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Dr. Nilesh Kate Sir

ROHIT NARENDRA PATKAR (2022-2505-0001-0006)
NIHARIKA TRIPATHI (2022-2005-0001-0005)
TANAYA DONGRE (2022-2712-0001-0011)
BHAVYA (2022-1905-0001-0003)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:.....................................................................................................................3
LITERATURE REVIEW:......................................................................................................................7
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:..........................................................................................................10
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE:...............................................................................................................11
DATA COLLECTION:.....................................................................................................................12
DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION:....................................................................................12
FACTOR ANALYSIS:......................................................................................................................13
MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS:.......................................................................................................19


Measuring the results of branding initiatives is the practice of measuring brand performance.
Businesses may identify their brand's strengths and shortcomings by monitoring key
performance metrics like impressions, traffic, and engagement and comparing them to their
brand performance goals. As brand performance plays an important role in a way that
increases the customer’s understanding of the service or product, as it also increases the
trustworthiness of your brand.
This report shows the various research paper in which various methods have been used to
collect the data and interpret the result. The analysis of this report is done by using
convenience sampling as well as quantitative method (surveys), data which is collected all
over the country with 50 respondents and then interpreted the data using factor analysis and
chi-square test. The main aim of this research report is to determine the key components that
help in the improvement of brand performance by factor analysis.
The study implies that to improve brand performance, the company should focus on the
factors that are found through factor analysis. Also, the company could increase its brand
awareness throughout the country by advertising on national television channels since there is
no relationship between the time of advertisements and different states of India as per the
From the various analysis it is shown that the chi-square test, we can observe that there is no
association between different states of India and the time of advertisements in those states to
improve brand performance.

A brand's marketing and business objective’s success is measured by its performance. While
brand delivery is concerned with how branding is implemented during a marketing campaign,
the brand performance examines the outcomes to determine how successful branding was for
the company. It entails expressing your brand's values in a way that improves your customers'
comprehension of the service or item, hence boosting your brand's credibility.
The characteristics that define your brand are called brand attributes. Some examples of
qualities include credibility, relevance, consistency, and appropriate positioning. Customers
notice these qualities when they consider your company as a whole rather than just the
products you offer. The execution of branding during marketing initiatives is the subject of
brand delivery. The effectiveness of branding in producing successful company results is then
determined using the campaign results. Here are five marketing techniques that can be used
to assess whether your branding encourages appropriate performance and delivery.
Some of the marketing tactics to improve brand performance:
1) Decode the consumer mindset:
Businesses have an obligation to communicate clearly with their clients. Customers'
perspectives must be taken into account in order to achieve this. What influences
consumers' decisions to make a purchase? What needs or desires do customers have
when looking to purchase a product? A key component of brand delivery and success
is brand messaging which takes into account the preferences and needs of the target
market. You can profile important consumers and create branding strategies that allow
advertisements to more effectively present products depending on what appeals to
customers by collecting buyer demographics and behavioral data.
2) Diversify Ad Formatting:
Due to viewers' "been there, seen that" reactions, excessive use of static images might
cause campaigns to perform slowly. Fortunately, single image inventory has become
less common in digital advertising. A brand's storytelling potential is increased by
utilising the video and gif formats. By utilising these more detailed, richer kinds of
content, branding may increase viewability while also generating increased purchase
intent thanks to enhanced visual messages.
3) Adapt Cross-Device Planning:
A crucial obligation that brands have to their customer base is relevance. But being
relevant necessitates being adaptable to shifting audience interests. The audience's
choice for content consumption is one such interest. The average internet user now
uses the internet for roughly 7 hours per day across all devices, which translates to
more than 48 hours per week — or a full two days out of a seven-day workweek.
Because of the constant spread and growth of technology, branding must be accessible
across several platforms. You may put together a full cross-device plan to improve
brand distribution and performance across all main devices with the help of device
type and device usage data study.
4) Set Campaign Goals:
Branding is very important to ad campaigns. The capacity of a campaign to provide
the best outcomes is correlated with a company's ability to create branded content that

