The Newton's Second Law

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Subject of the lesson: School:

Fundamentals of dynamics School – gymnasium №30

Date: Teacher: Satbergenova A.Zh
Grade: Number of students:
Not Attended:

Theme The second law of Newton

Learning Understand that the mass is the measure of body inertia;
objectives that   Know and comprehend Newtonian law concepts;
are achieved at   Recognizing the problem using the equation F = ma, realizing that peak and
this equal force isone-directional;
lesson(Subject   To deepen knowledge of students in the context of intensification,
Programme acceleration and mass, formation of skills of research;
reference) Strength is the ability to calculate the weight of the body if the support or
suspension moves forward.
Lessonobjective All students:
s Construct Newton's Laws;
Can connect the theoretical knowledge to life in accordance with the law;
He can interpret his point of view in the field of application of laws, by way of
The report receives the analysis of the report, the plan of the release and its response
according to the task.
More than half of students:
It summarizes mathematical expression according to the given learning objective
(video, animation, task etc.).
Some pupils say:
It defines the scope of the law and describes its importance in life.
Assessmentcrite Understand that the mass is the measure of body inertia;
ria   Knows the concept of power;
  Know and comprehend Newtonian law concepts;
  Disengages the direction of the forces;
  Several forces on the body determine the strongest of action;
  Several forces have created an algorithm for moving the body;
  Reports algorithms to Newton's laws;
It can assign a link between values that connect it with life.
Languageobject Discipline vocabulary / vocabulary vocabulary and terminology:
ive Күш –бір дененің Сила – мера Force – a measure
екінші денеге механического of mechanical
әрекет етуі действия на данное action on the given
материальное тело material body from
со стороны других other bodies
Механикалық Механическое Mechanical stress
кернеу – напряжение– is a quantity that
деформацияланған величина, характе- characterizes the
қатты денедегі ішкі ризующая действие action of internal
күштердің әрекетін внутренних сил в forces in a
сипаттайтын шама деформированном deformed solid
твердом теле
тарту притягивать attract
тартылыс притяжение attraction
тартылыс күші сила притяжения attraction torce
динамикалык тепе динамической dynamic
теңділік равновесие equilibrium
динамика динамика dynamics
динамометр динамометр dynamometer

Values instilled Ability to listen to each other while working together. Understand the importance of
at the lesson each student to express their ideas. Knowing each statement is important. To be
honest. To distinguish the importance of social assistance.
A citizen of the Newton's role in the development of natural sciences, the importance of knowing the
world laws of mechanics.
Interdisciplinar Linking to the knowledge of mathematics (geometry) on vector, projection,
ycontacts equations.
ICT skills Use of the Internet according to the task presented during the application and
recall of previous class knowledge.

Primary Forces (Grades 7-9)

Time planning Tasks to be executed on the plan Sour
Start Organization of lesson
0-2 min
3-5 min Verify the answer question
1) What is power? Is it a scalar or vector quantity?
2) What about the nature of the forces that arise when interacting with the
3) Can the forces that arise during the interaction between the two bodies be
able to balance each other?
4) What is the power of force?
These questions can be put to a general class or can be used as a task for
individual groups, and can also be used to provide feedback..
6-12 min Explaining a new topic.
Students work with a separate group.
Types of forces.
1. Using the Internet, collect information on the types of power, power, and
share each other (sharing knowledge and sharing with each other).
2. It is recommended to systematize the data collected during the work
3. For example: Definition-force-formulas.
Students will formulate their own data and fill out the table according to
the table presented by the group. Students share their groupwork with
other groups. One or two students from each group understand the
following group
№ Types of Written / Formula Examples Evaluation
Power Up to 1-3

Teacher Activities: Consultation, guidance, asking questions to students.

To summarize the overall task. Applying the presentation.

The following information is provided for learners to provide additional

information so that students can not spend any time searching for them. In Pres
kinematics, various mechanical movements of the body have been considered entat
without taking into consideration the causes of their movement. And the ion
division of mechanics, which studies the laws of interaction of the bodies, is 3-48
called dynamics. The fundamental laws of dynamics are formulated by the
great English scientist Isaac Newton, and these laws are called his name. The
discovery of the basic laws of dynamics is one of the most pre-eminent
periods in the history of science. From 1687 In the book The Mathematical
Initiatives of Natural Philosophy, the three laws outlined in this book explain
the nature of the movement of any body: sailing machines, maritime ships,
airborne planes, spaceships and artificial satellites, streams flowing, winds
blowing. If other bodies do not act on the body or their activity is balanced,
the body will maintain its state of rest or will continue to move smoothly and
smoothly. This is a law of inertia familiar to us, which is also called Newton's
first law. Newton's first law is the inertial census system. When other bodies
do not act or balance their activity, the body is taken as a system of inertial
census, with a smooth and unstable moving census. In the study of the
mechanical movement of the bodies, you are familiar with the gravity,
elasticity, friction forces. Let's take a brief look at these forces. The severity
of force implies the body's pulling force. . Under the influence of this force,
the bodies fall to the ground. The movement of the gravitational forces of the
body is called the free movement. Elasticity is the force that occurs when the
body's shape is changed. This force emerges when the body is pressed,
stretched, bent or twisted. , this formula refers to the law of Hook. The force
of vibration is strongly expressed when it comes to direct contact with the
body and it is always directed towards the opposite direction along the
contact surface. The reactive force of the relay indicates the resistance of the
supporting body to the elastic force. In nature, frictional forces are reflected
in three ways: sliding friction, slope friction, friction friction. The physical
force that describes how the body can accelerate as a result of the action of
other organs, and we call it the force that is the dimension of this action. The
force is a force that acts as a force acting simultaneously with the body.

