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Date:_____________ Grade:

Ohm’s Law

Name: _______________________________ Section number: ________________

Partner’s Name: _______________________ Instructor: _____________________

Part I. Computer-aided measurements

A- Ohmic devices- passive resistor:
(i) Determination of the resistance using the I -V curve:
R=¿ 10  R=¿ 33 
I (A) V (V) I (A) V (V)

Use linear regression to determine the experimental value for each resistance (without
calculating the uncertainty).

Resistors in series Resistors in parallel
I (A) V (V) I (A) V (V)

Using linear regression, determine the experimental value for each resistance along with
its error. Compare these values to those that can be calculated from the previous
measurements in part (i).

B- Non-ohmic devices- the Light Bulb:
I -V curve of a light bulb
From the I -V curve of the bulb for a ramp waveform at 0.1 Hz, calculate the resistance of
the filament when the voltage is 0.5V, 1.5V, 2.5V.

0.1 Hz 50Hz

Draw the I -V curve of the bulb for the saw tooth waveform at the two different
0.1 Hz (light bulb_low) 50 Hz (light bulb_fast)

What is the resistance of the light bulb filament at 50 Hz?

Does it changes when frequency is decreased to 0.1 Hz?

Explain each of these two I -V curves and deduce why do such curves depend on
frequency for a light bulb?

II. Small resistance measurement (metal rods):

Copper rod diameter: __(_____±___)_cm___Copper rod length: __(___±_____) cm___

Copper Rod
Current (A) Voltage across -

Determine the slope and the y -intercept of V versus I along with their uncertainties.

Copper Rod – Slope:______________ ± ____________
Copper Rod – y -intercept:______________ ± ____________

Deduce the copper rod resistance along with its uncertainty.

Calculate the resistivity of copper along with its uncertainty, compare with the literature
values of the resistivity and comment.

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