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Dr Imran Adeel
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
I am Dr Imran Adeel



Structure of Hairs

The Growth Cycle

Hair Shape & Color

Hair is found only in mammals.
Main functions of hairs are protection & insulation
Loss of hair (alopecia) and excessive hair growth in
unwanted areas (hirsutism and hypertrichosis) can
lead to significant psychological and emotional


In the human fetus, at about 10 weeks
gestation, the hair follicle develops from a
small collection of cells called the
epithelial placode.
Cells of the epithelial placode then begin
to profilerate to form the primary hair
germ, which in turn will develop into the
epithelial portion of the hair follicle.
Hair Follicle
It’s a stocking-like structure that starts in the
epidermis & extends to the dermis.
At the bottom of the follicle, a piece of tissue called
the papilla contains tiny blood vessels (capillaries).
These nourish the hair root to keep it growing.
The follicle also contains the germinal matrix, where
cells produce new hairs.
The follicle is lined by an inner and outer sheath that
protects and molds the growing hair.
Other Structures
The sebaceous gland produces sebum
The arrector pili muscle, a tiny bundle of
muscle fiber, is attached to the outer sheath.
When the muscle contracts, it causes the hair
to stand up, otherwise known as
Hair Shaft
The hair shaft is the part of the hair that we
can see. It’s made up of three layers of
Those layers are:
1. Innrr Layer or Medulla
2. Middle Layer or Cortex
3. Outer Layer or Cuticle
Medulla. Depending on the type of hair, the
medulla isn’t always present.
The cortex, which makes up most of the hair
shaft. The medulla and the cortex contain
pigmenting cells responsible for giving hair
The cuticle, which is formed by tightly
packed scales in an overlapping structure
Scalp hair grows less
than half a millimeter
a day.
The individual hairs
Hair Growth Cycle
are always in one of
three stages of
growth: anagen,
catagen, and telogen.
Anagen Phase
Anagen phase is the growth phase of the hair.
Last for 2-6 years
Most hair spends several years in this stage.
The anagen phase for eyelashes, eyebrows, and leg
and arm hair is very short—about 30 to 45 days.
That’s why those hairs tend to be shorter than the
hairs on the head
Catagen Phase
The catagen phase is a transitional stage lasting a
few weeks (3-4 weeks)
2% of all scalp hairs are in this phase at any given
During this time, growth slows down, and the outer
root sheath shrinks and attaches to the root of the
Telogen Phase
The telogen phase is the resting phase,
which lasts for about three months (3-
4 months).
It accounts for 10% to 15% of all hair.
It depends on:
Shape of Hairs
color of Hairs
Shape of Hair
Appearance of hairs is determined partly by
the shape of your hair.
If hair has a circular circumference, it will
be straight.
If it’s more flat than round, it will be curly.
Colour of Hair
Hair pigmentation is as the result of melanin synthesis and
transport from the hair bulb melanocytes to differentiating
hair shaft keratinocytes.
This process is strictly coupled to anagen and ceases during
catagen and telogen.
Numerous signaling molecules, structural proteins,
enzymes, cofactors, and transcriptional regulators control
hair pigmentation
As we get older, our hair can change
color, texture, and thickness.
It can even change some of its location,
with too much in some areas and too
little in others.

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