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San Vicente West, Urdaneta City 

The Teacher and the Community School Culture and

Organizational Leadership

Yanis O. Capinpin BSNED1

1. If given the opportunity would you welcome teaching in the far flung
schools why or why not?
Teaching in the far flung schools is a very difficult and challenging to do, but
I would welcome to teach there because it’s an opportunity and it will be a
great experience to teach children that don’t have much materials in their
school. It’s our duty to help children learn in school and plus they will
remember forever that there are people who helped them grow

2. If you say yes to the call to teach in a far flung school what should be
doing more in your pre-service education?
In my pre-service education I should be joining programs that helps children
not only in the far flung school but those people who did not have the
previlage to study. By joining these programs I will gain experiences that I
can apply when I become a professional teacher in the future.

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