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Monday, September 19 1. Song analyses Ill model what this assignment should look like. 2.

. Writing: On your own, take about 5 minutes to think about one or two concepts that you took away from each reading. Summarize these concepts in a clear paragraph. In groups of 3 (you may leave the room for this), address the claim that punk style is a conservative measure necessary for a societys purification. van Ham posits this idea, but you should discuss the Rabid and Heaton pieces as well. Write up a collaborative group response to the claim of punks conservative nature. Approximately 250 words. 3. As a class, lets begin a working definition of punk style. Show first 5 minutes of Filth & the Fury. 4. First paper due next week (Wednesday 9/29). Ill pass out a full description during next class. For now, read the description on the syllabus and begin jotting down some notes and ideas. The description on the syllabus is the heart of the paper, and I will provide more details on Wednesday. 5. For Wednesday, read whats on syllabus; also, please listen to (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais / The Clash; We're Having Much More Fun / X; The History Of The World Part 1 / The Damned for Shanas presentation.

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