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synonyms and antonyms

Set 16
By Chandra sekhar
Cumbersome : habitual
• Synonyms – unwieldy , clumsy , ungainable
• Antonyms – manageable , convenient
• Sentences –
The large lockers were cumbersome and heavy.
The cumbersome box was too big for the shopping cart.
Captivate : charm
• Synonyms – enthral , enchant , bewitch , fascinate
• Antonyms – repel , bore , repellent
• Sentences –
It continues to captivate the interest of gamers to this day.
He tried to captivate the ambitious fancy of the king.
Zealous : enthusiastic
• Synonyms - fervent , ardent , impassioned , passionate
• Antonyms - apathetic , indifferent
• Sentences –
He is a ticketed as a zealous reformer.
The shop assistant is very zealous.
Retrospect : prospect
• Synonyms - looking back , thinking back , on reflection
• Antonyms - forethought , prospect
• Sentences –
In retrospect , I think that I was wrong.
It was , in retrospect , the happiest day of his life
Whet : stimulate
• Synonyms – incite , kindle , pique
• Antonyms – blunt
• Sentences –
If the ox falls , whet your knife.
Once in a while we whet to a restaurant.
Contusion : bruise
• Synonyms – bruise , discoloration , blemish
• Antonyms – compliment , praise
• Sentences –
Small contusion on the right cheek as well.
The bruise resulted from a contusion.
Compatible : harmonious
• Synonyms – adaptable , consistent , accordant
• Antonyms – improper , unfitting , unsuitable
• Sentences –
Accuracy is not always compatible with haste.
The new software is IBM compatible.
Callous : unfeeling
• Synonyms – heartless , cold , uncaring
• Antonyms – kind , compassionate
• Sentences –
He is callous about the safety of his workers.
She was selfish , arrogant and often callows.
Repudiate : reject
• Synonyms - renounce , abandon , disavow
• Antonyms – embrace , accept
• Sentences –
He used his position to repudiate the charge.
I utterly repudiate those remarks.
Unwitting :unintentional
• Synonyms – unknowing , unconscious , unaware
• Antonyms – witting , knowing
• Sentences –
We’re unwitting victims of the system.
She was the unwitting tool of the swindlers.
Attiribute : quality
• Synonyms – feature , aspect , property
• Antonyms – mistrusr , renege , discredit
• Sentences –
Patience is an attribute of a gentleman.
I attribute our success to him.
Scrupulous : conscientious
• Synonyms – careful , meticulous , sedulous
• Antonyms – careless , slapdash
• Sentences –
She is scrupulous to a degree.
poets are not so scrupulous as you are.
Usurp : replace
• Synonyms – sieze , take over , expropriate
• Antonyms – give , leave , let go
• Sentences –
He did it in order to usurp the throne.
He tried to usurp the principal’s authority.
Cessation : stopping
• Synonyms – end , termination , halting
• Antonyms – start , resumption
• Sentences –
Mexico called for immediate sessation of hostiles.
He would not agree to a cessation oh slavery.
Vapid : insipid
• Synonyms – uninspired , colourless , feeble
• Antonyms – lively , colourful , exciting
• Sentences –
His conversation was viped in the extreme.
The vapid conversation bored her.
Prognosticate : forecast
• Synonyms – forecast , predict , prophesy
• Antonyms – distrust , credit , debit
• Sentences –
But prognosticate the local liberal democrats do.
We are doctors prognosticating the life span of dead body.
Propriety : fitness
• Synonyms – decorum , decency , correctness
• Antonyms – impropriety , indecorum
• Sentences –
We hesitated at the propriety of the method.
Their sense of social propriety is eroded.
Pulchritude : beauty
• Synonyms – adorableness , allure , elegance
• Antonyms – repulsiveness , vileness , foulness
• Sentences –
Her dress shows her pulchritude to advantage.
Her youngster pulchritude could expose her to danger.
Scrupulous : exact
• Synonyms – careful , meticulous , sedulous
• Antonyms – careless , unscrupulous
• Sentences –
I have been scrupulous about telling them about dangers.
she is scrupulous to a degree.

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