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SCIENCE CAREER COACHING A Complete Science Solution Hub... PHYSICS Unit- 1. Electric Charges and Field Class - 12** By Umesh Rajoria SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Near Mahalaxmi Dharam Kanta, Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar (Raj.) Mob. : 8003024131, 9309068859 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING ‘Umesh Rajoria 1. ELECTRIC CHARGE AND FIELD INDEX S.N. CONTENTS Page No.| 1. | Electic Change 1 2. | Conductor, Inawledor ¢ Semiconductor 3 3. | Propertios of Electric charge 4 4 | Millikan's 01) chap Experiment 5 Ss Change by Induction u 6 | Colomb!s Law & L Force between Multiple Chaager 11 & | Elechic Field 1M 3. | Elechic Field Lines Vy lo, | Electic olipele 19 | Dipele Field 20 12 | Dipole im a uniform Electric Field 22 13. | Electric Flux 28 14 | Gauss's Law ap 1s, Field clue to an ingportedy, tong. Shreight Uniformly Charged usive. as 16. | Electric Field Intensity clue doa unifpemly ay Charged spherical) shut 1% | Electric Field Intensity clue to a thin infinite plang sheet of charge 36 18. | Electic fell totenady clue to tuo thin Infinite paral sheets of change a7 Very Important Questions SCIENCE CAREER COACHING SCIENCE CAREER COACHING ere 1. ELECTRIC CHARGE AND FIELD Electric Charge - . . oo The. pr of moterial by which ot exerts or experienc electhic amd roy ic effects Jd calle the electric charge. Examples - G Experience of Seeing a spark or hearing a Crackle, when we take of Synthetic Cloths. Gi) Lightning in the sky during thunderstorms ue to electric olischarge- Electrostatics - TT The. branch of Physics 5 vohich deals vorth the study of charges at” veatd (static charges), the fores , felds “omel potential due te these Chayged is colle Electrostatics oy state Electricity: Important Facts about charge - (1) There ore only hws types ok eleetric Change « (2) Like Charges vepel cma unlike charges attracts each other (3) The unlike charges nullify (Cancel ) each others e] When they Come mM coe Thine fore. tac long ore name as positive omd negochive, by +he American scientist ‘Begjamin Frenklin’ (4) Normally the moterials ane electricelly Heidel 3 ed co not ' Contain charge because their changes (Probhs omd electrons) ore Exactly balanced. (8) The electron. of the omermost orbit ok an edum Ore for Hae nucleus So these electrons are reorely boundeal with the nucleus amel com be Ss Heol ect] the orbit by giving some en These electrm peen Colle} BoP Teche - Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [0] Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria (6-) The bedy or atom can be chongeol positively & Leesi ae oF ats elechont anol Cam be seat negedively by guning, electrons. @) The aratus usecl Je detect charge on a body as * ath Leaf Electroscope’. ond Charged Glass Rod Metal Foil ———— Cork ———_ Copper wire +-] ry. gold leaf. - | ig 3 | C vy glass jar a @) An electric charge com creates electric field (), mognatic field CB) amd electromagnet vacations veo @P => Only Electric Hell (ED Ve Comat. > . . a @ — Electic Fiell(E) 4 Megnedic Field CBD v # Const. > £,6 od Electromagnetic Rodiadtions 9) Electic charge unitermly autibute on a uniform ¢ S' co “but Th cane Cdnsi oma Fone sale s ce XA maximum ~on thet points whee the radius of Cukve Gs minimum. + + +n wat + a "S + * A 2 : Change clensity Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [02 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Point Chenge= os in where all the change wa & ow of & bedy wis coneentetea! Umesh Rajoria Conductor , Insulator € Semiconductor - Conductor - OT omecterial though which the etechic Change amd current com flow edsily are Catteal Conducts. Examplea— All Metals, Human body » earth etc. Imsuletor - , ————— The materiols which veaist the flow of electric. Charge oma current are calls! Insulators. Examples - Wool, Porclene, plastic etc. Semiconductors - ooo TR materials which resist the plow of electric. charge and current but the value ef their yesistanw us in-between the. Cencuchy and insiwatr are cablecl semiconductors Examples - Silicon (Si) > Germenium (Ge) Carb CC) —> Excellent thermal Conpluctivity. Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 °3 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Properties of Electric Charge - q) Addhitivity of Charges:- Elechic Charge ds a scalar quantity so the dotal charge of the System ua obtotnadl sinh by adeling the Utferent changes clgebrically arith Proper sign accorcling to thely charge. (@) Cheage is conserved:— Charge Can mot be exter created or clistroyeal. T+ tan only be transterred from ome bedy Ato another. Hence He total charge of the isolatect Sgstem ds odwouss conserved. +7 mag a+ OD Glass Silk Glass Silk Total change = oro =0 Total charge = +4-4 +0 (2) _Quantisation of Chasge i TRe electric Charge on a bedy as ody an integral multiple of e@ ( Charge on 1 Y Nectews )o This de Coble quantisation of charge e@ = 1602 x19!? ¢ *K The umit of electric charge Ja coulomb. 1 Coulomb - The total chorge on 6-24 x10!8 electrons is equal 4o 1 coulomb. ‘Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 oy SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajorin Millikan's Oil dvop Experiment — The. ch en one elechon was fourcl by 4s oil dwop experiment” by Millikan in 1912 - Fe=qE Atomizer a Positively Charged oil lat Piste 4) drope Microscope Negativelty Charged Plate Fg=mg. Wohen the oil cep remain Stationary in the experiment then the forees on cil drop Electric Force CFe) = Gravitational Feree CF,) Ze = mg ov qe m = mga whee E= Vv ee “ We Know that - mass = density x volume. m= ol x nr? where Y —» rodius of ofl chop Co-smm) * mass of Electro (me) = 1 KIO Kg. x Mass of Protm (mp) = L67 x10?" Kg. Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [05 An oil Stotone: SCIENCE CAREER COACHING vo Umesh Rajoria Po; 2-55 x10% N/e The. oansity estimate 12 excess elechons 1b hulol under a Constant etechic in Millikan! oi) dro ield of the oi) WA 1.26 g/cm - Then the “radius of the oil clrop- Set Given that - is Chayge P= ne = I2XLExIT” C Density ot = 126 xJo?% 2126 x1o® a ]m> 1076 when the oil drop is held stationery then q « m3 We Know m= axdnr? 3 So thot a= Axgnr’ xg. e or y? = _4eé aAx4M xg => yt = ix pexo'? x 255 x10" 1526 x107 xAXBI4 X98 wx 9-7 xt Ye -i8 = 9:47 xLo mm 9-81 x167 m @ What jb the otal charge on 75 Kg of electrons? Sele Number of electrons in 75 Kg: n = _tetel Mars =< 7S Mass of 1 etechon 3 x160°! r= B83 x10%! So Tetal charge Qe ne Q= |3 x10®! x16 x15 '9) Q = -b3axidtc ‘Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 06 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Charging by Induction Methoel 1. (Using a ground! Commection )) (i) A positively chargeol reed ia brought hear a neutral metel sphare anol polarising ot Gi) The sphore Us grounded! olowing electrons co be ecthractes! from” the eorth. IG A Ca) &) (ii) The ground Connection us broken. Gv) The positive wad as removeol leaving the sphore with an induc negative charge Method 2. CD Tisp unchargecl meted sphares ane in Contact with each other But insulocecl from reat of the wsorlel. Gi) A positively chargeat red da bre Sphore 5 odttracding negative charge “end ete the other atten! post: © Charged. (ii) Noto the Sphares are separates! e the vod la) (b> ©) us removeol ome +us separating positive 4 negative. Charge- J Gv) Remove the rod. The changes on sphares will Yearange themselves omd ucipormly Autributed over the sphanos Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [07 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Coulomb's Law - , The. force, of interacton beturcon omy two Point Charges 44 olinectly proportional to the product of the ch emel invers. proposhiomed de the square ok the olistance between trem, ome! acts odeng the Line Jernnng. the two changes. Ss 2 two oimt charges Fi ancl Fa are » ateol fy sete by A distr t, +4, 4 F< @-—~— y ———_____# > +d F Ee ~t2 o@—_>—___ y —__~_e Accoveling to Cotlombls Law, Fox 4%, ml oF a Tp s Swe K- Electrostatic Constant = or FE * Electostahe Constant kK clepends on the nadire of medium separating the charges oma on the system of units. In cgs System, Kel i = -: In SI system, K= are = 9 x1o Nm/c™ K Eo electrical peamittivity of free space Go = 88s x10! Cm Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [09 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Coutemb’s Lao in vector form - ‘Umesh Rajoria Let the position vector of Charges 4, emd G2 be > > ‘ XY) omd Vo vespechvely« We denote the fore op 4 due to 4a by Fr. omd the fpree on q, clue to % by Fay. or = > Ya, = W-Y2 | ond Yin = — Yer The mognitucle of vectors Yin omc Ye: is clenoted by lv. ond kan omd their Unit vectors ee Given ab- 2 a bi A Y, Yon = amd GH FH! ml \¥eu1 im Yay 2 Dh, CG) If Mand 4. ae of same sige 3 4,4. 