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Sawawa Egatya 2001606850








Diajukan sebagai salah satu syarat

untuk kelulusan matakuliah Internship


Sawawa Egatya 2001606850





Universitas Bina Nusantara

Pernyataan Laporan Enrichment Program

Track Internship
Pernyataan Penyusunan Laporan Enrichment Program
Saya, Sawawa Egatya

dengan ini menyatakan bahwa Laporan Enrichment Program yang berjudul:


adalah benar hasil karya saya dan belum pernah diajukan sebagai karya ilmiah, sebagian atau
seluruhnya, atas nama saya atau pihak lain.

Sawawa Egatya

Disetujui oleh Dosen Pembimbing Universitas, Pembimbing Lapangan, dan Head of

International Business Management Program

Ir. Elia Oey M.Eng. M.Sc. CSCP Rennisca Ray Damanti

D5288 Site Supervisor
______________________ ____________________

Ono Supriadi, S.IP, MBA,PhD

Head of International Business
Management Program


Praise and Gratitude to God because the blessing, I am able to take part and finish the 3+1
Internship Program from BINUS University and completed the internship report. This report was
made based on my internship period at Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries for four months
(August to December 2019).

I learned so many new and useful experiences and skills for the future when taking part in
internship at Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. There also many people who helped me
through the time and I want to say thank you for the support, teamwork, guidance given to me
from many people that are:

1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Harjanto Prabowo, MM as Rector of BINUS University.

2. Mr. Ono Supriadi, S.IP., MBA., Ph.D. as Head of International Business Management
3. Ir. Elia Oey, M.Eng. M.Sc. CSCP as Faculty Supervisor who helped me along the way and
helped me finish this report.
4. Mrs. Rennisca Ray Damanti as Site Supervisor at PUSDATIN who helped me doing
internship in Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and the one who gave me new
experiences and skills.
5. Friends at Data Entry who gave me new experiences, helped me finish the report, and
accompany me while doing internship.
6. My Parents who helped, motivate, and support me while doing internship in Ministry of
Marine Affairs and Fisheries.

Hopefully this report can give a lot of benefits for the writer and the reader.

Jakarta, January 2020

Sawawa Egatya


COVER PAGE ......................................................................................................................................... i

TITLE PAGE .......................................................................................................................................... ii
STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ........................................................................................................ iii
FOREWORD ......................................................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................................................... v
BAB I PREFACE .................................................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II ACTIVITY REPORT ........................................................................................................ 9
CHAPTER III SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... 17
SUSTAINABILITY REPORT............................................................................................................... 20
OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................. 20
MATERIALITY ............................................................................................................................ 22
KEY STAKEHOLDERS ............................................................................................................... 26
IMPACT ....................................................................................................................................... 28
RISKS ........................................................................................................................................... 28
OPPORTUNITY ........................................................................................................................... 29
STRATEGY .................................................................................................................................. 29
GOVERNANCE............................................................................................................................ 30
REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................... 31
ATTACHMENT ................................................................................................................................... 32



Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia is a government

ministry that organises marine affairs and fisheries within the Indonesian government and
Indonesia territory. They have the primary function is to: (1) Develop, establish, and
execute marine affairs and fisheries policy; (2) supervision of execution of marine affairs
and fisheries activity; (3) provider of technical support and supervision with region level;
(4) executor of national level technical assistant; (5) asset management within the Ministry
of Marine Affairs and Fisheries responsibility (Neliti, n.d.).
The vision of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries are Creating an Independent,
Advance, Strong and National Interest based Maritime Sector. While the mission are; (1)
Sovereignty, namely realizing the development of sovereign marine and fisheries, in order
to sustain economic independence by securing marine and fisheries resources, and
reflecting Indonesia’s personality as an archipelagic nation; (2) Sustainability, which is to
realize sustainable management of marine and fisheries resources; (3) Prosperity, which
is to prosperous, advanced, independent, and fishery marine and cultural community with
a cultural personality (KKP, n.d.).

Figure 1 PUSDATIN Structure

The establishment of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is basically a
challenge, as well as an opportunity for the development of Indonesia's marine and
fisheries sector. That is, how does this MMAF place the marine and fisheries sector as one
of the mainstay sectors that are able to deliver the Indonesian Nation out of a prolonged
economic crisis, there are four main reason why. First, Indonesia is an archipelagic
country with 17,805 islands and 81,000 km of coastline not only as the largest archipelago
in the world but also stores a large wealth of marine natural resources and has not been
utilized optimally. Second, for decades, the country's development orientation has been
more land-based and resulted in drained natural resources. This makes the MMAF make
marine and fisheries resources grow in the future. Third, the high rate of population growth
and increasing human awareness of the importance of fisheries and survival for human
health and intelligence, MMAF believes that fisheries and marine products can still be
improved in the future. Fourth, dynamic coastal and ocean areas not only have the
potential to develop various development activities such as industry, settlement,
conservation, and so on.
I was doing internship in Ministry of Marine Affair and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia.
I was put in PUSDATIN (Pusat Data, Statistik, dan Informasi) which is the Center of Data,
Statistic, and Information of the Ministry. PUSDATIN have a job to work on data and
statistics that could be processed for publication to the wider community. The Statistical
Data Sector has the task of carrying out the preparation, coordination, standardization of
data, collection, processing, analysis, supply, presentation and technical guidance in the
field of Marine and Fisheries statistical data.
PUSDATIN have 4 sub-division; Legal and Administration, Data Statistic, Information
System, and Information Technology. I was put in the Data Statistic division under the
supervision of Mrs. Rennisca Ray Damanti the Head of Sub-Division of Processing Data
and Statistic. PUSDATIN has an event called Validasi Nasional which held every semester
of the year to collect data from each province in Indonesia to be validated by the central
validator. The data mainly come from Directorate General of Caught Fisheries,
Directorate General of Aquaculture, Production of Salt, and Processed Fish. So, they
gather the validator from each province to enter the data to the application and will be
validated by the central validator.

