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As you move around the campus, observations forms are provided for you to document your
observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to the school
site. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets
will yield better learning results.
Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to
indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available and say how
each will contribute to the students' learning and development.

Will it contribute to the

Facilities / Description students’ learning and
development? Why?
Yes, the office of the principal
The office of the principal
is an important unit in the
is available. It is located near
school because the principal
the front gate.
facilitates the overall of the
The actual
school campus. A clean and
Office of the room is not spacious but still
/ well decorated principal office
Principal organized well,
can motivate students to have a
properly ventilated and the
clean classroom too and if the
staff are accommodating and
classroom is properly
maintained the learners can
study well.
The library is still under Yes, the school library plays a
construction, and it is very unique role in promoting,
small and does not have a lot protecting, and educating about
of books thus cannot intellectual freedom. It serves
accommodate a huge number as a point of voluntary access
Library / of students. It is located to information and ideas and as
beside the principal office. a learning laboratory for
students as they acquire critical
thinking and problem-solving
skills needed in a pluralistic

Counseling Room

Canteen/ Cafeteria / The cafeteria is located near Yes, cafeteria is the source of
the back gate, the size of it is nourishment of the school, and
sufficient to cater students it must be approved by the
from grade 1 to 6. school administrator or
principal of what type of food
they will serve. A clean and
selling of healthy foods can
help the students to be healthy
and physically fit.
The medical clinic is located Yes, having a sufficient supply
in between the grade 1 and of medicines and personnel to
grade 3 classroom. The accommodate the student if
Medical Clinic / facility is small but the they got sick or injured, they
supply of medicines for first can be treated right away.
aid is sufficient to cater

Audi Visual/
Learning Resource

Science Laboratory

The gymnasium is located at Yes, it can help students to

the front gate it can also be develop their psychomotor
seen outside of the campus. learning. Helping students to
Gymnasium /
The foundation of the gym is stay fit by doing some activity
good and has a great or exercises.
improvement than before.


It is located near the back Yes, it can help students to

gate and beside the grade 6 connect with nature. Educating
classroom. It has a lot of students to know the benefits
Outdoor/ Garden /
different variety of of eating healthy foods and
vegetables and well planting of plants.
The home economics room is Yes, it can help students to
located at the back gate, in have a strong foundation in
Home Economics front of grade 6 classroom. It some house chores that can
Room twice the size of a normal really help them.

Workshop Area
PTA Office

Every classroom has a Yes, having a comfort room

comfort room for boys and every classroom can avoid the
Comfort Room for girls but there is also a disturbance of classes if
Boys general comfort room for student will utilize the comfort
students, and it is located room outside the classroom.
near the garden.
Every classroom has a Yes, having a comfort room
comfort room for boys and every classroom can avoid the
Comfort Room for girls but there is also a disturbance of classes if
Girls general comfort room for student will utilize the comfort
students, and it is located room outside the classroom.
near the garden.
There are a lot of Yes, it can help students to stay
handwashing facilities inside clean and healthy due to Covid
Hand washing the campus. It is located at virus and to educate student the
facilities the front gate, back gate, benefits of washing of hands
beside and at the back of the regularly.
The feeding center is located Yes, by doing feeding program
near the back gate, and they it can help those students who
Feeding center / serve healthy and nutritious are unhealthy and underweight.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the space
Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1. Describe the
The school is in front of food stalls. It is surrounded by houses
community or
and a tricycle area. The neighborhood is noisy because of the
motor vehicles plying around the streets; however, the outside
where the school is
environment is clean and smoke free.

2. Describe the school

The school campus is small, but the buildings are renovated and
campus. What
beautiful compared to before. I can see different colors inside the
colors do you see?
school but most of it is green since it is the color motif of the
What is the
school which is clean and green. Most of the buildings are in
condition of the
good condition because it is properly maintained.

Every time I pass by the offices, I always have the impression

3. Pass by the offices. that teachers and staff in the office are always busy. Personnel
What impression do are very approachable and very polite. They are located
you have of these conveniently so people would find them easily. They have
offices? bulletin board displayed outside their offices to keep people
informed of the latest announcements and memos.

