Volume I Report (Upto Chapter-XII)

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Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 3

Table of Contents
CHECK LIST.....................................................................................................................................................................................1
SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT................................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................13
1.1 THE PROJECT.................................................................................................................................................................13
1.2 SCOPE OF THE REPORT.............................................................................................................................................15
1.3 TYPE OF PROJECT........................................................................................................................................................15
1.4 LOCATION OF THE PROJECT...................................................................................................................................16
1.5 GENERAL CLIMATIC CONDITIONS IN THE PROJECT AREA........................................................................16
1.7 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT.................................................................................................18
1.8 ALTERNATIVE STUDIES.............................................................................................................................................18
1.9 NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE STATE/REGION.............................................................................................20
1.10 SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECTS..................................................................................................................................21
1.11 LAND REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT CONSTRUCTION..............................................................................21
1.12 POPULATION AFFECTED BY THE PROJECT....................................................................................................22
1.13 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS..................................................................................................................................22
1.14 INTER-STATE/INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS......................................................................................................23
1.15 DEFENCE ANGLE.......................................................................................................................................................23
1.16 HYDROLOGY................................................................................................................................................................23
1.17 INSTALLED CAPACITY.............................................................................................................................................23
1.18 POWER EVACUATION...............................................................................................................................................24
1.19 CONSTRUCTION PLANNING & SCHEDULE......................................................................................................24
1.20 BENEFITS OF THE SCHEME..................................................................................................................................24
CHAPTER 2 JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT..............................................................................................................26
2.1 GENERAL.........................................................................................................................................................................26
2.2 NECESSITY OF THE PROJECT..................................................................................................................................27
2.3 CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................................................................28
CHAPTER 3 BASIN DEVELOPMENT...................................................................................................................................30
3.1 THE COURSE OF THE WATER SOURCE................................................................................................................30
3.3 WHETHER TRANS-BASIN DIVERSION OF WATERS INVOLVED................................................................32
3.4 FITMENT OF THE SCHEME IN THE OVERALL BASIN DEVELOPMENT..................................................32

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 4

BY CEA......................................................................................................................................................................................32
PROPOSED SCHEME...........................................................................................................................................................32
3.7 ROR VS STORAGE ASPECTS......................................................................................................................................33
CHAPTER 4 INTER-STATE & INTER-NATIONAL ASPECTS........................................................................................34
4.1 INTER-STATE ASPECTS..............................................................................................................................................34
4.2 INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS......................................................................................................................................34
CHAPTER 5 SURVEY & INVESTIGATIONS........................................................................................................................35
5.1 GENERAL.........................................................................................................................................................................35
5.2 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY.......................................................................................................................................35
5.2.1 Reconnaissance Survey....................................................................................................................................35
5.2.2 Control Bench Marks.........................................................................................................................................35
5.3 DEVELOPMENT OF PLAN.........................................................................................................................................36
5.4 OTHER SURVEYS...........................................................................................................................................................37
5.4.1 Archaeological Survey in the Reservoir Area..........................................................................................37
5.4.2 Mineral Survey.....................................................................................................................................................37
5.4.3 Right of way surveys for the Reservoir......................................................................................................37
5.5 COMMUNICATION SURVEY......................................................................................................................................37
5.6 DRAINAGE SURVEY.....................................................................................................................................................37
5.7 GEOLOGY, GEO-TECHNICAL FEATURES AND SEISMICITY...........................................................................37
5.7.1 Regional Geology................................................................................................................................................37 Introduction................................................................................................................................................37
5.8 Physiography..................................................................................................................................................................38
5.9 Peninsular Gneiss and Granite................................................................................................................................46
5.9.1 Proterozoic Sedimentary Basins...................................................................................................................47
5.9.2 Deccan Traps........................................................................................................................................................52
5.9.3 Laterite....................................................................................................................................................................52
5.9.4 Physiography of Project Area.........................................................................................................................53
5.10 GEOLOGY AT AND AROUND THE PROJECT AREA........................................................................................55
5.10.1 Upper Reservoir area......................................................................................................................................59
5.10.2 Power House Complex:..................................................................................................................................67
5.11 TECTONIC SETUP......................................................................................................................................................69
5.12 SURFACE & SUB-SURFACE INVESTIGATIONS.................................................................................................70

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 5

5.12.1 Geological Mapping.........................................................................................................................................70
5.12.2 Exploratory Drilling........................................................................................................................................71
5.12.3 Exploratory Pits................................................................................................................................................72
5.12.4 Permeability Test.............................................................................................................................................73
5.12.5 Rock Mechanics Testing.................................................................................................................................73
5.12.6 Geophysical Surveys.......................................................................................................................................73
5.12.7 Seismic Studies.................................................................................................................................................73
5.13 FOUNDATION INVESTIGATIONS.........................................................................................................................74
5.14 CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL INVESTIGATIONS.............................................................................................74
5.14.1 Assessment for Availability..........................................................................................................................74
5.14.2 Coarse Aggregate..............................................................................................................................................75
5.14.3 Fine Aggregate...................................................................................................................................................76
5.14.4 Water Samples...................................................................................................................................................76
5.15 SUMMARY.....................................................................................................................................................................76
5.15.1 Rock as Coarse aggregate or RockCill........................................................................................................76
5.15.2 Sand as Cine aggregate....................................................................................................................................77
5.15.3 Water Samples...................................................................................................................................................77
5.16 HYDROLOGICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS.................................................................77
CHAPTER 6 HYDROLOGY........................................................................................................................................................78
6.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................78
6.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY....................................................................................................................................79
6.3 PROJECT COMPONENTS............................................................................................................................................79
6.4 CLIMATE..........................................................................................................................................................................79
6.5 HYDRO METEOROLOGICAL DATA.........................................................................................................................80
6.6 PROCESSING OF PRECIPITATION DATA..............................................................................................................82
6.6.1 Quality of Data.....................................................................................................................................................82
6.6.2 Consistency of data............................................................................................................................................83
6.7 WATER AVAILABILITY AT PROJECT LOCATION...............................................................................................85
6.8 EVAPORATION...............................................................................................................................................................86
6.9 SEDIMENTATION..........................................................................................................................................................86
6.9.1 Sedimentation Rate............................................................................................................................................86
6.9.2 Trap EfCiciency.....................................................................................................................................................86
6.9.3 Sediment Volume................................................................................................................................................87
6.9.4 Sediment Distribution......................................................................................................................................88
6.10 DESIGN FLOOD...........................................................................................................................................................88

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6.10.1 Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP)................................................................................................89
6.10.2 Probable Maximum Flood (PMF)...............................................................................................................89
6.11 Freeboard......................................................................................................................................................................90
CHAPTER 7 RESERVOIR..........................................................................................................................................................92
7.2 ELEVATION AREA CAPACITY...................................................................................................................................92
7.2.1 Upper Reservoir..................................................................................................................................................92
7.2.2 Lower Reservoir..................................................................................................................................................92
7.3 SEDIMENTATION DATA & STUDIES......................................................................................................................95
7.3.1 Rates of sedimentation.....................................................................................................................................95
7.3.2 Quantity of sediment (Tonnes or M cum during the life of the Reservoir)..................................95
7.3.3 Sediment studies.................................................................................................................................................95
7.3.4 Sedimentation in the reservoir after feasible service time................................................................95
7.4 FIXATION OF STORAGE AND RESERVOIR LEVELS-APPROACH- CRITERIA..........................................95
7.5 SADDLES PRESENT ALONG THE RIM OF THE RESERVOIR........................................................................96
7.6 LIFE OF RESERVOIR IN YEARS WITH BASIS.....................................................................................................96
7.7 WATER TIGHTNESS OF THE RESERVOIR...........................................................................................................96
7.8 ANNUAL LOSSES...........................................................................................................................................................96
7.9 FLOOD ABSORPTION..................................................................................................................................................97
STREAM OF THE DAM.......................................................................................................................................................97
7.11 RESERVOIR RIM STABILITY..................................................................................................................................97
7.12 AREA OF SUBMERGENCE / LAND ACQUISITION (HA)...............................................................................97
7.13 RECREATION FACILITIES.......................................................................................................................................97
7.14 PISCICULTURE............................................................................................................................................................98
CHAPTER 8 POWER POTENTIAL AND INSTALLED CAPACITY................................................................................99
8.1 INSTALLED CAPACITY................................................................................................................................................99
8.2 LOCATION & RESERVOIR DETAILS.......................................................................................................................99
8.2.1 Upper Dam............................................................................................................................................................99
8.2.2 Lower Dam............................................................................................................................................................99
8.2.3 Fixation of Reservoir Parameters.................................................................................................................99
8.2.4 Minimum Draw Down Level...........................................................................................................................99
8.3 OPTIMISATION OF INSTALLED CAPACITY.........................................................................................................99

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 7

8.4 DAILY REGULATION, ENERGY GENERATION AND REQUIRED STORAGE...........................................100
8.5 RULE CURVE FOR OPERATION OF RESERVOIRS..........................................................................................101
CHAPTER 9 DESIGN FEATURES OF MAJOR COMPONENTS..................................................................................103
9.1 General...........................................................................................................................................................................103
9.2 Alternative Studies....................................................................................................................................................104
9.3 Geological & Geotechnical Appraisal..................................................................................................................104
9.4 Head Works..................................................................................................................................................................104
9.4.1 Site Selection for Reservoirs........................................................................................................................104
9.4.2 Alternatives for Type of Dam.......................................................................................................................105
9.4.3 Roller-Compacted Concrete Dam (RCC Dam).......................................................................................105
9.4.4 Geomembrane Faced Rock Cill Dam (GFRD)..........................................................................................105
9.5 ALTERNATIVE PROJECT LAYOUTS......................................................................................................................106
9.5.1 Alternative-1......................................................................................................................................................107 Geological & Geotechnical Appraisal:.............................................................................................109 Advantages of Alternative – 1............................................................................................................111 Disadvantages of Alternative – 1......................................................................................................111
9.5.2 Alternative-2......................................................................................................................................................112 Geological & Geotechnical Appraisal..............................................................................................112 Advantages of Alternative – 2............................................................................................................113 Disadvantages of Alternative – 2......................................................................................................113
9.5.3 Comparison of the Alternative I & II.........................................................................................................113
9.5.4 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................................114
9.5.5 Seismicity............................................................................................................................................................115
9.6 Saundatti GFRD Dam (Upper & Reservoir).....................................................................................................115
9.6.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................115
9.6.2 GFRD Dam...........................................................................................................................................................115
9.6.3 Stability Analysis of GFRD dam..................................................................................................................116
9.6.4 Free Board...........................................................................................................................................................117
9.6.5 Bottom Outlet....................................................................................................................................................117
9.6.6 Upper Reservoir Main Technical Parameters.......................................................................................118
9.6.7 Lower Reservoir Main Technical Parameters.......................................................................................119
9.7 Intake Structure..........................................................................................................................................................120
9.7.1 Hydraulic Design..............................................................................................................................................121
9.7.2 Slope Support Design.....................................................................................................................................122
9.8 Hydraulic Design........................................................................................................................................................122

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9.8.1 Hydraulic Data...................................................................................................................................................122
9.8.2 Hydraulic Loss...................................................................................................................................................122 Major Losses.............................................................................................................................................122 Minor Losses............................................................................................................................................123 Trash Rack Losses..................................................................................................................................123 Loss in the Gate Groove........................................................................................................................123 Bend Losses..............................................................................................................................................124 Transition Losses...................................................................................................................................124 Loss through Valves..............................................................................................................................125
9.9 Transient Analysis.....................................................................................................................................................127
9.9.1 Turbine/Generation Mode...........................................................................................................................128
9.9.2 Pumping Mode..................................................................................................................................................129
9.10 Water Conductor System......................................................................................................................................130
9.10.1 General...............................................................................................................................................................130
9.10.2 Economic Diameter of Pressure Shaft...................................................................................................130
9.10.3 Rock Support & Grouting Details of water conductor system.....................................................133 Top Inclined Pressure Shaft.............................................................................................................133
Based on the investigations carried out, the water conductor system will negotiate different
rock types of variable strength with different rock conditions along its length..........................133 Vertical Pressure Shaft.......................................................................................................................134 Bottom Horizontal Pressure shaft................................................................................................134
9.11 Design of Support system....................................................................................................................................134
9.11.1 By Wedge Analysis........................................................................................................................................135
9.11.2 Penstock Bifurcation....................................................................................................................................138
9.11.3 Steel Liner of Water Conductor System................................................................................................139
9.12 Power House.............................................................................................................................................................141
9.12.1 General...............................................................................................................................................................141
9.12.2 Machine Hall....................................................................................................................................................141
9.12.3 Transformer Building..................................................................................................................................142
9.12.4 General design of the power house........................................................................................................142 Selection of site and general layout..............................................................................................142 Layout and main dimensions..........................................................................................................142
9.12.5 Structural design of the powerhouse....................................................................................................144 General considerations......................................................................................................................144 Material properties.............................................................................................................................144

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 9 Loadings..................................................................................................................................................144 Method of design.................................................................................................................................147
9.13 Stability of cut slopes.............................................................................................................................................149
9.13.1 Cut slope details.............................................................................................................................................149
9.13.2 Stereonet Plots...............................................................................................................................................151
9.14 Tail Race Tunnel.......................................................................................................................................................156
9.15 Outlet Structure.......................................................................................................................................................160
9.15.1 Hydraulic Design............................................................................................................................................160
9.16 DESIGN OF HYDRO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT........................................................................................161
9.16.1 GENERAL..........................................................................................................................................................161
9.16.2 Intake Trash Racks........................................................................................................................................161
9.16.3 Intake Stoplog Gates.....................................................................................................................................162
9.16.4 Intake Service Gates.....................................................................................................................................162
9.16.5 Outlet Service Gates......................................................................................................................................163
9.16.6 Emergency Gates...........................................................................................................................................164
9.16.7 Outlet Trash Racks........................................................................................................................................164
9.16.8 Instrumentation And Control System...................................................................................................165
CHAPTER 10 ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL DESIGNS.......................................................................................167
10.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................................................................167
10.1.1 Basis for selection of machines................................................................................................................167
10.2 LAYOUT PLAN OF ELECTRO-MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT......................................................................168
10.3 FLOOR WISE EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PLAN IS AS UNDER:.......................................................................168
10.3.1 Machine hall at EL 617.2m........................................................................................................................168
10.3.2 Generator – Motor Cloor at EL 611.75m...............................................................................................168
10.3.3 Pump Turbine Cloor at EL 607m..............................................................................................................168
10.3.4 Main Inlet Valve (MIV) Cloor at EL 595.56...........................................................................................169
10.3.5 Drainage & Dewatering galley Cloor at EL 587.51m........................................................................169
10.4 ELECTRO-MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT...........................................................................................................169
10.5 SALIENT FEATURES OF E&M EQUIPMENT..................................................................................................170
10.6 PUMP TURBINE.......................................................................................................................................................172
10.6.1 Main Inlet Valve (MIV).................................................................................................................................174
10.6.2 Governor for Pump Turbine Machine...................................................................................................174
10.6.3 Oil Pressure Systems for Governor and Turbine Inlet Valves......................................................174
10.7 TURBINE AUXILIARIES.........................................................................................................................................174
10.7.1 List of Spare Parts.........................................................................................................................................175

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10.8 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION..............................................................................................................................175
10.8.1 Control:..............................................................................................................................................................175
10.8.2 Monitoring.......................................................................................................................................................175
10.8.3 List of Spares for SCADA system:............................................................................................................176
10.9 POWER........................................................................................................................................................................176
10.9.1 Turbine Mode..................................................................................................................................................176
10.9.2 Pump Mode......................................................................................................................................................176
10.10 UNIT START-UP – SHUTDOWN.......................................................................................................................176
10.11 WEIGHTED AVERAGE EFFICIENCY...............................................................................................................177
10.12 MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION FEATURES OF TURBINE..............................................................177
10.12.1 Runner.............................................................................................................................................................177
10.12.2 Guide Vanes...................................................................................................................................................177
10.12.3 Guide Vane Operating Mechanism.......................................................................................................177
10.12.4 Turbine/pump Shaft..................................................................................................................................178
10.13 GENERATOR - MOTOR........................................................................................................................................181
10.13.1 Insulation and Temperature Rise.........................................................................................................182
10.13.2 Cooling System.............................................................................................................................................182
10.13.3 Noise level......................................................................................................................................................182
10.13.4 Stator frame..................................................................................................................................................183
10.13.5 Stator Core.....................................................................................................................................................183
10.13.6 Stator Winding.............................................................................................................................................183
10.13.7 Rotor Spider..................................................................................................................................................183
10.13.8 Rotor................................................................................................................................................................183
10.13.9 Laminated Rim.............................................................................................................................................184
10.13.10 Breaking and Jacking:.............................................................................................................................184
10.13.11 LAVT and Neutral grounding Cubicles.............................................................................................184
10.13.12 Static Excitation System, AVR & Sliprings......................................................................................185
10.13.13 Thrust Bearings........................................................................................................................................185
10.13.14 Guide Bearings..........................................................................................................................................186
10.13.15 Resistance / Thermo Couple Type Temperature Detectors....................................................186
10.13.16 Condition Monitoring System.............................................................................................................186
10.14 PHASE REVERSAL DISCONNECTING SWITCH (PRDS)..........................................................................187
10.15 STARTING OF UNITS AS PUMP........................................................................................................................188
10.15.1 Starting of ohe Units in Motoring Mode.............................................................................................188
10.15.2 Back to Back starting.................................................................................................................................188

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10.15.3 SFC Starting...................................................................................................................................................188
10.15.4 Details of Equipment.................................................................................................................................189
10.15.5 SFC System ConCiguration.......................................................................................................................189
10.15.6 Control Unit...................................................................................................................................................189
10.15.7 Breakers/Switches.....................................................................................................................................190
10.15.8 Transformers................................................................................................................................................190
10.15.9 Static Frequency Coverter Spares:.......................................................................................................190
10.16 ISOLATED PHASE BUS DUCT...........................................................................................................................190
10.17 LIGHTING SYSTEM..............................................................................................................................................193
10.18 CABLING...................................................................................................................................................................193
10.19 HT & LT POWER CABLES...................................................................................................................................193
10.19.1 Control Cables..............................................................................................................................................194
10.19.2 Signal and Supervisory Cables..............................................................................................................194
10.19.3 Cable Trays....................................................................................................................................................194
10.20 EARTHING...............................................................................................................................................................194
10.21 SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION (SCADA)............................................................194
10.22 GENERATOR / UNIT CONTROL PANEL........................................................................................................195
10.23 MAIN STEP-UP TRANSFORMER.....................................................................................................................195
10.24 400KV INDOOR GIS..............................................................................................................................................198
10.25 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS IN GIS:......................................................................................200
10.25.1 Bus bars..........................................................................................................................................................200
10.25.2 Circuit Breaker.............................................................................................................................................200
10.25.3 Current Transformers...............................................................................................................................201
10.25.4 Voltage Transformers................................................................................................................................201
10.25.5 Isolators..........................................................................................................................................................201
10.26 CONTROL & PROTECTION EQUIPMENT.....................................................................................................202
10.26.1 Generator protection.................................................................................................................................203
10.26.2 Turbine Protections...................................................................................................................................203
10.26.3 Auxiliary Transformer Protections......................................................................................................204
10.26.4 Step-Up Generator Transformer Protections..................................................................................204
10.26.5 400KV Line protections............................................................................................................................204
10.26.6 List of Spares for Protection System...................................................................................................205
10.27 SAFETY EARTHING & LIGHTING PROTECTION SYSTEM.....................................................................205
10.28 AUXILIARY MECHANICAL SERVICES............................................................................................................206
10.28.1 EOT crane for Powerhouse.....................................................................................................................206

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 12

10.28.2 EOT crane for GIS.......................................................................................................................................206
10.28.3 EOT crane for others..................................................................................................................................206
10.28.4 Ventilation & Air Conditioning System...............................................................................................206
10.28.5 HVAC system consists of:.........................................................................................................................207
10.28.6 Air-to-water heat exchangers................................................................................................................207
10.28.7 Fire Protection System..............................................................................................................................208
10.28.8 Fire Detection and Alarm System.........................................................................................................208
10.28.9 Passenger and Goods Lifts......................................................................................................................208
10.28.10 LP Air Compressor System...................................................................................................................209
10.29 Dewatering and Drainage System..................................................................................................................209
10.30 Flood water system..............................................................................................................................................210
10.31 Oil Handling System............................................................................................................................................210
10.32 AUXILIARY ELECTRICAL SERVICES..............................................................................................................210
10.32.1 400/11KV Station Auxiliary Transformers......................................................................................210
10.32.2 11KV Switchgear.........................................................................................................................................211
10.32.3 11/0.415KV Unit Auxiliary Transformers........................................................................................211
10.32.4 415V Switchgear.........................................................................................................................................211
10.32.5 415V Unit Auxiliary Boards....................................................................................................................212
10.32.6 Power Station Auxiliary Services..........................................................................................................212
10.32.7 Emergency Power System - 1010 KVA Diesel Generator............................................................213
10.32.8 Direct Current Supply System................................................................................................................213
10.32.9 Communication system............................................................................................................................213
10.32.10 400 KV Switchyard equipment’s:.......................................................................................................214
10.33 POWER EVACUATION.........................................................................................................................................214
10.34 TRANSPORT LIMITATIONS...............................................................................................................................214
10.35 ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL WORKSHOP.........................................................................................214
10.36 Mechanical Workshop material:.....................................................................................................................215
10.37 TOOLS AND TACKLES FOR HANDLING OF TURBINE............................................................................216
10.38 TOOLS AND TACKLES FOR HANDLING OF GENERATOR- MOTOR..................................................217
CHAPTER 11 POWER EVACUATION AND INTEGRATION.......................................................................................223
11.1 POWER EVACUATION SYSTEM:.........................................................................................................................223
CHAPTER 12 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME & PLANT PLANNING...................................................................224
12.1 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE...............................................................................................................................224
12.2 PRE-CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES....................................................................................................................224

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 13

12.3 DESIGN & WORKING DRAWINGS.....................................................................................................................224
12.4 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT PLANNING....................................................................................................224
12.5 COMMON EQUIPMENT.........................................................................................................................................225
12.6 AGGREGATE PROCESSING PLANT...................................................................................................................225
12.7 BATCHING PLANT...................................................................................................................................................226
12.8 CONSTRUCTION POWER......................................................................................................................................226
12.9 METHODOLOGY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF VARIOUS CIVIL WORKS...................................................226
12.9.1 RockCill Dam for Upper & Lower Reservoirs......................................................................................226
12.9.2 Surface Excavation........................................................................................................................................227
12.9.3 Fill Placement.................................................................................................................................................227
12.9.4 Impervious Materials...................................................................................................................................227
12.9.5 Fine Filter........................................................................................................................................................227
12.9.6 Coarse Filter & Rock Toe............................................................................................................................228
12.9.7 Major Construction Plant & Equipment for AFRD...........................................................................228
12.9.8 Construction Programme...........................................................................................................................229
12.10 INTAKE STRUCTURE...........................................................................................................................................229
12.10.1 Surface Excavation for Intake Structure............................................................................................230
12.10.2 Concreting for Intake Structure............................................................................................................230
12.10.3 Major Construction Plant & Equipment for Intake Structure...................................................230
12.10.4 Construction Programme........................................................................................................................231
12.11 STEEL LINED PRESSURE SHAFTS/PENSTOCK........................................................................................231
12.11.1 Excavation Methodology for Adit & Tunnel.....................................................................................231
12.11.2 Construction Programme........................................................................................................................232
12.11.3 Excavation Methodology for Pressure Shaft....................................................................................233
12.11.4 Rock Support Measures............................................................................................................................234
12.11.5 Steel Liner for Penstock...........................................................................................................................234
12.11.6 Major Construction Plant & Equipment for Penstock..................................................................235
12.11.7 Concreting.....................................................................................................................................................236
12.11.8 Concreting Equipment Planning...........................................................................................................236
12.11.9 Grouting..........................................................................................................................................................237
12.11.10 Construction Programme......................................................................................................................237
12.12 POWER HOUSE......................................................................................................................................................237
12.12.1 Major Construction Plant & Equipment for Power House.........................................................238
12.12.2 Construction Programme........................................................................................................................239
12.13 TAIL RACE TUNNEL.............................................................................................................................................239

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12.14 SWITCHYARD.........................................................................................................................................................240
12.15 HYDRO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT..............................................................................................................240
12.16 E&M WORKS...........................................................................................................................................................240
CHAPTER 13 PROJECT ORGANIZATION........................................................................................................................241
13.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................................................................241
13.2 PROJECT ORGANIZATION....................................................................................................................................242
13.3 PROPOSED ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE.....................................................................................................242
13.4 FUNCTIONS & RESPONSIBILITIES OF PROJECT TEAM MEMBERS.....................................................243
13.4.1 Project Director..............................................................................................................................................243
13.4.2 Project Head....................................................................................................................................................244
13.4.3 Divisional Heads (General Manager).....................................................................................................245
13.4.4 Sector Head (Senior Manager -Civil).....................................................................................................246
13.4.5 Sector Head (Senior Manager -Electrical)...........................................................................................247
13.4.6 Sector Head (Senior Manager -Mechanical).......................................................................................247
13.4.7 Sector Head (Senior Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)Engineer).......................248
13.4.8 Sector Head (Engineering Geologist)....................................................................................................249
13.4.9 Sector Head (Senior Manager – Administration).............................................................................249
13.5 MANPOWER SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................................249
13.6 PROJECT REVIEW...................................................................................................................................................250
CHAPTER 14 INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES..............................................................................................................252
14.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................................................................252
14.2 APPROACH ROADS..................................................................................................................................................252
14.3 CONSTRUCTION POWER......................................................................................................................................252
14.4 WATER SUPPLY TO THE CONSTRUCTION AREA AND COLONY...........................................................253
14.5 TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES................................................................................................................253
14.6 PROJECT OFFICES/COLONIES...........................................................................................................................253
CHAPTER 15 ENVIRONMENTAL & ECOLOGIAL ASPECTS......................................................................................255
15.1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................................255
15.2 PROJECT STUDY AREA..........................................................................................................................................256
15.3 ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE STATUS............................................................................................................256
15.3.1 Physiography...................................................................................................................................................257
15.3.2 Geology..............................................................................................................................................................258
15.3.3 Soil.......................................................................................................................................................................259
15.3.4 Meteorology.....................................................................................................................................................259 Temperature..........................................................................................................................................259

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 15 Rainfall.....................................................................................................................................................259 Relative Humidity................................................................................................................................260 Wind Speed............................................................................................................................................260
15.3.5 Water Quality..................................................................................................................................................260
15.3.6 Land Use/Land Cover..................................................................................................................................260
15.3.7 Forest Types....................................................................................................................................................261
15.3.8 Floristic Diversity..........................................................................................................................................262
15.3.9 Wild Life............................................................................................................................................................271 Mammals.................................................................................................................................................271 Avifauna...................................................................................................................................................272 Herpetofauna.........................................................................................................................................275 Conservation Status of Fauna.........................................................................................................275 Fish and Fisheries................................................................................................................................276
15.4 SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILE...............................................................................................................................276
15.4.1 District ProCile:...............................................................................................................................................277
15.4.2 Socio-economic ProCile of Villages in the Study Area......................................................................277
15.4.3 Survey of Project Affected Village...........................................................................................................278
15.4.4 Observation on Social Changes/Impact due to COVID-19............................................................279
15.5 PREDICTION OF IMPACTS...................................................................................................................................279
15.5.1 Impacts During Construction...................................................................................................................279 Impacts due to immigration of Construction Workers.........................................................280 Construction of Main Project Components...............................................................................280 Operation of Construction Plant and Equipment..................................................................281 Muck Disposal.......................................................................................................................................282 Road Construction...............................................................................................................................282 Impact due to Acquisition of Land................................................................................................283 Impact on Water Quality...................................................................................................................284 Impact on Terrestrial Flora..............................................................................................................285 Impact on Terrestrial Fauna............................................................................................................285 Impact on Noise Environment.....................................................................................................286 Impact on Air Quality......................................................................................................................288 Impact on Socio-economic Environment................................................................................289 Impact During Operation Phase..................................................................................................290
15.6 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN......................................................................................................291
15.6.1 Compensatory Afforestation Plan...........................................................................................................291

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 16

15.6.2 Biodiversity Conservation & Wildlife Management Plan..............................................................291
15.6.3 Muck Dumping Plan.....................................................................................................................................292
15.6.4 Landscaping and Restoration of construction sites.........................................................................293
15.6.5 Sanitation & Solid waste management.................................................................................................293
15.6.6 Public Health Delivery System.................................................................................................................293
15.6.7 Energy Conservation Measures...............................................................................................................294
15.6.8 Labour Management Plan for their Health & Safety........................................................................294
15.6.9 Green Belt Development Plan...................................................................................................................294
15.6.10 Air & Water Management Plan..............................................................................................................295
15.6.11 Environmental Monitoring Plan...........................................................................................................295
15.6.12 Rehabilitation & Resettlement Plan....................................................................................................295
15.6.13 Local Area Development Plan................................................................................................................296
15.6.14 Disaster Management Plan.....................................................................................................................296
15.7 COST FOR IMPLEMENTING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN.............................................296
CHAPTER 16 COST ESTIMATE...........................................................................................................................................298
16.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT..................................................................................................298
16.2 BASIS OF THE COST ESTIMATES......................................................................................................................299
16.3 PREPARATION OF DETAILED ESTIMATES OF COST (I-WORKS)..........................................................300
16.3.1 A - Preliminary...............................................................................................................................................300
16.3.2 B – Land.............................................................................................................................................................301
16.3.3 C - Works...........................................................................................................................................................301
16.3.4 J - Power plant civil works.........................................................................................................................301
16.3.5 K – Buildings....................................................................................................................................................302
16.3.6 M – Plantation.................................................................................................................................................303
16.3.7 O – Miscellaneous..........................................................................................................................................303
16.3.8 P - Maintenance during Construction...................................................................................................303
16.3.9 Q - Special Tools & Plants...........................................................................................................................303
16.3.10 R – Communication....................................................................................................................................303
16.3.11 S - Power plant and Electro - Mechanical System..........................................................................303
16.3.12 X - Environment and Ecology.................................................................................................................304
16.3.13 Y - Losses On Stock.....................................................................................................................................304
16.3.14 Establishment..............................................................................................................................................304
16.3.15 Tools & Plants...............................................................................................................................................304
16.3.16 Suspense.........................................................................................................................................................304
16.3.17 Receipts & Recoveries On Capital Account.......................................................................................304

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 17

16.3.18 Indirect Charges..........................................................................................................................................304
16.4 PROJECT COST..........................................................................................................................................................305
CHAPTER 17 FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS..............................................................................................308
17.1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................................308
17.2 GENERATION BENEFITS FROM THE PROJECT...........................................................................................308
17.3 ANNUAL REQUIREMENT OF PUMPING ENERGY.......................................................................................308
17.4 PROJECT COST..........................................................................................................................................................308
17.5 MEANS OF FINANCE..............................................................................................................................................308
17.6 PHASING OF EXPENDITURE...............................................................................................................................309
17.7 INTEREST DURING CONSTRUCTION..............................................................................................................309
17.8 DEPRECIATION PROVISION................................................................................................................................309
17.9 VIABLE TARIFF........................................................................................................................................................310
CHAPTER 18 RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................................................316
18.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................................................316
18.2 ECONOMIC JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT............................................................................................316
18.3 ENVIRONMENTAL & ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS...............................................................................................316
18.4 SOCIO-ECONOMIC BENIFITS..............................................................................................................................316

Table of Figures
Figure 1.1: Project Location...................................................................................................................................................17
Figure 1.2: General Layout of the Scheme........................................................................................................................21
Figure 2.1: All India Load proCile Year 2021-22 to 2026-27.....................................................................................27
Figure 3.1: Krishna River Basin...........................................................................................................................................30
Figure 5.1: Map showing major rivers draining through north Karnataka Plateau.......................................38
Figure 5.2: Generalized geological map of India............................................................................................................39
Figure 5.3: Geology of the western and eastern Dharwar Craton (after Rogers, 1990)...............................40
Figure 5.4: Geological map of the Western Dharwar Cratons (After Naqvi and Rogers, 1987;
Ramakrishnan and Vaidyanadhan, 2008)........................................................................................................................43
Figure 5.5: Geological map of the study area (after Jayaprakash et al. 1987; Dey et al., 2009)..................50
Figure 5.6: .Google Earth map of the project and its surrounding areas showing different geomorphic

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 18

Figure 5.7: Plateau Clanked by a 50- 150m wide pediment zone merging with low lying Clat area
extending for kms. Photographs taken from the plateau located to the north of proposed Powerhouse
Figure 5.8: Plateau hills present to the east of the project area.............................................................................54
Figure 5.9: Vertical scarps exposing gently dipping quartzite adjacent to plateau surface........................54
Figure 5.10: Vertical cliff exposing quartzite (a) and quartzite exposed along steep slopes & capping
gently sloping plateau..............................................................................................................................................................55
Figure 5.11: Contact between quartzite and underlying Peninsular Gneiss covered under Pediment
zone comprising debris & talus material..........................................................................................................................55
Figure 5.12: Highy weathered in situ proCile developed over granite noticed in a few quarry sections56
Figure 5.13: Sharp contact between fresh, hard granite and overlying fractured quartzite. Loc: 1.6km
northwest of prposed Powerhouse location...................................................................................................................56
Figure 5.14: Moderately weathered coarse grained granite exposed at EL. m on way from Yekundi to
Figure 5.15: Upright, open folds developed in interbedded sequence of sandstone-shale occurring
over the moderately weathered granite...........................................................................................................................57
Figure 5.16: Quartzite exposed along the E – W aligned cliffs located to the south of the plateau over
which location of upper reservoir is proposed..............................................................................................................59
Figure 5.17: Gently dipping quartzite exposed along the slopes adjacent to plateau exhibiting benches
with successive vertical cliffs................................................................................................................................................59
Figure 5.18: Near Clat area (a) towards northern part of the reservoir and gently sloping surface (b).60
Figure 5.19: Quartzite outcrops exposed on plateau surface where upper reservoir is peoposed..........60
Figure 5.20: Thin scree material over the bed rock (a) & rock blocks/boulders of quartzite occurring
at the top........................................................................................................................................................................................60
Figure 5.21: Different type of in situ overburded developed in parts of upper reservoir...........................61
Figure 5.22: Bedding planes in quartzite represented by colour laminations and variation in grain size
Figure 5.23: Moderately thick bedded quartzite (a) and thin bedded quartzite underlain by
moderately thick bedded quartzite....................................................................................................................................62
Figure 5.24: Medium to Cine grained quartzite of arenite composition (a) and quartzite with feldspar
as accessory mineral.................................................................................................................................................................62
Figure 5.25: Lbands of ferruginous quartzite within moderately thick bedded quartzite..........................63
Figure 5.26: Thin layers of pebble bed occurring in massive quartzite (a); 30cm thick pebble bed
having ferrugineous & siliceous matrix............................................................................................................................63

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 19

Figure 5.27: Quartz, jasper, quartzite pabbles/gravels of different shape & size embedded in sandy
Figure 5.28: Grity quartzite occurring over thickly bedded quartzite.................................................................64
Figure 5.29: Thinnly bedded quartzite occurring in the upper part of the hills..............................................64
Figure 5.30: Ripple marks in thinly bedded quartzite outcrops............................................................................65
Figure 5.31: Trough (a) & planar (b) cross stratiCication in gritty quartzite.....................................................65
Figure 5.32: Nature of overburden in pediment zone extending between cliff and low lying Clat area. 66
Figure 5.33: Highy weathered granite outcrops surrounded by debris / talus noticed along the
pediment zone Clanking the plateau margin...................................................................................................................66
Figure 5.34: Fresh outcrops of granite exposed along the periphery of Renuka Sagar reservoir.............67
Figure 5.35: Seismic Zonation Map; Source BIS 2002.................................................................................................68
Figure 6.1: Rainfall Data Consistency at Saundatti Rain Gauge Station...............................................................82
Figure 6.2: Rainfall Data Consistency Yaragatti Rain Gauge Station.....................................................................83
Figure 6.3: Rainfall Data Consistency At Murugodu Rain Gauge Station............................................................83
Figure 6.4: Rainfall Data Consistency At Hulikatti Rain Gauge Station...............................................................83
Figure 6.5: Brune's Curves......................................................................................................................................................85
Figure 9.1: Curve Showing Diameter vs Cost of Tunnel for Selection of Economic Diameter.................130
Figure 9.2: Different views of wedge with support...................................................................................................133
Figure 9.3: Pole Density for Powerhouse area............................................................................................................147
Figure 9.4: Joint Sets details...............................................................................................................................................148
Figure 15.1: Project Location Map....................................................................................................................................251
Figure 15.2: Study area map...............................................................................................................................................252
Figure 15.3: Digital ELevation Model (DEM) of the study area.............................................................................254
Figure 15.4: Land Use/ Land Cover Map of the Project Study Area....................................................................257

Index of Tables
Table 1-1: Land requirement for Saundatti Pumped Storage Project...................................................................23
Table 1-2: Key parameters of Saundatti PSP...................................................................................................................25
Table 5-1: Primary Ground Control Points......................................................................................................................35
Table 5-2: Final Ground Control Points.............................................................................................................................35
Table 5-3: Generalized regional stratigraphy of Karnataka (GSI, Misc. Pub.Part-VII, 2006)........................41
Table 5-4: Two fold classiCication of the Kaladgi Series by Bruce Foote (1876)...............................................48
Table 5-5: Lithostratigraphy of the Kaladgi-Badami Basin (after Jayaprakash et al., 1987)........................48
Table 5-6: Process-responsive lithostratigraphie classiCication of the sediments transgression in the
Kaladgi Basin (Kale et al, 1996)...........................................................................................................................................51

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 20

Table 5-7: Lithostratigraphy of the Saundatti Pump Storage Project area..........................................................58
Table 5-8: Geological Plan, L-section and Cross section of different Project Components...........................69
Table 5-9: Location of samples collected..........................................................................................................................72
Table 5-10: Test on Coarse Agreegates..............................................................................................................................73
Table 5-11: Test on Fine Agreegates...................................................................................................................................74
Table 6-1: Key parameters of Renuka Sagar reservoir................................................................................................76
Table 6-2: Monthly Rainfall Data..........................................................................................................................................78
Table 6-3: Evaporation loss rate in project area............................................................................................................84
Table 6-4: Design Clood adoption criteria.........................................................................................................................87
Table 6-5: Free board of Upper & Lower Reservoirs...................................................................................................89
Table 7-1: Elevation-Area-Capacity of Upper Reservoir.............................................................................................91
Table 7-2: Elevation-Area-Capacity of Lower Reservoir............................................................................................92
Table 7-3: Key parameters of Reservoirs & Dams.........................................................................................................94
Table 9-1: Salient Features of Proposed Upper and Lower Reservoir...............................................................103
Table 9-2: Comparison of the Salient Features of Alternatives- 1 and 2...........................................................111
Table 9-3: Minimum Target FOS Values..........................................................................................................................113
Table 9-4: Upper & Lower Dam - Summary of the results of stability analysis (Typical section)...........114
Table 9-5: Key parameters of the proposed Upper Reservoir & Upper Dam...................................................116
Table 9-6: Key parameters of the proposed Lower Reservoir & Lower Dam..................................................117
Table 9-7: Summary of Head loss & CoefCicients worked out in the Proposed Water Conductor System
Table 9-8: Net Heads Adopted in the Project...............................................................................................................124
Table 9-9: Water Conductor System Parameters used in Transient Analysis..................................................125
Table 9-10: Time Sequence Applied for Case-1: Shutoff of Generation.............................................................126
Table 9-11: Time Sequence Applied for Case-3: Start of Generation..................................................................126
Table 9-12: Time Sequence Applied for Case-2: Shutoff of Pumping.................................................................126
Table 9-13: Time Sequence Applied for Case-4: Start of Pumping......................................................................127
Table 9-14: Various diameter of Tunnel considered for the Selection of Economic Diameter.................129
Table 9-15: Support Recommended for 7.1m diameter Top Inclined Pressure shaft..................................130
Table 9-16: Summary of Steel Liner Thickness along Water Conductor System of Large Unit................137
Table 9-17: Summary of Steel Liner Thickness along Water Conductor System of Small Unit................138
Table 9-18: Joint sets of powerhouses............................................................................................................................148
Table 9-19: Technical Parameters of Intake Trash Racks........................................................................................158
Table 9-20: Technical Parameters of Intake Maintenance Gate............................................................................159
Table 9-21: Technical Parameters of Intake Service Gate.......................................................................................160

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 21

Table 9-22: Main Technical Parameters of Outlet Service Gate............................................................................160
Table 9-23: Technical Parameters of Outlet Stoplog Gate.......................................................................................161
Table 9-24: Technical Parameters of Outlet Trash Racks........................................................................................162
Table 12-1: Major Construction Plant & Equipment for RockCill Dam...............................................................224
Table 12-2: Major Construction Plant & Equipment for concrete Intake Structure.....................................226
Table 12-3: Major Construction Plant & Equipment for Penstock.......................................................................231
Table 12-4: Major Construction Plant & Equipment for concrete in Penstock...............................................233
Table 12-5: Major Construction Plant & Equipment for power house...............................................................234
Table 15-1: Area under different Land use/ Land cover in the study area......................................................257
Table 15-2: Family wise details of plant species.........................................................................................................258
Table 15-3: Conservation Status of Plant Species.......................................................................................................259
Table 15-4: Medical Plant Species....................................................................................................................................260
Table 15-5: List of Different types of Trees species...................................................................................................263
Table 15-6: List of Different types of shrubs species................................................................................................264
Table 15-7: List of Different types of herbs species...................................................................................................266
Table 15-8: List of mammals reported from the study area based from secondary sources....................267
Table 15-9: List of avifauna reported from the study area with their conservation status in the study
Table 15-10: List of Herpetofauna found in the Study Area...................................................................................271
Table 15-11: Types of Cish species available in the study area..............................................................................272
Table 15-12: Land requirement for Saundatti Pumped Storage Project...........................................................279
Table 15-13: Equivalent Noise Levels due to Operation of Construction Equipment..................................282
Table 15-14: Noise levels exposure period for affected persons..........................................................................283
Table 15-15: Cost for Implementing EMP & CER Activities....................................................................................292
Table 17-1: Phasing of Expenditure.................................................................................................................................303

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 22



1. Name of the Project Saundatti Pumped Storage
2. Location
a. State Karnataka
b. District Belagavi
c. Mandal/Tehsil Saundatti Tehsil
d. Basin Krishna Basin
e. River Krishna River
f. Village Saundatti
g. Survey of India Topographical sheets D43D1 (48M/1) and D43C13
1. a) Power Project
b) Power Project having reservoir for Clood moderation. Pumped Storage Power Project
c) Multipurpose Project
1. Has the Master Plan for overall development of the river No
basin been prepared & stages of basin development
discussed brieCly?
2. Have the alternative proposals been studied and their Yes
merits and demerits discussed?
3. Does the scheme Cit in the overall development of the river Yes
basin and its priority in the overall development of the
basin discussed?
4. Are there any features which are not likely to Cit in the No such features
overall development of the basin?
5. Have the other departments concerned with the Yes
development been informed?
6. Is the present scheme proposed to be executed in stages? No
If so, are its various stages of execution and development
discussed in the report?
7. Are the effects of the scheme on the riparian rights NA
existing upstream and downstream projects etc.,
1. Are there any international / Interstate issues involved? If No interstate problems are
so, have these issues been identiCied and present status of involved as the proposed PSP is
agreement indicated specially in respect of. entirely in the state of Karnataka.
a Sharing of water Does not arise
b Sharing of cost Does not arise
c Sharing beneCits Does not arise
d Settlement of oustees Does not arise
e Acceptance of the submergence by the Upstream state(s). Does not arise
f Compensation of land coming under submergence Does not arise
2. Any other Nil

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 1

1. Have the detailed topographical surveys been carried out
for the following items and maps prepared as per
prescribed scales?
a. River Surveys NA
b. Reservoir Surveys Yes
c. Head works surveys Yes
d. Water conductor system Yes
e. Plant site and colonies Yes
f. Major hydraulic structures Yes
g. Tunnel(s), adits, penstocks etc. Yes
h. Power House, switch-yard, tail-race Yes
i. Soil surveys Yes
1. Have the Geological Surveys for the following items been Yes
carried out and report on Geology appended?
a. Regional Geology Yes
b. Reservoirs Yes
c. Head works Yes
d. Power houses and appurtenances Yes
e. Intake Structures Yes
f. Tunnels, Penstock(s) Yes
g. Communication routes NA
2. Any other NA
1. Seismicity of the area Seismic Zone – III as per latest BIS
adopted for design
2. Has the seismicity of the region been studied and co- Yes, as per IS 1893-1984.
efCicient of vertical / horizontal acceleration for the
various structures discussed?
3. Has the approval of the standing committee for No, NCSDP shall be approached at
recommending design of seismic coefCicients for river detail design stage.
valley project been obtained?
4. Is there possibility of liquefaction of foundations? If so NA
whether liquefaction studies been carried out
1. Have the detailed foundation investigations (including
insitu tests and laboratory tests) for the following
structures been carried out and detailed report(s)
a. Earth and rock Cill dam/barrage/weir etc. Yes
b. Masonry/Concrete dam/Weir etc. Yes
c. Power House, Tunnel(s), Water conductor system etc. Yes
2. Are there any special features affecting the designs? No such Features
1. Have the surveys and laboratory tests for construction Yes
materials been carried out and report(s) appended?
2. Soils for impervious, semi-pervious and pervious zones of Yes
earth and rockCill dam(s)
a. Sand Yes

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 2

b. Rock and aggregate Yes
c. Cement Will be done during construction
d. Steel Will be done during construction
e. Any other Nil
3. Have the sources for each of the above materials been Yes
identiCied and lead etc., indicated?
4. Have the proposals for procurement of scarce materials NA
been indicated?
1. Have the hydrological and meteorological investigations Yes
been carried out and status of data discussed in report?
a. Rainfall Yes
b. Temperature Yes
c. Gauge and discharge NA
2. Has the above data been collected and appended Yes
1. Is the hydrology dealt with in detail in this report? Yes
2. Have Hydrological studies been carried out to establish 90% dependable Clows have been
the availability of water for the beneCits envisaged, and computed from observed monthly
what is the dependability of the potential? rainfall data.
3. Have an index map and bar chart showing location of NA
various hydro-metric, rainfall stations and the data
availability at those stations been attached?
4. Are brief notes about quality, consistency, processing and Yes
gap Cilling of the data included?
5. Have the analysis for the water Clows/sediment Clows & Yes
rainfall been discussed?
6. Is the criteria adopted for selection of the construction Yes
diversion Clood discussed?
7. Have hydrological studies been carried out for the
a. To establish the availability of water Yes
b. To determine design Clood for the various structures Yes
c. Evaporation rates from reservoir concerned area Yes
d. Command area rainfall Yes
e. Is the dependability of the potential checked and indicated Yes
1. Have the provision for Land acquisition and resettlement Yes - Provision for Land
been considered? acquisition has been made.
No – Resettlement is not involved.
2. Have the socio-economic problem involved in resettlementNo such problems
been considered?
3. Have the type and quantum of land proposed to be Does not arise
acquired in the submerged areas, projected area, area
required for rehabilitation of the oustees been detailed?
4. Is the basis for provision of land compensation indicated? Yes
5. Have the rehabilitation measures, amenities and facilities Does not arise
to be provided to the project affected persons been
discussed and whether their provisions included in the

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 3

report? Are these in accordance with state's policy /
project speciCic policy / draft national policy for
rehabilitation and resettlement
1. Have the layout of the components of the project been
a. Upper Dam Yes
b. Penstock and water conductor system etc., Yes
c. Power House Yes
d. Switch yard etc., Yes
2. Has the selection of Cinal location of the head works and Yes
appurtenances, in preference to the other sites
investigated been discussed?
3. Have the layout of the project viz., location of head works, Yes
work shop sheds, ofCices, colonies etc. Been Cinalized and
4. Have the Layout of the project area, Location of Diversion Yes
structure, ofCices, camp etc been Cinalized.
5. Have the following designs prepared for the following
a. Upper Dam Yes
b. Pressure shaft Yes
c. Opening(s) through head regulators, penstocks, other Yes
outlets, sluices etc.
d. Intake and water conductor system Yes
e. Power house and switch yard Yes
f. Power evacuation provisions Yes
g. Power house equipment, LT / HT switchgear Yes
6. Have the salient features of the above components and the Yes
assumptions made in the design of above components of
the project been indicated and their basis discussed?
7. Have any model studies been carried out for location of No
barrage/weir, spillway and other appurtenances, checking
the design proCile of the spillway, energy dissipation
arrangements, location of outlets/regulators etc.
8. Has the Cinal alignment of water conductor system been Yes
discussed in the light of various alignments studied?
9. Is the water conductor system being discussed in the light Yes
of various alignments studied?
10. Are sufCicient escapes including terminal escapes provided NA
on the water conductor system?
11. Have any model studies for major hydraulic structures No
been carried out and if so, are the results discussed and
incorporated in the design?
12. Is the location of the water conductor system Cixed after Yes
detailed surveys of the Cinal alignments?
1. Have the following points been discussed.
a. Total energy production & installed capacity. Yes

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 4

b. How does the scheme Cit into overall development of Power generated shall be fed into
power in the region? the existing grid.
c. Integrated operation of the system and present status of Yes
d. Surpluses and shortfalls in the system. Yes
e. Future plans of power development from different sources Yes
in the state/region.
f. Availability of the power generating capacity in the region Yes
from different sources
g. Proposals for transmission and / or connection to the Central Pooling Substation (CPSS)
existing system etc., (Wherever applicable)Central Pooling
Substation (CPSS)
h. Energy generation from the project, Cirm power, seasonal Yes
power and total power?
i. Cost of generation per KW installed/ as per KWH As per the studies, the project at
generated, as compared to the various hydel projects and present market rates is
various services in the region to justify the economic economically viable.
viability of the scheme.
1. Are the major components of work proposed to be done Through contractor
departmentally or through contractor?
2. Have the various alternatives for construction programme Yes
been studied and proper justiCication furnished for the
Cinal programme adopted?
3. Has the proposed construction programme been prepared Yes
and synchronized for timely completion of each of the
major components of work?
4. Have the year/month wise quantities of the following
items been worked out for various components of the
a. Excavation – soft and hard strata Yes
b. Earth work and Cilling (Wherever applicable) Yes
c. Stone masonry Yes
d. RockCill-dam, toe, riprap etc. Yes
e. Sand for Cilter, masonry concrete Yes
f. Gravel Cilter Yes
g. Coarse aggregate of concrete Yes
h. Steel of various sizes and types of reinforcement Yes
i. Cement-normal, quick/slow setting with or without Yes
j. Lime-surkhi: pozzolana NA
k. Scarce material: special steel NA
l. Other materials: fuel, electricity, explosive etc. Yes
m. Other material – construction Power supply, P.O.L etc., Yes
5. Have the year-wise quantities to be executed by Yes
machine/labour for each of the major components been
worked out for each of the above materials?
6. Have the labour intensive items of the various major Yes
components of the project been identiCied and the

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 5

quantities of such items worked out?
1. Have the details of the plant & machinery, spares, The estimation has been done
instruments, scarce materials to be imported item-wise? presuming that all the goods &
services except GIS and XLPE
cables are available within the
country. However, Cinal decision
on foreign components shall be
made at tender stage depending
upon price advantage
2. Has the phasing of imports and source(s) of imports been -do-
discussed item-wise?
3. Are the imports to be effected under foreign -do-
grants/credits or internal resources of the country?
1. Has the concurrence of the Cinance department been NA
2. Whether the scheme has already been started? If not, what No
is the present position regarding its inclusion in the plan?
3. Is the scheme included in the plan? If not, what is the Yes, to be included
present position regarding its inclusion in the plan?
4. Have the year-wise requirement of funds been indicated? Yes
5. Is the scheme covered under state sector or Central Private Sector
6. Is the scheme covered under any foreign assistance/aid NA
1. Is the estimate prepared? Is a separate appendix of Yes Detailed estimates were
estimate attached? prepared for civil works, H & M
works and E & M works and
appended as separate volume.
2. Is the year to which the rates adopted in the estimate Rates are April 2022, Price level
3. Have the analysis of rates for various major items of works Yes the Estimates are prepared
for the major components of the project been furnished, based on the UniCied Schedule of
with the basis of analysis and the price index at which the Rates of Government of
estimate is based? Karnataka 2021 & current market
1. Is the area likely to have ecological and environmental No ecological and environmental
problems due to altered surface water pattern and problems are involved.
corrective measures created discussed?
a. National parks and sanctuaries No
b. Health hazards-water borne diseases No
c. Submergence of monuments / archaeological sites No
d. Seismicity due to Cilling of reservoir No
e. Life of migratory birds NA
f. Plant life-forests Least affected
g. Fish culture & aquatic life No

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 6

h. Submergence of important minerals. NA
i. Ground water recharge Insignifacent
j. Increase in salinity of the ground water No
k. Water logging No
l. Excessive sedimentation of the reservoir No
2. Has the concurrence of the environmental appraisal TOR for EIA studies approved by
committee been obtained? MoEF.
1. Has the planning of the camps / buildings been done? Yes
2. Can the buildings other than required for maintenance of Will be considered on the
the project being constructed be put to some other use completion of the project.
after the completion of the project by the Department or
any other agencies?
3. Have the interested agencies been consulted in planning of Yes
the buildings to suit their requirements later on?
4. Are the permanent buildings required for maintenance of Yes
the project discussed?
5. Are the temporary camps required for the project Yes
1. Is the need for soil conversation measures in the Yes. Such problem does not arise.
Catchment of the project discussed? Plantation will be taken up after
completion of construction works

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 7


1 Name of the Project Saundatti Pumped Storage Project (PSP)

2 Location
a Country India
b State Karnataka
c District Belagavi
d Village near Powerhouse Saundatti
3 Geographical Co-Ordinates
Saundatti OCPSP Upper Reservoir-
(Now Proposed)
a Latitude 15° 51' 21.84" N
Longitude 75° 00' 19.50" E
Saundatti OCPSP Lower Reservoir -
(Now Proposed)
b Latitude 15° 50' 46.62" N
Longitude 75° 00' 24.67" E
4 Access to Project Site
a Airport Hubli
b Rail head Dharwad
c Road Dharwad (45 km)
d Port Karwar
5 Project
a Type Pumped Storage Project
b Storage Capacity 9040 MWH
c Rating 1600 MW
d Peak Operation duration 5.65 Hours
6 Saundatti PSP - Upper Reservoir
a Live Storage 0.704 TMC
b Dead Storage 0.016 TMC
c Gross Storage 0. 721 TMC
7 Upper Reservoir
a Full Reservoir level (FRL) EL + 854.00 m
b Min. Draw Down Level (MDDL) EL + 829.00 m
c Top Bund Level (TBL) EL + 857.00 m
d Type of Embankment Geomembrane Faced RockCill Dam (GFRD)
e Max. Height of Embankment 38 m
Weighted Average Height of
f 28 m
g Length at the top of Embankment 4605 m
h Top width of the Embankment 7m
i Type of Power Block Concrete Gravity Structure

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 8

j Height of Power Block 42.85 m from sill level of intake
k Length at the top of Power Block 150 m
l Top width of the Power Block 7m
8 Saundatti PSP - Lower Reservoir
a Live Storage 0.683 TMC
b Dead Storage 0.026 TMC
c Gross Storage 0.709 TMC
9 Lower Reservoir
a Full Reservoir level (FRL) EL + 654.00 m
b Min. Draw Down Level (MDDL) EL + 631.00 m
c Top Bund Level (TBL) EL + 657.00 m
d Type of Embankment Geomembrane Faced Earth and Rock Dams (GFRD)
Weighted Average Height of
e 16 m
f Max. Height of embankment 24 m
g Length of Embankment 4783
10 Intake Structure
a Type Diffuser Type
b No. of Intakes 5 nos.
c No. of Vents in each Intake 3 nos.
d Size of Each Intake 27 m (W) X 9.0 m (H) Including intermediate Piers
43.10m(covered with RCC slab at top up to Intake
e Length of each Intake
f Elevation of Intake center line EL + 817.70 m
g Elevation of Intake bottom EL + 814.15 m
Design Discharge of each Intake
h 190.03 Cumec
(Turbine mode)
i Trash rack type Vertical with inclination of 15°
j Size of Trash Rack 3 Nos. of 8.00m (W) X 9.32m (H) for each unit
Numbers & Size of Intake Service 5 Nos. of 5.90m (W) X 7.10 m (H) with independent
Gate rope drum hoist
Numbers & Size of Intake
k 1 No. of 5.90 m (W) X 7.10 m (H) with Moving Gantry
Emergency Gate
11 Penstock /Pressure Shafts
a Type Steel lined - circular
Total 5 No. of Independent Penstocks in which 1 no.
b Number of Pressure Shaft
will get bifurcated into 2 nos. near powerhouse.
c Diameter of Pressure Shaft 7.1 m
d Length of Penstock/Pressure Shaft 1038.10 m
Length of surface penstock-1 from Intake to Vertical
Pressure Shaft (VPS) – 401.20 m
Length of Vertical Pressure Shaft –190.93 m
Length of Horizontal Pressure Shaft (HPS) – 445.96m

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 9

e Dia. Of Branch Pressure Shaft 5.0m
Length of each branch Pressure
f 88.50 m
Design Discharge of each Main
g 190.03 Cumec
Design Discharge of each Branch
h 95.14 Cumec
i Velocity in the Main Penstock 4.80 m/sec
Velocity in the branch Pressure
j 4.85 m/sec
12 Powerhouse
a Type Surface Powerhouse
b Centre line of Unit EL + 589.00 m
Dimensions (Excluding Service
c 167 m (L) X 25.5 m (W) X 51.20 m(H)
d Size of Service Bay 40.00 m (L) x 25.5 m (W)
e Service bay Level EL + 605.50 m
f Size of Unloading Bay 25.00 m (L) X 25.5 m (W)
g Unloading Bay Level EL + 627.20 m
13 Tail Race Tunnel
a Type & Shape Concrete Lined – Circular
6 Nos. (4 Nos. of Larger units & 2 Nos. of Smaller
b Number of Tunnels
c Dia. of Tunnel 8 m for larger unit
6.65 m for smaller unit
d Length of the Tunnel 249.44m
e Design Discharge 190.03 Cumec each for larger unit
95.14 Cumec each for smaller unit
14 Tailrace Outlet
a Type Diffuser Type
6 Nos. (4 Nos. of Larger units & 2 Nos. of Smaller
b No. of Outlets
23 m (W) X 9.4 m (H) Including Piers for Larger unit,
c Size of each outlet 16.5 m (W) X 7.0 m (H) Including Piers for Smaller
32.49 m (H) for larger unit, 21.33 m (H) for smaller
d Length of each Outlet
unit covered with RCC slab at top up to Outlet Gate
e Elevation of outlet center line EL +621.30 m for larger unit
EL +620.63 m for smaller unit
f Elevation of Outlet bottom EL +617.30 m
g Trash rack Type Vertical with inclination of 15°
4 nos. of 6.67 m (W) X 9.73m (H) for larger unit,
h Size of Trash rack
2 nos. of 4.5m (W) X 7.25 m (H) m for smaller unit
4 nos. of 6.6m (W) X 8.0m (H) for larger unit,
i Tailrace outlet Service Gate
2 nos. of 5.6m (W) X 6.65m (H) for smaller unit

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 10

1 no. of 6.6m (W) X 8.0m (H) for larger unit,
j Tail Race outlet Emergency Gate
1 no. of 5.6m (W) X 6.65m (H) for smaller unit
15 Tail Race Channel
a Type & Shape Concrete lined & Trapezoidal
b Length of channel 157m (Approx.)
c Bed width 65 m
d Full supply depth 5.00 m
e Bed slope 1 in 5800
16 Electro-mechanical Equipment
a Pump Turbine Francis type, vertical shaft reversible pump-turbine
b Total No. of units 6 Nos. (4 X 320 MW) + (2 X 160 MW)
Total Design Discharge (Turbine
c 950.15 Cumec
A 320 MW Turbines
a Total No. of units 4 Units (All units are Fixed Speed)
b Turbine Design Discharge 190.03 Cumec
c Pump Capacity 352 MW
d Rated Net Head (Turbine Mode) 193.35 m
e Rated Pumping Head 202.75 m
f Rated Pump Discharge 164.48 Cumec
g Synchronous speed 187.5 rpm
I Generator-Motor
a Type Three (3) phases, alternating current synchronous
generator motor semi umbrella type with vertical
b Number of units 4 units (4 x 320MW)
c Rated Capacity Generator – 320 MW
Pump Input – 352 MW

d Rated Voltage 18.0 KV

II Main Power Transformer
Indoor Single-Phase Power transformers with ON
a Type
Load Tap Changer (OLTC)
12 Nos. i.e., 3 nos. per unit + 1 no. Spare Total: 13
b Number of units
c Rated Capacity of each unit Single Phase, 18 kV/400kV, 130 MVA
d Rated Voltage Primary – 18.0 kV; Secondary - 400 kV adjustable
range of the secondary voltage: - 10% to +10% in
1.25% of steps
B 160 MW Turbines
a Total No. of units 2 Units (Both are Fixed Speed)
b Turbine Design Discharge 95.14 Cumec
c Pump Capacity 176 MW

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 11

d Rated Net Head (Turbine Mode) 193.10 m
e Rated Pumping Head 202.90 m
f Rated Pump Discharge 82.17 Cumec
g Synchronous speed 250 rpm
I Generator-Motor
Three (3) phases, alternating current Synchronous
a Type generator motor semi umbrella type with vertical

b Number of units 2 units (2 x 160MW)

c Rated Capacity Generator – 160 MW

Pump Input – 176 MW
d Rated Voltage 18.0 kV
II Generator Motor Transformer
Indoor Three-Phase Power transformers with On
a Type
Load Tap Changer (OLTC)
b Number of units 6 Nos. i.e., 3 nos. per unit +1no. Spare Total: 7 nos.
c Rated Capacity of each unit Three Phase, 200 MVA
Primary – 18kV; Secondary - 400 kV adjustable range
d Rated Voltage of the secondary voltage: - 10% to +10% in 1.25% of
17 420 KV Gas Insulated Switchgear
a Type of GIS Indoor Type
b No. of GIS units One No.
c Location Inside GIS building above ground
Double Busbar Arrangement with bus coupler and
d Scheme
with Bus Sectionaliser
18 Power Evacuation
a Voltage Level (KV) 400 KV
b No. of Transmission Lines One Double Circuit Transmission Line
c Conductor ACSR Quad Moose
d Total Length one 400 kV double circuit transmission line on lattice
towers from Saundatti PSP pothead yard to Saundatti
CPSS and further CPSS to 400/220 kV PGCIL Gadag
substation, Karnataka State.