My job description is doing processing and analysing data for Data Statistic of Marine
Affair and Fisheries. I get to do Data Cleansing which is a process of ensuring the data is
correct, consistent and useable by identifying and deleting errors, duplicate, or corruptions
in the data. I am doing the Data Cleansing manually because the data is so complicated to
be done automatically using LOOKUP or anything. It was quite difficult doing it
manually, but it needs to be done, so I did it and it takes me and my friend a month doing
the cleansing. There are some benefits of doing data cleaning. First one, it removes major
error and inconsistent when pulling multiple sources of data into one dataset. Second, by
eliminating errors can mean more efficient. There also a Validation of KUSUKA where I
need to check the data/information entered to the website with the attachment being
uploaded to the website. There are some information that is needed to be validate, for
example; Nomor Surat Pengesahan dan Akta Pendirian needs to be the same in the
website and in the attachment uploaded. I was also being assign to create recap of the data
being worked on, for example; recapping the data of Sum (Price x quantity) number of
Fish being caught in Indonesia from each province. There are so many little things I do,
but mostly I did the one I have wrote above.
In October, I have learned something from my supervisor that we need to have some goals
or target that we need to achieve in a certain amount of time. For example if we are given
a task by our boss, we need to be able to calculate how much time we need to spend on
that task because we have our original task that also need to be worked on. We can set it
for in the morning until lunch break we worked on the boss task. After lunch, we worked
on our original task and vice versa. Based on Chaston 2017, I can conclude that’s why
before being hired by a company, we are being interviewed and tested to know the
competence of the applicant.
BINUS has a graduate attributes for students, if they wanted to succeed in
work/entrepreneurial in global context, they need to have these attributes/criteria:
1. Self-Management
2. Team Work
3. Communication
4. Initiative & Enterprise
5. Problem Solving & Decision Making

6. Planning & Organizing
The first one, Self-Management, are needed for BINUS students to have because “it means
that we are taking responsibilities for our own actions and do more than we need to”
(Sharma, 2018). You can start from choosing your priorities, being on time, and do what
needs to be done. These little actions can benefit you from others who don’t. Managing
ourselves first can benefit you because when you know yourselves, you know what to
offer to a company, you know what you can do best and you know what you lacking of.
From the writer perspective, why BINUS put Self-Management first is because before you
can do the rest of the Graduate Attributes, you need to be able to recognize yourselves.
Some people don’t have this because they are busy trying to please others so they losing
themselves in the process.
The second one, Team Work, as social organism, we tend to live in a group of people
(family, friends, colleague, and organization), we all need someone. We need to be able
to work with other people, in pairs or in group of people. Some people don’t have the
ability to work as a team or with a group of people, they are excellent in working as
individual but they can’t work in a team. There are famous line saying “if you to be fast,
work alone, but if you want to get far, work together”. Writer thinks that the saying is
represent the condition of this graduate attribute.
The third one, Communication, as mention in previous paragraph, we can’t live without
others and to have a long lasting relationship with people, we need to be able to
communicate our needs, wants, or others to other people so they don’t misunderstand our
means. And in teamwork, communication is also important to be able to reach the
objectives or goals set in the team or organization. Communication is the flow of
information from the first party (sender) to the second party (receiver) irrespective of
whether the receiver has properly receive the message or not, whereas effective
communication is the flow of information in exactly the same manner the sender intends
to do so (Juneja, -). Communication is directly proportional to the choice of words or its
content. The more precise and specific the content is, the more effective the
communication would be. Effective communication goes a long way in passing the correct
and the desired information to the receiver and the work is accomplish without errors in a
short span of time. Effective communication also validate the chances of

misunderstandings, conflicts and errors which might crop in cases where the message is
not clear. To draw a conclusion, don’t just communicate, speak sensibly, clearly, convey
your message in clear words, don’t complicate things and most importantly don’t forget
to crosscheck with the receiver. Effective communication will definitely help the
individual to make a mark of his own and stand apart from the crowd.
The fourth one, Initiative & Enterprise, according to University of Canterbury, initiative
and enterprise are important skills to develop new and better opportunities within the
work. The ability to recognize a need to improve something and showing your enthusiasm
to make your ideas into reality are a valuable skill to have which making your work more
productive. As BINUS have a Entrepreneurship class, which making our ideas of business
into reality is a very useful exercise to developed our Initiative and Enterprise skill.
Because knowing how to take your ideas into reality shows that you eager for success. By
actually creating your ideas, it shows how much value you put into your ideas and how
well you work into the new setting. (University of Canterbury)
The fifth one, Problem Solving & Decision Making, are very important skills we need to
have to be able to excel in work and life. Making a decision and solving a problem are the
keys in life, whether you are at work, home, school or etc. We are faced with countless
decisions and problems, small and large, every day. The ability to make decision is the
part of problem solving. They kind of related because in order to solve a problem you
need to make a decision to change the situation or condition. Some people under estimate
the power of small decision made every day. We are faced by thousands of decision to
make every day, by eliminating one small decision to make (such as what clothes to wear
or what time we need to go to work) we can reserve our energy to make the bigger one
better. If you see many of successful people wore the same clothes every time, that’s
because they have eliminate the small decision that could ruined their ability to decide on
the bigger one. Decision needs to be capable of being implemented, whether on a personal
or organisational level. You need to be committed to the decision personally, and be able
to persuade others of its merits. Here is what we have seen effective teams do that allowed
them to make better decision and pull ahead the competition (Confer, 2019). First one is
identify the problem and then simplify it. Most people when they see a potential problem,
they tend to change into problem-solving mode without knowing the basic level of what

