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In psychology, sensation is defined as
the process of sensory organs transferring physical
energy into neurological impulse the brain interprets as
five senses of vision, smell, taste, touch and hearing.
For example;
Respond to external stimuli called sensation. Sensation
happens when you eat noodles and feel wind on your
face and hear a car horn at a distance.

It is impossible to think of behavior without sense organ as it

is impossible to think of it without brain and nervous system,
at every moment of our life right from the time we our born
and till we our dead, we are responding to physical world
around us and to various conditions within our body through
the action of our senses.
Our sense organ than make us aware from our external world
as well as internal processes in our body. the famous British
philosopher JOHN said many years ago that ‘there is nothing in
our mind that is not first in our senses’.
Senses are seats of highly specialized receptors, each capable
to reacting only certain type of changes within environment or
within organisms. When they stimulated the nerve impulse
stimulates by receptors begin to travel through the nerves
towards brain. When these impulse reach specific areas of
brain activity caused by their presence result by conscious
experience. Each class of sensory activity has its own
specialized Centre in brain, which decode impulse coming
from receptors of particular sense organ.

There are four types of sensation;

 Organic sensation 2-special sensation
 Kinesthetic sensation 4-motor

Organic sensation;
Sensation that arise deep within body. And
arises from internal organ e.g. rumbling of stomach, hunger
and nausea etc. sensation that could be reproduce visually also
called natural sensation. It is process of sensory organ
transferring physical energy into neurological impulses the
brain interprets as five senses of vision, smell, taste, touch and
hearing. this process also known as transduction and
transferring of one form of energy to another form. Organic
sensation includes basic organic compounds like
carbohydrates, fats, lipids and proteins that are basis for
molecule of life.

Special sensation;
Associated with sense of touch that lack
special sense organs like feel;
pain, vibration and pressure. Basically these sensations include
two categories. General sensation include touch, pain,
temperature and pressure.
Special include smell, taste, touch and hear which convey
sensation to brain through cranial nerves. Special senses include
vision (for which eyes have specialized sensory organs),
hearing(ears), balance (ears), taste (tongue) and smell (nasal
passage). general senses in contrast all associated with sense of
touch that lack special sense organs. Additionally, we possess
general sensation called somatosensation, which respond to
stimuli like temperature have organs specifically devoted to them
such as vision, gustation, olfaction, equilibrioception and audition.

Kinesthetic sensation;
It is basically sense of movement. it’s all
about how we sense if we are in moving. it’s an awareness of our
body in terms of things such as where our limbs are currently
rested. it’s all refer to our as muscle is actually
awareness of our body’s movement and position using sensory
organs that are called proprioceptors located in joints and
muscles. E.g. walking without looking at one’s feet, typing
without looking at one’s hand and moving limbs with one’s eye

Motor sensation;
Produced by strain in muscles, tendons and
joints. The conditions are reported to brain sensory or afferent
nerves which have their ending in muscles, tendons and joints. In
motor sensation there is also compression of is process in
which we receive information from environment. our senses
response limited range of environmental stimuli. for example, we
can’t hear the frequencies of sound above 20,000 Hz even though
dogs can hear them. These sensations have quality, duration,
extensity (volume) and local sign (local character).

Perception is sensory experience in world which includes how
individual organize and interprets sensory information. this also
includes how one response to those stimuli. Perception include
those senses include vision, smell, taste, hear and
It is process and result of becoming aware the objects,
relationships and events by means of senses. Which includes such
activities as recognizing, observing and discriminating. For
example; ability to see include color perception, ability to hear,
ability to sense physical world through physical contact with it.
There are five types of perception
 Visual perception auditory
 Olfactory perception hepatic
 Gustatory perception

Visual perception;
Is the ability to perceive our surrounding
through light that enter our eyes. The visual perceptions of has
been of particular interest in relation colors, patterns and
structures to graphical user interferences because they are
perceiving to vision. It refers to brain’s ability to draw conclusion
from information absorbed through eyes. visual perception is
necessary for reading, writing and movement. without it children
may find their daily tasks such as completing homework, solving
puzzles or getting dressed extremely stressful.