The library is small, and the supplies of books are not sufficient
4. Walk though the and cannot accommodate the number of students in the school
school halls, the campus. The school has a feeing area wherein the school
library, the provides healthy and nutritious meals for the students, The
cafeteria. Look cafeteria has enough chairs and tables and can accommodate
around and find out students well. There is a big quadrangle at the center of the
the other facilities campus. The classrooms are clean, organized, and well-
that school as. ventilated. There are signage and proper labels so that offices can
be easily found.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to record
your data.
Classroom Facilities
(location, number, arrangement, condition)
There are at least 20 wall displays, and they are located on every
1. Wall Displays wall of the classroom. Even inside the comfort room, it has a wall
display and is in good condition.

There are two teacher’s tables; one is at the back and the other is
2. Teacher’s Table
at the front, and both are in good condition.

There are 20 learner's desks; every desk has one learner or is

3. Learner’s Desks
shared by two and is in good condition.

There is only one blackboard, which is located at the front of the

4. Blackboard
classroom and is in good condition.

5. Learning There are learning materials or visual aids, which are located at
Materials/ the back, placed on the round table, and arranged according to
Visual Aids subjects.

The personal hygiene kit is located near the back door, and it is
6. Personal Hygiene
composed of alcohol, bandages, medical plasters, and cotton

7. Hand washing The hand washing facility is located near the comfort room, and it
facility has hand washing soap, and the faucet is functioning.

Write your observation report here.

Name of the School
Observed Luis B. Puentevella Elementary School

Location of the School Taculing Rd, 6100 Bacolod City, Philippines

Date of Visit May 14, 2023

The following are my

observations during my
visitation at CNSC College of
Education Laboratory High
School last August 23, 2021:
 The school is easily located.
There is a big label of the name
of the school, although it was the
ous name of the school.
 There are stores in front, a
bakery and a computer shop
 The fences are strong and
helps the school secured.
 The security guard is
 The clinic and the guidance
office is easily located.
 The library is a bit far but it
can be easily located.
 There is a big quadrangle
with, a small stage in the lower
center and a flag pole in the
upper center.
 The classroom are clean,
although its old and some of the
grills already have rusts.
 The comfort rooms are
accessible. However not all
toilets are functional.
 The computer laboratory,
science laboratory and
auditorium are available for
 There is a small nipa hut
located near the social hall. It is
where most students take their
 The canteen is small but clean
and organized.
 Other offices such as the
dean’s office, registrar and etc.
are well ventilated but not
conveniently lo-
 The hallways are clean and
 Overall, the school is a safe
space for learning. The facilities
are accessible and
are functional. The school is
conducive to learning– which
matters the most.
The following are my
observations during my
visitation at CNSC College of
Education Laboratory High
School last August 23, 2021:
 The school is easily located.
There is a big label of the name
of the school, although it was the
ous name of the school.
 There are stores in front, a
bakery and a computer shop
 The fences are strong and
helps the school secured.
 The security guard is
 The clinic and the guidance
office is easily located.
 The library is a bit far but it
can be easily located.
 There is a big quadrangle
with, a small stage in the lower
center and a flag pole in the
upper center.
 The classroom are clean,
although its old and some of the
grills already have rusts.
 The comfort rooms are
accessible. However not all
toilets are functional.
 The computer laboratory,
science laboratory and
auditorium are available for
 There is a small nipa hut
located near the social hall. It is
where most students take their
 The canteen is small but clean
and organized.
 Other offices such as the
dean’s office, registrar and etc.
are well ventilated but not
conveniently lo-
 The hallways are clean and
 Overall, the school is a safe
space for learning. The facilities
are accessible and
are functional. The school is
conducive to learning– which
matters the most.
The following are my
observations during my
visitation at CNSC College of
Education Laboratory High
School last August 23, 2021:
 The school is easily located.
There is a big label of the name
of the school, although it was the
ous name of the school.
 There are stores in front, a
bakery and a computer shop
 The fences are strong and
helps the school secured.
 The security guard is
 The clinic and the guidance
office is easily located.
 The library is a bit far but it
can be easily located.
 There is a big quadrangle
with, a small stage in the lower
center and a flag pole in the
upper center.
 The classroom are clean,
although its old and some of the
grills already have rusts.
 The comfort rooms are
accessible. However not all
toilets are functional.
 The computer laboratory,
science laboratory and
auditorium are available for
 There is a small nipa hut
located near the social hall. It is
where most students take their
 The canteen is small but clean
and organized.
 Other offices such as the
dean’s office, registrar and etc.
are well ventilated but not
conveniently lo-
 The hallways are clean and
 Overall, the school is a safe
space for learning. The facilities
are accessible and
are functional. The school is
conducive to learning– which
matters the most.
The following are my
observations during my
visitation at CNSC College of
Education Laboratory High
School last August 23, 2021:
 The school is easily located.
There is a big label of the name
of the school, although it was the
ous name of the school.
 There are stores in front, a
bakery and a computer shop
 The fences are strong and
helps the school secured.
 The security guard is
 The clinic and the guidance
office is easily located.
 The library is a bit far but it
can be easily located.
 There is a big quadrangle
with, a small stage in the lower
center and a flag pole in the
upper center.
 The classroom are clean,
although its old and some of the
grills already have rusts.
 The comfort rooms are
accessible. However not all
toilets are functional.
 The computer laboratory,
science laboratory and
auditorium are available for
 There is a small nipa hut
located near the social hall. It is
where most students take their
 The canteen is small but clean
and organized.
 Other offices such as the
dean’s office, registrar and etc.
are well ventilated but not
conveniently lo-
 The hallways are clean and
 Overall, the school is a safe
space for learning. The facilities
are accessible and
are functional. The school is
conducive to learning– which
matters the most.
The following are my observations during my visitation at Luis B. Puentevella Elementary
School last May 14, 2023:

The school is easily located. There is a big label of the name of the school.
There are stores in front, a bakery, and a computer shop nearby.
The fences are strong and helps the school secured.
The security guard is accommodating.
The clinic and the guidance office are easily located.
The library can be easily located inside the campus.
There is a big quadrangle with a small stage in the center and a flagpole in the
The classroom is clean, newly renovated, and well decorated.
The comfort rooms are accessible all toilets are functional.
The canteen is small but clean and organized.
Other offices such as the dean’s office, registrar etc. are well ventilated but not
conveniently located.
The hallways are clean and tiled.
Overall, the school is a safe space for learning. The facilities are accessible, and
materials/equipment are functional. The school is conducive to learning– which
matters the most.
How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the
students going to school? What are your conclusions?

I conclude that the school has a great impact in learning, even though the classroom is
small but the students have all the necessary learning materials they need. The classroom
are filled with thoughts and learning that a student can get.

How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development / How does
this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?

In relation to my previous knowledge of child and adolescent development, learners learn

properly or effectively if they are exposed in a clean and healthy environment, free from
distractions. They could easily learn if every teacher uses variety of learning materials or
teaching strategies because every learner has different learning styles. In conclusion, to
my previous subject facilitating learning, as a teacher, I should follow the proper methods
and techniques that are best for learners to learn.


1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?

Yes, I would like to teach in the school that I have observed, given that it is very
convenient for me which is only walking distance from my residence and the environment
is good, also most of the teachers in that school are my former teachers. And since it is my
beloved Alma Mater, I would love to teach there.
2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

In my own perspective, a certain school campus can be considered as conducive to

learning if it has complete facilities such as library, standard size classroom, and shops.
Also, the school campus should be clean and well-maintain, and free from any unnecessary
distraction that can affect the learning development of a child.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

A classroom can be considered conducive to learning if its setting is well-ventilated,

well-maintained, has good condition of chairs and tables, and has proper lighting. It should
also have a sufficient supply of learning materials to provide the best education for the
learners. Furthermore, it should not be too crowded to prevent classroom management

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

If I am blessed by God in the future and granted my aspirations in life to become a licensed
professional teacher someday, I will make sure that my learners are well educated in my
subject matter and in life. I will be an active teacher who will overlook the learning
development of my learners and promote fairness and equity. I will build a relationship
with their parents in such a way that I will have an overview of their behavior. Most,
importantly I will make sure that the learning they get is not limited to the four corners
of the classroom. I hope that it will happen soon.