the actual problem is. While effective leaders don’t overcomplicate or add more problems;
they identify it, simplify it to its most basic form. This allows them to create effective path
to determine most appropriate solution and make best decision even with imperfect
information. Second, embrace the pre-mortem. Effective leaders will try to consider the
potential negative outcome before deciding which action to take. They would try to take
a run at a pre-mortem to explore the reason why something could go wrong and what it
look like. Third, welcome the pivot. Every leader must be prepared to change course when
needed. It also applied in organizational level, which is inevitable in today’s business
world. Organization with no change mechanism in place will quickly become stagnant
and regress. Last but not least, Think Differently. Effective leaders consider each problem
individually, from multiple angles, often playing devil’s advocate against themselves to
make sure they’ve covered all the bases.
The last but not least, Planning and Organizing, according to University of Bradford,
having the ability to plan and organise is an essential skill to have considered by recruiters.
We have used this skill unconsciously in our daily life. We use it to plan our day, work,
family, and study. Some people do it naturally, but others requires effort to do it. You can
practice this skill by doing some to do list, timetable, organizing events or travel, etc.
Successful managers have four basic managerial functions: planning, organizing, leading,
and controlling. Managers needs to be able to plan how the company will run, how the
future of the company will look like and how the trends will look like in the future. As for
the organizing, managers need to be able to organize their employee, their resources, and
their company position in the market according to the plan made before. As for the leading,
managers need to be able to lead and motivate their employee to work towards the plan.
As for controlling, managers need to be able to control everything by monitoring and
measuring the effectiveness of the plan made.
Planning is decision making, regarding the goals and setting the future course of action
from a set of alternatives to reach them. Planning also means setting an organization’s
goal and deciding how best to achieve them. Plan helps to maintain managerial
effectiveness as it works as a guide for the employee for future activities. Setting the goals
and the path to achieve them is what the planning involves. Planning means determining
the organization’s position and the situation should be at some point in the future and

decide how best to bring about the situation. For a manager, planning and decision-making
requires an ability to forecast, to visualize, and to look ahead purposefully.
Once managers set goals and developed plans, the next managerial function is organizing
human resources and other resources that are identified as necessary by the plan to achieve
the goal. Organizing involves determining how activities and resources to be assessed and
coordinated. Organizing produces a structure of relationship in an organization and it is
through these structured relationships that plans are pursued. The organization can be
defined as an intentionally formalized structure of position or roles for people to fill in an
organization. Organizing is the part of managing which involves: establishing an
intentional structure of roles for people to fill in. The structure must define the task to be
done. The rules so established must also be designed in light of the abilities and
motivations of the people available. This can be done by determining the position to be
filled, identifying the requirement of manpower, filling the vacancies and training
employees so that the assigned task are accomplished effectively and efficiently.
Organizing is deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs and tasks,
who will work for whom, and how resources will assemble.
The third managerial functions is leading it is the skills of influencing people for a
particular purpose or reason. Leading is considered to be the most difficult and important
of all managerial activities. Creating positive attitude towards the work and goals among
the members of the organization is called leading. It is required as is helps to serve the
objective of effectiveness and efficiency by changing the behaviour of the employees. The
functions of direction, motivation, communication, and coordination are considered part
of the leading processor system. Motivating is an essential quality for leading. Motivating
is the function of the management process of influencing people’s behaviour based on
knowledge of the cause and channel sustain human behaviour in a particular committed
direction. Efficient managers need to be effective leaders. Since leadership implies
fellowship and people tend to follow those who offer means of satisfying their own needs,
hope, and aspirations, understandably, leading involves motivation leadership styles
approaches and communication.
Monitoring the organizational progress toward goals fulfilment is called controlling.
Controlling is measuring, comparing, finding deviation and correcting the organizational

activities which are performed for achieving the goals or objectives. Control activities
generally relate to the measurement of achievement or result of actions that were taken to
attain the goal. Outcomes are controlled by controlling what people do. Controlling is the
last but not least important management function process. Some might say that planning
without controlling is useless. We can say that controlling enables the accomplishment of
the plan. All the management functions of its process are inter-related and cannot be
skipped. The management process design and maintains the environment in which
personnel’s working together in groups, accomplish efficiently selected aims. All
managers carry out the main functions of management; planning, organizing, staffing,
leading, and controlling. But depending on the skills and position on an organizational
level, the time and labor spent in each function will differ (iEduNote, 2017).



For the work I have been given by my supervisor is more like making simplify or
grouping version of scattered data from my supervisor. The technical competencies
needed is proficient in Microsoft office especially Microsoft excel because most of the
work is done with Excel. It is something that I have learned through my school and college
year so I have been quite proficient with excel. According to technical
competencies are behaviour directly related to the nature of training and technical
proficiency required to exercise effectively. And according to, a technical
competency refers to a skill or area of knowledge used in the occupation of a specific
industry. For my job requirements needed me to be proficiency in excel and statistic,
because that’s what needed to work in PUSDATIN.
I need to have some learning to do, because there are some shortcut or formula needed so
the work can be much faster. There are some problems with my work in PUSDATIN
because I am not proficient enough with excel and statistic, I need to ask my colleague
with the work, how can I make it more efficient and effective in using excel. And luckily,
they are very kind to me to teach me how to do it. They teach me some of the formula of
excel to do my work faster and more precise. There are some work that require me to use
VLOOKUP and Pivot table, and that’s what I have learned for this month. It makes me
faster and make my supervisor quite impressed with me being able to complete the work
faster than the deadline given.
There are variety of work/task given to me by my supervisor; Validation; Making a Recap;
Cleansing DUKCAPIL, Username, Fish Masterdata, and UPI MB; Validasi Nasional;
Preparing Data for Data Request by Email.
1. Validation
This task is given to me in the first day of my internship because that’s what my colleague
been doing, so I’ve been given the same one. Validation is validating the data of
corporation that listed in MMAF Onedata website from all around Indonesia. In doing
validation of the corporation, we need to be precise and thorough with our eyes with
checking the data of the corporation and the attachment uploaded to the website, for

