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ESC Project – Production assistant

@ Musica Impulse Centre

Location: Pelt, Belgium

Period of the project: 1. asap – 31st December 2023

2. 1st September 2023 – 30th June 2024

Accommodation: volunteers will be accommodated at the project (short term) or in a host family (long
term). Only volunteers who are truly motivated to live in a Belgian host family should apply for this
project! Please do know that our host families are not necessarily living near the project. Be aware that
you might have to commute and that the travel time from your home to your project might take a while.
You should take into account that you will not necessarily be hosted in the city centre, more likely your
host family will live in the suburbs.

Meals: will be provided by the host families (breakfast, lunch to go, dinner)

Number of ESC volunteers at the project: one or two

Activities and mission of the organization:

Musica Impulse Centre is an organisation with an (inter)national scope. Musica inspires a conscious and
adventurous approach to sound and music. Through partner projects, development and education, we
strive for a quality artistic experience for everyone, regardless of age, cultural or social background.
Musica's starting point is the conviction that everyone is musical. Everyone has the natural ability to use
sound and music to interact meaningfully with each other and with their surroundings. An active, artistic
experience of music is for everyone. We create accessible environments around music and sound, for
enthusiasts and professionals alike, from the very young to the very old, where they can (re)discover their
own musicality and listen with new ears.
You can find all information about Musica on

Sector of the organization: Education &Training / Creativity & Culture

Location of the project:

Musica is located in Pelt, a small city (+/-30.000 inhabitants) in the Northern part of Belgium. The
organization is a 15 minute walk from the town centre were public transport is easily available. A bike can
be provided by the organization to get to the bus/train more quickly if necessary.

Tasks of the volunteer:

The volunteer will be involved in a wide variety of activities. At the beginning of the program, the different
tasks will be presented. The tasks of the volunteer depend very much on his/her background and in general
the volunteer can expect to help with the many tasks in the daily operation of the organization. It is a
diverse package with an emphasis on production in a broad sense. The volunteer will join a professional
team that will guide him/her in the following tasks:

• supporting the production team in various projects (image and sound recordings,
technical support, assembly and disassembly of decors, transport, administrative
matters, material management, actively helping out at events, helping out in the
studio with the development of installations or sets)
• support in the maintenance of the sound art installations in ‘Het Klankenbos’, with the
guidance of a colleague
• support in the practical preparation of our educational projects on our site and on
location (preparation of material, construction and dismantling, etc.)

Working hours during a normal day:

The volunteer will voluntarily work 5 days a week, during daytime.
He/she is however prepared to work flexibly and to do occasional evening and weekend work.

Specific skills volunteer should have:

• technical insight and some knowledge of IT and technical material (audio/video)
• interested in culture, art and music
• organizational skills, work efficiently and be result-driven
• a team player but can also take independent initiative where necessary
• stress resistant and able to deal with unexpected situations
• social and empathetic.
• being in possession of a driver’s licence type B is a plus

Level of language skills:

• Proficiency in English (both written and oral).
• A strong motivation to learn Dutch, via (online) classes and/or by integration into the host family

Musica and AFS offer:

• A creative job with a lot of variety
• A job in which you meet a lot of people, work with many artists and organisations
• Flexibility in terms of work schedule
• A workplace in a rural and wooded environment and an attractive village centre with
all facilities
• Pleasant colleagues
• Projects all over Flanders
• Accommodation in a host family
• A bicycle
• Help in learning the Dutch language
• Global Competence Certificate

Application deadline: 15th June 2023

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