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Let me begin my speech with a question “if renewable energy is harmful, then why are

countries encourage to use it? Madam jury, our chairman clearly emphasized that renewable
energy resources are indeed the redeemer of our planet. Several movement, programs and Laws
had already been imposed and for what common goal? that is to battle out destructive effects of
Non-Renewable energy resources. Madam Chair, it is by nature that we will not linger on
something that causes us pain, isn’t right? Therefore, why settle for less if there are better
As early as 1980’s countries such as United states of America and United Kingdom had
resorted to Renewable energy resources, this was primarily due to the huge increase in the price
of oil, caused by reductions in oil supplies as a result of the OPEC oil embargo in 1973. The
higher price for oil spurred private and governmental development of renewable energy sources
such as, solar power, wind, geothermal, and biomass. In recent years, there has been a greater
interest in the issue of energy, especially renewable energy. interest has been because of
environmental concerns, especially the burning of fossil fuels, which many believe contributes
significantly to acid rain and global warming. 1987, where first agreement was established to
regulate the emissions of gases known as Montreal Protocol, and in the year 1992, a universal
agreement was again established through the United Nations framework convention in climate
change giving birth to two protocols that aimed at stabilizing the concentration of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the inconvenient truth, our planet is dying,
and what to blame? Our dependence on Nonrenewable energy. Several countries including 187
members of the United Nations joined forces in imposing laws and protocols which is driven by
one common aspiration, and that is SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.
Sustainable development means meeting the needs of the present generation without
compromising the needs of the future generation. Meaning to say the lavishness of resources that
we are using today must also be enjoy by the future generations. And how are we able to realize
this goal? We should start using Renewable Energy Resources. Ladies and gentlemen, why do
global leaders are now resorting to Renewable Energy Resources? Because opposite to what the
other house had mentioned, Renewable Energy resources are indeed efficient, sustainable and
Cost effective.
When it comes to energy efficiency, renewable energy is generally more efficient than non-
renewable energy. The energy we get from wind, the sun, and hydro turbines can be reused
without relying on an exhaustible or finite element. Non-renewable energy sources result in the
waste of coal or natural gas. This requires additional energy and environmental mitigation. For
this reason, the efficiency of usable energy for the least efficient source of energy — coal —
comes in at a meager 29% of its original energy value. Wind, on the other hand, provides an
impressive 1,164% of its original input of energy. Which makes wind is the most efficient way to
harness renewable energy. Because windmills can be placed in open areas also used for farming,
they offer flexibility. Rows of wind turbines are constructed along coastal areas where nothing
can hinder the flow of wind. As well as being able to physically fit the infrastructure into areas
on land and sea, wind energy is drought-proof. The manufacturing and distribution of wind
turbine parts have no relationship with water itself, and, once built, wind turbines do not require
any fuel to function. In drought-prone or low-income areas, this is vital as a row of wind turbines
could make the difference. In Philippines alone, the Bangui Bay Wind farm provided 41 MWh
which supply more than 40% of Ilocos Norte’s electricity. Furthermore, Bangui’s carbon
footprints, are relatively small, helping mitigates global warming. The wind turbines charms also
serve as a tourist destination. So, it’s like hitting two birds with one stone. We provide
sustainable energy and economic development. If we further advance this wind farms, National
Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) — believe that the Philippines’ wind power potential
could provide up to 76 gigawatt (GW) of power enough to supply energy to 47 provinces in the
Renewable energy by name itself is sustainable! Now how do we define
sustainability? A general rule for an energy source to be sustainable is its ability to be naturally
replenished, along with its resources having an ample supply for long-term use. Another
significant indication of whether or not an energy source is sustainable is based on how much
pollution is produced during the energy production process. If a particular type of energy
production creates air pollution, contributing to climate change, then it ultimately cannot be
considered sustainable. Clearly ladies and Gentlemen, Renewable energy sources do not have
these negative impacts while in production and thus are considered clean and sustainable. In
addition, these sources of renewable energy rely on naturally replenishable material. The world
has, is and will continue to experience sunshine, leading to solar energy; wind, leading to wind
energy; ocean water, leading to tidal and wave energy; and underground heat leading to
geothermal energy. These sources are not influenced by man, but by natural factors such as the
sun, weather and time of day, meaning nothing can humanly be done to stop these sources from
naturally replenishing themselves. With its promising benefits not just on the economy but most
specifically on environment, in no time we are looking for a greener Philippines. For instance,
the RASLAG Solar Power Plant in Pampanga now supplies over 11,800 megawatt hours of solar
power per year, enough electricity for 4,800 households and saves 7,245 tons of CO2 emissions
per year. Furthermore, With over three decades of operation, Calatagan Solar Farm ioffset over 1
million tons of carbon dioxide, equivalent to planting over 5 million trees. Now that this farm has
been switched on, it is expected to continue to employ at least 100 people and boost the economy
of Batangas since the solar farm was built on previously unproductive land in Barangay Paraiso,
this farm was now generating unprecedented livelihood for three towns in the
addition to that the farm is facing the South China Sea, which enjoys a steady breeze, the highest
levels of sunlight in Southern Tagalog and is seldom hit by typhoons. Is there anything more
sustainable than that?

In the issue of being cost effective, it is not true that renewables are behind non-
renewables. It is not because gasolines and petroleum are efficient than renewables but because
people are already too dependent on it, simply because, if we will trace back the history, fuels are
the cheaper and easily available energy resources before but that gradually change over the
decades, published by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) today, shows that
almost two-thirds or 163 gigawatts (GW) of newly installed renewable power in 2021 had lower
costs than the world’s cheapest coal-fired option in the G20. IRENA estimates that, given the
current high fossil fuel prices, the renewable power added in 2021 saves around USD 55 billion
from global energy generation costs in 2022.

Ladies and gentlemen, both resources provide convenience to humanity, and along
the process of using it will always cause negative effects to the environment. But for the issue
that renewables do harm the environment? You decide, because if we will weigh the effects and
relapses, our house believes that, renewable energy resources is giving us more favor than harm.
Thank you and good afternoon.

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