Transmission Lines are of 130 km (approx.) length for

evacuation of Stored Power from Saundatti PSP to
CPSS and further CPSS to 400/220 kV PGCIL Gadag
substation, Karnataka State during Generating mode
and for input power to PSP during pumping mode.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 12



India is leading the world’s renewable energy revolution and is on track to achieve 500 GW of RE
capacity by 2030. Today, Wind & Solar, are the lowest cost source of new energy, however their
inherent in@irm nature & non-schedulability presents a huge challenge for integrating large RE
capacities, while maintaining grid stability. Today, increasing RE capacities coupled with ever
changing dynamic demand curves of the States/DISCOMs/STUs are leading to sub-optimal
utilization of the existing base-load assets resulting in high @ixed cost pass through per kWh and
additional burden to the consumers.

Flexible Energy Generation Assets that have a capability to supply both Base Load & Peaking
Power efCiciently and economically are the need of the future and the necessary solution to address
the dynamic evolving energy needs of India. The increasing energy demand of the country can only be
met sustainably by developing the much required Flexible Energy Generation Assets immediately.

Wind-Solar-Storage Hybrid Projects present a viable solution to the problem at hand and also for
future wherein large RE capacities are being planned to be added to National grid. While battery
storage solutions are still evolving, integrating Wind & Solar with time tested and proven Pumped
Storage solutions presents an optimal, economically viable & scalable solution to supply
Schedulable Power On-Demand (SPOD) with both base load and peak load capabilities to the
Nation. Pumped Storage solutions provide the necessary scale (large volume of energy storage) and
have a long life cycle resulting in lowest cost of delivered SPOD energy over the life of the projects.
Developing such integrated projects in Wind-Solar resource rich locations along with Pumped Storage
capacities independently, without impacting the existing natural water systems / irrigation systems is
necessary to sustainably power the future needs of our country while maintaining grid stability.

In next 2-3 years’ time frame, with increasing penetration of non-Clexible solar in state of Karnataka,
there will be signiCicantly high supply of solar power during peak solar supply hours (between 1100 –
1500 hours) which will lead to operating thermal plant at below their respective technical minimum
level (55%) else solar supply needs to be curtailed however, it faces peak deCicit due to supply
availability issues during peak demand hours. Additionally, increasingly higher quantum of RE
capacity (primarily solar) is coming up within the state and this exposes the state grid to higher
variability of RE generation leading to DSM based penalties. Hence, grid connected energy storage
would reduce reliance on external sources by optimally utilizing contracted supply capacity to meet
increasing energy & peak demand as well as reduction in DSM penalties.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 13

Also, evolving demand drivers like Solar pumps, EVs, increasing urbanization, change of agricultural
crops sowing in future would lead to need for storage asset enabling energy shifting to meet evolving
demand proCile of the state.

Greenko Group is India’s leading clean energy company, with ~7.5 GW operational portfolio across
15 states in India. Greenko Group has an existing asset base of over USD 8.8 Billion with an equity
investment of USD 2.2 Billion. Greenko enjoys strong shareholder support of the world’s largest
sovereign wealth funds of Singapore (GIC) and Abu Dhabi (ADIA). Greenko Group has an experienced
& diverse management team to develop, execute and operate challenging projects with expertise
across large-scale Wind, Solar PV and Hydro projects. The team has recently commissioned one of the
World’s largest single 816 MW DC Solar PV Plant in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh within a record time
of 6 months.

Greenko Group has over the past 10 years, developed capabilities not just in RE project execution, but
also state of the art digital capabilities for ef@iciently forecasting renewable generation trends in
Solar & Wind domains giving it a unique capability to integrate diverse generation streams of
energy to lead the creation of a Decarbonized, Digitized future on the Energy sector in India.

Greenko Group has been in the process of evaluating suitable locations for such integrated projects for
over 1 year and has identiCied Saundatti, Belagavi District, Karnataka for the proposed Saundatti
Integrated Renewable Energy Project (IREP). Saundatti IREP has been conceived as the World’s
First & Largest Gigawatt Scale integrated project with solar, wind and pumped storage components
that can supply Schedulable Power On Demand (SPOD) which is Dispatchable & Schedulable
Renewable Energy for the Cirst time to consumers across India.

After evaluating the site for over 1 year, assessing the Wind & Solar resources, Greenko Group has
approached the Government of Karnataka (GoK) for necessary permissions and approvals for the
proposed Project. Presently, GoK has approved the project with 1000 MW Solar, 450 MW Wind &
1600 MW of Standalone Pumped Storage capacities depending on technical Detailed Project, site
suitability and associated requirements and demand from various State DISCOMs/STUs and other
consumers. GoK has also allocated 0.704 TMC of water for establishing the 1600 MW Pumped Storage
component with 5.65 hour storage capacity.

Depending upon actual Peak demand capacity and peaking duration requirement of State Government
/ Central utility, Project conCiguration can be altered by keeping overall daily storage capacity same.

All three components of Saundatti IREP are in close vicinity of each other and therefore power from all
three components will be pooled into common pooling station and will be connected to PGCIL/CTU
sub-station at Dharwad for further supply into the National Grid. The IREP Project is a self-identiCied

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 14

project and Cirst of its kind in the world and our country which can meet the dynamic needs of
DISCOMs/STUs, through:

• 24 Hours Round The Clock (RTC) Base Load Energy

• 18 Hours Base Load Energy as per Demand

• 5.65 hours Peak Load Energy of 1600MW

• Energy Storage Service, Grid Management, Frequency Management & Ancillary Services


The proposed Saundatti PSP is a self-identiCied project by M/s Greenko and M/s Aarvee Associates is
associated with preparation of DPR.


The project is a pumped storage hydro power project, which comprise an upper reservoir and lower
reservoir interconnected with a waterway, a powerhouse which contains hydro power electrical
mechanical equipment, and a transmission connection to the grid. This project is operated when there
is a peak demand in the Energy, for the consumption inexpensive electricity is available (which is
typically available at night or on the weekends when power demand is low or excess solar generation
in the day time) and is used to pump water from the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir when there
is less demand in Energy & more generation of Energy. Water stored in the upper reservoir is then
released during peak demand periods, delivering more valuable electricity to the grid.

The DPR is for the standalone Pumped Storage component of PSP of 1600 MW / 9040.00 MWH
storage capacity, located at Belagavi District, Karnataka. Saundatti PSP Standalone Pumped Storage
Project will comprise of two reservoirs to be constructed in existing natural ground with low height
embankments of average height 10-38m (with maximum height 38m) to create the desired storage
capacity. This Project is standalone in nature and both the reservoirs are located away from all existing
natural water systems and have no/negligible catchment area.

Water will be used cyclically for energy storage and discharge. Evaporation losses, if any will be
recouped periodically. This Project envisages non-consumptive re-utilization of 0.704 TMC of water
for re-circulation among the proposed upper reservoir & lower reservoir. The project comprises
installation of 6 Units for 1600MW Capacity which is 4 X 320MW+2 X 160MW has been planned to
cater the requirement of higher percentage fulCillment of PPA requirements and near 100% plant

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 15


The geographical coordinates of the proposed upper reservoir are at longitude 75° 0'19.50" East and
latitude is 15°51'21.84" North and that of proposed lower reservoir are at 75° 0'24.67" East and
15°50'46.62" North.

Saundatti IREP is located in Saundatti Tehsil/Mandal of Belagavi district in Karnataka, India. It is

situated 80kms away from district headquarter Belagavi. Nearest railway head is Dharwad from where
project site is located at around 45kms.

The project is located near Karlakatti village located in Saundatti Tehsil/Mandal of Belagavi district in
Karnataka, India as shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1: Project Location


The climate of Karnataka varies considerably, depending on the geographical region. The state mainly
experiences arid to semi arid in the plateau region, sub-humid to humid tropical in the western ghats
and humid tropical monsoon in the coastal plains. Mainly three Monsoons play a major role in
determining the climate of the state. The entire state is divided into three metrological regions namely
coastal, North interior & South interior.

The entire coastal region and the adjoining areas have tropical monsoon type of climatic conditions. -+

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 16

+This region stretches over the districts of Udupi, Uttara Kannada and Dakshina Kannada. Rainfall
received in this region is much more than the rainfall received in the other parts of the state.

The North interior region mainly covers the districts of Bagalkot, Belgaum, Bijapur, Bidar, Bellary,
Dharwad, Haveri, Gadag, Gulbarga, Koppal and Raichur area which are arid zones. This region receives
the least amount of rainfall in the state.

The south region spreads over the districts of Bangalore Rural, Bangalore Urban, Chitradurga,
Chamrajnagar, Chikmagalur, Hassan, Kodagu, Kolar, Mysore, Shimoga and Tumkur. These regions
experiences semi-arid type of climate.

Summers last from March and extends till may with very dry and hot climate. Monsoons begins in june
and lasts untill september. The state receives heavy rainfall from the Southwest Monsoon during these
months. The state receives very mild to moderate rainfall with Northeast Monsoon during the months
of October and continues till December. November, December, January, and February are the winter
months and the temprature dips to low. The range of winter temperature is generally 12 °C to 30 °C.

The climate in Bellagavi District is tropical savanna climate with temperatures ranging from 18.4 °C
(65.1 °F) to 39.5 °C (103.1 °F) in the summer and 6.2°C (43.2 °F) to 31.5 °C (88.7 °F) in the winter. The
average annual rainfall is about 1775 mm (69.7 in).



1.6.1 Topography

The Project area is located in Saundatti Tehsil/Mandal of Belagavi district in Karnataka, India. It is
situated 80kms away from district headquarter Belagavi. Nearest railway head is Dharwad from where
project site is located at around 45kms.

The Geographical co-ordinates of the proposed Saundatti PSP reservoir are at longitude 75° 0'19.50"
East and latitude is 15°51'21.84" North and that proposed lower reservoir are 15°50'46.62" N and 75°

1.6.2 Physiography

The Western Ghats grade into the plateau region towards east and continue in to north Karnataka.
Plateau topography is the southern extension of the Deccan Plateau with an average elevation of about
650m with a series of narrow, linear ridges/hill ranges of schistose rocks & bouldery granitoid hills,
and intermittent Clat plains. Physiograpically the project area is located within the Northern Karnataka
Plateau Region comprises of Belgaum, Bidar, Bijapur, Bagalkot and Gulbarga districts. It is largely
composed of Deccan Trap. It represents a monotonous treeless extensive plateau landscape with a

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 17

general elevation of 300 to 600 metres from the mean sea level.

1.6.3 Geology

Saundatti IREP project area located to the northwest of Yekundi/Karlakatti suggests that the proposed
layout spreads across the southern margin of the Kaladgi basin into the northern margin of WDC . The
sedimentary litho-assemblage constituting a part of the Proterozoic Kaladgi basin is represented by
quartzite exposed along the near vertical cliffs and capping the redidual hills having near Clat to gently
dipping plateau surface the Peninsular Gneiss represents northern margin of western Dharwar craton

Detailed description of geological features are described in 5.7.


M/s Greenko Group has evaluated a suitable location for integrated projects and has identiCied
Saundatti Tehsil/Mandal of Belagavi district in Karnataka for the proposed Saundatti Integrated
Renewable Energy Project (IREP). Saundatti IREP has been conceived as integrated project with solar,
wind and pumped storage components that can supply Schedulable Power On Demand (SPOD) which
is Dispatchable & Schedulable Renewable Energy to consumers across India.


After Cinalisng the parameters of Upper Reservoir, the pumped storage component of Saundatti PSP is
proposed to be developed between upper reservoir FRL of EL +854.0 m and lower reservoir FRL of EL
+654.0m. Accordingly, alternatives were worked out to develop a best possible layout. Alternatives of
project layout have been studied based on the topographical, geological & geotechnical constraints. All
the alternatives have been studied and discussed below with 4 units of 320 MW and 2 units of 160
MW of Fixed head Francis turbines and for the same location for upper and lower reservoir for the
project. The power house and water conductor system has only been altered accordingly. The layout
comprising the Project area with all the alternative schemes are shown in the drawing numbers.

1 Alternative - 1 Surface Powerhouse Dwg. No. AA/POWER/CIVIL/2209/02

with no Surge Tank

2 Alternative - 2 Underground Dwg. No. AA/POWER/CIVIL/2209/31

Powerhouse complex

with long TRT &

underground surge

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 18

chamber on d/s

Alternative-1: The water conductor system comprises of four nos. of steel lined penstock
tunnel/pressure shaft and a surface power house. The water after generation will be lead into lower
reservoir through a Tailrace tunnel connected to outlet structure and further to Lower Reservoir.
Alternative-2: The water conductor system comprises of Cive nos. steel lined penstock
tunnel/pressure shaft and an underground power house. 6 numbers independent Draft Tube tunnels
from each machine will be connected to a common tail race surge chamber. The water after generation
will be lead into lower reservoir through a Tailrace tunnel of 6 No’s each 8.0 m diameter( Large Unit) ,
6.65m diameter(Small unit) consisting of 249.44m m long and connected to outlet structure and
further to Lower Reservoir.
Two alternative project layouts could emerge after considering the topography, lateral & vertical rock
covers, geological setup and geotechnical parameters of the rock mass which will be available at the
foundation grade of different project components. Both the alternatives have been studied and
discussed below with the locations of upper and lower reservoir for the project are same. Different
possible combinations of the Water Conductor System and surface vs. underground Power House
Complex have been considered in developing different alternative project layouts.

The Saundatti PSP envisages construction of

• Geo membrane faced RockCill embankment varying from 10m to 38m height for creation of
Saundatti upper reservoir with 0.721 TMC gross storage capacity.

• Intake Structure.

• Water Conductor System, 4 Nos., 7.1 m dia, 1038.10 m each (steel lined) with velocity of 4.80
m/s & 1 No, 7.1 m dia, 895.34 m steel lined which will be bifurcated to 5.0 m dia, 88.50 m each
with velocity of 4.85 m/s. HRT comprising of Top inclined prenstocks, 5 Nos., 7.1m dia &
401.20 (Average), Vertical Pressure Shafts, 5 Nos., 7.1 m dia & 190.93 m length and Horizontal
Pressure Shaft, 5 Nos., 7.1 m dia in which 4 Nos. will feed 4 units each of 320 MW of 445.96 m
length and 1 no. Independent Pressure Shaft will be bifurcated into two branch pressure shafts
of 5 m dia & of about 88.50 m length to feed two smaller units of 160 MW.

• A surface Power house having an installation of four nos. reversible Francis turbine each of
320 MW capacity (All units are Cixed speed turbines) operating under a rated head of 193.35 m
in generating mode & 202.75 m in pumping mode and two nos. reversible Francis turbine each
of 160 MW capacity (both units are Cixed speed turbines) operating under a rated head of
193.10 m in generating mode & 202.90 m in pumping mode.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 19

• Six numbers of 249.44 m long tail race tunnel connecting the tail race outlet structure and the
draft tube of the power house out of which four larger units has a tunnel dia of 8.0 m whereas
two small units consists of 6.65 m dia.

• Tailrace Outlet structure.

• Geo membrane faced Earth and RockCill embankment varying from 10m to 24m height for
creation of Saundatti lower reservoir with 0.709 TMC gross storage capacity.

Figure 1.2: General Layout of the Scheme


The Krishna River is the third longest river in central−southern India, after the Ganges and the
Godavari. The river is almost 1,300 kilometres (810 m) long. The river is also called Krishnaveni. It is a
major source of irrigation for Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

The river originates at Mahabaleswar near the Jor village in the extreme north of Wai Taluka, Satara
District, Maharashtra in the west and pours into the Bay of Bengal at Hamasaladeevi (near Koduru) in
Andhra Pradesh, on the east coast. It Clows through the state of Karnataka before entering Andhra
Pradesh. The delta of this river is one of the most fertile regions in India and was the home to ancient
Satavahana and Ikshvaku Sun Dynasty kings. Vijayawada is the largest city on the River Krishna. Sangli

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 20

is the biggest city on the river Krishna in Maharashtra.

It causes heavy soil erosion during the monsoon season. During this time, Krishna takes fertile soil
from Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh towards the delta region. It Clows fast and furious,
often reaching depths of over 75 feet (23 m). Ironically, there is a saying in Marathi (language of
Maharashtra) "Santh vaahate Krishnamaai" which means "quiet Clows Krishna". This term is used to
describe that a person should be as quiet as Krishna.

The principal tributaries of Krishna in Karnataka are Ghataprabha, Malaprabha, Bhima and
Tungabhadra. All these rivers except the Malaprabha River having their catchment area both in
Karnataka and Maharastra.


The Study Area for the collection of data on socio-economic status has been delineated as the area
within 10 kms radius of the main project components like proposed reservoir area, powerhouse,
tailrace channel, muck dumping site etc.

All project components as well as entire study area falls under Saundatti taluka (Parasgad) in Belagavi
district. Socio-economic proCile of the study area covering aspects like demography, occupational
pattern, literacy rate and other important socio-economic indicators of the villages. The baseline
socio-economic proCile is based on Cield survey and Census of India 2011.

Total households in study area tehsil are 70063. The total population of study area is 352929, of which
178755 are male and 174174 are female. Sex ratio in study area is 974 female per 1000 males.

The scheduled caste and scheduled tribes percentage population of the district is 9.54% and 11.07%
respectively. The literacy rate of the Suandatti taluka is 59.0 % of which the male 58.45% while the
female 41.55%.

The male and female literate population is 10738 and 7525 respectively, which implies that the
literacy rate of the affected villages is 58.4 % of which the male 58.8% while the female 41.2 %.
Murgod village has the highest li.

Total working population of the Saundatti taluka is 46.34%, while, the rest 53.66% of the population is
classiCied are non-workers. Out of the total working population, 81.19% are main workers, while,
18.09% are marginal workers.


For the development of Saundatti PSP, land would be required for construction of project components,
reservoir area, muck dumping, construction camps and colony, etc. Total land required for the
construction of proposed activities is approximately 364.53ha. break up of land required for different

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 21

components is given below.

Table 1-1: Land requirement for Saundatti Pumped Storage Project

Components Total Area (Ha)
1 Upper Reservoir & Intake Structure 118.51

2 Penstock 14.06

3 Power House & TRC Outlet 5.15

4 Lower Reservoir 156.51

5 Pot Head Yard 0.25

Proposed roads:from Lower Reservoir to Power House

6 14.50
(PH), PH to Upper Reservoir

Contractor facilities, cement and E&M stores, Temporary

7 10.50
colony area.

8 Muck disposal areas 30.00

9 Pumping & Other facilities 15.00

10 Magazine 0.05

TOTAL 364.53


There is no settlement in the entire project area. As such no population is affected by the project. As
per information available till date, all the land in the project area belongs to the local farmers, state
government and forest department.


Saundatti IREP will consist of proposed upper reservoir and proposed lower reservoir. There will be of
additional land required for the proposed Saundatti PSP reservoirs for the pumped storage project.
Also, the land required is for the construction of power house complex and its apparent works Viz.,
Intake structure, Penstocks, Vertical Pressure Shafts/ Horizontal Pressure Shafts, Powerhouse, Tail
Race Tunnel etc,. Total land required for the construction of various components is about 364.53 Ha.
The project area is in Kagehala forest under Savadati Range. Tail race channel falls totally in private
land area. Based on assessment of environmental impacts, management plans must be formulated for
Catchment Area Treatment, compensatory afforestation and other environmental issues like
rehabilitation & resettlement.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 22


The project Upper reservoir, water conductor system, power house and Lower reservoir lie well within
the state of Karnataka. The Saundatti IREP does not entail any interstate aspects. Moreover, there is no
international boundaries around the Karnataka, therefore does not entail to international aspects.

The proposed project is closed loop project where water will be cycled between two newly created
reservoirs in closed loop only i.e. without any consumptive use except for evaporation losses. As such,
no Interstate or International aspects are envisaged in the project.


The project area doesn’t have any coastal belt, international borders or any defence activity in the


The proposed storage project is being planned by creating a new upper reservoir & lower reservoir.
The upper reservoir do not have any natural streams draining into the reservoir. The upper & lower
reservoir does not have any signiCicant catchment draining into the reservoirs. The Saundatti PSP has
a gross storage capacity of 20.416 MCM (0.721 TMC) & 20.077 MCM (0.709 TMC) for upper & lower
reservoirs respectively. The live storage of Saundatti PSP Upper reservoir is 19.935 MCM (0.704TMC)
and lower reservoir is 19.340 MCM (0.683TMC). Operational pattern of Saundatti PSP has been kept in
such a way that 0.683 TMC of water will be utilized for the proposed Saundatti PSP. The project is a
pumped storage scheme and hence, no consumptive utilization of water is required for its operation.
Accordingly, the total annual loss in the volume from the upper & lower reservoirs due to evaporation
works out to 1.706 MCM and the annual yield in to the reservoir through precipitation is 0.633 MCM. It
is proposed to reduce the evaporation loss by about 50% by adopting some effective measures such as
Cloating solar panels etc. in both the reservoirs during detailed engineering stage.


The Saundatti PSP is proposed with a Storage Capacity of 9040 MWH with Rating of 1600 MW. This
Project comprises of 4 units of 320 MW and 2 units of 160 MW each. The installed capacity of a
pumped storage scheme is inCluenced by the requirements of daily peaking power requirements,
Clexibility in efCicient operation of units, storage available in the reservoirs and the area capacity
characteristics. The project comprises installation of 6 Units for 1600MW Capacity which is 4 X 320
MW+2 X 160 MW has been planned to cater the requirement of higher percentage fulCillment of PPA
requirements and near 95% plant availability. The Project will generate 1600 MW by utilizing a design
discharge of 190.03 Cumec with rated head of 193.35 m for large units and 193.10 m for smaller units.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 23

The Saundatti PSP will utilize 1760 MW to pump 0.683 TMC of water to the upper reservoir in 6.53

Table 1-2: Key parameters of Saundatti PSP

Sl. No. Parameter Unit Value
1 Storage Capacity MWH 9040.00
2 Rating MW 1600
3 No. of Units Nos. 6.00
4 Rated Head in Turbine mode – 320 MW m 193.35
5 Rated Head in Turbine mode – 160 MW m 193.10
6 Total Design Discharge Cumec 950.40
7 Design Discharge per unit of 320 MW Cumec 190.03
8 Design Discharge per unit of 160 MW Cumec 95.14
9 Generation Duration Hrs 5.65
10 Turbine Capacity – 6 Units MW (4x320 MW +2X160 MW)
11 Annual Energy Generation MU 3136.11
12 Pump Capacity – 6 Units MW (4x352MW +2X176MW)
13 Rated Head in Pump mode – 352 MW m 202.75
14 Rated Head in Pump mode – 176 MW m 202.90
15 Pumping Duration Hrs. 6.53
16 Annual Energy consumption MU 3987.97
The volume of water required for turbine mode of operation is equated to the pumped mode. Annual
energy generation by Saundatti PSP in Turbine mode is 3136.11 MU, Annual energy consumption by
Saundatti PSP in Pump mode is 3987.97MU.


One number 400 KV Double circuit transmission line from PSP will be connected to proposed CPSS
substation for evacuation of generated power and for supply of power during pumping mode.


It is proposed to construct the project within a period of 36 months excluding pre-construction

duration of 6 months.


The Saundatti PSP is envisaged to be completed in a period of 3 years. The project would generate
designed energy of 3136.11 MU. Other beneCit of this storage project can be in the form of spinning

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 24

reserve with almost instantaneous start-up from zero to full power supply, supply of reactive energy,
primary frequency regulation, voltage regulation etc.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 25



The Indian government on 2014 has made the Renewable Energy Initiative to introduce 175 GW
renewable energy (solar power and wind power) by 2022. The constraints with Renewable Energy
(RE) associated are:

• Solar generation peaks at around 11:00 hrs and starts to drop at 16:00 hrs

• Wind generation is generally curvilinear with small dip during day-time compared to morning
and evening time.

• Morning Peak demand during 7:00 – 9:00 hrs and evening peak starts at around 18:00-20:00

• During peak demand period - Low renewable generation & During low demand period - High
renewable generation.

• These problems will get ampliCied with achievement of RE mission of GOI

• Demand during 7:00-9:00 hrs and 18:00-20:00 hrs will continue to peak reducing grid

• At the same time, with increase in Renewable generation, peak generation shall be during day-
time thus making grid-vulnerable.

• As per CEA’s National Draft Electricity plan, Net Demand after adjusting for Renewable
generation shall exhibit duck-curve proCile (Figure 2.1).

To manage large swings in net power demand during the day, optimal solution would be Clattening the
RE generation instead of backing down and ramping up thermal generation.

Flexible Energy Generation Assets that have a capability to supply both Base Load & Peaking Power
efCiciently and economically are the need of the future and the necessary solution to address the
dynamic evolving energy needs of India.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 26

Figure 2.1: All India Load proCile Year 2021-22 to 2026-27
(Net Demand after adjusting Renewable Generation)

The increasing energy demand of the country can only be met sustainably by developing the much
required Flexible Energy Generation Assets immediately. Integrating by power management plan
required for Round the Clock (RTC) power supply as because:

➢ Both Solar and wind projects will operate in normal operating conditions and supply power to
Grid during 0000-2400 hrs, with maximum limit of power clamped at 1/1.2 GW

➢ Storage will be created using Excess generation i.e. generation above 1/1.2 GW (from Solar and
wind combined) during the day i.e. mostly during period 1100-1600 hrs will be used for
creation of storage

➢ Storage will be released in two phases, during morning and evening peak requirement times
i.e. usually during period 0600-1100 hrs and 1600-2400 hrs.

For this requirement of the storage for RE development, the pumped storage power generation is now
promoted by CEA with announcement to development of 10GW pumped storage power potential
(August, 2016).


Renewable Energy (RE) becoming a mainstream energy source. Increasing demand of renewable
power on round the clock basis. Improving scale of Renewable Energy Projects and technology
improvement leading to cost reduction. Declining Storage Costs in recent past. Focus on energy
solutions that can help in climate change mitigation. Inability to predict and schedule hinders
renewable to substitute base load power requirements the storage is the answer to providing

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 27

improved grid balanced renewable power round the clock and can solve renewable intermittency
issues and help in absorbing much larger quantum of RE.

Need for balancing grid as RE penetration increases coupled with limited Clexible generation (e.g., gas,
greenCield hydro). Customers demanding Round the clock (RTC) power from RE and Wind and solar
have complementing energy pattern and storage can effectively balance these sources.

The proposed Saundatti Integrated Renewable Energy Project (IREP) has been conceived as the
World’s First & Largest Gigawatt Scale integrated project with solar, wind and pumped storage
components that can supply Schedulable Power On Demand (SPOD) which is Dispatchable &
Schedulable Renewable Energy for the Cirst time to consumers across India.

All three components of Saundatti IREP are in close vicinity of each other and therefore power from all
three components will be pooled into common pooling station and will be connected to PGCIL/CTU
sub-station at Dharwad for further supply into the National Grid. The IREP Project is a self-identiCied
project and Cirst of its kind in the world and our country which can meet the dynamic needs of
DISCOMs/STUs, through:

1. 24 Hours Round The Clock (RTC) Base Load Energy

2. 18 Hours Base Load Energy as per Demand
3. 5.65 hours Peak Load Energy of 1600MW
4. Energy Storage Service, Grid Management, Frequency Management & Ancillary Services

After evaluating the site for over 1 year, assessing the Wind & Solar resources, Greenko Group has
approached the Government of Karnataka (GoK) for necessary permissions and approvals for the
proposed Project. Presently, GoK has approved the project with 1000 MW Solar, 450 MW Wind &
1600 MW of Standalone Pumped Storage capacities depending on technical Detailed Project, site
suitability and associated requirements and demand from various State DISCOMs/STUs and other
consumers. GoK has also allocated 0.683 TMC of water for establishing the 1600 MW Pumped Storage
component with 5.65 hour storage capacity.

The GoK has approved the project with First Right of Refusal to utilize the energy from the project,
however with no obligation to consume the same.


Pumped Storage solutions presents an optimal, economically viable & scalable solution to supply
Schedulable Power On-Demand (SPOD) with both base load and peak load capabilities to the Nation.
Pumped Storage solutions provide the necessary scale (large volume of energy storage) and have a
long life cycle resulting in lowest cost of delivered SPOD energy over the life of the projects.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 28

Developing such Pumped Storage capacities independently, without impacting the existing natural
water systems / irrigation systems is necessary to sustainably power the future needs of our country
while maintaining grid stability.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 29



A number of dams and barrages have been constructed and are under construction in the Krishna
basin to utilize water resources which are Upper Krishna Project Stage – 1,Upper Krishna Project
Stage – 2, Srisailam Dam, Pulichintala Project, Nagarjunasagar Project, Ghatprabha Dam, Tungabhadra
Project, Vanivilas Sagar Project, Bennihora Project, Bhadha Reservoir Project, Bhima Irrigation Project,
Hipparagi Barrage, Malprabha Project, Upper Tunga Project, Koyna dam, Markendaya Project,
Singatalur Lift Irrigation, Krishna Irrigation Project, Osmansagar Reservoir and Prakasam barrage.

Krishna Basin extends over an area of 258,948 square kilometres (99,980 sq mi) which is nearly 8% of
the total geographical area of the country. This large basin lies in the states of Karnataka (113,271
km2), Telangana, Andhra Pradesh (76,252 km2) and Maharashtra (69,425 km2).

The Krishna river rises in the Western Ghats, at an elevation of about 1337 m just north of
Mahabaleshwar, about 64 km from the Arabian Sea. It Clows for about 1400 km and outfalls into the
Bay of Bengal. The principal tributaries joining Krishna are the Ghataprabha, the Malaprabha, the
Bhima, the Tungabhadra and the Musi.

Most of this basin comprises rolling and undulating country, except for the western border, which is
formed by an unbroken line of the Western Ghats. The important soil types found in the basin are
black soils, red soils, laterite and lateritic soils, alluvium, mixed soils, red and black soils and saline and
alkaline soils.

An average annual surface water potential of 78.1 km³ has been assessed in this basin. Out of this, 58.0
km³ is utilisable water. Culturable area in the basin is about 203,000 km 2, which is 10.4% of the total
culturable area of the country.

Mullayanagiri peak, in Karnataka, is the highest point (1,930 m) of the Krishna basin.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 30

Figure 3.1: Krishna River Basin


Central Electricity Authority (CEA), A Government of India undertaking had a reassessment study in
various river basins on 845 No’s of sites with the probable installed capacity of 84,044 MW which
when fully developed would result in an installed capacity of 1,48,701 MW in the country. As of today
the total Hydro schemes have been installed with a capacity of 45,400MW and a capacity of 12034MW
are under construction including the pumped storage stations. A total of 63 number of sites have been
identiCied with a probable installed capacity of 96,524MW out of which only 4785.5MW have been
installed as a Pumped storage schemes at 9No’s of sites in the country and a probable installed
capacity 9,960 MW are in various stages of development. It is identiCied that southern region has a
huge potential for the development of the Pumped Storage Projects (PSP).

The present proposal of 1600 MW Pumped storage project is a self identiCied project utilizing the
waters from Lower reservoir of Krishna River basin for the development of the Pumped storage hydro
power scheme. The quantity of water required for Cirst Cilling of water in lower reservoir is 0.725 TMC
(0.683 TMC Live Storage & 0.026 TMC Dead Storage of Lower reservoir + 0.016 TMC Dead storage of
Upper reservoir). The source of water for Cirst Cilling is done from Existing Renuka Sagar Reservoir.

The Proposed PSP is planned with a Lower reservoir and an upper reservoir. As the project is
proposed with one time Cilling of reservoir and circulate thereafter, therefore, it will not affect any

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 31

downstream river valley developments and any regular uses of river water. The advantage of this
current project is one time reservoir Cilling and re-utilization of the water & installation cost is less per
MW. No additional costs are required to divert waters of Krishna River to the potentially identiCied site
in the river system to the Proposed reservoirs. With minimum submergence of the forest land the
present proposal can be developed. From the Economical point of view & with lesser impact on the
Environment & Ecology multi-stage development of the present proposal has not been considered.
Hence the entire project is developed in a single stage.


For the development of the Saundatti Pumped storage Project Trans-Basin diversion of waters are not
at all involved as the newly proposed reservoirs are intended for one time Cilling of allotted water from
the Renuka Sagar Reservoir to the Lower reservoir and re-utilization, only the evaporational losses are
to be balanced in the proposed project from the Renuka Sagar reservoir.


The Pumped Storage Hydel Project is proposed to produce electricity mostly to meet the peak hour
demand. The project will not use water from the required quantum of water for existing hydel
projects. The water used for generation of power during peak hour demand will be pumped back to
upper reservoir using energy available from RE sources during low demand/excess generation hour.
So, same water will always go on recycling. This concept has been accepted universally economical to
meet the peak hour demand. This proposed project will enhance the power generation during critical
hour of need with no consumptive use of water. Techno-Economically this is the feasible option for the
development of the pumped storage potential as it involves in one time Cilling and re utilization for
regeneration of power.


In the perspective of the pumped storage power potential assessment studies carried out by CEA for
the Southern Region, the present proposal of 1600 MW Pumped storage development is the feasible
proposal for the energy requirements of the region.



The proposed project will not require regular inClows. It will always use recycled water Cilled in
proposed Lower reservoir from Renuka sagar reservoir. The project does not interfere with any river’s
daily Clows, there will not be any adverse effect on the proposed project even in case of any
development in U/s and D/s in future.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 32


Saundatti PSP is the off-stream closed loop pumped storage development proposed by drawing water
from the existing Renuka Sagar Reservoir on stream river course to the Lower reservoir, therefore will
not affect any upstream and downstream river valley developments and any regular uses of river
water may affect. The proposed project is not in the riverine system and is a pumped storage project
therefore does not entail for any RoR vs Storage study required for conventional hydro power

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 33



The geographical coordinates of the proposed upper reservoir are at longitude 75° 0'19.50" East and
latitude is 15°51'21.84" North and that of lower reservoir are 15°50'46.62" N and 75° 0'24.67" E. The
project is located near Saundatti Tehsil/Mandal of Belagavi district in Karnataka, India. The project lies
in Krishna Basin.

This scheme envisages non-consumptive re-utilization of 0.683 TMC of water of the Renuka Sagar
reservoir by recirculation. The water in the Renuka Sagar reservoir (existing reservoir) will be
pumped up and stored in the proposed Saundatti PSP reservoir (Lower Reservoir) and will be utilized
for power generation.

The project Upper reservoir, water conductor system, power house and Lower reservoir lie well within
the state of Karnataka. The Saundatti IREP does not entail any interstate aspects.


The state of Karnataka has no international boundaries around its state boundaries, therefore does
not entail to international aspects.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 34



The following survey & investigations were carried out for the project and are brieCly discussed in this

• Topographical survey

• Geology & Geotechnical investigations

• Construction material investigations


Topographical maps (D43D1 (48M/1) and D43C13 (48I/13)) of Survey of India were referred for
investigation, reconnaissance and for Cinalizing the project layout.

5.2.1 Reconnaissance Survey

Saundatti Standalone Pumped storage project with 1600MW/9040.00 MWH storage capacity is
located at Belagavi district in Karnataka. The Saundatti PSP comprises of two off stream reservoirs to
act as upper reservoir and lower reservoir. The water required for the Pumped storage operation will
be drawn from Renuka Sagar reservoir for onetime Cilling of the proposed lower reservoir.

A reconnaissance survey is made for proposed location of upper and lower reservoir, possible intake
and exit locations, penstock tunnels, power house area and TRT. All salient features of the area are
noted during the reconnaissance survey.

5.2.2 Control Bench Marks

A network of control points has been established in the project area, using auto-levels and Differential
Global Positioning System (DGPS). Traversing was conducted between the DGPS points by Total
Station survey using Leica TS06 – 1”.

The processes of TS survey carried out involves:

• Establishing a planimetric control network by DGPS survey

• Preprocessing of TS data to generate Spot Levels & Contour Data

• Generation of Contours, topographic maps of the project area

The work was carried out using Trimble R4 Dual frequency DGPS in Static survey mode. To start with
Primary Point with 6 hrs observation and establish Triangulation method to be followed in GPS Survey
for Primary GCP Points static method GCP which is marked with speciCication marking and symbol
preferable is and paint colours (white, & Red) Marking can done in rocky strata. The following

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 35

primary ground control points are established (GCP’s).

Table 5-1: Primary Ground Control Points

ID - DGPS Latitude (Global) Longitude Height
(Global) (Global)
TBM1 N15° 49’ 16.5” E75° 05’ 48.7” 638.785
B1 N15° 51’ 35.6” E75° 00’ 41.2” 751.622
b3 N15° 51’ 36.6” E75° 00’ 42.5” 724.158
B N15° 51’ 53.7” E75° 00’ 04.9” 833.917
TBM4 N15° 49’ 20.9” E75° 05’ 42.4” 671.238
TBM9 N15° 49’ 34.3” E75° 05’ 37.1” 690.919

The Cinal ground control points established are as follows:

Table 5-2: Final Ground Control Points

S. No ID - Easting Northing Elevation
TS (Meter) (Meter) (Meter)
1 B1 501225.843 1753437.485 750.953
2 GRK1 501199.793 1753416.697 771.483
3 GRK2 501166.181 1753425.287 786.715
4 GRK3 501138.236 1753405.228 796.980
5 GRK4 501095.198 1753396.024 807.040
6 GRK5 501053.352 1753412.364 812.675
7 GRK6 500982.381 1753394.279 823.442
8 GRK7 500948.523 1753365.662 828.135
9 B1 501225.843 1753437.485 750.953


The overall plan of the project site indicating the streams, topographical features like cliffs, rock
outcrops, mounds, ditches, was generated by taking coordinates using total station. Proposed
alignment of dams, intake structure, HRT, Surge shaft, Penstock/Pressure Shaft, Power House, TRT
outlet structure and Tail Race Tunnel (TRT).

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 36


5.4.1 Archaeological Survey in the Reservoir Area

There is no centrally protected monument/Archaeological site located in the proposed submergence

area or along the alignment.

5.4.2 Mineral Survey

The mineral resources are not affected by the project.

5.4.3 Right of way surveys for the Reservoir

Due to formation of the proposed dams, survey of the existing causeways, existing highways etc. if any,
which are likely to be affected by submergence was undertaken. It has been found that, with the FRL
of 857 m for upper reservoir and FRL of 659m as proposed for lower reservoir, no highway or road of
any importance are affected by the submergence.


No Roads of importance are getting affected with the FRL Cixed at +854 m for upper reservoir and with
the FRL Cixed at +654 m for lower reservoir.


The topography of the command is sloping and can offer adequate drainage. Water logging of the
command is not anticipated.


5.7.1 Regional Geology Introduction

Saundatti Integrated Renewable Energy Project (IREP) is located in Belagavi district of Karnataka. The
project comprises of 1000 MW Solar, 450 MW Wind & 1600 MW of Standalone Pumped Storage
capacities depending on technical feasibility, site suitability and associated requirements and demand
from various State DISCOMs/STUs and other consumers. All three components of the project are in
closed vicinity, and the power generated will be pooled in a common pooling station and will be
connected to PGCIL/CTU sub-station at Dharwad for further supply into the National Grid.

The Pumped Storage Scheme (1600 MW) will comprise of formation of two new reservoirs i.e.
Saundatti PSP upper Reservoir (to be constructed) and Saundatti PSP lower Reservoir (to be

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 37

5.8 Physiography

The Western Ghats grade into the plateau region towards east and continue in to north Karnataka.
Plateau topography is the southern extension of the Deccan Plateau with an average elevation of about
650m with a series of narrow, linear ridges/hill ranges of schistose rocks & bouldery granitoid hills,
and intermittent Clat plains. Physiograpically the project area is located within the Northern Karnataka
Plateau Region comprises of Belgaum, Bidar, Bijapur, Bagalkot and Gulbarga districts. It is largely
composed of Deccan Trap. It represents a monotonous treeless extensive plateau landscape with a
general elevation of 300 to 600 metres from the mean sea level. However the river plains of the
Krishna, the Bhima, the Ghataprabha and the Malaprabha with the intervening watersheds, the step
like landscapes, lateritic scarpments, residual hills and ridges break the monotony of this extensive
plateau. The general slope is towards east and this region is largely covered with rich black cotton

The state experiences humid Tropical to Semi – Arid climate for most part of the year. The annual
rainfall is about 300 to 500 cm in the coastal plains and the Western Ghats and about 80 cm on the
eastern plateau. The Western Ghats are thickly forested. The plateau is generally devoid of dense

The Belgaum district is drained by three principal rivers draining from west to east, namely the
Krishna in the north, the Ghataprabha in the center and the Malaprabha in the south (Fig. 6.1). Krishna
with its tributaries, Tungabhadra, Ghataprabha, Malaprabha, Bhima and Vedavati draining the
northern and central part, although their courses are perennial, their volume of Clow decreases and
even ceases during summer. Several tributaries of these principal rivers make the river basins gentler
in the district.

The river Krishna enters in to Karnataka from the northeastern corner of Yadur village, located at
35km north of Chikodi and Clows in the south westerly directions for about 10 km, and then takes a ’U'
turn; there it is joined by the Dudhaganga River from the west and thereafter Clows eastwards along
the border of Chikodi taluka. The river Ghataprabha Clows through the central part of the district.
Markandeya River is an important tributary of the Ghataprabha. It rises near Belur village in
Khanapur taluk and runs in a North east direction through Belgaum, Hukkeri and Gokak taluks for a
distance of about 22 km. It receives the water of Bellarynala at Dasanahatti village. About 16 km west
of jamboti and near Kankumbi in Kanapur Jianpur taluk is the source region of the river Malaprabha.
The river then gradually takes an almost northeasterly direction and runs through the taluks of
Khanapur, Bailhongal, Soundatti and Ramdurga. A reservoir has been constructed at this city mainly
for irrigation purpose. Malaprabha receives the waters of Bennihalla, Taparihalla and a few other
streams, before leaving the district.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 38

Figure 5.1: Map showing major rivers draining through north Karnataka Plateau

The project area may be divided in to three physiographical divisions, such as, gently sloping Plateau
to gently sloping hills; moderately sloping Peidmont zones covered with debris/talus material and
vast, Clat terrain.

Karnataka forming a part of the Indian Shield is constituted of rock formations ranging in age from
3300 m.y. to 5 m.y. Barring a narrow coastal strip of about 5000 sq.km of Tertiary and Quaternary
sediments and another 31,250 sq.km of Deccan basalts, the remaining area is dominated by Archaean-
Proterozoic rocks. Mysore Plateau geologically constituted of Dharwar Craton comprises of
greenstone-granite belts, gneisses and granulites.

The cratonic block of South India commonly known as the Dharwar Craton covers an area of 2,38,000
km2 lying between latitudes 12°0' to 18°0' and longitudes 74°0' to 80°0' forming the heart of
Peninsular India. This block formed a part of the Gondwana land in Cretaceous times and its truncated
extensions to the west and east are to be traced in Africa and Antarctica respectively. The Dharwar
Craton is bordered on the west by the Arabian Sea and on the south by the high-grade terrain of Tamil
Nadu – Kerala (Fig. 5.2). The crescent shaped Cuddapah Basin (1600 Ma) covers a good part of the
gneissic terrain to the east, and the northern extensions of the cratonic block are hidden beneath the
cover of Deccan Traps of Mesozoic - Tertiary age. The north-eastern margin of the Dharwar craton is
limited by the Godavari graben, a structural element active since Proterozoic.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 39

Figure 5.2: Generalized geological map of India

Lithological variations, differences in volcano - sedimentary environments, magmatism and grade of

metamorphism have prompted the division of the Dharwar Craton into a western block characterised
by larger schist belts (Dharwar Type) showing evidences of having accumulated in distinct
sedimentary basins and an eastern block characterised by reworked and remobilized gneiss with
remnants and slivers of schist belts (Kolar Type) which are auriferous and developed in an oceanic
environment. The N-S trending Closepet granite demarcates the boundary between the eastern and
western blocks (Fig.5.3).

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 40

Figure 5.3: Geology of the western and eastern Dharwar Craton (after Rogers, 1990)

Dharwar Craton, a Precambrian greenstone-granite terrain, is the rigorously studied area of the Indian
Shield. This shield predominantly comprises the Archaean greenstone belts, gneisses, granites, and
dyke swarms. Epicratonic or intracratonic undeformed sedimentary basins called Purana Basins
(Kaladgi & Bhima) occupy the northern segment of the craton whose northern part in turn is
concealed by Deccan basalts. Thus younging of lithosequence from south to north is evident. These
Proterozoic sedimentary basins rest over the shield (Pichamuthu and Srinivasan, 1983; 1984;
Radhakrishna and Naqvi, 1986) and are exposed near the junction of Dharwar Craton and Deccan
Traps (refer Fig. 5.3).
Differences in grade of regional metamorphism (within the craton) viz. low pressure type in the

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 41

eastern area and intermediate pressure type in the western block of the Dharwar Craton have been
noticed by Swami Nath and Ramakrishnan (1981). Consequently these differences in metamorphism
brought the fundamental lithological distinction between the belts (Ramakrishnan et al., 1976; Swami
Nath et al., 1976). These features along with the observation that greenstone belts are well developed
in western block, whereas potassic granites are extensively intruded in eastern area of Dharwar
Craton suggest a possible division of the craton into a western Dharwar Craton and an eastern
Dharwar Craton (Rogers, 1986; Naqvi and Rogers, 1987). Greenstone belts essentially consist of meta-
volcanosedimentary sequences, surrounded and dissected by Peninsular Gneiss. At the southern end
of the craton these give way to granulite suite of rocks. The craton preserves a billion year orogenic
history from 3400 m.a. to 2400 m.a. Generalised regional lithostratigraphy worked out for Karnataka
is tabulated below.

Table 5-3: Generalized regional stratigraphy of Karnataka (GSI, Misc. Pub.Part-VII, 2006)
Eon/Era/Epoch Suite/ Group/ Lithology
Assemblage Formation and
Supergroup other lower
Recent Alluvium/soil
Quaternary Undifferentiated Cluvial/coastal
sediments; transported red soil/
Neogene Laterite
Mio-Pliocene Warkhali Beds Sandstone, clay, marl and limestone
Late Cretaceous To Deccan Trap Continental Clood basalt of tholeiitic
Paleogene chemistry; intertrappean beds of
67-65 ma chert & marl
Neo Proterozoic 900- Bhima Group Predominantly Mg poor carbonate
540 ma sequence with shale; sandstone and
conglomerate at the base
Neo Proterozoic ≈ 800 Chamundi K-rich porphyritic to homophanous
ma granite granite
Meso-Neo Proterozoic Kaladgi Badami Group Horizontally bedded multistorey
1600-1000 ma Supergroup sequence of arenite; shale and
limestone in lesser amounts
Bagalkot Group Two mega cycles of repeated

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 42

sequence of argillite followed by
chemogenic precipitates
predominantly of sandstone and
dolomite; quartzites and
conglomerates forming the base
Palaeo-Proterozoic Closepet Alkali granite, monzogranite/ada
2530-2450 ma Granite mellite to granodiorit
Ranebennur Greywacke/BIF/ polymict
Subgroup conglomerate/ volcanics
(Mardihalli, Bellara, Medur)
Late Archaean to Dharwar Chitradu Vaniv Polymict conglomerate, cross
Palaeo-proterozoic To Supergroup rga ilas bedded quartzite, pelite,
Late Archaean 2900- Group Sub stromatolitic carbonates, biogenic
2600 ma 2700- group chert, BIF & manganese formations
2600 ma (Ingaldhal volcanics-thoeliitic basalt
rhyolite suite ) (Tekkalvatti, Jagar)
Bababudan BIF & carbonaceous phyllite, basalt-
Group 2900- dacite suite (locally pillowed) with
2800ma minor ultramaCics/ alteration of
amygdular basalt/ cross bedded
quartzite/pelite/minor BIF/ basal
quartz pebble conglomerate
Late Archaean Peninsular Tonolite-trondjomite-granodiorite
3000 ma Gneiss-I
Middle Archaean 3000 Charnokite Metamorphic equivalents of earlier
ma Group formed rocks
Middle Archaean Sargur Group UltramaCic-maCic intrusive complex
>3000 ma (HolenarsipurNuggihalli)/
serpentinised komatiites, komatiitic
and thoeliitic amphibolites, chert,
BIF/garnet-biotite schist (with
kyanite, sillimanite and
staurolite)/local marble and calc
sillicates/fuchsite quartzite with
chromite and baryte layers

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 43

Lower to middle Older Gneiss Gorur Gneiss/ Trondjhemite, granodiorite, grey
Archaean ≈ 3400 ma Hunsur Gneiss banded biotite ortho gneiss
Late Archaean ≈2600 Peninsular Juvenile granodioritic to granitic
ma Gneiss-II material-all enclosing the true
greenstone belts within the younger
Late Archaean ≈2700 Greenstone Grit/arenite, pelite/ BIF Bimodal
ma belts, viz. Kolar maCic-felsic volcanics Pyroclasts,
Sandur volcanic conglomerate, BIF local
Raichur komatiites (main unit in all belts)
Hutti Quartzite (locally cross bedded),
Mangalur mangan marble, stromatolitic
Hungund- carbonate, calc silicate, cordierite
Kushtagi- bearing pelite, amphibolite, BIF
Hagari (Sakarsanahalli, Lepakshi)

Figure 5.4: Geological map of the Western Dharwar Cratons (After Naqvi and Rogers,
1987; Ramakrishnan and Vaidyanadhan, 2008)

Saundatti Pumped Storage Project is located in the northern part of Karnataka (Fig. 5.4) and spread
across the boundary of the western Dharwar Craton and overlying Proterozoic sedimentary cover

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 44

rocks representing part of the Kaladgi basin. A brief description of the regional geological setup of the
western Dharwar Craton (WDC) is given below.

