing water in the pipes installed
on the inside of the concrete.
c) Installation of insulation (temperature resistance) on the concrete
surface so that it can withstand and release heat slowly so that the
cooling of the concrete surface temperature can be controlled.
9) One way to overcome the fluctuating temperature difference of the mass
concrete, can use the method of opening and closing the insulation layer,
but the temperature difference must be considered after opening the
insulation layer. If the temperature drops too quickly in the measurement
after opening the insulation, then the insulation layer must be reinstalled
because it can cause thermal shock, the difference in temperature
difference must be kept less than 20 degrees Celsius, so intensive
monitoring is needed for this method.
10) Column reinforcement cuttings and concrete walls should be covered with
sand and wrapped in plastic to prevent rapid heat dissipation.
11) After the temperature inside the concrete is stable (no further increase),
then the concrete surface must be covered with tarpaulin or plastic and
styrofoam or other insulating material to keep the surface concrete from
cooling faster by the release of heat in the air so that no contraction will
occur. be a constraint to the expansion of the volume of the hot inner
concrete, or a sudden drop in temperature in the interior of the concrete.
Furthermore, after the covering material is opened, the concrete surface
must still be protected against sudden drying.
12) The work on the superstructure can be continued after the temperature of
the mass concrete has stabilized.

4.16. Reparation and Finishing of Concrete Structure

a) If after opening the mold there is a concrete surface that is not as planned, or
not printed according to the drawing or outside the surface line, or it turns out
that there is a damaged surface, it is considered to be not in accordance with
the Work Plan and Conditions (RKS) and must be disposed of and replaced by
the Contractor at his own expense. Unless the Constitutional Court gives
permission to patch the damaged place, in which case the patching must be
done as stated in the following articles.

b) Kerusakan yang memerlukan pembongkaran dan perbaikan ialah yang terdiri

dari sarang kerikil, kerusakan-kerusakan karena cetakan, lobang-lobang karena

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keropos, ketidak rataan dan bengkak harus dibuang dengan pemahatan atau
dengan batu gerinda.

c) Any damaged areas must be closed or repaired. Repair damaged areas using
non-shrink grout. Remove damaged areas > 50 mm in diameter and > 25 mm
deep in hardened concrete. Make the edge of the cut perpendicular to the
concrete surface.

d) Nests of gravel and other concrete shall be chiseled, chiseled holes shall be
marked with sharp edges and cast so that the filler material will be bonded
(locked) in place. All holes must be continuously moistened for 24 hours before

e) If, in the opinion of the Court ( MK ), imperfections occur in visible parts of the
construction and if patching alone results in a surface that looks unsatisfactory,
the contractor is required to cover the entire surface (with plastering specs 1pc:
3ps) with a thickness that is not more than 1 cm. Likewise for the adjacent
surfaces (which are continuous) with the repaired surface in accordance with
the instructions from the Constitutional Court ( MK ).

f) It should be noted that for any flat plane surface, the straightness tolerance limit
(concave or convex) of the plane should not exceed L/1000 for all components.

g) Cast concrete surfaces where exposed, whether painted or not, must be given
a smooth rubbed finish. Make the surface smooth and uniform and free from
form patches, fins, protusions, bulges, form nailing dimples, edge grain marks,
cleanout pockets, and hollow surface areas.

h) Metal ties including form speeders must be cut. If necessary, cover the former
form tie holes completely so that there is no visible difference. Covering in
textured concrete shall be done manually by hand as required to match the
surface being joined.

i) Repair of minor damage/porosity on the unexposed concrete surface, namely

by covering the porous or damaged surface, then leveling it so that it blends
with the surrounding surface.

j) Concealed/hidden surfaces shall include the concrete under the cover and the
concrete to be covered with a non-paint cover or other flexible covering material,
and hidden from view in the finished structure.

4.17. Finishing permukaan beton

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

a) Standard References

1) American Concrete Institute (ACI).

a) 301-84 : Specification for Structure Concrete for Buildings.
b) 308-71 : Standard Practice for curing Concrete.

2) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).

a. C144-93Aggregate for Masonry Mortar.
b. C171-92Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete.
c. C309-93Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete.
d. E1155-87Test Method for Determining Floor Flatness and Levelness
Using the F-number System (Inch-Pound Units).

b) Material delivery requirements

Shipment of curing compound, concrete hardener, sealer, and slip-resistant
coating must be sealed, original from the manufacturer, accompanied by
application instructions.

c) Product guarantee

1) It must be accompanied by a written guarantee from the manufacturer of the

curing compound stating that the curing compound is compatible and will not
adversely affect the paint, hardener-dustproofer, sealer-dustproofer and
waterproofing used in the project during application.

2) Must be accompanied by a written guarantee from the manufacturer of the

floor hardener compound stating that the floor hardener plated will be free from
erosion due to abrasion and can withstand use for a period of 5 years.

d) Material requirements
1) Curing Compound : liquid type membrane-forming curing compound
according to ASTM C309, Type I, Class A Liquid loss should not be more than
0.055 gr/cm2 when applied to 18.5 m2/3, 785 liters.
a) Euclid Chemical Co. “Ecocure”.
b) Cormix Construction Chemicals “Sealco 309”.
c) L&M Construction Chemicals L&M Cure.
d) Master Builders “Masterseal”.
e) Sonneborn “Kure-N-Seal”.
2) Curing Mats : highly absorbent layer made of 340 gr/m2absorbent layer
covered on both sides with 284 grams of burlap.

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3) Curing paper : ASTM C171, waterproof kraft paper reinforced with

polyethylene film, or white-burlap-polyethylene sheet.
4) Pasir : ASTM C144 : clean natural sand.
5) Hardener-Dustproofer :
a) Euclid Chemical Co. “Surfhard”.
b) Cormix Construction Chemicals “Hardtop”.
c) L&M Construction Chemicals “Fluohard”.
d) Master Builders “Saniseal”.
e) Sonneborn “Lapidolith”.
6) Sealer-Dustproofer
a) Euclid Chemical Co. “Sealco 800”.
b) Cormix Construction Chemicals “Dress & Seal”.
c) Master Builders “ Masterseal”.
d) Napco Construction Chemicals “Napco Seal HS”.
e) Sonneborn “Kure-N-Seal, 0800”.

e) Implementation of Finishing on a Flat Surface (Horizontal).

1) Adjust the screed to achieve the slope, path and elevation as specified in
the plans. Adjust the screed elevation with surveyor equipment.
2) Rough Finishing :
a) Make a rough finish on the surface of the monolith slab that will be
given a floor covering or mortar as a base layer for tiles and other
finishing materials, as required.
b) After casting the slab is complete, level the surface area, making a
uniform surface slope for drainage if necessary. After leveling, roughen
the surface with a stiff brush, broom or hook before the concrete is
3) Float Finish :
For monolithic slab surfaces which are troweled with a trowel finish, the
surface of the slab shall be covered with a waterproofing membrane or liquid,
membrane or fluid roofing or where otherwise specified.
a) The finishing surface is topped or padded as specified for trowel finish, in
clause 2.17.5, 4) steps 1 and 2, tolerance class B, and step 3 as follows:
b) Step 3: After the machine leveling is complete, the plate is leveled using
hand-driven wood.
c) Finish the surface of the slab so that it can be given a layer of mortar,
wooden floor, granite floor, porcelain coating, waterproofing, quarry floor,
marble floor, brick floor as mentioned for trowel finish, steps 1 to 3, class
B and step 4 are as follows:
Step 4: After the machine leveling is complete, the plate is leveled using
hand-driven wood.
4) Trowel Finish

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Perform a trowel finish on exposed monolithic slab surfaces and slab surfaces
covered with spring-loaded floors, carpets, tile floors, rock floors, or other thin
film systems as follows:
a) Pour the concrete and compact it completely and set the surface to the
desired height.
b) Smooth the surface with an approved Power Driven Disc Type leveler.
Compact the surface until smooth and smooth until the voids on the
surface are completely covered with mortar.
c) After leveling is complete and the concrete has hardened enough, trowel
with a steel trowel until the surface is completely flat and free of holes or
other imperfections.
d) Perform troweling by machine until the plate begins to produce a ringing
sound, finished with a steel hand trowel to obtain a hard surface free from
surface defects.

5) Trowel and Fine Broom Finish :

Performed when ceramic or rock floors will be installed with a thin layer of
mortar, then immediately followed by scratching the surface with a good

6) Non Slip Broomed Finish :

Make exterior pavement finishes, exterior concrete slabs, steps and ramps,
parking lot plates and vehicle traffic roads with a slope of less than 6% as
stated for trowel finish, steps 1 to 3, tolerances, class B and step 4, as follows:
Step 4 : After the machine smoothing in step 3 is complete, gently sweep the
surface of the plate with a lint brush, to get a uniform texture to be approved
by the Architect. Sweep lines are perpendicular to the direction of traffic.
f) Other Surface Finishing
1) General
a) Pull form ties and remove snap ties at least 25 mm from the concrete
surface. Wet the tie hole and fill it with cement grout so that it is completely
impermeable to water.
b) Remove protrusions and peel off the honeycombed and damaged areas.
Use a bonding agent on the surface that has been cleaned properly to
ensure adhesion and adhesion between the surface and the cement

2) Rough Finishing
Make a rough finish to form an unexposed concrete surface and in parking
areas unless otherwise indicated. This is a concrete surface which has a
texture separate from the molded material used, with tie holes and damaged

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areas repaired and patched and protrusions exceeding 6 mm thick paved or


3) Smooth Finishing
Make a smooth finish for exposed concrete surfaces (unless otherwise
required), or which will be coated with a coating material that is directly applied
to the concrete, such as waterproofing, moisture-proofing, painting or other
systems. The concrete surface as printed is obtained by selecting the coating
material, arranged in an orderly and symmetrical manner with a minimum of
cover. Repair and patch damaged areas, protrusions and fins must be
removed and re-smoothed.

4) Smooth Rubbed Finish

Apply a smooth rubbed finish to the concrete surface that has previously been
given a smooth finish, not later than 1 day after the formwork is opened. Wet
the concrete surface and rub with carborundum brick or other abrasive
material until a uniform color and texture is obtained. Do not use cement grout
other than that produced by the rubbing process.

5) Related Unformed Surfaces

The upper end surface of the wall and the horizontal balancing surface
adjacent to the formed surface shall be smoothed and leveled to a texture
suitable for the adjacent formed surface. not formed next to each other, unless
otherwise indicated.

6) Finishing Grout Cleaned

Perform the finishing of the cleaned grout onto the concrete surface that has
been given a smooth finish.
a) Mix 1 part portland cement into 1½ parts fine sand (in volume) and mix with
water until it forms a paint with a thick consistency. Appropriate additives
may be used at the Contractor's discretion. Mix standard portland cement
and white portland cement, experimenting with the ratio until the final color
of the dry grout will approximate the color of the adjacent surface.
b) Wet the concrete surface thoroughly and apply grout to cover the concrete
surface thoroughly and provide grout to cover the surface and fill small
holes. Remove excess grout by scratching and brushing it off with a burlap
sack. Maintain moisture with a liquid spray for at least 36 hours after


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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

5.1 Scope of Work

Included in grouting work is preparing manpower, procuring materials,
equipment, conducting supervision, and other things needed in carrying out
grouting work to repair cracks in concrete.

5.2 Definition of Crack

a) Major crack is defined as a crack that penetrates as thick as a slab causing leakage
b) Hair cracks are defined as static cracks that do not cause leakage.
c) Grout is an injection material for repairing.
5.3 References

a) ASTM C882 Test Method for Bond Strenghth of Epoxy-Resin Systems Used with
b) ASTM C638 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics
c) ASTM C695 Test Method for Compressive properties of Rigid Plastics
d) ASTM D790 Test Method for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced
Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials.
5.4 Submission of Data
The contractor must submit data on the process of carrying out the grouting
work to MK as follows:

a) Submit all proposed procedures and materials.

b) Product Data
c) Submit the manufacturing literature for the type of grout and the type of primer
proposed for use, including preparation, installation, and equipment requirements.
d) Color Samples
e) If required for color selection by the Architect, submit samples or a list of color
standards from the manufacturer.
f) Certificate
Submit a certificate from an approved independent testing laboratory, which
certifies that the proposed product meets the specified requirements and has
been tested according to the specified standard.

5.5 Quality of Materials and Installation

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a) Materials used must be of the same type and come from the same manufacturer
which has been proven to be capable of being used under the same conditions for
a minimum of 5 years.
b) The grouting work shall be carried out by the Contractor who has completed a
program of instructions sponsored by the approved material manufacturer, i.e. in
the case of installing grout on concrete structures using the specified process.
c) Equipment and expertise for installation work must be approved and
recommended by the injection material manufacturer

5.6 Field Conditions

Substrate and air temperature during mixing, grouting and curing shall be
maintained at a minimum temperature of 10°C, unless higher temperatures are
required by the manufacturer grouting material.
5.7 Sequence of execution of work

a) Grout the initial crack after the plate has cured and dried but before installing the
b) Cracks that occur after grouting the initial cracks within 1 year after the completion
of the grouting work, shall be repaired in accordance with the procedures required
by the Employer.

5.8 Grouting Material Requirements

a) Provide 2 components of low viscosity epoxy adhesive containing 100% solid

material that meets the following requirements:
1) Sticking strength: ASTM C882, 14 Mpa
2) Tensile strength : ASTM C638, 42 Mpa
3) Elongation : ASTM D 638, 2 percent @ 7 days @ 7°F
4) Flexural strength : ASTM D790, 55 Mpa
5) Compressive strength : ASTM D695, 45 MPa

b) Material
1) Epoxy Grouting : Sika Corporation, Sikadur 35 Hi-Mod LV, or approved
2) Surface Sealer : Sika Corporation, Sikadur 31 HiMOd Gel, or approved
3) Substitute: according to MK approval.

5.9 Execution of Works

a) General
Repair all major cracks that extend to the floor slab, from top to bottom.

b) Preparation

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1) Clean the plate thoroughly to reveal all the cracks to be grouted.

2) Check the plate and the location of all major cracks. Identify all major cracks
and mark for grouting.
3) Inform the Court ( MK ) of the location of the crack to be grouted and ensure
that the crack will not widen before grouting is carried out.
4) Spray cracks with water to remove dirt and laitance.
5) Let the surface to be grouted to dry according to the grouting material
manufacturer's instructions.

c) Surface Sealing
1) Seal the cracked surface to resist adhesive injection: mix and apply according
to the material manufacturer's written instructions and so on.
2) Apply adhesive mixture to the cracks to reduce damage/defects and fading of
the substrate.
3) Let it dry.
4) Provide an injection tool, give space to fully meet the adhesive injection
hardness between the 'ports' and the crack. Follow the manufacturer's
(manufacturer) recommendations for grommets, checks, valves, plugs and
other special requirements and procedures related to the type of injection
device used. Prepare additional temporary cover if needed.

d) Grouting
1) Perform adhesive injection according to the manufacturer's written
instructions. Inject at constant pressure to obtain 100% penetration into the
crack without any air bubbles in the adhesive.
2) Pump the adhesive injection gradually and continuously until all cracks are
completely covered..
3) leave the adhesive for some time to prevent 'run back' after the seals are
4) Clean the surface of the epoxy seal, temporary seals, and adhesive residue.
Clean the top layer in order to obtain a surface finish that is acceptable to the
Constitutional Court; The concrete surface must be flat.
5) Protect the grout and allow it to function properly before sealing work is carried
out and before allowing it to be loaded.
6) Clean the surrounding surface for repair and final mixing.

6.1 Scope of Work
The waterproofing work includes the implementation of waterproofing work on
basement floor plates and walls, basement roof plates, roof slabs, toilet floor

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plates, wet areas, flower tubs, and other parts that must be waterproof as
stated in the implementation drawings.
6.2 Qualification Assurance

a) Qualification of the material

Manufacturer shall prepare an authorized representative to inspect the
delivered material, supervise the installation, the material, and provide
consultation with respect to the project requirements.

b) Qualification of installation
The installation of waterproofing shall be carried out by a Company which has
had a minimum of five projects experience for waterproofing work which has
the same requirements as this project, and with satisfactory results.
1) Minimum 5 years of Company experience.
2) Experience of experts/field officers at least 5 years.
3) Experts/field workers who carry out the installation must be accepted and
approved by the material manufacturer.

c) Liability of a single source material manufacturer

The contractor shall use the main waterproofing material and additional
material for each type required to come from a single source (one factory).

d) Pre-installation meeting
The contractor shall convene a meeting, prior to the commencement of
waterproofing work. To review the work to be completed:
1) Meeting participants consist of: MK, contractors, waterproofing sub-
contractors, waterproofing system factory representatives and all other
subcontractors who have waterproofing penetration equipment.
2) The contractor must notify the Constitutional Court and other meeting
participants at least three days before the meeting.
3) The contractor must prepare minutes of the meeting and distribute copies
thereof to the meeting participants.
4) Working drawings must be completed and prepared for review at the pre-
installation meeting.

e) Contractor must submit data to MK consisting of:

1) Working drawings which include plans and details of critical waterproofing
areas, including surface, cross and joint treatment.
2) Product data consisting of specifications, brochures, instructions for use, and
general recommendations from waterproofing manufacturers.

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6.3 Transportation, Storage and Treatment of

a) Materials are shipped in containers with original factory seals and labels. Identify
and inspect containers with material name, date of manufacture and lot number.
b) Store the material above ground in a place protected from the weather.
c) Treatment :
1) Protect the material to prevent damage.
2) Remove the damaged material from the field and replace it with new material
according to specifications.
3) Treat the material with care according to the manufacturer's instructions, as
some materials can be damaged and flammable.

d) Project Condition
Do not apply waterproofing to soiled elements, or if the elements do not comply
with the waterproofing manufacturer's specifications.

e) Guarantee
1) The contractor shall provide a guarantee for the waterproofing work against
conformity with contract documents, free from defects in materials, installation
errors and resistance/strength of the waterproofing already installed from
leakage for 10 years from the date of effective completion. Make a guarantee
signed by the material supplier.
2) Contractor shall repair failure of waterproofing to resist ingress of water at no
additional cost, except failure caused by structural failure of the building
3) Minor cracks in concrete or hairline cracks due to temperature or shrinkage
shall not be considered as structural failure.

f) Material Requirements
1) Crystalline Waterproofing
a) Types and conditions of the manufacturer
b) Crystallization type material consists of a special mixture of cement, silica
sand and chemically active substances whose use can be applied by
coating, spray or dry sprinkle
c) The Hitchins Group of Companies, “ Formdex Plus ” or equivalent
d) Concrete to be waterproofed does not contain waterrepellent additives.
e) Non-toxic
f) Applications can be made with a sprinkle system or a coating system from
one of the concrete surfaces, either the negative side of the water or the
positive side of the water.

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g) Water
Water must be clean, fresh, and free from minerals and organic materials
that can damage the performance of the waterproofing material.

2) Cementitious Material
a) Type and Factory guidelines
b) Waterproofing coating membrane yang merupakan campuran dari dua
material yang berbentuk serbuk dan cair.
c) The Hitchins Group of Companies “ Formdex Uniflex “ atau setara
d) Permukaan beton harus bersih dari lumpur dan tanah serta bebas dari
minyak atau olie
e) Water
Water must be clean, fresh, and free from minerals and organic materials
that can damage the performance of the waterproofing materials.

3) Integral Crystalline
Types and conditions of the factory guidelines.
Admixture type crystallized waterproofing material in the form of powder
consisting of a special mixture of cement, silica sand and chemically active
The Hitchins Group of Companies “Formdex Admix” or equivalent
Used by mixing it into the concrete mix with a dosage of 0.8% of the cement
weight content per m3 (including fly ash)
Concrete to be waterproofed must contain cement minimum 350 kg/m3
Water-cement ratio (w/c) 0.45
Trial mixed is carried out to determine the time slump and compressive
strength setting whether the concrete meets the criteria according to the plan.

4) Liquid Waterproofing Membrane

a) Types and conditions of the manufacturer
b) Membrane exposed system and is a waterproofing material formed in 5
stages of application with a colored surface finish.
c) The Hitchins Group of Companies “Traffigard“ or equivalent
d) In the form of liquid heavy bodied Acrylic Polymer Gel which is applied
using a roll and reinforced with fiberglass mat reinforcement. After
application, the material will form a decorative sheet, has flexible and
elastic properties and is UV
e) Concrete or plaster must be at least 14 days old
f) Surface finishing layer is colored: Green (unless specified by the Owner)

g) Associated components and auxiliary materials

1) Sealant
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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

Trenco “Dymeric” sealant or equivalent multi-paty modified polyurethane

construction sealant manufactured by Maneco Aru. Sonneborn conforms to
ASTM C920, Type II, nonsag. Class A, with a color chosen by the Architect
or equivalent.

2) Waterstop
The Hitchin Group of Companies “Formdex 2010“” or equivalent.Delay
swelling hydrophilic expanding waterstop, which will absorb water and able
to expand up to 300%

6.4 Work Implementation

a) Crystalline Waterproofing
1) Basement Floor
a) Initial preparatory work
i) Check the readiness of the location, the work floor must be in a
condition free from standing water, wooden objects and others.
ii) Coordination with the foundry team related to the waterproofing work
iii) Clean and wash the concrete surface with a wire brush and clean water

b) Waterproofing Application
i) The application of Formdex plus 1.5 kg/m² is carried out by manual
sowing on the work floor surface.
ii) The sowing of the Formdex plus powder will be carried out
approximately 15 minutes before the pouring of the cast concrete

2) Basement Wall
a) Preparatory Work

i) V groove along the former cast connection with a size of approximately

25 mm x 25 mm.
ii) Treatment of former t-rod holes, pipes/installations that penetrate the
concrete using Formrok 122 (Epoxy mortar)
iii) Moisten the entire surface of the concrete before the application of
Formdex Plus
b) Waterproofing Application
i) Mixing materials for a mixture with a ratio of 2.5 kg of Formdex Plus: 1
liter of clean water. Stir until completely smooth for 2-3 minutes
ii) Application by using a brush, 2x coating. Setting time is approximately
3 hours (depending on weather conditions in the field)

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b) Membrane Liquid
1) Preparatory Work
a) Ensure that the substrate conditions are suitable for receiving
b) Close the expansion joint groove according to the manufacturer's
c) Clean the surface thoroughly from dust, dirt, paint, coating material,
grease, oil, cement flakes, loose particles and contaminants.
Remove oil and grease with commercial grade alkaline cleaners,
rinse and dry thoroughly.

2) Final Preparatory work

a) Prepare the surface according to the manufacturer's specifications
and requirements.
b) Patching.
Hollow or cracked concrete surfaces must be covered prior to
c) Crack and joint treatment.
Construction joints and visible cracks with a width exceeding 0.03
cm must be reinforced with fiberglass fibers when waterproofing is
3) Installation Work
a) Application of Formak 629 Primer on all surfaces using a brush or
roller, consumption of 8m²/liter. Allow to dry for at least 2 hours
b) Complicated details such as exhaust pipe, meeting of vertical and
horizontal angles (outer corners) will be reinforced with fiberglass
c) Formak 629 application is done 2x coating @ 0.6 liter/m². Allow the
first coat to dry for at least 4 hours
d) After the application of Formak 629 is complete, leave it for 3x 24
hours before the soak test is carried out
e) Finishing plaster on a concrete surface that has been applied
waterproofing can be carried out after passing the curing period
f) The installation of a protective plaster layer on the waterproofing
surface must be done carefully so as not to damage the
waterproofing layer. Avoid using nails when determining the surface
level for finishing work, because it can damage the waterproofing

c) Integral Waterproofing

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1) Determine the need for Formdex Admix per cubic concrete with a
calculation of 0.8% x weight of cement content based on mix design
2) Mixing materials: make a mixture by adding clean water with a ratio of
10 kg powder to 12 liters of water
3) Pour the Formdex Admix mixture into the concrete mixture, stir for at
least 5 minutes
4) The waterproof concrete mixture is ready to be used / poured into the
concrete mold to be cast. Concrete curing process (according to the
planner's specifications or instructions from the supervisory consultant)

d) Liquid Membrane Waterproofing

1) Preparatory work
• Check the work site: slope of the surface, readiness of other related
work and cleaning before the application of the waterproofing
membrane begins
• Moisturizing the entire concrete surface with clean water

2) Installation work
• Traffigard Primer : for normal concrete and plaster surfaces,
consumption of 9 m2 / liter .Make a mixture with a ratio of 4 liters
(Traffigard B/C) + 1 liter of clean water.
• Traffigard Bodycoat application using a roller, material consumption
of 2.5 m2 / liter / coat.
• Fiberglass mat : Installation of the Fiberglass mat is carried out
simultaneously with the application of the first Bodycoat layer.
• Traffigard Bodycoat : application using a roller, material
consumption is 2.5 m2 / liter / coat. Let it dry for 12 hours.
• Traffigard Topcoat : application using a roller, material consumption
of 1.5 m2 / liter. Allow to dry for 48 hours.
3) Treatment od the work
• Avoid the Traffigard layer from hitting hard objects or sharp objects
that can tear the waterproofing layer
• If the Traffigard sheet is damaged or torn due to other work,
immediately contact the applicator for immediate repair
• washing with a low-pressure water spray or using a soft-bristled
brush and clean water mixed with a little detergent

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work


7.1 Scope of Work

a) Provide structural steel material, labor and equipment as listed or described in the
implementation drawings and this Work Plan and Conditions (RKS), or other things
needed to complete the work in accordance with the planned.

b) Finishing, fabrication, erection, testing and inspection of structural steel

c) Workshop supplies and basic painting of structural steel parts

d) Temporary steel construction.

e) Field painting, finishing touches, application of a second primer coat for all steel
parts and preparation of finishing paint are included in the painting section.
7.2 References

1. PPBBI (Indonesian steel building design regulations)

2. PUBI-1982
3. SII
5. JIS-Japanese Indsutrial Standards
6. AISC Code of standard Practice for Steel Building and Bridges, Latest
7. AISC Specification for the design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural
Steel for Building, including the Supplements Thereto as issued.
8. AISC Specification of Structural Joints using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolt
approved by the Research Council in Structural Connections.
9. AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code.
10. AWS A5.1 Specification for Mild Steel Covered Arc-welding Electrodes.
11. AWS A5 17 Specification for bare Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for
Submerged Arc-welding.
12. AWS A5.2 Spesification for Mild Steel Electrodes for Fluxcored ARC-
13. AWS A5.5 Specification for low alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding
14. SSPC Steel Structures PaintingManual.
15. ASTM A36-Standard Specification for Structural Steel.
16. ASTM A307-Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Externally and
Internally Threaded Standard Fasteners.
17. ASTM A307-Standard Specification for High-Strengh Bolts for Structural
Steel Bolts joints, including Suitable Nuts and plain Hardened Washers.

