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Eko Handoyo R.Rizal Isnanto Khusnah Tri Amalia Sari Abstract

Learning process has grown up with various dimensions. One of them is development of electronic media. Discrete Mathematics is one of subject which requires media to support the learning process. Besides, with development of long distance learning ( e-learning), it enables to perform some learning and also test can be on-line. Therefore, it necessary to research developing Discrete M athematics on-line test based on web which can assist lecturer and also student. Many steps taken at this project are requirement analysis of system, system design, implementation, and system test. Designs of system appl ies Unified Modeling Language ( UML) which consists of functional modelling, structural modelling, and behavior modelling. Implementation stage is applied PHP as web programming, MySQL as database, and Apache as web server. Testing methods consist of many steps, those are: unit testing, integration test, system test and acceptance test. From results of the research, it can be concluded wh the application of Discrete Mathematics on -line test can present one question in one pages, developed with 3-level examination and can be applied in picture and also text-formed questions which can present mathematical problems, and equiped by mechanism of automatic evaluation. Based on result of alpha test, the application still ha s some weaknesses on security and safety, those are: security and safety on inactive JavaScript function by user and a weakness to prevent SQL injection and spam. From the three weaknesses there are two weaknesses which have been repaired by giving mechanism of detection Java Script at browser and PHP code to prevent SQL injection. Keywords : on-line test, mathematical problems, automatic evaluation .

Discrete Mathematics is one of subject taught in Electrical Engineering. Various media required to support the learning process like availability of complete literature, optimal meeting in class and mechanism of practice with various questions from the matters. Existence of this medias are supporting facilities, however intention and enthusias m student need to be growed studying of this subject with correct understanding. Application of electronic learning is one of effort to add media in learning process . One of them in referring to requirement of student in practice , existence support of question's bank and existence of on-line evaluation. This system expected become media which important in Discrete Mathematic's learning. This is because of learning in class still has not enough to fulfill understanding of student yet. Online examination applying also still limited and has not many studied and applied. In campus area, Discrete Mathematic's Test Online can be exploited to support learning process, where system designed is not limited o n uploading and downloading tutorial, but also give facilitation of on-line evaluation and other ideas, including on -line learning if has been applied at campus.

The purpose of this project is to develops application web based at Discrete Mathematics in Electrical Engineering Diponegoro University which function as on-line test media of learning process for lecturer and student. Problem borders from aplication which developed are, first case study taken is Discrete Mathematics on Electrical Engineering Diponegoro University. Second, On-line Test which will be include existence of facility to manage on -line test every chapter at subject which is organizable by owner of the subject (admin and lecturer). Third, Online Test system has not integrated with system which has run, that is Kuliah On-line of Electrical Engineering UNDIP. Fourth, On-line test system doesn't support of the essay test. Fifth, On-line Test applied to 3-level examination. Sixth, system only take one subject, that is Discrete Mathematics in Faculty of Technique, Electrical Engineering, Diponegoro University and do not explain Discrete Mathematics in detail.

Eko Handoyo, R.Rizal Isnanto ({,}) are lecturer in Electrical Engineering Technique Faculty Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Semarang Jl. Prof. Sudharto, S.H. Tembalang Semarang 50275 Khusnah Tri Amalia Sari (khusnah.triamalia is student in Electrical Engineering Technique Faculty Diponegoro University (UNDIP) Semarang Jl. Prof. Sudharto, S.H. Tembalang Semarang 50275

ANALYSIS AND SYSTEM DESIGN WITH OBJECT ORIENTED METHOD Requirement Analysis Initial steps at design system are analysis and determination of requirement of system which consist of functional requirement and non -functional. Functional Requirements Functional Requirements consist of some functions which have to be done by system, th at are: 1. There are modules in which chapter taught at Discrete Mathematics Subject which can be activated and or inactivated. 2. Every module at On-line Test must have 3-level questions bank. 3. There is page of On-line Test which match with requirement of test. 4. Availability of evaluation by system based on setting score. 5. On-line Test page presents question one by one. 6. Available of test value sheet . 7. Available of answer which able to be accessed after activated by admin. 8. There is management questions setting. 9. Available of download facility. 10. There is mechanism to prevent insincerity in Online Test. Non-Functional Requirement Non-functional requirements is requirements of system which consist of performance, operation at system functions, and matching with the user area. Formula of non-functional requirements cover: Requirement of Security and Safety - Only inscribed student at system which can follow on-line test. - Page admin shall only be accessed by user who has status as admin. - Applies mechanism of password encryption with MD5. - Access basisdata applies password. Operational Requirement - Applicated at LAN network - Accessed with browser . - Accessed by user formulated Design of The Application Of On -line Test In design of the application of this On-line Test, applied modelling language Unified Modeling Language ( UML) which consist of activity diagrams, use case diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams. Activity Diagrams Activity diagram descrips various activity streams in system is being designed, how each stream is having initial, decision which is possibly happened,

and how ending. Picture 1 shows activity diagram of On-line Test. After log-in success, then will be presented menu Ujian On-line. Student must choose one of modules. Then system presents On-line Test page which presenting the multiple choice question s. After answer is selected, then continue to evaluation process. After all questions are tested completely, system determines pass of on-line test.

