Chapter2 RRL

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Review of Related Literature

This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or conclusions

and others. Those that were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing
information that are relevant and similar to the present study.

Consumption of Milk Tea

Snack purchases from the school cafeteria were used for the food data. The
categories "absence of canteen offer," "do not consume a school canteen
snack," and "occasionally consume the school canteen snack" were grouped
in the category "do not consume/irregular consumption" for the "purchase of
snacks from the school cafeteria" variable, whereas the categories "consume
canteen snack almost every day" and "consume canteen snack every day"
were grouped into "regular consumption." (Rocha LL, 2021)

Numerous studies have revealed the performance benefits of tea, which are
consistent with the wealth of data on the advantages of caffeine. There is
particularly strong evidence for better attention. While effects on pleasure or
relaxation were less constant, self-reported attentiveness and arousal were
consistently increased by tea intake. Although consumers have long
connected tea with improved mental health, the evidence for these benefits
was primarily anecdotal until recently. Several research have looked at the
effects of tea intake during the past 15 years on mood and mental function,
particularly attention. (Suzanne J Einother, 2013)

Since 2011, milk tea has become one of the most widely consumed
beverages worldwide. Tea, milk, ice, and pearls are all combined and shaken
together before being slurped through chunky straws to create this milk and
tea mixture. This study used an orthogonal design and the Conjoint Analysis
Approach to identify the consumers' most desired combinations of milk tea
qualities. The 34-combination online survey had a total of 1061 willing
participants who drink milk tea. A number of characteristics were analyzed,
including the size of the tapioca pearls, the amount of sugar, the price range,
the brand, the type of milk tea, the presence of cream cheese, and the
quantity of ice. (Prasetyo, 2021)

The Conjoint Analysis showed that the most important factor influencing
consumer preference was pearl size. This was followed by the amount of
cream cheese, sugar content, amount of ice, type of drink, price, and brand,
which was shown to be the attribute that customers gave the least thought to.
This is the first comprehensive study to examine customer preferences for
milk tea characteristics. In terms of consumer preferences for various milk tea
qualities, the study's findings will be helpful to academics and even milk tea
firms. The study might also be expanded to include other beverage categories
and milk tea brands from other nations. (Prasetyo, 2021)

As Milk tea vendors gained popularity, students also developed a fondness for
the beverage. It is clear how several milktea stores began operating in the city
during the past few years. Students are drinking more milk tea as a result.
According to Lee and Vega (2014), the majority of high school and college
students view milk tea as a cool beverage that can satisfy their thirst. While
this may be one of the factors contributing to milktea establishments'
continued profitability, it is crucial for them to understand how to sustain or
increase their sales. The finest approaches to contact the market are part of
strategic marketing (Gleeson, 2019). As a result, branding is the marketing
tactic that both consumers and managers regard to be the most appealing.
With this in mind, the milk tea shops take different measures to ensure that
they leave a positive impression on the customers, including having a name
that is simple to recall. Consumers also assess the store's location and the
costs of its goods in addition to marketing methods. (Mira De Guzman, 2020)

The milk tea sector has been growing in China as a result of the Internet's
progress, and many marketing strategies have been used with positive
outcomes. The new media, including Weibo and Tiktok, have been growing as
a result of the influencer economy. The marketing plan of the milk tea
business is the subject of this essay. The case study approach is used in this
essay to examine the marketing strategy and issues of the primary case,
HEYTEA. To complete data collecting and demonstration, second-hand data
collection is used. (Ziyan Zhu, 2021)

Chinese people born at various ages therefore have vastly varied conceptions
of consumption. In order to examine the characteristics of consumers born in
the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, this article examined social surveys and
data. The author also contrasted these individuals' conceptions of
consumption based on their year of birth. The study's findings suggest that the
1970s' undeveloped economy and unforgiving environment should have
contributed to the generation's thrifty and cost-effective consuming
philosophy. People who were born after the 1980s began to pay greater
attention to actual cost-effectiveness of items as a result of the 1980s'
improving economy. People today born in the 1990s and 2000s are more
advanced thanks to the 1990s and 2000s' tremendous economic development
and technical advancement. (Zhou, 2021)