5. Write your additional learnings and insight here.

I learned that everything inside the school campus has a great impact on a learner's
learning. From the facilities down to the teachers. A well-equipped and ventilated facility
can boost the interest of every learner in learning. A well-trained and educated teacher can
provide the best education for learners. But to accomplish all these goals, a school must,
promote a culture of excellent education, make access to learning resources simple, and
give students the chance to engage in independent, hands-on learning. If the principal
teachers, parents, students, and community don't work together to accomplish all these
objectives, they won't be possible.

As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation guide and forms
provided for you to provide for you to document your observations.
An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAY

Read the following carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays
do you have?

I have observed 11 board display inside the school campus.

2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can
see them?

The board displays can be found everywhere, and they are placed where
target viewers can see.

3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images
and colors do you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?

All board displays have different purposes such as map of the school,
bulletin board, hand washing procedure, and proper throwing of garbage.
Most of the colors that are used; blue, white, red, and green. The pieces of
information are arranged in a clear manner.

4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are boards used?

The materials that were used are cardboard, wood, markers, paint, and
plastic cover.

5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the

As what I have observed, there are no errors I have encountered.

6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?


7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?

It got my attention because the board display has a clear message, and
helps learners, parents, and visitors to have a guide.

8. Take a photo of the display boards (if allowed).

Based on the questions on the observation guide, write your observation report:

From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got most
interested in. Evaluate it using the evaluation form below.

Topic of the Board


Location of the Board Display in AT THE MAIN GATE, NEAR THE


Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your

4-Outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory 2-Satisfactory 1-Needs Improvement

Criteria S O Comments
/ The message is clear and quickly understood
It conveys the message
quickly and clearly.
The arrangement of structures is organized and hold
Colors and arrangement /
interest to the learners, parents, and visitors
catch and hold interest.
Objects are arranged,
/ Objects and structures are well arranged
so stability is
Repeated shapes of
colors or use of / The shapes are repeated and colors that are used
boarders hold display
The style and approach
/ The style and approach are eye catcher.
entice learners to be
involved and engaged.
Letters and illustration Some posters cannot be seen from a distance because
can be seen from a of small font size
good distance
It is free from grammar No grammatical errors, misspelled words, or
errors, misspelled syntactic error
words, ambiguity.
It is well- constructed. The materials are well-constructed, securely
Items are securely attached, and waterproof
Bulletin Board Evaluated by: Gene Lloyd B. Nacor
Location: Near the principal’s office
Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: The bulletin board is composed of a school map
to guide learners, parents, and visitors to locate a certain room or area. It is 60 x 90 inches,
and it is attached to wood with nails.
Strengths Weaknesses
Description of Minimal designs are used The font size is not visible
the Bulletin which gives the board from a distance.
Board layout clarity and simplicity. The
contents are interactive. The
structures are well
decorated, and the shapes
are balanced.

Evaluation The contents are relevant, Some materials are not

of educational content significant and can updated.
and other aspects contribute to the knowledge
of students.

Recommendations or
Suggestions for
Use bigger font size or another font theme.
Add more pictures or images to engage viewers.
Legend should be put to give clear understanding
Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name: Gene Lloyd B. Nacor

Based on your suggestions, make your board display lay-out. You may present your
output through any of these:
 A hand-made drawing or layout
 An electronic (computer) drawing/illustration or layout
 A collage
My Board Display Lay-out.

Bulletin Board
Announcement Updates
What do you think was the purpose of the board display?
The purpose of the board display is to inform the students about the latest updates or
motivate them to be achievers, and engage them through participation in school activities
upcoming projects.

Did the board display designs reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why?
Why not?
With the board’s overall theme, I think it reflects the interest of its target audience, which
are the learners. The board display is well arranged, and the purpose is clear. The design is
very practical; posted papers were attached with thumbtacks.

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why?
Why not?
The language used is English. It uses simple words as the labels of the information or
materials posted. The font sizes are also legible from a distance.

Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?

The board display is effective in its informational aspect. It conveys the information well,
especially in the announcement section, where learners will be interested in joining some
contests, sports, and clubs.

