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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives:
The students are expected to:
1. classify the elements and features of advertisements if they belongs to print, radio and TV ads.
2. demonstrate cooperation and teamwork through participating in the group activities;
3. create different outputs pertaining to print, radio, and TV ads and campaign.

II. Subject Matter: Elements and features of print, radio and TV ads and campaign
Reference: Module in English for Grade 7, quarter 4
Materials: Laptop, speaker, overhead projector, pictures and visual aids.

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary activities
1. Greetings
2. Arranging of chairs
3. Checking of the attendance
4. Review of the past lesson

B. Motivation
The teacher will present different pictures and allow the students to give their own interpretation on
the pictures based on the questions that the teacher will be asking.
(provide 2-3 questions for deepening)

D. Activity
The students will be grouped into three and they will be given jumbled written words; they will arrange
it and decide if the given words are out of their chosen candidate for the 2016 elections.
(provide 2-3 questions for deepening)

E. Analysis
The teacher will present pictures and ask if the picture is an example of print, radio presentation or TV
ads and campaign.
(provide 2-3 questions for deepening)

F. Abstraction
The teacher conducts a lecture-discussion on elements and features of print, radio and TV ads and
campaign. Graphic organizers will be used for presentation. Students will give the summary of the
(provide 2-3 questions for deepening)

G. Application
The students will choose one TV ad and check on its quality and the truthfulness it portrays.

IV. Assessment of Learning

Directions: Classify the following elements and features if it belongs to print, radio and TV ads and
1. Action motivator
2. Music
3. Sound effects
4. Contact
5. The desire hook

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