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Company Circular

QHSE Circular

Circular No: QHSE 06/2023 This Circular Supersedes: QHSE 03/2023

Subject: Coronavirus (COVID-19) recommended protocols

Source: Distribution Institute


To: All Fleet Vessels & Manning Agents

Issue Date: 26/05/2023


Travelling from a seafarer's place of ordinary residence in one country via aircraft to join a
ship in a seaport in another country


a. Time spent at place of ordinary residence

1. Upon commencement of the selection process, arrangements are made through Manning
Agents for pre-employment medical examinations and once fit to work status is con-
firmed, commencement of training sessions, as appropriate, as per company’s training
2. A rapid test to be performed prior seaman's flight and once negative result rcvd, to
maintain all protection precautions related to hygiene.
3. Home isolation is not required.
4. In any event to be always in line with the relevant and applicable rules and regulations at
the place where the crew change will take place.
5. Subject to the specific guidance provided, comply with all standard infection protection
and control precautions related to hygiene (e.g. hand-washing, avoid touching face, etc.)
and safe food handling practices, in accordance with WHO, national or local guidance.
Check your temperature if you are not feeling well and inform your manning agent if you
show symptoms, such as cough or breathlessness, as well as any of the following:
 Tiredness
 Aches and pains
 Sore throat
 Diarrhea
 Conjunctivitis (“pink eye”)
 Headache
 loss of taste or smell
 A rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes

6. On signing port specific requirements to be taken into consideration if any.

7. Prepare and assemble documentation referenced in the IMO protocols to complete travel
to the ship, which may be inspected by relevant authorities or other stakeholders during

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the course of travel and crew change. Your manning agent will assist. The documentation
may include the following:
a. Evidence of Seafarer Status Document(s)
b. Crew Health Self-Declaration Form
c. Employer Letter and Crew Change & Travel Information Sheet
d. COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate
8. Assemble and prepare any other documentation required to complete your travel to the
ship, as may be required by the Company and/or relevant authorities. Keep your docu-
ments in your binder, which after each use should be disinfected properly.
b. Time (potentially) spent at any hotel, temporary accommodation or similar
1. Crew members suggested to take precautions when leave the Hotel area, exit to the hall-
way, visit other crewmembers in their rooms, use the hotel facilities or dine at the hotel
2. Comply with all standard infection protection and control precautions related to social
distancing, hygiene (e.g. hand-washing, avoid touching face, etc.) and safe food handling
practices, in accordance with WHO, national or local guidance.
3. Inform your manning agent if you show symptoms (as stated above).
c. Travel to airport
1. Precautions to be taken when/if public transportation, like buses or metros, are used.
2. Comply with all standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, avoid touching face, etc.) and safe food handling practices, in accord-
ance with WHO, national or local guidance.
3. Avoid close contact with any persons who are or appear unwell or show COVID-19 symp-
toms (e.g. cough, fever, etc.).
4. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for the duration of the travel as far as practicable
(e.g. mask and gloves, etc.).
5. Carry and handle your own luggage.
6. Keep all relevant documents required for travel to the ship, in a bag or compartment that
can be easily accessed and disinfected later.
7. Provide all requisite documentation for verification or inspection if requested by authori-


a. Time spent in airport of departure
1. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, use of hand sanitizer, avoid touching face, etc.).
2. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.).

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3. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for the duration of time spent in the airport as far as
practicable (e.g. mask, gloves, etc.)
4. Keep all relevant documents required for travel to the ship via aircraft in a bag or com-
partment that can be easily accessed and disinfected later.


a. Time during flight:

1. Comply with the instructions and procedures of the airline and cabin crew of the aircraft.
2. Maintain social distancing to the extent possible from other passengers on the flight, and
sit with appropriate seat spacing, as may be arranged by the airline or cabin crew on board
the aircraft.
3. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, use of hand sanitizer, avoid touching face, etc.).
4. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.).
5. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for the duration of the time spent in-flight (e.g. mask,
gloves, etc.).
6. Limit exposure to the extent possible to aircraft crew during in-flight service and other
passengers when using the facilities.
7. Handle your own luggage on board the aircraft.
8. Keep all relevant documents required for the travel to the ship in a bag or compartment
that can be easily accessed and disinfected later.


a. Time spent in airport of arrival

1. Comply with the instructions and procedures of the airport and relevant local authorities,
including any health screening requirements such as temperature checks.
2. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, use of hand sanitizer, avoid touching face, etc.).
3. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.).
4. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for the duration of time spent in the airport as far as
practicable (e.g. mask, gloves, etc.)

b. Time (potentially) spent at any hotel, temporary residence or other

1. Comply with any instructions and procedures from relevant local or national authorities,
which might potentially include the need to comply with instructions.