The WDC contains three suites of approximately north–south-oriented metamorphic belts: the oldest,
the Sargur Group (Radhakrishna 1967; Viswanatha & Ramakrishnan 1976); the Peninsular Gneissic
Complex (PGC); and the youngest, the Dharwar Supergroup (Ramakrishnan & Swami Natha 1976;
Swami Nath et al. 1976; Viswanatha & Ramakrishnan 1976; Radhakrishna & Naqvi 1986). Generally,
the younger schist or greenstone belts (Dharwar belts) in the northern region are less
metamorphosed than those in the southern part (Naqvi et al. 1988). Metamorphism is regional,
affecting all parts of the craton (Radhakrishna 1983). The principal structural trend in the WDC is
approximately NW–SE to north–south, as shown by major shear zones and the elongation of the
various schist belts. Rock suites of different ages exhibit a similar sequence of deformation (Naha et al.
1986). Detailed structural studies of the WDC have established a sequence of superposed folding
events that can be identiCied in all schist belts (low as well as high grade), the PGC and banded
granulites (Naqvi 1973; Chadwick et al. 1981a, b; Roy & Biswas 1983; Mukhopadhyay 1986; Naha et
al. 1991).

Greenstone belts in the southern part of the craton tend to be small, engulfed in gneisses,
metamorphosed to amphibolite facies and older (Radhakrishna 1967; Viswanatha & Ramakrishnan
1976) than those in the northern lower-grade belts (Swami Nath & Ramakrishnan 1981). In addition
to the widespread PGC, thus, there are the Sargur Group supracrustal enclaves, as well as the younger
northern type (Dharwar) greenstone belts.

The Sargur enclaves consist largely of a supracrustal assemblage of quartzite, carbonate, metapelite
and iron formation, as well as high-grade maCic rocks. It is possible that some of the older Sargur-type
belts in the south have been intruded by older members of the PGC. Janardhan & Srikantappa (1975)
proposed that deformation in Sargur enclaves in the southern part of the craton was coincident with
emplacement of the gneisses. Enclaves may be a few kilometres in width and tens of kilometres in
length and may also possibly be considered as very old members of the PGC
ultramaCic/maCic/anorthosite suites (Naqvi 1981).

The PGC together with the Sargur supracrustal remnants, enclaves and high-grade greenstone belts is
thought to have formed the basement of the younger Dharwar Supergroup rocks overlying a marked
basal unconformity (Ramakrishnan & Swami Natha 1976; Swami Nath & Ramakrishnan 1981). Since
the major event of Peninsular Gneiss intrusion is dated at around 3.0 Ga, the Sargur Group of rocks
probably belongs to the early–middle Archaean. After the formation of the older (Sargur) schist belts,
a regional and major crust-forming event took place around 3.0 Ga to form much of the PGC

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 45

(Ramakrishnan & Swami Natha 1976; Naqvi & Rogers 1987). Rb–Sr whole-rock and mineral isochrons
suggest two major events regarding the origin of granites and migmatites, one at 3000–2900 Ma and
another at 2600–2500 Ma; the 2600 Ma event is also reClected in the charnockites
(Venkatasubramanian & Narayanaswamy 1974).

The younger schist belts belonging to the Dharwar Supergroup are characterized by metamorphism
predominantly of greenschist facies but locally up to epidote–amphibolite or lower amphibolite facies
towards the south of the WDC or in the southern parts of some belts. They contain an abundance of
clastic and quartzose sedimentary rocks, a relatively high proportion of sedimentary to volcanic rocks
and conglomerates containing clasts of underlying gneisses. These supermature basal quartz pebble
conglomerates indicate deposition of the Dharwar rocks on a peneplained basement of peninsular
gneisses. Typical rock types of the Dharwar greenstone belts are arenite, shales, volcanic rocks varying
from basalts through to rhyolites, cherts, phyllites and carbonates. Well-known examples of the
Dharwar Supergroup are found in the Chitradurga, Bababudan, Shimoga and Kudremukh (greenstone)

5.9 Peninsular Gneiss and Granite

The term "Peninsular Gneiss" was, and still is, applied to quartzo-feldspathic gneisses engulCing
Dharwar schists, and exhibits extreme diversity of composition but most of the rocks are tonalites,
trondhjemite and granodioritic gneiss (TTG) showing leucocratic-melanocratic banding, tygmatic
folding, and agmatitic structures (Naqvi et al., 1983). Apart from these, enclaves of ultramaCic/roatic
rocks are also present (Viswanatha and Ramakrishnan, 1981; Bhaskar Rao et al., 1983; Monrad, 1983;
Radhakrishna and Naqvi, 1986) which cannot be distinguished on a small map scale. Apart from their
magmatic precursors, sedimentary precursors (meta-arkose) are also reported in them (Udai Raj,
1991). Therefore two types of gneisses namely the ortho and para gneissess are part of the PG (Naqvi
and 13 others, 1983). However, the low initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.701 to 0.702) ratios show that most of the
gneisses for which such data are available are mantle derived (Faure and Powell, 1972), or formed due
to partial melting of amphibolites or primitive simatic crust (Arth and Hanson, 1975).
The ortho peninsular gneisses and related granotoids have intruded at various stratigraphic levels as
implied by the intrusive contacts with the oldest as well as youngest member of Dharwar schist belts,
without any obvious evidence of tectonic contact to discard their genetic afCinity (Pichamuthu and
Srinivasan, 1983). The representation of different components of PG as one mapable unit is caused by
their quartzo-feldspathic nature. Mutual relationship between PG and schist belts has been debated
since last 100 years (Radhakrishna and Ramakrishnan, 1990).
Dharwar schist was considered to be the oldest rocks of Peninsular India in which PG intruded. The
other group thought that PG was the basement of schists (see Radhakrishna and Ramakrishnan, 1990

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 46

for historical development of ideas). Radhakrishna (1967) proposed that PG intruded one set of schist
and formed basement for the other younger group. Swami Nath et al., (1976) and Ramakrishnan et al.
(1976) substantiated this view and Naqvi (1981) proposed an interCingering stratigraphic relationship
between various components of PG and schist belts formed at different times between 3.5 to 2.6 Ga.
Three major phases of emplacement of Peninsular Gneisses were recognized so far.
In the western block of the Dharwar Craton, the basement-cover relationship between the Peninsular
Gneiss and rocks of the Dharwar supracrustals is more or less clear. Closepet granite is a prominent
meridional batholith extending in a north southerly direction for about 500 km delimiting the eastern
boundary of the western Dharwar Craton. It is essentially porphyritic granite with gray and pink
varieties. A major fault zone has been recognized along the eastern margin of the Closepet granite belt
(Kaila et al., 1979). Radhakrishna (1956) proposed that these granites have been formed by
granitisation of the Peninsular Gneiss by alkali solutions. Divakara Rao et al. (1972) envisaged
palingenesis of Peninsular Gneiss followed by alkali metasomatism.
As emphasized earlier, it is virtually difCicult to distinguish various components of the Peninsular
Gneiss (PG) on a mappable scale, because intermixing of various components is of rather small scale.
The only variant of the PG that is separated is a suite of poorly foliated to massive, diapiric bodies with
ages of about 3.1 to 2.9 Ga. For example, Sigegudda trondhjemites, Holekote trondhjemite,
Chickmagalur granodiorite (Monrad,1983; Stroh et al.,1983; Chadwick et al.,1985a; Rama Rao et
al.,1991). Other trondhjemite rock bodies with similar character are not shown in geological map.
These bodies range in size from small dykes and sills to plutons with diameters of many kilometers.
Components of Peninsular Gneiss always show isoclinal folds with thinned limbs and stretched hinges
deCined by compositional banding. Ptygmatic folds in quartzo-feldspathic materials and agmatitic
structures are invariably noticed. Peninsular Gneiss is considered as the basement for the entire
Low lying areas and the mild slopes adjacent to the near Clat plateaus are occupied by in situ soil
proCile developed by the chemical weathering of underlying Peninsular Gneiss. The thickness of the
weathered proCile varies in thickness from a couple of meters to more than 40m. At places slightly
weathered to fresh outcrops of light to dark grey, medium to coarse grained ganite have been recorded
from different parts of the terrain.

5.9.1 Proterozoic Sedimentary Basins

The north and northeastern segments of Peninsular India witnessed orogenic event of
MesoProterozoic Mobile Belts, resulting in the formation of a series of intracratonic basins, viz.,
Kaladgi (Bagalkot and Badami) and Bhima basins. These sedimentary basins are popularly known as
Purana Basins and the hiatus involved is called Eparchaean UnconCirmity in the Indian Geological
Literature. These sedimentary rocks belong to the age of 2500-1600 Ma and 1600-1000 Ma

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 47

These undeformed Proterozoic basins, viz., Kaladgi and Bhima are resting unconformably over the
Ranibennur Group. representing part of the Dharwar Supergroup. The Bhima Basin is located between
the northern margin of the Dharwarr Craton and the Deccan Trap Clows. The basin is much smaller
than the Cuddapah and covers 5200 sq km area, with the longest portion having an axis of 160km
(NE–SW). The southern portion of the basin is bounded by an unconformity with the underlying
granitic gneisses while the east–west and NW–SE borders are fault bounded. The full extent of the
basin is unknown owing to the Deccan Traps covering the basin to the north. The Bhima Group is
predominantly composed of limestones; however, sandstone and conglomerate beds rest between the
basement and the upper sequence limestones. The oldest age for the formation of the Bhima Basin is
constrained by the underlying granitic gneisses to c. 2500 Ma (Sastry et. al., 1999). It is currently
under debate as to whether the basin formed during the Meso- (Purana II) or Neoproterozoic (Purana-
III; Patranabis-Deb et al. 2007; Malone et al. 2008).
The Kaladgi Basin extends over an east-west trending irregular area in the northern part of the
Dharwar Craton, Karnataka. The ovoid shaped Kaladgi and Badami Group of sedimentary basin is well
marked lying mainly between Krishna, Malaprabha and Ghataprabha rivers, over an area of around
8,300 sq. kms. It occupies parts of Bagalkot, Bijapur, Belgaum, Dharwad, Raichur districts of northern
Karnataka state, and some parts of eastern Maharashtra, at the Latitude 15°33’ to 16°31' N; and
Longitude 74° 10' to 76° E [Fig. 6.5], as it is located almost centre part of the basin.
This basin formed on gneisses and greenstones of Archaean age. The Kaladgi Supergroup preserves
the record of sedimentation in the basin, and consists of sandstones, mudstones and carbonates. The
textural and mineralogical maturity of this basin increased over time, indicating that the regional relief
surrounding the basin declined over time, with the clastic sediments being derived from the local
gneiss and greenstone rock (Dey et al. 2009). An angular unconformity between the two constituent
groups (the lower Bagalkot and overlying Badami) suggests a period of uplift in the basin’s history
(Jayaprakash et al. 1987). Deformation in the Bagalkot Group is signiCicant, whereas the Badami Group
exhibited only mild deformation (Kale & I’hansalkar 1991).
The Precambrian epicontinental Kaladgi Basin represents a remarkable and signiCicant geological unit
displaying magniCicent stratigraphic succession, lithologic assemblage, tectonic, structural and
depositional features among the Precambrian rocks of Peninsular India. It covers the large area, as
compared to other Precambrian sedimentary formations of Karnataka namely the 'Bhima Group' and
geologically it has long history. The Proterozoic sedimentary sequence was designated as 'Kaladgi
Series' by Bruce Foote (1876). However, subsequently several authors have proposed new strtigraphic
classiCication of the Kaladgi sediments, viz., Pascoe (1949, 1965), Krishnan (1964), Nautiyal (1966),
Viswanathiah(1977, 78-80), Chandrasekhara Gowda (1980-1981), Jayaprakash et al., (1987) and Kale,

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 48

et al., (1996).
The classiCication of the Kaladgi Group has been Cirst attempted by Bruce Foote (1876) and estimated
the total thickness as 4545 to 1212m. He proposed a two-fold classiCication of the Kaladgi Series as
given below.

Table 5-4: Two fold classi@ication of the Kaladgi Series by Bruce Foote (1876)
B. Upper Kaladgi Series 6. Shales, limestones and haematite schists 2000 ft.
5. Quartzite with local conglomerate and 1200-1800 ft.
A. Lower Kaladgi Series 4. Limestones, clays and shales 5000-6000 ft.
3. Sandstones and shales 3000-5000 ft.
2. Siliceous limestones, homstones and chert
1. Quartzites, conglomerates and sandstones

Based on regional study of Kaladgi Basin, Bruce Foote arrived at the following conclusions:
• Kaladgi sediments suffered disturbances before the formation of Deccan basalts
• Enormous amount of denudation of Kaladgi rocks
• Time gap between Kaladgi sediments and outpouring of lava
Based on the guidelines laid by the Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature of India, (1971) as well as the
International Stratigraphic Guide (Hedberg, 1976), Jayaprakash et al., (1987) have proposed a new
litho-staratigraphical classiCication in the absence of speciCic radiometric age data.

Table 5-5: Lithostratigraphy of the Kaladgi-Badami Basin (after Jayaprakash et al., 1987)
Super Group Subgroup Formation Member Thickness
group (m)
Badami Katageri Konkankoppa limestone 85
Hulkurki shale 67
Belikhindi arenite 39
Keru Halgeri shale 03
KALADGI Cave-temple arenite 89
Kendur conglomerate 03
Angular Unconformity
Bagalkot Simikeri Hoskatti Mallapur intrusive 07

Dadanhatti argillite 695

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 49

Laksanhatti dolomite 87
Aralikatti Kerkalmatti haematite 42
Niralkeri chert breccia 39
Kundargi Govinkoppa argillite 80
Muchkandi quartzite 182
Bevinmatti conglomerate 15
Yadhalli Argillite 58
Muddapur Bamanbudni dolomite 402
Petlur limestone 121
Jalikatti argillite 43
Yendigeri Naganur dolomite 93
Chiksellikeri limestone 93
Lokapur Hebbal argillite 166
Yargatti Chitrabhanukot dolomite 218
Muttalgeri argillite 502
Mahakut chert breccia 133
Ramdurg Manoli argillite 61
Saundatti quartzite 383
Salgundi conglomerate 31
-------------------- Nonconformity-------------------
DHARWAR Granitoids, Gneisses and Metasediments

Geological map of the area (Fig. 5.5) elucidates the regional geological setup in and around the
proposed Saundatti Pump Storage Project.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 50

Figure 5.5: Geological map of the study area (after Jayaprakash et al. 1987; Dey et
al., 2009)

According to the lithostratigraphical classiCication of Jayaprakash et al., (1987), the Kaladgi

Supergroup have been classiCied as mainly four geo-stratigraphic code viz. group, subgroup, formation
and members. They considered Badami and Bagalkot as separate groups: Badami Group is considered
by angular unconformity as younger sediments deposited over Bagalkot Group. It has two formations,
namely Katageri and Kemur Formations, whereas Bagalkot Group has been divided into two
subgroups namely Simikeri and Lokapur. The Bagalkot Group has been further divided into eight
formations, viz., three formations comprising Simikeri Subgroup and rest the Lokapur Subgroup.
Simikeri and Lokapur Subgroups are separated by disconformity between Yadhalli and Kundargi
The rocks of the Kaladgi and Badami Groups are considered to be equivalent to Cuddapah and
Vindhyan Groups respectively. Based on the comparison of Jayaprakash et al., (1987) classiCication,
Kale et al., (1996) propoed a process responsive revision in the litho-stratigraphic classiCication of the
sediments of the (Mesoproterozoic) transgression in the Kaladgi Basin with respect to the architecture
of the four main macro-facies which are recognized in the southern margin of the Kaladgi Basin.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 51

Table 5-6: Process-responsive lithostratigraphie classi@ication of the sediments transgression
in the Kaladgi Basin (Kale et al, 1996)
Exising lithostratigraphic Sedimentalogical Proposed Lithostratigraphic
classi@ication, after Macrofacies Classi@ication, Kale et al,
Jayaprakash et al., (1987) (1996)
Litho Members Formation
II F. Chitrabhankot Dolomite Carbonate 4.Chitrabhankot Dolomite
E. Muttalgeri Argillite 3. Mahakut Chert breccia
Chert Breccia
D. Mahakut Chert breccia
I C. Manoli Argillite Argillite 2. Yargatti Argillite
B. Saundatti Quartzite 1. Saundatti Quartzite
A. Salgundi Conglomerate
Uneven Basement of Peninsular Gneisses and Dharwarian Schists

5.9.2 Deccan Traps

The next major event is the burst of volcanic activity at the end of the cretaceous-dawn of tertiary era.
Deccan Trap rocks, especially basalts, cover a substantial part of northern Karnataka particularly the
districts of Belgaum, Bidar, Bijapur and Gulbarga. This is represented by horizontal sheets of lava
piling one upon the other over a thickness of nearly 2 Km and extending over an area of 5,000,000
Km2. The burst of volcanic activity was sudden and continues with hardly any interval between the
Clows. The volcanic episode was short not exceeding more than a million years. The fossils embedded
in these suggest a tertiary age (Radhakrishna and Vaidyanatha, 1997). The western margin close to the
coast was affected by large-scale dyke intrusion. The dyke assigned an age around 65 m.y. connects
them with Deccan volcanic activity.
The Deccan traps of India, classiCied as large igneous province (LIP), which erupted during the KTB is
one of the largest and best-exposed continental Clood basalt provinces of the world. They consist of
multiple layers of solidiCied Clood basalt that together are more than 2000-m thick and cover an area of
500,000 km2 and a volume of 512,000 km3. A large portion of the west-central India is covered by the
Deccan trap Clows due to which little is known about the sub-trappean geology. On the south and
south-east peripheral region of the Deccan trap lie the Proterozoic Kaladgi and Bhima basins, while
the Gondwana Godavari basin lies on the east.

5.9.3 Laterite

Over the Deccan trap capping of laterite is found which probably started forming at cessation of
Deccan volcanic activity an early tertiary and are continuing to form even today. The narrow coastal

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 52

belt between the coast line and the precipitous edge of the Western Ghats in a plain of marine
denudation and is covered by the extensive capping of detrital and residual laterite.

5.9.4 Physiography of Project Area

North Karnataka is a geographical region consisting of mostly semi-arid plateau from 300 to 730
metres elevation that constitutes the northern part of the Karnataka state in India. It is drained by the
Krishan River and its tributaries the Bhima, Ghataprabha, Malaprabha, and Tungabhadra. North
Karnataka lies within the Deccan thorn scrub forests ecoregion, which extends north into eastern
Maharashtra. The area of present investigation is located at about 45 km ENE of Belgam, 15km
northeast of Bailhongal, 10km west of Monali, 15km northwest of Saundatti and 12km southwest of
Yaragatti in Belgam district of north Karnataka. Though the region is semi-arid, part of Belgaum
district receive enough rainfall to make them lush and green throughout the year. Belgaum district is
quite big and though the north parts of the district are arid and receive less rainfall, the southern parts
which are adjacent to North Canara district, have an almost highland tropical climate. The stretch from
Londa to Alnavar has some of the most dense jungles on the Western coastal belt of India. They are
part of the Western Ghats and their foothills which are now protected under National Wildlife laws.

The project area and its surroundings may be broadly subdivided into three geomorphic units, viz., the
low lying near Clat area extensively irrigated and cultivated; gently sloping plateaus and isolated near
Clat areas occurring as inliers surrounded by plateaus. The low lying near Clat areas varying in
elevation between 600m and 640m, characterized by dark tone & extensive cultivation in Google Earth
map occur to the south, southeast and northwest of the proposed surface Power house located to the
northwest of Karlakatti/ Yekundi villages. Similarly a large near Clat, low lying area extends between
Yargatti and Manoli which extends towards katkol and Torgal villages. Towards east and northeast of
Manoli several isolated small plateaus forming mesa structures are also noticed within Clat areas,
suggesting detachment from the adjacent main plateaus.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 53

Figure 5.6: .Google Earth map of the project and its surrounding areas showing different
geomorphic landforms

The project area is located on left bank of Mallaprabha River, and to the north of Renuka Sagar
reservoir. On either side of the proposed surface powerhouse the low lying near Clat area extenda for
kilometers, and is extensively irrigated & cultivated.

Figure 5.7: Plateau ;lanked by a 50- 150m wide pediment zone merging with low lying ;lat
area extending for kms. Photographs taken from the plateau located to the north of
proposed Powerhouse

Invariably a well deCined pediment zone having gentle to moderate slopes, varying in width from 50 –
150m occurs in between near Clat, low lying areas and plateaus. It has resulted by the merging of
tatus/debris fans resulted by the mechanical weathering of adjacent near vertical cliffs. The pediment
zones support growth of schrubs and scanty bushes.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 54

The gently sloping plateaus characterized by light brown colour, smooth tone and texture in Google
map. The ephemeral stremlets draining through show near parallel to sub-parallel drainage pattern. In
the project and its surrounding areas thi landform occur to the north of the proposed Power House,
Karlakatti, northwest & south of Manoli, between Katkol and Ramdurg and extend for considerable
distance. The elevation of these plateaus ranges from 760m to 840m, and are Clanked by near vertical
cliffs exposing quartzites. The plateau occurring to the north of the power house extends from SE to
NW direction for considerable distance.

Figure 5.8: Plateau hills present to the east of the project area

Figure 5.9: Vertical scarps exposing gently dipping quartzite adjacent to plateau surface


Detailed geological mapping (1:1000 scale) of the project area located to the northwest of
Yekundi/Karlakatti suggests that the proposed layout spreads across the southern margin of the
Kaladgi basin into the northern margin of WDC. The sedimentary litho-assemblage constituting a part
of the Proterozoic Kaladgi basin is represented by quartzite exposed along the near vertical cliffs and
capping the redidual hills having near Clat to gently dipping plateau surface extending on either side
for considerable distances. Adjacent low lying & near Clat terrain covered in general with top soil
underlain by in situ weathered proCile developed over the Peninsular Gneiss represents northern

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 55

margin of western Dharwar craton (WDC).

The quartzite exposed in the project area extends towards NW & SE direction, and its continuity can
be traced up to Saundatti thus correlatable with Saundatti Qurtzite of the Ramdurg Formation
comprising lower part of the Lokapur Subgroup (Jaya Prakash et al., 1987; Kale et al. 1996). A
conglomerate horizon (4 - 15m thick) with a few intercalated sandstone beds has been reported at the
basal part of the Saundatti Quartzite at Bilgi and Bisnal, however, could not be observed in the area of
present investigation.

Quartzite representing basal part of the Ramdurg Formation is having sharp contact with the
underlying older rocks representing the Peninsular Gneiss exposed along the northern margin of
western Dharwar craton. In majority of cases the contact in between is concealed below the debris
and talus cones deposited adjacent to the cliffs exposing quartzite (Fig. 5.11).

Figure 5.10: Vertical cliff exposing quartzite (a) and quartzite exposed along steep slopes
& capping gently sloping plateau

Figure 5.11: Contact between quartzite and underlying Peninsular Gneiss covered under
Pediment zone comprising debris & talus material
In a few quarry sections located in the surrounding areas of the proposed project layout well
developed in situ weathered proCile giving rise to cherry red to ash grey soil was noticed occurring
below the overlying quartzite outcrops. The thickness of in situ soil varies from a couple of meters to

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 56

more than 5 - 6m (Fig. 5.12).

During detailed geological mapping the contact between quartzite and underlying fresh, hard &
compact, coarse grained granite was noticed at about 1.6km NW and 2.5km NNW of the proposed
surface Powerhouse location. The contact located to the northwest of Powerhouse location at EL.
705.65m is sharp in nature with near parallel strike of foliation and overlying bedding planes (Fig.
5.13). Quartzite is highly fractured in nature whereas the underlying granite gneiss is moderately
fractured. Bedding planes noticed in overlying quartzite exhibit variation in dip from 26 -37° and
foliation planes in the underlying granite gneiss have higher dip (50°) thus suggesting presence of
angular unconformity.

Figure 5.12: Highy weathered in situ pro;ile developed over granite noticed in a few
quarry sections

Figure 5.13: Sharp contact between fresh, hard granite and overlying fractured
quartzite. Loc: 1.6km northwest of prposed Powerhouse location

At about 2.5km distance towards NNW direction from Power House location along the footpath from
Karlakatti to Basidoni daddi village slightly to highly to moderately weathered granite outcrops are
exposed (Fig. 5.14) which are overlain by interbedded sequence of sandstone and shale exhibiting

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 57

folded nature (Fig. 5.15) followed by quartzite. Thin pegmatite dykelet emplaced along the axial trend
of the mesoscopic folds was observed at this location. Interbedded shale-sandstone sequence could
not be observed in other parts of the project area, therefore might have deposited in a small localized
part of the basin.

Figure 5.14: Moderately weathered coarse grained granite exposed at EL. m on way from
Yekundi to village

Figure 5.15: Upright, open folds developed in interbedded sequence of sandstone-shale

occurring over the moderately weathered granite

Detailed geological mapping (1:1000 scale) of the project area was carried out over 4.50 Sq Km area to
prepare a bankable Detailed Project Report (DPR). Total Stations were used for delineating rock
outcrops, different types of overburden, and recording all geotechnical parameters to classify &
categorize the rock mass exposed in the project area and the data obtained were used for inferring
likely foundation grade rock mass conditions. Project component wise geological description is given
in following pages.

Based on the detailed geological mapping (1:1000 scale) and order of superimposition of the
lithounits, general lithostratigraphy of the project area has been established and correlated with the
regional stratigrahy (after Jayaprakash et al., 1987) and given below.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 58

Table 5-7: Lithostratigraphy of the Saundatti Pump Storage Project area
Age Supergr Group Subgroup Formation Member Lithology
Pliestocene Colluvial / talus
to recent material
Proterozoic Kaladgi Bgalkot Lokapur Ramdurg Saundatti Quartzite with thin
quartzite layers/bands of
---------------------------Angular unconformity-------------------------------------
Late Dharwar Peninsular Geniss Granitoids,
Archaean Gneisses
3000 ma

5.10.1 Upper Reservoir area

A plateau surface having substantial extents was identiCied to the north-west of Karlakatti village. The
maximum elevation within the plateau surface has been recorded as EL. 845m towards the south
eastern part of the reservoir which gradually decreases to EL. 820m towards its north-western
margin. It is proposed to develop a reservoir aligned in NW – SE direction having approximately 1.170
sq. km surface area over the plateau by constructing a 4605.0 m long & 38.0m high Geo membrane
faced RockCill dam with clay core all along its perimeter. The southeastern margin of the proposed
upper reservoir is located at about 1.90km from the nearest margin of Renuka Sagar reservoir which
will serve the purpose of lower reservoir. The gross & live storages of the reservoir have been
estimated as 0.721 TMC & 0.709 TMC respectively. The full reservoir level (FRL) and minimum draw
down level (MDDL) of upper reservoir will be at EL. 854m & EL. 829.0m respectively, and the top of
the dam will be at EL. 857m giving a free board of 3m and lower reservoir will be at EL. 654m & EL.
631.0m respectively, and the top of the dam will be at EL. 657m giving a free board of 3m.

Detailed geological mapping (1:1000 scale) of the reservoir and its surrounding areas was carried out
over 4.50 Sq. Km area to delineate rock outcrops, litho-contacts, attitude of discontinuities & to record
geotechnical parameters of the rock mass, and also delineate overburden and record its geotechnical
characteristics. From the geological map it is apparent that on the plateau top and its near vertical to
steeply sloping cliffs aligned in almost E – W direction towards south, south-west and south-east of
upper reservoir, quartzite outcrops are exposed (Fig. 5.16 & refer Figs. 5.9, 5.10 & 5.11). At many
locations along the cliffs and moderate to steep slopes Clanking plateau top, gently dipping quartzite
beds exhibit several benches varying in width for a couple of meters and occurring adjacent to

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 59

successive vertical cliffs (Fig. 5.17).

Figure 5.16: Quartzite exposed along the E – W aligned cliffs located to the south of the
plateau over which location of upper reservoir is proposed

Figure 5.17: Gently dipping quartzite exposed along the slopes adjacent to plateau
exhibiting benches with successive vertical cliffs

The plateau surface at places is near Clat (Fig. 5.18a), however, in majority of cases exhibits gentle
slopes (Fig. 5.18b). Quartzite outcrops sre exposed intermittently (Figs. 5.19), and covered in
majority of cases with thin venier of overburden (Fig. 5.20a), although at places particularly in low
lying areas or along the ephemeral streamlet alignment 0.50m to +3.0m thick overburden could be
observed. Rock blocks / boulders of variable shape and sizes are spread over at many places (Fig.
5.21b). In the areas where bed rock is exposed, sparsely located small trees and bushes could be
noticed, however, in the areas having soil development or accumulation of overburden the density of
bushes and trees is more.
The top layer/venier of overburden comprises of rock fragments and interspaces occupied by
admixture of light brown clay-silt – sand. In the areas where the thickness of overburden varies from
0.50m to +3.0m, at places quartzite fragments and admixture of gravel, sand, silt & soil are in equal

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 60

proportion, whereas the Ciner fraction is more than 90 volume percent in some areas (Fig. 5.20a

Figure 5.18: Near ;lat area (a) towards northern part of the reservoir and gently sloping
surface (b)

Figure 5.19: Quartzite outcrops exposed on plateau surface where upper reservoir is

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 61

Figure 5.20: Thin scree material over the bed rock (a) & rock blocks/boulders of quartzite
occurring at the top

Figure 5.21: Different type of in situ overburded developed in parts of upper reservoir

In general, on surface quartzite is having light yellow to pink-brown staining but fresh outcrops having
light grey to white colours are observed at many locations. Bedding planes (S 0) could be identiCied by
colour laminations and variation in grain size (Fig. 5.22), however, at places differential weathering
has given rise to alternate groove & ridge structure (refer Fig. 5.20a) representing bedding structure
resulted possibly due to variation in mineral assemblage or grain size.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 62

Figure 5.22: Bedding planes in quartzite represented by colour laminations and variation in
grain size

Thickness of quartzite in the upper reservoir area has been estimated to be varying from 95m to
110m, based on the geomorphic expressions, presence of sparsely exposed & highly weathered granite
outcrops along the pediment zone extending along the cliffs, and the contact of quartzite with
underlying granite in the surrounding areas.

It exhibits thin to moderately thick bedded nature (Fig. 5.23), and shows variation in mineral
constituents and texture from basal part to top. Above the older granitoids (=Peninsular Gneiss) hard,
compact & moderately thick bedded quartzite is exposed and is composed of Cine to medium grained
quartz embedded in Cine grained siliceous matrix suggesting arenite composition of the parent rock. At
places feldspar grains could be deciphered occurring as accessory minerals (Fig. 5.24).

Figure 5.23: Moderately thick bedded quartzite (a) and thin bedded quartzite underlain by
moderately thick bedded quartzite

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 63

Figure 5.24: Medium to ;ine grained quartzite of arenite composition (a) and quartzite with
feldspar as accessory mineral

Thin layers/ bands of ferruginous, dark grey to brown quartzite are observed at many locations within
moderately thick bedded quartzite light grey to light pink quartzite (Fig. 5.25). Thin layers/bands of
conglomerate/pebble beds having open framework & embedded in siliceous/ferrugineous cement
occur intermittently within the quartzite at different levels. Thickness of these clastic sediments varies
from a few cms to 30cm (Fig. 5.26). The shape and size of pebbles varies from one horizon to other,
however, in majority of cases are rounded to subrounded in shape and composed of quartz, jasper and
quartzite set in sandy matrix (Fig. 5.27). The matrix material at times also contains rounded to
angular sand sized quartz and pink feldspar grains (refer Fig. 5.27b). The presence of unsorted and
subhedral to angular shaped pebbles & gravels suggests sudden dumping and near provenance during

Figure 5.25: Lbands of ferruginous quartzite within

moderately thick bedded quartzite
Fig.6.25. Lbands of ferruginous quartzite within moderately thick bedded quartzite

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 64

Figure 5.26: Thin layers of pebble bed occurring in massive quartzite (a); 30cm thick pebble
bed having ferrugineous & siliceous matrix

Figure 5.27: Quartz, jasper, quartzite pabbles/gravels of different shape & size embedded in
sandy matrix

Along the dip direction in the middle portion moderately thick quartzite is overlain with sharp contact
by medium to coarse grained, hard & compact, light to dark grey to brownish pink, gritty quartzite
(Fig. 5.28) of high strength. Grity clasts composed of quartz, feldspar & maCic minerals are embedded
in siliceous to arkossic groundmass. The thickness of grity quartzite varies from a couple of meters to
20m, however, it was difCicult to trace out its strike continuity.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 65

Figure 5.28: Grity quartzite occurring over thickly bedded quartzite
Grity quartzite is overlain conformably with sharp contact by thinnly bedded, Cine to medium grained,
grey to pale white, hard & compact quartzite (Fig. 5.29) of moderate strength. It laterally grades in to
Cine grained, white, quartzite.

Figure 5.29: Thinnly bedded quartzite occurring in the upper part of the hills

Primary sedimentary structures, viz., trough & plannar cross stratiCication, symmetrical &
asymmetrical ripple marks (Fig. 5.30) were observed at differet locations.

Figure 5.30: Ripple marks in thinly bedded quartzite outcrops

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 66

Figure 5.31: Trough (a) & planar (b) cross strati;ication in gritty quartzite

Quartzite exposed in the project area is dissected by four sets of discontinuities, however based on
their orientation and dip direction further categorization has been carried out. Geotechnical
parameters of the discontinuities are tabulated below.

5.10.2 Power House Complex:

The near vertical cliff forming the southern margin of the plateau over which upper reservoir has been
proposed is Clanked by a pediment zone having gentle to moderate slopes and varying in width from
100m to 150m (refer Figs.5.7, 5.10, 5.11, 5.16). It has resulted by the merging of tatus/debris fans
resulted by the mechanical weathering of adjacent near vertical cliffs and extends from cliffs to near
Clat, low lying areas. The thickness of overburden spread over the pediment zone is estimated to vary
from a couple of meters to +10m, and it comprises predominantly of an aggregate of angular
fragments of quartzite of different shape & size and inter-fragment spaces Cilled up with brown
admixture of silt, sand and clay (Fig. 5.32). The volume percent of different fractions varies from place
to place, however, it is expected that adjacent to the cliffs large rock blocks will constitute the

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 67

Figure 5.32: Nature of overburden in pediment zone extending between cliff and low lying
;lat area

At a few places within the pediment zone between EL. 620m and EL. 730m completely weathered soil
(after granite/gneiss) with calcrete nodules of different shapes & sizes (Fig. 5.33) surrounded by
debris/talus material have been noticed and delineated. It indicated that there are small basement
highs along the pediment zone.

Figure 5.33: Highy weathered granite outcrops surrounded by debris / talus noticed along
the pediment zone ;lanking the plateau margin

Beyond the pediment zone, all along the low lying near Clat area extending up to the lower reservoir
thin venier of reddish brown admixture of sand-silt-clay in increasing order of abundance with
spaersely distributed rock fragments if variable shape & size will be underlain by 20m – 30m thick
insitu weathered proCile. The weathered proCile developed after the chemical weathering of parent
granite/gneiss representing a part of the Peninsular Gneiss is expected to have highly weathered zone
varying in thickness from 15-20m followed by moderately weathered rock mass (5–10m). The
thickness of weathered zone will decrease gradually towards lower reservoir where coarse grained,
grey, fresh, hard and compact granite of very high strength is exposed (Fig 5.34). The granites are
characterized by stong preferred orientation of feldspar laths deCining foliation planes (S 1) and
composed of quartz, feldspar and ambhiboles in decreasing order of abundance. A number of aplite

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 68

and pegmatite veins have been noticed criss crossing the granite and emplaced along widely spaced
discontinuities (Fig 5.34).

Figure 5.34: Fresh outcrops of granite exposed along the periphery of Renuka Sagar

Limited outcrops of fresh granite could be seen in the project area, and based on that the discontinuity
data have been recorded and their geotechnical parameters given in following table.

Joint set Average Aperture Spacing Persistence( Joint Condition

Orientation (mm) (cm) m)
S1a 271°/75° Tight to open 20-100 10-15 Rough, Planar
S1b 020°/56° Tight to open 20-100 10-15 Rough, Planar
S2 301°/85° Tight to open 40-100 8-10 Smooth, Planar
S3 075°/49° Tight to open 60-120 6-10 Rough, smooth,
S4 198°/66° Tight to open 60-120 1-3 Smooth, Planar


Based on literature survey, there appears to be no active fault or thrust reported in the region. The
seismic zoning map of India was carried out by number of researcher’s team. The suggestions of
zonation were different for different authors. Tandon (1956) came with a broad concept and classiCied
the Indian region into three zones (light, moderate and high hazard), based on spatial-temporal
earthquake distribution and knowledge of geotectonic. Later on, Krishna (1959) also identiCied and
demarcated zones on the basis of light, moderate and high. The former maps are qualitative followed
by quantitative studies Guha (1962) and Gobin (1968, 1971) prepared the maps which are based on
the MMI scale (ModiCied Mercalli Intensity).

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 69

The seismic zoning was reviewed time to time based on geological and geophysical data. Indian
standard Institute (ISI) now updated as the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the authoritative
ofCicial agency to publish hazard maps and seismic codes (IS-2002) in the Indian region. The seismic
hazard maps which were publish in 1962 have six zones, revised in 1966 with seven zones and later
on 1970 updated to Cive zones. Although these zones were more reliable for the Indian subcontinent,
but after the occurrence of Latur (1993) and Jabalpur (1997) earthquakes, these zones is needed a
critical review and in 1984 zone I was merged into zone II. The map was updated in 2002 by Bureau of
Indian Standard (BIS), at present the latest version of the hazard map consisting only four zones II, III,
IV, and V in terms of zone factors that are based on their past seismicity and tectonics history. The PGA
values are assigned for these zones are as 0.10g, 0.2g, 0.25g, and 0.40g. Below Figure 5.35 showing the
different seismic zones of India (BIS, 2002).


5.12.1 Geological Mapping

In order to understand the geological set up of the Project area on a regional scale, a thorough study of
all available literature was carried out in addition to requisite surface and subsurface investigations.
Initially reconnaissance traverses were undertaken and subsequently large scale geological mapping
(1: 10000 Scale), encompassing the Project Layout and its surroundings areas was carried out with the

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 70

help of GPS.

Detailed Geological Mapping (1:1000 Scale) by using Total Station has been initiated along the Project
Layout to further techno-economic optimization. Detailed geological mapping is being carried out
covering the entire. Based on the geological mapping and geotechnical parameters recorded following
drawings were prepared, and Project layout and DPR stage design drawings were optimized.

Table 5-8: Geological Plan, L-section and Cross section of different Project Components
1 Geological Map of Upper Reservoir Area
2 Geological L-Section along Dam Axis
3 Geological Cross section along dam structure Section AA
4 Geological Cross section along dam structure Section BB
5 Geological Plan of Project General Arrangement
6 Geological L Section along water conductor system
7 Geological Plan of Power House Area
8 Geological cross section of Power House
9 Geological L Section along centre line of units
10 Geological map of Lower Reservoir
11 Geological L-Section and cross-sections along Dam of Lower reservoir
5.12.2 Exploratory Drilling

Based on the surface geological mapping carried out till date, subsurface investigations were planned
for entire Project Layout (Drawing showing bore hole location details enclosed in Volume-IV) to
ascertain the depth of overburden, geological & geotechnical parameters of foundation grade rock to
optimize DPR stage design drawings. At this stage a total of 36 numbers of exploratory boreholes have
been planned and tentative depth of each boreholes has been given, however, the number of boreholes
and depth of each borehole may increase or decrease as per the requirement of geological
investigation. Project component wise details of exploratory boreholes and exploratory pits are
tabulated below. Geophysical survey will be carried out if required.

S. No Bore Hole Bore Hole Location Coordinate Depth

Name Northing Easting (m)
1 UBH-1 Upper Reservoir 1752969 500595 30
2 UBH-2 Upper Reservoir 1753167 499875 25
3 UBH-3 Upper Reservoir 1753693 500528 40
4 UBH-4 Upper Reservoir 1753567 499733 20
5 UBH-5 Upper Reservoir 1753685 499441 20

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 71

6 UBH-6 Upper Reservoir 1753794 498942 20
7 UBH-6A Upper Reservoir 1753666 498592 20
8 UBH-7 Upper Reservoir 1754152 499216 20
9 UBH-8 Upper Reservoir 1754216 499600 25
10 UBH-9 Upper Reservoir 1754060 500124 25
11 UBH-10 Upper Reservoir 1753802 500196 30
12 UBH-11 Upper Reservoir 1753019 500199 25
13 UBH-12 Upper Reservoir 1753800 499884 40
14 BH-11 Upper Reservoir 1753427 500745 78
15 BH-12 Penstock 1752836 500660 88
16 BH-12A VPS 1752716 500677 180
17 BH-15 Power House 1752220 500687 90
18 BH-16A Power House 1752292 500762 92.5
19 BH-17 Power House 1752215 500637 95
20 BH-18 Power House 1752215 500764 95
21 BH-19 TRT Outlet 1751916 500706 55
22 BH-20 HPS 1752499 500681 70
23 BH-21 Approach Road at Adit 1752331 501355 50
to Penstock
24 BH-22 Adit 1752463 501183 80
25 BH-23 Adit 1752383 500932 80
26 BH-24 Abandoned 1751395 500759 20
27 LBH-E02 Lower Reservoir 1750929 502991 40
28 LBH-E04 Lower Reservoir 1749884 502042 35
29 LBH-E05 Lower Reservoir 1750451 501722 30
30 LBH-E06 Lower Reservoir 1750948 501710 30
31 LBH-E07 Lower Reservoir 1751054 502024 30
32 LBH-E08 Lower Reservoir 1751441 501197 30
33 LBH-E09 Lower Reservoir 1751413 501620 40
34 LBH-E10 Lower Reservoir 1750839 502414 30
35 LBH-E11 Lower Reservoir 1750261 502373 40
36 LBH-E12 Lower Reservoir 1750214 501868 30
TOTAL 1748.5
5.12.3 Exploratory Pits

Subsurface investigation through exploratory pits along the upper reservoir were initially though
over/ planned to ascertain the thickness & nature of overburden. As the adequate number of drill

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 72

holes have been done, it is now proposed to do away with the exploratory pits as sufCicient subsurface
information is obtained already. If required pit excavation shall be carried out during pre-construction

5.12.4 Permeability Test

Water pressure tests for permeability were conducted in all the exploratory drill holes, using
single/double packer method in descending & ascending order, Permeability values were calculated in
accordance with IS 5529 part 1 & 2 (2006) and results were incorporated in the respective drill logs.
The data pertaining to the permeability tests of each drill hole are appended as Annexure – II of
Volume IV: Geological and Geotechnical Studies.

5.12.5 Rock Mechanics Testing

Laboratory Rock mechanics tests has been carried out on drill cores obtained from the boreholes
covering the various components for assessing engineering parameters of the rock such as density,
water absorption, apparent porosity, indirect tensile strength, point load strength, uniaxial
compressive strength, Young’s modulus, Poission’s ratio etc. The above tests are carried out by
National Institute of Technology-Warangal.

5.12.6 Geophysical Surveys

Upper Reservoir & Lower Reservoir area are explored by detailed surface geological mapping (1:5000
scale) and through extensive sub-surface (drill holes) investigations. It is observed in general that the
reservoir area including the proposed embankment structures is having sporadic rock exposures of
quartzitic sandstone and remaining area is covered with thin overburden deposits comprising sandy
soil or with angular rock fragments varying in thickness from 0.5m to 3.0m thickness. It is proposed to
carry out Seismic refraction survey during pre-construction/ detailed design stage along the axis of
Embankment Structures as per requirements.

5.12.7 Seismic Studies

Seismotectonic Atlas of India and its Environs (GSI, 2000) was referred to understand the
seismotectonic setup of the Project area. The Project area falls in Seismic Zone-III, however, as the
proposed Embankment structures are more than 15.0m height and as per the guidelines of CWC
Seismic Design Parameters are to be determined through deterministic & probabilistic approach by
utilizing the seismic events recorded in a radius of 300km from the Project area in last 100 years. A
competent Agency has been identiCied to ascertain the seismic design parameters for the project

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 73


Consequent upon Cinalization of Project Layout, surface & sub-surface geological investigations were
planned for detailed geological & geotechnical appraisal of different project components and further
techno-economical optimization. The quantum of surface and subsurface explorations planned &
carried out during the course of the geotechnical investigations of the project area and their detailed
test results are presented in Volume IV: Geological and Geotechnical Studies.


5.14.1 Assessment for Availability

Various construction materials like sand, aggregate, stone, borrow area soils are proposed to be
obtained from the designated quarries. The assessment of various construction materials and their
locations are summarized in the table below:

Table 5-9: Location of samples collected

SL No Material Location Sample No Lead (In Km)
Name of Quarry From Nearest Project Component
1 Fine Ag- Malaprabha River, Chik SMCFA-1 110km from Power House Complex
gregate Mullangi village, Site, Saundatti
Malaprabha River, Chik SMCFA-2 110km from Power House Complex
Mullangi village, Site, Saundatti
Sattegiri, Yerragatti, SYFA 75Km from Power House Complex
Karnataka Site, Saundatti
Malaprabha River, SMSFA 110km from Power House Complex
Sangala village, Karnataka Site, Saundatti
Malaprabha River, SMCFA 110km from Power House Complex
Chikkoppa Village, Site, Saundatti
Malaprabha River, Mullur SMMFA 110km from Power House Complex
Village, Karnataka Site, Saundatti
2 Coarse Ag- Tallur, Karnataka STCA 50 Km from Power House Complex
gregate Site, Saundatti
Itnal, Karnataka SICA 55 Km from Power House Complex
Site, Saundatti
Sattegiri, Karnataka SSCA 56 Km from Power House Complex
Site, Saundatti

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 74

3 Clay TopinKati (A), MK Hubli STAC1 65 Km from Power House Complex
Site, Saundatti
TopinKati (B), MK Hubli STBC2 65 Km from Power House Complex
Site, Saundatti
MK Hubli SMHC1 to 65 Km from Power House Complex
SMHC3 Site, Saundatti
4 Filter Media Excavated Material from SUD1 to Around Project area
Project Component* to be SUD5
5 Rip Rap Excavated Material from SUD1 to Around Project area
Project Component* to be SUD5
6 Rock Fill Excavated Material from SUD1 to Around Project area
Project Component* to be SUD5
7 Water Renuka Sagar, Karnataka SRSW1 to Around Project area

The tests regarding above materials are completed.

5.14.2 Coarse Aggregate

Excavated material from the identiCied project component sites/quarries and nearby crushing plants
are tested for suitability of coarse aggregate as listed below:

Table 5-10: Test on Coarse Agreegates

Sieve Analysis IS 2386 Pt-1 1963

Flakiness & Elongation Index IS 2386 Pt-1 1963
SpeciCic Gravity & Water Absorption IS 2386 Pt-3 1963
Voids Ratio IS 2386 Pt-3 1963
Bulk Density IS 2386 Pt-3 1963
Aggregate Impact Value IS 2386 Pt-4 1963
10% Fine Value IS 2386 Pt-4 1963
Deleterious Materials IS 2386 Pt-2 1963
Crushing Value IS 2386 Pt-4 1963
Los Angles Abrasion value IS 2386 Pt-4 1963
Alkali Aggregate Reaction (By Chemical method) IS 2386 Pt-7 1963
Soundness [By MgSO4 or Na2SO4] IS 2386 Pt-5 1963

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 75

Petrographic Analysis with coloured micro photograph IS 2386 Pt-8 1963
5.14.3 Fine Aggregate

The sand from Banas River have been prospected for quality and quantity for use as Cine aggregate in
concrete. These sands are medium to coarse grained. A sample of sand has been collected and tested in
a laboratory for assessing its suitability for use as Cine aggregate in concrete for construction of
various structures of Saundatti PSP and found suitable. It is proposed that the excavated material will
be tested for suitability of Cine aggregate as listed below:

Table 5-11: Test on Fine Agreegates

Grain Size Analysis IS 2386 Pt-1 1963
Fineness Modulus IS 2386 Pt-1 1963
Silt Content IS 2386 Pt-1 1963
SpeciCic Gravity & Water Absorption IS 2386 Pt-3 1963
Bulk Density IS 2386 Pt-3 1963
Soundness [By MgSO4 or Na2SO4] IS 2386 Pt-5 1963
Alkali Aggregate Reaction (By Chemical method) IS 2386 Pt-7 1963
Organic Impurities IS 2386 Pt-2 1963
Bulking of Sand IS 2386 Pt-3 1963
Petrographic Analysis with coloured micro photograph IS 2386 Pt-8 1963
5.14.4 Water Samples

Samples of water has been collected from Renukasagar reservoir and tested for their suitability for use
in construction purposes as well as for E&M design requirements. In-situ water quality tests like pH,
Electrical Conductivity, Alkalinity, Suspended solids, Sodium, Sulphate, Chlorides, Calcium etc, have
been conducted and found suitable for Construction purpose. Water is available in plenty for
construction activities.


5.15.1 Rock as Coarse aggregate or Rock@ill

SufCicient quantity of rock is investigated from open excavation from rock samples collected near to
the project component sites. The muck excavation from tunnels and open excavations etc., are suitable
for use as coarse aggregate in concrete as well as for RockCill. However, there are number of existing
Crusher Plants located in near the Project Site and the capacity of plants are in the range between 210
TPH and 500 TPH.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 76

5.15.2 Sand as @ine aggregate

Sand from Malaprabha River is found suitable and shall be used as Cine aggregate for use in concrete.
Alternatively, crushed sand at site can also be used as Cine aggregates

5.15.3 Water Samples

Samples of water from Renukasagar reservoir has been collected and tested for their suitability for use
in construction purposes and found that it is suitable.


Hydrological and Meteorological Investigations are covered in detail in CHAPTER 6.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 77



Saundatti Pumped Storage Project (PSP) is located in Belagavi Distt of Karnataka. Greenko Group has
approached the Government of Karnataka (GoK) for necessary permissions and approvals for the
proposed Project. Presently, GoK has approved the project with 1000 MW Solar, 450 MW Wind &
1600 MW of Standalone Pumped Storage capacities depending on technical details, site suitability,
associated requirements and demand from various State DISCOMs/STUs and other consumers.
Saundatti PSP will comprise of two reservoirs i.e. Proposed Lower Reservoir and Proposed Upper
Reservoir. This project the proposed reservoirs are not located on any river course and the existing
Renuka Sagar reservoir from which one time water will be drawn to Cill in proposed lower reservoir.

The present proposal envisages by installing a Pump Storage project between the Proposed upper
reservoir & lower reservoir, by installing reversible Francis turbines (total installed capacity 1600
MW) near Karlakatti Village in Saundatti Taluk of Belagavi district. Since the proposed scheme is a
pumped storage scheme and envisages to utilize the water allocated from Renukasagar Reservoir to
the lower reservoir, no modiCication in the operating levels of existing Renukasagar Reservoir (Key
parameters are given in Table 6.1) are needed. Moreover, only recycling of storage in the proposed
upper reservoir and lower reservoir is utilised for PSP operation. As such hydrological study is
required to the extent to see the amount of water loss from the reservoirs and the quantity of water
required for reCilling the reservoir.

Table 6-1: Key parameters of Renuka Sagar reservoir

Sl. No. Parameter Unit Value

1 Catchment Area of Reservoir Sq. Km 2176

2 (i) Average Annual Rainfall in the Catchment mm 635.00

2 (ii) 75% Dependable Rainfall in the Catchment mm 497.58

3 Discharge from self catchment area Cumecs 989.01

4 Design Flood Discharge Cumecs 5239

5 Full Reservoir Level (FRL) m EL +633.83

6 Minimum Draw Down Level (MDDL) m EL+ 623.93

7 Live Storage TMC 29.34

8 Dead Storage TMC 8.35

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 78

Sl. No. Parameter Unit Value
9 Gross Storage TMC 37.69

10 Length of Dam m 155.00

11 Height of Dam m 43.00


The objective of the study is to assess the various parameters for project planning and design of
proposed Saundatti PSP scheme.

• To assess the water availability for running the proposed PSP scheme through out the year

• Estimate the design Clood for Saundatti PSP Upper Reservoir & lower reservoir.

• To assess the demand of water for reCilling the reservoir due to evaporation, pumping
operation etc. No consumptive loss of water is envisaged.

• To estimate the sediment loads


The Saundatti PSP envisages construction of Upper reservoir and lower reservoir which is proposed to
be located on the Clat / gradually sloping land. The water from upper reservoir shall be utilized for
peaking power generation. After generation, the water from Lower dam shall be pumped back to
upper dam during off peak hours through reversible turbines.

The storage project is proposed with the following components:

• Upper Reservoir & lower reservoir, formed with Asphalt Face Rock Fill embankment

• A steel lined penstock tunnel/pressure shaft to feed water to generating units

• Power House, switch yard and other auxiliary units

The discharge from Power House would be collected in the Lower Reservoir after power generation.
The same shall be pumped back to upper reservoir by the reversible turbines.


The climate of Karnataka varies considerably, depending on the geographical region. The state mainly
experiences arid to semi arid in the plateau region, sub-humid to humid tropical in the western ghats
and humid tropical monsoon in the costal plains. Mainly three Monsoons play a major role in

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 79

determining the climate of the state. The entire state is divided into three metrological regions namely
costal, North interior & South inerior.

The entire coastal region and the adjoining areas have tropical monsoon type of climatic
conditions.This region stretches over the districts of Udupi, Uttara Kannada and Dakshina Kannada.
Rainfall received in this region is much more than the rainfall received in the other parts of the state.

The North interior region mainly covers the districts of Bagalkot, Belgaum, Bijapur, Bidar, Bellary,
Dharwad, Haveri, Gadag, Gulbarga, Koppal and Raichur area which are arid zones. This region receives
the least amount of rainfall in the state.

The south region spreads over the districts of Bangalore Rural, Bangalore Urban, Chitradurga,
Chamrajnagar, Chikmagalur, Hassan, Kodagu, Kolar, Mysore, Shimoga and Tumkur. These regions
experiences semi-arid type of climate.

Summers last from March and extends till may with very dry and hot climate. Monsoons begins in june
and lasts until september. The state receives heavy rainfall from the Southwest Monsoon during these
months. The state receives very mild to moderate rainfall with Northeast Monsoon during the months
of October and continues till December. November, December, January, and February are the winter
months and the temprature dips to low. The range of winter temperature is generally 12 °C to 30 °C

The climate in Bellagavi District is tropical savanna climate with temperatures ranging from 18.4 °C
(65.1 °F) to 39.5 °C (103.1 °F) in the summer and 6.2°C (43.2 °F) to 31.5 °C (88.7 °F) in the winter. The
average annual rainfall is about 1775 mm (69.7 in).


