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What is the EU doing for youth? Have a look!

Topic: Culture

All Around Culture - Thaqafa Daayer Maydoor

The All-Around Culture Programme aims to foster a vital cultural ecosystem as an enabling
environment for social and economic inclusion of young people in seven countries across the
Arab region including Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, and Libyan and
Syrian communities in these countries.

What’s in it for young people?

• Youth-led cultural and civic initiatives can receive grants – which allows young artists to develop
knowledge and capacities. This also supports community engagement in cultural and civic activities.

• Cultural entities can create alliances that receive support from the programme – these allow more
young people to have access to cultural activities and events.

• The programme aims to create partnerships and exchange knowledge among cultural entities from
the Arab Region and Europe. It also establishes a regional and international network of organisations
working with youth, remote areas, and communities in underserved areas.

• An Ecosystems Academy offers a space for learning for all participants in the programme.

Relevant links

Interconnected in Culture for a Stronger Ecosystem

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