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Andrea : Hey Jason, how are you? everything is fine?

Jason : Oh, hi Andrea. Everything is fine. (Jason is back on his cell phone)
Andrea : What book did you read just now? (with curious eyes)
Jason : Oh, these are reference books about other countries and their cultures.
Andrea : Sounds interesting.
Jason : Yes, it is very interesting. I love reading books related to other countries'
Andrea : It seems, you also have plans to visit one of these countries?
Jason : Yes, of course. But not only one country, but all countries I want to visit.
Andrea : Wow, very impressive. So, what are your plans to fulfill your dream?
Jason : Apart from studying, I have a side job as a youtuber.
Andrea : are you serious? Aboit what,by the way

Jason : I am reviewing Indonesian culture in English.

Andrea : So, how do you divide your time between studying and be youtuber?

Jason : Usually, my work adjusts to the class schedule.

Andrea : Then what time do you go to campus?

Jason : I go to campus around 07.00 by motorcycle
Andrea : Then, what time do you come home?
Jason : Usually I go home around 19:00 p.m. anyway. In sunday I will go to Madura to review Madurese
Andrea : Excellent, Jess. How many subscribers do you have?
Jason : Mmmmm.....more or less there are 600 subscribers.
Andrea : Does that mean you have received an award from the You Tube Creator Awards?
Jason : Yes, that's it. I got a Silver award because my subscribers are over 100,000.
Andrea : So, you get income from your work as a You Tuber, huh?

Jason : From my income as a YouTuber, I can pay my tuition fees without any more financial assistance
from my parents, I can fulfill my needs,
Andrea : So, the more subscribers you have, of course you have to be more creative and innovative
Jason : Of course. Every week, I have to give a new review about Indonesian culture in a more
interesting and memorable way. By the way, you ask me a lot of questions. Maybe your side job is a
Andrea : Ah, no. I'm not a journalist. I don't have a side job. I just focus on my studies only. (Andrea
smiles a little)
Jason : That's great, Andrea. The most important thing is to keep the spirit. By the way, watch my You
Tube channel.

Andrea : Okay, I will subscribe your chanel jess. By the way, congrats. Good luck for the future.
Jason : Thanks Andrea. You too.

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