The Monthly rainfall data of ordinary Rain Gauge (ORG) stations of Saundatti, Yaragatti, Murugodu and
Hulikatti were available for 6 years from 2010 to 2011 and 2013 to 2016. The monthly rainfall data is
shown in the table below:

Table 6-2: Monthly Rainfall Data

MONTH Yaragatti Saundatti Murugodu Hulikatti

2010 Jan 12.0 9.0 15.0 0.0
2010 Feb 0.0 26.0 0.0 0.0
2010 Mar 0.0 12.0 0.0 0.0
2010 Apr 23.0 29.0 12.0 8.0
2010 May 31.0 8.0 8.0 6.0
2010 Jun 111.0 158.0 100.0 64.0
2010 Jul 124.0 100.0 140.0 121.0
2010 Aug 103.0 83.0 64.0 86.0

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 80

2010 Sep 69.0 54.0 57.0 31.0
2010 Oct 65.0 42.0 24.0 29.0
2010 Nov 135.0 96.0 138.0 110.0
2010 Dec 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2011 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2011 Feb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2011 Mar 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2011 Apr 67.0 41.0 14.0 75.0
2011 May 32.0 41.0 57.0 12.0
2011 Jun 42.0 56.0 50.0 80.0
2011 Jul 44.0 47.0 44.0 44.0
2011 Aug 62.0 107.0 64.0 89.0
2011 Sep 26.0 31.0 75.0 12.0
2011 Oct 136.0 74.0 141.0 132.0
2011 Nov 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2011 Dec 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2013 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2013 Feb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2013 Mar 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2013 Apr 66.0 32.0 14.0 40.0
2013 May 41.0 5.0 29.0 0.0
2013 Jun 56.0 32.0 55.0 54.0
2013 Jul 70.0 73.0 63.0 19.0
2013 Aug 32.0 12.0 20.0 15.0
2013 Sep 152.0 82.0 139.0 135.0
2013 Oct 96.0 56.0 77.0 63.0
2013 Nov 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2013 Dec 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2014 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2014 Feb 7.0 28.0 19.0 6.0
2014 Mar 47.0 42.0 10.0 20.0
2014 Apr 17.0 70.0 28.0 14.0
2014 May 153.0 432.0 98.0 97.0
2014 Jun 46.0 177.0 38.0 35.0
2014 Jul 92.0 209.0 101.0 42.0
2014 Aug 107.0 315.0 112.0 72.0
2014 Sep 59.0 288.0 36.0 128.0
2014 Oct 77.0 266.0 104.0 97.0
2014 Nov 60.0 179.0 57.0 80.0
2014 Dec 34.0 63.0 8.0 20.0
2015 Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 81

2015 Feb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2015 Mar 38.0 24.0 36.0 41.0
2015 Apr 4.0 0.0 3.0 0.0
2015 May 66.0 87.0 48.0 54.0
2015 Jun 75.0 63.0 113.0 104.0
2015 Jul 6.0 5.0 22.0 0.0
2015 Aug 54.0 19.0 22.0 51.0
2015 Sep 207.0 49.0 118.0 92.0
2015 Oct 79.0 58.0 77.0 103.0
2015 Nov 54.0 11.0 0.0 0.0
2015 Dec 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2016 Jan 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2016 Feb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2016 Mar 4.0 0.0 26.0 0.0
2016 Apr 19.0 7.0 9.0 0.0
2016 May 152.0 52.0 86.0 83.0
2016 Jun 149.0 56.0 78.0 208.0
2016 Jul 86.0 56.0 80.0 69.0
2016 Aug 50.0 24.0 42.0 38.0
2016 Sep 39.0 17.0 67.0 48.0
2016 Oct 44.0 0.0 22.0 0.0
2016 Nov 2.0 12.0 7.0 0.0
2016 Dec 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


6.6.1 Quality of Data

(a) The hydrometeorological data is collected from the rain gauge stations near the catchment area of
Renuka Sagar reservoir and such data has been analysed in which the rainfall data has been checked
for consistency & gaps using statistical procedures.
• Since there is no data available about sediment sampling both for bed load & suspended
sediment load, estimation of sediment rate has been done using “CWC Compendium on silting
of Reservoirs in India” based on geographic locations
• Similarly, for the Clow observation, no Gauge & discharge stations are available at project site
or anywhere on the U/S & D/S of the reservoir. Therefore, the stage discharge curve has been
arrived based on analysis of rainfall data and conversion to Clows using Strange's table
• Data of evaporation, temperature, humidity, radiation, wind velocity has been collected from
the nearest observation station near the project site

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 82

(b) Details of G&D station could not be identiCied since no G&D observation site is available of either
CWC/State Govt. Discharge data is estimated based on analysis of rainfall data which has been
converted to runoff/Clow data using strange's table.
(c) At the project site of Saundatti upper reservoir and u/s of this site, there is no G&D observation
stations available. Therefore, stage-discharge curve has been converted to runoff values using
strange's table.

6.6.2 Consistency of data

A time series is said to be consistent if all its values belong to the same statistical distribution.
Inconsistent data should not be used to predict the design parameters, since such data may indicate
change in regime of the concerned parameters, which needs to be accounted for while estimating
them for design purposes. A dataset may not be consistent due to various reasons. Some of them are
(i) changes in the underlying process or system, and (ii) changes in measuring the Fixeds of the
system, including defects in measuring equipment. In case of spatially Fixed measurements, such as
rainfall, inconsistency resulting from the former reason will be reClected in measurements taken at
different locations. In such a case, the dataset needs to be handled as it is, and no corrections need to
be made to it. However, if it is the latter reason, then, the inconsistency will be seen only in those
measurements taken from that speciCic equipment where changes have occurred.

a) External Consistency

Changes in working of rain-gauges can be checked and corrected, if necessary, through consistency
checks on data collected from them. Checking for inconsistency of a given dataset, which is one among
many such datasets collected, is done by double-mass curve technique (external consistency). For
example, this method compares cumulative rainfall measurements at a given rain-gauge station to the
cumulative mean rainfall measurements at all the other rain-gauge stations chosen to calculate the
areal average rainfall over the catchment. It is important to note that the accumulation of values is
started from the latest record, backwards. A sudden change in the slope of curve resulting from such
comparison indicates a “changed” rain-gauge. This test is repeated on all the rain-gauges of concern. In
the event of Cinding changed equipment, the precipitation values beyond the period of change of
regime are corrected using the relation


Pcx = corrected precipitation at any time period at station X

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 83

= original recorded precipitation at the same time period at station X

= corrected slope of the double-mass curve

= original slope of the double-mass curve

b) Internal Consistency

For datasets that are not prepared in conjunction with other datasets, consistency may be checked
using single-mass curve technique (internal consistency). For example, runoff of a river at a given
point along its length may be checked for consistency using this method. The cumulative values of
runoff time series are plotted with respect to time. Next, the plot is checked for changes in slope,
which indicates a change in regime of the Fixed under concern, runoff in our case, and hence, its

Data from Saundatti, Yaragatti, Murugodu and Hulikatti rain-gauge stations have been checked using
double mass curve method, before being used in the rainfall-runoff analysis. It was observed that the
data at all the stations is consistent which is presented below.

Rainfall Data Consistency at Saundatti Rain Gauge Station

Accumulated Monthly Rain-


at Saundatti



0.0 500.0 1000.0 1500.0 2000.0 2500.0 3000.0

Accumulated Mean Monthly Rainfall of 3 station

Figure 6.1: Rainfall Data Consistency at Saundatti Rain Gauge Station

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 84

Rainfall Data Consistency Yaragatti Rain Gauge Station
Accumulated Monthly Rainfall

at Yaragatti

0.0 500.0 1000.0 1500.0 2000.0 2500.0 3000.0

Accumulated Mean Monthly Rainfall of 3 station

Figure 6.2: Rainfall Data Consistency Yaragatti Rain Gauge Station

Rainfall Data Consistency At Murugodu Rain Gauge Station

Accumulated Monthly

at Murugodu




0.0 500.0 1000.0 1500.0 2000.0 2500.0 3000.0 3500.0

Accumulated Mean Monthly Rainfall of 3 stations

Figure 6.3: Rainfall Data Consistency At Murugodu Rain Gauge Station

Rainfall Data Consistency At Hulikatti Rain Gauge Station

Accumulated Monthly

at Hulikatti


0.0 500.0 1000.0 1500.0 2000.0 2500.0 3000.0 3500.0

Accumulated Mean Monthly Rainfall of 3 station

Figure 6.4: Rainfall Data Consistency At Hulikatti Rain Gauge Station

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 85


The proposed storage project is being planned on the allocated water for utilization by recirculation
between two newly proposed reservoirs. The upper reservoir & lower reservoir are far away from any
river course and do not have any natural streams draining into the reservoirs. The yield into the upper
reservoir & lower reservoir is assumed to be exactly proportional to area, which of the reservoir is
1.901 Sqkm (0.904+0.997 Sqkm at FRL of catchment). The 90% dependable yield into the reservoir
through precipitation works out to 0.634MCum (1.901 Sqkm X 333.3 mm).

Since the reservoir is not located across any stream, therefore, no speciCic hydrological studies are
required to assess the speciCic yield in to the reservoir through rainfall-runoff correlations and the
design Clood. Hence, the hydrological studies are carried out to assess the water availability for
running the proposed PSP scheme through out the year and the demand of water for reCilling the
reservoir due to evaporation, pumping operation etc. No consumptive loss of water is envisaged.


The annual monthly evaporation loss from the reservoirs is calculated based on the actual monthly
evaporation data of Renuka Sagar Reservoir.

The evaporation volume from both the reservoirs is assumed to be exactly proportional to submerged
area, which of the reservoirs is 1.126 Sqkm (avg. surface area for both the reservoirs). The submerged
areas of the upper & lower reservoirs at each medium storage capacity between FRL and MDDL are
used for estimating annual losses due to evaporation, since the relation between the water levels and
the reservoir areas above MDDL of the upper & lower reservoirs are almost same. The annual losses
due to the evaporation from the upper & lower reservoir is 1.706 MCM. The annual yield in to the
reservoir through precipitation is 0.633 MCM. The balance loss of 1.073 MCM (0.037 TMC) due to
evaporation will be compensated by pumping from Renuka Sagar Reservoir.

Table 6-3: Evaporation loss rate in project area

Evaporation Loss in mm

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Total

4.5 4.4 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.6 3.7 4.1 4.0 4.6 4.7 4.9 49.79


6.9.1 Sedimentation Rate

The estimated silt load for the proposed reservoirs has been arrived based on “Compendium on Silting
of Reservoirs in India (2015)” published by CWC.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 86

As per the CWC publication, a sediment rate of 378 m3/sq.km/year is based on the average sediment
rate in the region of Deccan Peninsular east Clowing rivers including Godavari and south Indian rivers
derived from the capacity survey carried out for reservoirs in this region.

6.9.2 Trap Ef@iciency

Trap EfCiciency of the reservoir is determined on the basis of Brune’s Curves (IS: 12182:1987). The
capacity – inClow ratio of the reservoir is determined and the corresponding trap efCiciency factor is
read from the Brune’s Curves shown in Figure 6.5

Figure 6.5: Brune's Curves

6.9.3 Sediment Volume

As per I.S. guidelines 12182-1987 “Determination of effects of sedimentation in planning and

performance of reservoir”, feasible service time of the reservoir for hydropower shall not less than 70

The upper reservoir & lower reservoir do not have any nala or catchment draining into the reservoir.
The area (C.A.) of upper reservoir at FRL is 0.904Sqkm & lower reservoir is 0.997Sqkm. The total
sediment volumes for 70 years at upper Reservoir is calculated as following (assuming the sediment
from renukasagar reservoir or lower reservoir will be carried out into the upper reservoir during
pumping as a worst case scenario)

Sediment volume of upper reservoir = 378 × 0.904 × 70 = 0.02392 MCM

Sediment volume of lower reservoir = 378 × 0.997 × 70 = 0.02638 MCM

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 87

The estimated annual sediment volumes for upper & lower dam is 0.02392 MCM & 0.02638 MCM
respectively. The ratios of the annual sediment volumes to gross storage capacity of dams is negligible.
Thus, the reservoir sediment problem is insigniCicant.

The Minimum Drawdown Level (MDDL) of the upper reservoir is kept at EL. 829.0m (based on
optimum head requiement) with corresponding dead storage capacity of 0.457MCM as against the
estimated sediment volumes of 0.02392 MCM. The estimated sediment volumes is contained well
below the dead storage itself and has no effect of sediment in the reservoir.

The Minimum Drawdown Level (MDDL) of the lower reservoir is kept at EL. 631.0m (based on
optimum head requiement) with corresponding dead storage capacity of 0.739MCM as against the
estimated sediment volumes of 0.02638 MCM. The estimated sediment volumes is contained well
below the dead storage itself and has no effect of sediment in the reservoir.

6.9.4 Sediment Distribution

The sediment entering into the reservoir gets deposited in it with the passage of time, and thereby,
reduces its dead storage as well as its live storage capacity. This causes the bed level near the dam to
rise and the raised bed level is termed as new zero elevation (NZE). The revised storage-elevation
relationships, based on sediment-loading of the reservoir, are worked out for Cixing the live storage of
the reservoir and in locating the outlets to withdraw water from it for downstream needs.

Empirical area reduction method or the area increment method are used for predicting sediment
distribution in reservoirs. Empirical area reduction method is used for the proposed reservoir as per
IS 5477 (Part 2):1994 (ReafCirmed 2004). The new zero elevation for the upper & lower dam after
feasible service time, i.e. 70 years was below the Minimum draw down level of EL. 829 m & 631 m


The design Clood for a hydraulic structure is the maximum Clood that can be safely discharged through
the structure without causing any damage to it. As per the latest Indian Standards and guidelines of
the Central Water Commission (CWC), the design Clood for a hydraulic structure may be one the

• Probable Maximum Flood

• Standard Project Flood
• Flood of SpeciCied Frequency (T-Year Flood)

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 88

The design Clood may be the maximum probable Clood or the standard project Clood or a Clood
corresponding to some desired frequency of occurrence depending upon the standard of security that
should be provided against possible failure of the structure.

As per IS 11223:1985, inClow design Clood for the safety of a dam is the Clood for which, when used
with standard speciCications of other factors as mentioned in subsequent clauses, the performance of
the dam should be safe against overtopping and structural failure, and the spillway and its energy
dissipation arrangements, if provided for a lower Clood, should function reasonably well.

The selection criteria depend upon the functional importance, with judicious combination of safety
and economy in the event of failure.

As per the Manual of Estimation of Design Flood (CWC) and IS 11223:1985, the criteria for adopting
the design Clood depends upon the classiCication of the dam, based on storage capacity and hydraulic
head is furnished in Table 6-4.

Table 6-4: Design @lood adoption criteria

S.No. ClassiCication Gross storage (MCM) Hydraulic head (m) Design Clood
1 Small 0.5 to 10 7.5 to 12 100 – year Clood
2 Medium 10 to 60 12 to 30 SPF
3 Large >60 >30 PMF

Floods of larger or smaller magnitude may be used if the hazard involved in the eventuality of a failure
is particularly high or low. The relevant parameters to be considered in judging the hazard in addition
to the size would be:

• distance to and location of the human habitations on the downstream after considering the
likely future developments.

• Maximum hydraulic capacity of the downstream channel at a level at which catastrophic

damage is not expected.

The Saundatti PSP upper & lower reservoirs can be classiCied as "Medium" by storage criterion being
less than 60 MCM. However, it is a large dam by hydraulic head consideration, as the head is more than
30 m. Therefore, the dam should be designed for the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF).

As the catchment area of the upper & lower dam (1.901 Sqkm) is small and the time of concentration
is short, Rational Formula and one-day storm will be applicable for design Clood study.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 89

6.10.1 Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP)

The proposed Saundatti PSP lies in the PMP Atlas of Krishna Basin. Accordingly, one-day PMP has been
taken as 520 mm with reference to the PMP atlas of Krshna Basin published by IMD in March 2017. A
clock hour correction of 50 mm has been applied, after that the 24-hour PMP value has been
computed as 570 mm and the same has been adopted as design storm for the Upper & Lower Dams.

6.10.2 Probable Maximum Flood (PMF)

The design Clood has been estimated based on Rational Formula. 1-hour PMP was calculated as 250.80
mm/hr. The PMF of upper dam is calculated as following.

Q = 0.278CIA
C : runoff coefCicient taken as 0.56 (Ref. from Table-15.1.1, Text Book of Applied Hydrology by Ven Te
I : rainfall intensity (mm/hour)
A : catchment area (km2)
Design Flood Calculations for Upper & Lower Dam:
tc = Time of Concentration = 1 hr.
Conversion ratio from 24-hr rainfall to 1-hr rainfall = 0.44 (Ref. from Fig.10 of FER, Krishna & Pennar
Subzone (3h))
24 hrs. to 1 hr. rainfall Value = 570*0.44 =250.8mm
I : Rainfall Intensity = 250.80 mm/hr.
A = Catchment Area of Upper Dam = 0.904km2
Design Flood = 0.278CIA
= 0.278*1.0*250.80*0.904= 63.092 m3/s ≈ 64.0 m3/s
A = Catchment Area of Lower Dam = 0.997km2
Design Flood = 0.278CIA
= 0.278*1.0*250.80*0.997 = 69.513 m3/s ≈ 70.0 m3/s
The PMF of the upper & lower dam works out to 64 & 70 m3/s respectively. The design storm duration
is taken as 1.0 Hr. The corresponding volume for upper dam works out to 0.2304 MCM. The maximum
rise in the water level above FRL (EL 85430m) in the upper reservoir is negligible. As the volume of
Clood is very small, the same can be contained in the reservoir itself and hence, no separate spillway
provision is provided for the probable maximum Clood.
The corresponding volume for lower dam works out to 0.252 MCM. The maximum rise in the water
level above FRL (EL 654`.30m) in the lower reservoir is negligible. As the volume of Clood is very small,

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 90

the same can be contained in the reservoir itself and hence, no separate spillway provision is provided
for the probable maximum Clood.

6.11 Freeboard

The evaluation of the height of the waves originating in the reservoir as a result of exposure to wind is
calculated to arrive at the requirement of Freeboard for upper & lower reservoirs.

The available dam freeboard and the wave wall height placed on the dam crest were evaluated
considering the following aspects:

➢ selection of an appropriate wind speed, valid for the studied area and representative of the worst

➢ geographic and effective fetch for the selected dam location and reservoir;

The wind speed was selected as per IS 875-III.

The historical series shows an absolute maximum wind speed of 140.4 Km/h was used to evaluate the
wave height.

The effective fetch and wave height are calculated as per IS:10635 “Freeboard requirement in
embankment dams – Guidelines”

The effective fetch length is given by the following equation:

Effective fetch length = ΣCi*cos2 / Σcos


Ci = distances from the dam centre to the shore

= corresponding angles (the centre line is the direction with maximum fetch)

The following table shows the results of computed free board for the reservoirs.

Table 6-5: Free board of Upper & Lower Reservoirs

Embankment Dams; Free board Calculations

IS : 10635
Upper Reservoir Lower Reservoir
FRL/MWL +854.00m +654.00m
FB (Calculated) +1.830m +1.839m
FB (Provided) +3.000m +3.000m
TBL +857.00m +657.00m

Top Bund Level For Upper Reservoir is 857.0m and TBL For Lower Reservoir is 657.0m is provided.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 91



The upper reservoir is formed in the natural depressions and do not have any natural streams
draining into the reservoir and is formed by an embankment upto EL. 857 m while the Lower
reservoir is formed by an embankment upto EL. 657 m. The proposed storage project is being planned
on the allocated water for utilization by one time drawing from the Renuka Sagar Reservoir and then
recirculating it from Lower reservoir to Upper reservoir.

The upper and lower reservoir does not have any signiCicant catchment draining into the reservoirs.
The yield into the reservoir is assumed to be exactly proportional to area, which of the reservoir is
1.901 Sqkm (1.901 Sqkm at FRL of catchment of both upper & lower reservoirs). The runoff coefCicient
is taken as 1.0 since, the storm will occur directly over the surface of the upper reservoir. The 90%
dependable yield (arrived from 6 years of annual rainfall) into the reservoir through precipitation
works out to 0.633MCum (1.901 Sqkm X 333.30 mm).


Elevation-Area-Capacity details of proposed reservoirs have been worked out from the contour maps
prepared for the project area. The area enclosed between successive contours is calculated and the
volume between any two elevations is calculated using the following formula:

V = H/3*[A1 + A2 + (A1 x A2)^ 0.5]

Where V = Volume between two contours (Mm3);

H = Contour interval/ Difference in elevation (m);

A1 = Water spread area at Cirst contour level (Mm2); and

A2 = Water spread area at second contour level (Mm2)

The incremental volume of the reservoir between two contours thus obtained is summed up to
estimate gross storage capacity of reservoir at different elevations.

7.2.1 Upper Reservoir

The water spread area and the gross storage capacity of upper reservoir at various elevations is shown
in Table 7-1. The gross storage capacity of the upper reservoir is 20.406 MCM (0.721 TMC).

7.2.2 Lower Reservoir

The water spread area and the gross storage capacity of upper reservoir at various elevations is shown
in Table 7-2. The gross storage capacity of the lower reservoir is 20.072 MCM (0.709 TMC).

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 92

Table 7-1: Elevation-Area-Capacity of Upper Reservoir
Cumula ve
Eleva on Water-spread Area Water-spread Capacity Capacity Cumula ve
Sl.No Capacity
(m) (Sqm) Area (MSqm) (Cum) (Mcum) Capacity (TMC)
1 822 0.0 0.000 0 0.000 0.00 0.000
2 823 638.3 0.001 213 0.000 0.00 0.000
3 824 4140.9 0.004 2135 0.002 0.00 0.000
4 825 11498.6 0.011 7513 0.008 0.01 0.000
5 826 78412.7 0.078 39980 0.040 0.05 0.002
6 827 113328.4 0.113 95336 0.095 0.15 0.005
7 828 152188.0 0.152 132282 0.132 0.28 0.010
8 829 208485.7 0.208 179600 0.180 0.46 0.016
9 829 210445.6 0.210 443217 0.443 0.90 0.032
10 830 249722.7 0.250 615674 0.616 1.52 0.054
11 831 289010.9 0.289 657372 0.657 2.17 0.077
12 832 325523.2 0.326 697585 0.698 2.87 0.101
13 833 350964.5 0.351 730826 0.731 3.60 0.127
14 834 369488.3 0.369 751967 0.752 4.35 0.154
15 835 388986.6 0.389 740977 0.741 5.09 0.180
16 836 412891.1 0.413 741498 0.741 5.84 0.206
17 837 445210.6 0.445 745144 0.745 6.58 0.232
18 838 476955.1 0.477 752448 0.752 7.33 0.259
19 839 507538.1 0.508 758886 0.759 8.09 0.286
20 840 539228.4 0.539 716598 0.717 8.81 0.311
21 841 573832.5 0.574 729026 0.729 9.54 0.337
22 842 621578.4 0.622 741197 0.741 10.28 0.363
23 843 675563.0 0.676 762688 0.763 11.04 0.390
24 844 738271.2 0.738 791645 0.792 11.83 0.418
25 845 782457.1 0.782 760080 0.760 12.59 0.445
26 846 821897.2 0.822 802096 0.802 13.40 0.473
27 847 853858.0 0.854 837827 0.838 14.23 0.503
28 848 866322.3 0.866 860083 0.860 15.09 0.533
29 849 872634.2 0.873 869476 0.869 15.96 0.564

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30 850 878958.5 0.879 875794 0.876 16.84 0.595
31 851 885295.1 0.885 882125 0.882 17.72 0.626
32 852 891644.1 0.892 888468 0.888 18.61 0.657
33 853 898005.5 0.898 894823 0.895 19.50 0.689
34 854 904379.2 0.904 901190 0.901 20.41 0.721
35 855 910765.3 0.911 907570 0.908 21.31 0.753
36 856 917163.7 0.917 913963 0.914 22.23 0.785
37 857 923571.6 0.924 920366 0.920 23.15 0.817
Table 7-2: Elevation-Area-Capacity of Lower Reservoir
Cumula ve
Eleva on Water-spread Area Water-spread Capacity Capacity Cumula ve
Sl.No Capacity
(m) (Sqm) Area (MSqm) (Cum) (Mcum) Capacity (TMC)
1 631 25206.2 0.025 739555 0.740 0.74 0.026
2 631 2767.0 0.003 676328 0.676 1.42 0.050
3 632 2785.0 0.003 680708 0.681 2.10 0.074
4 633 2803.0 0.003 685088 0.685 2.78 0.098
5 634 18563.0 0.019 689504 0.690 3.47 0.123
6 635 37628.0 0.038 697196 0.697 4.17 0.147
7 636 72028.5 0.072 688111 0.688 4.86 0.172
8 637 120617.4 0.121 668401 0.668 5.52 0.195
9 638 206431.7 0.206 669196 0.669 6.19 0.219
10 639 296355.1 0.296 706034 0.706 6.90 0.244
11 640 385718.5 0.386 724688 0.725 7.62 0.269
12 641 505925.9 0.506 711913 0.712 8.34 0.294
13 642 610816.5 0.611 720455 0.720 9.06 0.320
14 643 698503.0 0.699 760288 0.760 9.82 0.347
15 644 793757.9 0.794 784924 0.785 10.60 0.374
16 645 872490.2 0.872 857600 0.858 11.46 0.405
17 646 911527.8 0.912 906800 0.907 12.37 0.437
18 647 934901.1 0.935 924371 0.924 13.29 0.469
19 648 949136.8 0.949 942008 0.942 14.23 0.503
20 649 957313.6 0.957 953222 0.953 15.19 0.536
21 650 965266.2 0.965 961287 0.961 16.15 0.570
22 651 973237.0 0.973 969249 0.969 17.12 0.604
23 652 981225.9 0.981 977229 0.977 18.09 0.639

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 94

24 653 989233.0 0.989 985227 0.985 19.08 0.674
25 654 997258.2 0.997 993243 0.993 20.07 0.709
26 655 1005301.7 1.005 1001277 1.001 21.07 0.744
27 656 1013363.3 1.013 1009330 1.009 22.08 0.780
28 657 1021443.0 1.021 1017400 1.017 23.10 0.816

7.3.1 Rates of sedimentation

The estimated silt load for the proposed reservoirs has been arrived based on “Compendium on Silting
of Reservoirs in India (2015)” published by CWC.

As per the CWC publication, a sediment rate of 378 m3/sq.km/year is considered based on the average
sediment rate in the Lower reservoir derived from the capacity survey carried out for Renuka Sagar

7.3.2 Quantity of sediment (Tonnes or M cum during the life of the Reservoir)

The upper dam doesn’t have any catchment to carry sediments into the reservoir. The area (C.A.) of
upper reservoir at FRL is 0.904 Sqkm & lower reservoir is 0.993 sqkm. The total sediment volumes for
70 years at upper Reservoir is calculated as following

Sediment volume of upper reservoir = 378 × 0.904 × 70 = 0.02392 MCM

Sediment volume of lower reservoir = 378 × 0.993 × 70 = 0.02638 MCM

7.3.3 Sediment studies

The sedimentation studies for Cixing the life of reservoir are carried out as per BIS : 5477.

7.3.4 Sedimentation in the reservoir after feasible service time

The new zero elevation for the upper & lower dam after feasible service time, i.e. 70 years, was EL.
827.5 m & 635.2 m respectively. which is below the Minimum draw down levels of EL. 829 m & 631 m


As one time drawl of water was approved by the Govt. of Karnataka from the Renuka Sagar reservoir, it
was the primary task to identify the location of the possible upper & lower reservoirs having sufCicient
level difference for getting optimum head for generating power. The main parameters considered
during identiCication & Cinalization of the reservoir is: proximity of the upper reservoir and the lower
reservoir; capacity; topography & geological setup; reservoir water tightness & head. Reconnaissance

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 95

of the entire area around the proposed Project area was carried out utilizing available Survey of India
(SOI) Toposheets (1:50,000 scale), satellite imageries & google maps to identify possible locations for
upper reservoir and lower reservoir. Detailed topographic maps with one meter contour interval were
used for developing area capacity curve for upper reservoir which indicated that sufCicient capacity
will be available as per the design requirement, and accordingly the height & length of embankments /
dams is worked out. Storage and Reservoir levels are also veriCied based on sedimentation studies,
water requirement for one cycle of operation and achieve target capacity of 1600 MW. Based upon the
differential head available between two proposed reservoirs, it is proposed to operate the scheme
between EL +854m and EL+ 631.0m.

Table 7-3: Key parameters of Reservoirs & Dams

Sl. No. Parameter Unit Upper Reservoir Lower Reservoir

1 Live Storage TMC 0.704 0.683
2 Dead Storage TMC 0.016 0.026
3 Gross Storage TMC 0.721 0.709
4 Full Reservoir Level (FRL) m EL 854 EL 654.00
5 Minimum Draw Down Level (MDDL) m EL 829 EL 631.00
6 Max Height of Dam m 38.0 24.0


No signiCicant saddles are present in the foreshore of the reservoir


As per I.S. guidelines 12182-1987, feasible service time of the reservoir for hydro power shall not be
less than 70 years.


Geological maps on 1:250000 scale & 1:50,000 scale prepared by the Geological Survey of India were
procured and studied to understand regional geological setup in and around the Project area.
Geotechnical assessment around periphery of reservoir indicate that no seepage is expected, however
few area required to be treated with cement grouting to Cill the open jointing system in rockmass.


(a) Evaporation:

The total annual evaporation loss from upper & lower reservoirs works out to 1.706 Mcum.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 96

(b) Seepage in the reservoir

No seepage losses are anticipated.


The PMF of the upper dam work out to 64.0m3/s. The design storm duration is taken as 1.0 Hr. The
corresponding volume for upper dam works out to 0.2304 MCM. The maximum rise in the water level
above FRL in the upper reservoir is negligible.

The PMF of the lower dam work out to 70.0m3/s. The design storm duration is taken as 1.0 Hr. The
corresponding volume for lower dam works out to 0.252 MCM. The maximum rise in the water level
above FRL in the lower reservoir is negligible.


Effect on sub soil water table in the adjoining areas will be nominal as the reservoir area is small.


As the upper reservoir is formed with ring bund, Reservoir rim stability does not arise.


The total area of land required for formation of upper reservoir is 118.51 Ha & that of lower reservoir
is 156.51 Ha.


Not provided at DPR stage

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 97


Not envisaged for the project



There is no need for soil conservation measure in the catchment.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 98



The installed capacity of Saundatti PSP is proposed based on the operating levels of the upper and
lower reservoir with a rated capacity of 1600 MW.


8.2.1 Upper Dam

The latitude and longitude at the upper dam site are 15°51'21.84"N, 75° 0'19.50"E. The area capacity
characteristics developed for the reservoir at this Upper Dam location are enclosed at Table 7-1.

The gross storage in the upper reservoir at FRL (EL. 854 m) and MDDL (EL. 829 m) are 20.406 MCM
and 0.457 MCM respectively. The maximum live storage will be 19.949 MCM.

8.2.2 Lower Dam

The latitude and longitude at the lower dam site are 15°50'46.62"N, 75° 0'24.67"E. The area capacity
characteristics developed for the reservoir at this lower Dam location are enclosed at Table 7-2.

The gross storage in the lower reservoir at FRL (EL. 654.00 m) and MDDL (EL. 631.00 m) are 20.073
MCM and 0.739 MCM respectively. The maximum live storage is 19.333 MCM.

8.2.3 Fixation of Reservoir Parameters

The Full Reservoir Level (FRL) of upper & lower dam has been kept in order to achieve the maximum
potential at site duly meeting the required storage capacity. The selection of installed capacity and
operating levels of the upper and lower reservoirs have been arrived by carrying out detailed
operation simulation studies of the scheme.

8.2.4 Minimum Draw Down Level

The minimum draw down for the reservoirs has been arrived at from the consideration of silt storage,
requirement of water seal above intake and head variations. Considering a sediment rate of 378
cum/sq. km/year, the silt volume in 70 years would only be a small proportion of the dead storage and
therefore does not inCluence the selection of MDDL. The MDDL has been Cixed for Upper & Lower
Reservoirs at 829 m and 631 m respectively from the consideration of utilization of optimum head and
requirement of live pondage for proposed installation of 1600 MW for about 5.65 hours.


The installed capacity of Saundatti PSP is dependent on

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 99

i) On the allocated water and

ii) Reservoir storage and head available at the site.

The daily load factor of operation of the scheme, which in turn determines the hours of operation in a
day, depends on the power system requirements. The proposed Saundatti PSP is proposed with 1600
MW of Pumped Storage capacity developed on technical feasibility, site suitability and associated
requirements and demand from various State DISCOMs/STUs and other consumers. This project is a
Cirst of its kind in the country which will supply Cirm dispatchable renewable power to the
Discom/Grid for 24 Hrs i.e. Round The Clock (RTC). Hence, the installed capacity of the power plant is
dependent on the reservoir storage for about 6.41 hours of generation and head available at site. The
assessment of storage requirement in the reservoirs for power generation has been carried out on the
basis of daily operation.


The plant has been proposed to be operated on daily cycle basis. A detailed study has been carried out
to establish the requirement of net storage in the reservoirs. The operation of the scheme in
generation or pumping, results in continuous change in the levels of the two reservoirs as also
consequently change in the operating head on the machines. The impact of continuous variations in
head is assessed by simulation of operation of the scheme considering shorter time intervals of 10

Case1: When the lower reservoir is at 0.915 MCM below FRL

Case2: When the lower Reservoir is at MDDL

Case 3:when the lower reservoir is at average level of FRL & MDDL.

The average annual generation considering above three scenarios.

The annual energy generation from Saundatti PSP estimated based on the generation simulation
works out to 3136.11 MU. The annual input energy required for pumping water to the upper reservoir
based on the pumping simulation works out to 3987.97 MU. The cycle efCiciency of the plant works out
to 78.64%.

There will be losses in storage in Upper reservoir due to causes like evaporation, transmission etc., A
pumped storage scheme does not require continuous Clow of water as in a conventional hydro power
plant and stored water in the reservoir is recycled. However, the annual losses in storage in the
reservoir due to evaporation etc., need to be recharged during monsoon. There will be progressive
reduction in the stored volume of reservoir due to losses. Therefore, provision for additional storage in
the reservoirs will have to be made to facilitate planned operation of the PSP at 5.65 Hrs even at the

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 100

critical periods, when the storage in the reservoirs is at a minimum. As the provision additional
storage in the reservoir will increase the cost of the project and impact the overall viability, it is
proposed that the reduction in the storage volume of reservoirs due to losses will be compensated by
reCilling the loss storage during monsoon periods.

Three scenarios were also considered in working out the average annual energy generation.


Rule curve is the target level planned to be achieved in a reservoir under different conditions of
probabilities of inClows and / or demands, during various time periods in a year. The Rule Curves are
generally derived by operation studies using historic or generated Clows where long term historic
Clows are not available. It is a graphical representation specifying ideal storage or empty space
planned to be achieved in a reservoir, under different conditions of probabilities of inClows and / or
demands, during various time periods in a year.

The proposed upper reservoir & lower reservoirs are intended only for the operation of Saundatti PSP.
There is no downstream water demands from this reservoir and no streams of any signiCicance is
joining into the reservoir. As such, the operating rule curves as envisaged for multipurpose reservoirs
has no signiCicance to the proposed reservoir, as this is planned only for PSP operation. The operating
of these reservoirs are governed by the following criteria

The reservoir will complete one cycle of operation daily ie. Filling and Drawdown

Drawdown from FRL to MDDL – 5.65 Hours

Filling from MDDL to FRL – 6.53 Hours

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 101

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 102

9.1 General

Saundatti PSP is located Belagavi district of Karnataka. It envisages creation of upper reservoir, water
conducting systems, power house & lower reservoir near Karlakatti village. The scheme will involve
construction of 4605 m long Geomembrane faced rockCill embankment dam for creation of upper
reservoir of 0.721 TMC gross capacity. The Lower reservoir with 0.709 TMC gross capacity. The
scheme envisages utilization of 193.35 m rated head and design discharge of 190.03 Cumecs for
generation of 1600MW (4 units of 320 MW each) and 193.10 m rated head and design discharge of
95.14 Cumecs for generation of 320MW (2 units of 160 MW each).

The major project components are:

• Geomembrane faced RockCill embankment varying from 10m to 38m height for creation of
Saundatti upper reservoir with 0.721 TMC gross storage capacity.

• Intake Structure.

• Water Conductor System, 4 Nos., 7.1 m dia, 1038.10 m each (steel lined) with velocity of 4.80
m/s & 1 No, 7.1 m dia, 895.34 m steel lined which will be bifurcated to 5.0 m dia, 88.50 m each
with velocity of 4.85m/s comprising of 5 Nos., 7.1 m dia & 401.20 m length (average), Vertical
Pressure Shafts, 5 Nos., 7.1 m dia & 190.93 m length and Horizontal Pressure Shaft, 5 Nos., 7.1
m dia in which 4 Nos. will feed 4 units each of 320 MW and 1 no. Independent Pressure Shaft
will be bifurcated into two branch pressure shafts of 5 m dia & of about 88.50 m length to feed
two smaller units of 160 MW.

• A surface Power house having an installation of four nos. reversible Francis turbine each of
320 MW capacity (All units are Cixed speed turbines) operating under a rated head of 193.35 m
in generating mode & 202.75 m in pumping mode and two nos. reversible Francis turbine each
of 160 MW capacity (both units are Cixed speed turbines) operating under a rated head of
193.10 m in generating mode & 202.90 m in pumping mode.

• Six numbers of 249.44m long tail race tunnel connecting the tail race outlet structure and the
draft tube of the power house out of which four larger units has a tunnel dia of 8.0 m whereas
two small units consists of 6.65 m dia.

• Tailrace Outlet structure.

• Geomembrane faced Earth and RockCill embankment varying from 10m to 24m height for
creation of Saundatti lower reservoir with 0.709 TMC gross storage capacity.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 103

General layout of the project and the L-section along the water conductor system are shown in the
drawing number AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/001 to 003.

9.2 Alternative Studies

The Saundatti PSP – Pumped Storage Project is proposed in between two reservoirs i.e. Upper &
Lower reservoir. The scheme is proposed to operate between upper reservoir FRL: +854 m and lower
reservoir FRL: +654.00 m.

The proposed layout of the project has been Cinalized after considering various alternatives from the
topographical, geological & geotechnical constraints. The proposed Saundatti PSP envisages
construction of

• Upper Dam (for formation of upper reservoir)

• Intake Structure

• Steel Lined Intake tunnel / Buried Penstock / Pressure Shaft (Vertical & Horizontal)

• Surface Power House

• Tailrace tunnel

• Tailrace Outlet Structure

• Lower Dam (for formation of lower reservoir)

9.3 Geological & Geotechnical Appraisal

Topographical maps (D43D1 (48M/1) and D43C13 (48I/13)) of Survey of India were referred for
investigation, reconnaissance and for Cinalizing the project layout.

9.4 Head Works

9.4.1 Site Selection for Reservoirs

A Reconnaissance Survey has been carried out around the project area. Based on the site survey and
study of SOI topo sheets, the site selected for the standalone storage component of Saundatti PSP is the
ideal location available in the vicinity, suitable for formation of Upper reservoir & Lower reservoir
with shortest water conductor system. The present site is selected to avoid the eco sensitive zones and
minimise the extent of forest area required. The site for head works has been selected based on the
following criteria.

• To meet the storage requirement for a minimum 6.41 hours peaking generation.

• To keep the submergence area minimal.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 104

• Shortest possible water conductor system.

• Site Topography & Geology.

9.4.2 Alternatives for Type of Dam

Roller compacted concrete, Geomembrane Faced RockCill Dams and RockCill Dam with central
impervious clay core are the three types of dams considered for formation of embankment of upper
reservoir & lower reservoir. The following aspects were taken into consideration for selecting the type
of embankment.

• Material costs for construction of embankments

• Time spent for construction of embankment viz., total construction time, man-hours,
requirement of infrastructure facilities etc.,

• Time and costs used for trial tests.

• Preparation for construction, e.g., excavation, foundation, diversion and construction of

batching and crusher plants.

9.4.3 Roller-Compacted Concrete Dam (RCC Dam)

Roller-compacted concrete dams have many similarities with conventional gravity concrete dams. The
dam is built to required height and depth where it can resist the expected forces from the water by its
weight. But instead of using rock-Cill or earth-Cill, RCC Dam consist of concrete which is spread in thin
layers and compacted by vibrator rollers. It is important to provide the RCC Dam with sufCicient
resistance to water leakage (seepage). The method of using a concrete with higher binder close to the
upstream face will decrease the permeability by creating a water tight barrier of concrete with higher
quality. RCC Dam is much heavier and thus demand better bedrock allowing the stresses produced by
the dam weight and the water pressure. If the bedrock is very weak or heavily foliated, the foundation
likely to suffer from shearing failure. As in case of concrete dams, geological conditions of the
foundations of RCC dams must be strong enough compared for a RockCill dam. The cost of construction
and the requirement of infrastructure facilities are higher for RCC Dam compared to RockCill dam.

9.4.4 Geomembrane Faced Rock @ill Dam (GFRD)

Geomembrane faced rockCill dam (GFRD) in which geomembrane facing acts as upstream
impervious facing (as water barrier) for rockCill embankment dam. GFRD is considered a
technically viable option and is also fast in construction in comparison with conventional RockCill
dam with central impervious clay core. GFRD have following advantage compared to rockCill dam:

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 105

1 Ease of Construction: Relatively simple and fast, Reduced trench excavation Lower risk of
contamination of drainage aggregate. Requires preparation of a suitable subgrade and cover

2 Cost: Low to moderate and low processing cost

3 Ease of Quality Control: Requires visual inspection only. Intensive inspection of all aspects of
cover placement is essential. Test section may be required to be excavated to ensure covering
does not damage geomembrane.

Considering the merits & demerits of Geomembrane faced Rock@ill dam & RCC Dam options,
Geomembrane faced Rock@ill dam is selected for formation of upper and lower reservoirs.

Table 9-1: Salient Features of Proposed Upper and Lower Reservoir

Sl. No Description Upper Reservoir Lower Reservoir

1 Latitude 15°51'21.84"N 15°50'46.62"N
2 Longitude 75° 0'19.50"E 75° 0'24.67"E
3 Live Storage 0.704 TMC 0.683 TMC
4 Dead Storage 0.016 TMC 0.026 TMC
5 Gross Storage 0.721 TMC 0.709 TMC
6 Top of Dam EL +857.00 m EL +657.00 m
7 Full Reservoir level (FRL) EL +854.00 m EL +654.00 m
8 Min. Draw Down Level (MDDL) EL +829.00 m EL +631.00 m
9 Length of Embankment 4605.00 m 4783.00 m

In the pumped storage scheme generally, drawdown is in order of 10m to 24m which may be inferred
in present case from the Table 9-1. In such case, upstream impervious facing embankment dam is
found more appropriate than RockCill dam with central impervious clay core as keeping water barrier
on the upstream face the embankment is pore pressure free, subject neither to steady seepage nor to
rapid drawdown effects. Moreover, other additional advantage offered by such type of dam is that after
drawdown of the reservoir, the facing is readily accessible for inspection, maintenance and repair.


After Cinalizing the parameters of Upper & Lower Reservoirs, the pumped storage component of
Saundatti PSP is proposed to be developed between upper reservoir FRL of EL +854 m and lower
reservoir FRL of EL +654m. Based on these criteria, there was limited choice in selecting the corridor
for the water conductor system along with powerhouse locations. Under these limitations and keeping

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 106

in view the topography and geological conditions, the project layout has been studied and worked out
and also to have optimized length of water conductor system along with powerhouse locations.
Accordingly, a corridor for water conductor system was selected towards the eastern side of the upper
reservoir where in the strong quartzitic sandstone capping the plain ground level but underlying shale
rock belonging to Vindhyan super group rocks was chosen for the Upper reservoir area. Hence this
component of the project is occupied mainly by strong quartzitic sandstone. The water conductor
system comprising Upper Intake structure, inclined and buried penstock, vertical pressure shaft,
horizontal pressure shaft, powerhouse complex and tailrace system shall be hosted partly in quartzitic
sandstone and largely in a shale rock. Similar geological set up is expected all around the hill slope
facing the lower reservoir. Hence the topographic feature facilitating shortest/optimized alignment for
water conductor system connecting upper and lower reservoir was the main aspect in deciding/
selecting the proposed alignment. In this corridor, primarily, the alternatives involving underground
and surface type powerhouse complex were studied while Cinalizing the project lay out. Accordingly,
the alternatives have been studied and discussed below with 6 units (4 units of 320 MW+2 units of
160 MW) of Cixed speed Francis turbines and for the same location of upper reservoir. The layout
comprising the Project area with all the alternative schemes are shown in the drawing numbers
enclosed in Vol. IV of the DPR.

1 Alternative - 1 Surface Powerhouse with Dwg. No. AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/01

Pressure shaft no Surge Tank
2 Alternative - 2 Underground Powerhouse Dwg. No. AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/31
Alternative-1 with surface powerhouse: The water conductor system comprises of Cive nos. of steel
lined penstock tunnel/pressure shaft with one number of Penstock is divided into two numbers which
are connected to a common surface powerhouse. The water after power generation will be lead in to
lower reservoir through a Tailrace tunnel.

Alternative-2 with underground powerhouse: The water conductor system comprises of Cive nos.
steel lined penstock tunnel/pressure shaft and an underground power house. The water after
generation will be lead into underground surge chamber followed by Tailrace tunnels and then to
lower reservoir.

9.5.1 Alternative-1

Four intakes have been provided in the upper reservoir with Cive independent steel lined penstock
tunnel/pressure shaft of about 1038.10 m long and 7.1m dia. to convey to the surface powerhouse.
Four penstocks will be feeding 4 units of 320 MW and one penstock bifurcated in to two will be
feeding 2 units of 160 MW each.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 107

The Four pump turbines of 320 MW will be fed by 7.1m diameter independent penstocks, where as
one 7.1m diameter penstock bifurcating in to two 5.0m dia. penstocks will feed 2 units each of 160
MW. The diameter of the branch pipes is arrived at based on equal velocity criteria.

This option envisages construction of Powerhouse out falling directly into the lower reservoir. The
average ground level at this location is about EL + 657.55m. The layout plan and L-section are shown
in drawing nos. AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/01 & AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/03. The layout plan &
longitudinal section of Alternative – 1 are shown in Figure 4.1 & Figure 4.2.

The requirement of surge tank in the water conductor system has been assessed based on the
following thumb rule:

• Criteria for requirement surge tank based on L/H Ratio:

• Surge tank is not required when L/H ratio is less than 5

• Surge tank may be required when L/H ratio is in between 5 & 10 to control mass oscillation in
Water Conductor System

• Surge tank is required when L/H ratio exceeds 10

L = Length of pressurized tunnel
H = Net head for power generation
L/H =1038.10/193.35 =5.37
The L/H ratio of this alternative is worked out to 5.37 which is more than 5. Hence, surge shaft
investigation is required in this alternative based on the above criteria. However, the transient analysis
of this alternative has been assessed to check the maximum pressure rise which is estimated is
31.34% at turbine, which will be adopted in the design of pressure shaft.

Criteria for requirement of surge tank based on Water Acceleration time (TW):

The provision of a surge tank should be investigated if an acceleration time in water conductor system
is 3 to 5.

Σ (Li*Vi) = (1038.10* 4.8) = 2.627

g Ho 9.81* 193.35

L = length (m), V = velocity (m/s), g = acceleration due to gravity & Ho is the Rated head on Turbine.

In this alternative the water acceleration time worked is out to 2.627 which is less than 3.0. Hence
based on this criteria the surge shaft is not required in this alternative.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 108

The water after power generation will be conveyed through 249.44m long independent Tailrace
tunnels to discharge water in to Lower reservoir. Geological & Geotechnical Appraisal:

Based on the large scale geological mapping and geotechnical parameters recorded, a geological
longitudinal section along the proposed project layout was prepared (refer Plate No.- 2.1 & 2.3) and
geotechnical parameters, viz., RMR, Q-Values, Cohesion & angle of friction were determined. Following
inferences have been drawn from the longitudinal geological section and slope stability analysis of the
proposed open excavation along the sides of the proposed surface Power House.

• Five numbers of horizontal steel lined surface Penstock, 401.20m long and 7.1m dia
extending from power intake upto vertical pressure shaft with invert level 817.70 m.

• The surface steel lined Penstock extending from intake to the top vertical pressure shaft
will have rocky foundation. The foundation grade rock is expected to be medium strong to
strong, jointed quartzitic sandstone gently dipping bedding planes towards westerly
direction. The rock mass will be of class II with the RMR value ranging from 64-69.

• Top of the Cive numbers of vertical Pressure Shafts (VPS) are located at EL. 800.88m. The
rock cover at the junction of the surface Penstock and VPS will be around 25m which
increases to 152.50m as the shaft goes down. The location of these Pressure Shafts shall be
optimized in staggered pattern in such a way that adequate lateral rock cover is available.
Vertical Pressure shaft after the top capping rock of quartzitic sandstone will pass through
shale rock which is expected relatively weak having interbedded with thin sandstone
bands/layers with the RMR range of 35 to 50 belonging to class IV to III.

• Three exploratory boreholes (BH-10, BH-11 & BH-12), each of 155m vertical depth was
planned and drilled parallel for VPS. These holes intersected 0.5m to 2.0m thick
overburden followed by Cine to medium grained, strong to very strong Quarzitic Sandstone
having RQD from 10% - 67% down to 18m vertical depth. Thereafter VPS will be
encountered with Shale. Between 18m & 65 m (down to El 435m) vertical depth with RQD
varying from 10 to 67 % and the rock mass is of Class- III - IV category. Thereafter RQD
ranges varying Max. range of 75-98% down to VPS bottom level. Broadly, some patches of
upper class IV to class III and small pockets of class II in thickly bedded rock with general
RMR ranging from 45 to 52 in majority of the lengths. Overall, the sub-horizontally dipping
bedding planes could be of advantageous factor for the shaft excavation with respect to the
stability of the side walls.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 109

• The Cirst 100m of Bottom horizontal pressure shaft will have more than 126m vertical
cover, after that vertical cover decreasing towards powerhouse and 52m cover prevails at
upstream side/the start of powerhouse cut slope. The bottom horizontal pressure shaft
will negotiate through the fresh shale with the Basic RMR value ranging from 40-52 falling
in the rock class IV-III category and poor to fair rock quality (generally less than Q=4). For
a tunnel, the sub horizontal bedding planes will provide relatively stable walls but in the
roof portion sometimes slab failures can be expected, if dissected with sub-vertical joints
at closer spacing

• The bedding planes (S0-270/05) in shale rock with north south strike in general having
westerly dips. Beside bedding, two to three prominent joint sets (S1-130/81, S2-076/81 &
S3-240/82) have dissected the rock mass in bottom horizontal pressure shaft,

• The average ground level at the proposed surface Power House location is EL +658.44m
towards upstream side and EL +656.67m towards downstream wall. The deepest
foundation level as per design requirement has been estimated at EL 584.45 m. Therefore,
the powerhouse pit will involve about 74m and about 72m deep vertical open excavation
to reach the foundation level towards upstream and downstream side walls respectively. In
case of downstream side slope, with the creation of wide platform for transformer hall at
El 641.15m level, the effective vulnerable cut height on this side may be around 15m or so.

• Overall, the sub-horizontally dipping bedding planes shall be advantageous factors for the
stability of the cut slope especially in case of upstream wall where those planes dip
towards the hill side. But the downstream wall will have bedding planes dipping to the
powerhouse pit.

• At the location of the surface power house, the depth of the overburden is about 2.0 to
5.0m followed by highly weathered shale upto depth about 7 to 9m. Underneath the highly
weathered shale moderately weathered to fresh, compact, thickly bedded shale is
encountered, with thin intermediate layers of sandstone in some depths. The foundation
level of the power house lies in fresh shale having relatively low strength under rock class
IV-III with RMR range 40-52

• Considering the topography, geological & geomorphological setup of the area, the location
of the Power House was optimized in such a way that the length of the WCS does not
exceed the limit where otherwise provision of Surge Shafts becomes a necessity. At the
same time transgression of cut slopes in to the moderately sloping ground located adjacent
to the near vertical cliffs exposing distressed/toppling quarzitic sandstone outcrops of the

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 110

proposed open excavation was minimized to avoid adverse geological conditions otherwise
leading to extensive slope stabilization measures.

• The excavation for the draft tube tunnel expected to negotiate through slight to moderately
weathered shale rock, under average top cover of about 30m to 37m. The RMR range of 35-
52 (Q less than 1 or 1) expected, falling in the class IV-III category. At the outlet portal of
the tunnel the rock cover is about 22m and the overburden depth is about 2.0m. Shale
being the weak rock, careful excavation methodology with adequate support system will be
adopted. Advantages of Alternative – 1

The proposed layout envisages housing of surface powerhouse. The alignment of pressure
shaft/penstock is a combination of embedded penstock & Surface penstock. The total length of the
pressure shaft/penstock is about 1038.10m. The initial stretch of the pressure shaft/penstock is
401.20m long surface penstock. The surface penstock meet with 190.93m VPS (including top &
bottom bends) followed by 445.96 m long (average)HPS.

The shales met with are fresh, and near horizontally bedded in the foundation level and also in the
major portion of cut slope. As such, there may not be any slope stability issues during the excavation
and operation with careful excavation and concurrent adequate / suitable support measures. Further
the slopes will be supported by shotcrete to arrest further weathering and rock bolts/dowels or any
other deeper appropriate support elements arising out of analysis from design requirements.

This combination gives the biggest advantage in avoiding surge shaft/surge chamber which will result
in reduction in construction time and project cost. The difCiculty of tunneling is reduced greatly by
having a surface penstock of 401.20m which gives additional Clexibility in the construction. This also
creates multiple numbers of working faces and hence the construction schedule/ program is
optimized. Disadvantages of Alternative – 1

The average ground level at the surface Powerhouse is EL +657m. As the proposed power house
involves little deeper excavation, intricate supporting arrangements for the cut slopes involving
anchors, providing berms at suitable depths etc. The sub surface investigation comprising drill holes is
completed. With the availability of complete surface and subsurface geological and geotechnical data,
a surface pit type powerhouse as contemplated for the present scheme, the suitability of proposing
Shaft Type Powerhouse can also be examined after the detailed design aspects in this regard keeping
view geological conditions of the powerhouse area.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 111

9.5.2 Alternative-2

Five power intakes have been provided to takeoff from the Upper reservoir with Cive independent steel
lined penstock tunnel/pressure shaft of 445.50m long and 7.10m diameter and one independent
pressure shaft will bifurcate into two no of 5.00m diameter to convey water to the underground
powerhouse. A short Draft tube tunnel of 120.72m connects the Powerhouse & a common tail race
Surge Chamber of size 21.0 m (W)x 160.0 m (L). Six tunnels of 731.02 m long, 8.0 m diameter horse
shoe Tailrace tunnel takes off from the Surge Chamber to the Tailrace outlet and further lead water
into lower reservoir. Four penstocks/pressure shafts will be feeding 4 units of 320 MW and one
penstock/pressure shaft bifurcated in to two will be feeding 2 units of 160 MW each.

The location of the power house cavern was Cinalized keeping in to consideration two factors, viz.,
shortest possible access to the underground powerhouse, and minimum possible length of Pressure
Shaft. Further, with the proposed location of power house the location of transformer cavern and
surge chamber are Cirmed up in consideration of the requirements of rock columns in between. The
Main Access Tunnel to Power house, Ventilation/cable tunnel and other construction adits are also
planned for this proposed underground power house complex.

Since, in this alternative the length of Tailrace Tunnel is very long hence, the requirement of TRT surge
chamber has been estimated based on the thumb rule of L/H Ratio:


L = Length of Tailrace Tunnel

H = Net Head on turbine
L/H = 842.76/34.01 =24.78

For this alternative the L/H ratio in the Tailrace Tunnel is worked out to 24.78 which is greater than 5.
Hence, a Tailrace Surge chamber has been proposed in this alternative.

The layout plan are shown in drawing no. AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/30. Geological & Geotechnical Appraisal

Based on the large scale geological mapping and geotechnical parameters recorded, a geological
longitudinal section along the proposed project layout was prepared (refer Plate No. 02) and
geotechnical parameters, viz., RMR, Q-Values, Cohesion & angle of friction were determined. From the
longitudinal section following inferences have been drawn.

• The location of the power intake, buried penstock and vertical pressure shaft are same as the

• The location of the underground Power House is governed by the location of the Power Intake

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 112

position and length of the Penstock. The average ground level at the proposed underground
Power House location is EL + 657.8 m. The crown of the Power House is EL + 623.90 m. The
vertical rock cover above the Power House varies between 182.45m to 169.75m, which is more
than one and half times of the height of the cavern thus the ensuring the stability of the crown
on the prima-facie.