College students all across the world, including those in the United States,
have a practice of drinking tea. Tea comes in a wide variety of flavors. Herbal
tea, oolong tea, as well as green, black, yellow, and white tea were popular
among college students in the past. In the early 1980s, Taichung, Taiwan was
the birthplace of boba milk tea, also known as boba tea, bubba tea, milk tea,
pearl milk tea, or tapioca milk tea. Due to the numerous flavor, taste, color,
and topping changes of boba milk tea throughout the years, it has become a
highly well-liked non-alcoholic beverage worldwide. As opposed to hot, boba
milk tea is frequently served cold. Many customers are college students who
view milk tea as a sugar-sweetened beverage to satisfy their thirst. (Lei & Lei,

Drinking Behavior or Habits

Numerous studies have revealed a high correlation between a person's

drinking patterns and those of their friends. Two processes that may assist in
explaining this relationship between behaviors are social influence and social
selection. Social influence occurs when a person alters their behavior to be
more in line with that of their friends, and social selection occurs when people
choose to befriend others who exhibit similar tendencies. It is common
knowledge that both processes typically occur at the same time. The impact
size of the former cannot be reliably assessed in the absence of the latter
since selection effects must be taken into account when measuring influence
effects. (Ivaniushina, 2021)

In addition to providing us with energy, food also has a social purpose. It has
a significant impact on how men and women are perceived and
communicates gender norms, which will further affect our eating preferences.
From an anthropological standpoint, this essay describes food and its cultural
importance in terms of gender before delving into the fundamental reasoning
behind it by examining the gender disparities in human eating behaviors.
These gender preconceptions may have a significant influence on the choice
and design of food based on gender roles in the food sector, preventing future
consumer-favorite tailored food designs. (Zhao Y. , 2022)

This is believed that binge drinking has different health impacts than normal
drinking. Between the groups, there was no difference in the incidence of
diabetes. While there was no correlation between binge drinking and
hemorrhagic stroke, subjects who engaged in it had a higher risk of both
ischemia and total strokes. (Sundell, Salomaa, Vartiainen, Poikolainen, &
Laatikainen, 2008)

Social Behavior

Social connections foster good health and happiness. Throughout

adolescence, as teenagers become more adept at navigating their social
environment, brain areas that control social behavior continue to grow. Direct
peer-to-peer interactions have historically been examined in order to better
understand social impacts on individual behavior. This research has mostly
concentrated on risk-taking behavior in adolescence. (Steinberg, 2008)

Teenagers' perceptions, comparisons, and relationships with their peers are

changing because to the internet and numerous social media platforms. Due
to the sheer amount of online peer influence and exposure to it, people are
more susceptible to both good and negative social impacts. This suggests
that new online technologies might be used to support, intervene in, and
advocate for social causes. (M. Lamblin, 2017)

The word "social participation" refers to important social components of

inclusion and has the following central themes as well: student interactions
(such as spending time together during breaks or while working on a project),
friendships, and one's own perception of social inclusion (such as feeling
lonely). Improving certain student characteristics, such as attitudes and/or
social conduct, is an essential strategy for encouraging students' social
involvement. (Schawab, Lehofer, & Tanzer, 2021)

Peers may either provide a setting for identity development and socialization
of youth into adult responsibilities, or they can serve as a space for frivolous
and criminal activities, with interactional patterns that damage autonomy and
self-worth. Their research has revealed new insights that highlight the
complexity of teenage peer relationships and make clear the circumstances in
which peer interactions promote healthy or harmful development. (Brown,

Factors that Influence Consumers

Nowadays, social media playing a significant role in our lives, and business
managers can take advantage of this reality to leverage online social
networks to reach more people with their goods and services. Social
networking offers a nearly free tool to mimic word-of-mouth marketing
conversations about a company, allowing businesses to reach clients who
would be difficult to reach in other ways. (Ioanid & Militaru, 2015)

In addition to influencing consumers' needs and wants, consumers' cultural

backgrounds also have an impact on how marketing strategies are created to
target certain market behaviors, attitudes, and preferences. This effect may
be seen in the diverse approaches marketers use when attempting to reach
customers in various cultural situations. .Individualist customers are more
interested in learning about a product's capabilities before they buy it than
collectivist consumers, who place greater weight on other considerations like
status and symbolism when making decisions (Dhar, 2007). However, not
much study has been done on how these variables affect consumers'
purchasing choices in individualist and collectivist societies (Latvin & Kar,
2007). Therefore, research concentrating on the relationship between culture
and consumer behavior is required in order to successfully engage with
customers in different ethnic groups. (Nayeem, 2012)
The growing body of evidence indicating that most social judgment and
behavior occur without conscious awareness or intent, as well as the
significant moderating impact of pursuing social- and self-related goals on
fundamental cognitive and reasoning processes, have largely been ignored by
consumer research. The ramifications of this findings for unconscious,
particularly subliminal, impacts on consumer behavior are discussed. (Bargh,

