UT Procedure Lone Star

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(SD hyp ta sas cay Lael ging Jas ‘Nou Dhabl Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO) Project No, P14333 EPC FOR ASAB FFD PROJECT Document No, ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE Wonca PROOEED | REVSE AO REBUT. ‘even nor REOUED, Founro eu ‘CpNCEEDDETED ail val) “Tuags D | owenzes0 ‘Saba for Approval c | seo Subrtfor Approva 5 | zwanow Butt or Approval A | emno10 ins. “ASNT Level Sulprtor approval Rev. { DATE | ORIGINATOR ‘APPROVED DESCRIPTION "6 OSUWENT IB IFTENDED FOR USE BY ADCO AND TS NOMATEO CONSULTANTS CONTRACTORS MANUFACTURERS AND EUPPLERS, 004 LINE INSTALLATION WORKS ‘SUB CONTRACT No.J}193/07- | ITEM: SUBCONTRACTOR FOR FLOW LINE & TRANSFER: ‘ORIGINATOR : Lonet . ims) Doe. No. Lm8.P.08 WBS Code: | Contract No: PIL JOBNo.J463 | 00 TiBoUEcior4 | @ ‘ADCO DOG No: PROJ. No? P14933 Paget of 24 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 4.0. SCOPE, 2.0 REFERENCES. 3.0. SAFETY. 49 PERSONNEL.. 8.0 PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION 6.0 EQUIPMENT... 7.0 MATERIALS... 8.0 PREPARATION... 8.0 CALIBRATION BLOCKS. 10.0 METHOD, 44.0 GEOMETRIC INDICATIONS. 12.0 EVALUATION... 13.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA.. BD 14.0 REPORTS. 7 sevnnn RS 16.0 RECORDS... enone BA Project No.; P14333 DOCUMENT TITLE: ADCO DOC. NO. 14,78.90,9938 ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEOURE REV.C DATE 1910772010 ae oe PAGE 2 OF 25 10 2.0 3.0 SCOPE This procedure covers the minimum requirements for the ultrasonic testing (UT) of welded joints and base materials by applying manval pulse echo contact method in all forms of fertic steels on weld thicknesses varying between § mm and 150 mm (of steel) when in circular forms @ minimum outside diameter of 100 mm, in accordance with DEP GEN; Section 6.2.3. However for use in pressure vessels according to ASME Sec Vill, this procedure shall only be applicable for thicknesses 13mm and above 41.1. Welds of various configurations shall be examined using this procedure. The weld shall be scanned from bolh sides where accessible. REFERENCES 24 General © Lonestar Safety Manual = ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A, 2001 Edition + Lonestar Witten Practice No. NDT-SOP-001-03 2.2 Method + ASME Boller & Pressure Vessel Code Section V Antics 1, 4 & 8, Edition 2007, 20086 addenda ‘= ADCO Spécitication No, WS-1 Rev. 2 2.3 Application ‘+ ASME Boller & Pressure Vessel Code Section Vill Division 4, Edition 2007 ‘+ ASME B31.3 Code for Process Piping, Edition 2008 SAFETY Al personnel shall be aware at all mes of hazards both of site and method in order to prevent accident or injury to self or olhers. 8.4 General Care shall be taken when using the folowing, a) Electrical tems, undamaged wiring, correct plug for socket, correct voltage. b) Scaffolding, safe and suitable for application with ladders lashed. DOCUMENT TITLE: eee eee ‘ADCO DOC. NO. 14.78,90.9938 ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REV.C DATE aei07/00%0 PAGE 3 OF 26 ©) Lighting, adequate for ful itumination of work area. 32 Spectic Due fo necessity of using couplants 2s cellulose paste, ols and greases, care shall be exercised in handing ensuring that hands are washed frequenty with waim water end soap, Prolonged contact may cause adverse skin reactions, dermatis, ete 40 PERSONNEL 44 Quelifcation Personnel shall be qualfied atleast one ofthe folowing: 2) Personnel conducting the test shall be quaffied in accordance with SNT-TC- Ato Level lI UT. b) Cerificalion Scheme for Weldment Inspection Personnel (CSWIP) or Personnel Certification in Non-destructive testing (PCN) per document No. PCNWSBIUTIOO/87 ©) Personne! having other qualification may use this procedure with epeciic ‘writen approval of Client authorized representative. 