What suggestions can you make?

My suggestion is to maintain the bulletin board by cleaning the glass covers regularly and
adding more vibrant colors to attract a larger audience. I will also be open to some
suggestions by others by putting a suggestion box under the bulletin board to make it
Based on your suggestions, propose an educated version of the display board. Use the
forms below.

My Proposed Board Display

Latest updates, regarding student development and services. Announcement for students to
engage in sports, clubs, and contests.

their success and Encouragement

for student to join various
Board title:

Bulletin Board


The Luis B. Puentevella Elementary School is an institution with a high population of

learners in preschool and elementary education. Information dissemination is a difficult
task, especially if the target audience comes from different levels. But with a board
display, making announcements effectively is easier. Convenience, effectiveness, and
engagement are what board displays can offer. It also guarantees that every piece of
information will be conveyed to a large audience. The enhanced board display aims to
improve the existing board display in terms of its design, layout, and organization of
information to attract more viewers.


The following are the main objectives of the proposed board display:
To improve the existing board display
To change the design or layout of the existing board display
To add more creative elements to the board display

Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:

The following are the best features of my proposed board display enhancement:
Effective communication: With its new layout, the information posted will be
easily conveyed.
Balance—in terms of spacing, color, and sizes of the elements, the board display
looks organized, enhanced, and arranged.
Attractive—with its youthful design and creative use of materials, my board
display looks interesting and eye-catcher.

Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give a brief description):

Corkboard: as the main skeleton that will hold every element of the board
Cartolina: the background of the whole board
Printed papers or cardboard as the background labels Printed labels: these will
classify the information and materials posted.
Pictures—for enhancement
Glue or adhesive tape, a push pin—to attach the materials.

Materials of aesthetic enhancement:

The following are the materials to be used for aesthetic enhancement: colored paper,
cartolina, pictures, cut-out or patterned paper, decorative stickers, and tape.


1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective
board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.

To come up with effective board displays, a teacher should possess several skills that enable
them to create visually engaging and informative materials. Here are five essential skills for
this task, along with an explanation of why each skill is important:

1. Creativity: Creativity is crucial for designing visually appealing and captivating board
displays. A teacher must have the ability to think outside the box, use colors
effectively, employ different materials, and arrange content in an engaging manner.
2. Visual Communication: Visual communication skills are essential for a teacher to
effectively convey information through board displays. They should know how to use
images, graphics, charts, and diagrams to enhance understanding and engagement.
3. Organization: An organized approach is necessary for designing effective board
displays. A teacher should be able to organize information in a logical and structured
manner, ensuring that the content is easy to navigate and comprehend.
4. Attention to Detail: Paying attention to detail is crucial to ensuring accuracy and
clarity in board displays. A teacher should have an eye for detail to avoid errors,
typos, or misleading visuals.
5. Knowledge of Subject Matter: A deep understanding of the subject matter is essential
for creating meaningful board displays. A teacher should possess a strong knowledge
base and expertise in the topic being taught.

These skills collectively contribute to the effectiveness of board displays, making them
visually appealing, informative, and engaging for students. By utilizing creativity, visual
communication, organization, attention to detail, and subject matter expertise, teachers can
create displays that reinforce learning and stimulate students' curiosity and interest.

2. Which of the skills you named in #1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences
in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
I have a lot of experience making displays, and my abilities are the reason why, in high
school, I was able to come up with powerful board displays. My ability to create effective
displays were mostly due to my confidence, creativity, and innovation. These abilities can
be honed by repeatedly using them and getting assistance from professionals. Despite my
greater experience, I still need to pick up new talents. Learning never ends.

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you
can improve on or acquire these skills.
Among the aforementioned five skills, resourcefulness and critical thinking are two that I
still need to work on. To learn what materials might still be used or how to repurpose and
use them in new ways, I intend to conduct a study on the topic of material reuse. In terms
critical thinking, I should work on gathering information, double-checking what is valid
credible, and evaluating the sources. Since these are processes that must be followed to
papers, I should focus on acquiring information, verifying what is true and reliable, and
evaluating the sources.

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