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18. ASTM A490-Standrd Specification for Quenched and Temered Alloy Steel
Bolt For Structural Steel Joints.
19. ASTM A500-Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and
Seamless Carbon Steel Tubing in Rounds and Shapes.
20. ASTM A501-Standard Specification for Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless
Carbon Steel StructuralTubing.
21. ASTM A563-Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts.
22. ASTM A572-Standard Specification for High-Strength Low Alloy
Columbium-vanadium Steels of Structural Quality.
23. ASTM F436-Standard Specification for Hardened Steel Washers.

7.3 Product and Material Quality Requirements

a) Iron Bars, Iron Profiles and Rolled Steel Plates

Iron bars, iron profiles and Rolled Steel plates of the same quality. The
steel quality and the required yield stress are ST-37 with a yield stress
of 2400 kg/cm2 according to SII.

b) Round tube iron

In accordance with ASTM A501 (minimum yield stress 2500 kg/cm2).

c) Box-shaped Steel Tube

In accordance with ASTM A500, Grade B (minimum yield stress 3150

d) Bolts and Anchor

Bolts and anchors used in accordance with ASTM 307 , grade A
(minimum tensile strength must be 4200 kg/cm2) or iron rod threaded
according to ASTM A-36 with a heavy y hexagonal nut welded to the
base of the threaded rod. Includes two hexagonal nuts and two plain
washers on each bolt. Provide a washer of the appropriate size on the
base plate with the larger hole.

e) Unfinished Bolts, Washers dan Nut.

Unfinished bolts shall be high strength A-325 bolts, conforming to
ASTM A325 Grade A with hexagon nuts, provided hexagon nuts match
the plain washers.

f) High-Strenght Fasteners
1) Bolts shall be of the same diameter as the drawings and in
accordance with JIS B1186 (type 2B) and/or ASTM A325 or ASTM
A490 as shown on the drawings

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2) Tensile controllable bolts such as spline type, with suitable nuts and
washers are acceptable alternatives to bolted connections
3) Do not use a damaged ring.

g) Welding electrodes
1) Welding electrodes of the E70 series, low hydrogen electrodes
according to JIS 23212 and AWS 5.1, A5.5, A5.17 or A5.20.
according to working drawings.
2) Provide adequate storage facilities so that the quality of the
electrodes is maintained flux.

h) Paint
1) The paint used is primary oxide unless otherwise indicated
according to AISC specifications and Code of Standard Practice
and SSPC Steel Structure Painting manual.
2) Coordinate so that the primer paint matches the paint finish..
7.4 Submission of Shop Drawings and Implementation Procedures
The contractor must submit working drawings and implementation procedures
to the Court as follows:
1) Work drawings must be submitted in accordance with the requirements in
the submission section;
2) Planning/contract drawings shall not be reproduced as working drawings.
It takes sufficient time to review working drawings;
3) Working drawings shall clearly identify the profile, size, spacing and
location of all steel elements, including joints, attachments, anchors,
openings in the frame, size and type of fasteners, method of fastening
fasteners, cambers, number and type and headed shear connector
4) Attach structural calculations carried out by the Engineer for each
proposed work, where it is a variant of the work on the drawings, or as
5) Attach in writing the welding procedures for each type of welded joint as
listed in Appendix E of the AWS Structural Welding Code;
6) Attach a Mill Certificate indicating that the steel supplied conforms to or
meets specifications. The certificate must also include a ladle analysis for
all steel and a tensile test report as well as a comparative test for various
7) Attach a certificate showing that the high-strength bolts used conform to
8) Attach the erection sequence and procedures used by steel erectors;

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9) Attach a complete material list for all required items, including products,
manufacturing catalogs and technical data, specifications and installation

7.5 Quality control on site

Contractor shall coordinate with Agency Testing and MK to control the quality
of the following items :

a) Welding
Inspection of structural steel during erection shall include visual
inspection and ultrasonic inspection of welded joints, welds for shear
struds, and welds for metal decking. Inspections must be carried out by
an AWS certified weld inspector. Tests must comply with the AWS
Structural Welding Code. Visual inspection of welded joints including
checking of welding settings and procedures. This control shall cover
all penetration joints.

b) Bolts
Inspection of bolted joints during operation will include visual and
physical tests, prior to carrying out visual inspections, tensile tests
using calibrated tools shall indicate a minimum tensile strength of 5%
exceeding the minimum AISC requirements. Tests shall be in
accordance with AISC specifications for structural joints Using ASTM
A325 or A490 High Strength Bolts.
7.6 Fabricator Quality Control

a) The fabricator shall have a fabrication procedure and this fabricated steel
is tested and supervised by an independent testing body as designated by
the Court. The costs of all such tests and inspections shall be borne by the

b) Tests and inspections shall be carried out by persons holding a Welding

Certificate. Attach the inspection report to MK.

c) The purpose of the inspection is so that the testing body can verify that in
general this fabricated steel meets the specified specifications. The
recommended surveillance should be carried out at least once a week. The
first surveillance should be scheduled at an early stage. Contractor must
notify MK for initial inspection. Tests and inspections should include among
1) Studying the report from the test mill and verifying that the material used
is the same as the proposed/reported material.
2) Review the welding procedures of the fabricator, verify that the welding
procedures have been followed. Make sure that the welder has an

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

official certificate and the Contractor must demonstrate the method /

technique of carrying out the welder.
3) Learn high quality bolting procedures. Verify that the installation of high-
strength bolts in the workshop complies with AISC specifications.
4) Check the joint preparation to produce a perfect penetration joint.
Penetration welding shall be ultrasonically tested.
5) Check weld angle for size, profile, weld thickness, porosity and tip
6) Checking steel elements for lamination. Check on the spot (spot check)
the dimensions and size of the hole.
7) Check the edges of the bolt holes for imperfections.
7.7 Inspection and storage of materials

a. The contractor shall inspect all materials arriving at the fabrication site. The
results of checking and reports of material test results must be able to be
shown to the Constitutional Court. Materials that do not meet the specified
requirements may not be used..

b. Materials stored on the ground, should not come into contact with the
ground in order to facilitate inspection and investigation. Storage of steel
and goods that are still packaged must be in a way so that there is
protection against contact with materials that can damage. Materials must
be clearly marked according to their classification to determine their location
and quantity.
7.8 Coordination of Execution
The Contractor shall coordinate the transportation and erection of the structural
steel and related materials within a time schedule so that the project can be
successfully completed..
7.9 Provisions for Implementation of Works

a) General requirements
1) The contractor must prepare working drawings for fabrication of
sufficient scale from various components based on drawings and
planning documents and must be submitted to the Court for
approval. If there are drawings that are part of the planning/contract
drawings used for fabrication drawings, they must obtain permission
from the Constitutional Court.
2) The implementation of the fabrication must begin after the working
drawings for the fabrication have been approved by the
Constitutional Court.
3) These drawings will be used for the fabrication of structural steel
and its materials and will later be used in the field. Therefore a
number of copies of the image are required in the field.

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4) Camber with 1/1000 of span shall be provided if there are beams

with span exceeding 8 m (if not specified).
5) The contractor must provide all equipment needed for
erection/installation work.
6) All steel construction works must comply with the planning drawings
and comply with the provisions in this Work Plan and Conditions

b) Standard Steel Measuring Tape

1) The contractor shall check whether there is any discrepancy
between the standard steel measuring tape used in fabrication and
that used in the field and shall obtain approval from the Court of
2) Standard steel tape measure must meet JIB7512 or equivalent. A
clear demarcation should be made between a standard steel tape
measure and a general purpose tape measure, used in field
workshops. Measuring tapes for general use in factories and
construction sites should be compared with the above-mentioned
standard tapes prior to commencement of work for the purpose of
checking for errors and only tapes that do not show deviations may
be used.

c) Cutting
1) The cut surface of any material shall be perpendicular to the
abscissa axis, unless the section is specified on the drawings.
2) The surface of the cut plane must be clean of unevenness, notches,
piles of slag, and others.
3) Gas cutting must be carried out with an automatic gas cutter. If
manual gas cutting is unavoidable, it can only be carried out with
the approval of the Constitutional Court.
4) Cutting work must be carried out taking into account the presence
of contraction/deformation due to fabrication and the requirements
needed for finishing.

d) Repair due to deformation

1) All material deformation and deformation caused by the fabrication
work must be repaired carefully to avoid damage to the material.
2) Repair due to deformation in high tension steel and heat treated
steel in principle should be done with cold correction (cold
correction). Hot correction should only be used for other types of

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3) Deformation in the material must be corrected immediately after the

material is received, must also pay attention to the accuracy of the
final product and its fabrication. The provisions in this item do not
apply when the material is processed into a final product by cutting
it into small pieces .
4) Smaller parts such as gusset plates and 4-sided joint plates which
are gas-cut or shears shall be checked for flatness after cutting, and
any deformation shall be corrected by pressing or other means.
5) The deformation of the flange of the profile 1 is principally corrected
by cold correction such as roller press and so on, but heat correction
such as linear heating can also be used for local improvement.
imperfections in the perpendicular plane of the flange must be
corrected by means of pressing equipment equipped with special
molds or must be carried out by heat correction by linear healing. In
the case of curved structural steel of the H profile, an adjustment
process should be carried out in the joint area.
6) Work methods and procedures must be studied carefully in order to
minimize deformation

e) Cold Correction
1) To level the surface of the steel structure, it is necessary to avoid
things that can cause defects on the surface of the material such as
the use of hammer blows and so on.
2) Special equipment suitable for the shape of the structural steel
should be provided when it is necessary to correct the deformation
of the structural steel by pressing.
3) Repair of the deformation of the steel flange form I must be carried
out using exclusive roller connection equipment or special presses.
In other cases, special care must be taken with a view to avoiding
any deformation of the body. Deformations must be corrected by
cold correction, except with special permission from the Court (MK)
in order to maintain the final dimensional accuracy of the final

f) Heat Correction
1) Localized angular deformation can be corrected by heat correction
by linear heating.
2) Improvements in panel flatness and so on, due to slack caused by
welding on 4 sides must be corrected by contracting made by point
3) The heating temperature in the heat correction must be limited to a
value so that it will not result in a change in the characteristics of the

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material. The heating temperature of mild steel must exceed 9000C.

If high tension steel requires heating, it must be immediately cooled
with air to a temperature of less than 6500C, followed by cooling
using water.
4) If the deformation improvement by heating turns out to be
accompanied by contraction deformation, then the element must be
cut by taking into account the contraction margin which is estimated
to be sufficient to suit the situation. Heating temperature and heating
area should be controlled according to a carefully crafted plan.

g) Bending
1) Cold bending should be performed using a press roller. Bending
carried out by heat must be carried out using the linear heating
method, or mechanical molding with mechanical equipment such as
presses and so on after complete heating.
2) Hot bending is carried out by heating the material beyond a
temperature of 9000C, no external force should be applied to the
material until the temperature drops back to a temperature of 200 -
3) Heat treated steel in principle must be carried out by cold bending.
. If it turns out that hot bending is unavoidable, additional corrective
action will be required, for example with a new heat treatment, as
4) The minimum bending radius on the inside of the structural steel
made by cold bending shall be 1.5 times the plate thickness. Hot
bending should be carried out when the bending radius is smaller
than the above-mentioned requirements.
5) In the case of bending of steel pipes and steel profiles for curved
shapes, special bending rollers for this purpose must be used with
a view to avoiding deviations in the cross-section.
6) In the case of steel bent at large angles, preparations such as
cutting the wings, body and so on must be carried out.
7) In the case of a plate bent with a large curve, the outer side of the
material must be made using a grinder or other tool.
8) Marking for drilling bolt holes and mounting parts of other elements
around the bent part must be done after bending is done.
9) Correction of the length of the steel section due to bending must be
carried out along the long axis of the neutral line.
10) The accuracy of bending shall be checked using a curve scale, but
in the case of long structural steels, the inspection shall be carried
out based on the value of the deviation of the straight-line trajectory
between the extreme boundaries of the structure.

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h) Surfaces subjected to compression

In places such as the contact area between the column and the bottom
plate, the joints of the column with the stressed portion of the stiffeners
as specified on the drawings, shall be machine finished. this is intended
to enable the attainment of perfect contact.

i) Measurements at Construction Site

In places where it is difficult to maintain the accuracy of the dimensions
due to conditions at the construction site and construction methods,
etc., precision measures such as actual dimensional measurements
are carried out in the field in order to overcome problems in construction
work, must be carried out with the approval of the Court (MK).

j) Inspection of Actual Dimensions

The actual dimensions of the structural steel shall be checked by the
MK at the factory where the steel is made. All costs required in this
inspection must be paid by the Contractor except for the MK's travel

k) Painting at the factory (For Non-Composite Structures)

1) Steel parts which are processed and assembled at the factory must
be inspected by MK prior to shipment, the Contractor must provide
anti-rust treatment to the steel after obtaining approval from MK.
2) If the Contractor is unable to carry out the painting as determined at
the factory due to construction methods or other reasons or if it is
necessary to carry out painting prior to inspection of the
implementation of the joining/assembly of steel elements, the
Contractor must obtain approval from the Constitutional Court.

l) Painting Plan
1) The contractor must prepare a painting plan by taking into account
the geographical conditions of the painting location, weather
conditions, painting time intervals, difficulty or ease of painting work
and environmental factors that can easily cause corrosion after
painting work.
2) MK and the Contractor must conduct joint consultations with the aim
of drawing up a painting plan
3) Painting work at the factory must be carried out in accordance with
the rules of this Section and JASS18 painting Work. The paint
material, the number of layers, the method of painting and the scope
of the painting must comply with the specifications.

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m) Final product inspection

1) Final product inspection shall consist of internal inspection, wherein
the relevant manufacturing plant shall ensure product quality and
test to approve the product which is designed by MK and specified
on the planning drawings.
2) In the case of internal testing, which is carried out within the
company, the parts tested shall be those described in the fabrication
instructions. After completing the test, the Contractor must keep the
test report and provide a copy to the Court (MK).
3) The stored documents must be classified for columns, beams,
trusses and their maintenance.The documents stored generally
include the following items:
a) Standard dimensions that are useful for describing the size of
the overall structure, dimensions from one joint to another and
the height of each floor.
b) The main dimensions which include steel dimensions including
column width and beam height dimensions and bracket length
c) Column torque.
d) The position and dimensions of the sleeves, bolt holes used to
ensure that the connection of the steel frame is running
correctly. Apart from sleeves, only the part that represents the
structure needs to be described, depending on the situation.
e) Inspection of welding.
f) Every joint in the work in the field.
g) The size of the thickness of the weld from the weld.
h) Surface conditions against friction and the position and
diameter of the bolt holes, and so on.
4) After completing the inspection, MK must supervise the results of
the product, the Contractor must place the product, line by line to
facilitate testing.
5) The tools used must be of good type and must be able to be used
for measurements in accordance with each item to be tested.
6) The Constitutional Court must determine the things that are needed
as requirements for the acceptance of a product and test it based
on the results of internal testing. These results must then be
reported in the “Accepted Test Results Statement. “and shown to
the Constitutional Court ( MK ) for approval.
7) Testing of a product in principle is carried out before painting.
8) If a defective part is found, measurements must be taken
immediately to correct it and the part must be re-tested.
9) If there are specific items in the planning drawings which relate to
testing of temporary trial/fabricated products, the provisions of this
section shall be complied with.
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n) Matters of testing
1) The tests carried out are principally aimed at the following matters.
The selection is determined based on the type of work and the level
of importance and each work item.
a) Dimensional Test
b) Jointing Test
c) Appearance Test
d) Stud welding
e) Non-destructive test of welding parts.

2) Result of the test, if there are things that are considered defective,
then the part shall be repaired immediately in the manner stated
below and the Contractor shall re-test the part.
a) If the length of the steel element, the height of the steel beam
surface and the length of the connection exceed the
allowable/required conditions, the Contractor shall notify the MK
of the impact, and take appropriate measurements to correct
camber and sweep, torsion, bend in the profile flange, rolling
and angle. splicing.
b) Accuracy of holes and tightening of high-strength shear
retaining bolts, if errors/defects are found, the Contractor must
notify MK and take appropriate corrective action.

o) Work Quality Test

1) Prior to the commencement of the fabrication/installation, the
Contractor is required to provide MK with a “Certificate Test” of
profiled steel, bolts, welding wire and paint from the
2) Testing of steel profiles, bolts, welding wires in the laboratory must
be carried out by a tester who has a "Certificate Test".
3) Testing of Test Objects
a) Testing samples must be prepared for each type of welding and
each type of material to be welded. Sample tests shall be
carried out in accordance with the requirements of ASTM A370.
b) The number and types of tests carried out are as follows :
• For ultrasonic tests, 5% (five percent) of the total welding is
taken, unless otherwise determined by the Court ( MK ).
• for the Radiographic test, 1% (one percent) of the total
welding shall be taken unless otherwise determined by the
Court ( MK ).
• The number of tests described above is for the results of the
tests that passed, while the results of the tests that did not
pass were not taken into account.
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4) Welded joints of steel construction parts shall be tested in

accordance with the AWS D.10 standard of weld quality.
a) “Radiographic” testing shall be in accordance with AWS D.10
Welders and welder operators shall affix an identifier to the steel
as specified, with complete and perfect markings and welding
operations can be known.
b) The Contractor shall provide facilities for the execution of
“Radiographic” and “Ultrasonic” tests including power sources
and other utilities at no additional cost to the Employer.
c) Weld areas that are known to be damaged exceed the standard
specified in “AWS D.10”, which is stated from “Radiographic”
100% of the welding work is at the expense of the Contractor.
d) “Ultrasonic” inspection of welds and the techniques and
standards used must comply with AWS or must comply with
ASTM requirement.

p) Intallation Sign
1) The contractor must prepare drawings showing signs that can assist
at the installation stage. These markings should be clearly visible to
ensure easy installation by workers.
2) Each part must be clarified with an identification mark that
corresponds to the mark of each image. Other markings (top,
bottom, right, left and markings for joined surfaces) are also shown.
3) Heavy weights of heavy steel elements must be shown. Likewise
attention to the center of gravity and trusses and other steel
elements, if the markings are difficult to place, the center point
should be marked with paint on the part that will not affect the
construction work.
4) The contractor must prepare a list of steel elements, check for signs
of installation and check the quality / quality of the planned steel
construction elements in line with their implementation.
7.10 Welding Joints

a) This section covers manual arc welding and non-gas shielded arc semi-
automatic welding, gas shielded arc semi-automatic welding and
submerged arc automatic welding.
1) In manual/semi-automatic welding methods, documentary
evidence is needed showing work experience in the welding field
and the results obtained, welding work control systems, machines
and equipment used, internal regulations in the implementation of
work and inspection tasks, must shown to the Constitutional Court
for approval as an administrative requirement of workers' abilities
before work begins.
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2) In the automatic welding method, the statement as referred to in

point 1) above is also shown to the Constitutional Court. Tests on
the work will be carried out if deemed necessary by the Court and
approval must be obtained before the work begins.
3) Especially for stud welding, an automatic stud welding machine
should be used.
4) Welders involved in welding work must be approved in advance by
the Constitutional Court with the following requirements:
a) Welders must have competent skills in welding work and show
a qualification certificate (issued by the competent organization
in this regard) including showing other required data.
b) If there is any doubt about the ability of the welder, court (MK)
will carry out a capability test at the Contractor's expense and
determine whether the welder is competent.
c) Welding work must be carried out under the supervision of a
specialized technician who has sufficient expertise and
knowledge of the work. These technicians must be present at
the construction site at the time of work in the field.

b) Provision of welding materials

1) The shape of the edge of the steel profile may be directly refined
based on experience in the workshop, although prior approval of the
Court is required.
2) The edges are cut by automatic gas or by machine process. For
edges where the precision is not good or where the edges have a
non-smooth surface, it must be corrected.
3) The edge plane must be made according to the plan drawings and
specifications in the fabrication instructions that have been
approved by the Constitutional Court, and must be in accordance
with the welding method. In the case of using manual gas cutting,
permission from the Constitutional Court is required.
4) The material used in the welding process must be stored in a dry
place so that the material is not dirty and corroded. The current
quality of the electrodes must be guaranteed.
5) Materials for welding must be handled with care. If any part of the
welding electrode is chipped or very dirty or its quality has changed
due to moisture or rust, the material for welding should not be used.
The enveloped electrodes must not become damp. Wet welding
rods should not be used.

c) Materials Assembly

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1) All components must be assembled accurately, eg using proper

jigs. Corner welds must be welded to the correct distance proximity.
The shape of the edges on the butt welding must be in accordance
with the specifications in the drawings and welded properly so as
not to deviate from the specifications, especially the angle, root gap,
and cut.
2) Backing strips must be close and carefully welded to the base
metal. Errors in the assembly must be corrected in accordance with
the provisions of the fabrication and if difficulties are encountered,
direct action must be taken on the instructions of the Constitutional
3) In an assembly consisting of pieces of material, an attempt should
be made to reduce the resistance as much as possible when
combined with the structure. The necessary measurements must
be carried out and must be adjusted to the welding pattern taking
into account the possible strains and restraints so that the shape is
maintained until the end of the weld.
4) The assembly of steel elements must be carried out in accordance
with the following provisions:
a) When assembling, the correct position and angle of each piece
must be maintained. This can be done properly using the base
plate and some of the jigs available for the job. If it is
unavoidable to weld the jig to metal elements, care must be
taken not to affect the base metal, due to heat. After welding is
complete, the jig must be carefully removed and the surface
smoothed again.
b) If temporary bolt holes are required, the method used must be
determined in advance and approved by the Construction
c) In order to reduce the magnitude of deformation due to welding,
sufficient and adequate back strain or restraints must be
corrected to anticipate the large number of contractions due to
welding work.
d) For blunt welds, the root gap must be guaranteed so as not to
result in a reduction in the fusion ability which can lead to a
reduction in the strength of the weld. Likewise, the surface of
the backing strip and base metal shall be as good as the surface
of the metal element in the corner weld and shall be welded with
appropriate spacing.
e) For blunt welding or partial penetration welding, in good welds,
both ends of the metal elements to be joined must use end-tabs,
the shape of which is the same as the joint.

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f) End-tabs are small steel plates with the bottom welded to the
end of the welding base metal. Similarly, for angle welds, end-
tabs should be used as for blunt welds, or they should be
performed using a list welding process.

d) Tack Welding
1) The use of tack welding should be avoided, especially if the tack
welding part will be passed through welding work that must not have
defects. If it is necessary to weld the tack welded part and it can
cause cracks in the final weld, the cracked part must be removed
until it reaches the bottom weld. Final welding is carried out after the
cracked part has been repaired.
2) If tack welding is made by manual arc welding process, gas shielded
arc semi-automatic welding process or submerged arc automatic
welding process, the length of the tack welding shall be in
accordance with Table 1 as follows:

Table 1
Standard Size

Tack Welding Length Standard (mm)

Weld Arc manual welding/carbonic acid

Thickness(mm) gas shielded arc semi-automatic Submerged arc
welding/non-gas shield arc semi- automatic welding.
automatic welding
T < 32 30 or more 40 or more
3.2 < t < 25 40 or more 50 or more
25 < t 50 d or more 70 or more

3) If the welding material has a tensile stress of more than 5000

kg/cm225 mm, low hydrogen welding electrodes must be used. Also
this should apply to materials having a thickness of more than 12 mm
in the submerged arc automatic welding process.
4) Tack welding cannot be made on parts such as joint edges, corner
points (corners), starting points or ending points (terminals) at the end
of welding, because in these parts problems will easily arise with
product strength and craftsmanship and accuracy.
5) If high-strength shear-resisting bolts are combined with welding, they
must be tightened first.

