15 Books To Start 2023

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2023 WITH
By sharing lessons
from them...
Failure doesn't lead to success.
Reflection does.
Everyone fails.
But not everyone succeeds.
Reflection covers that distance.

Books made me reflect on my failures, as I

was able to see how others did the same.

My top 3 books in this category...

1. Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins
2. Shoe Dog by Phil Knight
3. Charlie Chaplin's Autobiography

There are 2 ways to learn from
mistakes. Read books.
Or make them yourselves.
While everyone's journey differs, mistakes
tend to repeat themselves. And books have
been such a wonderful source of learning at
the expense of others' mistakes.

My top 3 books in this category...

1. Hard things about hard things by Ben
2. Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
3. Principles by Ray Dalio

It isn't always about hearing
something new.
Sometimes the same thing you already
knew, expressed in a single sentence, can
change everything for you.
Books have done that for me.
They bring structure to your scattered
thoughts and beliefs.

My top 3 books in this category...

1. Linchpin by Seth Godin
2. Skin in the game by Nassim Taleb
3. Mindset by Carol Dweck

You are not the average of the 5
people you spend most time with.
You are the average of the 5 ideas you
spend the most time with. Books allow you
to pursue ideas/themes.
Go deep; form a bond.
Books shape your reality. The way you look
at it.

My top 3 books in this category...

1. Atomic Habits by James Clear
2. Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
3. Start with Why by Simon Sinek

Learning doesn't have to be
A book costing less than a pizza, can
literally change your life.
I have been saved by books, so often.
I have felt heard and understood, by books,
so often. I have known myself through
books, so often.

My top 3 in this category...

1. Rework by David Hansson & Jason Fried
2. Better under pressure by Justin Menkes
3. How will you measure you life by
Clayton Christensen

I have learnt so much from books, that
it's become some sort of life mission to
spread the power of books, at a time
when an entire generation is being
raised to consume 60 seconds of a
constantly scrolling feed!

I love gifting books (fun fact: Rework is

my most gifted book)

My new book “GET EPIC SHIT DONE”
is out.
36 questions on life, written as a
conversation between a student and a
teacher, and also a bestseller :)

The more you read,
the more things you will know.
The more you that you know,
the more places you will go.

- Dr. Suess


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