example, the ID number on the website and on the KTP needs to be the same, checking if
the corporation registered have uploaded the right document for each kind of corporation
(PT, Koperasi, Kelompok), which have different requirements. I have to do 50 validation
of corporation per day. Other than that, I have to make the recap of it in excel so if there
is something happen, me or my supervisor can check it through the recap I made.
2. Making a Data Recap
There are times that I get bored when doing validation, but my supervisor sometimes
saved me by giving another task which is making a data recap. There are many data to be
recapped and the first one is, making a recap of the salary of each worker in each vessel
type in each province and differentiated by men and women. It takes a while since the data
is not all ready to be calculated. I need to transform the data as it cannot be recognize as
numbers and it takes me a lot of time.
Second one was making the recap of the average worker salary in each of vessel type in
each province. It was kind of the longest one because of the data was not recognize as
numbers so I cannot calculate it directly, so I need to transform it and begin the calculation.
I need to divide the total salary of each regency by the number of workers. After the
calculation, I need to add the number divided to find the average of each province. After
that, they need to be grouped in new excel so the one who use the data can easily find the
number per province. Third one was making the recap of email received by PUSDATIN
by subject of data request in year 2018-19, both answered and not replied. It was kind of
easy task as I just need to find the one with subject of data request, write it in excel, capture
the content of the email and the response by PUSDATIN (if it was already responsed by
3. Preparing Data Requested by Badan Pusat Statistic (Statistic Indonesia)
I also get quite challenging task, such as preparing data for data request from BPS to be
published by them. It was quite difficult because some of the data are different than the
one asked by BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik).
The data was already ready in PUSDATIN, I just need to put it in new excel and copy the
one they asked for. It takes me a week to finish it, because there are differences in the
species of fish being written in the data. It causes me to move it manually per fish/row
rather than the whole row/column being copied. I have tried to do it with VLOOKUP but

failed, I have tried to ask my colleague about it but they also confused on how to do it
faster, so I decided to do it manually and hopefully be faster.

Source: (Statistik, 2020)

4. Validasi Nasional
At the last week of August, PUSDATIN held an event called Validasi Nasional (Valnas)
which they gather other people from each of Indonesia province to submit the fisheries
and maritime data from their province to be validated by the central validator and collected
by PUSDATIN to be publish to the public. In the event, I get to become one of the
facilitator, which helping to submit the data or if they have any technical problem with
the computer or the application they use to submit the data. This event held for 2 weeks,
I have no idea about this event and how can I be help for them because I literally have no
idea about the work and the event. In the first day, I was asked to help my colleague
because their supervisor is absent and their team is only consist of 2 people, so additional
people would help. To give you more about the event I could give you a brief explanation
about it.
So, the event is about validating data from each province in Indonesia, marine affairs and
fisheries data, each regency would have their data, validator of the regency will give the
data to the Province Validator and the province validator would go to Jakarta (Valnas
Event) to enter the data to the application. After the data being entered, the central
validator would check the data if it make sense to have the number, if not the province
validator have to check and re-enter the data with the correct one, if it is valid, the central
validator would keep the data and will be publicly release in the KPDA Book each year.
Sometimes the province validator isn’t travelling alone but they sometimes bring the
validator of regency to help enter the data themselves.

(Source: Author, 2019)
They sometimes come with 2-5 people and the more people come, the faster their job done
entering the data. Some of them haven’t been trained to use the new application to enter
the data because PUSDATIN is trying to use new, secure, and sustainable way of gathering
the data from the province. So, my job is making sure they understand and communicate
if there is any problem with the technical issues or anything else. For the first week, I just
sit and accompany the representative from North Kalimantan who travel alone, there were
supposed to be 3 people, but the other 2 will join on the second week. So, I just trying to
have conversation with him and being a help when he need help. I am not just sitting there
and do nothing, I will try to help others when they needed, for example if there is other
province having problem and they calling me or try to call my colleague I will come to
them and ask what problem they face and try to deal it on my own if I can and if I can’t
I’ll ask my colleague.
Leaders need to be able to understand the system and the process that comprise the system
that drive human behaviour (Bleich, 2018). From this statement, I can conclude that I need
to observe how the system works especially on the event like this. Well, I can just ask
directly to them but it would probably waste disturb them with their already busy work,
so I decided to observe when I can and asked when I have something I don’t know or
needed the information as soon as possible. For me, Valnas has made me practice my
communication skill with other people. I am successfully become a help in the group I
was assigned to, I improve my communication skills, I have improved my excel skill. I

get to know some new people from other province and other staff work in different work
of field. This event held out until early September, we have gotten through the event, and
still the province hasn’t submit the data or the data is not valid. Even after Valnas, we still
need to help them from Jakarta when they are in their province. Well, I am not really
helping them out after Valnas because I don’t have their contact and they don’t have my
contact. So, I just do Validation like I have explain before since I don’t really have
anything to do.
5. Cleansing
In October, I have learned something from my supervisor that we need to have some goals
or target that we need to achieve in a certain amount of time. For example if we are given
a task by our boss, we need to be able to calculate how much time we need to spend on
that task because we have our original task that also need to be worked on. We can set it
for in the morning until lunch break we worked on the boss task. After lunch, we worked
on our original task and vice versa. Based on Chaston 2017, I can conclude that’s why
before being hired by a company, we are being interviewed and tested to know the
competence of the applicant.
5.1. Cleansing DUKCAPIL
In this part have to check the data whether the writing mistake made of the province
or regency to the actual one (Jakarata > Jakarta). If the mistake was rated less than
10%, it’s considered valid, if it’s not, it’s not valid.
5.2. Cleansing Username
In this one, I need to check the username written in the excel file with the one in, to check if it’s still valid and update to new username if it’s been
updated by the owner. It was pretty hard because I had to do it manually since I don’t
have any skills on programming. I do the task very carefully and finished it in 3 days.
After being submitted to my colleague, I’ve been asked from my colleague on how
you do it and why it doesn’t shows up on his database. However he was using
programming software to make it faster and it doesn’t shows up, so I ended up helping
him checking the username manually.
5.3. Cleansing Fish Masterdata