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e) Welding Machine
Welding machines shall be such as to conform to the quality and
dimensions of the steel elements of a structure and form of joints.
These machines must be able to function properly to ensure stable
welding work.

f) Cleaning
Before welding begins, the steel surface must be cleaned of dust or
coarse metal lumps, water, oil, paint, and other materials that can
affectwelding process.

g) Welding work
1) Welding work must be carried out with sufficient electric current and
voltage appropriate to the required welding speed and welding
position conditions. If the welding machine is used on DC current,
the polarity taken must be adjusted to the existing material and other
2) In welding work carried out in the workshop, sufficient jigs must be
installed including installing several rotary jigs and positioners and
welding work must be carried out as far as possible in flat
3) Sufficient heating must be carried out if necessary, taking into
account the type of steel material and the thickness of the steel
plate. In general under any circumstances, if the temperature in the
field is 0o C to 15oC, heating must be carried out to keep the surface
of the material 100 mm from the welding part/point must be at a
temperature of 50o or more.
4) Must be made and determined process and sequence of welding
work to minimize strain and residual stress. If high-strength shear-
resisting bolts or ordinary bolts are used together, the method or
sequence of welding work shall be determined according to the
instructions of the MK. If a tack welded part is found to be cracked
before the final welding is performed or occurs during the welding
process, such as an apparent defect in tack-welded end-tabs, then
the part must be discarded, and cuts in this part must be completed
properly so as not to cause harm. cross section of the profile.
5) Welded parts must have a smooth surface and uniform corrugated
surface shape and the weld size and length should not be less than
the planned dimensions. The size and length of the weld may be
slightly larger than the planned dimensions. Excess filling or
irregular shape of the surface is not allowed. Welded parts must be
free from defects such as cracks, poor joining, incorrect penetration,
inclusions, undercurs, overlaps, or irregular foot shapes.

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6) Carefulness must be taken to avoid imperfect penetration and

inclusions at the starting point of welding. The welding process must
be carried out along the base metal or metal affix from the end point
of the weld or the end of the connection series. Care must be taken
to avoid cracks at the end of the weld point or the end of the weld
7) End-tabs must be tack-welded on both ends of the blunt weld or
angle weld, the shape is the same as the joint. Welding starts at the
tack-welded end-tabs and ends at the other end-tabs. After welding
is complete, the end-tabs can be removed if necessary.
8) In the case of blunt welds or angle welds with partial penetration,
the end-tabs shall be tack-welded at both ends of the weld of
sufficient length. Without the Court's permission, no end-tabs may
be used if they are easy to handle so that in terms of strength and
R (distance of openings) it is possible to avoid the weld being
damaged due to embedding welding or other processes.
9) End-tabs whose natin is not visible and will be removed, must be
left 3 mm to 5 mm.
10) Visible end-tabs will be removed, and cutting in this section is
completed without compromising the cross-section.

h) Cleaning and Repairing

1) After the welding work is completed, lumps of solids and debris
should be removed. The contractor must test this work, report to the
Court, explain the test results obtained and obtain approval from the
2) If any part of the weld suffers from defects/such as incomplete
joining, imperfect penetration, inclusions, pits and blow holes, these
parts must be removed and re-welded.
3) If the welded part is cracked, the entire length of the weld deposit
shall be removed and re-welded and this section shall be recorded.
Even if the boundary of the crack is clear by means of proper
testing, the section shall still be removed to 50 mm from the end of
the crack limit and re-welded.
4) If the base metal is cracked due to welding, the base metal must be
5) Electrodes with a diameter of less than 4 mm should be used for
repairing poor welds.

i) Weather Protection
1) Welding work should not be carried out when the wind is blowing
hard or if the base metal is wet from rain or snow. If the precautions

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taken are appropriate enough but unexpected factors arise, welding

work may be carried out, provided that it must obtain approval from
the Constitutional Court.
2) If the humidity in the field tends to be high, and the base metal gets
wet, welding work should not be carried out. However, if the
maintenance carried out is sufficient to ensure that there is no effect
on the welding, the Contractor may carry out welding, provided that
it must obtain approval from the Constitutional Court.
3) If the building is a composite structure, the structural steel should
not be painted.
4) Painting carried out at the workshop must consider the parts to be
welded in the field.
5) Parts where welding will be carried out in the field, shall not be
painted. The limit of the painting area should only be about 200 mm
from the part to be welded in the field because it will interfere with
ultrasonic flaw-detecting testing. The Contractor may not paint the
part even if he uses a paint that does not affect the test.
6) If the parts that are planned to be welded in the field are feared to
cause rust, then appropriate measures must be taken to prevent

j) Accidental Precautions
Welding equipment must be safe against risks such as electric
sparks or short circuits and must be equipped with fire suppression
equipment to protect them from fire caused by molten metal and
sparks. For example, when the Contractor conducts welding in a
narrow area or a room with inadequate ventilation, he must provide
equipment to prevent short circuits and air conditioning (fan).

7.11 Connection with Bolts

a) Bolt Quality and Connection Provisions

1) The quality of bolts used in steel construction bolt connections for
important places as structural strength, must comply with the
classification / Middle Class 3 type 4T of JIS B 1180 “hexagonal
bolts” or according to ASTM A307. The quality of the nuts must
comply with JIS B1181 “hexagonal nuts” or equivalent.
2) The diameter of the bolt hole is made 0.5 mm larger than the
diameter of the bolt, except in special cases.
3) Bolt holes must be properly spaced along the auxiliary line and
made in a cylindrical shape. The direction of the hole must be
perpendicular to the surface of the material and when the pieces of

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material are joined. The bolt holes should form a straight line as far
as possible.
4) What is meant by bolt length is the nominal length as shown in the
attached table according to JIS B 1180 for hexagonal bolts and is
selected based on the length of strong tightening. Rings must be
used on the bolts as a shear force acceptor and the length of the
handle on some bolts must be selected so that the thread cross
section does not resist the shear force.
5) Bolts must be tightened firmly using a tightening tool (hand
wrenches, impact wrenches, etc.) so as not to loosen.
6) Bolts used as connecting devices, anchor bolts and other bolts
specifically mentioned in the drawings must be locked with good
locks such as double nuts, lock nuts and spring washers to prevent
loosening of nuts, except for bolts embedded in concrete.

b) Inspection After Tightening Work

1) After the tightening of the bolts is complete, a minimum of 10% must
be inspected to ensure that the bolts are free of the following:
a) Bolts that are not of the intended quality.
b) Bolts that do not conform to the specified dimensions.
c) The bolts are loose or not tight.
2) The results of the inspection must be concluded by the Contractor
in a report and presented to the Constitutional Court. All non-
conformities/defects must be corrected in accordance with the
instructions of the Constitutional Court ( MK ) .

c) Handling of defective bolts

Defective bolts must be replaced with bolts that meet the requirements
specified in the planning drawings and in this Work Plan and Conditions
(RKS) and must be properly tightened. The results of the tightening
should be reported. Bolts that are not tight/loose must be tightened
properly. After the tightening correction, the Court will carry out an

d) Connections with High Strength Friction Grip

1) The quality of high strength bolts consisting of high strength
hexagonal bolts, hexagonal nuts and washers for shear joints shall
comply with JIS B1186 Set or comply with ASTM A325 or A490

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Table 2
Type and Class of High Quality Bolts

Classification based on
Types of Various Sets mechanical characteristics of
used mechanical components
Classification Classification
based on based on
Bolts Nut Ring Plate
mechanical coefficient
properties value
Type 2 Type B F10T F10 F35

Notes: Every set consisting 1 bolt, 1 nut, and 2 Ring Plate

2) After acceptance in the field for high strength bolts and high
strength special bolts in accordance with JIS (Japanese Industrial
Standard) or ASTM A325 or A490, several tests shall be carried out
This is done to check the value of the torque coefficient. For easy
and simple cases, this test can be facilitated with the approval of
the Constitutional Court.
3) The length of the high-strength bolt is the length that is calculated
starting from the bottom of the neck. These lengths are the lengths
obtained by adding the lengths mentioned in table 3 below to the
length of the tensioning. The classification of the lengths used can
be reduced as long as it is guaranteed not to cause problems.

Table 3
Length added to the Tightening

Nominal Bolt Diameter Length added to the Tightening

M16 30 or more
M20 35 or more
M22 40 or more
M24 45 or more

4) The length for special high-strength bolts must be adjusted to the

tightening length and the classification of the additional length can
be reduced, as long as it is guaranteed not to cause problems.
5) The values of the tensile strength of standard bolts are shown in
Table 4 below.

Table 4
Tensile Force on Standard Bolts

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Nominal Diameter of Bolt

Type of set (Bolts M16 M20 M22 M24
Type-2 (F10T) 11.7 118.2 22.6 26.2

6) The diameter of the bolt holes is obtained by adding the value from
Table 5 to the value of the bolt diameter.

Table 5
Size added to Bolt Diameter (mm)

Diameter of Bolt Size added to the Diameter of Bolt

20 or less 1.0
> 20 1.5

7) Bolt mounting holes must be drilled in a workshop.

e) Bolt Handling
1) The finished product must be stored carefully and guarded to avoid
damage to threaded parts, rust, adhesion to other materials,
contamination, etc.
2) Products that are ready must be brought to the field in a storage
box and can only be opened immediately before use.
3) Bolts used in testing and adjustment/tightening shall not be reused,
neither for testing nor for connection construction.

f) Treatment of Friction Surfaces

1) Mill scale on friction surfaces shall be removed by blasting or by
using a grinder (Uflat grinder) and the surface shall be completely
clean of rust. This surface must be free from any defects,
deformations or dents caused by the use of the grinder.
2) Filler plate must be made as described in this Work Plan and
Conditions (RKS). Especially when the filler plate is attached to the
welded element, it is very necessary to ensure oxidation occurs.
3) If bursts, deformations etc. are found on the part of the structural
steel in contact with the bolts and washers, the surface must be
leveled with a grinder or other means.
4) Precautions before and after erection
5) Particular attention should be paid to the protection of friction
surfaces. In the case of rust peeling, paint oil, dust, and others that
will reduce friction, then these things must be removed before the
erection process.

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6) If there is a difference of 1 mm or more in the thickness of the jointed

material, compensation shall be made using a filler plate.
7) If the inclination is 1/20 or more on the surface of the joint in contact
with the bolt head or nut, a tapered washer must be used.
8) If the bolt hole section is not straight after temporary erection, this
should be corrected using a reamer. In this case, check again to
remove the reaming chips from the connection. The contractor
should not use drift pins to correct the position of the center of the
hole, as this will cause deformation of the hole resulting in a
mismatch of structural steel.

g) Attentionto be taken before and after erection

1) Particular attention should be paid to the protection of friction
surfaces. In the case of the appearance of rust, paint oil, dust, and
others that will reduce friction, then these things must be removed
before the erection process.
2) If there is a difference of 1 mm or more in the thickness of the
jointed material, compensation shall be made using a filler plate.
3) If the inclination is 1/20 or more on the surface of the joint in contact
with the bolt head or nut, a tapered washer must be used.

4) If the bolt hole section is not straight after temporary erection, this
must be corrected using a reamer. In this case, check again to
remove the reaming chips from the connection. The contractor
should not use drift pins to correct the position of the center of the
hole, as this will cause deformation of the hole resulting in a
mismatch of structural steel

h) Equipment for tightening and inspection

1) Equipment used for fastening and inspection shall conform to the
intended bolts, and shall be submitted at the time of inspection.
2) Equipment such as torque control impact wrenches, which are easy
to measure torque fluctuations, should be adjusted for tightening
every morning and evening before starting work. Arrangements
must be made to limit the torque error to approximately 7% of the
current value and a record of the measurements must be presented
to the Construction Management Consultant for approval.

i) Tightening
1) Prior to actual connection, the bolts must be temporarily tightened
to ensure a good connection with the plate. Especially for high-
strength special bolts, tightening must be done carefully. The

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number of temporary bolts must be 1/3 of the total number of bolts,

with a minimum number of 2 bolts
2) Before tightening, the characteristics of the bolts such as length,
material, nominal size, etc. must be checked to ensure that the bolts
are in accordance with the specified requirements.
3) Tightening of the bolt assembly shall start from the center of the
assembly and end at the edges of the bolt assembly.

j) Inspection of Tightening
1) Inspection shall be carried out after the tightening of the bolts of
the actual connection has been completed.
2) Inspection of tightening shall be carried out by tightening the nuts
with a torque wrench. The torque available must be measured
when the nut starts to turn..
3) Each set of bolts is at least 10% of the total number of bolts, with
a minimum of 1 bolt must be submitted for tightening inspection.
If the results of this inspection are satisfactory, the number of bolts
tested in the following inspection may be reduced with the
approval of the Constitutional Court.
4) The torque value, T is considered satisfactory if the results
obtained in the inspection correspond to the following
relationship: 0.9 To< 1.1 To , where:
To = (k x dlNo ) 1 1000
T = Value of torque measured during inspection (kg.m)
To = Value of standard torque (kg.m)
K = Value of torque coefficient
Dl = Standard dimension of the cut diameter of the threaded part
of the bolt (mm)
No = Standard bolt tensile force obtained from Table 4 (kg)
Note : The results of the tightening inspection must be submitted to the
Court for approval.

k) Implementation of bolted joints

1) Execution of the work includes all work included in the steel frame
fittings, including classification of the cement brought to the site,
framing, connection of elements and other works for the
installation of temporary facilities.
2) The Chief Engineer of the Contractor shall appoint a special
Engineer who will be responsible for the steel truss structure
work, as many times as required and shall explain his duties and
responsibilities. This engineer must be able to coordinate the
work of the steel truss structure and other related works, inspect

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the steel elements for quality and efficiency in accordance with

the standard specifications and drawings used to carry out the
steel truss structure work.
3) Engineer on duty, must make a work schedule based on the
"Work Implementation Plan".
7.12 Work Implementation Procedures

a) Work Execution Plan

1) In making the implementation schedule, the time required to carry
out and complete the structural steel work must be determined
taking into account the time required for material procurement,
manufacturing at the factory and construction in the field together
with the task administration needed to ensure the quality and
efficiency of the structural elements taking into account their safety
2) .
3) Erection of structural steel as stated in this paragraph means the
removal and or installation of a series of steel elements, testing of
joints and re-installation or adjustment of the erection.
4) In determining the erection plan, the dimensions of the various steel
elements as stated in this Work Plan and Conditions (RKS)
“Accuracy in Erection” must be considered unless otherwise stated
in other documents.
5) The elements must be made to a certain size and arranged in a
certain way as stated in the points above to ensure the safety of
implementation during the specified implementation period.

b) Erection Plan
1) Prior to commencement of erection work, an erection plan must be
determined in advance, namely a plan drawn up to determine the
most effective work sequence as a work framework.
2) Sufficient understanding must be mastered to avoid things that can
cause accidents during erection caused by unstable steel frames at
the beginning. Precise measurements must be taken to avoid
misuse of the machine and to protect workers and people around
the site from accidents or other hazards.
3) The following must be specified in the erection plan::
a) Implementation schedule which includes:
• Time to start planning.
• Time of manufacture and union of steel elements
• Time of completion of work.
b) The steps of fabrication/manufacture of a series of steel

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c) List of elements showing the weight (the weight of the elements

is also shown in the figure).
d) The type and efficiency of the machines used during
construction include:
• Scope of Work
• Lifting Capacity
• Place of installation
• Matters that must be considered for safety.
e) Methods for taking measurements or making adjustments
during erection work.
f) Methods for taking measurements or making adjustments after
completion of the editing work.
g) Place and method of storage of steel materials/elements.
h) Methods for protecting structural steel during construction
against strong winds (clarification of the number of temporary
bolts used).
i) Safety control procedures.

c) Shipping and Storage

1) Products must be brought to the site in the order in which they are
installed. The necessary safeguards must be exercised at all times.
2) The product quantity must be checked against the invoice from the
manufacturer upon receipt.
3) A clean and well-maintained material storage area must be
prepared before accepting product shipments. When the product
can be installed immediately, storage space is no longer needed.
4) The received steel elements must be separated or classified and
stored according to the order in which they are installed later.
5) When transporting or storing the product, supports and assistive
devices must be used to avoid damage to the steel elements. Steel
elements should not be placed directly on the ground to avoid direct
contact with the ground..
6) When steel elements are found to be bent or twisted, repairs must
be made prior to erection.
7) If the steel elements are damaged during transportation or storage,
they must be repaired before erection, as it is not possible to carry
out repairs after erection. Repairs must be adjusted to the size of
the damage, broken steel elements must be returned to the factory
for repair.
8) When transporting or storing steel elements, special attention
should be paid to safety issues. The accumulation of bad work on

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

structural steel elements can be one of the factors that lead to


d) Installation of Anchor Bolts

1) Anchor shall be installed using a mounting frame to ensure stability
when placing concrete.
2) The position of the anchor after placing the concrete must be in
accordance with the planning drawings and this Work Plan and
Conditions (RKS).
3) The threaded part of the anchor must be protected to prevent rust
or damage during the period from anchoring to steel erection.
4) After the steel is erected, the nuts must be tightened so that the
tensile force of each anchor is uniform. At least 1/3 of the threaded
portion of the anchor must be visible after tightening the nut.
5) Measurement of Basic Dimensions
6) Prior to erection, measurements of the basic dimensions of spans,
internal connections of columns, angular sections and horizontal
levels of some steel elements shall be made for reconfirmation.
7) Anchor that is not installed properly must be repaired according to
the planning drawings.

e) Measurement of Basic Dimension

1) 1) Prior to erection, measurements of the basic dimensions of
spans, internal connections of columns, angular sections and
horizontal levels of some steel elements shall be made for
2) 2) Anchor that is not installed properly must be repaired according
to the planning drawings.

f) Erection
1) When carrying out the assembly in the Field prior to erection,
appropriate and effective tools must be used to ensure the accuracy
and correctness of the dimensions. The assembly must be carried
out according to the standards stated in point 7.12.11 "Field
2) The most suitable tool should be selected taking into account the
maximum load, scope, scale and shape of the building. The crane
use plan should be determined according to the specific
characteristics of the crane itself and a reasonable degree of safety
precautions should be taken against unexpected shocks.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

3) Erection of steel frame shall be carried out according to plan.

Diagonal bracing and others, must be installed as needed during
erection work. In particular when installing reinforcing elements,
special attention should be paid to the design.
4) Temporary supports must be installed to support the steel frame if
necessary. The temporary support posts must be maintained until
the frame elements are fully connected and their position is stable.
5) The condition of the steel elements of the steel frame must be
checked from time to time as needed during erection work. The
work must continue even though there are parts that need to be
6) Tighten the Bolts Before the Final Position
The steel elements shall in principle be connected by ordinary bolts,
which in diameter are similar to the actual high-strength bolts so as
to ensure the safety of the steel frame being worked on. Temporary
tightening shall be carried out at 1/3 of the required number of
ordinary bolts, but not less than 2 bolts. In any case at the time of
erection, all joints of the steel elements or their associated elements
shall be attached with fixing bolts.

g) Determining Final Position

1) Where it is necessary to increase the strength to reach the final
position, the necessary protective procedures shall be carried out
so that no steel elements in the frame are damaged.
2) Even if the steel frame has a bracing with turn buckles, bracing
should not be used to correct for strain.
3) Determination of the final position must be carried out in a certain
way so that it meets the requirements contained in point 7.12.10
"Accuracy in Erection".

h) Finished Steel Frames Must Be Tested

1) Prior to tightening, strain shall be corrected. For steel frames that
have been completed, testing must be carried out and a report on the
results of the tests must be submitted to MK. The MK must test the
work and give approval.
2) Final welding shall be carried out after the strain has been corrected.

i) Accuracy of erection
Measuring tape used in the field must comply with 7.9.2. "Standard
Steel Measuring Tape". In measuring the accuracy of erection, the
influence of solar heat must be considered.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

j) Accuracy of Erection
1) Protective procedures must be carried out during erection.
2) The steel frame being worked on must be reinforced and stiffened
with temporary bracing and other supports against wind and other
3) When lifting steel frames and other steel elements, use pieces of steel
or wood if needed as reinforcing elements.
4) If the Contractor asks to temporarily install steel elements on the
frame being worked on, the Contractor must obtain approval from the
MK beforehand and only strengthen the steel frame if necessary.

k) Connections in the field

Connections with high strength friction bolts. This work shall be carried
out as stated in item 7.11.4. "Connection With High Quality Friction

l) Welding in the field

Engineer/Expert of the Contractor on duty must explain clearly about
the welding methods and methods as well as the checklist conditions
of the welding in the field, to the administration of the execution of the

m) Administration System
The division of duties and responsibilities of the people in charge should
be defined and explained in advance and should implement a
systematic method of project administration.

n) Methods for and methods of welding

In principle, welding in the field is carried out manually or semi-
automatically. Regarding the method of welding in the field, it must be
determined taking into account the strain that occurs as a result of
welding at a possible erection time that can exceed the allowable limit.
Particular care must also be taken not to produce a voltage that
exceeds the limit. Temperature conditions must be considered before
starting welding..

o) Welding Condition
Welding machines and materials must be selected taking into account
the fact that equipment and materials are an integral part of the welding
method and the welder must fully understand the rules for using the
machine. For that matter, the conditions in point 7.10.9. “Weather
Protection” must be used appropriately..

p) Welder

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

Welders who are in charge of carrying out welding in the field must have
the qualifications listed in point 7.10.1welders who have these
qualifications can if necessary be asked to take several additional tests
under the same conditions as those in the field.

q) Inspections and Corrections

Inspections and corrections performed in site should be in accordance
with poits 7.11.8 and 7.11.10.

r) Bolt Connection Work

The connection work shall be carried out in accordance with 7.11. “Bolt

s) Bolted and Welded Connection

If in one connection high-strength shear bolts and welding are used
together, the shear bolts must be installed and tightened first, then
welding is carried out. Unless otherwise specified in the planning

t) Bracing with Turnbuckles

When bracing with turnbuckles is used, the initial shock must be
distributed over all parts of the barcing.
7.13 Painting Works

a) Painting on the Site (For Non-Composite Structures)

1) Painting Works on site must be carried out in accordance with the
requirements of JASS 18 'Painting Works'. The material for painting,
the number of layers of paint, the method of painting and the scope
of painting must be determined. The finishing layer must consist of 2
layers. The main layer and the finishing layer must be different colors.
The contractor must show a sample of paint including the color that
will be used to the Court ( MK ) for approval.
2) Painting on the unpainted or peeling (damaged) parts in the field.
3) Preparation to be able to make adjustments to the surface of the
parts using high-strength shear bolts, bolted or welded joints must be
carried out according to JASS 18 and rust-resistant paint should be
carried out on the surface as it should be done in a workshop.
4) The damaged or peeling paint must be cleaned, while the active paint
part must remain attached to the steel surface. Parts that start to rust
should be cleaned first with a wire brush and only painted rust
resistant after the old paint is removed.

b) Anti-corrosion painting on steel

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

1) Anti-corrosion paint shall be adjusted to the requirements of the

construction materials to be painted as follows:
a) Anti-corrosion paint and finishing paint for all steel structures, civil
works and building construction works.
b) Anti-corrosion paint and finishing paint for steel fittings.
c) Painting for other metal work and finishing paint for the
interior/exterior of the building.
2) The contractor must provide the MK with a catalog, color samples and
quality certificates that clearly indicate the quality characteristics of all
paints used, for approval.
3) Furthermore, the Contractor must provide MK with a color plan to be
used, with the aim of being selected and approved.

c) Surface preparation for steel

1) All surfaces to be painted must be cleaned of oil and grease with
solvents, dust and other impurities.
2) Semua permukaan baja harus dibersihkan dengan menggunakan
sikat mekanik sebelum melakukan pengecatan anti korosi di pabrik
dan sebelum melakukan pengecatan anti korosi di lokasi untuk
bagian-bagian yang perlu di cat ulang.
3) After cleaning with a mechanical brush cleaning device, the dust on
the surface must be blown out with an air blower

d) Painting Material
The types of paints that must be used in painting work are as mentioned
in the table below. The use of ICI products or other products of the
same type as those mentioned here must obtain approval from the
Constitutional Court ( MK ).