effectively engages and motivates proactivity among target consumers. You must keep
an eye on any recorded user interactions to make sure branding is driving
optimisation. Prior to launch, decide what interactions (clicks, impressions, sign-ups,
page redirection, etc.) you hope to generate and what outcomes you want each
interaction to produce. Every objective will serve as performance benchmarks to
assess whether live campaigns are performing up to expectations. Determine the
branded components of successful ads to make sure they are present in next launches,
increasing the likelihood that they will achieve maximum optimisation.
5) Retarget the Masses:
Let's face it, customers frequently leave companies after using their product offerings.
This fickle behavior makes it difficult for businesses to move customers through the
buying process, which has an adverse effect on sales success. Fortunately, branding
may help with retargeting to attract additional customers from interested but
disinterested parties. Profile the audiences that engaged with your content using pre-
curated insights from previous brand campaigns. Reintroduce your company to
potential customers by combining individual touches like personalized greetings or
discounts on particular products with high-quality brand content. In addition to
boosting brand recognition, keeping track of sales and reactivated clients will allow
you to assess how effective your branding is at inspiring action in retargeting
6) Bottom Line:
Each marketing strategy does undoubtedly enhance brand performance and delivery,
but the real benefit of these strategies lies in how they inform businesses of the value
of their brands. Branding is the process of presenting your firm in a detailed,
recognizable manner within its sector and towards target customers. It goes beyond
choosing a logo or tagline. You are using learning tools to refresh your understanding
of which branding choices lead to benchmark results as you implement these
marketing strategies. In consequence, employing these tactics enables access to a road
map for overall branding success.
It is simple to assess the effectiveness of a marketing initiative or sales representative
because data and statistics are available that demonstrate precisely what is occurring
and when. Brand performance metrics:

1) Awareness:
To determine how well your brand is performing, you need first look at
With the use of this indicator, you can determine whether or not your target
market will remember your brand and return for more.

Consider Google, for example. Because of its widespread brand recognition,

everyone knows what you mean when you say, "Let me 'Google' that."
The key performance indicators (KPIs) you should be on the lookout for are:

 Top-of-mind brand awareness: How do your customers really regard you in

the market—as a pioneer or an innovator?

 Unplanned brand awareness This might be a video, blog, or post that
mentions you naturally.
 Brand awareness that was prompted by the audience's reference or
recommendation of your good or service

2) Familiarity:
The second statistic examines how well your clients are aware of your brand and
your values.
Some brands may be familiar to you by name, but you may not be aware of what
they produce or do. This is a crucial first step in developing brand evangelists and
a wonderful tool to assess how well your brand is performing.
Your primary familiarity cues are:

 Self-reported familiarity with the brand: You should pay attention to what
your audience says about your products and brand when they bring it up, as
well as how much they are familiar with it.
 Company profile: What are the public's perceptions of your company and its
3) Consideration:
Consideration and the percentage of your audience who truly wants to purchase
your brand and goods are the next metrics to look at.
What to search for:
 Looking at data gathered, such as involvement with marketing messages,
website engagement, demographics, and prior transactions, you can determine
someone's intention to make a purchase.
4) Advocacy:
This crucial indicator examines referrals, which are the pinnacle of marketing. The
beautiful thing about brand advocates is that they freely promote your company's
name and goods to everyone who will listen, and they are also seen as
knowledgeable by the people they are trying to persuade.

What to search for:

 The Net Promoter Score is started by asking brief and simple online surveys
or questions.
 the social sphere Count the number of times your brand is mentioned and
analyze the tone of these references.