Middle Task II.   Newtonian law overview. Each class offers such cards.
13-20 min

№ Newton's Written / Formula Concept. Evaluation

laws Examples. Up to 1-3
Teacher Activities:
Consultation, guidance, asking questions to students.
To summarize the overall task. Applying the presentation. Recommended
information for replenishing students' ideas.

Newton's Three Laws of Motion

Let us begin our explanation of how Newton changed our understanding of

the Universe by enumerating his Three Laws of Motion.

Newton's First Law of Motion: Every object in a state of uniform motion

tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.
This we recognize as essentially Galileo's concept of inertia and this is often
termed simply the "Law of Inertia".

Newton's Second Law of Motion:

The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the

applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by
their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of
the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.

This is the most powerful of Newton's three Laws, because it allows

quantitative calculations of dynamics: how do velocities change when forces
are applied. Notice the fundamental difference between Newton's 2nd Law
and the dynamics of Aristotle: according to Newton, a force causes only a
change in velocity acceleration); it does not maintain the velocity as Aristotle
held.This is sometimes summarized by saying that under Newton, F = ma, but
under Aristotle F = mv, where v is the velocity. Thus, according to Aristotle
there is only a velocity if there is a force, but according to Newton an object
with a certain velocity maintains that velocity unless a force acts on it to
cause acceleration (that is, a change in the velocity). As we have noted earlier
in conjunction with the discussion of Galileo, Aristotle's view seems to be
more in accord with common sense, but that is because of a failure to
appreciate the role played by frictional forces. Once account is taken of all
forces acting in a given situation it is the dynamics of Galileo and Newton,
not of Aristotle, that are found to be in accord with the observations.

21-34 III.Feedback organization of the work of the groups.Т

IV. Test material for learning the laws of Newton
1. If the resultant force acting on a body is zero, what can be said about the
body’s motion?
a. The body is stationary
b. The body is moving at a constant speed
c. The body could be stationary or moving at a constant speed
2. A force of 12 N acts to the left on a body and a force of 16 N acts to the
right. What is the size and direction of the resultant force?
a. 4 N to the right
b. 28 N to the left
c. 16 N totheright
3.Which word describes the forces on an object moving at a constant speed?
a. Resultant
b. Balanced
c. Unbalanced
4.If a resultant force acts on an object, what happens to its motion?
a. There is no change in speed
b. The object accelerates in the opposite direction to resultant force
c. The object accelerates in same direction as resultant force
5.Which of these statements about Newton's third law of motion is correct?
a. The forces are always contact forces
b. The forces act on the same object
c. The forces act on two different objects
6.Which of these is the best example of Newton’s third law in action?
a. A body accelerating when a resultant force is acting on it
b. Earth’s gravity attracting a hot air balloon and the hot air balloon’s
gravity attracting the Earth
c. A body travelling in a straight line until a resultant force acts on it
7.A car of mass 1,450 kg accelerates at 2.8 m/s2. What is the resultant force
acting on the car?
a. 4,060 N
b. 518 N
c. 0.002 N
8.What is the relationship between acceleration and force?
a. Acceleration is directly proportional to force
b. Acceleration is inversely proportional to force
c. Acceleration is not proportional to force
9.What is the relationship between acceleration and mass?
a. Acceleration is directly proportional to mass
b. Acceleration is inversely proportional to mass
c. Acceleration and mass are not proportional
10.A resultant force of 54,000 N acts on a train of mass 18,000 kg.
a. 0.3 m/s2
b. 3.0 m/s2
c. 72,000 m/s2
Feedback and conclusions
It's good for me today's lesson ... because ...
It's a challenge today for me .... so ...
In my opinion, we could ... successfully ...
We were able to do a good job ... because ...
In the next lesson ... I would reschedule ...
From today's lesson I have forgotten myself ...
End Lesson Review / Decision /
34-37 Student assessment

38-40 Reflection is made in every part of the lesson. Making

the last level assignment, you can do a general lesson,
Students will evaluate their performance by group.
Additional Information
Distributed Learning - What Will Assessment - How Do You Test Interdisciplinary
You Do To Support More? Your Students' Knowledge? communication
What are your most important tasks Interpretation of
for high school students? Mathematics with
All pupils are evaluated during the
assignment. Safety rules
Explanation and tracking
Tasks are shown on extra paper of safety rules when using
If pupils are taken into account in personal computers.
each core exercise, the quality of
work and the understanding of the ICT values
subject may be assessed. In the calculation,
students use personal
computers to test their

NIS Values
Work with hazardous
equipment will contribute
to the development of
communication. Couples
work together.
Communicative skills,
working with a partner
and answering questions
are offered.
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the
most relevant questions from the box on the left about your

Were the lesson objectives/learning

objectives realistic? What did the
learners learn today? What was the
learning atmosphere like? Did my
planned differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings? What changes
did I make from my plan and why?
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



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