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The Use of Facebook as a Social Media Marketing for Young Entrepeneur in M.B Asistio
Senior High School Main
This research is about the use of facebook as a social media marketing for you
entrepreneurs. This research leads us to different social media platforms for marketing
Social media is a huge part of our daily lives, whether we like it or not.
Throughout the pandemic, we’ve been spending even more time on social media, which is
unsurprising due to the amount of time we’ve been spending indoors.
Social media marketing is a process that empowers individuals to promote their products
Social Media is the hottest and latest buzz word in the word of internet marketing this
includes using the new generation of social media platform such as facebook.
These channels have changed the way we shop, socialise and interact with people which
also introduced new.
The Use of Facebook as a Social Media Marketing for Young Entrepreuneur in M.B. Asistio
Senior High School Main is a topic that has become increasingly important in recent years.
With the rise of social media, businesses of all sizes have begun to utilize platforms such as
Facebook to promote their products and services. This paper seeks to explore the potential
of Facebook as a tool for young entrepreneurs in M.B. Asistio Senior High School Main to
market their businesses and build their brands. Through a review of existing literature, this
research will identify the advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook for social media
marketing, as well as the strategies that can be used to maximize its effectiveness.
Furthermore, this research will analyze the current use of Facebook as a tool for social
media marketing in M.B. Asistio Senior High School Main and provide recommendations for
best practices. Ultimately, this research will provide an in-depth look at the potential of
Facebook as a tool for young entrepreneurs in M.B. Asistio Senior High School Main to build
their businesses and promote their services

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find The use of Facebook as a Social Media Marketing for Young
Entrepreneur in M.B Asistio Sr. High School Main. We would study how young entrepreneur
of M.B asistio Sr. High School sell their items online and how they communicate with their

Research Question
1.What social media platform do teenage online sellers use most often? many young entrepreneur use that social media?
3.most effective social media that they use a a online seller

Researcher: Rens Gabriel Patawaran, Trisha Learon Toralba, Patricia Samantha Moron,
Jessa Cabardo, Edison Alberca

Presentation: The Use of Facebook as a Social Media Marketing for Young Entrepeneur in
M.B Asistio Senior High School Main.

School: M.B Asistio Senior High School


The research entitled is The Use of Facebook as a Social Media Marketing for Young
Entrepreneur in M.B Asistio Senior High School to know how the teenagers sell their items
online. Media has Rech a way tool for selling their items online.Mostly people use different
application allowance for marketing. As a advantage this is the common ecommerce
knowing this creates of understand starting for profile ecommerce for becoming a future of
influencer marketing and social media sales.The World is changing faster than any of us can
notice. Millions of teens in the United State is accomplished multichannel shopper. So
Marketing to them is a challenge. As for the Philippine the influence with western, It is not
suprising to see the some situation
teenagers find social media as an a in buying but the thing they need and want. Especially
those products that came as an a in buying from other countries. This is not may applicable
for teens but also for those who can’t leave their house to buy the things they need so they
use social media to obtain it.

The Study Focuses on describing how and explaining why about The use of Social Media as
a Marketing, this study is to obtain knowledge social media marketing collecting data and
insights about your target audience via social media platforms. This Information can help
businesses understand their overall audience demographics and product. To know exactly
what people want is a marketer’s dream.
After all, understanding your audience’s preferences and needs is the key to business
success. Having accurate, insightful information gives you the chance to deliver the best
products and build engagement, customer loyalty and to explore social media marketing
activities and their impact on consumer intentions (continuance, participate, and purchase).
This study also analyzes the mediating roles of social identification and satisfaction.
A lot of studies about young entrepreneur involve social identification, appreciating the fact
that a member of a community is part and parcel of that community, social identity
demystifies, how a person enchances self-affirmation and self esteem using comparison,
identity and categorization.
The ambition after this study is to give recommendations and present a strategy on how
businesses should use social media in their marketing.

The researchers would like to express they sincere gratitude to Ms.Gamino for providing us
with all the necessary resources needed to complete this research. The researcher would
like to eexpress their sincere gratitude to the Young Entrepreneurs of M.B Asistio Senior
High School Main for their willingness to participate in this research on Using Facebook as
Social Media Marketing. The researcher are grateful for the time and effort they devoted to
this research project. Their contributions have been invaluable in helping us better
understand this important topic.

