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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kelas : VII (TUJUH)
Hari Tanggal :
Pukul : 07.30 – 09.30 WIB

Choose the correct answer!

The dialog is for no. 1.
Sandy : Good morning, Mr. Al.
Mr. Al : Good morning, Sandy.
Sandy : May I go to the dispensary? I will buy some hand sanitizer and masks.
Mr. Al : Yes, please.

1. What is the social function of what Sandy says at the beginning of the dialog?
A. Apologizing to others.
B. Greeting someone.
C. Leaving someone.
D. Thanking for something.

The dialog is for no. 2.

Rio : Mam, I want to save my money.
Teller : Yes, we will help you. But please, wear your mask properly.
Rio : Thank you for warning me.
Teller :…

2. What is the best response of what Rio says in the dialog above?
A. Okay.
B. Yes, I do
C. You are right.
D. You are welcome

The dialog is for no. 3.

Teller : Well Mr. Rio, everything is done. Your saving money are increasing now. Don’t forget
to wash your hand in the right corner of this office.
Rio : Thanks Mam. See you next month.
Teller : See you

3. From the dialog, we can infer that . . . .

A.Rio and the teller are good friends.
B. Rio will give money to the teller.
C. They will meet again next month.
D. They will not meet again.

The dialog is for no. 4 to 7.

Security : Good morning.
Renata : Good morning. Is it true that the visitors can only read books for an hour?
Security : Yes. That’s true. Let me check your temperature. 36.15. It is good.
Renata : Thank you.
Security : You can enter this building. But you have to wash your hands with soap first.
Renata : Okay. Where is the sink?
Security : You just come in. It is in the right side of the main door.
Renata : I see.
Security : And don’t forget use a hand sanitizer after holding and reading books.
Renata : Thanks for reminding me. Glad to see you today.
Security : Glad to see you too.

4. What does Renata do before entering the building?

A. Check the security’s temperature.
B. Go to the main door.
C. Say good morning to the security.
D. Wash the hands with soap.

5. What is in the right side of the main door?

A. A hand sanitizer
B. A thermo gun
C. The books
D. The sink

6. Where does the dialog likely occur?

A. At the book store
B. At the library
C. At the school
D. At the supermarket

7. Let me check your temperature. 36.15. It is good. What does the word “It” refer to?
A.Renata’s temperature
B. Security’s temperature
C. The book
D. The visitor

The dialog is for no. 8 to 11.

Samy : Hello, Manda. I’m sorry, tomorrow I can’t come to school to return your book.
Manda : Why?
Samy : My area is locked down. My neighbor is positive Covid 19. I’m really sorry.
Manda : Never mind. But, how could that happen?
Samy : He works in Surabaya. He may get Covid 19 from his work place.
Manda : He shouldn’t come home until the condition completely normal.
Samy : You are right. But, he has to go home because his daughter will get married.
Manda: Well, I hope it will end soon.
Samy : Okay, thanks.

8. Whose area is locked down?

B. Manda’sneighbor’s
C. Samy’s
D. Samy’s school’s

9. If you are Samy, what shouldn’t you do during lock down?

A. keep the heart happy and calm to increase immunity
B. leave the house
C. take enough rest
D. take vitamins and nutritious food

10. Well, I hope it will end soon. The word “hope” has the same meaning with . . . .
A. believe
B. use
C. want
D. wish

11. The sentence “I am really sorry” in the dialog shows that Samy . . . . toManda.
B. greets
C. introduces
D. thanks

The dialog is for no. 12 and 13.

Rina : John, this is my sister. Her name is Jenny. Jenny, this is John. Don’t shake hands,
please. We must obey the health protocol.
John : Okay. How do you do.
Jenny : How do you do.
Jenny : By the way, where are you from?
John : I’m from Madiun.
Jenny : What do you do?

12. Why does John say “how do you do” to Jenny?

A.Because he meets Jenny in the first time.
B. Because he meets Jenny in the second time.
C. Because he wants to know what Jenny does.
D. Because he wants to know who Jenny is.

13. What is John’s best answer of what Jenny asks in the last sentence of dialog?
A.I’m a student
B. I’m from Magetan.
C. I like bread and milk.
D. Thanks. Nice to meet you.

The dialog is for no. 14 to 17.

Mrs. Yan : Are you the new student? Your name, please.
Yuri : Yes, Ma’am. My name is Yuri.
Mrs. Yan : Well. Please introduce yourself. I need some data to complete your ID Form.
Yuri : My name is Yuriana. You can call me Yuri. I was born on the first march two
thousand and six. I live at Jl. Kemasan 56 Magetan together with my mother and
my sisters.
Mrs. Yan : Thank you, Yuri. Then what about your hobby?
Yuri : Well. I love swimming actually, but it stops during the pandemic. We have to do
the health protocol, right?
Mrs. Yan : Then, what about your family, Yuri?
Yuri : My father is soldier. Now he is in Papua. My mother is a nurse. She works in the
hospital. My little sister is seven years old, a student of SDN Pancasila, and my
elder sister is three years older than me.
Mrs. Yan : Great! Your info is clear. Thanks.
Yuri : You are welcome, Ma’am.

