Science Solved-Sample-Paper-Class-7-SA1-Set-1

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CBSE Sample Paper Class 7 Science SA1 Set 1


Class – VII MAX. MARKS: 60

General Instructions
1) The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B. You are to attempt both the sections. All
questions of section A and B are to be attempted separately.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) Marks for each question are indicated against it.
Choose the most appropriate option: -

1. Name any one insectivorous plant. 1
2. Name the carbohydrate which is the instant source of energy. 1
3. Name any two natural indicator. 1
4. What type of climate is there in Rajasthan? 1
5. By which name a cyclone is known in Japan. 1
6. Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotroph. 2
7. Give two examples each of conductor and insulator. 2
8. Why an antacid tablet is taken when you suffer from acidity. 2
9. What do you mean by reeling of silk? 2
10. Why plants are called autotrophs. 2
11.Why wearing more layers of clothing during winter keep us warmer
than wearing just one thick piece of clothing? 3
12. Explain how painting of an iron gate prevent it from rusting. 3
13. Draw a diagram showing different stages of life history of silk moth. 3
14. State differences between acid and bases. 3
15.Classify the changes involved in the following process as physical or chemical
change 3
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Dissolving sugar in water.
(c) Burning of coal.
(d) Melting of wax.
(e) Beating of aluminum to make aluminum foil.
(f) Digestion of food.
16. Draw a well labeled diagram to show digestive system in humans. 5
17. Explain the adaptation of polar bear to live in polar region. 5
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CBSE Sample Paper Class 7 Science SA1 Set 1
18. Explain the phenomena that lead to the formation of cloud, falling of
rains storms and cyclones with the help of flow chart. 5
19. (a) Draw a diagram showing different layers of soil profile. (3+2)
(b) What do you mean by?
(i) Weathering (ii) Humus
Section B
20. Which part of the plant takes in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis?
(a) Root hair (b) Stomata (c) Leaf veins (d) sepals
21. Villi are located in the 1
(a) Small intestine (b) Large intestine (c) Stomach (d) None of these
22. We obtain wool from 1
(a) Goat (b) yak (c) sheep (d) All of these
23. The heat reaches to us from the sin in the form of 1
(a) Convection (b) radiation

(c) Conduction (d) All of these

24. The normal temperature of human body is 1
(a) 37.C (b) 98F (c) Both of these (d) None of these
25. Distilled water is 1
(a) Acidic (b) basis (c) Neutral (d) All of these
26. A carnivore with stripes on its body moves very fast while catching
its prey. It is likely to be found in 1
(a) Polar regions (b) deserts

(c) Ocean (d) Tropical rain forest

27. Which option best describes a tropical region 1

(a) Hot and Humid (b) Moderate temperature, heavy rainfall

(c) Cold and humid (d) hot and dry

28. Which one of the following place is unlikely to be affected by a
cyclone? 1
(a) Chennai (b) Mangalore (c) Amritsar (d) Puri

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CBSE Sample Paper Class 7 Science SA1 Set 1
29. The gas we use in the kitchen is called LPG. In the cylinder it exists as a liquid.
When it comes out from the cylinder it becomes a gas (change-A) then it burns
(change-B). The following statements pertain to these changes.1
(a) Process- A is a chemical charge.
(b) Process- B is a chemical charge.
(c) Both process A & B are chemical charges.
(d) None of these processes is a chemical charge.

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CBSE Sample Paper Class 7 Science SA1 Set 1 Solutions


Class – VII MAX. MARKS: 60

1 Pitcher Plant 1
2 Glucose 1
3 Turmeric , China rose ½ +½
4 Hot and dry 1
5 Typhoon 1
6 Any two difference 1+1
7 Any two example of conductor ½ +½
8 Too much acid in the stomach causes indigestion which is 2
painful. So relieve indigestion we take antacid such as milk
of magnesia which contains Magnesium Hydroxide that
neutralizes the effect of excess acid.
9 The process of taking out threads from the cocoon for use 2
as silk is called reeling of silk.
10 Plants manufacture their own food by the process of 2
11 Air is trapped between the layers of cloth. Air is bad 3
conductor that not allow our body heat to go out and keep
us warm.
12 Paints protect the iron from exposure to the moist air. 3
13 Fig. page no.-28 fig no:- 3.9 3
14 Any three differences 3
15 (a) Chemical (b) Physical (c) Chemical ½ *6
(d) Physical (e) Physical (f) Chemical
16 Fig:- 2.2 page no.-12 5
17 Any five adaptations 1*5
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CBSE Sample Paper Class 7 Science SA1 Set 1 Solutions
18 Page 92 flow chart 5
19 (a) Fig 9.3 3
(b) Definition 1+1
20 (b) 1
21 (a) 1
22 (d) 1
23 (b) 1
24 (c) 1
25 (c) 1
26 (d) 1
27 (a) 1
28 (c) 1
29 (b) 1

Exam Buddy

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