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G. 11 CGP Module 5- Rising Toward the Reality of My Dreams

Good day ACSHS G.11 Learners. Welcome to our Career Guidance (CGP) Module 5 learning activities which aimed to help you
identify the qualifications, abilities, and skills necessary in your preferred profession and vocation.

Many industries, employers, and Human resource Managers prefer to hire applicants based on attitude rather than aptitude
aside from having technical skills. The success of a company includes commitment, focus on the job, humility, and the industry
of its employees. Planning to venture into enterprising requires hard and soft skills.

Hard skills refer to functional abilities and are generally taught, learned, and evaluated through levels of competencies.
Examples of hard skills are encoding, machine operation, heavy equipment operation, carpentry, computer programming,
analyzing, and computing.

Soft skills refer to the personal characteristics and traits of a person which can be developed and enhanced through values
formation, team building, and other interventions. Examples of soft skills are teamwork, listening, flexibility, patience,
persuasion, time management, perseverance, decision-making, honesty, and humility. Improving your hard and soft skills
ensures a promising career and healthy life. Job qualifications which include work experience, personal qualities, lines of
expertise, and educational background are as important as improving skills and interests in career development.

Self –introspection which is all about exploring and combining one’s skills, interests, abilities, and values are essential in career

Learning Activity 1- Self Assessment Skills Inventory (SASI)

Write your hard and soft skills; interests; and qualifications using the example format specified below:

Ryan Butalid Software Engineer

In learning Computer Languages Knowledgeable in using Computer

In How to make an app Knowledgeable in using Windows

Windows OS Proficiency Adaptability and Linux

Linux Knowledge In learning Adobe Apps Currently taking TVL Computer

Empathy programming strand.

Software Knowledge Open-mindness In How to make a program

MS Word Proficiency Willingness to learn

Machine Operation Team Spirit

Computer Skills Honesty

Learning Activity 2- “I Resume”: Individual Skills -Based Resume Writing
Write a skills-based resume based on the information guide and example specified below:

A resume’ is a powerful tool that markets an applicant’s skills, strengths, and competencies to prospective employers. It
provides brief yet substantive information about how the applicant can contribute to a company or organization. A skills-Based
resume is a means to advertise yourself as to what you can offer to an organization. Remember that your goal is to be qualified
for an interview with your prospective job. Make your resume a marketing tool to move you closer to your dream job.

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