This one is quite complicated to explain although it’s similar on doing username. to
check the username written in the excel file with the one in, to
check if it’s still valid and update to new username if it’s been updated by the owner.
It was pretty hard because I had to do it manually since I don’t have any skills on
programming. I do the task very carefully and finished it in 3 days. After being
submitted to my colleague, I’ve been asked from my colleague on how you do it and
why it doesn’t shows up on his database. However he was using programming
software to make it faster and it doesn’t shows up, so I ended up helping him checking
the username manually.
5.4. Cleansing UPI MB
I have been given another task of cleansing the UPI Menengah Besar (MB). The data
is so big that it needs 10-15 minutes to open it, it divided by 11 people and each got
fifty thousand rows, and we have to do it manually. But it was delayed until we
finished the Master Data and the person giving the job haven’t give us the rule of doing
the cleasing of UPI MB. Doing this cleansing was the most difficult one, because I
need to find the Regency and Province of an address which not included both of them.
Each of us get around forty to fifty thousand rows and it was divided into two files
that we need to worked on. Not only that, we also need to group the product of the
corporation listed, for example, Udang Putih and Udang Vaname into the group of
Udang, Bawal Putih and Bawal Hitam into the group of Bawal. I need to find the
name of the group in the Masterdata which I worked on before. There are two files
which is kinda the same but different difficulty. There are three main rule on working
the task; First, is to group them into Corporation or Individual based on the Name;
Second one is to find the Regency and Province of an address based on Data Wilayah
file given from the Eselon 4; Third one is to group the product of the corporation as I
talked about above.
This task is taking a long time to finished, I finally done with the first file because it’s
not that much compare to the other one, the first one only consist about twenty two
thousand rows and the group was quite many in one group so I can just filter the name
and fill it with the same one. It takes me about two weeks working on that, and my
supervisor already ask for all to finish. I have ask my colleague who have the same

task how to do it faster, but they said it was impossible to make a formula for it, well
the corporation or individual can be formulate and also the fish grouping can be
formulated but the address which is very diverse and not really specified in one
regency. So, when starting the second file, I feel it will take more than two weeks and
my supervisor already ask us to finish it as soon as possible. My colleague try explain
it to my supervisor and she give us about a week to finish it, so we agreed and work
on it diligently.
After one week, we only have finished half of the file and suddenly my colleague tell
me that you can do it faster by copying the necessary rows to new workbook and delete
the duplicate (the one which takes the longest) and working from that, after that you
can use the VLOOKUP to be enter to the original file. The become so much faster, I
can finish half of the remaining half in a day, but its already past the deadline we asked
the supervisor to give us more time to work on it since we have found the faster way
to do it. She gave us another week but with the condition that it need to be put together
in one workbook. So we started working on it on last week of October and finished it
on last week of November, so it takes us one month to finish the task.
From the Chapter 1, there are 4 that are needed in the internship I have in the Ministry
of Marine and Fisheries which: Self-Management, Communication, Team Work, and
Planning and Organizing. According to (Robles, 2012), Soft skills are character traits,
attitudes, and behaviours rather than technical aptitude or knowledge. Soft skills are
intangible, nontechnical, personality-specific skills that determine one’s strength as a
leader, facilitator, mediator, or negotiator. Soft skills are continually developed
through practical toward everyday life and the workplace.
Communication skills is the most important skill which lacking among the graduates
from colleges and universities. Communication skills are not only necessarily
important for professional career but also for the social competence, which applies to
many other soft skills too. Good social skills also reflected at working place and
recursively further the career
Planning and organizing is quite important which needed from fresh graduates, they
need to be able to plan and organize their work from the most important to the least

important. So they can collect their work to their boss on time or as schedule that been
given from the boss.
Self-management also important as an individual, because we wanted our knowledge
to be fresh or updated with new information everyday no matter how small the
information is. Self-management allows us to know ourselves better so that we can try
understand others better, we know our capabilities, strength and weaknesses, how can
we handle problems, etc. Self-management competency is quite important for a
college student to have because it is ensuring future manager to have the confidence
and ability to be effective in managing and delivering services.
It is about the ‘how’ of the manager’s role rather than the ‘what’ alone, because the
how includes how the managers present themselves, managers other’s perceptions of
themselves, and apply the competencies they have.



After being in PUSDATIN for 4 months, I have learned a lot about working
environment, on how to handle problems, on how to communicate better, I got to learned
excel skill, help others, initiative, and many more. Got to know new friends, new people
with different background and stories, get to know other people story, perspective, and
learned new things along the way. For me, the most important lesson I’ve learned while
doing internship in PUSDATIN is on how to deal with problems, how to communicate
with people, and planning and organizing the work to be done.
First lesson, I got it from the task been giving to me, it makes me think on how to do it
faster, is there any other way than doing it manually, and Pak Rikrik said that learned on
how to use Phyton, it makes your work faster and more efficient, especially on cleansing.
Because, he once said that you only need to write the formula/script for the Phyton and
your work will be done automatically, well if there is still one or two errors you can do it
manually, but at least it makes us better. Phyton can be used not only for spreadsheet, but
it can also use for other things, like data mining, developing websites, and web application.
Second lesson, I got it from Valnas, because it force you to communicate with other people
outside of PUSDATIN, it makes you think before you speak, and it forces you to listen
before you speak. Valnas teaches me on how to deliver a message to other people without
deleting the main point or without missing the additional explanation to others. Leaders
need to be able to understand the system and the process that comprise the system that
drive human behaviour (Bleich, 2018). From this statement, I can conclude that I need to
observe how the system works especially on the event like this. Well, I can just ask directly
to them but it would probably waste disturb them with their already busy work, so I
decided to observe when I can and asked when I have something I don’t know or needed
the information as soon as possible. For me, Valnas has made me practice my
communication skill with other people. I am successfully become a help in the group I
was assigned to, I improve my communication skills, I have improved my excel skill. I
get to know some new people from other province and other staff work in different work