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2. Comply with any instructions from the hotel, temporary accommodation or similar, and
national or local authorities, paying special attention to any social distancing, hygiene and
PPE requirements.
4. During stay at the hotel, crew members suggested to take precautions when exit to the
hallway, visit other crewmembers in their rooms, use the hotel facilities or dine at the
hotel restaurant.
3. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, avoid touching face, etc.).
4. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.).
5. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for the duration of the stay when appropriate (e.g.
mask, gloves, etc.).
6. Handle your own luggage at the hotel, temporary accommodation or similar, to the extent
7. Inform your manning agent if you show any COVID-19 symptoms during your stay (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.), through the emergency contacts list provided to you by each branch

c. Travel to port
1. Comply with any instructions and procedures from relevant local or national authorities,
which might potentially include the need to comply with instructions. Comply with stand-
ard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene (e.g. hand-washing,
avoid touching face, etc.).
2. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show COVID-19 symptoms (e.g. cough,
fever, etc.).
3. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for the duration of the travel as far as practicable
(e.g. mask, gloves, etc.).
4. Carry and handle your own luggage to the extent possible.
5. Keep all relevant documents required for the travel to the ship in a bag or compartment
that can be easily accessed and disinfected later.


a. Movement in port to ship

1. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, use of hand-sanitizer, avoid touching face, etc.).
2. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.).
3. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed in the port area as far as practicable (e.g. mask,
gloves, etc.).

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4. Keep all relevant documents required for the travel to the ship in a bag or compartment
that can be easily accessed and disinfected later.
b. Embarkation to ship
1. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for embarkation.
2. Carry and handle your own luggage.
3. Keep all relevant documents required for the travel to the ship in a bag or compartment
that can be easily accessed and disinfected later.


a. Time spent onboard ship after embarkation

1. Precautions to be taken, as far as possible, for a period of 7 days once on board.
2. Comply with all standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, avoid touching face, etc.) and safe food handling practices, in accord-
ance with Company procedures.
3. Inform if you show symptoms.
4. Inform the Master (or designated responsible officer) if you show any COVID-19 symp-
toms in accordance with the Company's coronavirus (COVID-19) plans and procedures.

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Travelling from a ship in a seaport in one country via aircraft to a seafarer's place of ordinary
residence in another country.


a. Time spent on ship immediately before disembarkation

1. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, use of hand-sanitizer, avoid touching face, etc.).
2. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.).
3. Inform Company if you show symptoms.
4. Inform the Master (or designated responsible officer) if you show any COVID-19 symp-
toms in accordance with the Company's coronavirus (COVID-19) plans and proce-
5. Prepare and assemble documentation referenced in the IMO protocols to complete
travel from the ship, which may be inspected by relevant authorities or other stake-
holders during the course of travel and crew change. Master and Office will assist. The
documentation should include the following:
a. Evidence of Seafarer Status Document(s)
b. Crew Health Self-Declaration Form
Employer Letter and Crew Change & Travel Information Sheet
6. Assemble and prepare any other documentation required to complete your travel
from the ship, as may be required by the Company and/or relevant authorities.
7. Conclude all off-signing formalities to the extent possible online while on board ship
(receiving documents and travel instructions, etc.).
8. Seafarer who is to be disembarked, to be provided with any necessary personal pro-
tective equipment (PPE) or other materials required for their travel in accordance with
requirements of the Company or national or local guidance (e.g. masks, gloves, hand
sanitizer, etc.)


a. Disembarkation from ship

1. Avoid close contact and non-essential interaction with other personnel on the quayside,
on the gangway or in the launch, including other seafarers.
2. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for disembarkation.
3. Carry and handle your own luggage
4. Keep all relevant documents required for the travel to the country and place of ordinary
residence in a bag or compartment that can be easily accessed and disinfected later

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b. Movement in port from ship to transfer arrangement

1. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, use of hand-sanitizer, avoid touching face, etc.).
2. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.).
3. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed in the port area as far as practicable (e.g. mask,
gloves, etc.).
4. Keep all relevant documents required for the travel in a bag or compartment that can be
easily accessed and disinfected later.
5. Comply with any requirements of the port or other relevant authority for screening or
testing prior to onward travel.

