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Human Resource Management


Human Resource Management

My business name is Get well hospital. The business offers medical services, including

outpatient and inpatient treatment, medical consultations, and the selling of prescribed medicine

to clients in need of medical service. With the customer in mind, my business aims for greatness

and success. To successfully achieve its goals, Get well hospital realizes that it must have a

sound Human Resource Management (HRM). The human resource plays a vital role as a

strategic partner in an organization. The human resource develops and directs a human agenda

that supports and drives the goals and aims of an organization. A strategic human resource closes

the gap between the Human resource department and the rest of the departments in an

organization (Mathis & Jackson, 2008). This paper is about creating a human resource

management policy that includes recruitment, selection, benefits, employee development, and

human resource procedures for my business and its success.

Recruitment and Selection

One of the critical roles of the human resource department is recruitment and selection.

Human resource recruits because an organization must acquire needed expertise and talent that

will enable it to attain its goals and succeed in the changing marketplace. The human resource of

my company is looking to fill positions in the company with individuals characterized by high

professionalism, commitment, resilience, and discipline.

The selection process of my company is not solely a human resource responsibility but a

collaborative event with the hiring managers and departmental leaders. I find collaborative

selection the best method since managers understand the individuals that they will work with
within their departments. Get well hospital is committed to fostering and preserving diversity and

inclusion by encouraging employee differences in age, race, color, gender, nationality, religion,

and the socio-economic status during the recruitment and selection process.


Benefits are valuable factors in any business. They may be defined as what employees

get for work well done. Benefits come in different forms. For instance, medical, disability,

retirement, time off, and fringe benefits. My company offers benefits for various reasons. First,

benefits act as a motivating factor for employees in the organization. The benefits also show

employees that the business cares about their welfare and appreciates their efforts. The benefits

will also help attract and retain expertise and talent in my organization. My business will provide

health insurance benefits, family and medical leave benefits, disability benefits, overtime

benefits, and paid time offs.


My business and HR department are well aware of the importance of compensation. My

business plans to compensate its employees in different ways. My business will use employee

incentives based on several factors like performance. For instance, employees who exceed the set

targets will be provided with incentives. My business will also use merit increases which are

performance appraisal reviews. The merit will be based on the supervisors' expectations to be

fair and professional in their dealings. There will also be annual reviews where the business will

reward the best employees handsomely.

The human resource roles as a strategic partner in compensation are very crucial. For

instance, HR should maintain fairness in compensation, keep competitive pay rates current and

oversee pay distribution to employees. I will, however, ensure equity among employee

compensation by coming up with a scheme showing expected compensation upon attaining

specific set goals. I will also encourage complaints if any arise due to unfairness in the

compensation process.

Performance Evaluation

A company must conduct a performance evaluation of its employees. The primary

purpose of performance evaluation is to measure employees' job performance. Regular employee

evaluation helps remind employees of what is expected of them. Performance evaluation will

help my business acquire information necessary for making important decisions like promotions,

pay rise, compensation, and layoffs.

To ensure equity in the employee evaluation process, I will develop a rubric for

performance evaluation. Creating a rubric will provide a standardized way to ensure that

everyone is assessed based on the same conditions. I will also ensure that I run consistent checks

on employee performance to ensure fairness and equity. The Human resource team plays a vital

role in designing and implementing performance appraisals. In case of a performance issue, it is

the responsibility of HR to investigate the issue and retrain the employee so that they improve

their performance.

Development of Employees
Employee training and development can be defined as the organizational activities that

help employees improve or acquire skills to increase productivity. It is crucial that a business

offers training and development activities. My business will offer such activities because they

play an essential role in boosting productivity and performance. Training and development

increase employee job satisfaction and motivation. It also makes individuals realize that a

business cares about their progress and career journey, which may act as a tool to retain

employees. My company will offer opportunities for employees to obtain degrees of higher

degrees so that they gain more knowledge and expertise in their roles.

I will ensure compliance with federal regulations via training programs by keeping on top

of the regulatory changes, ensuring that employees understand the importance of compliance,

and constantly monitoring compliance.

Formulation of HR Procedures

Managers of a firm/business do formulate HR policies. The managers are expected to

implement the policies and procedures fairly and consistently. The front-line managers are

responsible for policy implementation while the human resource department guides them. HR

does not have the power to make decisions concerning employees. Still, they advise managers on

such policies, communicate the policies to employees, interpret them, and provide training to

individuals based on the policies provided. The final approval of all company policies is the

firm's board of directors.


Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. (2008). Human resource management. Thomson/South-western.



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