70 vs then Fra is along Yau , which jotes repulsion (> 4) {S| Gi Th A ond da one oh opposite signs it. <0 bY en te aa along -Yz, oy Yr 5 which clenotes Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [O93 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING iin iin Two point charges of +2UC om +euce repel each ater can a bt of 12N-~ Now is each is given an acklitional charge of - 4c 5 hed will be the new force ? SS Here @, = +20 , G2 =+6MC 5 FE I2N omd qd) = +2-u =-24uIC Ve = 46-4 = 2c so F! 2 4a = C22) =-4 Q 4) da (23) 8 Fle-F =-12 2 ~4n (aAtnective) 3 2 A charge 4% Js placecl ot the care of the tine dining. fire equal changes Q. Show that ‘the system ok theee charges will be in equilli yiue if q-/- @/4. sel. ® e « Let two equal charges an e _* @ each, be held od A % omd B, Whe AB= 220. Here C ud the centre of AG» where charge q 4s held. Net fore on % is cero. So q ud already in equilibrium. For the three 3 to be Im equilibrum , net force om each change must be zero. Now, total force om Q at B us_ KQYT 4+ K@Q =06 x2 @x}* KQt = ~ KQ? a uxt Se t= -Q Hen Proved. Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 10 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING ‘Umesh Rajera Dielectric Constant (K) - feree in @ medium (Fm) = ae RE —@ tohene E-elechical peamittivity of the medium. feree in vacuum (F) = ane" Bite @ Dividing eq: © by D, we get- fe = & = € ork Fin Eo tohire Ey or K ud Called clielectic constemt oy relative electrical permittivity of the medium. ¥ Dielectric Constant of a meclium ia the ratio of absolute electical permittivity of the medium 4 the elechical permittivity of free space. K Thus force between two Given Charges in a medium Cie) wa only + times of the force between them in aby / vacuum. Force between Multiple Charges - Totel fore. on any charge clue +o a number of Charges oF vest is the “vector sum of AU the forces on that charge. cus to other Cherges. Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 it SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Let the force on charge 4, clue to hyo other changes Ta amd da ore Fiz oma Fis respectively . The position vectors of Charges B14 ta ond Aa ane Hoye od Be Here Fie = KU42 ty, | and | Fis = K&te fy Vee Tn Thus the vesuttont force Fi on Charge 1)_js obtained by the vector sum of the forces Fi amd Fis Ga- P+ Fa + Fs Similarly if as have n charges 4) 24a,---- On then the yoo Sy 4, Gut to 4Wa5495--- bn charges can be calculated by the vector sum of forces Fra, Fis os: Fin Qb- — Foe Fae ht Em G) Two fixecl point charges + 4e ond +e units Art seporates| by a oldjane 'q’. where shontol the tivcl point “charge. be places) ppv sd to be: in equitibrium. Sol For the charse +4 - to be in eq aulibeivm ee tae F) = Fp ae on Ky4e = kve > Atte xP @-xy oa (@-x)> om Selving = m= 20/3 — fs. Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 12 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING ‘Umesh Rajoria ® Turn equcl positive, chorges each of 2.UC interact with a third positive charge of Suc situated a3 shown in iq. Calculate the mitude. ancl direction oh the foree “on the 3 Ue Charge. Al 2ue sole Here 0A = OB = 3m and oP = 4m ' ' on! A Se ap = Bp = [a4 qe ‘ ° 5-—X — : 5 3m, F, According to Coulomb's Law ' y' Foree on Charge at P due ‘ tb eat A ond B eae are eqdal in megnitude So- Fi = Fa = K%%2, 2 9x10? x2 Al x3 xioé am se Se Fp = Fo = 26 xist n Here the components of F, and Fz along ¥ and y! Axis Are equol in magnitude. (Fi) Sine = Fa Sin@ ) but opposite in direcHon So they comce} each other The Cornponertts along PX acl » So total force om Chorge 3 Me at p dd - “? fe F = 2F)/Cose = 2xX21¢ x03 aL Se Fos 3s x1o2 N — fins. Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 13 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Electric Field - An electric. of Space Susdrioundin electrically eld 4s the r thee & foree we recl om oe pork Charged objects. “9 * The Urectoo the fell Js taken to be the direction of the force tt wouldl exert on a positive test chaage *® the electrie fiele) Js roolia Uy oudurord positive Charge” ord roctially acl towards a reget Change- aK OK % Concept of Fitll sas introduce first of all by “Favaclay Electric Field Intensity (E) The. electric tial intensity ot omy P pom SA the strength of electric field ot “thet point It YA olefined! ay the fore experienced! by unit Positive, charge placecl at thot Feint- According to coulomb's Law force on test Charge Ve dus to a point charge @ JA 1 @-4 S P EF ia Ame, = a — a as e---- y¥ ———" Lope n= => 1 as by olefin tion E z Se E =e yf where F is Unit vector directed prem @ towards 1, ST Unit of E =X Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING ‘Umesh Rajoria Important Points about Electric field - (4) The magnitude of electric field © Wis same at equal bateneas” deve the charge Q, thus st has a spherical symmetry. (2) The rtucle. of the electric fielol © cependls only on the Change @ omd the clatante ¥- (3) The test change We may have its own electric field, it may mocity the eechte iel} of the source. cl ie. Therefore to minimize this effect we. retorite electric field intensity at Y as- Electric Field due to a system of charges - Conider a system oh changes Bao: tagene Ea Te. with position vectors Y, 5 Vag. En Es n [= 1. 