BDPR3103 Final Exam Answer

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In order to fill new or available roles within the organisation, internal recruitment is a human
resources strategy that gives priority to employing current personnel. There are various forms
of internal recruitment, including:

• Promotions: The most popular internal recruitment strategy is promotions. An employee

may be given a promotion following an interview if they are doing effectively and are eager
to take on more responsibility.

• Transfers: Moving staff from one department to another is another frequent occurrence.
Although the person shifts to a different department within the company, the work duties
remain the same.

• Confirmations: Examples of confirmations include an employee on probation, an intern in a

temporary role, or even an independent contractor who is hired on a permanent basis.

• Referrals: Referrals have grown to be a crucial component of the hiring process. It may help
hiring managers save a lot of time and money during the recruitment process if an employee
recommends a qualified candidate for a certain job.


Traditional career path is the individual usually advances from his present post to one that
pays more or is more senior. The person may need many years to achieve his career
ambitions using the conventional career path. The movement up the organisational hierarchy
is emphasised by the conventional career path. It has always been believed that the standard
career route is a promotion mechanism. This is so that the employee can advance from his
current position level to the highest level in the following position with each movement or
conversion. Because the promotion to the higher job will also result in a boost in
compensation, employees often consider this activity as a reward. Additionally, the work is a
step up from what he previously produced. Because there are always a limited number of
higher positions available, this results in competition among coworkers who wish to succeed.

Innovative career path is this route takes into account each employee's aptitude and output in
various positions inside the company. The company collaborates with the employee to
identify opportunities for him to advance his career more quickly. Employee movement is not
just restricted to bottom-to-top advancement within this career path. Additionally, movements
may be horizontal or top-to-bottom. This ground-breaking movement aims to encourage
employees' ongoing learning. Additionally, workers might feel inspired to boost their
contributions to the organisation. Making sure that every employee has the chance to advance
within the company is the aim of an innovative career path. Organizations should make an
effort to incorporate creative movements so they can better handle globalisation and
technological development.


There are six designing realistic recruitment guidelines, first is promoting self-selection by job
applicants. Recruiters should convey the goal of realistic recruitment to candidates in order to
encourage self-selection by them. Additionally, recruiters should advise candidates to
carefully analyse the realistic job preview (RJP) data prior to making a job selection. As a
result, the applicants will be able to trust the organisation and be inspired to use effective
self-selection. Second is, trusted information or messages. In order for recruiting to be
practical, candidates must be able to trust the information or messages provided by the RJP.
The display of unbiased data can increase a candidate's faith in the organisation. If the
material is presented through pamphlets, videos, or interviews, the types of applicants will
vary. Pamphlets with realistic recruitment messaging should, for instance, contain data from
studies on employee views. If videos are used, they should highlight current employees rather
than actors or role players to deliver the messaging. As opposed to being required to read
from a prepared script, employees should be allowed the opportunity to express their views
about their work. Third is, suitable messages and mediums. The messages and the platforms
should be appropriate. A proper medium must be used when there are numerous messages to
be transmitted. In this case, pamphlets would be more appropriate than films. The images or
graphics that are used should present a consistent image of the organisation. For instance, if a
video presentation features contented, smiling employees at work, the audio message that
plays in the background cannot be derogatory. Fourth is, delivering messages on what
workers really feel about their jobs (describing the job realistically). It's critical for messages

to express how employees feel about their jobs. Existing employees can give their opinions
on the workplace, the work environment, the organisational culture, as well as health and
safety on the job, as part of realistic recruitment. Pamphlets including study findings on
employee input about their occupations, their level of job satisfaction, and other information
can also be used to disseminate this information. Fifth is, contents realistically reflect the
organisation environment. Many organisations hold an inaccurate view of what constitutes
realistic recruitment. These organisations frequently draw recruits to other organisations by
emphasising solely negative RJP. Therefore, every effort should be made to balance the
positive and negative aspects of the organisational environment when presenting it. Sixth is,
realistic recruitment exposure at the onset of the recruitment stage. Early recruiting process
exposure to RJP is crucial since candid information can assist candidates in making wise self-
selection choices. When new hires are hired successfully, it may help to boost the rate of
employment retention.