• The PH cavern will be excavated through the fresh granite with the RMR range of 64-74 falling
in the class II rock.

• The GIS cum transformer cavern is about 40 m from the power house with the dimension of 15
m (W) x 26.3 m (H) x 202.70 m (L). the foundation grade of the GIS cum transformer cavern is
fresh granite.

• The tail race tunnel will negotiate through class II with the RMR ranging from 64-74. At the
outlet portal of the tail race tunnel the rock cover is about 19m and the overburden depth is
about 6.0m. Advantages of Alternative – 2

The length of pressure shaft/penstock is similar to alternative-1 in the proposed layout envisaged with
housing of underground powerhouse complex. Disadvantages of Alternative – 2

This alternative requires 800.0 m long Main Access Tunnel and Adits of 1770m to reach the project
components, excavation of which will take longer duration to reach the Power House and start works
at Power House. In case of underground system, power house is not a single cavern alone, it consists of
a transformer cavern increasing the vulnerability of underground complex and surge chambers which
in turn impacts the construction time of the project.

9.5.3 Comparison of the Alternative I & II

A comparison of the salient features of alternative -1 and 2 are given in Table 9-2

Table 9-2: Comparison of the Salient Features of Alternatives- 1 and 2

Project Components Alternative - 1 Alternative - 2

Power Intake 5 Nos 5 Nos

Sttel lined pressure 5 pentocks, 7.1m dia 1038.10 m 5 pentocks, 7.1m dia 455.50m
each each
Power House Surface Powerhouse Underground Powerhouse

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 113

Draft Tube Tunnel - 122.88m

Downstream Surge Chamber - Underground surge chamber

160.0 x 21 x 64m
Tailrace Tunnel 4 nos, 8m dia 249.44m long & 6 Nos, 731.02 m long &
2no's of 6.65 m dia 249.44m 8.0m dia Horse Shoe Shaped
long Horse Shoe Shaped TRT TRT
TRT Outlet 6 Nos 6 Nos
Tailrace Channel (up to mouth of - 246.00m
lower reservoir)
Construction Period including 42 Months 54 Months
preconstruction period of 6

Project Cost 7039.36 crores 9119.02 crores

9.5.4 Conclusion

The following conclusions are drawn from the above alternatives.

➢ Water availability will remain same for all alternatives, as upper & lower reservoirs are same
for all alternatives

➢ The various levels viz., FRL & MDDL being kept same for all the alternatives, there is very small
variation in energy generation because of small variation in net head.

➢ Construction period is the least for alternative-1, while alternative-2 has maximum.

➢ Project cost is least for alternative-1 compared to other alternatives.

➢ Geological & geotechnical appraisal of the alternatives considered clearly indicate that during
the construction of the majority of underground project components envisaged in Alternative-
II, viz., Surge Shaft, Power House & Transformer Caverns, adverse geological conditions such as
poor rock mass conditions and low rock cover zones will be encountered.

➢ The proposed project economics are inter related with the duration of development, increased
time period increases the cost to completion. Considering the overall economics of the cost for
the project, the scheme under alternative–1 is found to be technically feasible and
economically viable and the same is adopted for further detailed investigation and accordingly
this report further deal with the geological details and appraisal of engineering components of
the project.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 114

9.5.5 Seismicity

As per seismic Zoning map of India, the project area lies in Zone-III. The design seismic coefCicients as
per IS: 1893 for Zone III recommended seismic coefCicient of 0.04 has been adopted. Considering the
type of the structure (Dam-all types), an importance factor of 3.0 has been considered in the design.
Accordingly, the horizontal seismic co-efCicient works out to be 0.12, which is considered adequate.
The vertical seismic co-efCicient where applicable will be taken as half of the horizontal co-efCicient. No
earthquake of signiCicance intensity has been reported in the project area as well as in the surrounding
areas, which does not warrant the requirement of site speciCic seismic study. However, if required the
seismic parameters adopted in the design of Renukasagar Dam will be veriCied and adopted in the
design of Saundatti PSP Scheme.

Project Speci@ic Seismic Studies:

For better understanding of the Seismicity of project area, a competent agency has been identiCied to
carry out the site-speciCic design parameters study for evaluating seismic design parameters for the
project components.

9.6 Saundatti GFRD Dam (Upper & Reservoir)

9.6.1 General

The upper reservoir dam site is proposed at Latitude 15°51'21.84"N and Longitude75° 0'19.50"E. The
lower reservoir is at Latitude 15°50'46.62"N and Longitude 75° 0'24.67"E. The dam proposed at this
location envisages construction of 4605 m long Geomembrane faced rockCill embankment dam for the
formation of upper reservoir. The gross storage capacity of the upper reservoir is 0.721 TMC with a
live storage of 0.704 TMC keeping the FRL and MDDL at EL + 854 m and EL + 829 m respectively. The
gross storage capacity of the lower reservoir is 0.709 TMC with a live storage of 0.683 TMC with the
FRL and MDDL at EL + 654.00m and EL + 631.00m respectively.

9.6.2 GFRD Dam

Geomembrane faced RockCill dam is adopted for formation of Upper & Lower reservoir of Saundatti
PSP. The height of the upper dam is about 38m and the max crest length is about 4605 m can provide
adequate live storage. The height of the lower dam is about 24m and the max crest length is about
4783 m.

GFRD Dam is designed with Geomembrane facing on Upstream face of the dam and a casing zone with
slope 1.4H:1.0V U/S face and 1.7H:1.0V on D/S face. As the height at maximum section is 38m. The top
width of the rockCill dam is kept as 8.0 m. Parapet wall on upstream side and guard stones on D/S on
top of bund have been provided.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 115

9.6.3 Stability Analysis of GFRD dam

The stability analysis of RockCill dam section has been done based on the principles cited in the book
“Concrete Faced RockCill Dams” by Paulo T. Cruz, Bayardo Materon, Manoel Freitas. And also various
published literature is refereed to carryout the stability analysis of GFRD. The minimum targeted FOS
values are shown in Table 9-3

Table 9-3: Minimum Target FOS Values

Sl.No Loading Condition Min FOS Slope
1 Construction condition 1.0 Upstream & Downstream
2 Partial Pool 1.3 Upstream
3 Sudden drawdown 1.3 Upstream
4 Steady seepage 1.5 Downstream
5 Earthquake Condition:
(a) Steady seepage 1.0 Downstream
(b) Reservoir full 1.0 Upstream

Load Combination Embankment Slope SFMIN

End of Construction upstream + downstream 1.00
Steady State Seepage (Full Reservoir) downstream 1.50
Steady State Seepage (Full Reservoir) with
downstream 1.00
Sudden Draw Down upstream 1.30
Sudden Draw Down + earthquake upstream 1.00

The dam stability evaluation has been performed considering the total and effective stresses
(depending on the load combination) induced inside the dam embankment.

Stability analysis of AFRD is enclosed in Annexure –9.1.

Summary of the stability veriCication results are presented in Table 9-4.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 116

Table 9-4: Upper & Lower Dam - Summary of the results of stability analysis (Typical section)

Slope Shear strength Factor of
Condition acceptable Factor
considered parameters Safety
of Safety

Undrained (total)
End of construction Upstream 2.019 1.0

Undrained (total)
End of construction Downstream 1.682 1.0

Undrained (total)
Steady Seepage Downstream 1.692 1.5

Steady Seepage Undrained (total)

Downstream 1.309 1.0
(considering seismic load) strengths

Undrained (total)
Sudden drawdown Upstream 2.634 1.3

Sudden drawdown Undrained (total)

Upstream 1.516 1.0
(considering seismic load) strengths
9.6.4 Free Board

The free board has been computed with reference to the IS:10635:1993, “Freeboard requirement in
embankment dams – Guidelines”. The free Board has been worked out to 1.840 m & 1.843m above FRL
for upper and lower reservoirs respectively. However, the top of the dam for upper reservoir have been
adopted at EL. 857m (i.e. 3.0 m above the FRL) and Lower reservoir is 657.0m (i.e. 3.0 m above the
FRL). Detailed calculations for freeboard of upper dam and lower dam is enclosed in the Annexure –
9.2(a) and 9.2(b) respectively.

9.6.5 Bottom Outlet

For Drawdown of Reservoir, option of spillway and bottom outlet were studied and in the prevailing
circumstances of very small Clood discharge, spillway provision was not required. Therefore, provision
of bottom outlet has been provided.

The spillway requirement for Saundatti PSP is investigated for the following considerations

➢ To pass the PMF

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 117

➢ Pumping operations are continued for a longer duration

The PMF of the upper dam work out to 64.0 Cumec. The design storm duration is taken as 1.0 Hr. The
corresponding volume for upper dam works out to 0.2304 MCM. The maximum rise in the water level
above FRL in the upper reservoir is negligible. As the volume of Clood is very small, the same can be
contained in the reservoir itself and hence, no separate spillway provision is required to be provided
for the probable maximum Clood. However, a low-level bottom outlet has been proposed for Upper
Reservoir for reservoir drawdown in case of any emergency. Detailed hydraulic calculations and the
reservoir routing curves are provided in Annexure 9.3.

The PMF of the lower dam work out to 70.0 Cumec. The design storm duration is taken as 1.0 Hr. The
corresponding volume for lower dam works out to 0.252 MCM. The maximum rise in the water level
above FRL in the lower reservoir is negligible. As the volume of Clood is very small, the same can be
contained in the reservoir itself and hence, no separate spillway provision is required to be provided
for the probable maximum Clood. However, a low-level bottom outlet has been proposed for Lower
Reservoir for reservoir drawdown in case of any emergency.

The drawdown of reservoir is proposed to be done through an embedded steel pipe having
approximate length of 150.0 m. At up-stream side of the embedded Steel Pipe, it is proposed to have
an inclined Trash Rack and a Vertical slide gate. A ButterCly Valve and a Howell Bunger valve (HBV) are
proposed to install at exit of the Steel Pipe.

The HB valve breaks up the Clow into a hollow aerated jet which allows dissipating large amounts of
kinetic energy over short distances when compared with pipe outlets. Enhanced jet development
before impact, reduces the hydrodynamic loads acting upon dissipating structures or the riverbed.
Howell-Bunger valves are cavitation and water hammer resistant, velocity limitless, and electronically
controllable water control systems.

The ButterCly Valve is an auxiliary arrangement which will be used during maintenance time of Howell
Bunger Valve. In same way the vertical slide gate shall be closed during repair, maintenance of Steel
pipe, ButterCly valve and Howell Bunger Valve. The bottom outlet arrangement details are provided.

9.6.6 Upper Reservoir Main Technical Parameters

The upper reservoir is formed by constructing a 38.0m high GFRD which can provide adequate live
storage. Geomembrane faced RockCill embankment is designed with slope 1.4H:1.0V U/S face and
1.7H:1.0V on D/S face. As the height at maximum section is 38m. The top width of the dam is kept as
8.0 m. Parapet wall on upstream side and guard stones on D/S on top of bund have been provided.
Stability analysis of GFRD dam is made for U/S slope and D/S slope for construction case with and
without earthquake condition.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 118

The Plinth beam is taken 1.0m into the rock or continuous impervious strata. Grout -curtain in rock
will be done in consultation with GSI, after the foundations for cut-off trenches are exposed.
In reaches where Plinth beam directly rests on rock, the foundation treatment consists of a key 1.0 m
depth with bottom width of 4.0 m and the surface shall be treated for fractures and joints and
transition zone provided wherever necessary.
The Key parameters of the proposed Upper Reservoir & Upper Dam are presented in Table 9-5

Table 9-5: Key parameters of the proposed Upper Reservoir & Upper Dam
Sl. No. Parameter Unit Value

1 Live Storage TMC 0.704

2 Dead Storage TMC 0.016

3 Gross Storage TMC 0.721

4 Top of bund m EL +857

5 Full Reservoir Level (FRL) m EL +854

6 Minimum Draw Down Level (MDDL) m EL +829

7 Length of Geo membrane facing RockCill

m 4605.00

8 Height of Geo membrane facing RockCill

m 38.00

9 Upstream Slope m 1.4H : 1V

10 Downstream Slope m 1.4H : 1V

9.6.7 Lower Reservoir Main Technical Parameters

The lower reservoir is formed by constructing a 24.0m high GFRD which can provide adequate live
storage. Geo membrane facing RockCill embankment is designed with slope 1.4H:1.0V U/S face and
1.4H:1.0V on D/S face. As the height at maximum section is 24m. The top width of the dam is kept as
8.0 m. Parapet wall on upstream side and guard stones on D/S on top of bund have been provided.
Stability analysis of GFRD dam is made for U/S slope and D/S slope for construction case with and
without earthquake condition.
The Plinth beam is taken 1.0m into the rock or continuous impervious strata. Grout -curtain in rock
will be done in consultation with GSI, after the foundations for cut-off trenches are exposed.
In reaches where Plinth beam directly rests on rock, the foundation treatment consists of a key 1.0 m
depth with bottom width of 4.0 m and the surface shall be treated for fractures and joints and
transition zone provided wherever necessary.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 119

The Key parameters of the proposed Lower Reservoir & Lower Dam are presented in Table 9-6 .
Table 9-6: Key parameters of the proposed Lower Reservoir & Lower Dam

Sl. No. Parameter Unit Value

1 Live Storage TMC 0.683

2 Dead Storage TMC 0.026

3 Gross Storage TMC 0.709

4 Top of bund m EL +657

5 Full Reservoir Level (FRL) m EL +654

6 Minimum Draw Down Level (MDDL) m EL +631

7 Length of Asphalt facing RockCill

m 4783.00

8 Height of Asphalt facing RockCill

m 24.00

9 Upstream Slope m 1.7H : 1V

10 Downstream Slope m 1.7H : 1V

9.7 Intake Structure

The intake structure of Saundatti PSP is proposed with Diffuser type and will be constructed in the
upper & lower reservoir. Generally, for normal hydroelectric projects, the bell mouth entrance is ideal
for generation (turbine) mode when water enters. In this case there is a minimal losses as water
accelerates through the bell-mouth and in to the penstock. But in pumped storage project, this design
may not be suitable for pumped storage operation as when in pumping mode water Clows in the
opposite direction through the bell-mouth transition. Water discharging from the penstock will not
follow the bell-mouth and will continue as a column of water with minimum divergence.

Therefore, it is proposed to have long and gradual diffuser type of section at a shallow angle so that the
discharging pump mode Clow can be maintained with an even velocity distribution and decelerate with
minimal losses prior to reaching the Intake tunnel.

Four separate intakes are provided to feed the steel lined Penstock/ pressure shaft independently. The
intake has been provided with a trash-rack structure at the upstream end.

A Gated structure is proposed downstream of intake entry for housing the hydro mechanical Gates and
their operating mechanism. Each intake entry is equipped with an independent gate which is joined at
the hoisting platform level. Accordingly, there will be one number of service gates for each opening

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 120

and one number of emergency gates for all the openings.

Submergence of Intake is checked for a discharge corresponding to design discharge to prevent vortex
formation and entry of air in to the system as per IS: 9761 and accordingly the upper reservoir MDDL
and center line of intake is kept at EL +829m and EL +817.70 m respectively. The lower reservoir
MDDL and center line of intake is kept at EL +631m and EL +621.30 m respectively. Also, it is proposed
Antivortex devices in front of trash rack structures to reduces vortex formation during operation of
plant. The details of intake structure along with trash rack arrangement is shown in drawing enclosed.

9.7.1 Hydraulic Design

In Saundatti PSP, Five individual diffuser/horizontal type of intakes have been proposed to feed the
steel lined Intake tunnel/Penstock/ pressure shaft independently. The Five independent trashracks in
front of each intake structure has been proposed which will be positioned at 15o inclined with vertical
with reference to the IS:11388-2012. Accordingly, the trashrack has been designed for velocity of
0.999 m/s with design discharge of 190.03 m3/s. The Clare angle of 13o has been adopted for the intake
wall between the start of intake and tunnel to minimize the head loss and to avoid cavitation in the
intake tunnel. Based on this criteria, Cive numbers of each 30.0 (W) X 9.0 m (H) intake with trash rack
arrangement of 3 panels of each 8.0 m (W) X 9.32 m (H) has been proposed. The hydraulic calculations
for sizing of intake & trashrack is attached as Annexure-9.4.

The minimum submergence of the intake has been checked with reference to the Clause No. 5.2 of
IS:9761-1995 for a discharge corresponding to design discharge to prevent vortex formation and entry
of air in to the system. Accordingly, the MDDL 829.0 m has been Cixed in the upper reservoir based on
the requirement of minimum submergence to prevent vortex formation and entry of air in to the
tunnel. Center line elevation & invert level of intake has been provided at El. 817.70 m & El.814.15
respectively. The detailed hydraulic calculations for submergence are attached in the Annexure-9.4.
Also, an antivortex devises have been proposed in front of the intake structure with 1.5 m thick beams
at a spacing of 1.5 m to reduces vortex formation during operation of plant. The drawing details of an
Intake structure showing Plan & sections are given in the drawing. No.

An air vent pipe of 1000 mm diameter has been proposed at just downstream of the service gate of
Intake structure. This avoids the negative pressures in the Intake tunnel and expels the air during
Cilling of the Intake tunnel. The sizing of air vent pipe calculations are attached as Annexure 9.5.

A Gated structure is proposed downstream of intake entry for housing the hydro mechanical Gates and
their operating mechanism. Each intake entry is equipped with an independent gate which is joined at
the hoisting platform level. Accordingly, there will be one number of service gates for each opening

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 121

and one number of stoplog gates for all the openings.

9.7.2 Slope Support Design

The existing ground elevation at the proposed power intake is at EL 837.75 and to reach the invert
level of the Power Intake i.e. EL 814.15, open excavation will be carried out. The depth of the
overburden at the power intake site is in the range of 15 to 25m.

Slope stability analysis of the power intake portal is carried out and the stereonet plot of the existing
discontinuities is plotted. The strike of the joint set S0 is parallel to the cut slope but the slope cut
angle is more than the dip angle of the bedding plane hence the possibility of the planar failure is ruled

Also, from the stereonet study there is no intersection of the joint sets with in the friction circle, hence
the wedge failure is also ruled out.

The soil (overburden) proCile in the area exhibits cohesiveness and can withstand vertical cut slopes.
However, the slope cut in the overburden will be excavated with 1H:1V slope and 1V:4H slope shall be
adopted in the bedrock excavation. Rock slope will be supported with 4.0 m long rock bolts @ 2m c/c.
Drainage holes shall be provided in the rock cut slope to avoid the accumulation of the pore water
pressure during raining. The drawings for the slope cut are shown in drawing no:
AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/021 & 022.

Adequate treatment as per site conditions achieved after excavation of foundations will be provided.

9.8 Hydraulic Design

9.8.1 Hydraulic Data

Salient features of the reservoir are as follows:

Description Upper Reservoir Lower Reservoir

Gross Storage Capacity 0.721 TMC 0.709 TMC
FRL EL +854 m EL +654.00 m
MDDL EL +829 m EL +631.00 m

9.8.2 Hydraulic Loss

Hydraulic loss in the water conductor system is arrived as follows: Major Losses

Friction losses in pipes are calculated with Manning’s formula:

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 122


Hf = Head losses (m);

n = Roughness coefCicient; - 0.011 is used as the WCS is steel lined

L = Length of the pipe (m);

R = Hydraulic Radius of the pipe (m);

V = Average water velocity in pipe (m/s); Minor Losses

The minor losses are estimated with the following equation:


K = Head loss coefCicient.

The Minor head loss coefCicients are estimated as follows: Trash Rack Losses

The Head Loss through Trash rack is calculated by the following equation:


kt = The trash rack loss coefCicient

= 1.45 – 0.45 R – R^2

R = Ratio of Net area through the rack bars to the gross area of racks & support.

V = Velocity of Clow through trash rack, computed on net area (m/s).

g = Acceleration due to gravity (9.81m/s2). Loss in the Gate Groove

The Head Loss due to intake gate groove is calculated by the following equation:

H ( g ) =kg

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 123


Hg= gate head loss (m)

Kg = loss coefCicient for gate

V = velocity through gate (m/sec)

g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s2)

The value of “Ke” is considered as 0.10 Bend Losses

The losses due to bend shall be calculated as per the following formula

H ( b ) =kb


Hb = head loss due to bend (m)

Kb = bend loss coefCicient which depends upon the bend radius; conduit diameter and the
angle through which bend turns.

V = velocity through conduit (m/s)

g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s2) Transition Losses

(A) Contraction Losses

The losses due to gradual contraction shall be computed from the following equation

V 22 V 21
H ( c ) =kc
2g 2g Where:

Kc = loss coefCicient for contraction

V1 = velocity before contraction (m/sec)

V2 = velocity after contraction (m/sec)

(B) Expansion Losses

The losses due to gradual expansion shall be computed from the following equation

V 21 V 22
H ( e ) =ke
2g 2g

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 124


Kc = loss coefCicient for expansion

V1 = velocity before expansion (m/s)

V2 = velocity after expansion (m/s) Loss through Valves

The losses due to valve have been calculated as per the following formula
H ( b ) =kb


Hb = Valve head loss (m)

K = loss coefCicient for Valve

V = Velocity through Valve (m/s)

Detailed Head Loss calculations for the project in generation mode and Pumping mode are
appended in Annexure 9.6. The head losses of the project have been worked out using
design discharges for generation mode and pumping mode with various capacity machines
are 190.03 m3/s (large unit) & 95.14 m3/s (small unit) and 164.48 m3/s (large unit) & 82.17
m3/s (small unit) respectively. The summary of head losses along-with head loss coefCicients
for generation as well as pumping modes are provided in the Table 9-7.

Table 9-7: Summary of Head loss & Coef@icients worked out in the Proposed Water Conductor
Head Loss
Sl.No Description

Discharge (Cumecs) 190.03 m3/s

1 Approach Channel Loss 0.000
2 Entrance Loss 0.006
3 U/S Trash Rack Loss 0.018
4 Losses at Intake diffuser (Transition & Friction Loss) 0.085
Losses at End of Diffuser to Start of u/s Emergency Gate (Transition &
5 Friction) 0.044
6 U/S Emergency & Service Gate Loss 0.210
7 Loss Between U/S Gates 0.007
Losses at End of u/s Service Gate to Start of Penstock (Transition &
8 Friction) 0.028

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 125

9 Penstock Losses 1.346
10 Bend Losses 0.296
Losses at End of Penstock to Start of MIV (Transition & Friction) (MIV
11 Piece) 0.759
12 MIV valve Loss 1.194
13 TRT Loss 0.284
14 TRT Bend Loss 0.015
15 Losses at End of TRT to Start of d/s Service Gate (Transition & Friction) 0.010
16 D/S Emergency & Service Gate Loss 0.132
17 Loss Between D/S Gates 0.002
Losses at End of d/s Emergency Gate to Start of d/s Diffuser
18 (Transition & Friction) 0.027
19 Losses at d/s diffuser (Transition & Friction Loss) 0.089
20 D/S Trash Rack Loss 0.023
21 Exit Loss 0.052

I Total Losses 4.63

II With Addl 10% 5.09

a.) Pressure side (Incl Addl Loss) 4.39

b.) Suction Side (Incl Addl Loss) 0.70


Head Loss
Sl.No Description

Discharge (Cumecs) 95.14 m3/s

1 Approach Channel Loss 0.000
2 Entrance Loss 0.006
3 U/S Trash Rack Loss 0.018
4 Losses at Intake diffuser (Transition & Friction Loss) 0.085
Losses at End of Diffuser to Start of u/s Emergency Gate (Transition &
5 Friction) 0.044
6 U/S Emergency & Service Gate Loss 0.210
7 Loss Between U/S Gates 0.007
Losses at End of u/s Service Gate to Start of Penstock (Transition &
8 Friction) 0.028
9 Penstock Losses (Incl Branch) 1.351
10 Bifurcation Loss 0.247
11 Bend Losses (Incl Branch Bends) 0.386
Losses at End of Penstock to Start of MIV (Transition & Friction) (MIV
12 Piece) 0.782
13 MIV valve Loss 1.215
14 TRT Loss 0.258
15 TRT Bend Loss 0.008

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 126

16 Losses at End of TRT to Start of d/s Service Gate (Transition & Friction) 0.006
17 D/S Emergency & Service Gate Loss 0.067
18 Loss Between D/S Gates 0.001
Losses at End of d/s Emergency Gate to Start of d/s Diffuser
19 (Transition & Friction) 0.011
20 Losses at d/s diffuser (Transition & Friction Loss) 0.034
21 D/S Trash Rack Loss 0.023
22 Exit Loss 0.052

I Total Losses 4.84

II With Add 10% 5.32

a.) Pressure side (Incl Addl Loss) 4.82

b.) Suction Side (Incl Addl Loss) 0.51


Head Loss
Sl.No Description

Discharge (Cumecs) 95.14 m3/s

1 Approach Channel Loss 0.000
2 Entrance Loss 0.002
3 U/S Trash Rack Loss 0.004
4 Losses at Intake diffuser (Transition & Friction Loss) 0.026
Losses at End of Diffuser to Start of u/s Emergency Gate (Transition &
5 Friction) 0.011
6 U/S Emergency & Service Gate Loss 0.053
7 Loss Between U/S Gates 0.002
Losses at End of u/s Service Gate to Start of Penstock (Transition &
8 Friction) 0.007
9 Penstock Losses (Incl Branch) 0.478
10 Bifurcation Loss 0.062
11 Bend Losses (Incl Branch Bends) 0.155
Losses at End of Penstock to Start of MIV (Transition & Friction) (MIV
12 Piece) 0.782
13 MIV valve Loss 1.215
14 TRT Loss 0.258
15 TRT Bend Loss 0.008
16 Losses at End of TRT to Start of d/s Service Gate (Transition & Friction) 0.006
17 D/S Emergency & Service Gate Loss 0.067
18 Loss Between D/S Gates 0.001
Losses at End of d/s Emergency Gate to Start of d/s Diffuser
19 (Transition & Friction) 0.011
20 Losses at d/s diffuser (Transition & Friction Loss) 0.034
21 D/S Trash Rack Loss 0.023

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 127

22 Exit Loss 0.052

I Total Losses 3.26

II With Add 10% 3.58

a.) Pressure side (Incl Addl Loss) 3.08

b.) Suction Side (Incl Addl Loss) 0.51


Head Loss
Sl.No Description

Discharge (Cumecs) 164.48 m3/s

1 Entrance Loss 0.006
2 U/S Trash Rack Loss 0.013
3 Losses at Intake diffuser (Transition & Friction Loss) 0.116
Losses at End of Diffuser to Start of u/s Emergency Gate (Transition &
4 Friction) 0.031
5 U/S Emergency & Service Gate Loss 0.157
6 Loss Between U/S Gates 0.006
Losses at End of u/s Service Gate to Start of Penstock (Transition &
7 Friction) 0.013
8 Penstock Losses 1.009
9 Bend Losses 0.222
Losses at End of Penstock to Start of MIV (Transition & Friction) (MIV
10 Piece) 0.966
11 MIV Loss 0.895
12 TRT Loss 0.213
13 TRT Bend Loss 0.011
14 Losses at End of TRT to Start of d/s Service Gate (Transition & Friction) 0.012
15 D/S Emergency & Service Gate Loss 0.099
16 Loss Between D/S Gates 0.001
Losses at End of d/s Emergency Gate to Start of d/s Diffuser
17 (Transition & Friction) 0.021
18 Losses at d/s diffuser (Transition & Friction Loss) 0.041
19 D/S Trash Rack Loss 0.017
20 Exit Loss 0.030
21 Tail Race Channel Loss 0.000

I Total Losses 3.88

II With Add 10% 4.27

a.) Pressure side (Incl Addl Loss) 3.80

b.) Suction Side (Incl Addl Loss) 0.46

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 128

Head Loss
Sl.No Description

Discharge (Cumecs) 82.17 m3/s

1 Entrance Loss 0.006
2 U/S Trash Rack Loss 0.013
3 Losses at Intake diffuser (Transition & Friction Loss) 0.116
Losses at End of Diffuser to Start of u/s Emergency Gate (Transition &
4 Friction) 0.031
5 U/S Emergency & Service Gate Loss 0.157
6 Loss Between U/S Gates 0.006
Losses at End of u/s Service Gate to Start of Penstock (Transition &
7 Friction) 0.013
8 Penstock Losses (Incl Branch) 1.008
9 Bifurcation Loss 0.184
10 Bend Losses (Incl Branch Bends) 0.288
Losses at End of Penstock to Start of MIV (Transition & Friction) (MIV
11 Piece) 0.987
12 MIV Loss 0.906
13 TRT Loss 0.193
14 TRT Bend Loss 0.006
15 Losses at End of TRT to Start of d/s Service Gate (Transition & Friction) 0.007
16 D/S Emergency & Service Gate Loss 0.050
17 Loss Between D/S Gates 0.001
Losses at End of d/s Emergency Gate to Start of d/s Diffuser
18 (Transition & Friction) 0.010
19 Losses at d/s diffuser (Transition & Friction Loss) 0.020
20 D/S Trash Rack Loss 0.017
21 Exit Loss 0.030
22 Tail Race Channel Loss 0.000

I Total Losses 4.05

II With Add 10% 4.45

a.) Pressure side (Incl Addl Loss) 4.11

b.) Suction Side (Incl Addl Loss) 0.34


Head Loss
Sl.No Description

Discharge (Cumecs) 82.17 m3/s

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 129

1 Entrance Loss 0.006
2 U/S Trash Rack Loss 0.003
3 Losses at Intake diffuser (Transition & Friction Loss) 0.029
Losses at End of Diffuser to Start of u/s Emergency Gate (Transition &
4 Friction) 0.008
5 U/S Emergency & Service Gate Loss 0.039
6 Loss Between U/S Gates 0.001
Losses at End of u/s Service Gate to Start of Penstock (Transition &
7 Friction) 0.003
8 Penstock Losses (Incl Branch) 0.356
9 Bifurcation Loss 0.046
10 Bend Losses (Incl Branch Bends) 0.116
Losses at End of Penstock to Start of MIV (Transition & Friction) (MIV
11 Piece) 0.987
12 MIV Loss 0.906
13 TRT Loss 0.193
14 TRT Bend Loss 0.006
15 Losses at End of TRT to Start of d/s Service Gate (Transition & Friction) 0.007
16 D/S Emergency & Service Gate Loss 0.050
17 Loss Between D/S Gates 0.001
Losses at End of d/s Emergency Gate to Start of d/s Diffuser
18 (Transition & Friction) 0.010
19 Losses at d/s diffuser (Transition & Friction Loss) 0.020
20 D/S Trash Rack Loss 0.017
21 Exit Loss 0.007
22 Tail Race Channel Loss 0.000

I Total Losses 2.81

II With Add 10% 3.09

a.) Pressure side (Incl Addl Loss) 2.75

b.) Suction Side (Incl Addl Loss) 0.34

9.9 Transient Analysis

A transient is a temporary Clow and pressure condition that occurs in a hydraulic system between an
initial steady-state condition and a Cinal steady state condition. Two most common causes of transient
initiation are the moving system boundaries viz. turbines and valves. In hydropower projects with
pressurized pipe network, the Clow through turbine is controlled through guide vanes/valves. Rapid
opening or closing of guide vanes/valves results in hydraulic transients in water conductor system.

The water hammer study of Saundatti PSP has been analysed using WHAMO Software for large unit
and small units separately without surge tank. The transient model has been analysed considering
complete water conductor system from the Intake of Upper reservoir considering upper reservoir as

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 130

reservoir for turbine/generation mode and Lower reservoir as reservoir for pumping mode. The
transient analysis of the project has been carried out with reference to the IS:7396:1985 &

The following water conductor system parameters have been adopted for the WHAMO analysis:

Table 9-8: Water Conductor System Parameters used in Transient Analysis

Rated Capacity of the project = 1600MW
(4x 320 MW+2x 160 MW)
Rated design discharge of the project = 190.03 Cumec (for large unit) & 95.14
(Generation Mode) Cumec (for small unit)
Rated design discharge of the project (Pump = 164.48 Cumec (for large unit) & 82.17
Mode) Cumec (for small unit)
Full Reservoir Level (FRL) at Upper Reservoir = El. 854 m
Minimum Draw Down Level (MDDL) at Upper = El. 829 m
Full Reservoir Level (FRL) at Lower Reservoir = El.654.00 m
Minimum Draw Down Level (MDDL) at Lower = El. 631.00 m
Total Length of Water Conductor System = 7.10 m Ø 1038.10 m long Water
Conductor System & 8.00 mϕ, 249.44m
long TRT (for large unit)
Type of Turbine & Nos. = Reversible Francis Turbines of 4 Nos.
(large), 2 Nos. (small)

9.9.1 Turbine/Generation Mode

The transient study has been carried out under emergency operating condition and the model has
been analyzed for the following cases during turbine/generation mode:

Table 9-9: Time Sequence Applied for Case-1: Shutoff of Generation

for Large Unit
Transient Cases Along Unit No-4
Time (s) Guide Vane/valve Opening (%)
Shutoff of Generation at FRL of Upper Reser- 0 100
voir (i.e. El. 854 m)
10 0
Shutoff of Generation at MDDL of Lower 0 100
Reservoir (i.e. El. 631.00 m)
10 0

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 131

Table 9-10: Time Sequence Applied for Case-3: Start of Generation
For longest WCS with Large Unit
Transient Cases Along Unit No-4
Time (s) Guide Vane/valve Opening (%)
Load Acceptance (0-100) at MDDL of Upper 0 0
Reservoir (i.e. El. 829 m)
20 100
1000 100
Load Acceptance (0-100) at FRL of Lower 0 0
Reservoir (i.e. El. 654.00 m)
20 100
1000 100
9.9.2 Pumping Mode

The transient study has been carried out under emergency operating condition and the model has
been analyzed for the following cases during pumping mode:

Table 9-11: Time Sequence Applied for Case-2: Shutoff of Pumping

for Longest WCS with Large Unit
Transient Cases Along Unit No-4
Time (s) Guide Vane/valve Opening (%)
Shutoff of Pumping at FRL of Lower 0 100
Reservoir (i.e. El. 654.00 m) 13.5 0
Shutoff of Pumping at MDDL of Upper 0 100
Reservoir (i.e. El.829 m) 13.5 0

Table 9-12: Time Sequence Applied for Case-4: Start of Pumping

for Longest WCS with Large Unit
Transient Cases Along Unit No-4
Time (s) Guide Vane/valve Opening (%)
0 0
Load Acceptance (0-100) at MDDL of 20 100
Lower Reservoir (i.e. El. 631.00 m)
1000 100
0 0
Load Acceptance (0-100) at FRL of
20 100
Upper Reservoir (i.e. El. 654.00 m)
1000 100

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 132

9.10 Water Conductor System

9.10.1 General

Water under pressure is conveyed to the turbines through steel lined top pressurized Tunnel upto exit
portal followed by surface penstock, steel lined vertical pressure shaft, & steel lined bottom
pressurized tunnel upto Main Inlet Valve (MIV). The steel liner is proposed in view of the high strength
and Clexibility required under different operational modes of the machine also no surge shaft is
provided in the water conductor system.

A 7.1 m diameter circular Penstock / Pressure shaft takes off from Intake Structure to feed the units of
Power House. 5 nos. of Penstock/ Pressure tunnel each of 7.1 m diameter will lead water from intake
to the powerhouse out of which one of the penstock is bifurcated into two smaller units of 5.0m dia to
feed the two smaller units. 5 numbers of surface penstocks (401.20 m long will be connected at top of
vertical bend of each individual Vertical pressure shaft. 5 nos. of vertical pressure shaft of an average
height of 190.93m including top and bottom vertical bends will be connected to the bottom horizontal
pressure shaft. From this, 5 numbers of bottom horizontal pressure shafts, in which 4 numbers of an
average length of 445.96 m & 7.1 m diameter each will feed water to 4 numbers of Francis turbines
(i.e. for Larger units) of 320 MW and 1 number of 7.1 m diameter bottom horizontal pressure shaft
will be bifurcated into two of 5.0 dia. after a length of 285.40 m from the vertical shaft and lead water
to two horizontal unit pressure shafts of each 88.50 m long to feed the unit capacity of 160 MW each
(i.e. smaller units).

The plan & L-section details for large unit of the water conductor system/ pressure shaft is shown in
the Drawing nos. AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/001 & 003.

9.10.2 Economic Diameter of Pressure Shaft

Economical diameter of the pressure shaft is calculated to ensure that the annual cost, which includes
the cost of power lost/required due to friction during generation/pumping, the annual depreciation and
the annual cost of maintenance is minimum. The mathematical procedure is elaborated in IS:11625-
1986 (Criteria for Hydraulic Design of Penstocks). Based on this procedure, the following equations have
been used for computation of ‘D’.

Cost of Excavation: -

Cost of Concrete Lining: -

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 133

Cost of Steel line in Penstock: -

Annual Cost of Power Lost in generation due to head loss: -

Annual Cost of Power Required in Pumping due to head loss: -


D = Diameter of the penstock in ‘m’

Pe = Unit cost of excavation in ‘Rupees/m3’

Pc = Unit cost of concrete lining in ‘Rupees/m3’

Cs = Cost of steel in ‘Rupees/kg’

i = Percentage by which steel in penstock is overweight due to provision of stiffeners,

corrosion allowance etc.

σj = Allowable stress in steel in ‘N/mm2’

ej = Joint efCiciency of penstock

QG = Discharge through penstock in ‘m3/s’

n = Rugosity coefCicient in Manning’s formula

EG = Turbine-Generator EfCiciency

Ep = Pump-Motor EfCiciency

Lf = Load Factor during Generation/Pumping

PkWh,G = Cost of 1 kWh of energy in Rupees during generation

PkWh,P = Cost of 1 kWh of energy in Rupees during pumping

For sizing the economic diameter of pressure shaft, various sizes starting from 5.0 m to 7.10 m has
been selected and the calculations have been carried based on the above formulas. The detailed
calculations are provided in the Annexure-9.8. From the calculations a graph has been developed
between annual charges on capital cost & the corresponding diameter. From the graph it is observed
that, the annual charges are minimum at 7.1 m diameter. Hence, 7.1 m diameter has been selected for

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 134

the project based on economic diameter analysis. The table showing the various diameters and the
corresponding cost vs Diameter curve is shown below in the Table 9-13 & Figure-9.1 respectively.

Table 9-13: Various diameter of Tunnel considered for the Selection of Economic Diameter
Cost of
Cost of Cost of Cost of Annual Cost of Total
Diameter Excavation concrete Penstock Cost (Rs. Generation Annual
S.no Loss (Rs.
in “m” (Rs. In Lining (Rs. (Rs. In In Loss (Rs. In Cost (Rs. In
Lakhs/-) In Lakhs/-) Lakhs/-) Lakhs/-) Lakhs/-) Lakhs/-)
6=0.11[3 9=[6+7+8
1 2 3 4 5 7 8
+4+5] ]
1 5.00 1.00 1.28 5.56 0.863 2.481 0.81 4.155
2 5.50 1.21 1.55 6.73 1.045 1.492 0.49 3.024
3 6.00 1.44 1.85 8.01 1.243 0.938 0.31 2.488
4 6.50 1.69 2.17 9.40 1.459 0.612 0.20 2.271
5 7.10 2.02 2.59 11.22 1.741 0.382 0.12 2.248
6 7.50 2.26 2.89 12.52 1.943 0.285 0.09 2.321
7 8.00 2.57 3.29 14.24 2.210 0.202 0.07 2.479
8 8.50 2.90 3.71 16.08 2.495 0.146 0.05 2.690
9 9.00 3.25 4.16 18.02 2.797 0.108 0.04 2.941
10 9.50 3.62 4.64 20.08 3.117 0.081 0.03 3.224
11 10.00 4.01 5.14 22.25 3.454 0.062 0.02 3.535
12 10.50 4.42 5.66 24.53 3.808 0.047 0.02 3.871
13 11.00 4.85 6.21 26.92 4.179 0.037 0.01 4.228



Cost in Rs. Lakhs/-







4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00

Diameter of Tunnel in "m"

Figure 9.1: Curve Showing Diameter vs Cost of Tunnel for Selection of Economic Diameter

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 135

9.10.3 Rock Support & Grouting Details of water conductor system Top Inclined Pressure Shaft

Based on the investigations carried out, the water conductor system will negotiate different rock types
of variable strength with different rock conditions along its length.

General rock mass classiCication for each rock conditions have been carried out considering the
orientation of tunnel, tunnel grade rock mass, tunneling drive direction and recorded geotechnical
parameters of different discontinuities and other geotechnical parameter of rock mass, viz., strength,
weathering condition, RQD & ground water condition.

Design of Support system

The support system is proposed according to the prevalent rock classes estimated during geological
mapping and based on estimated rock quality on RMR basis.

The details of the typical support system for various rock mass classes for 7.1m diameter underground
excavations on the basis RMR classiCications is presented in Table 9-14.

Table 9-14: Support Recommended for 7.1m diameter Top Inclined Pressure shaft

RMR Value Excavation Rock Bolts Shotcrete Steel ribs

81-100 Full Face 25.0 mm diameter, 3.0 m Spot SFRS No Steel ribs
Class-I (Very long spot grouted anchors
Good Rock)

61-80 Full face and Systematic 25 mm 50 mm thick No Steel ribs

Class II complete support diameter grouted rock SFRS in the
(Good Rock) anchors of 3.0 m long @ crown only.
1.75 m c/c staggered at
1.75 c/c along the tunnel
in the crown (top

41-60 Full face and Systematic 25 mm diameter 100 mm Thick No Steel ribs
Class III complete support grouted rock anchors of 3.0 SFRS in crown
(Fair Rock) m long @1.50 m c/c and walls.
staggered at 1.50 c/c along
the tunnel

21-40 Full face and Systematic 25 mm 100 mm thick No Steel ribs

Class IV complete support diameter grouted rock SFRS in the
(Poor Rock) anchors of 5.0 m long crown and side
@1.50 m c/c staggered at walls.
1.00 c/c along the tunnel

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 136

RMR Value Excavation Rock Bolts Shotcrete Steel ribs

< 20 Heading and Systematic 25 mm 100 mm thick ISMB 250 @

Class V benching diameter grouted rock shotcrete in 750 mm c/c
(Very Poor excavation Install anchors of 3.0 m long the crown and with 75 mm
Rock) support @1.50 m c/c staggered at side walls. thick pre-
concurrently with 1.00 c/c along the tunnel cast lagging
Shotcrete as soon
as possible after
blasting. Vertical Pressure Shaft

Each pressure shaft comprises of 190.93 m long vertical shaft with top and bottom bends. Surface
excavation shall be carried out till the junction of the top bend and the vertical pressure shaft.
Excavation in the overburden shall be carried out in 1V:1H and in the bed rock it will carried out in

Rock support system for the open cut rock slope includes shotcrete with wire mesh and grouted rock
anchors. Systematic drainage holes shall be provided in the bed rock. Drawing showing the details of
the support system for the excavation for the vertical pressure shaft is shown in drawing no:

The Pressure Shaft will be excavated from the top with a pilot hole and from the bottom with a raise
climber. The vertical shaft will be provided with steel liner throughout the length and minimum
500.00 mm thick concrete backCilling. Concrete grade of M20 will be used to backCill the gap behind
the steel liner. Bottom Horizontal Pressure shaft

The bottom horizontal pressure shaft 7.1 m diameter steel lined will lead water from Cive vertical
pressure shafts and feed water Francis turbines. Four numbers horizontal pressure shafts straight join
to Four bigger units of 320 MW and one after bifurcation will connect to two smaller units of 160 MW.

The bottom pressure tunnel is provided with 500 mm thick cement concrete lining considering the
minimum thickness required for the installation of the steel liner. BackCill concrete of M20 grade is
used to backCill the gap behind the steel liner.

9.11 Design of Support system

The support system is proposed according to the prevalent rock classes estimated during geological
mapping and based on estimated rock quality on RMR basis.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 137

The details of the typical support system for various rock mass classes for 7.1m diameter underground
excavations on the basis RMR classiCications is presented in Table 9-14.

9.11.1 By Wedge Analysis

To ascertain the adequacy of the typical support system proposed earlier on the basis of empirical
method, wedge analysis have been carried out using Unwedge software with the mapped joint sets
data. Detailed analyses indicate that wedges are formed on the Cloor, left wall, right wall and
roof/crown of the tunnel.

Wedge analysis is carried out with the support system of Class III. The support system based on the
empirical approach for class III rock i.e. 100 mm thick Shotcrete (SFRS) and 25mm dia 3.0 m long
grouted anchor bars at spacing of 1.5 m x 1.5 m is applied in wedge analysis. The support system is
checked to satisfy the above critical wedge failures. The pictorial representation of the wedges is also

The details of the typical support system for various rock mass classes is like top inclined pressures

Figure 9.2: Different views of wedge with support

Wedge analysis carried out with the support system as envisaged from empirical method based on
RMR basis.
Thus, all these unstable wedges become stable when the support measures proposed in table are
provided. The details analysis of the wedges of the bottom horizontal pressure shaft is presented in
Annexure 9.9.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 138

Numerical analysis:

Numerical analysis is carried out in Phase2 software to Cind the displacement of the tunnel. As per the
geological surface mappng carried out in the project area, the tunnel is expected to pass through RMR
class II rock. The RMR values ranges from 64 to 74. Also the tunnel support system is checked for the
RMR class IV with value ranges from 30 to 40. Generalized Hoek and Brown material model is used
for the analysis.

A blast damage zone of 2.0 m is considered from the tunnel boundary with the disturbance factor of
D=0.3. Intact rock properties are taken from the rock mechanics test carried out on the core samples.

The tunnel is modelled in phase2 with graded mesh and 6 noded triangle mesh element at the actual
ground elevation. The boundary conditions are shown in the drawing given bellow. Gravity stress
loading is applied on the tunnel. Phase2 model of the tunnel is as shown below.

Analysis and Results

The displacement of the tunnel before the installation of the support system is as shown below. The
maximum displacement observed was 1.4 mm at the spring level. The displacement is less than 1% of
the tunnel opening which is 8.2 mm.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 139

The support system calculated by the wedge analysis, is incorporated in the model to Cind the post
support behavior of the tunnel.

After the installation of the support system, the displacement and length of the plastic zone is reduced.
Similar analysis is carried out for the RMR rock class IV.

The detailed design of the support system of the Intake Tunnel/ Horizontal Pressure shaft is presented
in Annexure-9.9 of Volume II: Designs.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 140


Consolidation Grouting and Contact Grouting is proposed in the entire length of the tunnel. Contact
grouting should be done at the bottom part of the steel liner also to avoid the cavities between the
steel liner and the concrete backCill. The grouting details are provided based on the general practice
and IS codes. The details of the grouting holes, pressure and location are provided in the drawings.

List of drawings pertinent to the rock support system and grouting is tabulated below:

S. No. Drawing Title Drawing Number

Intake tunnel/Pressure shaft 7.1 m ø- Excavation AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/008

and Rock Support details

Intake tunnel/Vertical Pressure shaft 7.1m ø- AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/009

Excavation and Rock Support details

Vertical Pressure shaft 5.00 m ø- Excavation and AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/010

Rock Support details

Intake tunnel/Pressure shaft 7.1 m ø- Grouting AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/011


5. Vertical Pressure shaft 7.1 m ø- Grouting details AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/012

Intake tunnel/Pressure shaft 5.0 m ø- Grouting AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/013


9.11.2 Penstock Bifurcation

Out of Cive water ways, one number of horizontal pressure shaft will be bifurcated into two branches,
and each branch shall carry water to feed 1 unit each of 160 MW. Velocity of Clow in the branches is
kept equal to the velocity in the main penstock in order to minimize the head loss and turbulence at
bifurcation point. Hence, 5.0 m diameter is found to be suitable in keeping view to maintain the same
velocity in main & branch pressure shaft. The detailed calculations for sizing of branch pressure shaft
is provided in the following table:

Description Main Pressure Shaft Unit Pressure Shaft (Unit-1 & 2)

Design Discharge, Q 190.03 m3/s 95.14m3/s

Diameter, D 7.1 m 5.0 m

Cross sectional area, A 39.57 m2 19.625 m2

Velocity of Clow, V 4.80 m/s 4.85 m/s

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 141

9.11.3 Steel Liner of Water Conductor System

The entire length of upstream water conductor system from end of intake gate to MIV has been
proposed with steel liner. The structural design of steel liner of water conductor system has been
worked out based on criteria provided in the IS:11639 (Part-2)-1995. Accordingly, the thickness of
steel liner is assessed keeping in view the internal pressure including water hammer effect. No rock
participation has been accounted for the design steel liner from the start of vertical pressure shaft to
MIV. The remaining upper portion of intake tunnel/surface penstock has been designed without rock
participation. The rock participation has been worked out based on the IS: 4880 (Part-VII) -2011. The
detailed calculations for rock participation is presented in the Annexure-9.10(a). Two types steels
grades have been used for this water conductor system viz., ASTM-537 Cl-2 steel has been used upto
the top of vertical bend and ASTM-517 Gr-F grade steel has been used from start of top vertical bend
to MIV considering the water hammer pressures in the water conductor system.

The detailed calculations of steel liner thickness in the water conductor system for large unit is provided
in the Annexure-9.10(b), for external pressure Annexure-9.10(C). The thickness of plate varies from
20 mm to 22 mm with ASTM 537 Class-II from Intake gate to top of Vertical pressure shaft. From top of
vertical pressure shaft to MIV the thickness varies from 32 mm to 36 mm with ASTM 517 Grade-F steel.
The arrangement details of steel liner for Large Unit & Small unit along the water conductor system has
been shown in the Drawing. No. AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/014.The maximum length of each ferrule will
be 2.5 m. However, before erection, two ferrules of 2.5 m will be joined together in the shop and each fer-
rule of 5m will be transported for erection. All the joints will be welded joints. All shop welding of the
longitudinal joints will be double V-butt welds. The Cield welds will be single V-butt welds with backing
strip. All the shop welds will be checked by radiographic examination while all Cield welds will be tested
by ultrasonic examination. Hydraulic testing of ferrules will be carried at 1.5 times the design head be-
fore erection. The summary of steel liner for each large unit & small unit along water conductor system
have been provided in the Table 9-15 & Table 9-16 respectively.

Table 9-15: Summary of Steel Liner Thickness along Water Conductor System of Large Unit
Chainage of Water Conductor Thickness of
Sl.No. El. at Start El. at End
System Steel Grade Steel Liner
'm' 'm' 'm' 'mm'
1 0.000 - 16.250 813.83 813.83 ASTM537 20.000
2 16.250 - 66.250 813.83 810.82 20.000
3 66.250 - 116.250 810.82 807.88 20.000
4 116.250 - 166.250 807.88 804.94 20.000
5 166.250 - 216.250 804.94 802.00 20.000

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 142

6 216.250 - 264.520 802.00 799.17 20.000
7 264.520 - 312.790 799.17 796.34 20.000
8 312.790 - 328.895 796.34 789.68 20.000
9 328.895 - 345.000 789.68 774.68 20.000
10 345.000 - 395.127 774.68 724.55 26.000
11 395.127 - 445.253 724.55 674.42 26.000
12 445.253 - 495.380 674.42 624.29 32.000
13 495.380 - 512.110 624.29 609.23 36.000
14 512.110 - 528.840 609.23 603.00 38.000
15 528.840 - 630.100 603.00 603.00 40.000
16 630.100 - 731.360 603.00 603.00 42.000
17 731.360 - 832.620 603.00 603.00 42.00
18 832.620 - 933.880 603.00 603.00 42.00
19 933.880 - 1035.140 603.00 603.00 44.00

Table 9-16: Summary of Steel Liner Thickness along Water Conductor System of Small Unit
Chainage of Water Conductor Thickness of
Sl.No. El. at Start El. at End
System Steel Grade Steel Liner
'm' 'm' 'm' 'mm'
1 0.000 - 16.250 813.83 813.83 20.000
2 16.250 - 66.250 813.83 810.82 20.000
3 66.250 - 116.250 810.82 807.88 20.000
4 116.250 - 166.250 807.88 804.94 20.000
5 166.250 - 216.250 804.94 802.00 ASTM537 20.000
6 216.250 - 264.520 802.00 799.17 20.000
7 264.520 - 312.790 799.17 796.34 20.000
8 312.790 - 328.895 796.34 789.68 20.000
9 328.895 - 345.000 789.68 774.68 20.000
10 345.000 - 395.127 774.68 724.55 ASTM517 26.000
11 395.127 - 445.253 724.55 674.42 26.000
12 445.253 - 495.380 674.42 624.29 32.000
13 495.380 - 512.110 624.29 609.23 36.000
14 512.110 - 528.840 609.23 603.00 38.000
15 528.840 - 630.100 603.00 603.00 40.000
16 630.100 - 731.360 603.00 603.00 42.000
17 731.360 - 832.620 603.00 603.00 42.00

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 143

18 832.620 - 920.140 603.00 603.00 42.00
19 920.140 - 1035.140 603.00 603.00 30.00
9.12 Power House

9.12.1 General

The surface powerhouse has been planned to accommodate 6 units (4X320 MW+2X160 MW) of
Francis reversible type Turbines corresponding to 1600MW installed capacity. The layout of
Powerhouse has been prepared as per the recommendations contained in IS 12800 (Part 2/sec1):
1989. Detailed calculations for arriving the powerhouse dimensions are for larger and smaller units
are enclosed in Annexure 9.11(a) & 9.11(b) respectively.

The powerhouse complex size is 167.0m (L) x 25.5m (W) x 51.2m (H). The center line of the turbine is
proposed at EL + 589.0 m corresponding to minimum Tail water level (MDDL) of El +631.0 m at
Tailrace outfall. The service bay level has been Cixed at El. 605.50 m with size of 40 m (L) X 25.5 m (W).
the unloading bay is proposed at El. 641.15 m with size of 25 m (L) X 25.5m (W) and located on right
side to the power house. The crane beam level for unloading bay has been proposed at El. 649.20 m.

The powerhouse will be of indoor type so that all the erection and maintenance will be taken up in the
powerhouse itself. Due considerations to the surface drainage, ventilation, lighting etc., has been given
while Cixing the size and location of various components. The location of Gantry columns is Cinalized
considering the economy and the machine layout.

9.12.2 Machine Hall

There are four main Cloors in the machine hall. The lowest Cloor is at El.583.50 m and houses the main
inlet valve (MIV) for the units. Cooling water pumps, dewatering & drainage pumps shall be located on
the MIV Cloor. The larger units are spaced at 26.0m c/c, while the smaller units are spaced at 23.0m
c/c. The Pump Turbine Cloor is provided at EL. 594.50 m and houses the various pump turbine
auxiliaries and oil pressure units for governors including MIV for each unit. The generator Cloor is
provided at EL 600.00 m and houses various Unit Auxiliary boards (UAB's) neutral grounding cubicles,
HP lubrication system, marshaling panels, etc. Necessary hatches for erection and removal of MIV shall
be provided at various Cloors in the machine hall. The machine hall Cloor is at EL. 605.50 m. This is the
main operating Cloor and houses the unit control boards, control panels and excitation panels etc. The
provision and arrangement of various electro-mechanicals /electrical equipment, control equipment
and other auxiliaries are discussed in detail in Electro-mechanical chapter. The entrance for the
machine hall shall be through the lift & stair case provided from the unloading bay.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 144

9.12.3 Transformer Building

The transformer building of size 173.90m (L) x 15.0m (W) x 26.095m (H) is located downstream of
the powerhouse at EL 640.40 m. The building will be founded on rock. GIS Cloor has been kept at EL
651.10 m. An EOT crane of capacity 10T with crane beam at EL. 662.20m has been provided in the
transformer building for handling various equipment. The structural framework of the building shall
be of RCC with Beams, slabs & columns and the covering Roof shall be structural steel Truss.

9.12.4 General design of the power house Selection of site and general layout

Location of surface power house has been selected to avoid possible inCluences from slope excavation
during power house construction, whilst keeping the length of the waterways as short as possible to
avoid surge shaft.

The longitudinal axis of the power house is almost parallel to the contour lines. The layout of tailrace
tunnel and tailrace channel alignment. Unloading bay at EL 641.15 placed higher to erection bay at EL
+605.50 to optimise excavation and ease in approach.