41 eT RE i a2 \ ae if “= ‘ ao i \m = > ea ys - 2 ae I \ / » Z tn ta The electric field intensi at a pint P clue do & system of anges is the vectoy sum ok the electric fidds at the peint cue to individual charges. > _ Kt fy 4 K%2 yy Kon 7%, = tee ‘m mie | REF Ve I> Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No,- 8003024131, 9309068859 15 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING ® What axe the magnitude anol clivection of the. elechic field at cevtre of the Square in fique- Ih Ue 'ie®%e ond as 5 C Sol, eel Umesh Rajoria ™. Hero 6A = 0B =0¢ -ob= ¥ y 2 S Kio? m. Kc also here €,= 6, =_% 4M E ye oy Ej= Er. = 1? x9 x109 u = 72x10 Nie (sxi6*/s2)* ! In Squsrt ABCD te LAB = 30° So the Net Elechic ped ato = | E+E 4+26,6,Cos90° Er/EP+e = 652 Eos 72/2 KI! Nie at dst to oA, Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 16 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING ‘Umesh Rajoria Electric Field Lines - An elechic fieH Line is a Curve dyaun in sich 0 way that the “fangent do Jd ad each point is in the cUifection of the net fell at thot poinh Ee € The magnitude of the field Us representect by the densit of field Lines. be 3 y Hence Electric field lntensi ot a nt is equal to number of field tind cressing Theme Pe one around that point. Properties of Electric Field Lines - QQ) Eleetue field Lines are continuous curves. Stont positively Changecl body and endata negatively Uratged Body. theraz is a single charge then the fielcl lines may a or end at ieinity. KK RS (2) No electric field Livus exist Maio the charged bedy- Thus alo chesbotie fidd tints Ao not stn continuous closed oops. *® The picgneic. 3 fied Sines ane continuous (or endless) cleseel Loops against the elechic field Lines, (3) Temgent do the electric field Line at ony point gives the clivection of electric field intensity at that point Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No. 8003024131, 9309068859 17 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria @) No ture electric field Lines of force can intersect each othr. This ~s because at the point of intersectin P, we con oaraw two tangents PA md Pe. This would mean tuo clivections of electric field intensity at the Same point, which ds nat © possible. e =e (5) The electric tield Lines are alw normal to the Surkace oh Q Conductor. So there Us Ro Component of elect field intensity poral} to the surface of the Conducted, (6) The field Lines aroun a system of two positive cae C%,%) gives @ pictorial represmtation of mutual repulsion. while around the confi im of tuo ual oma poate che eed (9, =9)'5 clipele. , b ehoms he mutued, thraetion Tehean the chaages- ee RE Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 18 Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rejoria Electric Dipole - fm electric oclipsle is a pair 0 ual amd opposite. point Choages eee ng 3 ol ctistance . Let % and -Y% are two equal and opposite point Changes Aeparatect by a small olistance ‘207. 1 Or oo nnn @ +4 k——— 24 |-———-aA ! * The total charge of the eclectic cliple is zero, but this does not mean that the spell of the electric clipole ig zed. * Bud at clistances much Larger than the separation P ok the tun charges. fporing! a dipele Cr >> 2a) then the field clue to @ and -¢ naarly Cancel out. _ Dipole Moment ( P)- Dipele moment ws a meosure of the Strength of electric cipole. Tt Gs a vector quendity eohose clivecton, Js from negative cherge to poxitive Change- Dipole moment du equol tothe product of He mognituce of either Charge omd +e clistence between them, B = 4ax2af Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 19 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING ‘Umesh Rajoria Dipole Field - Tt 4s the space around the cliptle in which the eclectic effect of the olipsle can be experienced. The electric fell ot any point P is obtained by aalling. the electric fields 2, clue “to charge -L omd Ex’ due to te change. ae by the parallelogram Low of vectors. (i) Field Intensity on Axial Line of Electric Dipole - Let the int Pp be at distance y frum the centre of the dele om te Side of te Charge 4 rthen P «&—— 24 —_____- Eu <—_+—_>---@ --—----- t= --@ Esq -4 .