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Evaluating Line Manager Support for Training

Copyright TJ Taylor Corporate Language Training, downloaded from HR Resources at

All rights reserved, please do not remove logos or attributions

Please delete this sheet before distributing questionnaire to line managers / department heads

Why evaluate?
The support and buy-in of line managers is a key and often overlooked influence on the success or failure of
training. This questionnaire and selection matrix helps you identify and assess the impact of management
support on learning outcomes and their application back in the office.

The managerial support questionnaire is designed to assess the level of buy-in from line managers for a training
course, or for training in general. This information can be used pro-actively in the marketing of the course, or of
the benefits of training in general, and/or as a filter in the selection of participants in order to focus spending on
the maximum impact.

How does it work?

The line manager is asked to fill out a series of 9 questions, divided into 3 categories, for each potential course
participant. The 3 categories are 'current & future job requirements', 'talent management & retention' and 'direct
management support'.

These answers are weighted according to importance of the question - some questions can be answered
don't know' and the result is excluded from the calculation. These weighted answers are then summed to give
a percentage score for each category and are interpreted according to some standard motivation + support vs
success benchmarks we have established from past experience.

The results of the questionnaire are hidden from the line manager in order to prevent answer bias.

How do I use it?

First you should hide the result calculations in rows 23 to 27 (highlight the rows, right click and choose 'hide').
This is to avoid answer bias. Next, you need to duplicate (or remember to ask the line manager to duplicate) the
sheet named '1' to create a copy of the questionnaire for each team member, using whatever naming convention
you choose. If you choose a naming convention such as 1, 2, 3 you can easily create a master spreadsheet to
pull all the answers together onto one page for a summary view of all a line manager's team members /
department / etc. After deleting this front explanation page you can then distribute the questionnaire to each line
manager or department head.

After you have received the completed questionnaires, highlight rows 22 to 28 and select 'show' to reveal the

How do I customize the questions, answers or weightings?

The questionnaire was designed originally for English language training, but can easily be modified for any other
training area or focus.

The 'engine' for the calculations is hidden in rows 29 to 41 - right click on rows 28 to 42 and select 'show' to start
customizing. As well as changing the questions, or number of questions, you can also change the answers in the

TJ Taylor Language Training

drop-down box and the weighting given to each question in line with your priorities, corporate policies or personal

Please remember that if you change the number of questions or the number of replies, you also need to update
the calculations accordingly.

If you have any comments, feedback or suggestions for improvement, you are very welcome to contact us. Our
contact details, including telephone number and email address, are available on our website

I hope you will find this tool useful, and if you believe a colleague or friend would also find it interesting you are
welcome to forward to distribute this file, with the only condition that the copyright, logos and attribution remain
intact and are not changed in any way.

TJ Taylor Language Training

in the

TJ Taylor Language Training

English Training Needs Analysis & Selection

Employee name:

Current & future job requirements

Does his/her CURRENT role require the use of

Does his/her current level of English create problems

and misunderstandings with foreign counterparts?

How will his/her need to use English change IN THE

FUTURE (1-3 years)?

Is a HIGH level of English important for the image of the

company/your department?

Talent management & retention

How important is this employee to the future success of
your department?

How important is training in the compensation package


Management support
How important is training in the compensation package
of the employee ACCORDING TO YOU?

I am prepared to give the employee time off during

working hours to attend a course

I am prepared to reduce the employee's workload to

attend a course

Results - to hide before distribution

Current & future job requirements #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Talent management & retention #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Management buy-in and support #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

TJ Taylor Language Training

TJ Taylor Language Training

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