Auditory perception;
Defined as ability to receive and interpret
information that reached the ears through audible frequency
waves transmitted through the ears and other means. auditory
perception is important part of child’s healthy intellectual
development. Some are general activities that should be done
regularly such as reading and other activities like game play. Basic
function is to conduct sound waves from outside to ears from its
inner parts detect physical characteristics of waves and encode
this information to neural electric potentials transmitted to
auditory areas in auditory cortex.

Olfactory perception;
Process that start in nose with stimulation of
olfactory sensory neurons and terminates in higher cerebral
Centre, when they activated make us consciously aware of odor.
For example, you might smell pleasant oranges more positively
than someone else because it reminds you a happy childhood
experience of playing an is sense of smell, involving
stimulation of receptor cell in olfactory epithelium (located in
nasal passage) by airborne volatile substance called is
vital for processing and perception of odor. It is component of
limbic system. this component is involved in processing of our
emotions, survival and memory formations and contacts senses
such as o to odor to our memories and emotions.

Hepatic perception;
Refers to tactual perception mediated
by both cutaneous and kinesthetic receptors. Cutaneous
receptors (mechanoreceptors and thermoreceptors) located in
our skin. For example, in motion human attention is mostly in
walking, while visualizing their space or walking while speaking
to someone. These activities and tasks mostly involved in hepatic
perception. The complex interplay of sensation such as hard and
soft, hot, cold, pain, so on is central to understanding and
interacting with the world. tactile sensation warns us, allow us to
discriminate between objects, and unlike vision provide 360 fields
of perception.

Gustatory perception;
Is made possible by peripheral
chemosensory organs like taste buds which are distributed in
epithelium of the taste papillae of palate, tongue, epiglottis,
larynx etc. The sensation when taste buds when taste buds in
tongue and throat convey information about the chemical
composition of soluble stimulus. its gustation that allow you to
realize sweetness and saltiness when you bite into a potato chips.
Our taste buds contain gustatory receptors. Taste buds are
sensory organs found in tongue to perceive sweet, salty, sour and
bitter flavor.

The concentration of awareness on some phenomenon to
exclusion of other stimuli. Attention is awareness of here and now
in a focal and perceptive way.
It is behavior a person uses to focus the senses, from sight,
hearing and even smell. It may focus on information that matters
outside of the cab (signals, traffic) and inside cab (display,
control) or on the radio network.
There are four types of attention in
 Selective attention divided attention
 Sustained attention executive

Selective attention;
Process that allows an individual to
select and focus on particular input for further processing while
simultaneously suppressing irrelevant or distracting allow adult to focus on tasks-relevant information
while ignoring task irrelevant information. For example,
conversation to crowd of people like in public place. One chooses
to focus on what friend is saying rather than every single noise
present in background. This ability is phenomenon known as
cocktail party effect.

Divided attention;
It occurs when mental focus is directed
toward multiple ideas or tasks at once. it also known as
multitasking. Many people often used their divided attention
skills without realizing it. A great example of it would be singing
along a song while driving a car. Divided attention mostly affects
general attention. It also quite common to have attentional
problems after suffering from TBI (traumatic Brain Injury) and
Sustained attention;
Ability to focus on activity or
stimulus over long period of time…… it is what to make it possible
to concentrate on an activity for as long as it taken to finish, if
there are distracting stimulus are present. Some activities which
are require the use of sustained example in daily world are
studying, driving and performing the activities of daily life. In the
first case studying play require that we pay attention in class or
that we read books during period of time. It is also known as
concentration the ability to focus on one thing for a continuous
period. During this period people keep their focus on hand and
continuous to engage in a behavior until task is complete.

Executive attention;
Refers to our ability to regulate our
responses particularly in conflict situation. The brain execution
attention network involves anterior coagulate and anterior insula
called cingula opercula network in MRI studies. The executive
network involves in error detection, resolving conflicts and other
aspects of performance. For example, you need to finish a
research project by end of the day. You might start by making a
plan or you might jump into it and attack different part of it when
they come. Its role is managing short-term memory; executive
attention is highly effective in blocking potentially distracting
information from focus of attention. This is one way in which
brain is able to keep information active and in focus.

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