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UNICEF on world’s children

In this part, you will hear a speech delivered in English by the Executive Director of at the launch of
UNICEF's report on the State of the World's Children 2009. Please interpret it into Chinese. Let's

Today we launch UNICEF's annual flagship report, the state of the World's Children 2009, which
this year focuses on maternal and newborn health. The report shows that more must be done to
address maternal and newborn health to help save and improve the lives of millions of children and
their families. (55s)

在这一部分,您将听到联合国儿童基金会执行主任在联合国儿童基金会 2009 年世界儿童状况

报告发布会上发表的英文演讲,请翻译成中文。 让我们开始。

今天,我们发布了联合国儿童基金会的年度旗舰报告《2009 年世界儿童状况》,今年的重点
是孕产妇和新生儿健康。 报告表明,必须做更多工作来解决孕产妇和新生儿健康问题,以
帮助拯救和改善数百万儿童及其家庭的生活。 (55 秒)

Every year, more than 500,000 women die as a result of pregnancy or childbirth complications.
Around 70,000 of these deaths are among girls and young women, 15 to 19. This is not only a tragic
personal loss for the family. It also leaves a long-term impact on the health and well-being of
children and the development of communities and countries. Around 99% of maternal deaths take
place in the developing world, where having a child remains among the most serious health risks for
women. (1:51)

每年,超过 500,000 名妇女死于妊娠或分娩并发症。 这些死亡人数中约有 70,000 人是 15

至 19 岁的女孩和年轻女性。这不仅是家庭个人的悲惨损失。 它还对儿童的健康和福祉以及
社区和国家的发展产生长期影响。 大约 99% 的孕产妇死亡发生在发展中国家,在这些国家,
生育仍然是妇女面临的最严重的健康风险之一。 (1:51)

21% of maternal deaths take place in just three countries: the Democratic Republic of Congo,
Ethiopia and Nigeria. In Niger, the country with the highest lifetime risk of maternal mortality, one
in seven women will die from complications related to pregnancy or giving birth. The comparable
risk in the developed world is one in 8000. Since 1990, complications related to pregnancy and
childbirth have taken the lives of an estimated 10 million women. That is equal to around 20% of the
total population of South Africa. (2:48)

21% 的孕产妇死亡仅发生在三个国家:刚果民主共和国、埃塞俄比亚和尼日利亚。 在尼日

发达国家的可比风险是 8000 分之一。自 1990 年以来,与怀孕和分娩有关的并发症已夺去
大约 1000 万妇女的生命。 这相当于南非总人口的 20% 左右。 (2:48)

In addition, every year, some 4 million newborns die within the first 28 days of life from largely
preventable causes. That is, about 40% of all under five deaths every year. The burden is
disproportionately heavy in Africa and Asia. 95% of maternal deaths occur in Africa and Asia
combined, and 90% of newborn deaths occur in Africa and Asia. (3:30)

此外,每年约有 400 万新生儿在出生后 28 天内死于在很大程度上可以预防的原因。 也就

是说,每年约有 40% 的五岁以下儿童死亡。 非洲和亚洲的负担尤为沉重。 95% 的孕产妇
死亡发生在非洲和亚洲,90% 的新生儿死亡发生在非洲和亚洲。 (3:30)

The good news is that between 1995 and 2005, skilled birth attendant coverage increased from 54%
to 62% in the developing world. During the same period, antenatal care rose from 60% to 75%. Yet
around 50 million births in the developing world, or about 40% of all births, remain without skilled
health personnel, and girls must go to school. Women who are educated are more likely to be
healthy and to give birth to healthy babies who will survive and grow into adulthood. (4:27)

好消息是,从 1995 年到 2005 年,发展中国家的熟练助产士覆盖率从 54% 增加到 62%。

同期,产前保健率从 60% 上升到 75%。 然而,发展中国家约有 5000 万新生儿(约占所有
新生儿的 40%)仍然没有熟练的保健人员,女孩必须上学。 受过教育的妇女更有可能身体
健康,并生下健康的婴儿,这些婴儿会存活并长大成人。 (4:27)

Educating girls and young women is one of the most powerful ways of breaking a vicious cycle of
poverty and creating a supportive environment for maternal and newborn health. At the household
level, awareness needs to be increased about the importance of recognizing danger signs and
ensuring that care for the woman or infant is sought right away. Changes must also be made at the
community level to address issues such as infrastructure and financial resources to ensure access to
health care. (5:15)

方式之一。 在家庭层面,需要提高对识别危险迹象和确保立即寻求对妇女或婴儿的护理的
重要性的认识。 还必须在社区层面做出改变,以解决基础设施和财政资源等问题,以确保
获得医疗保健。 (5:15)

And finally, health workers must be available, trained, and have the appropriate equipment. Progress
has been made in reducing child mortality, but much more must be done, especially in addressing
maternal and newborn health. The world must approach this task with a shared sense of urgency and
a collaborative response. Results will be measured in lives saved and lives improved. Thank you.

最后,卫生工作者必须随时可用、经过培训并拥有适当的设备。 在降低儿童死亡率方面取
得了进展,但还需要做更多的工作,尤其是在解决孕产妇和新生儿健康方面。 世界必须以
共同的紧迫感和协作的反应来完成这项任务。 结果将以挽救生命和改善生活来衡量。 谢谢。

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