42° Vision Personnel performing examination shell have vision, with correction if necessary, as folows: 2) Near vision acuity: capable of reading Jeeger J-2 or equivalent on standard chart at a distance of not fess than 300 mm (12 In). Tes! shall be ‘administered annually b) Color contrast vision: shall have color vision acuity per Ishihara charts, of shall be able to differentiate the contrast emong the shades of colours used jn method. Test shall be administered at three-year intervals 8.0 PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION The procedure shell be demonstrated io the satisfaction of the company and shall include all the variables as given in Table T-421. Record of satisfactory demonstration Including the range of values qualified shall be allached to the procedure. The procedure Is valid for the valuesirange of the values given in the demonstration record, This procedure contains variables, which may need qualification by way of demonstration required by the referencing code. Under such situations, eny change or deviation to essential variables will require revision and re-quaiiication of tis procedure. Such demonstrations shall be on a caso-to-case basis and shail be demonstrated to the Authorized Inspector! Client representative prior to Implementation of this procedure on test component. A change of a requirement identified as = nonessential variable does ——_ 2 P14888 DOGUMENT TITLE Project No: F486 ‘ADGO DOG. NO. 14.78,90.9938 ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REV.C. DATE 1910772010] dl 4 PAGE 4 OF 26 aj not warrant re-qualfication of the procedure. However, any change in elther essential or rnon-essenitlal variables shall require revision or at least an addendum supplement to this procedure. Applicability of this procedure shall bs limited to the range of variables qualified and isted as 2 supplement attached to this procedure. EQUIPMENT 81 Flaw Detector a) b) ° @) ‘The ultrasonic equipment using shail bo of pulse - echo type and able to work with combined probes for transmiting and receiving (TR) and with separated (Individual probes) probes. ‘The equipment shall have the frequency range from | MHz to 10 MHz. ‘The equipment ime base linearity shall be within 2% over the whole range. ‘The amplifier shall have an accuracy of 41% within the range of 20% to 80% echo height 6.2 Calibration “The operator shall use only calibrated equipment. The cellbration for cittal type equipment shal be valid for one (1) yea, ‘Recallbration shall be required when any part of the examination system is changed. Periodic examination calibration check shall be carried out: a. Onthe finish of each examination b. Every 4 hour during the examination c When exemination personnel are changed, Drift in time base recommended limit shall be within + 2% of test range. ‘Any time the equipment presents a signal more than 5% below the examination sensitivity sll the work done since the previous successful vertfication shall be re-examined. 68 Probes 2) b) The choice of probe(s) depends on weld thickness, diameter and ‘metallurgical structure. For practical purposes, shear wave angie probes of 4Miz to SMHz shall be used unless variables, such as grain structure of material requires the use of other frequencies to assure adequate penetration or better resolution. ‘The probes to be used shall be Project No.: P1483 ‘ADCO DOC. NO. 14.78,90.9938 ‘ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE. REV.c. | DATE 10/07/2010] DOCUMENT TITLE: PAGE 6 OF 25 Angle 0° and 70" TFreqicney sas “to SNE E Grysial siza ae 1Omm@to 26mm oo ‘Angle probes [gm x9 mm to 20 mm x22 mm ©) Specific angle beam probes of specific frequencies not mentioned above may be used, a3 the usage will depend upon weld profiles, type of welding, thickness and orientation. In general at least one angle beam probe shall be chasen to be as near normal to the weld fusion face(s) as practicable, 4) When testing components less then 160 mm (6 in) diameter pipes probe shoes suitable to the shape / contour of the scanning surface shall be used. 64 Cables Minimum of 2 m (6 #) and a maximum of & m (16 f) in length, single or twin, with suitable connections. 