No. Explanation in General

Alkyd based red lead/zinc chromate


2 Long oil alkyd resin varnish

3 Zinc chromate primer

e) Painting Plan

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

1) All specifications herein are based on 1.14.2. "Anti-Corrosion

Painting for Steel" both the number of dry film method used and the
number of layers of thickness used (for the coat).
2) Specification 1
a) Steel exterior and unterior surfaces at shop
No. 1 2 35 BR
b) After being delivered to the location, all surfaces must be washed
with water to remove dirt, salt particles, etc. that stick during
c) Damaged surfaces must be cleaned with a power tool on the SIS
•Number of dry film method used
•J Number of layers of thickness used (for coat)
No. 1 : (Touch-up primer) 2 35 BR
No. 2 : (finish coat) 1 25 BR/AS
3) Specifictions 2
a) Steel work including frame and so on, primer painting must be
done at the factory.
At shop
No. 1 15 BR/AS
At shop
b) After delivery to the location, all surfaces must be washed with
water to clean dirt, particles, salt, etc. that arise from the effects
during transportation and the occurrence of damage from the
primer paint that has been done at the factory, must be cleaned
with power tool on SIS SS-3.0
No. 1 1 35 BR
(touch-up primer)
No. 2 2 25 BR
(finish coat)
Notes :
BR = Brush
AS = Airless spray
RL = Roller brush
STA = Spatula

f) General Rules
1) Fire-resistant paint must be stored in a separate place, isolated and
well ventilated and protected from light direct sun.
2) The painting location must be ensured to have good ventilation to
prevent workers from being poisoned by the solution and also to
prevent fires.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

3) Particular attention should be paid to preventing fire hazards. Fire

must be kept away from the painting location. Paint storage must be
such that it can avoid explosions, fires, and so on. Cloths or sacks
used for cleaning or submerged in paint can be dangerous if exposed
to sudden heat, therefore these materials must be disposed of
4) Painting work must be postponed under the following conditions:
a) Atmospheric temperature below 5oC and relative humidity more
than 80%.
b) During rains, strong winds and days when such weather will
c) Poor working conditions, where it is impossible for good work to
be produced.
d) Surfaces that are painted damaged or disturbed by other work..
e) Insufficient ventilation so that the expected drying cannot be
5) A suitable application method must be applied in order to obtain a
good painting, and the painting must be carried out properly so as not
to leave stains, dirt, bubbles, and so on..
6) Paint must be delivered to the field sealed.
7) In general, paints should be used properly, however depending on
the hardness/smoothness of the surface, degree of absorption,
atmospheric temperature and so on.
8) Corners or parts where two different colors meet must be treated with
special care and boundaries must be clearly defined.
9) Painted surfaces must be properly protected from contamination and
damage until they are completely dry and the floors of other surfaces
at the location to be painted must be covered or protected from stains
before painting work begins.
10) After cleaning the steel surface, primer paint should be applied as
quickly as possible in order to avoid rusting.
11) Instructions from the manufacturer must be carefully observed to
ensure proper and good painting work.


8.1 Scope of Work

Reinforcement concrete road works include: Procurement of Manpower,

Equipment and materials.

The concrete road pavement work consists of a cement concrete slab (slab)
which is connected to the reinforcement located above the lower foundation
layer, the upper foundation layer, and lean concrete.

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

The scope of work is as follows:

a. Measurement Work
b. Excavation of Road Body
c. Expanse of Foundation Sub base Course
d. Overlay of Upper Foundation Layer/ Aggregate A/ Base Course
e. Cast Plastic Overlay
f. Formwork Installation Work
g. Concrete Curb Work
h. Gutter's work
i. Foundry work
8.2 General Requirements

The contractor is required to carry out the measurement of the land to be built
on the road, in accordance with the planned drawings

8.3 Materials

a) Water
▪ Water used for concrete must be tested in accordance with SNI 03-
6817-2002 (AASHTO T26).
▪ If it is drinkable, then the water can be used for the manufacture of
REINFORCEMENT CONCRETE roads without going through
laboratory testing

b) Cement
The cement used complies with SNI 15-2049-1994 (AASHTO M85) except
for types IA, IIA, IIIA and IV. Unless permitted by the Supervision
Consultant, additives that can produce air bubbles in the mixture may not
be used
Only one brand of Portland cement may be used in the project
Admixtures may not be used without written approval from the Supervisory

c) Aggregate
• The gradation of coarse and fine aggregates must meet the
requirements in accordance with the requirements

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

• The gradation of the Aggregate for the Bottom Layer Foundation with
the Top Foundation Layer must comply with the applicable provisions
and regulations
• Aggregate must be free from organic matter as shown by the SNI 03-
2816- test 1992 concerning Methods for Testing Organic Dirt in Sand
for Mortar and Concrete Mixtures and must comply with other

d) Determintation of Reinforcement Steel

• Reinforcement steel (reinforcing steel) must comply with the provisions
of the Concrete Structure Specification and the details are listed on the
Plan Drawing.
• Steel reinforcement must comply with the requirements of AASHTO M
35, AASHTO M 221 and AASHTO M 31.

e) Determintation of Joint Fillers, Waterproof Membranes and Concrete

Treatment Material
• Joint Fillers must comply with the relevant AASHTO requirements
• · Watertight membranes must comply with AASHTO requirements
• · Concrete Treatment Materials must comply with AASHTO

8.4 Work Implementation

a) Preparation of Roadway
1) The contractor must clean the location to be built, of any type of dirt
(grass, trees, and garbage)
2) The work of preparing the road body in the Yih Quan Footware Factory
project is by carrying out the work
a. Measurement and installation of Bouplank in the area where the
pavement work will be carried out.
b. · Soil Excavation for the Road Body The
c. contractor must carry out excavation work for the road body with
the dimensions of the excavation in accordance with the planned
d. Implementation Method. Excavation of the soil as stated in the RKS
e. After the excavation work for the road body has been carried out,
the contractor must compact the soil for the road body and then a
CBR test is carried out for the soil, the CBR value for the soil is
determined to be 7%
f. This compaction process must be carried out properly so that later
there will be no more sloping soil. Uneven soil layers can affect the
level of road surface flatness.
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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

g. The testing method is in accordance with the applicable terms and

h. Stages of the implementation of road preparation work must be
approved and known by the Construction Management /
Supervision Consultant.

b) Concrete Road Foundation Works

1) After the construction management / supervision consultant stated the
roadway layer has been good the Foundation Layer work will be the
next step.
2) Concrete road work foundation layer for the Yih Quan Footware
Indonesia Factory project will use:
• Sub base Course
Sub Base Course with a thickness of 300mm for the Heavy-Load
road class, and 200 mm for the Medium-Load road class.
The composition for Aggregate A in accordance with the applicable
Subbase foundation that has been laid will be compacted using a
Vybro Roller of the capacity of 6 tons in order to obtain the density
of 100%.

• Base Course
The base course with the thick of 200 mm for heavy-load road and
100 mm for medium-load road.
The composition for Aggregate A in accordance with the applicable
The base course having been laid will be compacted using a Vybro
Roller of 6 tons in capacity to obtain the density of 100%.

• The density of foundation layer must be stated by the CBR test

results for the value of 70%.
• The road foundation implementation will be upon the construction
management / supervision consultant.
• Tolerance of the Final Surface of the Aggregate Foundation Layer:
▪ Aggregate Foundation Layer B : - 0 ; + 2 cm
▪ Aggregate Foundation Layer A : +0; - 1cm
• Uneven surface of foundation layer is not allowable to avoid puddle
• The contractor should deliver material samples for foundation of
both Aggregate A and B of 50 kg each.
• The materials composition should be in compliance with the
applicable regulations and proved through laboratory tests.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

• The contractor should deliver the density and water-resistance tests

of aggregate foundation layer to the construction management /
supervision consultant.

c) Cast Platform

After the Foundation Work Process is declared good and passes the test,
and is approved by the Board of Directors/MK, the next step is the Cast
Concrete Platform work.

Cast Concrete Foundation is to cover the foundation layer using Lean

Concrete/concrete working floor, this is done to cover the cast concrete
foundation. The use of this work floor is used so that water from cast
concrete does not seep into the foundation soil. This will form a solid and
strong layer of concrete to be used as a road.

d) Formwork Installation.

The contractor must make formwork for casting of road concrete to

maintain the neatness of the results of the casting of the road, and as a
reference for the road span.

The formwork must be strong/sturdy from pressure during casting works.

The materials used will be multiplex of 12 mm using wooded rafters / steel.

The size of the formwork is in accordance with the planned height of the

e) Pemasangan Kerangka Beton

After being given a plastic layer iron framework of concrete reinforcement

/ wiremesh is installed on the surface as a layer of concrete decking.
Generally, the thickness of the iron frame is about 8 mm which is formed
by S. The installation of this reinforcement aims to provide a limit and at the
same time bind the wiremesh to the bottom and top layers.

The reinforcement for this road will be used for:

a. Heavy-Load road
• Wiremesh M10-150mm ( 2 layers )
• Iron Dowel D22-200mm, length : 100cm
• Iron D.10
• Iron D 8-300 ( Stirup)
b. Midle-Load road

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

• Wiremesh M7- 200mm ( 2 layers)

• Iron Dowel D22-200mm, length : 100cm
• Iron D.10
• Iron D 8-300 (Stirup)

f) Casting Process
The casting work is the most important step in the concrete road
construction process. Of course this concrete mixture must be taken into
account and have good quality. The materials used are: Ready Mix
concrete fc'30Mpa. After the concrete has been casted, cover it again using
plastic or burlap sacks on the surface. This is so that the hardening process
can be formed perfectly, after hardening the concrete usually still has small
mounds. Therefore, it is necessary to process the wound to smooth and
flatten it so that the road is more comfortable to pass.The implementation
of the casting uses a concrete mixer which is stirred with a mixer or by
using a mixer/ready mix vehicles.

▪ Concrete casting must be with the permission of the Supervisory

Consultant and carried out when the Supervisory Consultant is in place.
▪ Concrete that does not meet the requirements with the specified
specifications must be rejected and immediately removed from the
work site at the contractor's expense.
▪ Concrete should not be placed in bad weather conditions.
▪ Concrete mix must not be dropped through the iron or into the formwork
boards which are high/deep, which can cause the gravel/split to be
released from the concrete mix.
▪ Concrete shall not be placed in the formwork which may result In the
accumulation of mortar on the surface of the formwork above the
concrete that has been cast. For this matter, a funnel for casting must
be prepared so that it can reach its place without being separated from
each other.
▪ The height of the concrete mix must not exceed 1.5 m below the end of
the channel funnel.
▪ The concrete mix must be poured evenly.
▪ Each layer must be cast while the previous layer is still soft.

g) Compaction and Vibration

▪ Each layer shall be compacted to maximum density allowing free of

gravel pockets/nests and seals tightly on all surfaces of the mold and
adhering material.
▪ Use vibrator.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

▪ Tap the formwork wall until it completely fills the formwork or dug hole
and covers the entire surface of the formwork.
▪ The use of vibrators must be carried out correctly or with instructions
from a supervisory consultant and must not touch the formwork or iron.

8.5 Concrete Maintenance

▪ It needs to keep wet the casted concrete for at least 14 days after casting
using concrete mixer / vehicle.
▪ The exposed concrete surface must be protected from direct sunlight for at
least 3 days after placing.
▪ Concrete with the following conditions:
• Damaged
• Disabled from the start
• Defect before the first submission
• Deviate from defined line or height.

• Not in accordance with the Work Plan and Conditions (RKS).

• Must be replaced with new concrete and at the Contractor costs.

9. Drainage Work
9.1 Scope of Works

The scope of this work includes procurement of labor, Mob-demob equipment,

procurement of materials.
This work includes the manufacture of reinforced and unreinforced concrete
pipe culverts or corrugated metal pipes (corrugated), square culverts and
reinforced concrete slabs, including head walls, inlet and outlet structures, as
well as other works related to protection against scouring, in accordance with
these Drawings and Specifications and at the location appointed by the CM /
Supervision consultant.
Drainage works will include:

a. Preparatory Work
b. Bowplank Measurement and Installation Work
c. Excavation work and soil compaction and backfill
d. Aggregate foundation work
e. Backfill work
f. Channel/Drainage Installation Works

9.2 Material Requirements

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

The materials should comply with applicable regulations and those specified in
the planning drawings.

1) Stone
a) Stone must consist of natural stone or stone from an undivided source
material, which is intact (sound), hard, durable, solid, resistant to air
and water, and suitable in all respects for its intended function.
b) The quality and size of the stone is approved by the Engineer before
use. Stone for lining gutters and drains should be as square as
c) Unless otherwise specified by the Drawings or Specifications, all
stones used for masonry with mortar shall be retained on a 10 cm

2) Mortar
Mortar must be a cement mortar that meets the applicable requirements
(which are stated in this RKS)

3) Reinforced concrete pipe culverts must be precast reinforced concrete

with concrete quality K350 (fc'30MPa) and must meet the requirements of
AASHTO M170 – 07 (Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and
Sewer Pipe.)
4) Foundation Material for Pipe and Concrete Drainage
The granular material used as a foundation can be sandy gravel or
crushed stone and must meet the following requirements:

a) Maximum Grain Size : 20 mm or less, but (SNI 03-3422-1994) is at

least twice the maximum gap between two pipes that are connected
without mortar.
b) Passed Sieve No. 200 : Maximum 15%. (SNI 03-4142-1996)
c) Plasticity Index : Maximum 6 (SNI 03-1996-1990)
d) Liquid Limit : Maximum 25 (SNI 03-1967-1990)

9.3 Implementation

1) Site preparation
The contractor should prepare a work plan and carry out measurements
and bow planks according to the plan and obtain approval from the CM /
supervision consultant.

2) Placement of Concrete Pipe Culvert

a) The concrete pipe must be installed with care, the joint tongue must be
placed downstream, the joint tongue must be fully inserted into the joint
groove and in accordance with the direction and slope.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

b) Before proceeding with the installation of the next section of concrete

pipe, the inner side of the lower half of the joint groove must be given
sufficient mortar. At the same time the top half of the tongue of the next
pipe joint must also be given the same mix.
c) After the concrete pipe is installed, the unfilled joints shall be filled with
mortar, and additional mortar shall be applied to form a mortar blanket
around the joint.
d) Backfilling and compaction around and above the concrete culvert must
be carried out as detailed in the RKS for backfill work. Stockpiles, using
materials that meet the conditions given for Preferred Stockpiles. The
material must consist of soil or gravel free from lumps of clay and plant
material that does not contain stones and is retained on a 25 mm sieve.
e) Backfill must be carried out to a minimum of 30 cm above the top of the
pipe and unless a trench is dug, the distance between the pipe axis to
each side is a minimum of one and a half times the diameter. Backfilling
of gaps carried in the bottom half of the pipe must be given special
attention so that it can be compacted in optimum manner.
f) Heavy equipment for earthworks and rollers shall not operate closer to
1.5 meters from the pipe until the entire pipe is covered with a height of
at least 60 cm above the top of the pipe. Light equipment can be
operated within the limits of the above provisions as long as the backfill
has reached a height of 30 cm above the top of the pipe. Nevertheless
and not contrary to the above provisions, the Service Provider must be
responsible and must repair any damage that occurs as a result of
these activities.
g) Concrete pipes shall be covered with concrete in accordance with the
details shown in the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer if the
embankment height above the pipe exceeds the maximum or less than
the minimum requirements shown in the Drawings or the
manufacturer's specifications for a particular pipe size and class.

3) Box Culverts
a) Square and plate culverts must be made in accordance with the lines
and dimensions given in the Drawings or as ordered by the Board of
Directors/ MK
b) All reinforced concrete works must meet the requirements required in
the RKS for concrete works and RKS for reinforcing steel.

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Grand Batang City (KITB)

Central Java

Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work



1.1. Scope of Work

Work of Light concrete brick pair includes :

a. Lightweight brick wall.

b. Or according to those listed in the design drawings.

1.2. Material Requirements

1) Lightweight brick or also called AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) used is brick
produced from raw materials such as silica sand, cement, lime, water and
aluminum powder. The process of making this material begins with the process of
mixing raw materials. Then the raw material dough is put into a tool called

2) Lightweight bricks should be free from defects, cracks, paint or mortar, have an
elbow angle and a uniform size;

3) Cement and water material requirements in accordance with concrete material

requirements on Structural Work Technical Requirements;

4) The size used is 200 x 600 with a thickness of 100 mm and 200x600 with a
thickness of 75mm;

5) AAC brick brand: Leibel, or Primacon. Brick adhesive brand: Main Mortar, Dry Mix
Adhesive Brand : MU-380;

1.3. Implementation Requirements

1) Sloofs, blocks or concrete slabs on which lightweight bricks will be installed must
be in a flat state and clean of dirt or oil which will reduce adhesion;
2) To get straight results on mild brick installation, first must be drawn straight thread
between practical columns and checked straight or not by using a waterpass;
3) Speciation Adhesive Mortar.
The adhesive in the installation of light bricks used to glue between lightweight
bricks must meet the requirements of the AAC manufacturer;
4) Adhesive/speciation mortar must be tried so that it is always fresh or has not
hardened at the time of use;
5) The installation of the stir must be in such a way that the thickness of the
adhesive/species must be the same/evenly distributed, which is 1 cm thick. The

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grout must be scraped with a depth of 1 cm and ready to receive plastering. All
horizontal and vertical meetings must be filled well and full;
6) The implementation of the installation of lightweight bricks should be neat, equally
thick, straight, upright and the bonding pattern should be well maintained
throughout the work;
7) Measurements with lot poles, must be measured exactly. For flat surfaces, the
tolerance limit of bending or plane bending should not exceed 5 mm for every 2 m
distance both towards the vertical and towards the horizontal. If exceeded, the
Contractor shall dismantle/repair. The costs for this work are borne by the
Contractor, cannot be claimed as additional work;

8) Practical Column Instalation Work

The practical column of Lintel Beam must follow the Indonesian National
Standards (SNI).

Dimensions, size and reinforcement of concrete columns practical in accordance

with the standard implementation of brick wall work, determined as follows :

Practical column size 10 cm x 10 cm with elongated reinforcement 4 D10 and

stirrup D 8 – 20).

Installation of a concrete column is practically carried out on :

a) Each lightweight concrete brick pair wall segment, a practical column

b) Lightweight concrete brick pair walls on the inside of the building every
maximum area of 12 m2, must be installed a practical column.
c) The walls of lightweight concrete brick installation on the outside/outer edge
of the building every area of 8 m2, must be installed a practical column.
d) At each edge of the door frame, the right and left side of the frame, regardless
of whether the concrete practical column is drawn or not in the drawing
e) At every distance of 3 m along the balustrade / stair wall / terrace wall /
hallway wall, a practical column must be installed.
f) And/or as listed in the design drawing.
g) At each height of the installation of lightweight concrete bricks a maximum of
3 meters, a practical beam must be installed.
9) Practical Beam Ring Installation :

Dimensions, size and reinforcement of concrete ring beams practically in

accordance with the standard implementation of brick wall work, determined as

10) The size of the practical beam ring is 10 cm x 20 cm with elongated

reinforcement 4 D10 and stirrup D 8 – 20).
Installation of concrete ring beams practically carried out on :

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a. Above each door hole and other windows or hole must be installed a concrete
beam ring, regardless of whether the concrete beam ring is drawn or not in the
design drawing.
b. At the end of the upper wall, a practical beam ring must be installed (for
example on the walls of a hallway/stair).
c. And/or as stated in the design drawing.

11) Anchor Instalation :

In each intercourse the walls of a lightweight brick pair with a practical column,
the ring of concrete beams and other concrete such as listed in the design
drawing must be installed anchor D10 mm per distance of 1.00 m. The part that
sticks out along 20 cm and the embedded part is at least 15 cm deep.

2.1. Scope of Work
This work includes the provision of labor, materials, equipment and equipment
needed in the implementation of this work. Plastering work includes:
a. Plastered;
b. Plastering;
c. Waterproof Plastering;
d. Fine plaster / fine coating and / or as stated in the drawing design;
e. This plastering work is carried out for all surfaces of new brick installation and
visible concrete surfaces (declared visible) or what is needed for finish;
f. This plastering work is included in the wall that is not visible or not expressed in
the drawing that is:
• The entire inner shaft wall
• All parts of the wall above the ceiling
2.2. Material Requirements.
➢ The requirements of plastering and coating materials must meet SNI standards or
according to the standards of lightweight brick factories, in this case the plastering
and coating materials use products: MU-301, PM-200.
2.3. Implementation Requirements.
1) Instant plastering is instant cement to seal the light concrete brick walls inside and
outside the building. Instant plastering material equal to MU-301, PM-200;

2) Plastering with a mixture of 1 pc: 5 ps. This plastering is to cover all surfaces of
the walls of the inner brick pair of the building except which is declared waterproof
as stated in the drawing design;

3) Plastering waterproof is an instant cement plastering equivalent to MU-101 or a

mixture of 1 PC: 3 ps. This plastering is to cover all the surfaces of the walls of the
brick pair on the outside / outside of the building, all parts of the wall surface of the
brick pair for wet areas up to 210 cm from the floor peil and the entire surface of
the walls of the brick pair as listed in the drawing design;

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4) Fine plastering / skim coat is a mixture of instant cement equivalent MU-100 / MU-
200, PM-310 / PM-300 or PC with water made in such a way as to obtain a
homogeneous mixture. This fine plastering is a finishing work that is carried out
after the plastering layer as the base layer is at least 7 (seven) days old (it has
dried properly), or in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations;

5) Skim coat profiling is a mixture of instant cement equivalent to MU-260 with water
for profile and angle skim coat work, in order to smooth the interior plane with a
high level of strength / hardness;

6) All types of plastering mixture mentioned above must be prepared in such a way
that it is always fresh, not drying at the time of installation;

7) The composition of the instant cement mixture and water needs are adjusted to
the manufacturer's recommendations;

8) The surface of all plastering mixtures must be leveled except for plastered. The
surface of the plastering, especially fine plastering, must be flat, not bumpy, full &
dense, not hollow, and hollow, does not contain gravel or other objects that make

9) Before the implementation of plastering work on the surface of masonry and

concrete, the concrete surface must be cleaned of residual formwork and then
tightened / scratched;

10) All holes former binders or formtie must be covered in plastering;

11) Fine plastering work is for all surfaces of brick and concrete installation that will be
finished with paint;

12) All surfaces that will receive finishing materials, such as ceramic tiles and others,
the surface of the plastering must be given a horizontal line groove to give a better
bond to the material/finishing material. This work does not apply if the finishing
material is paint;

13) Plastering thickness must reach the thickness of the wall / column / floor stated in
the design drawing and / or according to peil specified in the design drawing;

14) The thickness of the instant cement plastering is 10mm thick;

15) Plaster thickness mix at least 1 cm, a maximum of 2.5 cm. If the thickness exceeds
3 cm, then it is required to use a chicken wire tied to the surface of the relevant
brick or concrete pair to strengthen the adhesion of plastering;

16) For a flat surface, the limit of the curvature tolerance or the field of the field should
not exceed 5 mm, for each distance of 2 m;

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17) Plastering humidity must be maintained so that drying takes place naturally, not
suddenly. For this, it can be done by wetting the plastering surface every time it
looks dry and protect it from direct sun with a cover material that can prevent water
evaporation quickly;

18) The wetting is for 7 days after the recipient is complete, the contractor must always
water with water at least twice a day until it is saturated;

19) If a crack occurs, the contractor must disassemble and repair until the results are
declared accepted by the Directors of the Field/Construction Management;

20) Not justified the finishing work of plastering surfaces is done before plastering is
more than 2 (two) weeks old;

21) Specifically for the walls of the pair of bricks in the peturasan, before the
implementation of this plastering mixture work, must first be given a waterproof
layer as high as 40 cm from the relevant floor peil finish;


3.1. Scope of Work
a) The work of ceramic and homogenous tile walls includes the provision of man
power, materials, equipment, and tools needed to carry out this work so as to get
perfect results;
b) This wall layer of work includes all the work according to the details mentioned in
the design drawings or according to the Directors of the Field/Construction
3.2. Material Requirements.

A. Material / quality specifications

1) Types: tile ceramics and homogenous tiles
2) Brand :
a. Tile Cemamics : Roman KW-I class, Milan Hab-i-tat, KIA Ceramics
b. Homogenous tile: Equal to Roman, Indogress, Granito Tile
3) Surface finishing: Glazuur ceramics, homogenous tile polished/ matte or
4) Color / texture : Determined later
5) Ceramic thickness/ homogenous tile: minimum 6 mm for ceramics, and a
minimum of 8mm for homogenous tile.
6) Size: 60 x 60 cm, 80 x 80 cm or as stated in the design drawing.

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7) External fillers: Tile grout according to the recommendations of ceramic and

homogenous tile manufacturers, equivalent to MU-408, PM-500, AM Grout.
The color is adjusted to the color and pattern of tiles, determined then
according to the director of the field/ construction management.
8) Adhesive Material:
a) Instant adhesive equivalent to MU-420, PM-420 for ceramic installation of
interior dry areas. Maximum for ceramic size 40 x 40 cm. If the ceramic size
is greater than 40 x 40 cm, then another adhesive is used according to the
manufacturer's recommendations.
b) Instant adhesive equivalent to MU-460, PM-410 for ceramic installation of
wet and exterior areas. Maximum for ceramic size 40 x 40 cm. If the ceramic
size is greater than 40 x 40 cm, then another adhesive is used according to
the manufacturer's recommendations.
c) Instant adhesive equivalent to MU-400, PM-420 for homogenous tile
installation and natural stone interior drying.
d) Instant adhesive equivalent to MU-400, PM-410 for homogenous tile
installation and natural stone or exterior.
e) White instant adhesive equivalent to Mu-470 for homogenous tile, marble or
granite and natural stone that is brightly colored.
f) Instant adhesive equivalent to MU-485 for ceramics, homogenous tiles and
natural stones above various surfaces.