——a = KY _k Here E-q (reat omd Esq = wat Se the 4otel Elechic field at point P in - E = Ey - Eq (Esq > E-q) a e = Ka (-ay tay —€ = kKyY-_4ar Gey For (yzr7a) Ee = 4KUa B= 2kP rs 73 The divecHon of E is odlong B ie from -9 to +2. *K E« +& Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 zo Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria (ii) Field Intensity on Equatorial Line off Electric Dipsle - let the point P is on the equatorial Line , oho op=Y.- -» Er e _--»P ol ~ zh Eq Ya : S y ¥ SI sa N 4 ‘ \ Z 1 be ' k@—— 28 —_—— So magni tiles of the electric frills clue to the two hago q ond -9 axe given as- KL - KL & = A Eq = ——— We) ™ 9 ORE Here the Components of Eq amd Eg normal to the dipde axis cancel each “otwr omd the Components along the. clipole axis add up. So the total elechic field is In oppesite direction to p. E = Esq Cos@ + Eq Cos oy E = 2E+q Cos > & bok Gary For (r77a) Ee = K 29a B= -kKP ¥3 x3 * Hence the dipole pied at Jorge clatances falls of not as dyn but ad 1 ys. # Dus to an electric clipole | Earial = 2 Eeguatorial Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [21 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Dipee. in a uniform Electric Field - Let a dipole be held in a tmiform extemal elechic fell Bet om angle 6 with the olivection of E. Net force on the ciple = zerxo The forus on charge +4 omd -% vesutting in a torque on a dp ida, Weleda ie ide Thus the trque tend do align the dipete anis along the clirectio of field E. The mognituole of true. ib equals the. magnitude ok each fprcee (VE) m plied by the perpendicular tuso andy distance between the forces + Torque = LCE x2asin@ Tt T = PESING ~ [ear] The clivecHon of T us aiven b nant haneled serena rule omd us perpenclicular 18 oll a Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [22 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria ® Whon B is along E, =O T= PESino =0 The clipdle is in stable equilibrium ® Whan F is along E, 0 = 180° te PE Sin]80° = 0 The clipele is in unstedble equilibrium Cote , When Pus Porolle| to =” or ardiparattel ez, the” net torque wb zero , but there ds a net force on the clipde’ if E is not uniform. (4) When Field a Srorenting along F Less Force. -o ot more Force. on 1 a on +7 Se Net Force Net Forea on clipole is along Net Torque = PESme@ = 0 Cw eso) (6) When Fielol is clecreasing cdong F Move Force. —e eee Forte: <—__e—___.__+ >» ea =4 - 3 on +e a Net Feree Net Force on alipole is apposite €. Net Torque = PE Sin@ = O om 8 = 0 ‘Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 ER SCIENCE CAREER COACHING imesh Rajoria Tue chaages tlo uc ane laces] S mm apart. Delermne ®r elechic™ fell at (a) at pemt Pom the axis of clipole. 1s cm. Guay from its certhe on the Siole of Phe positive Charge * (6) & pomt Q, stm away oom a Line passing thro © end normal do the axis of the clipole Showry in py EL : <8 oa IBl= ¢x2a / el 1 a . ! \PBls ox ® x sxc? fur = s xie® Om. i ison \, \ / ' = Also 2Aa<<¢ 7. spieg | Show a cmt oi el 3 Fs From Pp ~¥—______ sem —__» () As point p Mes on axial Line of olipde so - Eo: 2 KP = 2X9 X10%xsxive r (eas 53 Se E, = 267x108 Ne Catteng the divection of F) (©) As peint @ Lies on equoderial dine of; olipole So €, = KP = _9xlo® x sxiv® ve tous? E, = 1:33 R10 Ne (opposite to the divection of B) ew A systems has two chuges Ta = 25 «1570 and eaz-25xI0'C Located ot points A: (0,0)-IScm) ond &: (0,0, 15¢m) respectively ished ake the detol change arc eclectic clipele moment of the System z y sob Total cheage of the system Act Y= Ya + to 00-15) B= as xidleo- ras mete =O 2 zB (0.0115) Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [24 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Electric pde moment of the system is given by- [Ple dx20 = 2SxIT7T x 0-30 So IP) = 7sxtoo® cm (cong Positive Z-axis), @ In a certain region of space , electric field ts adong. the z- clivection, ee mognituds of elechic pielel is not Constant amd increases uniform along positive Z-axis, ot the rete of 1o* Nic Per mche. Coleulode Hye Force and torque. experienceal by a system having. a total clpole moment 167 C-m. in the Aegakive < olivedion? Sa Dipole moment of the system IPl= 4 xde IP] = axdl = -107 em. Rate of imcrease of electile Fielel per unit length, at = 10° Nj/c per meter Force