85 Callbration Blocks 2) _IIWV1/V2 and [OW block shall be used for time bese calibration, linearly checks, beam spreads, angle checks, Index points, resolution b) Distance Amplitude calibration blocks MATERIALS 7A Coupling Medium + Cellulose paste, glycerin, grease or light machine oll may be used as the ‘coupling medium. Coupling medium shall be applied with the help of brush to have a uniform thin layer in ordar to reduce air space between the probe and metal surface. + The same coupient used for calibration shall be used during the examination 7.2. Plotting Aids a) An array of devices shall be available forthe ultrasonic operators to plot and verify location of indications, 2s a minimum the folowing shall be made available to each technician ®) Magnetic strips, electronic calculators, mimic gauges (wire type), sokdering Wire, Perspex sides, plotting cards, 180 rim stainless steel ruler, measuring fapes, indelible markers Project No P14399, DOCUMENT TITLE: ‘ADCO DOG. NO. 14.78,90,9938 ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REVO DATE :1910712010 PAGE 6 OF 25 8.0 at a2 20 PREPARATION ‘Surface Concition ‘The ecanning surface shall be free from loose paints, loose scale, spatter and smooth so thal proper coupling can be meintained between the test surface and the probe. Examination Stage The Client shall epecity the stage at which examination is required. Final testing shell only be cartied out after PWHT. CALIBRATION BLOCKS ‘The equipment shell be calibrated by using IIV V1 and V2 blook(s). Refer to figure 1@ and 1b. IOW block shall be used for beam profile and resolution. Angle beam probe shall be checked for angle of the probe and index point Figure 1a: IW Vt Block Project No. 14333 ADCO DOG. NO. ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REVO DATE 19/07/2010] DOCUMENT TITLE: PAGE 7 OF 25 sinma Figure 1b: V2 Block 91 Material Material of calibration block shall be of the same product form ard material ‘spetficalion or equivalent, P-number as of the material being examined. P humbers 1, 3, 4 and 6 materials are considered equivalent For dissimilar weld materiels, calibration refiectors shall be provided in both materials. 82 DAC Curve ‘The DAC curve with angle beam probe or normal beam probe shall be drawn separately when testing wth the particular probe (angle or normal) using the suitable standard reference biocks for the material end thickness of the test surface. Refer to figures 2 and 3. ‘The DAC curve shal be drawn by selecting holes of 3 mm diameter or notches in the reference block as ilustrated below s0 thet the full testing renge required for the weld shall be covered. 23 Temperature ‘The Tempereture cifferential between the callraton block and the work picoa at the time of testing shall not exceed 28° 6 {_Ilr'c ) Project Now P14333 ‘ADCO DOC. NO. 14.78,90,9938 ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REV.G DATE ten7narol DOCUMENT TITLE: i PAGE 8. OF 25 FOR THICKNESS < 25mm 1 ™ Ld - FULL SCREEN HECHT 100% FIRST. BAGHWALL ECHO SECOND BACK WALL ECHO 0% aT 2 | ™ 4 100% FULL SCREEN HEIGHT FOR THICKNESS > 25 mm 80% FULL SCREEN 0% HeeHT wT iat sat 2. CONSTRUCTION OF REFERENCE CURVE (DAC) WITH NORMAL PROBE Nos 14309 DOCUMENT TITLE: Projecto: ‘ADCO DOG. NO. ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REV.C DATE 10/07/2010 Sex | cr [PAGE 9 OF 25 FOR THICKMESS <25 mim 1 8 ct 4 “| ' 3 ‘0 vt 1% wea FULL oP STANCE Tire a FOR THICKNESS > 25 mm Figure:3. CONSTRUCTION OF REFERENCE CURVES (DAC) WITH ANGLE PROBE 8.2.4 Method fa) Select a target hole for DAC and adjust the probe position to obtain ‘maximum echo height from that hole. ject DOCUMENT TITLE Project Na: PSS __| ‘ADCO DOS. NO. ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REV.C DATE ieo7m0101 PAGE 10 OF 25 b) Adjust the gain (dB) to show 80% FSH echo height. Mark the position on the screen. ©) Without altering the equipment adjust the probe position to obtain maximum amplitude from the other directions of the probe positions, Refer to figures 2 and 8, 4) doin the marked points on the screen to obtained DAG for that probe, @) The steps a, b, cand d shall be followed for the other probe angles. 92.2 Sensitivity Setting for 5-13mun thickness ‘@) The echo from the ID notch on the reference block, refer Figure 10, shail be set at 80% of the full screen height and the decibel setting noted. b) One of the probe angles of 45%, 60° & 70° shall be used to set the sensitivity ‘depending upon the diameter and the thickness of the pipe. ©) Without changing the decibel setting, the echo fram the OD notch on the reference block shall be maximized and the point noted. 4) The notch echoes of the reference block shall be set by placing the search unit perpendicular to the length of the notch and the search unit along the circumference of the pipe outer surface. €e)_ Tho two high points of 1D & OD notches shall be joined by a line, 4). This shall be the reference line for acceptance oF election ofthe indication. _ Acie Neth ae ie Yew Dimensions: T Nominal pipe wall thickness NN Notch depth = 10% T plus or minus 10% of notch depth A__2in, (50 mmm) minimum tength DOCUMENT TITLE: a ‘ADCO DOC. NO. 14.78,90.9938 ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REV.C DATE :19107/2010| Se PAGE 11 OF 25 B_0.425in. (8.2 mm) maximum noteh width 11,36 T plus2in. 60 mm) minimum length D341 in. (80 mm) minimum width E tin, (25 mm) minimum notch length Ri Ouiside radius of pipe R2_Radlus of inside note RA minus 0.9 T Figure: 1¢~ Reference Block for Manual UT pO uw ne Se Position the trensducer in ne withthe outside notch at double the distance used to peak up the inside notch (Posten B), Verify atthe outside notch echo peak ls at or near zero depth reading. This wil establish that relrected angle and velociy setings are eufciemy accurate. Figure: 10 — Establishing Distance, Refrected Angle, and Vetoclty 9.3 Amplitude Gain Correction The amplitude gain correction shall be epplied for diforent materialsigain structure changes between the malerla's of test surface end reference block Refer to figure 4. DOCUMENT TITLE: Project No P14383, ‘ADCO DOG. NO. 14.78,90.9938 ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REV.c.. _] DATE 9/07/2010 PAGE _12_OF 25 ‘TRANSMITTER RECEIVER rm 4 sen hove vere TRANSMITTER RECEIVER ra i ° ex i Figure :4 DETERMINATION OF SURFACE ATTENUATION 84 Scanning Sensitivity The minimum scanning end evaluation sensitivity shall be used as per lens requirements or as follows, i not specified: = iON SENSITIVITY SORT semi ssi | REIN Normalbeam | DAG+6dB | DAC + losses (¢B) Longitudinal | ~DAG+ 6aB + losse5 z imperfections (dB) erent ce: Tranaverse imperfections DAC + 14dB DAC + losses. (28) Project No P1435 ‘ADCO DOG. NO. REV. DATE :19/07/2010| DOCUMENT TITLE: ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE PAGE 13 OF 25 10.0 METHOD 10.1 Essential Variables ‘The essential variables as detailed below shall remain constant for al the testing: + Weld configurations to be examined, including thickness dimensions and ‘base material product from (oipe, piate, etc,). +The surfsces from which the examination shail be performed, + Technique(s) (straight beam, angle beam, contact and/or immersion), + Angles) and modets) of wave propagation in the material + Search unit type(s), frequency ([es), and element size(s) / shaps(s). + Special search units, wedges, shoes or saddles, when used + Ultrasonic equipments) + Calibration (calibration block(s) and technique(s)} «Direction and extent of scanning + Scenning (manual versus automatic) + Method for discriminating geometric from law indications Computer enhanced data acquisition, when used + Scen overlap (decrease only) + Personnel performance requirements, when required 10.2 General a} The thickness of each member to be tested shal be determined by using puise-echo contact method with normal beam probe, In case of ‘circumferential weld on tubular member thickness shall be checked at least ‘our locations eround the elreumference. Thickness shali be checked every 2m (6 ft) in fat plate connections. b) To cover the complele area of the test surface probe shall overlap a rminimum of 10% of the transducer dimension or as specified In Section 40.3 and 10.4, parallel to the direction of scan. ©) Scanning speed shail not exceed 150mmisec, Project No P1430 ADCO DOC. NO. 14.78,90.9938 REV.C DATE : 1910772010] DOCUMENT TITLE: ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE PAGE 14 OF 25 10.3 Scanning ‘A minimum of three transducers, one straight beam and two angle beam shall be used for scanning of welds and parent meta 10.3.1 Parent Metal Scan “The parent metal adjacent to the weld on both sides shall be scanned using 0° probe to locate eny imperfections such as laminations which may interfere or Influence the degree of inspections when testing wih angle bearn probes. 10.32 Weld Scan ‘@) Weld scanned from the both sides wherever accessible and feasibie, b) For detection of longitudinal defects the probe shall be placed on the parent metal In such way that the sound beam is normal to the weld axis. Refer to figure 5a and 5b, ©) During scanning the probe shell be angled or skewed 8° to 10° In the horizontal plane. Refer te figure 6. 4d} For detection of transverse defects the probe shall be placed along the side of the weld so that the sound beam forms an angle # 18° C from weld axis with the canteriine of the weld connection. Ie->I Figures Single “W" whit sean Project No: P14393 ‘ADCO DOC. NO. 14.78,90.9938 ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REV.C | DATE 1910712010 DOCUMENT TITLE: PAGE 15 OF 25 I a |< Lateral movement of probe» USE OF ANGLE PROBES FOR DETECTION OF TRANSVERSE DEFECTS Figure: 8 Project No: P14333. ‘ADCO DOG. NO. 14,78.90.9938 ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REV.C Toa DOCUMENT TITLE: si9710010) PAGE 16 OF 25 PATTERN D os PATTERN E WELD AXIS: . 0 ® i | ws? *+-Lb- MOVEMENTA 9 MOVEMENT MOVEMENT C ‘Testing patterns are all symmetrical around the weld axis withthe ‘excepiion of pattern D which is conducted diteclly over Ue weld axis 2. Testing from both sides of the weld ays is fo be made wherever mechanically possible, Figure:6 PLAN VIEW OF UT SCANNING PATTERN 2) The scanning shall be executed with normel probe and at least two ‘angle probes for ordinary weld joints. For T-K-¥ joints scanning shall bbe done with different probes trom different sides to cover the full weld area according to the available conditions. Eee DOCUMENT TITLE: ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE Project Nos PYAS33 ‘ADCO BOG. NO. 14:78,90.9938 REV.C. TpaTe: 19/07/2910] PAGE 17 OF 25 ») a ee Figure:7 Typical scan positions for‘T" welds f ” » D ‘Scan 1 is normal scan vith 0° probe. Scan 2 and 8 are the scan by ‘moving the angle probes to determine lack of fusion between weld metal and parent metal and weld body defects, UT operator performing examination for T-K-¥ joints shall be provided with a weld profile gauge to be used to draw actual weld cross section for location of the defect. For complex geometry of T-K-Y joints UT operator shail consider wal thicknese limitations and shall use al nominal ang probes, Le 45°, 60° and 70° in multiple scans of the entiro cirournference of the brage weld, Partculaly scanning by 48° probes may be required ftom the chord side to assure full weld coverage, Thick wal dagonal race weld connections may also require scanning with 80° angie prabe to assure the sound beam intercepts the roct area. Any weld having a restricted surface area of < 85 mm for scanning from one side shall be examined from all other possible sides in addition to normal scanning pattern. Each pass of the probe shall overlap @ minimum of 60% of the transducer (element) dimension. 