DEP Proceedings

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PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE CONSTITUTED AS PER THE ORDER OF THE HON’BLE NGT IN OA NO. 360 OF 2018, W.R.T DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN Date and time: 08.12.2022 at 04-30 PM Venue: Deputy Commissioner Office Court Hall, Karwar, Uttar Kannada District. ‘The District Environmental Plan of Uttar Kannada District submitted to government. In order to review the District Environmental Plan, the committee was formed by the Deputy Commissioner on 03.12.2022. The meeting of the committee was called by the Deputy Commissioner, Karwar, Uttar Kannada District and Chairman of the Committee on 08.12.2022 at 04-30 PM. The following members and officials from concerned Departments were present. Chairman of —_ Sri. Prabhuling Kavalikatti, 145 ] the committee | Deputy Commissionner, Uttara Kannada District, Karwar and Chairman of the Distreit Level Task Force. Members of | 1. Sri. Nitin Raikar, Penal Advocate, DLSA, attended on behalf of Member the Committee Secretary, District Legal Service Authority, Karwar . 2. Sri. C.T. Dasari, CPI, attended on behalf of Superintendent of Police, | Karwar, Uttara Kannada district. | Nagesh Raikar, Additional Secretary Administrtion, attended on behalf of Chief Executive Offier Zilla Panchayat, Karwar, Uttar | Kannada District. | 4. Dr. M. Dinakar Shetty,Senior Geologist, District Gournd Water, Karwar 5. Sri, K.M. Ravikumar, FE, DUDC, Karwar 6. Sri. S.P, Bandekar, AEE, KUWS, DB, Karwar. 7. Sri, Narayan N. Nayak, AEE, CMC, Sirsi 8 9. Sri, K.S.Kammar AEE, DUDC, Karwar Sri, Bhaskar Gouda, AEE, DUDC, Karwar | 10. Sri. Ramdas S. Desai, AEE(1), KPC Ltd., Ganeshgudi 11. Sri. C. M. Sangale, DPEO, DDPI office, Karwar 12. Sri. R.P.Naik, Commissioner, CMC, Karwar 13. Sri, Keshav Chougale, Commissioner, CMC, Sirsi 14. Sti. R.S. Pawar, Commissioner, CMC, Dandeli 15. Sri. N.M. Mesta, Chief Officer, TMC, Ankola | 16. Sri. AY. Salennavar, Chief Officer, TMC, Haliyal 17. Sri, R.M.Vernekar, Chief Officer, TP Jali 18. Sri. Praveenkumar N. Nayak, Chief Offier, TP, Honnavar 19. Sri. Ajay Bhandarkar, Chief Officer, TMC, Kumta & Manki | | 20. Sri. Kumar D. Naik, Chief Officer, TP, Siddapur 21. Sri, M.V.Hiremath, Chief Officer, TP, Mundgod 22. Sri, Sanganabasappa, Chief Officer, Town Panchayat, Yellapur 23. Sri. Suryanarayan Bhat, SEMZP, Karwar 24. Sri, Sunil C. Ankolekar, Senior Asst. Director of Horticulture, Karwar 25. Sri, Shubham Raikar, CMC, Dandeli 26. Sri. Gurunath Gadagi, H.L., TP, Yellapur 27. Sri, Vivek Patil, JHI, TP, Mundgod J ] 28. Sri. M.A Shaikh, Sr. HI, CMC, Karwar 29. Sri. Ramesh Naik, Sr. Manager, M/s. West Coast Paper Mills Ltd... Dandeli 30. Sri, Arun Naik, Office, Manager. TMC. Bhatkal 31. Sri. Vinayak A Naik, JH, TP, Jali 32, Sri, Andappa S. Hanchinad. SDC. Dr. Ganapati Hegde , Environnemenial Officer (I/C), Member. Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, Karwar and Member covener of | Convener the Dsitrcit Level Task Force. ‘At the outset Dr. Ganapati Hegde, Environmental Officer (I/C), KSPCB, Karwar and Member Convenor of the committee welcomed all officers and briefed about the Hon’ble NGT order. Further, bring kind notice of the members about roles and evaluation the progress made on the District environmental plan periodically. Environmental Officer made power point presentation on the District Environment Plan and discussion carried out as below based on the NGT directions: Review of the District Environmental Plan submitted earlier. Discussion carried out regarding current status on solid waste management in the local bodies. ‘There are twelve urban local bodies consist of 278 wards and total solid waste generation is about 123.68MT/day. The gap analysis on the segregation of the solid waste, manual sweeping, mechanical road sweeping & collection, waste collection, door to door collection, waste collection trolleys/auto tippers, mini collection trucks, waste deposition centers (for domestic hazardous waste), wet waste management (on site composting by bulk waste generator), Urban local bodies informed about complete utilization of manpower and the gap in man power will be covered, identification of sweeping workers and allocation of shifis for road stretches to be cleaned and to make 100% utilization of both tools and man power to achieve gap in cleaning including regular cleaning of drains and disposal of sludge. The discussion is carried on legacy waste management of the City Municipal Council. Sirsi Town Municipal Council-Bhatkal, Ankola, Town Panchayat-Yellapura, Siddapura, Mundgod. Officials of the local bodies informed that, action will be taken for bio-mining or bio-remedial measures, Further, Chairman of the committee directed all local bodies to identify, quantify and take immediate action for disposal/treatment of legacy waste. (Action: All local bodies including Gram Panchayat) Plastic Waste Management: Environmental Officer brought notice about ban on single use plastic as per Plastic Waste Management (Amendment) Rules, 2021. Awareness is being conducted through announcement in daily garbage collection vehicle and awareness is being conducted at schools and colleges, at industrial areas including plastic users. There are no” banned single use manufacturing units at Uttara Kannada District. Raids are being conducted by local bodies and KSPCB and as per record 1.8 tonnes of plastic seized and fine imposed. Plastic wastes with calorific value being sent to cement factories for co-processing at kiln (Action: KSPCB, All local bodies including Gram Panchayat and Concern departments) Construction and Demolition Waste Management: Generation of C & D waste is about 4.21 TPD and is being collected and stored in solid waste management facility in separate earmarked area within the site. Identification of bulk generators shall be carried out in the district. Designated C & D waste collection points shall be established in each Taluk and