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Ergonomics Risk Assessment

1. Background Information
Reference No:
Title of
Reviewed by:
Next Assessment:

2. Risk Assessment
List Additional Controls (if any - where current controls
Identify and list Hazards List Current Risk Controls Risk Rating
are not adequately managing the level of risk)
1. Improperly adjusted workstations A. Engineering TBA (To be  Use a device to lift and reposition heavy objects
and chairs Controls (implement physical Access)
to limit force exertion
2. Lifting, pushing and pulling (manual change to the workplace, which
eliminates/reduces the hazard  Reduce the weight of a load to limit force
handling) lighting
3. Poor posture on the job/task) exertion
4. Awkward movements, especially if  Reposition a work table to eliminate a
they are repetitive long/excessive reach and enable working in
5. Using too much force, especially if neutral postures
it’s done frequently
 Use diverging conveyors off the mainline so that
6. Vibration
7. Noise tasks are less repetitive
8. Systems and computer programs  Install diverters on conveyors to direct materials
9. Task, job and workplace design toward the worker to eliminate excessive leaning
10. Workstation design and height. or reaching
 Redesign tools to enable neutral postures
Erogonomics Risk Assessment

2. Risk Assessment
List Additional Controls (if any - where current controls
Identify and list Hazards List Current Risk Controls Risk Rating
are not adequately managing the level of risk)
B. Administrative and Work  Require that heavy loads are only lifted by two
Practice Controls (establish
people to limit force exertion
efficient processes or
procedures)  Establish systems so workers are rotated away
from tasks to minimize the duration of continual
exertion, repetitive motions, and awkward
postures. Design a job rotation system in which
employees rotate between jobs that use different
muscle groups
 Staff "floaters" to provide periodic breaks
between scheduled breaks
 Properly use and maintain pneumatic and power

C. Personal Protective  Use padding to reduce direct contact with hard,

Equipment (use protection to
sharp, or vibrating surfaces
reduce exposure to
ergonomics-related risk factors)  Wear good-fitting thermal gloves to help with
cold conditions while maintaining the ability to
grasp items easily

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Erogonomics Risk Assessment

1. Consequence - Evaluate the consequences of a risk occurring according to 2. Likelihood - Evaluate the likelihood of an incident occurring according to the
the ratings in the top row ratings in the left-hand column

Descriptor Level Definition Descriptor Level Definition

Insignificant 1 No injury Rare 1 May occur somewhere, sometime (“once in a lifetime /

once in a hundred years”)
Minor 2 Injury/ ill-health requiring first aid
Unlikely 2 May occur somewhere within the Department over an
extended period
Moderate 3 Injury/ill-health requiring medical
Possible 3 May occur several times across the Department or a
Major 4 Injury/ill-health requiring hospital region over some time
Likely 4 May be anticipated multiple times over some time
Severe 5 Fatality May occur once every few repetitions of the activity or

Almost 5 Prone to occur regularly

3. Risk Matrix – Using the matrix calculate the level of risk by finding the Certain It is anticipated for each repetition of the activity of the
intersection between the likelihood and the consequences event
Likelihood Consequence
4. Risk Level/Rating and Actions
Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Severe
Descripto Definition
Almost Medium High Extreme Extreme Extreme r
Certain Extreme: Notify the Workplace Manager and/or Management OHS
Likely Medium Medium High Extreme Extreme Nominee immediately. Corrective actions should be taken
immediately. Cease associated activity.
Possible Low Medium Medium High Extreme High: Notify the Workplace Manager and/or Management OHS
Nominee immediately. Corrective actions should be taken
Unlikely Low Low Medium Medium High within 48 hours of notification.
Medium: Notify Nominated employee, HSR / HSC. The nominated
Rare Low Low Low Medium Medium employee, OHS Representative / HSC is to follow up that
corrective action is taken within 7 days.
Low Notify Nominated employee, HSR / HSC. The nominated
employee, HSR / HSC is to follow up that corrective action is
taken within a reasonable time.
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Erogonomics Risk Assessment

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