10.4 Triangulation Method @) For determining effective beam angle, indexing or root area and flaw locations triangular method may be applied. For diagonal intersection connections, @ profile gauge shall be used to draw the weld cross-section and shall provide the weld surface profile and brace ‘curvature. Punch indexing point, which shall provide a references from which to lecate the roo! edge. Projecto: Pt DOCUMENT TITLE: pelet Nas RIMES. ‘ADCO DOG. NO. 14,78.908938 UCTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE RVG DATE “8/07/2010 PAGE 18 OF 25 ‘0) The section scanned in diagonal braces is eliptical at locations other than zero can't angle Le, the heel and toe areas. Actual surface distances can be determined by using two Kentical probes in the pitch and catch mode aligned along the eame skew and cant angie. 4d) Effective beam angle can ke calculated by the triangulation method end any clscontinuty can be aceurately located. DETAILS OF ‘STEP4 Measurements taken from probes peint of incident Figurega: Pitch and Catch Mode DOCUMENT TITLE: ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE Expocted maximum reflected response poinis if indication exists ‘al Surface C Project No P1493 ‘ADCO DOC. NO. REV.C DATE : 19/07/2010] [PAGE 19 OF 25 S eaotinterest aves sh 4 each 7 \ step typical STEP 3 Figure:8b Pitch and Catch Mode 10.5 Nozzle Weld 40.5.1 For inspection of nozzle wekd access to all the scanning surfaces may rot be passible. The possible scans are illustrated in the Figure 8. 40.6.2 Choice of probe angle and frequency depends upon the weld configuration, thickness of weld and material Project No. P14383 DOCUMENT TITLE: ADCO DOG. NO. 14.78.90,9938 ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REV.C DATE 19/07/2010 PAGE 20 OF 26 41.0 12.0 Figure: 8 Scans for fully penetrated “set on” wolds . 40.6.3 Scan 4 and 2 are normal beam scan with 0° probe. Scan 9 is @ rool soen, Sean 49 the scan made by moving the probe betwaen half skip ‘ard full skip mits to. determine lack of sidewall fusion end weld body detects, 10.5.4 Scenning Overlap ‘Amminimum overlap of 50% of the active transducer size shell be given. GEOMETRIC INDICATIONS Utrasonie indications that are determined to originate from weld reinforcoment or root ‘geometry of variation in metalurgical structure of material (such as cladding to the base ‘metal interface) shall be classified as geometric indications and ‘+ Need not to be characterized o sized and compared to allowable flew. ‘+The maximum indication amplitude and location shall be recorded, For confirmation of indications from job geometry following steps shal be carried ou + Recheck and verify the indications by using other probes, + Check the ovations trom where simiir type of indication was observed. «Plot and verify the reflector coordinates, provide e cross-sectional displey showing the reflector position end surface discontinuity such a8 root or counter-bore. ‘+ Any other suitable NDT method can be used for confirmation. EVALUATION 12.4 Recording ‘The discontinuities which produce an indication greater than 20% of the roforence level shall be Investigated. ‘Al indications that have an echo height more than 50% of the reference hole shall be recorced and evaluated. [Eee ea PS ADCO DOG. NO. 14.78,90.9938 | amon ences eee STN | PAGE 21 OF 25 122. Sizing of Defects ‘Detect length shall be determined by using 648 drop method. 