expertenced by the System ey given by F= Te E gE ov Fs 4xdix de F = -10' x 1068 = -l07N ( eleng -z axis) Hee: Hive. omgle betutan elechic fetal omd Upole moment is 180°. So Torque = PESiné £ Tr PE Sini80 = Oo Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 25 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING techie Charge Distribution - There Gre tuo Aypes of distribution of Charge on a body- (1) Discontinuous Charge Distribution - Tr His cistibution +he Charges are clishibuted randomly C non uniformly) in a body of clifterent plows. C2) Continuous charge clistribution - Tn tis clishibution the Ch eS Are equally oishibitecl in co koaly or objec! an three Aypes Sh Cortinvcus change (a> Linear Charge Distribution - Tt wis yepresenteo} by Linton charge clemsity CA). Linear. change density (A) «See = AS Length AL * SI Unit - C/m Examples - Chaagecl Straight wire , Charged circular ying ‘ete: . toe ++ tent + + EEE] +' +A A + és Ce) Surface charge Distribution It Us represented by suapace Charge. clensity ov. Sweface Chenge olensity (om) = Sense = A ea 4s SI unit > C/m* Example - Chargeol Plane shect, Charge Conductins ° Sphere, “eytinder etc t ‘Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 26] SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Ce) Volume Charge Distribution Umesh Rajoria Volume Change clinsity (Pp) = Change Volume AV ST Unit - ¢/m3 Examples — Chaagee Inauleding Spharo etc, % + + + + f \ “ + Avea Vector - By comention , the vector arsociated with every ana elerment of & Clase surface is taken +o be th the olitecton ok the, adwarnd “normal. ‘ Here AS as mi nitucle of the ana ond nw a unit vector fn the divecton fren AS of outward normal at Hat point: Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 27 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Electric Flux C¢)- Electric lux Over On area In an clechic Pel! yvepresents the total number of elechic piel! Lines Onssing this arta normally « rough an area element The electric Hux Ag th AS in am elechic Pell E is7 depined os - Ao = &.A45 = E@s) cose Where 8 Ld the omgle = betureen ED cmd AS A [7 n For @ nonuniform surface total eleetic Hux 4 - $= f Eds = § Edscose The circle on the Integrod sign Indicates thot the Surfaw of integration axic®t nie 2 Side of the suman = etm | Area of the square (A) = 1) |_| x So A = o0lm* (@) = when the plane of the square ib do the. Y-Z plane then the om behvean the area vector” omd eclectic field 4 60. Se Electhic Flux dp 5 EACoSO oe BXIO* x O-0LxCo40 = BONMI/c (©) when plane makes an ongle 60" woth the x-axis ten 60 = Go. % Se Electic flux = EASE = 3x10 x 001 XCo&bO" = IS Nate $ The electric $iell in a Certain region of space vs (St 4 uf-uk x18 Nie» Calculate eclectic flux clue do Hhis fielol over an axza of (2-3) x16 m*. Swe Know that Electic Flux d= E-dd = (st+uf-uk) xo. (2t-7)xic> (to - u ) xfo? , 6xID* Neve jis ke 21 co ne 4" *k=RL=0 $ ¢ ¢ le i " Le Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 23 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Gauss’s Law - Umesh Rajoria The total electric flux over He closest surfaw dn vacuum ds t/e, dimes the total charge Q Contained insicle surface. & ¢: fea. g Proof of Gauss's Law - Suppose an Lsolateol positive. peimd cl tT do Situated at the Centre o of & Sphave of “Yaclius ¥- The electric fiele) intensity at omy pom Pom the Surface of the sphare is Where F Ga unit vector rected pom oO to P. So the flux over the Grea element ws — dg = €.ds = EX pdscosd yu or ad = Ktas y= Se Totol electric flux over the entire Surface of Sphare. : Eva = Ke ds ? £ as x* £ peaghemns B (fass nr) H Beds = 2 enc ¢ ¢ = It proves the Gauss's theorem. ‘Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [GO SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria The electric pel components In Hi. ane Ex => Ey =Ez=o a which ‘x = BaD web Consider tha. Cube 8 Shown mm ‘7 and calculate - (a) Totel flux throug the Cube. (6) Change within “fhe Cube. Assume that @= elm. sol Here Ex= ax y — & = Ex = 6, & = BoD N/c-miey A= OL m (4) The electe piel has a a only 2 Comperents, So “i 6 f = Eds =o fer Le ZA x each of four paces o <2 Cirbe perpendicular = Y-z plane- At the lekt faa 2 =a Se EL = aa so bo = EL. AS = aalxabcosise = -ad™ At the Right Face x= at1a-=2@ So Ege aoa So $2 Ee. RS = aAGay*na® Corot ge = x ag So Net flux through the cube gf = faethe p= adtg ad = wa” (6 -1) Sr f = Boo (0-1 5S (2-1) = fos Nmic (bd By Gauss’s theorem qd = Cog So gq = BBs KIe'> xX Los = 9.27 xto* c. Ba ot Of 2x1? c jt