This Research covers the use of Facebook as a Social Media marketing for young
entrepreneur. Thus who tried to sell their product online and how the responded answer the
questioners given to them. The paper goes to explain how they sell their items, the research
will focus only on the grade 10 entrepreneurs in M.B Asistio Sr. High School. Social Media
can help young entrepreneurs to extend their business on a global scale. Expressing your
ideas and brand precisely and effectively helps in building not only physical connections but
also virtual connection with potential consumers by understanding the need of their
customers. Connecting with customers through social media get an opportunity for
maintaining customers relations and customers loyalty. It is necessary to frequently grab
with customers and start building a strong relationship with them.

This research applies both Qualitative and Quantitative im a sense the researchers
explained the results through surveys and interviews.
The results were stabilised and interpreted.

Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: Implications for
international marketing strategy

The 21st century has brought both opportunities and challenges in our global, boundaryless
world. Importantly, managers face a dynamic and interconnected international environment.
As such, 21st century managers need to consider the many opportunities and threats that
Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers present and the resulting respective shifts in
loci of activity, power, and value. To help managers understand this new dispensation, we
propose five axioms: (1) social media are always a function of the technology, culture, and
government of a particular country or context; (2) local events rarely remain local; (3) global
events are likely to be (re)interpreted locally; (4) creative consumers’ actions and creations
are also dependent on technology, culture, and government; and (5) technology is
historically dependent. At the heart of these axioms is the managerial recommendation to
continually stay up to date on technology, customers, and social media. To implement this
managerial recommendation, marketers must truly engage customers, embrace technology,
limit the power of bureaucracy, train and invest in their employees, and inform senior
management about the opportunities of social media.(P R. Berthon, L F. Pitt, K Plannger, D.
Shapiro 2012)

Understanding purchase motives to increase revenue growth: A study of nanostores in

The occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in consumers being reluctant to go
far to shop, so nanostores are a choice. There are thousands of nanostores in Indonesia.
However, not all nanostores are in demand by consumers, some nanostores are abandoned
because they cannot adapt to consumer needs. This study aims to find factors and
dimensions of purchase motives that can be used to increase sales and revenue of
nanostores. The study used an explanatory survey method. The survey was conducted on
210 nanostore consumers in the city of Bandung, Indonesia. The research data were
analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis. The study results obtained three dimensions of
consumer buying motives in nanostores: product attributes, self-orientation, and service
guarantee. These are dimensions that consist of 12 factors and the majority of factors tend
to be based on rationality or things related to healthy logic. To increase their revenue and
growth, it is recommended that nanostore entrepreneurs understand consumer buying
motives according to community conditions. (H. Chaniago 2021)

The researcher would like to recommend other social media platform to use for selling
their products such as tiktok. In tiktok the entrepreneurs will be allowed not just to post some
pictures of their products but also can make a short video about it the video can be 60
seconds to 5 minutes and not just that they can also do live selling and add their own basket
of products for the buyers can have a easy access to the product so that they can easily
bought it or check out the items they want.

Berthon, P. R., Pitt, L. F., Plangger, K., & Shapiro, D. (2012). Marketing meets Web 2.0,
social media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing strategy.
Business Horizons, 55(3), 261-271.
Chaniago, H. (2021). Understanding purchase motives to increase revenue growth: A study
of nano stores in Indonesia. Innovative Marketing, 17(4), 1-12.
Daryanto, L. K. R. (2012). Entrepreneurship education in Indonesia. Yogyakarta:
Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of
information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340.
Fourqoniah, F. (2015). The effect of online social networks on entrepreneurial intentions of
undergraduate students in Indonesia.
Hanna, R., Rohm, A., & Crittenden, V. L. (2011). We’re all connected: The power of the
social media ecosystem. Business Horizons, 54(3), 265-273.
Hoang, L., & Dang, H. (2021). The impact of technology adoption on student satisfaction
with higher education: An empirical study from Vietnam. Journal of Asian Finance,
Economics, and Business, 8(12), 241-251.
Hytti, U., Stenholm, P., Heinonen, J., & Seikkula-Leino, J. (2010). Perceived learning
outcomes in entrepreneurship Education: The impact of student motivation and team
behavior. Education + Training, 52(8/9), 587-606.
Jain, M. R., Gupta, P., & Anand, N. (2012). Impact of social networking sites in the changing
mindset of youth on social issues. Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce, 32(2), 15-28.
Lee, J. W., Becker, K., & Potluri, R. M. (2016). Antecedents of corporate adoption of social
media and the role of the technology acceptance model in the path. Journal of Asian
Finance, Economics, and Business, 3(2), 67-76.

