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1. A laser light beamed at the moon takes 2.56s to return after reflection at the moon’s surface.
How much is the radius of he lunar orbit around the earth? (Ans: 3.84x108)
2. The distance of planet Venus from the sun is0.73 AU. Find the orbital period of Venus?
(Ans: 226days)
3. Define dimensions of a physical quantity
4. Show that the fractional error in the quotient of two quantities is equal to the sum of their
individual fractional errors?
5. Assuming that the critical velocity vc of a viscous liquid flowing through a capillary tube
depends only on the radius of tube r, density ρ and the coefficient of viscosity η of the
liquid, find the expression for critical velocity?
6. In CGS system the value of stefan’s constant is σ=5.67x10-5ergs-1cm-2K-4. Find its value in
SI system ? (ans: 5.67x10-8Js-1m-2K-4)
7. The value of G in CGS system is 6.67x10-8dyne cm2 g-2. Calculate the value in SI system?
(ans: 6.67x10-11N m2kg-2)
8. If the unit of force, energy, and velocity are 20N,200J, and 5m/s,find the unit of length mass
and time ? (ans: 10m, 8kg, 2s)
9. Find the value of 100J on a system which has 20cm, 250g, and o.5 minute as fundamental
units of length , mass , time? (ans:9x106new units)
10. Find the dimensions of (a*b) in thr equation E= where E is energy, x is distance and t is
11. The rate of flow of liquid flowing through a pipe (V)of radius (r) and a pressure
gradient(p/l)is given by poiseuille ‘s equation:
Check the dimensional consistency of the equation
12. If the density ρ, acceleration due to gravity g, frequency ν are the basic quantities , find the
dimensions of force?
13. If the velocity of light c, acceleration due to gravity g, and atmospheric pressure p, are the
basic quantities, find the dimensions of length?
14. Find the dimensions o linear momentum and the surface tension in term of velocity v,
density ρ and frequency ν as fundamental quantities.
15. Derive by the method of dimensions, an expression for the volume of a liquid flowing out
per second through a narrow pipe. Assume that the rate of flow of liquid depends on the
coefficient of viscosity η of the liquid the radius r of the pipe and the pressure gradient
(p/l)along the pipe . Take K = (Ans:v= )
16. The period of vibration of a tuning fork depends on the length l of its prong, density d, and
Young‘s modulus Y of its material. Deduce an expression for the period of vibration on the
basis of dimensions. (Ans:T= Kl d\Y.)
17. A body of mass m is moving in a circle of radius r with angular velocity w. find the
expression for the centripetal force acting on it by the method of dimensions.
18. A train moves with a speed of 30 km/h in the first 15 min. with other speed of 40 km/h the
next 15 min. and then with a speed of 60 km/h in the last 30 min. Calculate the average speed
of the train for this journey. (Ans:- 47.5 km/h)
19. Can a body have zero velocity and still be accelerating?
20. The velocity of a particle is given by the equation
v = 2t2 + 5 cm/s
Find, (i) the change in velocity of the particle during the time interval between t1 = 2s and
t2 = 4s.
(ii) the average acceleration during the same interval.
(iii) The instantaneous acceleration at t2 = 4s. (Ans:-24cm/s,12cm/s2, 16cm/s2)
21. The acceleration of a particle in m/s is given by
A = 3t2 + 2t + 2
where, time t is in second, if the particle starts from velocity v = 2m/s at t = 0 then find
the velocity at the end of 2s. (Ans:- 18 m/s)
22. A motor car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly for 10s to a velocity of 20 m/s. It then
runs at a constant speed and is finally brought to rest in 40 m with a constant acceleration.
Total distance covered is 640 m. Find the value of acceleration, retardation and total time
taken. (Ans :- 2m/s2, -5m/s2, 39s)
rd th
23. A body covers a distance of 4m in 3 second and 12m in 5 second. If the motion is uniformly
accelerated how far will it travel in the next 3 seconds? (Ans :- 6m)
24. An object is moving with uniform acceleration. Its velocity after 5s is 25m/s and after 8s, it is
34m/s. Find the distance travelled by the object in 12th second?
25. A body falling freely under gravity passes two points 30m apart in 1s. Find from what point
above the upper point it began to fall? (Ans:- 32.1m)
26. A balloon is ascending at the rate of 14m/s at a height of 98m above the ground when the food
packet is dropped from the balloon. After how much time and with what velocity does it reach
the ground? (Ans :- 6.12s, 45.98m/s)
27. As soon as a car just starts from rest in a certain direction, a scooter moving with a uniform
speed overtakes the car. Their velocity time graph is shown. Calculate
i. the difference between the distances travelled by the car and the scooter in 15s.
ii. the time when the car will catch up the scooter and
iii. the distance of car and scooter from the starting point at that instant.
28. When is the magnitude of [A + B] equal to the magnitude of [A-B]?
29. Show that A=2i^-3j^+4k^ and B=-6i^+9j^-12k^ are parallel to each other.
30. Find a unit vector perpendicular to both the vectors (2i^+3j^+k^) and (i^+j^+2k^).
31. What is the angle between P̅XQ̅ and Q̅XP̅?
32. If a unit vector is represented by 0.5i^ + 0.8j^ + c k^,then what should be the value of c?
33. The position of a particle is given by r =2ti^ +3t2j^+5k^ m
where t is measured in second and r in meters Calculate :
(a) velocity and acceleration of the particle
(b) the magnitude of the velocity at t=5s .
(c) Direction of velocity of the particle at t=5s.
34. Find the component of A = 2i+3j-k along the direction of vector B = i+3j.
35. State parallelogram law of vector addition and find the magnitude and direction of resultant
of two vectors A and B in terms of their magnitude and angle between them.
36. Find a unit vector perpendicular to both the vectors (2i^+3j^+k^) and (i^+j^+2k^)
37. When is the magnitude of [A + B] equal to the magnitude of [A-B]?
38. The resultant of two forces P and Q is of magnitude P. prove that if P is doubles the
resultant force will be perpendicular to Q.


39. The angular diameter of the sun is 1920”. If the diameter of the sun from the earth is
1.5x1011m, what is the linear diameter of the Sun?
a) 1.4x10^9m
b) 2.3x10^9m
c) 3.1x10^9m
d) 5.6x10^9m
40. What is the dimensions of force taking velocity (V), density(D) and frequency(F) as basic
a) VD^2F^3
b) V^2D^2F^-2
c) VD^2F^-2
d) V^4DF^-2
41. Surface tension has the same dimensions as that of
a) coefficient of viscosity
b) Momentum
c) Spring Constant
d) Frequency

42. The unit of 1 N/m is equivalent to

a) 1erg/cm
b) 1erg/cm^2
c) 1J/m
d) 1J/m^2
43. When open 1m, 1 kg and 1 minute are taken as fundamental units, the magnitude of force is
36 unit. What is the value of this force in CGS system
a) 10^3dyne
b) 10^5dyne
c) 10^6dyne
d) 10^7dyne
44. The no of significant figure in3.040x10^4 is
a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2
45. What is the relation between pitch and the least count of screw gauge
a) Pitch=L.C./100
b) L.C.=pitch/100
c) Pitch = L.C. x 200
d) L.C=Pitch/ Number of Division on Circular Scale
46. In quantities a, b, c and d are measured with percentage error 1%, 2%, 3% and 4%
respectively. The quantity P is calculated as follows P= a^3b^2/cd Percentage error in p is
a) 4%
b) 4%
c) 14%
d) 10%
47. Which of the following change when a particle is moving with uniform velocity
a) Speed
b) velocity
c) acceleration
d) position vector



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