B. The implementation of all these work must be in accordance with ASTM

regulations, Indonesian Ceramics Regulations (NI-19), PVBB 1970 and PVBI

C. Before the installation of the ceramic/ homogenous tile layer, examples of materials
to be used must be submitted to the Field Directors/ Construction Management for

D. The contractor must submit 2 (two) copies of the provisions and technical-operative
requirements of the factory as information for the field directors/construction

E. Other materials that are not contained in the list above but are needed for
completion / replacement in this part of the work, the material must be new, the
best quality of its type and must be approved by the Field Directors / Construction

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3.3. Implementation Requirements

1) On the surface of the brick / concrete wall to be coated, tiles / homogeneous
tiles can be directly affixed using instant adhesive, thickness of the adhesive
mixture should not be less or more than the manufacturer's recommendations.

However, it must be considered about the thickness of the wall must be in

accordance with what is stated in the design drawing.

2) Ceramics/ homogenous tiles installed are those that have been selected
carefully, the colors and motifs of each ceramic must be the same and should
not be cracked, broken or other defects.

3) Ceramic cutting / homogenous tile must use special cutting tools, according to
the manufacturer's instructions.

4) Before ceramics are installed, ceramics must first be soaked in water until

5) Ceramic patterns must pay attention to the size / location and all fixtures or
equipment that will be installed on the walls such as sanitary fixtures, exhaust
fans, panels, contact stops, hanging cabinets and others according to the
design drawings.

6) The height of the upper edge of the ceramic layer is adjusted to the site

7) The starting point of ceramic installation on the wall and where the remaining
size must be determined, must be discussed in advance with the Directors of
the Field/Construction Management before the installation work is carried out.

8) The ceramic wall plane must be completely flat, the grout tile must be
completely straight. The horizontal grout direction line on a different wall of the
floor height of the floor must be a straight line.

9) Ceramics must be arranged according to straight lines with grout of 4-5 mm,
each intersection of grout must form two perpendicular lines. Ceramic grouts
are filled with grout fillers to form a semicircle with the color of the grout will be
determined later.

10) Tile grout on ceramic installation must be filled with supergrout material.

11) Cleaning the surface of ceramic tiles from the remnants of the mortar can only
be done using cleaning fluid for ceramics.

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4.1. Scope of Work
a) The work of the granite wall coating includes the provision of man power, materials,
equipment, and auxiliary tools necessary to carry out this work so as to obtain the
perfect result.

b) This wall coating work includes all work according to the details mentioned in the
design drawings or according to the instructions of the Field Director/Construction
4.2. Material Requirements
1) Specifications of material / granite quality
a) Types : Granite
b) Surface finishing : fine polished
c) Thickness : minimum 2 cm
d) External filler material : Grout & Mortar Equivalent MB or Superbon
e) Adhesive materia l : MU-471, LeConstruction Managementra type FK
111 or AM 32
f) Color / texture : Determined later
g) Size : according to work drawings

2) Before the installation of the granite layer, examples of materials to be used first
must be submitted to the Field Directors/Construction Management to obtain
4.3. Implementation Requirements
1) The granite installed is granite that has been polished finely and has been well
selected, the shape and size of each unit is the same, both angles, color, pattern,
and there are no broken parts, cracks or other defects and has been approved by
the Field Directors. /Construction Management.
2) The cutting of garnit to size and detail must be done with a granite cutting machine
and smoothed with a Carborundum grinding stone.
3) The granite is installed using a special adhesive according to the factory
application instructions, the width of the grout must be 2 mm and given stainless
steel hooks that are nailed to be strong wall.
4) After the granite is installed, the distance between each granite unit must be the
same and form a straight line, the wall surface plane must be flat waterpass and
there are no corrugated parts. The holes between each unit are casted with thick
cement water, carried out in such a way that the entire hole is filled with solid.
5) Granite cutting must be done neatly and flatten. Other materials that can cause
stains on the floor such as oil, residues, teak oil and others must be kept away
from the surface of the wall.
6) After being installed and the mixture is hardened, the granite must be rubbed and

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5.1. Material Requirements
➢ The specifications of the aluminum panel material consist of: Type:
Aluminum Composite, Thickness: 4 mm, Weight: 5-6 kg/m2, Bending
Strength: 45.5 kg/m2, Heat Deformation: 200 ° C, Sound Insulation: 24-
39 dB , Finished: Coil Coating Fluorocarbon Based PVDF Factory
Finished, Color: Determined later.

5.2. Equipment/Accessories
The equipment/accessories that must be prepared in the work of the
aluminum panel consist of :
1) Brackets / Anchor of galvanized finish iron material aluminum extrusion
2) Vertical and horizontal frame of aluminum extrusion material.
3) Edge frame of aluminum composite panels and reinforce extrusion
4) Infill of the exodusion allumunuium.
5) Sealant :
a. For outside work see Chapters of sealant work;
b. The color will be determined later based on the color chart from the
c. Sealant Location: between the aluminum panel and other
5.3. Technical Requirements
1) Composite materials must be in a flat state and meet the standards of
AA, AAMA, ASTM E 84, DIN 4109, DIN 52212, DIN 53440, DIN 476,
AS 1530.
2) All the work mentioned in this chapter must be carried out in
accordance with the standards and specifications of the manufacturer.
3) The contractor must submit sample materials to the Field Directors for
approval of the Assignor.

5.4. Implementation Requirements

1) The installation is carried out by experts who are specialized in this
work by showing a reference certificate of the work that has been done
to the Field Directors to get approval.
2) Aluminum Composite Panels used for the entire project must be of one
kind only.
3) Implementation of installation must be complete with auxiliary
equipment to simplify and accelerate installation with accurate,
thorough and precise results in position.
4) The trusses of the transom and mullion holders must be carefully
prepared, perpendicular and precisely in position.
5) Installation methods include :
a. Clamped between the sections of the double top lid;

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b. The tray panels hang on pins and are fixed with screws. The wall
cladding is combined into a side bonding system unit;
c. Cleaning can be carried out with water and a sponge or ox-brush.
If the impurities are heavier it can be added with a neutral detergent;
d. The contractor must protect the finished work from things that can
cause damage. If this is the case then the contractor must repair it
at no additional cost;
e. The results of the work of Aluminum Composite Panel must be the
result of work that is neat and not wavy;
f. The contractor must be able to include a quality guarantee for 10
(ten) years against sunlight in the form of a guarantee certificate
from the manufacturer;


6.1. Scope of Work
➢ Floor work is all complete floor work up to the finishing surface or
as listed in the design drawings.
6.2. General Material Requirements
A. Material Finishing.
a) Ceramic tiles, homogenous tiles and granite tiles;
b) Floor Hardener;
c) Water Proofing ;
B. Cement, sand and water material requirements in accordance with
concrete material requirements outlined in Concrete Structure Work
Technical Requirements.

6.3. General Requirements of Implementation

1) Backfill (if any) as a basis must achieve the required density and flat
2) Furthermore, the sand layer is spread. This layer of sand must be solid
and not hollow and flat water pass. The thickness of the mimum sand
layer 5 cm;
3) Then the Baton layer is mashed with a mixture of 1 PC: 3 PS: 5 KRL
(see planning image);
4) The last layer is for plastering and finishing material according to what
is listed in the design drawing. Mix plastering 1 pc: 5 ps Except for wet
areas, stirring plastering for waterproof which is 1 pc: 3 ps;
5) Before the implementation of this work, all sparing pipes and/or
pipelines must be installed in place;


7.1. Scope of Work
➢ Ceramic tile work includes the installation of ceramic tiles for floor
finishing activities, walls and / or as stated in the design drawings.

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7.2. Material Requirements

1) Ceramic tiles for the entire floor according to the drawing design.
a) Surface : according to the drawing design
b) Thickness : Minimum 6mm
c) Color : determined later
d) Size: 40 x 40 cm, (or as designed)

2) Homogenous Tile for the entire floor according to the drawing design.
a) Surface : polished for plint, floor pattern and interior border, matte
for terrace & stair nozing (or as drawing design).
b) Thickness : Minimum 9 mm.
c) Color : determined later.
d) Size: 60 x 60 cm, 80 x 80cm, 30 x 60cm (or by design).

3) Brand:
a) Ceramic tile : Class KW-I of Roman, Milan Hab-i-tat, KIA Ceramics;
b) Homogenous tile : Nero, Granito Tile;

4) Outer Filler Material: grout tile as per the manufacturer's

recommendation of ceramic and homogenous tile, equivalent MU-408,
PM-500, AM Grout. The color is adjusted to the color and pattern of the
tile, determined later according to the instructions of the Field Directors
/ Construction Management.

5) Adhesive Materials :

a. Instant adhesive equivalent to MU-420, PM-420 for ceramic

installation of interior dry areas. Maximum for ceramic size 40 x 40
cm. If the size of the ceramic is greater than 40 x 40 cm, then
another adhesive is used according to the manufacturer's

b. Instant adhesive equivalent to MU-460, PM-410 for ceramic

installation of wet and exterior areas. Maximum for ceramic size 40
x 40 cm. If the size of the ceramic is greater than 40 x 40 cm, then
another adhesive is used according to the manufacturer's

c. Instant adhesive equivalent to MU-400, PM-420 for homogenous

tile installation and natural stone interior dry areas;

d. Instant adhesive equivalent to MU-400, PM-410 for homogenous

tile installation and natural stone wet or exterior areas;

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e. White instant adhesive equivalent to Mu-470 for homogenous tile,

marble or granite and natural stone that is bright colored;

f. Instant adhesive equivalent to MU-485 for ceramics, homogenous

tiles and natural stone above various surfaces;
7.3. Implementation Requirements

1) Before being installed, the surface of ceramic tiles must be coated with
peanut oil;

2) All ceramic tiles must be dry. It is not justified to water cement water to
its surface. The entire cavity on the surface of the back tiles must be
filled with a mortar when ceramic tiles are installed;

3) Ceramic tile installation patterns must be in accordance with the design

drawing / shop drawing or in accordance with the Instructions of the
Field Directors / Construction Management;

4) If ceramic cutting is required, a special cutting tool must be used in

accordance with factory instructions;

5) Tolerance of concavity is 2.5 mm for every 2 m2;

6) The edge line of ceramic tiles formed or grout must be straight. Grout
width must be the same, which is a maximum of 3 mm with a depth of
2 mm;

7) Requirements for implementing filling and adhesive stirring must be in

accordance with factory specifications in order to obtain good results;

8) For 3 x 24 hours after installation, ceramic tiles must be avoided from

the stance or load administration;


8.1. Scope of Work
➢ Marble tile work includes the installation of granite tiles for floor
finishing work, pedestal and/or as listed in the design drawings.
8.2. Material Requirements
A. Material Specification
1) Type : Natural Granite Tile;

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2) Surface finishing : Fine polished;

3) Thickness : Minimum 2 cm;
4) External filler material : Grout & Mortar AM Grout or Superbon;
5) Adhesive material : MU-471, Lemkra type FK 111 or AM 32;
6) Color / texture : Determined later;
7) Size : According to work drawings;
B. Before the installation of the granite layer, examples of materials to be
used first must be submitted to the Field Directors/Construction
Management to obtain approval.
8.3. Implementation Requirements
1) The marble installed is a marble that has been finely polished and has
been well selected, the shape and size of each unit are the same, both
the elbows, the color, the pattern, and there are no broken parts, cracks
or other defects and have received the approval of the Field Directors
/Construction management;

2) Marble cutting according to size and details must be done with a marble
cutting machine and mashed with a carborundum scrubbing stone;

3) Marble is installed using a special adhesive according to the factory

application instructions, the width of the grout must be 2 mm and given
stainless steel hooks that are nailed to be strong wall;

4) After the marble is installed, the distance between each marble unit
must be the same and form a straight line, the wall surface plane must
be flat waterpass and there are no corrugated parts. The holes between
each unit are casted with thick cement water, carried out in such a way
that the entire hole is filled with solid;

5) Marble cutting must be done neatly and flatten. Other materials that can
cause stains on the floor such as oil, residues, teak oil and others must
be kept away from the surface of the wall;

6) After being installed and the mixture of hardening marble must be

rubbed and polished;


9.1. Scope of Work
Terrazzo flooring ( Terrazo Flooring ) is a special floor made of normal
concrete that is polished or discarded top layer (the paste) with diamonds
and special machines, in such a way that it comes out the appearance of
the stones at random as in the picture above this. After the stones come
out, the floor is strengthened again with additional liquid so that it is not

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easily eroded and the pores are perfectly closed so that they are free from
dust and dirt.

9.2. Material Requirements

Concrete Requirements :
1) Concrete with a minimum quality of FC30MPA or above;
2) Slump 12 ± 2cm when poured;
3) Split stone 20-30mm to be sown on the surface of a concrete floor with
a dose of 4-8kg/m² depending on the size of the stone available around
the project;
9.3. Implementation Requirements
A. Stages of Work /Floor Making :
1) The floor is made from normal concrete at least FC30MPA with
thickness and number of reinforcement according to the design of
the structural designer;

2) Before casting, a Stop Cast and Height are prepared called reelat;

3) Permanent reelat is made of 3cm elbow iron which is held or

supported by 10mm axle and is held by 2 nuts 17, its height is
arranged with the help of an autolevel or laser tool so that it is at an
altitude of 5mm above ± 0.00;

4) Reelat is also functioned as a stop cast with additional chicken

wire/wood on the bottom of the elbow to the work floor;

5) To reduce the effects of cracks due to concrete shrinkage,

aluminum or stainless steel is installed at a vertical position at a
distance or 2m x 2m grid supported by a pinch of 2 cuttings plugged
into the working floor. Aluminum or stainless steel elevation is 3mm
under ± 0.00;

6) Concrete is casted and in the vibrator according to the rules of

existing standard casting, leveled using an aluminum ruler to form
a flat elevation;

7) Concrete is checked whether there are parts that have decreased

elevation due to bleeding and if bleeding occurs, the concrete is
added a little to a place that looks curved;

8) Split stones that have been prepared are sprinkled on the surface
of the floor without having to step on the floor. Use a crossing bridge
when sowing so that it is flat and confirmed that all areas get the
same amount of stones. The estimated dose is around 4-8 kg of
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stones per m² depending on the size and type of stone. Regarding

the color of the stone and the density pattern is adjusted to the

9) Concrete is leveled again with a long pipeline with a spinning

machine (spin roller) to form a new flat and the stone sinks all are
not visible from the surface;

10) Concrete is controlled using a bull float device while mashed the
surface and there are no left holes on the surface;

11) After the concrete floor can be trampled without causing traces, the
floor is mashed with a ride on trowel (ride on trowel) as much as
possible until it reaches a minimum flooring of the FF35/FL25 floor
according to ASTM E1155 standards;

12) After drying the floor, flush with a lot of water and the floor is covered
with 0.3mm brand brand brand geomembrane and left in a closed
geomembrane for at least 28 days;

B. Grinding Stage/Floor Exfoliation :

1) After 28 days, the geomembrane protection sheet is lifted and the

floor is cleaned with a lot of water while starting at the grinding using
a "No brand" bowl grinding;

2) The process of gurinda to remove all the remaining dirt and cut the
surface of the concrete as deep as about 5mm from the initial
elevation so that it will cut the rocks and including the prepared strip

3) The grinding process begins by cutting the floor using a "no brand"
brand bowl diamond carried out for about 30-60 minutes until the
rocks begin to look evenly and also seen the strip plate in its

4) The process is continued by replacing the diamond eye into a resin

type diamond pad brand "no brand" grit 50 for approximately 15-20

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5) The next process is exactly the same as the use of grit to grit 100;

6) The floor starts coated with intrafloor lac concrete sealer liquid with
a consumption of 0.1-0.15 liters/m2. Application by spraying the
liquid lac of the surface of concrete while followed by a mop (lobby
duster) to divide the liquid flat throughout the surface;

7) The floor is polished again with a polishing machine and diamond

pad grit 400;

8) Surface coated with LH intrafloor Hardener Floor Liquid with a

consumption of 0.1-0.15 liters/m². Application with liquid poured
and flattened with rubber squueegee;

9) The surface is re-polished with Diamond Pad grit 800;

10) Surface coated again with LH intrafloor Hardener Floor Liquid with
a consumption of 0.1-0.15 liters/m². Application with liquid poured
and flattened with rubber squueegee;

11) The surface is polished again with a diamond pad grit 1000;

12) The surface is polished again with Diamond Pad grit 2000;

13) The surface is polished again with a diamond pad grit 3000;

14) Surface coated again using a brand brand crystal powder that is
dissolved by water and followed by polish using a nylon pad without
diamond to level and get shiny finish results;


10.1. Scope of Work
Floor hardener work includes work on the Warehouse Room Floor,
Mechanical Room, Pump Room, Workshop, and other parts stated in the
Work Drawing.

10.2. Material Requirements

The floor hardener material is non metallic, anti-slip, anti-scratch, resistant
to oils, fats, chemicals and functions as a surface layer / floor finishing. The

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harderner floor used is a heavy duty class of 6-7 kg / m2. Brand: Sika or

10.3. Implementation Requirements

Planning for the termination of casting preparation for the floor foundation :
1) the floor should not be casted at once in one casting so that the workers
can pour concrete and tidy it up without stepping on other areas that
have just been tidied (still wet);

2) Planning of the area to be casted must be done before the work begins,
adjusted to the planned concrete pouring method (with pumps, gutters
or cranes). Floor casting planning must be coordinated between the
contractor and the perpetrators of the Floor Harderner;

3) Termination of casting must be simultaneously associated with the

selection plan for the floor connection type;

4) Casting connections without special handling where concrete is

stopped just like that (type construction joint) can be done without
slipping a flexible filler material (Flexible Filling Board). This type of
connection may be done anywhere as long as it does not interfere with
the line pattern planned by the architect planner, considering that this
type of connection will cause cracks in the future;

5) For floors with a span of more than 20 meters, you should plan one line
of weakening gap to isolation of cracks on the floor so that it occurs on
the line. This contraction joint is made by making a reduction in floor
thickness. This method can be reached by propping the floor of the floor
with an elbow or aluminum elbow or triangle wood where the sharp side
is faced up right on the planned line. To reinforce this line, it is
recommended that the floor is cut in the top with concrete cutter with a
depth of 2 cm from the surface;

6) For floors with a span of more than 45 meters, it should be planned one
gap to provide flexibility to the floor to expand and shrink due to an
increase and decrease in the floor temperature. The gap is designed
with a thickness of 5-20 mm depending on the gap interval and changes
in temperature that may occur. The gap is made to cut concrete in total
and this gap must be filled with materials that can be reduced but will
return to its original size after the pressure is stopped (reversible and
compressible) for example from a kind of foam, rubber, bitumen, and
others. The combination of materials in filling gaps may be done as long
as all materials can be pressed and return to its original size, but at the
top of the floor, the filling material must be in the form of liquids that

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have excellent attachment to concrete, and generally used sealant

material. Some alternative sealant materials that can be used are
polyurethane, polysulphide, rubber bitumen, silicone, acrylic, and
others. Determination of the best material is carried out by the designer;

Floor height stake method.

a) The casted floor is expected to have the results of the flat and height
as planned not to be bumpy and flat is truly horizontal to achieve this
result, preparation for the height of the floor is very determining the
results of the floor leveling work. Height stakes are generally the same
as the top side of the concrete mold (formwork or stop cast). Even if it
is not the same, generally a horizontal rail will be made whose elevation
can be accounted for;

b) The height stake must be free and not bound by reinforcement,

standing on a working floor or a stable soil foundation (not moving even
though there is a burden from the concrete poured and vibrating by the
vibrator (concrete vibrator);

c) The height stake that becomes one with concrete mold (formwork) must
be installed to the working floor or the ground foundation to taste until
it does not move at all. The shape and structure of this mold may vary
from one contractor to another and may be used as long as it follows
the conditions must be straight, not curved, not twisting, smooth, flat,
easily opened without causing damage to the upper corner of the floor,
does not absorb water, angle On the top side is really elbow. The choice
of iron mold is the best as long as he is noticed. Plywood with a layer
of film can be used as long as it is still eligible. Beams (wooden beams)
should not be used considering very rarely found straight. The use of
plywood (multiplex) can be accepted as long as it is still in good and
dry condition. Always use special oil to facilitate the release of molds;

d) A separate height stake with concrete molds must have a strong holder,
not easily moved and easily moved, especially if used as a height that
is next to the ready -made wall, where this height stake is very
temporary and raised during the floor leveling process is done;

e) Temporary height stakes made from mortar / plastering (plastering

head) must be checked for the height at the interval of the check
distance as close as possible and discharged after the concrete is
flattened and then replaced with a new concrete coated with floor

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f) As a ruler and excess concrete cutter, various tools can be used

ranging from the simplest tools such as long aluminum light profiles to
the ruler system formed from the connection of several reinforced
elements and given a separate vibrator;

g) The ruler must be checked regularly to ensure that there is no

deflection, especially in the middle;

h) The ruler rests on the height instructions that have been prepared and
shifted manually or automatically with the help of the machine.

Casting Preparation
a. It is highly recommended that the ground floor casting work is carried
out after the building has a roof cover and side wall to avoid direct
sunlight and too large winds that cause excessive evaporation of water
from wet concrete.

b. If very, very forced, casting flooring in an open area without a roof

should only be carried out if it can be believed that the day does not
rain and a temporary tent must be prepared with an area of at least
20% of the area being cast.

c. Generally the last revenue work has only been completed around 5-7
hours after the concrete is poured. Therefore the work is highly
recommended starting in the morning to give the freedom of time to the
workers to complete the floor as well as possible before the sunset. If it
is very forced, the use of spotlights at night must be sufficient for the
area being casted, determined in the field according to the approval of
the contractor and the floor of the floor harmer.

d. Provision of enough concrete material for the planned area and

transportation facilities to move concrete is also adequate. If it turns out
to fail in the middle of casting, it will produce a cold joint (cold joint)
which might produce cracks on the connection line.

e. Sufficient compacting vibrator (compacting vibrator). Generally

required 1 compactor unit each floor width 2-3 m.

f. Provision of concrete channels that are ready to operate during casting.

The tool may only be a simple cart, a tilted channel -shaped
construction, bucket with a opening and a lifting crane, to the concrete
pump, as long as the concrete can be moved quickly without losing its
liquid nature (workability). As a benchmark, 1 unit of concrete and

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concrete carrier (Concrete Ready-Mixed Truck Mixer) contains 7 m3

concrete should spend all its contents in no more than 1 hour. Late
distribution can be saved by the use of a delay in the binding time and
at the same time a retarding plasticier with sufficient doses as instructed
by the Supervising Consultant;

g. Clear division of tasks between workers who:

o Distribute and pouring concrete;
o Divide, distribute and flatten concrete with hoes or scratching tools;
o Cut the excess concrete and outlines concrete with a ruler;
o Flatten smoother, sow the hardenerr floor and smooth the surface;
o Providing lighting facilities if the final refining work will be completed
after sunset;
o Prepare tents for casting in an open area and hold tents when it

Concrete Casting

1) Concrete is channeled, poured and compacted according to casting

procedures stipulated in concrete regulations and specifically
approved by the Supervising Consultant;

2) Excess concrete is removed and leveled by a ruler, as explained

above, according to the advantages of each tool;

3) In the floor leveling process, in addition to a ruler, other assistive

devices can also be used as a ruler and at the same time function to
dispose of excess water floating on the surface (bleeding) and
smooth the surface;

4) If possible, the use of a vacuum pump (vacuum system) for the floor
is highly recommended to speed up the process of sowing and

5) Because this excess water is one of the causes of concrete surface

cracks which automatically causes the hardener layer to experience

Harderner Floor Sowing

a. The time for the sowing of the floor harderner cannot be determined
appropriately, because it is greatly influenced by the drying speed of
the concrete itself;

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b. As a benchmark, if the floor surface has been flat and the puddle of
water on the surface has been discharged with aids, then the floor
harderner floor powder as soon as possible is sprinkled onto the
concrete surface evenly;

c. Sowing can be done manually (hand) or assisted with a mechanical

sowing device that is run on the floor, during the sowing process does
not interfere with the elevation of the flooring of the floor that has been

d. It is highly recommended that workers who sow do not immediately

step on the concrete, but use a temporary bridge built on the floor. If it
is very forced, use the base of multiplex as a basic base of workers;

e. To ensure the amount to be sown, preferably before the casting starts,

the Floor Hardner package has been transferred from the warehouse
and regular laying according to the length of the area, for example
stacked 2 sacks per m2 length or following other calculations according
to the dosage used, to provide a benchmark to the workers without
having to recalculate the amount of material when sowing.

a. After all the materials needed have been sown, checking the flat floor
is needed once again considering that the sowing may be uneven
perfectly. This checking is carried out with a ruler as described above;

b. Facing and compaction of new surfaces can be done if the concrete

under the Harderner floor is strong enough to withstand the burden of
the trooping machine (Trowel Machine) and the workers who will step
on the floor. Once again, the right time to enter the machine and the
worker cannot be determined absolutely, but is very much determined
by the speed of the concrete drying;

c. As a benchmark, machines and workers may be placed on the floor if

a worker with a fair weight of 50-70 kg runs on the floor only leaves a
trail as deep as 3-4 mm;

d. Trowel machines are run carefully and operated until a solid and
smooth floor surface is obtained;

e. The final refinement and the refinement of certain areas that cannot be
achieved by the machine is carried out by hand trowels by workers.