c. Transfer (potentially) to any hotel, temporary accommodation or similar

1. Comply with any instructions and procedures from relevant local or national authorities,
which might potentially include the need to comply with instructions.
2. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, avoid touching face, etc.).
3. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.).
4. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for the duration of the travel as far as practicable
(e.g. mask, gloves, etc.).
5. Carry and handle your own luggage to the extent possible.
6. Keep all relevant documents required for their repatriation in a bag or compartment that
can be easily accessed and disinfected later.
d. Time (potentially) spent at hotel, temporary accommodation or similar
1. Comply with any instructions and procedures from relevant local or national authorities,
which might potentially include the need to comply with instructions.
2. Comply with any instructions from the hotel, temporary accommodation or similar, and
national or local authorities, paying special attention any hygiene and PPE requirements.
3. Inform your manning agent if you show symptoms.
4. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, avoid touching face, etc.).
5. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.).
6. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for the duration of the stay when appropriate (e.g.
mask, gloves, etc.).
7. Handle your own luggage at the hotel, temporary accommodation or similar, to the extent
8. Inform your manning agent if you show any COVID-19 symptoms during your stay,
through the emergency contacts list provided to you by each branch office.
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e. Travel to airport
1. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene in
accordance with national or local guidance (e.g. social distancing, hand-washing, use of
hand sanitizer, avoid touching face, etc.).
2. Avoid close contact with persons who are or appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symp-
toms (e.g. cough, fever, etc.).
3. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for the duration of the travel as far as practicable
(e.g. mask and gloves, etc.).
4. Carry and handle your own luggage.
5. Keep all relevant documents required for repatriation, in a bag or compartment that can
be easily accessed and disinfected later.
6. Provide all requisite documentation for verification or inspection if requested by authori-


a. Time spent in airport of departure

1. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, use of hand sanitizer, avoid touching face, etc.).
2. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.).
3. Wear PPE as instructed for the duration time spent in the airport as far as practicable (e.g.
mask, gloves, etc.).
4. Keep all relevant documents required for their repatriation in a bag or compartment that
can be easily accessed and disinfected later.


a. Time during flight

1. Comply with the instructions and procedures of the airline and cabin crew of the aircraft
2. Maintain social distancing to the extent possible from other passengers on the flight, and
sit with appropriate seat spacing, as may be arranged by the airline or cabin crew on board
the aircraft.
3. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, use of hand sanitizer, avoid touching face, etc.)
4. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.).
5. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for the duration of the time spent in-flight (e.g. mask,
gloves, etc.).
6. Limit exposure to the extent possible to aircraft crew during in-flight service and other
passengers when using the facilities.

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7. Handle your own luggage onboard the aircraft.


a. Time spent in airport of arrival

1. Comply with the instructions and procedures of the airport and relevant local authorities,
including any health screening requirements.
2. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, avoid touching face, etc.).
3. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.).
4. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for the duration time spent in the airport as far as
practicable (e.g. mask, gloves, etc.).

b. Transfer (potentially) to any hotel, temporary accommodation or similar

1. Comply with any instructions and procedures from relevant local or national authorities,
which might potentially include the need to comply with instructions.
2. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, avoid touching face, etc.), and safe food handling practices, in accord-
ance with WHO, national or local guidance.
3. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.).
4. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for the duration of the travel (e.g. mask, gloves, etc.).
5. Carry and handle your own luggage to the extent possible.
6. Keep all relevant documents required for the travel to the ship in a bag or compartment
that can be easily accessed and disinfected later.

c. Time (potentially) spent at any hotel, temporary accommodation or similar

1. Comply with any instructions and procedures from relevant local or national authorities,
which might potentially include the need to comply with instructions.
2. Comply with any instructions from the hotel, temporary accommodation or similar, and
national or local authorities, paying special attention any hygiene and PPE requirements
3. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, avoid touching face, etc.).
4. Avoid contact with persons who appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symptoms (e.g.
cough, fever, etc.).
5. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for the duration of the stay when appropriate (e.g.
mask, gloves).
6. Handle your own luggage at the hotel, temporary accommodation or similar, to the extent

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7. Inform your manning agent if you show any COVID-19 symptoms during your stay,
through the emergency contacts list provided to you by each branch office.

d. Travel to place of ordinary residence

1. Comply with standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene and
safe food handling practices in accordance with national or local guidance (e.g. social dis-
tancing, hand-washing, use of hand sanitizer, avoid touching face, etc.).
2. Avoid close contact with persons who are or appear unwell or show any COVID-19 symp-
toms (e.g. cough, fever, etc.).
3. Suggested to wear PPE as instructed for the duration of the travel as far as practicable
(e.g. mask and gloves, etc.).
4. Carry and handle your own luggage.
5. Keep all relevant documents required for the travel, in a bag or compartment that can be
easily accessed and disinfected later.
6. Provide all requisite documentation for verification or inspection if requested by authori-


a. Time spent at place of ordinary residence immediately after repatriation

1. Familiarize yourself with general information on coronavirus (COVID-19) and standard in-
fection protection and control precautions provided by relevant national or local author-
2. Comply with all standard infection protection and control precautions related to hygiene
(e.g. hand-washing, avoid touching face, etc.) in accordance with national or local require-
ments and guidance.
3. Inform your manning agent if you show any COVID-19 symptoms after your repatriation,
through the emergency contacts list provided to you by each branch office

Bellow Attachments are no longer required:

- COVID-19 – FORM A: Crew Health Self-Declaration
- COVID-19 – FORM B: Daily Temperature records
- COVID-19 – FORM C: Employment letter
- COVID-19 – FORM D: Crew change and Travel information sheet

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