Picture 1 On-line Test activity diagram Use Case Diagram Use case diagram represent an interaction between actors with system. Actor is a man entity or machine which having interaction with system to do certain work. Picture 2 presents use case diagram of student.

Picture 2 Students use case diagram Database Diagram There are 4 data tables which applied, that are master_mhs table, mhs_ujian table, mhs_soal table, soal table, modul table and upload table.

Picture 3 Database Diagram

Relationship between master_mhs table and mhs_ujian table linked by nim attribute. Relationship between modul table and soal table linked by id_modul attribute. Relationship between soal table and mhs_soal table linked by id_soal attribute. Relationship between modul table and mhs_ujian table linked by id_modul. Picture 3 shows database diagram of Discrete Mathematics On -line Test. Class Diagram Class diagram at Discrete Mathematics On line Test consist of class FrontPage which have relationship with some class, that are LoginUjianOn-line class and Log-inAdmin class. LoginUjianOn-line class have relationship with MenuHomeUjianOn-line class, and this MenuHomeUjianOn-line class have relationship with some class, that are MenuUjianOn-line class, MenuNilaiUjian class, MenuUbahPassword class and KeluarUjianOn-line class. MenuHomeUjianOn-line class have relationship with UjianOn-line class, Evaluasi class, HasilUjian class, KunciJawaban class. Picture 4 presents On-line test's class diagram.

TESTING System test is done before system applicated and published. Testing done to application which functions owned by the application can implement functions which desired by developer by giving output which match with what have been planned. Unit and Integration Test Unit testing focus at system's units to test every job of units work carefully. Test also done at integration with other unit to test the performance and the relation run properly. Table 1 presents result of unit and integration testing. Table 1 Result Unit and Integration Test
No 1 2 3 Pengujian Students Log-in Admins Log-in Students Menu Home Ujian On-line Daftar Nilai Ubah Password Keluar On-line Test Assesment Random Question Test Admins Menu Home Master Soal Setting Soal Daftar Nilai Upload Materi Manajemen User Ubah Password Keluar Process Success and Error Message

4 5 6

Picture 4 Class Diagram of On-line Test Log-inAdministrator class have relationship with MenuHomeAdmin class, where this MenuHomeAdmin class have relationship with some class, that are MenuMasterSoal class, MenuSettingSoal class, MenuDaftarNilai class, MenuUploadMateri class, MenuManajemenUser class and MenuKeluar class. MenuMasterSoal class have relationship with EditModul class, TambahModul class and LevelSoal class. LevelSoal class have relationship with TambahSoal class, UploadSoal class and EditSoal class. While MenuSettingSoal have relationship with SettingSoal class, MenuDaftarNilai class have relationship with Search class. MenuUploadMateri class have relationship with Upload class, MenuManajemenUser class have relationship with UpdateUser class, TambahUser class.

System Test System test is step where test based on some success indicators of testing. Tables 2 and Table 3 present result of system testing. Table 2 Result of Functional Test
FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT 1 There are modules in which chapter taught at Discre te Mathematics Subject which can be activated and or inactivated. Every module at On-line Test must have 3-level questions bank. There is page On-line test that match with requirement of test. Availability of evaluation by system base d on setting score. On-line Test page presents question one by one. Available of test value sheet. Available of answer which able to be accessed after activated by admin. There is management questions setting. Available of facility download There is mechanism to prevent insincerity in On -line Test. NOTE OK

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Form of this examination is analysis and concluded based on result of tests before that have been done. First test is how success of system if evaluated from it's requirement. There are some

requirements of either functional requirements and also non-functional requirements which must be fulfilled by system. Table 2 and Table 3 present result of functional requirements and non-functional requirements test. Table 3 Result of Non Functional Test
NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT Security and Safety Requirements 1 Only inscribed student at system which can follow on-line test. 2 Page admin shall only be accessed by user having status as admin. 3 Applies mechanism of encryption password MD5. 4 Access basisdata applies password Operational Requirements 1 Applicated at LAN network 2 Accessed with browser . 3 Accessed by user formulated NOTE OK

Error message shown if visitor doing bypass to students or admins page without log-in, the error message presented at Picture 6.

Picture 6. Error message of log -in Students Page Students page is presented if student log-in to the system correctly. Students page is shown in Picture 7.