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Flowing by the hand should not change the height at all and only done
to smooth the surface;

f. For floor harderner color, you should not take too long to avoid the color
changes to blackish


11.1. Scope of Work
• Waterproofing work includes the implementation of waterproofing work
on toilet floor plates, wet areas, Ground Water Tanks, flower tubs,
concrete roof decks, roof plate gutters and other parts stated in the
design drawings.
11.2. Material Requirements
Materials must comply with specified standards such as NI 3, ASTM 828,
ATNE, TAPP 1 083 and 407.
The type of material used is :
1) Waterproofing :
a. For wet areas: .
• AQUAFLEX KS-100X, waterproofing coating ( wall )
• AQUAFLEX KS-988A waterproofing coating ( Floor )
b. For Dak Floor,Canopy
• RUBBERBIT KS-520 waterproofing Coating
• AQUATHENE APF-3000 waterproofing membrane
c. For Water tank
• Spider silk bionic fiber waterproofing mortar AQUAFLEX
• high polymer flexible cementitious waterproofing coating;

2) The type of primary layer for each type of waterproofing is adjusted to

the manufacturer's recommendations.

3) Has physical, chemical and equitable and constant characteristics.

Waterproof and steam are included in the overlap part;

4) Protection of waterproofing using screed with a mixture composition of

1 pc: 3 ps, and if the thickness of the screen is more than 2 cm, then
the reinforcement is added with fine mesh;

5) For the above parts will be passed by circulation or vehicle, the

waterproofing membrane is protected by the screen of the K-125
concrete with Mesh M4 and given the finishing floor hardener, or given

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a layer of traffic guard according to the manufacturer's


11.3. Implementation Requirements

A. Surface Preparation.

1. The surface of the concrete plate to be given a waterproofing layer

must be completely clean, free of oil, dust and a permanent sharp
protrusion from spills or splashes of stirring and in dry conditions (in
the sense of the word either dry leveling screen or dry surface);

2. All 90 'meetings or sharper angle must be made blunt, which is to

close along the angle with a waterproof mix of 1 PC: 3 PS or as
listed in the drawing design;

3. Leveling Screed Using a 1 PC waterproof mixture: 3 PS with a slope

of +1 %, the slope direction is formed using a waterpass thread to
the gutter hole and floor drain;

4. Specifically the Screed layer on the roof and gutters of the concrete
must use the scrape reinforcement in the middle of the thickness of
the screed and the installation must be leveled first so that it is not

5. Screed is installed following the pattern of certain patterns and

leveling the surface (mashed) using roskam, rubbed in such a way
that the air bubbles trapped in the Screed mixture can come out;

6. In a half -dry condition, the screen was immediately sprinkled with

cement while rubbing again with an iron roskam so that it was
evenly distributed, after the dry screen layer could not be in the coat

7. After drying air (+24 hours), this new screed must be protected from
the possibility of rupture of hair by covering the upper surface with
burlap hemp that has been soaked in water first and maintained its
wet condition;

8. The time required for dry screen is at least 7 (seven) days in sunny
weather conditions. For bad weather (rain) is not included in the
calculation of screening time screed

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B. Waterproofing Coating.

1. The waterproofing layer must be installed starting from the lowest

point to the highest point;

2. Overlap between layers, minimum 65 min and/or according to

factory specifications;

3. Installation of waterproofing directly from a roll in a thorough and

even way, pressed with roller continuously so that there is no air
bubble. Roller weighs approximately 35 kg and 70 cm wide. Along
the top of the dilatation, waterproofing is installed two layers;

4. Implementation of waterproofing work in the gutters (roof drain),

must enter the gutter hole ± 10 cm;

5. During the implementation of waterproofing, it must be protected

from the sun by using a tent;

6. Waterproofing that has been installed should not be stepped on,

what else by sharp shoes or footwear. The contractor must protect
and localize the area that has been installed waterproofing;

7. In the concrete listplank area, waterproofing must be installed

following the listplank form;

8. The contractor must stop the work in the event of rain and resume
after the installation location is completely dry;

C. Waterproofing Layer Repair.

1. Parts of the waterproofing layer in the leakage of the leakage to

2. Attach a new waterproofing layer to at least 150 mm to all directions
calculated from the outside of the gap / tear;
3. This work is carried out after testing, and the surface must be
completely dry;

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D. Protective layer.

1. After the waterproofing is installed, the surface is given a screen

protection (ratio of 1 pc: 3 ps), 3 cm thick using the final -shrinkage
reinforcement located in the middle of the screed;

2. To adjust the distance / thickness of the screed, a 1.5 cm thick

decking concrete must be used per distance of 0.5 m;

3. The surface of the screed is mashed with roskam when the screen
condition is half dry by sprinkling cement and rubbing it so that it is

4. After all the installation of the waterproofing layer and before the
implementation of the protective layer, the contractor must carry out
a leak test especially for the horizontal surface of the roof plate;

5. Testing method is to pour water into a closed area of the

waterproofing layer to a minimum water level of 50 mm and left for
3 x 24 hours;

6. Mark parts that are not perfect or leaking;

7. for sloping roof plates must be divided into several segments so that
the puddle of water is not too high at the lowest plate point;

8. Contractors are required to carry out security and protection against

the installation that has been carried out, against the possibility of
shift, surface blisters or other damage;

9. If there is damage caused by the negligence of the contractor both

when this work is carried out/carried out or when the work has been
completed, the contractor must repair/replace the damaged part
until it is declared acceptable by the Board of Directors. Costs
incurred for this improvement work are the responsibility of the

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12.1. Scope of Work
Those that metal work include:
➢ Metal work for steel doors, steel kosen & steel jalusi;
➢ Metal work for railling stairs from stainless steel according to BSP;
➢ Metal work for aluminum kosen;
➢ Metal work for truss, gording, grill ventilation;
➢ Cast iron railing work, clamps, anchor and/or all construction of construction
and other metal relationships mentioned in the drawing;
12.2. Material Requirements
1) All metal materials / materials used in this work must be in good condition, straight,
flat surface, rust free, free of defects due to collisions or defects from the factory
and free from stains that can interfere with the quality and appearance /
appearence, as well as output from the factory approved by the Directors of the
Field/Construction Management;

2) Types, sizes, colors, profile shapes as stated in the planning drawings as well as
the book description and requirements for the implementation of this work as well
as the Instructions on the Directors of the Field/Construction Management;

3) The contractor must be prepared with all binding / connectors / conquerors such
as anchor, clamps, bolts, ramset, dynabolt, steel strips and so on. All sizes, shapes
according to planning drawings and/or according to the Directors of the
Field/Construction Management Directors;

4) Product materials such as bolts, ramset, dynabolt;

5) The welding electrode used must meet the requirements of Indonesian

normalization and before use must obtain written approval from the Field
Directors/Construction Management;

6) Welding material used from class E 6012 AWS and must be maintained so that it
is always in good condition and dry;

7) Complementary materials such as bolts, screws, dynabolt, ramset, hooks and

other metal fittings related to outside air must be made of igneous iron;

8) Specifically for stainless steel material, all bolts or screws used and their heads
out of the surface, then the material / material must be covered with a diverchroom

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12.3. Technical Requirements

a. In principle, the size in the design image is finished. Also consider the connection
/ relationship with other materials and must be in accordance with the design

b. Metal cutting must be with a mechanical cutting machine unless otherwise shown
in the design drawings;

c. All parts that are perforated according to the design drawings and have been
cleaned of rust, must be checked and in a state of disability before installation;

d. All continuous welding with an electric arc welding and for stainless steel welding
is used as argon welding or in accordance with stainless steel welding methods;

e. Mooring, anchor, cuttings, dynabolt & ramset for concrete and brick installation
which is needed must be used even though it is not shown in the drawing,
according to the director of the field/construction management.
12.4. Implementation Requirements
1. Placement of the connective steel plate must be neat, not to shift more than 2 mm
from its axle;

2. Anchor, cuttings or other vertical elements must be perpendicular to the surface of

the field where it is embedded;

3. All parts of the work in the form of units must be assembled / asembling before
installation. The contractor is responsible for all detailed, manufacturing or
inaccurate adjustment / installation errors;

4. All metal surfaces, especially those attached to other materials / materials before
installation must be given a layer of protection or base paint as described in
another chapter in this book. This difference does not apply to stainless steel
and/or as shown by the field directors/construction management;

5. Welding Implementation.

1) Welding must be done carefully, the welded surface must be flat and regular.
The metal to be welded must be free from cracks and other defects that reduce
the strength of the connection and the surface must be smooth.

2) The welding work is done as much as possible in the workshop and/or in a

roofed room, free from the wind and in a dry state.

3) The object / item being worked on is placed in such a way that welding work
can be done well and thoroughly.

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4) Weld Sealer / Setter.

5) In every position where two parts (from one object) are close together, the seal
/ seal welding must be carried out in order to prevent the entry of moisture,
regardless of whether the details are given or not in the design drawings,
whether the item is exposed to outside weather or not and the contractor
cannot claim this as a additional work.

6) Kinds and size of welding.

➢ The kind of welding used is melted welding (welding with an electric arc);
➢ The welding size must be in accordance with the design drawing;
➢ Welding thickness for minimum construction of ½𝑡√2 , where t is the
thickness of the smallest material;
➢ Minimum welding length 8 times thickness or 40 mm thick, maximum
welding length 40 times the thickness of the smallest material;
➢ The strength of the welding material used is at least the same as the steel
strength used

7) Surface welding exposed.

➢ Welding should be neat without causing damage and defects to the welded
➢ The end of the electrode liquid must be flat.
➢ After welding, the remaining welding must be cleaned properly
8) Before welding, the surface of the area to be welded must be clean and free
from dirt, stains, paint, oil and rust.
9) Welding dismissal must be in the place specified in the design drawings and/or
according to the Directors of the Field/Construction Management Directors and
must be guaranteed not to spin or bend.
10) If the welding work turns out to require improvement, this must be done by the
contractor as ordered by the Directors/ Designer.
11) Defective welding must be cut and welded again. The cost of this work is borne
by the contractor and cannot be claimed as a additional work.
12) Las work must be done by an expert person (having a certificate).

6. Nuts and Bolts,

a. The bolts used are anti-rust type bolts (with the process), the size of the
bolts is in accordance with those listed in the design drawings.
b. The installation of nuts and bolts must be completely sturdy and have even
sturdiness between each other.

7. Cutting and Finishing the Edges of the Former Slices.

a. The part of the former slice must be completely flat, straight and clean.
There is absolutely not permitted to have a former path and others.
b. If the cutting/combustion by the engine produces the edges of the former
slices, then the part must be discarded at least 2.5 mm wide, except if the

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situation before being discarded 2.5 mm is no longer visible the pathway


8. Straightening, Danning and Bending.

a. Curved in a cold state should only be done on the non -structural part..
b. To bend the curved mill must be used. Curved plates in a cold state
according to a finger should not be smaller than three times the thickness
of the plate. This also applies to stems in the field of body plates.
c. Curved the stem according to a small finger must be done in a hot state as
soon as the heated material becomes dark red. Not allowed to bend and
hit with the hammer if the material is no longer in a dark red light condition.

9. Difference in the diameter of the bolt hole with a maximum diameter of 1 (one) mm.
All holes must be drilled.
a. Making holes in the construction section that is connected and which must
be made one with a connecting device / component, must be drilled at the
same time with the diameter according to the desired until fully translucent..
b. All holes must be perfectly rounded, standing elbows in the plane and the
construction part to be connected..
c. All holes must be cleaned before installation. The cleaning is not permitted
to use iron razor.

10. In reinforced concrete construction, mashed concrete and mountains of brick pairs,
all gaps that occur between the hole and the metal part embedded in it must be
filled with grouting mixture until there is no cavity and must be flat;

11. Changes in materials/details for certain reasons must be submitted to the Directors
of the Field/Construction Management to obtain written approval.


13.1. Scope of Work
➢ Which includes stainless steel work including stainless steel work for the main
stairs railing and/or as stated in the design drawings.
13.2. Material Requirements
➢ Stainless Steel Pipe from Janis Cold Rolled which has the type of BA, Type
Stainless Steel: SS 304, shape and size according to the work drawings.
13.3. Implementation Requirements
1) Installation must be made as neat as possible, by paying attention to the details
listed in the planning drawing;

2) Stainless steel stem bending must be done completely / without any welding;

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3) If there is a connection with the welding, the welding results must be sanded until
it is flat to the stainless steel surface, then covered with verchroom;

4) Cutting stainless steel must be done with a standard cutting machine or

combustion. Burning in the workshop or in the field must get approval from the
Directors of the Field/Construction Management;

5) Connection with a bout must be done in the best way according to its intention;

6) Mooring and ankur where it needs to be used in places deemed necessary even
though it is not included / listed in the work drawings;

7) Other complementary materials such as screws, bouts, nuts, nails that will be used
must be made from stainless steel;


14.1. Scope of Work
➢ Railing work includes stair railing work and/or as listed in the design drawings.
14.2. Material Requirements
➢ Made of the best quality black hollow pipe material, medium class type, meets SII
0161 81 standards, and approved by the Field Directors / Construction
➢ The size shape is as shown in the drawings;
➢ Stair ornaments are made of materials according to the design drawings.
14.3. Implementation Requirements
1. All railing jobs must be done in the workshop and must produce high quality work.
All work must be done with accuracy and accuracy in such a way that all
components can be installed properly in the field;

2. Work examination in the workshop can be done if desired at any time by the Field
Directors/ Construction Management and no work results are sent to Laparigan
before being examined and approved by the Directors/ Designer;

3. The implementation of welding work must be under the supervision of personnel

who have certificates as akhli in the field of welding;

4. Welding parts of the work of steel must be carried out with electric welding and
welding personnel must have a certificate as akhli in the field of welding that sets
the qualifications and types of welding allowed to it;

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5. Welding construction both as a whole or is the welding of the construction section,

it should only be done after being examined that the relationship to be welded is
in accordance with the provisions that apply to this construction;

6. The position of construction to be welded must guarantee the safest situation for
the examination and quality of the welding results to be carried out;

7. In welding work, if there is a re -welding, both the first layer of welding and the
surface of the fields to be welded must be cleaned of the crust (slak) and other dirt;

8. In work where many welding will occur, the previous layer must be cleaned of the
crust and sparks of metal sparks from welding, before starting with a new welding
layer. The porous, damaged or cracked welding layer must be discarded
altogether and replaced with a new welding


15.1. Scope of Work
➢ This work includes the work of the exterior and interior door frames as well as
all the details mentioned in the implementation drawing and the shop drawing
of the contractor approved by the Field Directors/Construction Management.
15.2. Material Requirements
1) Material Specifications.
➢ Material from aluminum framing system, aluminum extrusion according to
extrusion 0695-82 and alloy a 6063 S T-5, not made of used materials;
➢ Aluminum thickness 4 "; thickness of 1.35 mm;
➢ The permitted deformation value is a maximum of 2 mm;
➢ Finishing Super Durable Polyester Powder Coating Thickness 60-80 Micron,
Finishing Gloss: 70 - 80%;
➢ Color: Determined later.

2) All parts of the color aluminum must come to the project site equipped with
protective material and only allowed to open after obtaining the approval of the
Field Directors/Construction Management.

3) Resistance to water and wind pressure for each minimum type of 100 kg/m2.

4) Air resistance is not less than 15 m3/hour.

5) For the freedness of the color is required before the manufacturing process, the
color of the entire profile must be selected as carefully as possible. Then when the
manufacturing of window profile units, doors and others, the color must be selected
again so that in each unit the same color is obtained. Cutting Aluminum profiles
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must use a cutting machine, punch machine, drill, in such a way as to get perfect
results and if it has been assembled for the opening window and pitu has the
following size tolerance :
a. For height and width, 1 mm;
b. For diagonal, 2 mm.

6) Accessories
➢ Screws from galvanized steel quality hotdeep heads embedded;
➢ Weather strip from vinyl;
➢ The binder of a hanging device connected to aluminum must be covered
with caulking and sealent;
➢ Anchors for aluminum frame / kosen are made of a minimum of 2mm thick
steel plate, with a zinc layer of not less than 13 microns so it cannot shift;
➢ Wood chosen is mounted at the location of the door / window hinges;

7) Finishing Material
➢ Treatment for the surface of the window frame / bouvenlicht sills and doors
that come in contact with alkaline materials such as concrete, stir or
plastering and other materials must be given a finish layer of clear laquer
or anti -corrosive treatment with varnish insulating such as asphaltic
varnish or other insulation material.
15.3. Implementation Requirements
1) All window frames and doors are done with a manufacturer carefully according to
the size and condition of the field so that the results can be accounted for;

2) Iron cutting should be kept away from aluminum material to avoid attaching iron
dust on its surface. It is recommended to do it in a safe place carefully without
causing damage to its surface;

3) Welding is justified using non -activated gas [argon] from the inside so that the
connection is not visible to the eye;

4) The end of the frame must be connected strongly and thoroughly using a suitable
screw, rivet and ankur. Welding must be neat to obtain quality and shape in
accordance with the design drawings;

5) Anchors for aluminum frames/sills made of galvanized steel plate at least 2 mm

and placed at 600 mm intervals;

6) Installation of screws must be installed until it is not visible from the outside with
stainless steel screws in such a way that the hair line from each connection must
be waterproof and meet the strength requirements for water of 100 kg /cm2. The
gap between the glass and the aluminum kosen system is closed with the sealent;

7) It is required that the aluminum kosen is equipped with the following possibilities :
➢ Can be a frame for unopened window.
➢ Can match sliding windows, swivel windows and can be installed door

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➢ For system partitions, it must be capable of being "movable", installed

without having to be shut down in full which can damage both the floor and
the ceiling / ceiling.
➢ Have accessories that are able to support the possibilities mentioned

8) For hardware fittings and reinforcing materials where aluminum frame will contact
with iron, copper or other, the metal surface concerned must be given a chromium
layer to avoid corrosion contact;

9) The tolerance of aluminum frame on one side of the wall is 10-25 mm which is then
filled with lightweight / grouting concrete;

10) To obtain hight to air leaks, especially in the conditioned space, Mohair should be
placed and if necessary, synthetic resin can be used. This use in swing door and
double door;

11) Around the edge of the frame that is seen bordering the wall is given a sealent so
that the waterproof and sound;;

12) The bottom edge of the exterior frame is equipped with flashing for rainwater


16.1. Scope of Work
➢ Which includes gypsum partition work including partitioning work with gypsum
panels as listed in the design drawings. Including the main frame that reaches
the concrete plate of the top floor, to function as a strengthening of the partition
16.2. Material Requirements
a. The partition frame of aluminum must meet the following minimum requirements :
1. Aluminum used from aluminum extrues alloy with anodized finished;
2. The amplifier frame is Galvanized Steel Square Tube wrapped in
aluminum, which is high from the surface of the floor to the concrete / ceiling
3. For the skeletal anker and partition kosen used a steel plate with a zinc
layer, a minimum of 24 microns, 2-3 mm thick;
4. Material requirements meet extrusion SII 0695-82, Alloy 6063.t5;
b. Partition panel with the following requirements :
1. From gypsum material 9 mm thick.
2. Among the gypsum board was given fillers from glass wool material as thick
as 2 "with a density of 16 kg/m3.
c. For partition equipment, see technical requirements in the door and window work

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16.3. Implementation Requirements

1. The landfill / placement of the material must be placed in a space / place with good
air circulation, not exposed to direct weather and protected from damage and
2. It must be considered all connections in installation, such as bolts, anchors and
other amplifiers that are needed to guarantee their strength by paying attention /
maintaining neatness, especially for visible fields, there should be no holes or
disability for the adjustment.
3. Gypsum Board Installation.
a. Gypsum board installation work must be handled by people who are truly
experts in this field;
b. Installation between the Gypsum Board connection must be right at the
Hollow Metal frame holder;
c. Placement of gypsum board in the framework of using good quality screws;
d. Installation between gypsumboard connections using connecting plaster
and metal lath and putty in accordance with factory specifications;
e. The surface of the gypsum board connection that has been given putty and
dry is sanded so that it is flat and smooth;
f. The connection between the gypsum board and the hollow edging frame
can be seen in the working drawings.

4. Work Safety Requirements

a. At the time of implementation of partition work, the area to be carried out
must be localized from passing the workers from other work.
b. Before the installation of the gypsum board panel, aluminum protectors
must be cleaned first.
c. After installation, the contractor is required to provide protection for the
impact of other objects and damage due to negligence of the work, all the
damage that arises is the responsibility of the contractor until the work is


17.1. Scope of Work

Which includes the work of the Zincalum Sheet Metal Metal Profile roof covering the
work of the metal sheet roof covering, the installation of the protective sheet (flashing),
the Capping Closing Sheet, on the roof section.

17.2. Material Requirements

A. Roof covering profiled zincalume metal sheet, with technical specifications as
follows :

1. Double Roof Layer :

➢ Corrugated Metal.

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➢ Roll-on-site;
➢ Round-head seaming (Boltless system);
➢ 0,45 mm BMT
➢ G-300 AZ-200
➢ Bluescope Colorbond Ultra
➢ Natural Color
2. Bottom Layer :
➢ Corrugated Metal
➢ Roll-on-site;
➢ Round-head seaming (Boltless system);
➢ 0,40 mm BMT
➢ G-300 AZ-100
➢ Bluescope Abadi
➢ Natural Color
3. Single Layer Roof :
➢ Corrugated Metal.
➢ Roll-on-site;
➢ Round-head seaming (Boltless system);
➢ 0,45 mm BMT
➢ G-300 AZ-200
➢ Bluescope Colorbond Ultra
➢ Natural Color
4. Fascia Cladding :
➢ Corrugated Metal
➢ Roll-on-site
➢ Screw system,
➢ 0,45 mm BMT
➢ G-300 AZ-200
➢ Bluescope Colorbond Ultra
➢ Natural Color
5. Flashing
➢ 0,45 mm thick BMT
➢ G-300 AZ-200
➢ Bluescope Colorbond Ultra
➢ Standard Color

B. Heat-retaining insulation materials and silencers:

Types :
Fiber-Free Thermo-Cellular Reflective Insulation Blanket Double Syed
Foil. Thickness of ± 8 mm equivalent to air-cell retrroshield.

17.3. Implementation Requirements

1) All materials that will be used in this work must arrive at the project site in a
complete state, without defects, stains that can damage the material and
appearance and must be approved by the Field Directors/Construction

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2) Metal sheets must be stored in a roofed warehouse, not allowed to come into
contact with soil and/or floor and are always dry. If forced to be stored in the open,
then the metal sheet must be covered with tarpaulin or plastic to prevent rain or
dew into the gaps in piles of metal sheets, which can make metal sheet surface
defects due to condensation;

3) Before the installation, the entire surface of the roof must be cleaned with a fine
broom. Especially areas / parts where drilling and sawn have been carried out,
such as dirt, remnants of rivets, bouts, rivets, metal pieces, nails and so on;

4) The contractor must check and ensure that the upper surface of all gording / roof
is in the same field (leveling. If it is not in one field, can set or block these parts of
the framework / gording;

5) Under any circumstances, to adjust the slope of the roof, the prophecy must not
be installed directly under the hook plate. This must be considered seriously by
the contractor because the improper adjustment and flooding will result in binding
disorders, especially if the distance of the small support;

6) Not allowed to be scolding or soldering;

7) Before the installation of metal sheets, the contractor must examine and ensure
that all steel surfaces that will come in contact with the metal sheet are coated with
paint. If there is damage to the paint in the gording, the contractor must
immediately report to the field directors/construction management to be repainted.
This is to prevent direct touch between steel / iron with a metal sheet surface to
maintain the possibility of condensation at the bottom of the sheet. Then first
installed Fibreglass Blanket and Aluminum Foil with the order and installation
requirements as listed in the planning image;

8) Metal sheet sheets are transported to the roof frame only if it will be installed. At
the time of removal and ready to be installed, the ribs of the metal sheet sheet
must face the side where the installation begins;

9) To get the maximum binding strength when the hook plate is used, the distance
from the hook plate to the tip / edge of the sheet is at least 75 mm;

10) The maximum shift for 5 sheets is 2,030 mm per area that is closed. To improve
the surgery, the sheet can be adjusted 2mm by pulling the hook plate away from
or pressing towards the sheet when tieting the hook plate;

11) At the top of the upper sheet, the top edge position of the sheet is below the
protective sheet / flashing or the closing of the row / capping must be bent upward.