of field. This event held out until early September, we have gotten through the event, and
still the province hasn’t submit the data or the data is not valid.
Communication is key, and also try to respect everyone, staff, boss, or even the cleaning
service because we don’t know what they have been through before they get to work.
Planning and Organizing is also applied in my workplace, because when we plan and
organize our work, we can give our boss the estimated time we need to complete the job
or we can be more organize and less stress when we plan everything before, even though
the plan will always work, but at least you have plan your day. And it will always make
you feel you have accomplish something when you plan your day in the morning. You
will feel less distracted, stress, and more organize.
I have problem with communicating or explaining things that I have in my head to
someone, whether it’s my friend, colleague or boss. So, I they probably don’t understand
what I’m saying to them. But, I have tried to be more vocal, not rudely, but try to saying
back what I have understand from them, and give more detail on my explanation to them
and also ask to explain it back to me.
As for planning and organizing, I have tried to plan my day ahead. So after I woke up, I
tend to think about what I do that day, what time I have to do it, and how many hours I
spend doing that. It certainly help my day organize, even though not all plan will work
accordingly, but at least you know what you have to do during the day.
Third lesson, I got it from the last 2/3 task given to me. It makes me plan my day, how
much I need to work on, is there any way to make it faster, or can I deliver this task on
time. According to Buzko, technical competence is divided into three kinds; basic,
functional, and role. Basic competence is business and personal feature which every
employee of the enterprise must have no matter which activity and position he has. While
functional competence is necessary requirements to the position based on functions and
actions fulfilled at the workplace. While Role competence is requirements of the work
behaviour of the employee; it reflects the strategic direction of business development
within a definite period of time. After being here 2 months, I can tell that my Microsoft
Excel skills are improving even though it is a small improvement, but I can see that I can
use this on my other job, or even just doing normal excel thing. I am able to do basic
excel formula with ease, although I needed to be more advance in order to be efficient in

the job. There are VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP formula that is used the most. I can also
solve a little problem when the formula cannot find the value or there is something wrong
about the cell, I can find it and fix it to work properly. According to Chaston 2017, he
describe competence as the ability to cope available assets to permit an organization to
achieve specified strategic goals. Competences are the accumulated knowledge and skills
which enable staff to undertake the activities that lead the most advantageous utilization
of the organization’s assets according to Brown 2012 in Chaston 2017. This three lessons
makes me become a better person in general, but if I was going to say what I’ve learned
from people in PUSDATIN is happy is not coming from outside factors (money, love,
instant validation from others) but it comes from inside our mind, I have been very
unhappy in the month of July to August, but when I join PUSDATIN for internship, they
open my eyes on other perspective on how to look at problems or negativity. It makes
you think / see the positive in every negative situations. There is no word to describe my
gratefulness to become a part of an organization other than Thank You. It’s been a great
4 months of learning, discussing, working, and playing.



Ministry Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia is a government

ministry which organises marine affairs and fisheries within the Indonesian Government.
They have the task of managing government affairs in the field of marine affairs and
fisheries to assists the President in organizing state government. They have the primary
function is to: (1) Develop, establish, and execute marine affairs and fisheries policy; (2)
supervision of execution of marine affairs and fisheries activity; (3) provider of technical
support and supervision with region level; (4) executor of national level technical
assistant; (5) asset management within the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
responsibility. The establishment of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is
basically a challenge, as well as an opportunity for the development of Indonesia's marine
and fisheries sector. That is, how does this MMAF place the marine and fisheries sector
as one of the mainstay sectors that are able to deliver the Indonesian Nation out of a
prolonged economic crisis, there are four main reason why. First, Indonesia is an
archipelagic country with 17,805 islands and 81,000 km of coastline not only as the largest
archipelago in the world but also stores a large wealth of marine natural resources and has
not been utilized optimally. Second, for decades, the country's development orientation
has been more land-based and resulted in drained natural resources. This makes the
MMAF make marine and fisheries resources grow in the future. Third, the high rate of
population growth and increasing human awareness of the importance of fisheries and
survival for human health and intelligence, MMAF believes that fisheries and marine
products can still be improved in the future. Fourth, dynamic coastal and ocean areas not
only have the potential to develop various development activities such as industry,
settlement, conservation, and so on.

The Minister got some help from several department / directorate general which as
follows; Secretariat General; Inspectorate General; Directorate General of Capture
Fisheries; Directorate General of Aquaculture; Directorate General of Marine, Coastal
Region and Small Island; Marine Affairs and Fisheries Research and Development

Agency; Directorate General of Fisheries Management and Marketing; Directorate
General of Marine and Fisheries Resources Surveillance; Fish Quarantine, Quality
Control and Fisheries Security Agency; and several Special Advisor (Staff Ahli).

Figure 1. Organizational Structure

Source: (KKP, n.d.)

There are some programs made by MMAF to maintain and increasing the
resources that can be taken by local fishermen. They help the fishermen on how to do
sustainable fish capture and cultivation on their own, they make cooperation with some
big companies to invest in Indonesia to help create jobs needed, and they made regulation
or guidelines on how to help local and traditional communities for fish catching and

aquaculture (Biro Kerjasama dan Hubungan Masyarakat, 2019). According to recent
article, MMAF are realizing sustainable tuna fisheries management by cooperating with
Indonesian Fisheries and Community Foundation. They have held and event which
gathers 150 peoples from Maritime and Fisheries Service, Fisheries Industry Players,
Fishing Community, Academics, Non-governmental organization, and other stakeholders
in fisheries management.