Factors that influence realistic recruitment practices are first labour market conditions. The
unemployment rate is often low in a market where there are plenty of work options.
However, this will result in a higher turnover rate for the sector. Because there are so many
other work options available, people will reevaluate whether they want to stay with the
company. In this circumstance, realistic recruitment can improve the rate of employment
retention by assisting job seekers in making wise self-selection judgments. In contrast, many
workers are unemployed when there is a loose labour market. As a result of the scarcity of
alternative employment possibilities, the turnover rate will be lower. In other words, a high
unemployment rate will be accompanied by a high rate of job retention. Realistic hiring
procedures in this situation would not affect personnel decisions. Second is, selection
ratio.The selection ratio is the proportion of hired candidates to total applicants. The selection
ratio, for instance, would be 3% (or 3 out of 100) if 3 candidates were chosen. On the other
side, the selection ratio is 10% (1/10) if just one applicant is chosen out of ten applicants.
When an organisation has a low selection ratio or a low job recruiting rate, realistic
recruitment is appropriate. This is so that the organisation can screen out inappropriate
applicants and candidates can be encouraged to make wise self-choices. However, the
realistic recruitment method would not be required if the organisation wished to hire the

majority of job applicants. Third is, types of work. Realistic recruitment tactics are more
suited for employment with little public visibility, like pump attendant positions at gas
stations and cashier roles in supermarkets, because they are created to provide the necessary
information for the job seeker.



The first external selection methods that can be applied by an organization to make decision at the
reinforcement stage is resume sorting process. In this method, an organization will choose top
candidates from resumes and other application materials sent whether through online job boards or
portals. Normally, an organization will set guidelines that show attributes a company prefers top
candidates to have, including relevant work experiences, skill sets and past training. The most
intelligent candidate either great in academic, soft skills and experience will be emphasized in the
selection. The candidate will summarize their best qualification and put it in their resume. For an
example, applicant A will include his job experience in his resume in order to convince the recruiter
that he is the best candidate among others. The second method that can be applied is assignment test.
Sometimes an organization will assign the applicant with assignment that require for them to handle it
in short period of time. Through this method, the recruiter will be able to see the ability of the
applicant. This is great method for the recruiter to know the real skills of the applicants. It can be seen
that, some of the applicant masterly at completing the tasks given but cannot assign to work in a
group. Thirdly, candidate references also can be a great method of an organization to select an
external applicant. To explain this point, the organization can reveal their work conduct and overall
capabilities by asking insights from previous employer or colleague. For an example, a hiring
manager might ask for references in the resume in order to learn more background information before
meeting the applicants or towards the end to verify their experiences. The previous employer would
often discuss on candidates job responsibilities and attributes to assess their ability to perform in a
new position. Furthermore, the hiring manager will learn more about their ability and characteristics
to perform in a team environment. The last point that can be discuss is group interview process. The
hiring manager of an organization will conduct group interview process, so that he can ask multiple
candidates questions at the same time or assign them a short- term project in order to complete
together. During this stage, a hiring manager might see the creativity and knowledge of candidates to
answer high level question with great manner. For an example, the candidates will present the
supreme knowledge among each other so that they can be the top nomination to work in the


The first important element that should Mr Marwan included in his job offer are problem-solving
skills. En. Marwan must possess strong problem-solving abilities. As an engineer it is one of the most
crucial skills that he need to face. All the problems and obstacles must be able to identify and handle
in quick way. For an example, En M must identify the problems quickly in order to avoid the
machinery in the company having troubleshooting. It will directly give bad affect for the production
to produce outputs smoothly. The second important element is teamwork. One of the criteria to work
in a company require to work together, same goes to engineer. En Marwan require to work together in
a team in order to fulfill the requirement of the projects. He must be able to work with all level of
staffs, whether with coworker or with external professionals. Teamwork skills are essential to ensure
En. Marwan can cooperate with the team and perform well as a unit so that the project able to meet
the quality and deliverables. For an example, En Marwan can delegate the tasks according the team
expertise so that they can give 100% focus to fulfills the demand of the project with great effort and
job. Besides that, En Marwan also must have communication skills. It is important element that he
need to include in the job offer. Through a great communication skill, En Marwan can explain the
details of the project need and demand to his team. So that the project can run smoothly and the
expectations of both clients and the team are met. Communicating effectively also reduces the
potential for miscommunication and misunderstandings. It can be proven when the plans, design
product and problems solving can be bargain in a positive way. Last but not least, innovation is also
an element that should be emphasized. As an engineer, En Marwan must be creative and innovation in
order to provide solution. The demands from clients might changes based on the changes of era. So,
En Marwan must intelligent to find room for improvement. For an example, nowadays all machines
have the latest technological sophistication that sometimes the solution cannot be found in manual
books, then En Marwan must be innovative to solve the obstacles.

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