Story - Mermaid

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It was a bright and sunny afternoon when she decided to explore the

hidden trails in the nearby woods. The scent of pine trees filled the
air as she ventured deeper into the forest.

As she walked along a narrow path, Susan stumbled upon a

breathtaking sight – a magnificent waterfall cascading down the
rocks. The sight took her breath away and she couldn’t resist the
temptation to get closer. Susan was attracted by an enchanting
melody no human could sing. She inched towards the crystal clear,
shimmering water. A waterfall that she had never seen before in her
eyes. She looked up the sky and saw bird flying while they chirped
going with the flow of the melody. She started taking photos of every
gorgeous view she saw.

After taking the picture, she decided to find the one that was singing
the melody. Susan was walking around the area of the waterfall. She
almost gave up and started walking away when she realized that the
melody was coming from the inside of the waterfall. She was
skeptical to go inside the waterfall thinking that it could harm her if
she headed in. She decided to sit on top of a rock nearby while
listening to the melody. She was very inquisitive and wanted to go
inside. She decided to record the melody since she was 100% sure
that she won’t find such amazing melody anywhere else.

After thinking for a long time, she decided to head in the waterfall
since she was curious. She was prepared to get attacked but instead
she was surprised that she was had harmed at all. She walked in and
saw a mermaid and was shocked and confused because since she
was a child she thought that mermaids are a fantasy. She decided to
hide behind a rock because she doesn’t want to scare away the
mermaid. The mermaid saw her and reassured her that she was safe.

Susan decided to go forward and asked the marmaid “Are you real?”
The mermaid laughed and said “Yes, I am.” . They talked for a while
and Susan decided to go back to her camp. Susan will never forget
what happend

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