This research entitled the use of facebook as a social media marketing for young
enterpreneur aims to, every young person should be an entrepreneur, because it gives him
the opportunity to build his own future, set an example in society, and help his family since
he is young. Social media is important in marketing because consumers often use the
platforms to seek information about a brand and shop its products or services. Social media
has become the most influential and important virtual space where the platform is not only
used for social networking but is also a great way of digitally advertising your brand and your
products. If people don’t know about your business, they can’t become your customers.
Social media boosts your visibility among potential customers, letting you reach a wide
audience by using a large amount of time and effort. The aim of this study is to explore
social media marketing activities and their impact on consumers intentions (continuance
participate and purchase). This study also analyzes the mediating roles of social
identification and satisfaction. The participants in this study were experienced users of social
media platforms facebook the use of social media to commercially promote processes or
events to attract potential consumers online is referred to as social media marketing. The
online community’s nature is like that of actual communities when it comes to creating
shared experiences, need to identify themselves, regardless of the similarities and variances
existing between real world communities the online communities. Based on the perspective
of brand owners, most research has focused on how social communities can benefit brands.
However, there are also some discussion regarding the benefits that come from brand
community members according to the members themselves to analyze how social
community impacts its members

Despite extensive research interest in social media marketing, the theoretical development
of this field is rather limited. In fact, our review has shown that most of the studies conducted
are relatively atheoretic, while specific theories that can comprehensively explain the
integration of social media with marketing are not yet available. This does not necessarily
mean that new theories need to be developed, but rather to incorporate into already existing
relevant theories new insights (e.g., social media interactions, social networks, value
cocreation) that would have the potential to provide a better understanding of the social
media marketing phenomenon. Better conceptualizations and operationalizations could also
benefit theoretical development in this field. Our analysis revealed that key constructs used
in this line of research (e.g., customer engagement) still lack theoretical substantiation and
standardized measurement scales. There is a need therefore to pay more attention to
construct operationalization, as in the case of “social media branding” which has recently
gained growing importance within the social media marketing field.

Social Media Platform

Male Female

Facebook- 35 Facebook- 11

Instagram- 9 Instagram- 4

Twitter- 3 Twitter- 4

Tiktok- 17 Tiktok- 2

According to the respondent most of the people use facebook to sell their product compared
other social media platform

Most helpful Social Media Platform

Male Female

Facebook- 31 Facebook- 13

Instagram- 3 Instagram- 0

Twitter- 0 Twitter- 0

Tiktok- 9 Tiktok- 10

Peope believe that this facebook application is helpful in selling their various product online

Respondent Other uses

Male Female

Yes- 26 Yes- 6

No- 15 No- 9

There are people who used other social media platform to sell and there are also who don’t
because they know that this is where then will grow their brand

Social Media uses

Male Female
Facebook-26 Facebook- 9

Instagram- 4 Instagram- 2

Twitter- 1 Twitter- 2

Tiktok- 8 Tiktok- 2

Customers Trust

Male Female

Safe- 22 Safe- 10

Worth it- 5 Worth it- 4

According to the respondent more entrepreneurs use facebook to sell the product than
other social media application because they know that can stock more here using this claim
table two witnesses it is safe for people who want to buy and marketing their different things
and increase their production.

After the series of there researcher conclude that they realized that here are many people
who have knowledge about online marketing and experience selling 15-16 years old who
usually sell their products to earn money.
Curriculum vitae

Name: Trisha Learon Toralba

Gender: Female
Grade 3: top 5
top 7
Grade 5: Top 8
graduate from dagat dagatan elementary school
Grade 7 top 4
top 6
Grade 10 top 9
top 8

Name: Patricia Samatha Moron

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Grade 3: top 3
Grade 4: top 6
Grade 5: top 4
Grade 6: top 3
Graduated from Dagat - dagatan elementary school
Grade 7: top 5
Grade 9: Top 2 and best in filipino
Grade 10: Top 2

Name: Jessa C. Cabardo

Age: 15
Gender: Female
Grade 5: top 5
Grade 6: top 4
Graduated from Imelda elementary school
Grade 10: top 10

Name: Renz Gabriel R. Patawaran

Gender: male
Grade 3: top 9
Grade 4: top 10
Grade 6: top 10
Graduated from kaunlaran elementary school
Grade 9: top 9

Name: Edison Alberca

Age: 18
Gender: male
Grade 3: Best in Filipino
Grade 5: top 5 and best in math
Grade 6: top 3 and best in math
Graduated from tonsuya elementary school
Grade 7: best in math
Grade 8: top 3
Grade 9: best in math
Grade 10: Top 4 and best in math

Macario B. Asistio Sr. High School

Pampano St. Caloocan City, Philippines



Submitted by:

Trisha Learon Toralba

Patricia Samantha J. Moron
Rens Gabriel R. Patawaran
Jessa C. Cabardo

Submitted to:

Ms. Ruby Jean Gamino

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