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Name: Abhinav Mara, Chiao Soh, Shane Kim, Huy Nguyen

(1) ​Submit your team's best-performing algorithm... either in block form or line
(javascript) mode. A snapshot will be fine.
(2) Explain, in a sentence or two, how your algorithm works, i.e. what's your
Basically, we go forward until we hit the wall. Once we hit the wall, we rotate by
-20 degrees, and move forward again.

(3) Collect data for your best algorithm:

Start Trial Total Time

1 54.88 sec

A 2 1 min 8.64 sec

3 34.13 sec

1 22.44 sec

B 2 10.85 sec

3 12.42 sec

1 40.48 sec

C 2 45.24 sec

3 49.40 sec

(4) How repeatable were your results? Did you see a lot of changes
between trials?
Although there was not really much change between the trials (except
maybe maze A), our trials are not at all repeatable. This is because our
program requires us to orient our sphero in an optimal position, thus
allowing it to reach the exit very quickly and consistently. If the sphero is
not set to that specific orientation, then it is very unlikely that we would
have similar data.
Moreover, the maze was empty when we were testing. This means that
there was no random noise to throw off our sphero (collisions with other

5) Extra credit (substitute for any of the above): Collect a light-painted

trajectory of your Sphero from a starting point in our maze (A,B,C). You'll
need to set the color of your Sphero to something nice and bright, and
collect a long-exposure image... you'll want to stabilize your camera
somehow. I'm not looking for a video, I am looking for three images of
your sphero's trajectories through the maze. I suggest using the app "Light
Trace Artist"...but you may find something better!

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