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The bending is done with the tools provided by the factory for the work. This
bending to prevent the entry of water into the building, can be carried out before
and after the sheet is installed. When the sheet has been installed, a space must
be available with a distance of 50 mm from the upper side for the bending space
of motion;

12) At the final sheet at the bottom, the edge of the sheet must be bent down, to
prevent water from flowing through the bottom side of the sheet into the building.
The bending is done with the tools provided by the factory for the work;

13) The direction of installation of sheets from the bottom up, then continued
installation of the side in a fixed direction from the bottom up and so on. In the final
pedestal, you should use 2 (two) or more sheets with a shorter size. The
recommended Final Stock / Overlap is a minimum of 150 mm;

14) Specifically for the ridge / capping cover, the contractor must have provided a hole
at the top end of the ridge / caping cover for lightning rod pole, complete with
rubber. The diameter of the hole must be exactly the same as the diameter of the
lightning rod. Distance and diameter of lightning rod pole listed in Figure EE;

15) Both sides of the edge of the direction extend the ridge / capping must be paired
according to the shape and distance of the metal sheet sheet ribs, after the ridge
/ capping cover is installed. Pearing is done with tools provided by special factory
for the work. After being tapped, then both sides of the edge of the ridge /capping
are bent down with other bending tools provided by the factory for the work, to
cover up to the valley between 2 (two) metal sheet sheets. The Capping / Capping
Cover is screwed on each metal sheet sheet rib;

16) All connections, especially the final overlap / overlap, the gap at the top of the top
side of the metal sheet sheet must be covered with the required sealent;

17) Installation of flashing, capping, fixing strips and others must be carried out by the
contractor in accordance with the technical requirements of the factory, although
not or not listed in the planning drawing so as to get good results, avoid possible

18) The contractor must work carefully and neatly so that the metal sheet sheet after
being installed neatly and straight, the ribs of the metal sheet sheet sheet, straight,
not bumpy in the horizontal or vertical direction; produce a good appearance;

19) The metal sheet sheet part after being installed which can be stepped on is only
on the ribs right above along the purlin.

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18.1. Scope of Work
horizontal Gutter Work includes horizontal gutters with the completeness and
accessories as stated in the design drawings.

18.2. Material Requirement

➢ The material used is SUS-304 Plate, with a thickness of 1mm

18.3. Implementation Requirements

a. All work must be in accordance with the specifications of the material required by
the factory, especially in the connection;
b. The connection between the PVC pipe with other materials uses joining from the
factory or in an approved way of the Board of Directors;
c. All clamps are made of iron plates with size and location according to factory
provisions. Binding gutter clamps to the surface of concrete or bricks using Ramset
/ Fisher;
d. The installation and adjustment of the gutters must be perpendicular to the surface
of the floor. The slanted gutter with a certain angle must match the planning
e. All gutters when installed must be neat, there should be no cracks, broken or other
f. The gutter filter must be right in the sparing hole so there is no gap.


19.1. Scope of Work
➢ Roof drain work includes gutter filter work for all details stated in the design
19.2. Material Requirements
1. Made of good quality cast metal with aluminum basic ingredients.
2. Round, not plate/plate, a minimum diameter of 10 cm or according to planning
3. Must meet the requirements specified in. PUBI 1982 Article 103 and meets the
provisions of SH 0167 77.
19.3. Implementation Requirements
1) Except the equipment/materials shown in the picture, the contractor is not
permitted to install other materials without, the approval of the Field
Directors/Construction Management;
2) Gutter filter is installed at the location specified in the design drawings. For the
installation of gutters from BJLS plate materials, by being
bolted/nailed/fought/welded on the base of the gutters that have been installed
properly & perfectly, and there is no leakage;
3) Installation of roof drain on concrete plates, must be casted directly together with
casting concrete plates, with sparing gip pipes or other materials approved by the
field directors/construction management;

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4) The installation must be appropriate, not causing a puddle around the couple, the
distance between the Roof Drain side to the BJLS plate or concrete plate, must be
coated with waterproofing until there is no seepage/leak;
5) For this work, the contractor is required to coordinate in the installation of roof drain
by implementing waterproofing installation;
6) The contractor is not justified to start the job in a place if there are differences in
that place before the difference in that place is resolved


20.1. Scope of Work
➢ Gypsum board, acoustic and allumunium ceiling work includes the work of
installation of gypsum board ceiling panels, acoustics and allumuniums
including ceiling frames and ceiling hanging frames and all equipment as
shown in the design drawings.
20.2. Material Requirements.
1) Spesifikasi bahan papan gypsum untuk pekerjaan plafond sesuai dalam gambar
perencanaan :
a) Type : Gypsum board double sided.
b) Thick : 9 mm.
c) Size : 542 x 1192 mm.
d) Fire rating : 2 hour.
e) Weight : 7,2 kg/M2.

2) The specifications of the acoustic board material for the ceiling work are
appropriate in the design drawings:
a) Type : Accoustic Tile
b) Thickness : 9 mm
c) Size : 600mm x 1200mm
d) Fire Rating : 2 hours

3) Gypsum layer board material specifications for ceiling work in wet areas, kitchen
areas and server space according to design drawings:
a) Type : gypsum board for wet areas (wet area)
b) Thickness : 9 mm
c) Size : 600mm x 1200mm
d) Fire Rating : 2 hours

4) Gypsum layer board specifications for ceiling work on the fire stairs according to
the design drawings:
a) Type : Gypsum board for fire retaining
b) Thickness : 13 mm
c) Size : 600mm x 1200mm
d) Fire Rating : 2 hours

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5) Specifications of Allumunium Material Ceiling Ceiling Work In accordance with the

design drawings:
a) Type : Linear ceiling.
b) Type : Lineal Ceiling Type 84C
c) Thickness : 0.5 mm
d) Panel Size : L 84mm x T 12.5mm x P
e) Frame : type 84 rbc thickness 0.95 mm
f) Frame distance : 1800 mm.
g) Hanging distance: 1300 mm
h) Color : beige or brown or determined later

6) All ceiling frame materials from aluminum, profile steel and plate steel including
hanging devices (clamps, concrete cables & reinforcement), binder (anker, fisher,
dynabolt), must meet the requirements as described in the metal work chapter.

7) The material to be used must be elbows for all angles (unless otherwise specified
by the Field Directors/Construction Management), the surface of the material must
be flat, not bumpy, no bulges or curves and free from defects, stains, cracks,
broken angles.

8) The nails used must have a minimum length of 14 mm for nails and for the frame
and ceiling hangers are adjusted to the needs, of the type of anti -rust and must
be able to withstand the ceiling load

20.3. Implementation Requirements

1) In this ceiling work it is necessary to pay attention to the existence of other work
which in its implementation is very closely related;

2) Before implementing the ceiling work, other work located on the ceiling must be
installed perfectly including electrical, sound system, fire alarm / fire detector, and
other installation equipment needed;

3) If the work above is not listed in the ceiling design drawings, it must be examined
in advance in the installation drawing or other drawing;

4) For installation details, the contractor must consult with the Directors of the
Field/Construction Management;

5) The ceiling hanging frame must be in accordance with the design drawing pattern
and must be considered to the peil peil plan. Flat frame must be flat water;

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6) If the position of the ceiling hangers with the hanging place is greater than 2 meters
so that it requires additional construction, the contractor is required to add
strengthening construction to the ceiling hanging frame so that it is stiff and can
function perfectly even though it is not listed in the drawing;

7) Ceiling frame:
a) Gypsumboard ceiling frame work when used wood must meet the
implementation requirements such as decorated in the woodwork chapter;
b) Gypsumboard ceiling panel frame that uses a suspension system consists of
Hollow 29.60.2 for the main frame and 14.14.2 for other stems. Teak board
thickness 1 cm and 2 cm in certain parts;
c) Before installing the ceiling cover panel, the ceiling frame must be neatly and
strongly installed, according to the pattern listed in the design drawings. The
ceiling frame material has been coated with termites for wood and anti -rust for
steel/other metals.

8) Ceiling panel cover:

a) Dimensions and patterns in each ceiling panel to be installed must be in
accordance with the ceiling frame module as stated in the design drawings;
b) Cutting panels must be done carefully and carefully by using a special cutting
device, so that the panels have angle according to the design drawings, do not
crack angle or rupture. If found a defect in the installed panel, the contractor
must dismantle and replace it with a new one at the contractor's cost;
c) The surface field must be flat, straight and waterpass, peil must be in
accordance with the design drawings. The connection between the units must
be perpendicular. Tolerance of 1 mm viscosity for a distance of 2 m;
d) If you want the presence of naat, the distance between the installed panel is
0.2 cm. Naat must be straight, equal, perpendicular to each ceiling panel

9) Finishing ceiling gypsum board is paint.


21.1. Scope of Work
Which includes the scope of the Calcium Silicate Board ceiling work is as follows :
a. Providing implementing staff who are akhli in this field of work;
b. Providing adequate number of jobs and experience in the work of installing
Calcium Silicate Board ceiling;
c. Hold materials and equipment Calcium Silicate Board and equipment for
installation work;
d. Carry out the Calcium Silicate Board ceiling installation work for the scope of the
work appropriately shown in the design drawings

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21.2. Material Requirements.

1) Type: Calcium Silicate Board Ceiling Concealed, Thickness: 6 mm, Size: 2400mm
x 1200 mm, Weight: 8 kg/m2;
2) Waterproof, cannot be burned, termite resistance and does not contain asbestos;
3) Calcium Silicate Board ceiling equipment:
a) Ceiling frame.
Material for the Calcium Silicate Board ceiling frame uses metal, which is a
special frafon frame system for Calcium Silicate Board.
b) Calcium Silicate Board screws.
For the installation of the Calcium Silicate Board ceiling on the metal frame
using the Calcium Silicate Board screw with the type of Self-Embeded-Head
and Self Tapping and has been given anti-rust type electro-plating.
c) Self Adhesive Join Tape Calcium Silicate Board.
Join Tape Calcium Silicate Board is made of fiberglass fiber which serves to
close gap on the connection between the ceiling sheet of Calcium Silicate
d) Compound Calcium Silicate Board.
The function of the Calcium Silicate Board component is as follows :
i. For compounds in the closed connection system (flush joint system) used
after the join tape calcium silicate board is installed.
ii. For the head cover.
iii. For the gypsum profile adhesive on the calcium silicate board.
iv. Gypsum profile, if needed (according to the drawing design).
21.3. Implementation Requirements
Overall, the implementation of the Calcium Silicate Board ceiling work must follow
the procedures and requirements that have been determined by the manufacturer.
A. Preparation and Installation.
Preparation for implementation and sequences of installing the Calcium Silicate
Board ceiling are as follows:
a) Make a line (marking-line) according to the ceiling height elevation as
specified in the design drawing, around the wall to be installed the ceiling;
b) If not yet available, install a ceiling hanging in the form of C-Joint,
Rodhanger, grout and L-Bracket with a distance of 1200 mm;
c) Install furring-channels as main runners at each interval of 1200 mm
distance, which is hung on the ceiling hanging;
d) Adjust the height of the main-runner according to the desired level by
referring to the marking line that is around the wall, so that it forms a perfect
flat field and the flat field must be flat water;
e) Install furing-channel as a cross-runner with a position below the main-
runner using a joiner at each interval of 601 mm distance;
f) Install the Calcium Silicate Board sheet (6 mm thick, 2400 mm long and
1200 mm wide) with a cross-runner transverse direction with formations
such as the installation of bricks in such a way that the position of the
Calcium Silicate Board is zig-zag. The meeting between the Calcium
Silicate Board panels must be given a 4mm gap both on the long side and
on the short side;
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g) Tie/attach the calcium silicate board on furing-channel (cross-runner) by

using the calcium silicate board screw at each maximum distance of 200
mm along the cross-runner with the provisions of the spokes of the panel
panel panels of the calcium silicate board at least 12 mm and the spoke
hole distance to the vertex of the Calcium Silicate Board panel of at least
50 mm;
h) Installation of screws must start from the middle of the panel and then
sequentially the panel. During the installation of the screen, the calcium
silicate board panel must be held from the bottom and must not shift from
the predetermined position;

B. Work covering the connection gap / grout and the head screw.
a) All 4 mm wide connection / grout gaps and screw heads must be covered
with materials according to the manufacturer's specifications with the
following work sequences:
b) Before the work of closing the connection / grout is carried out, the
connection of the connection or grout that will be closed first must be
cleaned from dust by spraying by the wind or by using a clean co -
c) Paste the self adhesive joint-tape calcium silicate board in the connection
/ grout gap strongly and must be flat.
d) Apply the Calcium Silicate Board compound (compound stage 1) as a grout
filler compound and a joint tape cover with KAPI-1. Make sure the
compound penetrates the joint tape and fills grout behind it and closes the
joint tape as thin as possible. Also cover the head screw with a compound
until it is covered even.
e) Apply the Calcium Silicate Board compound (compound stage 2) as a
compound cover stage 1 using KAPI-2 along the connection gap of
approximately 350mm, and on each screw head. The compound phase 2
work must be neat and as thin as possible and can only be done if the
compound stage 1 is completely dry.
f) All compound surfaces must be sanded using medium size sandpaper and
must use tools. The sandpaper work is carried out when the compound
stage 2 is dry.

C. Muai connection (Expansion Joint).

➢ If the Calcium Silicate Board ceiling is installed in a very spacious room with a
maximum size of the room 9.6 m x 7.2 m or the maximum room area of 62.12
m2, or installation of the calcium silicate board panel up to 4 sheets or 6
sheets, then In the ceiling plane, 1 (one) expansion joint is required in the
elongated direction and 1 (one) expansion connection line in the transverse
direction. The form and details of the expansion joint must follow the provisions
and instructions of the manufacturer.

D. Calcium Silicate Board Cutting

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➢ Cutting the Calcium Silicate Board must use a special tool that is a tungstem
carbide -eyed by scouring the calcium silicate board and then broken or using
a low -rotation chainsaw. The former cut must be mashed with sandpaper.

E. Horning a Calcium Silicate Board

1. Map the raid for calcium silicate board according to the desired shape and
size of the hole;
2. To make a round hole, make a cross in the middle of the circle as much as
possible then hit the midpoint of the circle with the hammer;
3. To make a square hole, hole the middle of the hole by hitting using the
hammer then the diagonal saw from the hole towards four angles then
break the four segments of the hole;
4. Flatten and puree the edge of the hole or used pieces with sandpaper until
completely fine;

F. In the ceiling work it is necessary to pay attention to the existence of other work
which in its implementation is very closely related.

G. Before the ceiling installation, other jobs located on the ceiling must be installed
perfectly, including electrical, sound system, fire alarm / fire detector, and other
installation equipment needed.

H. If the work above is not listed in the ceiling design image, it must be examined first
in the installation image or other image.

I. For detailed ceiling installation, the contractor must consult with the Directors of
the Field/Construction Management.

J. If the position of the ceiling hangers with the hanging place is greater than 2 meters
so that it requires additional construction, the contractor is required to add
strengthening construction to the ceiling hanging frame so that it is stiff and can
function perfectly even though it is not listed in the picture.

K. The panel frame uses a suspension system consisting of Hot Dipped Roll Formed
steel which is covered with a recovery.

L. Finishing ceiling.
a) Finishing ceiling with paint.
b) The paint used must be suitable to be applied with fiber Calcium Silikat.
c) Implementation of finishing work, especially final finishing, must follow the
procedures and conditions required by the manufacturer.

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22.1. Scope of Work
➢ Grouting work is carried out on all job coverings that occur in metal materials
embedded in concrete or brick pair.
22.2. Material Requirements
1. The grouting material must be waterproof, is plastic resistant to vibration and
surprise, waterproof, resistant to oil, olie, salt and alkaline, does not contain metal
basic ingredients, is corrosive, free of chloride, not wrinkled / non shrinking, is
cement based;

2. The material must still be sealed both in the packaging and not defective when
arriving at the construction site. If a defect or damaged, then the material is not
allowed to be used.
22.3. Implementation Requirements
A. Before the implementation, the surface of all materials/materials to be raised
included in the work must be clean and free from dust, oil, water and stains or other
dirt, the surface peil or elevation has been approved by the field
directors/construction management;

B. If there are materials / materials used that contain toxic basic ingredients or
endanger human safety, the contractor must provide protective equipment such as
masks, gloves and so on that must be used at the time of work implementation;

C. During the implementation of the work, the contractor must be monitored by

experts / supervision from the manufacturer. Costs for this matter are borne by the
contractor and cannot be claimed as added jobs. The implementation procedure
must be in accordance with factory specifications;

D. Surface preparation.

1. The embedded metal has been given an elementary paint or anti -rust paint
except for stainless steel steel, this requirement does not apply;
2. Before giving grouting, the surface of the hole must be abandoned first but not
permitted there is water grains on the surface at the time of grouting..

E. Preparation for grouting.

1. Comparison of grouting components with water and sand as well as mixing and
stirring procedures must be in accordance with factory specifications;
2. During stirring, water and sand must have been prepared in the place of stirring
with sufficient volume. Water and sand quality must meet the requirements as
described in the concrete work requirements in this book;
3. Grouting materials should be used up in one time of stirring;

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4. The grouting stir is filled from one continuous direction to the entire gap / hole
is closed, no cavity, flat surface and no air cavity is formed. If the gap / hole is
small, filling the grouting can use a funnel / other tools.

F. Maintenance / curing and repair.

The grouting mixture surface must be protected from drying and hardening that is
too fast by being covered with a wet cloth.


23.1. Scope of Work
➢ Sealant work consists of all gaps covering work that occurs in structural or non
-structural connections / angles, between similar or different materials to avoid
gaps / seepage / leakage of water or air, including the installation of fixture in
wet areas and / or as listed listed in the design image..
23.2. Material Requirements
Sealant material in accordance with the uses and functions of the material / material,
weatherproof, waterproof, resistant to salts and alkalis, elastic to face temperature
changes, impact resistance, high adhesion.
Sealant material consists of darl Silicone Paltox Thiokol & Paltox Silicone.

23.3. Implementation requirements

1. Before the implementation, the surface of all materials / materials included in this
work must be clean and free from dust, oil, water and stains or other dirt, the
surface elevation or surface elevation must be approved by the Field Directors /
Construction Management;

2. If there are materials/materials used that contain toxic basic ingredients or

endanger human safety, the contractor must provide protective equipment such
as masks, gloves and so on that must be used at the time of work implementation;

3. Surface preparation;

i. Along the surface to be given a sealant must be dry, clean and free from
dust, oil, fat, fraction or powder, particles of materials / materials that are
released or stains and other dirty;
ii. Before the entire surface sealant installation must have been finished.

4. In the implementation of this work, the contractor must pay attention to how to
install and the type of sealant which is distinguished based on the type / type of

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24.1. Scope of Work
➢ Termite repellent work includes the implementation of building protection work
against termites on foundation excavations, new foundations, the outer and
inner soil surface of the building in accordance with design drawings.
24.2. Material Requirements
A. Packaging and Labels.
The contractor is required to hand over chemicals in the place of work in a state
still intact and well -closed and labeled as the time received from the distributor or
factory to obtain approval from the Board of Directors.

B. Warranty and laboratory tests;

1. The contractor is required to conduct an anti -termite material test in the
Laboratory of the Center for Urban and Environmental Development Research
in Jakarta to find out the composition, concentration, and aspects of the
environmental impact it causes. The contractor must submit the test results no
later than one week before the work begins;
2. The contractor is required to submit written requirements as a warranty that
the treatment application has been carried out with standards in accordance
with the technical specifications issued by the anti -termite chemical
manufacturer, and ensure the effectiveness of the work system is not less than
ten (10) years after the maintenance period. If there is still a termite attack
during the guarantee period, the contractor must re -maintenance without
additional work costs.

C. For land chanders used, one of the following:

1. 400 EC lantrek with a composition of 25 ml mixed into the water liter of water.
Use of 5 liters/m2 by spraying (spray); or;
2. Basileum 505 EC with a composition of 15 ml mixed into 1 liter of water. Use
of 3 ~ 5 liters/m2 soil surface by spraying (spray). Or per hole with an injection
system, or;
3. Cislin with active ingredients Deltametrin 25 g/ L with 5 liter/ m2 application.
24.3. Implementation Requirements
1) During the implementation of the work, the contractor is required to observe and
carry out security measures according to the instructions and written suggestions
from the chemical manufacturing company. During the implementation, all workers
are required to wear helmets, masks, gloves, protective googles and protective
2) The contractor is required to describe the implementation method in writing at the
time of the supply of offer. In the description at least described:
a) Chemicals used.
b) Equipment that is used along with specifications/abilities.
c) How to carry out the safety.

3) Not allowed to take care of very wet soil conditions or immediately after heavy

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4) Not allowed to do soil maintenance in areas where water sources are easily

5) The accumulation/closure of the results of treatment must be immediately carried

out to prevent
6) the influence of the surrounding environment;.

7) Work must be carried out by companies that get permission to do this work by
heeding all regulations issued by the Department of Environmental & Labor

8) All workers must be truly experts and work safety must be considered;.

9) During the implementation of the work until the work is safe to be touched by
humans, it is the obligation of the contractor to maintain that security and the safety
of humans around them;

10) Prevention of termites into the building must be done with land maintenance in all
regions where the building is directly related to the ground, as follows :
a) Anti -termite spraying is carried out on the entire surface of the excavation
soil for the preparation of each type of work (foundation, floor, hardening);
b) Anti -termite spraying carried out with a power spray before and after the
level of level;
c) Anti -termite spraying of channels installed underground, surface of the
plane, foundation foundation installed;
d) Anti -termite spraying on all new foundations;
e) Anti -termite spraying around the outside of the building at a distance of 15
20 cm from the outer foundation, the outer wall of the building.

11) This land charging work must be done with an injector that can work in such a way
that the injured drugs spread in all directions, the distance between the injection
points is 40 cm with a depth of 10 cm;.

12) Protection of the soil around the trees must be carried out very carefully;.

13) Prevention of the possibility of termites in buildings that have been established
include protection of termites in humid areas such as the field of the inside of the
channel, carried out by spraying the field evenly / continuously.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work


25.1. Scope of Work
➢ Painting work includes :
A. Metal painting work consisting of: steel, galvanized steel and other non -steel
metals as indicated in the design drawings with the following conditions :
1) All parts/surfaces that are visible/exposed are painted up to the finish paint;
2) All parts/surfaces that are not exposed/un exposed, attached to other
materials, covered by other materials, painted only up to anti -rust paint or
primary/primary paint;
3) This work does not apply to stainless steel steel.
B. Metal painting work consisting of: steel, galvanized steel and other non -steel
metals as indicated in the planning drawings with the following conditions;.
C. Wood painting work:
1) All wood installed both including fine and rough wood work as stated in the
work drawings with the following conditions:
2) All, the visible / exposed parts are painted up to the finish paint with the
provisions of the color finish paint for the surface that is not highlighted in
the wood fiber;
3) All parts / surfaces that are not displayed are painted only up to the base
4) Painting sills, doors and window leaves
D. PVC pipe painting work, for all gutter pipes from PVC materials / materials in the
planning drawings are declared exposed / exposed;
E. And/or as stated in the planning image;.