The control room building is placed d/s parallel to the B-Line of the power house at elevation of
machine hall/ erection bay EL 605.50. The location of outdoor GIS building & switchyard have been
located further d/s on the terraces at elevation EL 641.15 m & EL 651.90 m respectively. Switchyard
area of about 41 m x 120 m. and connected by approach road to power house with a gradient of less
than 5%. Control cables from GIS building/ switchyard to the power house will be laid for the
electrical connections to the terminals of the transformers. Layout and main dimensions

General concept of designs

The lower reservoir MDDL 631.00 m is utilised for the setting out of centre line of turbine at EL 589.00
to retain reasonable suction head in pumping up as per IS 12800 (Pt-II). The general arrangements of
Cloors and dimensioning of EM equipment’s are also Cirmed up in accordance of IS 12800 (Pt-II)

Main dimensions of the power station

Unit spacing: 26.0/23.0 m (320/160 MW)

Machine hall (height/ length/ width): 51.20/167.00/25.5 m

Erection bay (length / width): 40.00/25.5 m

Unloading Bay (length / width): 25.00/25.5 m

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 145

Arrangement of @loors and rooms

Horizontal layout

The Cloors of the power house will contain the following items of electro-mechanical equipment or

Saundatti PSP-Arrangement of @loors and rooms with description

Elevation Technical description of component

583.50m Turbine inlet valve (MIV) Cloor

Foundation for butterCly valve, drainage for penstock, access to drainage and
dewatering sumps, Cooling water panel, DT drain valve access, Oil sump tank for
governor and MIV.

589.00m Centre line axis of spiral casing and distribution manifold:

Spiral casing, turbine runner, C/L of butterCly valve, branch for service water.

594.50m Turbine Cloor:

Turbine pit, cooling water pumps and piping, HS lubrication unit, drainage and
dewatering pumps & valves, compressor depression system, HP air compressor
system, LP air Compressor system, brake and jack panel, brake dust collector,
gauge panel, HMC/governor and Electrical control panel for MIV.

600.00m Generator Cloor:

Generator-motor with auxiliary equipments, NG cubicle, dynamic braking cubicle,

Excitation transformers, unit auxiliary boards, Inert gas bank(for generator-motor
Cire protection).

605.50m Machine hall Cloor & it's upstream annexure Cloor:

SFC with starting bus and associated switchgear, phase reversal disconnecting
switch, drainage and dewatering starter panel, DCDB, Battery charger, control and
relay panels, PLCC/FOTE panel, Clood pumps and control panel.

611.0m Single phase generator transformers (for 320MW units) with spare limb, three
phase generator transformers (for 160 MW units), Nitrogen injection Cire
protection system (NIFPS), Station transformers

641.15m GIS Equipment and Outdoor yard

605.50m Erection bay Cloor for main equipment assembly

616.50m Top of beam for EOT crane at erection bay

641.15m Unloading bay, approach road

649.20m Top of beam for EOT crane at unloading bay

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 146

Vertical connections in the powerhouse

The erection bay (Cloor level 605.50 Mt.) is connected to the un loading bay (Cloor level 641.15 Mt.) by
a staircase/service lift. Another Cive stair cases are located in machine hall Cloor of the power house
(facing downstream) where connects all Cloors between elevations 583.50 Mt. EL MIV Cloor and 605.50
Mt. EL Machine hall Cloor. Two openings of 3.8 m X 4.5 m and 4.53 m X 7.36 m, for equipment service
and access for handling of main inlet valve respectively have been provided for each unit in the
machine hall Cloor, generator Cloor and turbine Cloor, to facilitate erection and maintenance.

9.12.5 Structural design of the powerhouse General considerations

All calculations have been done in accordance with the respective Indian standards for Limit State
design. Corresponding material properties will be as speciCied below. Material properties


In accordance with IS 456:2000, concrete will be grade M 25 (speciCied Characteristic compressive

strength of 150 mm cubes at 28 days: 25 N/mm2), unless otherwise speciCied.

Steel reinforcement

Reinforcement will be grade Fe 415/500 (0.2% proof stress or a yield stress of 415/500 N/mm 2), cold
worked, high-yield strength deformed bars, in accordance with IS:1786. Nominal clear cover shall be
as per IS456:2000 (Clause 26.4), except where concrete in contact with water or ground water, in
which case the cover to the longitudinal bars shall be increased to 50 mm.

Structural steel (for metal works)

Structural steel will be standard quality steel conforming to IS 226 or fusion welding quality steel
conforming to IS 2062. Loadings

Unit weights

Unit weights will be in accordance with IS 1911, but to allow for unavoidable variations, the following
values will be assumed for design:

- Mass concrete: 2400 kg/m3

- Reinforced concrete: 2500 kg/m3

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 147

- Rock: 2600 kg/m3

- Steel: 7850 kg/m3

- Common burnt brick clay: 1920 kg/m3

Live Loads

The live loads include uniformly distributed Cloor loads, equipment standing loads, equipment wheel
loads, trucks, crane lifting loads and similar items. The uniform Cloor live load will be disregarded for
areas occupied by equipment whose weight is speciCically included in the dead load. However, uniform
live load must be considered for accessible areas beneath equipment, such as beneath a raised water
tank on legs. The following minimum uniform live loads shall be used:

➢Stairs, corridors, ofCices, locker rooms, laboratories: 5 kN/m2

➢Walkways and platforms: 5 kN/m2

➢Turbine Cloor and turbine distributor Cloor: 15 kN/m2

➢Generator Cloor: 15 kN/m2

➢Control room Cloor and battery room Cloor: 10 kN/m2

➢Unloading Bay: 5 kN/m2

➢Erection bay (EL 601.20 m): 50 kN/m2

➢Machine Hall (EL 601.20 m): 25 kN/m2

➢Storage area, Mechanical workshop: 15 kN/m2

➢Roof: 1.5 kN/m2

➢Elsewhere: 5 kN/m2

Wind loads

Wind loads are deCined as per the provisions of IS 875 (Part 3): 1987: The basic wind speed Vb. for a
50-year return period, is 39 m/s (see Fig. 1 of the code). As per Clause 5.3.2, the Terrain is Category 3.

The power house is a Class C structure as it is longer than 50 m. As per IS 875 (part 3), the importance
factor, kl, is 1.06. The terrain, height, and structure size factors, k2, are as follows:

• Up to a height of 10 m, k2= 0.82

• At 15 m, k2= 0.87

• At 20 m, k2= 0.91

• At 30 m, k2= 0.96

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 148

• At 50 m, k2= 1.02

The topography factor, k3, equals 1 + Cs, where C =0.36 for slopes steeper than 17° (this is the case for
the power house). The factors is given by Fig. 14 and, for the topography prevalent at the power house,
was determined to be 0.3. Therefore, the topography factor, k3, is 1.11.

The design wind velocity is Vz= Vb x kl x k2 x k3, and the design wind pressure in N/mm2 is equal to by
pz= 0.6 Vz2. For wind parallel to the longer power house side, i.e. for Ɵ=0°:

• The windward pressure coefCicient is +0.7, the leeward pressure coefCicient is -0.4.

• The pressure coefCicient for the roof is -0.8 on the windward half and -0.6 on the leeward half
of the roof.

For a wind direction perpendicular to the long power house side, i.e.: for Ɵ =90°,

• The windward pressure coefCicient (Cpe) is +0.8, the leeward pressure coefCicient is -0.l, and
each sidewall has a pressure coefCicient of -0.5.

• The pressure coefCicient for the roof is -0.8 on the windward half and -0.8 on the leeward half
of the roof.

The power house erection bay doors can be assumed closed during strong winds. Therefore, for the
calculation of the internal pressure coefCicients, the power house will be considered to have medium-
sized openings of between 5 to 20% of the wall area. It will be examined for values of internal pressure
coefCicient (Cpi) of +0.5 and -0.5, to determine which causes the greater effect on the individual
structural elements.

The wind load, F, acting in a direction normal to such as element is:

F= (Cpe - Cpi) x A x Pd

where A is the surface area of the structural element and Pd is its corresponding design wind pressure.

Seismic loads:

The horizontal Seismic coefCicient Ah for a structure shall be determined by the following expression
as per IS1893(Part-1):2002

Ah=ZI/2R x (Sa/g)


Z= Zone factor as per (Table-2) =0.10

I=Importance factor as per Table-6 (Clause:6.4.2) =1.5

R=Response reduction factor as per (Table-7) (Clause:6.4.2) =3

T=Fundamental Natural Period as per (Clause-7.6.2) Ta =0.075h0.75

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 149

Sa/g=Average response acceleration coefCicient as per Fig-2

Horizontal seismic coefCicient Ah

Total Weight of the structure to be considered for seismic 1.0DL+0.5LL

Total Seismic Base shear=W x Ah

All the above-mentioned loads (Dead Load, Live Load, wind Load/Seismic Load & Crane Loads) are
been applied in STAAD Pro considering a single bay of the Power House and the structure is being
analysed for different load combinations as per the relevant codal provisions and based on the STAAD
analysis results the Column sizing has been Cinalised and Designed. The deClections are also checked
based on the analysis results and are kept within the allowable limits. All the detailed load calculations
and results are attached in separate Annexure 9.12. Method of design


The limit state method will generally be used for structural design, adopting characteristic and design
values and partial safety factors for loads and material strengths, as speciCied in IS 456-2000, Clause-5,
to ensure an adequate Degree of safety and serviceability.

For the serviceability limit state, all elements of concrete will then be checked for deClection and crack
limitations, as per IS: 456-2000, Clause-42 and Clause-43, and in accordance with Clause-23.2.1, for
vertical deClection limits, and Section Clause-26.3 for Spacing of reinforcement.

Note, however. that instead of crack width calculations, as per Annex-F of IS 456:2000, one can limit
the reinforcing steel tensile stress to 195 N/mm2 for the service level combination. This corresponds
approximately to an average crack width limitation of 0.3 mm, as given in IS 456-2000 Clause-35.3.2.
For-walls and slabs exposed to moisture, or in contact with soil or ground water, the crack limit will be
0.2 mm, and this can be allowed for by limiting the tensile stress of the reinforcing steel to130 N/mm2.

Design stresses

Design bond stresses to be assumed for M 25 concrete are as follows:

➢Plain bars: 1.4 N/mm2

➢Deformed bars: 2.24 N/mm2

Compression (Flexural): as per Clause-38 of IS 456:2000

Compression (Direct): as per Clause-39 of IS 456: 2000

Shear: this value depends on the quantity of longitudinal tension reinforcement and concrete
grade provided. but shall not exceed 2.8 N/mm2 for M 20 concrete.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 150

Torsion (pure and combined with shear): as per Clause-40 of IS 456:2000.

For structural steel conforming to IS 226 or IS 2062, the permissible axial, bending, shear,
bearing and combined stresses shall be as given in IS 800. section III.

Applicable codes and standards

The following codes and standards are applicable to this section of the design report:

➢ IS 456: Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (fourth revision-(2000)

➢ IS 2062: SpeciCication for structural steel (fusion welded quality) - (latest quality)

➢ IS 800: Code of practice for the use of structural steel in general building construction
(latest revision)

➢ IS 875: Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and
structures (latest revision)

➢ IS 1786: SpeciCication for high strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete
reinforcement (latest revision)

➢ IS 1893: Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures (latest revision)

➢ IS 4326: Code of practice for earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings
(latest revision)

➢ IS 1905: Code of practice for structural safety of buildings. masonry walls (latest

➢ IS 1911: Schedule of unit weights of building materials (latest revision)

➢ IS 4247: Code of practice for the structural design of surface hydel power stations: Part
1 - data for design; Part 2 - Superstructure

➢ IS 7207: Criteria for the design of generator foundations for hydel power stations

➢ IS 7418: Criteria of design for spiral casings (concrete and steel)

➢ IS 807: Code of practice for design, manufacture, erection and testing (structural
portion) of cranes and hoists

➢ All other relevant standards or codes

9.13 Stability of cut slopes

9.13.1 Cut slope details

The average ground elevation at the proposed power house is varies from EL655.98 to EL 659.6 and
the deepest excavation is proposed at EL 584.45 including the draft tube pit. The height of vertical

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 151

excavation is about 71.5 m.

The foundation grade of the proposed power house is at EL 584.45 and service bay is at EL 605.5. The
excavation below the service bay shall be Cilled by spiral case and turbine Cloor concreting. Thus, out
of the 84.6 m vertical excavation, about 52.085 m would be the permanent cut slope.

At the proposed location of the power house, It is estimated that the thickness of the slope wash
material is about 5 m to 7m and the depth of the weathered zone below the slope wash material is
about 25 to 40 m. The foundation grade rock for the proposed power house will be fresh granite.

Excavation of cut slopes in slopewash is proposed to be carried out in 1H: 1V slope. Below the
slopewash material, excavation in the weathered zone will be carried out in 1H:4V, with a bench of 4 m
and vertical depth of 10m. Below the weathered zone excavation will be carried out in 1H: 6V slope
down to the deepest foundation with 4m wide berm after each 12m vertical bench excavation.

Based on the geological mapping in and around the power house area, the following discontinuity data
are collected.

Joint Dip Dip Direction

S0 05 270
S1 81 130
S2 81 076
S3 82 240

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 152

Figure 9.3: Pole Density for Powerhouse area

Figure 9.4: Joint Sets details

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 153

9.13.2 Stereonet Plots

Discontinuities details
Based on the above analysis, all joints are drive and sets are deCined through density of poles. The
average values of joints sets are given in Table 9-17

Table 9-17: Joint sets of powerhouses

Avg. discontinuity
Persistence Spacing Aperture Roughness In@illin
Set No Dip Dip
(m) (cm) (mm) Condition g
Direction Amount
S0 270 05 2-15 1-6 Tight- 0.5 RU-RP None
S1 130 81 0.5-10 5-10 2.5 - 5 SR-RP Soft
S2 076 81 0.50-5.0 7-20 Tight - 2 SR None
S3 240 82 0.5-5.0 15-30 Tight - 1 RP None

The detailed analysis of the power house rock cut slope stability is attached as Annexure-9.13 of
Volume II: Designs.

From the above study, the rock support system comprising of 6.0 m long grouted rock anchors at
1.5x1.5m spacing, 75mm thick shotcrete with wiremesh is provided. Also systematic 6.5 m long
drainage holes @3.0 m c/c will be provided to keep the sloped safe from developing pore pressure
during rainy season.

CS-1 (Right Slope)

Limit Equilibrium Analysis:

The stability analysis is carried out using the limit equilibrium method using slide software. The slide
model with the properties of the material is shown as below.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 154

Support Design:

Various combinations of the support system are analysed by varying the spacing and length of the
grouted rock anchors. In the overburden, 6.0 m long SDA @ 1.5mx1.5m spacing is planned. In the
rock, the 4.0 m long GRA @ 1.5mx1.5m long is planned. The slide model with the proposed support
system is

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 155

The summary of the factor of safety various combinations are as below.

Slope Condition-1 Condition-2 Condition-3

S. No
Direction Without support With support Condition-2+EQ
Slope (CS) 1.699 2.287 1.911

From the above study, the rock support system comprising of 4.0 m long grouted rock anchors
at 1.5mx1.5m spacing, 75mm thick shotcrete with wire mesh is provided. The output of the
designed support system is incorporated in the powerhouse drawings.
CS-1A (Left Slope):

Limit Equilibrium Analysis:

The stability analysis is carried out using the limit equilibrium method using slide software. The slide
model with the properties of the material is shown as below.

Support Design:

Various combinations of the support system are analysed by varying the spacing and length of the
grouted rock anchors. In the overburden, 6.0 m long SDA @ 1.5mx1.5m spacing is planned. In the
rock, the 4.0 m long GRA @ 1.5mx1.5m long is planned. The slide model with the proposed support
system is

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 156

The summary of the factor of safety various combinations are as below.

Slope Condition-1 Condition-2 Condition-3

S. No
Direction Without support With support Condition-2+EQ
Slope (LS) 1.630 1.995 1.589

The detailed analysis of the power house rock cut slope stability is attached as Annexure-9.13 of
Volume II: Designs.

From the above study, the rock support system comprising of 4.0 m long grouted rock anchors at
1.5x1.5m spacing, 75mm thick shotcrete with wiremesh is provided. Also systematic 6.0 m long
drainage holes @3.0 m c/c will be provided to keep the sloped safe from developing pore pressure
during rainy season.

CS-1A (Right Slope):

Limit Equilibrium Analysis:

The stability analysis is carried out using the limit equilibrium method using slide software. The slide
model with the properties of the material is shown as below.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 157

Support Design:

Various combinations of the support system are analysed by varying the spacing and length of the
grouted rock anchors. In the overburden, 6.0 m long SDA @ 1.5mx1.5m spacing is planned. In the
rock, the 4.0 m long GRA @ 1.5mx1.5m long is planned. The slide model with the proposed support
system is

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 158

The summary of the factor of safety various combinations are as below.

Slope Condition-1 Condition-2 Condition-3

S. No
Direction Without support With support Condition-2+EQ
Slope (LS) 1.455 2.462 1.867

From the above study, the rock support system comprising of 4.0 m long grouted rock anchors at
1.5x1.5m spacing, 75mm thick shotcrete with wiremesh is provided. Also systematic 6.0 m long
drainage holes @3.0 m c/c will be provided to keep the sloped safe from developing pore pressure
during rainy season.

9.14 Tail Race Tunnel

Four nos. each of 8.0 m dia and two nos. each of 6.65m circular shaped tail race tunnels start off from
the machines in the power house. The draft tube liner at the outlet is connected to the Tail Race
Tunnel. These tunnels are sized in such a way that they will allow a smooth passage of water from the
machine. The length of each tunnel is about 249.44m . A vertical slide gate type with a hydraulic hoist
has been proposed at the end of each of the Tail Race Tunnel. These gates shall be operated during the
maintenance of the generating units, from a platform at the top of TRT outlet at EL. 657.0m.

The invert of the tail race tunnel at the outlet part is EL 617.30. the ground elevation at this location is
about EL 645.0.

The Tail Race Tunnel is proposed to be Concrete Lined (min. 400mmthk) in the entire reach.
Necessary transitions shall be provided at the relevant locations. Detailed Design of concrete lining is
enclosed in Annexure 9.14.
Design of support system
The support system is proposed according to the prevalent rock classes estimated during geological
mapping and based on estimated rock quality on RMR basis.
The details of the support system for various rock mass classes for 8.00m diameter TRT on the basis
RMR classiCications is presented below.
RMR Value Excavation Rock Bolts Shotcrete Steel ribs

81-100 Full Face 25.0 mm diameter, 4.0 Spot SFRS No Steel ribs
Class-I (Very Good Rock) m long spot grouted

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 159

61-80 Full face Systematic 25 mm 50 mm thick SFRS No Steel ribs
Class II diameter grouted rock in the crown only.
(Good Rock) anchors of 4.0 m long
@ 1.75 m c/c staggered
1.75 c/c along the
tunnel in the crown
(top 120°only)
41-60 Full face Systematic 25 mm 100 mm Thick No Steel ribs
Class III diameter grouted rock SFRS in crown
(Fair Rock) anchors of 4.0 m long and walls.
@1.50 m c/c staggered
at 1.50 c/c along the

21-40 Full face Systematic 25 mm 100 mm thick ISMB 250 @ 750

Class IV diameter grouted rock SFRS in the crown mm c/c with 75 mm
(Poor Rock) anchors of 4.0 m long and side thick pre-cast lagging
@1.50 m c/ c staggered walls. in the heading.
1.00 c/c along the

< 20 Heading and Systematic 25 mm 100 mm thick ISMB 250 @ 500

Class V (Very Poor Rock) benching diameter grouted rock shotcrete in the mm c/c with 75 mm
excavation anchors of 4.0 m long crown and side thick pre-cast lagging
@1.50 m c/ c staggered walls. in the heading and
at benching
1.00 c/c along the

Wedge analysis carried out with the support system as envisaged from empirical method on RMR
basis. The table below summarizes FoS without and with support for critical wedges.
Numerical Analysis:
Numerical analysis is carried out in Phase2 software to Cind the displacement of the tunnel. As per the
geological surface mapping carried out in the project area, the tunnel is expected to pass through RMR

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 160

class III rock. The RMR values ranges from 64 to 74. Generalised Hoek and Brown material model is
used for the analysis.
A blast damage zone of 2.0 m is considered from the tunnel boundary with the disturbance factor of
D=0.3. Intact rock properties are taken from the rock mechanics test carried out on the core samples.
The tunnel is modelled in phase2 with graded mesh and 6 noded triangle mesh element at the actual
ground elevation. The vertical rock cover is about 27.83m, hence on the top, the model is considered
upto to the actual top elevation. The boundary conditions are restrained in both the directions in the
invert, and restrained in the x directions on the sides Gravity stress loading is applied on the tunnel.
Phase2 model of the tunnel model is as shown below.

Analysis and Results- RMR class III:

The displacement of the tunnel before the installation of the support system is as shown below. The
maximum displacement observed was 0.18 mm at the bottom level. The displacement is less than 1%
of the tunnel opening which is 8.6 m.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 161

The support system calculated by the wedge analysis, is incorporated in the model to Cind the post
support behavior of the tunnel.

After the installation of the support system, the displacement and length of the plastic zone is reduced.
The detailed support system analysis of the TRT is presented in Annexure-9.9(c) of Volume II: Designs.
List of drawings pertinent to the excavation, rock support system and grouting is tabulated below:

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 162

S. No. Drawing Title Drawing Number
Tail Race Tunnel 8.0 m ø- Excavation and Rock AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/023
Support details
Tail Race Tunnel 6.65 m ø- Excavation and Rock AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/024
Support details
3 Tail Race Tunnel 8.0 m ø- Grouting details AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/025
4 Tail Race Tunnel 6.65 m ø- Grouting details AA/POWER/2209/CIVIL/026

9.15 Outlet Structure

The Outlet Structure is located at the end of the tailrace tunnel located near the proposed lower
reservoir. The outlet structure will be function as intake structure during pumping mode. One number
straight type Outlet structure for each unit having symmetrical approach has been envisaged on the
lower reservoir to pump back the design pump discharges of 822.26 cumecs back into the upper
reservoir. The size and shape of the outlet located at the end of the tail race tunnel opening in the
lower reservoir is almost similar to the power intake. The tail race tunnel inlet entry is provided with a
smooth transition for entry of the required discharges.

9.15.1 Hydraulic Design

Six numbers of individual diffuser/horizontal type of intakes have been proposed at the end of Six
numbers of Tail Race Tunnels (TRT) to pump the water from lower reservoir. From the six numbers
outlet structures, 4 numbers are big size which will be connected to large units TRT’s and two
numbers are small size which will be connected to small unit TRT’s. The opening of outlet structure
and trash racks arrangements are designed considering the pumping discharge of each unit.

In all the outlet structures the trash rack has been aligned at 15o inclined with vertical with reference
to the IS:11388-2012. Accordingly, the trashrack has been designed for velocity of 0.99 m/s (i.e. to
maintain the velocity at trashrack is less than or equal to 1.0 m/s) for large unit with pumping
discharge of 164.48 m3/s. Correspondingly, for small unit the trashrack has been designed for velocity
of 0.99 m/s. The Clare angle of 13o has been adopted for the outlet structure wall between the start of
Outlet and TRT to minimize the head loss and to avoid cavitation in the Tail Race Tunnel. Based on this
criteria, Four numbers of each 26.0 (W) X 9.40 m (H) outlet opening with trash rack arrangement of 3
panels of each 6.67 m (W) X 9.73 m (H) has been proposed for large units. Similarly, two numbers of
each 19.5 (W) X 7.0 m (H) outlet opening with trash rack arrangement of 3 panels of each 4.50 m (W)
X 7.25 m (H) has been proposed for small units. The hydraulic calculations for sizing of outlet
structure & trashrack is attached as Annexure-9.15.

The minimum submergence of the outlet has been checked with reference to the Clause No. 5.2 of

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 163

IS:9761-1995 for a discharge corresponding to pumping design discharge to prevent vortex formation
and entry of air in to the system. Accordingly, the MDDL at the outlet structure has been Cixed at El.
631.00 m based on the requirement of minimum submergence to prevent vortex formation and entry
of air in to the tunnel. Center line elevation & invert level of outlet structure has been provided at El.
621.30 m & El. 617.30 respectively. The detailed hydraulic calculations for submergence are attached
in the Annexure-9.15. Also, an anti vortex devises have been proposed in front of the outlet structure
with 1.5 m thick beams at a spacing of 1.5 m to reduce vortex formation during pumping. The drawing
details of an Outlet structure showing Plan & sections are given in the drawing.


9.16.1 GENERAL

The Hydro mechanical equipment at Saundatti PSP will comprise the following:
➢ Intake Trash Racks
➢ Intake Maintenance Gates
➢ Intake Service Gates
➢ Outlet Service Gates
➢ Outlet Stoplog Gates
➢ Outlet Trash Racks
Design features and other details of these equipments are presented in the following sections.

9.16.2 Intake Trash Racks

A trash rack is proposed in front of the intake conduits to prevent the entrance of any trash. The trash
rack is designed to have minimum head loss and minimum vibration. Trash racks are proposed with
an inclination of 750 with horizontal apron. The steel Clats/bars of size 75 mm x 16 mm thick with
rounded edge @ 150 mm c/c has been provided as trash bars. The clear spacing between the trash
bars shall however be veriCied by the supplier of the turbine machines based on the minimum
spacing's of the runner blades. Each panel of the Trash rack has been supported with suitable number
of horizontal girders so that, the unsupported length of the trash bars should not be more than the
value permitted as per IS:11388-2012. Lifting lugs have been provided to facilitate the lowering &
lifting of each trash rack panel. All the units /panels of the trash rack are interchangeable. The trash
panels will be supported on main piers, intermediate piers & rib beams of reinforced concrete. The
technical parameters of intake trash rack elements are provided in the Table-9.19.

Table 9-18: Technical Parameters of Intake Trash Racks

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 164

i No. of Vent 3
ii Clear Width between Middle Piers (m) 8.0 (1 no. for each unit)
iii Clear Width between side piers (m) 8.0 (2 no. for each unit)
iv Vertical height of TRs (m) 9.32
v Sill level EL 814.15m
vi Full Reservoir Level (FRL) EL 854 m
vii Inclination of trash rack 75º (with horizontal)
viii Spacing between trash bars 150mm
ix velocity through the racks restricted to 1.0 m/sec
9.16.3 Intake Stoplog Gates

One number of Maintenance gate for all intake openings of size each 5.9 m wide x 7.1 m high are
proposed on upstream of intake service gate to facilitate repair and maintenance of Intake service
gates. Sill level of gate is proposed at EL. 814.15m. The gates have been proposed in accordance with
IS: 4622-2003 for water head corresponding to FRL 854 m. The gates have an upstream skin plate and
upstream sealing. The gate will be operated by mean of one common gantry crane of adequate
capacity provided at operating EL. 857 m. The stoplog gate will be operated (lifting & lowering) under
balanced head condition. The technical parameters of intake Stoplog gate are provided in the Table-

Table 9-19: Technical Parameters of Intake Maintenance Gate

i Type of gate Vertical lift Fixed Wheel
ii No. of gates 1 Nos.
iii No. of opening 5 Nos.
iv Size of opening 5900 mm(W) x 7100 mm(H)
v Full Reservoir Level (FRL) El. 854 m
vi Sill Elevation El. 814.15 m
vii Water head 39.85 m

viii Opening & Closing Conditions Operating (Lifting & lowering) will be done
under balanced head
ix Type of Hoist Common Movable gantry crane
x Number of Hoist 1 Nos.
9.16.4 Intake Service Gates

Five number of Service gate for each intake opening of size of 5.9 m wide x 7.1 m high are proposed at
start of penstock to cut-off water Clow from the upper reservoir into each penstock. Sill level of gate is
proposed at EL. 814.15 m. The gates have been proposed in accordance with IS: 4622-2003 for water
head corresponding to FRL 854 m. The gates have downstream skin plate and downstream sealing.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 165

The gate will be operated by means of independent rope drum hoist of adequate capacity mounted on
steel trestle provided at operating EL. 857 m. The gate has been designed for closure by its self weight.
The gate will be stored on dogging beams on top of operating platform at EL 857.0 m. The service gate
will be operated (lifting & lowering) under unbalanced head condition. The technical parameters of
intake service gate are provided in the Table-9.21.

Table 9-20: Technical Parameters of Intake Service Gate

i Type of gate Vertical lift Fixed Wheel

ii No. of gates 5 Nos.
iii No. of opening 5 Nos.
iv Size of opening 5900 mm(W) x 7100 mm(H)
v Full Reservoir Level (FRL) El. 854 m
vi Sill Elevation El. 814.15 m
vii Water head 39.85m

viii Opening & Closing Conditions Operating (lifting & lowering) will be done
under unbalanced head condition.
ix Type of Hoist Independent Hydraulic Hoist
x Number of Hoist 1 Nos.

9.16.5 Outlet Service Gates

Six number of Service gate for each outlet opening are proposed at the end of Outfall structure to cut-
off water Clow from the lower reservoir into TRT. four number of service gate of size 6.60 m wide X 8.0
m high for each of the larger units and two number of service gate of size 5.6 m wide X 6.65 m high for
each of the smaller units. Sill level of all the gates is proposed at EL. 617.30 m. The gates have been
proposed in accordance with IS: 4622- 2003 for water head corresponding to FRL 654.00 m. The gates
have downstream skin plate and downstream sealing with respect to the pumping. The gate will be
operated by means of independent hydraulic hoist of adequate capacity provided at operating EL.
657.00 m. The service gate will be operated (lifting & lowering) under unbalanced head condition. The
technical parameters of outlet service gate are provided in the Table-9.22.

Table 9-21: Main Technical Parameters of Outlet Service Gate

i Type of gate Vertical lift Cixed wheel type

ii No. of gates 6
iii No. of opening 6
6600 mm (w) x 8000 mm (h) for larger units (4
iv Size of opening Nos.)
5600 mm (w) x 6650 mm (h) for smaller units (2
v Full Reservoir Level (FRL) 654.00 m

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 166

vi Sill Elevation 617.30m
vii Opening & Closing Conditions Operating (lifting & lowering) will be done
under unbalanced head condition.
viii Operation of hoist Independent Hydraulic Hoist
ix Operating level El.657.00m
9.16.6 Emergency Gates

Two set of emergency gates has been proposed in downstream of service gate in respect of emergency.
One set of emergency gates of size 6.6 m wide X 8.0 m high for 4 numbers of larger units and one set of
emergency gates of size 5.6 m wide X 6.65 m high for 2 numbers of smaller units. Sill level of all the
gates is proposed at EL. 617.30 m. The gates have been proposed in accordance with IS: 4622-2003 for
water head corresponding to FRL 654.00 m. The gates have upstream skin plate and upstream sealing
with respect to the pumping. The gate will be operated by mean of one common gantry crane of
adequate capacity provided at operating EL. 659.00 m. The stoplog gate will be operated (lifting &
lowering) under balanced head condition. The technical parameters of outlet stoplog gate are
provided in the Table-9.23.

Table 9-22: Technical Parameters of Outlet Stoplog Gate

i Type of gate Vertical lift Cixed wheel

ii No. of gates 1 set for larger units & 1 set for smaller units
iii No. of opening 6
6500 mm (w) x 8000 mm (h) for larger units (4
iv Size of opening Number)
5600 mm (w) x 6650 mm (h) for smaller units-(2
v Full Reservoir Level (FRL) 654.00 m
vi Sill Elevation 617.30m
Operating (Lifting & lowering) will be done under
vii Opening & Closing Conditions
balanced head condition
viii Operation of hoist Common Movable gantry crane
ix Operating level El. 659.00 m

9.16.7 Outlet Trash Racks

A trash rack is proposed in front of the outlet structure to prevent the entrance of trash during
pumping. The trash rack is designed to have minimum head loss and minimum vibration. Trash racks
are proposed with an inclination of 750 with horizontal apron. Each panel of the Trash rack has been
supported with suitable number of horizontal girders so that the unsupported length of the trash bars
should not be more than the value permitted as per IS:11388-2012. Lifting lugs have been provided to
facilitate the lowering & lifting of each trash rack panel. All the units /panels of the trash rack are

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 167

interchangeable. The trash panels will be supported on main piers, intermediate piers & rib beams of
reinforced concrete. The technical parameters of outlet trash rack elements are provided in theTable

Table 9-23: Technical Parameters of Outlet Trash Racks

i No. of Vent 6
ii Clear Width between Middle Piers (m) 6.67 m (for larger units) & 4.5 m (for
smaller units)
iii Clear Width between side piers (m) 6.67 m (for larger units) & 4.50m (for
smaller units)
iv Vertical height of TRs (m) 9.73 m (for larger units) & 7.25 m (for
smaller units)
v Sill level EL 617.30 m
vi Full Reservoir Level (FRL) EL 654.00 m
vii Inclination of trash rack 75º (with horizontal)
viii Spacing between trash bars 150 mm c/c
ix velocity through the racks restricted to 1.0 m/sec

9.16.8 Instrumentation And Control System

The various instruments including remote control system for the remote control operation of all gates
along-with programmable computerized automatic reservoir monitoring control system is provided in
the main control room, in addition to individual operation system provided at top of pier. The
programmable reservoir monitoring and control system shall include all necessary instrumentation
required for monitoring and control of reservoir including water level measuring systems, gate
position indication transducers, discharge measuring devices etc. The communication system shall be
through Cibre optic cable. Provision of power back up of adequate capacity will also be made (under
the scope of electromechanical works) for the operation of hydro mechanical equipment in case of
power failure. The diesel generating set shall be located in the control rooms to provide back-up
supply to gate operating equipments in case of power failures.

The drawings pertinent to the hydromechanical works are tabulate below.

S.No Title of the Drawing Drawing No.

1 Intake Structure - General Arrangement of Trashrack AA/POWER/2209/H&M/001

Intake Structure - General Arrangement of Maintenance Gate AA/POWER/2209/H&M/002

(sheet 1 of 2)

Intake Structure - General Arrangement of Maintenance Gate AA/POWER/2209/H&M/002

(sheet 2 of 2)

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 168

Intake Structure - General Arrangement of Service Gate (sheet AA/POWER/2209/H&M/003
1 of 2)

Intake Structure - General Arrangement of Service Gate (sheet AA/POWER/2209/H&M/003

2 of 2)

Outlet Structure - General Arrangement of Stoplog Gate - AA/POWER/2209/H&M/004

Large Unit (sheet 1 of 2)

Outlet Structure - General Arrangement of Stoplog Gate - AA/POWER/2209/H&M/004

Large Unit (sheet 2 of 2)

Outlet Structure - General Arrangement of Stoplog Gate - AA/POWER/2209/H&M/005

Small Unit (sheet 1 of 2)

Outlet Structure - General Arrangement of Stoplog Gate - AA/POWER/2209/H&M/005

Small Unit (sheet 2 of 2)

Outlet Structure - General Arrangement of Service Gate - AA/POWER/2209/H&M/006

Large Unit (sheet 1 of 2)

Outlet Structure - General Arrangement of Service Gate - AA/POWER/2209/H&M/006

Large Unit (sheet 2 of 2)

Outlet Structure - General Arrangement of Service Gate - AA/POWER/2209/H&M/007

Small Unit (sheet 1 of 2)

Outlet Structure - General Arrangement of Service Gate - AA/POWER/2209/H&M/007

Small Unit (sheet 2 of 2)

Outlet Structure - General Arrangement of Trashrack - Large AA/POWER/2209/H&M/008

Unit & Small Unit

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 169



The utility of Pumped Storage Project has evolved a long way as one of the power system tools to
perform multiple functions. While the Cixed speed synchronous generator can meet the peak power
demand in quickest possible way, the pumping operation has immense contribution in maintaining
frequency at lean hour and maintaining the plant load factor of Thermal generation plants duly
utilizing the inexpensive power available in grid during off peak to convert in to storage energy.
Considering the above scenario, seven no's of Cixed type units has been considered for the basic design
of the electro – mechanical equipment.
The proposed Saundatti Pumped Storage Project of 1600MW is envisaged to have 6 vertical reversible
pump-turbines driven generating units (4 X 320MW & 2 X 160 MW). The prime mover for all six
generators shall be Reversible Vertical Francis Turbine suitable for bidirectional operation. During the
Generator mode of operation, the power shall be generated at 18 KV for both 320 MW units and 160
MW units. The generated power will be transmitted through Generator Step-Up Transformer (GSUT)
located in trasformer room. HT side of generator transformer shall be connected to 400kV Gas
insulated switchgear (GIS). Auxiliary power required during start-up of plant will be derived from
400kV GIS through Station Transformer (ST) to the medium voltage system (11kV).
The same turbine shall act as a pump and shall operate in Motor mode for pumping the water from
lower reservoir to upper reservoir.
The installed capacity of a pumped storage scheme is inCluenced by the requirements of daily peaking
power requirements, Clexibility in efCicient operation of units, storage available in the reservoirs and
the area capacity characteristics. The key to the Clexibility of the pumped storage hydro is to speed the
facility that can go from storing energy (pumping water into the upper water body) to the generation
of energy (releasing water from the upper water body through the turbines to the lower body of
water). The pure reversible turbine equipment requires stopping and reversing the water Clow, this
can take only 5 to 6 minutes per cycle, which is an added advantage.

10.1.1 Basis for selection of machines

Size of larger & smaller units are based on the limiting width of powerhouse and diameter of water
conductor system consists of surface penstocks & vertical and horizontal underground pressure shafts
for the following design considerations:
➢ Suitable for handling and fabrication of ferrules
➢ Maximum excavated diameter for underground vertical and horizontal pressure shaft in consider-
ation of rock column in between and top cover requirements to suit geological conditions
➢ Size of adit for transportation of ferrules for construction of pressure shaft

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 170

➢ Limiting the size of runner
➢ Economical diameter of the pressure shaft in consideration of techno-commercial aspects as per
➢ Limiting to the width of 25.5 m of pit excavation of surface powerhouse
Based on the above studies the optimal diameter works out 7.1m suitable for generation of 320 MW


The proposed Pumped storage scheme consists of existing Lower reservoir as Lower reservoir and
Upper reservoir which is to be constructed newly. The water conductor system will be connecting the
reservoirs through surface powerhouse complex equipped with Generator – Motor driven pump
turbine units.
The surface powerhouse will have 4 Nos. of 320 MW & 2 Nos. of 160 MW. Fixed speed Pump Turbine
units each along with all auxiliary system such as cooling water system, compressed air system, Fire
protection system, ventilation and air conditioning system, Illumination system, HT & LT AC and DC
systems etc.
The entrance to the machine hall shall be through service bay. The machine hall is proposed at EL.
605.5 shall be 167.00m in length (including service bay and unloading bay) and 25.50m in width at
machine hall and service/unloading bay. The height of power house is 51.20m. The transformer hall of
size 15m x173.90m is located at downstream of main powerhouse. 400 KV Gas Insulated substation
shall be placed on above transformers.
The auxiliary rooms i.e. Control room, Model/Conference room, Engineers room,220V DC system,
HVAC Equipment, Electrical and Mechanical works shop etc. shall be located at different Cloors.


10.3.1 Machine hall at EL 605.50m

Unit Control Boards (UCBs) and Excitation Panels shall be installed in the machine Hall Cloor. Phase
reversal switch along with Isolated phase bus duct (IPBD) which is provided between Generator Motor
and dynamic breaking cubicle shall be installed at this Cloor.

10.3.2 Generator – Motor @loor at EL 600.00m

Unit Auxiliary Boards (UABs), LAVT/Neutral grounding cubicles, lubrication system etc. shall be
installed in this Cloor.

10.3.3 Pump Turbine @loor at EL 594.50 m

Oil pressure units for governors and MIV for each unit, HP compressor system for blow down and
other pump turbine auxiliaries shall be placed on Pump- Turbine Cloor.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 171

10.3.4 Main Inlet Valve (MIV) @loor at EL 583.50

Cooling water pumps, Dewatering & drainage pumps, Clood water pumps shall be located on MIV Cloor.

10.3.5 Drainage & Dewatering galley @loor at EL 573.90m

Draft tubes shall be connected to dewatering sump through a network of valves and pipes. Seepage
and drainage from various Cloors of powerhouse shall also be collected to one adjacent drainage sump
at this Cloor.
The access to turbine pit shall be from pump turbine Cloor.
Necessary hatches for erection and removal of MIV shall be provided at various Cloors.


The Electro-Mechanical equipment required for the proposed scheme comprises of the following:
➢ Main inlet valve.
➢ Reversible Turbine and its auxiliaries like HP/LP air compressor system, water depression
system, lubricating oil system, Governor and its oil pressure unit and cooling water system etc.
➢ Synchronous Generator/Motor and its auxiliaries, Excitation system, Cooling system, Brakes,
PLC and Automation arrangement etc.,
➢ Control, Protection, metering, measurement and annunciation panels for complete
powerhouse and for 400KV feeder panels.
➢ Isolated Phase Bus duct shall be provided for connecting generator/Motor, PRDS to the
Generator Step-up transformer, UAT, LAVT, NGT etc., for trouble free reliable operation.
➢ Phase reversal disconnecting device etc. with all accessories.
➢ Generator Step-up Transformers with On Load tap changer along with control and protective
gear and breakers etc.
➢ 400KV Gas Insulated switchgear (GIS) units is proposed for connecting to two different
sources separated by bus Sectionalizer.
➢ Auxiliary Power supply system consisting of unit auxiliary transformers, station auxiliary
transformer, D.G Set for alternative emergency supply and station/unit auxiliary boards for
station auxiliaries, unit auxiliaries, HT & LT switchgear.
➢ Control supply system consisting of AC supply, station battery, charger and its distribution
➢ The station auxiliaries like 3 Nos. of EOT cranes (2 nos. at service bay and 1 no at unloading
bay), Air Compressor system, Dewatering and Drainage system, CireCighting equipment, Air
conditioning, Ventilation system and illumination system, Cooling water system, High pressure
oil injection system, jacking oil system, public addressing system etc.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 172

➢ Power evacuation system consists of transmission line, protection/ metering equipment, CT's,
PT's, LA's along with its supporting structures and Receiving end equipment including bay
extension at the other end, PLCC, 48V DC battery system.
➢ SCADA system with necessary panels and workstations for GIS and for power plant operation
from Local and Remote.
➢ Starting Bus system suitable for Back to back starting and also Starting the units with SFC
systems. It consists of Current limiting reactor, starting Bus circuit breaker and Isolators
system at Each unit tap off and the output connected to a common SP Bus duct to connect to
other units and also to SFC equipment.


1 Powerhouse
a Type Surface Powerhouse (Pit type)
b Center Line of Unit El. 589.00 m
c Service bay level El. 605.50 m
d Unloading Bay Level El. 641.15 m
2 Electromechanical Equipment
a Pump Turbine Francis type, vertical shaft reversible pump-turbine
b Total No of units 6 no’s (4 X 320 MW & 2 X 160 MW)
Cumulative Design Discharge
c 950.15m3/s
(Turbine Mode)
2.1 320 MW Turbines
a Total No of units 4 Units (All units are Fixed speed)
b Turbine Capacity 320 MW
c Turbine Design Discharge 190.03 m3/s for each Unit
d Rated Head in Turbine Mode 193.35 m
e Motor Capacity 352 MW
f Rated Head in Pump Mode 202.75 m
g Synchronous speed 187.5 rpm
2.2 Generator-Motor
Three phase, alternating current synchronous, generator
a Type
motor semi umbrella type with vertical shaft
b Number of units 4 Units

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 173

Generator – 320 MW
c Rated Capacity
Pump Input – 352 MW
d Rated Voltage 18 KV
2.3 Generator Motor Transformer
Indoor Single-Phase Power transformers with ON-Load tap
a Type
changer (OLTC)
b Number of units 13 Units
c Rated Capacity of each unit 130 MVA
Primary – 18 KV ; Secondary - 400 kV
d Rated Voltage adjustable range of the secondary voltage:
-10% to +10% in 1.25% of steps
2.4 160 MW Turbines
a Total No of units 2 Units (both are Fixed speed)
b Turbine Capacity 160 MW
c Turbine Design Discharge 95.14m3/s for each Unit
d Rated Head in Turbine Mode 193.10m
e Motor Capacity 176 MW
f Rated Head in Pump Mode 202.90 m
g Synchronous speed 250 rpm
2.5 Generator-Motor
Three (3) phase alternating current synchronous generator
a Type
motor semi umbrella type with vertical shaft
b Number of units 2 Units
Generator – 160 MW
c Rated Capacity
Pump Input – 176MW
d Rated Voltage 18 KV
2.6 Generator Motor Transformer
a Type Indoor, 3-Ph transformers with On-load tap changer (OLTC)
b Number of units 2 Units
c Rated Capacity of each unit 195 MVA
d Rated Voltage Primary – 18 KV ; Secondary - 400 kV
adjustable range of the secondary voltage:

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-10% to +10% in 1.25% of steps
3 400 kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS)
a Type of GIS Indoor Type
b No. of GIS units One
c Location Inside GIS Building above ground
Double Busbar Arrangement with bus coupler and with bus
d Scheme
4 Power Evacuation
a Voltage Level (KV) 400 KV
b No. of Transmission lines One Double Circuit Transmission Line
c Conductor ACSR Quad Moose conductor
One number 400 KV Double circuit transmission line from
PSP will be connected to proposed CPSS substation for
d Terminating at
evacuation of generated power and for supply of power
during pumping mode.


a Altitude < 1000 MSL
b Design ambient air temperature Min: 10 Deg C and Max: 45 Deg C
c Average relative humidity Max: 95% and Min: 30%
d Seismic Zone Zone III

Water samples shall be collected, and petrographic analysis shall be performed to understand the
quality of water. However, as the water used for this project is irrigation water with huge storage, it is
expected that water will be clear and no requirement of silt & abrasion coating/painting is anticipated.
Pump turbine runner shall be of 13:4/Ni:Cr stainless steel material. The upper portion of the draft
cone liner shall be provided with stainless steel cladding.
The Turbine/Pump turbines shall be of 8 nos vertical shaft Reversible Francis type coupled to
Generator-Motors :

Type of Turbines = Vertical shaft Reversible Francis type

320 MW – 4 Nos
Unit Ratings & Numbers =
160 MW – 2 Nos
Maximum Head(Turbine) = 217.90
Rated Head = 193.35

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Minimum Head = 169.90

Maximum Pumping Head = 227.30

Rated Pumping Head = 202.75

Minimum Pumping Head = 179.30
SpeciCic Speed – Turbine Mode = 149.16
SpeciCic Speed – Pump Mode = 44.75
Synchronous Speed (320MW) = 163.139
Synchronous Speed (160MW) = 230.341
Setting of Turbine/Pump Turbine = -42 m Below minimum Tail Race Level
Max Pressure rise = 35 %
Max Speed rise = 50 %
Runaway speed for 15 min of duration and 150% of rated speed and critical speed is
critical speed 120% of runaway speed
50% of the rated capacity in generation
The min. load for continuous operation =
Combined efCiciency based upon the Pump Mode – 89.00% (approx.)
efCiciencies of various outputs Turbine Mode – 89.00% (approx.)
Design life of Runner and other hydraulic
passages component against pitting caused by 50 years
Each pump turbine shall include:
➢ Main Inlet Valve (MIV) with all accessories and associated auxiliary equipment
including upstream connection piece.
➢ Spiral case inlet sleeve connected to the Main Inlet Valve downstream sleeve.
➢ Spiral case and the stay ring.
➢ Head cover and the bottom ring.
➢ Operating ring, the wicket gates and their control system.
➢ Runner and bolting for connection to the turbine shaft.
➢ Turbine shaft and bolting for connection to the generator shaft.
➢ Turbine guide bearing.
➢ Main shaft seal.
➢ Draft tube cones.
➢ Draft tube lining.
➢ Hydraulic power supply, the governing air/oil pressure tanks.

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➢ Instrumentation and protection devices required for correct functioning of the
➢ Equipment cabling, motors, Cilters, etc., including the cubicles and terminal boards.
➢ Parts embedded in the 2nd phase concrete.
➢ An aeration system for the runner.

10.6.1 Main Inlet Valve (MIV)

Each Turbine is provided with main inlet valve of Hydraulic operated Butter Fly Valve type with dead
weight closing and having pressure oil operated servomotor mechanism in order to achieve quick
closing to cut off the water supply for the Turbine in the event of any machine tripping on a lock out
fault. The mail inlet valve will be of lattice type with maintenance & service seals designed to open
under unbalanced conditions and close against full Clow in emergency. The main inlet valve shall be
normally opened by hydraulic system and closing system with dead weight for closing. Hydraulic
operated Bypass valve is provided across the main inlet valve for smooth operation with pressure
balance condition.
i) Dismantling Joint: The Joint shall be of Telescopic type and located on downstream of valve
facilitating dismantling of valve during maintenance.
ii) Servo Motor: Servo Motor of single acting type comprising of fabricated steel cylinder with covers,
dead weight closing piston and pressure oil system will be provided in a complete shape.

10.6.2 Governor for Pump Turbine Machine

The Electro – hydraulic governor shall be of digital type with Combined Proportional Integral and
Derivative function (PID) for control and regulating function and a hydraulic part acting as power
amplifying servo unit. The Governor shall be suitable for local and remote control, Synchronizing,
Load/Frequency control, Joint control operation, speed sensing etc.

10.6.3 Oil Pressure Systems for Governor and Turbine Inlet Valves

Each Pump – Turbine shall be provided with a separate pressure oil system (From Nitrogen bottle) for
operation of Pump- Turbine wicket gate servomotors through governors and for the opening of Main
Inlet Valve.


➢ Unit wise cooling systems with all accessories,

➢ Unit wise Pressure oil tanks / systems for unit governing & MIV systems with all accessories
➢ High Pressure compressed air system with common air compressors & Air receivers and unit
wise air receivers with associated valves and piping with instruments for water depression of
runner chamber and other station requirements.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 177

➢ One (1) set of spare parts, tools & tackles of all equipment.

10.7.1 List of Spare Parts

S. No Description of item Qty.

1 Wicket gate bearing bushes (Upper, Middle, Lower, links) 2 Sets
2 Servo motor, sealing and piston rings 2 Sets
3 shaft sleeve, Shaft seal Sealing ring segments & 2 Sets
maintenance seal
4 Bearing pads/Segments (Guide and thrust bearings) 1 complete set of each type
5 Control & Power supply modules of Governor 2 Sets

6 Proportional valves, control valves 2 Nos. of each type used.

7 Oil pumping unit with unloader valve 2 Nos.

8 H S Lube Oil Unit 1 No.

9 Brake/ Jack units 1 Set
10 Air, oil / water coolers 1 set of each type used for one
complete unit
11 Compressor spares 1 Set
12 Valves 1 No. of each type used
13 Instruments/ relays 2 no.s of each type used


10.8.1 Control:

Unit’s auxiliaries shall be controlled by the SCADA system, through the Unit Control Boards. Unit
operating point and regulation shall be controlled by the unit set point controller.
It shall also be possible to control locally the main elements (pumps) from local control boxes or from
LV boards (selectable local/remote switches).
Local control shall be performed in a safe and convenient manner, and all information (faults, alarms,
measurements, status) necessary for such control shall be displayed locally.
If the system consists of redundant subsystems, the priority of operation of such subsystems shall be
selectable, either from SCADA system or locally.
10.8.2 Monitoring
The system shall be monitored by the SCADA system. All information (such as faults, alarms,
measurements, status of equipment, external orders, running time, number and type of operations,

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 178

performance information (net head, speed, output, Clow rate, etc...) that is necessary for effective and
convenient control and monitoring by the SCADA system shall be transmitted through SCADA Local
Control Boards.

10.8.3 List of Spares for SCADA system:

1. Controller of each type - CPU, Communication card - 1 No

2.Network equipments of each type - Ethernet switch - 1 No
3. GPS Master clock - 1 No
4. Servers/operators workstation - 1 No.

10.9 POWER

10.9.1 Turbine Mode

All Turbines (Cixed speed) shall be designed to generate rated output at generator terminals at the
rated head and will follow the pattern of machine hill curve in the entire range of minimum and
maximum heads.

10.9.2 Pump Mode

All units shall be capable of operating over the entire head range. The power input to the machine will
be as per the machine characteristics.


As per pre engineering discussions had with E & M equipment manufacturers techno economical
mode change timings are arrived/recommended with number of starts stops of units are envisaged for
about Eight per day in different modes. Start- up and shutdown time duration shall be according to
requirements to bring the machine into service in quickest possible time to meet the grid conditions
as described below:

S. No. Description Time (Sec)

1 Standstill to Turbine mode (Full load) 85
2 Turbine mode (Full load) to Standstill 130
3 Standstill to Pump mode (Full load) 240
4 Pump mode (Full load) to Standstill 110
5 Turbine full load to Pump full load 390
6 Pump full load to Turbine full load 210
7 Pump condenser to pump full load 60
8 Pump full load to Pump condenser 60
9 Turbine no load to turbine condenser 60
10 Turbine condenser to turbine no load 60

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Weighted Average EfCiciencies speciCied by OEM in the pre contractual stage is tabulated below.

S. No. Description Ef@iciency (%)

1 WAE of 160 MW unit in Generation mode 98.00
2 WAE of 160 MW unit in Motor mode 90.82
3 WAE of 320 MW unit in Generation mode 98.00
4 WAE of 320 MW unit in Motor mode 90.82

10.12.1 Runner

The turbine runner will be integrally cast / welded in stainless steel material having 13% chromium
and 4% nickel and properly stress relieved. The runner will have suitable no. of vanes polished and
ground smooth and will be mounted on the turbine shaft in homology with the corresponding proven
model. Runner removal shall be envisaged from turbine top cover side through Stator bore.
10.12.2 Guide Vanes
Each Unit shall be provided with suitable number of Guide vanes and operating mechanism. The tur-
bine shall be equipped with one set of fabricated stainless-steel guide vanes with integral stems and
trunnions. Suitable number of wicket gates shall be provided to control the Clow of water for regula-
tion of the unit. The guide vanes shall be uniform in shape. The number of guide vanes and the number
of runner vanes shall be coordinated in a manner to ensure that the turbine will operate without ob-
jectionable vibrations.
Guide vanes will be of cast stainless steel material conforming to 13% chromium and 4% nickel and
Cinished smooth. Guide vane operating mechanism will be of forged or fabricated steel. Each guide
vane will be supported with self-lubricated bearings. Synthetic rubber seals will be provided to pre-
vent leakage of water. The guide vanes will be operated by guide vane servomotor for which the pres-
surized oil will be supplied from the pressure oil system. The control of guide vane opening will be
through the governor.