placed an a Corner of 2 side Cube. im: Find the elechic flux Posing through” this Cube. Sole Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [31 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Application of Gauss’s Theorem 1) Field clue to om infinitely Leng Straight Uniformly charged Wire - Consider an infinitely dong thin wire with uniform Linear change. dunsity “A. The etectric field at every point in the plane cudting the wire norm Js radial” amd dds magnitude cupendls only om the radial distance ¥. “ Now contickha a civcular closed cytinder of radius xy amd dength L, with the inyitedy Long Line oh charge as sts axis. So the total electric flux over the surfaw - b= {2a = fedscose’+ fecscoasi+ [ecscoss ¢ = & fas or ¢ = & xanrl Change inside the cptinder. (4) = AL Now according to Gauss's theorem gf = me ° oe Exanyl = AL Ee _ aA oF Ee 2TNep ¥ or e -_A A Clearly BE «ot 2a ¥ ¥ Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 32 SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria epee Ip Av, the direction electric piel at ex = point 32 radially sickened? 4 oe If A <0, the livection of alectric fed ot ero point ds Yactially imwards. T v ® A ploshe red of len LLM omd rachus 36mm Commies @ negokive change of Sa xe which wt Spreacl Uniformly over ts surface. whot +s the elechic field near the mid Pomb of the rod, on dts Sunpau? Sk Given that - d= 22m. y= BEmm = SEexld?m. 4 4 = -38AL0 7. Li q ' = & near haage dlansity A - A = 38 xi0T = -173 x167 of 22 As e =A <= 24 2N€ny 4N GY So € = 2x9xI0% x (-173K107 ) BE x103 or Ee = -B6 X10° Nie Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 33) SCIENCE CAREER COACHING [Umesh Rajoria @) Electric Field Intensity due to a Uniformly Chavged Spherical shell - () Electric Field Outside the shell - Conridar o thin spherical Sheth of vadius R and centre o with change +2 distibuted over the Surface of the sho uniformby- To calculate eclectic Held intensity at Point P imagine a sphere (Gaussian surfac) with centre 6 and” radius P ) Aceorcling to Gauss's Law po gba +E oy + = fi eds Coad = 2 Is = & E dds z e = —t__ GIL & y? * Ib 170 then F 4s raclialty outwards ond * If %, 7206 co; a A SB © ® S e) oo — a, alae Im region ©®2© In te ® Er € +€, Ee Ej - Ep - = Ss; - Son FE *ieq tae & = ye "sa = 1 c= (en) cegietaied Case 2. - re. <> — In region @© E€ = € + Es Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 37 ‘Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar SCIENCE CAREER COACHING ‘Umesh Rajoria @ A lange plane Sheet of change having Surbace ch ity S x10 S one “he! in xy ‘hare! ed the electric flux through 9 civador axca of vacius Olm if the normal to the circular anon makes an angle of 6 unth the z-axis, sat Hers oc < sxio® Cfm* > T= OLM , O60 So f= Paz = Eds @49 ¢ = (se )xm7 Coss ming gil 2 gh = SKIT x sux (0-1) Cos60" 2K BBS KIC! bp = 4:44 xi? Nee — fms. Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [38] SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria Very Important Questions 1 Mark Questions - Q@1. Which as b; Ero Coulomb or charge on anislerieon 2 How man chonic changes m one. Coulomb of charge? a r (Pb. Board 2011 ) Q2, What a the Cause of changing ? (Thaakhand Board 2211) 8. What Js ment by Quantreation of Charge ? (c@se 2005 ) (Bihar Board 2011) Qiu. lohod Hs the value off change on an elect? Ts a Charge Jexs than this value pessible ? (Manipur cHse 201) Qs. tay no two electic Lines of force can intersect each othe}. ? (Hr Beard 2007) Gb. Force. atlractirn between two cint Charges lca} ata dbionen A i F. What Thisthnee apart should telly be Kept in the same meclium so that force them QZ In Conomb's Law, on What factors the value ofr elechostofe force Constant K alepends ? (Pb. Boarel 20119) QB. Define electric clipele. moment. tovite ots ST Unit. (GBharkhand Board 2011, Raj Board 2011 , CASE 2011) GB In which orientation, a clipe plus fn a uniform field ds in (9) Stable (6) Unstable esuilibsium? (case 2011 ) @.lo. Name the physical quantity edhose, ST Unit is Nie+ C Pb. Board 2011) Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 [OL SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria 2 Marks Questions - Q.4. Explain vohat ja ment by olielectric Constant ? (Case 20a’) @.2, Define electric flux - Waite its ST Unit. A change- 4, ub enclosed by @ sphuicl Surface o yadius R+ i the vaolius us reduceo| Jo half, how would’ He dechic flux Frrough the surface change ? “(aay poord 2008, CASE 209,12 ) @.3. A copper sphere. ef mass 2g. Contains nearly 2x10" atoms. The