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Mid-term Project Criteria

Part A – Individual Story Telling Skills

Q 1. The storyteller’s voice was clear (power) and good pronunciation.
5. Clear, well spoken, strong intonation and appropriate emphasis.
4. Started off with a quiet voice but improved as the presenter went along. Minor problems with intonation,
or pronunciation.
3. Mostly clear but occasional stumbling or unnatural (sounds like good reading voice). Possibly pointing
to problems with vocabulary choices.
2. Voice is understandable but lacks clear emotion or emphasis, reading.
1. Hard to understand, lacks emotion, monotone, needed more power,

Q 2. The storyteller’s voice had a good pace and appropriate amount of pauses.
5. Well-paced, natural sounding (not reading voice).
4. Minor problems with pace, need longer or shorter pauses.
3. Stumbling and restarting occasionally.
2. Significant periods of forgetting and used filler sounds.
1. Doesn’t seem to have practiced or prepared.

Q 3. The storyteller had excellent eye contact (did not read from cue cards).
5. The storyteller maintains good eye contact with the camera for the duration of their part of the story.
Cue cards, if used, are used effectively.
4. The storyteller maintains eye contact with the camera for most of the story with occasional brief
distractions with the storyteller looking away.
3. The storyteller picked one spot to stare at.
2. Some reading. Uneven attention.
1. A few seconds or less of eye contact with the camera. The presenter frequently looks away from the
camera, clear reading from cue cards, little attempt to connect.

Q 4. The storyteller had appropriate facial expressions.

5. Facial expressions are clear and appropriate.
4. Mostly effective expressions which created a connection with the camera.
3. The storyteller attempted to have some facial expressions to invite the audience to feel comfortable.
2. Occasionally smiling but often had a stone face.
1. No facial expressions.

Q 5. The storyteller had first-rate gestures.

5. The storyteller uses clear, natural looking gestures to effectively embellish their story and connect with the
audience, gestures are consistent and easy to see.
4. Gestures are quite clear and mostly consistent. Mostly effective and relevant gestures, and movement.
3. Some attempt at large, slow gestures but needed more.
2. Small gestures or which were too small /quick to be seen clearly by the camera.
1. No attempt at gestures.

Q 6. The storyteller was at ease, had poise and a clear message (looked and sounded confident).
5. Storyteller looked well practiced and at ease. Message was clear and interesting.
4. Storyteller had minor indicators of unease but was able to continue their speech.
3. Storyteller clearly demonstrated several nervous mannerisms. Minor interference with the quality of
information being conveyed.

2. Storyteller stumbled due to nerves but did not give up. Major interference with the quality of information
being conveyed.
1. Storyteller needed significantly more practice to be more at ease.

Q 7. Script
5. Microsoft Word files with Name and student number on file name. Script contains all member’s names and
student numbers. Submitted on time.
3. Name and student number were missing on the files.
1. File was not submitted.

Q 8. Peer Evaluation Form

5. File was downloaded and completely filled out and handed in on time.
3. Some information was missing from the form.
1. Form was submitted late.

Part B – Group Story

Q 9 Structure
5. The Fairy Tale had a clear beginning, development and ending.
3. The Fairy Tale had a problem in either the development or ending.
1. The Fairy Tale had serious problems in clarity throughout. Needed revision before publication.

Q 10. The Fairy Tale characters

5. Well-developed characters which were easy to understand.
3. Some confusion for listeners about who or what the characters were doing.
1. Greater care needed for better clarity for the main characters.

Q 11. Fairy Tale Moral

5. Moral was easy for listeners to identify
3. Minor confusion in understand what the moral of the story was.
1. There was no clear moral.

Q 12. The Fairy Tale Setting

5. There was a magical setting which created a clear mood.
3. The magical setting was vague and/or did not affect the mood.
1. The story did not contain magical elements.

Q 13. The Fairy Tale contains a theme and symbols.

5. Interesting theme(s) or symbol(s)..
3. Missing either a theme or symbols.
1. No theme or symbols

Q 14. The Fairy Tale has a Conflict.

5. The story contains a clear conflict that the protagonist must overcome.
3. There is some confusion and lack of clarity in the confusion in the story’s conflict.
1. The story does not have a conflict.

Q 15 Image support
5. Images were interesting, unique and clearly supports/illustrates the story

3. Images were used but connection to story was unclear
1. Images were not used or more were needed to fill support the story.

Q 16. Background Music

5. Was added to the mood of the story and helped build the narrative.
3. Was added but did not seem to be connected to the story.
1. Was played too loudly for the speaker to be clearly heard.

17. Overall Quality of the Fairy Tale

10. The story was new, and interesting to the audience. The story contained some traditional aspects in
clear and unique ways. The audience is attentively listening.
8. Interesting to some of the audience. Information presented was not new, storytellers took the safe route
in information presented. Thought flow mostly clear and can be followed with little trouble.
6. Some problems with idea flow but some understanding was possible.
4. Relevance and reasoning is unclear. Topic was a little hard to understand and follow. Not interesting.
2. There is little logical flow in the ideas presented.

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