10.12.3 Guide Vane Operating Mechanism

The operating mechanism shall consist of all elements for connecting the wicket gates to the wicket
gates servomotors including levers, links, Wicket gate operating ring, servomotor connecting rods and
pins of enough strength to withstand the maximum load that can be imposed on it by the most severe
operating conditions. Parts having relative motion and contact shall have self-lubricating bearings.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 180

10.12.4 Turbine/pump Shaft

A turbine/pump shaft will be provided for mounting the turbine runner. The material of
turbine/pump shaft will be of carbon steel forging conforming to BS 29 or ASTM A 668 Class D.
The shaft will have adequate diameter to operate safely in combination with generator. The turbine
shaft will be connected directly to the generator shaft by means of a suitable coupling.
Shaft Sleeves:
The shaft will be provided with renewable stainless-steel sleeve. The sleeve will be of split
construction and securely fastened to the turbine shaft.
Shaft Seal:
The shaft seal will be provided to prevent leakage of water through the gap between the shaft and
turbine cover.
Two (2) shaft seals shall be provided one as main working seal and another as maintenance seal.
Working seal will be applied with water tapped from cooling water system with redundant source
from Cirewater tank/penstock. Maintenance seal is inClatable seal and will be applied at the time of
unit standstill condition.
Turbine Bearing:
The turbine bearings shall be segmental, adjustable pad, immersed Babbitt type of adequate design to
operate safely under all conditions.
The design of bearing and oil reservoir shall permit their inspection adjustment or removal without
disturbing the head cover or major dismantling of other parts of the turbine. The bearing design shall
be such that no water shall enter the lubricating system via the shaft seal and there shall be no loss of
oil by leakage past the lower oil shedder or by overClow from any part of the oil system under any
Stay Ring Assembly:
The stay ring assembly will be made of fabricated steel plate conforming to ASTM A516 Gr 60/70 / A
216 Gr WCB. The stay ring assembly will have set of streamlined stay vanes to guide the water Clow.
Spiral Casing:
Spiral casing will be of welded construction fabricated from steel plates conforming to IS -2062 Gr. ‘B’
designed to withstand the maximum operating pressure including water hammer. The spiral casing
segments will be welded to the stay ring. The spiral casing will be anchored in concrete. The upstream
Clanged end of spiral casing will be bolted to the dismantling joint of turbine inlet valve.
Draft Tube:
The draft tube will be made of fabricated steel plates conforming to IS – 2062 Gr. - ‘B’. Draft tube will
be fabricated in suitable parts namely draft tube cone and draft tube liner etc. and will be heavily
reinforced by ribs and anchored in the concrete.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 181

Pressure Oil system:
Each Pump-turbine shall be provided with a separate pressure oil system for operation of Pump-
turbine wicket gate servomotors through governors and for the operation of MIV.
The oil pumping unit will be provided for supply of pressurized oil for the following:
a) Guide vane Servomotors
b) Turbine inlet butterCly valve
For regulation of water Clow through guide vanes, the pressurized oil will be supplied through servo
valve, which will receive an electronic signal from governor. The oil-pumping unit will be provided
with two pumps (one main and one standby) with auto-changeover facility along with other required
accessories. For ensuring availability of stored pressurized oil, adequate capacity of nitrogen piston
type accumulators / HP air pressure vessel system for the governor pressure oil system. The pressure
oil system will be provided with necessary instrumentation and control system for the safe and
reliable operation of the units.
OPU system for the inlet valve and for Governing system is of adequate capacity conCirming to three
complete operations i.e. Close - Open - Close which could be carried out with absence of power supply
to the pumping unit.
Governing System:
The turbine will be controlled by servo valve based electronic governor. The Governor in general shall
be designed in accordance to IEC 61362. The system will be so designed that the main functions of
speed control, power control are handled as a separate program parts and shall be programmed to
suit Francis turbine having adjustable guide vanes. The speed signal sensing should be redundant with
three sensors selected on different working principles for control and protection functions
Governor will also support RGMO mode of operation as per clause 5.2(f) of the Indian Electricity Grid
Code with latest amendments.
The Governor shall meet following Functional requirements:
 The Governor shall function based on the commands and set points given by the Unit Controller
and the control of the pump turbine is to be carried out besides give set points and commands to
VSI controller.
 The Governor shall operate in conjunction with the unit (controller) control system. In Turbine
mode the unit is to operate in power control, synchronous condenser and frequency inCluence con-
trol mode.
 The performance of the governor shall meet all the conditions & grid requirements.
 CEA stipulations viz Restricted Governing mode operation (RGMO) & Free governing mode opera-
tion (FGMO).
 Independent Grid mode of Operation

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 182

 Line charging Mode of Operation
 Black starting mode of operation.
 Condenser mode of operation.
 Integration with synchronizing panel with auto synchronizer.
 Local & Remote-control operation feature.
 Minimum setting range of the permanent droop shall be 0-10%.
 The speed dead band shall not exceed 0.02% at the rated speed.
 When generator is operating connected to the system with sustained load demand, the peak to
peak magnitude of the sustained power oscillation caused by the governor with 2% or more speed
droop setting, shall not exceed ±1% of the rated capacity.
 Sensitivity of governor shall be 0.01 %.
 The governor dead band time shall not exceed 0.20 second for speed change of 0.1 Hz or Larger
and the dead band adjustment range shall be 0 to ±3Hz.
 The range of Adjustment to speed setting 90% (of rated speed at no load) 110% (of rated speed at
full load) and maximum speed droop.
 Governor key control parameters shall be as below:
Speed control accuracy: ± 1 rpm
Load control accuracy: <0.5%
Control cycle time: < 50 milli sec
Cooling Water System:
Water required for cooling of the machine components will be taken from the Tail race and supplied to
various coolers such as turbine bearing coolers, generator bearing oil coolers, governor oil cooler,
stator air coolers and turbine shaft seal, Power transformer heat exchangers etc. through booster
pumps and suitable duplex strainers as required. The cooling water system will be provided with
necessary instrumentation such as Clow switches, differential pressure switches across the Cilters and
pressure switches etc., for safe and reliable operation of the units.
The raw water will be cleaned through motorized automatic online self-cleaning simplex Cilter (1
working + 1 standby) before supplying to the equipment.
HP Air Compressor System for blow down (Runner Aeration/water blowdown system):
The High-Pressure air system will cater to the needs of Tail water depression whenever the Machine is
required for starting the unit in pump modes and to be operated in the Condenser mode from other
modes or standstill. The runner and upper cone of the draft tube need to be blown out from water by
depressing tail water level by feeding high pressure compressed air into the draft Tube, Runner and
Bottom Ring for startup of Pump Turbine in Pump mode and commence condenser operation

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 183

Centralized redundant compressor station with common and unit dedicated air receiver tanks is
envisaged. Each unit dedicated tank will be designed for 2 blow downs.
HP Compressed air system shall essentially consist the following equipment:
a) 4x 50% (2W +2S) HP Air compressors (Oil free screw compressor)
b) 2 x 100% Air driers.
c) 2 Nos common air receivers
d) 7 Nos Unit air receivers
e) Associated piping, valves, instrumentation
High pressure compressed air system shall permit the runner dewatering for synchronous condenser
mode. System shall permit 2 consecutive runner dewatering operations for each unit. Compressor
shall be sized to ensure Re-Cilling of high-pressure tanks in shorter period.
The system for each unit shall be provided with necessary piping and pneumatically operated Air
valves controlled by Unit governor oil pressure system.


The plant consists of 5 nos Generator/ Motor units. The generators will be three-phase Synchronous
machines of vertical shaft type directly coupled to their respective turbines. The operating capabilities
of units considered as per CEA regulations.
The nameplate rating of the Fixed Speed machines proposed are as follows:

Type of Machine = Synchronous Machine (Fixed Speed)

Bearing Arrangement = Suspended Type
Each Unit Rating (Large) = 320 MW
Number of Units = 4No’s
Terminal Voltage = 18 KV
Each Unit Rating (small) = 160 MW
Number of Units = 2 No’s
Machine Terminal Voltage = 18 KV
Common Parameters:
No of Phases = 3 Phase
Frequency = 50 HZ
47.5 Hz - 51.5 Hz (-5% to +3% of normal
Operating Frequency range =
Power Factor in Generation Mode = 0.90 Lag & 0.95 Lead
Power Factor in Pump Mode = 0.95 (Lead)
Class of Insulation of Generator stator and rotor
= Class – F

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Temperature rise = Limited to Class – B
Type of cooling = Air cooled
Stator winding connections = Star
Type of duty = Continuous
No. of line terminals to be brought out = Three (3)
No. of neutral terminals to be brought out = Three (3)
Degree of protection for generator
= IP-23
Inertia constant (H) = 3s Approx.

Cycle EfCiciency - For complete cycle of

= 89%
Generation and Motor Modes

10.13.1 Insulation and Temperature Rise

Insulation of the motor shall be envisaged as follows:

a. Stator winding: Thermo setting Epoxy resin of Class-F insulation.
b. Rotor winding: Thermo setting Epoxy resin of Class-F insulation.
With a maximum cooling water temperature of 30° C. the motor- generator shall be capable of
delivering rated output to pump continuously at any voltage and frequency in operating range and
rated power factor without exceeding the following temperature rise over a maximum ambient Temp
of 45° C .
a. Stator winding: 85° C above ambient
b. Field winding: 95° C above ambient
c. Bearings by embedded: 70° – 80° C above ambient

10.13.2 Cooling System

The Motor-generator will be provided with a closed re circulating cooling system complete with air
ducts, water cooled surface air coolers, water header, metal housing, alarm devices, Clow indicators,
manually operated isolating valves and all other accessories. The coolers will be placed symmetrically
around the stator.

10.13.3 Noise level

The noise level of the generator will be limited to 90 db when measured at 1m from any component of
the generator.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 185

10.13.4 Stator frame

The stator casing consists of a welded steel structure and is provided with suitably arranged braces to
form a stiff and vibration free construction. The core will be built up CRNGO silicon steel laminations
of high quality and low loss designed and fabricated to prevent hot spots and / or loose spots. The
interior of the stator casing partly forms the cooling ducts and therefore the braces in the stator frame
are arranged in such a manner that optimum air Clow will be obtained. The stator frame with core and
windings will be shipped from the factory /works in suitable segments considering transport
limitations. The sections of the stator frame are clamped together by means of liberally dimensioned
bolts. Care will be taken to avoid vibrations at the insulated joints.

10.13.5 Stator Core

The stack of laminations constituting the active part of the generator is made of silicon alloy steel
sheets. The segments are coated with an insulating varnish of good thermal and mechanical properties
on both sides and stacked interleaved. In the axial direction the stator core is subdivided into a num-
ber of partial stacks, separated by spacers. These spacers form radial cooling ducts allowing the cool-
ing air to pass.

10.13.6 Stator Winding

The stator winding is designed as a pitched two-layer winding which is arranged to obtain a near sine
wave curve by suppressing the harmonics. The stator winding is a transposed bar winding Each bar
consists of several transposed, insulated strands in order to reduce the additional copper losses. The
stator winding is insulated using the High-Voltage-Insulation-System matching insulation class "F".
The ground wall insulation is composed of layers of mica glass tape impregnated with a high quality
epoxy resin in a vacuum impregnation process

10.13.7 Rotor Spider

All materials of the rotor parts are designed for the highest stress which may occur due to centrifugal
force during runaway conditions. The stub shafts of forged alloy steel properly annealed are Clange-
connected to both sides of the rotor hub. The complete shaft will be tested exhaustively in the works of
the shaft manufacturer to ensure conformity to the material and structural standards. The rotor has a
suitably designed hub for the connection with the shaft.

10.13.8 Rotor

The rotor core is constructed in the same way as the stator core. The rim sheets are made of silicon al-
loy steel sheets. This reduces the additional losses in the teeth of the rotor rim. The segments are
coated with an insulating varnish of good thermal and mechanical properties on both sides and
stacked interleaved. In order to ensure cooling of the package and the installed winding, the entire

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 186

package is subdivided into several partial stacks with intermediate ventilation ducts. The design and
assembly process is analogous to the stator lamination stack. After heating, the segmental rim is
shrunk on the webs with keys placed between the webs and the rim to achieve the desired prestress.

10.13.9 Laminated Rim

The yoke of the rotor is of laminated construction. The yoke ring is stacked from individual steel sheet
segments. The high-strength steel laminations with multiple overlap are clamped by a large number of
axial bolts, uniformly distributed on the periphery.
After stacking on the spider with keys placed between the spider arm extremities and the
rim to achieve the desired Cixation and to transmit the torque to the rim.

10.13.10 Breaking and Jacking:

Each generator is provided with combined braking and lifting jacks. In the jacks, two Cluids are alterna-
tively used: compressed air for braking and high-pressure oil for lifting. The oil and air circuits are
completely separated.
Generator shall be provided with pneumatically operated brakes of adequate capacity to bring the ro-
tary parts of the generator and turbine to stop from about 10% of rated speed during normal opera-
tion. The brakes may be applied at higher speed during emergency shutdown of the unit, in order to
bring the rotor to rest faster. The brakes shall operate automatically and/or manually from local brake
control panel or Generator/unit control panel by means of push buttons/ control switch with neces-
sary interlocks.
Dynamic braking system is also considered for reduction in the mode change timings and effective
braking. Once the unit has been running, in generator, motor or condenser mode and a stop order has
been issued, the shaft line will keep rotating and slow down due to friction torque. In order to reduce
the stop time, the excitation & control system shall include an electrical brake function The electrical
braking can be activated at any speed from maximum synchronized rotating speed to 0 rpm. The elec-
trical braking performance shall be such that the stopping time is approximately 1/10 of the purely
mechanical stopping time. The generator will be provided with air-operated brakes to bring the rotat-
ing parts of the generator to rest from about 15% of the rated speed during normal operation. The
brakes will be suitable for application at higher speed during emergency shutdown of the unit in order
to bring the unit to rest at a faster rate. The brakes will operate manually/automatically from local
panel/unit control board.

10.13.11 LAVT and Neutral grounding Cubicles

LAVT Cubicles shall include Surge Capacitors, Lightning Arresters, Voltage Transformers and
associated accessories. The Generator Neutral Grounding Cubicle shall include a single phase, Dry type

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 187

Distribution Transformer, a secondary loading Disconnecting Switch, a Resistor and associated
accessories mounted in a single-ventilated, metal enclosed Cubicle.

10.13.12 Static Excitation System, AVR & Sliprings

The excitation of the generator will be applied via a static excitation system. Static Excitation system
shall have micro processor based controls. The excitation equipment shall comprise of rectiCier,
excitation transformers, thyristors, Cield breaker with discharge resistor, Cield Clashing circuit,
automatic voltage regulator and protection and control devices along with accessories to make it a
complete system.
The excitation system for each unit will consist of the following:
1) Dry type Excitation transformer.
2) A Set of Thyristor converters of suitable numbers such that even incase of ONE bridge failure,
the remaining bridges shall cater to themaximum continuous and ceiling current
3) Field Clashing (both AC & DC) for excitation start up.
4) Field breaker and Cield discharge and suppression equipments.
5) Digital Automatic voltage regulator with auto and manual channelswith all standard limiter
6) Aux Excitation system with Transformer, Connecting Breakers taking input from station Aux
supply source for initial excitation during SFC & in back to back mode starting during motor
mode of operation.
The Cield current is transmitted to the rotor via slip rings and brushes. The slip rings are arranged on
the upper stub shaft end of generator, opposite to the turbine side. These are insulated mounted on
the shaft and are self-ventilated. The housing is provided against accidental contact serving also as
cooling air guiding chamber.
The brush holder is also mounted within this housing. There is a good accessibility through suitable
access doors. The required ventilation air is taken from the power house. The cooling path of the self-
ventilated slip rings is completely separated from the generator air cooling circuit and therefore no
coal dust can soil the generator.

10.13.13 Thrust Bearings

The main parts of the thrust bearing are the thrust bearing collar, which is mounted on the shaft, the
thrust bearing shoes and the spider with the oil container. The bracket is amply dimensioned and
adapted for support and alignment of the bearing. The thrust bearing shoes are made of steel and are
annealed to relieve all stresses. The thrust bearing is self-lubricated. Radial bores in the thrust collar

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 188

have a pumping effect as soon as the shaft is rotating due to the difference of circumferential speed
between the inner and outer diameter of the collar. The oil will be forced into an annular chamber.
The pressurized oil Clows to a cooler and then returns once more to the thrust bearing, where it Clows
through a nozzle ring. The nozzles are placed near the chamfered edges of the thrust bearing shoes
and there the cooled oil produces the oil Cilm by rotation.

10.13.14 Guide Bearings

The guide bearing consists of rigid bearing segments which are lined with white metal of high quality.
The rotating journal is a part of the shaft or the vertical side of the thrust bearing collar in the case of
the combined thrust and guide bearing.
The journal of the bearing will be super Cinished to a high polish of minimum roughness.
The guide bearing is of the self-lubricating type. Radial bores in the rotating journal have a pumping
effect due to the difference of circumferential speed. The oil will be forced into an annular chamber
and from there through longitudinal channels to the bearing surfaces.

10.13.15 Resistance / Thermo Couple Type Temperature Detectors

Duplex type platinum RTDs of required quantity suitably distributed in the stator for measuring the
temperatures of core, teeth & windings shall be embedded for indication/recording and alarm as well
as for tripping the unit in case of high temperature. All RTD terminals shall be brought out to a
separate terminal box mounted on stator frame and further will be extended for SCADA / recorders for
automation along with sufCicient DTTs for local indication. Similarly, suitable detectors along with
suitable communication will be provided for rotor winding temperature measurements also.

10.13.16 Condition Monitoring System

The Condition Monitoring system is designed to monitor the operation behaviour of Pump Turbine &
Generator Motor and to assess its condition to allow a condition-based maintenance by prediction of
abnormality and take preventive action. Following are the condition monitoring systems envisaged for
this project.
a. Vibration of Pump- Turbine & Synchronous Generator
b. Air Gap of Generator Motor units
c. Partial Discharge Off-line Monitoring of Generator Motor Units.
d. Shaft Current on line Monitoring of Pump- Turbine & Generator Motor.
e. Cooling & winding Temperature on line Monitoring of Generator Motor.


Sr. No. Description Qty.

1. For one stator windings comprising one third (1/ 3) of all bars used 2sets

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 189

For one generator stator all necessary material for Cixing, clamping, jointing
2. 2 sets
including slot wedges.
3. For one Rotor windings comprising one third (1/ 3) of all bars used 2sets
For one generator Rotor all necessary material for Cixing, clamping, jointing
4. 2sets
including slot wedges
5. Generator Thrust Block 2 sets
Generator Thrust bearing segments/pads complete set with support (one set
6. 2 sets
per each Generator of 320MW &160 MW)
Generator Upper guide bearing shell along with segments/pads complete sets
7. 2 sets
(one set per each Generator of 320MW &160 MW)
Generator Upper guide bearing segments/pads complete sets (one set per
8. 2 set
each Generator of 320MW &160 MW)
Generator Lower guide bearing segments/pads complete set (one set per each
9. 2 set
Generator of 320MW &160 MW)
Generator Lower guide bearing Shell along with segments/pads complete set
10. 2 sets
(one set per each Generator of 320MW &160 MW)
11. Brake lining pads for 320 MW and 160 MW units 2 sets
12. Air/Water Heat exchangers 100% quantity of each generator 1 set
13. Jacking Oil Pump each with Motor one for each generator 2 set
14. HP Oil Lubrication Pump each with Motor one for each Generator 2 nos.
15. slip rings, brush holders complete for one Generator 2 set
16. One Lot of carbon Brushes for DC Excitation system 2 sets
17. One lot of seals and gaskets for each generator. 2 sets
18. DTT (Dial Type Temp. Thermometer) for each generator 2 sets
19. RTDs (Resistance Temperature Detectors) of each type for 320 MW 2 sets
Instruments for bearing lubrication system, thrust bearing, upper and lower 1 No. of Each
guide bearings etc. type
1 set of each
21. Valves for each generator


Motor operated Phase Reversal Disconnecting Switch of suitable capacity envisaged for Generator and
motor operation with suitable short time withstand fault current.

A Phase reversal disconnecting switch (PRDS)

1 Continuous current rating 11 KA for 320 MW unit and 5.5 KA for 160 MW unit

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 190

80 KA/1 secs for 320 MW Unit
2 Rated Short time withstand current 63 KA/1 Sec for 160 MW unit

10.15.1 Starting of ohe Units in Motoring Mode

Static frequency convertor type of starting is proposed to be adopted for starting of the units in
motoring mode. Two sets of S.F.C. equipments are provided. Keeping in view the large number of units,
and to enable staring of all units in a short time Provision is also proposed to be incorporated for back
to back starting of the units. A common starting bus with Current limiting reactor, starting Bus
Vacuum circuit breaker and Isolators system at Each unit tap off and the output connected to a
common SP Bus duct to connect to other units and also to SFC equipment is envisaged. The schematic
layout enclosed illustrates the arrangement.
Starting of the Pump – turbine units as pump will be done in two methods:
1. Back to Back starting
2. SFC Starting

10.15.2 Back to Back starting

In back to Back starting it is proposed to start the units as pumps with Unit 1,Unit 5,unit 7 as genera-
tors to limit the complexity in automation.
The Runner of the Unit being started as pump will be Dewatered and this unit will be interconnected
through Starting Bus at 18 KV by selecting the respective isolators as per drawing. The selected unit as
Generator(any one of Unit-1/5/7) will be connected to starting Bus by closing its Circuit Breaker. After
switching the excitation to the Rotor of both the units connected to Starting Bus and the guide vanes of
the Starting Generator will be opened to get the rated speed and Voltage. On synchronization of the
unit selected as pump the Generator will be isolated by opening of Circuit breaker. After release of air
from runner the Pump will be loaded by opening of its guide vanes to the required. This enables
smooth starting of Pumps.
Due to the large sizing of the machines and the fault level is on high side on 18 KV level it is preferred
to have Current limiting reactor before connecting to the starting Bus.

10.15.3 SFC Starting

Mainly to the extend possible the units will be started in back to Back starting mode. The last unit has
to be started individually through SFC equipment. SFC equipment works as a Variable frequency and
variable voltage principle having converter and inverter equipment and starts the unit as motor from
the Station supply source transformers (20/25 MVA).

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 191

All the equipment will be provided to start any unit as pump from any of the SFC provided as redun-
dant. SFC supply will be extended to the unit proposed for stating through Breaker and Isolator at
11/18 KV level by providing a starting Bus at 18 KV side also.

10.15.4 Details of Equipment

Two (2) sets of Static Frequency Converter (SFC) systems are considered to have redundancy of start-
ing equipment as this starting equipment are common for all 8 Units in the Power station. Starting
equipment shall be suitable to start the units as pump-motors smoothly with impeller in dewatered
condition and without inrush current. The Pump-motor shall be soft started and reach its rated speed.
It shall include the necessary transformers, H.T switchgear and all the control equipment required.
The starting equipment shall be of proven design and shall be robust and shall withstand no. of starts
in a day. All the control equipment for selection of the pump to be started and interlocks, indication
and alarm & annunciation circuits shall be included.
The isolator cubicles shall be provided with 2 Nos. Circuit breakers for incoming feeders and 9 Nos.
outgoing feeders one for each unit. All the protection and control circuits of starting equipment shall
be incorporated in the system. The system shall be suitable to start one pump at a time.

10.15.5 SFC System Con@iguration

SFC shall be combination of Thyristor bridges with an intermediate D.C link reactor. It shall include
Cirst bridge named Network Bridge (NB) connected with a source transformer, and the Second Bridge
named Machine Bridge (MB) that connects to the motor stator terminals through necessary
switchgear and step up transformers. The Cirst bridge shall be operated as rectiCier and power fre-
quency supply is converted to DC. This DC contains ripples which are Ciltered by the link reactor. MB
shall be operated as an inverter, producing three-phase alternating current, the frequency of which is
varied from a very low value, up to the nominal value (i.e. about 50Hz. Thyristors Ciring angle in the NB
& MB are set by a controller with various feedback loops.
The converter can be high-high type or 12/12- pulse type, two converters are connected by a DC reac-
tor which is necessary for the current source type SFC.
The thyristor converters shall be identical and are to be connected in three-phase bridge connection to
form the power converter.

10.15.6 Control Unit

The control, protection and monitoring functions are integrated in the controller panel and shall be
grouped into two main parts. One is power cubicle, consisting of thyristors and snubber circuits. The
second part is the CPU with other electronic control circuitry and feedback circuits and acts very fast
in a ‘µ’sec range during short circuit test sequence. A human machine interface system for manual in-

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 192

10.15.7 Breakers/Switches

The SFC system is equipped with input breakers and output breakers. A bypass switch/ breaker shall
be installed if an output transformer is conCigured.

10.15.8 Transformers

SFC system shall consist of Transformers at the input (11KV) and output (18 KV) of the frequency con-
verter to match the network voltage and motor voltage to the permitted converter voltages. They re-
duce the harmonics injected into the network, limit the fault current inside the frequency converter
and provide the required phase shifting in case of 12-pulse conCigurations. The design of these trans-
formers shall be suitable to be adapted to the parameters and requirements of the entire starting sys-
tem. The transformers can be preferably dry type if they are proposed to be located inside pump house
in view of environmental & installations conditions or ONAN if mounted outdoor. All the required pro-
tections to be provided.

10.15.9 Static Frequency Coverter Spares:

1. Electronic Cards – 1 No. each type

2. Relay units – 1 No. of each type
3. Power Supply Units/Converter – 2 Nos. of each type
4. IGBT/Converter/Inverter Module, – 2 Nos. of each type used.
5. Cooling fans, measuring units – 2 Nos. of each type used
6. Controllers – 1 No. of each type used


The bus duct shall be air cooled, Isolated phase type in which each conductor shall be supported on
epoxy cast resin insulator at an interval as per the successful type test design and enclosed by an elec-
trically continuous individual aluminum housing separated from adjacent phases by an air space.
The enclosure shall be made of Al. alloy grade sheet rolled to form standard sections. Transport sec-
tions shall be welded at site. The IPBD enclosures are supported using supporting structures at suit-
able locations. Horizontal runs of enclosures are supported with sliding arrangement up to 10mm to
align the bus duct with equipment whereas vertical supports are designed for rigid and sliding mount-
Disconnecting links shall be provided at each end of generator, generator transformer, tap off etc. as
per requirements.
Rubber bellows are provided for connection between the bus duct and generator, transformers and cu-
bicles. Three enclosures are shorted together by means of aluminum plates to provide a closed electri-
cal path for enclosure currents which will be provided with holes to receive station earth bus.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 193

Bus duct for 320 MW unit shall be Aluminum, 3 phase, 36 kV class to mitigate the transfer surges from
400kV level, 11000 amp indoor main isolated phase bus ducts (IPBD) with tap off connections to cur-
rent limiting reactor in the run of the main IPBD that include bus conductors, Generator main & neu-
tral terminal chambers, bimetallic & Clexible connection at generator and PRDS end and PRDS to
transformer ends (Three single phase power transformers), vibration pads, supporting insulators,
housing and supports, ground bus wall / Cloor frame assemblies, seal off bushings, necessary Cixtures
for support of bus ducts with the wall / ceiling and all other sundries to complete the equipment.
Bus duct for 160 MW unit shall be Aluminum, 3 phase, 36 kV class to mitigate the transfer surges from
400kV level, 5500 amp with short circuit capacity of 63 KA/3 Sec indoor main isolated phase bus
ducts (IPBD) with tap off connections to current limiting reactor in the run of the main IPBD that in-
clude bus conductors, Generator main & neutral terminal chambers, bimetallic & Clexible connection at
generator and PRDS end and PRDS to transformer ends, vibration pads, supporting insulators, housing
and supports, ground bus wall / Cloor frame assemblies, seal off bushings, necessary Cixtures for sup-
port of bus ducts with the wall / ceiling and all other sundries to complete the equipment.
Interconnection between Generator neutral terminals and Generator Neutral Grounding Terminals
(NGT/NGR Cubicle) along with adapter box from stator terminals terminated at generator barrel to
the seal off bushing and after the placement of CTs, formation of neutral and connection of single con-
ductor to NGT/NGR cubicle.
Tap off ducts from main IPBD comprising of 36 KV, 1500 A with short circuit current capacity of 120
KA/3 Sec for connection to Current Limiting Reactors including bus conductors, bimetallic and Clexible
connections, supporting insulators, vibration joints, grounding arrangement, necessary Cixtures for
support of bus ducts and all other sundries to complete the equipment are envisaged.
For Delta formation with vector group of YNd11 from three single phase Generator Transformers of
rating 100 MVA each adaptor boxes with necessary accessories has been envisaged.
Steel structure (one for each unit) for supporting the main & tap off bus ducts in its run along with
foundation bolts / embedment plates and U clamps for supporting the IPBD envisaged.
Salient features of IPBD:

a Number of phases of the system Three

b Nominal operating voltage 18 KV
c Highest system voltage 36 KV
d Voltage variation ± 10%
e Frequency 47.5 – 51.5
One-minute power frequency withstand test
f voltage 70 KV (rms)
g Impulse withstand test voltage 170 KV (peak)

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 194

h Rated Continuous current: 320 MW unit 160 MW Unit
i) Main Bus 11000 Amps 5500 Amps
ii) Tap off bus 1500 Amps
i Short Circuit current rating: 320 MW 160 MW
i) Main Bus (Symmetrical) 80/3 Sec 63 KA/3Sec
ii) Tap off bus (Symmetrical) 120KA/3 Sec
Maximum hot spot temperature rises above 45⁰C
ambient temperature at continuous rating:
i) Bus conductor 65 Deg C
ii) Enclosure and support structures where
accessible 30 Deg C
k Bus conductor material Aluminium
Al. alloy grade 91E as per IS
L Bus bar material
M Material of bus enclosure Aluminium alloy

List of Isolated Phase Bus Duct SPARES:

S. No Description Qty
1 Copper Clexible jumpers 1 set (each type 1 No.)
2 Current transformers 3 Nos. of each type
3 NGT & NGR 1 No.
4 Rigid jumpers 1 Set
5 Epoxy resin insulators used in main bus 5% of total qty
6 Epoxy resin insulators used in tap-off bus 5% of total qty
Seal off bushing
Main Bus -3 Nos.
7 1 Set
Delta Bus - 3 Nos.
Tap off Bus - 3 Nos.
8 Rubber bellow 1 Set
9 Limit switches of each type 1 Set
10 MCB of each type 1 Set
11 1 Set
Fuse of each type

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 195


Energy efCicient illumination Cixtures i.e. LED type with suitable Cixtures to meet the required
illumination levels as per standards are envisaged for plant and pothead yard illumination system. The
power station lighting system will comprise the following:
Normal 230V AC Lighting System:
The lighting circuit in the normal 230V AC lighting system would be fed through 11.0/0.415KV,
3phase, 4 wire transformers connected to 415V distribution system.
Direct Current Emergency Lighting system:
Direct current emergency lights would be provided at strategic points in the power station, viz. Near
entrances, staircases, the main control room, Turbine area, switchyard area etc.
These would be fed from the station 220V DC system and would be off when the normal AC power
supply is available. These would be automatically switched on when the normal AC supply fails.
Control Room 300 lux
Switchgear/MCC room 250-300 lux
TG building 250 lux
Outlying areas 30-40 lux
Switch yard 25-35 lux
Stores 100-150 lux
Battery Room 100 lux
Administration building and OfCice rooms 300 lux
Roads 20 lux


All cables will be selected to carry the full load current under site conditions, with permissible voltage
drop/dip. In addition, these cables will be rated for short circuit capacity wherever required.


For 18KV power cables - 18KV (UE) grade, stranded aluminum conductor, XLPE insulated, extruded
PVC Inner sheathed, armored, extruded FRLS-PVC (Flame retardant and low smoke - poly vinyl chlo-
ride) outer sheathed cables conforming to IS-7098.
For low voltage power cables - 1100 V grade, stranded aluminum conductor, extruded PVC insulated,
extruded PVC inner sheathed, armored, extruded FRLSPVC outer sheathed cables conforming to IS-

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 196

10.19.1 Control Cables

1100 V grade, annealed high conductivity copper conductor, extruded PVC insulated, extruded PVC in-
ner sheathed, armored, and extruded FRLS-PVC outer sheathed. meeting the requirements as speciCied
in IS-5831.

10.19.2 Signal and Supervisory Cables

Annealed tinned copper conductor in stranded circular construction, extruded PVC insulated, ex-
truded PVC inner sheathed, armored, and extruded FRLS - PVC outer sheathed, in twisted pairs and
screened. Cables will be laid in ladder type galvanized steel cable trays or in trenches.

10.19.3 Cable Trays

All the cables will be laid in Perforated GI cable trays with supporting structures in horizontal laying
and with Ladder type GI trays in Vertical placement. Copper tinned lugs will be provided for all the ter-
minations along with identiCication ferrules and Tags. Necessary cable glands with Cire protection seal-
ing barriers shall be provided. The construction of the cable trays shall be suitable to withstand the as-
sociated cable load without undergoing bending or sagging. The cable trays will be of suitable width
and length. Necessary provision will be made to connect adjacent trays and the necessary components
such as splicer plates, Hexagonal head screws, nuts and washers along with 90-degree Horizontal El-
bow, Horizontal Tee etc. to Cix the trays will be included in the scope of supply. The perforations pro-
vided shall be such that adequate ventilation is allowed and facilitate binding the cables to the trays.


Earthing of powerhouse & outdoor yard will be done as per IEEE 80 latest issue after measuring the
soil resistivity. The risers from the earth mat will be connected to water conducting system to limit the
overall ground mat resistance to less than 0.5Ω.
Two independent earthing points (Pads) of bolted type shall be provided on opposite sides of
generator stator casing and exciter for connecting earthing conductors. These earthing points shall be
in addition to any earthing studs provided in the terminal boxes.
The earthing pads shall be of non-corrosive metal, welded or brazed to the machine body. The size of
the earthing pads shall be suitable to connect earth conductor.
Two earthing terminals shall be provided for all auxiliary equipment, cubicles etc. Earthing bus shall
be provided for control panels.


The function of plant central computer control system will be to provide automatic control for all the
units as well as the data acquisition, alarm monitoring and data logging and archiving. Programmable

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 197

Logic Controller (PLC), (Part of the SCADA system) located in the UCB, which will be entirely dedicated
to the unit as well as plant control and data acquisition.
One redundant PLC shall be dedicated for each unit in the UCB. The substation will have a dedicated
PLC. Other PLCs and /or RTUs shall be provided for control and data acquisition of auxiliary services
and intake. All PLCs will be connected to a central unit in the control room through Ciber optical cables.
The central unit, through a man machine interface (video displays, functional keyboards, pointers) will
be used to provide efCicient communication between the operators and the control system. The SCADA
system will also be designed to interface and communicate with the grid displaying system through a
telecommunication system, transmitting all the required data that is essential to the grid dispatching


All operations such as starting, initiation of Auto synchronizing, bringing up to rated voltage and
speed, operation and annunciation of various conditions and alarms, monitoring, data logging,
recording and sequential event recording for generator and its excitation system shall be through
SCADA. For this purpose, a selection shall be provided on the SCADA to select Auto or manual modes of
synchronizing. Auto synchronizer shall connect the generator to the grid automatically after
synchronizing the two systems. SufCicient interlocking and/or closure permissive shall be
incorporated in this scheme. The equipment shall be supplied to control both the voltage and
frequency of hydro turbine generator set to match with those of the grid. There shall be two
independent outputs from Auto synchronizer and circuit breaker shall close only upon operation of
both the outputs.
Manual synchronizing of the Generator shall be possible from Generator control panel (GCP).
Synchronizing equipment consisting of Auto synchronizer, check synchronizing relay, guard relay,
double voltmeter, double frequency meter, synchro scope, push buttons for voltage and speed control,
control switches for GCB shall be provided on the generator control panel.
The unit is intended to be started, controlled in any of the modes from Generator Control Panel in local
& from main control room of Powerhouse and from Remote.


Power generated at 18 KV will be stepped up to 400KV by means of 3x130MVA, 1Ph transformers for
each unit making a total of 12 No's for 4 large units and 1 No. spare of 1-Ph 18/400KV 130 MVA oil
Cilled transformers (for 320 MW units) & 2 Nos 18 /400KV 3-Ph 195MVA oil Cilled transformers (for
160 MW units). These Step-up transformers will be installed in Transformer hall. Capacity of the
transformers arrived based on the Power Factor 0.9, Derating factor.
The main electrical parameters of each transformer will be:

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 198

a. Voltage ratio - 18 KV /400KV, 1Phase & 3 phase
b. Rating - 3 x 100 MVA (1 Ph) for 320 MW units
and 150MVA (3 Ph) for 160 MW units.
c. Cooling Method - OFWF (Oil Forced and Water Forced)
d. 18KV connection - Delta
e. 400KV connection - Star with neutral solidly earthed.
f. On load tap changer - In the range of +/-10.0% in step of 1.25%
The 18 KV terminals (Primary) will be suitable for Bus Duct connection and 400KV terminals for
connection to GIS.
The transformer will be equipped with the following accessories and metering instruments:
➢ An oil conservator made of steel sheets with welded joints. A diaphragm airtight seal is
provided with a breather connected into the air side of the diaphragm.
➢ A pressure relief device to protect against high pressure inside the oil tank.
➢ A gas relay mounted in the pipe connecting the conservator to the transformer tank and having
contacts for alarm and shutdown.
➢ A winding temperature indicator with sets of contacts for alarm and trip.
➢ An oil temperature indicator with alarm and trip contacts.
➢ An oil level indicator with magnetic level gauge and alarm contact.
➢ An on-load tap changer for changing the high voltage winding taps.
Salient features of Power Transformer:

Technical Particulars
1 Type Indoor Step Up
2 Standard IEC 60076
3 a) No. of windings Two
b) No. of Phases single
4 System frequency 50 Hz+3%& - 5%
Type of mounting On wheels mounted on rails
5 a) KVA rating of HV winding
100MVA single phase and 150 MVA , 3 Ph
b) KVA rating of LV winding
6 a) Low Voltage Winding 18 kV
b) High Voltage Winding 400/√3kV (1Ph), 400kV (3Ph)
7 Neutral Effectively earthed.
8 Vector Group after 3-Ph formation YNd11
9 a) L.V. Terminals 36KV Porcelain type bushing.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 199

b) H.V. Terminals: 420kV RIP condenser type bushing
suitable for oil to oil or oil to SF6
10 a) High Voltage Winding Graded
b) Low Voltage Winding Uniform
11 Type of cooling OFWF
12 Impedance Voltage at normal tap 15 % (IEC tol)
13 Insulating Medium Inhibited Mineral Oil (as per IEC:60296
and bid speciCication)
14 Tap changing gear
Type ON load tap changer
15 Insulation Levels for windings HV HVN LV
1.2 /50 micro – second wave shape impulse 1425 170 170
withstand (kVp)
Applied voltage (kV rms) 70 70 70
Induced overvoltage withstand (kVrms) 630 70 70
16 Permissible temperature rise over ambient
temp of 50 Deg C for ONAN &ONAF cooling
Of top oil measured by thermometer 50˚C
Of winding measured by resistance 55˚C
17 Minimum clearance in air (mm)
Phase to ground 3500 3500
18 Bushing and Termination details :
HV winding Line end 420KV RIP Condenser bushing suitable
for GIB duct oil to SF6 termination
LV Winding 36KV porcelain bushing suitable for
busduct arrangement.
19 Insulation level of bushings HV LV
Lightning impulse withstand (kVP) 1425 170
Switching impulse withstand (kVP) 1175 NA
1 Minute power frequency withstand voltage 630 70
(kV rms)
20 Noise Level As per NEMA TR1 Latest issue

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 200

21 No. of Coolers Two nos. of 100% capacity one to act as
main & other act as stand by

List of Power Transformer Spares:

S. No Description Qty
1 Gaskets (All types) 1 set
2 Pressure relief device 1 No.
3 Gas detecting relay 1 No.
4 Buchholz relay 1 No.
5 Temperature indicators
a) Oil temperature indicator (OTI) 1 No.

b) Winding temperature indicator {(WTI) without repeater} 1 No. of each

6 Oil and water Clow indicator with electrical contactors 1 No’s each
7 Gas sampling device 1No.
8 LV bushings 1 set
9 HV bushings 1 set
10 HVN bushing 1No
11 Silica Gel breather with 10kgs of additional silica gel. One No.
12 MOG 1 No.
13 Lifting jacks and steel slings 1set.
14 Valves of each type 2 No’s
15 Drain and vent plugs 2 No’s
Each type of MCB, auxiliary relay, contactor, heater, lamp and
16 2 No’s
push button.
17 Pumps of each type 1No’s

10.24 400KV INDOOR GIS

400KV Gas Insulated switchgear (GIS) units with sectionalizes and with double bus bar arrangement
proposed for the project. 400 KV GIS comprising the following bays:
Generator transformer bays - 8 Nos.
Station auxiliary transformer bays - 2 Nos.
Bus coupler bays - 2 Nos.
Bus Sectionalizer bays - 2 Nos.
Line bays - 2 Nos.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 201

To facilitate evacuation of power to two different grid substations as well as to avoid complete
interruption of power evacuation in case of any fault on the bus, bus Sectionalizer is considered. As the
400KV GIS consists 6 no’s of unit bays, 2 no’s SAT bays, 4 no’s of line bays and PT and Bus coupler bays
it is preferred to provide sectionalises to avoid from complete breakdown of the system and make
availability of other section which is healthy in case of Bus fault.
Indoor metal-enclosed phase segregated type SF6 gas insulated switchgear system rated for 400 kV, 3
phases, 63KA, 50 Hz consisting of following major items: switchgear system rated for 400 kV, 3 phases,
63KA, 50 Hz consisting of following major items:
a. 3150A SF6 gas insulated metal enclosed bus bars complete in all respects, comprising of:
Individual bus bars enclosures running the length of the switchgear,
Single-phase surge arrestors,
Single-phase, 2-core voltage transformers,
Single-phase disconnector complete with manual and motor driven operating
mechanisms, for isolation of voltage transformer,
Single-phase safety earthing switches complete with manual and motor driven
operating mechanisms, with each single-phase disconnector.
b. Bus-coupler & bus sectionalize bay modules, each comprising of:
3-pole SF6 gas insulated circuit breaker, complete with dedicated operating
4-core, multi ratio, 3-pole current transformers,
3-phase, single-pole group-operated disconnector complete with manual and motor
driven operating mechanisms,
3-phase, single-pole group-operated safety earthing switches complete with manual
and motor driven operating mechanisms,
Local control cubicle for control of coupler bay, bus bar VT and disconnector.
c. Generator bay modules, station transformer bay modules each comprising of:
3-pole SF6 gas insulated circuit breaker, complete with dedicated operating
mechanism for each pole,
5-core, multi ratio, 3-pole current transformer,
Single-phase surge arrestors,
3-phase, single-pole group-operated disconnector, complete with manual and motor
driven operating mechanisms,
3-phase, single-pole group-operated safety earthing switches, complete with manual
and motor driven operating mechanisms,
Oil to SF6 bushings,

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 202

Local control cubicle for control.
d. Transmission line bay modules, each comprising of:
3-pole SF6 gas insulated circuit breaker, complete with individual operating
5-core, multi ratio, 3-pole current transformer,
3-phase, single-pole group-operated disconnectors, complete with manual and motor
driven operating mechanisms,
3-phase, single-pole group-operated safety earthing switches, complete with manual
and motor driven operating mechanisms,
3-phase, single-pole group-operated high-speed earthing switch, complete with
manual and motor driven operating mechanism,
SF6 / air bushings for outdoor connections,
Local control cubicle for control.
e. Gas insulated bus duct (GIB) for interconnection between GSU transformers and respective
unit bays of GIS,
f. All necessary terminal boxes, SF6 gas Cilling, interconnecting power and control wiring,
earthing connections, gas monitoring equipment and piping support structures etc.,
g. Monitoring and diagnostic systems to monitor gas density, gas pressure, leakage, moisture,
partial discharge etc., and also operating parameters such as current, voltage, temperature
etc. complete with sensors, control/processor units, wiring/cabling in all respect and
integration of the systems with plant SCADA system.


10.25.1 Bus bars

Bus bar of each bay shall have separate gas compartment partitioned from adjacent bay. Gas barrier
insulators shall be painted with yellow colour. CTs shall be located in a separate gas compartment.
Bus bars chambers shall be so arranged as to allow maintenance on one busbar, i.e. gas removal, and
retain the other bus bar and circuits in service. The busbar phase conductor shall be aluminium
adequately supported by cast resin insulators or other approved material equally supported, at least
at both ends of each section making provision for free axial movement of conductor.

10.25.2 Circuit Breaker

Circuit breakers shall be equipped with the operating mechanism. Circuit breakers shall be of single
pressure type. Complete circuit breaker with all necessary items for successful operation shall be
supplied. The circuit breakers shall be designed for high speed single and three phase reclosing (as
applicable) with an operating sequence and timing as speciCied.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 203

Circuit breaker shall be E1 - C2 – M2 class as per IEC 62271-100. Circuit breaker shall meet the duty
requirements for any type of fault or fault location also for line charging and dropping when used on
effectively grounded system and perform make and break operations as per the stipulated duty cycles
satisfactorily. Circuit Breaker shall be of Single Break type and shall be suitable for an operating
sequence of O-0.03 sec-CO-3 min-CO.

10.25.3 Current Transformers

The current transformers and accessories shall conform to IEC 61869 and other relevant standards
except to the extent explicitly modiCied in the speciCication. The particulars of the various cores may
change within reasonable limits as per the requirements of protection relay supplier.

10.25.4 Voltage Transformers

The voltage transformers shall conform to IEC- 61869 and other relevant standards except to the
extent explicitly modiCied in the speciCication. Voltage transformers shall be of the electromagnetic
type with SF6 gas insulation. The earth end of the high voltage winding and the ends of the secondary
winding shall be brought out in the terminal box.

10.25.5 Isolators

Isolators shall be of the single-pole, group operated type, installed in the switchgear to provide
electrical isolation of the circuit breakers, the transformers, double bus and transmission lines. The
isolators shall conform to IEC- 62271-102.
Salient features of 400 KV GIS System:

S. No. Technical particulars Parameters for 400KV

1. Rated Voltage 400 kV (rms)

2. System Voltage 420 KV (rms)
3. Rated frequency 50 HZ
4. Grounding Effectively earthed

5. Rated power frequency with stand Voltage (1 min) line to

1050 kV (rms)
6. Impulse withstand BIL (1.2/50 mic Sec) Line to earth 1425 kVp

7. Rated short time withstand current (1 sec) 63 kA (rms)

8. Rated peak with stand current 157.5kA (peak)

9. Guaranteed maximum gas losses for complete installation

As per IEC 62271-203
as well as for all individual sections in

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 204

10. Rated current normal/ at site (at 40-degree C design
3000 Amp.
ambient temperature)

11. Zone- III, as per IS-

Seismic level
1893, Year-2016

Spares for GIS:

1. SF6 gas Pressure Relief Device assembly of each type 1 set

SF6 Pressure gauge cum switch / Density monitors and pressure switch as
2. applicable, of each type. 2 sets
Coupling device for pressure gauge cum switch for connecting gas han-
3. dling plant of each type 1 set
Rubber Gaskets, “O” Rings and Seals for SF6 gas for GIS enclosure of each
4. type 2 sets
5. SF6 gas (20 % of total gas quantity) 1 lot
6. UHF PD Sensors of each type along with BNC Connector 2 sets
7. Trip coil assembly with resistor as applicable of each type 3 sets
8. Closing coil assembly with resistor as applicable of each type 3 sets
Relays, Power contactors, push buttons, timers & MCBs etc of each type
9. and rating 2 sets
10. Auxiliary switch assembly of each type 2 sets
11. Spring Charging Motor 2 sets
Complete Spring Operating Mechanism including charging mecha-
12. nism etc. of each type 2 sets
Limit switch and Aux. Switches for complete 3 phase equipment of isola-
13. tor, earth switch & fast acting earth switch. 2 sets
14. Complete CT assembly 1 set
15. Complete PT assembly 1 set
16. Complete Gas insulated Surge arrester 1 set


Integrated Numerical protection relays will be provided in redundant for each Generator and
Generator transformer. Basic protections are indicated here under however, speciCic protections
related to variable speed machines shall be considered at the time of detailed engineering.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 205

10.26.1 Generator protection

Redundant Generator numerical protection relays shall be of different make as per the latest
protection philosophy. Relays shall be IEC61850 complaint and shall have GPS time synchronization
provision in addition with Disturbance Reporting and Event logging provisions.
The following protections will be provided for the generators:
- Backup Impedance (21)
- Over Excitation (24)
- Under Voltage/ Over Voltage (27/59)
- Under Power (37)
- Loss of Field/ excitation (40)
- Negative phase sequence (46)
- Thermal Over Loading (49)
- Breaker Failure (50BF)
- Voltage Restrained Over current (51V)
- PT fuse failure (60FL)
- 95% Stator earth fault (64G2)
- 100% Stator earth fault (64G1)
- Under/ Over frequency (81O/U)
- Generator Differential (87G)
- Annunciator (30)
- Rotor Earth Fault (64F)
- Master Trip relay (86G)
- Trip Circuit Supervision (95)
- Split phase based inter turn protection
- Overall differential protection with 3 winding inputs (Generator, GT HV, and
Generator Tap off).

10.26.2 Turbine Protections

The following protections will be provided:

Under/ Over Speed (12/14)
Governor Failure Relay (33/63)
Bearing Temperature (38T)
Oil pressure Failure (96.2 OPU)
Oil levels
Shear pin

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 206

vibrations etc

10.26.3 Auxiliary Transformer Protections

The following protections will be provided:

Under Voltage (27)
Instantaneous O/C & E/F (50/50N)
IDMT O/C & E/F (51/51N)
Master Trip (86)

10.26.4 Step-Up Generator Transformer Protections

The following protections will be provided for step-up transformer:

Transformer over Fluxing (49)
Instantaneous O/C & E/F (50/50N)
IDMT O/C & E/F (51/51N)
Transformer Differential (87GT)
Restricted earth fault (64REF)
Annunciator (30)
Oil temperature, Alarm/Trip Aux (49OA/OT)
Winding temperature, Alarm/Trip Aux (49 WA/WT)
Buchholz/ Alarm/Trip Aux (63 A/T)
High Speed Tripping (Master) (86T)
Trip Circuit Supervision (95)
Low Oil Level Alarm (LOLA)
Oil Surge Trip (OSR-T)
Pressure Relief Device Trip Aux. (PRD-T)
Apparatus thermal device (26)
Liquid Switch (71)

10.26.5 400KV Line protections

400KV feeder protection shall be redundant with numerical protection relays and shall be of different
make as per the latest protection philosophy. Relays shall be compatible to IEC 61850 Protocol.
Disturbance Recorder evaluation cum event logger units shall be included.
The following protections will be provided for the lines:
Distance Protection (21)
Over/ under voltage (27/59)
AC Directional over current (67/67N)
Frequency (81)

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 207

Master Trip (86)
Trip Circuit Supervision (95)
AC Reclosing Relay / Auto Reclose (79)
Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay (50)
Phase Angle Measuring or Out-of-Step Protective Relay (78)
Bus Differential (87B)
Overvoltage Relay (59)
400KV reactor protection
400KV bus bar protection
Bus coupler protection

10.26.6 List of Spares for Protection System

1. Numerical protection relay (complete relay unit) - 1 No. of each type used.
2. Circuit breaker TNC switch for CB open & Close - 5 Nos.
3. Unit Emergency stop switch - 5 Nos.
4. High/Low burden trip relays/Master protection trip relays - 5 Nos. of each type used
5. Trip circuit supervision relay - 7 Nos.
6. Test handle - 2 Nos.
7. DC Change over relays - 5 Nos.
8. Trivector Meters (TVM) - 2 Nos.
9. DC Supply supervision relays - 5 Nos.
10. Any auxiliary item i.e. Clag relays, single phase trip relays, voltage selection relays,
interposing relays, selector switch items, MCBs, fuses and other miscellaneous - 5
11. Spares for distance protection, bus bar protection peripheral units.


Separate earthing grids will be provided for powerhouse and switchyard area and they will be
interconnected. The buried portion of the earth conductor will be of mild steel and exposed earth
conductors will be of galvanized steel. Required number of earthing pits will be provided. The earthing
grid will be designed to have a system resistance below 0.5 ohm. Detailed Design and drawings
A lightning protection system will be provided as per IS - 2309 and Indian Electricity Rules. The
protections will consist of roof conductors, air terminals and down conductors and will be provided
for outdoor Switch Yard.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 208


10.28.1 EOT crane for Powerhouse

Two nos. EOT cranes of 400/30 Tons capacity each will be installed in the powerhouse building for
handling equipment during erection and maintenance and one no EOT crane with 150/30T in
unloading bay.
The EOT Crane shall be electrically driven, single trolley, double girder and overhead travelling type.
The cranes shall be provided complete with crane rails, rail soleplates, rail and soleplate Cixings, all
necessary cabling, longitudinal travel collector wires and associated equipment, and end buffers for
the longitudinal travel. Each crane shall have hoisting, traversing and travelling motions. The Group
ClassiCication for EOT crane shall be Mechanisms M5. Service bay EOT cranes shall work in Tandom
operation for installation and erection of heaviest components such as Generator rotor and stator.
Operation of EOT crane envisaged with Cabin and Radio Remote Control.

10.28.2 EOT crane for GIS

One no EOT cranes of 7.5T capacity will be installed in the GIS building for handling equipment. The
EOT Crane shall be electrically driven, single trolley, single girder and overhead travelling type. The
crane shall be provided complete with crane rails, rail soleplates, rail and soleplate Cixings, all
necessary cabling, longitudinal travel collector wires and associated equipment, and end buffers for
the longitudinal travel. Crane shall have hoisting, traversing and travelling motions. The Group
ClassiCication for EOT crane shall be Mechanisms M5. Operation of EOT crane envisaged with pendent
push button Control.
For all the cranes VVVF drives are envisaged for all the motion controls with different creep speeds as
required. Shrouded DSL system all along the Powerhouse length is envisaged for extending the supply
to the crane for safe operation.

10.28.3 EOT crane for others

For handling of intake and draft tube gates suitable electrically operated hoisting mechanism will be
provided individually.

10.28.4 Ventilation & Air Conditioning System

Adequate ventilation system will be provided for the total powerhouse area consisting MIV, turbine,
generator, machine hall, service bay & erection bay Cloors.
Package / Chiller units of adequate capacity shall be provided for air-conditioning of the important
areas of the plant.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 209

HVAC system envisaged to provide cooled air ventilation by circulating chilled water from chiller plant
to maintain temperature in the powerhouse complex and other areas at less than 30-degree C with 65
% RH and air conditioning the areas like the control room at less than 25-degree C with 55% RH.
To minimize the return air duct exhaust fans are considered at the top of the service bay and Machine
hall area as necessary. Two sets of equipment are considered for power house complex to ascertain in
minimizing the duct sizes and space constraints. The HVAC system equipment rooms shall be placed
outside the power house premises and preferably at both ends and the ducts shall be routed to center.

10.28.5 HVAC system consists of:

Blowers, Fans, air Cilter units, diffusers, dampers, louvers, circulating water pumps,
water spray system with bronze nozzles and Cittings.
Air-handling units, refrigerating machines, Chiller units, circulating pumps and their
Cittings including painting, thermal insulation and foundations.
Air duct, air dampers, air outlets and inlets and associated Cittings including painting
and thermal insulation.
Power source panel, operating panel, control system conduit tubes and cables for the
ventilation and air conditioning system, and associated Cittings including painting.
Water piping including expansion tank, headers, water pipes and Citting such as
elbows, bees, couplings, valves, supports etc. for air-conditioning system including
painting and thermal insulation.
Refrigerant pipes and Citting such as elbows, bees, coupling valves, supports etc for air
conditioning system including painting and thermal insulation.
Closed circuit air ventilation system shall be provided for removal of heat and control
of temperature of stator and rotor winding and machine enclosure.
The air draft shall be produced with self-ventilated hub and rim. Electric fans are not
The cooling system shall be designed in a way to allow the generator/motor to operate
continuously at full power, without exceeding the temperature rise speciCied values,
when the capacity of the air-water heat exchangers is reduced by 10% due to internal
or external deposits of foreign bodies.

10.28.6 Air-to-water heat exchangers

Water supply for air to water heat exchangers shall be ensured by two inlet and outlet pipes connected
to the plant cooling water system. This system shall be complete with air coolers, cooling Cins, fans,
cooling water pipes, valves, ducts, Cilters/strainers, sealing plate, alarm and indicating devices, Clow
relays, RTDs etc.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 210

10.28.7 Fire Protection System

The proposed Cire protection system shall be designed to provide adequate safety measures in the area
susceptible to Cire in the power station. TAC classiCies hydel power generating stations as “Light hazard
Occupancy” and hence the system shall be designed accordingly. This system is designed as per
applicable requirements of NFPA 850 (recommended practice for Fire Protection for Hydroelectric
Generating Plants).
Sprinkler and detection system for Generators and transformers
Nitrogen injection Cire protection system for power transformers (NFPS)
Fire alarm and detection system for control room.
Fire alarm and detection system for Gas insulated substation.
Fire hydrant system for complete power house area.
Portable Cire extinguishers wherever required.

10.28.8 Fire Detection and Alarm System

Control rooms, switchgear rooms, battery rooms etc shall be provided with Analogue Addressable
Microprocessor based Cire detection and alarm system. Multi-sensor detectors, Heat detectors, Manual
call points, Sounders etc shall be provided wherever required.

