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Definition: A country is a distinct territorial and political unit that is recognized as

an independent state. It is typically governed by a central authority and has its
own set of laws, borders, and sovereignty.
2. Sovereignty: Sovereignty refers to a country's independent authority and control
over its own affairs. It includes the ability to govern its territory, make decisions,
establish laws, and interact with other countries on its own terms.
3. Nation and State: The terms "nation" and "state" are often used interchangeably,
but they have distinct meanings. A nation refers to a group of people who share
a common culture, history, language, or identity. A state, on the other hand,
refers to a political and administrative entity with defined borders and a
governing authority.
4. Government and Politics: Each country has its own system of government and
political structure, which can vary widely. Common forms of government include
democracies, monarchies, republics, dictatorships, and theocracies. These systems
determine how power is distributed, laws are made, and decisions are carried out.
5. Borders: Countries are delineated by borders, which define the extent of their
territorial jurisdiction. Borders can be natural, such as coastlines or rivers, or
established through agreements, treaties, or historical events. Border disputes
between countries are not uncommon and can be a source of tension or conflict.
6. Citizenship: Citizenship is the legal status granted to individuals by a country. It
confers certain rights and responsibilities, including the right to vote, access to
social services, and protection under the country's laws. Citizenship can be
acquired through birth, descent, or naturalization.
7. National Symbols: Countries often have national symbols that represent their
identity, culture, or history. These symbols can include flags, national anthems,
national emblems, coats of arms, and specific national holidays.
8. Economy: Each country has its own economic system and resources, which shape
its development and standard of living. Economies can range from agricultural-
based to industrialized or service-oriented. International trade and economic
cooperation play a significant role in a country's prosperity.
9. Culture and Diversity: Countries are characterized by their unique cultures,
traditions, languages, arts, and cuisines. They often exhibit cultural diversity
within their borders, resulting from the presence of different ethnic, religious, and
linguistic groups.
10. International Relations: Countries interact with each other through diplomatic,
economic, and political channels. They establish diplomatic relations, engage in
trade, participate in international organizations, negotiate treaties, and handle
international conflicts and disputes.

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