1) International Journal of Market Research, 2018; A Consumer-based brand

performance model for assessing brand success by Sebastian Molinillo (University of
Malaga, Spain), Yuksel Ekinci (University of Portsmouth, UK), Arnold Japutra
(University of Western Australia, Australia); the study aims to introduce a Consumer-
Based Brand performance model (CBBPM) to measure the brand success. Two surveys
were conducted in Spain, where a Spanish marketing research company helped collect the
data. In total, 435 respondents participated in the Global brand survey and 446
respondents participated in the Private Labels survey. The researcher uses descriptive
statics, the primary method(survey) to collect the data, and structural equation modeling.
This study introduces a Consumer-Based Brand Performance Model to measure brand
success. The results of the study show that brand equity, brand satisfaction, and brand
trust are prominent variables in explaining brand loyalty—an important construct for a
firm’s success.

2) Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, April 2012; Behind Brand

Performance by Luu Trong Tuan (Swinburne University of Technology); This
investigation into consumer goods manufacturing companies in Vietnam seeks to discern
if such constructs as corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethics act as antecedents
for brand performance with the mediating role of integrated performance measures. 1,452
manufacturing companies, data on such constructs as brand performance, performance
measurement integrated Ness, CSR, and ethics were collated. Middle management
members were relied on as the respondents since they would have more opportunities to
observe high as well as low layers of organizational behavior than lower-level members
would. A total of 387 responses reverted from self-administered structured questionnaires
despatched to 1,452 middle-level managers were dissected via ANOVAs and structural
equation modeling (SEM), the researcher uses the Inferential statistical method. From the
findings emerged the interconnections between ethics of justice and legal CSR/economic
CSR. On the other hand, ethics of care tends to nourish ethical CSR, which in turn
positively impacts performance measurement integrated Ness. The findings also paved
the path from performance measurement integrated Ness to high brand performance.

3) European Journal of Business and Management, 2016; The impact of brand awareness
on market brand performance of services brands: contextual consideration of Kenya’s
Banking Industry by Peary Kilei, Dr. Mike Iravo (Ph.D.), Dr. Jane Omwenga (Ph.D.);
the main aim of this study is to investigate the impact of brand awareness on market
brand performance in the service sector. This study includes the quantitative research
design, with cross-sectional field survey data collection method. Data is selected
randomly with a sample of 347 consumers of financial services of 35 commercial banks
in Kenya and 35 senior managers of these bank. Correlation analysis was conducted to
investigate the impact of brand awareness variables on market brand performance. These
results suggest that marketing/brand managers should continue to develop and implement
effective brand awareness campaigns in order to attract and enhance consumers attention
towards their brands and thus enhance market brand performance.
4) Journal of Political Science and Public Affairs, 2015; Training helps support Better
Performance by Tapesh Chandra Gupta and Hamid Khan, this study includes the
quantitative method of data collection method is done with a sample size of 110 workers
and interview technique is also used to collect the data. This result shows the significant
difference in all the studied elements, workers cohesiveness and cooperative soul couldn’t
affect, in the other words, better training helps support better performance regardless of
the educational qualifications of the workers. Cohesion among workers keeps them
satisfied and hence produces quality results. Retention of workers is a major challenge for
any organization. WRS has successfully completed this challenge too by providing an
encouraging organizational culture. A healthy and motivated organizational culture is a
must for attaining the best results.

5) Improving business performance through brand management practice by Saša Veljković

Djordje Kaličanin in 2016; The study aims to identify the key elements of effective
brand management practices and how they can be implemented to improve business
performance. The paper also analyzes case studies of successful brand management
practices in different industries. The analysis was based on a total of 118 responses
representing 118 brands and activities related to brand management practices in
companies operating in the Republic of Serbia. The researcher uses Convenience
sampling from a total of 118 responses has been recorded in the Siberia tests using sample
tests, exploratory research, regression analysis, cluster analysis chi-square test, and
ANOVA using the Inferential Statistics technique. organizational and personal
commitment and orientation to the brand and brand management;
• Provide appropriate supporting activities for the implementation of the
brand management process;
• a strong focus on innovation and improving the innovation process;
• effective planning and efficient implementation of the individual instruments
of marketing programs;
• uniqueness of marketing offerings;
• building good relationships in marketing channels;
• permanent control of all business processes, and creation of a comprehensive
brand-performance measurement system;
• the elimination/reduction of organizational and personal brand barriers

