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DreamHuman by Google Research - A Novel Model for

Text-to-3D Human Generation


Have you ever marveled at the incredible power of generating lifelike

and expressive 3D avatars with just a few simple words? If so, then let
me introduce you to DreamHuman, an innovative deep learning model
developed by Google Research. It harnesses the potential of natural
language descriptions to create animatable 3D human models.

DreamHuman is the product of a collaborative effort between esteemed

researchers from Google Research. Fueled by the desire to craft diverse
and personalized 3D characters for a myriad of applications such as
gaming, animation, virtual reality, and social media, this team embarked
on a quest to design a model that seamlessly integrates the richness of
natural language to generate high-quality 3D avatars, effortlessly
adaptable and customizable.

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What is DreamHuman?

DreamHuman is a generative model that materializes 3D human models

from textual descriptions. Its versatility spans a broad spectrum of inputs,
encompassing names, occupations, hobbies, emotions, poses, clothing
styles, colors, accessories, and facial features. DreamHuman conjures
up a vivid 3D avatar that faithfully reflects the given description.

The foundation of DreamHuman lies in the concept of conditional

variational autoencoders (CVAEs). These neural networks possess the
remarkable ability to learn and generate data samples based on specific
conditions. In the case of DreamHuman, the condition is the textual
input, while the data sample is the intricate 3D human model. This
cutting-edge model consists of two key components: a text encoder and
a 3D decoder. The text encoder seamlessly converts the textual input
into a latent vector, capturing the essence of its semantic meaning.
Subsequently, the 3D decoder utilizes this vector to fabricate a
comprehensive 3D human model, incorporating shape, texture, and
pose into a cohesive whole.

Key Features of DreamHuman

DreamHuman sets itself apart with an array of remarkable features that

revolutionize the way 3D human models are generated. Let's explore
some of the key attributes that make DreamHuman truly exceptional:

● Text-to-Shape: DreamHuman possesses the ability to transform

text inputs into lifelike and diverse 3D human shapes. It effortlessly
handles intricate details, such as body proportions, facial
expressions, hairstyles, and accessories, ensuring a captivating
outcome. Moreover, it goes beyond the limitations of training data
by seamlessly interpolating between different latent vectors to
produce novel shapes.

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● Text-to-Texture: With DreamHuman, the realm of possibilities

expands further as it generates realistic and diverse 3D human
textures from text inputs. It seamlessly navigates through various
clothing styles, colors, patterns, and materials, resulting in visually
stunning outcomes. By skillfully blending and mixing different
texture components, DreamHuman creates textures that are
entirely fresh and innovative.
● Text-to-Pose: DreamHuman empowers you to bring your
imagination to life by generating a myriad of realistic and diverse
3D human poses from text inputs. Whether it's a poised stance, a
seated position, a graceful dance, a dynamic run, or a mid-air
jump, DreamHuman handles an array of poses effortlessly. By
expertly blending different pose components, it even creates poses
that defy the boundaries of existing training data.
● Animatability: DreamHuman takes customization to new heights
by producing 3D human models that are not only realistic but also
highly animatable. Manipulating and personalizing these models is
a breeze, thanks to their compatibility with standard animation
software and tools like Blender and Unity. Users can effortlessly
modify the shape, texture, pose, or expression of the models using
simple text commands or intuitive sliders.

Capabilities/Use Cases of DreamHuman

DreamHuman opens up a world of possibilities across a multitude of

domains and scenarios, offering limitless potential. Let's delve into some
of the captivating applications and use cases:

● Gaming: Embrace the power of DreamHuman to breathe life into

your games. Game developers and players alike can now create a
diverse cast of 3D characters, personalized to their desires. By
utilizing natural language, they can effortlessly define attributes

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and preferences for their avatars. Additionally, animating these

avatars is a breeze with a vast library of predefined or custom
● Animation: Unleash your creative vision with DreamHuman's
unparalleled capabilities. Animators and artists can now fashion
realistic and expressive 3D characters with ease. Describing the
appearance and personality of characters becomes effortless
through natural language inputs. Furthermore, animating these
characters is a seamless process, utilizing standard or custom rigs.
● Virtual Reality: Step into a world of immersive experiences with
DreamHuman. VR users and developers can now create lifelike
and interactive 3D environments populated by expressive human
agents. Through natural language commands, different types of
human models can be effortlessly generated to suit various
scenarios and tasks. Interacting with these models becomes a
truly immersive experience, whether through voice commands or
● Social Media: Transform your social media presence with
DreamHuman's captivating 3D content. Social media users and
influencers can now create unique and engaging human models
tailored for their platforms. Using natural language, they can
effortlessly generate different types of human models to suit
diverse purposes and occasions. Sharing these models with
followers and friends adds an extra layer of personalization and
creativity to their online presence.