14. What does the dialog tell us about?

A. ID Form
B. Mrs. Yan, a new teacher
C. Yuri, a new student
D. Yuri’s family

15. From Yuri’s birth year, we can conclude that Yuri is . . . . now.
A. 7 years old
B. 12 years old
C. 14 years old
D. 17 years old

16. Why can’t Yuri enjoy her hobby recently?

A. Because of her health
B.Because of her family condition
C. Because of the pandemic
D. Because of the swimming pool condition

17. What does Mrs. Yan say to show her satisfaction with Yuri’s introduction?
A.Are you the new student? Your name, please.
B. Great! Your info is clear.
C. Thank you, Yuri. Then what about your hobby?
D. Then, what about your family, Yuri?

The dialog is for no. 18 to 21.

Mrs. Rini : Excuse me, Ma’am. This is my daughter, Risa. She wants to register herself.
Mrs. Sri : Glad to meet you Risa, What’s your problem?
Risa : Nice to meet you too, Ma’am. I have a fever and a little cough.
Mrs. Sri : Where are you from?
Risa : I stay at Jl. Mandiri 56. My nearest neighbor is a positive patient of covid 19. I
met and chatted with her two days before.

18. What is the social function of the sentence “This is my daughter, Risa.”?
A. To give information to other.
B. To give personal data.
C. To introduce ourselves to others.
D. To introduce someone to other.

19. Where does the dialog take place most likely?

A. In the clinic
B. In the hospital park
C. In the laboratory
D. In the library

20. From the dialog, we know that . . . .

A. Mrs. Rini and Risa are positive covid 19.
B. Mrs. Sri is Risa’s neighbor.
C. Risa is Mrs. Sri’s daughter.
D. Risa worries that she isalso getting positive covid 19.

21. What would Mrs. Sri suggest to Risa most likely?

A. She should go home.
B. She should ignore her fever and cough.
C. She should stay with her neighbor who is positive covid 19.
D. She should take the swab test.

The dialog is for no. 22 to 25.

Fitri : Hi, Lina. What do you usually do on Sunday morning?
Lina : On Sunday morning, I usually go to the park with my family.
Fitri : What time do you go to the park with your family?
Lina : I usually go there at 07.00 in the morning. But now, we stop our habits during the
pandemic. What about you, Fitri?
Fitri : I usually go to the traditional market with my father on Sunday morning.
Lina : Oh, really? What time do you usually go there?
Fitri : About 05.30 AM. The vegetables are still fresh at that time.
Lina : Are you not afraid of covid 19?
Fitri : Don’t worry, Lina. I and my father always keep health protocol.

22. What are Lina and fitri talking about?

A. Fitri and Lina’s activity on Sunday morning
B. Lina’s family
C. Lina’sfavourite park
D. Traditional market on Sunday morning

23. Who usually goes to the park on Sunday morning?

A. Fitri
B. Fitri and her father
C. Lina
D. Lina and her family

24. Why do Fitri and her father usually go to the traditional market on Sunday morning?
A. Because her father tells her about the traditional market.
B. Because the traditional market is near with her house.
C. Because the traditional market is next to the park.
D. Because the vegetables in the traditional market are still fresh.

25. What might Fitri and her father do to keep health protocol when they are in the traditional
A. They don’t touch the things they buy
B. They pay for goods by credit card.
C. They take a bath with soap before they go to the traditional market.
D.They wear masks and clean their hands by hand sanitizer after handling objects.

The dialog is for no. 26 to 29.

Andi : Is it the data of positive covid 19 daily case in Indonesia?
Tono : Yes. It’s like what you see in the table. At April 20th,2020is five thousand number of
positive covid 19. Then it increased twice at May 22th.
Andi : The positive cases continued to increase from March 3rd to July 1st. It reached fifty-nine
thousand at this beginning of July and it may continue to increase.
Tono : That’s right.

26. When does the conversation happen?

A. AfterAugust 1st
B. After July 1st
C. Before April 20th
D. Before March 3rd

27. What month began positive cases of covid 19 in Indonesia?

B. July
C. March
D. May

28. How many positive cases of covid 19 were in May 22nd ?

A. 19
C. 10.000
D. 59.000

29. From the dialog, we know that the national positive cases increase . . . .
A. fast
B. hard
C. slightly

The dialog is for no. 30 to 32.

Joni : The coronavirus can live on the surface of objects for three days.
Anto : Yes. It’s so risky to touch it.
Joni : Because of this, we have to frequently clean the objects at home that we often touch
such as door handles, remotes and electric switches.
Anto : That’s right. We can also use hand sanitizer after touching the objects to avoid

30. What are they talking about?

A. The objects at home
B. The objects that need frequent cleaning
C. The surface of coronavirus
D. The ways to avoid coronavirus

31. What will we do after touching the things when we are in public place?
A. We avoid the public place.
B. We clean our hands with hand sanitizer
C.We clean the things at public place frequently
D. We don’t touch the things because they are very risky

32. It’s so risky to touch it. The word “risky” has the same meaning with . . . .
B. dangerous
C. secure safe
D. safe secure

The dialog is for no. 33 and 34.