6) Improving Brand Awareness and Its Impact on Consumer Behavior Via Media in North
Cyprus (A Case Study of Fast-Food Restaurants) by Asaad Ali Karam Serdar Saydam
in 2015; This study aims to examine the impact of media on brand awareness and its
subsequent effect on consumer behavior in North Cyprus, with a focus on fast food

restaurants. The purpose of the study is to provide insights into how fast-food restaurants
can improve their brand awareness through media and how this can influence consumer
behavior. The study uses a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and
quantitative data. The qualitative data was collected through in-depth interviews with
marketing managers of fast-food restaurants in North Cyprus, while the quantitative data
was collected through a survey of consumers. The survey was conducted using a
convenience sampling method, with a sample size of 300 respondents using convenience
sampling the study provides valuable insights into the importance of brand management
practices in improving business performance, specifically in the fast-food industry in
North Cyprus. The study highlights the critical role of media, particularly social media
platforms, in improving brand awareness and influencing consumer behavior.

7) Direct Journal of business research; Understanding brand performance measures: using

Dirichlet benchmarks by Andrew S.C. Ehrenberga, Mark D. Unclesb, Gerald J.
Goodhardt in 2002. The aim of the study is to understand, interpret, and use these brand
performance measures a sample design is Convenience sampling and the Inferential
Statics method is used. To conclude, the Dirichlet model describes the widely observed
patterns of near-steady state buying behavior that tend to occur. In this, the model
consistently predicts fairly complex patterns and BPMs from very simple and limited
inputs. It also helps to explain the patterns; namely, that under near-steady state
conditions, traditional loyalty-related measures for competitive brands are unaffected by
any marketing-mix inputs, other than indirectly through changes in the brand’s market

8) Industrial marketing management; The impact of the brand management system on

brand performance in B–B and B–C environments by Jinyong Lee, Seong Yong Park,
Ingee Baek, Chun-Seon Lee in 2008, to develop a conceptual model using the BMS and
empirically examine its effect on brand performance. In particular, it compares how the
BMS works as a mediating variable between market orientation and brand performance
under B–B and B–C environments. sample design is Convenience sampling and
Inferencial Statics method is used. The empirical results based on survey data from 1000
brand managers (from 770 B–C and 230 B–B firms) show that firms possessing a well-
organized BMS dramatically enhance brand performance. 4. The respondents include
brand managers or marketing managers in manufacturing or service firms based on the
Korean Standard Industrial Code (KSIC). Most of the data were collected by visiting the
firms and collecting directly. The empirical results based on survey data from 1000 brand
managers (from 770 B–C and 230 B–B firms) show that firms possessing a well-
organized BMS dramatically enhance brand performance. 4. The respondents include
brand managers or marketing managers in manufacturing or service firms based on the
Korean Standard Industrial Code (KSIC). Most of the data were collected by visiting the
firms and collecting directly.

9) An Investigation of Factors Affecting Brand Advertising Success and Effectiveness

Azarnoush Ansari, Arash Riasi 2016; To review and synthesize existing research on
brand advertising effectiveness and the factors that influence it. To identify key factors

that impact brand advertising success, such as messaging and creative execution, media
channels, marketing strategy, cultural context, level of competition, and measurement and
evaluation. the authors searched various academic databases such as Google Scholar,
EBSCOhost, and ProQuest for relevant studies. They also consulted books, industry
reports, and other sources of information on brand advertising. The search was conducted
using a combination of keywords related to brand advertising, such as "brand advertising
effectiveness," "brand messaging," "media channels," "cultural context," and "marketing
strategy." The search was limited to studies published in English and with a focus on
brand advertising. It is a literature review; it does not have a sample design. The
qualitative approach to analyze the data The study provides valuable insights for
advertisers and marketers to improve the effectiveness of their brand advertising
campaigns. The findings suggest that a comprehensive marketing strategy that
incorporates these factors can lead to better results in brand advertising campaigns.