The materiality author chooses is the regulation or guideline on sustainable fish

capture and aquaculture which help local and traditional community and cooperating with
big companies to invest in Indonesia to help create jobs, maintaining water quality and
not damaging the environment around.

o Management of the Legal and Regulatory Environment

There are some regulations and guidelines made by MMAF on sustainable fishing and
aquaculture which really helps the local fishermen and help them compete with another
country. The example of this regulations or guidelines are Pedoman Pemanfaatan Zona
Perikanan Berkelanjutan Kawasan Korservasi Perairan untuk Kegiatan Penangkapan
Ikan Oleh Masyarakat Lokal dan Tradisional Melalui Program Kemitraan. These
guidelines are for those organization that manage national and regional watershed
conservation areas, local and traditional communities for fishing in sustainable fishing
zones (Direktorat Konservasi dan Keanekaragaman Hayati Laut, 2016). The purpose of
this guidelines are as a reference for the organizational unit that manages water
conservation areas to form partnership with community groups in forming fishing subzone
in the Sustainable Fishing Zone and as a reference for the community in submitting
program proposals partnership and implementation of fishing activities in the Sustainable
Fishing Zone.

The scope of this guidelines governs the use of Fishing Subzone in the Sustainable Fishing
Zone for community groups who live in and around conservative areas that have utilize
the fish resources for years. If the conservation areas already have a zoning system then
the fishing subzone are in the Sustainable Fishing Zone. But, if the conservation areas

haven’t have a zoning system then the fishing subzone can be later accommodated inside
the Sustainable Fishing Zone. According to the Government Regulation No. 60 of 2007
concerning Conservation of Fish Resources stated that Sustainable Fishing Zone are
protected water areas, managed by zoning system, to create fish resources management
and its environment in a sustainable way.

There are 4 types of Sustainable Fishing Zone namely: Aquatic National Park, Aquatic
Park, Water Sanctuary, and Fishery Sanctuary. Aquatic National Park is water
conservation area that have native ecosystem, used for research purposes, science,
education, water tourism, recreation, and activities that support sustainable fisheries.
Aquatic Park is water conservation area with the aim to be used for water tourism and
recreation. Water Sanctuary is water conservation area with certain characteristics for the
purpose of protection the diversity of fish species and its ecosystem. Fishery Sanctuary is
certain waters, both freshwater, brackish water, and the sea, with certain condition and
characteristic as a shelter and breed certain fish species which serves as a protected area.

Management Stages of the Fishing Subzone for local and traditional community can be
illustrated in the Figure below.

The guidelines are arranged in order to support effective management efforts for water
conservation areas in Indonesia, both managed by the central or regional governments.
One of the management approaches is involving the community who lives in and around
the conservation area to actively participate in management activities of the conservation
areas. This guide is also intended to provide guidance to conservation area management
unit especially in managing fish resources in the utilization zone through utilization of
fishing subzone for communities who have fulfilled the terms and conditions as set by the

o Water and Wastewater Management

In June 2019, MMAF appreciates the commitment to implement sustainable

aquaculture in increasing national tilapia production by the Regal Springs Indonesia (RSI).
MMAF hopes this commitment can also be made by other private company and
community that conduct in fish farming businesses. RSI managed to become the largest
tilapia producer in the world and able to fully implement the principles of good
aquaculture. Waste treatment and increase in value-added in aquaculture with floating net
cages in Toba Lake and other region with their subsidiary PT Aquafarm Nusantara. With
those achievement, they successfully obtained Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)
and Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification, which their product can be exported
to international market such as: United States, Japan, Europe, and Australia. Moreover,
they have contributed by creating jobs in Indonesia. RSI are known for their ability to
infiltrate disadvantage people in the area, so they can give the local community to have

decent earnings and livelihood. Thus far, they have employed over 4,000 manpower all
over Indonesia.

The commitment of implementing sustainable aquaculture and safety product of

aquaculture by government and stakeholder which have been done by RSI get appreciated
internationally. With this being the reason, Indonesia government are keep developing the
system of certification of IndoGAP and monitoring residues that can guarantee the quality
of aquaculture products and increase the acceptance in international market. Director
General of Aquaculture, Slamet Soebjakto, expresses the government regulation about
foreign investment cooperation which investor partnering with Indonesia stakeholder, not
only based on corporate based, but there is community empowerment, so the local
community get the share that guarantees business sustainability and not causing social
jealousy. Slamet also stated that potential of aquaculture area is still very large and not
optimally utilized. This could be business opportunity, but need to be done in a sustainable
way, be responsible, and does not damage the environment.

Above are one of the example of government cooperation with companies to help
maximise the potential of Indonesia marine affairs and fisheries. Also, have already
mention above, MMAF represented with Directorate General of Captured Fisheries are
cooperation with Indonesia Fisheries and Community Foundation to find the solution of
managing fish resources, especially Tuna, Skipjack, and Tongkol, in a sustainable way.
According to the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Edhy Prabowo, managing the
sea has no bounds. What happens in the oceans of a country can affect the ocean of other
countries. Therefore, management needs to be done sustainably, not by massive
exploitation. Minister Edhy also stated that MMAF is also working on simplifying the
bureaucracy and fixing regulation to increase community economic growth.
Simplification of the Bureaucracy is applied to fishing permits management and there are
still 29 regulation needed to be reviewed. Therefore, the fishermen can fish with sense of
security and legal certainty.


In both scenario mention above, the key stakeholder are pretty similar as they have similar
condition on the scenario.

1. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

MMAF have a very crucial role in this one, because they are the one who create
the regulation and guidelines on how to fish sustainably. They are the one who
create opportunity by cooperating with private company or non-governmental
organization to maximise the potential of Indonesia fisheries or to increase the
utilization of fish resources in sustainable way.

2. Private Companies and Non-Governmental Organization

Private company have a big role as stakeholder because they can make a huge
impact on their surrounding areas. As mention above, RSI have created over 4,000
jobs for disadvantages people in the area so they can have decent livelihood. As
for the non-governmental organization, they can help the government on creating
bridge communication between government and fishermen. They can also be the

one who helped MMAF implement the regulation on waste treatment and
sustainable fishing. They are the one who helped Indonesia known and accepted

3. Fishery Industry Players

This one includes supplier, seller, and buyer. They are the one who have the most
impact from the regulation made by MMAF and the role made by private company
or non-governmental organization. They have a decent livelihood thanks to the
private company, they get a guidance on the waters conservation areas thanks to
the non-government organization, and they have a sense of security and legal
clarity thanks to the MMAF who made the regulation and guidelines to be

4. Marine

The one who guards Indonesia outer island from any intruder and the one who
guard Indonesia’s ZEE from being exploited by another country, which shown by
recent incident between China and Indonesia. These guys also contributed on the
sense of security felt by Fishery Industry Players.

5. Fishermen

Fishermen got the most impact from the stakeholder mention above, they receive
the most, either positive or negative impact, which is the one who do, both capture
fisheries and aquaculture. But their role recently got so much easier, as MMAF are
trying to simplify the bureaucracy and evaluating the regulations, private
companies who help them to sell their product internationally, NGO who help
them with the problems in hand, industry players who help to keep their business
going, and marine who help them fishing without the sense of fear being threatened
by foreign ships that exploits Indonesian waters with prohibited fishing gear.

6. Academics or Sciences

As for academics or sciences, these are mentioned in which we have 4 Sustainable

Fishing Areas and one of them can benefit to the academics or sciences which is

the Aquatic National Park. They can get benefit from the area because they are
guarded and protected.

7. Others

In this case, others can mean normal people who don’t really involve marine affairs
and fisheries but can also be impacted from other stakeholder mention above, such
as; fish consumption; worsened economy; and many more. There also other people
who get impacted through the regulation changes which is the Tourist who also
get to enjoy the beach that also be the Ministry’s job to protect and guard the coast
from being damage from exploited fishing areas.


According to the dictionary, impact is the action of one object coming forcibly into contact
with another, in this case how the government regulation and other key stakeholders have
an impact to one another. From the explanation from Materiality and Key Stakeholder,
shown that the impact of the scenario above being implemented according to plan would
be massive, as simplifying the bureaucracy which making the fishermen easier to fish the
fishing subzone of the Sustainable Conservation Area. Many private company who started
to invest in Indonesia can make an impact of creating more jobs, known and appreciated
by the world, and boost Indonesia economy. Fishermen can also be impacted by the
regulation made by MMAF and help given by private company, which they can maximize
the potential and utilize fish resources sustainably without damaging their environment.
The fishermen also get a benefit from MMAF who supervise the uses of fishing gear and
crack down fishermen who still uses prohibited fishing gears, which created equality and
no social jealousy.


According to the dictionary, risks is being expose to danger, harm, or loss. In this case,
the possible danger, harm, or loss for being impacted from the government or the other
key stakeholders. For the risks of doing the scenario mentioned are private company are
not helping their surroundings and exploit the area by monopolize the fishing subzone by

not allowing local fishermen to fish there. They just trying to get profit from Indonesia,
as the government as them to invest in Indonesia and give them permission to do their
business in Indonesia. The private company are dumping their waste in Indonesian waters
without doing the regulated waste treatment, which can impact the environment and ruin
fishermen livelihood. There are also the possibility of fishermen who still uses prohibited
fishing gear and damaging the corals, which become the shelter and breeding ground for
many fish species and can impact on reducing the fish resources available in Indonesia.
The fishermen have been told by the Indonesian government but didn’t listen and use
prohibited fishing gear and loses all their resources because of that.


As said by the Minister, managing the sea has no bounds which Indonesia right now have
Exclusive Economic Zone which is the special right of exploring and use of marine
resources. It stretches from the coastal line of the outermost island out to 200 nautical
miles. The ZEE are often being exploited by other countries but the marine are trying to
help MMAF to drive off any intruder who exploits Indonesian waters. Often, the intruder
who exploits Indonesian waters is using the prohibited fishing gear which can damage the
surrounding areas and kill other marine species which can cause the extinction of the
species. We have the opportunity but we don’t have the ability to maximize the
opportunity to our advantages.


The strategy implemented by the MMAF through their Directorate General, some
have been done successfully and some haven’t. They have tried to help the fishermen
directly through giving new sustainable fishing gear, business credit, and fish for their
businesses. Some of the strategy haven’t been maximize by the fishermen which is utilize
the business credit available to boost their business. They also give a cultivator a seeds of
specific species which could boost their business and compete internationally. The species
given by MMAF are usually the one with high value when they got older. For example,

Shrimp, Snapper, Tilapia and Lobster. Some of them are successfully made Indonesia as
the biggest exporter of the species mention.


Establishment of policies, and continuous monitoring of their proper implementation, by

the members of the governing body of an organization. It includes the mechanisms
required to balance the powers of the members (with the associated accountability), and
their primary duty of enhancing the prosperity and viability of the organization
(BusinessDictionary, -). From this explanation, we can say that the government has given
the fishermen the tools to boost their business or profession they have built over the years.
They just need to used it to their needs and maximize the resources given by the
government. There are also some opportunity given by the private company to the
fishermen to become their employee and boost their profession by become their employee
and have fixed salary given by the company. The government is also trying to simplify
the regulation for fishermen who still struggles with document and clearance for fishing.


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