10.28.9 Passenger and Goods Lifts

One number passenger elevator and 1 No. Goods lift considered. Capacity of passenger elevator
considered as 13 persons/884 kgs and goods elevator considered as 4T (Cinal rating will be decided
during detailed engineering).
The elevator shall be Cield-erected and shall include but not limited to the following components:
Traction-machine hoist motor, sound-reducing systems, beams, buffer braces, sheaves, ropes,
counterweight, buffers, Clexible guide shoes, safety devices and governor, elevator cabin, cabin-
mounted controls, motion indicators, lights and ventilating fan, hall-mounted controls and motion
indicators, ladder, guards, hoist way entrances, electric power, lighting and control wiring, lift
controllers and stopping devices, Automatic Rescue Device and shop painting.
Main features considered are tabulated below:

Description Passenger Elevator Goods Elevator

Quantity One Number One Number
4 Tons (Exact rating will be
Load Carrying Capacity 884 kgs (13 persons)
decided DDE)
Speed (m/s) 1 1
No. of landings for the elevator G +4 (5 Stops): All in one side G +4 (5 Stops): All in one side
in control block side entrance. entrance.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 211

Fl. sequence: As per power house Fl. sequence: As per power
layout house layout
AC variable voltage variable AC variable voltage variable
Type of control/drive frequency microprocessor based frequency microprocessor
with built in stabilizer. based with built in stabilizer.
Position of machine room Directly above the lift shaft Directly above the lift shaft
3400mm (W) x 3300 mm (D)-
Well Dimensions 2500mm (W) x 1900 mm (D)
For 4Ton
Method of Control VVVF Control System VVVF Control System
Minimum Factor of Safety for
12 12
Wire Rope
Minimum Factor of Safety for As per relevant standard (Shall As per relevant standard (Shall
Other part of Lift not be less than 6) not be less than 6)
Braking arrangement Automatic Electro Mechanical Automatic Electro Mechanical

10.28.10 LP Air Compressor System

LP air compressor system should be sized for providing required pressure for unit mechanical
braking, maintenance shaft seal, runner and draft tube air admissions, service requirements, supply to
Suitable air compressor system to meet the station requirements such as for brakes, cleaning etc. is
provided. Refer attached schematic drawing of LP air compressor system
LP Compressed air system shall essentially consist the following equipment:
a. 2 x 100% (1W +1S) LP Air compressors (Oil free screw compressor)
b. 2 x 100% Air driers.
c. 2 Nos air receivers.
d. 1No’s common receiver for each 2 units - total 3no’s.
e. Associated piping, valves, instrumentation.

10.29 Dewatering and Drainage System

For Dewatering of turbine casing water up to the Tail race gate, Eight numbers(8) of submersible
pumps of suitable capacity will be provided (4 no’s in each sump). The Dewatering & drainage sumps
are located on either end of the units well below the elevation of MIV Cloor/turbine Cloor. The delivery
of the dewatering pumps are connected above the max Tail water level. An isolation valve along with
NRV for each pump are envisaged. The discharge line will be provided with necessary isolation valves

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 212

and piping. Necessary level switches will be provided in the Dewatering sump to facilitate auto start /
stop of the pumps.
To remove drain water collected in the drainage sump, Six (6) numbers of submersible/VT pumps of
suitable capacity will be installed (3 nos in each sump) with necessary piping and valves. The
discharge from the pumps will be taken above the maximum tail water level. The discharge line will be
provided with necessary isolation valves and piping. Necessary level switches will be provided in the
drainage sump to facilitate auto start/stop of the pumps.
As per CEA guidelines additional submersible type dewatering pumps and it's control panel shall be
provided above machine hall Cloor.

10.30 Flood water system

Provision of Flood water evacuation system has also been made in case of inadvertent Clooding of the
powerhouse. The system shall comprise of suitable number of submersible pumps with main and
standby installed along with valves, piping, control annunciation to discharge water outside the
powerhouse building and shall have provision to extend DG set power supply. The Control Panel along
with DG set system for the Submersible pumps shall be located well above the maximum tail water
level to enable the pumps operation in case of Clooding. The outlet from Clood pump will be laid above
the ground to release water into tailrace channel.

10.31 Oil Handling System

Oil handling system for transformer oil and lubricating oil for Motor generator units will be provided
with suitable piping, valves, tanks, puriCiers etc. and shall be located such as to conform to the


10.32.1 400/11KV Station Auxiliary Transformers

2 no’s 20/25 MVA, ONAN/ONAF 400/11KV Station Transformers provided for proving power supply
to 11KV Bus. These transformers will be connected to the 11KV bus separately through necessary
switchgear. The output at 11KV fed to the Unit Auxiliary Transformers and common auxiliary
a. Voltage ratio - 400/11KV, 3 phase, 50 Hz
b. Rating - 2 X 25/31.5 MVA
c. Type - ONAN/ONAF
d. LV - Delta
e. HV - Star with neutral solidly earthed
f. On load tap changer - +/-10% in 1.25% steps

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 213

10.32.2 11KV Switchgear

11KV switchgear will have 4 incomers (2 from Station auxiliary transformers & 2 from Emergency DG
set) with bus Sectionalizer and enough outgoing feeders to connect to unit auxiliary transformers and
station requirements.
The main electrical parameters of the switchgear will be:
a. Rated Voltage – 11kV
b. Rated short circuit breaking current – 40kA for three Second
c. Rated bus bar current – 1600 A

10.32.3 11/0.415KV Unit Auxiliary Transformers

415 V Unit & station auxiliary power will be derived by providing 8 nos. 2MVA, 11/0.415KV Unit
auxiliary transformers. These transformers will be connected to the 11KV Bus bar. The auxiliary
transformers will feed the unit auxiliary loads through an Unit Auxiliary board by means of suitably
rated cables. The auxiliary loads of unit include governor oil pumps, cooling water pumps etc. The
transformer will be in service after the Generator kept on grid and feeds the loads uninterruptedly.
a. Voltage ratio - 11/0.415KV, 3 phase, 50 Hz
b. Rating - 2 MVA
c. Type - Dry Type
d. Primary connection - Delta
e. Secondary connection - Star with neutral solidly earthed
f. Off circuit Tap Changer (OCTC) - +/-5% in steps of 2.5%
UAT rating of 2MVA is envisaged duly considering to meet the two units loads in case of failure of any
other UAT. Major loads are Auxiliary excitation supply required during starting as Motor which will be
around 750 KVA and the Cooling water pump supply requirement which will be approx. 125 KW and
OPU system pumps of higher capacity. Accordingly the scheme is designed. However Cinal rating will
be decided during detailed engineering with respect to auxiliary consumption deCined by OEMs.

10.32.4 415V Switchgear

415V Station Auxiliary Board (SAB)

Station Auxiliary transformers will be connected to a separate bus section of 415V auxiliary
The 415V auxiliary switchgear will feed the entire unit and station loads. The switchgear will be
equipped with the following.
a. Two nos. ACB controlled incomer feeders from Station auxiliary transformers.
b. ACB controlled Outgoing feeders to Unit auxiliary boards

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 214

c. Outgoing feeders to battery chargers / lighting panels with MCCB.
d. Motor feeders Citted with MPCB, DOL / Star- Delta Starter, thermal overload relays etc.,
are of draw out type
e. The switchgear will be provided with the necessary current transformers, indicating
instruments, relays, lamps, push buttons etc,
The main electrical parameters of the switchgear will be:
a. Rated Voltage – 415V
b. Rated short circuit breaking current – 50kA for One Second
c. Rated bus bar current – 2500A

10.32.5 415V Unit Auxiliary Boards

The Unit Auxiliary transformer will be connected to a separate bus section of 415V auxiliary
switchgear of unit auxiliary Board. The Unit Auxiliary board will feed the entire unit loads of each
Turbine-Generator. The switchgear will be equipped with the following.
ACB controlled incomer feeder from Station auxiliary Board.
ACB controlled incomer feeder from Unit auxiliary Transformer
Outgoing feeders with MCCB.
Motor feeders Citted with MPCB, DOL / Star- Delta Starter, thermal overload relays
etc., are of draw out type
The switchgear will be provided with the necessary current transformers, indicating
instruments, relays, lamps, push buttons etc,
The main electrical parameters of the switchgear will be:
a. Rated Voltage – 415V
b. Rated short circuit breaking current – 50kA for One Second
c. Rated bus bar current – 2000 A

10.32.6 Power Station Auxiliary Services

The various services in the power plant will be supplied at the following nominal voltages depending
upon their ratings and function:
a. Motors - 415V, 3 phase AC supply
b. Lighting and space heaters - 230V, 1 phase AC supply
c. Power receptacles - 415V, 3 phase AC supply
d. Control circuits - 220V ungrounded DC supply for control,
indication & Instrumentation.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 215

10.32.7 Emergency Power System - 1010 KVA Diesel Generator

Two numbers (1W +1S) of 11KV, 3 phase Diesel Generator set will be provided to meet the
requirement of power supply during construction. As per standard DG rating available in the market in
11KV voltage is 1010 KVA and hence 1010 KVA rating DG set envisaged. This DG set will meet the
requirement of power supply for emergency lighting and maintenance purposes during AC power
failure like operation of crane, operation of drainage and Dewatering pumps, ventilation system etc.
The DG set will consist of a Diesel engine with engine mounted accessories, an Alternator rated for
1010 kVA, 11KV, 3 phase, 50 Hz with exhaust system, fuel oil system, Cilters, piping, valves and Cittings,

10.32.8 Direct Current Supply System

The DC system is the most reliable source of supply in the power station and will be used for the
control and protection of power plant equipment. The DC system will be used for the following:
a. Electrical control, Protection relay equipment and indications / annunciations on the control panel.
b. Emergency D.C lighting in case of total AC power failure
Two sets of 220 V, 500AH (tentative and Cinal rating will be decided during detailed engineering)
battery bank with two nos. Cloat and Cloat cum boost charger and DC distribution board will meet the
DC loads. The batteries will be Lead Acid type plante type, complete with racks, porcelain insulators,
inter cell and inter-tier connectors. The chargers will be of silicon rectiCier type with automatic voltage
control and load limiting features. Under normal conditions, the battery will be on Cloat charge. The
Cloat charger is connected to a distribution board and meets the requirements of DC load. In case of
additional demand of load or AC supply failure, the battery will meet the requirements of DC loads.

10.32.9 Communication system

a. Internal Telephone System: An Electronic telephone exchange is to be provided in the

powerhouse control room for Communication system between different vulnerable locations of
the project. It is also proposed to install a 10-line exchange with subscribers at various
important locations of the project for quick communication of the information and instructions
b. External Communication: One Telephone connection shall be provided in the power station
from the local Department of Telecommunication network for external communication.
c. Power Line Carrier Communication (PLCC)/OPGW: 1set of PLCC panels with 48V DC system
is proposed. Power-line communications / tele protection systems operate by adding a
modulated carrier signal to the wiring system. Different types of power-line communications use
different frequency bands. PLCC panels shall be provided with protection couplers for carrier
inter tripping.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 216

RTU panel shall be provided for Data and speech communication with the state Load Dispatch center.
In addition, with Data and Speech communications separate dedicated channels shall be provided for
protection along with protection couplers.

10.32.10 400 KV Switchyard equipment’s:

The 400KV pothead yard will consist of four Outgoing line bays with isolator, CT, CVT, WT & LA and
take off gantry tower / structures. The isolators will be of Horizontal double break type with motor
operated operating mechanism. The capacitive voltage transformers shall be of silicon composite oil
Cilled type. Location of tariff metering CT (whether inside GIS or in ODY) will be decided based on
approving authority recommendation. The switch yard will be of Outdoor type with galvanized steel
lattice structures.


One number 400 KV Double circuit transmission line from PSP will be connected to proposed CPSS
substation for evacuation of generated power and for supply of power during pumping mode.
Power evacuation system consists of transmission line, protection/ metering equipment, CT's, PT's,
LA's along with its supporting structures and Receiving end equipment including bay extension at the
other end, PLCC/OLTE MUX, 48V DC battery system.
Pumped storage plant will be operated based on quantum of power required as per the PPA


The unit’s size is determined depending upon the transportation constraints, Clexibility of operation
and system considerations and geological constraints. All the equipment’s are sized based on the
consideration of following transport limitations;
Maximum transport weight that can be safely transport to project site is 170T
Length – 7 Mt approx.
Width – 6 Mt. (max)
Height – 6 Mt. (Max)


The following list of workshop equipment’s (Electrical and mechanical) are envisaged to carry
maintenance of equipment’s during shut down (or) during operation of project.
Electrical workshop material:

S. No: Description
1 AC HV Test Kit, 0-50 KV, 10 A
2 DC HV Test Kit, 0- 100KV, 100 mA
3 3 Phase & Single Phase Variac

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 217

4 0 - 250 V, 10 Amps DC variable Source
5 Variable Frequency Source
6 0- 30 mA Variable DC Source
7 3 Phase, voltage(0-150V), Current(0-5A) Injection Kit
8 Numerical Relay Test Kit
9 0-10KV, 5A, Automatic Tan Delta & Capacitance Kit
10 0-300 Deg Soldering Station
11 Temperature Bath for Calibration of Thermometers
12 Polarity Tester
13 0-1000A, Primary Injection Kit
14 0- 100 KV Oil BDV Test Kit
15 Transformer Ratio Test Kit
16 Kalman Portable Dissolved Gas Analyser
17 Circuit Breaker Timing & Analyser Kit
18 Mustimeters
19 Clamp Meters 0-1000A
20 Clamp Meters 0-5 A
21 Dual Channel Oscilloscope
22 Wheatstone Bridge
23 0- 1000 ohms, 2 A Rheostat
24 DC Ground Fault Detector
25 Earth Megger
26 5KV Insulation Tester
27 Recti former- 0-1000A, 0-50V

10.36 Mechanical Workshop material:

S. No: Description
High Speed Precision Lathe (Horizontal Lathe Machine) with Drill bits upto 55
mm, reamer sets upto 55 mm, cutting bits
2 Arc welding machines and equipment
3 Aluminium welding machine
4 Milling Machine
5 Radial Drilling Machine
6 Bench Drilling Machine
7 Grinding Machine - AG4, AG7, Angle, Flexible
8 Portable Grinding Machine
9 Bench vice
10 Power Hacksaw Machine
11 Hydraulic Press

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 218

12 Tube/Pipe Bending Machine
13 Pipe Rolling Machine
14 Plate Bending Machine (Optional as per requirement)
15 Oxygen Cutting & Welding Kits
16 Measuring & Inspection Equipment. (Vernier Calipurse, Big & small)
17 Forklifts and lifting equipment
18 Work Benches - Bench Grinder
19 Saw Cutting Machine for cutting pipes, rods
20 Dead weight Pressure test Bench for 0- 250 Kg/cm2
21 Welding Generator- 600 amps
22 Welding Transformer
23 Brazing Transformer
24 Surface plate 2mtr x 1 Mtr.
25 Pipe Flaring Machine Set
26 Magnetic Base Drilling Machine upto 32 mm
27 Straight edge 5 Mtrs.
28 Outside Micrometre 2 Mtr.
29 Inside Micrometre - 500 mm
30 Oil Testing Kit
31 Hydraulic Pressure Pump Set


The following list of tools & tackles are envisaged for handling of turbine and its equipment during
erection and Operation & Maintenance time.

S.no Description Quantity

Hydraulic torque tensioners for runner/turbine shaft Clange 2 sets (one per each
coupling bolts type of Unit)
Pneumatic Nut runner for opening each type of bolt size viz.
2 sets (one per each
2 head cover, bottom ring, labyrinths, draft tube cone bolts etc.
type of Unit)
used in the plant.
Torque wrenches of adequate torque capacity for Labyrinth, 2 sets (one per each
3 top cover, bottom ring, draft tube cone bolts etc. type of Unit)
2 sets (one per each
4 Set of nylon slings – round, for handling turbine components.
type of Unit)
Eye bolts of each size (M12 or above) used in the turbine com- 2 sets (one per each
ponents. type of Unit)
6 Lifting shackles of each size (M12 or above) used in the tur- 2 sets (one per each

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 219

bine components. type of Unit)
Equipment for the Spiral Case Pressure Test consisting of a
Test Head and a Test Ring (1 set common to large machines 2 sets (1 set for each
and 1 set common to small machines) to close the Spiral Case – capacity of machine)
Stay ring assembly for the pressure test.
3 Sets (2 Sets for
Site erection devices for stay ring: measuring stents, platforms
8 large units, 1 set for
and other tools and devices for stay ring site machining
small unit)
2 sets (1 set for each
9 Runner Inspection platform
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
10 Special tools for runner and turbine shaft handling
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
11 Special tools for head cover and bottom ring handling
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
12 Special tools for turbine guide bearing and shaft seal handling
capacity of machine)


The following list of tools & tackles are envisaged for handling of generator motor and its equipment
during erection and Operation & Maintenance time.

S.No Description Quantity

a. Stator core clamping, stator bar assembly device at site
Stator roundness measuring device and length ruler with tem- 2 sets (1 set for each
perature compensated criteria capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
2. Sample plate for double dovetail bars assembly
capacity of machine)
Stator core subsection compaction device (including bolts, 2 sets (1 set for each
clamping plate , nuts) capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
4. Staking mandrels
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
5. Shaping bars
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
6. Stator core clamping device (Including spanner, tension)
capacity of machine)

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 220

2 sets (1 set for each
7. Shovel end tools
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
8. Wedge pulling tool
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
10. Stator bar lifting device
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
11. Bar assembly device
capacity of machine)
Stator/Rotor bar welding device (incl medium frequency 2 sets (1 set for each
equipments) capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
13. Wedge pushing tool
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
14. Stator mounting supports
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
15. Measuring ruler for power unit
capacity of machine)
b. Rotor assembly tools
2 sets (1 set for each
1. Rotor core clamping device
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
2. Temporary clamping bolts for rotor core assembly
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
3. Rotor roundness measuring device
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
4. Rotor mounting supports (without sole plates)
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
5. Device for connecting the unit shaft
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
6. Stator lifting device
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
7. Rotor lifting device
capacity of machine)
Assembly and disassembly and adjusting device for thrust 2 sets (1 set for each
bearing and guide bearing capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
9. Magnetic drilling machine
capacity of machine)

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 221

2 sets (1 set for each
10. Generator run out measuring device
capacity of machine)
2 sets (1 set for each
11. Lifting balance beam connected to crane
capacity of machine)
Rotor winding assembly and dismantle tools, rotor bar lifting 2 sets (1 set for each
device capacity of machine)


Sr.No. Standard Number Title

Guidelines For Formulation Of Detailed Project Reports
1. CEA Guidelines for DPR For Hydro Electric Schemes, Their Acceptance And Exami-
nation For Concurrence
Hydraulic Turbines For Medium And Large Power Houses-
2. IS 12837
Guidelines For Selection
Guidelines For Selection Of Hydraulic Turbine, Prelimi-
3. IS 12800-3 nary Dimensioning & Layout Of Surface Hydro Electric
Power House
Hydraulic Turbines, Storage Pumps And Pump-Turbines -
4. IEC 60193
Model Acceptance Tests
Field Acceptance Tests To Determine The Hydraulic
5. IEC 60041 Performance Of Hydraulic Turbines, Storage Pumps And
Rotating Electrical Machines - Part 1: Rating And Perfor-
6. IEC 60034-1
Standard Methods For Determining Losses And EfCiciency
7. IEC 60034-2
From Tests
Mechanical Vibration Of Rotating Electrical Machines
8. IS 12075 With Shaft Heights 56 Mm And Higher - Measurement,
Evaluation And Limits Of Vibration Severity
9. IEC 60146 Semiconductor Converters - General Requirements

Penstock And Turbine Inlet ButterCly Valves For Hydro

10. IS 7326
Power Stations And Systems
Guide To SpeciCication Of Hydraulic Turbine Governing
11. IEC 61362

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 222

12. IEC 60044-1 Instrument Transformer – Part 1: Current Transformer

13. IEC 60044-2 Instrument Transformer – Part 2: Voltage Transformer

14. IEC 62271 High-Voltage Switchgear And Control Gear

IEEE Recommended Practice For Master/Remote Supervi-

15. IEEE 999-1992
sory Control And Data Acquisition (Scada)
16. IEEE C37. 20.3-2001 IEEE Standard For Metal-Enclosed Interrupter Switchgear.

IEEE Standard for Relays and Relay Systems Associated

17. IEEE C37. 90-1989
with Electric Power Apparatus
IEEE Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Power
18. IEEE C37. 91-2000
19. IEEE C37.101-1993 IEEE Guide for Generator Ground Protection

20. IEEE C37.122 -1983 IEEE Standard for Gas Insulated Substations

IEEE Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Power

21. IEEE C37.97-1979
Systems Buses (ANSI)
IEEE Application Guide for Surge Protection of Electric
22. IEEE C62. 23-1995
Generating Plants
IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Batter-
23. IEEE Std 485-1997
ies for Stationary Applications
24. IS 13947:1993 Low voltage switchgear and control gear

25. IS 2026 SpeciCication for Power Transformers

International codes for testing of speed governing systems

26. IEC 308
for hydraulic turbines.
IEEE Recommended practice for preparation of equip-
27. IEEE Std 125-2007 ment speciCications for speed governing of hydraulic tur-
bines intended to drive electric generators.
28. IS 8084 Bus ducts, IEEE C37.23, IS 8084

29. IS 3043 / IEEE 80 Code of practice for earthing.

Code of practice for protection of building and allied

30. IS 2309
structures against lightning.
31. IS 6665-2004 Code of practice for industrial lighting

32. IEC/IEEE Standard Generator Circuit Breakers

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 223

IS:8130, IS:7098, Construction, Performance and testing of XLPE insulated
HV power cables
Construction, Performance and testing of 1100 V grade
34. IS:1554, IS:8130
PVC insulated control cables
Construction, Performance and testing of power cables
35. IS:1554
1100 V grade PVC insulated
Construction, Performance and testing of 1100 V grade
36. IS:694
Lighting/Misc./ Light duty unarmored cables.

37. IEEE C37.23, IS 8084 Bus Ducts

38. NFPA-72:2019 Fire Protection system

39. IS: 659:1964 Safety code for Air conditioning.

40. IS: 660:1963 Safety code for mechanical Refrigeration.

IS-3177: 1999 (2003- Code of practice for Electric Overhead Travelling Crane
2007) ReafCirmed 2006 and Gantry cranes other than Steel work cranes.

SpeciCication for Steel Wire Suspension Ropes for Lifts,

42. IS 2365: 1977
Elevators and Hoists

43. IS-10426 SpeciCication for public address ampliCiers

Net Heads Adopted in the Project:

Generation Mode Pumping Mode

Large Unit Small Unit Large Unit Small Unit

FRL of Upper Reservoir 857 857 857 857

MDDL at Upper Reservoir 829 829 829 829

FRL at Lower Reservoir 659.00 659.00 659.00 659.00

MDDL at Lower Reservoir 637.00 637.00 637.00 637.00

Avg. Gross Head 195.00 195.00 195.00 195.00

Total Head Loss 5.10 6.00 4.00 4.40

Rated Net Head 189.90 189.00 199.00 199.40

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 224



The generated voltage of both wind and solar generations will be stepped to 33kV which will be
pooled to a cluster level pooling substation which will be strategically located to pool the maximum
generation and stepped to 400kV voltage level to minimize the losses. The pooled power at different
cluster substations will be routed to a central pooling substation where in the complete generation of
wind and solar will be pooled along with the generation/pumping of pumped storage scheme of 1280

The pooled power will be evacuated to PGCIL 220/400kV Narendra Grid Sub-Station, Dharwad
District with ACSR moose double circuit towers. Complete indicative scheme is depicted in following

At the time of excess generation i.e. above committed 1600 MW RTC from solar and wind plants,
pumped storage scheme will run in pumping mode to pump water from lower reservoir to upper
reservoir and when the generation is less than the RTC i.e. 1600 MW, pumped storage scheme will run
in generating mode to cater the deCicit generation. Power evacuation of 1600 MW RTC will be
regulated by the state of art control system with multi plant coordination by either clamping the
excess generation or by switching ON the pumped storage plant in generation mode. Metering will be
provided on the outgoing lines of central pooling substation.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 225



The project execution is proposed to be completed in a period of 36 months excluding pre

construction activities of 6 months. The work is proposed to be let out on tender as lumpsum contact
in Cive packages as described in 12.3. A bar chart showing proposed construction schedule is enclosed.


The Pre-construction work shall include the following:

➢ Detailed Topographical Survey and marking the Layout at site, Pre- construction geotechnical

➢ Clearance from various Government agencies and Acquisition of Land

➢ Detailed design and preparation of tender documents for Civil, Electro-mechanical, Hydro
mechanical works including pre-construction investigation.

➢ Award of Contracts

➢ Setting up of Site ofCice, project team and store

➢ Arranging of construction power

➢ Construction of approach roads


During Tender engineering, detailed design work will be started and construction drawings will be
available by the time contracts are awarded. The work for tender engineering is expected to be
completed within 3 months.


Mechanical construction has been planned for almost all the construction activities so as to achieve
consistent quality and faster progress rate. As the work is let out on lumpsum contract, the contractor
will bring in all the construction equipment required. The planning of equipments is carried out based
on the “Guidelines for preparation of Detailed Project Reports of River Valley and multipurpose
Projects” issued by Central Water Commission. Sequencing of construction activities, wherever
possible, has been attempted in such a way that equipment from one activity, on its completion can be
moved to the other. Thus, the total requirement of equipment at a time would be reduced and also,
sufCicient utilization of equipment on the project would be ensured. Basic assumptions made for the
planning of equipment for various construction activities are listed below:

The scheduled working hours considering 25 working days per month, accordingly works out

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 226

as under:

Type of Shift Works (hours)

Single shift work/day 12x25x8 = 2400
Two shift work/day 12x25x16=4800
Three shift work/day 12x25x24 = 7200

Two shifts working of equipment is normally considered most economical in view of the high cost of
three shift working on account of low availability of equipment and higher stand-by equipment
Thus, planning for all over ground works has been carried out based on two shifts per day working.
Underground works in any case, are planned for three shifts working as these involve cyclic
operations, which do not follow normal shift operation. The work in the formation of dam for upper
reservoir are planned for the 3 shift working.


For construction of the Saundatti PSP, main common equipments are Aggregate Processing Plant,
Batching Plant and diesel captive power. These are common for all civil works.


Setting up of an Aggregate Processing Plant inter-alia include the following:

➢ Capacity and production schedule of aggregates;

➢ Location of plant;

➢ Type of Plants;

➢ Location of quarry areas and method of extraction of quarrying rock

For construction of this project, Aggregate Processing Plants (APP) are proposed at two locations and
Concrete Batching Plants (CBP) at two locations. Location 1 of APP (APP-1) is proposed at upper dam
site, aggregate shall be supplied for concreting of Intake Structure, concrete power block, upper
embankment and part of penstock from top.

Second location (APP-2) at Powerhouse site near adit portal, aggregate shall be supplied for
concreting of the lining of part of Penstock, Powerhouse & Lower dam.

As worked out above the APP having capacities of 100 TPH located at dam site, 250 TPH APP will be
located at Powerhouse site near adit portal.

➢ FE Loader 3 cum: 2 (2 at APP)

➢ Dozer (180 HP): 5 (2 at APP)

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 227

➢ 20 tonne capacity dumper: 6 (3 at each APP)

Equipment required at the quarry is not considered as the excavated materials from the project
components are proposed to be used for making aggregates.


Setting up of an Batching Plant inter-alia include the following:

➢ Capacity and production schedule of aggregates;

➢ Location of plant;

➢ Type and layout

Two CBP’s (CBP1, CBP2) will be required to match with the APP’s each of 90 cum/hr.


The maximum power required for constructions activities is arrived at considering various capacities
of electrically driven machines/equipment and requirement of lighting, varies during the construction
schedule and also depends on construction methodology. It is estimated that about 2.5 MW of power
would be required during peak construction period. Basic construction power for the project is to be
arranged from Karlakatti village by tapping 11 KV line.

In addition to grid power, the provision for DG sets has been made as standby arrangement in case of
non-supply from grid.

1.0 MVA, 415V, 3 phase Diesel Generator Set

220 V, 400 AH (tentative) battery bank


12.9.1 Rock@ill Dam for Upper & Lower Reservoirs

As the total length of formation of rockCill dam for Upper & Lower reservoir is about 9.522 Kms, the
working area available is vast, it is proposed to deploy a total of six teams with six working fronts (3
teams in each reservoir) to complete the dams as per the schedule. The construction of the dam
involves surface excavation, placement of Cill materials, spreading & wetting and compaction of the Cill
materials. Total quantity of dam excavation for formation of upper reservoir is about 3.91 Lakh m 3.
The excavation of 2.73 Lakh m3 quantity which does not involve blasting operation is considered as
common excavation and remaining 0.78 Lakh m3 which requires blasting is considered as rock

While working out the quantity for common excavation and rock excavation of each portion of dam,
Stripping of top soil has been considered as common excavation and excavation of cutoff trench is

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 228

considered as rock excavation.

12.9.2 Surface Excavation

Following construction methods are proposed for surface excavations:

➢ Stripping and excavation for trenching & preparation of base of dam and loading of the soft
material by 0.85 cum hydraulic excavators

➢ Transportation to the disposal area by 4.5/5.0 Cum capacity rear dumper/tipper

➢ A 90 HP bulldozer is also considered to stay in the disposal area for spreading of the
unloaded materials

➢ The rock excavation to be undertaken by drilling & blasting. Jack hammers and
wagon/crawler drill with hole patterns of 1m c/c and 2.75 m c/c respectively to be
deployed for drilling of charge holes.

12.9.3 Fill Placement

The construction of rockCill portion of upper reservoir involves placement of 69.5 Lakh m3 of Cill
materials. The Cill placement will require excavation and loading of material at the borrow
areas/quarries, transportation of the material to the placement site and unloading.

Hydraulic excavator-rear dumper combination is the most commonly used method of material
transportation. The selection of hydraulic excavators depends on the quantities to be handled,
limitations of space at the site and the availability of standard equipment. Matching rear dumpers are
estimated taking into account the distance to be traveled, the load ratings of haul roads and trafCic
intensity. This method is considered quite Clexible as this allows introduction of additional equipment
to supplement the capacity, if required. These equipments are available as standard items and most of
the sizes which are required for the projects are manufactured indigenously. As the Cill material is
available within a distance of 10 to 15 kilometer and borrow areas are scattered over different
locations, the conventional method of material transportation, i.e., hydraulic excavator-dumper
combination has been considered more suitable for material transportation.

12.9.4 Impervious Materials

Impervious materials for upstream face and cutoff for the embankment involves placement of 1.65
Lakh m3 of impervious materials of Ashphalt concrete & plastic concrete.

The following construction methods have been considered for Ashphalt concrete mix are as follows:

12.9.5 Fine Filter

Fine Cilters are proposed with placement of 6.60 Lakh m 3 of Cine materials. The following construction

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 229

methods have been considered for the placement of Cine Cilter:

• Loading at the quarry by 0.85 cum hydraulic excavator and transportation up to Cilter
processing plant by 5.0 cum capacity rear dumper

• Processing at the Cilter processing plant of capacity, 250 TPH installed near the upper

• Loading by 0.85 cum loader and transport to the dam site by 5.0 cum capacity rear dumper

• Spreading on the embankment in layers up to 30 cm thick by bulldozer with Clywheel

power of 90 HP

• Compaction with 6 to 8 passes of 8t smooth drum vibratory roller.

12.9.6 Coarse Filter & Rock Toe

Coarse Filter & Rock toe involves placement of 3.55 Lakh m3 of materials. The following construction
methods and equipment are considered suitable for rockCill placement:

• Drilling of charge holes at the quarry by means of jack hammers and crawler drills with
hole patterns of 1-2.75 m c/c

• Blasting by means of electric detonators connected to proper wire circuits

• Loading at the quarry by 0.85 cum excavator and transportation up to Cilter processing
plant by 5.0 cum rear dumper

• Processing at the Cilter processing plant of capacity, 250 tph installed near the quarry

• Loading at the Cilter processing plant by 0.85 cum loader and transport to the dam site by
5.0 cum capacity rear dumper

• Spreading of the unloaded material on the embankment to about 50 cm to 70cm layer

thickness, by means of 90 HP Clywheel power bulldoze.

• Compaction by 6 pass of 10t smooth drum vibrating rollers.

12.9.7 Major Construction Plant & Equipment for AFRD

Based on above methodology and equipment planning the list of equipment required for construction
of Rock Fill Dam (Upper & Lower) is given in Table below:

Table 12-1: Major Construction Plant & Equipment for Rock@ill Dam
Sl.No Description Size/Capacity Quantity
1 Hydraulic excavator 0.85 m3 8
3 Crawler/wagon drill (ROC) 600 cfm 8

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 230

4 Air Compressor (Diesel) 8.5 cmm 15
5 Air Compressor (Electric) 8.5 cmm 15
6 Jack hammer 120 cfm 60

7 Front end loader 2.5 m3 8

8 Rear end dumper 4.5 Cum 45
9 Tipper 5.0 Cum 35
10 Angle dozer 90 HP 35
12 Vibratory compactor (pad foot) 10t 4
13 Vibratory compactor (smooth drum) 10t 4
14 Water sprinklers 8000 L 15
15 Filter processing plant 250 tph 1
16 Truck 8/10 ton 8
17 De-Watering Pump 05 / 10 HP 20
18 Grout pump 20 kg/m 10

12.9.8 Construction Programme

The excavations for the GFRD for the upper dam will start in the 3rd quarter of year 1 in a segment
manner and will be completed in the 4th quarter of year 3 including grouting operations. The dam
foundation treatment, which includes consolidation grouting and curtain grouting, will start locally as
the excavation is completed in that area.

Embankment construction will start in the mid of 3rd quarter year 1 and end 4th quarter of year 3, once
the excavation and foundation preparation works are sufCiciently advanced. The period before the
beginning of the embankment construction shall be devoted to the preparation of the haul roads and
development of the borrow area.

A total period of 30 months, has been allowed for the completion of the dam embankment with the
aim to reach crest elevation by the end of 2nd quarter of year 3.


Intake structure is planned to be executed with four separate teams, two teams at Upstream Intake
Structure and two teams at downstream Intake structure. Main activities to be undertaken for
construction of Intake Structure are surface excavations and concreting including embeddment parts.
Surface excavations will comprise of common excavation in overburden and rock excavation. The
surface excavations including slope stabilization, PCC & grouting works will start in 4th quarter of year
1 and planned to be completed at the end of the 1st quarter of year 3. The surface excavation for main
structure involves both common and rock excavations. The excavated material will be transported to

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 231

the disposal area using conventional excavator and rear dumper combination.

12.10.1 Surface Excavation for Intake Structure

Following construction methods are proposed for surface excavations:

• Excavation and loading of the soft material (common excavation) by 0.85Cum Shovel

• For rock excavations requiring drilling & blasting, drilling the very steep areas by hand-held
rigs (jack hammer) of 38 mm diameter with hole patterns of about 2.75 sqm and drilling
the accessible areas by crawler drill

• Loading of blasted rock by 0.85 cum hydraulic excavator, shovel attachment and assisted by
90 HP dozers

• Transportation to the disposal areas/main dam by 5.0 cum rear dumpers

• Crawler dozer, 90 HP to be deployed at the disposal area to spread the material.

12.10.2 Concreting for Intake Structure

For concreting of Intake Structure a period of 571 days has been planned for the placement. The
concrete required for Intake Structure is proposed to be produced in a centralized Batching and
Mixing Plant. The plant shall be located in the vicinity of the dam. In addition, two numbers mobile
batching & mixing plant each of capacity 18 m3/hour will be provided. The concrete from the plant will
be transported with the help of transit mixers of 6.0 cum capacity.

Following construction methods have been considered for concreting of Intake Structure

• Placing of concrete with the help of 1 Nos. 40 m3/hr concrete pumps with 25 m boom

• Concrete transportation by transit mixers of 6.0 m3 capacity

• Batching and mixing plant of capacity 30 m3/hr to be located preferably within a radius of 2
km from the concrete dam

• The aggregate crushing and screening plant of 250 tph for preparation of coarse and Cine

12.10.3 Major Construction Plant & Equipment for Intake Structure

Based on above methodology and equipment planning the list of equipment required for construction
of concrete Intake Structure is given in Table below:

Table 12-2: Major Construction Plant & Equipment for concrete Intake Structure
Sl.No Description Size/Capacity Quantity
1 Hydraulic excavator 0.85 m3 4

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 232

2 Angle Dozer 90 HP 1
3 Air Compressor (elec) 8.5 cmm 8
4 Dumper 4.5 Cum 16
5 Tipper 5.0 Cum 4
6 Dewatering Pump (Elec) 10 hp 4
7 Jack hammer 120 cfm 16
8 Jack hammer with pusher legs 120 cfm 4
9 Mobile Batching & mixing plant 18 m3/hour 2
10 Needle Vibrator (Elec) 40mm 6
11 Tower Crane, traveling type 2 2
12 Transit mixers 6m 4
13 Grout pump 20 kg/m2 6
14 Trucks 8/10 ton 4
15 Mobile Crane 16t 2

12.10.4 Construction Programme

The concreting works for the Intake Structure at the upstream will start at the end of 4th quarter of
year 1 and will be completed in the 1st quarter of year 3. The Intake Structure foundation treatment at
the tail race end, which includes consolidation grouting and curtain grouting, will start after the
excavation of Draft Tube Tunnel is completed and is planned to be completed in 2 to 4 months.
Concrete placement at the tail race end will start by mid of 3rd quarter of year 2, once the excavation of
the Draft tube tunnels are completed and foundation preparation works are sufCiciently advanced. A
total period of 24 months, has been allowed for the completion of the Intake Structure at the tail race
end with the aim to reach crest elevation by the end of 1st quarter of year 3.


For the excavation of Pressure Shafts one adits, namely adit to bottom of Penstock is provided and one
approach road to reach the top of vertical pressure shaft. Bottom adit off takes from approach road
from Kalakatti village. The top horizontal reach of Pressure Shafts will be approached by the approach
road to vertical pressure shaft.

12.11.1 Excavation Methodology for Adit & Tunnel

Before taking up actual tunnel excavation, portal construction and slope stabilization would be
required for which following construction sequence is suggested:
• Excavation and loading of the soft material by 2.0 m 3 hydraulic excavators assisted by 180
HP dozer
• For rock excavations requiring drilling and blasting, drilling the very steep areas by hand-

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 233

held rigs with 38 mm diameter with hole patterns of about 1-2.5 m2 and drilling the
accessible areas by crawler rigs with 76 mm bits and hole patterns ranging from 7.5 to 9.0
• Loading of the blasted rock by 2.0 m3 hydraulic excavator bucket shovel attachment and
assisted by 180 HP dozers
• Transportation to the disposal areas by 18/20t rear end dumpers
• Slope Stablization using shotcrete machine and anchoring by jack hammer/hydraulic
drilling rig
• Portal concreting by using portable concrete mixer with weigh batches.
• The portal excavation and slope stabilization will be completed within three month from
start of work. Once the same is completed, the excavation of adit followed by tunneling for
horizontal portion of penstock will start. In view of its size, the adit is proposed to be
excavated by heading and benching method.
• Following construction method for the excavation of adit and tunnel may be adopted.
• Drilling of charge holes by means of double boom hydraulic drill jumbo
• Driving of each round variable according to the Class of rock (approximate 3.5 m for the
Class I & II, 3.0 m for the Class III and 2.5 m for the rock Class IV and V)
• Number of holes per round (including those necessary for carrying out the smooth blasting
along the peripheral surface) approximately 30-40
• Charging operations of explosive using detonators
• Loading of the muck resulting from blasting, by Hydraulic mucker/rock loader (40 m3/hr
output capacity)
• Transport of the muck to disposal areas by 18/20t rear end dumpers
• Shotcrete with the help of 4-6 m3/hr capacity wet shotcrete machine
• Rock bolting using mechanized rock bolting rig.
A typical cycle for Class III (pull of 2.4m) is shown in Table
As per the rock condition of tunnel and with the derived cycle time, an average sustainable progress of
100 m/month can be achieved.

12.11.2 Construction Programme

Stabilization of slopes, Portal formation & Approach roads for adit will be completed in 4th quarter of
Year 1. The excavations for the adit will start in the 1st quarter of year 2 and will be completed in eight
months working period.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 234

Description Unit Cl – III
Finished Diameter of Adit m 9.00
Shortcrete Thickness m 0.076
Excavated Diameter of HRT m 9.15
Maximum Working Hours assumed in 24hrs in 3 shift including shift
change hrs 20
Drilling and Blasting
Depth of holes to be drilled m 3.00
Cross sectional area of Tunnel m2 75
Spacing of the holes m 0.85
No. of holes required per face nos 88
Spacing of the holes for perimeter m 0.5
Heading Perimeter m 33
Additional hole for line drilling / burn hole nos 66
Total no. of holes nos 154
Total depth of drilling m 462
Output of Double Boom Drill Jumbo m/hr 100
2 boom drill jumbo nos 1
ProCile Marking & Setting of Operation hr 0.5
Drilling Time hr 4.62
Charging and blasting hr 1
Defuming with 20hp fan hr 1
Scaling and cleaning hr 1
Total time for drilling and blasting hr 8.12
Quantity of muck considering 80% output and 50% bulkage cum 251.97
Output of 0.75 cum Side dump loader (loose) cum/hr 70
Mucking hours required hr 3.60
Cycle Time
Drilling and Blasting hr 8.12
Mucking time hr 3.60
Total time required hr 11.72
No. of cycle 1.71
Total progress per month of 25 days considering 2.4m pull 102.39
Total output in m per month Say 100
Total Length of Adit m 800
No of months required to complete adit excavation months 8

12.11.3 Excavation Methodology for Pressure Shaft

After completion of excavation of adit to bottom of Pressure Shaft, bottom horizontal reach from adit
to bottom vertical bend of Pressure Shafts will be excavated. About 5 to 6 m of vertical portion of
Pressure Shaft will be excavated from bottom horizontal reach by conventional drill and blast method.
The Alimak raise climber will then be installed / erected at the bottom of Pressure Shaft. The

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 235

excavation of vertical shaft will be carried out for three nos simultaneously. The erection of Alimak
raise climber will take about one month. The Alimak will land on a raised platform about 3 m from
invert of bottom horizontal reach. The mono rail will be Cixed in vertical reach manually. After this the
Pilot Shaft of vertical portion will be excavated through Alimak raise climber and monorail extended
after each blast. The size of Pilot Shaft will be 2.6 m i.e. the size of Alimak Platform. The progress of 3
m per day will be achieved for excavating the Pilot Shaft. Following this sequence the pilot shaft will be
excavated from bottom to top. The methodology adopted remain same in all the Pressure Shafts.

For widening of Pressure Shaft a 15 tonne winch shall be provided at the top of vertical pressure shaft.
Platform will be lowered in the vertical reach of Pressure Shaft from where men and material will be
taken inside the widened portion of Shaft. A progress of 3 m will be achieved for widening the
Pressure Shaft to its full dimensions. The penstocks from bottom adit towards Powerhouse end shall
be excavated 25 m short of upstream Powerhouse wall. The 25 m reach of Penstocks shall be
excavated after Powerhouse excavation reaches that level.

The drilling will be carried out by 2-boom Hydraulic Jumbo and haulage of excavated muck will be
done by loader, dumper combination. The excavation shall be done full face with conventional
drilling/blasting method. The excavation of Top horizontal reach upto the Intake Structure will be
carried out after the surface excavations of Intake Structure are completed.

12.11.4 Rock Support Measures

Shotcreting shall be carried out upto excavated face after each blast whereas rock bolting shall be
provided about 2 pulls behind the excavated face. Both the operations, however, are to be carried out
after each blast. The excavated tunnel will be supported by steel ribs in the reaches which are
geologically weak. The excavated muck will be loaded through one 0.75 cum side dump loader and
transported by dump trucks of 10 T capacity to muck dumping area. After excavation scaling will be
done followed by the rock bolting and shotcreting. Pre- splitting or smooth blasting technique shall
also be adopted to avoid over break.

12.11.5 Steel Liner for Penstock

The penstock work involves fabrication of steel liners of 7.10 m dia and about 1038.10m long each.
Thus before the fabrication work, exact number and size of each ferrule shall be planned talking into
account the vertical and horizontal bend reaches. For this purpose, a well equipped Ferrule
Fabrication Workshop will be established at site, with the state-of-the-art plant and equipment. The
erection of ferrules shall be started from Adit to bottom of penstock. The erection of bottom vertical
bend shall be carried out Cirst of all. The stepped concrete pedestals (stairs) shall be provided to
facilitate alignment of various pieces of vertical bend.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 236

After erection of the bottom vertical bend the 2.5 m vertical pieces of ferrules will be lowered in the
Pressure Shaft with help of 15 tonne winch provided at the top of vertical shaft. Backing strip will be
welded with upper face of ferrule. The strip will help in proper alignment of next ferrule. A clear gap of
3 mm will be provided between bevelled edges of two ferrules. The circumferential welding will then
be carried out. The welding Clux will be contained with help of backing strip. After circumferential
welding is completed Ultrasonic Tests will be conducted before carrying out backCill concrete and
erection of another ferrule. After completion of vertical reach in this fashion the top horizontal bend
will be erected in similar manner as bottom horizontal bend. Erection of ferrules in top horizontal
reach upto the Intake Structure is an independent activity and can be carried out after fabrication of
ferrules is over. The Cinal matching shall be carried out after the erection of top horizontal bend.
Erection of ferrules in bottom horizontal reach up to upstream face of bottom adit to Pressure Shaft
will be carried out after bottom vertical bend is erected. Alternatively, the general installation
sequence described for the vertical shaft considering the installation of one ferrule at the time may be
further optimized to speed up the process. The capacity of the upper winch shall be increased
accordingly. Two or three ferrules of 2.5 – 3 m can be pre-assembled on the top and lowered all
together in the shaft. This reduces the amount of welding and tests inside the vertical shaft and
therefore shorten the installation time of the vertical shaft. This option shall be investigated during
execution of the project.

12.11.6 Major Construction Plant & Equipment for Penstock

Based on above methodology and equipment planning the list of equipment required for construction
of concrete Intake Structure is given in Table below:

Table 12-3: Major Construction Plant & Equipment for Penstock

Sl.No Description Size/Capacity Quantity
1 Loader / Excavator (JCB) 1.0 Cum/ 0.24 Cum 5
2 Crawler/wagon drill (ROC) 600 cfm 6
3 Heavy Duty Jack hammer 120 cfm 35
4 Rear dumper 18/20 t 25
5 Air Compressor CFM 3500
6 Wet Shot Crete Machine Nos 1
7 Alimak Raise Clamber /borrower Nos 4
8 Electrical Winch 15 -20 Mt 4
9 Ajax Fury 2 Cum / Hr 6
10 Grouting Pumps 20 Kg / M^2 6
11 Dewatering Pump (Elec) 10 hp 4

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 237

12 Dewatering Pump (Elec) 5 hp 2

12.11.7 Concreting

The backCill concrete behind Steel Liner (ferrules) will be carried out once a ferrule of 5 m length is
erected at site. The backCill concrete in vertical reach of Pressure Shaft will be carried out from top
with help of a concrete pump. Similarly in horizontal reaches also the backCill concreting will be
carried out after erection of each ferrule of 5 m length followed by backCill concrete with concrete

12.11.8 Concreting Equipment Planning

The concrete shall be transported in transit mixers of 6.0 cum capacity. In three shifts working, total
erection time including backCill concrete for a 2.5 m long single ferule is 3 days. Assuming one shift i.e.
8 hr is dedicated for backCill concrete.

Total backCill concrete behind single ferule = 97.25 cum

Working hours = 8 hr

Hourly concreting program = 97.25 / 8 = 12.16 cum

Handling losses (5 %) = 12.16 x 1.05

= 12.76 Say 13.0 cum

Concrete production rate per hour = 30.0 cum

Weighted Average Lead = 2.0 KM

Hauling time

(12.5 km/hr (average), transit mixer speed) = 2 x 2.0 x 60 /12.5 = 19.2 min

Spotting and waiting time at the CBP = 8.0 min

Loading time at the CBP = 6.5 min

Turning, Spotting and Unloading time = 5.0 min

Total cycle time = 38.70 min

Nos of trip of transit mixer per hr of 50 min = 50/38.70 = 1.29

Concrete quantity carried per hour = 1.29 x 6 x 0.66

(assuming 66% efCiciency of Transit Mixer) = 5.11 cum

Transit mixer required = 30/5.11

= 5.87 no. Say 6 no.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 238

Total = 6 No.

Hence, only 1 No. pump 40 cum/hr is sufCicient for placing the backCill concrete in penstocks.

12.11.9 Grouting

Contact grouting shall be carried out once the backCill concreting operations are over. This will be
carried out from holes left in steel Penstocks for this purpose. Drilling will be carried out from these
holes up to 300 mm inside the rock and contact grouting at a pressure of 1 to 1.5 kg/cm2 shall be
carried out.

Total requirement of equipment for backCill concrete in penstock are as under:

Table 12-4: Major Construction Plant & Equipment for concrete in Penstock
Sl.No Description Size/Capacity Quantity
1 Transit Mixer 6.0 Cum 6 Nos
2 Concrete Pump 40 Cum/hr 1 no
3 Needle vibrator 40mm 4 nos
4 Batching and mixing plant 30 Cum/hr Capacity 1 no
5 Grout Pump 1 no
6 Dewatering Pump (Elec) 10 hp 4 no

12.11.10 Construction Programme

The excavations of adit for bottom of penstock will start in the 3 rd quarter of year 1 and will be
completed within 7 months working period. The horizontal penstock excavation from the adit will
start from 1st quarter of year 2 and will be completed in 3 months working period. The excavation of
vertical shaft from 3 faces will start from 1 st quarter of year 3 and will be completed in 3 months. The
excavation of vertical shaft from other 2 faces will start from the third month of 3rd quarter of year 1
and will be completed in 7 months. Erection of ferrules and Concrete placement will start by mid of 2 nd
quarter of year 2, once the excavation and foundation preparation works are sufCiciently advanced and
will be completed by end of 2nd quarter of year 3.


Main activities to be undertaken for construction of power house are surface excavations and
concreting along with erection of electro-mechanical equipment.

The sequence of operations for power house complex is based on the following construction methods
and equipment:

• Excavation and loading of the soft material by 2.0 m3 hydraulic excavators assisted by 180 HP

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 239


• For rock excavations requiring drilling and blasting, drilling the very steep areas by hand-held
rigs with 38 mm diameter with hole patterns of about 1-2.5 m 2 and drilling the accessible
areas by crawler rigs with 76 mm bits and hole patterns ranging from 7.5 to 9.0 m2

• Loading of the blasted rock by 2.0 cum hydraulic excavator bucket shovel attachment and
assisted by 180 HP dozers

• Transportation to the disposal areas by 18/20t rear end dumpers

• Placing of concrete with 20 m3/hr concrete pumps with 25 m boom

• Concrete transportation by 4.5 m3 transit mixers

• Concrete production in a Batching and mixing plant of capacity 90 m3/hr

• The aggregate crushing and screening plant of 500 tph for preparation of coarse and Cine

• Mobile crane of 12t is to be utilized for handling of construction material, shutter forms etc.

The installation of electro-mechanical equipment will be done in close coordination with the civil
contractor. Almost all of the civil structures including the installation of overhead crane will be
completed before the installation of electro-mechanical equipment.

12.12.1 Major Construction Plant & Equipment for Power House

Based on above methodology and equipment planning the list of equipment required for construction
of concrete power house is given in Table below:

Table 12-5: Major Construction Plant & Equipment for power house
Sl.No Description Size/Capacity Quantity

1 Hydraulic excavator 2.0 / 2.5 m3 10

2 Angle Dozer 180 HP 5
3 Front End Loader 2.5 m 5
4 Loader / Excavator (JCB) 1.0 Cum/ 0.24 Cum 5
5 Crawler/wagon drill (ROC) 600 cfm 6
6 Jack hammer 120 cfm 35
7 Rear dumper 18/20 t 25
8 Tippers 10 t 8
9 Tower Crane, traveling 2 4
10 Aggregate processing plant 250 tph 1

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 240

11 Batching & mixing plant 90 / 65 m3/hour 1
12 Mobile Batching & mixing 18 m3/hour 1
13 Concrete pump with 25 m 40 cum/Hr 3
13 Transit mixers 6 m3 30
14 Compressed air cfm 2500
15 Grout pump 20 kg/m2 8
16 Trucks 8/10 ton 4
17 Mobile Crane 16t 2
18 Shotcrete Machine No 3
19 Dewatering Pump (Elec) 10 hp 8
20 Dewatering Pump (Elec) 5 hp 4

12.12.2 Construction Programme

A period of 24 months has been planned beginning in the 3rd quarter of year 1. The construction of the
concrete structures will begin by the 4th quarter of year 2 starting from the structures of the erection
area. It is planned to be completed by the 2 nd quarter year 3 in all the aspects of the construction
including E & M works.


The construction of Tail Race tunnel will be done from outlet face of Tail Race tunnel and the adit to
Tail Race. The tunnel will be excavated by drill and blast method using mechanised equipment. Double
Boom Drill Jumbo will be used for drill holes and shotcrete machine will be used for temporary lining.
An advance of 80 m/month is proposed for the excavation of Tail Race Tunnel. Concrete Lining of Tail
Race will commence immediately after the completion of excavation work. Concrete lining operation
consists of Kerb laying, overt lining to be followed by invert lining. The overt lining shall be done using
a 12m long hydraulically operated collapsible Gantry Shutter moving on rails. The rails shall be Cixed
on kerbs to facilitate movement of the shutter. The concreting of invert portion will be done after the
overt lining is completed.

One no. 12m long Gantry shutter will be erected at d/s end of TRT. The lining operations will be
carried out in upstream direction towards junction with power house. The concrete will be fed from
30 cum/hr capacity CBP-2 installed near adit portal. The concrete behind the Shutter shall be placed
by Concrete Pumps (40cum/hr capacity). A Surge Hopper shall be kept near the concrete pump to
ensure uninterrupted supply of concrete to the Pump. Vibration of concrete shall be accomplished by
surface vibrators mounted on the Shutter itself and needle vibrators inserted through inspection

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 241

window in shutters. While the lining in this reach is in progress the kerb along with rail Cixing will be
extended in upstream reach and the shutter will be moved on rails. The overt concrete lining from up
to junction with collection gallery is completed thus with a progress of 96m/month. The invert lining
in Tail Race Tunnel will be done after the overt lining is completed. The surface proCile of the invert
will be Cinished to shape by screeding with the help of a tailor made template.


The quantum of work involved in Switch Yard is less therefore work on this front can be deferred with
the start of work on other components of the project. The equipments deployed at power house is
planned to be used in switch yard works. Concrete/Building works will immediately commence after
the completion of necessary excavation/muck Cilling and foundation treatment works. The completion
will be Cinished before the completion of installation of electro-mechanical equipment in the


The fabrication of Intake gates, Trash racks and Tail Race gates shall be done partly in manufacturer’s
workshop and partly at site. The civil contractors will co-ordinate with the agencies supplying such
equipment and provide them all necessary support at site. Block outs and Cirst stage anchor plates
shall be provided in various structures during Cirst stage concreting. The second stage embedded parts
comprising of sill beams, tracks, seal seats & guides etc. shall be erected in these block outs before
undertaking second stage concreting. The supply and installation of all Hydro mechanical equipment
required at different locations will be ensured to be completed in time.

12.16 E&M WORKS

The E&M works in Power House will be taken up in parallel to civil works after the erection of EOT
cranes. The civil contractors will co-ordinate with the EM contractors and provide them all necessary
support at site. Block outs and Cirst- stage embedment shall be provided in various structures during
Cirst-stage concreting. The supply and installation of all EM equipment required at different fronts
shall be such that all other related to be completed in time so that the Power House works can be
completed in scheduled time.

Detailed Project Report of Saundatti Pumped Storage Project Page 242

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