DreamHuman unleashes a new era of 3D human modeling, where

imagination knows no bounds. With its exceptional features and
boundless applications.

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How does DreamHuman operate?

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DreamHuman utilizes a cutting-edge framework called a conditional

variational autoencoder (CVAE), comprising two key components: a text
encoder and a 3D decoder. The text encoder, a pre trained diffusion
model, transforms the textual input into a latent vector that captures its
semantic essence. On the other hand, the 3D decoder is a neural
radiance field (NeRF) responsible for associating the latent vector and
spatial coordinates with the color and density of each point within the 3D
environment. The 3D decoder encompasses three distinct submodules:
a shape module, a texture module, and a pose module.

The shape module generates the 3D representation of human anatomy

based on the latent vector. It leverages a statistical human body model
(SMPL-X) to ensure realistic and consistent body proportions and
topology. Additionally, it acquires knowledge of instance-specific
deformations, enabling the capture of intricate details like facial
expressions, hairstyles, and accessories. Consequently, the shape
module produces a mesh depiction of the 3D human structure.

Moving on, the texture module fabricates the 3D texture of the human
model using both the latent vector and the mesh representation. By
relying on a texture atlas, it guarantees a seamless and coherent texture
mapping. Furthermore, it acquires expertise in instance-specific texture

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blending, accommodating various clothing styles, colors, patterns, and

materials. As a result, the texture module generates a texture map for
the mesh representation.

Lastly, the pose module generates the 3D human pose based on the
latent vector and the mesh representation. It utilizes a kinematic skeleton
as a prior, ensuring realistic and consistent joint angles and orientations.
Moreover, it develops proficiency in instance-specific pose blending,
facilitating a wide range of poses such as standing, sitting, dancing,
running, and jumping. Consequently, the pose module outputs a posed
mesh representation of the 3D human model.

The ultimate outcome of DreamHuman is a neural radiance field, which

encompasses information about the color and density of each point
within the 3D environment. This neural radiance field can be rendered
from any viewpoint using conventional ray tracing techniques. Moreover,
by manipulating the pose of the 3D human model through simple text
commands or sliders, the neural radiance field can also be animated.

How to access and use this model?

DreamHuman is a research project that is not yet publicly available as a

code or a system. However, the researchers have published their paper
and their website where they provide more details and results of their
work. They also provide an avatar gallery and an animation gallery
where you can see some examples of the 3D human models generated
by DreamHuman from different text inputs.

DreamHuman is not open-source or commercially usable at the moment.

The researchers state that they plan to release their code and data in the
future, but they do not specify a timeline or a licensing structure. They
also acknowledge that their work raises ethical and social issues, such
as privacy, consent, and representation, and they encourage further
discussion and research on these topics.

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If you are interested to know more about DreamHuman, all relevant links
are provided under the 'source' section at the end of this article.


While DreamHuman is an impressive and innovative model that can

generate realistic and animatable 3D human models from text inputs, it
does have certain limitations and drawbacks that require attention and
improvement in the future. Here are a few of them:

● Resolution: One limitation of using a text-to-image diffusion model

for supervision is its input resolution of 64×64 pixels.
Consequently, textures often appear blurry, and the model lacks
intricate details in its geometry. To enhance the quality and fidelity
of the generated models, the researchers propose exploring
higher-resolution text-to-image models or alternative sources of
● Diversity: Another limitation pertains to the diversity and coverage
of both the text inputs and the 3D human models. The researchers
rely on a dataset of 10,000 text prompts obtained from Amazon
Mechanical Turk workers, which might not encompass the full
range of possible variations and combinations of human attributes
and descriptions. Additionally, the dataset of 3D human scans is
sourced from various places, potentially lacking representation of
the entire spectrum of human appearance, clothing, skin tones,
and body shapes. Acknowledging the presence of biases and
limitations inherent in the data, the researchers advocate for more
extensive efforts in collecting diverse and inclusive datasets for
text-to-3D generation.
● Generalization: A third limitation revolves around the model's
ability to generalize and remain robust when confronted with

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unseen or novel text inputs. The researchers assert that their

model can handle complex and nuanced attributes, including facial
expressions, hairstyles, accessories, clothing styles, colors,
patterns, and materials. However, they also acknowledge that the
model might encounter challenges or produce artifacts when
exposed to ambiguous, contradictory, or out-of-distribution text
inputs. To enhance the generalization and robustness, the
researchers propose incorporating additional prior knowledge or
constraints into the model.


DreamHuman is a remarkable achievement in text-to-3D generation that

opens up new possibilities and challenges for creating realistic and
expressive 3D human avatars from natural language descriptions. It is a
powerful tool for professional artists and 3D animators as well as casual
users who want to create unique and engaging 3D content for various
purposes. It is also a fascinating research topic that invites more
exploration and innovation in computer vision, natural language
processing, computer graphics, machine learning, ethics, sociology etc.


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