change onthe nucleus of each atom ss 292. Wheat fraction of the electors must be removed| fen the sphire do give tt a Change, ob +2uc? Ans= 2916 xo! (Case 2003 Qu. An area 5 xio*f m Us placed in an uniferm elechic field of (2oot+3c0f) N/e+ Calcutede the elechic Hur passin, through His arta. (Raj, Board 2002) Pms+ 45° Nm/c QS. The magnitude of enteral emd exerted elechic Hux om a Close surzace are 4x10> Nwte and Bxid™ NniZe eapectively+ Calelate. Hre chorge encloses) by tris SuAFACL « Arse 356 6 (Raj Board 203°) &¢. An elechic dipole of cipale manent 20x10 % cm is placed Inside a Closed surface. Codculate Hye net electric flux passing through Hus surface: Ans. = Zero (CBSE 2005, 06,11) Q7 What de yeu mean by elechic feld Linu ? Give three mein properties of elechic field dines. (Raj: Board 2006, CSE 2005’) G8 Plot a graph showing the variation ef Coulomb force, CF) versus (1x2) > Shure v Gs te distance betwen two Changes of each pair of Charges C Luc, 2.ue 3 emd (2uc,-aitc)- . (case 201) Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003024131, 9309068859 OZ SCIENCE CAREER COACHING Umesh Rajoria 5 Marks Questions - Q4. Using Gauss's Law, olbeive en expression the electric’ tield intensi at any point near a Uni C Won ive tok charge [longi =Adm. tig (ease 2008,5,7,9)) Q.2. Derive an exprersion for clipele field intensity ad any point en (©) axel Une of cUipole ome (2) om equatorial Sine ob clipele - (c@se 2004,5,11, 12) 3. Derive an expression jer electric field due to a Uniformly Chorgecl infinite plane Sheet Using Gauss's ain (case 2003,12 > Qu State Gay's Law in elechostates omd olive. em expression jor eclectic field Intensity aba pomh due to- (4) @ uviformly Chargecl thin sphevical shell (case 3,57,9") (b) two parallel Sheets of; charge With charge densities +5- Omd -o C CBs 2003,6) Qs. Deriwe on expression + torque acting om an elechic oUpdle in a Uniform electric tied. C Rey Boorcl 2008, IL , CBSE 2005) ‘Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.- 8003026131, 9309068859 START SCIENCE CAREER COACHING ali IcLass- | 12 i Ea PHysics DURE 1 Electric Charge and Field @d An electric field Line Us a Continuous curve. That Jsa field Line cannot have sudden breaks «Why not ? QZ. The fi shows tyacks of three Charges 1,2 and 3 in @ uniform electric field €. Give the Signs of three charges. which particle has the hightst charge to mass ratio ? tot et ah oe Q.3. Teo Lange Conducting spheres Carrying changes & and Qa are bro! close to each other. Is the magqni— tucle of the electrostatic force between them exac: geen by F aye, S82 “Where x is the clistonce bho thiiy Centres ? Bid Why must electrostatic field must be normal to the Surface oF every point aj a Charged Conductor ? @.5. Define electric olipole moment. Is tha scalar or a vector quantity ? what ls ute si unit 2 Oe An electric cUipole. ok clipole moment 20m10§ om Js enctosecl by a Closeo surface. What is the net electric flux ‘Coming out of this surface ? Amk. - Zero Quy Define Mekectric constant of a medium. what ia the value of cliekectric constant for a métal- Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.: 8003024131, 9309068859 ol SCIENCE CAREER COACHING 4 corpete solution Hub Q& Two charges -2Q and +Q are Located at points @,0) and (44,0) vespecHvely. What is the electric Flux chie do tse charges through a sphere of radius “aa? with we centre at the origin ? Ans.- = -28e, @.9. Ih the wmdiws of the Gaussian surfoce enclosing & charge ws halved, how cloecs the electric flux Harough the Gouwwsian surface change ? Ana.- No change Glo, Tiso Concentric metallic spherical shells of radii R and 2R are given Charges @y and Gr respectively. The Surfau Chorge duuities on the outer surfaces of the shells ane equal. Determing the vokin Q)+ Qr. Ams.- BQ, = Y4 QL. Teo ch ee Fond -3q are placecl fixes} on x-axis Separotecl by clistance ‘el’. Whee shoulel a third Charge 2% be placed Such that it will be in equilibrium? Are - = 1 U3) Qlz Hoo many Aypes an object con be. charges ? Qld. In a Hel molecule the clistance. between Ht ancl cl” tons 43 128 A% Calculate the electric ipete moment of tHe molecule. = b Ams. - P= 2-000x 15 om, Qiu. An electrory anel proton cut released from rest in & uniform electric field. tohich of them will have Langer Acceleration ? Gus. Guess a possible yeason w water hax a much qreater dielectric Constant (= 8) than mica (=6)- Near Nawalgarh Bus Stand, Sikar Contact No.: 8003024131, 9309068859 [O2

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