Acceptance Test Acceptance test done with two steps that are alpha and beta testing. Alpha test is done with focus at 3 points of test that are : a. Programming. b. Security and safety. c. Design. Conclusion taken from questionaire s alpha testing there are some weakness es, that are: Weaknesses in security and safety side 1. Function of inactive JavaScript by user . 2. Security and safety to SQL injection . 3. Security and safety to spam. Weaknesses function in system. 1. Limitation of Data type. 2. Some functions still have not run. After that, test going to beta test with object from 7 students which followed Discrete Mathematics Subject. From beta test known that this application is acceptable by the students taken as tester at beta test. RESULT On-line Test of Discrete Mathematics Appearance Front page is interface to come in students or admins page, visitor must be inscribed before follow on-line test. Front page display shown on Picture 5.

Picture 7 Students page display Main Menu of students page has link to many menu which provided, that are : Home, Ujian On-line, Nilai Ujian, Ubah Password, and Keluar. On-line test can be done by student by choosing Ujian On-line menu. On-line Test page shown by Picture 8.

Picture 8 On-line Test Page display Admin's Page Admin's Page is presented if admin log-in correctly. Admin's Page shown at Picture 9.

Picture 5 On-line Test front page

Picture 9 Admins page display

Main Menu of Admin's Page has link to other menus, that are : Home, Master Soal, Setting Soal, Daftar Nilai, Upload Materi, Manajemen User, Ubah password, and Keluar. Management of Module and Questions Master Soal Menu applied to do management of module and the questions of test. At Master Soal there are 3 links action to do edit, delete, add module. Picture 10 shows Master Soal page.

scores setting which exist. Setting Soal form shown at Picture 13.

Picture 13 Edit Score Form Management of User

Picture 10 Master Soal page display

Picture 14 Users Management Page Picture 14 shows Manajemen User menu display. For add user, system shows TAMBAH USER form, then admin can input users datas by clicks Simpan link then process of adding user to master_mhs table happened. Picture of TAMBAH USER form shown on Picture 15.

Picture 11 New Module Input Display Picture 11 shows new module input through form add module. Input name of module will be packed into nama_modul record, module status and answer page manage with checkbox status and answer page. Management of Questions Management of questions done by 2 main menus, namely Master Soal and Setting Soal. Management of questions are covering add, delete and edit questions. Picture 12 presenting question's table at Master Soal menu.

PIcture 15 Tambah User Form

Picture 12 Picture of questions table Upload Soal Form used to upload questions file which extention is txt. For manage questions use Setting Soal menu. Setting Soal form used to change

CONCLUSIONS From design, implementation and test of project which title is Aplication Of Web Based Discrete Mathematics On-Line Test, have concluded some conclusion, first, have been able to built an on line test system by taking study case at Discrete Mathematics Subject. Second, Kind of Access of the this system differentiated become two types that are as administrator and lecturer which have full access right to system and as inscribed user s or students as on-line testee of Discrete Mathematics. Third, To be able to follow on-line test, visitor must inscribed at basisdata and log-in at system. Fourth, At the application of this visitor also can download tutorial on front page. Fifth, On-line test of Discrete Mathematics built by presenting one question in one page, developed with

3-level examination and can be applied in picture and also text-formed questions. Sixth, The application of Discrete Mathematics On-line Test best viewed by Mozilla Firefox. Seventh, Security and safety mechanism on the application of Discrete Mathematics On-line Test are applying mechanism of MD5 password encryption, access database applies password, existence of preven tive mechanism of bypass without log-in to students page and also admins page, application will peep out mistake message if there is visitor doing by-pass towards students page and admins page or visitor does not types NIM and password or incorrectly types NIM and password. Eighth, Based on result of alpha test, the application still has some weaknesses on security and safety, those are: security and safety on inactive JavaScript function by user and a weakness to prevent SQL injection and spam. From the three weaknesses there are two weaknesses which have been repaired by giving mechanism of detection JavaScript at browser and PHP code to prevent SQL injection. . SUGGESTIONS There are some suggestions which can be used as matter to develop this syste m become better, first, On making the application take only at Discrete Mathematics Subject, expected in the next development can include all subject in one web. Second, In the future, expected this application can be developed to present question with ans wer is in the essay form. Thirth, For expansion is expected added tutorial besides lecturing matter from other sources.

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Khusnah Tri Amalia Sari (L2F306035) Born at Magelang, April 4th, 1981. Student of Extension Electrical Engineering 2006, Informatics and computer concentration of Diponegoro University. E-mail: Semarang, Approved by : Supervisor I, July 2009

Eko Handoyo, S.T., M.T. NIP. 132 309 142

Supervisor II,

R. Rizal Isnanto, S.T., M.M., M.T. NIP. 132 288 515

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