10) Factors affecting college students’ brand loyalty toward fast fashion: A consumer-based
brand equity approach Jin Su, Aihwa Chang 2018; The study aims to contribute to the
existing literature on consumer-based brand equity by providing insights into the factors
that influence college students' brand loyalty towards fast fashion brands. The findings of
the study can be useful for fast fashion brands in developing marketing strategies to
improve their brand equity among college students. The study's research design also
included a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach to analyze the data and test the
hypotheses. SEM is a statistical technique that enables researchers to examine complex
relationships between variables and test multiple hypotheses simultaneously.
a quantitative research design to investigate the factors affecting college students' brand
loyalty towards fast fashion brands. The research design involved collecting and
analyzing numerical data from a sample of college students in Taiwan. The study used a
survey method to collect data from 359 college students, aged between 18 to 24 years.
The study included a total of 359 college students, aged between 18 to 24 years, from four
universities in Taiwan. The researchers distributed the survey questionnaire to students in
their classrooms, and the students were asked to complete the survey voluntarily.
structural equation modeling (SEM) the study by Su and Chang provides valuable
insights into the factors that influence college students' brand loyalty towards fast fashion
brands. The study's findings suggest that brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand
associations are the key drivers of brand loyalty among college students toward fast
fashion brands. The study also highlights the importance of developing a strong brand
image, personality, and reputation to enhance brand loyalty.


The research challenge can be solved methodically using research methodology. It can be
thought of as a science that studies how scientific research is conducted. In it, we examine the
many procedures a researcher typically uses to investigate his research problem, as well as
the reasoning behind them.
The main aim of this report is to determine the key components that help in the improvement
of brand performance using convenience sampling method and quantitative methods

10 | P a g e
(surveys) with around 50 responses collected all over the country and determining the
hypothesis which shows the association between different states of India and time of
advertisements in those states to improve brand performance.


1. To determine the key components that help in the improvement of brand

performance by factor analysis.
2. To determine if there is an association between states of India and time of
advertisement in those areas to improve brand performance.

1. Name:
2. Gender:
3. Place:
4. Qualification:
5. Designation:

6. As per your perception, answer whether the following components help improve the
performance of any brand. Number 1 denotes strongly agree while number 5 denotes
strongly disagree.
Parameters 1 2 3 4 5
1 How the brand define itself
2 Values projected by brand
3 Promise a brand makes to its customers
4 USP or differentiation in products compared to
5 Brand identity – Logo, fonts, images
6 Brand awareness and positioning
7 Message a brand projects through its
8 Customer’s experience with the brand
9 On-boarding celebrities and influencers for
brand awareness
10 Timing of advertisement on media

7. At what time according to you is more suitable for the brands to advertise themselves
on television in order to improve its awareness?
o Before 9 AM
o 9 AM – 12 PM
o 12.01 PM – 3 PM
o 3.01 PM – 6 PM

11 | P a g e
o 6.01 PM – 9 PM
o 9.01 PM – 12 AM
o After 12 AM

 H0 – There is no association between different states of India and time of advertisements
in those states to improve brand performance.
 H1 - There is an association between different states of India and time of advertisements
in those states to improve brand performance.

A questionnaire was framed and circulated to the respondents across the countries. The
respondents belonged to various educational backgrounds. Also, the respondents work in
various different sectors. For sampling, a convenience sampling technique was used.


50 responses were collected from all over the country. The respondents who participated
belonged to various states, such as Goa, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Manipur, Uttar
Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and West Bengal. The respondents’ educational backgrounds were
found to be very diverse, such as B. Com, B. Pharm, M. Pharm, LLB, LLM, BBA, BE, B.
Tech, BBA, MBA, and PGDM. The gender percentage of the respondents is shown in Figure
52% of the respondents were female while 48% of the respondents were male.