25.2. General Requirements

1. All of these work must be in accordance with the standards and/or in accordance
with factory specifications;

2. Factory and contractor must provide a minimum guarantee for five years from the
time of surrender to all of this work, against the possibility of defects, changes in
color and other paint damage
25.3. Material Requirements
1. Material from the main quality, resistant to air and salt;

2. The material is imported directly from the factory, arriving at the project site must
still be sealed both in the packaging and not defective;

3. The contractor must prove the authenticity of the paint, regarding the purity of paint
to be used. Proof in the form of cans, BD tests, laboratory tests and the final
painting results. The cost for this proof is charged to the contractor. The results of
the purity test must receive written recommendations from the producer and
submitted to the Field Directors/Construction Management for implementation

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25.4. General Requirements of Implementation.

a) Before the implementation, the contractor must conduct an experiment to be
carried out. The cost of this experiment is borne by the contractor. The results of
the experiment must be submitted to the Field Directors/Construction Management
to obtain approval for the implementation of the work;

b) Painting must be flat, not stacked, not flowing or there are traces that indicate signs
of sweeping, roller or spray. The minimum thickness of each finished layer
(finished) is the minimum equal to the requirements specified by the factory;

c) If the paint used there is a toxic basic ingredient or endangering human safety, the
contractor must provide protective equipment such as masks, gloves, etc. that
must be used at the time of work implementation;

d) Not allowed to carry out this work in humid weather / rain or dusty wind, blowing.
Especially for the implementation of the room for paint with toxic basic materials
or endangering humans, the room must have sufficient ventilation or air changes
run smoothly;

e) In certain circumstances, for example for a closed room, the contractor must use
a fan (fan) to facilitate the change of air / air flow;

f) Equipment such as brushes, rollers, wire brushes, kepes, compressed air pumps
/ vacuum cleaners, spray and so on must be available from the best quality /

g) Especially for all basic paints must be swept away with a brush. Spraying should
only be done if approved by the Board of Directors;

h) The use of sandpaper, washing with water, or cleaning with dry cloth, must first
obtain written approval from the Directors of the Field/Construction Management
unless otherwise required in this specifications;

i) The implementation of this work, especially painting the base paint for the
components of metal materials / materials, must be done before the component.

j) The results of work that are not approved by the Directors of the Field/Construction
Management must be repeated and replaced. The contractor must do a re -
painting if there is an elementary paint or finish paint that is less covering or loose
as shown by the Directors of the Field/Construction Management. Costs for this
matter are borne by the contractor, cannot be claimed as added jobs;

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

k) During the implementation of the work, the contractor must be monitored by

experts / supervision from the manufacturer.
25.5. Implementation Of Wall Painting Work, Ceiling, Columns And Beams.
1) Before the implementation, the entire surface must be cleaned of dust, fat, dirt or
other stains, the former paint marks that are peeled for the surface that have been
painted and in dry conditions;
2) Painting work must be done with a roller. The use of brushes is only for the surface
where it is impossible to use a roller;
3) The sequences of the implementation of painting on the interior and new exterior
surfaces are as follows;
a. First layer
➢ Acrylic wall filler type paint;
➢ Implementation of work with Kape;
➢ Layer thickness 25 150 micron or 10 m2 / liter scattered power;
➢ Wait for a minimum of 12 hours before the next coating.
b. Second layer.
➢ Primary alkaline resistant paint;
➢ Implementation of work with roller;
➢ Layer thickness 25 40 micron or scattered 13. 15 m2 / liter;
➢ Wait for 24 hours before the next coating.
c. Third and fourth layers. (Interior painting)
➢ Cat jenis Vinyl Acrylic Emulsion. Pelaksanaan pekerjaan dengan roller;
➢ Ketebalan setiap lapis 25 40 micron atau daya sebar 11 17
➢ Tenggang waktu antara pelapisan minimum 12 jam. Warna ditentukan
d. Third and Fourth Layer (Exterior Painting)
➢ Type of Stone Paint Ex .rockpaint type;
➢ The thickness of each layer 25 40 micron or spread power 11 17
➢ The hornbill between a minimum coating of 12 hours. The color is
determined later;

25.6. Implementation of wood painting work.

1) Before the implementation of all parts / components of the building made of wood
must be given an anti -termite layer;
2) Preparation work before painting;
a. Wood must be dry;
b. Rub with kambang stone then with sandpaper No. 10;
c. Give a wood filler that is done with a spray gun to cover the pores and wooden
d. After drying or about half a day, rub with fine sandpaper No. 360 to No. 400;
e. If the wood filler is too thick, it can be diluted with Super Thinner;
f. This wood filler work must be carried out well so that there is no waste in
g. Lap to the surface of the wood is cleaner than sandpaper, dust, oil, fat, stains
or other dirt;
h. Wait until the wood is dry right for painting work;

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3) All wood work must be given a wood or base paint. Except for the wood surface
which is declared to be shown the wood fiber is not allowed to be given a wood /
base paint;
4) All wood work according to the planning drawings that must be displayed by the
wood fiber must be painted as described below (melamic work);
5) Before painting, all wood work has been picked up properly and neatly, according
to the requirements that are decomposed in wood work;
6) Implementation of painting work :
a. Semua kayu yang terpasang baik yang termasuk pekerjaan kayu halus
maupun kasar seperti tercantum dalam Gambar Kerja dengan ketentuan
sebagai berikut :
b. Semua, bagian / permukaan yang tampak / exposed dicat sampai dengan cat
finish dengan perincian cat finish warna untuk permukaan yang tidak
ditonjolkan serat kayunya;
c. Semua bagian/permukaan yang tidak ditampakkan/un exposed dicat hanya
sampai dengan cat dasar.
25.7. Metal Painting Work
A. All metals as stated in the planning drawing must be painted with the following
1) All parts/surfaces that are visible/exposed are painted up to the finish paint;
2) All parts / surfaces that are not exposed / un exposed, attached to other
materials, covered by other materials, painted only up to anti -rust paint or
primary / primary paint;
3) This work does not apply to stainless steel steel.
B. Preparation work before painting;
1) Clean the surface of the ground skin (crust / mill scale), rust, oil,! Mother
and other impurities carefully and thoroughly so that the intended surface
displays a smooth and shiny metal looks;
2) This work is carried out with a mechanical wire brush / Mechanical Wire
3) Finally the surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a clean brush;
4) Primary / basic paint work is carried out before the metal material / material
component is installed
C. Implementation of painting work;
1) First layer.
a. Primary Paint QD Metal Red Lead QD Metal.
b. Implementation of work with a brush.
c. The thickness of 50 micron or spread power 8 10 m2 / liter.
d. Wait for a minimum of 6 hours before the next coating.
2) Second layer.
a. Undercoat base paint.
b. Implementation of Dinner with a brush.
c. Thickness 3 5 microns or spread power 10 13 m2 / liter.
d. Wait for a minimum of 6 hours before the next coating.
3) Third and fourth layers.
a. Final paint / finish synthetic type super gloss type.
b. Implementation of Dinner with a brush.
c. The thickness of 30 microns or scattered power 15 17 m2 / liter.
d. Grace period between a minimum coating of 16 hours.

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D. The color is determined later;

25.8. PVC Pipe Painting Work
A. Preparation work before painting.
➢ The entire surface of the PVC that is displayed / exposed and will be painted
must be cleaned so that it is free from cement stains, plastering, oil or other
B. Implementation of painting work.
➢ Painting layer (first and second).
a. Final paint / finish synthetic type super gloss or equivalent.
b. Implementation of work with a brush.
c. The thickness of 30 microns per layer or scatter power 15 17 m2 / IIiter
The arrangement is in dry conditions.
d. The grace period between a minimum coating of 16 hours..
e. The color is determined later.
i. The color is determined later.


26.1. Scope of Work
➢ Glass and mirror work includes the work of window and door, mirror, and/or as
stated in the planning drawings.
26.2. Material Requirement
1) The glass used from SII standard 0189/78, all mirrors must match this 3, the
thickness of the glass and mirror is 6, 8, 10 and 12 mm according to the planning
2) Type of glass for windows and doors according to the planning drawings;
3) Clear Glass Float Type type mirror with one surface coated silver (Chemical
Deposital Silver);
4) All glass, and mirrors must be free from stains and defects, sulfide free or other
26.3. Technical Requirements (Quality Requirements)
1) Glass thickness and sheet mirror should not exceed thick tolerance, for 6mm glass,
8 mm and 10 mm is 0.3 mm;
2) The size and length of the glass and length of the sheet should not exceed
tolerance, for 6mm and 8 mm glass is 1.5 mm while the 10 mm glass is 2 mm;
3) Glass and mirror sheet -shaped sheets must have the angle of the elbows and the
edges of the flat and straight pieces. The maximum permitted tolerance is 1.5
mm/m, unless otherwise required by the Field Directors/Construction
4) Glass and mirror sheets used must be free from defects and stains;
5) Silver / Chemical Deposit Silver layer in the mirror used must look evenly
distributed. If black spots occur, the mirror must be replaced at the cost of the
contractor and cannot be claimed as an additional work;
26.4. Implementation Requirements
A. Cutting must be neat and straight, using a special glass / mirror cutting tool;
B. The side of the glass / mirror that is visible or invisible due to cutting must be
greased and smoothed until it is in the shape of a potsherd.
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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

C. Mirror installation work.

1. Mirror installation above the wooden frame using screws. Maximum spokes of
screw installation 60 cm. The head screw that arises on the surface of the glass
is closed with a diverchroom cover. When installation of screws there should
be no cracks in the mirror.
2. Installation of other wood / Iist lists must be in accordance with the design
drawings, completely straight, have met the requirements of fine wood work
and has been finishes according to the requirements of fine wood painting
D. Quality of work.
1. It should not be cracked the edges on all glass and mirrors due to the
installation of lists and screws. The work must be in accordance with the
desing drawings.
2. All glass and mirror when installed should not be bumpy.
E. Factories and contractors must guarantee the possibility of defects, changing
colors and other paint damage for at least five (5) years from the time of surrender
to all of these work.


27.1. Scope of Work
➢ Sanitary fixture work includes the provision of labor, materials, materials,
equipment and other tools needed to carry out this work in full as stated in the
design drawings.
27.2. Material Requirements
Material from the main quality with the appropriate type is listed in the interior finish
schedule. What is meant by the mention of the type here is complete with
accessories such as factory standard..

27.3. Implementation Requirements

a) Installation must be done carefully, neatly and there is no spark of dirt, such as
stirring, cement, on the tools mentioned above;
b) If the fixtures are equipped with protective equipment against back pressure /
vacuum atmospheric, then the work must be done;
c) If the fixtures are equipped with a factor's protective plastic, then the protective
plastic may only be opened at the time of handing over the work;
d) The contractor must complete the fixture with a goose neck only if the fixtures do
not yet have a goose neck built in;
e) Seal to overcome leakage, a closer of a boarding amplifier includes for the
perfection and functioning of this equipment;
27.4. Attachment To The Type And Type Of Sanitary Fixtures

No. Fixtures Types Type/ Code

1. Toilet Seat

- Toilets for the disabled TOTO C704L/SW784JP

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

No. Fixtures Types Type/ Code

- Employee toilets TOTO CW421J/SW420JP with

Eco Washer TCW07S

2 Squat Toilet

- Employee toilets TOTO CE6

3 Urinal TOTO U57M

4 Urinal divider TOTO AW115J

5 Lavatory/ wastafel

- Employee toilets TOTO LW211CJ

- Toilets for the disabled TOTO LW103JT1

7 Tap Water

- Employee toilet Lavatory Faucet TOTO T205QN

- Lavatory faucet toilet disabled TOTO T205QN

- Zinc kitchen faucet TOTO TX603KCS

- Praying Room faucet TOTO TX124LES atau TX133L

- Garden faucets TOTO T26-13 atau T28 UNH13

- Janitor faucet TOTO T23B13

8 Shower

- Bathroom shower outlet TOTO TX 465 SEN

9 Jet washer/ jet spray

- Employee toilets TOTO TX403SMCRB

10 Towel rack

- Bathrooms of all types TOTO TX4W

11 Soap Box

- Soap holder on wall TOTO S163N

12 Towel Rail

- Bathrooms of all types TOTO TS115SB

13 Paper holder

- Employee toilets TOTO

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

No. Fixtures Types Type/ Code

- Bathrooms of all types TOTO

14 Robe hook

- Public toilets TOTO TS118WSB

15 Grab bar

- Toilets for the disabled TOTO TX 3A2, TX 3A3

16 Hand drier

- Public toilets TOTO HD 3100R

17 Floor Drain TOTO TX 1BN atau TX 1 BV1N

18 Clean Out TOTO/


19 Kitchen Zink

- Single bowl Royal


28.1. Scope of Work
➢ Door equipment, window & bovenlicht includes procurement, installation of all
door and window equipment materials such as lockcase, backplate, handle,
stopper and other hardware used in work consisting of :
a) Wooden Door Equipment Work;
b) Aluminum door equipment work;
c) Steel Door Equipment Work;
d) Other equipment work as mentioned in the planning drawing;
28.2. Material Requirements
A. All hardware used must be in accordance with the provisions listed in this
specification book. If there is a change or replacement of hardware due to the
selection of brands, the contractor must report the matter to the Field
Directors/Construction Management to obtain approval;

B. The selection of door and window hardware is adjusted to the type of door material.

C. Hinge.

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

1) Mechanism : Single Swing

Use : Wooden Doors
Specifications : Butterfly type with nylon ring, meet SII standards - 0407 80.
Size : 45 x 75 mm (3 x 4)
Color : Determined later
Amount : Three sets per door leaf

2) Mechanism : Jungkit
Usage : Window according to the planning image
Specifications : butterfly type, nylon type 482 ring
Size : 45 x 75 for the Jungkit window, 22 x 48 for Pivot, meets SII-
0407-80 standards.
Color : Determined later
Jumiah : 2 (two) complete set of regional regulations

3) Mechanism : Floor Hinges

Use : Doors according to planning drawings.
Specifications : Type 60310-90-0, meet SII-047-80 standard.
Color : Determined later
Amount : As needed

4) Mechanism : Double Hinges

Use : Doors according to planning drawings
Specifications : Lockcase which has Latch Bolt (Siang Tongue) and Rolling
Dead Blot (Tongue Night) for Pivot, Meet the SII-047-80 Standard
Color : Determined later
Total : 3 (three) complete set of door regulations

D. Lockcase.
Mechanism : Single Swing
Use : Wooden Doors according to Working Drawings
Specifications : Lockcase which has Latch Bolt [Siang Tongue] and Rolling
Dead Blot [Night Tongue]
E. Cylinder.
Use : Wooden Doors according to Working Drawings
Specifications : The key system of the 2 -direction player player on one side
and the key on the other side
F. Handle & Backplate.
Mechanism : Single Swing

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

Use : Wooden Doors according to Working Drawings

Specifications : Lever Handle. Especially for the toilet door, the lever handle
is equipped with a one -way locking system or from the inside.
Ingredients : aluminum anodized
G. Door Closer
Use : Toilet wooden doors, pantry, according to planning
Specifications : Hydraulic Overhead Door Closer type. Closing speed and
closing force must be arranged. Hold Open Arm Speed Type Speed. The
door can close regularly and stop at an open position with a certain opening
angle as desired
H. Door Stopper.
Use : Wooden Door Working Pictures.
Specifications : Galvanized steel material with rubber retaining at one end,
a total length of 9 cm.
Installation : Universal, means mounted on the floor or wall. The hook is
mounted on the door. The foundation is mounted on the floor and walls.
I. Window Hook
Use : Windows according to work drawings.
Specifications :
Amount : 1 (one) set on each window.
J. Transom Latch.
Mechanism : Jungkit
Use : Window, according to the work drawings.
Specifications : Equipped with Hold Open Arm, the opening / Whitco can be
K. Friction Stay
Mekanisme : Top Hung atau Side Hung
Pemakaian : Jendela Aluminium, atau sesuai gambar kerja
Spesifikasi : Standar Duty untuk Top Hung, dan Heavy Duty Stay untuk
Side Hung
Ukuran : Sesuai gambar kerja, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

TOP HUNG Friction

TOP HUNG Capacity
Capacity Stay Size

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Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

Window Max Window

Width Window Width
Max Weight Max
Max (kg)
(mm) (kg) (mm)

10 600 8 425 8”

12 750 9 500 10”

15 900 13 625 12”

18 1000 16 700 14”

20 1200 18 750 16”

23 1300 22 850 20”

26 1500 24 394 24”

30 1700 28 320 28”

32 2000 30 394 36”

28.3. Technical Requirements

➢ The whole device of door fixtures, windows should work properly before and
after installation. For this reason, testing must be carried out in a rough and
smooth manner.
28.4. Implementation Requirements
1) Installation of all door and window equipment equipment, especially handle,
backplate and door closer must be neat and in accordance with the position
determined by the Directors of the field/CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT and
must be in accordance with the planning drawings. If this is not achieved, the
contractor is required to repair without additional costs.
2) Hinge installation.
a. Upper hinge, + 28 cm (US) from the upper surface of the door.
b. The bottom hinge, + 28 cm (US) from the bottom surface of the door,
specifically the toilet / peturasan door is + 32 cm (US) from the bottom
surface of the door
3) Installation of door stopper.
a. For the toilet/peturasan door, mounted on a door with a minimum height of
1.55 cm and 6 cm from the edge of the door.
b. For other doors, installed on the floor, it is set so that the door and lock do
not hit the wall when the door opens

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work


References as stated in the Bill of Quantity document.


29.1. Scope of Work
1) Included in the work outside the building includes the provision of sufficient number
of workforce and expertise, holding materials, equipment and other tools needed
to carry out this work perfectly which consists of:
2) Park / landscape work includes all the work listed in the planning drawings and
according to the Directors of the Field / Construction Management Directors,
3) Planting work;
4) Care / maintenance work of plants consisting of: Watering, weeding, replacing
plants, pruning, fertilizing and eradicating pests.
5) Work cleaning former demolition and security after construction
29.2. Material Requirement
A. Material for landscape/garden work.
➢ The soil used is red soil for mounds / hills of land and fertile soil that is spread
with a minimum thickness of 20 cm.
B. Tree requirements and ornamental plants :
1) Tree species: protector/shade.
Name : Kiara Payung, Angsana, Ketapang
Size : stem diameter min 10 cm, lush diameter of a minimum leaf
150 cm, height from the ballroot to the top of the leaf at
least 3 m.
Location : according to design drawings.

2) Trees : Ornamental Shrub.

Name : squirrel tail palm, king palm tree, or date palm tree
Size : stem diameter min 3 cm, lush diameter of a minimum leaf
150 cm, height from the ballroot to the top of the leaf at
least 2 m
Location : according to design drawings.
3) Mini elephant grass;
4) Planting other plants as stated in the planning drawing;
5) All types of plants must be free from all diseases and pests,
leaves/branches do not be defective and must grow healthy;
6) Wrapping ball root plants must be with burlap sacks and tied tightly to
prevent roots in transportation;
7) For seeding in the field, a safe place from all damage, shade and near the
planting area. Created shade from woven bamboo or coconut leaves so

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

that it can adjust to the surrounding environment. Plants are maintained to

get 50 %direct sun heat. Adjustment time 2 4 weeks at the shelter by
implanting in the local soil without removing the ball root for ornamental
8) All types of embedded plants must be approved by the Directors of the
Field/Construction Management

C. Material for maintenance work.

1) The type of fertilizer used is manure and artificial fertilizer;
2) Manure is chosen from cow dung that has been dry and cooked, clean from
grass roots and wild plants as well as sundah in a state of destroyed (no
3) The artificial fertilizer given is that contains elements of N, P, K, namely NP
Krustica Complete Yellow with a comparison (15:15:15);
4) For grass plants used by za or urea fertilizer as much as 15 grams/m2;
29.3. Implementation Requirements
1) All work is carried out by following the instructions and requirements of landscape
work, standard specifications from the material used and follow the instructions
provided by the field directors/construction management;

2) Before carrying out the work, work coordination must be considered with other
work concerning structural, architectural, mechanical, electrical and sanitation
work. Especially in carrying out the work of formation, soil and land resolutions so
that there is no mistake, demolition, unwanted destruction of other work that has
been completed or what is being carried out;

3) The formation and settlement of the soil must follow the form / slope / contour / peil
listed in the work drawings. The slope of the slope must be strong enough to drain
the rainwater to the surrounding sprains and follow the requirements stated in the
design drawings. The existence of puddles on the ground is not justified;

4) For planting work, stripping soil containing organic material with depth to get fertile
soil, as well as the provision of fertile soil for land fil, the former soil excavation;

5) The soil prepared for planting work must be completely clean from stones, gravel,
stir, lime and all traces of building materials, plastic materials and organic
materials. The soil used for urugan and top soil for grass is fertile and loose soil.

6) Urug soil used when planting is mixed with manure with the same number of
comparisons (1: 1) or according to the requirements for plants or grass types.
29.4. Planting Work.
1) Installation of stakes along with information coordinates, positions, need to be
carried out especially for the initial planting benchmark of each type of plant. The
benchmark is taken based on the measurements that are parked from the nearest
building axis / benchmark benchmark in the site;

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

2) The difference between the image and the field of field must be reported to the
Directors/Supervisors for a decision to solve the difference;

3) The surface of the grass and ornamental plants installed must be in accordance
with the planning drawings;

4) Types of elephant grass planted in the form of clumps at every distance of 10 cm

regularly and straight with pole zig zag, planted by plugging into the ground;

5) All planting should be done in the afternoon or after 14.30 so that there is not much
pitching and drought that is too fast for these growing planting planting that is
carried out in a place protected from direct sun heat can be done at any time

29.5. Plant Care.

1) Plant maintenance must be considered by the contractor after completing planting.
This maintenance period lasted for one year from Mesa after planting;
2) During that time, the contractor was required to regularly maintain plants and
replace every time there was a damaged or dead. All crop replacement costs are
the responsibility of the contractor;
3) Maintenance of this plant is adapted to the nature and type of embedded plants.
4) The materials and equipment used in each type of maintenance work must be
really good, meet the work requirements needed and do not damage the plants.
29.6. Watering Plants.
A. Watering is done with clean water that is free from all organic materials / chemicals
/ other materials that can interfere and damage plant growth.

B. Watering method.
1) Use special tools to water plants (emrat) which have a lot of holes at the end
of the water ends so that the water comes out can spread evenly throughout
the surface of the soil that is watered;
2) Wearing a water hose made of plastic is connected to the nearest faucet / water
source. Watering is done by emitting water through a sprayer at the end of the
3) Watering is done regularly, especially in the dry season and for planting plants
and grass that are newly planted and also for planting plants in shelters. This
must be really considered

C. Watering plants are done :

1) Twice a day regularly for all types of plants and grass that are newly planted
and all types of plants in temporary storage before 10:00 and in the afternoon
after 14.30, until the planting grows healthy and strong;

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

2) For all types of plants and grass that are already visible good and strong
doused one kall a day in the afternoon after 14.30;
3) The amount of watering water must be enough to wet the subsurface of the
4) In the afternoon for plants that still look wet enough soil does not need to be
5) It is not permitted for the soil former splash of water to be flooded. Water must
be absorbed well by the soil around the plant

29.7. Plant Treatment.

1) This plant treatment must be done regularly once a month for embedded trees
and grass plants;
2) For grass plants, treatment needs to be done to pull out all wild plants and
different types of grass with the type of grass planted. The tool used is a small
fork hoe;
3) Replacement of plants and grass;
4) The contractor is required to replace every time there are plants & grass that
are damaged or dead. All replacement of new plants & grass, becomes the
responsibility of the contractor until the specified maintenance period ends;

5) Replacement of plants must be in accordance with the type/shape/color of the

leaves and burga with what has been determined and embedded;
6) Replacement of plants and grass must be carried out as well as possible not
to damage other plants and grass around it when pulling or planting new ones;
7) Replacement of plants and grass is carried out in the afternoon between 14.00
13.00, and after a new planting must be immediately watered by water
29.8. Pruning.
1) Pruning is done on branches / branches that grow not caratur / wild, or to get /
maintain the desired form of the branch of branch;
2) Dispose of a sick branch and branch by cutting it;
3) All pruning work is done by cutting cuts by trimming branches and branches on the
tilted direction from the bottom up at an angle of 30-40 degrees. Not justified
pruning is done by breaking branches / branches without good tools and quite
sharp, so that the branches / stems rupture or damage;
4) Former slaughtering branches/branches whose surface is cut wide, the cutting
cross section must be closed ter;
5) Pruning must be done regularly once every month.

29.9. Fertilization.
a) Fertilizers and anti -pest drugs used must be in accordance with the requirements
for using fertilizer for each type of plant.
b) Manure is used at the time of planting as a mixture of land that is needed according
to the requirements for the type of plant and grass.
c) Artificial fertilizer is given to plants after exceeding the planting period of 3 (three)
months. NPK fertilizer is given as much as 25 grams per plant, (this NPK element
encourages the formation of roots, flowering and fertilization). Fertilization is done
by implanting it in the soil around the stem of the plant as deep as 10 cm. The

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Detailed Engineering Design of PT Yih Quan Footwear Indonesia’s Factory Building
Technical Requirements of Preliminary Work

diameter of the fertilization flow as wide as the lush leaves of the tree concerned.
This fertilization is repeated every (3) three months later.
d) For grass plants used by ZA or Urea as much as 15 grams / m2. Fertilization is
done once a month by means of fertilizer dissolved with water then sprayed with a
sprayer to the surface of the grass.
29.10. Pest Eradication Disease.
1) Eradication for pests (insects and caterpillars) is done by spraying throughout the
surface of the leaves, stems and branches. The ingredients used are mixed
pepticides between basudin and diazona 60 %EC (the drug is mixed with water,
with a ratio of 2 cc of drugs and 1 liter of water).

2) For the eradication of mushrooms and the like, Dithane M 45 fungicide mixed with
water (2 gr/liter of water). Eradication is done by spraying throughout the surface
of the leaves, stems and branches.
3) To eradicate the borer borer used BHC. To eradicate land snails, the method is
used around the tree
4) Spraying pests and mushrooms :
a. For grass, done every 2 months.
b. For plants done one (1) once a month.
c. Spraying pests and mushrooms is done interchangeably. For spraying from
different types of drugs, don't do it at once, but there must be a time difference
that is 2 weeks.
29.11. Work Cleaning Former Demolition And Security After Construction.
Cleaning the construction location of construction and cleaning all work included in
the scope of the work as stated in the planning drawings described in the book
Implementation Requirements for this work from all other building goods or building
materials that are declared no longer used after the work that is the responsibility of
the contractor concerned is completed.
All former former and so on must be expelled from the construction construction site
During the construction, the contractor must maintain the safety of materials /
materials, goods and buildings carried out until the handover stage

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