Inner psychological processes that influence consumer behavior. We observe

that the amount of effort consumers expend in engaging in behaviors and
making judgments has a significant impact on their acquisition, usage, and
disposal behavior and decisions. The particular reference groups (friends,
coworkers, clubs) to which we belong might affect our behavior and decisions
about purchase, use, and disposition. The impact of customer diversity—
including age, gender, sexual orientation, geography, race, and religion—on
purchasing decisions is then demonstrated. (Hoyer, Maclnnis, & Pieters,

People are using e-commerce platforms more often as a result of the ongoing
development of online shopping platforms; at the same time, e-commerce
platforms' ability to push product advertisements to customers has emerged
as one of the key strategies for boosting product sales. As a result, decision-
makers are paying more attention to the product advertising, and how to
successfully increase the because of ads is currently a hot issue. The study's
findings, which have ramifications for future advertising techniques, include
that consumers' gender, age, consumption level, and recent behaviors have a
substantial influence on their click-through selections. (Zhao K. , 2022)
Bargh, J. A. (2002). Automatic Influences on Consumer Judgement, Behavior,
and Motivation. Journal of Consumer Research , 280-285.

Brown, B. B. (2004). Adolescents' Relationships with Peers. Wiley Online

Library .

Hoyer, W. D., Maclnnis, D. J., & Pieters, R. (2012). Consumer Behavior.

Cengage Learning.

Ioanid, A., & Militaru, G. (2015). SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIES FOR

Journal .

Ivaniushina, V. (2021). Peer influence in adolescent drinking behavior: A

meta-analysis of stochastic actor-based modeling studies. PLOS .

Lei, S., & Lei, S. (2020). Repurchase Behavior of College Students in Boba
Tea Shops: A Review of Literature. College Student Journal , 465-473.

M. Lamblin, C. M. (2017). Social connectedness, mental health and the

adolescent brain. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews , 57-68.

Mira De Guzman, L. D. (2020). The Influence of Marketing Strategies of

Milktea Shops on the Preference of the Consumers. SSRN.

Nayeem, T. (2012). Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour. International

Journal of Business and Management .

Prasetyo, Y. T. (2021). Consumer Preference Analysis on Attributes of Milk

Tea: A Conjoint Analysis Approach. MDPI .

Rocha LL, P. M. (2021). Health behavior patterns of sugar-sweetened

beverage consumption among Brazilian adolescents in a nationally
representative school-based study. PLOS ONE .

Schawab, S., Lehofer, M., & Tanzer, N. (2021). The Impact of Social Behavior
and Peers’ Attitudes Toward Students With Special Educational Needs on
Self-Reported Peer Interactions. Frontiers in Education .

Steinberg, L. (2008). A Social Neuroscience Perspective on Adolescent Risk-

Taking. National Librar of Medicine , 78-106.

Sundell, L., Salomaa, V., Vartiainen, E., Poikolainen, K., & Laatikainen, T.
(2008). Increased Stroke Risk Is Related to a Binge Drinking Habit. AHA
Journals .
Suzanne J Einother, V. E. (2013). Acute effect of tea consumption on
attention and mood. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , 1700-1708.

Zhao, K. (2022). The Study of User Characteristics Factors that Affect the
CTR of ADs. Proceedings of the 2022 6th International Seminar on Education,
Management and Social Sciences (ISEMSS 2022). Atlantis Press.

Zhao, Y. (2022). Analysis of the Gender Stereotypes on Food Preferences.

Proceedings of the 2022 6th International Seminar on Education,
Management and Social Sciences (ISEMSS 2022). Atlantis Press.

Zhou, Z. (2021). People’s Consuming Concept in Different Ages. Proceedings

of the 2021 3rd International Conference on Economic Management and
Cultural Industry (ICEMCI 2021). Atlantis Press.

Ziyan Zhu, X. Z. (2021). Analysis of the Marketing Strategy of Instagrammable

Store in the New Media Environment. Proceedings of the 2021 3rd
International Conference on Economic Management and Cultural Industry
(ICEMCI 2021).

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