12 | P a g e
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Factor analysis is a technique that is used to reduce a large number of variables into fewer
numbers of factors. This technique extracts the maximum common variance from all
variables and puts them into a common score. As an index of all variables, we can use this
score for further analysis. Factor analysis is used when there are a large number of variables
and it is not possible to deal with all the variables simultaneously in an analysis.

The KMO value obtained is greater than 0.5 i.e., 0.523 and Bartlett’s test of sphericity

obtained is less than 0.05 i.e., 0.002. Therefore, the data is suitable for factor analysis.

74.108 % is the total variance in the data that is cumulatively explained by the extracted
14 | P a g e
From the Scree plot, it is evident that a total of 5 factors are above Eigenvalue 1.

15 | P a g e
Ro ta te d Co m po ne nt Ma trix a
Com ponent
1 2 3 4 5
.074 .161 -.241 .639 -.387
.870 .070 .105 -.041 .052
.045 -.042 -.029 .158 .880
m is e
.051 .019 .147 .884 .138
-.026 -.240 -.065 .273 -.553
.451 -.020 .722 -.186 .016
arenes s
Brand_m e
-.190 -.005 .888 .129 .031
s s age
.111 .867 -.041 .136 .149
.416 -.775 -.014 .027 .049
Tim ing_ad
-.762 .288 .127 -.222 -.001
Extraction Method: Principal Com ponent Analysis .
a. Method:
Rotation Varim
converged inax with Kais er
7 iterations . Norm alization.

From Rotated Component Matrix, the 1st factor consists of variable ‘Brand Value’, having a
value of more than 0.750. Similarly, factor 2 consists of variable ‘Customer’s experience’,
having a value more than 0.750. In 3rd factor, ‘Brand Message’ is a variable that have a value
of more than 0.750. 4th factor consists of variable ‘USP or differentiation in products’ which
have a value more than 0.750. In 5th factor, variable which have value more than 0.750 is
‘Brand Promise’.
So, from the factor analysis results it was observed that the five important factors which helps
in improving brand performance are,
F1 – Brand value
F2 – Customer’s experience
F3 – Brand’s message
F4 – Brand differentiation
F5 – Brand’s promise
The perceptual mapping produced through factor analysis are as follows;

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A Chi- Square test is used when we have two categorical variables measured for all
observation in a dataset and we want to test if the variables are related or independent. It is a
non-parametric test. Chi-square test was used to determine if there is a relationship between
different states of India and time of advertisement in those areas to improve brand


From the Chi-square test, it was observed that p-value (0.548) is greater than 0.05 at 5 %
Level of Significance. Hence, we accept Null Hypothesis (H 0) and reject Alternate
Hypothesis (H1).

20 | P a g e
From the factor analysis, it was evident that the five factors which are important for
improvement in brand performance are Brand Value, Customer’s Experience, Brand’s
Message, Brand Differentiation and Brand’s Promise. From Chi-square analysis it was
observed that there is no association between different states of India and time of
advertisements in those states to improve brand performance at 5% Level of Significance.

The study implicates that to improve the brand performance, the company should focus on
the factors that are found through factor analysis. Also, the company could increase their
brand awareness throughout the country by advertising on national television channels since
there is no relationship between the time of advertisements and different states of India as per
the respondents.

Ehrenberg, A. U. (2004). Understanding brand performance measures: using Dirichlet benchmarks.
Journal of Business Research, 1307-1325.

Lee, J. P. (2008). The impact of the brand management system on brand performance in B–B and B–C
environments. Industrial Marketing Management, 848-855.

Molinillo, S. E. (2019). A consumer-based brand performance model for assessing brand success.
International Journal of Market Research, 93-110.

Tuan, L. (2012). Behind brand performance. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 42-57.

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