Mrs. Nina : During this pandemic, we must consume lots of nutritious food. Fruit is one of
the alternative healthy food. Can you help me to make juice from these fruits?
Elsa : Yes, Mom.
Mrs. Nina : Don’t forget to clean the fruit before you blend them.

33. What household appliance might Elsa use to do her work?

A. blender
B. mixer
C. refrigerator
D. sieve

34. Don’t forget to clean the fruit before you blend them. The word “blend” in the dialog has the
same meaning with . . . .
A. collect
C. separate
D. split

The dialog is for no. 35 to 38.

Mr. Budi : Well, Kevin. This is your new class. Look at this room. It is big enough. There
are twenty tables and forty chairs. But during the pandemic, we use only twenty
chairs. There is one empty chair over there. It is in the second row on the right.
You may sit there.
Kevin : Thank you, Sir.
Mr. Budi : Your locker is on your left. This is the key. Don’t put liquid in it.
Kevin : Why?
Mr. Budi : It may break your file.

35. How many chairs are used in Kevin’s new class?

A. 20
B. 21
C. 40
D. 41
36. Don’t put liquid in it. The word “it” refers to . . . .
A. the locker
B. the key
C. the new class
D. the row

37. From the dialog we know that the students keep their file . . . . the locker.
A. at
D. on

38. Why does the classroom use only twenty seats?

A. In order to avoid other friends.
B. In order to keep physical distancing.
C. In order to make the classroom quiet.
D. In order to make the students focus on the lesson.

The dialog is for no. 39 to 41.

Cinta : During pandemic, my mom forbids me to go anywhere. To kill my boredom, Mom
bought me a cat.
Linda : Really? Tell me about your new cat, please.
Cinta : My cat has white fur. It is clean and thick. It has a long tail. It usually rises its tail when
it is hungry. Then I feed it.
Linda : How often do you feed it?
Cinta : Twice a day. But if it wants to eat, I always give it food.
Linda : Whenever?
Cinta : Whenever. It is 5 kilograms now. I am really happy for the first chance to look after the

39. From the dialog, we can infer that . . . .

A. Cinta doesn’t have a cat before.
B. Cinta makes her cat’s fur clean and thick.
C. Linda knows Cinta’s cat well
D. Linda loves Cinta’s cat

40. What does probably the cat do after Cinta feed it?
A. It cuts its tail.
B. It makes its tail clean and thick.
C. It raises its tail higher.
D. It takes its tail down lower.

41. How is the cat now likely?

A. fat
B. long
C. thin
D. short

The dialog is for no. 42 to 44.

Haykal : What do you do at home to fulfill your time during pandemic?
Dimas : I like find information about the animals that live on this earth in the internet.
Haykal : The animal belongs to cattle. It has a strong body. It can run very fast. It can load
weighty things. Can you guess what animal it is?
Dimas Dimas: Yes, of course I can.
42. What is the Dimas’ answer about the animal Haykal meant?
A. cow
B. goat
C. horse
D. sheep

43. It can load weighty things. The word “weighty” has the closest meaning with . . . .
A. hard
B. heavy
C. light
D. mild

44. What is the meaning of “cattle” in the dialog?

A.A tame animal related to cat.
B. A wild animal.
C. Animal bred for milk, meat, or burden.
D. Animal bred for pleasure

The dialog is for no. 45 to 47.

Afina : Hi, Syaffa. Where are you going?
Syaffa : My mom asked me to buy some beans, a kilo of potatoes, two kilos of carrots and a
head of broccoli.
Afina : As far as I know, your mom always goes shopping by herself.
Syaffa : That’s right. But now, she is not so well. She has no appetite. I will cook for her.
Afina : Great. In pandemic like this, we must take care of our health to avoid the virus.

45. What can we infer from the dialog?

A. Syaffa will buy some daily needs.
B.Syaffa will buy some fruits.
C. Syaffa will buy some meals.
D.Syaffa will buy some vegetables.

46. Where might Syaffa go?

A. Butcher
B. Fruit store
C. Greengrocer
D. Grocery shop

47. What might Syaffa cook?

A. chicken curry
B. fruit salad
C. fried rice
D. soup

The dialog is for no. 48 to 50.

Leo : Where do you stay now?
Romy : In my new house. It is next of a public service place in this town.
Leo : Don’t you feel disturbed by the crowd there?
Romy : Yes. Many people accompanied by officers with personal protective equipment come
and go there every day. I see the ambulance coming and going there every time. There
always are some people in front of the emergency entrance.
Leo : Do you want to move?
Romy : Of course. I want to live quietly.

48. What are they talking about?

A. Public service place near Romy’s house
B. Public service places in the town
C. Romy’s house
D. Romy’s life

49. From the dialog, we can infer that the intended public service place in the dialog is a . . . .
A. car rental place
B. covid 19 special hospital
C. fire office
D. government office

50. How might Romi feel every time he see the people who come to that place?
B. glad
C. happy
D. sad

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