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Careers in Sports

1. High school coach

 They are considered essential beings in the life and school period of students. They are

often responsible for teaching their student's different techniques and skills in specific sports.

They also help students thrive in academics. The coaches should acquire a certified personal

trainer certification which can be acquired from the cooper institute for aerobics research. High

school sports coaches also study Business, Kinesiology, or Health Education. Lastly, they should

have a certification. Master Certified Coach (MCC). Certification of First Aid, CPR, and AED

Instructor is also required. They should be a certified nurse assistant to enable them to deal with

emergencies in the field in case of an accident. Their median salary for these high school coaches

is 36,330 US dollars per year. 

2. In administration 

· Athletic director - college

They work at a community college or even a university. Deals with the hiring of coaches

more often supervise programs. They can also help in the ordering of equipment needed by the

sporting family in the college or university. An athletic director of a college is also supposed to

monitor the college's budget, which may be through fundraising or even the equal distribution of

equipment across the sporting departments. They are also required to help the college in strategy


The athletic directors must hold a bachelor's degree in Education, a degree in Physical

Education, or any other related field. Some colleges may require the athletic director to possess a

teaching certificate and have a few years of experience in coaching. All athletic directors should

have a bachelor's degree in sports management.

Their salaries range from 32,000 USD to 92,000 USD per year.

3. Sports medicine.

A Physical therapist 

A physical therapist is a professional trained to help athletes bounce back from discomforts and

injuries, with just the same strength as you had before you got injured. Most of these

professionals are always aiming to help athletes reach their peaks.

Their responsibilities are 

1. Due to the intensity of games, these therapists must prepare the athletes both mentally

and physically before or after events.

i. They are supposed to give first aid to athletes if needed.

ii. When athletes are injured, these professionals are required to check the injuries or

even the strappings

iii. During sporting events, they have the task of deciding whether an athlete should

stop or continue a game.

iv. They are supposed to design and implement rehabilitation and detox programs.

v. During games or training, they advise athletes on stretching and warming up


 They require a doctoral degree in physical therapy and should be licensed through their

states which can be done by passing a national or state examination in physical therapy

education. They should also have the ability to work with patients of different physical abilities

and different states of health. The salaries for these professionals range from 86,000 USD to

108,150 USD depending on their states.

4. Sports science and technology

Exercise physiologist

They deal with investigating how different people or patients respond or even adapt to

their muscular activities. They usually use their knowledge to improve the performance and

fitness levels of these short, they provide scientific support to players or athletes in
different sporting activities. (Wuest et al.) Exercise physiologists should have at least a degree

which can vary, and often the course work done includes anatomy, biology, or even kinesiology.

A master's degree can sometimes be required for certification.

Some of the certifications required are

i. They should be a certified personal trainer.

ii. Should have a health coach certification

iii. Should be a first aid CPR and AED instructor

iv. They should also possess certifications for certified exercise physiologists.

v. They should also be certified physical assistants(PA-C).

 The salaries of the certified exercise physiologists in the US ranges from 10,200 USD to

277,000 USD, with a known median salary of 50,168 USD per year.


· Strength & conditioning coaches

They are professionals who establish and maintain a strength and conditioning program for

sports. Their responsibilities are;

1. He conducts annual evaluations of staff in different departments; this may include the

designing of professional development activities.

2. They supervise and coordinate the strengths and the conditioning of clubs.

3. They are also responsible for facilitating a collaborative relationship among coaches.

4. Cooperates with athlete training staff in the rehabilitation of injured athletes 

5. Helps in the designing and implementing of policies for strength and conditioning


 Their qualifications and certifications are

1. They should have strong motivational abilities. 

2. These professionals are also required to have good organizational skills and effective oral

and written communication skills.

3. They should have evidence of their ability to interact positively with athletes, colleagues,

or even the public at large.

 Most employers require these professionals to have a bachelor's degree. A course in injury

prevention, have performance coaching, and lastly, possess tactical strength. The top earners in

this profession earn 70,000 USD, while the lowest-paid earn 35,000 USD per year.

5. Sports Media

· Sideline reporter
They are reporters whose work is to assist the sports broadcasting crew with sports

coverage while on the sidelines. Most of these reporters are often given important inside

information of an important update; the information can be about an injury of a player.

Some of the responsibilities of these reporters are;

1. They travel to different sporting events and reports directly from the sidelines

2. They can also help the broadcasting companies in interviewing players and coaches

3. Sideline reporters are required to write and research stories that are to be published

4. The reporters also shoot or take short videos from a game so that viewers can watch 

 The most needed requirement for one to be a sideline reporter is, they should have a degree in

journalism, where one learns skills of journalists, which can be writing, communication, or even


The sideline reporters should possess a certificate in sports journalism.

Sideline reporters are known to earn a salary of between 10,001 USD to a whopping 237,500

USD annually.

 My most desirable career in the sports world would be to work as a sideline reporter. Most of

these sideline reporters usually report from live events of a game. Therefore, me being a football

fan, it would be of great joy and opportunity for me to work as a sideline reporter. They also get

to interview players or even coaches after or even before a match. Lastly, these sideline reporters

enjoy live events of a match as it takes place.


Works cited

Brassie, P. Stanley. "Guidelines for programs preparing undergraduate and graduate students for

careers in sport management." Journal of Sport Management 3.2


Wuest, Deborah A., Charles Augustus Bucher, and Jennifer Fisette. "Foundations of physical

education, exercise science, and sport."




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