Designated deposition points for C & D waste shall be established in the District head quarters. Approval of Waste Management Plan submitted by Waste Generators before Construction starts records shall be maintained by ULBs. Proper collection, transportation, processing and disposal of C&D Waste shall be ensured in the district and adequate Air pollution control measures shall be taken as per the CPCB guidelines. (Action: All local bodies including Gram Panchayat) Biomedical waste Management: Member convener bring kind notice that, there is a Common Biomedical waste treatment Facility in the district by name M/s. Kenara IMA common bio-medical Waste Treatment Facility with capacity 100K g/day. which is collecting the biomedical waste from entire district, Health care establishments have made MoU with the Common facil and they in turn pick up the waste and disposing in their facility. For the year 2021 bio medical waste generated, treated and disposed about 736.7Kg/day. Unit has provided GPS to biomedical collection vehicles and bar code system to biomedical waste at each HCEs. (Action DHO ,KSPCB and All local bodies including Gram Panchayat) Hazardous Waste Management: Member convener bring kind notice that, in the District there are 30 hazardous waste generating industries and all are authorized by Karnataka State Pollution Control Board. For the year 2021-22 total generation of Hazardous waste is about 841.4MT. Karnataka State Pollution Control Board is being monitoring the same. Urban local bodies collecting the house hold hazardous waste and being stored separately in solid waste disposal facility and it has to be disposed as per be the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016. (Action: KSPCB, All local bodies including Gram Panchayat) E- Waste Management: Member convener submitted, there are no authorized E-waste recyclers or Dismantlers in the jurisdiction of RO-Karwar. However, E-waste generated as per annual report submitted from the bulk consumers is about 27.30SMT. Urban local bodies collecting the house hold E-waste waste and being stored separately in solid waste disposal facility and it has to be disposed to authorized recycler/dismantlers. ULB’s shall give paper notification or announcements regarding the establishment of collection centres in the district to create awareness among public. Identification of authorized E-waste recyclers/dismantlers in the state to channelize the E-waste collected in the District by executing MOU with recyclers/dismantlers. (Action: KSPCB, All local bodies including Gram Panchayat) Air Quality Management: Member convener bring kind notice that, at present Uttara Kannada District is having 01 No. of Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station (CAAQM) installed at RO, KSPCB, Karwar, LIG-II, B-217, New KHB Colony, Habbuwada, Karwar and same is in operated by the KSPCB at District headquarters. Apart from there are 3 CAAQM installed by M/s. West Coast Paper Mills Ltd., Dandeli in their industry premises Unpaved roads must be converted to paved roads in the District by PWD. . Forest fire mitigation action plan prepared by Forest department. The Dust emissions from blasting ‘operating in quarrying acti and stone crushing and m-sand unit dust suppression measures shall be implemented. Adequate green belt development area shall be developed by the (i) stone crushing and m-sand unit i) in SWM facilities. Prohibition of open burning of waste burning and stubble burning in the district. (Action: KSPCB, All local bodies, Forest Department, Agriculture department, Horticulture department, Mines & Geology Department and PWD) Water Quality Management: The important rivers flowing in the district are Kali river (Karwar,Supa(Joida) Taluk), Gangavali/Bedti river (Ankola Taluk), Aghanashini river (Kumta,Siddapur, Sirsi Taluk), Sharavati river (Honnavar Taluk), Venkatapur river (Bhatkal Taluk), Varada river (Sirsi Taluk), Bedti river (Yellapur Taluk), Many tributaries joins these major rivers. 53.254 MLD of effluent is being generated by industries. All the industries treating effluent in existing ETP’s operated within the premises of the u ‘As per the information provided by Ground water authority there are no Hot spots of ground water contamination in the District. As per the prevailing norms the ground water quality is carried out by concerned stake holders. District oil spill crisis management group and District Oi Spill Disaster Contingency Plan has been created by department of Coast Guard and to constitute the committee for the Oil Spill erisis Management Group and to prepare updated Oil Spill Disaster contingency Plan, ‘Sewage generation is about 37.73MLD and available treatment facility is about 3.0 MLD. Laying of Sewerage Network & Connection of households to the sewer line in order to utilize the installed capacit of existing STPsTreatment of waste water in Rural areas flowing into the river by Bio-remediation/Phyto-remediation/ Oxidation Pond etc., Tapping & diversion of the drains having high sewage load to STPs to be constructed and Sewage Treatment Plants of adequate capacity shall be constructed in each local bodies. (Action: KSPCB, Indian Coast Guard- Karwar, All local bodies including Gram Panchayat) Noise Pollution Management plan: Presently KSPCB is having INo. of Noise Monitoring devices and All ULBs, SHOs, Traffic police shall procure the Portable noise level meters Police Department has installed adequate number of sizn Boards in each silent zone of respective ULB's. (Action: KSPCB, All local bodies, Police department) Afier hearing, Chairman has directed all concem departments shall provide the latest statisties on the gaps identified while submitting the District Environmental Plan and also the actual timeline to complete the gaps identified. ‘The meeting was concluded with thanks to members. Deputy coh asics District Level Task Foree, y Uttara Kannada-Distriet

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