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Madras Christian College (Autonomous)

Value Education - II
Gender Studies
(2015 – 2016 onwards)
Semester: 2
Hours: 30
Credit: 1

Objectives: (1) To sensitize students on various gender issues

(2) To bring about value change.

Unit I :

Scope of Gender Studies – Basic concepts - Sex and Sexuality , Gender, Patriarchy, Feminity,
Masculinity, Gender roles and Gender Stereo types – Historical prospective - Understanding

Unit II :

Gender and Society : Gender discrimination within Caste structure – Family and marriage -
Human Rights Violation and Protection : Female Foeticide – Sexual Harassment – Immoral
Traffic – Dowry – Child marriage – Domestic Violence.

Unit III :

Gender and Religion : Gender in Christianity , Islam & Hinduism.

Gender and Health : Occupational health – Psychological health – Reproductive health

Unit IV:

Gender and Labour : Wage discrimination – Labour discrimination – Government policies –

NGOs – SHGs.
Gender and Education : Education and Employment – Factors affecting women’s education
and employment – Rural and urban divide in education system.

Unit V :

Gender Empowerment : Access - Equality – Equity – Decision making.

Gender and Globalisation: Liberalization and globalisation and its impact on women

References :

1. ‘Understanding Women’s Studies’ – Poonache, Veena. (1999)

2. Feminist Thoughts : A more comprehensive introduction by
Rosemarie Tong,Westview Printers, August 2008.
3. Female Foeticide : Myth & Reality, Anurag Agarwal
4. Feminist Theory : A Reader, by Kolmer, Wendy and Bartkowski, Frances and Kolmar,
Wendy.K Westview Printers, August (2009).
5. Livehood and gender by Sumi Krishna, SAGE Publication, 1st edition 2004.
6. Transgender studies reader: Taylor and Francis 2006., Edited by Susan Strycker and
Stephen Whittle.
7. The Masculinity studies reader: Edited by Rachel adams and David Savran , Black
well publishers 2002
8. Women & Empowerment by Singh D.P and Singh Manjit (ed.) 2005.
9. Grass Root NGO’s by women for women by Femina Handy, Suzanne Feeney,
Bhagyashree Ranade, SAGE publishers 4th edition 2008.
10. Gender Matters edited by Florence John, Semmoodhai Pathippagam , 2013.

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