100% Height ‘50% Height \ EenoatPesiton Echo Posilom 2 83 Pesiten2 Postion Pasion Fig: 40. Defect sizing by 668 drop method 42.2.1 GdB Drop Method + Maximize the echo by setting at Position 1, * Adjust the echo height to 100% of Ful Screen Height (FSH). + Move the probe along the weld axis towerds Postion 2 nth the ‘echo hetght falls to 50%, + Mark the center of the probe on the test surface, ‘+ Move the probe in opposite direction towards Posi ‘echo height drops to 60% of FSH. + Mark the position ofthe probe center on the test surface. + The distance between two points marked on the test surface indicates the length of defect in he weld. 13 until the 13.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ‘The indications recorded shall be verified for the length and lype of discontinully and shall be evaluated as per Criteria B31.3 Table 341.9.2 and and supplemented by 336.4.6(0) as ilustrated below. ‘+ Discontinuities which produce an indication greater than 20% of the reference level shall be investigated. + Discontinuties evaluated as crack, lack of fusion or incomplete penetration are unacceptable regardiess of is size. + Other discontinuities are unacoeptable ifthe indication exceeds the reference level and their length exceeds the following: ‘6mm for't up to 19mm Project No. P14933 ADCO DOC, NO. ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REV.C DATE s1607/2010 DOCUMENT TITLE: PAGE 22 OF 26 4081 for ‘t from 19.0 to 57.0mm 49.0mm for‘ aver §7.0mm where ‘is the thickness of weld. If the weld joins ‘wo different thicknesses, ‘'is the thinner of these thicknesses. 44.0 REPORTS For each weld examined the technictan shall submit a signed report detailing the folowing information + Reportno + Glient + Jab no/ work order no, © Item desetiption © Weld item no, + Weld Configuration + Acceptance criteria + Length of weld / diameter of wetd ‘+ Thickness and reinforcement. + Welder No. «Welding process ‘+ UT procedure number and procedure © UT technique © UT equipment model and serial no. + UT probes, manufacturer, serial no., frequency and size + UT probe cables type and length «UT probe beam angles used + Couplant, type, brand + Special equipment, auto-scanning, wedges, recording, ete ‘+ Calibration block(s), type and identification Project No P1433 ‘ADCO DOC. NO. 14.78.90,9938 ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEOURE, REVG DATE :19707/2010| DOCUMENT TITLE: PAGE 23 OF 25 + UT set reference level gain, damping and reject settings ‘+ Simulation or data correlation blocks «Scan details, volume, etc «Access surface / face, and condition ‘+ Surface(s) from which examinetion was conducted '* Record or map of detected rejectable indications + Date of test with technician name and signature 15,0 RECORDS Following acceptance of report by Client, copy shail be filed, together with copies of ‘eketch(es), specific procedure(s), photographs) or other relevant material, In such manner fo allow easy retrieval if and when required DOCUMENT TITLE: Projet Nos P4589 ‘ADCO DOG. NO. 14,78.90.9938 ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REVI DATE ne1a7n0%0) oom itn : a I PAGE 24 OF 25 FB box a0 Ta aD OTe Te 1 con8 folate. 18 om fai Amen tre zane ons Aime lates An Entra Soest nesta dact ULTRASONIC TESTING REPORT [ee Teens Tete hy Lonestar Inspection Services toe Sing Vs Sane Tee Naruto ext Lao Pete | Faguacy | __ae ‘any Se ‘Angle i) (enemy iaduminict ‘Tianafar Leas recta air eoncuaTION Detect [Probe | Scanning | Lodlign roe Longin een f uswrt | maiweot | Accept vce aes [eaare) | yo | ash | aes ‘se Cy aes ‘Chants Represeninnr signee tonsa Fue l, NOTERO O90 01 aan Tyson Napon ‘Blbunan: Nims Choe, ek Cherk Dhaba, rte Race (0 na te) GS Project No; P14333) DOCUMENT TITLE: ADCO DOC. NO, 14,78.90.9938 ULTRASONIC TESTING PROCEDURE REV.C DATE :19/07/20%0] PAGE 25 OF 25

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